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A Troy Media Publication


Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse
 Information Communications Technology
        Simulation and game development
       Web publishing management systems
       ICT transforming the energy business
                E-health innovation
Table of Contents
Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse

Gary Slywchuk
Senior Editor
Doug Firby
Art Director
Sally Hewson

Sponsored by
Alberta ICT Council

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                                                                Photo: Chuck Szmurlo
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                                                                                          Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   3
Innovation key to meeting
             ICT challenges
             By Patrick Binns edmonton, ab, troy media/ – Two companies                transaction, or groups of transactions,
             ExEcutivE DirEctor    invest similar amounts of time and money to         become readily available. Changing inefficient
             AlbErtA ict council   build their Information and Communications          processes requires insight into both available
                                   Technology (ICT) infrastructure and yet they        computing devices and business knowledge.
                                   may have completely different outcomes. Why         Sadly, this is where the innovation process
                                   the difference?                                     often fails.
                                      The key difference between the two
                                                                                       FoCuS on buSIneSS proCeSSeS
                                   outcomes comes down to whether businesses
                                   look beyond the basic infrastructure – the            To get beyond mere “computer plumbing,”
                                   “ICT plumbing” – and take a different attitude      companies have to focus more on business
                                   towards their ICT investment.                       processes than available technology.
                                      ICT Plumbing refers to the workstations,           This is where Alberta’s ICT sector shines:
                                   networks, servers, data centres and portable        we have companies involved in business value
                                   computing devices – in other words, stuff.          chains that build industry solutions based on
                                   While these devices are critical to the             integrated components, data resources and
                                   processes that support our economy, they are        advanced software. These systems address
                                   less important than the innovation thinking         productivity opportunities in economic
                                   required to utilize these devices to their          sectors, such as resource management,
                                   maximum potential.                                  advanced manufacturing, eHealth and
                                                                                       industrial systems.
                                   ICT IS A Core CoMpeTenCy
                                                                                         System components are readily available;
                                      Do you consider your ICT infrastructure          the innovation challenge comes in integrating
                                   as “a cost to your business” or as “an enabler      them to solve complex real-world solutions
                                   to your business?” If you view it as an enabler,    that drive productivity – for example next-
                                   then ICT is a core competency and is being          generation processes to manage our wellness,
                                   used to set you apart from your competitors.        health, and chronic diseases.  •
                                   If it’s just a cost, then ICT purchases are being
                                   treated much like buying pens, paper, and
                                                                                       Patrick Binns is the Executive Director of the
                                   other office supplies.
                                                                                       Alberta ICT Council. The council works with
                                      ICT-enabled innovation is responsible for        companies and stakeholders in Alberta to promote,
                                   process improvements because it eliminates          develop, and distribute ICT-based products.
                                   information barriers. Data to support the           Contact:

                                                                                                                                              3D	Interactive	
                                                                                                                                              (3DI)	is	a	leading	
                                                                                                                                              developer	of	
                                                                                                                                              simulation	software	
                                                                                                                                              for	industrial	
                                                                                                                                              training	and	design	

