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Success through Failure: The Paradox of Innovation
Presented By:
Dr. Ravi Margasahayam, M.S., M.B.A.
2019 Solar System Ambassador
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), USA
Presentation Outline
1. Space Exploration: Conduit for Innovation
2. Features and Mechanism that drive Innovation
3. Innovation Equation and Pyramid
4. Successful Failure , Success and Failure
5. Bedrock Principles from Failures
6. Organizational Excellence from Failures
7. Success from Failure Lessons Learned
8. Concluding Remarks
(1) Space Exploration:
Conduit for Innovation
Failure is NOT an option…only on Apollo 13
In 1962, JFK Challenged human imagination with
“we choose to go to the Moon….because it is hard”
• Exploration of Space is a risky
• NASA tests the boundaries
of what is thought feasible via
technology/ human development
• Mission Success is paramount
• Risks – Loss of Crew, Loss of Vehicle,
Mission Goals not met
• Big, Complex, New Technology,
Unknown environment, First time
• Risk comes with Success
• Success and Failure – two sides of the
same coin of Innovation
• Lessons Learned are from NASA
Lagrangian Point L2
932,000 mi
3,106,870 mi
238,855 mi70 t
34,600,000 mi
Space Station
230 mi
NASA has been the Engine of Innovations and Change
Exploration of Space leads to benefits for all mankind
Rocket Launch is WW III with Gravity + Hidden
Hazards on the ground and in the vacuum of space
NASA story is one of remarkable achievements
Interspersed with shattering, spectacular failures
Exploration requires Inventions and Innovators
Creativity is Intelligence having fun…Albert Einstein
Innovators have been called:
• Pioneers
• Explorers
• Discoverers
• Trendsetters
• Trail blazers
• Entrepreneurs
• Geniuses
• Paradigm shift
• Game changers
• Disruptors
• Rocket Riders (NASA)
Innovation is Key - For mankind to continue his quest to explore
planets and spread into space for survival of the species (JFK speech)
(2)Features and Mechanisms
that drive Innovation?
Success and failure are two sides
of the coin of Innovation.
Innovation Embellishing Internal/External Features
Internal Features External Features
• Curiosity
• Creativity
• Problem Solving
• Critical Thinking
• Collective Effort
• Risk Not Taken (Fear)
Maslow’s Law of Hierarchy of Human Needs
Self Esteem - Fear of Failure - Risk Taking Aspects
• Passion
• Purpose
• Potential
• Persevere
Self-esteem (internal)
Creativity and
Risk Taking behavior
Personal Innovation
and growth (external)
Portrait of a Creative Person who Innovates
Leonardo: working beyond dimensions/boundaries
Creative people pay attention to their
world, see things differently,
challenge assumptions, take risks,
are not afraid to fail, and strive to
generate multiple solutions,options
and alternatives to problems. They
are passionate about creativity and
seek opportunities to innovate.”
Everyday Creativity: Principles for
Innovative Design. Dr. Larry G.
Innovation :Seeing the Unseen, the Intangible(David)
Beethoven - Hearing the Unheard, the piano strokes
“Innovation comes about from a
higher level of thinking than problem
solving or even anticipating trends.
They come about only when we have
courage to go back to a blank
canvas and envision a reality that
never existed before. This is never
saying NO – and seeing only
POSSIBILITIES.!” (Michelangelo)
- Book by Randy Gage, Mad genius
Instead of Solutions to Problems…3D/4D Shapes
Think in terms of new and unique Possibilities
“The mere formulation of a problem
is far more often essential than its
solution, which may be merely a
matter of mathematical or
experimental skill.
To raise new questions, new
Possibilities, to regard old problems
from a new angle requires creative
imagination and marks real advances
in science.”
- Albert Einstein
Innovate or Evaporate is the name of the Game
Quest for Certainty is the biggest Obstacle of becoming Risk Savvy
• Creativity connects the dots/ connections
between things that never have been linked
• Talent hits a target no one else can hit.
Genius hits a target no one can see.
• Imagination and curiosity are key to
creativity,; it is a mind-set, a process
• More possibilities you can imagine, more
knowledge and experience you gain
• Ideas are put together from different fields
• Creative minds are willing to takes risks or
push boundaries of what’s possible and
are unafraid and see failures as feedback
Innovation distinguishes Leaders from Followers
NASA – A global leader in Exploration of Space
The people who were putting up millions of dollars were asking my
father, “so, captain, what do you expect to find”. And his answer to
those people who were about to make major commitments was “if I
knew, I wouldn’t go.”
……Jacques Cousteau
He was willing to take greater risks, risks they realized they couldn’t
even predict, because first, looking upto the stars and then into
oceanic abyss, they knew greater risk was ignorance – risks such as
species lost, pollution, reducing the habitability of planet for life.
(3) Innovation Equation and Pyramid
Creativity - requires courage to let go of certainties
Knowledge is antidote to fear; certainty is an illusion
To be alive involves some risk; no risk – no innovation
There is nothing to FEAR, except FEAR itself.
Desire, not necessity is the mother of Invention
Success and failure are entwined by limitations
How it happens: Creating Ripples, Riding New Waves
Inventor, Innovator, & Entrepreneur
INVENTOR – throws stone and creates
ripples or waves in the water
Ripples or waves– are the INNOVATIONS
Entrepreneur – one who RISKS and rides the wave
- a pure exercise in SELF-MASTERY
Between FIELDS that other people did not REALIZE
Perhaps that is why the Inca who loved the sun and
Maya built the stairs to the skies, and conquistadores
clambered up the hills to thrust crucifixes into the
high ground. We want to know what’s out there?
We want to be free from earth’s embrace. Sprout
wings. Fly. We long to see the earth through the eyes
of the condor. We are just curious.
……National Geographic 2007
, Risk-taking
• Past focus – connect the dots – to get Ideas
• Future thrust - connect the dots - for possibilities
Think Forward
Organizational Excellence
Reasons leading to Innovation – religion, accidental,
necessity, random, belief in ideas, fear of unknown
Space Race: Sputnik’s Unknown Capabilities
Known Knowns (Certainties)
- Events that have been identified
- Usually by knowledge/experience
- Ex: Rain Probability at Lift-off
Known Unknowns (Known Risks)
- Generally known events that have yet
to be identified
- Procedures, guidelines, etc.
