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1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Introduction
3.1 What is Nualgi Foliar
3.2 What does the report cover
4. Objective
5. Methodology
5.1 Location of the Test Acreage
5.2 Weather, Timing
5.3 Soils
5.4 Irrigation
5.5 Test protocol
6. Trial Milestones
6.1 Planting
6.2 Cultivars
6.3 Testing
6.4 Growth
7. Results
7.1 Yield
7.2 Quality
7.3 Crop cycle
7.4 Nutrient Assessment
7.5 Fertilization
7.6 Color
7.7 Plant stress assessment
7.8 Pest and disease resistance
7.9 Integrated Crop Management
7.10 Harvest and handling
7.11 Post-Harvest handling
7.12 Toxicity test
8. Return on Investment
9. Achieved Benefits and Actual Benefits
10. Recommendation
3.1 What is Nualgi Foliar ?
formulation.Itcontainsprimarynutrients(P,K);Secondarynutrients(Ca,Mg,S); Micronutrients(Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,B,
3.4 What does the report cover ?
The report covers detailed breakdowns of the overall efficacy and return on investment in the use of
Nualgi Foliar on Spinach. The Trial will be focusing solely on Spinach located in Kings City, CA with
planting to harvest effective from June-August 2015
4. Objective
The objective of the trial is to prove or disprove the efficacy of Nualgi Foliar on Spinach crop through a
controlled field trial.
5. Methodology
5.1 Where was the test conducted?
Trial was performed in King City, CA on a 10.5 acre block to allow 3 replications of each trial set. King City
was chosen as it is an ideal location within the fresh produce area of California.
5.2 Weather, timing
King City has a semi-arid climate (BWk or BWh), although bordering on a Mediterranean climate (Csb),
with very warm, mostly dry summers and cool, wet winters. The average January temperatures are a
maximum of 64.1 °F (17.8 °C) and a minimum of 34.9 °F (1.6 °C). The average July temperatures are a
maximum of 86.9 °F (30.5 °C) and a minimum of 51.0 °F (10.6 °C). There are an average of 50.6 days with
highs of 90 °F (32 °C) or higher and an average of 49.7 days with lows of 32 °F (0 °C) or lower.
TYPICAL PEDON: Lockwood shale loam, orchard. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted.)
Ap1--0 to 3 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; moderate fine
and medium sub-angular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic;
few very fine roots; many very fine interstitial pores; about 18 percent fine gravel-size fragments; very
strongly acid (pH 5.0); abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 5 inches thick)
Ap2--3 to 16 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist; weak very coarse
angular blocky structure parting to moderate medium granular; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and
slightly plastic; few very fine and fine roots; common very fine interstitial and very few tubular pores;
horizon compacted due to tillage; about 18 percent fine gravel-size shale fragments; slightly acid (pH 6.5);
gradual smooth boundary. (6 to 13 inches thick).
AB--16 to 26 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist; strong medium
granular structure; slightly hard toward soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine
roots; many very fine interstitial, common fine and medium tubular pores; about 18 percent fine
gravel-sizeshale fragments; neutral (pH 7.0); gradual smooth boundary. (9 to 12 inchesthick)
BA--26 to 40 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale heavy loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist;
moderate medium granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and
medium roots; many very fine interstitial pores and common fine tubular worm holes; about 26 percent
shale fragments 3/4 to 3 inches diameter; neutral (pH 7.0); clear irregular boundary. (10 to 16 inches
A variety of soils are used for spinach production, but in most regions sandy loam soils are preferred. In
the inland valleys, soils with considerable sand are desirable for winter and early-spring crops because
they are warmer and drain more efficiently. Harvesting is often possible during rainy periods on sandy
ground when it is impossible to work on loamy clay soils. Heavier soils can be quite productive if they are
well drained and irrigated with care. Spinach is particularly sensitive to saturated soil conditions. Spinach
is moderately salt sensitive. Research has shown that the soil salinity threshold for yield loss is from 2 to 4
dS/m at 25C (77F), depending on the frequency of irrigation, soil type, and weather conditions. Yield loss
is about 8 percent for each additional increase of 1 dS/m of soil salinity.
Initial Soil Analysis at Test site (Nutrients in Parts Per Million PPM)
2.1 1.9 451 1.6% 5.8 14
Depending on the initial soil conditions, 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) of water are applied using sprinklers to
moisten soil for tillage and seedbed preparation. All spinach fields in California are sprinkler irrigated to
germinate the seed. Two to three irrigations are required between seeding and emergence. During the
spring and summer months, short sprinkler applications usually follow an initially long irrigation every 2
days until emergence to prevent the formation of a soil crust and to replace moisture lost by evaporation.
Most growers produce the entire crop with sprinklers, though continued use of overhead water favors
infection and spread of leaf spot diseases. Some processed crops grown in the central valley are furrow
irrigated. For short-cycle crops, such as baby and teen spinach, solid-set sprinklers are often used to
minimize labor during the crop cycle. Operating sprinklers in windy conditions can greatly reduce
irrigation uniformity and cause uneven emergence and growth.
5.5 Test Protocols
This trial consisted of 3 trial segments focusing on the Growers Standard (GS), Seventy percent of growers
standard with the addition of Nualgi foliar, and finally Nualgi Foliar as a stand alone.
Protocol 1. Grower Standard: Growers standard consisted of pop up fertilizer at 350# per acre and then
bedding up to 80” beds. Once beds were established seeds were drilled in at ¾” depth with a seed rate of
12 seeds per foot. At 2” of growth spinach was thinned to allow 4” between plants. At 4” of growth an
application was made utilizing a standard foliar fertilizer containing NPK. At 8” of growth another
additional application of a foliar was applied. During the 8” growth stage fertilizer was injected through
the drip line to maintain plant growth. Material used was 4-13-13 blends at 10 gal per acre. Foliar
material used in application 1 was Evergreen (7-7-7) 2 qts/ac, application 2 was Fosi-Cal WP 1#/ac +
Evergreen at 1qt/ac.
Protocol 2. 70GS+NF: Variations were made during these applications where we utilized only 240 pounds
of pre plant fertilizers. Beddings and planting rates and depth were identical as well as placing of SDI
inside the beds. We substituted the GS foliar to Nualgi Foliar at a rate of 200ml per acre with
applications taking place at the same timing as the Grower Standard. No adjustments were made in
regards to insecticides or fungicides. During injection of liquid through the SDI we reduced dosage to 7
gal per acre rate.
Protocol 3. Nualgi Foliar (NF) Stand Alone : During these trial sets we removed all pre-plant based
materials and focused on drilling and planting rates being identical to the Grower Standard. We removed
100% of all additional fertilizer applications including drip injected at 8” of growth. We instead applied
200ml per acre at 4”, 6”, and 8” growth stages. During these applications any insecticides or fungicides
were added at the Growers discretion.
6. Trial Milestones
6.1 Planting
All spinach is direct seeded. The California industry is known for using very high seed planting densities
and a large number of seed lines per bed. In general, baby and teenage clipped spinach is planted only on
80-inch-wide (203-cm) beds, while bunched and freezer spinach is grown on both 40-inch (100-cm) and
depending on the method of planting and soil conditions. The following table summarizes general
planting formats and days to harvest. Note that the days to harvest information pertains to coastal
spinach production areas and ranges from very short growing periods in late spring through summer to
longer growing periods in fall, winter, and early spring. Versatility is also practiced, for in some cases a
fresh market spinach planting is first clipped for fresh market product, then allowed to regrow to a larger
size for a second harvest for the freezer. Overall planting went smoothly and installation was broken into
3 set per application methods with 3 replications for a total of 12 plots. Each plot was about 1.25 acres
total to allow optimal calculations.
