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A case study of
                                             dr’s cultural
                                            heritage project

                                    heritage and
                                   value creation

The IT-University of Copenhagen
Master Thesis, August, 2011

Written by:

Tobias Golodnoff
10.07.1973 – tobiasg

Miriam Lerkenfeld Smith
Digital Design & Communication
14.04.1982 – mlsm

Supervisor: Leif Block Rasmussen
Thank you and much respect Authors Statement
Leif Block Rasmussen, Supervisor and       This thesis is based on a joint effort
Associated professor at Department of      and an equal partnership. We have
Informatics, CBS and Ebuss at the IT-      delegated responsibilities along the
University of Copenhagen.                  way, but in the writing process, we
For being an excellent supervisor,         let the chapters and sections circular
inspriring us. Helping us in right         between us. Naturally, we follow the
direction, discussing our findings         IT University examination rules and
and prioritising us when we needed         divides the article as follows:
                                           Abstract: Miriam & Tobias. Introducing
Peter Looms, co-supervisor and             the thesis and its objectives: Miriam &
External associate professor at the IT-    Tobias: Ontology of the project: Tobias.
University of Copenhagen. For the early    Scentific aproach and description
discussion, and support.                   methods: Miriam. The network in
Mads Bødker, Adjunkt at Department of      relation to DR’s Cultural Heritage
Informatics, CBS and Ebuss at the IT-      Project: Tobias. The processes of the
University of Copenhagen. And Simeon       project: Miriam. An analysis of DR’s
Keates, Associate Professor at the IT-     Cultural Heritage Project - Part one:
University of Denmark. For inspirational   From An analysis of DR’s Cultural
talks.                                     Heritage Project to Diffusion: Tobias.
                                           Part two: From Diffusion to the end
Christina Paludan Sheikh. For helping      of the chapter: Miriam. Conclusions:
us with excellent inputs and academic      Miriam & Tobias. Guiding Principles:
guidance on the thesis. And for being      Miriam & Tobias
the most wonderful mother and wife! I      Thoughts and reflections: Miriam &
could not have done it without all your    Tobias
support and trust – I love you! - Tobias
                                           The thesis consists of approximately
At the Danish Broadcasting                 86 normal pages that is 198,104
Corporation. Nicolai Porsbo, former        characters and 11 figures.
Head of New Media at, Merethe
Echardt, former vice director og DR        This thesis is licensed under a Creative
Medier and Jonas Iversen, vice director    Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
of DR Medier for supporting us while       ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-
the idea about the thesis was growing      SA 3.0). Read more
and making it possible.

The fantastic team at DR who works
with the Cultural Heritage Project for
being such a wonderful and inspirering
                                           Contact information
group of people and doing an excellent     We love talking about the project,
job.                                       getting inspiration and making new
                                           connections. Do not hesitate to contact
And off course our amazing families        if you need a additioal information or
and beautiful friends…                     are interested in collaborating.

                                           Miriam Lerkenfeld, twitter

                                           Tobias Golodnoff, twitter

                                           Read more at or

The objective of the research is to give a theoretical understanding of the value
created when digitising a cultural heritage.

This research is grounded in a case study of the Danish Broadcasting
Corporation’s Cultural Heritage Project. The project deals with the digitisation
of an analogue radio and television collection of more than 500.000 hours of
content, and with the work being done after digitisation ensuring archive content
in collaboration with other public cultural institutions and the research community
becomes available to the public. The project group is an inter-organisational team
combining expertise from many places within the organisation.

When establishing a project of this kind, some aspects have significance on the
value creation. Findings are, that flexibility is key, and hence, the use of resources
within the budget should not be too specific, because it is unpredictable where
cost can be cut, or where extra resources will be needed. Also, a scanning process
is essential for defining the objectives of future tasks, and focus should not be
to solve one problem, but exploring challenges that can be useful for different

In addition, findings are that collaboration is a good tool for diffusing digitised
cultural heritage, and these collaborations should have a variable, decentralised
structure, in order to facilitate different needs and objectives. Another emphasis
should be put on the openness towards collaboration partners, so shared value
can be created and utilised - benefiting not just the organisations, but society
in general. Conclusively, the overall goal when digitising the cultural heritage is
always to make it accessible for the users. The conclusion leads to four principle
guidelines which are: use is value, transparent boxes, open source collective,
flexible frameworks, and project economy.

Finally, a vision is presented, a society where public service is substituted for public
resources, constructing a all-encompassing cultural production system with fluid
borders and autonomous projects based on a set of clearly defined objectives.

Digitisation, Digitising, Digitization, Digitizing, Cultural Heritage, Heritage,
Strategy, Innovation, Value, Value creation, Network, Research, Technology,
Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR, DR’s Cultural Heritage Project, Public
Service, Data, Information, Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing. Resources, Process,
Optimisation, Optimization, Use = Value, Use is Value, Transparent Boxes,
Flexible Resources, Open Source Collective,Digitalisering, Kulturarv, DR’s
Kulturarvsprojekt, Værdi, Netværk, Strategi, Data, Information, Viden, brug = værdi,
brug er lig værdi, Dansk Kulturarv, LARM, Europeana, EUscreen, FIAT/IFTA,


Abstract	3
Keywords	3
Introducing the thesis and its objective	 9                                 and Description of
Ontology of the                                                             Methods questions	 21
project	10 11
                                                                            research & Working
                                                                            Working questions	        21
                                                                            Delimitations	22

Political Background	                                                       Criticala reflection upon the method	 22
                                                                            Case studies –
                                                                                           Realism as a Scientific Approach	22
The case – DR’s Cultural Heritage Project	13
The Danish Broadcasting Corporation and the Cultural Heritage Project	 13
                                                                            Project Design – Switching Between Empirical Data and Theory	 23
                                                                            FigurE 1 – PROJECT DESIGN	 23
                                                                            Theoretical foundation	24
Historical outline 	   13                                                   Empirical Data and Role as a Participant Observer	 24
The DR departments related to the project	                                  Definitions	25
14objective of the project	 14
The financial framework	    16
The cultural heritage content in DR	 16
                                             The Networks in
The Public Service Obligations and Value 	19 relation to DR’s
The archives 	    16

Scientific Approach Cultural Heritage
Project	26
FigurE 2 – the network OF DR’S CULTURAL PROJECT	 27
                                                                                              Value Chain Analysis by Michael Porter	 35
                                                                                              Preparation, Inbound logistics	 36
                                                                                              No selection in the preparation process	 36
                                                                                              Digitisation of the content	 36
                                                                                              Securing, Outbound logistics	 36
Cultural production, digitisation and                                                         Two copies of the digitised content	36
                                                                                              Collaboration, Marketing & Sales	 36
technicalDansk Kulturarv	 29 29
                  development	                                                                Dissemination, Services 	     36
The Collaboration                                                                             Reflection upon the process	 36
                                                                                              An Analysis of DR’s
Memnon	29
The Research-Educational Network	29
The Research Project LARM	 29
The Politicalthe Danish Ministry of Culture	 30
                         Global Network	30
The Danish Government &
The European Union	 30
FIAT/IFTA	30                                                                                  Cultural Heritage
                                                                                              Project	38 and
Changing the Conditions of the Project via the Network – A short study of Copy-Dan and IPR	
The Interaction Between the Networks	 33

The processes of                                                                              Max Boisot – Data, Information
the project	34 Cultural
                                                                                              Knowledge in the Information-space	 39
                                                                                              Figure 4 – THE AGENT-IN-THE-WORLD	 39
                                                                                              Data, Information & Knowledge in the Case Study	   40
                                                                                              Figure 5 – THE INFORMATION SPACE	 40
The digitization workflow in DR’s                                                             The Social Learning Curve in Information
Heritage Project PROJECT	 35
                                        	 35                                                  Space	The1metadata project	 41
                                                                                              Scanning –
The Overall Process of Digitising, Preserving, Disseminating, and Collaborating	   35         Problem-solving – The Film Pilot	 43
                                                                                              Abstraction – archiving for future use	 44
for DR’s Cultural
Diffusion – The Collaboration of Dansk Kulturarv	 44
Absorption – LARM Research Project	 45
Impacting – the Creation of the Online Archive Bonanza	     45
Figure 6 – Bonanza’s first month	 45
The value of knowledge creation	47
The Market Value of Digitising Cultural
Heritage	47VALUE	 47
                                                                                               Heritage project	52
                                                                                               Thoughts and reflections	 55
FIGURe: 9: KNOWLEDGE, SOURCE: BOISOT.	     48                                                  References	55
The Cultural Production Value 	 49
Public Service Value of Digital Cultural
Heritage in Society	 49
The Value and I-space	 49
Conclusions	50
Guiding Principles for Exploring the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage and Creating Value	51
A brief introduction to guiding principles	

Guiding principles
Two young boys are kneeling on the rug
    in front of the TV, while their little sister
    is examing the program by touching the
    screen. California, USA, November 23,
    Photographer:	 Ed Clark
    -Source: Life Magazine September 26,

Introducing the thesis and its objective
Copenhagen, August 2011                        also comme il faut within the Danish         First and foremost the essential criteria
                                               Broadcasting Corporation and how the         for justifying investing in new services
You are reading the master’s thesis            project considers value.                     and solutions is that the project can
written by Miriam Lerkenfeld and Tobias        This exploration of the term value,          enrich the existing environment and the
Golodnoff. It is a study of digitisation       we envision to drive to a better             public. This is to make sure that the final
and valorisation of the Danish                 understanding of the possibilities of        products that will enrich the users and
Broadcasting Corporation’s cultural            cultural heritage, when meeting the          support an understanding of our shared
heritage which is the archive containing       demand in the Public-service contract        history and cultural heritage and thereby
content dating from 1896 to 2005.              of 2011-2014:                                expand the overall level of knowledge
                                                                                            and future success in society.
We are both employees in DR as                 ”DR skal blandt andet af
well as master’s students at the IT-           kulturarvmæssige hensyn bevare               Conclusively, the knowledge we have
University of Copenhagen. Both of us           sine programarkiver. DR skal fremme          acquired in our work with the thesis,
have been working on DR’s Cultural             digitaliseringen af programarkiverne for     has given us new ideas regarding how
Heritage Project. Hence it seems like          bl.a. på denne måde at give borgerne         one can ensure a better and less costly
a natural thing to examine the project         adgang til sine programarkiver,              production for the prerequisites for
as a case study and make this the              dog med de begrænsninger, der                future use. This, we hope, will inspire
foundation of our thesis, and try to           følger af lovgivning mv., herunder           us and others to create more and better
grasp possibilities and challenges at          ophavsretsloven. DR skal aktivt arbejde      products and services for disseminating
hand. We would also like to dive into          for i videst muligt omfang at kunne gøre     the valuable archive content. Content
the project on a theoretic note; a luxury      DR’s programarkiver tilgængelige for         DR and others hold, be it in exhibitions,
we don’t have in our day-to-day work.          befolkningen og forskermiljøerne.”           audiovisual programs, research at
                                               - DR’s Public Service-kontrakt for 2011-     libraries and in the state’s archives, or
The objective of DR’s Cultural Heritage        2014                                         in the digital domain, where the content
Project has been and still is maximising                                                    can engage the users in new ways.
the digitisation output of the granted         In English:
budget of 75 million DKK. Preferably in        “DR must preserve its archives due
a manner that supports value creation          to cultural heritage considerations.         We sincerely hope you will enjoy
for the end users. But first and foremost      DR shall promote the digitisation            reading the report.
within the traditional value chain of          of programme archives in order to
the project, with a focus on creating          provide access to the citizens, under        All the best,
a margin, which will allow more of the         the limitations imposed by legislation,      Miriam Lerkenfeld & Tobias Golodnoff
archive to be digitised.                       etcetera, including copyright laws. DR
                                               must work actively to ensure access
Since the project began in 2007,               and availability of the programme
significant results have been                  archives in its fullest extent for both to
accomplished. Some of the                      the public and research community. “.
accomplishments have been fostering            - DR’s Public Service Contract for 2011
new learning, inspiring the network            – 2014
around the project to optimise
workflows and use of their content,            There are numerous opportunities in
but it has also had a role in changing         connecting existing collections, new
how public service is perceived. One           content and technologies, which today
of the key activities is the development       have the potential to create synergies
new processes and standards for                and explore a contemporary approach
digitisation, dissemination and                to public service. We are envisioning
collaboration that has created value for       this and are trying to facilitate value
the institution, but also its collaborators.   creation as a process with the
Additionally, a new way of structuring         participation of DR, the users and
projects has been developed both               society.
in terms of cultural heritage, but

          Ontology of
          the project
          So, what is the ontology of the study?
          Fundamentally, it can take many forms,
          and in this case it is interesting to
          define cultural heritage’s role in society
          as well as in DR, and understand
          its characteristics and purpose. The
          outcome will be the ability to choose the
          right tools and methods for analysing
          the case.

          Unfolding the ontology also suits the
          purpose of understanding how the
          internal organisation will benefit from
          the digital cultural heritage, which
          differs from the political, but also how
          they both are creators and users of
          a generated value. When we use the
          term “value” we have an explorative
          way of using it. Generally, we believe
          it as a description of an object or
          phenomenon’s potential for creating or
          utilising its elementary conditions, but
          it can also be value in the neoclassical
          economic sense.