- Systems Engineering , Fuels
Unknown Knowns (Hidden Risks)
- Things known to a few people only
- Not communicated to responsible folks
- COPV use , improper maintenance
Unknown Unknowns (Uncertainities)
- Unknown events that have not yet
been identified or random occurrences
- Mars Environment, Communication
- Operation outside limits like challenger
Our goal in Space Exploration
is to totally eliminate the
unknown-unknown (surprises), to
avoid a potential near-miss or an accident.
Hidden dangers
Known Unknowns
Unknown Knowns
Unknown Unknowns
Innovation is all about venturing into the unknown
Innovation in Space is about making mistakes and learning
• Innovation requires that you go beyond the known into the
unknown, where there might be trap doors and blind alleys
• You have got to map the unknown and more unknowns
• You map it by making mistakes or failures
• It is not unlike being blindfolded in a labyrinth ; smacking
into the walls may signal a misstep, but the sum total of
those missteps define an outline of the maze
• The quicker more mistakes are made, the quicker the maze
is mapped
• Fail Fast; Fail Smart; Failure spawns Creativity
Original Innovation Equation
He who risks is better than who decides to do nothing
• Innovation = (Creativity X Risk Taking)
• Creativity = Developing an idea that is new, useful, feasible
• Risk Taking = Putting ideas into action, Risk Not Taken = Fear
• Innovation = Practical application of that creative idea
In Ice hockey, you don’t go where the Puck is,
you go where the Puck is going.
Innovation = Creativity X Risk Taking (No Fear)
Creativity Risk Taking
• Fear of Failure
• Fear of Retribution
• Resistance to Change
• Lack of Initiative
• Fear- Things going wrong
• Lack of Recognition/reward
• No Collective Thinking
• Resource Constraints
• Fear of Unknown Unknowns
• Lack of courage
• Negative Experience/Beliefs
• New ideas not welcomed
• Untethered Imagination
• Insatiable Curiosity
• Intelligent Direction
• Deep Ingenuity
• Change the Status Quo
• Creative Problem Solving
• Critical Thinking Skills
• Experience/Knowledge
• Collaboration/Teamwork
• Effective Communication
• Interpersonal Skills
• Expertise/Motivation
Successful tests are unremarkable; Failures more
than successes teach us about design of things
Modified Innovation Equation (Dr. Ravi M.)
Instead of a solution, look for multiple possibilities
• Innovation = (Creativity X Risk Taking X OE)
• OE – Organizational Excellence
• OE = f (Passion, Perseverance, Tough, Competent, Team Player…)
• Passion drives curiosity, aids in focusing like a laser for critical
thinking, creative problem solving and systems engineering
• Perseverance hones idea as a true solution to real world problem,
develops many possibilities using multidisciplinary knowledge
Innovation Types – One question one answer
More than answers, right question or reframing it is key
Failure Lessons: Stepping Stones of Innovation
Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures
Practice Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering
(mission success)
Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills
Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling
Mars Missions
Creativity Risk Taking
(Dare, Act)
Innovation is:
Seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard,
knowing the unknown and daring it.
………. Dr. Ravi Margasahayam
Iceberg Model: Failures, Near-miss, No harm Events
Serious Events
Death/Severe Loss
Near Miss
Unwanted consequence
prevented because of recovery
No Harm Events
Apollo 1 Fire
Mars Failures
Apollo 13
Apollo 11
Space Shuttle
Mars Curiosity
Developed Bedrock Principles and Elements of Organization Excellence using Iceberg Model
Interplay between failure and success is vital for innovation
Failure is a unifying principle in design of things
• Design is a human activity and it is also an imperfect one. Everything designed
has limitations and flaws.
• Apollo
• Shuttle
• Mars
• Etc.
• Role played by reaction to and anticipation of FAILURE is vital in achieving
SUCCESS in innovation in ancient stone tools or modern rockets
• Apollo 13
• Hubble Space Telescope
• Etc.
• Apollo 1 Fire
• Challenger
• Columbia
• Mars
(4A) NASA Successful Failure:
Lessons Learned
Some special people only see failure, where
most of us see successes…fix to obviate failure.
Learning from Successful Failure
Apollo 13
• Okay, Houston – I believe we’ve had a problem –
Apollo 13 Crew Jack Swigert
• It was a collaboration, a tale of two groups – Jim Lovell
(took almost 87 hours to get Crew home)
• One in a comfortable Mission control and the other in a
cold, damp spacecraft near the Moon
• Lesson Learned:
• Form your A-team and trust it -crisis leadership
• Communicate and build chemistry – amplify individual
and team talents – leads to intuitive communication
• Communicative problem-solving -open leadership and
empowering team members
(4B) NASA Mission Success:
Lessons Learned
Successful improvements ultimately are the
ones that focus on the limitations…the failures
Learning from Success
Apollo 11 , Space Shuttle and Mars Curiosity etc.
• Apollo 13 shining example of teamwork – but Apollo 11
success is not far behind
• Von Braun and George Mueller – revolutionized
NASA organization – making the mission possible
• Team of team's concept – where relation between teams
resembles closeness of key staff on teams
• Lesson Learned:
• Empower cross-functional teams: develop shared
consciousness and systems thinking
• Team and staff with multidimensional knowledge
• Don’t be afraid to delegate – total empowerment
• Record lessons learned – story telling and disseminating
information flow to all on failures
International Space Station – Orbital Laboratory
Palace in the Sky, Earth’s Lifeguard for all Mankind
No matter how successful a design might appear,
there is a latent failure lurking beneath the surface
Enhancements for Past Mission Successes
Innovation to overcome limitations Programs
1. Clever twist in trajectory and brainpower …………VOYAGER 1 and 2 (1977)
2. Rotating joints, finger tips, shoulders pulleys……. Moon Suit Mods (!969)
3. First miniaturized science labs and for Mars………Viking 1 and 2 in 1970’s
4. Engine explosions using bombs in chamber………….F-1 Rocket Engine
5. Many design changes in the reusable rocket concept…..Space Shuttle
6. 2 KB of RAM and 36 KB of programming at 1 MHz ………Guidance computer
7. Sky crane maneuver – pass the laugh test ……………….Mars curiosity rover
8. Bare bones, lightweight and chemically etched parts…..Lunar module
9. Largest and most expensive single object sent to space……ISS
10. testing the limits of unknown unknowns in 10 years………Apollo 11
11. Tennis shoe tests help solve POGO issues ………………….Apollo 8
The most successful improvements ultimately are those that focus on
limitations….Henry Petroski
Top 10 Successful NASA Missions
Success masks the failure modes from the past
(4C) NASA Mission Failures:
Lessons Learned
Learn more from 1 failure than 1000 successes
Learning from Failures
Apollo 1, Challenger, Mars Probes, and Columbia
• Learning from failure more valuable than success
• While engineering errors caused failures, poor
management and communication between teams that
prevented them from detecting and correcting them
• Organization – faster, better, cheaper initiative
• Lesson Learned
• Mission success comes first: see something say
something on errors: failure of systems engineering
• Implement knowledge sharing initiatives – in complex
spacecraft little things can go wrong
• Institutionalize postmortems – conduct detailed root
cause analysis (conduct post mortems on failed missions
as well as successful missions)
Rocket Launch failure at lift-off
What is the proximate cause and root cause?