In California, the smooth or flat leaf spinach cultivars are grown almost exclusively, though some semi
savoy types are used. All spinach cultivars commercially grown in California are hybrids, primarily because
disease and bolting resistance have been bred into these hybrids. Downy mildew is an economically
important foliar disease of spinach for which single- gene resistance is incorporated as new races of the
40-inch beds
(million seed/ac)
40-inch beds (seed
80-inch beds
(million seed/ac)
80-inch beds (seed
Days to
baby leaf,
NA NA 3.5–4.0 24–48 21–40
NA NA 2.7–3.5 21–48 26–50
bunched 1.2 6–9 1.5–2.3 12–21 32–62
freezer 0.8 6–9 1.0–1.5 12–21 48–90
6.3 Testing
A soil sample was collected prior to the start of the installation to determine base lines for all blocks. We
performed 3 more tissue samples during the season which results can be found in report. Results showed
little tissue differences between grower standard and seventy percent grower standard plus Nualgi.
Nualgi as a stand-alone showed reduced nutritional percentages, which again resulted in the final overall
performance of the stand alone. The field went through a bacteria analysis to confirm no presence of
Ecoli but based on the inclusion of a bactericide. A&L Western performed samples, DellaValle Labs
both certified analytical analysis labs.
6.4 Growth
Seventy percent grower standard plus Nualgi Foliar increased the overall biomass and therefore
increased tonnage and ROI. Grower’s standard came in at No 2 even though it had used 100 pct fertilisers
and standard Foliars.
Growth Graph based on weight per bunch at given growth stages.
7. Results
7.1 Yield
Bunch Weight
Bunch Weight
Cwt harvested
Cwt harvested
Grower Standard 70GS + NF
7.2 Quality
11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun 2-Jul 9-Jul 16-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul
GS + NF Plot picture clean and abundant crop
7.3 Crop cycle
The overall performance was good on all plot locations. Visually 70GS+NF became market ready 4 days
sooner than GS as a stand alone treatment. In areas where seasonal rain issues could occur the
utilization of NF as an addition would support Quicker to Market production.
7.4 Nutrient Assessment
There were no noticeable differences between the Grower Standard and the reduced Grower Standard
with the addition of Nualgi. One element in NF is Nano -Si. It is generally overlooked by lab reporting .
We believe that this has a substantial impact on the overall growth and impact of the plants respiration
and is required to be monitored for consistent results in the future. The results for Nualgi as a stand
alone did show decreased nutrients availability .
Effect of NUALGI Nano-nutrient product on N, P & K concentration (mg)of Spinach
T2 GS+Nualgi 100%
T3 Nualgi 100
Effect of NUALGI Nano-nutrient product on soil N, P & K status afterspinach
T1 Grower Standard
T2 GS + Nualgi 100%
T3 Nualgi 100%
Fresh market spinach is a short-season crop that is harvested when the crop is young. As a result, nutrient
uptake is relatively low. For instance, the nitrogen (N) content of fresh market spinach may vary from 20
to 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre (22 to 45 kg/ha). Freezer spinach is harvested at a more mature stage,
and the nutrient content may be double that of fresh market spinach. Spinach is moderately fertilized; the
fertilizer rate should be determined after consideration of type of spinach being grown, soil type, recent
cropping history, and soil test results. Phosphorus (P) fertilization should be applied based on soil test
results for bicarbonate extractable phosphorus. Levels above 60 parts per million (ppm) are adequate for
spinach growth; for soils below this level, especially in the winter, pre-plant applications of 20 to 40
pounds per to 45 kg/ recommended. The need for potassium (K) can also be determined from soil tests;
soils with greater than 120 ppm of ammonium- acetate-exchangeable potassium have sufficient
quantities for the crop. Potassium fertilization presents no environmental risk, and many growers
routinely apply potassium even in fields with high levels of exchangeable soil potassium. Fertilizing to
replace potassium removed with the harvested crop (approximately 25 to 55 lb./acre, or 63 to 138 kg/ha)
is appropriate to maintain soil fertility for fresh market spinach, but fertilization rates above that level are
economically wasteful. Beyond the root zone by the winter rains. Small quantities of nitrogen, 20 pounds
per acre (22 kg/ha), are applied pre-plant or at planting; an additional top-dress or water-run application
of 20 to 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre (22 to 34 kg/ha) is generally sufficient for fresh market spinach
production. For freezer spinach, two side dress applications of nitrogen several weeks apart may be
necessary. Spinach plantings that follow crops containing substantial nitrogen, such as lettuce and cole
crops may benefit from useable residual amounts of nitrogen. This nitrogen can be measured with pre-
side dress soil nitrate testing (PSNT). Soil nitrate levels greater than 20 ppm in the top 6 inches (15 cm) are
adequate for crop growth.
7.6 Color
Color was rated on a pigment scale for green.
N (kg/ac)
P (kg/ac)
K (kg/ac)
Organic C (%)
52.01 9.59 152.89 0.63
62.21 9.62 141.96 0.60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >not utilized for color pigment
GS average color pigment was 8, while 70GS+NF obtained a color pigment of 9. The NF as a stand-alone
had more yellow pigment coming in due to weaker nutritional makeup in the leaves causing color pigment
to lower to 6. The impact of color is nutritional and the plants ability to photosynthesis.
70GS+NF Grower Standard
7.7 Plant stress assessment
One thing that we needed to consider is the overall impact of water and environmental stress points and
how that affects the plants’ ability to continue respiration. When plants come under any stress whether l
due to mainly heat or dehydration, or due to water deficit irrigation, the plant slows down and therefore
that affects yields and quality adversely. We did not consider the quality of the water as a factor but this
should be considered in the future as wells get lower and heavy metal density increases in the water. We
would also look at Na issues in the water and the effects on plant growth and performance when utilizing
Nualgi in the future. Yet with the evaluations we made, we found under stress conditions the 70GS+NF
plot was able to contain consistent week over week growth which can be found in the observation
section of the ARM report. This also is indicative of the overall yield performance and the days to
harvest, which too can be found in the ARM report or in section 6.3,7.1,7.2.