Political                                   was that cultural heritage was also             ”The Culture Heritage must be alive,        Ministry of Science, in collaboration,
                                            bridging the gap between different              and therefore it must digital and our       prioritised four projects, which in total
                                            cultural institutions such as libraries,        focus is to make the Danish culture         were supported with 21 million DKK;
                                            archives, museums, and public services          history and natural history accessible      among the most important projects

Background                                  broadcasters, on an international scale-        via/on the internet. A culture heritage     was the establishment of the Heritage
                                            -because the materials seem more                that is alive creates a common              Agency of Denmark in 2002, and a DKK
                                            valuable when they were contextualised          framework within the society and            75 mill grant to the Danish Broadcasting
                                            by materials from other sources.                ensure that coming generations are          Corporation in 2007.
                                                                                            aware of our history. Without this
During the end of the 20th century and      Naturally, another point was the                awareness the common sense of               The grant was central for the Danish
the beginning of the 21st there has         diffusion of cultural heritage. Since,          responsibility and the basis to have        Broadcasting Corporation because
been an increased political interest in     digitised content is easier to spread, a        a varied view of the development of         it resulted in the establishment of a
digitising cultural heritage, not only on   digitisation of cultural heritage made          society will crumble.”                      project - DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
the national agenda, but also trans-        it geographically independent and               - Per Stig Møller, The Danish Minister of   – that was solely dedicated to digitising
nationally. Institutions such as the EU     multipliable. Therefore, the digitisation       Culture: April 2010                         and disseminating the cultural heritage
have emphasised the significance of         was found attractive, because it                                                            from the public broadcasters archives.
cultural heritage in society as well.       became feasible to disseminate digitally        Because of the importance of cultural
                                            rather than in its original form. Also, it      heritage, the government set up a
“If one word should encompass and           is a more flexible format for preparing         committee in 2006, whose purpose
summarise the vision of the Comité des      the content to be consumed through              was to explore cultural heritage. The
Sages, it would be “access”. When it        future new media channels, which                final physical product was the report
comes to our common cultural heritage,      potential and use currently cannot be           ‘Digitalisering af Kulturarven’ published
there is no bigger challenge; there         comprehended.                                   by the Danish Ministry of Culture in
is no more urgent question than to                                                          2009. The report suggested that there
secure the access of current and future     The task of creating cultural products          should be an increased focus on
generations to this heritage. Access for    and preserving them seem more                   preserving Danish cultural heritage.
the largest population, both European       relevant than ever. However, the
and non-European. And access to one         task could not be given solely to a             A national digitisation would serve one
of the richest cultural heritages in the    commercial market. The reason is that it        purpose. It would secure and preserve
world, a universal common good”             such an essential good for a democracy          the national heritage, and it could
- European Commission: 2011: 9              that it should be undertaken by the             also be used in the digital domain to
                                            state. In most countries the digitisation       generate national value by enriching
The access to cultural heritage was         of cultural heritage was made                   the public by making the digital cultural
officially prioritised on the political     mandatory for cultural institutions, and        heritage accessible. The rapport
agenda. Ideologically, it was also          libraries, archives and public service          outlined three scenarios for future
becoming a political solution for           broadcasters became key players in              digitisation and development if the
sustaining national culture and             the process. In 2011, the European              assigned budget would be: no funding,
cohesiveness in a globalised world,         Commission formulated some                      DKK 300 or DKK 500 mill over a ten-
where local culture was challenged          suggestions for the actors that could be        year period (Digitising of the Cultural
by technology development. A topic          drivers in digitising cultural heritage:        Heritage: 2009).
theorists like Manuel Castells also
discuss:                                    ”We are of the opinion that the public          Because of the international financial
                                            sector has the primary responsibility for       crisis the report was not finished until
 “Research has shown that audiences         making our cultural heritage accessible         2009 and the digitising budged of DKK
are more sensitive to content that is       and preserving it for future generations.       300 mill or DKK 500 was not granted.
specific to their culture (Miller 2007).    This responsibility for and control over        Consequently, the political priority
So, while there is a layer of global        Europe’s heritage cannot be left to             of digitising cultural heritage was on
culture in all media industries, most       one or a few market players, although           hold, and given this, the use of cultural
cultural products are local rather than     we strongly encourage the idea of               heritage has yet to be defined both
global. Indeed, a study by Tubella          bringing more private investments and           politically and practically.
(2004) has shown decisive importance        companies into the digitisation arena
of television in constructing a national    through a fair and balanced partnership”        As cultural heritage has and still plays
identity under the conditions of cultural   - European Commission: 2011: 4                  a significant role in society, the Danish
domination by another nation (…)”                                                           government has, since the 1990s, been
- Castells: 2009:124                        In Denmark, the digitisation of cultural        funding different initiatives with the
                                            heritage is significant part of the political   purpose of supporting the development
The intentions behind political focus       agenda. It is the same argument as              of a digital cultural heritage. The
on digital cultural heritage were           heard internationally: there is an urgent       political wish is still present, and in
many. However, preservation and             need for preserving and disseminating           2010 smaller grants were allocated to
accessibility seem to be the dominating     the Danish cultural heritage. In 2010 the       specified projects within the cultural
objectives. A more general approach         Minister of Culture stated:                     sector. The Ministry of Culture and the

Sony VP-1210 U-Matic videocassette

     Photographer:	 Grant Hutchinson
     -Source: Flickr, Open source license

The case –                                    when digitising cultural heritage, and                                                     (Internal Memo DR ØU: Appendix 1:
                                              subsequently, how this is distributed          Historical outline                          01.11.2007).
                                              into organisation and network, thus
                                              society. However, the case has a quite                                                     Finally, in 2007, the political

DR’s Cultural                                 complex structure, which requires an in        At the same time, digitisation of the       negotiations resulted in a DKK 75 mill
                                              depth description.                             national heritage was was debated           funding for DR to digitalise its archive.
                                                                                             intensely in the Ministry of Culture.       The money was given as a one-time
                                                                                             All the larger cultural institutions, the   funding in order for DR to start the

Heritage                                                                                     Heritage Agency of Denmark and              digitisation and preservation process.
                                              The Danish Broadcasting                        the Ministry Of Culture were keen on        The ministerial aspiration was to secure
                                                                                             using new technology to preserve the        funds from the fiscal budget, through
                                              Corporation and the                            collections and to enrich the Danes         the yearly-agreed Finanslov (the

Project                                                                                      with access to the cultural heritage. But   national budget), hoping the Ministry of
                                              Cultural Heritage Project                      despite the national focus on digital       Culture could secure new funds for a
                                                                                             cultural heritage and the need for a        series of activities. The funds should be
                                                                                             digitisation of the broadcast archives,     used for a national mass digitisation of
                                              DR’s Cultural Heritage Project is a part       DR--together with TV2 and the State         cultural heritage.
DR’s Cultural Heritage Project is an          of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation         and University Library - lost an earlier
interesting case, because it is the only      (DR), which is the home organization           agreed upon budget post of DKK 80           In relation to the grant of DKK 75 mill,
project among the Danish cultural             of the project. DR is an independent,          mill, when the Media Agreement of           the government decided to constitute
institutions that receives substantial        license-financed public institution, and       2011-2014 was decided. (Mediepolitisk       DR’s obligations in terms of cultural
funding with the single purpose of            Denmark’s largest media corporation            aftale 2011-2014).                          heritage in the Media Agreement
digitising the Danish cultural heritage.      ( The company is organized in                                                       for 2007-2010. It was considered
Additionally, the project has a unique        seven divisions, which all have different      In 2005, while DR continued the             a necessity to digitise Danish
structure for a project in a public           responsibilities from corporate and            work of obtaining funding to digitise       Broadcasting Corporation’s entire
organisation, because it is politically       strategic, to production and supportive.       the archives, there was still a wish        archive. However, the funding received
obliged to collaborate autonomously                                                          for optimising the digital production       only covered 25% of the expected
with external partners outside the            The workforce is dedicated to creating         facilities and making better use of the     economic needs, primarily to ensure
traditional organisation of DR.               public-service content for the six             content. The wish for a digitisation of     that the most perishable parts of the
                                              national TV-channels, the ten radio            the archives had increased with the         archive were not lost.
An aspect that makes the project an           channels, (where three are FM-based            establishment of DR-Byen’s digital
interesting case is its ability to innovate   and seven are DAB-channels) and the            production system, even though the          A more concrete prerequisite was that
and its openness toward external              website The website is the          cultural institutions did not receive       DR should also increase its offerings to
partners, that has made the project           largest content website in Denmark,            additional funding for digitising in the    the public by developing new concepts
internationally recognised for fostering      and it is currently undergoing a               first round.                                and programmes; and by doing this,
sustainable innovation, e.g., processes       revitalisation, and it plays a vital role in                                               increase its market share. It was also
for digitising and collaborating. By doing    disseminating digital cultural heritage, a     A workgroup in DR produced the              articulated that there was a need
this the project has been pushing the         role that will be discussed later on.          internal report called ‘Plan for            for a functioning archive with user-
external environment both on a national                                                      Digitalisering af DR’s Kulturarv’ (Plan     friendly interface and the possibility
scale, but also on an international           In the beginning of the 21th century DR        for the Digitisation of DR’s Cultural       of self-service when requesting more
scale.                                        was building its new headquarters and          Heritage) in august 2005. The report        popular content (Internal Memo DR
                                              re-organising both the spatial locations       analysed and seized the challenge of        ØU: Appendix 1: 01.11.2007). In sum,
The expectation of the project is that        and organisational set-up.                     digitalising the content of DR’s physical   it was the focus on the digitisation of
it should be creating value for society                                                      archives. One of the conclusions was        the part of the archive that contained
by making cultural content accessible.        The purpose of creating a new                  that DR’s archives were challenged,         programmes along with the creation
This value of cultural heritage is,           headquarters, DR-Byen (DR-City),               and that they would deteriorate if          of specific products like programmes,
however, yet to be defined. This is           was to bring all of DR’s employees             nothing was done to preserve it, and a      services, etc. In conclusion, this
key issue when discussing cultural            in the Copenhagen area together,               substantial part would be lost by 2015.     became the commission for DR’s
heritage, because there is no universal       whereas they formerly had been                 It also estimated that the total cost of    Cultural Heritage Project.
concrete description of what the value        scattered around town at more than 20          digitising the whole archive would be
actually is, instead the general focus        different addresses. In DR-Byen every          DKK 284 mill.
has primarily been simply the digitising      production facility would be connected
and dissemination of cultural heritage.       and online, and the physical state of the      DR articulated that the main objective
However we have an assumption to              archive would therefore not serve the          of the Cultural Heritage Project was to
what the value could be, and what we          editorial teams in the same favourable         ensure DR’s archive content against
primarily think of when using it on a         way. Consequently, the relocation of           crumbling in order to make use of them
broad scale, which will be examined           DR also began to impact the need for           in future productions. Furthermore, the
throughout the thesis.                        digitising the program archives in order       need for making the cultural heritage
                                              for DR to become a high-tech media             accessible was also touched upon,
The case then serves the purpose              corporation.                                   constituting the need for pilot projects
of exploring how value is created                                                            such as

