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Organizational and Competitive
Jade Nguyen
Argosy University
BUS480 | Business Tactics and Execution
Apple Inc. Corporation
Apple Inc. is a United States-based company that deals with
designing, manufacturing, and marketing both computer
hardware and software as well as networking solutions among
other consumer electronics. The firm’s commitment is
introducing and providing personal computing as well as music
experience to students, professors, creative professionals,
management agencies as well as businesses among other clients
through innovative hardware and software as well as internet
services (Khan, Alam & Alam, 2015). Notably, the firm’s
commercial approach leverages its exceptional capacity by the
way its system of operation and technologies are designed and
developed. Accordingly, it can camouflage in a competitive
market and bring in innovative products and solutions which are
easy to use. Like any other successful Corporation, Apple Inc.
also exhibits tremendously stiff competition against other firms
that produce computers as well as from other consumer
electronics Corporations. Most of its competitors are large
corporations with established markets either regionally or
globally, for example, Compaq, Lenovo, Intel Corporation,
Samsung, Microsoft as well as Dell among others.
Apple Inc. began the move of developing personal computing in
1977, however, because of variations in the management as well
as contrasting opinions plus missed opportunities, it has lost its
competitive advantage to other corporations like Microsoft, Dell
as well as Samsung. Even with such stiff competition from its
business counterparts, it continues to hunt the personal
computer market though not like it used to do before. It opts to
deviate its focus and venture into the music business through
the manufacture and exchange of iPod, iTunes as well as digital
music players. Marketing approaches like differentiation and
specialization have enabled Apple to rejuvenate its market
share. Significantly, the adoption of such strategies empowers
an organization to acquire diverse knowledge as well as skills
hence producing best quality products sold at considerable
prices. Therefore, Apple company applies costs as well as
products as the focus on their strategies to strive in the
international market.
It is imperative to note that, Apple Inc. is grounded on two
significant values which are; Inclusion and Diversity. To break
it down further, Apple Inc. believes that humanity is not a
singular concept but a plural and the most appropriate way to
operate is through "everybody in" hence inclusion is the
company's religion. On the hand, working with different people
despite race, ethnicity, age or gender, is important because it is
through diversity that innovation is very possible.
Consequently, the corporation believes in creativity, innovation,
idea development as well as competency through teamwork,
hence inclusion and diversity.
Vision and mission statements give a company the strength to
be successful in a competitive atmosphere and Apple company
is not an exception. The company's management and staffs felt
motivated and inspired to work innovatively and creatively
harder to support and contribute to a company's success, and
therefore, Apple Inc. operates on the following vision and
mission statements.
Vision statement
Currently, the Corporation operates on a vision that is
considerably detailed, and the reflects on the comprehensive
strategy of the company to maintain a constant growth as well
as well as success. For example, it enumerates some critical
facts like innovation, which unswervingly relates to the with the
Firm's hasty innovation policy. Additionally, the vision
statement identifies explicitly simplicity, which is also an
integral part of Apple's strategy to product design and
manufacture. Furthermore, the company is well known for its
products that are user-friendly, consequently, the idea of
simplicity. The simplicity of iPhone, as well as iOS, makes
communication comfortable, easy to use apps plus internet for
consumers to use or operate. The company's vision also
consciously selects its market exploration to help directs its
decision making especially in product design as well as
strategic devising. The vision statement also includes the
organizational culture to help set the codes of conducts. As a
significant aspect, it also highlights its workers' collaboration
and success to its commercial activities bringing into the
picture the element of inclusion and diversity as the core
principles. Analytically, the vision statement is much more
comprehensive in attending to various aspects of the business.
Moreover, it conclusively demonstrates the theme of the holistic
approach of the corporate leaders. The vision is satisfactory
because of its explicit directions that guide the decision-making
Mission statement
Like vision statement, Apple Inc. considers the diversity of the
business landscape. Consequently, it has influenced the
likelihood of the actions of the company. Therefore, the
company’s mission statement is “Apple Inc. manufactures Macs,
the best PCs on the planet, alongside OS X, iLife, iWork and
expert programming. Apple drives the advanced music
insurgency with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has
redevised the cell phone with its progressive iPhone and App
store, and is characterizing the fate of portable media and
figuring gadgets with iPad." The statement identifies explicitly
what the plans and actions are and will always be. Therefore, as
a strategy, the company's mission statement includes some of its
products to give the taste as well as the current position to make
clients or consumers a brief menu of what they chose from since
people have different preferences for the products (Rothaermel,
2015). Additionally, the statement also identifies their plan to
continue with further research on products and services hence it
is more accurate in depicting the firm’s situational objectives.
