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Spiritual Reality - Journey Within
(Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar)
What are ancestral problems?
According to the science of Spirituality and unknown to modern sciences,
50% of difficulties in our lives are caused solely due to spiritual factors
and another 30% due to spiritual and psychological and/or physical
Please refer to the article on, ‘The breakdown of spiritual root causes of
difficulties in life.’
One aspect of these spiritual root causes of problems in our lives is the
distress caused to descendants by the subtle bodies of their ancestors
who have passed away (died). It is also one of the more common spiritual
factor that affects all of humanity in some form or the other. Before we
give a detailed explanation as to why our ancestors would want to cause
any kind of trouble for us, let us first examine the kinds of difficulties that
people can experience due to departed ancestors.
The distress caused to us descendants by the subtle bodies of our
ancestors manifests in many ways in our day-to-day lives. It creates
obstacles in both, our worldly lives as well as spiritual practice. In some
cases, it may seem that the entire family has a dark cloud over it and
various family members are undergoing various problems despite all
efforts to overcome them. The difficulties that are created due to
departed ancestors come in various forms as listed below:
 Inability to get married
 Marital disharmony
 Addictions (approximately 70% of addictions are due to ancestors
who have passed away)
 Going blank in examinations despite being well prepared for it
 Loss of job
 Difficulty in conceiving a child
 Miscarriages
 Bearing mentally challenged children or children with special needs
 Death during childhood
Miscarriage, death in childhood, etc. happen when the distress by
ancestors is coupled with other major spiritual causes such as destined
possible death. It cannot happen solely on account of distress of
ancestors. While the above types of problems may be a strong indication
of ancestral problems, only a Saint or a Guru (a spiritually evolved
guide) can tell with certainty the root cause of a problem.
At an intellectual level, we could use two rules of thumb to decide if the
cause of the suffering is spiritual in nature:
 All remedies to solve the problem have failed. This is especially so
when the problem should be easily treatable by modern sciences such
as a skin rash, chest pain, etc.
 A number of family members (e.g. 4 out of 5) are suffering with
any of the above mentioned issues simultaneously. (The reason that all
the family members get affected is that they all have the same
Who all are included in ‘our ancestors’?
For the purposes of this section, when we refer to ancestors, it includes all
of the following:
 Subtle bodies of all our known and unknown departed relations
from all the previous generations.
 Relatives from all the previous generations from the father’s and
mother’s side. For a woman from her parent’s side as well as from her
husband’s side are included in this category. The reason for women
having to include ancestors from her husband’s side as well is that with
marriage the woman becomes one with the husband’s family and
enjoys and inherits the assets of that family.
 Along with this subtle bodies of departed relatives from previous
births are also included in ancestors.
 Even if one’s descendants (children) die before one, they too are
included in the category of ancestors as described in this section. This
is even though they are not technically ancestors.
Up to which generation of our ancestors are most
likely to affect us?
Effect by generations of ancestors:
 The influence or impact of ancestors of the past three generations
is maximum i.e. up to the generation of our great grand parents.
 The ancestors of up to the last seven generations have some
sizeable influence.
 The ancestors beyond the seventh generation do not affect us
much. This is because the give-and-take account with the ancestors is
fully completed or completed to a large extent in a given birth. Hence
in the next birth, the give-and-take with ancestors of this present birth
will be negligible if at all. If a sizeable give-and-take account remains,
then we are born in the same family once again.
 The above pertains to how far we are affected by our lineage (i.e.
the vertical family tree). If we look at it horizontally (or laterally), we
are affected by our ancestors up to our second cousins.
Please note: Close friends cannot affect or cause distress like ancestors.
They can try to help if they have a higher spiritual level but we should not
accept it. This is because it will increase their attachment to worldly
matters and make them Earth bound. As a result it could cause an
impediment in their onward journey. We should instead pray that they
concentrate on their onward spiritual journey.
Why would my departed loved ones and my other
ancestors want to give me pain?
Note: In order to understand this article better, it is recommended that
you read the article ‘Where do we go after death?’
This is a question that is very commonly asked. People think of their near
and dear ones who have passed away and find it unimaginable that they
would deliberately cause them problems in life. The following are the two
main reasons as to why ancestors trouble their descendants.
 Due to unfulfilled desires and
 Due to the inability to move on in the after life and attain a higher
positive region or sub-region.
Distress due to unfulfilled desires
In this case, ancestors trouble us as they have unfulfilled desires. These
desires can include:
 Anger directed at descendants who do not use their inheritance in
accordance with the ancestors' wishes.
 Ancestors who have an attachment to the family and still want
things to be done their way.
 Ancestors who are addicted to some physical desire such as
cigarettes, drugs, sex, food, etc. They take advantage of the remaining
give-and-take account between them and their descendants to possess
their descendants and fulfill their desires. Departed ancestors trouble
their descendants instead of others with whom they may possibly have
a give-and-take account with; this is because the bond between blood
relations is the strongest.
Distress due to a call for help by ancestors
When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the Universe. The
physical body remains on Earth, while the subtle body travels to a subtle
plane depending on its merits or sins and its spiritual level. Unlike on the
Earth plane, the only parameter that matters in the after-life is the
spiritual level or the spiritual purity of a subtle body. The physical body
and the various worldly aspects such as money, prestige, job, how well we
are connected etc. have absolutely no relevance in the spiritual realm or
subtle world.
The subtle body as shown in the diagram becomes 'heavy' due to sins and
excessive ego. As a result, it gets stuck in lower subtle planes of existence
such as the nether world. If the demerits or sins are intense, then the
subtle body goes to one of the regions of Hell. On the other hand, the
subtle body becomes lighter due to good deeds (merits) and the intensity
of spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual level, the lighter the subtle
body and faster the progress to the higher positive subtle regions of the
An advanced seeker's subtle body crosses the nether region immediately
as a result of spiritual practice and goes to higher subtle regions of
existence such as Heaven (Swargaloka). Only ancestors who are above
the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti) spiritual level are able to go to
higher subtle regions, such as Heaven and are able to access the requisite
protection from God to fend off any attack by ghosts (demons, devils,
negative energies etc.). Less than 5% of the world population falls in this
The following is the breakdown of world population by spiritual level:
This means that the vast majority of our ancestors (over 95% of them)
will be consigned to regions below Heaven like the Nether region or one of
the regions of Hell. A large percentage of the world population is at
a spiritual level of below 30%. When they die, they have very little
spiritual strength to help themselves in the lower subtle regions. By ‘help’
we mean helping themselves spiritually to advance to higher positive
subtle sub-regions.
In the lower subtle regions, they experience pain due to demerits and do
not know how to help themselves. They are also attacked and tormented
by more powerful ghosts who control them for various purposes. They try
to go to a more positive region or sub-region in the Universe but cannot
quite do so without spiritual help.
Subtle bodies who are over 30% spiritual level, can technically help
themselves by doing spiritual practice, but this too, is rare unless they
have a strong impression to do spiritual practice that conforms to the six
basic principles of spiritual practice. All other versions of spiritual practice
are inefficient and do not really provide any spiritual help to the subtle
body of the ancestor.
The distress suffered by our ancestors in the lower regions of the Universe
emanates from them as distress frequencies/vibrations that travel across
the various subtle regions as well as the Earth region. As their family
members or descendants have the most matching frequencies, they are
best able to receive these frequencies.
Only on the Earth plane, do we have the ability to do something for our
departed ancestors. Their relatives in the other various subtle realms are
pretty much in the same boat and so cannot help. In the present times,
as most descendants are not sufficiently spiritually evolved to be able to
subtly perceive the distressing frequencies, the ancestors use spiritual
energy to create distress in their descendant’s lives so that the
descendants take notice of their needs. The distress perpetrated by the
ancestors is thus basically a means to communicate their pain. When the
descendant finds that problems are not going away despite their best
efforts, they sometimes seek spiritual guidance. If the appropriate
spiritual guidance is obtained and implemented, it not only provides the
descendants the required protection from their ancestors but also
provides the ancestors the necessary impetus for their onward journey in
the spiritual realm.
Depending on the nature and spiritual level of ancestors the extent of
distress varies. A good ancestor would give distress only to the extent of
making the descendants aware of their needs. A vengeful ancestor on the
other hand, could cause extensive distress to his descendants.
 An ancestor wanting to fulfill his desires would trouble a
descendant with similar desires.
 An ancestor desirous of moving on to a higher subtle region would
target a descendant doing spiritual practice.
Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual Science > Déjà vu - A spiritual perspective
1. What is déjà vu?
Have you ever had that uncanny feeling of ‘I have been here before’ even
though it was the very first time you have been to a place? This feeling is
popularly dubbed as déjà vu (French for ‘already seen’) and it describes
the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced
previously an entirely new situation.
2. Spiritual reasons behind déjà vu
We did spiritual research to understand why people go through such kinds
of experiences and their root causes.
A. 30% cases: Similar experiences or past life experiences
This relates to identifying the present experience with similar
experience/s in this lifetime or in previous lifetimes.
B. 50% cases: Tuning fork phenomenon
Every living and non-living object emits frequencies that contribute to the
aura surrounding it. In the case of humans, frequencies are emitted
from all of the comprising bodies, i.e. physical, mental, intellectual
and subtle ego. The emission and receiving of these frequencies
becomes even more pronounced when a person is meditating and
thoughts are focused.
The tuning fork phenomenon relates to when the frequencies of a
person’s mind temporarily match the frequencies of minds of other
living people or subtle bodies in the afterlife.
The frequencies of our mind don’t match with everyone and, as a rule of
thumb, they would match with 1 out of every 100 million people. In other
words, frequencies of our mind would match with some 65 people out of
the 6.5 billion people on Earth. The number would be higher for the subtle
bodies in the afterlife because of the larger number of them present in the
subtle regions. These people are not soul mates in any way; it is just that
in that particular experience their frequencies of mind matched. They
then have a notion that they have witnessed or experienced a new
situation previously when in actuality it is someone else’s experience.
C. 20% cases: Miscellaneous causes
3. Interference of ghosts in déjà vu
In some cases where people are affected or possessed by ghosts to a
medium or severe extent, the above statistics differ. While 100% of the
world’s population is affected by departed ancestors from the afterlife and
ghosts, approximately two-thirds of them are affected to a medium or
severe extent.
Refer to the article - What percentage of the world population is affected
by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)?
For people who are medium to severely affected by departed ancestors or
ghosts, ghosts would contribute an average of up to 50% of all the 3
variables mentioned above. This means that one out of every two déjà vu
cases is caused by ghosts. Ghosts often do this to mislead people.
Saints with the help of their highly active sixth sense can diagnose
whether a particular symptom is caused by ghosts or departed ancestors.
They can even tell us the details of the attacking ghosts, the reason
behind the attack, the exact remedy, etc. For more details, please refer to
the article on ‘Depth of ability to perceive paranormal activity with our
sixth sense’.
Those with an activated sixth sense can also ascertain to some extent
whether a certain symptom is caused by ghosts. However they cannot be
100% sure and they do not perceive many details about the nature of the
What about the rest of us who do not have the sixth sense (ESP) ability to
understand if a symptom is being caused by a ghost? There are some
simple rules of thumb which we can apply in order to decide, by using our
intellect. We can consider that there is a strong likelihood of an illness
being caused by a ghost when the symptoms are:
 not alleviated with routine, conventional medicines
 fleeting in nature
 have an unexplained cause
 accentuated on full moon or new moon days and
 relieved by spiritual remedies
For example, if a simple skin rash is very stubborn and does not go away
with conventional medicine, it is more than likely to have been caused by
a ghost or departed ancestors.
Even in cases where the root causes are physical and/or psychological, we
recommend that one complements the medical treatment with spiritual
remedies. The reason is that ghosts take advantage of any vulnerability
caused by the illness to attack a person and compound or aggravate the
problem. Hence even an illness that may have started as a purely physical
illness, in most cases, is later complicated by an attack by ghosts.
It is said that sometimes our ancestors help us, is
that correct?
It is commonly believed by many people and cultures that their departed
ancestors look over them and help them in their lives.
The spiritual research conducted by SSRF corroborates the fact that
ancestors can help us. The extent and quality of help depends on their
attitude in their life on Earth and their spiritual level. Departed ancestors
at a lower spiritual level can help less than those at a higher spiritual
level. The higher the spiritual level, the more the extent and quality of
help possible.
In almost all cases, the help that ancestors want to provide to their
descendants is at a worldly level.
For example:
 An ancestor may help his descendant get a job by putting the idea
in the interviewer’s mind of selecting him.
 They may help a girl get the boy friend of her choice by putting the
thought in the to-be boy friend’s mind.
 An ancestor with the foreknowledge of a possible accident may try
to delay the departure of the descendant from the house thus trying to
keep him away from the scene of the accident.
Ancestors by helping their descendants are in effect enhancing the
attachment of their descendants to worldly pleasures and simultaneously
get further attached themselves. The only real help departed ancestors
can give their descendants is to make them aware of the necessity
of spiritual practice.
As we have seen earlier, more than 50% of mankind is below the 30%
spiritual level with minimal spiritual strength. It is very difficult for these
ancestors to be of any help to their descendants. Sometimes higher-
level ghosts like sorcerers can also ensnare our departed ancestors of
lower spiritual levels and torment them. At this point, survival is the only
thought in their mind.
However, even if some ancestors may genuinely desire to help their
descendants, the fate of the helpful ancestors is akin to being trapped in a
glass cage. They can see the plight of their descendants, but cannot reach
out to them to alert them to danger or deliver timely help. This is because
 either the descendants do not receive or understand the signals
sent by the ancestors or do not believe in them or
 the spiritual power of ancestors falls short of the help needed.
For example, a departed father may want to warn his son about the risk
in signing the business deal through dreams but the son either does not
make the connection between the signs in the dreams and the deal or if
he does, he may not attribute enough significance to it thus ignoring the
In another case, a departed mother may have to helplessly watch her
beloved son falling prey to a lethal drug addiction orchestrated by a subtle
sorcerer. She understands the root cause of the addiction though the son
and the world is unaware about it, but as her spiritual power falls much
shorter than that of the sorcerer she is forced to be a helpless spectator.
What happens after the death of a person that
causes him to need help?
A human being has two bodies – the gross body (sthuladeha) and the
subtle body (lingadeha). Along with this he has vital energy (pranshakti)
that links these two bodies together. See the diagram given below.
When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the universe. The
physical body remains on earth while the subtle body travels to a subtle
plane depending on its merits or sins and its spiritual level. The subtle
body becomes heavy due to sins and excessive ego and as a result gets
stuck in lower subtle planes of existence such as the nether world. If the
sins are intense then the subtle body goes to hell.
On the other hand, the subtle body becomes lighter due to good deeds
(merits) and the intensity of spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual
level, the lighter the subtle body and faster the progress during its
After death, those whose spiritual practice is not intense, get stuck in the
nether region. A seeker's subtle body crosses the nether region
immediately due to the lightness of the subtle body as a result of spiritual
practice and goes to higher subtle regions of existence such as heaven
However the subtle body without the strength of spiritual practice remains
in the subtle nether region and has to undergo the distress there. It
doesn't gain momentum (gati) because it lacks spiritual energy and purity
(sattva predominance) and hence is stuck in the heavy atmosphere of the
subtle nether region.
They need spiritual help to make their onward journey. Now, they can
turn only to their descendants to do something for them. As the
descendants are benefactors of the assets of their ancestors in one way or
another, they are spiritually bound to render requisite help to these subtle
bodies. However, the descendents in many cases are unaware of the rites
and rituals that need to be done in a correct manner according to the
science of Spirituality to assist their deceased ancestors. As a result, the
ancestors who have passed away get no relief in the subtle nether region.
The ancestors therefore trouble (as mentioned in an earlier article) their
descendants, in order to draw their attention towards them. When the
descendant in the earth region experience difficulties that just don't seem
to go away, they start looking for solutions beyond conventional means.
1. Introduction
Quite often our readers ask the meaning behind seeing dead relatives in
their dreams frequently. A few of them, welcome seeing dead relatives
and a few are fearful of the same. Their questions include, ‘Has my father
moved on in the afterlife?’, ‘Has he gone to heaven?’, ‘What are they
trying to tell me?’, etc. In this article, through spiritual research, we shed
some light on this issue from both a psychological and spiritual viewpoint.
Please read what is spiritual research?
2. What are the reasons behind seeing dead family
members in dreams?
Through spiritual research we have found that there are psychological and
spiritual reasons for seeing dead family members in dreams. 30% of the
time the reason is psychological and 70% of the time it is spiritual.
Psychological reasons can include a feeling of guilt or regret for not
having spent time with a loved one before he/she died or some anxiety
about that departed family member. Here the images that appear in the
dream are eruptions from our sub-conscious mind.
Spiritual reasons are mainly two-fold. One is that the subtle body of the
departed family member needs help in the afterlife and is trying to
contact its descendant on the Earth plane of existence. The other reason
is trying to seek revenge, to get even with some family member.
Through spiritual research we have found (with regards to the spiritual
reasons) that approximately 70% of the time, it is the subtle body’s need
for help in the afterlife and 30% of the time, it is to seek revenge or to
trouble the descendant on the Earth plane of existence.
A dream can be considered spiritual in nature if the same dream recurs at
least 3 times. Dead family members will generally try to contact the
family member (or appear in the dreams) who they feel is most likely do
something for them. The reasons subtle bodies, in the afterlife, find it
easier to communicate through dreams as opposed to the waking state is
because during the waking state the person who they are trying to
contact, is more engrossed in the five senses and does not have
concentration of the mind. During the dream or sleep state, the mind is
more receptive to messages from the subtle.
We have found that people who have had untimely or violent deaths are
more likely to appear in dreams as opposed to people who have had
normal deaths such as after a prolonged illness. This is because the
person who has died of natural causes is more mentally prepared for
death and therefore finds it easier to move-on in the afterlife.
In only 10% of cases could there be a negative energy masquerading as
the ancestor, in the dreams.
3. What if the dream is of a close friend who had died
However, dreams of the departed are not necessarily limited to deceased
family members. Sometimes even close friends who are deceased appear
in one's dreams. This is mainly to seek help as they may feel closer to the
person who they are trying to contact as opposed to their family members
on Earth. The following example narrated by one of the members of the
SSRF research team will shed more light on this aspect.