The DR departments related to
the project
DR JPS - Jura, Politik &                       DR Bånd & Film                              DR TU Innovation                                                                        This ideology was, and is, still shared
Strategi                                                                                                                              The objective of the project                 by DR and the political establishment,
                                               Carriers and Film                           Innovation and Development                                                              but now also formulated in Public
                                                                                                                                                                                   Service agreement for 2011-2014. It
Law, Policy & Strategy                         DR Bånd & Film (B&F) is organized           DR’s Cultural Heritage Project has,                                                     states that:
                                               as a part of the A&R. It has existed for    since its start, been working closely      Today, DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
DR JPS is the department of DR’s legal,        more than fifty years and helps produce     with DR’s departments of technical         is a digitising and innovation project       “DR must preserve its programme
policy, and strategy advisers which,           and run programs on modern technical        development and innovation. The            whose purpose it is to digitise the          archives for reasons of cultural
as part of the General Director’s staff,       equipment. The department is highly         department’s focus is on on technology-    Danish cultural heritage, in this case       heritage. DR must promote the
is concerned with strategy within DR.          specialized and acts as the digitising      supported innovation in the digitisation   the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s        digitising of its program archives and in
The department supports the project            unit and consultant in the digitisation     process, and the external cooperation      programme archive, and actively to           this way make them accessible to the
primarily in two areas: communication          of the archive. At the beginning of         within the project.                        make the archive content available for       public, observing/respecting the legal
with the Ministry of Culture, where the        the DR’s Cultural Heritage project                                                     the public and research community. Key       limitations in force, e.g. the interlectual
department oversees and handles the            the department normally handled             This is work in progress, so to ensure     objective is to give the public access to    property rights law. DR must work
legal framework; and legal counselling,        digitisation tasks on demand, but during    optimum use of resources, both             the cultural heritage by:                    activeily to make DR’s program
when the project is involved in                the early years of the project they have    in digitising & preserving, but also                                                    archives widely available to the public
dissemination and collaboration                participated and shared knowledge           mediation, TU Innovation has lead and        •	   Digitising DR’s TV and radio          and research environment.”
projects.                                      within the field which has changed the      developed the Culture Heritage Archive            broadcasts and to work actively       - DK’s Public Service Contract 2011-
                                               digitisation process to facilitate a much   Open System called CHAOS. The                     to create visible value for the       2014: 15
The department handled the negotiation         more industrialized process.                platform uses open-source principles              public
of Arkivpakke 1&2, which are used as                                                       about contributing communities, and          •	   Avoid the selection of the            This means that DR is now obliged
the legal foundation for creating online                                                   DR’s Cultural Heritage Project has                archive and work to secure and        to not only the digitisation and
access to the content and broadcasting                                                     contracted with a number of external              digitise all the unique archive,      preservation of archives but DR must
it in TV or radio. This will be explained                                                  partners, primarily from the cultural             so DR’s share of the overall          also has to engage actively in the
further, when organisation Copy-Dan is
                                               DR TU IT Infrastruktur /                    community and they are all contributing
                                                                                           in developing the system. The common
                                                                                                                                             safeguarding of the heritage for
                                                                                                                                             the future is secured
                                                                                                                                                                                   dissemination of the digital content –
                                                                                                                                                                                   creating value for the public and the
                                               Produktionsystemer                          use, ensure low cost operation and
                                                                                           further development of the system’s        The project is inter-organisational,
                                                                                                                                                                                   research environment. The obligation
                                                                                                                                                                                   does not demand full access, but
                                               Infrastructure and Production               core.                                      where colleagues from different areas        acknowledges that the dissemination
                                               systems                                                                                of DR are working together in order to       has to be viewed within the legal
DR Arkiv & Research                                                                                                                   digitise and disseminate the cultural        framework DR operates under. The
                                               The departments of Infrastructure and                                                  heritage. The project is in contact with     reasoning for not specifying full access
                                               Production Systems has collaborated                                                    every element of the process from            is that the project has some challenges
Archive and Research                           with the project and put a great deal of                                               carriers, the metadata or descriptions of    in terms of intellectual property rights,
                                               effort into securing the preservation and                                              the content, the digitisation, storage and   which result in some legal restrictions of
DR Arkiv & Research (A&R) consists             usability once the digital content has                                                 distribution technologies, intellectual      how the project can use the content.
of DR’s archives and library. The              been produced.                                                                         property rights, as well as managing
department operates the library, and                                                                                                  and disseminating the content. It is a       Furthermore, DR’s Cultural Heritage
“owns” the physical program archive            Infrastructure has led the expansion of                                                unique constellation in DR because           has made it an objective to act on
of all the historic DR productions.            the filing capacity, in order to prepare                                               it spans the entire value chain from         and exploit the newest knowledge
Employees have access to everything            the Mediearkiv for the extensive amount                                                handling the earlier hard-to-use content     and technologies that support a
from TV-programs, radio broadcasts,            of new data files which is constantly                                                  through the digitalisation process, to       maximisation of the outcome. Insights
sound-effects and photographs, as well         expanding. And the Production systems                                                  production of new content, which is          are mostly gathered through the
as books, newspapers, journals and             department has worked on securing                                                      seen or used by new users.                   engagement in external collaborations
magazines. A&R does research in DR’s           the interest of DR’s original archive-                                                                                              and networks with other broadcasters
collection for internal use, and facilitates   metadata in order to ensure that the                                                   The success criteria of the project is       and audiovisual archives, which are
the people working in the production.          data files are organized correctly in one                                              now determined by the management             faced with similar challenges in relation
Furthermore, A&R sells its services to         place with the correct metadata. Both                                                  to be the project’s ability to take full     to digitisation, technological and market
people outside DR.                             tasks have been finalised with success.                                                advantage of the funding, being              development. In reality this has resulted
                                                                                                                                      digitising as much content as possible       in a clear focus on documenting
In terms of the Cultural Heritage                                                                                                     at a DR specified and authorised file        and communicating new insight and
project, A&R specifically process the                                                                                                 quality. Furthermore, collaborating          knowledge in the field of digitisation,
preparation and transportation of                                                                                                     with other national cultural archives        technology development, and cultural
tapes to the external partner Memnon                                                                                                  to increase the synergy between              heritage.
as well as random testing and quality                                                                                                 the collections, and by thus adding
assurance of digital files.                                                                                                           value for the users, was a criterion of
They participate and share knowledge                                                                                                  success. This is what is referred to as
in the development of optimised                                                                                                       ‘use equals value’, meaning that the
metadata workflows and are                                                                                                            users utilisation of the content is the
responsible for the practical part of                                                                                                 value. One could even argue that the
handling the files in the Mediearkivet                                                                                                digitisation is the means to that end.
(media archive).
Another set of 1/2” video tape reels
     containing high school industrial
     arts course material from the early
     1980s. These tapes were part of a
     large collection of instructional videos
     obtained from the Calgary Catholic
     Board of Education as they were
     purging outdated media formats.

     Photographer:	 Grant Hutchinson
     -Source: Flickr, Open source license

Dissemination and Collaboration             was calculated in 2007. It was decided      Another source of error is doubles,          The news archive was considered
The financial framework                                                                 that the project would cover the cost       where the same content is saved on           to be of great importance because
                                            tasks                                       of the first LTO data-tape to store the     two or more carriers. Experts have           archival footage traditionally was and
                                            The costs of disseminating and              digital content, because an expansion       estimated that in the radio archive,         still is extremely valuable for the news
In DR, the process of digitisation and      collaborating are established in order      of DR’s main system Mediearkivet was        there is significant overlap in parts        production team.
dissemination has been running since        to work across the cultural sector.         not expected or covered in any of the       of the radio collection that is both
the funds were granted in 2007. It was      The goal is to create additional value      approved budgets in DR. The cost of         stored on 1/4-inch reel tape from the
decided in the earlier stages that the      when combining the content from DR          running Mediearkivet: updating software     production archive and on DAT tape
objective for the project should be to:     with other collections of art, pictures     and exchanging hardware and the             from broadcast archive.
                                            or books, etcetera, in order to give        LTO-tapes when they become obsolete
 •	   Maximise the output of the            better access to and contextualisation      is covered in DR’s technical yearly
      digitisation                          of cultural heritage. Furthermore, the      budget.
 •	   Collaborate with external,            collaboration helps enrich the content                                                  The archives
      mainly cultural, partners to          by provided new or better metadata,

                                                                                        The cultural
      create value for DR’s users           along with the development of a
                                            new media assets management that                                                        Digitalisation and preservation of
To secure a successful project process,     supports online archiving and cross-                                                    DR’s archive content have always
a set of rules for the use of the funds     organisational collaboration. The                                                       been with the purpose of enriching

was decided by the board of directors       EU has emphasised this matter in a                                                      the public. Some parts of the content
of DR in 2007. These rules have led to      digitisation report stating that:                                                       DR’s Cultural Heritage Project aims to
a division of the budget in three areas:                                                                                            digitise have been outside the reach
                                            “Cultural institutions add considerable                                                 of the public for a long period of time.

                                                                                        content in DR
 1.	 Administration 9 %                     amounts of information to digitised                                                     Content, which has been stored in
 2.	 Digitisation & Preservation 79 %       objects (metadata), describing for                                                      aged physical formats, is therefore only
 3.	 Dissemination and                      example the author, the provenance                                                      consumable for a small exclusive group
     Collaboration 12 %                     and age of the work, giving contextual                                                  of manufacturers. Today, technology
                                            information, as well as technical                                                       has changed our production capabilities
A budget structure and financial            information on the formats used and         Part of the digitization task is an         and enabled a previously unthinkable
allocation was accepted by the Ministry     characteristics allowing search engines     ongoing examination of the content,         degree of dissemination and usability.
of Culture. The three areas all cover       to locate the object. This metadata is      in order to ensure that as much of          Because of the technology, DR is now
different sets of tasks and objectives.     essential to provide the user with a        the unique radio, television and film       able to exploit the cultural heritage in a
                                            useful background to the work, and          materials are being preserved as            new extensive degree.
                                            also to allow search-engines such           possible. The collections is believed
Administration tasks                        as Europeana to locate the digitised        to hold about 478,000 hours of radio,       The importance of making cultural
The administration budget is used by        objects relevant in the context of a        68,000 hours of TV and 17,500 hours of      heritage accessible has previously been
the project management team to ensure       specific search.”                           film. Film was used in the early years as   highlighted. This has since been an
that the funds spent on the other budget    -European Commission: 2011: 33              the broadcast medium and was used as        essential part of the political argument
posts are in line with the given set of                                                 the primary part of content in the news     that the content should be activated.
rules and the project agreement with                                                    production up to the mid-eighties.
the Ministry of Culture. In addition to                                                                                             The archive is a series of produced
the managerial task, the administration     Project Costs, Not Running Cost             The archive volume is believed to be        programs and production materials
work also covers the needed research        The overall project budget has been         563,500 hours in total. It does not hold    that can be divided into smaller sub-
and documentation tasks.                    approved by the Ministry of Culture and     a complete collection of what DR has        collections from various departments
                                            is handled under another regulation         broadcasted since its establishment         and external sources. One of the
                                            than DR’s overall four years financial      in 1925. The volume is estimated            collections is ‘Politikens Film’-journals;
Digitisation & Preservation tasks           agreement. This means that funding          and holds some uncertainty, because         they were showed in the cinemas as
The digitisation budget holds the largest   does not have to be spent within a          metadata or descriptions from DR’s          a form of news from the world before
sum of money. It covers the complex         yearly given timeframe – giving the         archive do not contain the information      television became the news media.
task of digitalising or converting the      project a flexibility that is crucial for   about the duration for many of the
content from the physical carriers to       optimising the spending related to the      collections.                                The most complete collection is the
the needed digital file formats, and        digitisation work.                                                                      television news, which is more or less
afterwards preserving them.                                                             The volume has been estimated by            complete. It consists of 16mm films
                                            As a result of this flexible economy        counting the 35-kilometers of shelves       with all the content pieces from the
The budget also covers some technical       the project is not allowed to hold fixed    of materials, grouping them into            mid-fifties to the mid-eighties. DR does
hardware and development, because           cost, so if activities require a running    sub-collections and then--based on          not have a copy of the anchorman
there has been a need for expanding         investment, it must be approved by          comprehensive sampling--calculating         introducing the news, because the
the storage in order for DR to handle       the board of directors and then the         the expected duration of each group         actual broadcast was not recorded,
the new tasks related to preserving the     cost is transferred to other areas in the   of materials. An error of five minutes      but from 1984 and on the production
archive material digitally.                 DR organisation. To illustrate: what is     per carrier for the television part would   flow changed and a copy of the aired
                                            considered a project cost and running       change the collection with around 5600      news broadcast are from this time on
                                            cost in the project, the storage cost       hours, or just over eight percent of its    stored on U-Matic; a digital videotape.
FOrmats within the DR ARCHIVe
U-Matic HB LB SP    1D
1.800 Hours         1.275 Hours

1”C digital beta                                             1”B           DVC pro

13.500 Hours                   10.880 HOURS                  5.400 Hours   3.319 HOURS

32.639 HOURS

Source: DR’s Culteral Heritage project & the legacy report
Typical American family gathered
     around TV, which displays John F.
     Kennedy’s face, to watch debate
     between Kennedy & Richard Nixon
     during presidential election.

     -Source: Life Magazine September 26,

The Public
                                              legitimised in terms of frequency             because cultural heritage today has         It is only a tool for measuring             public cultural institutions operate
                                              scarcity, its justification lies in its       become a general public concern,            something abstract, and it will only        within. Value is therefore a cornerstone
                                              superiority to the market as a means          however, the definition, of what it         be approximation in order to explain        in digitising the cultural heritage,
                                              of providing all citizens, whatever           actually is, are numerous. One way          the reality of cultural heritage that       represented by the phrase “Use equals

                                              their wealth or geographical location,        the Danish Government defines its           cannot fully be grasped. Historically       value”. The phrase establishes a strong
                                              equal access to a wide range of high          importance is as being essential for        the definition of value has always been     dedication to ensuring that the users
                                              quality entertainment, information and        the value of giving citizens a cultural     difficult to calculate when the objects     are the ones benefiting from the value.
                                              education, and as a means of ensuring         foundation and a national identity in a     analysed did not fit into neoclassical      This mindset is key throughout the