7.8 Pest and Disease resistance
While the use of Si has been proven to decrease diseases and or pest pressures we didn’t perform these
tests as the material will be utilized as a nutritional input and not as a dual purpose material. With that
being considered there has been extensive studies on the effects of Si and the relationship with disease
and pest pressures. We did visually see no visible issues in the NF blocks but no relationship was
In monocot crops, the association between Si and reduced severity of fungal diseases has been known for
some time. Germar(1934) reported that wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants supplied with Si are more
resistant to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) than control plants. Since then, Si has been
implicated in several other monocot disease resistance responses, including sorghum (Sorghum vulgare
Pert.) resistance to anthracnose (Colletotricum graminicolum) (Narwal, 1973),barley (Hordium vulgare L.)
and wheat resistance to powdery mildew (E. graminis f. sp. hordei) (Jiang et al., 1989; Kunoh and Ishizaki,
1976; Leusch and Buchenauer, 1989; Sargent and Gay, 1977), and rice (Oryza sativa L.) resistance to blast
(Piricularia oryzae Cav.), brown spot (Bipolaris oryzae Shoemaker)and sheath blight (Corticium sasakii
Shiriai) (Aleshin et al.,1986; Datnoff and Snyder, 1991; Mathai et al., 1978; Volk etal., 1958). The exact role
silica plays in enhancing disease resistance in monocots is as yet undetermined, but localized deposits of
Si have been found in host tissue surrounding fungal haustoria (Kunoh and Ishizaki, 1976; Sargent and
Gay, 1977). In dicots, less attention has been paid to the association between Si and resistance to fungal
infection. Although Wagner(1940) reported that supplying plants with Si reduced cucumber powdery
mildew severity, current interest in this phenomenon was not spawned until the mid-1980s, when it was
reported that the natural incidence of powdery mildew was reduced by feeding Si to solution-cultured
cucumbers (Adatia and Besford, 1986; Miyake and Takahashi, 1983). The reduction in cucumber powdery
mildew with Si feeding has since been shown to be coincident with an accumulation of Si in the leaves
(Menzies et al., 1991a). Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and energy dispersive X-ray analysis
(EDX), Samuels et al.(1991a) showed that infection of Si-fed cucumber plants results in a deposition of Si
in host cell walls at hyphal penetration sites. Associated with this response are a reduction in haustoria
formation and an increase in phenolic production (Menzies et al., 1991b). Timed Si-feeding studies have
also found that soluble Si polymerizes quickly in cucumber leaves and that disease development is
suppressed only if Si is present in soluble form(Samuels et al., 1991b). To minimize disease development,
Si must therefore be provided continuously in the nutrient feed. Until recently, studies associating
reduced disease severity with Si in cucumber and monocot crops have involved root absorption of Si from
soil or culture media. In a concurrent study, it was shown that Si was effective in reducing powdery
mildew severity on cucumber, muskmelon, and zucchini squash when applied as a foliar spray (Menzies et
al., 1992). Si will enhance disease resistance in non cucurbit dicots when applied either via the roots or as
a foliar spray. Foliar application of Si, if effective, may provide a practical means of boosting plant disease
resistance in all field-grown crops.
Cultural control methods such as careful site selection, mechanical cultivation, field sanitation, irrigation
management to avoid excessively wet soils, and crop rotation are important components of an integrated
pest management (IPM) program that can help minimize the use of chemical controls. Herbicides,
insecticides, and fungicides should always be used in compliance with label instructions.
7.9 A- Weed management. Weed management is essential in spinach production given the use
of high- density plantings on 80-inch beds that preclude the use of cultivation. There is also a low
tolerance for weeds in the mechanically harvested product. Weed management depends on
good pre-plant weed control practices such as killing weeds prior to seed set and carrying weeds
from the fields; such practices contribute to lowering weed populations in the soil seed bank.
Pre-germination of By weed removal with herbicide, propane flaming, or shallow tillage prior to
planting can further reduce weed pressure in both organic and conventionally produced spinach.
Hand weeding is generally necessary for spinach production, but it can be made more efficient
and economical by effective weed control practices described above. Stinging nettle (Urtica
urens) is one of the most troublesome weeds in spinach. Other cool-season weeds that
predominate in spinach fields include annual bluegrass (Poa annua), sow thistle (Sonchus
oleraceus), prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola), little mallow (Malva parviflora), mustards such as
London rocket (Sisymbrium irio), and shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Chemical
control of weeds includes the use of herbicides and pre-plant fumigation with metam sodium or
metam potassium. Both metam products are injected 3 inches (7.6 cm) deep into the soil and
sealed with sprinkler irrigation. Pre-emergence herbicide is applied to control a spectrum of
broadleaf and grass weeds in fresh market spinach, and post emergence herbicides are available
to control weeds in freezer spinach. Consult your local UCCE Farm Advisor for advice on specific
weed problems.
Thinning and weeds in 70GS+NF plot
early thinning pass on GS
7.9 B- Insect and mite management. Because a significant percentage of spinach is grown for use
in prewashed, packaged salad mixes, tolerance for insect damage and presence of insects is
extremely low. Hence, insect management is critical for this commodity. Leafminers are a serious
problem in the production of spinach in the coastal regions. Three species predominate as pests:
serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii), vegetable leafminer (L. sativae), and pea leafminer (L.
huidobrensis). Damage by leafminers results when female flies puncture leaves to feed on plant
sap and lay eggs in the leaf tissue. Adult “stings” appear as holes or bumps on the spinach leaves.
Adult leafminers have such a preference for cotyledons that seedling growth may be stunted.
After eggs hatch, larvae feed between the upper and lower leaf surfaces and make distinctive
winding, whitish tunnels or mines. Mining reduces photosynthetic capacity of the leaves and also
renders them unmarketable. Natural enemies, especially parasitic wasps in the genus Diglyphus,
can reduce leafminer populations quite effectively; however, when insecticides are applied for
the leafminer adult or other pests, parasites may be killed. Leafminer control with insecticides
targets either the adult fly by using contact materials or the larvae with systemic products. The
use of insecticides for larval control is longer lasting and less likely to result in re-infestation.
Cultural practices such as postharvest disking can reduce migration of adult flies into nearby
fields. Several species of aphids are found on spinach in California, but the green peach aphid
(Myzus persicae) is probably the most common. These pests stunt plants, reduce yields through
plant sap removal, transmit viruses (especially Cucumber mosaic virus), and result in
contaminated spinach leaves due to aphid honeydew, sooty mold, and debris. At certain times of
the year parasitic wasps and predators provide natural control of aphids, while at other times
aphid populations increase rapidly and contact or systemic insecticides may be needed. Several
worm pests attack spinach, but the most common are loppers and beet armyworm. Several
insecticides are available for worm pest control, but choose those least disruptive to parasites
and predators that suppress leafminers and aphid populations. Rotate classes of insecticides for
resistance management. Whiteflies and thrips are pests of spinach in the southern deserts. In the
southern deserts, the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii, also known as B. tabaci biotype B)
stunts plants, reduces yields through plant sap removal, transmits viruses, and results in
contaminated spinach leaves due to honeydew, sooty mold, and debris. Several insecticides are
available for whitefly control and can be applied to the soil at planting or as foliar sprays.
Rotating classes of insecticides is very important for resistance management. Spinach can
sometimes be damaged by a bulb mite called the spinach crown mite (Rhizoglyphus sp.). This
very tiny pest feeds on the very young leaves deep in the plant crown; when these leaves
expand, they are distorted and torn. The mites are especially difficult to see because of the
naturally occurring glands on developing leaves. Control must occur before the damage is done,
making careful monitoring for this pest very important. Damage is usually most severe in the
early spring when plant growth is slow. Spinach planted in fields with recently disked crop
residue or weeds is most susceptible.