Recently a friend of mine, Andrew (not his real name), visited me at the
SSRF research centre and narrated how he had been plagued by dreams
of a close friend who had died in a tragic accident. Andrew said that once,
while at University, he did not go on a trip with his friend because he was
competing in an event that his friend had trained him for. During the trip,
his friend drowned.
Andrew was overcome by a feeling of remorse and guilt for not being
there for his friend and perhaps being able to save his life. He did not
have the strength to go to the funeral. Soon after the funeral, Andrew’s
deceased friend began to appear in his dreams. It would be the same
dream each time and it would recur every few days. This continued for
many years. Andrew was very fearful of the dream but he did not ask for
help from anyone on this matter.
Then one day after many years, he faced his fears and said to his friend in
the dream, “Look I am sorry I was not there for you. I cannot change the
past but I cannot keep living like this, dreaming of you every second day.
So whatever it is you want from me .... do what you must ... kill me if you
will, I don’t care.” From the next day onwards he did not have the dream
ever again. Andrew felt that standing up to his deceased friend in a dream
was the correct thing to do. However, from a spiritual perspective, all that
the departed friend wanted, was some spiritual help from his closest
friend Andrew. Once he saw that Andrew would never understand, the
subtle body of the deceased friend retreated, never to ask again.
Andrews’s correct action should have been to help organise a ritual to be
conducted to help his deceased friend.
4. What can one do, at a spiritual level, to help deceased
loved ones or family members who appear in one's
 The Name of Shree Gurudev is a potent chant that provides relief
from any problems caused due to departed ancestors or family
 SSRF also recommends that for more severe problems due to
departed ancestors or family members, along with
chanting Shree Gurudev, some specific rituals such
as Narayan Nagbali (for ancestors), Tripindi Shradha, etc. be
 It is the spiritual level/ability of the priest conducting the ritual and
the mantras that mostly determine the efficacy of a ritual and its ability
to help the deceased in need of help in the afterlife. Rituals that just
have prayers are more at a psychological level and have a minimal
effect as opposed to the energy generated from specific mantras.
What type of ancestors need help?
The following is a frequency interval table (breakdown) of the world’s
population as per spiritual level. It is based on information accessed from
the Universal Mind and Intellect in 2006.
As you can see, in today’s world over 50% of people fall in the category of
20-30% spiritual level. People below the 30% spiritual level, due to lack
of any spiritual practice have very low spiritual purity or spiritual strength.
When a person dies, the only thing that matters in the after-life is the
spiritual level or the spiritual purity of a subtle body. Unlike on the Earth
plane, the physical body and the various worldly aspects such as money,
prestige, job, how well we are connected etc. have absolutely no
relevance in the spiritual realm or the subtle world.
The subtle bodies of people between the 20-30% spiritual levels are
heavy as in the lowest circle shown in the diagram above. The heaviness
is primarily caused due to demerits incurred from their life on Earth,
immense worldly attachments and lack of spiritual practice that conforms
to the six basic principles of spiritual practice.
Due to this spiritual heaviness, the subtle bodies cannot move on to
higher positive realms of the Universe and are therefore relegated to the
lower subtle regions such as the Nether world and Hell. Here they
experience the full measure of pain or unhappiness according to their
demerits respectively. In most cases, the demerits outstrip the merits in
people at the spiritual levels of 20-30%. Hence they mostly experience
pain and unhappiness in these realms. Along with this, more powerful
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) attack and control them.
These ancestors require our help at a spiritual level the most. We have
defined what spiritual help we can provide them in subsequent articles.
Ancestors between the 30-50% spiritual levels require our help less and
less. Ancestors beyond the 50% spiritual level do not require any spiritual
help from their descendents in the after-life. This is one of the main
reasons why reaching the 50% spiritual level is a key spiritual milestone
that we need to strive for.
3. Heaven and the other positive planes of
existence in the Universe
Footnotes (based on the numbers in red in the above table):
1. Each positive and negative plane of existence beyond the
Earth (physical) plane of existence becomes more and more subtle.
By subtle, we mean, that which is beyond the comprehension of
the five senses, mind and intellect. Satyaloka is the subtlest, i.e.
the most difficult to perceive or comprehend unless the highest
sixth sense (ESP) level is attained.
2. Due to lack of spiritual practice, most people in the current
era go to either the Nether world or one of the planes of existence
of Hell. We generally go to the Nether world after death when the
proportion of demerits (incurred due to wrong doings on Earth) is
approximately 30%. Demerits typically include malice towards
others and a lot of desires. The likelihood of being attacked in the
Nether world by higher-level ghosts from the lower plane of
existence of Hell is almost certain.
3. Earth is the only plane of existence where there is an
amalgamation of people with varying spiritual levels. However,
after death we go to the precise plane of existence corresponding
to our spiritual level.
4. The minimum spiritual level required to attain Heaven after
death is 50% (samashti, samashṭi) or 60% (vyashti, vyashṭi).
Please refer to the article, which describes what spiritual level is
and the breakdown of the world population in 2006 according to
spiritual level. Basically from the Spiritual science perspective,
meritorious acts to attain Heaven or the higher positive planes of
existence are those acts done with the objective of God-realisation.
The following three criteria can be applied.
 Acts done without doership, i.e. with the outlook that God
Himself is getting it done from me and hence I cannot lay claim
to any credit.
 Done without expectation of acclaim or appreciation.
 Done without expectation of results.
More than the acts per se, it is the attitude or outlook behind the
acts that counts more.
5. To attain a higher plane of existence beyond Heaven one
needs to be at a spiritual level higher than 60% (samashti) or 70%
(vyashti). This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual
practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice along
with a major reduction in ego.
6. By predominant body, we mean the body that is most active,
i.e., mental, intellect or the subtle ego. For example, in the Nether
plane of existence (Bhuvalok), the subtle bodies still have a lot of
desires and attachments. As a result, quite often they become
ghosts trying to fulfil some desire of theirs. This leaves them open
to higher-level ghosts from the lower rungs of Hell to take
advantage of their cravings to affect people on Earth.
7. In the Nether plane of existence we experience some
happiness. However, the unhappiness is amplified as compared to
the unhappiness experienced on Earth.
8. In Heaven plane of existence, subtle bodies experience an
over abundance of happiness. This happiness is much beyond the
happiness experienced on Earth in quantity, quality and duration.
As we go up the positive planes of existence, there is an increase
in the quality of happiness and no unhappiness.
9. Sattvik happiness means happiness derived from helping
others without any expectations or strings attached. When ego is
involved in the act, it becomes raajasik.
10. Serenity is a higher experience than Bliss.
3.1 Positive planes of existence and reincarnation
on Earth
From the planes of existence below Mahalok, people need to be
reincarnated on the Earth plane to settle their destiny and complete their
give-and-take accounts.
If one attains Mahalok at the 60% (samashti) or 70% (vyashti) spiritual
level or attains Janalok at the 70% (samashti) or 80% (vyashti) spiritual
level after death, one does not need to be reincarnated as all of the
individual's remaining destiny (accumulated account) can be worked out
from these planes themselves. However these evolved subtle bodies may
choose to be born of their own will. They do so primarily to act as spiritual
guides for humanity.
In some circumstances people who pass away even below the spiritual
level of 60% can attain Mahalok. Here the person’s potential for further
spiritual growth is considered. Through spiritual research we have found
that that there are 5 factors that influence this potential for further
spiritual growth.
 Having a high amount of spiritual emotion (bhav),
 Having a low ego,
 Having an intense desire for spiritual growth,
 Doing regular spiritual practice of increasingly higher levels,
 Affected or not affected by negative energies.
Being affected by negative energies can severely obstruct the ability for
spiritual growth. Hence, if a person is below the 60% (samashti) or 70%
(vyashti) spiritual level and has good qualities, but is severely affected by
negative energies, then the individual's ability to attain the higher
spiritual planes of existence such as Mahalok is restricted.
If one attains Tapalok or Satyalok after death, then one does not take
birth on the Earth plane of existence but continues to do spiritual practice
from that plane of existence until one merges completely with God.
3.2 The importance of the Earth plane of
The Earth plane of existence is very important. It is the only plane of
existence where we can make rapid spiritual growth and settle our give-
and-take account in the shortest period of time. The main reason for this
is that with the help of the physical body, we can do many things to
enhance our spiritual growth and spiritual level and reduce the basic
subtle tama component.
Other than Earth, spiritual growth is mostly likely to occur only in the
regions beyond Heaven such as Mahaaloka etc. This is because in Heaven,
the subtle bodies run the risk of getting caught up in the unending
pleasures it offers. In the Nether and Hell planes of existence, the
punishment is so severe and also the distress from the other higher-level
ghosts is such that it becomes very difficult to rise above the suffering to
undertake any spiritual practice of value.
4. What is Hell, who goes to Hell and what is Hell
 As one goes to lower planes of existence of Hell, as the subtle
basic sattva component progressively reduces the environment
becomes less conducive to the experience of happiness.
 Within the planes of existence of Hell, there are some ghosts who
do certain types of spiritual practice to gain spiritual power. The highest
in the hierarchy of ghosts are sorcerers from the seventh plane of
existence of Hell. They have immense spiritual power almost equivalent
to a Saint at the 90% spiritual level. They control all the other types of
ghosts with lesser spiritual power.
 As one goes deeper into the various planes of existence of Hell, i.e.
from 1st to 7th, the extent of happiness experienced by the subtle
bodies therein goes on decreasing and the extent of unhappiness goes
on multiplying. The minimal experience of happiness is also due to
being engrossed in memories of past positive events, pleasant
memories of wealth in a past life, etc. The experience of unhappiness is
due to memories of physical pain and insulting events, memories of
unfulfilled desires, e.g. regarding education, house, career, expectation
of happiness from children in past life.
 The extent of punishment/pain to be endured in the various planes
of existence of Hell (Paataal) and their associated Narak goes on
increasing with the subsequent plane of existence of Hell. Also, the
period of punishment to be endured in each Narak is in excess
compared to the corresponding plane of existence of Hell. If we
consider the punishment in first plane of existence of Hell as 100%,
then the punishment in the corresponding first Narak region is 50%
more, i.e. 150%.
The following table is a description of examples along with the average
intensity of happiness and unhappiness we experience in the various
planes of existence of Hell.
5. Movement between subtle planes of existence
in the Universe
One is assigned that plane of existence which matches one’s basic nature
in terms of sattva, raja and tama. This is also a function of one’s spiritual
level. Hence, subtle bodies from lower positive planes of existence cannot
go to higher positive planes of existence and those from first or second
negative planes of existence cannot go to the deeper planes of existence
Hell. This is similar to how people living in the planes find breathing
difficult at higher altitudes, but people staying at higher altitudes manage
6. What decides where we go after death?
At the time of death, as the physical body becomes inactive the vital
energy used for the functioning of the physical body is liberated into the
Universe. This vital energy at the time of death propels the subtle body
away from the Earth region. Just as the weight of a projectile decides how
far a rocket will propel it, similarly the weight of the subtle body decides
which plane of existence it goes to in the subtle planes of existence in life
after death.
The ‘weight’ of the subtle body is primarily a function of the amount of
the subtle basic tama component in our being.
The 3 subtle basic components: Each one of us is made up of three subtle
basic components or gunas. These components are spiritual in nature and
cannot be seen but they define our personalities. They are:
 Sattva: Purity and knowledge
 Raja: Action and passion
 Tama: Ignorance and inertia In an average person in the current
era, the basic subtle tama component is as high as 50%.
Please read the article on the 3 subtle basic components
The more we are filled with the raja and tama components the more we
display the following characteristics which add to our ‘weight’ and impact
which plane of existence we go to in our life after death:
 More attachment to worldly things and selfishness
 More unfulfilled desires
 Feelings of revenge
 Higher amount of demerits or wrong-doings
 Higher amount of personality defects such as anger, greed, fear,
 A higher amount of ego: By ego we mean how much a person
identifies himself with his body, mind and intellect as opposed to the
soul within
 Resulting in lower spiritual level
A permanent reduction in the proportion of the subtle
basic tama component and the related characteristics mentioned above
come about only with sustained spiritual practice according to the six
basic laws of spiritual practice. Psychological improvements with self-help
books or trying to be nice are at best superficial and temporary.
6.1 Importance of the mental state at the time of
The mental state at the point of death, apart from what has been
mentioned above, is very important. Our mental state is generally relative
to the proportion of the subtle basic components in our being.
If a person is actually doing his spiritual practice such as chanting the
Name of God at the time of death then the influence of desires,
attachments, ghosts, etc. are minimal possible for that person compared
to his state when not chanting. This makes his subtle body lighter. Hence,
if he passes away while chanting, he attains better plane of existence
among the sub-planes than what he would have attained were he to pass
away without chanting.
At the time of death, if a person is chanting the Name of God and is also
in a state of surrender to God’s will, then he attains an even better plane
of existence in his life after death and his sojourn is undertaken with
lightening speed. This is because the person being in a state of surrender
on Earth plane of existence itself, has very less chance of increasing his
ego in his life after death. Also, the entire responsibility of his well-being
in his life after death is undertaken by his evolved spiritual guide (Guru).
6.2 Who goes to Hell?
The following are the types of deeds in our life on Earth that typically land
us in one of the planes of existence of Hell.
The extent, duration and intention behind the wrong-doings are important
factors deciding the planes of existence of Hell attained after death rather
than just the action itself.
7. Suicide and the after life
There are two types of death with regards to its timing.
Destined final death: This is the time of death that no one can escape.
Possible death: This is where a person can possibly die. Each person may
undergo a possible death wherein one comes close to death but may be
saved due to his or her merits.
For more information on the types of death please refer to our article
- Time of Death
In cases where a person is going through insurmountable crisis in his life
or has severe personality disorders, he may think of taking his own life in
a depressed state. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) also
fuel the depression of a suicidal person and sometimes are instrumental
in pushing a person over the edge into committing suicide. However,
suicide remains a willful act that happens when a person is going through
a possible death phase as per their destiny.
Life on the Earth plane of existence is precious and is given to us
primarily for spiritual growth. When we kill others we create a karmic give
and take account with them. However by committing suicide, we
squander away the opportunity for spiritual growth and hence incur the
heaviest sin. The consequences are that a person committing suicide goes
to the Narak part of the 7th plane of existence of Hell for a period of
60,000 Earth years, in his life after death. It is a place that is without any
light; something like solitary confinement in a prison. As there is nobody
in that Narak region who can give advice about spiritual practice, the
subtle body remains in the darkness of spiritual ignorance.
8. Why is there a time lag between two
In the course of research by using hypnotic trance to trace the past lives
of the person, it has been found that the time lag between two
reincarnations on Earth could be on average 50 to 400 years. The reasons
for this time lag are as follows:
 The subtle body remains in the Heaven or the Nether plane of
existence for variable periods of time to undergo its merits and
demerits (sins).
 Circumstances on Earth plane of existence need to be favourable to
complete the give-and-take account from previous births with various
people. This is in accordance with the law of Karma. The reincarnation
of the subtle body is postponed until the time various other people who
they have a give-and-take account with are also preparing to take
 Sometimes in past life regression, a person does not report a
reincarnation in the trance state. The reason for this is that a certain
reincarnation has been very uneventful or brief and the person may not
remember any details of it.
In the case of subtle bodies that have been relegated to the deeper
planes of existence of Hell, the time lag between two reincarnations may
be thousands of years. They stay in their respective plane of existence of
Hell until such time they have completed their punishment. In most cases,
this means languishing in plane of existence of Hell in their life after death
till the dissolution of the Universe.
9. Life after death – in summary
The above facts about the various planes of existence give us a fair idea
of the possible consequences in our life after death of how we live our
lives. Only with spiritual practice or with extreme meritorious deeds can
one go to the higher planes of existence and thereby avoid unhappiness
and punishment and enjoy higher levels of happiness. There are also
better chances of a reincarnation on Earth plane of existence in
circumstances conducive to spiritual practice. This is so that one moves
further up in the subtle planes of existence in the Universe. As we go
further into the current Era of Strife (Kaliyuga), there is lesser likelihood
of people going to the higher planes of existence.
Once we go to the lower planes of existence such as the Nether plane of
existence or other planes of existence of Hell, we stay there and
experience severe unhappiness for centuries until we completely pay for
our demerits (sins) by suffering the intense punishments meted there and
get a chance to be reincarnated on Earth.
To do consistent spiritual practice on the Earth plane of existence
according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice is like swimming against
the tide in the current era. However, it is also a guaranteed way of
advancing to higher planes of existence in our life after death.
What are ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.) and how does a person become
1. What are ghosts?
When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body
(consisting of the subconscious mind, intellect, ego and soul, i.e. minus
the physical body) however continues to exist and moves on to the other
regions of the universe. Refer to the picture below for more detailed view
of what we are comprised of and what we leave behind after death.
Some of these subtle bodies become ghosts. Ghosts by definition meet all
of the following criteria:
 They are subtle bodies.
 They belong to the nether region (Bhuvaloka) or one of the seven
regions of Hell but they are found on Earth region too. This is because
ghosts from the more subtle regions of the universe can travel to the
more gross ones like Earth at will.
 They do not exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. Heaven
and above.
 They have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol
(things that they can only experience through a physical body),
revenge etc.
 They derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting
humans and other subtle bodies. Their general aim is aligned with
bringing about unrighteousness in society.
The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if
their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special
process as such which they go through to become a ghost.
2. What decides where we go and what we
become after death?
When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of
factors. These factors include:
 The number and type of impressions that are created in the sub-
conscious mind depending on how we have lived our lives. Refer to the
article on the impressions in our mind that decides our basic nature and
 Our ego: The word ‘ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In
addition to its everyday usage as self esteem and self conceit, it also
includes the attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of
oneself as having an existence separate from God. Ego is a function of
the extent to which we identify with our 5 senses, mind and intellect
instead of identifying with the Soul or the God within us.
 The type of deeds done during our life-time.
 The extent and the type of spiritual practice we had undertaken
during our lifetime.
 Our Destiny
 The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental.
 The type of funeral.
 The rituals as per Spiritual science done by our descendants after
our death to help us in our after life.
3. Who are likely to become ghosts?
People are likely to become ghosts after their death when
 They have many unfulfilled desires.
 Many personality defects, such as anger, fear, greed, etc.
 A lot of negative impressions in the mind.
 A high amount of ego.
