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Stem Cell Essay
Adult stem cell are difficult to obtain and have a lower growth potential. Although they have a
limited capacity to differentiate and they are compatible with adult tissue, you can only obtain a
small amount of cells. An alternative would be obtaining stem cell from the umbilical cord, given
the fact that are easily to obtain, they are compatible with other body tissue , they may have a
limited capacity to differentiate but they are not a treat to the child life. Both these option offer a
small amount of stem cell to work with compared to embryonic stem cells. There is a preference to
choose embryonic stem cell due to the unlimited growth potential, lower probability to mutations
and the unlimited differentiation. The only downside is more content...
This means destroying a potential human life. But embryonic stem cell research could lead to the
discovery of new medical treatments that would alleviate the suffering of many people.
The status of humanity and human life has been the subject of thoit and debate from millennia now.
From a philosophical approach , we can recognize that there is something special in human being.
Some people could deny the potential for medical research from research into embryonic and adult
cells, but the issue is shoud we be using embrys to do this?
Science vs. religion has been one of the hottest debated topics for the past several hundred years.
When it comes to when life begins, each religion has its own perspective, so it‟s hard to discuss
which is the "correct",(–project/Available/E–project–102710–204456
When it comes to society view on this matter, as many are the issues raised, many are the benefit.
How far would you be justified in destroying what could be a human being if you created the right
conditions for the embryo to be implanted but you nonetheless decided to do research on it instead?
What justifies research?
One of the things that is problematic about the debate is that it focuses so much on the status of the
embryo and the rights of the embryo and so little on the needs of the
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Stem Cells Essay
Stem cells are used every day throughout the United States to help cure diseases and save lives.
Stem cells can also be used to study labor defects so that future birth deficiencies can be prevented
or reversed. Although as a college student starting a family may not be on your mind yet, it is
always beneficial to educate yourself on current trends and new discoveries in stem cell research.
Andres Travino and his wife were excited when their son Andy was born ten years ago. Andy prayed
and hoped for a healthy baby despite the fact that his wife was a carrier of a genetic gene called
NEMO, which caused the immune system to fail. Unfortunately soon after their son was born he
was diagnosed with NEMO. They did not know what to do more content...
There are several types of stem cells. One type is the adult stem cell. "Adult stem cells are
tissue–specific, meaning they are found in a given tissue in our bodies and generate the mature cell
types within that particular tissue or organ" (Gage). They are bone marrow or cord blood stem cell
transplants that are used to treat diseases of the blood or to repair the blood system after
treatment for certain cancers. An additional type of adult stem cell is the mesenchymal stem cell.
"These are found in a number of tissues, including bone marrow, and may be able to produce
bone, cartilage and fat. It is also possible that these or similar cells may aid in the regeneration of
tissues" (Gage). An alternative stem cell is the embryotic stem cell. Fred Gage states,
"Embryonic stem cells are derived from very early embryos and can in theory give rise to all cell
types in the body" (par. 4). Unfortunately embryonic stem cells have the capability of transforming
into cancerous tissue after being transplanted. Alice Parks, the medicine reporter for Times
Magazine, states, "Embryonic stem cells are known for their ability to grow indefinitely" (par.6). In
order to be used in cell transplant treatments, the cells will most likely need to be engaged into a
more developed cell type. This will diminish the chances for the cancer to mature.
"Current research projects have attained stem cells from tissue which has been detached during
terminated pregnancies or from
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Essay on Stem Cells
What is a stem cell?
Stem cells have the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized
cells. They are best described in the context of normal human development. Human development
begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single cell that has the potential to form an entire
organism. This fertilized egg is totipotent, meaning that its potential is total. In the first hours after
fertilization, this cell divides into identical totipotent cells. This means that either one of these cells,
if placed into a woman's uterus, has the potential to develop into a fetus. In fact, identical twins
develop when two totipotent cells separate and develop into two individual, more content...
For example, consider one of the best understood stem cells, the blood stem cell. Blood stem cells
reside in the bone marrow of every child and adult, and in fact, they can be found in very small
numbers circulating in the blood stream. Blood stem cells perform the critical role of continually
replenishing our supply of blood cells – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets – throughout
life. A person cannot survive without blood stem cells.