NASA’s Dr. Stephen Johnson
Model of Failure: Finding the Proximate &Root Cause
Identify the immediate causes (proximate or
direct causes) and the organizational causes
(indirect) using Root Cause Analysis.
Describes what failed
lProximate Cause
Root Cause
85% of all failures have their root cause pointing to
human errors.
Over 60 years of Aerospace Engineering experience
and failures in many programs – key is the lessons
Bedrock Principles
While proximate cause is technical in nature; root cause is due to human error.
Top 10 NASA Failed Missions (1/13/Mars Failures)
You learn more from 1000 failures than 1 success
Lessons Learnt from Past Failures
Failure leads to future Innovations Programs
1. Satellite never made to Orbit-did not separate from rocket…………OCO
2. Crashed into satellite it was supposed to repair……………………. DART
3. Powerful wind shear caused it to crash into pacific…………..NASA Helios
4. Engine explosions using bombs in chamber……………………...Hubble
5. Grabbing the sun was ok, but landing failed due to hook……...Genesis
6. Satellite could not wake up after shutdown in Orbit………SBIRS
7. Communication lost but could have crashed……………….Mars Polar Lander
8. Like MPL no one knows what happened after comm. error…..Deep Space 2
9. Unit conversion errors between Earth and orbiter……Mars Climate Orbiter
10. communication error in bolts removal process………NOAA-19
11. ESA probe crash landed as parachutes opened late….Schiaparelli
Proximate causes from Past Mission Failures
Failure Proximate Causes Project/Programs
•Screening Out Design Errors …………………… (GALILEO, WIRE,STS-51)
Screening Out procedural Errors ……………… (NOAA, AC-21)
Impact of Weak Testing Practices……………… (HUBBLE, MPL, GENESIS)
System Engineering Lapses ……………………. (SKYLAB, CONTOUR)
Software Mishaps………………………………….(MCO, MGS)
Flawed Processes ………………………………….(APOLLO -13, AC-43)
Information Flow Breakdown …………………..(B-2aA, AA 191)
Component Failure ………………………………. (AC-24)
Experienced Team Makes Mistakes……………. (APOLLO 1, AC-62, Ac-67)
Normalizing Deviance……………………………. (CHALLENGER, COLUMBIA, APOLLO POGO)
Missed Advanced Warnings…………………….. (CHALLENGER, COLUMBIA)
Perils of heritage Systems ………………………(ARIANE 501)
Sabotage …………………………………………….(MDCA ISS Microgravity Experiment – Security)
Management Factors Lost Missions…………… (N-1, Helios)
A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure (Amy Edmonson)
Failures from Blameworthy to Praiseworthy
•• Deviance: An individual chooses to violate a prescribed process of practice
• Inattention: An individual inadvertently deviates from specifications
• Lack of Ability: An individual doesn’t have the skills, conditions, or training to
execute the job
• Process Inadequacy: A competent individual adheres to a prescribed but faulty
or incomplete process
• Task Challenge: An individual faces a task too difficult to be exceuted reliably
every time
• Process Complexity: A process composed of many elements breaks down when
it encounters novel interactions
• Uncertainty: A lack of clarity about future events causes people to take
seemingly reasonable actions that produce undesired results
• Hypothesis Testing: An experiment conducted to prove that an idea or a design
will succeed fails
• Exploratory Testing: An experiment conducted to expand knowledge and
investigate a possibility leads to an undesired result.
Unknowns: Getting to Mars is easy; Landing is very hard
Out of 45+ attempts, only 8 have been successful (NASA) -
(5) Bedrock Principles:
Via Failure Lessons
If you can FEAR the problem, you are
capable of IMAGINING the solution & innovate
Four (4) Bedrock Principles driving Excellence
In each case failure leads to change and future success
• Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures (While
Proximate cause is technical; Root cause is always
human error).
• Adopt Systems Thinking and Systems
Engineering based on Rules of Practice
• Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills
• Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling
1. Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures
“Proximate cause is technical; root is human error”
• Apollo 1 Fire killing 3
Crew Members
• NOAA Satellite Mishap
• Hubble Space
Telescope Close Call
2. Practice Systems Thinking & Systems Engineering
“Intelligence, Imagination and Ingenuity”
• Apollo 13 – Successful Failure
• Mission was not about success
• Solving unforeseen problems
under unknown conditions -
systems thinking
• Example of dynamic creativity
• Failure is NOT an option
• Lifetime Orbital Tomb
Dare mighty things with Innovations even if we fail first
Space is the Conduit for Future of Innovations on Earth
3. Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills
“In Space and On Earth”
• Astronaut Rescue
• ISS Repair/Construction
• Satellite Capture
• Hubble Maintenance
• Build Mars Habitat
• Survive as a Team Member
If you fail first, try and try again
If you are going through hell, keep on going……Churchill
4. Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling
“Innovative Solutions for Complex Problems”
(6)Organizational Excellence
via Failure Lessons
Innovation is about thinking as if there is no box
and finding solutions that are not obvious.