 They have harmed others and have the basic nature of harming
 They lack spiritual practice consisting of progressive level of
surrender of mind body and intellect, done with the intention of God-
Only people who have reached the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti)
spiritual level and have low ego are able to proceed to
The higher regions of Heaven (Swarga) and beyond do not become
ghosts. The rest of humanity, when they die, finds themselves in the
regions of the Nether world (Bhuvaloka) and Hell (Patal). Most subtle
bodies in the Nether region (Bhuvaloka) are highly likely to become
ghosts. All subtle bodies in Hell are ghosts.
In fact, even if one is a gentleman but doesn’t have enough spiritual
strength through spiritual practice, he is liable to become a ghost when he
dies. This is because he is attacked by higher level ghosts and is
controlled by them. Just as on Earth, in the other regions of the universe
also, ‘might is right’ and only the strongest survive. Ghosts (demons,
devils, negative energies, etc.) of a higher level, with their high spiritual
strength, make the subtle bodies of ‘gentlemen’ of lower spiritual
strength, do things against their will and thus indirectly making them
ghosts. Over a period of time, the subtle body of the ‘gentleman’ too
succumbs and becomes a ghost deriving pleasure through tormenting
humans or fulfilling their worldly desires by possessing humans.
The moral here is that, if we do not undertake spiritual practice according
to the universalsix basic principles of Spirituality and do not reduce our
ego, then the probability of us becoming ghosts, after our death is very
4. Who do not become ghosts?
They are typically people who:
 Do spiritual practice with the intention of achieving God-realisation
(the ultimate in spiritual growth).
 Have less impressions in the mind, fewer personality defects, etc.
 Have a low ego.
 Are above the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti) spiritual level.
When such persons die they move on to the higher regions, i.e. Heaven
and beyond. Ghosts cannot influence or take them into custody due to
their spiritual strength and protection from God.
5. Spiritual level and ghosts
Throughout the section on ghosts, we refer to higher level ghosts who
have a lot of spiritual energy as a result of intense spiritual practiceand
penance. As a result, they have a high spiritual level and a lot of spiritual
power. This may seem contradictory as one may ask, “How can one
become a ghost when one has a high spiritual level?” The spiritual power
of a Saint at the 70% spiritual level and a superior ghost such as a
sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell may be the same. However, the key
differences between them are:
 The Saint does spiritual practice with the intention of surrendering
his body, mind, wealth, ego, etc. to God so as to merge with Him.
 The superior ghost or a person with high spiritual power (who after
death becomes a ghost) does spiritual practice with the intention of
gaining supernatural powers so as to play ‘God’ and thus has a lot of
The Saint would identify more with the God principle or the Soul within.
The sorcerer on the other hand is very proud of the fact that he has the
spiritual strength and identifies with his ego i.e. the 5 senses, mind and
Battle of Good versus Evil
Abstract - The battle of good versus evil
The subtle battle of good versus evil has been waged periodically since
the earliest times. It is once again being fought in the subtle world during
the years 1999 – 2006. After the intensity of subtle battle is reduced in
2006, a gross battle on Earth will ensue. Thereafter, the world will
undergo a period of flux recovering from the battle on Earth and
preparing for a new era. This new era will be known as the Divine
Kingdom and with it humanity will see a thousand years of peace and
Righteousness. The times we live in are very significant as the
ramifications of this battle will be felt by the entire universe. However the
current times are also highly conducive for spiritual practice to attain God-
realisation (the highest spiritual state).
1. The definition of good and evil
From a Spiritual science standpoint, people who are living or who have
passed on (subtle bodies), who have an intense desire to do spiritual
practice with the goal of surrendering everything including ego unto God
and aligning their life with attaining God and deities, are defined as ‘good’.
These are typically persons who are above the 30% spiritual level,
are raja-sattva or sattva predominant and righteous. People without the
above mentioned characteristics but doing some good deeds like donating
to orphanages etc., though meritorious, do not necessarily qualify for
what Spiritual science would define as ‘good’ people, especially if the act
is done with immense pride. Good people and good subtle
bodies collectively come under ‘good forces’.
On the other hand, evil persons (living or subtle bodies) are raja-
tama or tama predominant, unrighteous and have a high ego. They may
even be doing spiritual practice but it is done with the goal of acquiring
spiritual power for the fulfillment of some personal ambition. The word
‘Ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage
as an overbearing self esteem and a high level of self conceit, it also
includes the spiritual connotation of an attitude of duality with God.
Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence distinct from
God. Evil people and evil subtle bodies collectively come under ‘evil
From a strictly Spiritual science perspective those who are doing spiritual
practice with the objective of God-realisation and who are progressively
offering their body, mind, wealth and ego to God would qualify in the
‘good’ category. Thus according to this definition of ‘good’, in present
times the good people on Earth are negligible. A majority of the people
come under 'evil'. Among these however, those who try to harm society
and reduce the sattva component in the world amount to 30% of the
2. Where did good and evil come from?
2.1 When did evil come into existence?
Everything in the universe has originated from the One God. The God
principle permeates everything in the universe and also exists beyond it.
From this perspective both good and evil have originated from the God
principle. They have both existed since the creation of the universe.
However the evil was in seed or latent form at that time.
According to a spiritual law ‘everything has originated from the God
principle. It will be sustained and then undergo dissolution back into the
God principle’. This happens as per an inherent absolute plan. Thus the
universe has come into existence, it will be sustained for a predefined
period of time and then it will undergo dissolution. As a part of this divine
plan, the evil that was in seed form at the origin of the universe steadily
grows. It manifests in the form of evil elements and persons. With the
passage of time, the evil element will keep on growing until it reaches
100%, at which point the universe will cease to exist.
2.2 Where do good and evil forces get their energy from?
Since both good and evil come from the Supreme God principle, they also
get their spiritual energy from God. This may seem like a paradox;
however it can best be understood by the following analogy. Two
employees of a company work equally hard and earn the same wage.
After the money is in their hands, it depends on them how they will use it.
One person may use it to feed himself and after that whatever is
remaining to help society. The other person may use it to harm society.
Earning money is akin to obtaining spiritual energy that we get when we
do spiritual practice. The intention behind doing spiritual practice is very
different for good and evil people. For the former, it is to merge with God
whereas for the latter it is primarily to get spiritual power. Once we build
up our reservoir of spiritual energy, God gives us the free will to use it as
we please. This spiritual energy when used by people for Righteousness is
known as good energy and when used for unrighteousness it is known as
evil energy.
The important point to note is that when it is used for righteous means,
one experiences oneness with that aspect of God. Hence he can access
that much divine energy corresponding to the extent of the oneness. Thus
one does not end up losing any spiritual energy. However when spiritual
energy is used for unrighteous means, it being contrary to God, the
person ends up using the energy that he gained from spiritual practice,
thus depleting it.
3. What is the mission of good and evil?
The mission of the good forces is to establish an order across all the
regions of the universe based on the sattva component. On the other
hand, evil forces strive to establish a demonic kingdom based on
the raja and tama components. This demonic kingdom is a kind of
kingdom that is most conducive for demonic forces to fulfil their desires.
These desires have a wide range, right from indulging excessively in
sensual pleasures and the inappropriate use of power, to troubling seekers
of God, to wiping out spiritual practice for God-realisation.
4. The balance between good and evil
As a result of the missions of good and evil forces being diametrically
opposed to each other, there is always conflict between the two. This
balance fluctuates over time and is never constant. Its effects are felt
across all the regions of the universe. For example, when there is an
increase in the power of demonic forces and ghosts (demons, devils,
negative energies, etc.) the situation across all the positive planes of
existence (Earth, Heaven etc.) begins to worsen. On Earth, it affects us at
a physical, mental and spiritual level. However the negative regions (i.e.
all the various levels of hell) experience a positive effect in their
paradigm. When there is a tilt in the balance towards good, there is an
increase in the subtle basic sattvacomponent and Bliss is experienced
throughout the universe. Peace and prosperity reigns on Earth. The
demonic forces are however distressed by this positive trend. Their
degree of discomfort is akin to that of forcing a criminal to live in a
seminary or shrine.
4.1 What are the reasons behind the tilting of the balance in the
direction of the evil forces?
At every twist and turn, evil forces in the universe are trying to adversely
influence the balance of power. Despite the demonic forces’ constant
attempts to reduce the subtle sattva component and stop seekers of God
from practising and spreading spirituality, the good forces reign supreme
as long as there are Saints and seekers doing spiritual practice. This is
because God helps Saints and seekers due to their devotion, to overcome
the evil forces.
The major reservoir of power of good and evil resides in the subtle
regions. The forces of good and evil on Earth are like puppets on strings.
They both get their power from the forces of good and evil respectively in
the subtle realm.
4.2 Spiritual level and attack by ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.)
The demonic forces generally attack the good forces that are within +/-
10% spiritual strength of their own strength. The reason for this is that a
ghost cannot affect a person where there is a difference of 10%
in spiritual level in favour of the person. This is because a person is able
to harness 10-20 % of God’s protection, more than the level of distress by
ghosts, which protects him from an attack by a ghost having a lower
spiritual energy.
Those ghosts at a spiritual level of more than 10% of a person’s spiritual
level do not bother to attack him, as he is too small to contend with and
thus inconsequential to the ghost. So for example, a person at 30%
spiritual level will be attacked by a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy
etc.) in the range of 20 – 40% level.
It becomes easier for demonic forces of evil to exert their power over
mankind especially when people are more materialistic and less inclined
to practising Spirituality. When there is an increase in
the tama component in mankind, demonic forces themselves
being tama predominant, easily take advantage of the situation and try to
establish their control over humanity.
Refer to the article, “To what extent does spiritual level provide a
protection against ghosts?”
5. When does the battle between good and evil
The battle between good and evil intensifies when the subtle
basic sattva component hits rock bottom and the subtle
basic tama component reaches a high. The sattva hitting rock bottom is a
function of the percentage of evildoers on Earth. What is ‘rock bottom’
differs over time and changes with each era. For example, the worst
period of Satyayuga (the first era of the universe) would be far
more sattvik than the period of highest sattvikta in the whole of Kaliyuga.
Please note: The figures for the first three eras are for the main era, not
for the mini-cycles within it.
In the future, in the next mini-cycles, rock bottom will come after the
evildoers have crossed 35%, 40% etc. When they become 100%, the
universe will cease to exist because all will have to be annihilated by God.
6. Where is this battle fought?
The battle between good and evil is fought mainly in the subtle worlds
between the subtle good and subtle evil forces. This battle, even though
at a much larger scale than any battle on Earth, can only be perceived by
a person who has an activated sixth sense.
After the subtle battle is won by the subtle good forces, it is followed by
the battle in the gross (physical) i.e. on Earth. This gross war affects the
entire world. It is required to annihilate all the evil persons from the face
of Earth. At first the battleground manifests on Earth in people’s minds
and it seems like we are living in a world that has gone crazy. This is
pretty much like the world in recent times. This is primarily because of
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) possessing or affecting
mankind. Along with this there is an increasing intensity of natural
disasters (floods, tsunamis, epidemics, drought etc.).
Later the battle in the subtle, manifests and escalates on Earth. It finally
presents itself as a major world war along with natural disasters of a
monumental level. It is nature’s way of cleansing the planet of
the tama predominant elements, making way for a better world.
7. Who participates in the battle between good and evil?
Those persons and subtle bodies on the good side, within the 30-50%
spiritual level range, have an understanding of the issue only at a
psychological level. As they lack spiritual strength beyond 50%, they can
contribute little at a spiritual level. Such people who are fighting
physically on Earth usually perish. But at least they accrue merits because
they fought on the side of God. Those at a spiritual level of 50% and
above, having spiritual emotion and a warrior's attitude are really able to
participate in the battle at a spiritual level and thus contribute maximally.
“To be able to participate at a spiritual level” requires one to have a very
low ego, an advanced activated sixth sense and a strong understanding of
pure Spirituality that is beyond sectarian or organised religion. Only then
is one able to perceive God’s will and act accordingly rather than
according to one’s own will. As the acts done by the person are as per
God’s will, the person is able to access divine energy and also does not
create a give-and-take account with his actions. The devotion of the
person also causes God to rush to his aid. It is because of God rushing to
the aid of the true devotee, that the people associated with the devotee
and his mission also benefit. This can be understood from the following
analogy. When a devotee of God, trapped in a building in the middle of an
earthquake, cries for help from God, God will save him. But others in the
building will also be automatically saved.
Most of the seekers of God across the world, who have not studied the
subtle battle aspect of Spiritual science or who do not have an activated
sixth sense are not in the know of it. As a result, they can neither prepare
themselves to face the attack by demonic forces, nor can they participate
in the battle. Most Saints on Earth who are involved purely in their own
individual spiritual practice are also unaware of this battle. As per their
spiritual level, God functions through them. But other than that function,
there is little they can contribute to the battle of good and evil.
There are very few Saints who are actively involved in guiding seekers to
do spiritual practice for the sake of society. They do so, due to Their
yearning for establishing Righteousness on Earth. They are thus more
extensively one with God whose fundamental characteristic is
Righteousness. Spiritual practice for the sake of society includes assisting
humanity in understanding and practicing Spirituality according to the six
basic principles of Spirituality and living a righteous life. Hence, God
functions to a much greater extent through them. Consequently, they are
actively involved in the subtle battle and are guiding seekers to fight this
evil at a spiritual level. All persons and subtle bodies below 30% spiritual
level, with high ego, those engaged in criminal, terrorist activities, those
perpetrating sexual offences and denigrators of deities or symbols of
worship and reverence etc. fight on the side of evil forces. Religious
fundamentalists think they fight on God's side and indulge in (religious)
terrorism but they too come under evil forces. As a part of this subtle
battle, higher level ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) force
the spiritually weaker ancestors' subtle bodies to make use of their give-
and-take accounts with their ‘good’ descendants, to trouble them.
Refer to article - Why would my departed loved ones and my other
ancestors want to give me pain?
8. When was the first battle between good and evil
The lifespan of the universe is divided into 4 eras i.e. Satyayuga,
Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga. The current era we live in, is the
last era of the universe and is called the Era of Strife (Kaliyuga) and it will
last for 432,000 years. We are currently 5,500 years into this era. (Refer
to the picture below).
In each era there are smaller cycles of Satyayuga, Tretayuga,
Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga. Each small era cycle is further sub-divided into
even smaller four eras. This sub-division of mini-cycles within mini-cycles
re-occurs until it is six levels deep. The smallest mini-cycle lasts for a
period of about 1000 years. The figure of 1000 is as per the time
calculation in present times. For example, a corresponding mini-cycle
in Satyayuga era would be much longer. This is because Satyayuga was
an era which had a very high subtle sattva component. One of the
characteristics of sattvais expansiveness, whereas that of tama is decay.
Hence one year of Kaliyuga would essentially mean many more years
in Satyayuga.
At the beginning of creation the balance was 100% in favour of the good
forces as the demonic forces were only in latent/seed form. This is
because in the first era, i.e. Satyayuga, all of mankind was engaged in
spiritual practice. In fact, their entire life was spent with the attitude that
every aspect of their life is spiritual practice itself and of service to God.
When the mini-kaliyuga in the last mini-cycle of Satyayuga began, the
total number of evildoers on Earth became more than 2% of the entire
population. The subtle tama component was high enough for the evil
forces, i.e. ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) to strike their
claim to supremacy. This was the first battle between the good and evil
forces and it was waged at the end of this mini-cycle kaliyuga in the last
mini-cycle of the Satyayuga.
9. The present subtle battle
The present era we live in is the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of
the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the main
Kaliyuga. We are therefore living in the darkest part of this mini-cycle of
the main Kaliyuga era where materialism, lack of Spirituality and
selfishness of man has reached its peak. All these are representative of an
increase in the tama component in people.
In 2006 the balance between the good and evil forces is in the ratio of
70:30. Presently evildoers in society have reached the 30% mark. For this
part of the era, this means that the sattva component has hit rock
bottom. It is something akin to a share market where when the index
goes below a psychological barrier we say that the share market has
bottomed out.
One may ask, “If the balance is currently 70 to 30 in favour of good then
how can there be a problem?” After all, it contradicts the last paragraph
under point one which states that the majority of the people of the world
are evil.The answer is that most of the good forces are in the higher
regions of the universe. In these high planes of existence they are so one
with the non-manifest form (nirgun) of God that they maintain an
observer attitude. The evil forces take advantage of this state of the good
forces and set themselves up to strike and establish supremacy on Earth.
In the current times, mankind is at the threshold of witnessing a historic
change from the mini era of kaliyuga to the mini era of satyayuga within
the main era of Kaliyuga. This change of era will also bring about a means
of cleansing the planet of tama predominant people and elements.
Unknown to most of mankind, in the years 1999 – 2006, a major battle of
good versus evil has taken place in the subtle regions. In the past decade,
this subtle battle has also manifested a little in the physical Earth plane.
We have seen an increase in intensity of natural disasters, rampant wars
and anti-social activity. The primary reason for this is because of the
increase in the subtle tama component that is associated with evil i.e.
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) and a society that lacks
in spiritual practice and a lifestyle of Righteousness.
9.1 Details of the present subtle battle of good versus evil
Starting from the year 1999, the battle between good versus evil has
been intensifying in the subtle regions. Deities and Saints have been
fighting this battle against very powerful forces of evil i.e. ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the subtle world. Basically
this fighting by the good forces is totally in the subtle and takes place at
the ' level of existent power'. The level of existent power can be
understood by the analogy of the Sun. Everyday when the Sun rises, the
flowers bloom. The Sun does not ask or make the flowers bloom. It
happens automatically by the very presence of the Sun. Similarly by their
very existence the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent Saints and
deities, through their divine consciousness that is transmitted
continuously, fight the battle.
Refer to the article on the Hierarchy of power in the universe.
Seekers of God doing spiritual practice for the sake of society participate
in the battle with their little might. When they spread the awareness of
Spirituality within society as part of their spiritual practice they are
attacked by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Seekers of
God are able to overcome these attacks by the use of spiritual healing
methods as well as through their spiritual power gained through spiritual
practice and blessings and grace of God. The forces of evil in the subtle
world also possess and give energy to the anti-social elements on the
Earth plane as shown in the diagram below. The result is when we switch
on the news on television we see a world that is increasingly chaotic with
lack of morality, insane behaviour, rampant terrorism and wars.
