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GIRLS: Hey!  I just made an amazing discovery, whichever way I turned the girls turned! Isn’t that cool? Huh? LOL  I just got a couple expansion packs, of course everything is gonna excite me. Now prepare yourself for the eye-burning hideousness of their outfits…
After they chose their rooms I sent them off to a community lot…
While the twins explored the lot, Fiona went to pick out clothes that matched their personalities. CASHIER: Oh my god! Haha! I’ve never seen an outfit that tacky in my life!
I got distracted by this dude’s outfit, secret society thingy…I never had a sim get kidnapped by the secret society people, they always end up dating the members they meet…maybe that has something to do with it.
After the girls got changed they went to get lunch because they were the next best thing to starving. All of the girls’ LTWs are to succeed at one career or the other…LAME!!!
NOT LAME: Fyre woke up in the middle of the night to go talk to this guy Larry Todd, she rolled wants to go on dates and have her first kiss, and even though Larry Todd has two first names and a hooked nose he is as good as any.
??? Where the heck did this picture come from? I don’t remember taking this picture…
Larry Todd is trying to get on both of Albert’s daughters, but his stench cloud isn’t getting him in with good with Iyce. IYCE: What the heck is wrong with you? Get away from me, you smell like a wet dog.
Who are you trying to get sexy for Fiona? FIONA: I’m gonna go call Nolan, I don’t want him to smell my breath through the phone. Secret Society Guy? FIONA: Yeah. Well I don’t want him to smell your breath through the phone either.
Everybody is bonding with somebody. The twins are bonding with each other and Fiona is bonding with Nolan Walton.
The next day Fiona was comfortable enough with Nolan to invite him over, he has kind of a good profile me thinks… FIONA: I know, he’s so freakin’ hot!
And it looks like another one of my sims is gonna end up dating a secret society person…*sigh*
You know, this would have been such a sweet first kiss pic if somebody else wasn’t getting theirs…
But our little romance sim gets a lot further with Larry Todd.  FYRE: I’m gonna have so much fun in this bed!
And then she started stalking him…I mean, she has two bolts for him which is a surprise.  Fyre likes brown hair and athleticism and her turn off is charismatic sims  and her life time want is to become a rock god.
And thus ended their first semester.  Oh wait I didn’t tell you stats and majors: FIONA Aries=10/10/4/4/7	 	Pleasure		LTW: BecomeProfessional Party Guest Major: Art 	Likes: Red Hair & Cooking 	Hates: Charismatic  FYREAries=4/7/5/3/6		Romance		LTW: Become Rock God Major: Literature 	Likes: Brown Hair & AthleticismHates: Charismatic  IYCELibra=5/10/1/9/10	 	Fortune		LTW: Become Head of SCIA Major: Political Science	Likes: Fat & Makeup	Hates: Cologne
Hey kid, what are you doing? CHARMING: Searching my universe. Your Universe? CHARMING: Yeah I’m the legacy king which means that I’m the king of the world. Mmm…ok.
ETHAN: Woah…he’s so cute when his lips aren’t flapping. Actually, the little Lady Killer is cute all the time, can’t wait to see what he grows into.
….Ethan grew into a white haired version of himself, just like Fair…who’s been working a lot lately.
CHARMING: Hey look Pixx, I’m playing Sims 3 and you can’t! You brat!
The little brat…er…Charming fell asleep standing up and caused her parents to freak out. Serves him right…huh.
Ok! I freaking had enough of the Tidy Bopper!
Um…you were cuter as a kid. You’re evil! You broke the Tidy Bopper to distract me! CHARMING: Somebody deserves a Scooby Treat. Charming could be in the Starburst commercial, he’s a total contridiction. He rolled Romance and he’s a Virgo 10/6/4/5/5, he loves Jewelry and Athleticism and hates red hair. His LTW is to have 20 simultaneous lovers, that’s not gonna happen, he’s probably gonna go perma-plat from his…what do you call it again??? That aspiration thingy.
I sent his little wicked butt off to college immediately. CHARMING: My little wicked butt? What about your little evil butt? Don’t get me started. …Lucus? Did you reincarnate yourself in that boy? CHARMING: Naw, this is all me baby. Oh crud…
FAIR: Hey baby, I rolled a want to take a vacation, hint hint Ethan…Ethan? ETHAN: *fart*
Do sims ever grow into real clothes? I mean something that looks good, come on Charming, you’re a romance sim! CHARMING: And I’m in collage, where the honeys at? Woo! Lets get something straight, writing that looks like this is me talking directly to you. CHARMING: Your point?