                                              that the aim of the programme producer        globalised world.                           economic way of describing the world.       process, from digitisation to the actual
                                              is the satisfaction of a range of                                                                                                     consuming of the cultural heritage.
                                              audience tastes rather than only those        “Regeringen vil fortsat arbejde for         Manuel Castells is trying to defy this
                                              tastes that show the largest profit.”         at styrke og udvikle det frie danske        traditional thinking about value:

and Value                                     - Garnham: 1986:12-13                         kulturliv i de kommende år. Det gælder
                                                                                            såvel i forhold til at udvikle kunstens      “The old question of industrial
                                              Hence, in order to be successful as           internationalisering og kunstens rolle      society – indeed, the cornerstone of
                                              a public service broadcaster, DR has          som formidler af danske demokratiske        classical political economy – namely,
                                              to balance its obligations as a public        værdier som i forhold til at sikre          “what is value?,” has no definite
When analysing the objective of the           service institution set by the politicians,   kendskabet til kulturarven og den           answer in the global network society.
project, it is important to emphasize         with the user demands and market              værdi, som ligger i at virke på et stærkt   Value is what is processed in every
the context that DR operates in. The          mechanisms. DR Cultural Heritage              kulturelt fundament. Kulturarven har        predominant network at every time in
importance of making cultural heritage        Project inherits this challenging             væsentlig betydning for danskernes          every space according to the hierarchy
accessible has previously been                foundation, and furthermore there are         identitetsfølelse i en globaliseret         programmed in the network by the
highlighted, but currently an essential       added complexities by its obligation          verden, og kunst og kultur får i disse år   actors upon the network. Capitalism
part of the political argument is that the    to collaborate with external projects         en stigende betydning. Regeringen vil       has not disappeared. Indeed, it is
content should be activated and used          and partners with different sets of           derfor fortsætte arbejdet med formidling    more pervasive than ever. But it is
by the public. As previously touched          objectives. However, the common               af den danske kulturarv nationalt og        not, against a common ideological
upon, the role as a public service            goal is still to supply society with          internationalt.”                            perception, the only game in the global
broadcaster, as well as a producer of         quality information that increases the        - Mulighedernes samfund,                    town.”
culture have been widely discussed.           knowledge of the population, and              Regeringsgrundlag 2007                      - Castells: 2009: 29
Nevertheless, use is crucial, as Castell      this separates public service from
argues:                                       commercial approach to the market. As         In political terms, this means that         Max Boisot argues that the notions
                                              Goodman argues:                               identity and culture has value,             of “in the beginning was the market”
“Moreover, the range of investment                                                          especially when we are discussing           do not convincingly answer many of
of these global multimedia business           “This emphasis on quality and                 democratic value. Also, this value          society’s questions because information
networks increases with new                   excellence connects public service            is considered to be proportionally          and data are not free commodities in
possibilities of interactive, multi-modal     media to the notion of “merit goods.”         important with increased globalisation,     society. He argues, the ability in agents
communication, particularly the Internet      Often used in connection with the             thus, the need for disseminating cultural   to create a codification and abstraction
and wireless communication networks.          performing and fine arts, merit goods         heritage should not only be national,       and thereby transform and create
In this case, the programming of              refer to products that the market would       but also international.                     knowledge from data and information
the networks is less about content            not produce but should be made                                                            is at the core of value creation. When
than about format. The Internet only          available because they do people              The goal of DR’s Heritage Project is to     this has happened he argues can a
becomes profitable if people use it,          good.”                                        create value by distributing the Danish     diffusion of knowledge happen which
and people would use it less if it lost its   - Goodman: 2004: 26                           cultural heritage. But, how is the public   would be a market vaporization of a
fundamental features: interactivity and                                                     service value constructed? A good           product or a service. A process that’s
unfettered communication, regardless          This creates a natural question about         way to observe value is to assume           happening in what he defines as the
of how surveilled it is.”                     the foundation of the Cultural Heritage       that value is flows of information in       Information Space. (Boisot et al: 2007)
- Castells: 2009: 421                         Project: is cultural heritage merit           society that the public translates into
                                              goods? The answer is in this case,            knowledge by consuming it. One              This brings us closer to the value of
In Denmark the political framework            yes. Given that cultural heritage is          cannot measure the value or the             cultural heritage. Larger actors in
for public service broadcasting is            knowledge about society, it is not a          consumption, but it can be assumed          networks adjacent to DR’s Cultural
articulated in the law ‘Radio- og             scarcity good, one can share it without       that the information is accessible and      Heritage project are acknowledging
Fjernsynsloven’ and Medieforliget,            having less.                                  disseminated in order to be used.           the value of the archives and cultural
which is negotiated between DR                                                              When digitising the cultural heritage the   heritage, making room for definition
and the politicians every fourth year.        The cultural heritage can therefore have      technology makes us able to measure         of value based on other criteria than
Nicholas Garnhams analysis of public          value for everyone in the society, what       the use of the available content, thus      economics. The abstract value of
service in the article ‘Public Service        prevents it from being shared will in this    making us able to determine value by        cultural heritage is the reason that
versus the market’ sets a clear outline       case be the availability or accessibility.    measuring the use. Hence, there is          today it is being prioritised in the
of the reality DR manoeuvres in.              Cultural heritage is an abstract              an interesting and close relationship       political budgets and the different
                                              phenomenon that makes it difficult to         between cultural heritage, value and        framework agreements, which the
“For the truth is that while the public       grasp, hence, also to commercialise.          use.
regulation of broadcasting has been           This creates an interesting issue,


          of Methods

research                                     Project exploit the digitisation of          defined as different networks around
                                             Cultural Heritage so digitisation            the project, that relates to both local      Working questions
                                             creates value within the organisation        and global actors. Their interactions,
                                             and in society?                              fusions and environments create              1.	 What is DR’s Cultural Heritage

& Working                                                                                 society. The networks and society are            Project? This is a brief description
                                             We have chosen the word ‘how’ in             able to create and absorb value within           of the case and the foundation for
                                             order to create explorative approach,        a given context, hence always been               establishing the project in 2007,
                                             where an explanation of DR’s Cultural        dynamic entities that change over time.          which have already been presented

questions                                    Heritage Project could be given with         It should be emphasised that there is a      2.	 Which networks is the project
                                             the purpose of connecting previous           relationship between the digital cultural        involved in, and what are the
                                             events to the current phenomenon, and        heritage and the society, because they           characteristics of the key players?
                                             through this examine the case. The           are related and influence each other.        3.	 What activities is the project
                                             approach of asking how is one of the                                                          involved in, and how are they
The objective of this thesis is to give      preferred methods for case studies. As       This means that society and culture              creating value? Through a value
a theoretical understanding of the           Yin explains:                                is made of processes, which are                  chain analysis we will try to
value created when digitising cultural                                                    constantly changing and affecting each           describe the different workflows,
heritage, but also the more pragmatic        “In contrast, “how” and “why” questions      other. An assumption--which is the               the production and output of the
aspects such as how one can facilitate       are more explanatory and likely to lead      foundation of the project--given that            Cultural Heritage Project
innovation and change the conditions         to the use of case studies, histories,       work within the project has the ability to   4.	 How are data, information, and
of a project by interacting with different   and experiments as the preferred             change society. Additionally, we want to         knowledge constructed in the
adjacent networks.                           research methods. This is because            emphasise ‘the value of communication’           different networks, and how does
                                             such questions deal with operational         as a hypothesis, leaning towards a               this effect what Boisot calls the
In fact, the final product will be           links needing to be traced over time,        Castells argument that is:                       information-space? This is an
conclusions on the value creation            rather than mere frequencies and                                                              analysis of the knowledge and
and utilisation and a set of strategic       incidence.”                                  “The common culture of the global                value of the project, how is it
guidelines that is developed for the         -Yin:2009:9                                  network society is a culture of                  created and how can we explore
thesis, but can be used as general                                                        protocols of communication enabling              the process of sharing and
guidelines that are for digitising           When we observe the operational              communication between different                  absorbing value.
cultural heritage. Furthermore, we           links in the project, the different          cultures on the basis not of shared          5.	 What are the guiding principle for
present reflections upon how value is        players in the research question             values but of the sharing of the value of        creating and sharing value, when
created for the Danish Broadcasting          should be explained. We have chosen          communication.”                                  digitising cultural heritage?
Corporation and in society.                  to highlight three key players; the          - Castells: 2009: 38
                                             Danish Broadcasting Corporation
When discussing digital cultural             (DR), DR’s Cultural Heritage Project,        The hypothesis puts great importance
heritage the key focus will be the           and Society. We will not explore the         in the value of being able to
digitised audiovisual content from DR’s      question ‘why’, however, because the         communicate by establishing common
archives dating 2005 and back to 1896,       Danish Broadcasting Corporation and          codes for interacting. However, creating
since this was the physical object that      the Danish government have already           shared value is not a necessary goal.
resulted in the grant of DKK 75 mill to      defined this, and answer to ‘why’ is         In relation to cultural heritage this is
DR. The grant was only given because         already handled in prerequisites that        quite important, because it gives an
the archive was and still is considered      initiated the project.                       objective to diffuse cultural heritage
to be highly valuable, not only for DR,                                                   with an emphasis on communication,
but for society.                             DR’s Cultural Heritage Project, in this      and not the establishment of a shared
                                             also referred to as ‘the project’, which     value that could be viewed in this case
Focusing on the added value that DR’s        is a small organisation within DR,           as nationalism or cultural domination.
Cultural Heritage Project is creating,       responsible for the actual processes         Instead the digital technology opens
the processes in the project and the         and activities. If you compare DRs           towards sharing culture, between
network seems like key elements in           organisation to the project, DR is the       the masses but also between the
the analysis. Also, we try to explain        established organisation that sets the       subcultures, thus not making any
how generated value can and should           framework for digitising cultural heritage   selection in which content is more
be distributed in the organisation, the      by initiating the project. However, the      important than the other.
network, and society. In this case the       two players are quite different, one
relation between value and knowledge         being a major media corporation and          Based on the research question, the
is established, but also a modulation of     bureaucracy with many objectives, the        case’s entities should be explored,
value; meaning is not only value in the      other the project itself, a temporary        making room for sub-questions. The
terms of neoclassical economics. The         project with concrete goals – to digitise    function of these is to explore the
case study is based on the research          and disseminate the archive content          research question by answering the
question:                                    within DR.                                   sub-questions, subsequently the sub-
                                                                                          questions cover.
How can the Danish Broadcasting              Another aspect or type of player is the
Corporation’s Cultural Heritage              society. The society will in this case be

no longer a part of the project activities.   analysis tomorrow (Jespersen: 2004).          primarily be research documents from         cases? Does it have bearing on any
Boundaries                                    The project therefore contributes to the      A condition that will shape our work          Danish and European institutions, but        other cases?”
                                              concept development and strategy, but         process, because our thesis is written        also more political and legislative texts    - Olivier: 2009: 98
                                              other departments are responsible for         over time, at some point we have to           such as the media agreements.
Additionally, we need delimitations           the actual design and dissemination.          decide on a reality, which has already                                                     Olivier makes an argument that a
to establish the field in which we            However, the project still has a              changed as soon as we try to describe         The purpose of using the documents           case study is in danger of becoming
are operating, constituting some              consultant role and feels ownership of        in on paper. Although, time is changing       combined with practical work is to           too specified, making it hard to draw
natural borders. Despite the fact, we         the actual products it has participated in    the reality, the outcome will still have      try to grasp the causal relationships        conclusions valid in other scenarios.
are operating with an open system,            developing.                                   value tomorrow, much will be the same         between the digital cultural heritage, the   For that reason the thesis is focusing
grasping everything is an impossible                                                        and the results of our analyses and           networks around it and the value that is     on how a digitisation can create added
task. Since it is a socio-economic field      Following the discussion of the               guiding principles should still have          being created.                               value, putting an emphasis on the
we are operating in, all the knowledge        interaction between the users and DR          guiding value and provide insights.                                                        process and not the specific project.
we can obtain is contextual, the goal         is the public service definition. The                                                                                                    Hopefully, the product of the thesis will
is then to strive toward ‘justified true      thesis will not analyse the public service    Critical realism describes that reality       Case studies – a reflection                  be knowledge, hence, useful research
belief’, because the absolute truth           term, but it is used as a reference and       consists of three domains – the                                                            that can be applied to practical work.
cannot be reached (Jespersen: 2004:           a framework for the decisions in the          empirical domain, the actual domain,          upon the method                              In our case study five components
160). Therefore, we are using the             project.                                      and the real domain (Jespersen:                                                            in designing the research have, for
limitation to examine the field and come                                                    2004:148-149). On the empirical                                                            that reason, been key: Taking an
closer to an understanding of the reality,    Lastly, the analysis is focusing on           domain data is experienced, and all the       The case study purpose is not to control     approach inspired by Robert Yin case
but the conclusion will be limited by it      the processes and network, which              data is accessible for the observer. The      behavioural, events etc. the objective       study design and methods. These
being based on “all other things being        doesn’t give us the opportunity to            two other levels exist independently          is to examine contemporary events.           components are:
equal”-principle.                             describe human resources and lead             of the observer, the second being the         This prioritisation of ‘what is’ fit into
                                              management in detail even though they         actual domain containing events and           the philosophy of the critical realism         1.	 a study’s questions
In fact, this means the thesis will not       are influencing the project on a daily        experience, and finally, the third being      (Yin:2009:8). Still, we want to elaborate      2.	 its propositions, if any
give a description of all agents related      basis. Instead we focus on the team’s         the real domain where these events            why the case study approach has been           3.	 its unit(s) of analysis
to the case. Neither will we be dealing       results, making their work the key in our     and experiences are supplemented by           taken, and the arguments for taken             4.	 the logic linking the data to the
with the political and legal environment,     analysis.                                     mechanisms. Both the actual and the           this approach. A definition of the case            propositions
although areas such as Intellectual                                                         real domain existst independently of the      study is therefore needed, and we have         5.	 the criteria for interpreting the
Property Rights and political priorities                                                    observer, hence the observer cannot           decided to use Schramm definition:                 findings

(IPR) are briefly touched upon. In                                                          grasp them (Jespersen: 2007: 148).                                                               (Yin: 2009: 27)
relation to the agents the interactions                                                     Consequently, we can only aim for             “The essence of a case study, the
between them will only be described,                                                        grasping how the world is taken to be.        central tendency among all types of          The study’s question has already been
if the interaction serves a considerable                                                                                                  case study, is that it tries to illuminate   presented, as well as the propositions