4	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                                           	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
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Alberta’s tech sector has no
             beef with the oil industry
                                            calgary, ab, troy media/ –They don’t wear cowboy hats, spray crops or work on oilrigs. Yet
                                            they contribute up to 15 per cent of the province’s gross domestic product. They’re techies, and
                                            they’re the unsung heroes of Alberta’s economy.
                                               The statistics are impressive: Alberta’s information communications technology (ICT) sector’s
                                            direct economic impact exceeds $8 billion per year, and ICT companies are among the largest
                                            spenders on industrial research and development, according to the Alberta ICT Council, a
                                            not-for-profit advocacy group. Health care, education and government services are among the
                                            countless industries benefiting from Alberta’s burgeoning tech sector.
                                               Driving that growth are a handful of factors, including low provincial taxes, government
                                            initiatives and an impressive talent pool.
                                               While the presence of tech titans like Nortel once lured IT professionals to this prairie
                                            province, Ranil Herath, president of DeVry University’s Calgary campus, points to smaller
                                            outfits as being key contributors to Alberta’s economy. “These days, there are many small- to
                                            medium-size tech firms that continue to thrive in the province of Alberta, and we’re seeing a
             Delivering	CT	and	MRI	scans	   fair bit of innovation come out of them.”
             and	other	critical	data,	      MeDICAl IMAGInG
             ResolutionMD	Mobile	by	
             Calgary	Scientific	allows	       One of those firms is Calgary Scientific, which has developed an iPhone and iPad app that
             emergency	personnel	to	        provides round-the-clock, worldwide access to medical images on mobile devices. Dubbed
             make	life-saving	decisions	    ResolutionMD Mobile, the life-saving software lets emergency personnel deliver to doctors CT
             on	the	spot.                   and MRI scans and a range of other critical data that allow them to make decisions on the spot.
                                            Not bad for a business with just 53 employees.

6	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                      	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
But profit parlayed into government
                                                                                                      subsidies isn’t the only way tech-related
                                                                                                      companies are piggybacking on Alberta’s
                                                                                                      energy, agriculture and oil sectors.
                                                                                                         “People don’t realize it, but the oil patch
                                                                                                      is a very technical business,” Osing says.
                                                                                                      “Calgary is one of the centres of the universe
                                                                                                      for technology development as related to the
                                                                                                      resource industry.”
                                                                                                         That’s not to suggest that Alberta’s tech
                                                                                                      sector doesn’t face major challenges. Although
                                                                                                      the province still enjoys a relatively low tax
                                                                                                      regime, the oil boom has driven up the price
                                                                                                      of residential and commercial real estate.
                                                                                                      According to a recent Royal LePage housing-
                                                                                                      price survey, the average price of a two-storey
                                                                                                      home has risen by 5.5 per cent, and prices for
                                                                                                      detached bungalows have increased by 4.6 per
                                                                                                      cent since 2009.
                                                                                                      InSuFFICIenT venTure CApITAl
                                                                                                         Another obstacle to the tech sector’s positive
                                                                                                      impact on Alberta’s economy is poor access
                                                                                                      to venture capital. While some provinces,
                                                                                                      Ontario for example, have labour and
                                                                                                      pension-sponsored funds, Osing says that “the
                                                                                                      single biggest factor that we lack in Alberta
                                                                                                      is a significant amount of venture capital or
                                                                                                      institution capital to invest in early-stage
                                                                                                      technologies here.”
                                                                                                         Nemish agreed. “Compared to Eastern or
   “People’s perception is that you can’t build      CollAborATIve SpIrIT                             Western Canada, there isn’t really a strong
the kind of advanced technology that we’re                                                            venture-capital community for high-tech
                                                       A collaborative spirit has also greatly
building in Alberta,” says Byron Osing, CEO                                                           companies. Ninety per cent of business in
                                                     contributed to Alberta’s strengthening
of Calgary Scientific. “But my team stands in                                                         Alberta is focused on oil and gas, so venture
                                                     tech sector. “Alberta is still the most
front of the biggest, smartest companies in the                                                       capitalists see that as a much lower-risk
                                                     entrepreneurial province in the country,”
world all the time and blows them away.”                                                              investment than high tech. Besides, it’s much
                                                     Osing says. “We’re a Western-based province;
   Long gone are the days of Alberta’s gold-                                                          easier to invest in businesses you understand
                                                     we’re not fed by government; you pull yourself
rush-driven work force, which spawned mass                                                            than ones you don’t.”
                                                     up by your own bootstraps, and you find a
influxes – and exoduses – of talent. “Once                                                               Business leaders have criticized the Alberta
                                                     way to make a go of it. To do that, you have
people move here, they find the lifestyle in                                                          government for picking favourites when
                                                     to depend on each other as entrepreneurs
Alberta is wonderful,” Osing says. “It’s a great                                                      allocating scarce funds. “The government
                                                     or private businessmen for access to a lot of
province to live in, and the personal taxes                                                           has to be careful not to be perceived as
                                                     resources that people in other provinces can
are a lot lower than many people are used to                                                          picking winners and losers (among high tech
                                                     access through government programs.”
paying in Ontario or British Columbia. Once                                                           companies),” Nemish says. “It’s a very fine
                                                       There’s no disputing that Alberta’s tech
technology-based talent comes here, it seldom                                                         line.”
                                                     sector has been overshadowed by the
leaves.”                                                                                                 In the end though, sustaining Alberta’s
                                                     province’s much-ballyhooed beef and energy
   Roman Nemish has seen similar                                                                      ICT sector and its positive impact on the
                                                     industries. However, savvy business leaders
employment trends. Nemish is the president                                                            province’s economy may have as much to do
                                                     are tapping into the advantages of being so
of Tektelic Communications, a Calgary-based                                                           with innovation, talent and venture capital as
                                                     close to such lucrative industries.
company specializing in high-power and                                                                with gracefully embracing its second-string
                                                       “When the oil and gas companies were
high-efficiency radio solutions for wireless                                                          status. After all, says Herath, “the two main
                                                     doing really well, the government was able
networks. “It’s not difficult to attract people in                                                    areas Alberta is known for are beef and oil.
                                                     to see a meaningful profit, which it’s now
the telecom industry to Alberta,” he says.
                                                     using to make Alberta a stronger location for
                                                                                                      And that’s not going to change.”   •
                                                     investment,” Nemish says.