How pluripotent stem cells are derived
At present, human pluripotent cell lines have been developed from two sources1 with methods
previously developed in work with animal models.
(1) In the work done by Dr. Thomson, pluripotent stem cells were isolated directly from the inner
cell mass of human embryos at the blastocyst stage. Dr. Thomson received embryos from IVF (In
Vitro Fertilization) clinics–these embryos were in excess of the clinical need for infertility
treatment. The embryos were made for purposes of reproduction, not research. Informed consent was
obtained from the donor couples. Dr. Thomson isolated the inner cell mass (see Figure III) and
cultured these cells producing a pluripotent stem cell line.
(2) In contrast, Dr. Gearhart isolated pluripotent stem cells from fetal tissue obtained from terminated
pregnancies. Informed consent was obtained from the donors after they had independently made the
decision to terminate their pregnancy. Dr. Gearhart took
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Essay on Stem Cell Research
Stem Cell Research
Research on stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell
and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This promising area of science is
also leading scientists to investigate the possibility of cell–based therapies to treat disease, which is
often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine.
Research on the topic of stem cells is advancing the scientific knowledge about how cells develop.
Stem cell research is applied to two main characteristics that allow stem cells to be distinguished
among most other types of cells. The first major characteristic is that the stem cells are unspecialized
and can renew themselves through cell divisions for more content...
Embryonic stem cells that have multiplied in a cell culture for six months without differentiating,
are pluripotent, and appear genetically similar to normal cells are termed as embryonic stem cells.
During tests, scientists test the stem cells to see if they exhibit the fundamental properties that
make them embryonic stem cells to differentiate them from other cells. An adult stem cell is an
"undiffertiated" cell found among differentiated cells in an organ or tissue that can renew itself,
and can differentiate to produce specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. Also, unlike
embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells origins in mature tissues or organs are a mystery. One
population of stem cells called hematopoietic cells is responsible for all the blood cells in the body.
Similarly stromal cells are responsible for the generations of bone, cartilage, fat and connective
tissues such as tendons.
Recently, as of 2/12/04, stem cell production has been achieved in Seoul Korea. They achieved this
by cloning and extracting embryonic stem cells. The scientists exclaimed in their publication that
their achievements were to expand medicinal use of stem cells and not for fertility reasons. One
problem exists with stem cells is that they continue to grow, which means their programmed cell
death are not present and could be detrimental instead of beneficial. There have been discussions that
once a blastocyst is
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Stem Cell Therapy Essay
In order to discover the ways for the remedy of diseases, studies in therapeutic approaches have
been doing widely and kept increasing at accelerated pace. A lot of research areas had emerged for
that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells
therapies. Due to self–renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new
hope in modern treatment.
The first successful case of stem cell therapy in human was reported in 1959. Bone marrow
restorations were observed in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation subsequent by
intravenous injection of their twins' bone marrow (Thomas et al, 1957). Nevertheless, that effect was
transient and the following more content...
However, this problem could be minimized in nonmalignant patients by using autologous
Cell contamination is another risk factor in stem cell therapies that should be concerned. Since stem
cells are human–derived products, contamination could occur at any steps in process. Start from
stem cell sources or donors, they might carry viruses, parasites or diseases that can infect patients
after transplantation. So, donor screening tests and assessment need to be performed (Sacchi et al,
2008). Medical and familial histories of donors are also essential and should be scrutinized in order
to avoid getting stem cells from someone that might transmit congenital defect, autoimmunity or
malignant disease to the patient (Niederwieser et al, 2004). Harvesting and culturing of stem cells
are the processes that might have caused the microbial contamination as well, thus, sterile technique
must be cautiously conducted during those steps.