However, the mission statement is quite slight in defining the
opportunities for the company, which currently is in the best
place to discover a broader diversity of options. It is important
to note, the current mission statement is a deviation from the
past account, hence shifting from the general picture of the
business. It fails to present plans or objectives for other
sections of the company. For instance, it does not provide
details for factors like innovation as well as market leadership.
It also doesn't mention issues like Corporate Social
Responsibility among others. Although, it is realistic,
controllable, precise as well as attainable but too narrow.
Meaning, it doesn't appropriately include the Apple's universal
business. Hence, the mission account can be upgraded by
broadening the scope to give specifics on numerous companies
of Apple.
Apple’s Strategic goals
Apple’s Strategic goals and objectives are strictly connected to
its current vision and mission statement, and it has mentioned
its sustainable strategic objectives which incorporate
Environmental responsibilities, leveraging capacity to design
and to expand its products. The primary goal is to spearhead
innovation (Grant, 2016). Meaning, the company is determined
to focus its attention on renewable energies despite business
hurdles. Hence, it promises ecological responsibility by
eradicating toxic products.
The secondary goal is to maintain its competitive advantage
through provision of globally innovative products as well as
services to enable them to remain at the top of the market share.
It focuses on enhancing as well as expanding its investment
through the accumulation of sustainable assets by conducting
further studies and development. For instance, in 2011 the
company realized a considerable growth from $2.4 billion to
$6.5 in 2015. Hence, it gives a critical role to enhance and
expand based on its vision as well as mission statements.
External and Internal Factors as well as of Apple Inc.
a) External factors
External factors which affect the company's decisions as well as
its strategies to enhance the need to find remedies to the forces
influencing the outer surrounding of the business. External
factors affect inhibit the firm's market share as well as its
revenue. Such factors are based on the Company's five forces
investigation about the porter's analysis which presents the
strengths of the exterior atmosphere. Such forces include;
· Competition- it is also referred to as the competitive rivalry. It
helps in identifying the degree of game. Based on Apple's
condition this factor is useful in escalating the company's
aggressiveness in the market to compete in a competitive market
with companies like Samsung, DELL as well as LG. Hence, Five
Force analysis is an essential approach to the market (Noe,
Hollenbeck Gerhart, & Wright, 2003).
· The bargaining power- the significance of factor is influence
buyers' or clients' power to bargain for the products. However,
to achieve this, two significant forces are involved, which
include, the low fluctuating cost for the clients based on brands
making it maintain the optimal consumer satisfaction. Another
force is the purchasing capacity. Lower purchasing power leads
to relatively low revenues thereby weakening client's
consumption at the individual level.
· The danger of Substitution- it affects the capacity to bring in
new products to attract consumers. It is based on two exterior
factors, thus, more massive quantities of substitute goods, for
example, a consumer may decide to use a digital camera for
photography rather than using iPhone. Substitutes also pose low
extent of performance because of an inadequate number of
preferred features hence Apple needs to prioritize on what it
b) Internal factors
Interior factors always affect the decision-making of the firm.
Domestic factors have the control over which varies with time.
The best methods of understanding of the internal elements are
the SWOT as well as Porter's analysis. These two ways help in
identifying the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses as well as
threats. Therefore, internal factors are understood through;
· SWOT analysis
Advanced products
The design and technology
Huge profit limits
Promotional capacities
Strong and widespread supply channels
Management position
High dependence on iPhone sales
Reliance and inadequacy of new products
Establishment of innovative product chains
Ability to expand its business
Expansion of distribution systems
Aggressive rivalry/competition
Imitation by other competitors
The cumulative labor charge in some regions
Apple Inc. Corporation exhibits several strengths which
may be useful in addressing the company's weaknesses, for
instance, they may fully take advantage of the existing
opportunities to inflate its supply networks to enhance its
competitive position in the market. As another advantage, Apple
company can also scrutinize the likelihood of initializing the
incompatibility as well as permitting for amalgamating with
other technologies. Hence, an open product means more of the
innovative product line.
