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Онлайн тестування. Щоб дати об`єктивну оцінку ваших знань, питання з розгорнутою
відповіддю повиннні перевіряти спеціально підготовлені викладачі. При визначенні загального
результату онлайн тестування, буде взято середній бал за це питання, а саме 10 балів по
непереведеній шкалі. Також, в кінці тестування, у вашому профілі будуть подані імовірні
результати, які ви могли б набрати отримавши від 0 до 14 балів за це питання. Якщо ви не хочети
щоб у кінцевий результат тесту нараховувалися ці 10, імовірно набраних вами, балів, то не
клікайте по кнопці "Продовжити" на цій сторінці, а виберіть бажану операцію з правої панелі
Критерії оцінювання письмового висловлення
Максимально можливасума балівза письмове висловлення(сумабалівза всіма критеріями) –14
а. Змістове наповнення(опрацюваннячотирьохумов,зазначених уситуації):
а1 - першаумова(whyyouare writing):
Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів
Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал
Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів
а2 - друга умова(yourpersonal qualities,language skillsandexperience withchildren):
Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів
Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал
Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів
aЗ - третяумова(whyyouthink thiswork experience wouldbe importantforyourfuture):
Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів
Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал
Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів
b. Структуратекстутазв’язність:b1 - зв’язність,наявністьз’єднувальних елементівутексті;b2-
Зв’язність,наявністьз’єднувальних елементівутексті (b1):
З’єднувальні елементи забезпечують зв’язок між частинами тексту на рівні змістових абзаців, а
також окремих речень в абзацах. У тексті наявні сполучники сурядності та підрядності, слова-
знязки, вставні слова тощо - 2 тестових балів
З’єднувальні елементи між частинами тексту на рівні змістових абзаців та окремих речень в
абзацах наявні частково - 1 тестовийбал
З’єднувальні елементивідсутні - 0тестових балів
Стиль висловлення повністю відповідає вимогам написання офіційного листа-заяви, в якому
зазвичай висловлюється прохання бути прийнятим на роботу, зарахованим на певний курс
навчання тощо.
При написанні листа повинен бути використаний формальний стиль, для якого є характерним
ввічливий, нейтральний тон, а також вживання пасивних конструкцій; формальних слів-зв’язок;
використання прізвища, а не імені; використання нейтральних, формальних слів, виразів,
відповідних форм привітання та прощання тощо. Неприйнятним є вживання розмовних виразів,
скорочених формтощо.
Ознаки відповідно до формату тексту (офіційний лист-заява) повністю відповідають меті
• привітання (greeting) - відповідно до вимог оформлення офіційного лнста-заяви: Dear Mr ... або
Dear Mrs... .
• вступ (opening remarks) обов`язково повинен включати фрази; I would like to apply for ...; I am
writing to apply for the position...; With reference to your advertisement...; I am writing in post of your
advertisement..; I am writing to enquire whether...; I am writing with regard to your advertisement...; I
wouldlike tobe considerfor...;Iconsidermyselftobe...тощо.
• основна частина (main body) обов`язково повинна включати фрази такого типу I have had
experience of...;TwoyearsagoI was employedas...;Iworkedas...before...
• кінцівка (closing remarks) обов’язково включає фрази такого типу: I would be grateful if you
could...; I would appreciate a reply...; I would appreciate it if you could...; I am available for...; I look
forward to hearing from you...; I ook forward to receiving your response in the near future...; I inclose
• прощання (ending) - відповідно до вимог оформлення листа-заявника: Yours sincerely. Yours
faithfully - 2 тестових бала
Стильвисловлення,ознакивідповіднодо форматутекстучасткововідповідаютьметі написання,
наявні порушенняосновних вимог(див, вище) - 1 тестовийбал
Ознаки відповіднодо форматутекстуне відповідаютьметі написаннявисловленняабовідсутні - 0
тестових балів
с. Використаннялексики- лексичнанаповнюваність; - володіннялексичнимматеріалом:
Продемонстрованодостатнійсловниковийзапасдля вирішеннязаданої комунікативноїситуаціїза
темами«Характерлюдини» і «Планина майбутнє,вибірпрофесії».Можливанаявністьлексичних
помилок, які не впливаютьна розуміннянаписаного - 2 тестових балів
Недостатнійсловниковийзапас для вирішеннязаданої комунікативноїситуаціїнатеми«Характер
людини» і «Плани на майбутнє,вибірпрофесії».Наявні лексичні помилки,щозаважають
адекватномусприйняттюокремих реченьабоабзаців - 1 тестовийбал
Черезвеликукількістьлексичнихпомилокзміствисловленнянезрозумілий - 0 тестових балів
d. Використанняграматики - морфологія,синтаксис,орфографія:
Роботане міститьпомилокабо наявні окремі помилки(не більше восьмипомилок),щоне
заважають розуміннюнаписаного,крімпомилокна:
• вживання числа і особив дієслівних часових формах • вживання артиклів(основні правила)
• порушенняпорядку слівуреченні
• вживання частки to з інфінітивом• вживання незлічунаннх іменників(типуadvise)
• вживання умовних речень.
Якщо середвосьми помилокнаявна помилка,щовідповідає хочодномуз перерахованихвище
мовних явищ або помилокбільше ніжвісім,роботаоцінюєтьсяв«1» бал - 2 тестових бала
Наявні помилки,щозаважають розуміннюнаписаногоабо значна кількістьпомилок(більше
восьми),що не заважають розуміннюнаписаного - 1 тестовийбал
Великакількістьпомилок, щоунеможливлюютьрозуміннянаписаного - 0 тестових балів
1. Якщо абітурієнтотримує оцінку«0балів» закритерійа.Змістове наповнення,тов такому
випадку вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв «0 балів».
2. Якщо абітурієнтотримує оцінку«0балів» закритерійс.Використаннялексикиабо d.
Використанняграматики,то в такомувипадку вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв «0 балів».
3. Якщо абітурієнтне приступавдовиконаннязавдання, власне висловленнявважається
ненаписанимі вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв«0 балів».
You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she wrote that he/she
had problems with the study of French at school and thought that French lessons
were tiresome and not interesting. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you
 explain why studying foreign languages is important,
 tell him/her about the foreign language lessons in your school and about
your foreign language teacher,
 advise him/her how to make the study of foreign languages easier and more
Dear Linda,
I was glad to get your letter last week. You wrote about tiresome and dull
French lessons at your school.
I wonder whether I can make you change your mind. First of all, any language is
a whole world reflected in words. Different people have different perception of
the world. This difference is fixed in the language. When you study a foreign
language, you can see a new picture of the world and it is interesting.
Every day we can see that it is very important to know foreign languages. The
Internet and satellite TV enable us to get information from all over the world. We
can get education or a job in any country of the world. But we all know that we
have to know the language of the country we want to study or work in. When
you know foreign languages you can feel comfortably in foreign countries, people
are more hospitable to those who speak their native language.