                                              Realism as
emphasis for the case study.                                                                The critical realism is useful when we        a decision or a set of decisions: why        described in the introductory chapter.
                                                                                            can observe an anomaly or something           they were taken, how they were               The units we are analysing are primarily
The interactions between the public,                                                        unexpected: in this case the funding          implemented, and with what result.”          a limited part of the network around
DR and the project will be quite                                                            for digitising from the politicians are       - Schramm, 1971, quoted by Yin: 2009:        project, the value chain activities and

                                              a Scientific
superficial. The public and its demands                                                     observable in the empirical domain.           17                                           process and finally the areas where
and ways of influencing the project are                                                     However, the mechanism and events                                                          the project can create value. The
only briefly discussed beause it would                                                      on the other domains are far more             So far, many have studied the                logic linking the proposition will be
require large analysis and quantitative                                                     interesting to observe. It is not the         cultural heritages impact on society,        to use different models for collecting

research to understand the relation.                                                        actual funding that is interesting to         digitisation and value creation, and a       and explaining the various data, but
This is something the department of                                                         analyse, it is the relationships being        study combining the areas have also          also to look for patterns, in order to
DR Medieforskning is working with on a                                                      made and the mechanisms that                  been explored. On the other hand             give some guidelines for how an ideal
regular basis with significant resources                                                    shape the outcome of the political            an analysis of the individual projects       process could be. We are operating in
and thus covering this sufficiently.                                                        prioritisation.                               handling everything from digitisation        a trans-disciplinary field with financial,
                                              This thesis is based in critical realism,                                                   to dissemination have rarely been            sociological and abstract linkages
Additionally, the project has not             which is a philosophy of science that         Key is that the perception of reality         examined in detail. DR Cultural              creating difficulties for grasping the
explored the user interaction in a            prioritizes ontology (i.e. the study of       decides the method that should be             Heritage has within the last couple          actual value of transactions and assets.
substantial way, making it hard for           being or existence) over epistemology         used to grasp reality. In this case we        of years experienced an increasing
the case to explore the interaction           (i.e. study of the way knowledge is           are looking at a trans-disciplinary field,    interest for the project, because it made    Finally, we will have some criteria for
between the project as a public service       obtained) in the sense that, for critical     which affects the approach to acquiring       results that previously haven’t been         interpreting the findings. In this case
object and the users being the Danes.         realists, the way the world is should         new knowledge. The approach we                seen. This made us strive towards a          these will be finding and highlighting
Although, the goal of the project is          guide the way knowledge of it can be          are using is quite pragmatic, because         case study that could give insights to       activities and principles for the project
to focus more on the users being the          obtained (Fleetwood: 2007). In this           we have been working on the project           other projects, although:                    to operate after. Based on the findings
public in the future, it is still quite new   case we are operating with an open            ourselves, the real expert insight will                                                    these should give reason to assume
in this field. Should an analysis be          system, which is constantly changing.         be firsthand experience. Interpreted by       “The challenge of a case study is to         that they create added value for a given
made, the product Bonanza initiated by        Given this dynamic nature, the ontology       us as both informants and researchers.        obtain knowledge that is useful and          organisation and/or society.
DR’s Cultural Heritage Project would          will change over time, and therefore          To balance the pragmatic approach             not merely interesting. Who says
probably be more interesting. Bonanza         the conclusion today will not be the          more qualitative data is needed from          information obtained from a few cases
is now part of DR’s online offerings and      same, if we decided to make a similar         other sources, and in this thesis this will   has been any bearing on any other

Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project
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Exploring Cultural Heritage and Value creation - A Case Study of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project