                                                                                                                      Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			    7
                                   calgary, ab, troy media/ –This summer, as the renowned Tutankhamun and the Golden
                                   Age of the Pharaohs exhibit opened in the brand-new Discovery Times Square Exposition
                                   in New York, an online video game set out to recruit secret agents aged eight to 12 to follow

                                   explorer Howard Carter’s trail all the way to the exhibit.
                                     Seek Your Own Proof, an educational game that encourages children to research historical
                                   events online and in nearby museums to solve puzzles and earn points, is one of the

                                   cornerstones of the Discovery Channel’s Discovery Kids website. It’s also one of the interesting
                                   success stories of Alberta’s information and communication technologies sector. It was
                                   developed by Edmonton’s Rocketfuel Productions, a joint venture between two Alberta ICT

             in                    companies, Hotrocket and Redengine.
                                     “Ten years ago, when I started Redengine, we focused on making software and providing
                                   services and platforms for professional associations in Canada and U.S.,” says Tom Ogaranko,

             technology            the co-founder of Redengine, who also serves as chair of the Alberta ICT Council. “We wanted
                                   to branch out, and we got together with Hotrocket and launched Rocketfuel to do the online
                                   game, which is now being played by more than 10,000 kids, and which Discovery is building
                                   into its broadcasting.”
                                   54,000 AlberTAnS work In TeCHnoloGy
                                     Ogaranko is one of 54,000 Albertans employed by about 4,300 companies that generate
                                   $10 billion in revenues across the province. He is also a perpetual entrepreneur, having moved
                                   on from Redengine and Rocketfuel in 2008 to found Kanata Health Solutions, a University of
                                   Alberta spinoff company that is taking a wireless wearable patient-monitor patent developed by
                                   the university and bringing the technology to market.

                                                                                                                 Clusters	of	research	
                                                                                                                 and	development	
                                                                                                                 centre	around	the	
                                                                                                                 University	of	Alberta	
                                                                                                                 and	the	University		
                                                                                                                 of	Calgary.

