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Youngdale Royal Queendom
Week 2
Family Founder Household Notes
Simself Michelle Simself Royal 1 Queen's Household
Hunter Joshua Hunter Peasant 1 First Peasant
The Meanderer Groop the Meanderer Peasant 2 Second Peasant
Lermas Agata Lermas Peasant 3 Third Peasant
Rock Peaches Rock Merchant 3 Third Merchant
Rauta Neptunium Rauta Merchant 1 First Merchant
Stone Beat Stone Merchant 2 Second Merchant
Copperfield Walter Copperfield Noble 1 First Noble
Trace Shawn Trace Noble 2 Second Noble
Neptunium: Wow. It's been so long since we were played, I
don't remember anything.
Allyn: Nothing much to remember, babe. You got permaplat,
got rich, got everything you wanted, and made me wait nearly
100 slides before you let me have two, and ONLY TWO, babies.
And I don't remember why I married you.
Neptunium: Because you love me, sugar.
Allyn: There's not much for us to do, right now. The trees are
dormant, and other than basic care for the garden plants, we
can just sit here in our thrones until the babies grow up, and we
get to do the toddler skills and stuff.
Neppie: I'll probably leave that up to you. I don't want to be the
one tormenting my toddlers by giving them baths.
Allyn: With all the snapdragons, they won't need baths.
Allyn: :sighs: It's just kind of boring right now, you know?
Sweetheart, I think you really overdid it with snapdragons and
witch thrones, and there's just nothing to do but wait for the kids
to get old enough to provide a bit of drama.
Neppie: We could start planning their birthday party, I suppose.
Allyn: Woo. OK, let's do that.
Neppie: So, let's look at the bottom line. Either Argon or Helium
will be our heir, and the other will be free to marry a noble, so we
should definitely invite the Traces and the Copperfields.
Allyn: You don't want our kids to marry for love? They might
choose one of the merchants, or even a peasant spouse. Not to
mention NPC options.
Neppie: But I want to take this family TO ELEVEN!
Allyn: I think it's just a bit early for that, babe. Besides, I want
our kids to marry for love. Leave the arranged marriages for
challenge families and royals.
Neppie: Awww. But I want our kids to have the best.
Allyn: And I'm sure they will: the best FOR THEM. Now, let's
just invite people we like, and whose company we enjoy, and
have a fun party, without all the rampant ambition, OK?
Allyn: So, I'm thinking keg and bubble blower.
Neppie: Alright! No one can resist those. … You know, sugar, if
our child marries a noble, it's within the realms of possibity for
our grandchild to marry a royal, and our great-grandchild to sit
on the throne!
Allyn: … Yes, dear.
Neppie: I don't get it. We're in a greenhouse, and the plants are
thriving, but the trees are dormant, and we're in our outerwear.
Allyn: The ways of greenhouses are strange and mysterious.
Also, you probably built it a little bit wrong. Orchard trees are
tricky, and don't even get me started on indoor ponds. Just be
glad we can keep up with our garden plants. Fresh food, and we
don't have to buy it at some other merchant's business. Plus, it
gives us something to do.
Allyn: I have to admit, I am looking forward to the parties we'll
have here. You really did a fine job designing a party palace.
It's all blue, but at least it doesn't look like a circus.
Neppie: Hehehe. No kidding. Beat has bizarre taste.
Allyn: I like the alien notes, too. Speaking of alien, have you
considered stargazing?
Neppie: You betcha! We Knowledge sims live for that sort of
thing, so I set up this little “target zone” in the front yard. It
should attract their attention. And since I'm descended from
them, it should be perfectly safe for me. I hear the space-disco
party is out of this world! You should try it, too!
Allyn: I will! I'm a secondary Knowledge sim, after all.
Allyn: That does give me an idea. Family sim wants more
babies, and if Neppie won't give them to me... I do love him, but
after last week, and his declaration that one pregnancy was all I
would ever have, I'm still cheesed off at him. That kind of
unilateral decision, without even discussing it with me
beforehand, is just not fair. And there's no guarantee that he'll
even be abducted. And this house is so big, and built for a large
family. And I can probably think of other justifications, if I try.
Allyn: Honey, we have a few hours to kill before we both leave
for work. I've already hired a nanny to track my schedule, but I
have a particular errand I have to run. You hang tight. I'll be
back soon.
Neppie: Think you can stop off at one of the businesses, too?
My secondary Fortune nature is itching for more cash.
Allyn: I can do that, sure.
Allyn: What better place to put my plan into action than the
RAO? Specifically, the office section, since it is fairly private,
and has the witchy stuff. It's just fitting.
Allyn: Now for the spell, to get things started.
Allyn: And voila! One father of a mystic child, coming right up.
It doesn't matter if he likes what he sees. With the Downtown
Time Warp, I can take as long as necessary to woo him and
woohoo him, and get that baby. With a little magic to help me
along the way, it shouldn't take too many nights. Neppie might
get jealous when I turn up pregnant again, but the right spells
will help with that, too.
Allyn: Mactoamicus Me!
Count Simon: Suddenly, I feel the urge to hug you and be your
Allyn: Friends is good for tonight. Tomorrow, we can date, and
maybe become lovers. If not tomorrow, then the night after that.
“What's going on here?”
Allyn: Just getting the Mystic household started, Your Majesty.
Ummm, don't tell Neppie, will you, please?
“Your relationship with your husband is your business. I make
no promises about gossip material, especially when I'm
autonomous. But I won't go out of my way to tell him.”
Allyn: Err, Your Majesty, what spell did you just cast?
“Hehehe. Wouldn't you like to know? I suggest you try to get to
know him the old fashioned way, before you try the more
advanced social moves. This conquest will not be easy, nor
should it be.”
Allyn: I'm surprised you're not more supportive. Don't you want
the Mystic household?
“I figured one of the second generation spares would start it. Or
maybe one of the Lermas kids. Agata HAS to be unfaithful. You
Allyn: But it's not against the law, or anything.
“Hey, I'm not actually stopping you. Just making the chemistry
really bad. I do like Neppie, you know. I'd hate to see him get
hurt. But you're right. It's not against the law.”
Allyn: OK, Count Simon. We'll take it slow. I can take as long
as necessary. And you won't even have to worry about raising
the child, or paying child support, or anything. Just give me that
mystic baby.
Count Simon: Vampire genetic material does not come cheaply.
Are you prepared to pay the price?
Allyn: I guess it depends on the price.
Count Simon: Well, we are trying to grow the coven. I must bite
Allyn: Hmmm, how about I take a potion, instead?
Count Simon: That would also be acceptable. But you must join
the coven before we try for a baby.
Allyn: Agreed. As a good witch, I don't even need a coffin. Just
a throne of light.
Allyn: Vamprocillin X, coming up. And some love potion, too,
while I'm at it.
A/N: Beat is one of those sims who has good chemistry, it would
seem, with everyone. Must be the Face.
Seriously, though, so many sims will scope a room, even with
their own spouses in it, and wind up thinking that Beat is HAWT.
Allyn has triple bolts with Beat, and only two with Neppie. Good
thing she didn't turn to Beat for vengeance, right? At least with
the Count, she has the excuse of going for a mystic child and
building up Youngdale.
Allyn: Now that the sun has gone down, it's time to put these
potions to work. I'll just appellate Count Simon over here, chug
a love potion, and get to dating.
Allyn: I love being a witch!
Allyn: From negative bolts to one bolt. It's good enough. Let's
get this show on the road, Simon!
Simon: The price has been paid. I accept your offer. I still need
some lifetime relationship points before I'm ready to do the deed,
but that shouldn't take too long, now.
Allyn: And a slow dance gives us a crush and double bolts! I
LOVE being a witch!
Count Simon: Your magic is powerful, Allyn. It's 12:30 on our
second night together, and I'm ready to woohoo with you.
Allyn: And I'm ready for another baby. Let's get it on!
Allyn: Aww, the bed and both hammocks are in use. We'll have
to think of something. Maybe I can use magic to banish
someone, and free up the space.
Allyn: Well, Count Simon, if this doesn't work, we'll just have to
go somewhere else.
Count Simon: Six Benemoodus Simaes really ought to do the
trick. That man is one heavy sleeper.
Allyn: Wow. I fulfilled one of his wants, and he's STILL asleep.
Let's go somewhere else. Any idea where we can woohoo?
Count Simon: We could try getting in the bed with the other
person in it, and hope they get grossed out and leave.
Allyn: OK, let's try that, but we're running out of time, here.
Allyn: The bed didn't work, but here at the Fortress of Light we'll
have no problem. It's private and it has a bed we can both
Allyn: I didn't hear a lullabye. Did you hear a lullabye?
Count Simon: Only the strings of my heart, lovergirl.
Allyn: Right. Well, we have a little bit of time, left. Let's try this
Allyn: I know we're wasting moonlight, but I rolled the want to
make out with you again, and this may be my last chance.
Allyn: Right. We're done, and the sun is coming up in thirty
minutes. I heard the lullabye, so goodbye and thanks for all the
little swimmers. And I don't mean fish.
Count Simon: It's been quite the pleasure, Allyn. Perhaps,
when the little one is older, you'll invite me over to meet him or
Allyn: Perhaps. But not when my husband is around.
Allyn: I did promise to earn some money from one of the
businesses, so I guess this one is as good as any. I can just sit
on the throne all day.
Allyn: We do need a new cashier, though, because I'm not doing
it. As soon as Tamara is set up, I'm hitting the throne until the
sun goes down.
Allyn: Good luck with those buttons, Tamara. Try not to take so
long you tick off the customers. Especially because I just
discovered that the owner of the store has to be present in order
to restock crafted items, like snapdragons. I don't even know
where they're all going, into whose inventory, but I guess I'll find
Allyn: Wait, what the boolprop? I don't remember hiring her.
And are we paying her, or is she paying us, or what? I have the
option to work in the cafeteria. Would that make us money?
Maybe I should add some island counters? But then, with all the
snapdragons, nobody needs to eat. It's the coffee the
employees need.
So weird. I'll have to see about fixing this before Neppie comes.
Allyn: OK, I changed the stove with move_objects on. Let's see
what happens.
Allyn: Success!
On the other hand, this gives me an idea for a venue. A public
cafeteria would be much easier to run than a restaurant, and
more filling than snackbar fare. And this town needs a lot where
sims can enjoy a variety of hobbies, and earn their hobby club
cards. Snapdragons are great, but I don't have that many in my
inventory. I'll just have to meet the customers' needs the old-
fashioned way.
Allyn: Hello, Real Estate Office? I'd like to purchase Rauta's
Hobbyland, please. … Yes, I'll hold, but not too long. I'm getting
a sunburn.
Allyn: Ouchie, ouchie! Sunshine burns! I'd better build this
place up quick, and plop down a throne.
Allyn: There. I have used almost everything we have in cash,
but there is room for expansion, and pretty much every hobby is
covered. I'll set the ticket price for cheap, so they sell
themselves, and then I'll add a few more objects, as needed, to
make sure every hobby can be done here.
Allyn: Synchronized stars! They're really racking them up
quickly. Rauta's Hobbyland is a success, although it will take
quite a while to make the investment actually pay off.
A/N: I just HAD to get that indoor pool going here. Not
everyone can access the Fitness hobby lot with their indoor pool,
after all.
Allyn: The cafeteria is popular, though, and I don't even have to
pay the cafeteria worker! True, there's a four-hour time slot
every night, where no food is available, but for the most part,
there's free food, and people are happy.
Allyn: I even take advantage of the dark to learn how to
breakdance. It costs me $75 of my business's funds, but I can
make that back in tips, easily enough, with a good crowd.
Allyn: Breakdancing till dawn means more money and more
entertainment for my guests.
Author's Note: OK, it's official. We have now raised more taxes
(in interest) than the taxman's bank account can hold. That
means sims won't even be able to PAY taxes, until I play him
and take money out.
Time to interrupt the game play and build two universities. I'll
install buildings later, but I need to take out $1,000,000 taxes per
university, right now. On the plus side, that should generate
some professors, mascots, and other NPCs.
Vis: Wow! I have $3,200,000 in my tax account! That's so evil!
“Great! Now, donate $100,000 to charity twenty times, and I'll
arrange for the 'charitable organization' to set up two
Beat: I'm just going to randomly vomit on your lawn.
Vis: Ewww. That is NOT evil, Beat.
“So, for the modern university, I downloaded Brainania from
ModTheSims, because I've used it before and I LOOOOVE it!
However, I have to build THU (The Hamlet University) from
scratch. There's time enough. I have a least a week before
Holly is ready to spend her scholarship money and find a
modern mate. Even more when you consider that she's the
oldest child in Youngdale, and will need to give the potential
husbands a chance to catch up, so no early admission for her.
“Meanwhile, Vis will continue to earn interest on the remaining
$1,200,000, so I'm just going to say taxes will be paid for the rest
of this week, to be fair to those who already paid, and after that,
Youngdale will be a tax-free community. Any public works will be
paid for either by the Royal Family (and our own interest-bearing
accounts) or by the interest on the taxes already paid.”
“Let me just do a quick bit of magic, to get the universities set up
with the appropriate NPCs, who may or may not appear on other
community lots, and I'll worry about putting in actual buildings
later. Brainania is all set up, except for NPCs, and THU has
nothing but the land. For now.”
Vis: Your Majesty, for some reason, I have over $100,000 in
cash, too. Should I deposit it?
“You know what? I won't play you officially, or let you age, but I
think you deserve better than lawn-living. Why not build yourself
a nice house, before I visit you here again?
Vis: Can I have a secret evil lair?
“Knock yourself out, Vis.”
Vis: I must take time to imagine the perfect architectural design
for the most evil house ever! I'm thinking flying buttresses! Or
swimming buttresses. Running buttresses? What is a buttress,
“And we're back to the Rauta family. See you later, Vis.”
Vis: And disco balls! Flying disco balls with buttresses!
Allyn: I know I promised to make a bunch of money from the
business, but really, I think I'll just run this place to level 10,
make final alterations so that it is just the way I like it, including
adding the top floor, and a telescope or two for science, and just
generally covering all the hobby bases. Then, I'll sell the
business to the community, for a profit, and take out $60,000
from my bank account, for good measure. That should be
enough money, even for Neppie.
Allyn: Well, it looks like Her Majesty got her universities. And I
added a second floor with another bathroom, with showers, and
a reading area with thrones, and I'm gradually expanding the
workout area. After that, I'll add some musical instruments,
some computers, and call it good. All the hobbies are covered,
and I only have two more ranks to gain to max out.