We study two foreign languages at our school — English and French. I like my
language lessons because they are interesting and I learn a lot about English
speaking countries and France. We play different language games, write many
essays and learn many poems. Our teacher of English is a true enthusiast. She is
young and energetic. Itis impossibleto be passiveduring her lessons.
If you want to make your study of French easier and more interesting, try to
find your own motivation. You can save money in order to spend a week or two
travelling in France, or you can find French pen-friends. Get acquainted with
French culture or cuisine and make it your hobby. Being motivated, you will be
astonished with the progress in French you make.
I wish you success in your study of French.
Truly yours,
Oksana (307 words)
You have got a letter from your British pen-friend. He/she writes you that he/she
likes to dress well He/she tries to buy his/her clothes at famous fashion designers'
shops. But it is very expensive and his/her parents do not want to buy such clothes
for him/her. Write a letter to your friend in which you: express your pinion about
 present-day fashions and what clothes you usually prefer to wear,
 where you usually buy clothes and who helps you to do the shopping,
 give advice to your friend what he/she should do in his/her situation.
Dear Martha,
Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to read about young people in
Great Britain and learn that we are not very different. Ukrainian teenagers are
also worried about what they wear. Clothes become an attribute of self-
realisation and expressivemeans of teens' personalities.
Frankly speaking, I am not a trendy girl though I do not reject the importance to
keep up with the fashion. I like the latest trend. Its diversity helps to find
something that corresponds to your individual style. I like that a middle-aged lady
and a teenage girl can look stylish appropriately to their age and status.
Though I prefer the casual style I like to wear good and comfortable things. I
buy clothes in different places, even on theInternet. Usually my mother and sister
accompany me. Sometimes their pieces of advice are quite useful. I understand
your desire to dress in design clothes though your parents' position to buy
cheaper things is reasonableas well.
I dare to give you several ideas about shopping. I usually visit stores that sell
stock. The items are stylish and fashionable and you can get them cheaper. If you
insist on hot fashionable things try on-line shopping. Visiting websites of famous
designers, you will find that buying things on-line is cheaper than in off-line
boutiques. And do remember that though the style is the man, the man is not
only the style
Yours as always,
Yuliya (242 words)
You are studying in a foreign country. You have got a letter fromyour Ukrainian
friend. Write a letter of reply, in which informyour friend about
 your sparetime,
 tell him/her about your visit to the theatre.
 Do not forgetto tell about the play and performance.
Dear Ann,
Thank you for the letter in which you told me about your school life. I am
very glad that you have excellent marks in languages, literature and history. You
have always been good at these subjects.
You ask me about what I am doing in London, and what my life is like here.
Well, I am enjoying it very much. I spend a lot of time improving my English, but
sometimes I go sightseeing, visitmuseums, art galleries, music halls and theatres.
Last night my friends brought me a ticket for the performance at the
Lyttelton Theatre. When we entered the theatre we were caught by the general
festive mood and excitement. Ladies were wearing their elegant dresses and
many people were carrying flowers for their favouriteactors.
I like to seat in the stalls because you can concentrate on the action, but this
time our seats were in the box, and far from the stage. The performance was
highly demanded by the theatre-goers and there was not a vacant seat in the
We saw 'Lady in the Dark', a musical play by Moss Hart with lyrics by Ira
Gershwin and music by Kurt Weill. This was the first time the play has been
staged in London. The leading actress Maria Friedman was brilliant, playing the
part of fashion magazine editor Lisa Elliott. The company gave the remarkable
play — moving, provoking laughter and tears by turns.
I admired everything: the wonderful scenery, brilliant acting and lyrical
I had an exciting evening. I shall finish now. A friend of mine has to write a
letter in Ukrainian and I promised to help her.
Do writesoon and tell me everything!
Tamara (285 words)
You have got a letter from your friend. He/she tells you about his/her plans for
summer vacations. Write a reply, in which you tell about
 what you are going to do in summer,
 your planning a hike to the mountains,
 your preparations for the hike and mention futurevisits to your relatives.
Dear Sophia,
I have got your last letter, in which you wrote about your plans for summer.
Making plans for future is a good kind of rest, especially when you are planning
future vacations. I am glad that you were going to see all your relatives at your big
family party. It is nice when families are big and friendly. As for my future
vacations, I havealready made a plan for them.
As soon as I pass my exams, I am going to have a trip to the Carpathian
Mountains. I shall travel with my friends and my instructor from the tourist club.
We are going to have a week's hiking trip so we are preparing for it very carefully.
I have made a list of things I need: a sleeping bag, a medical kit, a backpack, a
camera, a penknife, food and clothes. We shall not stay in hotels as we shall live
in tents. Frankly speaking, weall are eagerly looking forward to our trip.
After the Carpathian trip I am going to spend a month at my grandmother's.
She lives in a lovely village in the south of our region. The Dniester river flows
through il and I shall have a lot of swimming, sunbathing, walking in the forest,
fishing and boating. Of course, I will have to help my granny about the garden, but
I like this work for a change. Sometimes during long winter evenings I dream
about visiting my granny, my village friends. We have wonderful time together
exploring the ruins of the old castle and the temple that are not far from our
My second grandmother lives in Lviv. Every year I spend a fortnight there.
Big cities give a quite different kind of rest. I am going to visit art galleries, to go to
the cinema. It is a pity that summer is a 'dead season' in theatres and concert
halls. But sometimes theatres from other towns and cities perform in Lviv. So, I
am going to visit their performances.
It is very nice to go to the seaside in summer. But I do not think I shall have
time for it this year. Maybe I shall go there next year. But plans for distant future
usually look like dreams. So, I have not made any plans for it and I have not made
up my mind as for my further education.
With love,
Ann (405 words)
You have got a letter from your pen-friend, in which he/she asked about your
travelling preferences. Write a reply and tell him/her
 that you like to visit other cities and towns,
 about your last travel and
 your usualactivities during your trips.
Dear Laura,
Thank you for your warmest greetings. I appreciate greatly your letters and
your interest in my life. Finishing school is not an easy task and I am glad that all
tests are over and I can enjoy pleasures of my new life. Actually I have already
started. Yesterday I spent a day off in Kamyanets-Podilskyi, one of the greatest
tourist attractions of Podillia region. You know, I belong to people who prefer to
travel to other towns and cities. Every town has its own history that lives in its
streets, buildings, squares and monuments.
When I come to a new town, I try to see as much as possible. First of all, I
buy a map of the town. It helps me not to lose my way in strange surroundings.
After studying the map, I decide what I have to see and what route will be the
best. You can also ask people in the streets to recommend you where to go and
what to see. Our Ukrainian people are very hospitable to tourists, you know. They
will eagerly help you.
Where do I usually go? Of course, I go sightseeing. I have already mentioned
that history lives in the streets of the town. So, I walk along the streets, watch
buildings and monuments, sit on the benches in parks and squares, and observe
the life around. Besides, I visit museums and art exhibitions. Sometimes you get a
unique chance to visit some very interesting exhibitions you are unable to watch
in your own town.