Off the vicious little prick went to get some new clothes…I’d be so pissed with him if he wasn’t so damn cute.
CHARMING: You’re sexy babe,  just…boring. CHICK: Excuse me? CHARMING: Move along lady. You know, you’re not so charming anymore…I’m sorry for the person who has to marry you. I have a mind to just let you adopt. CHARMING: Good, that way I won’t be tied down by… NEXT SLIDE!!!
CHARMING: Hey Iyce, you know you’re by best friend right? IYCE: Awwww Charming! CHARMING: Yeah, I wish you were my sister. *chuckle* I bet all the guys are gonna be jealous of me, cute cousin who’s my best friend. …Are you flirting with her? She’s your cousin! CHARMING: No shit Sherlock, I’m just showing you that I can be as charming as I want, when I want to be. …I love this kid!
Well somebody looks like hell… FYRE: Not now Pixx.
She got bored and decided to ‘study’ with this dude whose name I can’t remember right now because I didn’t write it down. But she got the shock of her life when the streaker ran past. FYRE: Eek! I hope my body doesn’t flab out like that when I get fifty… Um…Fyre…she’s not… FYRE: I know that!
Charming hung out with these two…Jasmyne Miller and Robin Jakosons.
And then he invited his professor Uma Okuma over. Interesting name that one has.
CHARMING: Professor Okuma, you captivate me, you’re so beautiful yet so intelligent. PROF.: Oh…well Mr. Spelman, I thought I was here to help you study. CHARMING: Anatomy will be fine. He’s a pervert! She’s like twice his age!
Seriously, who has their first kiss with an old professor?
I just love this picture, old professor (cradle robber) and all…It’s so sweet.
CHARMING: Hey sexy cousin, wassup? FYRE: You had fun last night, didn’t think that you were the older women type. CHARMING: I’m the any women type *chuckle*. Thought I’d tell you this little secret, my grade meter is full, flirting with the professors help. FYRE: No way! How is it that a freshman like you found that out? Don’t answer that. I’ve gotta try that.
After the finals I decided to start a Greek house. And here it is!FYRE: What the hell is this Pixx? I can’t live on the lawn, I’m a pretty girl, I-I’ll never survive! I can’t live in nature…I’ll die! You notice that Fiona and  Charming aren’t complaining right? And neither is Iyce, what is wrong with you? FYRE: Fiona and Charming were raised outside! And Iyce is more beast than human, oh god! I’m gonna die!
Charming invited Jasmyne Miller over…I think this one is Jasmyne…for all I know this could be Robin…Well I’ll call her JR for now. While Charming got his flirt on Fiona worked on upping those creativity points and a painting to sell. Sweet Iyce worked on body…because she has to. She had hardly any air time in this chapter, she’s so shy!
Okay, I think the streaker is worth introducing now, her name is Cassidy Wenland and I’m pretty sure she’s running around naked to get some attention from Charming, even though he couldn’t care less… CHARMING: It’s all a part of the game Pixx, if I show JR that I’m totally into her, I mean, so into her that a naked woman can’t even distract me, well, then I’ll score so much easier.
It looks like Fyre will survive. FYRE: Are you kidding? I’m making the best of this situation, the bright side is I can date and woohoo without having to worry about someone getting pissed off at me.
What’s gong on?  Why is this picture even in here?
I am pleased to inform you that Charming “Le Player” “His Awesomeness”  Spelman finally got some. No, It’s not JR, it’s the pervy professor.
What’s in the bag Charming? Huh? Huh? Huh? CHARMING: Will you calm down Pixx? Jeez!
Oh…just this symbol thingy…huh thought it was something better.
It’s the name the end of the semester and the girls return from their exam, they all got 4.0s and so did Charming who took his last night after he er…had some fun and before he brought home boring in a bag.
I used as little of he money as possible to buy a couch and a TV, how cute is this? Charming and Fiona hanging out. FIONA:  It’s raining. CHARMING: Yeah, we should put the TV inside. FIONA: Probably…
You know, the two of you are kinda  cute together, but nothing’s gonna happen because she looks exactly like your grandmother and father. CHARMING: EwPixx! Well, there it goes…
Poor Charming was so disgusted that his big sis had to share the bed to keep the images away. Mwahaha!
IYCE: It’s terrible, I’m lonely and hungry and tired and I want to pee! Yes, yes? Do you think it’s normal to see a giant pink bunny following me around?