Three Elements of Organizational Excellence
In each case failure leads to change and future success
• Build Individual Competency
(Failure: Challenger disaster)
• Develop Knowledge Management Team
(Failure: Mars missions)
• Become a Learning Organization
(Failure: Columbia accident)
How after Challenger Disaster NASA resorts to
Building Individual Competency
• Challenger
• What NASA
• Failure leads
• to change
How Mars Mission failures required NASA to
Develop a Knowledge Management Team concept
• Mars Mission
• What NASA
• Failure leads
• to change
Mars Polar Lander
Mars Climate Observer
Mars Global Surveyor
How Columbia Accident focused efforts at NASA
To become a Learning Organization
• Columbia
• What NASA
• Failure leads
• to change
Building a learning organization that has competent
individuals, teams(keep the promise video – future)
“You reduce Failure by planning, designing, and testing”
(7) Success from Failure
Lessons Learned
Innovation is seeing the unseen,
hearing the unheard &
knowing the unknown
and daring it.
Intuition, Imagination and Ingenuity (mission is key)
Course correction on a dime – avoid space tombs
Anything and everything can go wrong in
ordinary flight as well as in space. This is
where tough and competent people can
change the whole project upside down and
develop a totally new goal, objective, or
mission. Mission failure or success is not
defined by meeting the original objective
but ensuring the safe return of men and
women that are in flight and in space.
•Maintenance Group
• Mechanical
The Ideal Airplane
As Seen By The
Groups – where is
Systems Engineer? •Armament Group
•Aerodynamics Group
•Fuselage Group
•Weights Group
•Computer Aided Design
•Production Engineering Group
•Power Plant Group
•Empennage Group
•Equipment Group
Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering
Collective Intelligence or Team solves this dilemma
Testing lessons for Engineers: fail on ground
Failure of parachute helped Curiosity Rover land
• The Mission
• Problem
• Root cause
• Lesson Learned
Mission Failure – Astronaut EVA in Hubble Repairs
Teams, Collaboration and Collective Intelligence
Crawl, walk, run and fly is our motto (many flights)
Failure is preamble to Success when it comes to Mars
Multidisciplinary knowledge and Multidimensional thinking
Testing key components & systems is hallmark of success
Helping Rovers scout Martian surface by Helicopters
Early failures, not success, is the touchstone of engineering
Team building on Mars for Habitat Construction
(8) Concluding Remarks:
Innovate or Evaporate is the game
Innovation is the ability to see things that others
can’t see and see the opportunities
other have missed.
Innovation…where Impossible means I’m Possible
Use Failures as feedback; plan, design, and test to succeed
No number of successes ever provides absolute success
against future failure…proactive failure analysis is key.
Failure is inherent part of success; carefully averting
failure by anticipating it is what innovation is about
Failures in design and construction present perfect
teaching opportunities – lessons in Engineering.
• Intuition
• Imagination
• Intelligence
• Ingenuity
• Introspection (Inquisitive)
• Creative Problem Solving
• Critical Thinking Skills
• Collective Intelligence
• Experience
• Knowledge, Curiosity
• Effective Communication
• Interpersonal Skills
• Invention
• Innovation aptitude
• Entrepreneur
• Innovative Mindset
• Resistance to Change
• Courage, Brave, Daring
• Fear or Failure
• Risk Taking Behavior
• Limiting Beliefs
• Loser Attitude
• Societal Values
• Past Experiences
More than knowing all Answers, asking the right
Questions - Every kind of Engineering is POSSIBLE
Traits of Creative Geniuses: Innovate yourself first
Building blocks of innovative minds
Traits of Geniuses: Innovation is all about Possibilities
– Intuition, Imagination and Ingenuity are the basis
1. Building up on other people’s knowledge (Dr. Feynman)
2. Increase breadth and depth of knowledge (Bezos)
3. Connecting the dots – put two concepts (Steve Jobs)
4. Inventing, innovating, exploring (Nicola Tesla)
5. Learning from your own/other’s failures (Mark Zuckerberg)
6. Having a clear vision, laser focus goals (Musk, Brin)
7. Having a good plan of action and model (Branson, Gates)
8. Creative people try to generalize things (Einstein, Edison)
9. Making something easier and simpler (Sadow –suitcase)
10.Building multi-dimensional knowledge (John Nash)
11.Making friends with intelligent people (Gates, Buffett)
12.Reading book, sharpening the saw (Gates)
13.Jotting down thoughts & applying concepts (Braun, Disney)
Self-actualization or Reaching beyond full potential
Basic, Self-esteem & Self-fulfillment (Creativity, Risk Taking, Excellence)
(Breadth of knowledge)
(Depth of Knowledge)
- (Soft Skills Knowledge)
O encompassing T and I
Failure Lessons: Stepping Stones of Innovation
In each case failure leads to change and future success
• After Challenger disaster, the focus at NASA
was on building the individual competence
• After Mars failures, NASA formed a
knowledge management team
• After Columbia accident, NASA realized it
had to become a learning organization
External Tank
Reusable Solid Rocket Motor
Solid Rocket Booster
Space Shuttle Main Engine
Digital Controller
Power level
Water Recovery
Thrust Shaping
Super light weight
High Imagination
Deep Curiosity
Intelligent Direction
Dream, Audacity, Dare
Passion is Rocket Fuel
Tenacity is the spark igniter
Fire, radiation, bomb all are Fear
Liftoff is risk taking, having no fear
Liftoff is the Creativity at its zenith
Liftoff is Organizational Excellence
Page - 86
Cathedral of Technological Innovation (3 Million Parts)
Ultimate in Innovation and Collective Intelligence at it’s best
(2.5) million Kilos, 0 – Mach 25 in 8 Minutes to Orbit @ 330 Km
Success through Failure: The Paradox of Innovation
Success through Failure: The Paradox of Innovation

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Success through Failure: The Paradox of Innovation

  • 1.