Up till now, bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cells transplantation has been proofed to cure many
diseases such as aplastic anemia, acute and chronic leukemia, and severe thalassemia with low
complications in
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Stem Cells Essay
Stem cells are a large focus of study in today's biomedical world. They are cells that exist in an
undifferentiated state, and transform into differing tissue types depending on what the cells
surrounding them are. The different types of stem cells have the ability to repair many classes of
damaged human tissue. However, only one type of stem cell promises to regenerate virtually any
class of tissue. This is the highly controversial embryonic stem cell (ESC). Unfortunately, there is a
dark side to the ESC. To obtain these cells from embryos will ultimately kill it. By definition, the
acquisition of the ESC includes performing an abortion. This has created a great stir in the public
world, where abortion is such a hot topic more content...
Effectively, the mice were cured. Soon, other scientists found they were able to repeat this
phenomenon in other laboratories around the world.
Multiple Sclerosis is not the only disease that scientists have the ability to cure. In some isolated
cases, juvenile diabetes has been added to the list of cured diseases (Goldstein n.p.). This,
however, is not the only disease scientists believe they will be able to cure. Stem cells show
promise to have the ability to cure diseases including but not limited to Alzheimer's Disease, Lou
Gherig's Disease, Hodgkin's Disease, and nearly every form of cancer. With research allowing the
discovery of cures to an ever–growing list of diseases, many scientists are devoting much of their
time to push for more support from the people as well as the government to continue their research.
The medical world has also stepped in to petition for support. Scientists and doctors alike understand
the potential of stem cells, and the number of lives they can save, although, they also understand the
necessity of the people's support. Until Americans understand the vast potential of stem cells, these
scientists and doctors will continue to perform their research and medical procedures without
drawing undue attention to their activities. However, they strongly believe in what they are doing,
and refuse to stop saving lives.
Doctor Larry Goldstein, a professor of cellular
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Stem Cells Essay
Embryonic Stem Cells
"Embryonic stem cells...are in effect, a human self–repair kit," (Christopher Reeve, activist – Larry
King show). For the advancement of science, stem cells are infinitely valuable, especially when
considering all the potential applications in the field of medicine. Stem cell usage is a very
controversial topic, because most people think of abortions, cloning, and other negative topics when
they hear the term stem cell.
However I think those thoughts are because they don't understand what a stem cell is, where it
comes from, or its monumental possibilities that could greatly benefit the medical field.
There are already demonstrations of Stem cells possibilities, because treatment with stem cells has more content...
Pluripotent cells could help with things like re–growing a kidney or leg ligament, if yours has been
Pluripotent stem cells can create the possibility for a renewable source of replacement tissues and
cells, which means a large number of diseases could be cured and treated.
This includes debilitating diseases, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Leukemia, Down syndrome, muscular
dystrophies, retinal degeneration, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes,
osteo–arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, brain repair, skin for burn victims, and maybe even cancer and
diabetes (
Finally Multipotent cells can be found in children and adults, in blood, bones, and etc.
They only have specific functions, and can no longer do anything besides those functions. However,
Multipotent cells are still useful in replacing or replenishing any damage cells that are similar to the
specialized type, which means less people waiting on organ donors. That would be a tremendous
accomplishment, because thousands of people die each while waiting for an organ transplant. (MRC).
When scientists completely learn how stem cells work, they could be able to create tissues needed
to treat patients with various types of sickness and disease. For example, Birth defects and cancer
arise do to abnormal cell specialization and cell division. If scientists were to understand how to
manipulate these
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Essay On Stem Cells
So basically I'm gonna summarize an article and it's about the genetic profiling of putative breast
cancer stem cells from pleural effusions. The authors of this article used this opportunity and found
out that pleural effusions were great opportunities to be able to study metastasis and for isolating
stem cells. The doctors basically isolated the cancer stem cells(csc) and the non cancer stem
cells(non–csc) and were able to derive how fast these stem cells were able to form. At the moment
breast cancer is the leading cause cancer related deaths in females. This mortality rate seems to stay
around the same due to something called cancer metastasis(the growth of another cancerous tumor
away from the primary tumor. And for this reason more content...