· Porter's Value Chain Analysis of Apple Inc
This kind of scrutiny was produced by Michael Porter in which
in his book upper hand he fused various activities that were
embraced by an expansive number of firms. Doorman elucidates
both central and bolster operations;
Logistics which are inbound-Refers to the way toward getting to
and expelling of homemade items and the dispersion of this
products with a specific end goal to achieve upper hand. Cases
of this inbound coordination incorporate Intel chips,
advancement of new thoughts and other fundamental crude
materials (De Souza & Márcio de Almeida, (2013).
Marketing and Sales Refers to the different proof of the
requirements of customers and the improvement and
development of offers. Amid the dispatch of new items in the
market, Apple Inc. promotes the products by plotting the
alluring highlights followed the consistent advertising of the
new products.
Technological advancements in products- Improvement of
innovation shapes the essential piece of any organization
subsequently giving it the upper hand over its rivals in the
market. Apple keeps up its upper hand in the market through its
nonstop presentation of new and propelled products.
In conclusion
Apple Inc. is one of the best and essential organizations on the
planet with an unusual brand name. It has numerous rivals in
the market business. Inward factors influencing the firm were
broke down utilizing Porter's esteem chain investigation and
SWOT examination. The SWOT examination stressed on the
qualities, shortcomings, openings lastly the dangers confronting
Apple Inc. Porter’s value chain.
De Souza, C. D. R., & Márcio de Almeida, D. A. (2013). Value
chain analysis applied to the scrap
tire reverse logistics chain: An applied study of co-processing
in the cement industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
78, 15-25.
Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text
Only. John Wiley & Sons.
Khan, U. A., Alam, M. N., & Alam, S. (2015). A Critical
Analysis of Internal and External
The environment of Apple Inc. International Journal of
Economics, Commerce and
Management, 3(6), 955-961.
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M.
(2003). Gaining a competitive
advantage. Irwin: McGraw-Hill.
Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill
Based on my internship experience, answer each question.
My internship is in Shapiro Auction
Internship Position:
Client Relationship Advisor
*Answer phones, dealt with customer service issues and
scheduled installation appointments
*Successfully established and maintained an effective system
for record retention by creating database for customers, orders,
Billings, payroll and commissions
*Research and procure items worth for auctions and work with
Auction Management
*Ensured seating arrangements are sufficient for the invited
*Ensured decor and lighting are appropriate projects work
1. Internship Assessment: 500-1000 word narrative assessing
your internship experience in light of the goals which were
stated in your internship contract
2. Journal: as many pages as needed. Please note that creative
approaches to creating a record will count towards your final
3. Confidential Site Evaluation: a 500 word narrative of your
confidential site evaluation
4. Self-assessment: Your Self-assessment or SWOT analysis
following your internship, focusing on your strengths and
weakness and comparing it to your Self-assessment analysis for
Internship I.
5. Strategy Plan: A five-year strategy plan that addresses your
development and strengthening of your weaknesses in order to
gain your ideal job title. This paper should be a minimum of
1,500 words
6. PowerPoint: A final PowerPoint of 4-6 slides, focused on a
weakness that you have addressed with your internship
Apple Inc.