7.9 C -Disease Identification and Management. An integrated disease management approach,
including the use of disease-resistant cultivars, crop rotation, careful irrigation, and fungicides, is
necessary to produce a high-quality product. As with insect pests, the presence of disease
symptoms is not tolerated for the prewashed packaged salad products. Damping-off disease
caused by the complex of Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia fungi is periodically a problem in
spinach production. Severity is influenced by cultivar, soil temperature, soil moisture, and crop
history. Severe damping-off of spinach is associated with warm, wet soils with a history of
frequent spinach production. Management practices typically include the use of a seed-
treatment fungicide and crop rotation with non-host crops. Several diseases attack the leaves of
spinach. Downy mildew caused by Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae is the most widespread
and destructive disease of spinach in California. Initial symptoms are slightly yellow, irregular,
chlorotic lesions on leaves, which frequently expand and coalesce. Heavily infected leaves appear
curled and distorted. The characteristic purple sporulation is often observed on the lower sides
of lesions. Under conditions of prolonged leaf wetness and cool temperatures, epidemics can
progress very rapidly, and an entire crop can be lost in a short period of time. Historically, downy
mildew has been controlled by planting cultivars with single-gene resistance to a given race of
the downy mildew pathogen. However, when new races appear, it may be several years before a
new commercial cultivar with single-gene resistance becomes available. Consequently, the use of
fungicides then becomes vital. Several fungi cause leaf spot diseases on spinach. Anthracnose
caused by Colletotrichum dematium f. sp. spinaciae results in small, circular, water-soaked
lesions on both young and old leaves. Lesions enlarge, turn chlorotic or necrotic, develop small
dark fruiting bodies within diseased leaf tissue, and result in blighted foliage. Cladosporium leaf
spot (Cladosporium variabile) causes small, circular yellow lesions that later turn tan. The tan
lesions usually support the growth of dark green sporulation. Stemphylium leaf spot
(Stemphylium botryosum) symptoms consist of circular, light tan leaf spots. In contrast to the
other two leaf spot problems, the Stemphylium pathogen is not visible on the leaf spot surfaces.
All three of these diseases occur sporadically in California and are usually severe only during wet
rainy seasons or under very wet irrigated conditions. These pathogens can be seed borne.
Fungicide controls have not been developed for these diseases. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV),
Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), and Beet curly top virus (BCTV) are three of the most
common viral pathogens affecting spinach. Symptoms for these virus problems depend on
spinach cultivar, plant age, temperature, and virus strain. CMV is vectored by aphids in a non-
persistent manner and causes general yellowing and poor growth. BWYV is vectored by aphids in
a persistent or circulative manner and causes the lower, older spinach leaves to turn bright
yellow while the leaf veins remain green. BCTV is transmitted by leafhoppers and causes plants
to be extremely stunted and distorted. While insecticides aimed at controlling virus vectors may
help prevent widespread disease, this approach will not prevent virus diseases from occurring.
7.9 D - Abiotic problems. Tip burn is a physiological disorder in which the tips of spinach leaves
turn brown and wither. Affected leaves are unmarketable and may also be attacked by secondary
rot organisms. Tip burn is caused by an imbalance of available calcium in the plant. This condition
is usually induced by fast plant growth, warm temperatures, and perhaps high nitrogen levels.
7.10 Harvesting and Handling
In California spinach is grown for both fresh (bunched or bagged) and processed (frozen) commodities. In
all cases a plant with a seed stalk is unmarketable. For bunched spinach the crop is hand- harvested. The
plant is cut just below the crown, tied into bunches of 8 to 12 plants, and packed 24 bunches to a carton
with a minimum net weight of 20 pounds (9 kg). Yields, which vary widely depending on planting
configuration and density, range from 900 to 1,900 cartons per acre (2,300 to 4,800 per ha). Fresh market
spinach that is sold as bagged salad mixes is usually mechanically harvested. A machine with a front cutter
bar is run on top of the plant beds. The cutter bar clips the leaf and attached petiole off the plant. The
height of the cutter bar can be adjusted to control the amount of petiole that is included. The leaves are
lifted by conveyor belt into bins on trailers and transported to the processing plant for sorting, flume
washing, centrifugation or forced-air drying, and packaging into a variety of different bagged spinach or
mixed leafy greens products. If fresh processing is delayed, the spinach is typically vacuum cooled and
stored for a short period. Spinach for processed frozen products is also mechanically harvested similar to
fresh market spinach. In contrast to fresh market spinach, such spinach is allowed to grow for longer
periods of time so that leaf size and thickness are significantly greater. Once a field is clipped, the plants
regrow and can be harvested a second and perhaps a third time. Typical yields for processing fields range
from 7 to 12 tons per acre (16 to 27 t/ha) at 18 percent stem.
7.11 Post Harvest Handling
Spinach is quite perishable and will yellow when stored at higher than recommended temperatures.
However, the main cause of postharvest losses is decay associated with mechanical damage during
harvest and postharvest operations. Because spinach has a large surface-to-weight ratio and a very high
respiration rate, it should be cooled rapidly to prevent excessive weight loss and wilting. Spinach can be
effectively cooled by vacuum cooling and forced-air cooling. Spinach stored at 32oF (0oC) and high
relative humidity (95% or higher) typically has a shelf life of 14 to 18 days. If spinach has little mechanical
injury, it can be stored for longer periods. Spinach is sensitive to ethylene (increases yellow and may
increase decay) and moderately sensitive to freezing injury after harvest.
7.12 Toxicity test
As spinach is a fresh market product the worries about Ecoli is a serious issue. The post-harvest sampling
showed no bacteria present on the crop. This was due to the grower utilizing Bactrex to clean the crop.
No known issues associated with the use of Nualgi Foliar were determined prior to Bactrex or after
Bactrex application.
8. Return on Investment
ROI is the biggest calculation that the Growers look at today, even if a material is well received on quality
standpoints it might not even still be used if growers today aren’t increasing the bottom line. Below you
will find the breakdown in dollars for Cwt. per trial. As you can see clearly the overall impact on the
bottom line was an increase in ROI when using 70GS+NF.
9. Expected Benefits and Achieved Benefits
When looking at any new material one has to take into account how it will affect the industry as a whole.
There are multiple new materials coming to the market at any given time and with that it’s hard to find a
different action or benefit that a material has to make it stand out in the crowd. The goal was to find if
Nualgi Foliar was a material that could stand out and provided enough of a difference that a marketing
platform should be taken into consideration here in the US. After working with Ryan Sweeney and placing
the materials directly onto Growers fields in Kings City the results started speaking for themselves. We
came to the conclusion while the material increases foliar cost for growers it also decreases physical costs
of materials and increases ROI. The visual performance of the crop was easily noticeable and per Ryan
Sweeney “ When entering into the field without looking at the map you could easily see the blocks,
while I wasn’t happy with the stand alone Nualgi plot it was without a doubt a benefit to have when
using with our clients standards. We feel that the material more than paid for itself and estimate an
increase in net profits of $500-600, and in spinach that’s a big deal.”
10. Recommendations
Based on all trial data collected and observations in this report we find that the best application method
for this material in the production of spinach and possibly other row crops, is for Nualgi Foliar to be
applied in addition to other grower applied materials at 70 pct (in the first year). We believe that Nualgi
foliar shall increase the plants’ ability to out perform in adverse conditions and still produce a solid crop.
We would recommend Nualgi Foliar to any Grower interested in improving quality and tonnage, and
thereby enhance his Return on Investment.