So scientists basically separate all the cells from a clump and let them float in some liquid. After
a while the fast developing cancer cells will begin to duplicate at a fast rate while normal cells
would do that at a slower rate. Scientists later then sorted out the CSCs (cancer stem cells) and
tested them for ALDH1. But most of these tests came back with some negative results as they had
been detected in some pleural cells but only had a median detection of 2.7%. So they then used a
CD44+CD24 detection sample and they were able to evaluate 13 out of 18 pleural effusions (72%).
(Defining CD24– a heat stable antigen found on the surface of a cell CD44– hyaluronic acid
receptor) These tests were done until sample 13 because after sample 13 they added optimization
steps which included having the samples filtered through a wide mash and then filtered through
another filtration strainer after the lysis step. These received better results with the unsorted cells
instead of the sorted cells which made mammospheres.
Defining what the tables and pictures say. On page 6 there is a table with 25 examples of tested
pleural cells it also shows their ages and they're somewhere between 91 and 49. next column shows
Her2(human epidermal growth–factor receptor 2) and that is a a protein and can be found inside
cancer and normal cells. If found this protein can help determine which kind of treatment is best for
the patient
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Stem Cells Essay
After many decades of successful and unsuccessful trials to find a cure for diseases and disorders
such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and/or Parkinson's disease, it seems like
scientific research has provided us with a hope for these diseases. This essay will address the
issue of controversial research in stem cells. This technology offers hope to millions who are
victims of a multitude of diseases and disorders. It can be used to regrow limbs, create organs,
attack genetic diseases, treat malfunctioning bladders, etc. However, this same technology is also
one of the most controversial debates in science today. If you type "stem cells research" into your
Google search bar, you will most likely find not only advances in more content...
The paper will then focus on how the public opinion can affect stem cells research and the main
factor that shapes different opinions on this controversial topic. Lastly, this paper will discuss
regulations of stem cells. Given the number of countries that are currently experimenting with
stem cells, this essay will only discuss the regulations imposed by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the National Health Institute (NIH), both agencies of the United
States Department of Health and Human Services. The scope of this paper does not include
ethical, religious and/or moral issues. This paper is addressing stem cells research because this
topic gives us, civilians, something called hope. We cannot count the number of doctors
/researchers who struggle on a daily basis to find hope for victims of a multitude of diseases and
disorders. In the United States alone, 16 million people, including hundreds of thousands of
children, suffer from diabetes. There are more than 4.5 million people with Parkinson's disease,
more than 5.5 million with Alzheimer's disease, and nearly 5 million with congestive heart failure
(Kelly, 2007). Being able to treat some of the worst experiences a human can possibly experience
in his/her life, provides us with hope for a better future. Moreover, this could also open the doors to
new opportunities in biotechnology. Success with stem cells can result in an
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Embryonic Stem Cells Essay
Embryonic cells should be allowed to be used because of the medical benefits they provide. They
can be used to cure diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury,
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and even vision and hearing loss ( 2009).
There is no problem using them for medical purposes and it is not immoral to use them for this
reason. Embryonic cells have the potential to save lives. Therefore, the usage of embryonic cells
outweighs the ethical issues.
Although many people argue that the usage of embryonic stem cells is immoral, they are thought to
have much greater developmental potential than adult stem cells ( 2009). While stem cells
are not taken from an embryo and more content...
Others develop into muscle cells that can contract and also into nerve cells. Because they have the
potential to become such a wide variety of specialized cells, embryonic stem cells are described as
pluripotent. Plurip.0otency is one of two key features of embryonic stem cells. The second key
feature of embryonic stem cells is their ability to divide or self renew for an indefinite period while
retaining their undifferentiated, pluripotent state. As the cell mass grows, the population can be
further expanded by growing in larger tissue culture flasks. An unlimited number of undifferentiated,
pluripotent stem cells can be produced (Sumanas Inc. 2007).