Charming continues to be stalked by women…at least this one isn’t naked.
Charming made out with Prof. while this poor cheerleader pretended to do her homework.
And this time she spent the night…
The next night he invited JR over…you know Charming, you are probably gonna be the one Spelman who can say that college was fun.
Fyre finally decided to take Charming’s advice. This is Prof. JJ Cwik.
*creepy voice* She’s baaaa-aaaccck!
Well, the original design for the Greek House was impossible to work with so this is the Greek House redo. I brought up the two back bedrooms and added an extra room for the TV…and stuff.
CHARMING: Soooo….you were pretty much nonexistent for most of this installment…you know…this is er, this is a bit awkward
Double date: Fyre and Prof. JJ and Fiona and Nolan.
This goes into the gallery of my favepics, there was also something coy that was supposed to be written where I have this drivel.
Well of course they wouldn’t just cuddle in bed, it’s Fyre!
CHARMING:  Oh my god! FIONA: Can you go away Cee? CHARMING: My eyes! They burn! I swear I’ll never woohoo for the rest of my college career!
This picture was worth being framed…and colorized…
CHARMING: Images in my head, I can’t even concentrate on writing this term paper *shudder* They were in my bed! I just noticed that Charming became a philosophy major…
JJ…I love you all of a sudden…
Cute picture of Fiona bonding with the cousin she hardly had any interaction with.
I got tired of the kids constantly freezing and being miserable because of it so I added a study.
And I added a small TV room upstairs and did some work on Charming’s room, changing the bedspread…*cough, cough*
SPIKES: So the aliens are gonna come down in their big spaceship and we won’t be able to tell that they’re aliens because they’ll look just like us, the only way we’ll know is if we’re vigilant  because they’ll act weird! CHARMING: That explains Fiona…
CHARMING: I find your intelligence sexy, you know if those aliens are like you I want to be abducted.
The cow mascot made Iyce cry…
Then went and attacked the llama mascot…what is wrong with that cow?
CHARMING: Forty bucks on the cow sis. FIONA: Are you crazy? That llama is totally gonna milk Bessie.
FIONA: Pay up little brother. CHARMING: I’ve got a paper to write…
All of that dating this professor finally paid off huh Charming?
These two wasted no time hopping in.
Happy bunny strikes again! *cue horror music*
Woah! This is Solveig Pratt the annoying cheerleader, she’s totally fried. The following day was graduation for the girls and I didn’t take any pictures. Here are the final grades: FIONA=A+ 3.9 MAGNA CUM LAUDE FYRE=A+ 4.0 SUMA CUM LAUDE IYCE=C+ 3.6…GRADUATED
Charming and Spikes (lol can you tell that I can’t remember her name?) were getting quite close, remember how I said that it wasn’t going to be Prof. that he marries? Well, I’ve decided to pick numbers to see which one of the girls he meets in college gets to married, not including Prof. Uma because her genes are too close to his father’s and grandmother’s and I’m sick of seeing that face.
Things progressed quickly between the two, look closely and you’ll see the fading remnants of the woohoo demented purple heart.
What’s in the bag???
It’s worth $4000 so it’s being moved to Charming’s inventory until it’s needed, be it for decoration or cash.
Here’s this other girl who he’s flirted with a couple times, I can’t remember her name either…I could have sworn that I wrote these girl’s names down…
CHARMING: Mmm, baby girl pink is so your color, here’s a rose that matches those rosy cheeks. How romantic, I’d love for a guy to spit lame pick up lines at me while I’m standing inside a kitchen that smells like there’s a body inside it. Look at the poor girl.
I didn’t notice the sign over his head until just now…when I put this picture in… Charming graduated with a 4.0 and is Summa Cum Laude like Fyre.  I just discovered, by rechecking my notes that Spikes’ real name is Gina Leive and Charming has 2 bolts for her.
END In the next chapter you see some more of Sabrina. You also find out about the drama in Albert’s life. The girls move back home and so does the heir.

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Spellbinding legacy 2.3

  • 2. GIRLS: Hey! I just made an amazing discovery, whichever way I turned the girls turned! Isn’t that cool? Huh? LOL  I just got a couple expansion packs, of course everything is gonna excite me. Now prepare yourself for the eye-burning hideousness of their outfits…
  • 4. After they chose their rooms I sent them off to a community lot…
  • 5. While the twins explored the lot, Fiona went to pick out clothes that matched their personalities. CASHIER: Oh my god! Haha! I’ve never seen an outfit that tacky in my life!