Spinach Trial 81315 USA

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Spinach Trial 81315 USA

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Cover Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Introduction 3.1 What is Nualgi Foliar 3.2 What does the report cover 4. Objective 5. Methodology 5.1 Location of the Test Acreage 5.2 Weather, Timing 5.3 Soils 5.4 Irrigation 5.5 Test protocol 6. Trial Milestones 6.1 Planting 6.2 Cultivars 6.3 Testing 6.4 Growth 7. Results 7.1 Yield 7.2 Quality 7.3 Crop cycle 7.4 Nutrient Assessment 7.5 Fertilization 7.6 Color 7.7 Plant stress assessment 7.8 Pest and disease resistance 7.9 Integrated Crop Management 7.10 Harvest and handling 7.11 Post-Harvest handling 7.12 Toxicity test 8. Return on Investment 9. Achieved Benefits and Actual Benefits 10. Recommendation .
  • 3. 3.1 What is Nualgi Foliar ? NualgiFoliarisanadvancedNanoScalefoliarspray,whichcombinesabalancedmixof13plantnutrientsinasingle formulation.Itcontainsprimarynutrients(P,K);Secondarynutrients(Ca,Mg,S); Micronutrients(Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,B, Mo);and,inaddition,silicaandcobalt.Theparticlessizeisbetween1and30nanometers.Itisunlikeotherfoliar agents,whichcompriselimitednutrientsinitsformulation.Allnutrientsareatnanoscaleallowingforeasierflumingin thetankandsmallermicro-dropletsduringapplication. 3.4 What does the report cover ? The report covers detailed breakdowns of the overall efficacy and return on investment in the use of Nualgi Foliar on Spinach. The Trial will be focusing solely on Spinach located in Kings City, CA with planting to harvest effective from June-August 2015 4. Objective The objective of the trial is to prove or disprove the efficacy of Nualgi Foliar on Spinach crop through a controlled field trial. 5. Methodology 5.1 Where was the test conducted? Trial was performed in King City, CA on a 10.5 acre block to allow 3 replications of each trial set. King City was chosen as it is an ideal location within the fresh produce area of California. 5.2 Weather, timing King City has a semi-arid climate (BWk or BWh), although bordering on a Mediterranean climate (Csb), with very warm, mostly dry summers and cool, wet winters. The average January temperatures are a maximum of 64.1 °F (17.8 °C) and a minimum of 34.9 °F (1.6 °C). The average July temperatures are a maximum of 86.9 °F (30.5 °C) and a minimum of 51.0 °F (10.6 °C). There are an average of 50.6 days with highs of 90 °F (32 °C) or higher and an average of 49.7 days with lows of 32 °F (0 °C) or lower. 5.3 SOILS TYPICAL PEDON: Lockwood shale loam, orchard. (Colors are for dry soil unless otherwise noted.) Ap1--0 to 3 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; moderate fine and medium sub-angular blocky structure; slightly hard, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine roots; many very fine interstitial pores; about 18 percent fine gravel-size fragments; very strongly acid (pH 5.0); abrupt smooth boundary. (2 to 5 inches thick) Ap2--3 to 16 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist; weak very coarse angular blocky structure parting to moderate medium granular; slightly hard, friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine and fine roots; common very fine interstitial and very few tubular pores; horizon compacted due to tillage; about 18 percent fine gravel-size shale fragments; slightly acid (pH 6.5); gradual smooth boundary. (6 to 13 inches thick).
  • 4. AB--16 to 26 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale loam, very dark brown (10YR 2/2) moist; strong medium granular structure; slightly hard toward soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few very fine roots; many very fine interstitial, common fine and medium tubular pores; about 18 percent fine gravel-sizeshale fragments; neutral (pH 7.0); gradual smooth boundary. (9 to 12 inchesthick) BA--26 to 40 inches; gray (10YR 5/1) shale heavy loam, very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) moist; moderate medium granular structure; soft, very friable, slightly sticky and slightly plastic; few fine and medium roots; many very fine interstitial pores and common fine tubular worm holes; about 26 percent shale fragments 3/4 to 3 inches diameter; neutral (pH 7.0); clear irregular boundary. (10 to 16 inches thick) A variety of soils are used for spinach production, but in most regions sandy loam soils are preferred. In the inland valleys, soils with considerable sand are desirable for winter and early-spring crops because they are warmer and drain more efficiently. Harvesting is often possible during rainy periods on sandy ground when it is impossible to work on loamy clay soils. Heavier soils can be quite productive if they are well drained and irrigated with care. Spinach is particularly sensitive to saturated soil conditions. Spinach is moderately salt sensitive. Research has shown that the soil salinity threshold for yield loss is from 2 to 4 dS/m at 25C (77F), depending on the frequency of irrigation, soil type, and weather conditions. Yield loss is about 8 percent for each additional increase of 1 dS/m of soil salinity. Initial Soil Analysis at Test site (Nutrients in Parts Per Million PPM) NO3-N P04-P K O.M PH EC 2.1 1.9 451 1.6% 5.8 14 5.4 IRRIGATION Depending on the initial soil conditions, 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) of water are applied using sprinklers to moisten soil for tillage and seedbed preparation. All spinach fields in California are sprinkler irrigated to germinate the seed. Two to three irrigations are required between seeding and emergence. During the spring and summer months, short sprinkler applications usually follow an initially long irrigation every 2 days until emergence to prevent the formation of a soil crust and to replace moisture lost by evaporation. Most growers produce the entire crop with sprinklers, though continued use of overhead water favors infection and spread of leaf spot diseases. Some processed crops grown in the central valley are furrow irrigated. For short-cycle crops, such as baby and teen spinach, solid-set sprinklers are often used to minimize labor during the crop cycle. Operating sprinklers in windy conditions can greatly reduce irrigation uniformity and cause uneven emergence and growth. 5.5 Test Protocols This trial consisted of 3 trial segments focusing on the Growers Standard (GS), Seventy percent of growers standard with the addition of Nualgi foliar, and finally Nualgi Foliar as a stand alone. Protocol 1. Grower Standard: Growers standard consisted of pop up fertilizer at 350# per acre and then bedding up to 80” beds. Once beds were established seeds were drilled in at ¾” depth with a seed rate of 12 seeds per foot. At 2” of growth spinach was thinned to allow 4” between plants. At 4” of growth an
  • 5. application was made utilizing a standard foliar fertilizer containing NPK. At 8” of growth another additional application of a foliar was applied. During the 8” growth stage fertilizer was injected through the drip line to maintain plant growth. Material used was 4-13-13 blends at 10 gal per acre. Foliar material used in application 1 was Evergreen (7-7-7) 2 qts/ac, application 2 was Fosi-Cal WP 1#/ac + Evergreen at 1qt/ac. Protocol 2. 70GS+NF: Variations were made during these applications where we utilized only 240 pounds of pre plant fertilizers. Beddings and planting rates and depth were identical as well as placing of SDI inside the beds. We substituted the GS foliar to Nualgi Foliar at a rate of 200ml per acre with applications taking place at the same timing as the Grower Standard. No adjustments were made in regards to insecticides or fungicides. During injection of liquid through the SDI we reduced dosage to 7 gal per acre rate.