  • 1. A case study of dr’s cultural heritage project Exploring cultural heritage and value creation Master Thesis The IT-University of Copenhagen Master Thesis, August, 2011 Written by: Tobias Golodnoff E-Business 10.07.1973 – tobiasg Miriam Lerkenfeld Smith Digital Design & Communication 14.04.1982 – mlsm Supervisor: Leif Block Rasmussen
  • 2. Thank you and much respect Authors Statement Leif Block Rasmussen, Supervisor and This thesis is based on a joint effort Associated professor at Department of and an equal partnership. We have Informatics, CBS and Ebuss at the IT- delegated responsibilities along the University of Copenhagen. way, but in the writing process, we For being an excellent supervisor, let the chapters and sections circular inspriring us. Helping us in right between us. Naturally, we follow the direction, discussing our findings IT University examination rules and and prioritising us when we needed divides the article as follows: guidance. Abstract: Miriam & Tobias. Introducing Peter Looms, co-supervisor and the thesis and its objectives: Miriam & External associate professor at the IT- Tobias: Ontology of the project: Tobias. University of Copenhagen. For the early Scentific aproach and description discussion, and support. methods: Miriam. The network in Mads Bødker, Adjunkt at Department of relation to DR’s Cultural Heritage Informatics, CBS and Ebuss at the IT- Project: Tobias. The processes of the University of Copenhagen. And Simeon project: Miriam. An analysis of DR’s Keates, Associate Professor at the IT- Cultural Heritage Project - Part one: University of Denmark. For inspirational From An analysis of DR’s Cultural talks. Heritage Project to Diffusion: Tobias. Part two: From Diffusion to the end Christina Paludan Sheikh. For helping of the chapter: Miriam. Conclusions: us with excellent inputs and academic Miriam & Tobias. Guiding Principles: guidance on the thesis. And for being Miriam & Tobias the most wonderful mother and wife! I Thoughts and reflections: Miriam & could not have done it without all your Tobias support and trust – I love you! - Tobias The thesis consists of approximately At the Danish Broadcasting 86 normal pages that is 198,104 Corporation. Nicolai Porsbo, former characters and 11 figures. Head of New Media at, Merethe Echardt, former vice director og DR This thesis is licensed under a Creative Medier and Jonas Iversen, vice director Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- of DR Medier for supporting us while ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC- the idea about the thesis was growing SA 3.0). Read more and making it possible. The fantastic team at DR who works with the Cultural Heritage Project for being such a wonderful and inspirering Contact information group of people and doing an excellent We love talking about the project, job. getting inspiration and making new connections. Do not hesitate to contact And off course our amazing families if you need a additioal information or and beautiful friends… are interested in collaborating. Miriam Lerkenfeld, twitter @lerkenfeld Tobias Golodnoff, twitter @tgolodnoff Read more at or 2
  • 3. Abstract The objective of the research is to give a theoretical understanding of the value created when digitising a cultural heritage. This research is grounded in a case study of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s Cultural Heritage Project. The project deals with the digitisation of an analogue radio and television collection of more than 500.000 hours of content, and with the work being done after digitisation ensuring archive content in collaboration with other public cultural institutions and the research community becomes available to the public. The project group is an inter-organisational team combining expertise from many places within the organisation. When establishing a project of this kind, some aspects have significance on the value creation. Findings are, that flexibility is key, and hence, the use of resources within the budget should not be too specific, because it is unpredictable where cost can be cut, or where extra resources will be needed. Also, a scanning process is essential for defining the objectives of future tasks, and focus should not be to solve one problem, but exploring challenges that can be useful for different scenarios. In addition, findings are that collaboration is a good tool for diffusing digitised cultural heritage, and these collaborations should have a variable, decentralised structure, in order to facilitate different needs and objectives. Another emphasis should be put on the openness towards collaboration partners, so shared value can be created and utilised - benefiting not just the organisations, but society in general. Conclusively, the overall goal when digitising the cultural heritage is always to make it accessible for the users. The conclusion leads to four principle guidelines which are: use is value, transparent boxes, open source collective, flexible frameworks, and project economy. Finally, a vision is presented, a society where public service is substituted for public resources, constructing a all-encompassing cultural production system with fluid borders and autonomous projects based on a set of clearly defined objectives. Keywords Digitisation, Digitising, Digitization, Digitizing, Cultural Heritage, Heritage, Strategy, Innovation, Value, Value creation, Network, Research, Technology, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, DR, DR’s Cultural Heritage Project, Public Service, Data, Information, Knowledge, Knowledge Sharing. Resources, Process, Optimisation, Optimization, Use = Value, Use is Value, Transparent Boxes, Flexible Resources, Open Source Collective,Digitalisering, Kulturarv, DR’s Kulturarvsprojekt, Værdi, Netværk, Strategi, Data, Information, Viden, brug = værdi, brug er lig værdi, Dansk Kulturarv, LARM, Europeana, EUscreen, FIAT/IFTA, Memnon 3
  • 5. Abstract 3 Keywords 3 Introducing the thesis and its objective 9 and Description of Ontology of the Methods questions 21 20 project 10 11 research & Working Working questions 21 Delimitations 22 Political Background Criticala reflection upon the method 22 Case studies – Realism as a Scientific Approach 22 The case – DR’s Cultural Heritage Project 13 The Danish Broadcasting Corporation and the Cultural Heritage Project 13 Project Design – Switching Between Empirical Data and Theory 23 FigurE 1 – PROJECT DESIGN 23 Theoretical foundation 24 Historical outline 13 Empirical Data and Role as a Participant Observer 24 The DR departments related to the project Definitions 25 14objective of the project 14 The The financial framework 16 The cultural heritage content in DR 16 The Networks in The Public Service Obligations and Value 19 relation to DR’s The archives 16 Scientific Approach Cultural Heritage 5
  • 6. Project 26 FigurE 2 – the network OF DR’S CULTURAL PROJECT 27 Value Chain Analysis by Michael Porter 35 Preparation, Inbound logistics 36 No selection in the preparation process 36 Digitisation of the content 36 Securing, Outbound logistics 36 Cultural production, digitisation and Two copies of the digitised content 36 Collaboration, Marketing & Sales 36 technicalDansk Kulturarv 29 29 development Dissemination, Services 36 The Collaboration Reflection upon the process 36 An Analysis of DR’s Memnon 29 The Research-Educational Network 29 The Research Project LARM 29 The Politicalthe Danish Ministry of Culture 30 Global Network 30 The Danish Government & The European Union 30 FIAT/IFTA 30 Cultural Heritage Project 38 and Changing the Conditions of the Project via the Network – A short study of Copy-Dan and IPR 33 The Interaction Between the Networks 33 The processes of Max Boisot – Data, Information the project 34 Cultural Knowledge in the Information-space 39 Figure 4 – THE AGENT-IN-THE-WORLD 39 Data, Information & Knowledge in the Case Study 40 Figure 5 – THE INFORMATION SPACE 40 The digitization workflow in DR’s The Social Learning Curve in Information Heritage Project PROJECT 35 Figure 3 – VALUE CHAIN OF DR’S CULTURAL 35 Space The1metadata project 41 Scanning – 4 The Overall Process of Digitising, Preserving, Disseminating, and Collaborating 35 Problem-solving – The Film Pilot 43 Abstraction – archiving for future use 44 6
  • 7. for DR’s Cultural Diffusion – The Collaboration of Dansk Kulturarv 44 Absorption – LARM Research Project 45 Impacting – the Creation of the Online Archive Bonanza 45 Figure 6 – Bonanza’s first month 45 The value of knowledge creation 47 The Market Value of Digitising Cultural Heritage 47VALUE 47 FigurE 7 – THE PARADOX OF Heritage project 52 Thoughts and reflections 55 FIGURe: 8: VALUE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE FIGURe: 9: KNOWLEDGE, SOURCE: BOISOT. 48 References 55 FIGURe: 10: ACCESS TO AND USE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 48 The Cultural Production Value 49 Public Service Value of Digital Cultural Heritage in Society 49 The Value and I-space 49 Conclusions 50 Guiding Principles for Exploring the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage and Creating Value 51 A brief introduction to guiding principles 52 11 - STRATEGIC GUIDELINES 52 FIGURE Guiding principles 7
  • 8. Two young boys are kneeling on the rug in front of the TV, while their little sister is examing the program by touching the screen. California, USA, November 23, 1953 Photographer: Ed Clark -Source: Life Magazine September 26, 1960 8
  • 9. Introducing the thesis and its objective Copenhagen, August 2011 also comme il faut within the Danish First and foremost the essential criteria Broadcasting Corporation and how the for justifying investing in new services You are reading the master’s thesis project considers value. and solutions is that the project can written by Miriam Lerkenfeld and Tobias This exploration of the term value, enrich the existing environment and the Golodnoff. It is a study of digitisation we envision to drive to a better public. This is to make sure that the final and valorisation of the Danish understanding of the possibilities of products that will enrich the users and Broadcasting Corporation’s cultural cultural heritage, when meeting the support an understanding of our shared heritage which is the archive containing demand in the Public-service contract history and cultural heritage and thereby content dating from 1896 to 2005. of 2011-2014: expand the overall level of knowledge and future success in society. We are both employees in DR as ”DR skal blandt andet af well as master’s students at the IT- kulturarvmæssige hensyn bevare Conclusively, the knowledge we have University of Copenhagen. Both of us sine programarkiver. DR skal fremme acquired in our work with the thesis, have been working on DR’s Cultural digitaliseringen af programarkiverne for has given us new ideas regarding how Heritage Project. Hence it seems like bl.a. på denne måde at give borgerne one can ensure a better and less costly a natural thing to examine the project adgang til sine programarkiver, production for the prerequisites for as a case study and make this the dog med de begrænsninger, der future use. This, we hope, will inspire foundation of our thesis, and try to følger af lovgivning mv., herunder us and others to create more and better grasp possibilities and challenges at ophavsretsloven. DR skal aktivt arbejde products and services for disseminating hand. We would also like to dive into for i videst muligt omfang at kunne gøre the valuable archive content. Content the project on a theoretic note; a luxury DR’s programarkiver tilgængelige for DR and others hold, be it in exhibitions, we don’t have in our day-to-day work. befolkningen og forskermiljøerne.” audiovisual programs, research at - DR’s Public Service-kontrakt for 2011- libraries and in the state’s archives, or The objective of DR’s Cultural Heritage 2014 in the digital domain, where the content Project has been and still is maximising can engage the users in new ways. the digitisation output of the granted In English: budget of 75 million DKK. Preferably in “DR must preserve its archives due a manner that supports value creation to cultural heritage considerations. We sincerely hope you will enjoy for the end users. But first and foremost DR shall promote the digitisation reading the report. within the traditional value chain of of programme archives in order to the project, with a focus on creating provide access to the citizens, under All the best, a margin, which will allow more of the the limitations imposed by legislation, Miriam Lerkenfeld & Tobias Golodnoff archive to be digitised. etcetera, including copyright laws. DR must work actively to ensure access Since the project began in 2007, and availability of the programme significant results have been archives in its fullest extent for both to accomplished. Some of the the public and research community. “. accomplishments have been fostering - DR’s Public Service Contract for 2011 new learning, inspiring the network – 2014 around the project to optimise workflows and use of their content, There are numerous opportunities in but it has also had a role in changing connecting existing collections, new how public service is perceived. One content and technologies, which today of the key activities is the development have the potential to create synergies new processes and standards for and explore a contemporary approach digitisation, dissemination and to public service. We are envisioning collaboration that has created value for this and are trying to facilitate value the institution, but also its collaborators. creation as a process with the Additionally, a new way of structuring participation of DR, the users and projects has been developed both society. in terms of cultural heritage, but 9
  • 10. 1 CHApTER Ontology of the project So, what is the ontology of the study? Fundamentally, it can take many forms, and in this case it is interesting to define cultural heritage’s role in society as well as in DR, and understand its characteristics and purpose. The outcome will be the ability to choose the right tools and methods for analysing the case. Unfolding the ontology also suits the purpose of understanding how the internal organisation will benefit from the digital cultural heritage, which differs from the political, but also how they both are creators and users of a generated value. When we use the term “value” we have an explorative way of using it. Generally, we believe it as a description of an object or phenomenon’s potential for creating or utilising its elementary conditions, but it can also be value in the neoclassical economic sense. 10
  • 11. Political was that cultural heritage was also ”The Culture Heritage must be alive, Ministry of Science, in collaboration, bridging the gap between different and therefore it must digital and our prioritised four projects, which in total cultural institutions such as libraries, focus is to make the Danish culture were supported with 21 million DKK; archives, museums, and public services history and natural history accessible among the most important projects Background broadcasters, on an international scale- via/on the internet. A culture heritage was the establishment of the Heritage -because the materials seem more that is alive creates a common Agency of Denmark in 2002, and a DKK valuable when they were contextualised framework within the society and 75 mill grant to the Danish Broadcasting by materials from other sources. ensure that coming generations are Corporation in 2007. aware of our history. Without this During the end of the 20th century and Naturally, another point was the awareness the common sense of The grant was central for the Danish the beginning of the 21st there has diffusion of cultural heritage. Since, responsibility and the basis to have Broadcasting Corporation because been an increased political interest in digitised content is easier to spread, a a varied view of the development of it resulted in the establishment of a digitising cultural heritage, not only on digitisation of cultural heritage made society will crumble.” project - DR’s Cultural Heritage Project the national agenda, but also trans- it geographically independent and - Per Stig Møller, The Danish Minister of – that was solely dedicated to digitising nationally. Institutions such as the EU multipliable. Therefore, the digitisation Culture: April 2010 and disseminating the cultural heritage have emphasised the significance of was found attractive, because it from the public broadcasters archives. cultural heritage in society as well. became feasible to disseminate digitally Because of the importance of cultural rather than in its original form. Also, it heritage, the government set up a “If one word should encompass and is a more flexible format for preparing committee in 2006, whose purpose summarise the vision of the Comité des the content to be consumed through was to explore cultural heritage. The Sages, it would be “access”. When it future new media channels, which final physical product was the report comes to our common cultural heritage, potential and use currently cannot be ‘Digitalisering af Kulturarven’ published there is no bigger challenge; there comprehended. by the Danish Ministry of Culture in is no more urgent question than to 2009. The report suggested that there secure the access of current and future The task of creating cultural products should be an increased focus on generations to this heritage. Access for and preserving them seem more preserving Danish cultural heritage. the largest population, both European relevant than ever. However, the and non-European. And access to one task could not be given solely to a A national digitisation would serve one of the richest cultural heritages in the commercial market. The reason is that it purpose. It would secure and preserve world, a universal common good” such an essential good for a democracy the national heritage, and it could - European Commission: 2011: 9 that it should be undertaken by the also be used in the digital domain to state. In most countries the digitisation generate national value by enriching The access to cultural heritage was of cultural heritage was made the public by making the digital cultural officially prioritised on the political mandatory for cultural institutions, and heritage accessible. The rapport agenda. Ideologically, it was also libraries, archives and public service outlined three scenarios for future becoming a political solution for broadcasters became key players in digitisation and development if the sustaining national culture and the process. In 2011, the European assigned budget would be: no funding, cohesiveness in a globalised world, Commission formulated some DKK 300 or DKK 500 mill over a ten- where local culture was challenged suggestions for the actors that could be year period (Digitising of the Cultural by technology development. A topic drivers in digitising cultural heritage: Heritage: 2009). theorists like Manuel Castells also discuss: ”We are of the opinion that the public Because of the international financial sector has the primary responsibility for crisis the report was not finished until “Research has shown that audiences making our cultural heritage accessible 2009 and the digitising budged of DKK are more sensitive to content that is and preserving it for future generations. 300 mill or DKK 500 was not granted. specific to their culture (Miller 2007). This responsibility for and control over Consequently, the political priority So, while there is a layer of global Europe’s heritage cannot be left to of digitising cultural heritage was on culture in all media industries, most one or a few market players, although hold, and given this, the use of cultural cultural products are local rather than we strongly encourage the idea of heritage has yet to be defined both global. Indeed, a study by Tubella bringing more private investments and politically and practically. (2004) has shown decisive importance companies into the digitisation arena of television in constructing a national through a fair and balanced partnership” As cultural heritage has and still plays identity under the conditions of cultural - European Commission: 2011: 4 a significant role in society, the Danish domination by another nation (…)” government has, since the 1990s, been - Castells: 2009:124 In Denmark, the digitisation of cultural funding different initiatives with the heritage is significant part of the political purpose of supporting the development The intentions behind political focus agenda. It is the same argument as of a digital cultural heritage. The on digital cultural heritage were heard internationally: there is an urgent political wish is still present, and in many. However, preservation and need for preserving and disseminating 2010 smaller grants were allocated to accessibility seem to be the dominating the Danish cultural heritage. In 2010 the specified projects within the cultural objectives. A more general approach Minister of Culture stated: sector. The Ministry of Culture and the 11
  • 12. Sony VP-1210 U-Matic videocassette player. Photographer: Grant Hutchinson -Source: Flickr, Open source license 12