  • 2. INNOVATION: Success through Failure: The Paradox of Innovation Presented By: Dr. Ravi Margasahayam, M.S., M.B.A. 2019 Solar System Ambassador NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), USA
  • 3. Presentation Outline 1. Space Exploration: Conduit for Innovation 2. Features and Mechanism that drive Innovation 3. Innovation Equation and Pyramid 4. Successful Failure , Success and Failure 5. Bedrock Principles from Failures 6. Organizational Excellence from Failures 7. Success from Failure Lessons Learned 8. Concluding Remarks
  • 4. (1) Space Exploration: Conduit for Innovation Failure is NOT an option…only on Apollo 13
  • 5. In 1962, JFK Challenged human imagination with “we choose to go to the Moon….because it is hard” • Exploration of Space is a risky • NASA tests the boundaries of what is thought feasible via technology/ human development • Mission Success is paramount • Risks – Loss of Crew, Loss of Vehicle, Mission Goals not met • Big, Complex, New Technology, Unknown environment, First time • Risk comes with Success • Success and Failure – two sides of the same coin of Innovation • Lessons Learned are from NASA
  • 6. Earth Lagrangian Point L2 932,000 mi Near-Earth Asteroid 3,106,870 mi Moon 238,855 mi70 t Mars 34,600,000 mi International Space Station 230 mi Curiosity 130t NASA EXPLORATION EXTENDS TO FAR REACHES OF SPACE VENTURING INTO THE UNKNOWN WITHOUT FEAR - OF FAILURE
  • 7. NASA has been the Engine of Innovations and Change Exploration of Space leads to benefits for all mankind
  • 8. Rocket Launch is WW III with Gravity + Hidden Hazards on the ground and in the vacuum of space
  • 9. NASA story is one of remarkable achievements Interspersed with shattering, spectacular failures
  • 10. Exploration requires Inventions and Innovators Creativity is Intelligence having fun…Albert Einstein Innovators have been called: • Pioneers • Explorers • Discoverers • Trendsetters • Trail blazers • Entrepreneurs • Geniuses • Paradigm shift • Game changers • Disruptors • Rocket Riders (NASA)
  • 11. Innovation is Key - For mankind to continue his quest to explore planets and spread into space for survival of the species (JFK speech)
  • 12. (2)Features and Mechanisms that drive Innovation? Success and failure are two sides of the coin of Innovation.
  • 13. Innovation Embellishing Internal/External Features Internal Features External Features • Curiosity • Creativity • Problem Solving • Critical Thinking • Collective Effort • Risk Not Taken (Fear) •Intuition •Imagination •Intelligence •Ingenuity •Insight •Introspect
  • 14. Maslow’s Law of Hierarchy of Human Needs Self Esteem - Fear of Failure - Risk Taking Aspects INNOVATION • Passion • Purpose • Potential • Persevere Self-esteem (internal) Creativity and Risk Taking behavior Personal Innovation and growth (external)
  • 15. Portrait of a Creative Person who Innovates Leonardo: working beyond dimensions/boundaries Creative people pay attention to their world, see things differently, challenge assumptions, take risks, are not afraid to fail, and strive to generate multiple solutions,options and alternatives to problems. They are passionate about creativity and seek opportunities to innovate.” Everyday Creativity: Principles for Innovative Design. Dr. Larry G. Richards
  • 16. Innovation :Seeing the Unseen, the Intangible(David) Beethoven - Hearing the Unheard, the piano strokes “Innovation comes about from a higher level of thinking than problem solving or even anticipating trends. They come about only when we have courage to go back to a blank canvas and envision a reality that never existed before. This is never saying NO – and seeing only POSSIBILITIES.!” (Michelangelo) - Book by Randy Gage, Mad genius
  • 17. Instead of Solutions to Problems…3D/4D Shapes Think in terms of new and unique Possibilities “The mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new Possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.” - Albert Einstein
  • 18. Innovate or Evaporate is the name of the Game Quest for Certainty is the biggest Obstacle of becoming Risk Savvy • Creativity connects the dots/ connections between things that never have been linked • Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one can see. • Imagination and curiosity are key to creativity,; it is a mind-set, a process • More possibilities you can imagine, more knowledge and experience you gain • Ideas are put together from different fields • Creative minds are willing to takes risks or push boundaries of what’s possible and are unafraid and see failures as feedback
  • 19. Innovation distinguishes Leaders from Followers NASA – A global leader in Exploration of Space The people who were putting up millions of dollars were asking my father, “so, captain, what do you expect to find”. And his answer to those people who were about to make major commitments was “if I knew, I wouldn’t go.” ……Jacques Cousteau He was willing to take greater risks, risks they realized they couldn’t even predict, because first, looking upto the stars and then into oceanic abyss, they knew greater risk was ignorance – risks such as species lost, pollution, reducing the habitability of planet for life.
  • 20. (3) Innovation Equation and Pyramid Creativity - requires courage to let go of certainties Knowledge is antidote to fear; certainty is an illusion To be alive involves some risk; no risk – no innovation There is nothing to FEAR, except FEAR itself.
  • 21. Desire, not necessity is the mother of Invention Success and failure are entwined by limitations
  • 22. How it happens: Creating Ripples, Riding New Waves Inventor, Innovator, & Entrepreneur INVENTOR – throws stone and creates ripples or waves in the water Ripples or waves– are the INNOVATIONS Entrepreneur – one who RISKS and rides the wave - a pure exercise in SELF-MASTERY
  • 23. All INNOVATIONS happen by making CONNECTIONS Between FIELDS that other people did not REALIZE Perhaps that is why the Inca who loved the sun and Maya built the stairs to the skies, and conquistadores clambered up the hills to thrust crucifixes into the high ground. We want to know what’s out there? We want to be free from earth’s embrace. Sprout wings. Fly. We long to see the earth through the eyes of the condor. We are just curious. ……National Geographic 2007 , Risk-taking • Past focus – connect the dots – to get Ideas • Future thrust - connect the dots - for possibilities Think Forward Believe Dream Dare Organizational Excellence LIMITATION
  • 24. Reasons leading to Innovation – religion, accidental, necessity, random, belief in ideas, fear of unknown
  • 25. Space Race: Sputnik’s Unknown Capabilities Known Knowns (Certainties) - Events that have been identified - Usually by knowledge/experience - Ex: Rain Probability at Lift-off Known Unknowns (Known Risks) - Generally known events that have yet to be identified - Procedures, guidelines, etc. - Systems Engineering , Fuels Unknown Knowns (Hidden Risks) - Things known to a few people only - Not communicated to responsible folks - COPV use , improper maintenance Unknown Unknowns (Uncertainities) - Unknown events that have not yet been identified or random occurrences - Mars Environment, Communication - Operation outside limits like challenger Known Knowns Known Unknowns Unknown Knowns Unknown Unknowns Our goal in Space Exploration is to totally eliminate the unknown-unknown (surprises), to avoid a potential near-miss or an accident. Known Knowns Hidden dangers Known Unknowns Unknown Knowns Unknown Unknowns
  • 26. Innovation is all about venturing into the unknown Innovation in Space is about making mistakes and learning • Innovation requires that you go beyond the known into the unknown, where there might be trap doors and blind alleys • You have got to map the unknown and more unknowns • You map it by making mistakes or failures • It is not unlike being blindfolded in a labyrinth ; smacking into the walls may signal a misstep, but the sum total of those missteps define an outline of the maze • The quicker more mistakes are made, the quicker the maze is mapped • Fail Fast; Fail Smart; Failure spawns Creativity
  • 27. Original Innovation Equation He who risks is better than who decides to do nothing • Innovation = (Creativity X Risk Taking) • Creativity = Developing an idea that is new, useful, feasible • Risk Taking = Putting ideas into action, Risk Not Taken = Fear • Innovation = Practical application of that creative idea In Ice hockey, you don’t go where the Puck is, you go where the Puck is going.