Once there is an understanding of how embryonic cells are taken from the body, it can be
explained why they should be used contrary to the beliefs some people have. First, Embryonic
cells can cure diseases. For example, if someone is paralyzed, doctors can take an embryonic cell
and use this to cure the patient ( A man named Rusty Leech, from Michigan, was able to
regain sensation in his body, when he previously could not because of a car accident. Two months of
physical therapy and embryonic stem cell injections enabled him to regain feeling below his waist
again. He has regained limited muscle use to help him go to the bathroom and move his legs a little
on his own. "The results were unbelievable, to feel the sensations in my body that weren't
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Stem Cells Essay

  • 1. Stem Cell Essay Adult stem cell are difficult to obtain and have a lower growth potential. Although they have a limited capacity to differentiate and they are compatible with adult tissue, you can only obtain a small amount of cells. An alternative would be obtaining stem cell from the umbilical cord, given the fact that are easily to obtain, they are compatible with other body tissue , they may have a limited capacity to differentiate but they are not a treat to the child life. Both these option offer a small amount of stem cell to work with compared to embryonic stem cells. There is a preference to choose embryonic stem cell due to the unlimited growth potential, lower probability to mutations and the unlimited differentiation. The only downside is more content... This means destroying a potential human life. But embryonic stem cell research could lead to the discovery of new medical treatments that would alleviate the suffering of many people. The status of humanity and human life has been the subject of thoit and debate from millennia now. From a philosophical approach , we can recognize that there is something special in human being. Some people could deny the potential for medical research from research into embryonic and adult cells, but the issue is shoud we be using embrys to do this? Science vs. religion has been one of the hottest debated topics for the past several hundred years. When it comes to when life begins, each religion has its own perspective, so it‟s hard to discuss which is the "correct",(–project/Available/E–project–102710–204456 /unrestricted/IQP.pdf) When it comes to society view on this matter, as many are the issues raised, many are the benefit. How far would you be justified in destroying what could be a human being if you created the right conditions for the embryo to be implanted but you nonetheless decided to do research on it instead? What justifies research? One of the things that is problematic about the debate is that it focuses so much on the status of the embryo and the rights of the embryo and so little on the needs of the Get more content on
  • 2. Stem Cells Essay Stem cells are used every day throughout the United States to help cure diseases and save lives. Stem cells can also be used to study labor defects so that future birth deficiencies can be prevented or reversed. Although as a college student starting a family may not be on your mind yet, it is always beneficial to educate yourself on current trends and new discoveries in stem cell research. Andres Travino and his wife were excited when their son Andy was born ten years ago. Andy prayed and hoped for a healthy baby despite the fact that his wife was a carrier of a genetic gene called NEMO, which caused the immune system to fail. Unfortunately soon after their son was born he was diagnosed with NEMO. They did not know what to do more content... There are several types of stem cells. One type is the adult stem cell. "Adult stem cells are tissue–specific, meaning they are found in a given tissue in our bodies and generate the mature cell types within that particular tissue or organ" (Gage). They are bone marrow or cord blood stem cell transplants that are used to treat diseases of the blood or to repair the blood system after treatment for certain cancers. An additional type of adult stem cell is the mesenchymal stem cell. "These are found in a number of tissues, including bone marrow, and may be able to produce bone, cartilage and fat. It is also possible that these or similar cells may aid in the regeneration of tissues" (Gage). An alternative stem cell is the embryotic stem cell. Fred Gage states, "Embryonic stem cells are derived from very early embryos and can in theory give rise to all cell types in the body" (par. 4). Unfortunately embryonic stem cells have the capability of transforming into cancerous tissue after being transplanted. Alice Parks, the medicine reporter for Times Magazine, states, "Embryonic stem cells are known for their ability to grow indefinitely" (par.6). In order to be used in cell transplant treatments, the cells will most likely need to be engaged into a more developed cell type. This will diminish the chances for the cancer to mature. "Current research projects have attained stem cells from tissue which has been detached during terminated pregnancies or from Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Stem Cells What is a stem cell? Stem cells have the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells. They are best described in the context of normal human development. Human development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg and creates a single cell that has the potential to form an entire organism. This fertilized egg is totipotent, meaning that its potential is total. In the first