  • 13. The case – when digitising cultural heritage, and (Internal Memo DR ØU: Appendix 1: subsequently, how this is distributed Historical outline 01.11.2007). into organisation and network, thus society. However, the case has a quite Finally, in 2007, the political DR’s Cultural complex structure, which requires an in At the same time, digitisation of the negotiations resulted in a DKK 75 mill depth description. national heritage was was debated funding for DR to digitalise its archive. intensely in the Ministry of Culture. The money was given as a one-time All the larger cultural institutions, the funding in order for DR to start the Heritage Heritage Agency of Denmark and digitisation and preservation process. The Danish Broadcasting the Ministry Of Culture were keen on The ministerial aspiration was to secure using new technology to preserve the funds from the fiscal budget, through Corporation and the collections and to enrich the Danes the yearly-agreed Finanslov (the Project with access to the cultural heritage. But national budget), hoping the Ministry of Cultural Heritage Project despite the national focus on digital Culture could secure new funds for a cultural heritage and the need for a series of activities. The funds should be digitisation of the broadcast archives, used for a national mass digitisation of DR’s Cultural Heritage Project is a part DR--together with TV2 and the State cultural heritage. DR’s Cultural Heritage Project is an of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation and University Library - lost an earlier interesting case, because it is the only (DR), which is the home organization agreed upon budget post of DKK 80 In relation to the grant of DKK 75 mill, project among the Danish cultural of the project. DR is an independent, mill, when the Media Agreement of the government decided to constitute institutions that receives substantial license-financed public institution, and 2011-2014 was decided. (Mediepolitisk DR’s obligations in terms of cultural funding with the single purpose of Denmark’s largest media corporation aftale 2011-2014). heritage in the Media Agreement digitising the Danish cultural heritage. ( The company is organized in for 2007-2010. It was considered Additionally, the project has a unique seven divisions, which all have different In 2005, while DR continued the a necessity to digitise Danish structure for a project in a public responsibilities from corporate and work of obtaining funding to digitise Broadcasting Corporation’s entire organisation, because it is politically strategic, to production and supportive. the archives, there was still a wish archive. However, the funding received obliged to collaborate autonomously for optimising the digital production only covered 25% of the expected with external partners outside the The workforce is dedicated to creating facilities and making better use of the economic needs, primarily to ensure traditional organisation of DR. public-service content for the six content. The wish for a digitisation of that the most perishable parts of the national TV-channels, the ten radio the archives had increased with the archive were not lost. An aspect that makes the project an channels, (where three are FM-based establishment of DR-Byen’s digital interesting case is its ability to innovate and seven are DAB-channels) and the production system, even though the A more concrete prerequisite was that and its openness toward external website The website is the cultural institutions did not receive DR should also increase its offerings to partners, that has made the project largest content website in Denmark, additional funding for digitising in the the public by developing new concepts internationally recognised for fostering and it is currently undergoing a first round. and programmes; and by doing this, sustainable innovation, e.g., processes revitalisation, and it plays a vital role in increase its market share. It was also for digitising and collaborating. By doing disseminating digital cultural heritage, a A workgroup in DR produced the articulated that there was a need this the project has been pushing the role that will be discussed later on. internal report called ‘Plan for for a functioning archive with user- external environment both on a national Digitalisering af DR’s Kulturarv’ (Plan friendly interface and the possibility scale, but also on an international In the beginning of the 21th century DR for the Digitisation of DR’s Cultural of self-service when requesting more scale. was building its new headquarters and Heritage) in august 2005. The report popular content (Internal Memo DR re-organising both the spatial locations analysed and seized the challenge of ØU: Appendix 1: 01.11.2007). In sum, The expectation of the project is that and organisational set-up. digitalising the content of DR’s physical it was the focus on the digitisation of it should be creating value for society archives. One of the conclusions was the part of the archive that contained by making cultural content accessible. The purpose of creating a new that DR’s archives were challenged, programmes along with the creation This value of cultural heritage is, headquarters, DR-Byen (DR-City), and that they would deteriorate if of specific products like programmes, however, yet to be defined. This is was to bring all of DR’s employees nothing was done to preserve it, and a services, etc. In conclusion, this key issue when discussing cultural in the Copenhagen area together, substantial part would be lost by 2015. became the commission for DR’s heritage, because there is no universal whereas they formerly had been It also estimated that the total cost of Cultural Heritage Project. concrete description of what the value scattered around town at more than 20 digitising the whole archive would be actually is, instead the general focus different addresses. In DR-Byen every DKK 284 mill. has primarily been simply the digitising production facility would be connected and dissemination of cultural heritage. and online, and the physical state of the DR articulated that the main objective However we have an assumption to archive would therefore not serve the of the Cultural Heritage Project was to what the value could be, and what we editorial teams in the same favourable ensure DR’s archive content against primarily think of when using it on a way. Consequently, the relocation of crumbling in order to make use of them broad scale, which will be examined DR also began to impact the need for in future productions. Furthermore, the throughout the thesis. digitising the program archives in order need for making the cultural heritage for DR to become a high-tech media accessible was also touched upon, The case then serves the purpose corporation. constituting the need for pilot projects of exploring how value is created such as 13
  • 14. The DR departments related to the project DR JPS - Jura, Politik & DR Bånd & Film DR TU Innovation This ideology was, and is, still shared Strategi The objective of the project by DR and the political establishment, Carriers and Film Innovation and Development but now also formulated in Public Service agreement for 2011-2014. It Law, Policy & Strategy DR Bånd & Film (B&F) is organized DR’s Cultural Heritage Project has, states that: as a part of the A&R. It has existed for since its start, been working closely Today, DR’s Cultural Heritage Project DR JPS is the department of DR’s legal, more than fifty years and helps produce with DR’s departments of technical is a digitising and innovation project “DR must preserve its programme policy, and strategy advisers which, and run programs on modern technical development and innovation. The whose purpose it is to digitise the archives for reasons of cultural as part of the General Director’s staff, equipment. The department is highly department’s focus is on on technology- Danish cultural heritage, in this case heritage. DR must promote the is concerned with strategy within DR. specialized and acts as the digitising supported innovation in the digitisation the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s digitising of its program archives and in The department supports the project unit and consultant in the digitisation process, and the external cooperation programme archive, and actively to this way make them accessible to the primarily in two areas: communication of the archive. At the beginning of within the project. make the archive content available for public, observing/respecting the legal with the Ministry of Culture, where the the DR’s Cultural Heritage project the public and research community. Key limitations in force, e.g. the interlectual department oversees and handles the the department normally handled This is work in progress, so to ensure objective is to give the public access to property rights law. DR must work legal framework; and legal counselling, digitisation tasks on demand, but during optimum use of resources, both the cultural heritage by: activeily to make DR’s program when the project is involved in the early years of the project they have in digitising & preserving, but also archives widely available to the public dissemination and collaboration participated and shared knowledge mediation, TU Innovation has lead and • Digitising DR’s TV and radio and research environment.” projects. within the field which has changed the developed the Culture Heritage Archive broadcasts and to work actively - DK’s Public Service Contract 2011- digitisation process to facilitate a much Open System called CHAOS. The to create visible value for the 2014: 15 The department handled the negotiation more industrialized process. platform uses open-source principles public of Arkivpakke 1&2, which are used as about contributing communities, and • Avoid the selection of the This means that DR is now obliged the legal foundation for creating online DR’s Cultural Heritage Project has archive and work to secure and to not only the digitisation and access to the content and broadcasting contracted with a number of external digitise all the unique archive, preservation of archives but DR must it in TV or radio. This will be explained partners, primarily from the cultural so DR’s share of the overall also has to engage actively in the further, when organisation Copy-Dan is described. DR TU IT Infrastruktur / community and they are all contributing in developing the system. The common safeguarding of the heritage for the future is secured dissemination of the digital content – creating value for the public and the Produktionsystemer use, ensure low cost operation and further development of the system’s The project is inter-organisational, research environment. The obligation does not demand full access, but Infrastructure and Production core. where colleagues from different areas acknowledges that the dissemination systems of DR are working together in order to has to be viewed within the legal DR Arkiv & Research digitise and disseminate the cultural framework DR operates under. The The departments of Infrastructure and heritage. The project is in contact with reasoning for not specifying full access Production Systems has collaborated every element of the process from is that the project has some challenges Archive and Research with the project and put a great deal of carriers, the metadata or descriptions of in terms of intellectual property rights, effort into securing the preservation and the content, the digitisation, storage and which result in some legal restrictions of DR Arkiv & Research (A&R) consists usability once the digital content has distribution technologies, intellectual how the project can use the content. of DR’s archives and library. The been produced. property rights, as well as managing department operates the library, and and disseminating the content. It is a Furthermore, DR’s Cultural Heritage “owns” the physical program archive Infrastructure has led the expansion of unique constellation in DR because has made it an objective to act on of all the historic DR productions. the filing capacity, in order to prepare it spans the entire value chain from and exploit the newest knowledge Employees have access to everything the Mediearkiv for the extensive amount handling the earlier hard-to-use content and technologies that support a from TV-programs, radio broadcasts, of new data files which is constantly through the digitalisation process, to maximisation of the outcome. Insights sound-effects and photographs, as well expanding. And the Production systems production of new content, which is are mostly gathered through the as books, newspapers, journals and department has worked on securing seen or used by new users. engagement in external collaborations magazines. A&R does research in DR’s the interest of DR’s original archive- and networks with other broadcasters collection for internal use, and facilitates metadata in order to ensure that the The success criteria of the project is and audiovisual archives, which are the people working in the production. data files are organized correctly in one now determined by the management faced with similar challenges in relation Furthermore, A&R sells its services to place with the correct metadata. Both to be the project’s ability to take full to digitisation, technological and market people outside DR. tasks have been finalised with success. advantage of the funding, being development. In reality this has resulted digitising as much content as possible in a clear focus on documenting In terms of the Cultural Heritage at a DR specified and authorised file and communicating new insight and project, A&R specifically process the quality. Furthermore, collaborating knowledge in the field of digitisation, preparation and transportation of with other national cultural archives technology development, and cultural tapes to the external partner Memnon to increase the synergy between heritage. as well as random testing and quality the collections, and by thus adding assurance of digital files. value for the users, was a criterion of They participate and share knowledge success. This is what is referred to as in the development of optimised ‘use equals value’, meaning that the metadata workflows and are users utilisation of the content is the responsible for the practical part of value. One could even argue that the handling the files in the Mediearkivet digitisation is the means to that end. (media archive). 14
  • 15. Another set of 1/2” video tape reels containing high school industrial arts course material from the early 1980s. These tapes were part of a large collection of instructional videos obtained from the Calgary Catholic Board of Education as they were purging outdated media formats. Photographer: Grant Hutchinson -Source: Flickr, Open source license 15
  • 16. Dissemination and Collaboration was calculated in 2007. It was decided Another source of error is doubles, The news archive was considered The financial framework that the project would cover the cost where the same content is saved on to be of great importance because tasks of the first LTO data-tape to store the two or more carriers. Experts have archival footage traditionally was and The costs of disseminating and digital content, because an expansion estimated that in the radio archive, still is extremely valuable for the news In DR, the process of digitisation and collaborating are established in order of DR’s main system Mediearkivet was there is significant overlap in parts production team. dissemination has been running since to work across the cultural sector. not expected or covered in any of the of the radio collection that is both the funds were granted in 2007. It was The goal is to create additional value approved budgets in DR. The cost of stored on 1/4-inch reel tape from the decided in the earlier stages that the when combining the content from DR running Mediearkivet: updating software production archive and on DAT tape objective for the project should be to: with other collections of art, pictures and exchanging hardware and the from broadcast archive. or books, etcetera, in order to give LTO-tapes when they become obsolete • Maximise the output of the better access to and contextualisation is covered in DR’s technical yearly digitisation of cultural heritage. Furthermore, the budget. • Collaborate with external, collaboration helps enrich the content The archives mainly cultural, partners to by provided new or better metadata, The cultural create value for DR’s users along with the development of a new media assets management that Digitalisation and preservation of To secure a successful project process, supports online archiving and cross- DR’s archive content have always a set of rules for the use of the funds organisational collaboration. The been with the purpose of enriching heritage was decided by the board of directors EU has emphasised this matter in a the public. Some parts of the content of DR in 2007. These rules have led to digitisation report stating that: DR’s Cultural Heritage Project aims to a division of the budget in three areas: digitise have been outside the reach “Cultural institutions add considerable of the public for a long period of time. content in DR 1. Administration 9 % amounts of information to digitised Content, which has been stored in 2. Digitisation & Preservation 79 % objects (metadata), describing for aged physical formats, is therefore only 3. Dissemination and example the author, the provenance consumable for a small exclusive group Collaboration 12 % and age of the work, giving contextual of manufacturers. Today, technology information, as well as technical has changed our production capabilities A budget structure and financial information on the formats used and Part of the digitization task is an and enabled a previously unthinkable allocation was accepted by the Ministry characteristics allowing search engines ongoing examination of the content, degree of dissemination and usability. of Culture. The three areas all cover to locate the object. This metadata is in order to ensure that as much of Because of the technology, DR is now different sets of tasks and objectives. essential to provide the user with a the unique radio, television and film able to exploit the cultural heritage in a useful background to the work, and materials are being preserved as new extensive degree. also to allow search-engines such possible. The collections is believed Administration tasks as Europeana to locate the digitised to hold about 478,000 hours of radio, The importance of making cultural The administration budget is used by objects relevant in the context of a 68,000 hours of TV and 17,500 hours of heritage accessible has previously been the project management team to ensure specific search.” film. Film was used in the early years as highlighted. This has since been an that the funds spent on the other budget -European Commission: 2011: 33 the broadcast medium and was used as essential part of the political argument posts are in line with the given set of the primary part of content in the news that the content should be activated. rules and the project agreement with production up to the mid-eighties. the Ministry of Culture. In addition to The archive is a series of produced the managerial task, the administration Project Costs, Not Running Cost The archive volume is believed to be programs and production materials work also covers the needed research The overall project budget has been 563,500 hours in total. It does not hold that can be divided into smaller sub- and documentation tasks. approved by the Ministry of Culture and a complete collection of what DR has collections from various departments is handled under another regulation broadcasted since its establishment and external sources. One of the than DR’s overall four years financial in 1925. The volume is estimated collections is ‘Politikens Film’-journals; Digitisation & Preservation tasks agreement. This means that funding and holds some uncertainty, because they were showed in the cinemas as The digitisation budget holds the largest does not have to be spent within a metadata or descriptions from DR’s a form of news from the world before sum of money. It covers the complex yearly given timeframe – giving the archive do not contain the information television became the news media. task of digitalising or converting the project a flexibility that is crucial for about the duration for many of the content from the physical carriers to optimising the spending related to the collections. The most complete collection is the the needed digital file formats, and digitisation work. television news, which is more or less afterwards preserving them. The volume has been estimated by complete. It consists of 16mm films As a result of this flexible economy counting the 35-kilometers of shelves with all the content pieces from the The budget also covers some technical the project is not allowed to hold fixed of materials, grouping them into mid-fifties to the mid-eighties. DR does hardware and development, because cost, so if activities require a running sub-collections and then--based on not have a copy of the anchorman there has been a need for expanding investment, it must be approved by comprehensive sampling--calculating introducing the news, because the the storage in order for DR to handle the board of directors and then the the expected duration of each group actual broadcast was not recorded, the new tasks related to preserving the cost is transferred to other areas in the of materials. An error of five minutes but from 1984 and on the production archive material digitally. DR organisation. To illustrate: what is per carrier for the television part would flow changed and a copy of the aired considered a project cost and running change the collection with around 5600 news broadcast are from this time on cost in the project, the storage cost hours, or just over eight percent of its stored on U-Matic; a digital videotape. volume. 16
  • 17. FOrmats within the DR ARCHIVe U-Matic HB LB SP 1D 1.800 Hours 1.275 Hours 1”C digital beta 1”B DVC pro betacam 13.500 Hours 10.880 HOURS 5.400 Hours 3.319 HOURS 32.639 HOURS Source: DR’s Culteral Heritage project & the legacy report 17
  • 18. Typical American family gathered around TV, which displays John F. Kennedy’s face, to watch debate between Kennedy & Richard Nixon during presidential election. -Source: Life Magazine September 26, 1960 18