  • 28. Innovation = Creativity X Risk Taking (No Fear) Creativity Risk Taking • Fear of Failure • Fear of Retribution • Resistance to Change • Lack of Initiative • Fear- Things going wrong • Lack of Recognition/reward • No Collective Thinking • Resource Constraints • Fear of Unknown Unknowns • Lack of courage • Negative Experience/Beliefs • New ideas not welcomed • Untethered Imagination • Insatiable Curiosity • Intelligent Direction • Deep Ingenuity • Change the Status Quo • Creative Problem Solving • Critical Thinking Skills • Experience/Knowledge • Collaboration/Teamwork • Effective Communication • Interpersonal Skills • Expertise/Motivation
  • 29. Successful tests are unremarkable; Failures more than successes teach us about design of things Lasers
  • 30. Modified Innovation Equation (Dr. Ravi M.) Instead of a solution, look for multiple possibilities • Innovation = (Creativity X Risk Taking X OE) • OE – Organizational Excellence • OE = f (Passion, Perseverance, Tough, Competent, Team Player…) • Passion drives curiosity, aids in focusing like a laser for critical thinking, creative problem solving and systems engineering • Perseverance hones idea as a true solution to real world problem, develops many possibilities using multidisciplinary knowledge
  • 31. Innovation Types – One question one answer More than answers, right question or reframing it is key
  • 32. INNOVATION PYRAMID Failure Lessons: Stepping Stones of Innovation SUCCESS THROUGH FAILURE: THINK, BELIEVE, DREAM, DARE THREE ELEMENTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE (NASA) BEDROCK PRINCIPLES (NASA) Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures Practice Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering INNOVATION (mission success) Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling (Individual Competency) Challenger Mars Missions (Team Building) Columbia (Learning Organization) Creativity Risk Taking (Dare, Act) Innovation is: Seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard, knowing the unknown and daring it. ………. Dr. Ravi Margasahayam FAILURES
  • 33. Iceberg Model: Failures, Near-miss, No harm Events Serious Events Death/Severe Loss Near Miss Unwanted consequence prevented because of recovery No Harm Events SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH CATASTROPHIC FAILURE SUCCESSFUL FAILURE Apollo 1 Fire Challenger Mars Failures Columbia Apollo 13 Apollo 11 Space Shuttle Mars Curiosity Developed Bedrock Principles and Elements of Organization Excellence using Iceberg Model MISSION STATUS
  • 34. Interplay between failure and success is vital for innovation Failure is a unifying principle in design of things • Design is a human activity and it is also an imperfect one. Everything designed has limitations and flaws. • Apollo • Shuttle • ISS • Mars • Etc. • Role played by reaction to and anticipation of FAILURE is vital in achieving SUCCESS in innovation in ancient stone tools or modern rockets SUCCESS FAILURE Successful Failure • Apollo 13 • Hubble Space Telescope • Etc. • Apollo 1 Fire • Challenger • Columbia • Mars
  • 35. (4A) NASA Successful Failure: Lessons Learned Some special people only see failure, where most of us see successes…fix to obviate failure.
  • 36. Learning from Successful Failure Apollo 13 • Okay, Houston – I believe we’ve had a problem – Apollo 13 Crew Jack Swigert • It was a collaboration, a tale of two groups – Jim Lovell (took almost 87 hours to get Crew home) • One in a comfortable Mission control and the other in a cold, damp spacecraft near the Moon • Lesson Learned: • Form your A-team and trust it -crisis leadership • Communicate and build chemistry – amplify individual and team talents – leads to intuitive communication • Communicative problem-solving -open leadership and empowering team members
  • 37. (4B) NASA Mission Success: Lessons Learned Successful improvements ultimately are the ones that focus on the limitations…the failures
  • 38. Learning from Success Apollo 11 , Space Shuttle and Mars Curiosity etc. • Apollo 13 shining example of teamwork – but Apollo 11 success is not far behind • Von Braun and George Mueller – revolutionized NASA organization – making the mission possible • Team of team's concept – where relation between teams resembles closeness of key staff on teams • Lesson Learned: • Empower cross-functional teams: develop shared consciousness and systems thinking • Team and staff with multidimensional knowledge • Don’t be afraid to delegate – total empowerment • Record lessons learned – story telling and disseminating information flow to all on failures
  • 39. International Space Station – Orbital Laboratory Palace in the Sky, Earth’s Lifeguard for all Mankind
  • 40. No matter how successful a design might appear, there is a latent failure lurking beneath the surface Lasers
  • 41. Enhancements for Past Mission Successes Innovation to overcome limitations Programs 1. Clever twist in trajectory and brainpower …………VOYAGER 1 and 2 (1977) 2. Rotating joints, finger tips, shoulders pulleys……. Moon Suit Mods (!969) 3. First miniaturized science labs and for Mars………Viking 1 and 2 in 1970’s 4. Engine explosions using bombs in chamber………….F-1 Rocket Engine 5. Many design changes in the reusable rocket concept…..Space Shuttle 6. 2 KB of RAM and 36 KB of programming at 1 MHz ………Guidance computer 7. Sky crane maneuver – pass the laugh test ……………….Mars curiosity rover 8. Bare bones, lightweight and chemically etched parts…..Lunar module 9. Largest and most expensive single object sent to space……ISS 10. testing the limits of unknown unknowns in 10 years………Apollo 11 11. Tennis shoe tests help solve POGO issues ………………….Apollo 8 The most successful improvements ultimately are those that focus on limitations….Henry Petroski
  • 42. Top 10 Successful NASA Missions Success masks the failure modes from the past
  • 43. (4C) NASA Mission Failures: Lessons Learned Learn more from 1 failure than 1000 successes
  • 44. Learning from Failures Apollo 1, Challenger, Mars Probes, and Columbia • Learning from failure more valuable than success • While engineering errors caused failures, poor management and communication between teams that prevented them from detecting and correcting them • Organization – faster, better, cheaper initiative • Lesson Learned • Mission success comes first: see something say something on errors: failure of systems engineering • Implement knowledge sharing initiatives – in complex spacecraft little things can go wrong • Institutionalize postmortems – conduct detailed root cause analysis (conduct post mortems on failed missions as well as successful missions)
  • 45. Rocket Launch failure at lift-off What is the proximate cause and root cause?