Page 5 of 5
Selection and Description of Organization
Jade Nguyen
Argosy University
BUS480 | Business Tactics and Execution
My company of interest in the fortune 500 none other than
Apple. With this assignment came the interesting prospect of
finding out about the company whose products everyone wants a
piece of, services that scream out quality and customer relations
that leave that delightful feeling. How did a company started by
three men; Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne move
to a global force that is among the unmatched competitors in the
business world? This discussion is about to help me answer the
question and back my admiration. Currently at third place in the
fortune 500, Apple. Inc. has done well for itself in establishing
itself as an international brand to reckon with. Apple is an
American multinational technology company headquartered in
Cupertino, California that designs, develops and sells computer
software, online services and consumer electronics. It is the
largest information technology company by revenue and the
second largest in the world as a mobile manufacturer after
Samsung. The company maintains 498 retail stores in 22
countries as of July 2017. The company’s web address is
Apple is widely considered the leading company in the world in
terms of innovation. Apple’s innovation strategy involves
innovative business models and terrific new products. It was
propelled to the top of the Industry by its relentless in creating
several stylish innovative products. Apart from product
innovation, this company has had great innovative business
models that enabled it to reach those heights. The models
included new synergistic ways to create, deliver and capture
value. At the heart of Apple’s success is systemic innovation
integration. Apple works to create a successful innovative-
friendly ecosystem across traditional industry boundaries. The
company has diversified its brand by mastering hardware,
software, entertainment and logistics industries. Their value
proposition has seen them enter and define a workable business
model for downloading music. Their financial success is also
due in part to adapting Apple products for use in business. The
Brand’s promise is to save time and minimize frustrations for
consumers. The innovation includes great in store services. A
combination of product innovation and business model
innovation grounded Apple at the center of a market 30 times
larger than it’s original market. The market share of the
company’s traditional computer market increased as new
customers became attached to their products. The Marketing
strategy of Apple has focused on innovation, differentiation and
brand building.
Apple Inc. design, manufacture and markets mobile
communication and media devices, portable digital music
players and personal computers. The company also sells a range
of related software, accessories, services, networking solutions
and third party applications and Digital content. It covers the
Americas, Europe, Great China, Japan and the rest of Asia
Pacific. The company’s products include iPhone, iPad, Mac,
iPod, Apple Watch, Apple TV, a portfolio of consumer and
professional applications, iPhone OS(iOS) OS X and Watch OS
operating system. Services include iCloud, Apple Pay and a
range of accessory services and support offerings. Through it’s
stores such as iTunes, App store, Mac App Store, television App
Store, iBook store and Apple music which are all internet
services, Apple sells and delivers digital content and
applications. The sales are done in Apple retail stores, online
stores and direct sales force through third party cellular network
carriers, value added resellers, wholesalers and retailers. The
company also deals in third party compatible products such as
accessories and application software through it’s retail and
online stores.
The market for Apple includes small and mid sized businesses
and Education, consumers, government and Enterprise
customers. The company has a line of iPhone smartphones based
on it’s iOS operating system. Qualifying devices have a voice
activated intelligent Assistant, Apple Pay, touch ID and Siri.
The iPhone 7 and 7 plus have stereo speakers, new camera
systems, dust and water resistance. iPhone works with iBook
store, Apple music, iTunes store and App store for purchasing,
organizing and playing digital content and applications. Apple
also has a line of iPad tablets including pro, air and mini. Mac
makes up the Brand’s line of desktops and portable personal
computers based on Mac OS operating systems. The Mac Books
make up the latter while desktops include Pro and Mini. Music
and media players are the iPods which work with iTunes as well
as the other stores. Apple TV connects to consumer TVs and
enables them access digital content and stream HAD videos,
play music, games and view photos. The Apple Watch series 2
features fitness and health capabilities.Application software
from Apple include: iLife, iWork, File Maker Pro. iTunes helps
in purchase and download of music and TV shows, rent or
purchase movies and download free products. iCloud is used to
store music, photos, contacts, calendars, mail, documents and
more. Apple Pay allows users to pay for purchases in stores
accepting contactless payments and pay for purchases within
participating applications qualifying devices. Other products
include: beats products, headphones, displays, storage devices
as well as connectivity and computing products and supplies.
Air pods and wireless headphones from Apple interact with Siri.
Apple is the largest brand in the technology industry in terms of
it’s revenue generated as well as it’s brand ranking. This comes
as no surprise as Apple has consistently produced ground
breaking and revolutionary products. They are constantly
focused innovating great products and focus on what they term
important projects to them. Settling for nothing less than
excellence and accepting correction is a great strength of theirs.