  • 6. Protocol 3. Nualgi Foliar (NF) Stand Alone : During these trial sets we removed all pre-plant based materials and focused on drilling and planting rates being identical to the Grower Standard. We removed 100% of all additional fertilizer applications including drip injected at 8” of growth. We instead applied 200ml per acre at 4”, 6”, and 8” growth stages. During these applications any insecticides or fungicides were added at the Growers discretion. 6. Trial Milestones 6.1 Planting All spinach is direct seeded. The California industry is known for using very high seed planting densities and a large number of seed lines per bed. In general, baby and teenage clipped spinach is planted only on 80-inch-wide (203-cm) beds, while bunched and freezer spinach is grown on both 40-inch (100-cm) and depending on the method of planting and soil conditions. The following table summarizes general planting formats and days to harvest. Note that the days to harvest information pertains to coastal spinach production areas and ranges from very short growing periods in late spring through summer to longer growing periods in fall, winter, and early spring. Versatility is also practiced, for in some cases a fresh market spinach planting is first clipped for fresh market product, then allowed to regrow to a larger size for a second harvest for the freezer. Overall planting went smoothly and installation was broken into 3 set per application methods with 3 replications for a total of 12 plots. Each plot was about 1.25 acres total to allow optimal calculations.
  • 7. 6.2 CULTIVARS In California, the smooth or flat leaf spinach cultivars are grown almost exclusively, though some semi savoy types are used. All spinach cultivars commercially grown in California are hybrids, primarily because disease and bolting resistance have been bred into these hybrids. Downy mildew is an economically important foliar disease of spinach for which single- gene resistance is incorporated as new races of the SPINACH SEEDING RATES AND DAYS TO HARVEST Spinach commodity 40-inch beds (million seed/ac) 40-inch beds (seed lines/bed) 80-inch beds (million seed/ac) 80-inch beds (seed lines/bed) Days to harvest baby leaf, clipped NA NA 3.5–4.0 24–48 21–40 teenage, clipped NA NA 2.7–3.5 21–48 26–50 bunched 1.2 6–9 1.5–2.3 12–21 32–62 freezer 0.8 6–9 1.0–1.5 12–21 48–90 6.3 Testing A soil sample was collected prior to the start of the installation to determine base lines for all blocks. We performed 3 more tissue samples during the season which results can be found in report. Results showed little tissue differences between grower standard and seventy percent grower standard plus Nualgi. Nualgi as a stand-alone showed reduced nutritional percentages, which again resulted in the final overall performance of the stand alone. The field went through a bacteria analysis to confirm no presence of Ecoli but based on the inclusion of a bactericide. A&L Western performed samples, DellaValle Labs both certified analytical analysis labs. 6.4 Growth Seventy percent grower standard plus Nualgi Foliar increased the overall biomass and therefore increased tonnage and ROI. Grower’s standard came in at No 2 even though it had used 100 pct fertilisers and standard Foliars.
  • 8. Growth Graph based on weight per bunch at given growth stages. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 GS 7GS+NF NF Harvest 8" 2"
  • 9. 7. Results 7.1 Yield 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 GS 70GS+NF NF Bunch Weight Bunch Weight 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 GS 70GS+NF NF Cwt harvested Cwt harvested
  • 10. Grower Standard 70GS + NF 7.2 Quality 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun 2-Jul 9-Jul 16-Jul 23-Jul 30-Jul GS 70GS+NF NF
  • 11. GS + NF Plot picture clean and abundant crop 7.3 Crop cycle The overall performance was good on all plot locations. Visually 70GS+NF became market ready 4 days sooner than GS as a stand alone treatment. In areas where seasonal rain issues could occur the utilization of NF as an addition would support Quicker to Market production.
  • 12. 7.4 Nutrient Assessment There were no noticeable differences between the Grower Standard and the reduced Grower Standard with the addition of Nualgi. One element in NF is Nano -Si. It is generally overlooked by lab reporting . We believe that this has a substantial impact on the overall growth and impact of the plants respiration and is required to be monitored for consistent results in the future. The results for Nualgi as a stand alone did show decreased nutrients availability . Effect of NUALGI Nano-nutrient product on N, P & K concentration (mg)of Spinach Treatment T1 GS T2 GS+Nualgi 100% T3 Nualgi 100
  • 13. Effect of NUALGI Nano-nutrient product on soil N, P & K status afterspinach Treatment T1 Grower Standard T2 GS + Nualgi 100% T3 Nualgi 100% 7.5 FERTILIZATION Fresh market spinach is a short-season crop that is harvested when the crop is young. As a result, nutrient uptake is relatively low. For instance, the nitrogen (N) content of fresh market spinach may vary from 20 to 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre (22 to 45 kg/ha). Freezer spinach is harvested at a more mature stage, and the nutrient content may be double that of fresh market spinach. Spinach is moderately fertilized; the fertilizer rate should be determined after consideration of type of spinach being grown, soil type, recent cropping history, and soil test results. Phosphorus (P) fertilization should be applied based on soil test results for bicarbonate extractable phosphorus. Levels above 60 parts per million (ppm) are adequate for spinach growth; for soils below this level, especially in the winter, pre-plant applications of 20 to 40 pounds per to 45 kg/ recommended. The need for potassium (K) can also be determined from soil tests; soils with greater than 120 ppm of ammonium- acetate-exchangeable potassium have sufficient quantities for the crop. Potassium fertilization presents no environmental risk, and many growers routinely apply potassium even in fields with high levels of exchangeable soil potassium. Fertilizing to replace potassium removed with the harvested crop (approximately 25 to 55 lb./acre, or 63 to 138 kg/ha) is appropriate to maintain soil fertility for fresh market spinach, but fertilization rates above that level are economically wasteful. Beyond the root zone by the winter rains. Small quantities of nitrogen, 20 pounds per acre (22 kg/ha), are applied pre-plant or at planting; an additional top-dress or water-run application of 20 to 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre (22 to 34 kg/ha) is generally sufficient for fresh market spinach production. For freezer spinach, two side dress applications of nitrogen several weeks apart may be necessary. Spinach plantings that follow crops containing substantial nitrogen, such as lettuce and cole crops may benefit from useable residual amounts of nitrogen. This nitrogen can be measured with pre- side dress soil nitrate testing (PSNT). Soil nitrate levels greater than 20 ppm in the top 6 inches (15 cm) are adequate for crop growth. 7.6 Color Color was rated on a pigment scale for green. N (kg/ac) 69.15 P (kg/ac) 11.84 K (kg/ac) 140.22 Organic C (%) 0.65 52.01 9.59 152.89 0.63 62.21 9.62 141.96 0.60
  • 14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >not utilized for color pigment GS average color pigment was 8, while 70GS+NF obtained a color pigment of 9. The NF as a stand-alone had more yellow pigment coming in due to weaker nutritional makeup in the leaves causing color pigment to lower to 6. The impact of color is nutritional and the plants ability to photosynthesis. 70GS+NF Grower Standard 7.7 Plant stress assessment One thing that we needed to consider is the overall impact of water and environmental stress points and how that affects the plants’ ability to continue respiration. When plants come under any stress whether l due to mainly heat or dehydration, or due to water deficit irrigation, the plant slows down and therefore that affects yields and quality adversely. We did not consider the quality of the water as a factor but this should be considered in the future as wells get lower and heavy metal density increases in the water. We would also look at Na issues in the water and the effects on plant growth and performance when utilizing Nualgi in the future. Yet with the evaluations we made, we found under stress conditions the 70GS+NF plot was able to contain consistent week over week growth which can be found in the observation