Allyn: I don't believe it. In all this time, Walter behaved himself
perfectly, and now COLUMBINE is fighting? And BEAT?!
What's going on around here? While I was scrubbing toilets, to
keep the place nice for you, you guys were making trouble for
I don't even know who started it.
Allyn: Well, Columbine, this is one way to keep you out of
Allyn: Well, that's the ranking I need. Now I just need to polish
off a few things, and get this place juuuuust right, so that
everyone in the community can enjoy all their hobby needs in
one convenient stop.
Too bad the Hamlet people can only come here autonomously.
Maybe Peaches Rock will build something similar for them.
Allyn: Now that it's all sorted out and just the way I like it, time to
sell for a profit and make Neppie's fortune-loving heart happy. I'll
leave it named “Rauta's Hobbyland,” for now. Maybe someday,
the Queen will change it to “Good Witch Hobbyland,” but I think
Neppie will enjoy having his name associated with another
successful community lot.
Allyn: OK, Neppie, we now have over $200,000 in cash, plus I
earned some interest on my own bank account. Happy?
Neppie: You did well. So, what was your errand, anyway?
Allyn: Oh, just taking care of a little personal business.
Speaking of which, I hear tonight's the night to go to the space-
disco party. You should definitely make plans for that.
Neppie: I sure will!
Neppie: Ummm, is there something different about you, sugar?
Allyn: Oh, yeah. I meant to tell you. You know I'm part
Knowledge sim, right? Well, I took a potion and became a
Neppie: Cool! I'm a Knowledge sim, too. Can I have a potion?
Allyn: Better not. It's good to have one mortal in the family to
handle the day-shift for child care, at least.
Allyn: So, I think something is broken. I can't interact with the
babies. I think you may need to move out with them, and move
back in.
Neppie: OK, I'll do that. Hey, maybe I'll get a free $20K
handout! Woot!
Allyn: Yay. Hurry up, so they'll keep aging properly. We want
that birthday party, right?
Neppie: You OK, sugar?
Allyn: Just a little food poisoning. And being cut in half by the
door. Nothing that will kill me, though.
Neppie: Yeah, vampires are tough. If it's not a wooden stake or
sunshine, it can't really hurt you.
Allyn: Right. So, you find a place of your own, yet?
Neppie: Nope. That didn't fix it. We still can't interact with
them, or put them in the cribs, or anything.
Allyn: I think it's time to call the Queen for some cheating. It's
allowed to fix glitches, right? Right?
Neppie: I sure hope so! Otherwise, we might have to have
more babies, to replace these two.
Allyn: … Replace them?! REPLACE?
Neppie: Well, that didn't work. Deleting them, exiting, coming
back in, and trying again didn't work.
Allyn: Any other ideas? Besides REPLACING them, as if they
were malfunctioning toys, or something?
Neppie: We could put them up for adoption, and then use the
Tombstone of Life and Death to add them to the family.
Neppie: Nope. Same old same old. They're lying in the
nursery, getting happy on snapdragons, but we still can't actually
interact with them.
Allyn: I do have another idea, but it's almost time for work, so
we'll have to skip work. Or at least go in late.
Neppie: Awww, I hate to miss a day's pay.
Neppie: Honey, I put them up for adoption, and tried with the
teleporter so we could instantly adopt them back, but it doesn't
have any listing for them.
Neppie: Boy, that food poisoning is really bad, huh? So, any
other suggestions?
Neppie: Sugar? I can't use the Apello Simae spell for them,
either! What do we do now?
Allyn: There's only one option left, I'm afraid. We call Social
Services and adopt babies until we get the ones we actually
gave birth to. One at a time. They'll be twins who are different
Neppie: This stinks! What if we get the wrong ones?
Neppie: Yes, dear.
Neppie: Yes, dear.
Allyn: Well, we won't be needing a nanny today. Off to work.
Neppie: I sure hope we don't wind up living in a house full of
babies. Sure, we have money and room, but after my childhood,
I was really satisfied with just two.
Allyn: Suck it up, Buttercup. I'm sure the glitch is your fault.
Neppie: Are you angry with me, sugar?
Neppie: Well, at least I don't have to worry about the space-
disco party conflicting with the birthday party. Come on, aliens!
I want to see where I come from!
Allyn: While my husband is out trying to hitch an intergalactic
ride, I'll have a nice visit with my old co-workers. And can you
give me a wishing well, while you're at it, please?
Tiffany: Sure thing! If a Garden Club member can't get a wishing
well, who can?
Neppie: Come on, aliens! Why don't you come for me? Allyn
said tonight was the night!
Neppie: I wish I knew a spell to MAKE them come for me.
Allyn: Just keep trying, dear. I'm sure they'll come eventually. If
not tonight, then maybe tomorrow or the night after that.
Neppie: IT WORKED! They finally came! I'm going to have SO
Allyn: Yessssss! Be careful, dear! Don't get “food poisoning.”
Neppie: But I'm sure their food is just fine. Don't worry about
me. See you later!
Neppie: WHEEEEEEE! What a rush!
Allyn: Woop! Looks like it's time to come up with a story for
Neppie. I wonder if I can find any inspiration in these books?
Allyn: :gasp: Heroine did whaaaaat? Hehehe. That just might
work with him. I'll have to make a few adjustments for our world,
but... Yeah, I think that will do the trick.
Neppie: Argh! Couldn't you have landed and let me walk off?
Or teleported me down, like you teleported me up? Or let me
use Magevestigium?
Neppie: That space-disco party was NOT what I expected.
Maybe they're a different tribe of aliens? They were all dressed
like space pirates.
Allyn: Oh, NEPPIE! I'm so glad you're home!
Neppie: I'm glad to be home, sugar.
Allyn: OH, Neppie! You'll never believe what happened while
you were gone.
Neppie: Tell me all about it.
Allyn: Well, you know about Meslar, and how he's trying to save his
world from The Taint, right? The Queen tried to help him, by taking in
some of his people. Well, he decided to try some sort of ritual to
create a demi-god who could fight off the Taint. But he needed
someone from another world, someone who had not been affected in
any way by the Taint.
He held a secret contest, to find the most appropriate woman, and I
won! It was so strange. I don't even remember entering the contest.
But I won! It was such an honor, Neppie!
Neppie: Wait. What are you doing in maternity clothes?
Allyn: That's what I'm trying to tell you, Neppie! Meslar took me to be
the mother of his demi-god child, in the hope that the child would have
the power to fight off the Taint. He used the Holy Turkey Baster, and...
Neppie: …
Allyn: Nevermind the details. Whether or not this baby has the power
to fight off the Taint, I'm just as proud as can be! This child is special,
no matter what! Oh, promise you'll be a good father to this baby,
Neppie! Promise me! It's such an honor to be chosen, you know.
Neppie: Don't worry, Sugar. I'm here for you, and for your baby,
too. I'll love him as if he were my own, and together, with both of
us using our magic, we'll manage to raise this demi-god well.
Hopefully, he'll have the power Meslar needs, but if it doesn't
work, well, we can still be proud to know we did our best to help
a world in peril.
Neppie: Well, time to play the waiting game again. But one of
our babies should be delivered in a few hours, and then we can
place the order for the next one.
Allyn: It's not like ordering groceries, Neppie.
Neppie: Right. We can make a request from Social Services to
grant us another child for adoption.
Allyn: Better. I do love you, even if I get mad, sometimes.
Neppie: Ummmm, maybe I shouldn't have drunk the blue juice?
Allyn: Space pirates or space disco, it's the same game. Did
you enjoy yourself at all?
Neppie: Well, yeah, it was a lot of fun. They told me it was
theme night. Maybe they were the same ones after all? But I
thought that, as their offspring, they would just invite me to party,
not... Ummm... I think I need the toilet.
“You magically summoned me? This had better be important.”
Allyn: Yes, your majesty. My husband has gone to work, and I
needed to talk to you, on the down-low.
Allyn: As you can see, I got that mystic baby. Well, this is the
story I told Neppie...
“Heeheeeheeee! He actually fell for that?”
Allyn: Like a skydiver without a parachute! So, will you keep my
“I will. It's just too good a story to spoil! This way, he gets to be
the hero, valiantly taking care of the heroine and raising a
(SNERK!) demi-god! BWAHAHAHA! Seriously, though, if I tell
him, he'll be hurt. Your secret is safe with me.”
Allyn: Look, I'm kind of housebound right now. Would you mind
explaining things to the Count for me, please?
“OK. So, did you pick a vampire with a dark skin-tone like
Meslar's on purpose? I mean, how long did you plan this?”
Allyn: Actually, that was pure coincidence, but I'm really glad it
worked out that way. Makes it so much easier if he does start
asking questions.
Allyn: One other thing. We had to put our babies up for
adoption, because they were completely glitched, but now we've
asked the adoption agency to send us a baby, and after they
bring one, we'll call again for another. Will you please make
sure they bring the right ones? We want Argon and Helium
back, please.
“I'll do my best, Allyn. But you must know, just as Meslar can't
fully stop The Taint from destroying his own world, I am not
completely omnipotent. There are hardware issues at play.”
Allyn: Just do your best, Your Majesty, please. That's all I ask.
“HUZZAH! It worked for Argon! Now you have my permission to
save and reload as many times as necessary this time
tomorrow, to get Helium back.”
Allyn: THANK YOU, Your Majesty!
“As for the age difference, with proper timing of birthdays, you
can make that even out. Or send them to college. That should
work, too.”
Social Worker: I don't get it. Isn't this the same home were I
collected the little one yesterday? Oh, well, the paperwork is all
in order. Who am I to question authority?
Rose Dai: Ummm, lady, are you sure you ought to be putting
that almost-naked baby down on the ground. There's snow, you
Social Worker: Oh, he's expected. I'm sure his parents-to-be
will pick him up any minute now.
Rose: Remind me never to adopt from YOU, OK?
Social Worker: Bye, baby! Enjoy your new home.
Social Worker: Not my problem.
Columbine: Oh, look. An untouchable baby, lying in a light
dusting of snow on the sidewalk. I blame Beat for this.
Allyn: SOB!
“Now, now. There is still one thing left we can try. I've done it
before elsewhere. Ummm, it didn't QUITE work out, but at least
the kid stayed in the neighborhood.”
Allyn: Your Majesty, at this point, I'm so desperate, I'll take any
chance, just to keep my baby alive, and eventually playable.
“Alright, then. I'll do the best I can. Boolprop powers,
Allyn: It's a miracle! You're a toddler! Now I can feed you
Smart Milk, and teach you your skills, and... wait. FLERGLE!
“I know. I know. I'm not done yet. I told you it didn't quite work
out the other time I did it. I have to make some adjustments.”
“Now, call for another adoption. They won't deliver until
tomorrow, so until then...”
“Move_objects on. Enjoy the snapdragons, kid. When your
sister arrives, I'll age her up, too, and then I'll age you both up to
be children, and hopefully then, you'll FINALLY be able to
interact with people!”
Argon: Goo.
“You and me both, kiddo. Boy, this had better work.”
Allyn: I hate this waiting game!
“Me, too. You know, I've backed up the time on this lot twice,
trying to get the the social worker to bring Helium. I think I'll just
move forward, now, instead.”
Allyn: Really? Won't that mess up my pregnancy? And
“Maybe. But I'll save, first. We'll reload if necessary.”
Neppie: I feel very strange, as if the world were moving back
and forth in time. Also, I brought home a friend from work, and
since she's a Meslar follower, she's really grateful to me and
Allyn for having that demi-god baby. In fact, we're best friends!
Agata: Nice house, yo. Also, I should probably ask you your
sign, at some point. You know. Because friends do that.
Allyn: Neppie! The Queen is here, and she's using all her
powers to get our babies back. We have Argon, but we still can't
interact with him. But she has a plan. So now, we just wait for
Helium to be delivered, and she'll put the final part of her plan in
Neppie: So that's why everything's been so disjointed today.
Neppie: OK, I'm off to work.
Allyn: You should have popped by now, but I guess setting the
clock forward doesn't speed up your pregnancy, too.
Neppie: Guess not. Well, I'll see you after work, and I sure
hope we get little Helium back, and everything fixed with our
Social Worker: Here you go, baby. I'll just put you down here,
across the street. Your parents can come get you. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have a hot date one of the new university mascots.
Teehee! Byeeee!
Allyn: I think I hate that woman.
“OK, they're both here. Let's get this show on the road. I really
hope this magic spell works.”
Allyn: If it does, would you write it in my grimoire? In case we
have this problem again?
“You'd better not have this problem again.”
Allyn: I think we won't leave the lot till the babies are all grown
into children. Just to be safe.
“No kidding! Well, in that case, I give you official permission to
celebrate my daughter's birthday here at home. You do know
how to make cheesecake, right?”
Allyn: Oh, you bet!
“Good. Now that Helium is a toddler, we just bring Argon down
here, and there's one more thing left to do.”
Allyn: They're both children! And I can interact with them, now!
“Huzzah! I'm so glad it worked!”
Allyn: Thank you so much, Your Majesty! You are truly the
greatest queen in existence!
“You betcha! Well, my work here is done. I'm going back to my
own family now. Enjoy your kids, and I'll see you around.”
Allyn: Kids, I'm so glad to have you home! Now, if I weren't
burning up in the sun, I'd spend all afternoon playing with you.
As it is, I need to go to my throne. But why don't you two get to
know each other over the blocks table, and then, when your
Daddy gets home, we'll have a real family fun time!
Helium: OK, Mama!
Argon: Yes, Mama. I want to make a new friend, anyway.
Allyn: I wish I could spend more of this precious daylight time
with my little ones, but I have to stay in the throne, for safety's
sake. Unless I cure myself of the vampirism, I suppose. The
Count did not specify that I had to STAY a vampire. But I should
probably wait until the baby is born, at least. I don't want to take
any chances of a miscarriage, due to overuse of potions while
Argon: Do you get the feeling like you missed out on some
stuff? Like, there are things we should have learned, and
lifetime happiness we should have earned?
Helium: Like, I totally know what you mean! I'm sure I should
have learned how to fly! Why can't I fly? It's not fair!
Argon: Yeah. That's exactly what I mean. So, how do you like
our new bedroom?
Helium: I love it! I especially like the flying spaceships and
shooting stars on the walls. I want to fly like that someday! I
want to fly off into space and see my ancestors! But I'm sure my
arms will get tired long before I find them, so I'd better work on
my body skill, so I can keep flapping.
Argon: Uhhh. There's something wrong with that statement, but
I just can't quite put my finger on it.