For instance when Taylor Swift wrote an open letter concerning
streaming of music for artistes for free, the company took it in
stride and corrected their position on paying royalties. . The
Marketing edge for them has been superior technology products,
brand equity, revenue margins and being futuristic.
1. Apple. Inc.
2. Bhasin. H (2017). Marketing strategy of Apple Inc.
3. Fortune 500 2017 Companies (2017)

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  • 1. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Page 1 of 10 STRATEGIC ANALYSIS Page 10 of 10 Organizational and Competitive Jade Nguyen Argosy University BUS480 | Business Tactics and Execution Apple Inc. Corporation Apple Inc. is a United States-based company that deals with designing, manufacturing, and marketing both computer
  • 2. hardware and software as well as networking solutions among other consumer electronics. The firm’s commitment is introducing and providing personal computing as well as music experience to students, professors, creative professionals, management agencies as well as businesses among other clients through innovative hardware and software as well as internet services (Khan, Alam & Alam, 2015). Notably, the firm’s commercial approach leverages its exceptional capacity by the way its system of operation and technologies are designed and developed. Accordingly, it can camouflage in a competitive market and bring in innovative products and solutions which are easy to use. Like any other successful Corporation, Apple Inc. also exhibits tremendously stiff competition against other firms that produce computers as well as from other consumer electronics Corporations. Most of its competitors are large corporations with established markets either regionally or globally, for example, Compaq, Lenovo, Intel Corporation, Samsung, Microsoft as well as Dell among others. Apple Inc. began the move of developing personal computing in 1977, however, because of variations in the management as well as contrasting opinions plus missed opportunities, it has lost its competitive advantage to other corporations like Microsoft, Dell as well as Samsung. Even with such stiff competition from its business counterparts, it continues to hunt the personal computer market though not like it used to do before. It opts to deviate its focus and venture into the music business through the manufacture and exchange of iPod, iTunes as well as digital music players. Marketing approaches like differentiation and specialization have enabled Apple to rejuvenate its market share. Significantly, the adoption of such strategies empowers an organization to acquire diverse knowledge as well as skills hence producing best quality products sold at considerable prices. Therefore, Apple company applies costs as well as products as the focus on their strategies to strive in the international market. It is imperative to note that, Apple Inc. is grounded on two
  • 3. significant values which are; Inclusion and Diversity. To break it down further, Apple Inc. believes that humanity is not a singular concept but a plural and the most appropriate way to operate is through "everybody in" hence inclusion is the company's religion. On the hand, working with different people despite race, ethnicity, age or gender, is important because it is through diversity that innovation is very possible. Consequently, the corporation believes in creativity, innovation, idea development as well as competency through teamwork, hence inclusion and diversity. Vision and mission statements give a company the strength to be successful in a competitive atmosphere and Apple company is not an exception. The company's management and staffs felt motivated and inspired to work innovatively and creatively harder to support and contribute to a company's success, and therefore, Apple Inc. operates on the following vision and mission statements. Vision statement Currently, the Corporation operates on a vision that is considerably detailed, and the reflects on the comprehensive strategy of the company to maintain a constant growth as well as well as success. For example, it enumerates some critical facts like innovation, which unswervingly relates to the with the Firm's hasty innovation policy. Additionally, the vision statement identifies explicitly simplicity, which is also an integral part of Apple's strategy to product design and manufacture. Furthermore, the company is well known for its products that are user-friendly, consequently, the idea of simplicity. The simplicity of iPhone, as well as iOS, makes communication comfortable, easy to use apps plus internet for consumers to use or operate. The company's vision also consciously selects its market exploration to help directs its decision making especially in product design as well as strategic devising. The vision statement also includes the organizational culture to help set the codes of conducts. As a significant aspect, it also highlights its workers' collaboration