Shopping is also a much bigger joy when you are in some other city, not in
your own one. While walking around the down town, you can see different little
markets with souvenirs. Sometimes the choice is really rich: national crafts,
drawings and paintings, funny postcards or postcards with the views of the city. I
usually buy something to bring it home frommy trip.
Well, I have written you much about my tourist preferences. Could you write
me few words about what kind of rest you like? Do you like travelling? What
places do you like to visit? Whom do you travel with? Everything is interesting to
I will look forward to your letter.
Yours as always,
Nina (377 words)
You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she wrote that
he/she is fond of collecting. Write a letter to your pen-friend, in which tell
him/her about
 your collection
 the mostinteresting or beloved items.
 Ask your friend to send you some photos of his/her collection.
Dear John,
Yesterday I got a letter from you. Thank you for your quick reply. In your
letter you told me that you are fond of collecting. I am glad that we like the same
things. I am a collector too. As for me, I used to collect post cards when a child.
The tradition to send greeting cards is very old. For example, people used to
exchange Valentine cards hundreds of years ago. You can even study the history
watching post cards.
I got my first greeting card for my birthday when I was one month old. My
Granny signed it for me. At the age of 7 I got interested in collecting post cards. In
several years I had hundreds of them! I arranged them into series and kept them
in special albums. I had cards with pictures of different cities and towns, with
animals and birds, cars and planes. I had a lot of cards dedicated to different
holidays like the Easter, New Year, birthday cards. I loved Christmas cards
especially because they were very bright and interesting. My biggest series was
made of Christmas cards. The oldest one was printed at the beginning of the
twentieth century. There are two children decorating a Christmas tree on it.
Frankly speaking, I have not given up my old hobby. I am still a keen collector. But
now I collect cards with paintings of famous artists and modern cards with funny
wishes. I think that my hobby is very interesting and I hope that your collection is
interesting too. It would be nice to see photos of some items from your
collection. Could you send me some? Thank you in advance.
Hope to hear fromyou soon.
Best wishes,
Anton (291 words)
You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she asked you about
your best friend. Write a letter of reply, in which you tell about
 your friend, when and whereyou met him/her,
 interests you share, and your favourite pastimes
 your friend's characteristic features you like
Dear Olha,
In your last letter you have asked me about my best friend. Well, frankly
speaking, my friend Natalia and I have known each other for many years. We got
acquainted in the first form when we were six years old. We sat at one desk for
five years. When we were children, we collected Christmas cards and this hobby
made us closefriends.
We spent much time together. We tried to make our activities not only joyful
but useful as well. On weekdays we went in for sports. We were fond of tennis as
it is a very beautiful kind of sports. Last year we participated in a tennis
tournament for pupils. It was held in our town. We were not the first, but we
were not the last! In summer we used to go to the forest or lake with our parents.
My father taught us to swimand now both Natalia and I can swimvery well.
Natalia's mother loved theatre very much. She used to take us to the Puppet
Theatre. Now shesays that we are adults and takes us to the Drama Theatre.
We are really good friends. Natalia is a very nice girl. She is kind and sincere.
Natalia is very clever and hardworking. She studies well. She is especially good at
English. She wants to become an English teacher
Twice a week we go to the English language club at our school. There we
study English, learn about English speaking countries and their culture, sing
English songs. We like to take part in different performances. Now we are
preparing to the party of the Last Lesson. Natalia is going to sing a song and I will
be the hostess of our party.
To cut a long story short, I am very happy to have a friend like Natalia. Olha,
could you write me about your best friend? How long do you know each other
and whatinterests do you share?
Heartily yours,
Yuliya 332 слова
Write an article about the External IndependentTesting. Informyourreaders about the peculiarities
of this form ofexaminationand itsadvantages.
One of the most important events in June is the examination season at secondary schools. Pupils of
the ninth and eleventh forms take their state final exams in different subjects. This year the External
Independent Testing introduced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will be held for the
eighth time. The experience of the previous tests was taken into consideration for elaboration of tasks
and schedules.
The pupils of the eleventh forms take tests in Ukrainian, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Foreign
Language or some other subjects. They can choose what subjects are significant for their future study at
higher educational establishments. After passing the exams pupils get the certificate which evaluates
their learning outcomes at secondary school. This is a crucial period for young people, when they have
to decide whethertogo onto a universityorstartworking.
A new system of pupils' knowledge assessment allows to measure their progress objectively. The
External Independent Testing is held one and the same day over the whole territory of our country.
According to the overall score at tests pupils can choose the university they will study at. Nowadays,
future students can apply to several higher educational establishments simultaneously. This fact enables
young people to find the best university they can afford. Though certain of these problems exist,
positive effectof the External IndependentTestingisunderlinedbymanyspecialists. 231 слово
Завдання Imagine that you are an adult successful person. You are invited for a radio programme to
tell the storyof yoursuccess.Write the textof your story,inwhich
 tell aboutyoureducation,experience,
 the importantstagesof your career.
 mentionthe mainfactorsof your successful career.
People often ask me about my job or how I have become successful. I do not have any special
receipts.Ilike myjobandI am luckythatit isboth useful and profitable.
I wanted to work in the sphere of nature conservation when I was a child. There was a zoo in a few
blocks from our house and I could spend hours watching animals. Soon the owner of the zoo, Mr
Harper, involved me in daily animal feeding and care. I fell in love with nature and decided to do its
conservation my future job. After finishing school I studied biology at California University. Soon I found
that I could get more experience and knowledge not sitting in the dusty library, but travelling the world
and working as a wildlife rehabili-tator. So, I spent a year in North Africa and then I went for a year to
Australia. The months I spent as a volunteer at Australia Zoo turned up to be the most interesting from
the pointof viewof gainingtrue experience.
In 2005 I came back to my native town and suggested Mr Harper a plan of reconstructing his zoo. He
agreedandwe gotto work.
Next year we opened our new zoo. Mr Harper offered me a partnership in his business, so now I am a
co-ownerof the zoo.NowMr Harper isretiredandI run the zoo myself.
In 2007 we launched a series of special about wildlife on TV. Our programme became a hit not onlyin
the USA but in Europe as well. So, the recipe of success, in my opinion, is to do what you love, to work
hard and be brave.
That is easy! 290 слов
You are preparingforyourEnglishlesson.
Write an essay,inwhichdiscuss
 the mainadvantagesof modernmobiles,
 the problemsthattheyusuallycause whenusedinpublicplaces.
 Expressyourattitude towardsthe prohibitionof the use of mobilesatschools.
It is a common knowledge that the mobile phone, also called a cellular phone (cell phone), is a key
means for people to communicate with each other. In addition to the standard voice function of a
telephone, current mobile phones can support many additional services, such as SMS for text
messaging, e-mail, packet switching for access to the Internet and MMS for sending and receiving
photos and videos.
In spite of the obvious advantages of the mobile phones, the question of mobile etiquette and
communication arises. Mobile users often speak loudly, coming into the libraries, book shops, doctor's
offices, etc. You can hear mobile phones ringing during funerals, weddings, in cinemas, theatres,
museums. And it is quite natural that most schools in Ukraine, the UK, the USA have prohibited mobile
phones in the classrooms due to the large number of class disruptions that result from their use. They
distractthe pupils'attentionfromthe procedureof the lesson.