                                                                                                                Dr.	Cooper	Langford

8	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                              	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
Ogaranko’s story is emblematic of Alberta’s         There are also small but significant           the broader topic of innovation. He offers a
ICT sector, which is made up largely of small      pockets of innovation in Medicine Hat,            good explanation of what those offshoots may
and medium enterprises that dot an economic        where the federally funded Canadian Centre        look like.
landscape still dominated by resource extraction   for Unmanned Vehicle Systems facilitates             “Calgary is a knowledge-base centre,” he
and servicing the oil patch.                       research in unmanned vehicles near the            says. “There is not much oil around here
  As a large, sparsely populated province          Canadian Forces Base in Suffield and in           anymore, and not much gas, but Calgary is the
with abundant natural resources, it is no          Lethbridge, where the Canadian Centre for         place where you can put together the technical
surprise that Alberta’s ICT sector is mainly       Behavioural Neuroscience at the University        and managerial capacity for extractive
focused on geomatics, land management              of Lethbridge attracts world-class researchers    projects around Alberta, Canada and abroad.”
and environmental science, which allow             like Dr. Bruce McNaughton who in 2008 won            So you have ICT, managerial and financial
for more efficient use of land and resources,      the $10-million Alberta Heritage Foundation       services, and there is innovation in each area.
                                                                                                     “What is interesting is that wireless services
                                                                                                     and its Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
                                                                                                     cousin have spun off from services in oil and
                                                                                                     gas into its own cluster,” Langford adds.
                                                                                                        Langford’s research points to trends in
                                                                                                     Calgary and across the province, where the
                                                                                                     presence of large market niches like the oil
                                                                                                     and gas sector and the Alberta government -
                                                                                                     as well as university research centres - provide
                                                                                                     fertile ground for innovation.
                                                                                                        “Certainly GPS is strong in Calgary, but that
                                                                                                     is partly because the GPS group here at the
                                                                                                     University of Calgary developed an explicit
                                                                                                     strategy in developing a GPS industry,” says
                                                                                                     Langford. “They did it by taking an activist
                                                                                                     stance within an academic organization, the
                                                                                                     U.S. Institute of Navigation. They encouraged
                                                                                                     their students to publish papers, which talk
                                                                                                     about Calgary-manufactured prototypes.
                                                                                                     Their students were getting more best-paper
                                                                                                     awards at these international meetings than
                                                                                                     anyone, and the industry benefits.”
and wireless- and mobile-communication             for Medical Research Polaris Award, the           enCourAGInG A CulTure oF
technologies, which foster communication           largest medical award in Canada.                  exCellenCe
across vast distances. Those two areas of             Dr. McNaughton joined the CCBN from the
expertise are complemented by strong               University of Arizona to lead a 10-year project      Several e-services companies in Edmonton
e-services (especially e-health) and digital       investigating electrical impulses and memory      are focused on e-health, and there is also
media sectors.                                     consolidation, and he is in good company.         a growing gaming cluster, led by software
                                                   Just this summer, another CCBN researcher,        developers Bioware, that has produced some
CAlGAry, eDMonTon HoST TeCH                                                                          of the most recognizable video game titles on
                                                   Dr. Robert Sutherland, announced a major
CluSTerS                                                                                             the market, including Star Wars: Knights of
                                                   breakthrough in brain research, showing that
  The ICT companies that either serve              damaged adult brain cells can be regrown in       the Old Republic.