hours after fertilization, this cell divides into identical totipotent cells. This means that either one of these cells, if placed into a woman's uterus, has the potential to develop into a fetus. In fact, identical twins develop when two totipotent cells separate and develop into two individual, more content... For example, consider one of the best understood stem cells, the blood stem cell. Blood stem cells reside in the bone marrow of every child and adult, and in fact, they can be found in very small numbers circulating in the blood stream. Blood stem cells perform the critical role of continually replenishing our supply of blood cells – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets – throughout life. A person cannot survive without blood stem cells. How pluripotent stem cells are derived At present, human pluripotent cell lines have been developed from two sources1 with methods previously developed in work with animal models. (1) In the work done by Dr. Thomson, pluripotent stem cells were isolated directly from the inner cell mass of human embryos at the blastocyst stage. Dr. Thomson received embryos from IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) clinics–these embryos were in excess of the clinical need for infertility treatment. The embryos were made for purposes of reproduction, not research. Informed consent was obtained from the donor couples. Dr. Thomson isolated the inner cell mass (see Figure III) and cultured these cells producing a pluripotent stem cell line. (2) In contrast, Dr. Gearhart isolated pluripotent stem cells from fetal tissue obtained from terminated pregnancies. Informed consent was obtained from the donors after they had independently made the decision to terminate their pregnancy. Dr. Gearhart took Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Research Research on stem cells is advancing knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This promising area of science is also leading scientists to investigate the possibility of cell–based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine. Research on the topic of stem cells is advancing the scientific knowledge about how cells develop. Stem cell research is applied to two main characteristics that allow stem cells to be distinguished among most other types of cells. The first major characteristic is that the stem cells are unspecialized and can renew themselves through cell divisions for more content... Embryonic stem cells that have multiplied in a cell culture for six months without differentiating, are pluripotent, and appear genetically similar to normal cells are termed as embryonic stem cells. During tests, scientists test the stem cells to see if they exhibit the fundamental properties that make them embryonic stem cells to differentiate them from other cells. An adult stem cell is an "undiffertiated" cell found among differentiated cells in an organ or tissue that can renew itself, and can differentiate to produce specialized cell types of the tissue or organ. Also, unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells origins in mature tissues or organs are a mystery. One population of stem cells called hematopoietic cells is responsible for all the blood cells in the body. Similarly stromal cells are responsible for the generations of bone, cartilage, fat and connective tissues such as tendons. Recently, as of 2/12/04, stem cell production has been achieved in Seoul Korea. They achieved this by cloning and extracting embryonic stem cells. The scientists exclaimed in their publication that their achievements were to expand medicinal use of stem cells and not for fertility reasons. One problem exists with stem cells is that they continue to grow, which means their programmed cell death are not present and could be detrimental instead of beneficial. There have been discussions that once a blastocyst is Get more content on
  • 5. Stem Cell Therapy Essay In order to discover the ways for the remedy of diseases, studies in therapeutic approaches have been doing widely and kept increasing at accelerated pace. A lot of research areas had emerged for that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells therapies. Due to self–renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new hope in modern treatment. The first successful case of stem cell therapy in human was reported in 1959. Bone marrow restorations were observed in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation subsequent by intravenous injection of their twins' bone marrow (Thomas et al, 1957). Nevertheless, that effect was transient and the following more content... However, this problem could be minimized in nonmalignant patients by using autologous transplantation. Cell contamination is another risk factor in stem cell therapies that should be concerned. Since stem cells are human–derived products, contamination could occur at any steps in process. Start from stem cell sources or donors, they might carry viruses, parasites or diseases that can infect patients after transplantation. So, donor screening tests and assessment need to be performed (Sacchi et al, 2008). Medical and familial histories of donors are also essential and should be scrutinized in order to avoid getting stem cells from someone that might transmit congenital defect, autoimmunity or malignant disease to the patient (Niederwieser et al, 2004). Harvesting and culturing of stem cells are the processes that might have caused the microbial contamination as well, thus, sterile technique must be cautiously conducted during those steps. Up till now, bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cells transplantation has been proofed to cure many diseases such as aplastic anemia, acute and chronic leukemia, and severe thalassemia with low complications in Get more content on