  • 6. I got distracted by this dude’s outfit, secret society thingy…I never had a sim get kidnapped by the secret society people, they always end up dating the members they meet…maybe that has something to do with it.
  • 7. After the girls got changed they went to get lunch because they were the next best thing to starving. All of the girls’ LTWs are to succeed at one career or the other…LAME!!!
  • 8. NOT LAME: Fyre woke up in the middle of the night to go talk to this guy Larry Todd, she rolled wants to go on dates and have her first kiss, and even though Larry Todd has two first names and a hooked nose he is as good as any.
  • 9. ??? Where the heck did this picture come from? I don’t remember taking this picture…
  • 10. Larry Todd is trying to get on both of Albert’s daughters, but his stench cloud isn’t getting him in with good with Iyce. IYCE: What the heck is wrong with you? Get away from me, you smell like a wet dog.
  • 11. Who are you trying to get sexy for Fiona? FIONA: I’m gonna go call Nolan, I don’t want him to smell my breath through the phone. Secret Society Guy? FIONA: Yeah. Well I don’t want him to smell your breath through the phone either.
  • 12. Everybody is bonding with somebody. The twins are bonding with each other and Fiona is bonding with Nolan Walton.
  • 13. The next day Fiona was comfortable enough with Nolan to invite him over, he has kind of a good profile me thinks… FIONA: I know, he’s so freakin’ hot!
  • 14. And it looks like another one of my sims is gonna end up dating a secret society person…*sigh*
  • 15. You know, this would have been such a sweet first kiss pic if somebody else wasn’t getting theirs…
  • 16.
  • 17. But our little romance sim gets a lot further with Larry Todd. FYRE: I’m gonna have so much fun in this bed!
  • 18. And then she started stalking him…I mean, she has two bolts for him which is a surprise. Fyre likes brown hair and athleticism and her turn off is charismatic sims and her life time want is to become a rock god.
  • 19. And thus ended their first semester. Oh wait I didn’t tell you stats and majors: FIONA Aries=10/10/4/4/7 Pleasure LTW: BecomeProfessional Party Guest Major: Art Likes: Red Hair & Cooking Hates: Charismatic FYREAries=4/7/5/3/6 Romance LTW: Become Rock God Major: Literature Likes: Brown Hair & AthleticismHates: Charismatic IYCELibra=5/10/1/9/10 Fortune LTW: Become Head of SCIA Major: Political Science Likes: Fat & Makeup Hates: Cologne
  • 21. Hey kid, what are you doing? CHARMING: Searching my universe. Your Universe? CHARMING: Yeah I’m the legacy king which means that I’m the king of the world. Mmm…ok.
  • 22. ETHAN: Woah…he’s so cute when his lips aren’t flapping. Actually, the little Lady Killer is cute all the time, can’t wait to see what he grows into.
  • 23. ….Ethan grew into a white haired version of himself, just like Fair…who’s been working a lot lately.
  • 24. CHARMING: Hey look Pixx, I’m playing Sims 3 and you can’t! You brat!
  • 25. The little brat…er…Charming fell asleep standing up and caused her parents to freak out. Serves him right…huh.
  • 26. Ok! I freaking had enough of the Tidy Bopper!
  • 27. Um…you were cuter as a kid. You’re evil! You broke the Tidy Bopper to distract me! CHARMING: Somebody deserves a Scooby Treat. Charming could be in the Starburst commercial, he’s a total contridiction. He rolled Romance and he’s a Virgo 10/6/4/5/5, he loves Jewelry and Athleticism and hates red hair. His LTW is to have 20 simultaneous lovers, that’s not gonna happen, he’s probably gonna go perma-plat from his…what do you call it again??? That aspiration thingy.
  • 28. I sent his little wicked butt off to college immediately. CHARMING: My little wicked butt? What about your little evil butt? Don’t get me started. …Lucus? Did you reincarnate yourself in that boy? CHARMING: Naw, this is all me baby. Oh crud…
  • 29. FAIR: Hey baby, I rolled a want to take a vacation, hint hint Ethan…Ethan? ETHAN: *fart*
  • 31. Do sims ever grow into real clothes? I mean something that looks good, come on Charming, you’re a romance sim! CHARMING: And I’m in collage, where the honeys at? Woo! Lets get something straight, writing that looks like this is me talking directly to you. CHARMING: Your point?
  • 32. Off the vicious little prick went to get some new clothes…I’d be so pissed with him if he wasn’t so damn cute.