or are spun out of the energy sector are           mice, raising hopes that similar methods may         “From a consumer point of view, anyone
clustered around Calgary, along with the           be used to help treat diseases like Alzheimer’s   who loves computer games knows that one of
wireless sector, which goes back to the days       and Parkinson’s.                                  the most productive companies in the world
when Nortel was a global powerhouse in                In the meantime, Alberta’s more traditional    is Bioware,” says Randy Goebel, professor
network technologies. Many of Alberta’s            advantages in oil and gas continue to benefit     of computing science at the University of
e-services, e-health and digital-media             companies in the ICT sector.                      Alberta and the former CEO of the Alberta
companies are clustered around Edmonton.                                                             Informatics Circle of Research Excellence,
                                                   oIl AnD GAS oFFSHooTS                             which was established in October 1999 by the
Both cities provide a favourable climate
for innovation, with large, well-educated             Dr. Cooper Langford, professor of              government of Alberta.
populations and clusters of research               chemistry at the University of Calgary and           “But, do consumers notice that it’s an
and development infrastructure at the              director of its Science, Technology and           Alberta company?” asks Goebel. “The
University of Calgary and University of            Society Program, has studied the origins and      geography of where a product comes from is a
Alberta.                                           structure of the Calgary wireless sector and      nonissue for the customer. It just has to
                                                                                                     be good.” •
                                                                                                                     Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   9
ICT in the economic
                                    driver’s seat
                                    calgary, ab, troy media/ – Breaking new ground, forging creative links, and educating by
                                    opening people’s minds to the beneficial wonders of cutting-edge technology is all in a day’s
                                    work for Alberta’s ICT leaders.
                                      Leslie Roberts, president of GoForth Institute, is a good example of one of those leaders.
                                    Roberts is a leader in entrepreneurship, education and research and now ICT. She was the first
                                    person in Canada to be awarded a PhD in entrepreneurship. GoForth is a private nationwide
                                    institute dedicated to entrepreneurial education — the only one of its kind in Canada.
                                    nATIonAl enTrepreneurSHIp eDuCATIon
                                      “We’re doing something quite nontraditional in the education sector,” Roberts says. “We are
                                    delivering the first national entrepreneurship education program for adults using a technology
                                    program.” Market research uncovered a demand for adult education delivered in a way that
                                    would suit working entrepreneurs.
                                      “I was not intending to become a technology company, but I let the market drive us there.
                                      “This is where I connected with the technology sector and with Calgary Technologies
                                    Inc. (CTI) helped us identify and select a program that would respond to the needs of the
                                    marketplace and protect our valuable content, streaming high-def video.”
                                      Roberts says GoForth took the curriculum and “packetized” it, which condenses each of the
                                    30 segments to a maximum of 20 minutes. The video lessons cost $295 per student for the full
                                    10-hour course, and users can sign on and watch whenever it’s convenient.
                                      “I had a background as a professor, and I really wanted to build something,” Roberts says.
                                    “The technology arrived at the right time, allowing us to deliver entrepreneurship education
                                    anywhere in the country. Having a tech partner makes it easy for us to stay at the forefront of
                                    Web videos.”
                                      Another pioneer to watch, says Roberts, is Calgary-based Worldplay, a leader in video-
                                    compression technology, with whom she will be launching a new product that will lower the
                                    barriers to transmitting educational information worldwide.
                                    web 2.0 SeCurITy
                                       Roberts believes ICT drives every aspect of the economy, and that includes protecting the
                                    security of all high-tech applications.
                                       Enter Wedge Networks Inc., a leader in Web 2.0 security for enterprises and service providers
                                       Wedge Networks’ CEO Hongwen Zhang estimates there are about four million viruses
                                    transmitted via the Internet, and he warns that they are becoming more aggressive with the
                                    proliferation of Internet usage. “Because of our clear vision for a clean network, Wedge is taking
                                    a leadership role,” he says.
                                       Zhang has more than 18 years of high-tech experience and notes that Wedge offers a security
                                    solution “that is revolutionary in the sense that it offers great cost savings and simplifies day-to-
                                    day management.”
                                       Endorsements for Wedge Networks’ products come from such industry principals as Wmode,
                                    a global leader in content management for mobile networks, and media companies.