Since most people do not understand the spiritual cause or perspective
behind the chaotic present times, they try to rectify the situation through
physical means such as waging a war against terrorism, etc. or
psychologically by having conventions, summits etc. However this is not
the solution. Basically as all the anti-social elements are powered by (i.e.
are puppets of) the subtle evil forces, it is not possible to annihilate or
overcome them by physical or psychological means. Even if the worst of
the anti-social elements on Earth were to be eliminated, ghosts (demons,
devils, negative energies, etc.) would simply possess yet another anti-
social element giving them their spiritual power. This spiritual power is far
more powerful than any physical power.
The state that the world is in 2006 can only be rectified if the evil in the
subtle world is overcome. This is the reason why deities and Saints have
been engaged in a subtle battle, fighting superior ghosts (sorcerers) from
the deepest regions of hell, with their spiritual strength in the years 1999
to 2006.
The subtle battle is at its peak in 2006 and it will slowly begin to subside
in the subsequent years as the subtle forces of good overwhelm the
forces of evil. The anti-social elements that were initially getting their
energy from sorcerers among the ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.) in the subtle, will no longer have access to that spiritual
energy. As a result, the anti-social elements on Earth and the rest of
mankind that is being possessed and affected will reduce. Due to this they
will be overcome. This will be followed by a physical war affecting the
entire globe. The battle in the physical is also required to annihilate all the
evil persons and elements from the face of the Earth. In the major
physical battle that will ensue in the coming years along with increase in
natural disasters the world population will decrease considerably. The
scale of the physical battle will be unlike anything one has seen before
and entire mankind will be affected. People with a lower spiritual level i.e.
below 30% are more likely to be adversely affected in this change. Those
who are evil will be wiped out as they will be fighting on the side of the
evil. Those who are sitting on the fence, i.e. neither on the evil nor on the
good side will also be wiped out in the crossfire.
9.2 What happens after the battle
• For Demonic Forces:
After the battle when the subtle demonic forces have been conclusively
subjugated, they will stop fighting and go away to undertake rigorous
spiritual practice to regain spiritual strength so that they can stake their
claim of supremacy on the universe yet again. Also as a result of the
demonic forces being overcome, a period of sattva predominance will
follow on Earth and all the regions above Bhuvaloka. The mini-Satyayuga
known as the Divine Kingdom will begin. This era is ushered in at all the
regions above Earth first and then comes on to the Earth as well.
• For Mankind
We are in the midst of a watershed in the history of mankind. After the
physical battle, there will be a period of trial and error as the world
adjusts to the new world order and picks up the pieces. During this time,
the potential to run the Divine Kingdom will be generated in the surviving
people. This will continue till the year 2022. After this period of flux,
humanity will experience almost a thousand years of peace. In the new
era, there will be renewed spiritual awakening and flourishing of
disciplines such as the science of Ayurveda, hitherto unaccepted as a
mainstream science by the world.
It is important to note that these thousand years will be the last divine
era in the universe. The sattva component generated in this era will be all
the that will be available to mankind till the end of the universe some
400,000 years later. There will be no fresh generation of the subtle
basic sattva component after these thousand years as the universe will
slowly go downhill towards tama and hence its inevitable dissolution.
Among all the planes of existence in the universe, the Earth region is
most conducive to spiritual practice. Unfortunately when the period of
peace and prosperity ensues, over time mankind gets lost in worldly
pleasures and forgets about spiritual practice. As a result of this
the sattvikta starts declining. Consequently there is a progressive rise in
unrighteousness that further decreases the sattvikta and increases
the raja-tama. This decline in sattva and increase in raja-tama affects all
the regions. Though it affects the subtle regions only fractionally, even
that marginal decline in sattva component causes severe distress to the
good subtle bodies in the regions above Bhuvaloka who are used to
uniform high sattva levels at all times.
10. The spiritual significance of the current times
One aspect of spiritual practice is to transcend the basic subtle
components, i.e. one has to progress from the raja-tama present status
to raja to sattva and finally transcend even beyond sattva. During the
period before the onset of the universe, the three basic subtle
components are present in equal proportions, i.e. they nullify or balance
each other. At all times after the universe came into existence, a
particular subtle basic component has been predominant. For example
in Satyayuga, the sattva component was predominant and now
in Kaliyuga it is the raja-tama component that is predominant.
It is beneficial to undertake spiritual practice during twilight periods such
as sunset, sunrise and an eclipse. The reason is that during this period
the three subtle components of sattva, raja and tama are in equal
proportions as in the pre-universe times. Due to this it becomes easier to
undertake spiritual practice to advance to a state beyond these three
subtle basic components. As God is beyond these three basic
components, by going beyond them ourselves, we merge into God which
is the ultimate purpose in spiritual growth.
The period between the years 1999 – 2022 represents a twilight period
between two eras as we move from a darker age (mini-kaliyuga) to a
better one (mini-satyayuga) within the main era of Kaliyuga. During this
twilight period of 23 years, any spiritual practice undertaken by one
according to the basic principles of Spirituality will benefit one immensely.
In fact, each year of spiritual practice in these 23 ‘twilight’ years is equal
to 50 years during the course of an era. Taking adulthood to be about 50
years in an average human’s lifespan; spiritual practice undertaken in
these 23 years would approximately be equivalent to 1000 years. Another
way of looking at it would be that we would be getting the benefit of 20
lifetimes of spiritual practice in just one lifetime.
The consequences of the battle of Armageddon
The battle of Armageddon being waged is mostly in the subtle. However it
is currently adversely affecting the world albeit mostly at an intangible
level. The consequences of the subtle war are mainly in the form of seeds
sown for further rapid and progressive deterioration of the world at
various levels. This works in two ways:
 It decreases the overall sattvikta in the world.
 It enhances the hold of the forces of evil on mankind.
The main stages of Armageddon are described below:
Since 1993, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) began to
sow the seeds for the degradation of society and acceleration of
unrighteousness. In most cases, the world had already set the process of
degradation in place. This was due to a rise in man’s materialistic nature
and lack of Righteousness. Aided by ghosts, the downslide was
accelerated to an unprecedented intensity and speed. Over time these
seeds will take root and increase the rot in society. As society becomes
more and more unrighteous, they will play right into the hands of ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) increasing the raja and tama in
the environment. This increase in raja and tama will cause the
destabilisation of the world as we know it. It will culminate in natural
disasters and the World War 3.
The following are examples of a few mechanisms that have already been
set into motion by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). The
chart also gives other events that will come to pass in the run up to the
establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind.
Year Event
2000 The seed of intense domestic quarrels sown in society
2001 The seed of increase in anti-social elements in society
2002 The seed of increase in malpractices in places of worship which accelerate
the increase of raja and tama. Places of worship contribute to
the sattva component in society. When malpractices happen there it
reduces the sattvikta and thereby helps increase the raja and tama.
2006 The seed of beginning of destruction of places of worship
2011 The seed of steps by terrorists under the control of ghosts to destroy
spiritual organisations
2014 A high incidence of natural calamities
2015 Havoc by floods and volcanoes
2016 A massive earthquake in Pakistan
2017 Countries in the Middle East razed to the ground in bomb blasts
2018 America, China and Japan hit by war and an unprecedented loss of
innumerable lives
2019 Loss of supremacy of politicians and rush of mankind to Saints for their
2020 Decrease in the destructive process and predominance of particles of
divine consciousness in the environment
2021 The seed of times conducive and complementary to the establishment of
the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankindcreated
2022 Experience of pleasantness and enthusiasm in the environment
2023 Settling down of the environment
2024 Internal and external settling down of life
2025 The seed of improved spiritual practice and spiritual journey towards God-
realisation by seekers. Commencement of the era of rekindling Spirituality
in mankind.
Note: At the current rate the world is going:
 The probability of this catastrophe being avoided is 1%
 The intensity may vary by +/- 10%
 The timing of the event may vary by +/- 10% within the overall 25
year time frame.
6.1 World War 3
The Third World War will begin in 2010 and continue for about 9 years till
2019. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked.
However it may not be readily apparent to the world. Towards the end of
this period, weapons of mass destruction will be used. There will be an
unprecedented loss of life where approximately 1/3rd of the population
will perish and 1/3rd will experience suffering. Some countries will be
affected more than others. Needless to say in a highly interconnected
world all countries will be affected. The Third World War will be triggered
mainly due to religious fanaticism. Ghosts and negative forces will use
this vulnerability in humans to push them over the edge.
In all the three world wars ghosts from progressively higher regions of
Hell have been behind humankind wanting to annihilate each other.
 World War 1: Sorcerers from the 2nd region of Hell.
 World War 2: Sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took
part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler for example
throughout his tenure in power was possessed by a sorcerer from the
5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to
power. Throughout his reign the sorcerer was fully manifest.
 World War 3: Sorcerers from the 4th region of hell will be behind
the Third World War that will play out in the physical realm. However in
the subtle battle, sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell will take part.
6.2 Role of India in World War 3 and the battle of Armageddon
From times immemorial, India has been the spiritual centre of the world.
Spiritual research has revealed that in the Armageddon that is unfolding,
India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. In the course of
the war, negative forces will instigate neighbouring countries to attack
India to destabilise the pivotal role that it will play. Approximately 50% of
the Indian population will perish as a result.
7. Can this catastrophe be avoided?
The catastrophe that is predicted to happen is mainly because the basic
subtle raja-tama component in the world has increased to such
unprecedented levels, that urgent intervention by God is needed so that
the world can be cleansed in order to be able to continue peacefully. It
follows that if mankind makes a supreme effort to adapt its lifestyle to a
more sattva predominant one, the cleansing process will not be warranted
or will happen only to a lesser extent. This can be achieved if majority of
mankind mends its ways drastically and reduces its contribution to raja-
tama. Or it can be better and earlier done, if people focus on increasing
the basic subtle sattva component. Thus the catastrophe can only be
avoided if people earnestly start to practice Spirituality. It is imperative
that in order to make a difference, their spiritual practice needs to take a
more universal form rather than a sectarian form.
Spiritual practice according to the six basic principles of spiritual
practice is the most conducive means for growth in the current era.
Religions that preach that their way is the only way to God run the risk of
violating the six basic principles of spiritual practice.
Depending on our collective spiritual practice and also if some highly
evolved Saints intervene, the year and severity of the events can change
to some extent. Seekers of God who have through their spiritual practice
attained a spiritual level of 60% and above will be protected to varying
8. Salient features of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind
The upside of battle of Armageddon is that humanity will finally
experience peace on Earth which will last for almost 1000 years. The
battle will be a spiritual cleansing of the world preparing people for a new
kind of sattvik world which will radically differ from the old one. In a way,
this will be an ushering of a mini Satyayuga within the main era
of Kaliyuga. While it will be nothing compared to the sattvikta of the main
era of Satyayuga (at the beginning of the Universe), it will be a period of
immense spiritual renewal for mankind.
The following are some of the features of the new era that some of us will
have the privilege to usher in.
 Spiritual level: After the reduction in the world’s population with
Armageddon, the mode spiritual level of the world will rise to 30%
compared to its present 20%. A sudden 10% rise in spiritual level
across the world’s population is quite staggering and is reflective of the
amount of loss of life. Please read our article on spiritual level, which
gives the current breakdown of the world population by spiritual level.
 Importance in life: A high degree of importance will be given to
spiritual knowledge and spiritual maturity in assessing a person’s
ability. The objective of life for people will be skewed towards spiritual
growth for the realisation of God. There will be importance given to
spiritual strength rather than physical or intellectual. Accordingly
progress will not be measured in terms of riches. The view about
wealth will change. It will be viewed as purely a means and not an end
in itself.
 Governing system: Democracy will lose its status as the preferred
type of governing system. For example in India, a benevolent
leadership under the guidance of a Saint will form the government. The
modus operandi of leadership will be in line with Righteousness
(Dharma). There will be no need for elections. The seer guides of the
governing body will transparently point out the leaders. The rest of the
world frustrated with its failed experiments at communism, dictatorship
and democracy will look to India’s example and try to implement this
new type of government to the extent possible for them.
 Closeness: There will be unity amongst all nations. People will feel
a genuine closeness with other cultures and nationalities. This will stem
from the spiritual maturity of the world’s population. It will be the basis
of an innate spiritual understanding of the oneness of all of mankind.
 Education: Education systems will include Spiritual science and
codes of Righteousness in their curriculum. Modern science will morph
to take into account the spiritual dimension.
 Medical science: Medical sciences will be rewritten. They will now
include the spiritual dimension in analysing the root cause of a
problem.Ayurveda will become commonly accepted in the western
world. The attitude and perspectives of people practicing medicine will
change. For example, they will begin to question if a patient is
spiritually deserving of an organ transplant or a heart bypass. What will
a person do with the reprieve granted to him by a successful surgery?
Will he squander the extra years that he has by watching television,
aimless chit-chatter, parties etc? Even after getting a reprieve people
rarely think of utilising life for realising God (the basic goal of life). In
other words they will be considered as increasing the burden on Earth.
If one needs an extended lifespan for spiritual practice, God grants it
 Judicial systems: Judicial systems and processes will change
dramatically. Now we have courts of law, later we will have courts of
justice. There will be no need for lawyers as judges will be spiritually
evolved and will be able to intuitively perceive the truth in the issue at
hand. Their highly activated sixth sense (ESP) will allow them to plainly
see who is lying and who is telling the truth. In short justice will be
served instantly and without spending a cent.
 Art: Artists will not undertake art for the sake of arts, but as
spiritual practice to get closer and take others closer to God.
 Security: As a nation based on Righteousness is God-made, God
only takes care of its security. This means that God Himself guides the
leaders about the appropriate measures to be undertaken.
 Environment: Nature is influenced heavily by man’s actions. As
man becomes progressively sattvik through spiritual practice nature
automatically becomes conducive to man. There will be a complete
reduction in weird weather phenomenon that we are experiencing in
current times.
 Family planning: Governments will not need to undertake family
planning policies. There will be an automatic adherence to family
planning in society. The holy Vedic scriptures have also advocated a
single child but not because of fear of scarcity of food etc., but to
impress the importance of control on lust to grow spiritually.
8.1 The importance of this era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind
For mankind this will be the last era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind
until the end of the current and last era of the Universe (Kaliyuga).
Mankind will have to make do with the spiritual understanding that will be
gained from these thousand years. After that man will again plunge into a
negative vortex till the end of Kaliyuga.
We live in momentous times – amidst changing of an era. Our prayer is
that the seekers of God in this world reflect on this information. We must
bear in mind that with intense spiritual practice according to the six basic
laws of spiritual practice we can reduce the intensity of Armageddon.
What percentage of the world population is affected by
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)?
1. Percentage of the world population affected by ghosts
The world population in the year 2006 is estimated to be over 6.5 billion
The population of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the
current era is ten times more than humans, i.e. they are over 60 billion in
number. With the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)
population out-numbering the human population to such a large extent,
they adversely affect 100% of the world population in the current era.
This percentage fluctuates over the years. Being affected by ghosts on
this massive scale is easier to comprehend when understood in the
context of the effect of pollution, erosion of ozone layer or global warming
on mankind. All of mankind is affected, some suffer to greater degrees
than others. Only we have to understand that the menace of being
affected by ghosts is far subtler and hence infinitely more dangerous than
the environmental pollution we are so concerned about.
Please refer to the article on the difference between being affected and
possessed by a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.).
In the subsequent sections, we have presented statistics for the entire
mankind, on being affected and possessed.
2. Type of ghosts affecting mankind
Out of the entire human race in the current era, 70% are tormented by
inferior level ghosts and 30% by higher order ghosts, that is, those with
more power.
3. Affected versus possessed by ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.)
In 2006, 30% (+/-5%) of the entire population is possessed. This is one
of the reasons the world is in a state of flux with wars and rampant
terrorism. This percentage is not static and changes over time.
These figures are alarming, however the truth is that we are all affected
to varying degrees but we cannot perceive or understand it. Some may
think, “I certainly don’t feel like I am possessed”. The word ‘possessed’
may conjure up Hollywood images of possession in movies such as ‘The
Exorcist’ and ‘The Exorcism of Emily Rose’. In fact, in almost all cases the
possessed person does not know that he is possessed until it manifests in
a dramatic way as it did in Emily Rose’s case. This is because in most
cases the process of possession happens gradually over a period of many
years. Also with progressive possession the ghost destroys the mind and
intellect of the possessed person so completely that he begins to identify
himself with the thoughts and instincts of the possessing ghost (demon,
devil, negative energy, etc.).
4. Population by level of possession
Please read the article on the levels of possession.
Out of the 30% people possessed as shown in the diagram above:
 14% of the possessed population (category of mild possession) can
easily be identified as possessed just by the intellect itself. This is due
to obvious inexplicable changes at a physical, psychological, intellectual
and spiritual level that these possessed people display. In these cases
the spiritual strength of the possessing ghost and its control on the
possessed person is minimal as compared to the other levels.
 The 8% of people that fall in the category of ‘severe’ are the most
dangerous to mankind as the controlling ghost is of a very highspiritual
level and is mainly interested in harming society at large. It therefore
possesses people who have similar basic natures.
5. Spiritual level and the ability to diagnose people affected or
possessed by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)
It is impossible for a person without an active sixth sense, who is
uneducated about affliction or possession by ghosts to diagnose the root
cause of an adverse event and whether it was physical, psychological or
spiritual in nature.
Moreover with the increasing spiritual strength of the possessing ghost
(demon, devil, negative energy, etc.), it becomes harder to perceive its
role behind the event. Higher level ghosts control lower level ghosts just
as mafia bosses control the common thief. It is relatively easier to catch
the common thief but very difficult to connect the event to and catch the
mafia boss. So also, depending on one’s spiritual level and the
corresponding sixth sense ability alone, can one identify whether it is a
case of being affected or possessed by a ghost and the region of the
attacking ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). As a rule of
thumb, one can only identify an attack by a ghost of the same spiritual
level. For example if a person is at the 50% spiritual level and has an
active sixth sense he can only identify a ghost of the 50% spiritual level.
Refer to different planes of existence other than Earth
Refer to the article on the depth of ability to perceive paranormal activity
with our sixth sense
6. Percentage of the world population affected over the eras
The following bar chart shows how mankind has been affected by ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) since the beginning of the
The reason for the increasing effect of ghosts (demons, devils, negative
energies, etc.) on the world population is because the average spiritual
level has decreased over time. As you can see, the mode spiritual level in
the era of Truth was 70% giving them the requisite protection from ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). On the other hand in the
current era the mode spiritual level is 20% which means most of the
population does not have the adequate spiritual strength to be protected
against being affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.).