  • 46. NASA’s Dr. Stephen Johnson Model of Failure: Finding the Proximate &Root Cause •
  • 47. Identify the immediate causes (proximate or direct causes) and the organizational causes (indirect) using Root Cause Analysis. Describes what failed lProximate Cause lIntermediate Cause Root Cause l19 PROXIMATE & ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS 85% of all failures have their root cause pointing to human errors.
  • 48. Over 60 years of Aerospace Engineering experience and failures in many programs – key is the lessons Failure Proximate Cause Root Cause Bedrock Principles While proximate cause is technical in nature; root cause is due to human error. Innovation
  • 49. Top 10 NASA Failed Missions (1/13/Mars Failures) You learn more from 1000 failures than 1 success
  • 50. Lessons Learnt from Past Failures Failure leads to future Innovations Programs • 1. Satellite never made to Orbit-did not separate from rocket…………OCO 2. Crashed into satellite it was supposed to repair……………………. DART 3. Powerful wind shear caused it to crash into pacific…………..NASA Helios 4. Engine explosions using bombs in chamber……………………...Hubble 5. Grabbing the sun was ok, but landing failed due to hook……...Genesis 6. Satellite could not wake up after shutdown in Orbit………SBIRS 7. Communication lost but could have crashed……………….Mars Polar Lander 8. Like MPL no one knows what happened after comm. error…..Deep Space 2 9. Unit conversion errors between Earth and orbiter……Mars Climate Orbiter 10. communication error in bolts removal process………NOAA-19 11. ESA probe crash landed as parachutes opened late….Schiaparelli
  • 51. Proximate causes from Past Mission Failures Failure Proximate Causes Project/Programs •Screening Out Design Errors …………………… (GALILEO, WIRE,STS-51) Screening Out procedural Errors ……………… (NOAA, AC-21) Impact of Weak Testing Practices……………… (HUBBLE, MPL, GENESIS) System Engineering Lapses ……………………. (SKYLAB, CONTOUR) Software Mishaps………………………………….(MCO, MGS) Flawed Processes ………………………………….(APOLLO -13, AC-43) Information Flow Breakdown …………………..(B-2aA, AA 191) Component Failure ………………………………. (AC-24) Experienced Team Makes Mistakes……………. (APOLLO 1, AC-62, Ac-67) Normalizing Deviance……………………………. (CHALLENGER, COLUMBIA, APOLLO POGO) Missed Advanced Warnings…………………….. (CHALLENGER, COLUMBIA) Perils of heritage Systems ………………………(ARIANE 501) Sabotage …………………………………………….(MDCA ISS Microgravity Experiment – Security) Management Factors Lost Missions…………… (N-1, Helios)
  • 52. 52 A Spectrum of Reasons for Failure (Amy Edmonson) Failures from Blameworthy to Praiseworthy •• Deviance: An individual chooses to violate a prescribed process of practice • Inattention: An individual inadvertently deviates from specifications • Lack of Ability: An individual doesn’t have the skills, conditions, or training to execute the job • Process Inadequacy: A competent individual adheres to a prescribed but faulty or incomplete process • Task Challenge: An individual faces a task too difficult to be exceuted reliably every time • Process Complexity: A process composed of many elements breaks down when it encounters novel interactions • Uncertainty: A lack of clarity about future events causes people to take seemingly reasonable actions that produce undesired results • Hypothesis Testing: An experiment conducted to prove that an idea or a design will succeed fails • Exploratory Testing: An experiment conducted to expand knowledge and investigate a possibility leads to an undesired result.
  • 53. Unknowns: Getting to Mars is easy; Landing is very hard Out of 45+ attempts, only 8 have been successful (NASA) - Schaparelli
  • 54. (5) Bedrock Principles: Via Failure Lessons If you can FEAR the problem, you are capable of IMAGINING the solution & innovate
  • 55. Four (4) Bedrock Principles driving Excellence In each case failure leads to change and future success • Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures (While Proximate cause is technical; Root cause is always human error). • Adopt Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering based on Rules of Practice • Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills • Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling
  • 56. 1. Heed to Lessons Learned from Failures “Proximate cause is technical; root is human error” • Apollo 1 Fire killing 3 Crew Members • NOAA Satellite Mishap • Hubble Space Telescope Close Call
  • 57. 2. Practice Systems Thinking & Systems Engineering “Intelligence, Imagination and Ingenuity” • Apollo 13 – Successful Failure • Mission was not about success • Solving unforeseen problems under unknown conditions - systems thinking • Example of dynamic creativity • Failure is NOT an option • Lifetime Orbital Tomb
  • 58. Dare mighty things with Innovations even if we fail first Space is the Conduit for Future of Innovations on Earth
  • 59. 3. Develop Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Skills “In Space and On Earth” • Astronaut Rescue • ISS Repair/Construction • Satellite Capture • Hubble Maintenance • Build Mars Habitat • Survive as a Team Member
  • 60. If you fail first, try and try again If you are going through hell, keep on going……Churchill
  • 61. 4. Reflect on and Reinforce Failures by Story Telling “Innovative Solutions for Complex Problems”
  • 62. (6)Organizational Excellence via Failure Lessons Innovation is about thinking as if there is no box and finding solutions that are not obvious.