Besides, the potential for cheating via text messaging should be emphasized. In some countries,in
the United Kingdom, for example, possession of a mobile phone in an examination can result in
immediate disqualificationfromthat subjectorfromall that students'subjects.
So,my attitude towardsprohibitionof the mobile phone use inthe classroom ispositive.
In conclusion, I would like to stress the potential health impact from regular use of mobile
phones. I fully agree with some experts of this problem which advise that parents should not give small
childrenmobilephones. (252words)
Task. Some people think that sport is only for professional sportsmen, who can achieve high results.
Others support the thesis that sport should be present in life of every person. Write an essay, in which,
discussbothpositionsandexpressyour personalopinionaboutthe problem.
Many people think that sport is for strong, healthy and young persons. They claim that the main
aim in sport is to achieve high results, to win, to be faster or stronger. 'Sport is not for ordinary people
because you will look miserable in comparison with athletes, whom we see on our TV-sets.' That is a
very dangerous idea. You should distinguish professional sport and everyday physical exercises. In
professional sport athletes pay high price for their victories and we cannot say that they are really
healthy people. They suffer from traumas, physical exhaustion. Another problem is doping, which ruins
Do youreallythink thatsport victoriesare worthall these terriblethings?!
I think, sport is very useful for ordinary people. There are many reasons to take up sport. To my
mind, the most important ones are the following. Sport makes you fit and healthy. As you are healthy
and full of energy, the quality of your life is higher. If you want to be successful, you should plan your
every day carefully. Sport teaches you to be more organized, thus, more successful. Sport helps you to
make newfriends.
Do not care about your results. Care about your health. Doing exercises becomes more energetic.
Our heart works better. Thatis why we should swim, jog, bike, skate,etc. Gymnastics and dancing make
us more flexible andwe can move easily.
Besides, sport helps us to keep balance in calories eaten and used. And the last argument: sport
makes us happier! During exercises our brain releases special chemicals, which may make you feel
happy.So,whyshouldnotwe be happier?
Do you still think that sport is only for sportsmen and high results and victories are the only aims
insport? I do notthinkso andnow youknow why. (307 words)
You are preparing for your English lesson. Write an essay about the role of computers in people's life.
Discuss the opposite views on the growing influence of computers on our present and future, give
examples of the use of computers, underline the positive effect of computerisation and mention
possible dangers.
Our present and future are tightly bound with computers. Some people prize the invention of
computers as a great relief of our everyday stress and routine. They enumerate all possible benefits
computers brought into our life and prefer not to notice new problems that are caused by computers.
Otherpeople draw apocalypticpicturesinwhichthe humanbeingissubmittedbythe clever machine.
We cannot ignore the presence of computers in modern society. We store millions of gigabytes of
information on computers. We use electronic cards that replaced documents, money, keys. We
communicate through the Internet with remote cities. We control different operations and processes.
Computers teach us. But they cannot do anything without being programmed and controlled by the
Many occupations nowadays use computers. Everyday more and more specialties open the
opportunities offered by computer technologies. If we want not to be lost in the new professional
world, we should grow with the development of computers. Otherwise, we shall be unable to cope with
the simplesttasksinthe nearestfuture.
Meanwhile, we should be aware of the fact, that we rely on our electronic assistants too much, in
order not to find ourselves helpless one day. Sometimes people are too absorbed by the virtual reality.
It causesa newobsession,which leadstodifferentmental disorders.
To sum up, I believe that computers are our future and it depends on people whether this future
will be attractingor scary. (243 words)
You want to study abroad and you are applying for a scholarship at a foreign university. Write a
cover letter and tell where you have learned, about the scholarship programme of this university, about
yourself and your achievements and explain why you think yourself a good candidate for the
Dear Mr McMaier,
At the official website of Walton University I have learned about university scholarships given to
international students. I hope that I can meet all the requirements and can apply for a scholarship. This
year I have finished school with honours certificate. My overall score at External Independent Testing
was 547, which enables me to enter the best universities of my country. For several years linguistics has
been the key interest of mine and I decided to choose it as my future specialty. During my school years I
participated at numerous contests in humanities. I won many prizes (certificates are added). My
research work, dealing with the life and work of Thomas Hardy, was awarded the special prize of the
Ukrainian Contest for Young Scientists. The extract of this research I attach to my application package.
Though I devoted much time to study I was active in sport and extracurricular activities. I am the head of
our school club 'The Stage'. We organized meeting with interesting people, who have realized their
talentsand abilities,arrangeddifferentcharityevents,contestsforpupils,etc.
For recommendations I refer you to Ivan Pilkovych, our school principal (his phone number is (38)
(0352) 2334567) and Anna Skorenko, my teacher of English ( Taking into
consideration everything said above, I think that I am a good candidate for getting a scholarship at your
university. I would appreciate a quick answer from you and I will be glad to give you any additional
informationabout me andmyachievements.
Write an announcementabouttheprohibition of mobilesduring thelessonsat your school.Indicatethe
reasonsof this actand informparentsaboutconnection in cases of emergency.
Dear pupilsandteachers!Attention,please!
The school administrationwouldliketoremindyouthatit isforbiddento use mobile phonesduring
lessons,asthey distractyourattentionfromthe procedure of the lesson.
Dear parents!
Thoughwe realize thatmobileshelpyoutobe in contact withyourchildren andcontrol them, we insist
on switchingmobilesoff duringlessons.Instructyour childreninordertoavoidanymisunderstanding.
In case of emergencyyoucan call and informthe administration.The mobilecanbe switchedonduring
the breaksand afterclassesbutonlyfor callsandnot for games.
Hope you will understandthe importance of thisinstructionand follow it.
School administration
(116 words)
You write to a school newspaper. The chief editor gave you the task to prepare an article about the
necessity of leading a healthy life. Write the article, in which tell about the main principles of keeping
yourbody fit and healthy.
I think there is nothing more important than health. The doctors teach people to keep the rules of
healthy way of life — not to smoke, not to eat foods high in cholesterol and fat, to exercise and to keep
a healthy body weight. Our body is continually wasting energy and requires to be repaired by food. But
be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food whole and you
will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. We need a
certain amount of exercise.All sorts of physical exercises are very helpful to make our bodies strong and
to keep us mentally well. It is very important for the old and for the young to do morning exercises, with
the windows wide open or in the open air. If you want to keep yourself fit, you are to go in for sport and
If your body suffers from any disorder, your mind suffers with the body, too. You cannot be good
either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown and stress. So, the
advantagesof the healthywayof life are obvious.
Thus, we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, regularity in physical exercise,
reasonable hours of labour and study, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essential things
laythe foundationforgoodhealthandlonglife.