                                    Leslie	Roberts,	
                                    president	of	
                                    GoForth	Institute

10	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
Describing the Internet today as “the
nervous system of the human race,” Zhang
also sees significance in promoting and
sponsoring partnerships. “We try to foster
an ecosystem where we can bring value to
society,” he says.
   One of the beneficiaries of that sponsorship
is TRLabs, Canada’s largest information
and communications technology R&D
   Under the stewardship of CEO Robert
Tasker, TRLabs is bringing technologies
to market that used to be limited in use
to applied research. After 23 years in the
ICT private sector, Tasker recognizes the
challenges ahead, as did the board of TRLabs,
which realized a new mindset was required to
“lead the way to commercializing technology.”
   When Tasker first joined the innovation
sector he admits to making a simplistic
judgment: “It’s a very fragmented ecosystem,”
with a number of players like TRLabs, but
little collaboration. “I see a huge opportunity
for TRLabs to take a leadership role in
partnerships, rather than competing for not-
for-profit dollars from government.”
   Alberta Innovates is a prime example
of successfully consolidating high-tech
organizations, Tasker says. He believes

                                                  Robert	Tasker,	CEO,	TRLabs

                                                  that Alberta Innovates CEO Gary                    believer in Europe’s approach to education,
                                                  Albach “understands and recognizes the             where he grew up with “engineering as applied
                                                  fragmentation problem and hopes to create          science.”
                                                  one technology-industry association with a           In the U.K., he says, most professors
                                                  more consistent voice.”                            practice their specialties. “In Canada, super
                         Hongwen	Zhang,	             Another problem Tasker is addressing is         smart people get educated but never practice. I
                         CEO,		                   the lack of venture capital available for small    want to make what we’re doing more practical
                         Wedge	Networks           businesses. “Canada is attractive to investors,    so industry sees the benefits. What’s changing
                                                  so we must help coach SMBs to find what            the ICT sector is the legacy of what telecom
                                                  venture capitalists want and what they must        and other providers can do for business and
                                                  do to attract them.” The Alberta ICT Council       consumers.”
                                                  is heavily involved in this initiative globally,     But Gedeon says the ICT community must
                                                  Tasker says.                                       pull together more. For its part, his company
                                                                                                     sponsors the Telus Innovation Award, “of
                                                  TIMe To puT TeACHInG InTo
                                                                                                     which 30 per cent goes to communicating
                                                                                                     innovative ideas.”
                         Ibrahim	Gedeon,	           Prior to joining TRLabs, Tasker spent              Looking ahead, Gedeon is intent on turning
                         Chief	Technology	        10 years as an executive with Telus, where         engineering into applied science. He sees it as
                         Officer,	Telus           Ibrahim Gedeon is chief technology officer.        a moral responsibility because it can do the
                                                  Internationally educated, Gedeon is a great        most good on a global scale. •
                                                                                                                    Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   11
blackline GpS gives
              parents peace of mind
                                    calgary, ab, troy media/ – Parents are understandably nervous when their teenagers are
                                    learning to drive. It’s hard not to think of all the things that can go wrong when your 16 year old
                                    is disappearing down the street behind the wheel of the family sedan.
                                       But now an Alberta-developed technology can bring those parents peace of mind.
                                       Alberta’s BlackLine GPS has received wide acclaim for its “teen safety GPS system,” delivered
                                    by its Entourage CIS product. It allows parents of teen drivers to monitor and “improve
                                    the driving behaviour of their teens” using special report cards, explains Clark Swanson,
                                    BlackLine’s president and CEO. These report cards are “based on parameters set by the parents,”
                                    who set times they expect their teens to be attending school and driving speeds they consider
                                    acceptable, he says.
                                       It’s just one of hundreds of services and products developed in Alberta that are improving the
                                    lives of consumers every day. And the Alberta ICT Council is working hard to make it easier for
                                    the companies behind these products to reach the public.
                                       The council, a not-for-profit agency that represents Alberta’s ICT sector, seeks greater visibility
                                    for an industry that sometimes “gets lost” in the mix, according to Patrick Binns, the council’s
                                    executive director. He says the council’s mission is to “create a brand for Alberta’s ICT sector,”
                                    and help all parties better understand the value of collaborating as part of a larger “ecosystem”
                                    for technology products and services.