  • 63. Three Elements of Organizational Excellence In each case failure leads to change and future success • Build Individual Competency (Failure: Challenger disaster) • Develop Knowledge Management Team (Failure: Mars missions) • Become a Learning Organization (Failure: Columbia accident)
  • 64. How after Challenger Disaster NASA resorts to Building Individual Competency • Challenger Disaster • What NASA Learned • Failure leads • to change
  • 65. How Mars Mission failures required NASA to Develop a Knowledge Management Team concept • Mars Mission Failures • What NASA Learned • Failure leads • to change Mars Polar Lander Mars Climate Observer Mars Global Surveyor
  • 66. How Columbia Accident focused efforts at NASA To become a Learning Organization • Columbia Accident • What NASA Learned • Failure leads • to change
  • 67. Building a learning organization that has competent individuals, teams(keep the promise video – future) “You reduce Failure by planning, designing, and testing”
  • 68. (7) Success from Failure Lessons Learned Innovation is seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard & knowing the unknown and daring it.
  • 69. Intuition, Imagination and Ingenuity (mission is key) Course correction on a dime – avoid space tombs Anything and everything can go wrong in ordinary flight as well as in space. This is where tough and competent people can change the whole project upside down and develop a totally new goal, objective, or mission. Mission failure or success is not defined by meeting the original objective but ensuring the safe return of men and women that are in flight and in space.
  • 70. •Maintenance Group • Mechanical Controls Group •Avionics Group The Ideal Airplane As Seen By The Various Engineering Groups – where is Systems Engineer? •Armament Group •WingGroup •Aerodynamics Group •HydraulicsGroup •Fuselage Group •StressGroup •Weights Group •Computer Aided Design Group •Production Engineering Group •Power Plant Group •Empennage Group •Equipment Group Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering Collective Intelligence or Team solves this dilemma
  • 71. Testing lessons for Engineers: fail on ground Failure of parachute helped Curiosity Rover land • The Mission • Problem • Root cause • Lesson Learned
  • 72. Mission Failure – Astronaut EVA in Hubble Repairs Teams, Collaboration and Collective Intelligence
  • 73. Crawl, walk, run and fly is our motto (many flights) Failure is preamble to Success when it comes to Mars
  • 74. Multidisciplinary knowledge and Multidimensional thinking Testing key components & systems is hallmark of success
  • 75. Helping Rovers scout Martian surface by Helicopters Early failures, not success, is the touchstone of engineering Team building on Mars for Habitat Construction
  • 76. (8) Concluding Remarks: Innovate or Evaporate is the game Innovation is the ability to see things that others can’t see and see the opportunities other have missed.
  • 77. Innovation…where Impossible means I’m Possible Use Failures as feedback; plan, design, and test to succeed
  • 78. No number of successes ever provides absolute success against future failure…proactive failure analysis is key.
  • 79. Failure is inherent part of success; carefully averting failure by anticipating it is what innovation is about
  • 80. Failures in design and construction present perfect teaching opportunities – lessons in Engineering. • Intuition • Imagination • Intelligence • Ingenuity • Introspection (Inquisitive) • Creative Problem Solving • Critical Thinking Skills • Collective Intelligence • Experience • Knowledge, Curiosity • Effective Communication • Interpersonal Skills • Invention • Innovation aptitude • Entrepreneur • Innovative Mindset • Resistance to Change • Courage, Brave, Daring • Fear or Failure • Risk Taking Behavior • Limiting Beliefs • Loser Attitude • Societal Values • Past Experiences
  • 81. More than knowing all Answers, asking the right Questions - Every kind of Engineering is POSSIBLE
  • 82. Traits of Creative Geniuses: Innovate yourself first Building blocks of innovative minds
  • 83. Traits of Geniuses: Innovation is all about Possibilities – Intuition, Imagination and Ingenuity are the basis 1. Building up on other people’s knowledge (Dr. Feynman) 2. Increase breadth and depth of knowledge (Bezos) 3. Connecting the dots – put two concepts (Steve Jobs) 4. Inventing, innovating, exploring (Nicola Tesla) 5. Learning from your own/other’s failures (Mark Zuckerberg) 6. Having a clear vision, laser focus goals (Musk, Brin) 7. Having a good plan of action and model (Branson, Gates) 8. Creative people try to generalize things (Einstein, Edison) 9. Making something easier and simpler (Sadow –suitcase) 10.Building multi-dimensional knowledge (John Nash) 11.Making friends with intelligent people (Gates, Buffett) 12.Reading book, sharpening the saw (Gates) 13.Jotting down thoughts & applying concepts (Braun, Disney)
  • 84. Self-actualization or Reaching beyond full potential Basic, Self-esteem & Self-fulfillment (Creativity, Risk Taking, Excellence) ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE - ENCOMPASSING TEAMS of TEAMS AND INDIVIDUALS (Breadth of knowledge) TEAMS BRING SYSTEMS THINKING & MULTIDIMENSIONAL KNOWLEDGE - INDIVIDUALS form TEAMS (Depth of Knowledge) INDIVIDUALS BRING IN - EXPERTISE IN ONE FIELD (SMEs) - GENERAL KNOWELDGE OF INDUSTRY - INTERPERSONAL SKILLS, COMMUNICATION - (Soft Skills Knowledge) O encompassing T and I
  • 85. Failure Lessons: Stepping Stones of Innovation In each case failure leads to change and future success • After Challenger disaster, the focus at NASA was on building the individual competence • After Mars failures, NASA formed a knowledge management team • After Columbia accident, NASA realized it had to become a learning organization
  • 86. External Tank Reusable Solid Rocket Motor Solid Rocket Booster Space Shuttle Main Engine Reusable Digital Controller Power level control Reusable Water Recovery Thrust Shaping Expendable Super light weight High Imagination Deep Curiosity Intelligent Direction Dream, Audacity, Dare Passion is Rocket Fuel Tenacity is the spark igniter Fire, radiation, bomb all are Fear Liftoff is risk taking, having no fear Liftoff is the Creativity at its zenith Liftoff is Organizational Excellence Page - 86 Cathedral of Technological Innovation (3 Million Parts) SPACE SHUTTLE 1981-2011
  • 87. Ultimate in Innovation and Collective Intelligence at it’s best (2.5) million Kilos, 0 – Mach 25 in 8 Minutes to Orbit @ 330 Km