  • 33. CHARMING: You’re sexy babe, just…boring. CHICK: Excuse me? CHARMING: Move along lady. You know, you’re not so charming anymore…I’m sorry for the person who has to marry you. I have a mind to just let you adopt. CHARMING: Good, that way I won’t be tied down by… NEXT SLIDE!!!
  • 34. CHARMING: Hey Iyce, you know you’re by best friend right? IYCE: Awwww Charming! CHARMING: Yeah, I wish you were my sister. *chuckle* I bet all the guys are gonna be jealous of me, cute cousin who’s my best friend. …Are you flirting with her? She’s your cousin! CHARMING: No shit Sherlock, I’m just showing you that I can be as charming as I want, when I want to be. …I love this kid!
  • 35. Well somebody looks like hell… FYRE: Not now Pixx.
  • 36. She got bored and decided to ‘study’ with this dude whose name I can’t remember right now because I didn’t write it down. But she got the shock of her life when the streaker ran past. FYRE: Eek! I hope my body doesn’t flab out like that when I get fifty… Um…Fyre…she’s not… FYRE: I know that!
  • 37. Charming hung out with these two…Jasmyne Miller and Robin Jakosons.
  • 38. And then he invited his professor Uma Okuma over. Interesting name that one has.
  • 39. CHARMING: Professor Okuma, you captivate me, you’re so beautiful yet so intelligent. PROF.: Oh…well Mr. Spelman, I thought I was here to help you study. CHARMING: Anatomy will be fine. He’s a pervert! She’s like twice his age!
  • 40. Seriously, who has their first kiss with an old professor?
  • 41. I just love this picture, old professor (cradle robber) and all…It’s so sweet.
  • 42. CHARMING: Hey sexy cousin, wassup? FYRE: You had fun last night, didn’t think that you were the older women type. CHARMING: I’m the any women type *chuckle*. Thought I’d tell you this little secret, my grade meter is full, flirting with the professors help. FYRE: No way! How is it that a freshman like you found that out? Don’t answer that. I’ve gotta try that.
  • 43. After the finals I decided to start a Greek house. And here it is!FYRE: What the hell is this Pixx? I can’t live on the lawn, I’m a pretty girl, I-I’ll never survive! I can’t live in nature…I’ll die! You notice that Fiona and Charming aren’t complaining right? And neither is Iyce, what is wrong with you? FYRE: Fiona and Charming were raised outside! And Iyce is more beast than human, oh god! I’m gonna die!
  • 44. Charming invited Jasmyne Miller over…I think this one is Jasmyne…for all I know this could be Robin…Well I’ll call her JR for now. While Charming got his flirt on Fiona worked on upping those creativity points and a painting to sell. Sweet Iyce worked on body…because she has to. She had hardly any air time in this chapter, she’s so shy!
  • 45. Okay, I think the streaker is worth introducing now, her name is Cassidy Wenland and I’m pretty sure she’s running around naked to get some attention from Charming, even though he couldn’t care less… CHARMING: It’s all a part of the game Pixx, if I show JR that I’m totally into her, I mean, so into her that a naked woman can’t even distract me, well, then I’ll score so much easier.
  • 46. It looks like Fyre will survive. FYRE: Are you kidding? I’m making the best of this situation, the bright side is I can date and woohoo without having to worry about someone getting pissed off at me.
  • 47. What’s gong on? Why is this picture even in here?
  • 48. I am pleased to inform you that Charming “Le Player” “His Awesomeness” Spelman finally got some. No, It’s not JR, it’s the pervy professor.
  • 49. What’s in the bag Charming? Huh? Huh? Huh? CHARMING: Will you calm down Pixx? Jeez!
  • 50. Oh…just this symbol thingy…huh thought it was something better.
  • 51. It’s the name the end of the semester and the girls return from their exam, they all got 4.0s and so did Charming who took his last night after he er…had some fun and before he brought home boring in a bag.
  • 52. I used as little of he money as possible to buy a couch and a TV, how cute is this? Charming and Fiona hanging out. FIONA: It’s raining. CHARMING: Yeah, we should put the TV inside. FIONA: Probably…
  • 53. You know, the two of you are kinda cute together, but nothing’s gonna happen because she looks exactly like your grandmother and father. CHARMING: EwPixx! Well, there it goes…
  • 54. Poor Charming was so disgusted that his big sis had to share the bed to keep the images away. Mwahaha!