  • 6. Stem Cells Essay Stem cells are a large focus of study in today's biomedical world. They are cells that exist in an undifferentiated state, and transform into differing tissue types depending on what the cells surrounding them are. The different types of stem cells have the ability to repair many classes of damaged human tissue. However, only one type of stem cell promises to regenerate virtually any class of tissue. This is the highly controversial embryonic stem cell (ESC). Unfortunately, there is a dark side to the ESC. To obtain these cells from embryos will ultimately kill it. By definition, the acquisition of the ESC includes performing an abortion. This has created a great stir in the public world, where abortion is such a hot topic more content... Effectively, the mice were cured. Soon, other scientists found they were able to repeat this phenomenon in other laboratories around the world. Multiple Sclerosis is not the only disease that scientists have the ability to cure. In some isolated cases, juvenile diabetes has been added to the list of cured diseases (Goldstein n.p.). This, however, is not the only disease scientists believe they will be able to cure. Stem cells show promise to have the ability to cure diseases including but not limited to Alzheimer's Disease, Lou Gherig's Disease, Hodgkin's Disease, and nearly every form of cancer. With research allowing the discovery of cures to an ever–growing list of diseases, many scientists are devoting much of their time to push for more support from the people as well as the government to continue their research. The medical world has also stepped in to petition for support. Scientists and doctors alike understand the potential of stem cells, and the number of lives they can save, although, they also understand the necessity of the people's support. Until Americans understand the vast potential of stem cells, these scientists and doctors will continue to perform their research and medical procedures without drawing undue attention to their activities. However, they strongly believe in what they are doing, and refuse to stop saving lives. Doctor Larry Goldstein, a professor of cellular Get more content on
  • 7. Stem Cells Essay Embryonic Stem Cells "Embryonic stem cells...are in effect, a human self–repair kit," (Christopher Reeve, activist – Larry King show). For the advancement of science, stem cells are infinitely valuable, especially when considering all the potential applications in the field of medicine. Stem cell usage is a very controversial topic, because most people think of abortions, cloning, and other negative topics when they hear the term stem cell. However I think those thoughts are because they don't understand what a stem cell is, where it comes from, or its monumental possibilities that could greatly benefit the medical field. There are already demonstrations of Stem cells possibilities, because treatment with stem cells has more content... Pluripotent cells could help with things like re–growing a kidney or leg ligament, if yours has been damaged. Pluripotent stem cells can create the possibility for a renewable source of replacement tissues and cells, which means a large number of diseases could be cured and treated. This includes debilitating diseases, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Leukemia, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophies, retinal degeneration, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteo–arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, brain repair, skin for burn victims, and maybe even cancer and diabetes ( Finally Multipotent cells can be found in children and adults, in blood, bones, and etc. They only have specific functions, and can no longer do anything besides those functions. However, Multipotent cells are still useful in replacing or replenishing any damage cells that are similar to the specialized type, which means less people waiting on organ donors. That would be a tremendous accomplishment, because thousands of people die each while waiting for an organ transplant. (MRC). When scientists completely learn how stem cells work, they could be able to create tissues needed to treat patients with various types of sickness and disease. For example, Birth defects and cancer arise do to abnormal cell specialization and cell division. If scientists were to understand how to manipulate these Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Stem Cells So basically I'm gonna summarize an article and it's about the genetic profiling of putative breast cancer stem cells from pleural effusions. The authors of this article used this opportunity and found out that pleural effusions were great opportunities to be able to study metastasis and for isolating stem cells. The doctors basically isolated the cancer stem cells(csc) and the non cancer stem cells(non–csc) and were able to derive how fast these stem cells were able to form. At the moment breast cancer is the leading cause cancer related deaths in females. This mortality rate seems to stay around the same due to something called cancer metastasis(the growth of another cancerous tumor away from the primary tumor. And for this reason more content... So scientists basically separate all the cells from a clump and let them float in some liquid. After a while the fast developing cancer cells will begin to duplicate at a fast rate while normal cells would do that at a