Helium: Heehee! Silly brother! You can't put your finger on
words! They're not solid! They're gas, just like you and me!
Argon: Ah. That makes sense. Thanks, Helium. You're smart.
Helium: I sure am! Hey, let's jump rope, so we can be strong
and learn how to fly through space, just like the birdies do!
Argon: Yeah.
Argon: I keep tripping.
Helium: Me, too! Being twins is so cool!
Allyn: My children are unintelligent and we have three
lobotomized nannies roaming the house, and right now, I don't
even care. Just staying on the throne, waiting for the sun to go
A/N: Where did they even come from? She's in the house, so
there's no need for them, but they just kept coming, one after
another! I hate this glitch.
Argon: Mama, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed now.
Allyn: Awww, and I just got off the throne. But you're a good
boy, and I promise, we'll have plenty of family time together, very
Neppie: Wow. Those kids got real big, real fast. But they're
here, and we can talk to them, so that's great! And I never had
to give one a bath, either!
Helium: Hi, Daddy! I'm going to bed now, too, Daddy!
Goodnight, Mama!
Allyn: Goodnight, dear. And tomorrow, we'll get up before the
sun comes up, and all have cheesecake for breakfast! Because
it's a special holiday, and cheesecake is required.
Helium: Oh, boy! Cheese AND cake! Sounds yummy!
Allyn: Neppie, the Queen worked her magic, but she told me
she doesn't want to have to do it again, and to avoid glitched
babies, she gave us permission to stay at home until they grow
into toddlers, at least. That means we have to celebrate the
Princess' birthday here at home, with our own cheesecake.
Neppie: Suddenly, I have an overwhelming sense of doom, and
I don't know why. Her Majesty has been so good to us, so it
can't be something she did. Oh, well. I'll just hope for the best.
Allyn: I actually thought I'd have this baby before eating the
royal cheesecake, but I don't mind having two special babies.
And I won't mind my husband have two babies, either. Hehe.
Poor Neppie. He's going to have a full house, after all, thanks to
Queen Michelle's royal proclamation. I am so glad she had her
heiress this week!
Neppie: You know, I'm looking forward to getting onto a regular
schedule with the kids, and all. Having to wait for night to do the
gardening seems so strange. Plants love the sun, after all.
Allyn: Yes. I do think I'll cure my vampirism after I give birth.
The vampire coven may be disappointed, but I want to be able to
spend time with my children during the day. I may vamp it up
again, once they're older, though.
Neppie: What? But... But, it was supposed to be safe! I'm their
son! How could they do this to me? Ewwwww!
Allyn: Hey, you were packaged up and moved to a new world.
They even dressed differently. You said it, yourself. Maybe
they're not the same aliens.
Neppie: But, I don't want to have a baby. Pregnancy sucks!
And how is it even going to come out?
Helium: So, last night, I dreamed that my arms fell off, and I
turned into a space-rocket and flew into the stars! So, I've given
up jumping rope. If I get too strong, I'll be less aerodynamic.
Neppie: Haha. Kids are so funny with their imaginations.
Allyn: :sigh: Proper education in those early toddler years is just
so fundamental. :sniff!: My poor babies! How much they
Helium: Myumyumyum! This cake with cheese is really good!
Argon: Yeah. I hope we get to eat this every day.
Neppie: You really made a good cheesecake, dear. It sure does
hit the spot!
Allyn: I'm glad you're all enjoying it so much. But we won't be
eating it often. We're only eating it today because it's the law.
We are eating this cheesecake in celebration of the Crown
Princess' birth. If your father and I weren't expecting new
babies, we'd be eating it at the Royal Administration Office.
Argon: Well, that's a stupid law.
Helium: Yeah! The law should say that we have to eat cheese
and cake every day! Or maybe cheese and nectar! Or cheese
and lemonade! Or cheese and milk! That's nutrition!
Neppie: Don't tell the Queen you think her laws are stupid.
Allyn: That's right. Always respect the Queen. Without her, you
two wouldn't even be here.
Allyn: Now, off to school with you both! I hope you work hard,
because I want to see you bring home no less than a C- report
card today!
Argon: Yes, Mama.
Allyn: It's too bad you're starting with a D, already, but at least
you're starting.
Neppie: Now that we're both on maternity leave and our garden
is harvested, there is nothing for us to do, but wait for the kids to
come home.
Allyn: We could plant a new crop.
Neppie: Don't feel like it. All that bending over upsets my
stomach. This baby kicks too much.
Allyn: I hear ya.
Allyn: So, you know, now that we're both pregnant, and we've
both eaten cheesecake, at the Queen's command, we're both
going to have twins, at least.
Neppie: Yikes! Four babies!
Allyn: And all within the next two days, yeah.
Neppie: HEY! Maybe we can get the Queen to work her mojo
again, and grow them into children, so we can skip the whole
baby/toddler stage.
Allyn: But, the toddler stage is fundamental to their
development! It gives us a chance to feed the Smart Milk, and
make them more intelligent, possibly for life! Not to mention the
lifetime happiness they'll earn.
Neppie: It worked out for Argon and Helium!
Allyn: Helium is an airhead, and Argon has no enthusiasm about
anything, and follows wherever his sister leads.
Neppie: Yeah, but other than that, they're fine.
Allyn: I'm not going to argue with you about this. The Queen
has already told us to do everything we can to avoid the need for
her to grow them up prematurely. She WANTS our babies to be
babies for the proper timeframe.
Neppie: Yeah, but four at once!
Allyn: Yeah, but snapdragons all over the nursery. It will be fine,
Neppie. Don't worry so much.
Neppie: That's true. With all those snapdragons, we can just
plonk the babies on the floor and ignore them until they grow up,
can't we?
Allyn: …
Neppie: Which means it doesn't really matter if we can't interact
with them, anyway. They don't need us, if they have
Neppie: We should make enough snapdragons for everyone in
the whole world! Then, no one will need to interact with anyone,
and everyone will be perfectly happy, all the time.
Allyn: Aspirational failure would still be an issue, dear. Not
everyone is perma-plat, you know.
Neppie: Oh, yeah. But the babies will still be OK. No need to
fret about that, after all.
Neppie: I mean, babies are so boring, when they're not
annoying the heck out of you. We should just let the
snapdragons do their work, and then Smart Milk them when
they're old enough.
Allyn: I see I'll be raising these kids by myself. No matter. It's
what I wanted, anyway. But I'll definitely cure the vampirism
once the baby is born. Temporarily, at least.
Allyn: The vampirism was part of the whole “creating a demi-
god” deal, you see, Neppie. I had to do it, to get the baby, but
once the baby is born, I don't think I need to remain that way. I
don't THINK the Count will have a fit about it.
Neppie: The Count?
Allyn: He, errr, arranged things with Meslar.
Neppie: Oh.
Allyn: In fact, he's the child's godfather. Sort of. Anyway, he'll
probably show a sort of pseudo-parental interest in the child.
Children. I forgot we'll be having twins.
Neppie: So, I'm going to meet this count guy, right?
Allyn: Probably not. I think he'll be discreet. After all, we
agreed not to tell the whole world about the deal with Meslar. It's
a confidentiality thing.
Neppie: Does that mean that as far as the rest of Youngdale is
concerned, that I'm the actual father of the demi-gods?
Allyn: I'm afraid so. They may not look much like you, but...
Neppie: AWESOME! When the kids grow up to be super-
powerful, everyone will think they got that from ME! I'm gonna
be a Rock Star Father!
Allyn: … Yes, dear.
Helium: Oh, no, Argus! We both got C+ grades today. That's
not the C- Mama asked for. She'll be displeased.
Argus: Maybe we can make her happy by skipping our
Helium: Yeah! That makes sense!
Author's Note: These kids, but especially Helium, are constantly
route-failing. I say Helium is an air-head, but it's not just based
on her name. She is, in fact, quite unintelligent. It's annoying to
have to manually move her around all the time, but it's also cute
and endearing, in a weird way.
Argon, meanwhile, doesn't whine about not finding his way. He
just drops his queue and does his own thing. He simply doesn't
give a darn. The kid is utterly passive and unconcerned.
A/N: Then, I saw this. I swear, the door was there last night,
when Neppie came home from work. But now it's gone, and I
have no idea what happened to it. Maybe one of the THREE
nannies took it with her. Will restoring the door solve Helium's
air-head issues? Probably not, really, but at least she'll be able
to walk inside.
Will these glitches never end? I may wind up moving the family
to a new lot, come Monday.
Helium: If I hold the control as far away from my face as
possible, and never touch the knobs, will it work better?
Neppie: No, honey. You need to actually use those knobs.
They are joysticks, and control your avatar.
Helium: So, can they make the avatar fly?
Neppie: No, but they can make him hurl himself off the track
and into the air, until he crashes.
Argon: I don't know if Helium is right, and I'll learn to fly by being
strong enough to flap my arms a lot, or if I really should let my
arms fall off to be more aerodynamic. But I just enjoy jumping
rope, and I'm going to keep doing it, for the fun.
Allyn: I, errr, appreciate the offer to skip your homework to get
your grades down to C- level, but I actually do want you to
succeed at school, if you can. So, you're going to do your
homework each evening. Your father and I won't insist on A+
grades, all the time, but we do insist on your homework being
done each day. After that, you may play.
Allyn: My kids may not be the smartest in town, but I hope, with
fun things like the block table and jumping rope, that they'll at
least be able to earn the $3000 in scholarships to allow them to
go to college. They missed their whole toddlerhood, so they
could really use the extra time as students to gain some much
needed lifetime happiness points.
Allyn: Neppie, I'm not sure this is good for the babies.
Neppie: Of course it is! This stuff is a special prescription from
the OB/GYN. It'll make the kids really smart.
Allyn: Really?
Neppie: Ummm, sure! Sure it is.
Allyn: Alright, then. If the doctor says so, I'll do it.
Allyn: Argon and Helium may not be smart, but they are very
well-behaved and good about bedtime. They go to bed with no
argument or fuss, and thanks to snapdragons by their beds,
mornings are a breeze, as well.
Allyn: Oooh! It's time! I'm having the babies!
Neppie: Heehee! That's nice, sugar.
Allyn: NEPPIE! Don't just sit there! Do something!
Neppie: OK. I'll stand up and panic. Just give me a minute.
Neppie: Aaaaaah! A baby who may one day get an A+ report
card is on the way!
Allyn: Oh, shut up.
Neppie: Is there even a right way for a man to respond to this
Allyn: Not really. But ignoring the birth is definitely a WRONG
way to respond!
Neppie: I can't win. But I can lose. Yikes! Shall I panic some
Allyn: You do that! But SHUT UP!
Allyn: Welcome little Astatine and Erbium. I'm holding Astatine,
named after the rarest element on earth. In fact, with a half-life
of just 8.1 hours, there's only about 30 grams total on Earth at a
time. It keeps forming, though, as a result of the decay of
uraninum and thorium.
Neppie: And I have Erbium, named after a rare earth element
used to make pink glass, but more importantly, used for fiber
optics and cold lasers.
“And on this special occasion, I'm using my simself voice to pop
in and welcome the first two Mystics of Youngdale. After they
grow up and graduate college, they will found the Mystic
household. As for which one will be the official 'founder,' I'll
leave that up to an heir poll, just as the other children of this
family will be subject to heir poll for inheriting the Rauta family
lot. When Astatine and Erbium have grown enough, I will
officially change their last name to Mystic.”
Neppie: Ummm, sugar, I think we might have another problem.
I can play with Erbium, and cuddle her, as long as I'm holding
her, but for some reason, I can't put her in a crib.
Allyn: I know. I hate to say it, but we may very well have no
choice but to leave them on the floor, with the snapdragons, until
they grow. Unless Queen Michelle chooses to grow them up
again. I'l have to consult with her about it, tomorrow. It's too late
to call her now.
Allyn: I don't know if the house is cursed, or we are. We were,
at least, able to put the babies down in the nursery with the
snapdragons. When they grow into toddlers, as they must,
eventually, I can only hope we can interact with them, then. I'll
call Queen Michelle in the morning, and see what she says to
Neppie: I wonder if my alien babies will be the same way?
Allyn: Well, it's time to get my days back, at least.
Neppie: I think you should stay a vampire, and live forever.
Allyn: Once the kids are teens, I'll probably go back. But I want
to be able to be there for them, all of them, until that time.
Burning up in the sunlight is no way to parent small children.
Especially glitchy ones.
Allyn: I must say, it's good to be my old self again.
Neppie: You know, I had almost forgotten how you looked
Neppie: You look good! Hey, how about a bit of autonomous
making out before I give birth?
Allyn: Do you think you'll give birth soon? You should be a day
behind me, shouldn't you?
Neppie: With all the back and forth time switching the Queen
did, who even knows, anymore? I could pop any minute.
Allyn: In that case, let's try casting some beneficial magic on
you, before you give birth, in case that will help. Benemoodus
Populous! Let's help the whole family!
Neppie: It certainly can't hurt. Let's try all we can before we
involve Her Majesty, again.
Argon: What's happening? It's the middle of the night, but I am
wide awake, and Daddy is screaming.
Allyn: He's giving birth to your little alien siblings, sweetheart.
Don't worry. All he has to do is twirl, and they'll come out. It's
magic. Perhaps someday, you'll do the same.
Argon: Why would I want to do that? It looks painful.
Helium: Hi, Daddy! What's with the early wake-up call? Are we
having a party?
Neppie: No, but we are having new family members. Now,
these are going to be THE LAST ONES, right?
Allyn: With all the glitches in our family, I think Her Majesty
would punish us if we had any more. At least until she sorts out
the issue.
Neppie: Two little alien boys! We'll call them Lanthanum and
Europium, after two other rare earth elements.
Allyn: That's good. Lanthanum is used in hybrid batteries, to
make cars more efficient, and Europium is used in white LED
lights, both very useful for life, in general, and helpful in the fight
against pollution, as they allow us to do more with less waste.
Helium: Awww, they're so cute! I love them!
Argon: Mama, why do these two look like us, and the other two
Allyn: It's complicated, and I'll explain it to you when you're
teens. You need to learn a few things first. Genetics is too
complex to explain after only one day of school.
“OK, I've been monitoring the situation. I was afraid something
like this would happen.”
Allyn: Your Majesty! I was going to call you in the morning. It's
the middle of the night, and I didn't want to disturb you.
“Hey, I have a throne, too. My sleep schedule doesn't need to
be normal. But these babies NEED to be playable. So there.”
“On the plus side, you haven't had as much shuffling around with
them, as you did with Argon and Helium, and so I might be able
to do a more simple fix. We'll see. Hopefully, we won't end up
skipping right over toddlerhood. But we'll do whatever is
necessary and works.”