  • 55. IYCE: It’s terrible, I’m lonely and hungry and tired and I want to pee! Yes, yes? Do you think it’s normal to see a giant pink bunny following me around?
  • 56. Charming continues to be stalked by women…at least this one isn’t naked.
  • 57. Charming made out with Prof. while this poor cheerleader pretended to do her homework.
  • 58. And this time she spent the night…
  • 59. The next night he invited JR over…you know Charming, you are probably gonna be the one Spelman who can say that college was fun.
  • 61. Fyre finally decided to take Charming’s advice. This is Prof. JJ Cwik.
  • 62. *creepy voice* She’s baaaa-aaaccck!
  • 63. Well, the original design for the Greek House was impossible to work with so this is the Greek House redo. I brought up the two back bedrooms and added an extra room for the TV…and stuff.
  • 64. CHARMING: Soooo….you were pretty much nonexistent for most of this installment…you know…this is er, this is a bit awkward
  • 65. Double date: Fyre and Prof. JJ and Fiona and Nolan.
  • 66. This goes into the gallery of my favepics, there was also something coy that was supposed to be written where I have this drivel.
  • 67. Well of course they wouldn’t just cuddle in bed, it’s Fyre!
  • 68. CHARMING: Oh my god! FIONA: Can you go away Cee? CHARMING: My eyes! They burn! I swear I’ll never woohoo for the rest of my college career!
  • 69. This picture was worth being framed…and colorized…
  • 70. CHARMING: Images in my head, I can’t even concentrate on writing this term paper *shudder* They were in my bed! I just noticed that Charming became a philosophy major…
  • 71. JJ…I love you all of a sudden…
  • 72. Cute picture of Fiona bonding with the cousin she hardly had any interaction with.
  • 73. I got tired of the kids constantly freezing and being miserable because of it so I added a study.
  • 74. And I added a small TV room upstairs and did some work on Charming’s room, changing the bedspread…*cough, cough*
  • 75. SPIKES: So the aliens are gonna come down in their big spaceship and we won’t be able to tell that they’re aliens because they’ll look just like us, the only way we’ll know is if we’re vigilant because they’ll act weird! CHARMING: That explains Fiona…
  • 76. CHARMING: I find your intelligence sexy, you know if those aliens are like you I want to be abducted.
  • 77. The cow mascot made Iyce cry…
  • 78. Then went and attacked the llama mascot…what is wrong with that cow?
  • 79. CHARMING: Forty bucks on the cow sis. FIONA: Are you crazy? That llama is totally gonna milk Bessie.
  • 80. FIONA: Pay up little brother. CHARMING: I’ve got a paper to write…
  • 81. All of that dating this professor finally paid off huh Charming?
  • 82. These two wasted no time hopping in.
  • 83. Happy bunny strikes again! *cue horror music*
  • 84. Woah! This is Solveig Pratt the annoying cheerleader, she’s totally fried. The following day was graduation for the girls and I didn’t take any pictures. Here are the final grades: FIONA=A+ 3.9 MAGNA CUM LAUDE FYRE=A+ 4.0 SUMA CUM LAUDE IYCE=C+ 3.6…GRADUATED
  • 86. Charming and Spikes (lol can you tell that I can’t remember her name?) were getting quite close, remember how I said that it wasn’t going to be Prof. that he marries? Well, I’ve decided to pick numbers to see which one of the girls he meets in college gets to married, not including Prof. Uma because her genes are too close to his father’s and grandmother’s and I’m sick of seeing that face.
  • 87. Things progressed quickly between the two, look closely and you’ll see the fading remnants of the woohoo demented purple heart.
  • 88. What’s in the bag???
  • 89. It’s worth $4000 so it’s being moved to Charming’s inventory until it’s needed, be it for decoration or cash.
  • 90. Here’s this other girl who he’s flirted with a couple times, I can’t remember her name either…I could have sworn that I wrote these girl’s names down…
  • 91. CHARMING: Mmm, baby girl pink is so your color, here’s a rose that matches those rosy cheeks. How romantic, I’d love for a guy to spit lame pick up lines at me while I’m standing inside a kitchen that smells like there’s a body inside it. Look at the poor girl.
  • 92. I didn’t notice the sign over his head until just now…when I put this picture in… Charming graduated with a 4.0 and is Summa Cum Laude like Fyre. I just discovered, by rechecking my notes that Spikes’ real name is Gina Leive and Charming has 2 bolts for her.
  • 93. END In the next chapter you see some more of Sabrina. You also find out about the drama in Albert’s life. The girls move back home and so does the heir.