Please note that while we have said that 100% of people in the Era of
Strife (Kaliyuga) are affected by ghosts, the figures fluctuate. The power
of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) ebb and rise during
the course of an era. Accordingly their effect on mankind fluctuates.
However, if we look at the Era of Strife (Kaliyuga) in its entirety, the effect
of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) is 100% on mankind.
In the year 2006, the power of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies,
etc.) is at its peak.
Please read our article on the significance of our times and the battle of
good versus evil.
Global warming causes and facts - a spiritual
In recent times the world has witnessed global warming, climate change
and natural disasters of unprecedented proportions. According to spiritual
research, the primary cause of global warming is a cyclic process that
occurs in the Universe over time. The effects of global warming we have
so far witnessed are just the beginning of a destructive phase which will
increase in intensity over the next 5-10 years. The destructive phase of a
cycle can be worsened by humankind’s poor behaviour towards nature.
The poor behaviour which we see nowadays is an outcome of the reduced
spiritual consciousness of humans and resultant inability to gain
protection against the influence of negative energies. Spiritual practice is
the only way to truly transform our spiritually polluted mind into a pure
To understand this article, please read:
 Sattva, Raja and Tama the three subtle basic components
(trigunas) of the Universe
 The Five Absolute Cosmic
Elements (Panchamahabhutas, Panchamahābhūtās)
 Spiritual research into the age of the Universe and its cycles
1. Effects of global warming: the increasing intensity of
natural disasters
Spiritual Facts
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Spiritual Facts

  • 1. Spiritual Reality - Journey Within (Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar) What are ancestral problems? According to the science of Spirituality and unknown to modern sciences, 50% of difficulties in our lives are caused solely due to spiritual factors and another 30% due to spiritual and psychological and/or physical factors. Please refer to the article on, ‘The breakdown of spiritual root causes of difficulties in life.’ One aspect of these spiritual root causes of problems in our lives is the distress caused to descendants by the subtle bodies of their ancestors who have passed away (died). It is also one of the more common spiritual
  • 2. factor that affects all of humanity in some form or the other. Before we give a detailed explanation as to why our ancestors would want to cause any kind of trouble for us, let us first examine the kinds of difficulties that people can experience due to departed ancestors. The distress caused to us descendants by the subtle bodies of our ancestors manifests in many ways in our day-to-day lives. It creates obstacles in both, our worldly lives as well as spiritual practice. In some cases, it may seem that the entire family has a dark cloud over it and various family members are undergoing various problems despite all efforts to overcome them. The difficulties that are created due to departed ancestors come in various forms as listed below:  Inability to get married  Marital disharmony  Addictions (approximately 70% of addictions are due to ancestors who have passed away)  Going blank in examinations despite being well prepared for it  Loss of job  Difficulty in conceiving a child  Miscarriages  Bearing mentally challenged children or children with special needs  Death during childhood Miscarriage, death in childhood, etc. happen when the distress by ancestors is coupled with other major spiritual causes such as destined possible death. It cannot happen solely on account of distress of ancestors. While the above types of problems may be a strong indication of ancestral problems, only a Saint or a Guru (a spiritually evolved guide) can tell with certainty the root cause of a problem. At an intellectual level, we could use two rules of thumb to decide if the cause of the suffering is spiritual in nature:  All remedies to solve the problem have failed. This is especially so when the problem should be easily treatable by modern sciences such as a skin rash, chest pain, etc.
  • 3.  A number of family members (e.g. 4 out of 5) are suffering with any of the above mentioned issues simultaneously. (The reason that all the family members get affected is that they all have the same ancestors.) Who all are included in ‘our ancestors’? For the purposes of this section, when we refer to ancestors, it includes all of the following:  Subtle bodies of all our known and unknown departed relations from all the previous generations.  Relatives from all the previous generations from the father’s and mother’s side. For a woman from her parent’s side as well as from her husband’s side are included in this category. The reason for women having to include ancestors from her husband’s side as well is that with marriage the woman becomes one with the husband’s family and enjoys and inherits the assets of that family.  Along with this subtle bodies of departed relatives from previous births are also included in ancestors.  Even if one’s descendants (children) die before one, they too are included in the category of ancestors as described in this section. This is even though they are not technically ancestors.
  • 4. Up to which generation of our ancestors are most likely to affect us? Effect by generations of ancestors:  The influence or impact of ancestors of the past three generations is maximum i.e. up to the generation of our great grand parents.
  • 5.  The ancestors of up to the last seven generations have some sizeable influence.  The ancestors beyond the seventh generation do not affect us much. This is because the give-and-take account with the ancestors is fully completed or completed to a large extent in a given birth. Hence in the next birth, the give-and-take with ancestors of this present birth will be negligible if at all. If a sizeable give-and-take account remains, then we are born in the same family once again.  The above pertains to how far we are affected by our lineage (i.e. the vertical family tree). If we look at it horizontally (or laterally), we are affected by our ancestors up to our second cousins. Please note: Close friends cannot affect or cause distress like ancestors. They can try to help if they have a higher spiritual level but we should not accept it. This is because it will increase their attachment to worldly matters and make them Earth bound. As a result it could cause an impediment in their onward journey. We should instead pray that they concentrate on their onward spiritual journey. Why would my departed loved ones and my other ancestors want to give me pain? Note: In order to understand this article better, it is recommended that you read the article ‘Where do we go after death?’ This is a question that is very commonly asked. People think of their near and dear ones who have passed away and find it unimaginable that they would deliberately cause them problems in life. The following are the two main reasons as to why ancestors trouble their descendants.  Due to unfulfilled desires and  Due to the inability to move on in the after life and attain a higher positive region or sub-region. Distress due to unfulfilled desires In this case, ancestors trouble us as they have unfulfilled desires. These desires can include:
  • 6.  Anger directed at descendants who do not use their inheritance in accordance with the ancestors' wishes.  Ancestors who have an attachment to the family and still want things to be done their way.  Ancestors who are addicted to some physical desire such as cigarettes, drugs, sex, food, etc. They take advantage of the remaining give-and-take account between them and their descendants to possess their descendants and fulfill their desires. Departed ancestors trouble their descendants instead of others with whom they may possibly have a give-and-take account with; this is because the bond between blood relations is the strongest. Distress due to a call for help by ancestors When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the Universe. The physical body remains on Earth, while the subtle body travels to a subtle plane depending on its merits or sins and its spiritual level. Unlike on the Earth plane, the only parameter that matters in the after-life is the spiritual level or the spiritual purity of a subtle body. The physical body and the various worldly aspects such as money, prestige, job, how well we are connected etc. have absolutely no relevance in the spiritual realm or subtle world. The subtle body as shown in the diagram becomes 'heavy' due to sins and excessive ego. As a result, it gets stuck in lower subtle planes of existence such as the nether world. If the demerits or sins are intense, then the subtle body goes to one of the regions of Hell. On the other hand, the subtle body becomes lighter due to good deeds (merits) and the intensity of spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual level, the lighter the subtle body and faster the progress to the higher positive subtle regions of the Universe. An advanced seeker's subtle body crosses the nether region immediately as a result of spiritual practice and goes to higher subtle regions of existence such as Heaven (Swargaloka). Only ancestors who are above the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti) spiritual level are able to go to higher subtle regions, such as Heaven and are able to access the requisite protection from God to fend off any attack by ghosts (demons, devils,
  • 7. negative energies etc.). Less than 5% of the world population falls in this category. The following is the breakdown of world population by spiritual level: This means that the vast majority of our ancestors (over 95% of them) will be consigned to regions below Heaven like the Nether region or one of the regions of Hell. A large percentage of the world population is at a spiritual level of below 30%. When they die, they have very little spiritual strength to help themselves in the lower subtle regions. By ‘help’ we mean helping themselves spiritually to advance to higher positive subtle sub-regions. In the lower subtle regions, they experience pain due to demerits and do not know how to help themselves. They are also attacked and tormented by more powerful ghosts who control them for various purposes. They try to go to a more positive region or sub-region in the Universe but cannot quite do so without spiritual help. Subtle bodies who are over 30% spiritual level, can technically help themselves by doing spiritual practice, but this too, is rare unless they have a strong impression to do spiritual practice that conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. All other versions of spiritual practice are inefficient and do not really provide any spiritual help to the subtle body of the ancestor.
  • 8. The distress suffered by our ancestors in the lower regions of the Universe emanates from them as distress frequencies/vibrations that travel across the various subtle regions as well as the Earth region. As their family members or descendants have the most matching frequencies, they are best able to receive these frequencies. Only on the Earth plane, do we have the ability to do something for our departed ancestors. Their relatives in the other various subtle realms are pretty much in the same boat and so cannot help. In the present times, as most descendants are not sufficiently spiritually evolved to be able to subtly perceive the distressing frequencies, the ancestors use spiritual energy to create distress in their descendant’s lives so that the descendants take notice of their needs. The distress perpetrated by the ancestors is thus basically a means to communicate their pain. When the descendant finds that problems are not going away despite their best efforts, they sometimes seek spiritual guidance. If the appropriate spiritual guidance is obtained and implemented, it not only provides the descendants the required protection from their ancestors but also provides the ancestors the necessary impetus for their onward journey in the spiritual realm. Depending on the nature and spiritual level of ancestors the extent of distress varies. A good ancestor would give distress only to the extent of making the descendants aware of their needs. A vengeful ancestor on the other hand, could cause extensive distress to his descendants.  An ancestor wanting to fulfill his desires would trouble a descendant with similar desires.  An ancestor desirous of moving on to a higher subtle region would target a descendant doing spiritual practice.
  • 9. Home > Spiritual Research > Spiritual Science > Déjà vu - A spiritual perspective 1. What is déjà vu? Have you ever had that uncanny feeling of ‘I have been here before’ even though it was the very first time you have been to a place? This feeling is popularly dubbed as déjà vu (French for ‘already seen’) and it describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced previously an entirely new situation. 2. Spiritual reasons behind déjà vu We did spiritual research to understand why people go through such kinds of experiences and their root causes. A. 30% cases: Similar experiences or past life experiences This relates to identifying the present experience with similar experience/s in this lifetime or in previous lifetimes. B. 50% cases: Tuning fork phenomenon
  • 10. Every living and non-living object emits frequencies that contribute to the aura surrounding it. In the case of humans, frequencies are emitted from all of the comprising bodies, i.e. physical, mental, intellectual and subtle ego. The emission and receiving of these frequencies becomes even more pronounced when a person is meditating and thoughts are focused. The tuning fork phenomenon relates to when the frequencies of a person’s mind temporarily match the frequencies of minds of other living people or subtle bodies in the afterlife. The frequencies of our mind don’t match with everyone and, as a rule of thumb, they would match with 1 out of every 100 million people. In other words, frequencies of our mind would match with some 65 people out of the 6.5 billion people on Earth. The number would be higher for the subtle bodies in the afterlife because of the larger number of them present in the subtle regions. These people are not soul mates in any way; it is just that in that particular experience their frequencies of mind matched. They then have a notion that they have witnessed or experienced a new situation previously when in actuality it is someone else’s experience. C. 20% cases: Miscellaneous causes 3. Interference of ghosts in déjà vu In some cases where people are affected or possessed by ghosts to a medium or severe extent, the above statistics differ. While 100% of the world’s population is affected by departed ancestors from the afterlife and ghosts, approximately two-thirds of them are affected to a medium or severe extent. Refer to the article - What percentage of the world population is affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)? For people who are medium to severely affected by departed ancestors or ghosts, ghosts would contribute an average of up to 50% of all the 3 variables mentioned above. This means that one out of every two déjà vu cases is caused by ghosts. Ghosts often do this to mislead people.
  • 11. Saints with the help of their highly active sixth sense can diagnose whether a particular symptom is caused by ghosts or departed ancestors. They can even tell us the details of the attacking ghosts, the reason behind the attack, the exact remedy, etc. For more details, please refer to the article on ‘Depth of ability to perceive paranormal activity with our sixth sense’. Those with an activated sixth sense can also ascertain to some extent whether a certain symptom is caused by ghosts. However they cannot be 100% sure and they do not perceive many details about the nature of the attack. What about the rest of us who do not have the sixth sense (ESP) ability to understand if a symptom is being caused by a ghost? There are some simple rules of thumb which we can apply in order to decide, by using our intellect. We can consider that there is a strong likelihood of an illness being caused by a ghost when the symptoms are:  not alleviated with routine, conventional medicines  fleeting in nature  have an unexplained cause  accentuated on full moon or new moon days and  relieved by spiritual remedies For example, if a simple skin rash is very stubborn and does not go away with conventional medicine, it is more than likely to have been caused by a ghost or departed ancestors. Even in cases where the root causes are physical and/or psychological, we recommend that one complements the medical treatment with spiritual remedies. The reason is that ghosts take advantage of any vulnerability caused by the illness to attack a person and compound or aggravate the
  • 12. problem. Hence even an illness that may have started as a purely physical illness, in most cases, is later complicated by an attack by ghosts. It is said that sometimes our ancestors help us, is that correct? It is commonly believed by many people and cultures that their departed ancestors look over them and help them in their lives. The spiritual research conducted by SSRF corroborates the fact that ancestors can help us. The extent and quality of help depends on their attitude in their life on Earth and their spiritual level. Departed ancestors at a lower spiritual level can help less than those at a higher spiritual level. The higher the spiritual level, the more the extent and quality of help possible. In almost all cases, the help that ancestors want to provide to their descendants is at a worldly level. For example:  An ancestor may help his descendant get a job by putting the idea in the interviewer’s mind of selecting him.  They may help a girl get the boy friend of her choice by putting the thought in the to-be boy friend’s mind.  An ancestor with the foreknowledge of a possible accident may try to delay the departure of the descendant from the house thus trying to keep him away from the scene of the accident. Ancestors by helping their descendants are in effect enhancing the attachment of their descendants to worldly pleasures and simultaneously get further attached themselves. The only real help departed ancestors can give their descendants is to make them aware of the necessity of spiritual practice. As we have seen earlier, more than 50% of mankind is below the 30% spiritual level with minimal spiritual strength. It is very difficult for these ancestors to be of any help to their descendants. Sometimes higher- level ghosts like sorcerers can also ensnare our departed ancestors of
  • 13. lower spiritual levels and torment them. At this point, survival is the only thought in their mind. However, even if some ancestors may genuinely desire to help their descendants, the fate of the helpful ancestors is akin to being trapped in a glass cage. They can see the plight of their descendants, but cannot reach out to them to alert them to danger or deliver timely help. This is because  either the descendants do not receive or understand the signals sent by the ancestors or do not believe in them or  the spiritual power of ancestors falls short of the help needed. For example, a departed father may want to warn his son about the risk in signing the business deal through dreams but the son either does not make the connection between the signs in the dreams and the deal or if he does, he may not attribute enough significance to it thus ignoring the message. In another case, a departed mother may have to helplessly watch her beloved son falling prey to a lethal drug addiction orchestrated by a subtle sorcerer. She understands the root cause of the addiction though the son and the world is unaware about it, but as her spiritual power falls much shorter than that of the sorcerer she is forced to be a helpless spectator. What happens after the death of a person that causes him to need help? A human being has two bodies – the gross body (sthuladeha) and the subtle body (lingadeha). Along with this he has vital energy (pranshakti) that links these two bodies together. See the diagram given below. When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the universe. The physical body remains on earth while the subtle body travels to a subtle plane depending on its merits or sins and its spiritual level. The subtle body becomes heavy due to sins and excessive ego and as a result gets stuck in lower subtle planes of existence such as the nether world. If the sins are intense then the subtle body goes to hell. On the other hand, the subtle body becomes lighter due to good deeds (merits) and the intensity of spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual
  • 14. level, the lighter the subtle body and faster the progress during its sojourn. After death, those whose spiritual practice is not intense, get stuck in the nether region. A seeker's subtle body crosses the nether region immediately due to the lightness of the subtle body as a result of spiritual practice and goes to higher subtle regions of existence such as heaven (Swargloka). However the subtle body without the strength of spiritual practice remains in the subtle nether region and has to undergo the distress there. It doesn't gain momentum (gati) because it lacks spiritual energy and purity (sattva predominance) and hence is stuck in the heavy atmosphere of the subtle nether region. They need spiritual help to make their onward journey. Now, they can turn only to their descendants to do something for them. As the descendants are benefactors of the assets of their ancestors in one way or another, they are spiritually bound to render requisite help to these subtle bodies. However, the descendents in many cases are unaware of the rites and rituals that need to be done in a correct manner according to the science of Spirituality to assist their deceased ancestors. As a result, the ancestors who have passed away get no relief in the subtle nether region. The ancestors therefore trouble (as mentioned in an earlier article) their descendants, in order to draw their attention towards them. When the descendant in the earth region experience difficulties that just don't seem to go away, they start looking for solutions beyond conventional means. 1. Introduction
  • 15. Quite often our readers ask the meaning behind seeing dead relatives in their dreams frequently. A few of them, welcome seeing dead relatives and a few are fearful of the same. Their questions include, ‘Has my father moved on in the afterlife?’, ‘Has he gone to heaven?’, ‘What are they trying to tell me?’, etc. In this article, through spiritual research, we shed some light on this issue from both a psychological and spiritual viewpoint. Please read what is spiritual research? 2. What are the reasons behind seeing dead family members in dreams? Through spiritual research we have found that there are psychological and spiritual reasons for seeing dead family members in dreams. 30% of the time the reason is psychological and 70% of the time it is spiritual. Psychological reasons can include a feeling of guilt or regret for not having spent time with a loved one before he/she died or some anxiety about that departed family member. Here the images that appear in the dream are eruptions from our sub-conscious mind. Spiritual reasons are mainly two-fold. One is that the subtle body of the departed family member needs help in the afterlife and is trying to contact its descendant on the Earth plane of existence. The other reason is trying to seek revenge, to get even with some family member. Through spiritual research we have found (with regards to the spiritual reasons) that approximately 70% of the time, it is the subtle body’s need
  • 16. for help in the afterlife and 30% of the time, it is to seek revenge or to trouble the descendant on the Earth plane of existence. A dream can be considered spiritual in nature if the same dream recurs at least 3 times. Dead family members will generally try to contact the family member (or appear in the dreams) who they feel is most likely do something for them. The reasons subtle bodies, in the afterlife, find it easier to communicate through dreams as opposed to the waking state is because during the waking state the person who they are trying to contact, is more engrossed in the five senses and does not have concentration of the mind. During the dream or sleep state, the mind is more receptive to messages from the subtle. We have found that people who have had untimely or violent deaths are more likely to appear in dreams as opposed to people who have had normal deaths such as after a prolonged illness. This is because the person who has died of natural causes is more mentally prepared for death and therefore finds it easier to move-on in the afterlife. In only 10% of cases could there be a negative energy masquerading as the ancestor, in the dreams. 3. What if the dream is of a close friend who had died suddenly? However, dreams of the departed are not necessarily limited to deceased family members. Sometimes even close friends who are deceased appear in one's dreams. This is mainly to seek help as they may feel closer to the person who they are trying to contact as opposed to their family members on Earth. The following example narrated by one of the members of the SSRF research team will shed more light on this aspect. Recently a friend of mine, Andrew (not his real name), visited me at the SSRF research centre and narrated how he had been plagued by dreams of a close friend who had died in a tragic accident. Andrew said that once, while at University, he did not go on a trip with his friend because he was competing in an event that his friend had trained him for. During the trip, his friend drowned. Andrew was overcome by a feeling of remorse and guilt for not being there for his friend and perhaps being able to save his life. He did not
  • 17. have the strength to go to the funeral. Soon after the funeral, Andrew’s deceased friend began to appear in his dreams. It would be the same dream each time and it would recur every few days. This continued for many years. Andrew was very fearful of the dream but he did not ask for help from anyone on this matter. Then one day after many years, he faced his fears and said to his friend in the dream, “Look I am sorry I was not there for you. I cannot change the past but I cannot keep living like this, dreaming of you every second day. So whatever it is you want from me .... do what you must ... kill me if you will, I don’t care.” From the next day onwards he did not have the dream ever again. Andrew felt that standing up to his deceased friend in a dream was the correct thing to do. However, from a spiritual perspective, all that the departed friend wanted, was some spiritual help from his closest friend Andrew. Once he saw that Andrew would never understand, the subtle body of the deceased friend retreated, never to ask again. Andrews’s correct action should have been to help organise a ritual to be conducted to help his deceased friend. 4. What can one do, at a spiritual level, to help deceased loved ones or family members who appear in one's dreams?  The Name of Shree Gurudev is a potent chant that provides relief from any problems caused due to departed ancestors or family members.  SSRF also recommends that for more severe problems due to departed ancestors or family members, along with chanting Shree Gurudev, some specific rituals such as Narayan Nagbali (for ancestors), Tripindi Shradha, etc. be performed.  It is the spiritual level/ability of the priest conducting the ritual and the mantras that mostly determine the efficacy of a ritual and its ability to help the deceased in need of help in the afterlife. Rituals that just have prayers are more at a psychological level and have a minimal effect as opposed to the energy generated from specific mantras.