Neppie and Allyn: Thank you, Your Majesty!
“Well, let's get things started. Boolprop Powers, ACTIVATE!”
Allyn: Come on, Neppie. Let's get out of the way, and leave her
to her work.
Neppie: Astatine! You're a toddler! And I can interact with you!
Allyn: So can I! Kids, can you interact with your sister? Check
it out now, please.
Argon: I can.
Helium: Me, too! Oh, boy!
Neppie: Thank you, Your Majesty. Do the others, now, please?
“There you go, folks. Lanthanum is the last one, all toddlerified
and playable. Enjoy your family, and I'm going home.”
Allyn: Thanks again, Your Majesty!
“Hey, I'm just glad to have the glitches fixed. I hope this doesn't
continue in the next generation, because I don't want to have to
move everyone to a whole new family lot. For now, though, I
think you can just live normally. Good luck.”
Neppie: Should we tell Her Majesty that we still can't put the
toddlers in the cribs?
Allyn: Nope. Let's just do Benemoodus Populous until they can
put themselves to bed.
Allyn: I don't know which is better for training four toddlers –
smart milk or magic.
Neppie: Both, obviously. The Smart Milk makes the training go
fast, and the magic means we can keep it up for as long as it
Allyn: The only real problem is toilet training. Good thing there
are no snapdragons in the bathroom.
Neppie: I love how our kids can play with and befriend each
other, while we are training the other ones. That activity table is
just great!
Allyn: Yeah. Too bad it only sits four.
Argon: I brought a new friend home with me. We met on a field
Argon and Holly, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes
love, then comes marriage, then comes ME LIVING RIGHT
A/N: Seriously, this story just writes itself.
Holly: Alright, Argon. I've decided. You're my boyfriend, and
we're gonna get married, and I'm going to wear a beautiful hat to
the wedding, and then we'll live here forever, and be happy and
Argon: Umm, OK.
Holly: Also, you think I'm the most beautiful, smart, talented,
awesome girl in the whole wide world!
Argon: Well, you are the only girl I know who isn't my sister, so,
OK. You're the most beautiful, awes... What was the list again?
Holly: Nevermind the list. Just remember that you're mine and
we're getting married after college. You ARE going to college,
aren't you?
Argon: My parents want me to, so I guess so.
Holly: Good enough.
Vis: Heehee! Not only am I stealing your newspaper, but I
made it invisible, first! I'm so evil!
Neppie: Go ahead. We don't need it. Now we don't have to
worry about cleaning it up.
Vis: Awww.
Argon: Hello. You look familiar.
“I'm the Queen. I brought my family over to visit you, now that
everything's fixed up. Everything IS fixed up, right?”
Argon: Oh, sure. It's great. Mama and Daddy keep casting
Benemoodus on all of us, so no one has to sleep, because the
cribs don't work, so we get to stay up ALL night.
“The cribs don't work? Seriously?!”
“Why didn't you tell me the cribs don't work?”
Neppie: We didn't want to bother you. You've done so much for
us, already.
“Yes, but this mean the lot is still glitched! So many glitches!
Look, I'm calling this lot a failure. You get to finish the week, but
then I'm moving your whole family to a brand new lot. Enjoy
your party palace this weekend, and then build a new home.”
Neppie: Well, I did want to throw a birthday party for our
children. I've been wanting that since Monday.
“Fine. Your toddlers can't use cribs, so I'll age them up, again,
because they're just starting to annoy me, now. Tomorrow's
Saturday, and there's no school, so it's an ideal time for a kids'
party. Throw your party tomorrow, and then you can start
packing up your stuff for the move at midnight on Sunday.”
Allyn: I thought that all that money I put in accounts for Argon
and Helium last week was gone, so I started them again at
$40,000. Now I find out that it wasn't gone, so I have to
withdraw money from my own account to add to the accounts for
the other kids, to make them even. Everyone of them will get
started with $140,000, now, and I need to earn more money to
replenish my own account. But we should manage to have
enough for a new house, I suppose. Plus taxes?
Allyn: I probably should have told Neppie to take half the money
out of his account. Now mine is depleted, and we only have a
few simoleons left in cash. I'd better go do a cash run to one or
two of the businesses. Maybe the games lot. That one is
lucrative, and since nothing needs restocking, it doesn't matter if
the owner is on the lot, or not. I'll be back when we have
enough cash to build the new house.
Allyn: I'll go to the Arcade, and let Peter sell the tickets while I
write articles. As soon as I have some happy customers inside,
I'll ask them to write articles, too. It may take a week or two,
hanging out here, and a bunch of Benemoodus spells to keep us
all going, but I am going to make enough money to build the
family house that I want. With some other colors besides blue.
Allyn: Now, isn't this nice, folks? You earn skill, and I earn
money. And it only costs you the low, low price of $41 per hour,
for the privilege.
Walter: Hey, this is great! I earned a silver talent badge.
Allyn: Congratulations, Walter. Oh, by the way, you're invited to
our party on Saturday. I know my husband wants you and your
wife to come.
Walter: Sounds fun. I'll see if Columbine wants to come. You
know she has the last word in our family. :sigh:
Sandy: We have plenty of snapdragons at home, but now I'm
closer to being able to make them, myself.
Allyn: That's right. Keep on skilling for yourselves, and earning
money for me. It's a win-win for the whole community!
Allyn: At this rate, all the marriagable NPCs for the next
generation will be experts in everything.
No, I made enough money to build a new house and that's
enough for me. Time to head back home, and get on with our
real lives.
Neppie: It's two o'clock in the morning, kid. Don't you think you
should go home?
Holly: Not until you agree to be my father in law. I want to live in
this house!
Neppie: We're going to rebuild, because of all the glitches.
Holly: I want to live in this neighborhood! Please tell your son to
marry me.
Allyn: Although we're moving in a day or two, I'm glad we
sprung for that extra activity table. The kids can befriend each
other, while earning their mechanical scholarship for college.
And it keeps most of them happy, since the toddlers, at least,
keep rolling wants for it. The older two just want to go roller
skating. Maybe we should rent a rink for the party.
:sigh: Argon and Helium have been at it longer, and have half
the skill points as their younger siblings.
Holly: Isn't this great, Mama? I'm gonna live here someday.
I've already picked out my husband, Argon. Although, he does
have two younger brothers who get to have their birthday today.
Maybe I'll like one of them better? I'll just have to befriend them
Peaches: You do that, Holly. I wish you luck in getting into the
modern world. In fact, we'll invite your little boyfriends to visit us
next week.
A/N: D'aaaaaw!
No reason for this picture. It's just so cute.
Argon: Hooray. We finally get to roller skate. I've been holding
onto this want for days.
Helium: Me, too!
Holly: Your Majesty, can we get one of these rinks down in The
“I don't think so. Roller skating is a modern invention.”
Holly: But why? I mean, we have wheels. We have wagons.
We could just make a bunch of really teeny tiny wagons, and
strap them to our feet, right?
Holly: What about if I created them on an inventing bench, out of
scrap metal?
“That's Sims 3.”
Holly: Well, what about...
“FINE! I'll set up a community lot in the Hamlet with skating on it.
We'll call it Teeny Tiny Wagons. Happy, now?
Kids: Hooraay! Hooray! Hooray. Hoorayyyyy! Huzzah!
Neppie: I wanted to serve chocolate cake for the babies to grow
up, but this is a bit too dark for my tastes. Guess I'll just buy a
bakery birthday cake.
Lanthanum: I wanna fwy, too!
Europium: When we're big boys, we fwy!
Little Peaches, I mean Keika, I mean... Darn that hairstyle
(looks it up in previous slides), Ummm, Erbium?: 'Scuse me,
mister man. You standing in way of my cake.
Neppie: OK, everyone! Time for birthday cake!
Peaches, carefully looking away: I miss my hairstyle! I just don't
feel like myself without it. Can't bear to see it. Sob!
“Oh, get over yourself, Peaches. It wasn't your signature style,
in the first place. I keep thinking I have a simself in my
neighborhood. It's kind of freaking me out, since all my simself
downloads are SUPPOSED to be hanging out at The Simself
Clubhouse, in my La Mancha neighborhood. Speaking of which,
I have a BBVM T-shirt just waiting for you to grow into it, kid.”
“Great. Now I want to redesign the Royal Residence to better
accommodate large birthday parties. Must. Resist.”
Neppie: Well, you'll get the building urge taken care of when you
move me and my family to our new, glitch-free lot, right?
“Probably, yeah. If I build it before I move on to the next
household, that is.”
“Wow, Erbium. You are beautiful. You look like a princess.”
Erbium: Can I get a princess crown?
Peaches: Oh, please do, if it comes with a hairstyle change.
“I don't think so. You're a merchant, not a princess.”
Peaches: Awww!
“Besides, I really like that look on you.”
Peaches: “Michelle! You're doing this just to annoy me, aren't
Neppie: OK, anyone have any complaints about this hairstyle on
“Yes. Please change it as soon as she grows up. I saw
generations and generations with that hairstyle in every
apocalypse I've played. Ugh.”
Peaches: Hey! That hairstyle is a Rock family classic.
“In fact, she could match her twin. That would be nice.”
Astatine: STOP! Don't take my picture! I have to change my
hairstyle, first.
“Yes, please do.”
Clovis: Why does the term 'jailbait' come to mind when I look at
this kid?
“But that's the same style!”
Astatine: No it isn't. This one has curls!
Clovis: Wait until they become teens, dear. Teen mystics, yet. They'll
probably go all goth and dramatic.
“See, now I'd LIKE that!”
Astatine: Curls, it is, then. And actually, curls fit with gothicism. That
and velvet, possibly a hoop skirt, definitely a corset...
Allyn: Time for Europium's birthday.
Europium: I'm a dragon!
“And you even picked the color that best matches your skin tone
and this house. Well done.”
Europium: Raawwwr!
Europium: Even better! I'm a stealth dinosaur. I blend.
“You sure do.”
Europium: So, then the dragon ate ALL the flowers, paved it,
and turned it into a parking lot!
Holly: Hahaha! Awesome!
Erbium: Haha! I love sports!
Astatine: So do I. Harder! Throw it harder! That's the way I like
Argon: I will throw this ball at the proper speed. No more, no
Anthony: I like throwing it at the proper speed. Pain is not my
Neppie: Last one up, Lanthanum!
Lanthanum: I am going to go all through life, wearing my alien
shirt, announcing to all that I am an alien baby born of an alien
Neppie: No, you're going to get dressed in your everyday
clothes, instead of your pajamas.
Lanthanum: OK. Fine.
Neppie: Alright, girls. I want you all to entertain and befriend the
Holly: And I want all you boys to entertain and befriend ME! I'm
still leaning toward marrying Argon, but teenhood brings
chemistry, and I'm covering all my bets.
Prince Alfred: Your father does know I can't marry any of you
girls, right? Oh, wait. I could maybe marry a mystic.
Neppie: As for me, I'll schmooze with the nobles, who don't
have children, yet. I want our families to be close, already, once
their kids are born and grown.
What a party!
Peaches: I love my Remington so much!
“Uh, who invited the nanny?”
Anthony: So, I'm a merchant spare. Do you think you might
have a daughter who wants to marry a rich man? Or a man who
might become rich, because really, my family knows how to
make bank!
Walter: Possibly, but you'll probably have to howl at the moon.
Allyn: Sorry, I left without saying anything. My carpool came,
and I just decided to slip out, and congratulate the kids after the
party. I did make the top of my career, though, so the money will
keep coming in.
Erbium: I just maxed my mechanical skill.
Helium: Great! You can help me build my rocket suit, once my
arms fall off, and I'm more aerodynamic.
Neppie: That was a great party! I suppose now we should send
the kids to bed.
Allyn: Naw. We'd have to decorate more rooms, and buy more
beds, and we're moving tomorrow evening, anyway. Let's just
do the benemoodus spell for the rest of the weekend.
Neppie: Hey, that will be great when I invite the headmaster
over for dinner tomorrow!
Neppie: Lobster thermidore, made with sparkly ingredients, will
be just the thing for a fantastic meal to impress him. Now, we
just wait around and kill time, until tomorrow at five.
Neppie: Well, here we are again, bored on the thrones. Why
don't we take the kids out to do something fun? Maybe buy
some new clothes?
Allyn: I want them all to earn their mechanical scholarship, first,
and since they can socialize while they learn, they can all stay at
the activity tables all night long, if that's what it takes for Argon
and Helium.
Neppie: Headmaster BJ! Welcome to my glitchy, I mean
gorgeous, house.
Neppie: A bit of Mactoamicus should ensure that my kids have
the best opportunity for a good education.
Neppie: Wow. Six whole schmooze points. Well, I hope a tour
of the house will really blow your socks off.
Headmaster BJ: Rarely have I had such a glorious meal, and
your house really is gorgeous. Who needs to schmooze? Your
children are all welcome at my school.
Neppie: Alright! That's great! Now there is nothing left to do,
but figure out our taxes, pay our taxes, and pack up our stuff for
the move.
Allyn: And wait for Argon to get his scholarship. :sighs: Just
because he and Helium are slow doesn't mean they can't get a
great education. It will just take a whole lot longer, that's all.
Neppie: So, with our net worth for the house, plus the
businesses, plus the cash, plus all the bank accounts, we are
worth a total of $3,812,989, with a 5% tax, rounded up to the
nearest hundred of $190,700. And thanks to Vesuvius White's
sound investments, no one in Youngdale will ever need to pay
taxes again!
Allyn: Alright, kids. Everyone outside! Just hang out here, while
your father and I pack our things. This will only take a minute.
Astatine: Shoo flee! Where's the house? And why is it Monday
morning, already?
Allyn: The house was too glitchy, and now we get to build a
brand new one, on a brand new lot. Any requests?
Argon: You mean, we get to choose for ourselves? Yippee.
“And here is where we will leave the Rauta family, dear readers,
and live in the fervent hope that next week will have no
significant glitches.
“Happy simming!”

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Youngdale Week 2 Rauta

  • 2. Family Founder Household Notes Simself Michelle Simself Royal 1 Queen's Household Hunter Joshua Hunter Peasant 1 First Peasant Household The Meanderer Groop the Meanderer Peasant 2 Second Peasant Household Lermas Agata Lermas Peasant 3 Third Peasant Household Rock Peaches Rock Merchant 3 Third Merchant Household Rauta Neptunium Rauta Merchant 1 First Merchant Household Stone Beat Stone Merchant 2 Second Merchant Household Copperfield Walter Copperfield Noble 1 First Noble Household Trace Shawn Trace Noble 2 Second Noble Household
  • 3. Neptunium: Wow. It's been so long since we were played, I don't remember anything. Allyn: Nothing much to remember, babe. You got permaplat, got rich, got everything you wanted, and made me wait nearly 100 slides before you let me have two, and ONLY TWO, babies. And I don't remember why I married you. Neptunium: Because you love me, sugar.