slower rate. Scientists later then sorted out the CSCs (cancer stem cells) and tested them for ALDH1. But most of these tests came back with some negative results as they had been detected in some pleural cells but only had a median detection of 2.7%. So they then used a CD44+CD24 detection sample and they were able to evaluate 13 out of 18 pleural effusions (72%). (Defining CD24– a heat stable antigen found on the surface of a cell CD44– hyaluronic acid receptor) These tests were done until sample 13 because after sample 13 they added optimization steps which included having the samples filtered through a wide mash and then filtered through another filtration strainer after the lysis step. These received better results with the unsorted cells instead of the sorted cells which made mammospheres. Defining what the tables and pictures say. On page 6 there is a table with 25 examples of tested pleural cells it also shows their ages and they're somewhere between 91 and 49. next column shows Her2(human epidermal growth–factor receptor 2) and that is a a protein and can be found inside cancer and normal cells. If found this protein can help determine which kind of treatment is best for the patient Get more content on
  • 9. Stem Cells Essay After many decades of successful and unsuccessful trials to find a cure for diseases and disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and/or Parkinson's disease, it seems like scientific research has provided us with a hope for these diseases. This essay will address the issue of controversial research in stem cells. This technology offers hope to millions who are victims of a multitude of diseases and disorders. It can be used to regrow limbs, create organs, attack genetic diseases, treat malfunctioning bladders, etc. However, this same technology is also one of the most controversial debates in science today. If you type "stem cells research" into your Google search bar, you will most likely find not only advances in more content... The paper will then focus on how the public opinion can affect stem cells research and the main factor that shapes different opinions on this controversial topic. Lastly, this paper will discuss regulations of stem cells. Given the number of countries that are currently experimenting with stem cells, this essay will only discuss the regulations imposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Health Institute (NIH), both agencies of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The scope of this paper does not include ethical, religious and/or moral issues. This paper is addressing stem cells research because this topic gives us, civilians, something called hope. We cannot count the number of doctors /researchers who struggle on a daily basis to find hope for victims of a multitude of diseases and disorders. In the United States alone, 16 million people, including hundreds of thousands of children, suffer from diabetes. There are more than 4.5 million people with Parkinson's disease, more than 5.5 million with Alzheimer's disease, and nearly 5 million with congestive heart failure (Kelly, 2007). Being able to treat some of the worst experiences a human can possibly experience in his/her life, provides us with hope for a better future. Moreover, this could also open the doors to new opportunities in biotechnology. Success with stem cells can result in an Get more content on
  • 10. Embryonic Stem Cells Essay Embryonic cells should be allowed to be used because of the medical benefits they provide. They can be used to cure diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, traumatic spinal cord injury, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, heart disease, and even vision and hearing loss ( 2009). There is no problem using them for medical purposes and it is not immoral to use them for this reason. Embryonic cells have the potential to save lives. Therefore, the usage of embryonic cells outweighs the ethical issues. Although many people argue that the usage of embryonic stem cells is immoral, they are thought to have much greater developmental potential than adult stem cells ( 2009). While stem cells are not taken from an embryo and more content... Others develop into muscle cells that can contract and also into nerve cells. Because they have the potential to become such a wide variety of specialized cells, embryonic stem cells are described as pluripotent. Plurip.0otency is one of two key features of embryonic stem cells. The second key feature of embryonic stem cells is their ability to divide or self renew for an indefinite period while retaining their undifferentiated, pluripotent state. As the cell mass grows, the population can be further expanded by growing in larger tissue culture flasks. An unlimited number of undifferentiated, pluripotent stem cells can be produced (Sumanas Inc. 2007). Once there is an understanding of how embryonic cells are taken from the body, it can be explained why they should be used contrary to the beliefs some people have. First, Embryonic cells can cure diseases. For example, if someone is paralyzed, doctors can take an embryonic cell and use this to cure the patient ( A man named Rusty Leech, from Michigan, was able to regain sensation in his body, when he previously could not because of a car accident. Two months of physical therapy and embryonic stem cell injections enabled him to regain feeling below his waist again. He has regained limited muscle use to help him go to the bathroom and move his legs a little on his own. "The results were unbelievable, to feel the sensations in my body that weren't Get more content on