(237 words)Зразки-письмових-завдань#scribd

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зразки письмових висловлювань

  • 1. 1 Онлайн тестування. Щоб дати об`єктивну оцінку ваших знань, питання з розгорнутою відповіддю повиннні перевіряти спеціально підготовлені викладачі. При визначенні загального результату онлайн тестування, буде взято середній бал за це питання, а саме 10 балів по непереведеній шкалі. Також, в кінці тестування, у вашому профілі будуть подані імовірні результати, які ви могли б набрати отримавши від 0 до 14 балів за це питання. Якщо ви не хочети щоб у кінцевий результат тесту нараховувалися ці 10, імовірно набраних вами, балів, то не клікайте по кнопці "Продовжити" на цій сторінці, а виберіть бажану операцію з правої панелі управліннятестом. Критерії оцінювання письмового висловлення Максимально можливасума балівза письмове висловлення(сумабалівза всіма критеріями) –14 а. Змістове наповнення(опрацюваннячотирьохумов,зазначених уситуації): а1 - першаумова(whyyouare writing): Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів а2 - друга умова(yourpersonal qualities,language skillsandexperience withchildren): Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів aЗ - третяумова(whyyouthink thiswork experience wouldbe importantforyourfuture): Умова опрацьованаповністю - 2 тестових балів Умова лише згадана - 1 тестовийбал Умова не опрацьованай не згадана - 0 тестових балів b. Структуратекстутазв’язність:b1 - зв’язність,наявністьз’єднувальних елементівутексті;b2- відповідністьписьмовоговисловленнязаданомуформату: Зв’язність,наявністьз’єднувальних елементівутексті (b1): З’єднувальні елементи забезпечують зв’язок між частинами тексту на рівні змістових абзаців, а також окремих речень в абзацах. У тексті наявні сполучники сурядності та підрядності, слова- знязки, вставні слова тощо - 2 тестових балів З’єднувальні елементи між частинами тексту на рівні змістових абзаців та окремих речень в абзацах наявні частково - 1 тестовийбал З’єднувальні елементивідсутні - 0тестових балів Відповідністьписьмовоговисловленнязаданомуформату(b2):
  • 2. 2 Стиль висловлення повністю відповідає вимогам написання офіційного листа-заяви, в якому зазвичай висловлюється прохання бути прийнятим на роботу, зарахованим на певний курс навчання тощо. При написанні листа повинен бути використаний формальний стиль, для якого є характерним ввічливий, нейтральний тон, а також вживання пасивних конструкцій; формальних слів-зв’язок; використання прізвища, а не імені; використання нейтральних, формальних слів, виразів, відповідних форм привітання та прощання тощо. Неприйнятним є вживання розмовних виразів, скорочених формтощо. Ознаки відповідно до формату тексту (офіційний лист-заява) повністю відповідають меті написання: • привітання (greeting) - відповідно до вимог оформлення офіційного лнста-заяви: Dear Mr ... або Dear Mrs... . • вступ (opening remarks) обов`язково повинен включати фрази; I would like to apply for ...; I am writing to apply for the position...; With reference to your advertisement...; I am writing in post of your advertisement..; I am writing to enquire whether...; I am writing with regard to your advertisement...; I wouldlike tobe considerfor...;Iconsidermyselftobe...тощо. • основна частина (main body) обов`язково повинна включати фрази такого типу I have had experience of...;TwoyearsagoI was employedas...;Iworkedas...before... • кінцівка (closing remarks) обов’язково включає фрази такого типу: I would be grateful if you could...; I would appreciate a reply...; I would appreciate it if you could...; I am available for...; I look forward to hearing from you...; I ook forward to receiving your response in the near future...; I inclose referencesfrommylastemployer...тощо. • прощання (ending) - відповідно до вимог оформлення листа-заявника: Yours sincerely. Yours faithfully - 2 тестових бала Стильвисловлення,ознакивідповіднодо форматутекстучасткововідповідаютьметі написання, наявні порушенняосновних вимог(див, вище) - 1 тестовийбал Ознаки відповіднодо форматутекстуне відповідаютьметі написаннявисловленняабовідсутні - 0 тестових балів с. Використаннялексики- лексичнанаповнюваність; - володіннялексичнимматеріалом: Продемонстрованодостатнійсловниковийзапасдля вирішеннязаданої комунікативноїситуаціїза темами«Характерлюдини» і «Планина майбутнє,вибірпрофесії».Можливанаявністьлексичних помилок, які не впливаютьна розуміннянаписаного - 2 тестових балів Недостатнійсловниковийзапас для вирішеннязаданої комунікативноїситуаціїнатеми«Характер людини» і «Плани на майбутнє,вибірпрофесії».Наявні лексичні помилки,щозаважають адекватномусприйняттюокремих реченьабоабзаців - 1 тестовийбал Черезвеликукількістьлексичнихпомилокзміствисловленнянезрозумілий - 0 тестових балів
  • 3. 3 d. Використанняграматики - морфологія,синтаксис,орфографія: Роботане міститьпомилокабо наявні окремі помилки(не більше восьмипомилок),щоне заважають розуміннюнаписаного,крімпомилокна: • вживання числа і особив дієслівних часових формах • вживання артиклів(основні правила) • порушенняпорядку слівуреченні • вживання частки to з інфінітивом• вживання незлічунаннх іменників(типуadvise) • вживання умовних речень. Якщо середвосьми помилокнаявна помилка,щовідповідає хочодномуз перерахованихвище мовних явищ або помилокбільше ніжвісім,роботаоцінюєтьсяв«1» бал - 2 тестових бала Наявні помилки,щозаважають розуміннюнаписаногоабо значна кількістьпомилок(більше восьми),що не заважають розуміннюнаписаного - 1 тестовийбал Великакількістьпомилок, щоунеможливлюютьрозуміннянаписаного - 0 тестових балів Увага! 1. Якщо абітурієнтотримує оцінку«0балів» закритерійа.Змістове наповнення,тов такому випадку вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв «0 балів». 2. Якщо абітурієнтотримує оцінку«0балів» закритерійс.Використаннялексикиабо d. Використанняграматики,то в такомувипадку вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв «0 балів». 3. Якщо абітурієнтне приступавдовиконаннязавдання, власне висловленнявважається ненаписанимі вся роботаоцінюєтьсяв«0 балів».