  • 4. Allyn: There's not much for us to do, right now. The trees are dormant, and other than basic care for the garden plants, we can just sit here in our thrones until the babies grow up, and we get to do the toddler skills and stuff. Neppie: I'll probably leave that up to you. I don't want to be the one tormenting my toddlers by giving them baths. Allyn: With all the snapdragons, they won't need baths.
  • 5. Allyn: :sighs: It's just kind of boring right now, you know? Sweetheart, I think you really overdid it with snapdragons and witch thrones, and there's just nothing to do but wait for the kids to get old enough to provide a bit of drama. Neppie: We could start planning their birthday party, I suppose. Allyn: Woo. OK, let's do that.
  • 6. Neppie: So, let's look at the bottom line. Either Argon or Helium will be our heir, and the other will be free to marry a noble, so we should definitely invite the Traces and the Copperfields. Allyn: You don't want our kids to marry for love? They might choose one of the merchants, or even a peasant spouse. Not to mention NPC options. Neppie: But I want to take this family TO ELEVEN!
  • 7. Allyn: I think it's just a bit early for that, babe. Besides, I want our kids to marry for love. Leave the arranged marriages for challenge families and royals. Neppie: Awww. But I want our kids to have the best. Allyn: And I'm sure they will: the best FOR THEM. Now, let's just invite people we like, and whose company we enjoy, and have a fun party, without all the rampant ambition, OK?
  • 8. Allyn: So, I'm thinking keg and bubble blower. Neppie: Alright! No one can resist those. … You know, sugar, if our child marries a noble, it's within the realms of possibity for our grandchild to marry a royal, and our great-grandchild to sit on the throne! Allyn: … Yes, dear.
  • 9. Neppie: I don't get it. We're in a greenhouse, and the plants are thriving, but the trees are dormant, and we're in our outerwear. Allyn: The ways of greenhouses are strange and mysterious. Also, you probably built it a little bit wrong. Orchard trees are tricky, and don't even get me started on indoor ponds. Just be glad we can keep up with our garden plants. Fresh food, and we don't have to buy it at some other merchant's business. Plus, it gives us something to do.
  • 10. Allyn: I have to admit, I am looking forward to the parties we'll have here. You really did a fine job designing a party palace. It's all blue, but at least it doesn't look like a circus. Neppie: Hehehe. No kidding. Beat has bizarre taste. Allyn: I like the alien notes, too. Speaking of alien, have you considered stargazing?
  • 11. Neppie: You betcha! We Knowledge sims live for that sort of thing, so I set up this little “target zone” in the front yard. It should attract their attention. And since I'm descended from them, it should be perfectly safe for me. I hear the space-disco party is out of this world! You should try it, too! Allyn: I will! I'm a secondary Knowledge sim, after all.
  • 12. Allyn: That does give me an idea. Family sim wants more babies, and if Neppie won't give them to me... I do love him, but after last week, and his declaration that one pregnancy was all I would ever have, I'm still cheesed off at him. That kind of unilateral decision, without even discussing it with me beforehand, is just not fair. And there's no guarantee that he'll even be abducted. And this house is so big, and built for a large family. And I can probably think of other justifications, if I try.
  • 13. Allyn: Honey, we have a few hours to kill before we both leave for work. I've already hired a nanny to track my schedule, but I have a particular errand I have to run. You hang tight. I'll be back soon. Neppie: Think you can stop off at one of the businesses, too? My secondary Fortune nature is itching for more cash. Allyn: I can do that, sure.
  • 14. Allyn: What better place to put my plan into action than the RAO? Specifically, the office section, since it is fairly private, and has the witchy stuff. It's just fitting.
  • 15. Allyn: Now for the spell, to get things started.
  • 16. Allyn: And voila! One father of a mystic child, coming right up. It doesn't matter if he likes what he sees. With the Downtown Time Warp, I can take as long as necessary to woo him and woohoo him, and get that baby. With a little magic to help me along the way, it shouldn't take too many nights. Neppie might get jealous when I turn up pregnant again, but the right spells will help with that, too.
  • 17. Allyn: Mactoamicus Me! Count Simon: Suddenly, I feel the urge to hug you and be your friend.
  • 18. Allyn: Friends is good for tonight. Tomorrow, we can date, and maybe become lovers. If not tomorrow, then the night after that.
  • 19. “What's going on here?” Allyn: Just getting the Mystic household started, Your Majesty. Ummm, don't tell Neppie, will you, please? “Your relationship with your husband is your business. I make no promises about gossip material, especially when I'm autonomous. But I won't go out of my way to tell him.”
  • 20. Allyn: Err, Your Majesty, what spell did you just cast? “Hehehe. Wouldn't you like to know? I suggest you try to get to know him the old fashioned way, before you try the more advanced social moves. This conquest will not be easy, nor should it be.” Allyn: I'm surprised you're not more supportive. Don't you want the Mystic household?
  • 21. “I figured one of the second generation spares would start it. Or maybe one of the Lermas kids. Agata HAS to be unfaithful. You don't.” Allyn: But it's not against the law, or anything. “Hey, I'm not actually stopping you. Just making the chemistry really bad. I do like Neppie, you know. I'd hate to see him get hurt. But you're right. It's not against the law.”
  • 22. Allyn: OK, Count Simon. We'll take it slow. I can take as long as necessary. And you won't even have to worry about raising the child, or paying child support, or anything. Just give me that mystic baby. Count Simon: Vampire genetic material does not come cheaply. Are you prepared to pay the price? Allyn: I guess it depends on the price.
  • 23. Count Simon: Well, we are trying to grow the coven. I must bite you. Allyn: Hmmm, how about I take a potion, instead? Count Simon: That would also be acceptable. But you must join the coven before we try for a baby. Allyn: Agreed. As a good witch, I don't even need a coffin. Just a throne of light.
  • 24. Allyn: Vamprocillin X, coming up. And some love potion, too, while I'm at it.
  • 25. A/N: Beat is one of those sims who has good chemistry, it would seem, with everyone. Must be the Face. Seriously, though, so many sims will scope a room, even with their own spouses in it, and wind up thinking that Beat is HAWT. Allyn has triple bolts with Beat, and only two with Neppie. Good thing she didn't turn to Beat for vengeance, right? At least with the Count, she has the excuse of going for a mystic child and building up Youngdale.
  • 26. Allyn: Now that the sun has gone down, it's time to put these potions to work. I'll just appellate Count Simon over here, chug a love potion, and get to dating.
  • 27. Allyn: I love being a witch!
  • 28. Allyn: From negative bolts to one bolt. It's good enough. Let's get this show on the road, Simon! Simon: The price has been paid. I accept your offer. I still need some lifetime relationship points before I'm ready to do the deed, but that shouldn't take too long, now.
  • 29. Allyn: And a slow dance gives us a crush and double bolts! I LOVE being a witch!
  • 30. Count Simon: Your magic is powerful, Allyn. It's 12:30 on our second night together, and I'm ready to woohoo with you. Allyn: And I'm ready for another baby. Let's get it on!
  • 31. Allyn: Aww, the bed and both hammocks are in use. We'll have to think of something. Maybe I can use magic to banish someone, and free up the space.
  • 32. Allyn: Well, Count Simon, if this doesn't work, we'll just have to go somewhere else. Count Simon: Six Benemoodus Simaes really ought to do the trick. That man is one heavy sleeper.
  • 33. Allyn: Wow. I fulfilled one of his wants, and he's STILL asleep. Let's go somewhere else. Any idea where we can woohoo? Count Simon: We could try getting in the bed with the other person in it, and hope they get grossed out and leave. Allyn: OK, let's try that, but we're running out of time, here.
  • 34. Allyn: The bed didn't work, but here at the Fortress of Light we'll have no problem. It's private and it has a bed we can both access.
  • 35. Allyn: I didn't hear a lullabye. Did you hear a lullabye? Count Simon: Only the strings of my heart, lovergirl. Allyn: Right. Well, we have a little bit of time, left. Let's try this again.
  • 36. Allyn: I know we're wasting moonlight, but I rolled the want to make out with you again, and this may be my last chance.
  • 37. Allyn: Right. We're done, and the sun is coming up in thirty minutes. I heard the lullabye, so goodbye and thanks for all the little swimmers. And I don't mean fish. Count Simon: It's been quite the pleasure, Allyn. Perhaps, when the little one is older, you'll invite me over to meet him or her. Allyn: Perhaps. But not when my husband is around.
  • 38. Allyn: I did promise to earn some money from one of the businesses, so I guess this one is as good as any. I can just sit on the throne all day.
  • 39. Allyn: We do need a new cashier, though, because I'm not doing it. As soon as Tamara is set up, I'm hitting the throne until the sun goes down.
  • 40. Allyn: Good luck with those buttons, Tamara. Try not to take so long you tick off the customers. Especially because I just discovered that the owner of the store has to be present in order to restock crafted items, like snapdragons. I don't even know where they're all going, into whose inventory, but I guess I'll find out.
  • 41. Allyn: Wait, what the boolprop? I don't remember hiring her. And are we paying her, or is she paying us, or what? I have the option to work in the cafeteria. Would that make us money? Maybe I should add some island counters? But then, with all the snapdragons, nobody needs to eat. It's the coffee the employees need. So weird. I'll have to see about fixing this before Neppie comes.
  • 42. Allyn: OK, I changed the stove with move_objects on. Let's see what happens.
  • 43. Allyn: Success! On the other hand, this gives me an idea for a venue. A public cafeteria would be much easier to run than a restaurant, and more filling than snackbar fare. And this town needs a lot where sims can enjoy a variety of hobbies, and earn their hobby club cards. Snapdragons are great, but I don't have that many in my inventory. I'll just have to meet the customers' needs the old- fashioned way.
  • 44. Allyn: Hello, Real Estate Office? I'd like to purchase Rauta's Hobbyland, please. … Yes, I'll hold, but not too long. I'm getting a sunburn.
  • 45. Allyn: Ouchie, ouchie! Sunshine burns! I'd better build this place up quick, and plop down a throne.
  • 46. Allyn: There. I have used almost everything we have in cash, but there is room for expansion, and pretty much every hobby is covered. I'll set the ticket price for cheap, so they sell themselves, and then I'll add a few more objects, as needed, to make sure every hobby can be done here.
  • 47. Allyn: Synchronized stars! They're really racking them up quickly. Rauta's Hobbyland is a success, although it will take quite a while to make the investment actually pay off. A/N: I just HAD to get that indoor pool going here. Not everyone can access the Fitness hobby lot with their indoor pool, after all.
  • 48. Allyn: The cafeteria is popular, though, and I don't even have to pay the cafeteria worker! True, there's a four-hour time slot every night, where no food is available, but for the most part, there's free food, and people are happy.
  • 49. Allyn: I even take advantage of the dark to learn how to breakdance. It costs me $75 of my business's funds, but I can make that back in tips, easily enough, with a good crowd.
  • 50. Allyn: Breakdancing till dawn means more money and more entertainment for my guests.
  • 51. Author's Note: OK, it's official. We have now raised more taxes (in interest) than the taxman's bank account can hold. That means sims won't even be able to PAY taxes, until I play him and take money out. Time to interrupt the game play and build two universities. I'll install buildings later, but I need to take out $1,000,000 taxes per university, right now. On the plus side, that should generate some professors, mascots, and other NPCs.
  • 52. Vis: Wow! I have $3,200,000 in my tax account! That's so evil! “Great! Now, donate $100,000 to charity twenty times, and I'll arrange for the 'charitable organization' to set up two universities.” Beat: I'm just going to randomly vomit on your lawn. Vis: Ewww. That is NOT evil, Beat.
  • 53. “So, for the modern university, I downloaded Brainania from ModTheSims, because I've used it before and I LOOOOVE it! However, I have to build THU (The Hamlet University) from scratch. There's time enough. I have a least a week before Holly is ready to spend her scholarship money and find a modern mate. Even more when you consider that she's the oldest child in Youngdale, and will need to give the potential husbands a chance to catch up, so no early admission for her. “Meanwhile, Vis will continue to earn interest on the remaining $1,200,000, so I'm just going to say taxes will be paid for the rest of this week, to be fair to those who already paid, and after that, Youngdale will be a tax-free community. Any public works will be paid for either by the Royal Family (and our own interest-bearing accounts) or by the interest on the taxes already paid.”
  • 54. “Let me just do a quick bit of magic, to get the universities set up with the appropriate NPCs, who may or may not appear on other community lots, and I'll worry about putting in actual buildings later. Brainania is all set up, except for NPCs, and THU has nothing but the land. For now.”
  • 55. Vis: Your Majesty, for some reason, I have over $100,000 in cash, too. Should I deposit it? “You know what? I won't play you officially, or let you age, but I think you deserve better than lawn-living. Why not build yourself a nice house, before I visit you here again? Vis: Can I have a secret evil lair? “Knock yourself out, Vis.”
  • 56. Vis: I must take time to imagine the perfect architectural design for the most evil house ever! I'm thinking flying buttresses! Or swimming buttresses. Running buttresses? What is a buttress, anyway? “And we're back to the Rauta family. See you later, Vis.” Vis: And disco balls! Flying disco balls with buttresses!
  • 57. Allyn: I know I promised to make a bunch of money from the business, but really, I think I'll just run this place to level 10, make final alterations so that it is just the way I like it, including adding the top floor, and a telescope or two for science, and just generally covering all the hobby bases. Then, I'll sell the business to the community, for a profit, and take out $60,000 from my bank account, for good measure. That should be enough money, even for Neppie.
  • 58. Allyn: Well, it looks like Her Majesty got her universities. And I added a second floor with another bathroom, with showers, and a reading area with thrones, and I'm gradually expanding the workout area. After that, I'll add some musical instruments, some computers, and call it good. All the hobbies are covered, and I only have two more ranks to gain to max out.
  • 59. Allyn: I don't believe it. In all this time, Walter behaved himself perfectly, and now COLUMBINE is fighting? And BEAT?! What's going on around here? While I was scrubbing toilets, to keep the place nice for you, you guys were making trouble for me? I don't even know who started it.