  • 4. and success to its commercial activities bringing into the picture the element of inclusion and diversity as the core principles. Analytically, the vision statement is much more comprehensive in attending to various aspects of the business. Moreover, it conclusively demonstrates the theme of the holistic approach of the corporate leaders. The vision is satisfactory because of its explicit directions that guide the decision-making process. Mission statement Like vision statement, Apple Inc. considers the diversity of the business landscape. Consequently, it has influenced the likelihood of the actions of the company. Therefore, the company’s mission statement is “Apple Inc. manufactures Macs, the best PCs on the planet, alongside OS X, iLife, iWork and expert programming. Apple drives the advanced music insurgency with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has redevised the cell phone with its progressive iPhone and App store, and is characterizing the fate of portable media and figuring gadgets with iPad." The statement identifies explicitly what the plans and actions are and will always be. Therefore, as a strategy, the company's mission statement includes some of its products to give the taste as well as the current position to make clients or consumers a brief menu of what they chose from since people have different preferences for the products (Rothaermel, 2015). Additionally, the statement also identifies their plan to continue with further research on products and services hence it is more accurate in depicting the firm’s situational objectives. However, the mission statement is quite slight in defining the opportunities for the company, which currently is in the best place to discover a broader diversity of options. It is important to note, the current mission statement is a deviation from the past account, hence shifting from the general picture of the business. It fails to present plans or objectives for other sections of the company. For instance, it does not provide details for factors like innovation as well as market leadership. It also doesn't mention issues like Corporate Social
  • 5. Responsibility among others. Although, it is realistic, controllable, precise as well as attainable but too narrow. Meaning, it doesn't appropriately include the Apple's universal business. Hence, the mission account can be upgraded by broadening the scope to give specifics on numerous companies of Apple. Apple’s Strategic goals Apple’s Strategic goals and objectives are strictly connected to its current vision and mission statement, and it has mentioned its sustainable strategic objectives which incorporate Environmental responsibilities, leveraging capacity to design and to expand its products. The primary goal is to spearhead innovation (Grant, 2016). Meaning, the company is determined to focus its attention on renewable energies despite business hurdles. Hence, it promises ecological responsibility by eradicating toxic products. The secondary goal is to maintain its competitive advantage through provision of globally innovative products as well as services to enable them to remain at the top of the market share. It focuses on enhancing as well as expanding its investment through the accumulation of sustainable assets by conducting further studies and development. For instance, in 2011 the company realized a considerable growth from $2.4 billion to $6.5 in 2015. Hence, it gives a critical role to enhance and expand based on its vision as well as mission statements. External and Internal Factors as well as of Apple Inc. a) External factors External factors which affect the company's decisions as well as its strategies to enhance the need to find remedies to the forces influencing the outer surrounding of the business. External factors affect inhibit the firm's market share as well as its revenue. Such factors are based on the Company's five forces investigation about the porter's analysis which presents the
  • 6. strengths of the exterior atmosphere. Such forces include; · Competition- it is also referred to as the competitive rivalry. It helps in identifying the degree of game. Based on Apple's condition this factor is useful in escalating the company's aggressiveness in the market to compete in a competitive market with companies like Samsung, DELL as well as LG. Hence, Five Force analysis is an essential approach to the market (Noe, Hollenbeck Gerhart, & Wright, 2003). · The bargaining power- the significance of factor is influence buyers' or clients' power to bargain for the products. However, to achieve this, two significant forces are involved, which include, the low fluctuating cost for the clients based on brands making it maintain the optimal consumer satisfaction. Another force is the purchasing capacity. Lower purchasing power leads to relatively low revenues thereby weakening client's consumption at the individual level. · The danger of Substitution- it affects the capacity to bring in new products to attract consumers. It is based on two exterior factors, thus, more massive quantities of substitute goods, for example, a consumer may decide to use a digital camera for photography rather than using iPhone. Substitutes also pose low extent of performance because of an inadequate number of preferred features hence Apple needs to prioritize on what it produces. b) Internal factors Interior factors always affect the decision-making of the firm. Domestic factors have the control over which varies with time. The best methods of understanding of the internal elements are the SWOT as well as Porter's analysis. These two ways help in identifying the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses as well as threats. Therefore, internal factors are understood through; · SWOT analysis Strengths Advanced products The design and technology