  • 4. 4Зразки-письмових-завдань#scribd 1. STUDY FOREIGN LANGUAGES You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she wrote that he/she had problems with the study of French at school and thought that French lessons were tiresome and not interesting. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you  explain why studying foreign languages is important,  tell him/her about the foreign language lessons in your school and about your foreign language teacher,  advise him/her how to make the study of foreign languages easier and more interesting. Dear Linda, I was glad to get your letter last week. You wrote about tiresome and dull French lessons at your school. I wonder whether I can make you change your mind. First of all, any language is a whole world reflected in words. Different people have different perception of the world. This difference is fixed in the language. When you study a foreign language, you can see a new picture of the world and it is interesting. Every day we can see that it is very important to know foreign languages. The Internet and satellite TV enable us to get information from all over the world. We can get education or a job in any country of the world. But we all know that we have to know the language of the country we want to study or work in. When you know foreign languages you can feel comfortably in foreign countries, people are more hospitable to those who speak their native language. We study two foreign languages at our school — English and French. I like my language lessons because they are interesting and I learn a lot about English speaking countries and France. We play different language games, write many essays and learn many poems. Our teacher of English is a true enthusiast. She is young and energetic. Itis impossibleto be passiveduring her lessons. If you want to make your study of French easier and more interesting, try to find your own motivation. You can save money in order to spend a week or two travelling in France, or you can find French pen-friends. Get acquainted with French culture or cuisine and make it your hobby. Being motivated, you will be astonished with the progress in French you make. I wish you success in your study of French. Truly yours, Oksana (307 words)
  • 5. 5 2. FASHION You have got a letter from your British pen-friend. He/she writes you that he/she likes to dress well He/she tries to buy his/her clothes at famous fashion designers' shops. But it is very expensive and his/her parents do not want to buy such clothes for him/her. Write a letter to your friend in which you: express your pinion about  present-day fashions and what clothes you usually prefer to wear,  where you usually buy clothes and who helps you to do the shopping,  give advice to your friend what he/she should do in his/her situation. Dear Martha, Thank you for your letter. It was very interesting to read about young people in Great Britain and learn that we are not very different. Ukrainian teenagers are also worried about what they wear. Clothes become an attribute of self- realisation and expressivemeans of teens' personalities. Frankly speaking, I am not a trendy girl though I do not reject the importance to keep up with the fashion. I like the latest trend. Its diversity helps to find something that corresponds to your individual style. I like that a middle-aged lady and a teenage girl can look stylish appropriately to their age and status. Though I prefer the casual style I like to wear good and comfortable things. I buy clothes in different places, even on theInternet. Usually my mother and sister accompany me. Sometimes their pieces of advice are quite useful. I understand your desire to dress in design clothes though your parents' position to buy cheaper things is reasonableas well. I dare to give you several ideas about shopping. I usually visit stores that sell stock. The items are stylish and fashionable and you can get them cheaper. If you insist on hot fashionable things try on-line shopping. Visiting websites of famous designers, you will find that buying things on-line is cheaper than in off-line boutiques. And do remember that though the style is the man, the man is not only the style Yours as always, Yuliya (242 words)
  • 6. 6 3. VISIT TO THE THEATRE You are studying in a foreign country. You have got a letter fromyour Ukrainian friend. Write a letter of reply, in which informyour friend about  your sparetime,  tell him/her about your visit to the theatre.  Do not forgetto tell about the play and performance. Dear Ann, Thank you for the letter in which you told me about your school life. I am very glad that you have excellent marks in languages, literature and history. You have always been good at these subjects. You ask me about what I am doing in London, and what my life is like here. Well, I am enjoying it very much. I spend a lot of time improving my English, but sometimes I go sightseeing, visitmuseums, art galleries, music halls and theatres. Last night my friends brought me a ticket for the performance at the Lyttelton Theatre. When we entered the theatre we were caught by the general festive mood and excitement. Ladies were wearing their elegant dresses and many people were carrying flowers for their favouriteactors. I like to seat in the stalls because you can concentrate on the action, but this time our seats were in the box, and far from the stage. The performance was highly demanded by the theatre-goers and there was not a vacant seat in the auditorium. We saw 'Lady in the Dark', a musical play by Moss Hart with lyrics by Ira Gershwin and music by Kurt Weill. This was the first time the play has been staged in London. The leading actress Maria Friedman was brilliant, playing the part of fashion magazine editor Lisa Elliott. The company gave the remarkable play — moving, provoking laughter and tears by turns. I admired everything: the wonderful scenery, brilliant acting and lyrical music. I had an exciting evening. I shall finish now. A friend of mine has to write a letter in Ukrainian and I promised to help her. Do writesoon and tell me everything! Love, Tamara (285 words)
  • 7. 7 4. PLANS FOR FUTURE You have got a letter from your friend. He/she tells you about his/her plans for summer vacations. Write a reply, in which you tell about  what you are going to do in summer,  your planning a hike to the mountains,  your preparations for the hike and mention futurevisits to your relatives. Dear Sophia, I have got your last letter, in which you wrote about your plans for summer. Making plans for future is a good kind of rest, especially when you are planning future vacations. I am glad that you were going to see all your relatives at your big family party. It is nice when families are big and friendly. As for my future vacations, I havealready made a plan for them. As soon as I pass my exams, I am going to have a trip to the Carpathian Mountains. I shall travel with my friends and my instructor from the tourist club. We are going to have a week's hiking trip so we are preparing for it very carefully. I have made a list of things I need: a sleeping bag, a medical kit, a backpack, a camera, a penknife, food and clothes. We shall not stay in hotels as we shall live in tents. Frankly speaking, weall are eagerly looking forward to our trip. After the Carpathian trip I am going to spend a month at my grandmother's. She lives in a lovely village in the south of our region. The Dniester river flows through il and I shall have a lot of swimming, sunbathing, walking in the forest, fishing and boating. Of course, I will have to help my granny about the garden, but I like this work for a change. Sometimes during long winter evenings I dream about visiting my granny, my village friends. We have wonderful time together exploring the ruins of the old castle and the temple that are not far from our village. My second grandmother lives in Lviv. Every year I spend a fortnight there. Big cities give a quite different kind of rest. I am going to visit art galleries, to go to the cinema. It is a pity that summer is a 'dead season' in theatres and concert halls. But sometimes theatres from other towns and cities perform in Lviv. So, I am going to visit their performances. It is very nice to go to the seaside in summer. But I do not think I shall have time for it this year. Maybe I shall go there next year. But plans for distant future usually look like dreams. So, I have not made any plans for it and I have not made up my mind as for my further education. With love, Ann (405 words)
  • 8. 8 5. ABOUTTRAVELLING You have got a letter from your pen-friend, in which he/she asked about your travelling preferences. Write a reply and tell him/her  that you like to visit other cities and towns,  about your last travel and  your usualactivities during your trips. Dear Laura, Thank you for your warmest greetings. I appreciate greatly your letters and your interest in my life. Finishing school is not an easy task and I am glad that all tests are over and I can enjoy pleasures of my new life. Actually I have already started. Yesterday I spent a day off in Kamyanets-Podilskyi, one of the greatest tourist attractions of Podillia region. You know, I belong to people who prefer to travel to other towns and cities. Every town has its own history that lives in its streets, buildings, squares and monuments. When I come to a new town, I try to see as much as possible. First of all, I buy a map of the town. It helps me not to lose my way in strange surroundings. After studying the map, I decide what I have to see and what route will be the best. You can also ask people in the streets to recommend you where to go and what to see. Our Ukrainian people are very hospitable to tourists, you know. They will eagerly help you. Where do I usually go? Of course, I go sightseeing. I have already mentioned that history lives in the streets of the town. So, I walk along the streets, watch buildings and monuments, sit on the benches in parks and squares, and observe the life around. Besides, I visit museums and art exhibitions. Sometimes you get a unique chance to visit some very interesting exhibitions you are unable to watch in your own town. Shopping is also a much bigger joy when you are in some other city, not in your own one. While walking around the down town, you can see different little markets with souvenirs. Sometimes the choice is really rich: national crafts, drawings and paintings, funny postcards or postcards with the views of the city. I usually buy something to bring it home frommy trip. Well, I have written you much about my tourist preferences. Could you write me few words about what kind of rest you like? Do you like travelling? What places do you like to visit? Whom do you travel with? Everything is interesting to me. I will look forward to your letter. Yours as always, Nina (377 words)