  • 60. Allyn: Well, Columbine, this is one way to keep you out of trouble.
  • 61. Allyn: Well, that's the ranking I need. Now I just need to polish off a few things, and get this place juuuuust right, so that everyone in the community can enjoy all their hobby needs in one convenient stop. Too bad the Hamlet people can only come here autonomously. Maybe Peaches Rock will build something similar for them.
  • 62. Allyn: Now that it's all sorted out and just the way I like it, time to sell for a profit and make Neppie's fortune-loving heart happy. I'll leave it named “Rauta's Hobbyland,” for now. Maybe someday, the Queen will change it to “Good Witch Hobbyland,” but I think Neppie will enjoy having his name associated with another successful community lot.
  • 63. Allyn: OK, Neppie, we now have over $200,000 in cash, plus I earned some interest on my own bank account. Happy? Neppie: You did well. So, what was your errand, anyway? Allyn: Oh, just taking care of a little personal business. Speaking of which, I hear tonight's the night to go to the space- disco party. You should definitely make plans for that. Neppie: I sure will!
  • 64. Neppie: Ummm, is there something different about you, sugar? Allyn: Oh, yeah. I meant to tell you. You know I'm part Knowledge sim, right? Well, I took a potion and became a vampire. Neppie: Cool! I'm a Knowledge sim, too. Can I have a potion? Allyn: Better not. It's good to have one mortal in the family to handle the day-shift for child care, at least.
  • 65. Allyn: So, I think something is broken. I can't interact with the babies. I think you may need to move out with them, and move back in. Neppie: OK, I'll do that. Hey, maybe I'll get a free $20K handout! Woot! Allyn: Yay. Hurry up, so they'll keep aging properly. We want that birthday party, right?
  • 66. Neppie: You OK, sugar? Allyn: Just a little food poisoning. And being cut in half by the door. Nothing that will kill me, though. Neppie: Yeah, vampires are tough. If it's not a wooden stake or sunshine, it can't really hurt you. Allyn: Right. So, you find a place of your own, yet?
  • 67. Neppie: Nope. That didn't fix it. We still can't interact with them, or put them in the cribs, or anything. Allyn: I think it's time to call the Queen for some cheating. It's allowed to fix glitches, right? Right? Neppie: I sure hope so! Otherwise, we might have to have more babies, to replace these two. Allyn: … Replace them?! REPLACE?
  • 68. Neppie: Well, that didn't work. Deleting them, exiting, coming back in, and trying again didn't work. Allyn: Any other ideas? Besides REPLACING them, as if they were malfunctioning toys, or something? Neppie: We could put them up for adoption, and then use the Tombstone of Life and Death to add them to the family.
  • 69. Neppie: Nope. Same old same old. They're lying in the nursery, getting happy on snapdragons, but we still can't actually interact with them. Allyn: I do have another idea, but it's almost time for work, so we'll have to skip work. Or at least go in late. Neppie: Awww, I hate to miss a day's pay.
  • 70. Neppie: Honey, I put them up for adoption, and tried with the teleporter so we could instantly adopt them back, but it doesn't have any listing for them. Allyn: BLARGLE! Neppie: Boy, that food poisoning is really bad, huh? So, any other suggestions?
  • 71. Neppie: Sugar? I can't use the Apello Simae spell for them, either! What do we do now? Allyn: There's only one option left, I'm afraid. We call Social Services and adopt babies until we get the ones we actually gave birth to. One at a time. They'll be twins who are different ages. Neppie: This stinks! What if we get the wrong ones?
  • 73. Allyn: Now CALL THE ADOPTION AGENCY! Neppie: Yes, dear.
  • 74. Allyn: Well, we won't be needing a nanny today. Off to work. Neppie: I sure hope we don't wind up living in a house full of babies. Sure, we have money and room, but after my childhood, I was really satisfied with just two. Allyn: Suck it up, Buttercup. I'm sure the glitch is your fault. Neppie: Are you angry with me, sugar?
  • 75. Neppie: Well, at least I don't have to worry about the space- disco party conflicting with the birthday party. Come on, aliens! I want to see where I come from!
  • 76. Allyn: While my husband is out trying to hitch an intergalactic ride, I'll have a nice visit with my old co-workers. And can you give me a wishing well, while you're at it, please? Tiffany: Sure thing! If a Garden Club member can't get a wishing well, who can?
  • 77. Neppie: Come on, aliens! Why don't you come for me? Allyn said tonight was the night!
  • 78. Neppie: I wish I knew a spell to MAKE them come for me.
  • 79. Allyn: Just keep trying, dear. I'm sure they'll come eventually. If not tonight, then maybe tomorrow or the night after that.
  • 80. Neppie: IT WORKED! They finally came! I'm going to have SO MUCH FUN! Allyn: Yessssss! Be careful, dear! Don't get “food poisoning.” Neppie: But I'm sure their food is just fine. Don't worry about me. See you later!
  • 82. Allyn: Woop! Looks like it's time to come up with a story for Neppie. I wonder if I can find any inspiration in these books?
  • 83. Allyn: :gasp: Heroine did whaaaaat? Hehehe. That just might work with him. I'll have to make a few adjustments for our world, but... Yeah, I think that will do the trick.
  • 84. Neppie: Argh! Couldn't you have landed and let me walk off? Or teleported me down, like you teleported me up? Or let me use Magevestigium?
  • 85. Neppie: That space-disco party was NOT what I expected. Maybe they're a different tribe of aliens? They were all dressed like space pirates.
  • 86. Allyn: Oh, NEPPIE! I'm so glad you're home! Neppie: I'm glad to be home, sugar. Allyn: OH, Neppie! You'll never believe what happened while you were gone. Neppie: Tell me all about it.
  • 87. Allyn: Well, you know about Meslar, and how he's trying to save his world from The Taint, right? The Queen tried to help him, by taking in some of his people. Well, he decided to try some sort of ritual to create a demi-god who could fight off the Taint. But he needed someone from another world, someone who had not been affected in any way by the Taint. He held a secret contest, to find the most appropriate woman, and I won! It was so strange. I don't even remember entering the contest. But I won! It was such an honor, Neppie! Neppie: Wait. What are you doing in maternity clothes? Allyn: That's what I'm trying to tell you, Neppie! Meslar took me to be the mother of his demi-god child, in the hope that the child would have the power to fight off the Taint. He used the Holy Turkey Baster, and... Neppie: … Allyn: Nevermind the details. Whether or not this baby has the power to fight off the Taint, I'm just as proud as can be! This child is special, no matter what! Oh, promise you'll be a good father to this baby, Neppie! Promise me! It's such an honor to be chosen, you know.
  • 88. Neppie: Don't worry, Sugar. I'm here for you, and for your baby, too. I'll love him as if he were my own, and together, with both of us using our magic, we'll manage to raise this demi-god well. Hopefully, he'll have the power Meslar needs, but if it doesn't work, well, we can still be proud to know we did our best to help a world in peril.
  • 89.
  • 90. Neppie: Well, time to play the waiting game again. But one of our babies should be delivered in a few hours, and then we can place the order for the next one. Allyn: It's not like ordering groceries, Neppie. Neppie: Right. We can make a request from Social Services to grant us another child for adoption. Allyn: Better. I do love you, even if I get mad, sometimes.
  • 91. Neppie: Ummmm, maybe I shouldn't have drunk the blue juice? Allyn: Space pirates or space disco, it's the same game. Did you enjoy yourself at all? Neppie: Well, yeah, it was a lot of fun. They told me it was theme night. Maybe they were the same ones after all? But I thought that, as their offspring, they would just invite me to party, not... Ummm... I think I need the toilet.
  • 92. “You magically summoned me? This had better be important.” Allyn: Yes, your majesty. My husband has gone to work, and I needed to talk to you, on the down-low.
  • 93. Allyn: As you can see, I got that mystic baby. Well, this is the story I told Neppie...
  • 94. “Heeheeeheeee! He actually fell for that?” Allyn: Like a skydiver without a parachute! So, will you keep my secret? “I will. It's just too good a story to spoil! This way, he gets to be the hero, valiantly taking care of the heroine and raising a (SNERK!) demi-god! BWAHAHAHA! Seriously, though, if I tell him, he'll be hurt. Your secret is safe with me.”
  • 95. Allyn: Look, I'm kind of housebound right now. Would you mind explaining things to the Count for me, please? “OK. So, did you pick a vampire with a dark skin-tone like Meslar's on purpose? I mean, how long did you plan this?” Allyn: Actually, that was pure coincidence, but I'm really glad it worked out that way. Makes it so much easier if he does start asking questions.
  • 96. Allyn: One other thing. We had to put our babies up for adoption, because they were completely glitched, but now we've asked the adoption agency to send us a baby, and after they bring one, we'll call again for another. Will you please make sure they bring the right ones? We want Argon and Helium back, please.
  • 97. “I'll do my best, Allyn. But you must know, just as Meslar can't fully stop The Taint from destroying his own world, I am not completely omnipotent. There are hardware issues at play.” Allyn: Just do your best, Your Majesty, please. That's all I ask.
  • 98. “HUZZAH! It worked for Argon! Now you have my permission to save and reload as many times as necessary this time tomorrow, to get Helium back.” Allyn: THANK YOU, Your Majesty! “As for the age difference, with proper timing of birthdays, you can make that even out. Or send them to college. That should work, too.”
  • 99. Social Worker: I don't get it. Isn't this the same home were I collected the little one yesterday? Oh, well, the paperwork is all in order. Who am I to question authority?
  • 100. Rose Dai: Ummm, lady, are you sure you ought to be putting that almost-naked baby down on the ground. There's snow, you know. Social Worker: Oh, he's expected. I'm sure his parents-to-be will pick him up any minute now. Rose: Remind me never to adopt from YOU, OK?
  • 101. Social Worker: Bye, baby! Enjoy your new home. Allyn: WAIT! I STILL CAN'T PICK HIM UP!
  • 102. Social Worker: Not my problem.
  • 103. Columbine: Oh, look. An untouchable baby, lying in a light dusting of snow on the sidewalk. I blame Beat for this. Allyn: SOB! “Now, now. There is still one thing left we can try. I've done it before elsewhere. Ummm, it didn't QUITE work out, but at least the kid stayed in the neighborhood.”
  • 104. Allyn: Your Majesty, at this point, I'm so desperate, I'll take any chance, just to keep my baby alive, and eventually playable. “Alright, then. I'll do the best I can. Boolprop powers, ACTIVATE!”
  • 105. Allyn: It's a miracle! You're a toddler! Now I can feed you Smart Milk, and teach you your skills, and... wait. FLERGLE! “I know. I know. I'm not done yet. I told you it didn't quite work out the other time I did it. I have to make some adjustments.”
  • 106. “Now, call for another adoption. They won't deliver until tomorrow, so until then...”
  • 107. “Move_objects on. Enjoy the snapdragons, kid. When your sister arrives, I'll age her up, too, and then I'll age you both up to be children, and hopefully then, you'll FINALLY be able to interact with people!” Argon: Goo. “You and me both, kiddo. Boy, this had better work.”
  • 108. Allyn: I hate this waiting game! “Me, too. You know, I've backed up the time on this lot twice, trying to get the the social worker to bring Helium. I think I'll just move forward, now, instead.” Allyn: Really? Won't that mess up my pregnancy? And Neppie's? “Maybe. But I'll save, first. We'll reload if necessary.”
  • 109. Neppie: I feel very strange, as if the world were moving back and forth in time. Also, I brought home a friend from work, and since she's a Meslar follower, she's really grateful to me and Allyn for having that demi-god baby. In fact, we're best friends! Agata: Nice house, yo. Also, I should probably ask you your sign, at some point. You know. Because friends do that.
  • 110. Allyn: Neppie! The Queen is here, and she's using all her powers to get our babies back. We have Argon, but we still can't interact with him. But she has a plan. So now, we just wait for Helium to be delivered, and she'll put the final part of her plan in motion. Neppie: So that's why everything's been so disjointed today.
  • 111. Neppie: OK, I'm off to work. Allyn: You should have popped by now, but I guess setting the clock forward doesn't speed up your pregnancy, too. Neppie: Guess not. Well, I'll see you after work, and I sure hope we get little Helium back, and everything fixed with our family!
  • 112. Social Worker: Here you go, baby. I'll just put you down here, across the street. Your parents can come get you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a hot date one of the new university mascots. Teehee! Byeeee! Allyn: I think I hate that woman.
  • 113. “OK, they're both here. Let's get this show on the road. I really hope this magic spell works.” Allyn: If it does, would you write it in my grimoire? In case we have this problem again? “You'd better not have this problem again.” Allyn: I think we won't leave the lot till the babies are all grown into children. Just to be safe.
  • 114. “No kidding! Well, in that case, I give you official permission to celebrate my daughter's birthday here at home. You do know how to make cheesecake, right?” Allyn: Oh, you bet! “Good. Now that Helium is a toddler, we just bring Argon down here, and there's one more thing left to do.”
  • 115. Allyn: They're both children! And I can interact with them, now! “Huzzah! I'm so glad it worked!” Allyn: Thank you so much, Your Majesty! You are truly the greatest queen in existence! “You betcha! Well, my work here is done. I'm going back to my own family now. Enjoy your kids, and I'll see you around.”
  • 116. Allyn: Kids, I'm so glad to have you home! Now, if I weren't burning up in the sun, I'd spend all afternoon playing with you. As it is, I need to go to my throne. But why don't you two get to know each other over the blocks table, and then, when your Daddy gets home, we'll have a real family fun time! Helium: OK, Mama! Argon: Yes, Mama. I want to make a new friend, anyway.
  • 117. Allyn: I wish I could spend more of this precious daylight time with my little ones, but I have to stay in the throne, for safety's sake. Unless I cure myself of the vampirism, I suppose. The Count did not specify that I had to STAY a vampire. But I should probably wait until the baby is born, at least. I don't want to take any chances of a miscarriage, due to overuse of potions while pregnant.
  • 118. Argon: Do you get the feeling like you missed out on some stuff? Like, there are things we should have learned, and lifetime happiness we should have earned? Helium: Like, I totally know what you mean! I'm sure I should have learned how to fly! Why can't I fly? It's not fair! Argon: Yeah. That's exactly what I mean. So, how do you like our new bedroom?
  • 119. Helium: I love it! I especially like the flying spaceships and shooting stars on the walls. I want to fly like that someday! I want to fly off into space and see my ancestors! But I'm sure my arms will get tired long before I find them, so I'd better work on my body skill, so I can keep flapping. Argon: Uhhh. There's something wrong with that statement, but I just can't quite put my finger on it.