  • 18. What type of ancestors need help? The following is a frequency interval table (breakdown) of the world’s population as per spiritual level. It is based on information accessed from the Universal Mind and Intellect in 2006. As you can see, in today’s world over 50% of people fall in the category of 20-30% spiritual level. People below the 30% spiritual level, due to lack of any spiritual practice have very low spiritual purity or spiritual strength. When a person dies, the only thing that matters in the after-life is the spiritual level or the spiritual purity of a subtle body. Unlike on the Earth plane, the physical body and the various worldly aspects such as money, prestige, job, how well we are connected etc. have absolutely no relevance in the spiritual realm or the subtle world.
  • 19. The subtle bodies of people between the 20-30% spiritual levels are heavy as in the lowest circle shown in the diagram above. The heaviness is primarily caused due to demerits incurred from their life on Earth, immense worldly attachments and lack of spiritual practice that conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice.
  • 20. Due to this spiritual heaviness, the subtle bodies cannot move on to higher positive realms of the Universe and are therefore relegated to the lower subtle regions such as the Nether world and Hell. Here they experience the full measure of pain or unhappiness according to their demerits respectively. In most cases, the demerits outstrip the merits in people at the spiritual levels of 20-30%. Hence they mostly experience pain and unhappiness in these realms. Along with this, more powerful ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) attack and control them. These ancestors require our help at a spiritual level the most. We have defined what spiritual help we can provide them in subsequent articles. Ancestors between the 30-50% spiritual levels require our help less and less. Ancestors beyond the 50% spiritual level do not require any spiritual help from their descendents in the after-life. This is one of the main reasons why reaching the 50% spiritual level is a key spiritual milestone that we need to strive for. 3. Heaven and the other positive planes of existence in the Universe
  • 21. Footnotes (based on the numbers in red in the above table): 1. Each positive and negative plane of existence beyond the Earth (physical) plane of existence becomes more and more subtle. By subtle, we mean, that which is beyond the comprehension of the five senses, mind and intellect. Satyaloka is the subtlest, i.e. the most difficult to perceive or comprehend unless the highest sixth sense (ESP) level is attained. 2. Due to lack of spiritual practice, most people in the current era go to either the Nether world or one of the planes of existence of Hell. We generally go to the Nether world after death when the proportion of demerits (incurred due to wrong doings on Earth) is approximately 30%. Demerits typically include malice towards others and a lot of desires. The likelihood of being attacked in the
  • 22. Nether world by higher-level ghosts from the lower plane of existence of Hell is almost certain. 3. Earth is the only plane of existence where there is an amalgamation of people with varying spiritual levels. However, after death we go to the precise plane of existence corresponding to our spiritual level. 4. The minimum spiritual level required to attain Heaven after death is 50% (samashti, samashṭi) or 60% (vyashti, vyashṭi). Please refer to the article, which describes what spiritual level is and the breakdown of the world population in 2006 according to spiritual level. Basically from the Spiritual science perspective, meritorious acts to attain Heaven or the higher positive planes of existence are those acts done with the objective of God-realisation. The following three criteria can be applied.  Acts done without doership, i.e. with the outlook that God Himself is getting it done from me and hence I cannot lay claim to any credit.  Done without expectation of acclaim or appreciation.  Done without expectation of results. More than the acts per se, it is the attitude or outlook behind the acts that counts more. 5. To attain a higher plane of existence beyond Heaven one needs to be at a spiritual level higher than 60% (samashti) or 70% (vyashti). This can only be achieved by consistent spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice along with a major reduction in ego.
  • 23. 6. By predominant body, we mean the body that is most active, i.e., mental, intellect or the subtle ego. For example, in the Nether plane of existence (Bhuvalok), the subtle bodies still have a lot of desires and attachments. As a result, quite often they become ghosts trying to fulfil some desire of theirs. This leaves them open to higher-level ghosts from the lower rungs of Hell to take advantage of their cravings to affect people on Earth. 7. In the Nether plane of existence we experience some happiness. However, the unhappiness is amplified as compared to the unhappiness experienced on Earth. 8. In Heaven plane of existence, subtle bodies experience an over abundance of happiness. This happiness is much beyond the happiness experienced on Earth in quantity, quality and duration. As we go up the positive planes of existence, there is an increase in the quality of happiness and no unhappiness. 9. Sattvik happiness means happiness derived from helping others without any expectations or strings attached. When ego is involved in the act, it becomes raajasik. 10. Serenity is a higher experience than Bliss. 3.1 Positive planes of existence and reincarnation on Earth From the planes of existence below Mahalok, people need to be reincarnated on the Earth plane to settle their destiny and complete their give-and-take accounts. If one attains Mahalok at the 60% (samashti) or 70% (vyashti) spiritual level or attains Janalok at the 70% (samashti) or 80% (vyashti) spiritual level after death, one does not need to be reincarnated as all of the individual's remaining destiny (accumulated account) can be worked out from these planes themselves. However these evolved subtle bodies may choose to be born of their own will. They do so primarily to act as spiritual guides for humanity. In some circumstances people who pass away even below the spiritual level of 60% can attain Mahalok. Here the person’s potential for further
  • 24. spiritual growth is considered. Through spiritual research we have found that that there are 5 factors that influence this potential for further spiritual growth.  Having a high amount of spiritual emotion (bhav),  Having a low ego,  Having an intense desire for spiritual growth,  Doing regular spiritual practice of increasingly higher levels,  Affected or not affected by negative energies. Being affected by negative energies can severely obstruct the ability for spiritual growth. Hence, if a person is below the 60% (samashti) or 70% (vyashti) spiritual level and has good qualities, but is severely affected by negative energies, then the individual's ability to attain the higher spiritual planes of existence such as Mahalok is restricted. If one attains Tapalok or Satyalok after death, then one does not take birth on the Earth plane of existence but continues to do spiritual practice from that plane of existence until one merges completely with God. 3.2 The importance of the Earth plane of existence The Earth plane of existence is very important. It is the only plane of existence where we can make rapid spiritual growth and settle our give- and-take account in the shortest period of time. The main reason for this is that with the help of the physical body, we can do many things to enhance our spiritual growth and spiritual level and reduce the basic subtle tama component. Other than Earth, spiritual growth is mostly likely to occur only in the regions beyond Heaven such as Mahaaloka etc. This is because in Heaven, the subtle bodies run the risk of getting caught up in the unending pleasures it offers. In the Nether and Hell planes of existence, the punishment is so severe and also the distress from the other higher-level ghosts is such that it becomes very difficult to rise above the suffering to undertake any spiritual practice of value.
  • 25. 4. What is Hell, who goes to Hell and what is Hell like?  As one goes to lower planes of existence of Hell, as the subtle basic sattva component progressively reduces the environment becomes less conducive to the experience of happiness.  Within the planes of existence of Hell, there are some ghosts who do certain types of spiritual practice to gain spiritual power. The highest in the hierarchy of ghosts are sorcerers from the seventh plane of existence of Hell. They have immense spiritual power almost equivalent to a Saint at the 90% spiritual level. They control all the other types of ghosts with lesser spiritual power.  As one goes deeper into the various planes of existence of Hell, i.e. from 1st to 7th, the extent of happiness experienced by the subtle bodies therein goes on decreasing and the extent of unhappiness goes on multiplying. The minimal experience of happiness is also due to being engrossed in memories of past positive events, pleasant memories of wealth in a past life, etc. The experience of unhappiness is
  • 26. due to memories of physical pain and insulting events, memories of unfulfilled desires, e.g. regarding education, house, career, expectation of happiness from children in past life.  The extent of punishment/pain to be endured in the various planes of existence of Hell (Paataal) and their associated Narak goes on increasing with the subsequent plane of existence of Hell. Also, the period of punishment to be endured in each Narak is in excess compared to the corresponding plane of existence of Hell. If we consider the punishment in first plane of existence of Hell as 100%, then the punishment in the corresponding first Narak region is 50% more, i.e. 150%. The following table is a description of examples along with the average intensity of happiness and unhappiness we experience in the various planes of existence of Hell.
  • 27. 5. Movement between subtle planes of existence in the Universe One is assigned that plane of existence which matches one’s basic nature in terms of sattva, raja and tama. This is also a function of one’s spiritual level. Hence, subtle bodies from lower positive planes of existence cannot go to higher positive planes of existence and those from first or second negative planes of existence cannot go to the deeper planes of existence Hell. This is similar to how people living in the planes find breathing difficult at higher altitudes, but people staying at higher altitudes manage fine. 6. What decides where we go after death? At the time of death, as the physical body becomes inactive the vital energy used for the functioning of the physical body is liberated into the Universe. This vital energy at the time of death propels the subtle body away from the Earth region. Just as the weight of a projectile decides how far a rocket will propel it, similarly the weight of the subtle body decides which plane of existence it goes to in the subtle planes of existence in life after death. The ‘weight’ of the subtle body is primarily a function of the amount of the subtle basic tama component in our being. The 3 subtle basic components: Each one of us is made up of three subtle basic components or gunas. These components are spiritual in nature and cannot be seen but they define our personalities. They are:  Sattva: Purity and knowledge
  • 28.  Raja: Action and passion  Tama: Ignorance and inertia In an average person in the current era, the basic subtle tama component is as high as 50%. Please read the article on the 3 subtle basic components The more we are filled with the raja and tama components the more we display the following characteristics which add to our ‘weight’ and impact which plane of existence we go to in our life after death:  More attachment to worldly things and selfishness  More unfulfilled desires  Feelings of revenge  Higher amount of demerits or wrong-doings  Higher amount of personality defects such as anger, greed, fear, etc.  A higher amount of ego: By ego we mean how much a person identifies himself with his body, mind and intellect as opposed to the soul within  Resulting in lower spiritual level A permanent reduction in the proportion of the subtle basic tama component and the related characteristics mentioned above come about only with sustained spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice. Psychological improvements with self-help books or trying to be nice are at best superficial and temporary. 6.1 Importance of the mental state at the time of death The mental state at the point of death, apart from what has been mentioned above, is very important. Our mental state is generally relative to the proportion of the subtle basic components in our being. If a person is actually doing his spiritual practice such as chanting the Name of God at the time of death then the influence of desires, attachments, ghosts, etc. are minimal possible for that person compared to his state when not chanting. This makes his subtle body lighter. Hence, if he passes away while chanting, he attains better plane of existence
  • 29. among the sub-planes than what he would have attained were he to pass away without chanting. At the time of death, if a person is chanting the Name of God and is also in a state of surrender to God’s will, then he attains an even better plane of existence in his life after death and his sojourn is undertaken with lightening speed. This is because the person being in a state of surrender on Earth plane of existence itself, has very less chance of increasing his ego in his life after death. Also, the entire responsibility of his well-being in his life after death is undertaken by his evolved spiritual guide (Guru). 6.2 Who goes to Hell? The following are the types of deeds in our life on Earth that typically land us in one of the planes of existence of Hell. The extent, duration and intention behind the wrong-doings are important factors deciding the planes of existence of Hell attained after death rather than just the action itself.
  • 30. 7. Suicide and the after life There are two types of death with regards to its timing. Destined final death: This is the time of death that no one can escape. Possible death: This is where a person can possibly die. Each person may undergo a possible death wherein one comes close to death but may be saved due to his or her merits. For more information on the types of death please refer to our article - Time of Death In cases where a person is going through insurmountable crisis in his life or has severe personality disorders, he may think of taking his own life in a depressed state. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) also fuel the depression of a suicidal person and sometimes are instrumental in pushing a person over the edge into committing suicide. However, suicide remains a willful act that happens when a person is going through a possible death phase as per their destiny. Life on the Earth plane of existence is precious and is given to us primarily for spiritual growth. When we kill others we create a karmic give and take account with them. However by committing suicide, we squander away the opportunity for spiritual growth and hence incur the heaviest sin. The consequences are that a person committing suicide goes to the Narak part of the 7th plane of existence of Hell for a period of 60,000 Earth years, in his life after death. It is a place that is without any light; something like solitary confinement in a prison. As there is nobody in that Narak region who can give advice about spiritual practice, the subtle body remains in the darkness of spiritual ignorance. 8. Why is there a time lag between two reincarnations? In the course of research by using hypnotic trance to trace the past lives of the person, it has been found that the time lag between two reincarnations on Earth could be on average 50 to 400 years. The reasons for this time lag are as follows:  The subtle body remains in the Heaven or the Nether plane of existence for variable periods of time to undergo its merits and demerits (sins).
  • 31.  Circumstances on Earth plane of existence need to be favourable to complete the give-and-take account from previous births with various people. This is in accordance with the law of Karma. The reincarnation of the subtle body is postponed until the time various other people who they have a give-and-take account with are also preparing to take reincarnation.  Sometimes in past life regression, a person does not report a reincarnation in the trance state. The reason for this is that a certain reincarnation has been very uneventful or brief and the person may not remember any details of it. In the case of subtle bodies that have been relegated to the deeper planes of existence of Hell, the time lag between two reincarnations may be thousands of years. They stay in their respective plane of existence of Hell until such time they have completed their punishment. In most cases, this means languishing in plane of existence of Hell in their life after death till the dissolution of the Universe. 9. Life after death – in summary The above facts about the various planes of existence give us a fair idea of the possible consequences in our life after death of how we live our lives. Only with spiritual practice or with extreme meritorious deeds can one go to the higher planes of existence and thereby avoid unhappiness and punishment and enjoy higher levels of happiness. There are also better chances of a reincarnation on Earth plane of existence in circumstances conducive to spiritual practice. This is so that one moves further up in the subtle planes of existence in the Universe. As we go further into the current Era of Strife (Kaliyuga), there is lesser likelihood of people going to the higher planes of existence. Once we go to the lower planes of existence such as the Nether plane of existence or other planes of existence of Hell, we stay there and experience severe unhappiness for centuries until we completely pay for our demerits (sins) by suffering the intense punishments meted there and get a chance to be reincarnated on Earth. To do consistent spiritual practice on the Earth plane of existence according to the 6 basic laws of spiritual practice is like swimming against
  • 32. the tide in the current era. However, it is also a guaranteed way of advancing to higher planes of existence in our life after death. What are ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) and how does a person become one? 1. What are ghosts? When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body (consisting of the subconscious mind, intellect, ego and soul, i.e. minus the physical body) however continues to exist and moves on to the other regions of the universe. Refer to the picture below for more detailed view of what we are comprised of and what we leave behind after death.
  • 33.
  • 34. Some of these subtle bodies become ghosts. Ghosts by definition meet all of the following criteria:  They are subtle bodies.  They belong to the nether region (Bhuvaloka) or one of the seven regions of Hell but they are found on Earth region too. This is because ghosts from the more subtle regions of the universe can travel to the more gross ones like Earth at will.
  • 35.  They do not exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. Heaven and above.  They have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol (things that they can only experience through a physical body), revenge etc.  They derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle bodies. Their general aim is aligned with bringing about unrighteousness in society. The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.
  • 36. 2. What decides where we go and what we become after death? When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of factors. These factors include:  The number and type of impressions that are created in the sub- conscious mind depending on how we have lived our lives. Refer to the article on the impressions in our mind that decides our basic nature and personality.  Our ego: The word ‘ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage as self esteem and self conceit, it also includes the attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence separate from God. Ego is a function of the extent to which we identify with our 5 senses, mind and intellect instead of identifying with the Soul or the God within us.  The type of deeds done during our life-time.  The extent and the type of spiritual practice we had undertaken during our lifetime.  Our Destiny  The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental.  The type of funeral.  The rituals as per Spiritual science done by our descendants after our death to help us in our after life. 3. Who are likely to become ghosts? People are likely to become ghosts after their death when  They have many unfulfilled desires.  Many personality defects, such as anger, fear, greed, etc.  A lot of negative impressions in the mind.  A high amount of ego.  They have harmed others and have the basic nature of harming others.  They lack spiritual practice consisting of progressive level of surrender of mind body and intellect, done with the intention of God- realisation.