  • 7. Huge profit limits Promotional capacities Strong and widespread supply channels Management position Weakness High dependence on iPhone sales Reliance and inadequacy of new products Incompatibility Opportunities Establishment of innovative product chains Ability to expand its business Expansion of distribution systems Threats Aggressive rivalry/competition Imitation by other competitors The cumulative labor charge in some regions Apple Inc. Corporation exhibits several strengths which may be useful in addressing the company's weaknesses, for instance, they may fully take advantage of the existing opportunities to inflate its supply networks to enhance its competitive position in the market. As another advantage, Apple company can also scrutinize the likelihood of initializing the incompatibility as well as permitting for amalgamating with other technologies. Hence, an open product means more of the innovative product line. · Porter's Value Chain Analysis of Apple Inc This kind of scrutiny was produced by Michael Porter in which in his book upper hand he fused various activities that were embraced by an expansive number of firms. Doorman elucidates both central and bolster operations; Logistics which are inbound-Refers to the way toward getting to and expelling of homemade items and the dispersion of this products with a specific end goal to achieve upper hand. Cases of this inbound coordination incorporate Intel chips, advancement of new thoughts and other fundamental crude
  • 8. materials (De Souza & Márcio de Almeida, (2013). Marketing and Sales Refers to the different proof of the requirements of customers and the improvement and development of offers. Amid the dispatch of new items in the market, Apple Inc. promotes the products by plotting the alluring highlights followed the consistent advertising of the new products. Technological advancements in products- Improvement of innovation shapes the essential piece of any organization subsequently giving it the upper hand over its rivals in the market. Apple keeps up its upper hand in the market through its nonstop presentation of new and propelled products. In conclusion Apple Inc. is one of the best and essential organizations on the planet with an unusual brand name. It has numerous rivals in the market business. Inward factors influencing the firm were broke down utilizing Porter's esteem chain investigation and SWOT examination. The SWOT examination stressed on the qualities, shortcomings, openings lastly the dangers confronting Apple Inc. Porter’s value chain.
  • 9. References De Souza, C. D. R., & Márcio de Almeida, D. A. (2013). Value chain analysis applied to the scrap tire reverse logistics chain: An applied study of co-processing in the cement industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 78, 15-25. Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only. John Wiley & Sons. Khan, U. A., Alam, M. N., & Alam, S. (2015). A Critical Analysis of Internal and External The environment of Apple Inc. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(6), 955-961. Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2003). Gaining a competitive advantage. Irwin: McGraw-Hill. Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • 10. Instruction: Based on my internship experience, answer each question. My internship is in Shapiro Auction Internship Position: Client Relationship Advisor Responsibilities: *Answer phones, dealt with customer service issues and scheduled installation appointments *Successfully established and maintained an effective system for record retention by creating database for customers, orders, Billings, payroll and commissions *Research and procure items worth for auctions and work with Auction Management *Ensured seating arrangements are sufficient for the invited guests *Ensured decor and lighting are appropriate projects work smoothly ——————————————————————————— ——————————— Question 1. Internship Assessment: 500-1000 word narrative assessing your internship experience in light of the goals which were stated in your internship contract 2. Journal: as many pages as needed. Please note that creative approaches to creating a record will count towards your final credit
  • 11. 3. Confidential Site Evaluation: a 500 word narrative of your confidential site evaluation 4. Self-assessment: Your Self-assessment or SWOT analysis following your internship, focusing on your strengths and weakness and comparing it to your Self-assessment analysis for Internship I. 5. Strategy Plan: A five-year strategy plan that addresses your development and strengthening of your weaknesses in order to gain your ideal job title. This paper should be a minimum of 1,500 words 6. PowerPoint: A final PowerPoint of 4-6 slides, focused on a weakness that you have addressed with your internship experience Apple Inc. Page 5 of 5 Selection and Description of Organization
  • 12. Jade Nguyen Argosy University BUS480 | Business Tactics and Execution My company of interest in the fortune 500 none other than Apple. With this assignment came the interesting prospect of finding out about the company whose products everyone wants a piece of, services that scream out quality and customer relations that leave that delightful feeling. How did a company started by three men; Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne move to a global force that is among the unmatched competitors in the business world? This discussion is about to help me answer the question and back my admiration. Currently at third place in the fortune 500, Apple. Inc. has done well for itself in establishing itself as an international brand to reckon with. Apple is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California that designs, develops and sells computer software, online services and consumer electronics. It is the largest information technology company by revenue and the second largest in the world as a mobile manufacturer after Samsung. The company maintains 498 retail stores in 22 countries as of July 2017. The company’s web address is Apple is widely considered the leading company in the world in terms of innovation. Apple’s innovation strategy involves innovative business models and terrific new products. It was propelled to the top of the Industry by its relentless in creating several stylish innovative products. Apart from product