  • 120. Helium: Heehee! Silly brother! You can't put your finger on words! They're not solid! They're gas, just like you and me! Argon: Ah. That makes sense. Thanks, Helium. You're smart. Helium: I sure am! Hey, let's jump rope, so we can be strong and learn how to fly through space, just like the birdies do! Argon: Yeah.
  • 121. Argon: I keep tripping. Helium: Me, too! Being twins is so cool!
  • 122. Allyn: My children are unintelligent and we have three lobotomized nannies roaming the house, and right now, I don't even care. Just staying on the throne, waiting for the sun to go down. A/N: Where did they even come from? She's in the house, so there's no need for them, but they just kept coming, one after another! I hate this glitch.
  • 123. Argon: Mama, I'm tired and I wanna go to bed now. Allyn: Awww, and I just got off the throne. But you're a good boy, and I promise, we'll have plenty of family time together, very soon. Neppie: Wow. Those kids got real big, real fast. But they're here, and we can talk to them, so that's great! And I never had to give one a bath, either!
  • 124. Helium: Hi, Daddy! I'm going to bed now, too, Daddy! Goodnight, Mama! Allyn: Goodnight, dear. And tomorrow, we'll get up before the sun comes up, and all have cheesecake for breakfast! Because it's a special holiday, and cheesecake is required. Helium: Oh, boy! Cheese AND cake! Sounds yummy!
  • 125. Allyn: Neppie, the Queen worked her magic, but she told me she doesn't want to have to do it again, and to avoid glitched babies, she gave us permission to stay at home until they grow into toddlers, at least. That means we have to celebrate the Princess' birthday here at home, with our own cheesecake. Neppie: Suddenly, I have an overwhelming sense of doom, and I don't know why. Her Majesty has been so good to us, so it can't be something she did. Oh, well. I'll just hope for the best.
  • 126. Allyn: I actually thought I'd have this baby before eating the royal cheesecake, but I don't mind having two special babies. And I won't mind my husband have two babies, either. Hehe. Poor Neppie. He's going to have a full house, after all, thanks to Queen Michelle's royal proclamation. I am so glad she had her heiress this week!
  • 127. Neppie: You know, I'm looking forward to getting onto a regular schedule with the kids, and all. Having to wait for night to do the gardening seems so strange. Plants love the sun, after all. Allyn: Yes. I do think I'll cure my vampirism after I give birth. The vampire coven may be disappointed, but I want to be able to spend time with my children during the day. I may vamp it up again, once they're older, though.
  • 128. Neppie: What? But... But, it was supposed to be safe! I'm their son! How could they do this to me? Ewwwww! Allyn: Hey, you were packaged up and moved to a new world. They even dressed differently. You said it, yourself. Maybe they're not the same aliens. Neppie: But, I don't want to have a baby. Pregnancy sucks! And how is it even going to come out?
  • 129. Helium: So, last night, I dreamed that my arms fell off, and I turned into a space-rocket and flew into the stars! So, I've given up jumping rope. If I get too strong, I'll be less aerodynamic. Neppie: Haha. Kids are so funny with their imaginations. Allyn: :sigh: Proper education in those early toddler years is just so fundamental. :sniff!: My poor babies! How much they missed!
  • 130. Helium: Myumyumyum! This cake with cheese is really good! Argon: Yeah. I hope we get to eat this every day. Neppie: You really made a good cheesecake, dear. It sure does hit the spot!
  • 131. Allyn: I'm glad you're all enjoying it so much. But we won't be eating it often. We're only eating it today because it's the law. We are eating this cheesecake in celebration of the Crown Princess' birth. If your father and I weren't expecting new babies, we'd be eating it at the Royal Administration Office.
  • 132. Argon: Well, that's a stupid law. Helium: Yeah! The law should say that we have to eat cheese and cake every day! Or maybe cheese and nectar! Or cheese and lemonade! Or cheese and milk! That's nutrition! Neppie: Don't tell the Queen you think her laws are stupid. Allyn: That's right. Always respect the Queen. Without her, you two wouldn't even be here.
  • 133. Allyn: Now, off to school with you both! I hope you work hard, because I want to see you bring home no less than a C- report card today! Argon: Yes, Mama. Allyn: It's too bad you're starting with a D, already, but at least you're starting.
  • 134. Neppie: Now that we're both on maternity leave and our garden is harvested, there is nothing for us to do, but wait for the kids to come home. Allyn: We could plant a new crop. Neppie: Don't feel like it. All that bending over upsets my stomach. This baby kicks too much. Allyn: I hear ya.
  • 135. Allyn: So, you know, now that we're both pregnant, and we've both eaten cheesecake, at the Queen's command, we're both going to have twins, at least. Neppie: Yikes! Four babies! Allyn: And all within the next two days, yeah.
  • 136. Neppie: HEY! Maybe we can get the Queen to work her mojo again, and grow them into children, so we can skip the whole baby/toddler stage. Allyn: But, the toddler stage is fundamental to their development! It gives us a chance to feed the Smart Milk, and make them more intelligent, possibly for life! Not to mention the lifetime happiness they'll earn.
  • 137. Neppie: It worked out for Argon and Helium! Allyn: Helium is an airhead, and Argon has no enthusiasm about anything, and follows wherever his sister leads. Neppie: Yeah, but other than that, they're fine.
  • 138. Allyn: I'm not going to argue with you about this. The Queen has already told us to do everything we can to avoid the need for her to grow them up prematurely. She WANTS our babies to be babies for the proper timeframe. Neppie: Yeah, but four at once! Allyn: Yeah, but snapdragons all over the nursery. It will be fine, Neppie. Don't worry so much.
  • 139. Neppie: That's true. With all those snapdragons, we can just plonk the babies on the floor and ignore them until they grow up, can't we? Allyn: … Neppie: Which means it doesn't really matter if we can't interact with them, anyway. They don't need us, if they have snapdragons.
  • 140. Neppie: We should make enough snapdragons for everyone in the whole world! Then, no one will need to interact with anyone, and everyone will be perfectly happy, all the time. Allyn: Aspirational failure would still be an issue, dear. Not everyone is perma-plat, you know. Neppie: Oh, yeah. But the babies will still be OK. No need to fret about that, after all.
  • 141. Neppie: I mean, babies are so boring, when they're not annoying the heck out of you. We should just let the snapdragons do their work, and then Smart Milk them when they're old enough. Allyn: I see I'll be raising these kids by myself. No matter. It's what I wanted, anyway. But I'll definitely cure the vampirism once the baby is born. Temporarily, at least.
  • 142. Allyn: The vampirism was part of the whole “creating a demi- god” deal, you see, Neppie. I had to do it, to get the baby, but once the baby is born, I don't think I need to remain that way. I don't THINK the Count will have a fit about it. Neppie: The Count? Allyn: He, errr, arranged things with Meslar. Neppie: Oh.
  • 143. Allyn: In fact, he's the child's godfather. Sort of. Anyway, he'll probably show a sort of pseudo-parental interest in the child. Children. I forgot we'll be having twins. Neppie: So, I'm going to meet this count guy, right? Allyn: Probably not. I think he'll be discreet. After all, we agreed not to tell the whole world about the deal with Meslar. It's a confidentiality thing.
  • 144. Neppie: Does that mean that as far as the rest of Youngdale is concerned, that I'm the actual father of the demi-gods? Allyn: I'm afraid so. They may not look much like you, but... Neppie: AWESOME! When the kids grow up to be super- powerful, everyone will think they got that from ME! I'm gonna be a Rock Star Father! Allyn: … Yes, dear.
  • 145. Helium: Oh, no, Argus! We both got C+ grades today. That's not the C- Mama asked for. She'll be displeased. Argus: Maybe we can make her happy by skipping our homework. Helium: Yeah! That makes sense!
  • 146. Author's Note: These kids, but especially Helium, are constantly route-failing. I say Helium is an air-head, but it's not just based on her name. She is, in fact, quite unintelligent. It's annoying to have to manually move her around all the time, but it's also cute and endearing, in a weird way. Argon, meanwhile, doesn't whine about not finding his way. He just drops his queue and does his own thing. He simply doesn't give a darn. The kid is utterly passive and unconcerned.
  • 147. A/N: Then, I saw this. I swear, the door was there last night, when Neppie came home from work. But now it's gone, and I have no idea what happened to it. Maybe one of the THREE nannies took it with her. Will restoring the door solve Helium's air-head issues? Probably not, really, but at least she'll be able to walk inside. Will these glitches never end? I may wind up moving the family to a new lot, come Monday.
  • 148. Helium: If I hold the control as far away from my face as possible, and never touch the knobs, will it work better? Neppie: No, honey. You need to actually use those knobs. They are joysticks, and control your avatar. Helium: So, can they make the avatar fly? Neppie: No, but they can make him hurl himself off the track and into the air, until he crashes.
  • 149. Argon: I don't know if Helium is right, and I'll learn to fly by being strong enough to flap my arms a lot, or if I really should let my arms fall off to be more aerodynamic. But I just enjoy jumping rope, and I'm going to keep doing it, for the fun.
  • 150. Allyn: I, errr, appreciate the offer to skip your homework to get your grades down to C- level, but I actually do want you to succeed at school, if you can. So, you're going to do your homework each evening. Your father and I won't insist on A+ grades, all the time, but we do insist on your homework being done each day. After that, you may play.
  • 151. Allyn: My kids may not be the smartest in town, but I hope, with fun things like the block table and jumping rope, that they'll at least be able to earn the $3000 in scholarships to allow them to go to college. They missed their whole toddlerhood, so they could really use the extra time as students to gain some much needed lifetime happiness points.
  • 152. Allyn: Neppie, I'm not sure this is good for the babies. Neppie: Of course it is! This stuff is a special prescription from the OB/GYN. It'll make the kids really smart. Allyn: Really? Neppie: Ummm, sure! Sure it is. Allyn: Alright, then. If the doctor says so, I'll do it.
  • 153. Allyn: Argon and Helium may not be smart, but they are very well-behaved and good about bedtime. They go to bed with no argument or fuss, and thanks to snapdragons by their beds, mornings are a breeze, as well.
  • 154. Allyn: Oooh! It's time! I'm having the babies! Neppie: Heehee! That's nice, sugar. Allyn: NEPPIE! Don't just sit there! Do something! Neppie: OK. I'll stand up and panic. Just give me a minute.
  • 155. Neppie: Aaaaaah! A baby who may one day get an A+ report card is on the way! Allyn: Oh, shut up.
  • 156. Neppie: Is there even a right way for a man to respond to this situation? Allyn: Not really. But ignoring the birth is definitely a WRONG way to respond! Neppie: I can't win. But I can lose. Yikes! Shall I panic some more? Allyn: You do that! But SHUT UP!
  • 157. Allyn: Welcome little Astatine and Erbium. I'm holding Astatine, named after the rarest element on earth. In fact, with a half-life of just 8.1 hours, there's only about 30 grams total on Earth at a time. It keeps forming, though, as a result of the decay of uraninum and thorium. Neppie: And I have Erbium, named after a rare earth element used to make pink glass, but more importantly, used for fiber optics and cold lasers.
  • 158. “And on this special occasion, I'm using my simself voice to pop in and welcome the first two Mystics of Youngdale. After they grow up and graduate college, they will found the Mystic household. As for which one will be the official 'founder,' I'll leave that up to an heir poll, just as the other children of this family will be subject to heir poll for inheriting the Rauta family lot. When Astatine and Erbium have grown enough, I will officially change their last name to Mystic.”
  • 159. Neppie: Ummm, sugar, I think we might have another problem. I can play with Erbium, and cuddle her, as long as I'm holding her, but for some reason, I can't put her in a crib. Allyn: I know. I hate to say it, but we may very well have no choice but to leave them on the floor, with the snapdragons, until they grow. Unless Queen Michelle chooses to grow them up again. I'l have to consult with her about it, tomorrow. It's too late to call her now.
  • 160. Allyn: I don't know if the house is cursed, or we are. We were, at least, able to put the babies down in the nursery with the snapdragons. When they grow into toddlers, as they must, eventually, I can only hope we can interact with them, then. I'll call Queen Michelle in the morning, and see what she says to do. Neppie: I wonder if my alien babies will be the same way?
  • 161. Allyn: Well, it's time to get my days back, at least. Neppie: I think you should stay a vampire, and live forever. Allyn: Once the kids are teens, I'll probably go back. But I want to be able to be there for them, all of them, until that time. Burning up in the sunlight is no way to parent small children. Especially glitchy ones.
  • 162. Allyn: I must say, it's good to be my old self again. Neppie: You know, I had almost forgotten how you looked before.
  • 163. Neppie: You look good! Hey, how about a bit of autonomous making out before I give birth? Allyn: Do you think you'll give birth soon? You should be a day behind me, shouldn't you? Neppie: With all the back and forth time switching the Queen did, who even knows, anymore? I could pop any minute.
  • 164. Allyn: In that case, let's try casting some beneficial magic on you, before you give birth, in case that will help. Benemoodus Populous! Let's help the whole family! Neppie: It certainly can't hurt. Let's try all we can before we involve Her Majesty, again.
  • 165. Argon: What's happening? It's the middle of the night, but I am wide awake, and Daddy is screaming. Allyn: He's giving birth to your little alien siblings, sweetheart. Don't worry. All he has to do is twirl, and they'll come out. It's magic. Perhaps someday, you'll do the same. Argon: Why would I want to do that? It looks painful.
  • 166. Helium: Hi, Daddy! What's with the early wake-up call? Are we having a party? Neppie: No, but we are having new family members. Now, these are going to be THE LAST ONES, right? Allyn: With all the glitches in our family, I think Her Majesty would punish us if we had any more. At least until she sorts out the issue.
  • 167. Neppie: Two little alien boys! We'll call them Lanthanum and Europium, after two other rare earth elements. Allyn: That's good. Lanthanum is used in hybrid batteries, to make cars more efficient, and Europium is used in white LED lights, both very useful for life, in general, and helpful in the fight against pollution, as they allow us to do more with less waste.
  • 168. Helium: Awww, they're so cute! I love them! Argon: Mama, why do these two look like us, and the other two don't? Allyn: It's complicated, and I'll explain it to you when you're teens. You need to learn a few things first. Genetics is too complex to explain after only one day of school.
  • 169. “OK, I've been monitoring the situation. I was afraid something like this would happen.” Allyn: Your Majesty! I was going to call you in the morning. It's the middle of the night, and I didn't want to disturb you. “Hey, I have a throne, too. My sleep schedule doesn't need to be normal. But these babies NEED to be playable. So there.”