  • 15. section of the ARM report. This also is indicative of the overall yield performance and the days to harvest, which too can be found in the ARM report or in section 6.3,7.1,7.2. 7.8 Pest and Disease resistance While the use of Si has been proven to decrease diseases and or pest pressures we didn’t perform these tests as the material will be utilized as a nutritional input and not as a dual purpose material. With that being considered there has been extensive studies on the effects of Si and the relationship with disease and pest pressures. We did visually see no visible issues in the NF blocks but no relationship was established. In monocot crops, the association between Si and reduced severity of fungal diseases has been known for some time. Germar(1934) reported that wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants supplied with Si are more resistant to powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei) than control plants. Since then, Si has been implicated in several other monocot disease resistance responses, including sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pert.) resistance to anthracnose (Colletotricum graminicolum) (Narwal, 1973),barley (Hordium vulgare L.) and wheat resistance to powdery mildew (E. graminis f. sp. hordei) (Jiang et al., 1989; Kunoh and Ishizaki, 1976; Leusch and Buchenauer, 1989; Sargent and Gay, 1977), and rice (Oryza sativa L.) resistance to blast (Piricularia oryzae Cav.), brown spot (Bipolaris oryzae Shoemaker)and sheath blight (Corticium sasakii Shiriai) (Aleshin et al.,1986; Datnoff and Snyder, 1991; Mathai et al., 1978; Volk etal., 1958). The exact role silica plays in enhancing disease resistance in monocots is as yet undetermined, but localized deposits of Si have been found in host tissue surrounding fungal haustoria (Kunoh and Ishizaki, 1976; Sargent and Gay, 1977). In dicots, less attention has been paid to the association between Si and resistance to fungal infection. Although Wagner(1940) reported that supplying plants with Si reduced cucumber powdery mildew severity, current interest in this phenomenon was not spawned until the mid-1980s, when it was reported that the natural incidence of powdery mildew was reduced by feeding Si to solution-cultured cucumbers (Adatia and Besford, 1986; Miyake and Takahashi, 1983). The reduction in cucumber powdery mildew with Si feeding has since been shown to be coincident with an accumulation of Si in the leaves (Menzies et al., 1991a). Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), Samuels et al.(1991a) showed that infection of Si-fed cucumber plants results in a deposition of Si in host cell walls at hyphal penetration sites. Associated with this response are a reduction in haustoria formation and an increase in phenolic production (Menzies et al., 1991b). Timed Si-feeding studies have also found that soluble Si polymerizes quickly in cucumber leaves and that disease development is suppressed only if Si is present in soluble form(Samuels et al., 1991b). To minimize disease development, Si must therefore be provided continuously in the nutrient feed. Until recently, studies associating reduced disease severity with Si in cucumber and monocot crops have involved root absorption of Si from soil or culture media. In a concurrent study, it was shown that Si was effective in reducing powdery mildew severity on cucumber, muskmelon, and zucchini squash when applied as a foliar spray (Menzies et al., 1992). Si will enhance disease resistance in non cucurbit dicots when applied either via the roots or as a foliar spray. Foliar application of Si, if effective, may provide a practical means of boosting plant disease resistance in all field-grown crops.
  • 16. 7.9 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Cultural control methods such as careful site selection, mechanical cultivation, field sanitation, irrigation management to avoid excessively wet soils, and crop rotation are important components of an integrated pest management (IPM) program that can help minimize the use of chemical controls. Herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides should always be used in compliance with label instructions. 7.9 A- Weed management. Weed management is essential in spinach production given the use of high- density plantings on 80-inch beds that preclude the use of cultivation. There is also a low tolerance for weeds in the mechanically harvested product. Weed management depends on good pre-plant weed control practices such as killing weeds prior to seed set and carrying weeds from the fields; such practices contribute to lowering weed populations in the soil seed bank. Pre-germination of By weed removal with herbicide, propane flaming, or shallow tillage prior to planting can further reduce weed pressure in both organic and conventionally produced spinach. Hand weeding is generally necessary for spinach production, but it can be made more efficient and economical by effective weed control practices described above. Stinging nettle (Urtica urens) is one of the most troublesome weeds in spinach. Other cool-season weeds that predominate in spinach fields include annual bluegrass (Poa annua), sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola), little mallow (Malva parviflora), mustards such as London rocket (Sisymbrium irio), and shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Chemical control of weeds includes the use of herbicides and pre-plant fumigation with metam sodium or metam potassium. Both metam products are injected 3 inches (7.6 cm) deep into the soil and sealed with sprinkler irrigation. Pre-emergence herbicide is applied to control a spectrum of broadleaf and grass weeds in fresh market spinach, and post emergence herbicides are available to control weeds in freezer spinach. Consult your local UCCE Farm Advisor for advice on specific weed problems.
  • 17. Thinning and weeds in 70GS+NF plot early thinning pass on GS 7.9 B- Insect and mite management. Because a significant percentage of spinach is grown for use in prewashed, packaged salad mixes, tolerance for insect damage and presence of insects is extremely low. Hence, insect management is critical for this commodity. Leafminers are a serious problem in the production of spinach in the coastal regions. Three species predominate as pests: serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii), vegetable leafminer (L. sativae), and pea leafminer (L. huidobrensis). Damage by leafminers results when female flies puncture leaves to feed on plant sap and lay eggs in the leaf tissue. Adult “stings” appear as holes or bumps on the spinach leaves. Adult leafminers have such a preference for cotyledons that seedling growth may be stunted. After eggs hatch, larvae feed between the upper and lower leaf surfaces and make distinctive winding, whitish tunnels or mines. Mining reduces photosynthetic capacity of the leaves and also renders them unmarketable. Natural enemies, especially parasitic wasps in the genus Diglyphus, can reduce leafminer populations quite effectively; however, when insecticides are applied for the leafminer adult or other pests, parasites may be killed. Leafminer control with insecticides targets either the adult fly by using contact materials or the larvae with systemic products. The use of insecticides for larval control is longer lasting and less likely to result in re-infestation. Cultural practices such as postharvest disking can reduce migration of adult flies into nearby fields. Several species of aphids are found on spinach in California, but the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) is probably the most common. These pests stunt plants, reduce yields through plant sap removal, transmit viruses (especially Cucumber mosaic virus), and result in contaminated spinach leaves due to aphid honeydew, sooty mold, and debris. At certain times of the year parasitic wasps and predators provide natural control of aphids, while at other times aphid populations increase rapidly and contact or systemic insecticides may be needed. Several worm pests attack spinach, but the most common are loppers and beet armyworm. Several
  • 18. insecticides are available for worm pest control, but choose those least disruptive to parasites and predators that suppress leafminers and aphid populations. Rotate classes of insecticides for resistance management. Whiteflies and thrips are pests of spinach in the southern deserts. In the southern deserts, the silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii, also known as B. tabaci biotype B) stunts plants, reduces yields through plant sap removal, transmits viruses, and results in contaminated spinach leaves due to honeydew, sooty mold, and debris. Several insecticides are available for whitefly control and can be applied to the soil at planting or as foliar sprays. Rotating classes of insecticides is very important for resistance management. Spinach can sometimes be damaged by a bulb mite called the spinach crown mite (Rhizoglyphus sp.). This very tiny pest feeds on the very young leaves deep in the plant crown; when these leaves expand, they are distorted and torn. The mites are especially difficult to see because of the naturally occurring glands on developing leaves. Control must occur before the damage is done, making careful monitoring for this pest very important. Damage is usually most severe in the early spring when plant growth is slow. Spinach planted in fields with recently disked crop residue or weeds is most susceptible. 