  • 13. innovation, this company has had great innovative business models that enabled it to reach those heights. The models included new synergistic ways to create, deliver and capture value. At the heart of Apple’s success is systemic innovation integration. Apple works to create a successful innovative- friendly ecosystem across traditional industry boundaries. The company has diversified its brand by mastering hardware, software, entertainment and logistics industries. Their value proposition has seen them enter and define a workable business model for downloading music. Their financial success is also due in part to adapting Apple products for use in business. The Brand’s promise is to save time and minimize frustrations for consumers. The innovation includes great in store services. A combination of product innovation and business model innovation grounded Apple at the center of a market 30 times larger than it’s original market. The market share of the company’s traditional computer market increased as new customers became attached to their products. The Marketing strategy of Apple has focused on innovation, differentiation and brand building. Apple Inc. design, manufacture and markets mobile communication and media devices, portable digital music players and personal computers. The company also sells a range of related software, accessories, services, networking solutions and third party applications and Digital content. It covers the Americas, Europe, Great China, Japan and the rest of Asia Pacific. The company’s products include iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple Watch, Apple TV, a portfolio of consumer and professional applications, iPhone OS(iOS) OS X and Watch OS operating system. Services include iCloud, Apple Pay and a range of accessory services and support offerings. Through it’s stores such as iTunes, App store, Mac App Store, television App Store, iBook store and Apple music which are all internet services, Apple sells and delivers digital content and applications. The sales are done in Apple retail stores, online stores and direct sales force through third party cellular network
  • 14. carriers, value added resellers, wholesalers and retailers. The company also deals in third party compatible products such as accessories and application software through it’s retail and online stores. The market for Apple includes small and mid sized businesses and Education, consumers, government and Enterprise customers. The company has a line of iPhone smartphones based on it’s iOS operating system. Qualifying devices have a voice activated intelligent Assistant, Apple Pay, touch ID and Siri. The iPhone 7 and 7 plus have stereo speakers, new camera systems, dust and water resistance. iPhone works with iBook store, Apple music, iTunes store and App store for purchasing, organizing and playing digital content and applications. Apple also has a line of iPad tablets including pro, air and mini. Mac makes up the Brand’s line of desktops and portable personal computers based on Mac OS operating systems. The Mac Books make up the latter while desktops include Pro and Mini. Music and media players are the iPods which work with iTunes as well as the other stores. Apple TV connects to consumer TVs and enables them access digital content and stream HAD videos, play music, games and view photos. The Apple Watch series 2 features fitness and health capabilities.Application software from Apple include: iLife, iWork, File Maker Pro. iTunes helps in purchase and download of music and TV shows, rent or purchase movies and download free products. iCloud is used to store music, photos, contacts, calendars, mail, documents and more. Apple Pay allows users to pay for purchases in stores accepting contactless payments and pay for purchases within participating applications qualifying devices. Other products include: beats products, headphones, displays, storage devices as well as connectivity and computing products and supplies. Air pods and wireless headphones from Apple interact with Siri. Apple is the largest brand in the technology industry in terms of it’s revenue generated as well as it’s brand ranking. This comes as no surprise as Apple has consistently produced ground breaking and revolutionary products. They are constantly
  • 15. focused innovating great products and focus on what they term important projects to them. Settling for nothing less than excellence and accepting correction is a great strength of theirs. For instance when Taylor Swift wrote an open letter concerning streaming of music for artistes for free, the company took it in stride and corrected their position on paying royalties. . The Marketing edge for them has been superior technology products, brand equity, revenue margins and being futuristic. REFERENCES 1. Apple. Inc. 2. Bhasin. H (2017). Marketing strategy of Apple Inc. 3. Fortune 500 2017 Companies (2017)