  • 170. “On the plus side, you haven't had as much shuffling around with them, as you did with Argon and Helium, and so I might be able to do a more simple fix. We'll see. Hopefully, we won't end up skipping right over toddlerhood. But we'll do whatever is necessary and works.” Neppie and Allyn: Thank you, Your Majesty!
  • 171. “Well, let's get things started. Boolprop Powers, ACTIVATE!” Allyn: Come on, Neppie. Let's get out of the way, and leave her to her work.
  • 172. Neppie: Astatine! You're a toddler! And I can interact with you! Allyn: So can I! Kids, can you interact with your sister? Check it out now, please. Argon: I can. Helium: Me, too! Oh, boy! Neppie: Thank you, Your Majesty. Do the others, now, please?
  • 173. “There you go, folks. Lanthanum is the last one, all toddlerified and playable. Enjoy your family, and I'm going home.” Allyn: Thanks again, Your Majesty! “Hey, I'm just glad to have the glitches fixed. I hope this doesn't continue in the next generation, because I don't want to have to move everyone to a whole new family lot. For now, though, I think you can just live normally. Good luck.”
  • 174. Neppie: Should we tell Her Majesty that we still can't put the toddlers in the cribs? Allyn: Nope. Let's just do Benemoodus Populous until they can put themselves to bed.
  • 175. Allyn: I don't know which is better for training four toddlers – smart milk or magic. Neppie: Both, obviously. The Smart Milk makes the training go fast, and the magic means we can keep it up for as long as it takes. Allyn: The only real problem is toilet training. Good thing there are no snapdragons in the bathroom.
  • 176. Neppie: I love how our kids can play with and befriend each other, while we are training the other ones. That activity table is just great! Allyn: Yeah. Too bad it only sits four.
  • 177. Argon: I brought a new friend home with me. We met on a field trip.
  • 178. Holly: YESSSSSSS! Argon and Holly, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes ME LIVING RIGHT HERE! A/N: Seriously, this story just writes itself.
  • 179. Holly: Alright, Argon. I've decided. You're my boyfriend, and we're gonna get married, and I'm going to wear a beautiful hat to the wedding, and then we'll live here forever, and be happy and modern. Argon: Umm, OK. Holly: Also, you think I'm the most beautiful, smart, talented, awesome girl in the whole wide world!
  • 180. Argon: Well, you are the only girl I know who isn't my sister, so, OK. You're the most beautiful, awes... What was the list again? Holly: Nevermind the list. Just remember that you're mine and we're getting married after college. You ARE going to college, aren't you? Argon: My parents want me to, so I guess so. Holly: Good enough.
  • 181. Vis: Heehee! Not only am I stealing your newspaper, but I made it invisible, first! I'm so evil! Neppie: Go ahead. We don't need it. Now we don't have to worry about cleaning it up. Vis: Awww.
  • 182. Argon: Hello. You look familiar. “I'm the Queen. I brought my family over to visit you, now that everything's fixed up. Everything IS fixed up, right?” Argon: Oh, sure. It's great. Mama and Daddy keep casting Benemoodus on all of us, so no one has to sleep, because the cribs don't work, so we get to stay up ALL night. “The cribs don't work? Seriously?!”
  • 183. “Why didn't you tell me the cribs don't work?” Neppie: We didn't want to bother you. You've done so much for us, already. “Yes, but this mean the lot is still glitched! So many glitches! Look, I'm calling this lot a failure. You get to finish the week, but then I'm moving your whole family to a brand new lot. Enjoy your party palace this weekend, and then build a new home.”
  • 184. Neppie: Well, I did want to throw a birthday party for our children. I've been wanting that since Monday. “Fine. Your toddlers can't use cribs, so I'll age them up, again, because they're just starting to annoy me, now. Tomorrow's Saturday, and there's no school, so it's an ideal time for a kids' party. Throw your party tomorrow, and then you can start packing up your stuff for the move at midnight on Sunday.”
  • 185. Allyn: I thought that all that money I put in accounts for Argon and Helium last week was gone, so I started them again at $40,000. Now I find out that it wasn't gone, so I have to withdraw money from my own account to add to the accounts for the other kids, to make them even. Everyone of them will get started with $140,000, now, and I need to earn more money to replenish my own account. But we should manage to have enough for a new house, I suppose. Plus taxes?
  • 186. Allyn: I probably should have told Neppie to take half the money out of his account. Now mine is depleted, and we only have a few simoleons left in cash. I'd better go do a cash run to one or two of the businesses. Maybe the games lot. That one is lucrative, and since nothing needs restocking, it doesn't matter if the owner is on the lot, or not. I'll be back when we have enough cash to build the new house.
  • 187. Allyn: I'll go to the Arcade, and let Peter sell the tickets while I write articles. As soon as I have some happy customers inside, I'll ask them to write articles, too. It may take a week or two, hanging out here, and a bunch of Benemoodus spells to keep us all going, but I am going to make enough money to build the family house that I want. With some other colors besides blue.
  • 188. Allyn: Now, isn't this nice, folks? You earn skill, and I earn money. And it only costs you the low, low price of $41 per hour, for the privilege.
  • 189. Walter: Hey, this is great! I earned a silver talent badge. Allyn: Congratulations, Walter. Oh, by the way, you're invited to our party on Saturday. I know my husband wants you and your wife to come. Walter: Sounds fun. I'll see if Columbine wants to come. You know she has the last word in our family. :sigh:
  • 190. Sandy: We have plenty of snapdragons at home, but now I'm closer to being able to make them, myself. Allyn: That's right. Keep on skilling for yourselves, and earning money for me. It's a win-win for the whole community!
  • 191. Allyn: At this rate, all the marriagable NPCs for the next generation will be experts in everything. No, I made enough money to build a new house and that's enough for me. Time to head back home, and get on with our real lives.
  • 192. Neppie: It's two o'clock in the morning, kid. Don't you think you should go home? Holly: Not until you agree to be my father in law. I want to live in this house! Neppie: We're going to rebuild, because of all the glitches. Holly: I want to live in this neighborhood! Please tell your son to marry me.
  • 193. Allyn: Although we're moving in a day or two, I'm glad we sprung for that extra activity table. The kids can befriend each other, while earning their mechanical scholarship for college. And it keeps most of them happy, since the toddlers, at least, keep rolling wants for it. The older two just want to go roller skating. Maybe we should rent a rink for the party. :sigh: Argon and Helium have been at it longer, and have half the skill points as their younger siblings.
  • 194. Holly: Isn't this great, Mama? I'm gonna live here someday. I've already picked out my husband, Argon. Although, he does have two younger brothers who get to have their birthday today. Maybe I'll like one of them better? I'll just have to befriend them all. Peaches: You do that, Holly. I wish you luck in getting into the modern world. In fact, we'll invite your little boyfriends to visit us next week.
  • 195. A/N: D'aaaaaw! No reason for this picture. It's just so cute.
  • 196. Argon: Hooray. We finally get to roller skate. I've been holding onto this want for days. Helium: Me, too!
  • 197. Holly: Your Majesty, can we get one of these rinks down in The Hamlet? “I don't think so. Roller skating is a modern invention.” Holly: But why? I mean, we have wheels. We have wagons. We could just make a bunch of really teeny tiny wagons, and strap them to our feet, right? “Ummm...”
  • 198. Holly: What about if I created them on an inventing bench, out of scrap metal? “That's Sims 3.” Holly: Well, what about... “FINE! I'll set up a community lot in the Hamlet with skating on it. We'll call it Teeny Tiny Wagons. Happy, now? Kids: Hooraay! Hooray! Hooray. Hoorayyyyy! Huzzah!
  • 199. Neppie: I wanted to serve chocolate cake for the babies to grow up, but this is a bit too dark for my tastes. Guess I'll just buy a bakery birthday cake.
  • 200. Lanthanum: I wanna fwy, too! Europium: When we're big boys, we fwy! Little Peaches, I mean Keika, I mean... Darn that hairstyle (looks it up in previous slides), Ummm, Erbium?: 'Scuse me, mister man. You standing in way of my cake.
  • 201. Neppie: OK, everyone! Time for birthday cake!
  • 202. Peaches, carefully looking away: I miss my hairstyle! I just don't feel like myself without it. Can't bear to see it. Sob! “Oh, get over yourself, Peaches. It wasn't your signature style, in the first place. I keep thinking I have a simself in my neighborhood. It's kind of freaking me out, since all my simself downloads are SUPPOSED to be hanging out at The Simself Clubhouse, in my La Mancha neighborhood. Speaking of which, I have a BBVM T-shirt just waiting for you to grow into it, kid.”
  • 203. “Great. Now I want to redesign the Royal Residence to better accommodate large birthday parties. Must. Resist.” Neppie: Well, you'll get the building urge taken care of when you move me and my family to our new, glitch-free lot, right? “Probably, yeah. If I build it before I move on to the next household, that is.”
  • 204. “Wow, Erbium. You are beautiful. You look like a princess.” Erbium: Can I get a princess crown? Peaches: Oh, please do, if it comes with a hairstyle change. “I don't think so. You're a merchant, not a princess.” Peaches: Awww! “Besides, I really like that look on you.”
  • 205. Peaches: “Michelle! You're doing this just to annoy me, aren't you? “Heehee!”
  • 206. Neppie: OK, anyone have any complaints about this hairstyle on Astatine? “Yes. Please change it as soon as she grows up. I saw generations and generations with that hairstyle in every apocalypse I've played. Ugh.” Peaches: Hey! That hairstyle is a Rock family classic. “In fact, she could match her twin. That would be nice.”
  • 207. Astatine: STOP! Don't take my picture! I have to change my hairstyle, first. “Yes, please do.” Clovis: Why does the term 'jailbait' come to mind when I look at this kid?
  • 208. “But that's the same style!” Astatine: No it isn't. This one has curls! Clovis: Wait until they become teens, dear. Teen mystics, yet. They'll probably go all goth and dramatic. “See, now I'd LIKE that!” Astatine: Curls, it is, then. And actually, curls fit with gothicism. That and velvet, possibly a hoop skirt, definitely a corset...
  • 209. Allyn: Time for Europium's birthday.
  • 210. Europium: I'm a dragon! “And you even picked the color that best matches your skin tone and this house. Well done.” Europium: Raawwwr!
  • 211. Europium: Even better! I'm a stealth dinosaur. I blend. “You sure do.”
  • 212. Europium: So, then the dragon ate ALL the flowers, paved it, and turned it into a parking lot! Holly: Hahaha! Awesome!
  • 213. Erbium: Haha! I love sports! Astatine: So do I. Harder! Throw it harder! That's the way I like it. Argon: I will throw this ball at the proper speed. No more, no less. Anthony: I like throwing it at the proper speed. Pain is not my thing.
  • 214. Neppie: Last one up, Lanthanum!
  • 215. Lanthanum: I am going to go all through life, wearing my alien shirt, announcing to all that I am an alien baby born of an alien father. Neppie: No, you're going to get dressed in your everyday clothes, instead of your pajamas.
  • 217. Neppie: Alright, girls. I want you all to entertain and befriend the prince. Holly: And I want all you boys to entertain and befriend ME! I'm still leaning toward marrying Argon, but teenhood brings chemistry, and I'm covering all my bets. Prince Alfred: Your father does know I can't marry any of you girls, right? Oh, wait. I could maybe marry a mystic.
  • 218. Neppie: As for me, I'll schmooze with the nobles, who don't have children, yet. I want our families to be close, already, once their kids are born and grown. What a party!
  • 219. Peaches: I love my Remington so much! “Uh, who invited the nanny?” Anthony: So, I'm a merchant spare. Do you think you might have a daughter who wants to marry a rich man? Or a man who might become rich, because really, my family knows how to make bank! Walter: Possibly, but you'll probably have to howl at the moon.
  • 220. Allyn: Sorry, I left without saying anything. My carpool came, and I just decided to slip out, and congratulate the kids after the party. I did make the top of my career, though, so the money will keep coming in.
  • 221. Erbium: I just maxed my mechanical skill. Helium: Great! You can help me build my rocket suit, once my arms fall off, and I'm more aerodynamic.
  • 222. Neppie: That was a great party! I suppose now we should send the kids to bed. Allyn: Naw. We'd have to decorate more rooms, and buy more beds, and we're moving tomorrow evening, anyway. Let's just do the benemoodus spell for the rest of the weekend. Neppie: Hey, that will be great when I invite the headmaster over for dinner tomorrow!
  • 223. Neppie: Lobster thermidore, made with sparkly ingredients, will be just the thing for a fantastic meal to impress him. Now, we just wait around and kill time, until tomorrow at five.
  • 224. Neppie: Well, here we are again, bored on the thrones. Why don't we take the kids out to do something fun? Maybe buy some new clothes? Allyn: I want them all to earn their mechanical scholarship, first, and since they can socialize while they learn, they can all stay at the activity tables all night long, if that's what it takes for Argon and Helium.
  • 225. Neppie: Headmaster BJ! Welcome to my glitchy, I mean gorgeous, house.
  • 226. Neppie: A bit of Mactoamicus should ensure that my kids have the best opportunity for a good education.
  • 227. Neppie: Wow. Six whole schmooze points. Well, I hope a tour of the house will really blow your socks off.
  • 228. Headmaster BJ: Rarely have I had such a glorious meal, and your house really is gorgeous. Who needs to schmooze? Your children are all welcome at my school.
  • 229. Neppie: Alright! That's great! Now there is nothing left to do, but figure out our taxes, pay our taxes, and pack up our stuff for the move. Allyn: And wait for Argon to get his scholarship. :sighs: Just because he and Helium are slow doesn't mean they can't get a great education. It will just take a whole lot longer, that's all.
  • 230. Neppie: So, with our net worth for the house, plus the businesses, plus the cash, plus all the bank accounts, we are worth a total of $3,812,989, with a 5% tax, rounded up to the nearest hundred of $190,700. And thanks to Vesuvius White's sound investments, no one in Youngdale will ever need to pay taxes again!
  • 231. Allyn: Alright, kids. Everyone outside! Just hang out here, while your father and I pack our things. This will only take a minute.
  • 232.
  • 233.
  • 234. Astatine: Shoo flee! Where's the house? And why is it Monday morning, already? Allyn: The house was too glitchy, and now we get to build a brand new one, on a brand new lot. Any requests? Argon: You mean, we get to choose for ourselves? Yippee.
  • 235. “And here is where we will leave the Rauta family, dear readers, and live in the fervent hope that next week will have no significant glitches. “Happy simming!”