  • 19. The Public legitimised in terms of frequency because cultural heritage today has It is only a tool for measuring public cultural institutions operate scarcity, its justification lies in its become a general public concern, something abstract, and it will only within. Value is therefore a cornerstone superiority to the market as a means however, the definition, of what it be approximation in order to explain in digitising the cultural heritage, of providing all citizens, whatever actually is, are numerous. One way the reality of cultural heritage that represented by the phrase “Use equals Service their wealth or geographical location, the Danish Government defines its cannot fully be grasped. Historically value”. The phrase establishes a strong equal access to a wide range of high importance is as being essential for the definition of value has always been dedication to ensuring that the users quality entertainment, information and the value of giving citizens a cultural difficult to calculate when the objects are the ones benefiting from the value. education, and as a means of ensuring foundation and a national identity in a analysed did not fit into neoclassical This mindset is key throughout the Obligations that the aim of the programme producer globalised world. economic way of describing the world. process, from digitisation to the actual is the satisfaction of a range of consuming of the cultural heritage. audience tastes rather than only those “Regeringen vil fortsat arbejde for Manuel Castells is trying to defy this tastes that show the largest profit.” at styrke og udvikle det frie danske traditional thinking about value: and Value - Garnham: 1986:12-13 kulturliv i de kommende år. Det gælder såvel i forhold til at udvikle kunstens “The old question of industrial Hence, in order to be successful as internationalisering og kunstens rolle society – indeed, the cornerstone of a public service broadcaster, DR has som formidler af danske demokratiske classical political economy – namely, to balance its obligations as a public værdier som i forhold til at sikre “what is value?,” has no definite When analysing the objective of the service institution set by the politicians, kendskabet til kulturarven og den answer in the global network society. project, it is important to emphasize with the user demands and market værdi, som ligger i at virke på et stærkt Value is what is processed in every the context that DR operates in. The mechanisms. DR Cultural Heritage kulturelt fundament. Kulturarven har predominant network at every time in importance of making cultural heritage Project inherits this challenging væsentlig betydning for danskernes every space according to the hierarchy accessible has previously been foundation, and furthermore there are identitetsfølelse i en globaliseret programmed in the network by the highlighted, but currently an essential added complexities by its obligation verden, og kunst og kultur får i disse år actors upon the network. Capitalism part of the political argument is that the to collaborate with external projects en stigende betydning. Regeringen vil has not disappeared. Indeed, it is content should be activated and used and partners with different sets of derfor fortsætte arbejdet med formidling more pervasive than ever. But it is by the public. As previously touched objectives. However, the common af den danske kulturarv nationalt og not, against a common ideological upon, the role as a public service goal is still to supply society with internationalt.” perception, the only game in the global broadcaster, as well as a producer of quality information that increases the - Mulighedernes samfund, town.” culture have been widely discussed. knowledge of the population, and Regeringsgrundlag 2007 - Castells: 2009: 29 Nevertheless, use is crucial, as Castell this separates public service from argues: commercial approach to the market. As In political terms, this means that Max Boisot argues that the notions Goodman argues: identity and culture has value, of “in the beginning was the market” “Moreover, the range of investment especially when we are discussing do not convincingly answer many of of these global multimedia business “This emphasis on quality and democratic value. Also, this value society’s questions because information networks increases with new excellence connects public service is considered to be proportionally and data are not free commodities in possibilities of interactive, multi-modal media to the notion of “merit goods.” important with increased globalisation, society. He argues, the ability in agents communication, particularly the Internet Often used in connection with the thus, the need for disseminating cultural to create a codification and abstraction and wireless communication networks. performing and fine arts, merit goods heritage should not only be national, and thereby transform and create In this case, the programming of refer to products that the market would but also international. knowledge from data and information the networks is less about content not produce but should be made is at the core of value creation. When than about format. The Internet only available because they do people The goal of DR’s Heritage Project is to this has happened he argues can a becomes profitable if people use it, good.” create value by distributing the Danish diffusion of knowledge happen which and people would use it less if it lost its - Goodman: 2004: 26 cultural heritage. But, how is the public would be a market vaporization of a fundamental features: interactivity and service value constructed? A good product or a service. A process that’s unfettered communication, regardless This creates a natural question about way to observe value is to assume happening in what he defines as the of how surveilled it is.” the foundation of the Cultural Heritage that value is flows of information in Information Space. (Boisot et al: 2007) - Castells: 2009: 421 Project: is cultural heritage merit society that the public translates into goods? The answer is in this case, knowledge by consuming it. One This brings us closer to the value of In Denmark the political framework yes. Given that cultural heritage is cannot measure the value or the cultural heritage. Larger actors in for public service broadcasting is knowledge about society, it is not a consumption, but it can be assumed networks adjacent to DR’s Cultural articulated in the law ‘Radio- og scarcity good, one can share it without that the information is accessible and Heritage project are acknowledging Fjernsynsloven’ and Medieforliget, having less. disseminated in order to be used. the value of the archives and cultural which is negotiated between DR When digitising the cultural heritage the heritage, making room for definition and the politicians every fourth year. The cultural heritage can therefore have technology makes us able to measure of value based on other criteria than Nicholas Garnhams analysis of public value for everyone in the society, what the use of the available content, thus economics. The abstract value of service in the article ‘Public Service prevents it from being shared will in this making us able to determine value by cultural heritage is the reason that versus the market’ sets a clear outline case be the availability or accessibility. measuring the use. Hence, there is today it is being prioritised in the of the reality DR manoeuvres in. Cultural heritage is an abstract an interesting and close relationship political budgets and the different phenomenon that makes it difficult to between cultural heritage, value and framework agreements, which the “For the truth is that while the public grasp, hence, also to commercialise. use. regulation of broadcasting has been This creates an interesting issue, 19
  • 20. 2 CHApTER Scientific Approach and Description of Methods 20
  • 21. research Project exploit the digitisation of defined as different networks around Cultural Heritage so digitisation the project, that relates to both local Working questions creates value within the organisation and global actors. Their interactions, and in society? fusions and environments create 1. What is DR’s Cultural Heritage & Working society. The networks and society are Project? This is a brief description We have chosen the word ‘how’ in able to create and absorb value within of the case and the foundation for order to create explorative approach, a given context, hence always been establishing the project in 2007, where an explanation of DR’s Cultural dynamic entities that change over time. which have already been presented questions Heritage Project could be given with It should be emphasised that there is a 2. Which networks is the project the purpose of connecting previous relationship between the digital cultural involved in, and what are the events to the current phenomenon, and heritage and the society, because they characteristics of the key players? through this examine the case. The are related and influence each other. 3. What activities is the project approach of asking how is one of the involved in, and how are they The objective of this thesis is to give preferred methods for case studies. As This means that society and culture creating value? Through a value a theoretical understanding of the Yin explains: is made of processes, which are chain analysis we will try to value created when digitising cultural constantly changing and affecting each describe the different workflows, heritage, but also the more pragmatic “In contrast, “how” and “why” questions other. An assumption--which is the the production and output of the aspects such as how one can facilitate are more explanatory and likely to lead foundation of the project--given that Cultural Heritage Project innovation and change the conditions to the use of case studies, histories, work within the project has the ability to 4. How are data, information, and of a project by interacting with different and experiments as the preferred change society. Additionally, we want to knowledge constructed in the adjacent networks. research methods. This is because emphasise ‘the value of communication’ different networks, and how does such questions deal with operational as a hypothesis, leaning towards a this effect what Boisot calls the In fact, the final product will be links needing to be traced over time, Castells argument that is: information-space? This is an conclusions on the value creation rather than mere frequencies and analysis of the knowledge and and utilisation and a set of strategic incidence.” “The common culture of the global value of the project, how is it guidelines that is developed for the -Yin:2009:9 network society is a culture of created and how can we explore thesis, but can be used as general protocols of communication enabling the process of sharing and guidelines that are for digitising When we observe the operational communication between different absorbing value. cultural heritage. Furthermore, we links in the project, the different cultures on the basis not of shared 5. What are the guiding principle for present reflections upon how value is players in the research question values but of the sharing of the value of creating and sharing value, when created for the Danish Broadcasting should be explained. We have chosen communication.” digitising cultural heritage? Corporation and in society. to highlight three key players; the - Castells: 2009: 38 Danish Broadcasting Corporation When discussing digital cultural (DR), DR’s Cultural Heritage Project, The hypothesis puts great importance heritage the key focus will be the and Society. We will not explore the in the value of being able to digitised audiovisual content from DR’s question ‘why’, however, because the communicate by establishing common archives dating 2005 and back to 1896, Danish Broadcasting Corporation and codes for interacting. However, creating since this was the physical object that the Danish government have already shared value is not a necessary goal. resulted in the grant of DKK 75 mill to defined this, and answer to ‘why’ is In relation to cultural heritage this is DR. The grant was only given because already handled in prerequisites that quite important, because it gives an the archive was and still is considered initiated the project. objective to diffuse cultural heritage to be highly valuable, not only for DR, with an emphasis on communication, but for society. DR’s Cultural Heritage Project, in this and not the establishment of a shared also referred to as ‘the project’, which value that could be viewed in this case Focusing on the added value that DR’s is a small organisation within DR, as nationalism or cultural domination. Cultural Heritage Project is creating, responsible for the actual processes Instead the digital technology opens the processes in the project and the and activities. If you compare DRs towards sharing culture, between network seems like key elements in organisation to the project, DR is the the masses but also between the the analysis. Also, we try to explain established organisation that sets the subcultures, thus not making any how generated value can and should framework for digitising cultural heritage selection in which content is more be distributed in the organisation, the by initiating the project. However, the important than the other. network, and society. In this case the two players are quite different, one relation between value and knowledge being a major media corporation and Based on the research question, the is established, but also a modulation of bureaucracy with many objectives, the case’s entities should be explored, value; meaning is not only value in the other the project itself, a temporary making room for sub-questions. The terms of neoclassical economics. The project with concrete goals – to digitise function of these is to explore the case study is based on the research and disseminate the archive content research question by answering the question: within DR. sub-questions, subsequently the sub- questions cover. How can the Danish Broadcasting Another aspect or type of player is the Corporation’s Cultural Heritage society. The society will in this case be 21
  • 22. no longer a part of the project activities. analysis tomorrow (Jespersen: 2004). primarily be research documents from cases? Does it have bearing on any Boundaries The project therefore contributes to the A condition that will shape our work Danish and European institutions, but other cases?” concept development and strategy, but process, because our thesis is written also more political and legislative texts - Olivier: 2009: 98 other departments are responsible for over time, at some point we have to such as the media agreements. Additionally, we need delimitations the actual design and dissemination. decide on a reality, which has already Olivier makes an argument that a to establish the field in which we However, the project still has a changed as soon as we try to describe The purpose of using the documents case study is in danger of becoming are operating, constituting some consultant role and feels ownership of in on paper. Although, time is changing combined with practical work is to too specified, making it hard to draw natural borders. Despite the fact, we the actual products it has participated in the reality, the outcome will still have try to grasp the causal relationships conclusions valid in other scenarios. are operating with an open system, developing. value tomorrow, much will be the same between the digital cultural heritage, the For that reason the thesis is focusing grasping everything is an impossible and the results of our analyses and networks around it and the value that is on how a digitisation can create added task. Since it is a socio-economic field Following the discussion of the guiding principles should still have being created. value, putting an emphasis on the we are operating in, all the knowledge interaction between the users and DR guiding value and provide insights. process and not the specific project. we can obtain is contextual, the goal is the public service definition. The Hopefully, the product of the thesis will is then to strive toward ‘justified true thesis will not analyse the public service Critical realism describes that reality Case studies – a reflection be knowledge, hence, useful research belief’, because the absolute truth term, but it is used as a reference and consists of three domains – the that can be applied to practical work. cannot be reached (Jespersen: 2004: a framework for the decisions in the empirical domain, the actual domain, upon the method In our case study five components 160). Therefore, we are using the project. and the real domain (Jespersen: in designing the research have, for limitation to examine the field and come 2004:148-149). On the empirical that reason, been key: Taking an closer to an understanding of the reality, Lastly, the analysis is focusing on domain data is experienced, and all the The case study purpose is not to control approach inspired by Robert Yin case but the conclusion will be limited by it the processes and network, which data is accessible for the observer. The behavioural, events etc. the objective study design and methods. These being based on “all other things being doesn’t give us the opportunity to two other levels exist independently is to examine contemporary events. components are: equal”-principle. describe human resources and lead of the observer, the second being the This prioritisation of ‘what is’ fit into management in detail even though they actual domain containing events and the philosophy of the critical realism 1. a study’s questions In fact, this means the thesis will not are influencing the project on a daily experience, and finally, the third being (Yin:2009:8). Still, we want to elaborate 2. its propositions, if any give a description of all agents related basis. Instead we focus on the team’s the real domain where these events why the case study approach has been 3. its unit(s) of analysis to the case. Neither will we be dealing results, making their work the key in our and experiences are supplemented by taken, and the arguments for taken 4. the logic linking the data to the with the political and legal environment, analysis. mechanisms. Both the actual and the this approach. A definition of the case propositions although areas such as Intellectual real domain existst independently of the study is therefore needed, and we have 5. the criteria for interpreting the Property Rights and political priorities observer, hence the observer cannot decided to use Schramm definition: findings Critical (IPR) are briefly touched upon. In grasp them (Jespersen: 2007: 148). (Yin: 2009: 27) relation to the agents the interactions Consequently, we can only aim for “The essence of a case study, the between them will only be described, grasping how the world is taken to be. central tendency among all types of The study’s question has already been if the interaction serves a considerable case study, is that it tries to illuminate presented, as well as the propositions Realism as emphasis for the case study. The critical realism is useful when we a decision or a set of decisions: why described in the introductory chapter. can observe an anomaly or something they were taken, how they were The units we are analysing are primarily The interactions between the public, unexpected: in this case the funding implemented, and with what result.” a limited part of the network around DR and the project will be quite for digitising from the politicians are - Schramm, 1971, quoted by Yin: 2009: project, the value chain activities and a Scientific superficial. The public and its demands observable in the empirical domain. 17 process and finally the areas where and ways of influencing the project are However, the mechanism and events the project can create value. The only briefly discussed beause it would on the other domains are far more So far, many have studied the logic linking the proposition will be require large analysis and quantitative interesting to observe. It is not the cultural heritages impact on society, to use different models for collecting Approach research to understand the relation. actual funding that is interesting to digitisation and value creation, and a and explaining the various data, but This is something the department of analyse, it is the relationships being study combining the areas have also also to look for patterns, in order to DR Medieforskning is working with on a made and the mechanisms that been explored. On the other hand give some guidelines for how an ideal regular basis with significant resources shape the outcome of the political an analysis of the individual projects process could be. We are operating in and thus covering this sufficiently. prioritisation. handling everything from digitisation a trans-disciplinary field with financial, This thesis is based in critical realism, to dissemination have rarely been sociological and abstract linkages Additionally, the project has not which is a philosophy of science that Key is that the perception of reality examined in detail. DR Cultural creating difficulties for grasping the explored the user interaction in a prioritizes ontology (i.e. the study of decides the method that should be Heritage has within the last couple actual value of transactions and assets. substantial way, making it hard for being or existence) over epistemology used to grasp reality. In this case we of years experienced an increasing the case to explore the interaction (i.e. study of the way knowledge is are looking at a trans-disciplinary field, interest for the project, because it made Finally, we will have some criteria for between the project as a public service obtained) in the sense that, for critical which affects the approach to acquiring results that previously haven’t been interpreting the findings. In this case object and the users being the Danes. realists, the way the world is should new knowledge. The approach we seen. This made us strive towards a these will be finding and highlighting Although, the goal of the project is guide the way knowledge of it can be are using is quite pragmatic, because case study that could give insights to activities and principles for the project to focus more on the users being the obtained (Fleetwood: 2007). In this we have been working on the project other projects, although: to operate after. Based on the findings public in the future, it is still quite new case we are operating with an open ourselves, the real expert insight will these should give reason to assume in this field. Should an analysis be system, which is constantly changing. be firsthand experience. Interpreted by “The challenge of a case study is to that they create added value for a given made, the product Bonanza initiated by Given this dynamic nature, the ontology us as both informants and researchers. obtain knowledge that is useful and organisation and/or society. DR’s Cultural Heritage Project would will change over time, and therefore To balance the pragmatic approach not merely interesting. Who says probably be more interesting. Bonanza the conclusion today will not be the more qualitative data is needed from information obtained from a few cases is now part of DR’s online offerings and same, if we decided to make a similar other sources, and in this thesis this will has been any bearing on any other 22