  • 37. Only people who have reached the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti) spiritual level and have low ego are able to proceed to The higher regions of Heaven (Swarga) and beyond do not become ghosts. The rest of humanity, when they die, finds themselves in the regions of the Nether world (Bhuvaloka) and Hell (Patal). Most subtle bodies in the Nether region (Bhuvaloka) are highly likely to become ghosts. All subtle bodies in Hell are ghosts. In fact, even if one is a gentleman but doesn’t have enough spiritual strength through spiritual practice, he is liable to become a ghost when he dies. This is because he is attacked by higher level ghosts and is controlled by them. Just as on Earth, in the other regions of the universe also, ‘might is right’ and only the strongest survive. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) of a higher level, with their high spiritual strength, make the subtle bodies of ‘gentlemen’ of lower spiritual strength, do things against their will and thus indirectly making them ghosts. Over a period of time, the subtle body of the ‘gentleman’ too succumbs and becomes a ghost deriving pleasure through tormenting humans or fulfilling their worldly desires by possessing humans. The moral here is that, if we do not undertake spiritual practice according to the universalsix basic principles of Spirituality and do not reduce our ego, then the probability of us becoming ghosts, after our death is very high. 4. Who do not become ghosts? They are typically people who:
  • 38.  Do spiritual practice with the intention of achieving God-realisation (the ultimate in spiritual growth).  Have less impressions in the mind, fewer personality defects, etc.  Have a low ego.  Are above the 50% (samashti) or 60% (vyashti) spiritual level. When such persons die they move on to the higher regions, i.e. Heaven and beyond. Ghosts cannot influence or take them into custody due to their spiritual strength and protection from God. 5. Spiritual level and ghosts Throughout the section on ghosts, we refer to higher level ghosts who have a lot of spiritual energy as a result of intense spiritual practiceand penance. As a result, they have a high spiritual level and a lot of spiritual power. This may seem contradictory as one may ask, “How can one become a ghost when one has a high spiritual level?” The spiritual power of a Saint at the 70% spiritual level and a superior ghost such as a sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell may be the same. However, the key differences between them are:  The Saint does spiritual practice with the intention of surrendering his body, mind, wealth, ego, etc. to God so as to merge with Him.  The superior ghost or a person with high spiritual power (who after death becomes a ghost) does spiritual practice with the intention of gaining supernatural powers so as to play ‘God’ and thus has a lot of ego. The Saint would identify more with the God principle or the Soul within. The sorcerer on the other hand is very proud of the fact that he has the spiritual strength and identifies with his ego i.e. the 5 senses, mind and intellect. Battle of Good versus Evil
  • 39. Abstract - The battle of good versus evil The subtle battle of good versus evil has been waged periodically since the earliest times. It is once again being fought in the subtle world during the years 1999 – 2006. After the intensity of subtle battle is reduced in 2006, a gross battle on Earth will ensue. Thereafter, the world will undergo a period of flux recovering from the battle on Earth and preparing for a new era. This new era will be known as the Divine Kingdom and with it humanity will see a thousand years of peace and Righteousness. The times we live in are very significant as the ramifications of this battle will be felt by the entire universe. However the current times are also highly conducive for spiritual practice to attain God- realisation (the highest spiritual state). 1. The definition of good and evil From a Spiritual science standpoint, people who are living or who have passed on (subtle bodies), who have an intense desire to do spiritual practice with the goal of surrendering everything including ego unto God and aligning their life with attaining God and deities, are defined as ‘good’. These are typically persons who are above the 30% spiritual level, are raja-sattva or sattva predominant and righteous. People without the above mentioned characteristics but doing some good deeds like donating to orphanages etc., though meritorious, do not necessarily qualify for what Spiritual science would define as ‘good’ people, especially if the act
  • 40. is done with immense pride. Good people and good subtle bodies collectively come under ‘good forces’. On the other hand, evil persons (living or subtle bodies) are raja- tama or tama predominant, unrighteous and have a high ego. They may even be doing spiritual practice but it is done with the goal of acquiring spiritual power for the fulfillment of some personal ambition. The word ‘Ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage as an overbearing self esteem and a high level of self conceit, it also includes the spiritual connotation of an attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence distinct from God. Evil people and evil subtle bodies collectively come under ‘evil forces’. From a strictly Spiritual science perspective those who are doing spiritual practice with the objective of God-realisation and who are progressively offering their body, mind, wealth and ego to God would qualify in the ‘good’ category. Thus according to this definition of ‘good’, in present times the good people on Earth are negligible. A majority of the people come under 'evil'. Among these however, those who try to harm society and reduce the sattva component in the world amount to 30% of the population. 2. Where did good and evil come from? 2.1 When did evil come into existence? Everything in the universe has originated from the One God. The God principle permeates everything in the universe and also exists beyond it. From this perspective both good and evil have originated from the God
  • 41. principle. They have both existed since the creation of the universe. However the evil was in seed or latent form at that time. According to a spiritual law ‘everything has originated from the God principle. It will be sustained and then undergo dissolution back into the God principle’. This happens as per an inherent absolute plan. Thus the universe has come into existence, it will be sustained for a predefined period of time and then it will undergo dissolution. As a part of this divine plan, the evil that was in seed form at the origin of the universe steadily grows. It manifests in the form of evil elements and persons. With the passage of time, the evil element will keep on growing until it reaches 100%, at which point the universe will cease to exist. 2.2 Where do good and evil forces get their energy from? Since both good and evil come from the Supreme God principle, they also get their spiritual energy from God. This may seem like a paradox; however it can best be understood by the following analogy. Two employees of a company work equally hard and earn the same wage. After the money is in their hands, it depends on them how they will use it. One person may use it to feed himself and after that whatever is remaining to help society. The other person may use it to harm society. Earning money is akin to obtaining spiritual energy that we get when we do spiritual practice. The intention behind doing spiritual practice is very different for good and evil people. For the former, it is to merge with God whereas for the latter it is primarily to get spiritual power. Once we build up our reservoir of spiritual energy, God gives us the free will to use it as we please. This spiritual energy when used by people for Righteousness is known as good energy and when used for unrighteousness it is known as evil energy. The important point to note is that when it is used for righteous means, one experiences oneness with that aspect of God. Hence he can access that much divine energy corresponding to the extent of the oneness. Thus one does not end up losing any spiritual energy. However when spiritual energy is used for unrighteous means, it being contrary to God, the person ends up using the energy that he gained from spiritual practice, thus depleting it.
  • 42. 3. What is the mission of good and evil? The mission of the good forces is to establish an order across all the regions of the universe based on the sattva component. On the other hand, evil forces strive to establish a demonic kingdom based on the raja and tama components. This demonic kingdom is a kind of kingdom that is most conducive for demonic forces to fulfil their desires. These desires have a wide range, right from indulging excessively in sensual pleasures and the inappropriate use of power, to troubling seekers of God, to wiping out spiritual practice for God-realisation. 4. The balance between good and evil As a result of the missions of good and evil forces being diametrically opposed to each other, there is always conflict between the two. This balance fluctuates over time and is never constant. Its effects are felt across all the regions of the universe. For example, when there is an increase in the power of demonic forces and ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) the situation across all the positive planes of existence (Earth, Heaven etc.) begins to worsen. On Earth, it affects us at a physical, mental and spiritual level. However the negative regions (i.e. all the various levels of hell) experience a positive effect in their paradigm. When there is a tilt in the balance towards good, there is an increase in the subtle basic sattvacomponent and Bliss is experienced throughout the universe. Peace and prosperity reigns on Earth. The demonic forces are however distressed by this positive trend. Their degree of discomfort is akin to that of forcing a criminal to live in a seminary or shrine.
  • 43. 4.1 What are the reasons behind the tilting of the balance in the direction of the evil forces? At every twist and turn, evil forces in the universe are trying to adversely influence the balance of power. Despite the demonic forces’ constant attempts to reduce the subtle sattva component and stop seekers of God from practising and spreading spirituality, the good forces reign supreme as long as there are Saints and seekers doing spiritual practice. This is because God helps Saints and seekers due to their devotion, to overcome the evil forces. The major reservoir of power of good and evil resides in the subtle regions. The forces of good and evil on Earth are like puppets on strings. They both get their power from the forces of good and evil respectively in the subtle realm. 4.2 Spiritual level and attack by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) The demonic forces generally attack the good forces that are within +/- 10% spiritual strength of their own strength. The reason for this is that a ghost cannot affect a person where there is a difference of 10%
  • 44. in spiritual level in favour of the person. This is because a person is able to harness 10-20 % of God’s protection, more than the level of distress by ghosts, which protects him from an attack by a ghost having a lower spiritual energy. Those ghosts at a spiritual level of more than 10% of a person’s spiritual level do not bother to attack him, as he is too small to contend with and thus inconsequential to the ghost. So for example, a person at 30% spiritual level will be attacked by a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy etc.) in the range of 20 – 40% level. It becomes easier for demonic forces of evil to exert their power over mankind especially when people are more materialistic and less inclined to practising Spirituality. When there is an increase in the tama component in mankind, demonic forces themselves being tama predominant, easily take advantage of the situation and try to establish their control over humanity. Refer to the article, “To what extent does spiritual level provide a protection against ghosts?” 5. When does the battle between good and evil intensify? The battle between good and evil intensifies when the subtle basic sattva component hits rock bottom and the subtle basic tama component reaches a high. The sattva hitting rock bottom is a function of the percentage of evildoers on Earth. What is ‘rock bottom’ differs over time and changes with each era. For example, the worst period of Satyayuga (the first era of the universe) would be far more sattvik than the period of highest sattvikta in the whole of Kaliyuga.
  • 45. Please note: The figures for the first three eras are for the main era, not for the mini-cycles within it. In the future, in the next mini-cycles, rock bottom will come after the evildoers have crossed 35%, 40% etc. When they become 100%, the universe will cease to exist because all will have to be annihilated by God. 6. Where is this battle fought? The battle between good and evil is fought mainly in the subtle worlds between the subtle good and subtle evil forces. This battle, even though at a much larger scale than any battle on Earth, can only be perceived by a person who has an activated sixth sense. After the subtle battle is won by the subtle good forces, it is followed by the battle in the gross (physical) i.e. on Earth. This gross war affects the entire world. It is required to annihilate all the evil persons from the face of Earth. At first the battleground manifests on Earth in people’s minds
  • 46. and it seems like we are living in a world that has gone crazy. This is pretty much like the world in recent times. This is primarily because of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) possessing or affecting mankind. Along with this there is an increasing intensity of natural disasters (floods, tsunamis, epidemics, drought etc.). Later the battle in the subtle, manifests and escalates on Earth. It finally presents itself as a major world war along with natural disasters of a monumental level. It is nature’s way of cleansing the planet of the tama predominant elements, making way for a better world. 7. Who participates in the battle between good and evil? Those persons and subtle bodies on the good side, within the 30-50% spiritual level range, have an understanding of the issue only at a psychological level. As they lack spiritual strength beyond 50%, they can contribute little at a spiritual level. Such people who are fighting physically on Earth usually perish. But at least they accrue merits because they fought on the side of God. Those at a spiritual level of 50% and above, having spiritual emotion and a warrior's attitude are really able to participate in the battle at a spiritual level and thus contribute maximally. “To be able to participate at a spiritual level” requires one to have a very low ego, an advanced activated sixth sense and a strong understanding of pure Spirituality that is beyond sectarian or organised religion. Only then is one able to perceive God’s will and act accordingly rather than according to one’s own will. As the acts done by the person are as per God’s will, the person is able to access divine energy and also does not create a give-and-take account with his actions. The devotion of the person also causes God to rush to his aid. It is because of God rushing to the aid of the true devotee, that the people associated with the devotee and his mission also benefit. This can be understood from the following analogy. When a devotee of God, trapped in a building in the middle of an earthquake, cries for help from God, God will save him. But others in the building will also be automatically saved. Most of the seekers of God across the world, who have not studied the subtle battle aspect of Spiritual science or who do not have an activated sixth sense are not in the know of it. As a result, they can neither prepare
  • 47. themselves to face the attack by demonic forces, nor can they participate in the battle. Most Saints on Earth who are involved purely in their own individual spiritual practice are also unaware of this battle. As per their spiritual level, God functions through them. But other than that function, there is little they can contribute to the battle of good and evil. There are very few Saints who are actively involved in guiding seekers to do spiritual practice for the sake of society. They do so, due to Their yearning for establishing Righteousness on Earth. They are thus more extensively one with God whose fundamental characteristic is Righteousness. Spiritual practice for the sake of society includes assisting humanity in understanding and practicing Spirituality according to the six basic principles of Spirituality and living a righteous life. Hence, God functions to a much greater extent through them. Consequently, they are actively involved in the subtle battle and are guiding seekers to fight this evil at a spiritual level. All persons and subtle bodies below 30% spiritual level, with high ego, those engaged in criminal, terrorist activities, those perpetrating sexual offences and denigrators of deities or symbols of worship and reverence etc. fight on the side of evil forces. Religious fundamentalists think they fight on God's side and indulge in (religious) terrorism but they too come under evil forces. As a part of this subtle battle, higher level ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) force the spiritually weaker ancestors' subtle bodies to make use of their give- and-take accounts with their ‘good’ descendants, to trouble them. Refer to article - Why would my departed loved ones and my other ancestors want to give me pain? 8. When was the first battle between good and evil fought? The lifespan of the universe is divided into 4 eras i.e. Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga. The current era we live in, is the last era of the universe and is called the Era of Strife (Kaliyuga) and it will last for 432,000 years. We are currently 5,500 years into this era. (Refer to the picture below).
  • 48. In each era there are smaller cycles of Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga. Each small era cycle is further sub-divided into even smaller four eras. This sub-division of mini-cycles within mini-cycles re-occurs until it is six levels deep. The smallest mini-cycle lasts for a period of about 1000 years. The figure of 1000 is as per the time calculation in present times. For example, a corresponding mini-cycle in Satyayuga era would be much longer. This is because Satyayuga was an era which had a very high subtle sattva component. One of the characteristics of sattvais expansiveness, whereas that of tama is decay. Hence one year of Kaliyuga would essentially mean many more years in Satyayuga. At the beginning of creation the balance was 100% in favour of the good forces as the demonic forces were only in latent/seed form. This is because in the first era, i.e. Satyayuga, all of mankind was engaged in spiritual practice. In fact, their entire life was spent with the attitude that every aspect of their life is spiritual practice itself and of service to God. When the mini-kaliyuga in the last mini-cycle of Satyayuga began, the total number of evildoers on Earth became more than 2% of the entire population. The subtle tama component was high enough for the evil forces, i.e. ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) to strike their claim to supremacy. This was the first battle between the good and evil forces and it was waged at the end of this mini-cycle kaliyuga in the last mini-cycle of the Satyayuga. 9. The present subtle battle The present era we live in is the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the kaliyuga, part of the main Kaliyuga. We are therefore living in the darkest part of this mini-cycle of the main Kaliyuga era where materialism, lack of Spirituality and selfishness of man has reached its peak. All these are representative of an increase in the tama component in people. In 2006 the balance between the good and evil forces is in the ratio of 70:30. Presently evildoers in society have reached the 30% mark. For this
  • 49. part of the era, this means that the sattva component has hit rock bottom. It is something akin to a share market where when the index goes below a psychological barrier we say that the share market has bottomed out. One may ask, “If the balance is currently 70 to 30 in favour of good then how can there be a problem?” After all, it contradicts the last paragraph under point one which states that the majority of the people of the world are evil.The answer is that most of the good forces are in the higher regions of the universe. In these high planes of existence they are so one with the non-manifest form (nirgun) of God that they maintain an observer attitude. The evil forces take advantage of this state of the good forces and set themselves up to strike and establish supremacy on Earth. In the current times, mankind is at the threshold of witnessing a historic change from the mini era of kaliyuga to the mini era of satyayuga within the main era of Kaliyuga. This change of era will also bring about a means of cleansing the planet of tama predominant people and elements.
  • 50.
  • 51. Unknown to most of mankind, in the years 1999 – 2006, a major battle of good versus evil has taken place in the subtle regions. In the past decade, this subtle battle has also manifested a little in the physical Earth plane. We have seen an increase in intensity of natural disasters, rampant wars and anti-social activity. The primary reason for this is because of the increase in the subtle tama component that is associated with evil i.e. ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) and a society that lacks in spiritual practice and a lifestyle of Righteousness. 9.1 Details of the present subtle battle of good versus evil Starting from the year 1999, the battle between good versus evil has been intensifying in the subtle regions. Deities and Saints have been fighting this battle against very powerful forces of evil i.e. ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the subtle world. Basically this fighting by the good forces is totally in the subtle and takes place at the ' level of existent power'. The level of existent power can be understood by the analogy of the Sun. Everyday when the Sun rises, the flowers bloom. The Sun does not ask or make the flowers bloom. It happens automatically by the very presence of the Sun. Similarly by their very existence the omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent Saints and deities, through their divine consciousness that is transmitted continuously, fight the battle. Refer to the article on the Hierarchy of power in the universe. Seekers of God doing spiritual practice for the sake of society participate in the battle with their little might. When they spread the awareness of Spirituality within society as part of their spiritual practice they are attacked by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). Seekers of God are able to overcome these attacks by the use of spiritual healing methods as well as through their spiritual power gained through spiritual practice and blessings and grace of God. The forces of evil in the subtle world also possess and give energy to the anti-social elements on the Earth plane as shown in the diagram below. The result is when we switch on the news on television we see a world that is increasingly chaotic with lack of morality, insane behaviour, rampant terrorism and wars.
  • 52. Since most people do not understand the spiritual cause or perspective behind the chaotic present times, they try to rectify the situation through physical means such as waging a war against terrorism, etc. or psychologically by having conventions, summits etc. However this is not the solution. Basically as all the anti-social elements are powered by (i.e. are puppets of) the subtle evil forces, it is not possible to annihilate or overcome them by physical or psychological means. Even if the worst of the anti-social elements on Earth were to be eliminated, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) would simply possess yet another anti- social element giving them their spiritual power. This spiritual power is far more powerful than any physical power. The state that the world is in 2006 can only be rectified if the evil in the subtle world is overcome. This is the reason why deities and Saints have been engaged in a subtle battle, fighting superior ghosts (sorcerers) from the deepest regions of hell, with their spiritual strength in the years 1999 to 2006.