  • 9. 9 6. MY HOBBY You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she wrote that he/she is fond of collecting. Write a letter to your pen-friend, in which tell him/her about  your collection  the mostinteresting or beloved items.  Ask your friend to send you some photos of his/her collection. Dear John, Yesterday I got a letter from you. Thank you for your quick reply. In your letter you told me that you are fond of collecting. I am glad that we like the same things. I am a collector too. As for me, I used to collect post cards when a child. The tradition to send greeting cards is very old. For example, people used to exchange Valentine cards hundreds of years ago. You can even study the history watching post cards. I got my first greeting card for my birthday when I was one month old. My Granny signed it for me. At the age of 7 I got interested in collecting post cards. In several years I had hundreds of them! I arranged them into series and kept them in special albums. I had cards with pictures of different cities and towns, with animals and birds, cars and planes. I had a lot of cards dedicated to different holidays like the Easter, New Year, birthday cards. I loved Christmas cards especially because they were very bright and interesting. My biggest series was made of Christmas cards. The oldest one was printed at the beginning of the twentieth century. There are two children decorating a Christmas tree on it. Frankly speaking, I have not given up my old hobby. I am still a keen collector. But now I collect cards with paintings of famous artists and modern cards with funny wishes. I think that my hobby is very interesting and I hope that your collection is interesting too. It would be nice to see photos of some items from your collection. Could you send me some? Thank you in advance. Hope to hear fromyou soon. Best wishes, Anton (291 words)
  • 10. 10 7. MY FRIEND You have received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she asked you about your best friend. Write a letter of reply, in which you tell about  your friend, when and whereyou met him/her,  interests you share, and your favourite pastimes  your friend's characteristic features you like Dear Olha, In your last letter you have asked me about my best friend. Well, frankly speaking, my friend Natalia and I have known each other for many years. We got acquainted in the first form when we were six years old. We sat at one desk for five years. When we were children, we collected Christmas cards and this hobby made us closefriends. We spent much time together. We tried to make our activities not only joyful but useful as well. On weekdays we went in for sports. We were fond of tennis as it is a very beautiful kind of sports. Last year we participated in a tennis tournament for pupils. It was held in our town. We were not the first, but we were not the last! In summer we used to go to the forest or lake with our parents. My father taught us to swimand now both Natalia and I can swimvery well. Natalia's mother loved theatre very much. She used to take us to the Puppet Theatre. Now shesays that we are adults and takes us to the Drama Theatre. We are really good friends. Natalia is a very nice girl. She is kind and sincere. Natalia is very clever and hardworking. She studies well. She is especially good at English. She wants to become an English teacher Twice a week we go to the English language club at our school. There we study English, learn about English speaking countries and their culture, sing English songs. We like to take part in different performances. Now we are preparing to the party of the Last Lesson. Natalia is going to sing a song and I will be the hostess of our party. To cut a long story short, I am very happy to have a friend like Natalia. Olha, could you write me about your best friend? How long do you know each other and whatinterests do you share? Heartily yours, Yuliya 332 слова
  • 11. 11 Write an article about the External IndependentTesting. Informyourreaders about the peculiarities of this form ofexaminationand itsadvantages. One of the most important events in June is the examination season at secondary schools. Pupils of the ninth and eleventh forms take their state final exams in different subjects. This year the External Independent Testing introduced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will be held for the eighth time. The experience of the previous tests was taken into consideration for elaboration of tasks and schedules. The pupils of the eleventh forms take tests in Ukrainian, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Foreign Language or some other subjects. They can choose what subjects are significant for their future study at higher educational establishments. After passing the exams pupils get the certificate which evaluates their learning outcomes at secondary school. This is a crucial period for young people, when they have to decide whethertogo onto a universityorstartworking. A new system of pupils' knowledge assessment allows to measure their progress objectively. The External Independent Testing is held one and the same day over the whole territory of our country. According to the overall score at tests pupils can choose the university they will study at. Nowadays, future students can apply to several higher educational establishments simultaneously. This fact enables young people to find the best university they can afford. Though certain of these problems exist, positive effectof the External IndependentTestingisunderlinedbymanyspecialists. 231 слово Завдання Imagine that you are an adult successful person. You are invited for a radio programme to tell the storyof yoursuccess.Write the textof your story,inwhich  tell aboutyoureducation,experience,  the importantstagesof your career.  mentionthe mainfactorsof your successful career. People often ask me about my job or how I have become successful. I do not have any special receipts.Ilike myjobandI am luckythatit isboth useful and profitable. I wanted to work in the sphere of nature conservation when I was a child. There was a zoo in a few blocks from our house and I could spend hours watching animals. Soon the owner of the zoo, Mr Harper, involved me in daily animal feeding and care. I fell in love with nature and decided to do its conservation my future job. After finishing school I studied biology at California University. Soon I found that I could get more experience and knowledge not sitting in the dusty library, but travelling the world and working as a wildlife rehabili-tator. So, I spent a year in North Africa and then I went for a year to Australia. The months I spent as a volunteer at Australia Zoo turned up to be the most interesting from the pointof viewof gainingtrue experience. In 2005 I came back to my native town and suggested Mr Harper a plan of reconstructing his zoo. He agreedandwe gotto work. Next year we opened our new zoo. Mr Harper offered me a partnership in his business, so now I am a co-ownerof the zoo.NowMr Harper isretiredandI run the zoo myself. In 2007 we launched a series of special about wildlife on TV. Our programme became a hit not onlyin the USA but in Europe as well. So, the recipe of success, in my opinion, is to do what you love, to work hard and be brave. That is easy! 290 слов
  • 12. 12 NO MOBILES AT SCHOOL You are preparingforyourEnglishlesson. Write an essay,inwhichdiscuss  the mainadvantagesof modernmobiles,  the problemsthattheyusuallycause whenusedinpublicplaces.  Expressyourattitude towardsthe prohibitionof the use of mobilesatschools. It is a common knowledge that the mobile phone, also called a cellular phone (cell phone), is a key means for people to communicate with each other. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can support many additional services, such as SMS for text messaging, e-mail, packet switching for access to the Internet and MMS for sending and receiving photos and videos. In spite of the obvious advantages of the mobile phones, the question of mobile etiquette and communication arises. Mobile users often speak loudly, coming into the libraries, book shops, doctor's offices, etc. You can hear mobile phones ringing during funerals, weddings, in cinemas, theatres, museums. And it is quite natural that most schools in Ukraine, the UK, the USA have prohibited mobile phones in the classrooms due to the large number of class disruptions that result from their use. They distractthe pupils'attentionfromthe procedureof the lesson. Besides, the potential for cheating via text messaging should be emphasized. In some countries,in the United Kingdom, for example, possession of a mobile phone in an examination can result in immediate disqualificationfromthat subjectorfromall that students'subjects. So,my attitude towardsprohibitionof the mobile phone use inthe classroom ispositive. In conclusion, I would like to stress the potential health impact from regular use of mobile phones. I fully agree with some experts of this problem which advise that parents should not give small childrenmobilephones. (252words) IS SPORT USEFUL? Task. Some people think that sport is only for professional sportsmen, who can achieve high results. Others support the thesis that sport should be present in life of every person. Write an essay, in which, discussbothpositionsandexpressyour personalopinionaboutthe problem. Many people think that sport is for strong, healthy and young persons. They claim that the main aim in sport is to achieve high results, to win, to be faster or stronger. 'Sport is not for ordinary people because you will look miserable in comparison with athletes, whom we see on our TV-sets.' That is a very dangerous idea. You should distinguish professional sport and everyday physical exercises. In professional sport athletes pay high price for their victories and we cannot say that they are really healthy people. They suffer from traumas, physical exhaustion. Another problem is doping, which ruins sportsmen'shealthaswell. Do youreallythink thatsport victoriesare worthall these terriblethings?! I think, sport is very useful for ordinary people. There are many reasons to take up sport. To my mind, the most important ones are the following. Sport makes you fit and healthy. As you are healthy and full of energy, the quality of your life is higher. If you want to be successful, you should plan your every day carefully. Sport teaches you to be more organized, thus, more successful. Sport helps you to make newfriends. Do not care about your results. Care about your health. Doing exercises becomes more energetic. Our heart works better. Thatis why we should swim, jog, bike, skate,etc. Gymnastics and dancing make us more flexible andwe can move easily.