7.9 C -Disease Identification and Management. An integrated disease management approach, including the use of disease-resistant cultivars, crop rotation, careful irrigation, and fungicides, is necessary to produce a high-quality product. As with insect pests, the presence of disease symptoms is not tolerated for the prewashed packaged salad products. Damping-off disease caused by the complex of Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia fungi is periodically a problem in spinach production. Severity is influenced by cultivar, soil temperature, soil moisture, and crop history. Severe damping-off of spinach is associated with warm, wet soils with a history of frequent spinach production. Management practices typically include the use of a seed- treatment fungicide and crop rotation with non-host crops. Several diseases attack the leaves of spinach. Downy mildew caused by Peronospora farinosa f. sp. spinaciae is the most widespread and destructive disease of spinach in California. Initial symptoms are slightly yellow, irregular, chlorotic lesions on leaves, which frequently expand and coalesce. Heavily infected leaves appear curled and distorted. The characteristic purple sporulation is often observed on the lower sides of lesions. Under conditions of prolonged leaf wetness and cool temperatures, epidemics can progress very rapidly, and an entire crop can be lost in a short period of time. Historically, downy mildew has been controlled by planting cultivars with single-gene resistance to a given race of the downy mildew pathogen. However, when new races appear, it may be several years before a new commercial cultivar with single-gene resistance becomes available. Consequently, the use of fungicides then becomes vital. Several fungi cause leaf spot diseases on spinach. Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum dematium f. sp. spinaciae results in small, circular, water-soaked lesions on both young and old leaves. Lesions enlarge, turn chlorotic or necrotic, develop small dark fruiting bodies within diseased leaf tissue, and result in blighted foliage. Cladosporium leaf spot (Cladosporium variabile) causes small, circular yellow lesions that later turn tan. The tan lesions usually support the growth of dark green sporulation. Stemphylium leaf spot (Stemphylium botryosum) symptoms consist of circular, light tan leaf spots. In contrast to the other two leaf spot problems, the Stemphylium pathogen is not visible on the leaf spot surfaces. All three of these diseases occur sporadically in California and are usually severe only during wet rainy seasons or under very wet irrigated conditions. These pathogens can be seed borne. Fungicide controls have not been developed for these diseases. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), and Beet curly top virus (BCTV) are three of the most
  • 19. common viral pathogens affecting spinach. Symptoms for these virus problems depend on spinach cultivar, plant age, temperature, and virus strain. CMV is vectored by aphids in a non- persistent manner and causes general yellowing and poor growth. BWYV is vectored by aphids in a persistent or circulative manner and causes the lower, older spinach leaves to turn bright yellow while the leaf veins remain green. BCTV is transmitted by leafhoppers and causes plants to be extremely stunted and distorted. While insecticides aimed at controlling virus vectors may help prevent widespread disease, this approach will not prevent virus diseases from occurring. 7.9 D - Abiotic problems. Tip burn is a physiological disorder in which the tips of spinach leaves turn brown and wither. Affected leaves are unmarketable and may also be attacked by secondary rot organisms. Tip burn is caused by an imbalance of available calcium in the plant. This condition is usually induced by fast plant growth, warm temperatures, and perhaps high nitrogen levels. 7.10 Harvesting and Handling In California spinach is grown for both fresh (bunched or bagged) and processed (frozen) commodities. In all cases a plant with a seed stalk is unmarketable. For bunched spinach the crop is hand- harvested. The plant is cut just below the crown, tied into bunches of 8 to 12 plants, and packed 24 bunches to a carton with a minimum net weight of 20 pounds (9 kg). Yields, which vary widely depending on planting configuration and density, range from 900 to 1,900 cartons per acre (2,300 to 4,800 per ha). Fresh market spinach that is sold as bagged salad mixes is usually mechanically harvested. A machine with a front cutter bar is run on top of the plant beds. The cutter bar clips the leaf and attached petiole off the plant. The height of the cutter bar can be adjusted to control the amount of petiole that is included. The leaves are lifted by conveyor belt into bins on trailers and transported to the processing plant for sorting, flume washing, centrifugation or forced-air drying, and packaging into a variety of different bagged spinach or mixed leafy greens products. If fresh processing is delayed, the spinach is typically vacuum cooled and stored for a short period. Spinach for processed frozen products is also mechanically harvested similar to fresh market spinach. In contrast to fresh market spinach, such spinach is allowed to grow for longer periods of time so that leaf size and thickness are significantly greater. Once a field is clipped, the plants regrow and can be harvested a second and perhaps a third time. Typical yields for processing fields range from 7 to 12 tons per acre (16 to 27 t/ha) at 18 percent stem. 7.11 Post Harvest Handling Spinach is quite perishable and will yellow when stored at higher than recommended temperatures. However, the main cause of postharvest losses is decay associated with mechanical damage during harvest and postharvest operations. Because spinach has a large surface-to-weight ratio and a very high respiration rate, it should be cooled rapidly to prevent excessive weight loss and wilting. Spinach can be effectively cooled by vacuum cooling and forced-air cooling. Spinach stored at 32oF (0oC) and high relative humidity (95% or higher) typically has a shelf life of 14 to 18 days. If spinach has little mechanical injury, it can be stored for longer periods. Spinach is sensitive to ethylene (increases yellow and may increase decay) and moderately sensitive to freezing injury after harvest.
  • 20. 7.12 Toxicity test As spinach is a fresh market product the worries about Ecoli is a serious issue. The post-harvest sampling showed no bacteria present on the crop. This was due to the grower utilizing Bactrex to clean the crop. No known issues associated with the use of Nualgi Foliar were determined prior to Bactrex or after Bactrex application. 8. Return on Investment ROI is the biggest calculation that the Growers look at today, even if a material is well received on quality standpoints it might not even still be used if growers today aren’t increasing the bottom line. Below you will find the breakdown in dollars for Cwt. per trial. As you can see clearly the overall impact on the bottom line was an increase in ROI when using 70GS+NF. 9. Expected Benefits and Achieved Benefits When looking at any new material one has to take into account how it will affect the industry as a whole. There are multiple new materials coming to the market at any given time and with that it’s hard to find a different action or benefit that a material has to make it stand out in the crowd. The goal was to find if Nualgi Foliar was a material that could stand out and provided enough of a difference that a marketing platform should be taken into consideration here in the US. After working with Ryan Sweeney and placing the materials directly onto Growers fields in Kings City the results started speaking for themselves. We came to the conclusion while the material increases foliar cost for growers it also decreases physical costs of materials and increases ROI. The visual performance of the crop was easily noticeable and per Ryan Sweeney “ When entering into the field without looking at the map you could easily see the blocks, while I wasn’t happy with the stand alone Nualgi plot it was without a doubt a benefit to have when 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 GS 70GS+NF NF Costs Yield ROI
  • 21. using with our clients standards. We feel that the material more than paid for itself and estimate an increase in net profits of $500-600, and in spinach that’s a big deal.” 10. Recommendations Based on all trial data collected and observations in this report we find that the best application method for this material in the production of spinach and possibly other row crops, is for Nualgi Foliar to be applied in addition to other grower applied materials at 70 pct (in the first year). We believe that Nualgi foliar shall increase the plants’ ability to out perform in adverse conditions and still produce a solid crop. We would recommend Nualgi Foliar to any Grower interested in improving quality and tonnage, and thereby enhance his Return on Investment.