  • 53. The subtle battle is at its peak in 2006 and it will slowly begin to subside in the subsequent years as the subtle forces of good overwhelm the forces of evil. The anti-social elements that were initially getting their energy from sorcerers among the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the subtle, will no longer have access to that spiritual energy. As a result, the anti-social elements on Earth and the rest of mankind that is being possessed and affected will reduce. Due to this they will be overcome. This will be followed by a physical war affecting the entire globe. The battle in the physical is also required to annihilate all the evil persons and elements from the face of the Earth. In the major physical battle that will ensue in the coming years along with increase in natural disasters the world population will decrease considerably. The scale of the physical battle will be unlike anything one has seen before
  • 54. and entire mankind will be affected. People with a lower spiritual level i.e. below 30% are more likely to be adversely affected in this change. Those who are evil will be wiped out as they will be fighting on the side of the evil. Those who are sitting on the fence, i.e. neither on the evil nor on the good side will also be wiped out in the crossfire. 9.2 What happens after the battle • For Demonic Forces: After the battle when the subtle demonic forces have been conclusively subjugated, they will stop fighting and go away to undertake rigorous spiritual practice to regain spiritual strength so that they can stake their claim of supremacy on the universe yet again. Also as a result of the demonic forces being overcome, a period of sattva predominance will follow on Earth and all the regions above Bhuvaloka. The mini-Satyayuga known as the Divine Kingdom will begin. This era is ushered in at all the regions above Earth first and then comes on to the Earth as well. • For Mankind We are in the midst of a watershed in the history of mankind. After the physical battle, there will be a period of trial and error as the world adjusts to the new world order and picks up the pieces. During this time, the potential to run the Divine Kingdom will be generated in the surviving people. This will continue till the year 2022. After this period of flux, humanity will experience almost a thousand years of peace. In the new era, there will be renewed spiritual awakening and flourishing of disciplines such as the science of Ayurveda, hitherto unaccepted as a mainstream science by the world. It is important to note that these thousand years will be the last divine era in the universe. The sattva component generated in this era will be all the that will be available to mankind till the end of the universe some 400,000 years later. There will be no fresh generation of the subtle basic sattva component after these thousand years as the universe will slowly go downhill towards tama and hence its inevitable dissolution. Among all the planes of existence in the universe, the Earth region is most conducive to spiritual practice. Unfortunately when the period of peace and prosperity ensues, over time mankind gets lost in worldly
  • 55. pleasures and forgets about spiritual practice. As a result of this the sattvikta starts declining. Consequently there is a progressive rise in unrighteousness that further decreases the sattvikta and increases the raja-tama. This decline in sattva and increase in raja-tama affects all the regions. Though it affects the subtle regions only fractionally, even that marginal decline in sattva component causes severe distress to the good subtle bodies in the regions above Bhuvaloka who are used to uniform high sattva levels at all times. 10. The spiritual significance of the current times One aspect of spiritual practice is to transcend the basic subtle components, i.e. one has to progress from the raja-tama present status to raja to sattva and finally transcend even beyond sattva. During the period before the onset of the universe, the three basic subtle components are present in equal proportions, i.e. they nullify or balance each other. At all times after the universe came into existence, a particular subtle basic component has been predominant. For example
  • 56. in Satyayuga, the sattva component was predominant and now in Kaliyuga it is the raja-tama component that is predominant. It is beneficial to undertake spiritual practice during twilight periods such as sunset, sunrise and an eclipse. The reason is that during this period the three subtle components of sattva, raja and tama are in equal proportions as in the pre-universe times. Due to this it becomes easier to undertake spiritual practice to advance to a state beyond these three subtle basic components. As God is beyond these three basic components, by going beyond them ourselves, we merge into God which is the ultimate purpose in spiritual growth. The period between the years 1999 – 2022 represents a twilight period between two eras as we move from a darker age (mini-kaliyuga) to a better one (mini-satyayuga) within the main era of Kaliyuga. During this twilight period of 23 years, any spiritual practice undertaken by one according to the basic principles of Spirituality will benefit one immensely. In fact, each year of spiritual practice in these 23 ‘twilight’ years is equal to 50 years during the course of an era. Taking adulthood to be about 50 years in an average human’s lifespan; spiritual practice undertaken in these 23 years would approximately be equivalent to 1000 years. Another way of looking at it would be that we would be getting the benefit of 20 lifetimes of spiritual practice in just one lifetime. The consequences of the battle of Armageddon The battle of Armageddon being waged is mostly in the subtle. However it is currently adversely affecting the world albeit mostly at an intangible level. The consequences of the subtle war are mainly in the form of seeds sown for further rapid and progressive deterioration of the world at various levels. This works in two ways:  It decreases the overall sattvikta in the world.  It enhances the hold of the forces of evil on mankind. The main stages of Armageddon are described below:
  • 57. Since 1993, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) began to sow the seeds for the degradation of society and acceleration of unrighteousness. In most cases, the world had already set the process of degradation in place. This was due to a rise in man’s materialistic nature and lack of Righteousness. Aided by ghosts, the downslide was accelerated to an unprecedented intensity and speed. Over time these seeds will take root and increase the rot in society. As society becomes more and more unrighteous, they will play right into the hands of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) increasing the raja and tama in the environment. This increase in raja and tama will cause the destabilisation of the world as we know it. It will culminate in natural disasters and the World War 3. The following are examples of a few mechanisms that have already been set into motion by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). The chart also gives other events that will come to pass in the run up to the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind. Year Event 2000 The seed of intense domestic quarrels sown in society 2001 The seed of increase in anti-social elements in society 2002 The seed of increase in malpractices in places of worship which accelerate
  • 58. the increase of raja and tama. Places of worship contribute to the sattva component in society. When malpractices happen there it reduces the sattvikta and thereby helps increase the raja and tama. 2006 The seed of beginning of destruction of places of worship 2011 The seed of steps by terrorists under the control of ghosts to destroy spiritual organisations 2014 A high incidence of natural calamities 2015 Havoc by floods and volcanoes 2016 A massive earthquake in Pakistan 2017 Countries in the Middle East razed to the ground in bomb blasts 2018 America, China and Japan hit by war and an unprecedented loss of innumerable lives 2019 Loss of supremacy of politicians and rush of mankind to Saints for their rescue 2020 Decrease in the destructive process and predominance of particles of divine consciousness in the environment 2021 The seed of times conducive and complementary to the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankindcreated 2022 Experience of pleasantness and enthusiasm in the environment 2023 Settling down of the environment 2024 Internal and external settling down of life 2025 The seed of improved spiritual practice and spiritual journey towards God- realisation by seekers. Commencement of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind. Note: At the current rate the world is going:  The probability of this catastrophe being avoided is 1%  The intensity may vary by +/- 10%  The timing of the event may vary by +/- 10% within the overall 25 year time frame. 6.1 World War 3 The Third World War will begin in 2010 and continue for about 9 years till 2019. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked.
  • 59. However it may not be readily apparent to the world. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass destruction will be used. There will be an unprecedented loss of life where approximately 1/3rd of the population will perish and 1/3rd will experience suffering. Some countries will be affected more than others. Needless to say in a highly interconnected world all countries will be affected. The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to religious fanaticism. Ghosts and negative forces will use this vulnerability in humans to push them over the edge. In all the three world wars ghosts from progressively higher regions of Hell have been behind humankind wanting to annihilate each other.  World War 1: Sorcerers from the 2nd region of Hell.  World War 2: Sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler for example throughout his tenure in power was possessed by a sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to power. Throughout his reign the sorcerer was fully manifest.  World War 3: Sorcerers from the 4th region of hell will be behind the Third World War that will play out in the physical realm. However in the subtle battle, sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell will take part. 6.2 Role of India in World War 3 and the battle of Armageddon From times immemorial, India has been the spiritual centre of the world. Spiritual research has revealed that in the Armageddon that is unfolding, India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. In the course of the war, negative forces will instigate neighbouring countries to attack India to destabilise the pivotal role that it will play. Approximately 50% of the Indian population will perish as a result. 7. Can this catastrophe be avoided? The catastrophe that is predicted to happen is mainly because the basic subtle raja-tama component in the world has increased to such unprecedented levels, that urgent intervention by God is needed so that the world can be cleansed in order to be able to continue peacefully. It follows that if mankind makes a supreme effort to adapt its lifestyle to a more sattva predominant one, the cleansing process will not be warranted
  • 60. or will happen only to a lesser extent. This can be achieved if majority of mankind mends its ways drastically and reduces its contribution to raja- tama. Or it can be better and earlier done, if people focus on increasing the basic subtle sattva component. Thus the catastrophe can only be avoided if people earnestly start to practice Spirituality. It is imperative that in order to make a difference, their spiritual practice needs to take a more universal form rather than a sectarian form. Spiritual practice according to the six basic principles of spiritual practice is the most conducive means for growth in the current era. Religions that preach that their way is the only way to God run the risk of violating the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Depending on our collective spiritual practice and also if some highly evolved Saints intervene, the year and severity of the events can change to some extent. Seekers of God who have through their spiritual practice attained a spiritual level of 60% and above will be protected to varying degrees. 8. Salient features of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind The upside of battle of Armageddon is that humanity will finally experience peace on Earth which will last for almost 1000 years. The battle will be a spiritual cleansing of the world preparing people for a new kind of sattvik world which will radically differ from the old one. In a way, this will be an ushering of a mini Satyayuga within the main era of Kaliyuga. While it will be nothing compared to the sattvikta of the main era of Satyayuga (at the beginning of the Universe), it will be a period of immense spiritual renewal for mankind. The following are some of the features of the new era that some of us will have the privilege to usher in.  Spiritual level: After the reduction in the world’s population with Armageddon, the mode spiritual level of the world will rise to 30% compared to its present 20%. A sudden 10% rise in spiritual level across the world’s population is quite staggering and is reflective of the amount of loss of life. Please read our article on spiritual level, which gives the current breakdown of the world population by spiritual level.
  • 61.  Importance in life: A high degree of importance will be given to spiritual knowledge and spiritual maturity in assessing a person’s ability. The objective of life for people will be skewed towards spiritual growth for the realisation of God. There will be importance given to spiritual strength rather than physical or intellectual. Accordingly progress will not be measured in terms of riches. The view about wealth will change. It will be viewed as purely a means and not an end in itself.  Governing system: Democracy will lose its status as the preferred type of governing system. For example in India, a benevolent leadership under the guidance of a Saint will form the government. The modus operandi of leadership will be in line with Righteousness (Dharma). There will be no need for elections. The seer guides of the governing body will transparently point out the leaders. The rest of the world frustrated with its failed experiments at communism, dictatorship and democracy will look to India’s example and try to implement this new type of government to the extent possible for them.  Closeness: There will be unity amongst all nations. People will feel a genuine closeness with other cultures and nationalities. This will stem from the spiritual maturity of the world’s population. It will be the basis of an innate spiritual understanding of the oneness of all of mankind.  Education: Education systems will include Spiritual science and codes of Righteousness in their curriculum. Modern science will morph to take into account the spiritual dimension.  Medical science: Medical sciences will be rewritten. They will now include the spiritual dimension in analysing the root cause of a problem.Ayurveda will become commonly accepted in the western world. The attitude and perspectives of people practicing medicine will change. For example, they will begin to question if a patient is spiritually deserving of an organ transplant or a heart bypass. What will a person do with the reprieve granted to him by a successful surgery? Will he squander the extra years that he has by watching television, aimless chit-chatter, parties etc? Even after getting a reprieve people rarely think of utilising life for realising God (the basic goal of life). In
  • 62. other words they will be considered as increasing the burden on Earth. If one needs an extended lifespan for spiritual practice, God grants it automatically.  Judicial systems: Judicial systems and processes will change dramatically. Now we have courts of law, later we will have courts of justice. There will be no need for lawyers as judges will be spiritually evolved and will be able to intuitively perceive the truth in the issue at hand. Their highly activated sixth sense (ESP) will allow them to plainly see who is lying and who is telling the truth. In short justice will be served instantly and without spending a cent.  Art: Artists will not undertake art for the sake of arts, but as spiritual practice to get closer and take others closer to God.  Security: As a nation based on Righteousness is God-made, God only takes care of its security. This means that God Himself guides the leaders about the appropriate measures to be undertaken.  Environment: Nature is influenced heavily by man’s actions. As man becomes progressively sattvik through spiritual practice nature automatically becomes conducive to man. There will be a complete reduction in weird weather phenomenon that we are experiencing in current times.  Family planning: Governments will not need to undertake family planning policies. There will be an automatic adherence to family planning in society. The holy Vedic scriptures have also advocated a single child but not because of fear of scarcity of food etc., but to impress the importance of control on lust to grow spiritually. 8.1 The importance of this era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind For mankind this will be the last era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind until the end of the current and last era of the Universe (Kaliyuga). Mankind will have to make do with the spiritual understanding that will be gained from these thousand years. After that man will again plunge into a negative vortex till the end of Kaliyuga. We live in momentous times – amidst changing of an era. Our prayer is that the seekers of God in this world reflect on this information. We must
  • 63. bear in mind that with intense spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice we can reduce the intensity of Armageddon. What percentage of the world population is affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.)? 1. Percentage of the world population affected by ghosts The world population in the year 2006 is estimated to be over 6.5 billion (Ref: The population of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in the current era is ten times more than humans, i.e. they are over 60 billion in number. With the ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) population out-numbering the human population to such a large extent, they adversely affect 100% of the world population in the current era. This percentage fluctuates over the years. Being affected by ghosts on this massive scale is easier to comprehend when understood in the context of the effect of pollution, erosion of ozone layer or global warming on mankind. All of mankind is affected, some suffer to greater degrees than others. Only we have to understand that the menace of being affected by ghosts is far subtler and hence infinitely more dangerous than the environmental pollution we are so concerned about. Please refer to the article on the difference between being affected and possessed by a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.). In the subsequent sections, we have presented statistics for the entire mankind, on being affected and possessed. 2. Type of ghosts affecting mankind
  • 64. Out of the entire human race in the current era, 70% are tormented by inferior level ghosts and 30% by higher order ghosts, that is, those with more power. 3. Affected versus possessed by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) In 2006, 30% (+/-5%) of the entire population is possessed. This is one of the reasons the world is in a state of flux with wars and rampant terrorism. This percentage is not static and changes over time. These figures are alarming, however the truth is that we are all affected to varying degrees but we cannot perceive or understand it. Some may think, “I certainly don’t feel like I am possessed”. The word ‘possessed’ may conjure up Hollywood images of possession in movies such as ‘The Exorcist’ and ‘The Exorcism of Emily Rose’. In fact, in almost all cases the
  • 65. possessed person does not know that he is possessed until it manifests in a dramatic way as it did in Emily Rose’s case. This is because in most cases the process of possession happens gradually over a period of many years. Also with progressive possession the ghost destroys the mind and intellect of the possessed person so completely that he begins to identify himself with the thoughts and instincts of the possessing ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.). 4. Population by level of possession Please read the article on the levels of possession. Out of the 30% people possessed as shown in the diagram above:  14% of the possessed population (category of mild possession) can easily be identified as possessed just by the intellect itself. This is due to obvious inexplicable changes at a physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual level that these possessed people display. In these cases the spiritual strength of the possessing ghost and its control on the possessed person is minimal as compared to the other levels.  The 8% of people that fall in the category of ‘severe’ are the most dangerous to mankind as the controlling ghost is of a very highspiritual level and is mainly interested in harming society at large. It therefore possesses people who have similar basic natures. 5. Spiritual level and the ability to diagnose people affected or possessed by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) It is impossible for a person without an active sixth sense, who is uneducated about affliction or possession by ghosts to diagnose the root
  • 66. cause of an adverse event and whether it was physical, psychological or spiritual in nature. Moreover with the increasing spiritual strength of the possessing ghost (demon, devil, negative energy, etc.), it becomes harder to perceive its role behind the event. Higher level ghosts control lower level ghosts just as mafia bosses control the common thief. It is relatively easier to catch the common thief but very difficult to connect the event to and catch the mafia boss. So also, depending on one’s spiritual level and the corresponding sixth sense ability alone, can one identify whether it is a case of being affected or possessed by a ghost and the region of the attacking ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). As a rule of thumb, one can only identify an attack by a ghost of the same spiritual level. For example if a person is at the 50% spiritual level and has an active sixth sense he can only identify a ghost of the 50% spiritual level. Refer to different planes of existence other than Earth Refer to the article on the depth of ability to perceive paranormal activity with our sixth sense 6. Percentage of the world population affected over the eras The following bar chart shows how mankind has been affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) since the beginning of the Universe.
  • 67. The reason for the increasing effect of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) on the world population is because the average spiritual level has decreased over time. As you can see, the mode spiritual level in the era of Truth was 70% giving them the requisite protection from ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). On the other hand in the current era the mode spiritual level is 20% which means most of the population does not have the adequate spiritual strength to be protected against being affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.). Please note that while we have said that 100% of people in the Era of Strife (Kaliyuga) are affected by ghosts, the figures fluctuate. The power of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) ebb and rise during the course of an era. Accordingly their effect on mankind fluctuates. However, if we look at the Era of Strife (Kaliyuga) in its entirety, the effect of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) is 100% on mankind. In the year 2006, the power of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) is at its peak. Please read our article on the significance of our times and the battle of good versus evil.
  • 68. Global warming causes and facts - a spiritual perspective In recent times the world has witnessed global warming, climate change and natural disasters of unprecedented proportions. According to spiritual research, the primary cause of global warming is a cyclic process that occurs in the Universe over time. The effects of global warming we have so far witnessed are just the beginning of a destructive phase which will increase in intensity over the next 5-10 years. The destructive phase of a cycle can be worsened by humankind’s poor behaviour towards nature. The poor behaviour which we see nowadays is an outcome of the reduced spiritual consciousness of humans and resultant inability to gain protection against the influence of negative energies. Spiritual practice is the only way to truly transform our spiritually polluted mind into a pure one. To understand this article, please read:  Sattva, Raja and Tama the three subtle basic components (trigunas) of the Universe  The Five Absolute Cosmic Elements (Panchamahabhutas, Panchamahābhūtās)  Spiritual research into the age of the Universe and its cycles 1. Effects of global warming: the increasing intensity of natural disasters