  • 13. 13 Besides, sport helps us to keep balance in calories eaten and used. And the last argument: sport makes us happier! During exercises our brain releases special chemicals, which may make you feel happy.So,whyshouldnotwe be happier? Do you still think that sport is only for sportsmen and high results and victories are the only aims insport? I do notthinkso andnow youknow why. (307 words) COMPUTERS IN OUR LIFE You are preparing for your English lesson. Write an essay about the role of computers in people's life. Discuss the opposite views on the growing influence of computers on our present and future, give examples of the use of computers, underline the positive effect of computerisation and mention possible dangers. Our present and future are tightly bound with computers. Some people prize the invention of computers as a great relief of our everyday stress and routine. They enumerate all possible benefits computers brought into our life and prefer not to notice new problems that are caused by computers. Otherpeople draw apocalypticpicturesinwhichthe humanbeingissubmittedbythe clever machine. We cannot ignore the presence of computers in modern society. We store millions of gigabytes of information on computers. We use electronic cards that replaced documents, money, keys. We communicate through the Internet with remote cities. We control different operations and processes. Computers teach us. But they cannot do anything without being programmed and controlled by the man. Many occupations nowadays use computers. Everyday more and more specialties open the opportunities offered by computer technologies. If we want not to be lost in the new professional world, we should grow with the development of computers. Otherwise, we shall be unable to cope with the simplesttasksinthe nearestfuture. Meanwhile, we should be aware of the fact, that we rely on our electronic assistants too much, in order not to find ourselves helpless one day. Sometimes people are too absorbed by the virtual reality. It causesa newobsession,which leadstodifferentmental disorders. To sum up, I believe that computers are our future and it depends on people whether this future will be attractingor scary. (243 words) COVER (APPLICATION) LETTER 1 You want to study abroad and you are applying for a scholarship at a foreign university. Write a cover letter and tell where you have learned, about the scholarship programme of this university, about yourself and your achievements and explain why you think yourself a good candidate for the scholarship. Dear Mr McMaier, At the official website of Walton University I have learned about university scholarships given to international students. I hope that I can meet all the requirements and can apply for a scholarship. This year I have finished school with honours certificate. My overall score at External Independent Testing was 547, which enables me to enter the best universities of my country. For several years linguistics has been the key interest of mine and I decided to choose it as my future specialty. During my school years I participated at numerous contests in humanities. I won many prizes (certificates are added). My research work, dealing with the life and work of Thomas Hardy, was awarded the special prize of the Ukrainian Contest for Young Scientists. The extract of this research I attach to my application package.
  • 14. 14 Though I devoted much time to study I was active in sport and extracurricular activities. I am the head of our school club 'The Stage'. We organized meeting with interesting people, who have realized their talentsand abilities,arrangeddifferentcharityevents,contestsforpupils,etc. For recommendations I refer you to Ivan Pilkovych, our school principal (his phone number is (38) (0352) 2334567) and Anna Skorenko, my teacher of English ( Taking into consideration everything said above, I think that I am a good candidate for getting a scholarship at your university. I would appreciate a quick answer from you and I will be glad to give you any additional informationabout me andmyachievements. Respectfullyyours, YuliyaSemashko ANNOUNCEMENTOF MOBILES BAN AT SCHOOL Write an announcementabouttheprohibition of mobilesduring thelessonsat your school.Indicatethe reasonsof this actand informparentsaboutconnection in cases of emergency. Dear pupilsandteachers!Attention,please! The school administrationwouldliketoremindyouthatit isforbiddento use mobile phonesduring lessons,asthey distractyourattentionfromthe procedure of the lesson. Dear parents! Thoughwe realize thatmobileshelpyoutobe in contact withyourchildren andcontrol them, we insist on switchingmobilesoff duringlessons.Instructyour childreninordertoavoidanymisunderstanding. In case of emergencyyoucan call and informthe administration.The mobilecanbe switchedonduring the breaksand afterclassesbutonlyfor callsandnot for games. Hope you will understandthe importance of thisinstructionand follow it. School administration (116 words) NEWSPAPER ARTICLE HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE You write to a school newspaper. The chief editor gave you the task to prepare an article about the necessity of leading a healthy life. Write the article, in which tell about the main principles of keeping yourbody fit and healthy. I think there is nothing more important than health. The doctors teach people to keep the rules of healthy way of life — not to smoke, not to eat foods high in cholesterol and fat, to exercise and to keep a healthy body weight. Our body is continually wasting energy and requires to be repaired by food. But be moderate in eating. If you eat slowly, you will not overeat. Never swallow your food whole and you will never complain of indigestion. We should abstain from everything that intoxicates. We need a certain amount of exercise.All sorts of physical exercises are very helpful to make our bodies strong and to keep us mentally well. It is very important for the old and for the young to do morning exercises, with the windows wide open or in the open air. If you want to keep yourself fit, you are to go in for sport and games. If your body suffers from any disorder, your mind suffers with the body, too. You cannot be good either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown and stress. So, the advantagesof the healthywayof life are obvious.
  • 15. 15 Thus, we must remember that moderation in eating and drinking, regularity in physical exercise, reasonable hours of labour and study, recreation and rest, cleanliness and many other essential things laythe foundationforgoodhealthandlonglife. (237 words)Зразки-письмових-завдань#scribd