                                                                                                                                      Dr.	Pierre	Boulanger,		
                                                                                                                                      Adjunct	Professor,		
                                                                                                                                      TRLabs	in	his	virtual		
                                                                                                                                      reality	lab.
                                                                                                         Photos: Courtesy of TRlabs

12	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
and chair of Alberta’s ICT Council, one of
                                                                                                                                    the council’s main goals is to “promote how
                                                                                                                                    information and communication technologies
                                                                                                                                    such as broadband, wireless and digital
                                                                                                           Leo	Yeung,	TRLabs
                                                                                                                                    media can improve the delivery of services
                                                                                                                                    in such areas as water-quality management,
Photos: Courtesy of TRlabs

                                                                                                                                    environmental monitoring, health care and
                                                                                                                                    TeleHeAlTH pIoneerS
                                                                                                                                       Ogaranko says “Alberta has been a pioneer
                                                                                                                                    in telehealth networks,” with significant
                                                                                                                                    e-health efforts under way “at universities and
                                                                                                                                    in the IT sector.” For example, the University
                                                                                                                                    of Alberta, in concert with Seiko and Sony,
                                                                                                                                    has developed a wearable physiological
                                                                                                                                    monitoring system, which takes a person’s
                                “Alberta’s ICT Council is focused on five         consortium. TRLabs fosters “innovation            pulse and blood-glucose level and sends that
                             initiatives – sector awareness, sector alignment,    across multiple industry sectors, and             information back to a clinic.
                             access to capital, access to markets, and access     innovation for the ICT industry in Alberta,”         SuperNet, a high-speed broadband network
                             to skills,” says Binns. “Those initiatives support   he says. The organization works with              operated by Internet provider Axia (www.
                             technology commercialization of ICT products         universities to fund students and professors,, has “made a profound difference”
                             and services that impact our economy. In this        and bridge the gap between industry and           in people’s lives in Alberta, “allowing them
                             capacity, the council promotes ICT developers,       education.                                        to communicate much better,” according
                             such as companies developing digital media;            As a “broker and technical adviser,”            to Randy Goebel, vice-president of Alberta
                             ICT distributors such as telcos, digital             TRLabs plays a role in developing e-health        Innovates Technology Futures. The network’s
                             networks, and resellers; and ICT markets.”           solutions to alleviate the high costs of health   goal is to eliminate the digital divide between
                                Binns believes the council has been effective     care, which are driven by “a large aging          rural and urban Albertans by making Internet
                             in bringing together industry leaders with           population” and a greater incidence of            service affordable to all Albertans, regardless
                             other ICT groups and increasing awareness            chronic diseases. TRLabs uses technology          of their location or income.
                             of Alberta’s ICT strength. In addition, the          to improve delivery of health care through           SuperNet delivers to formerly unserved
                             council has played a key role in helping bring       “remote health-care monitoring, telehealth,       areas, says Drew McNaughton, chief
                             new technologies to market, and creating             and self-diagnosis tools,” Tasker says.           technology officer at Axia. In fact, SuperNet
                             a better understanding among small and                                                                 is often “the main network provider in rural
                                                                                  MAnAGInG your own HeAlTH CAre
                             mid-sized businesses about the value of                                                                Alberta,” Ogaranko adds. Through Axia’s
                             implementing new technologies in their                  TRLabs aims to develop products that allow     NGN solution, which “underpins SuperNet,”
                             businesses.                                          “consumers to take greater ownership of their     Alberta’s global-interconnect grid connects
                                One way to get your product noticed is to         health care,” and “bridge the gap between         429 communities.
                             help resolve an international incident. Blackline    traditional health-care providers and self-
                                                                                                                                    SuperneT DelIverS
                             GPS attracted media attention this year with         managed health care.”
                             its Harpoon product. When a yacht was stolen            TRLabs also supports initiatives to improve      SuperNet’s education opportunities
                             from its Florida marina, the vessel’s Harpoon        the efficiency of transportation services         include delivery of specialized courses in
                             GPS-based security system alerted the captain,       using new technologies, such as RFID (radio       such areas as math and physics to students
                             who was then able to alert the U.S. Coast guard.     frequency identification) and GPS (global         in remote areas, access to more than 400
                             Aircraft and coast guard cutters pursued the         positioning systems). To cite one practical       online courses offered by eCampus Alberta’s
                             vessel, which headed for Cuba where Cuban            application, it is helping the City of Calgary    15 post-secondary institutions, and access to
                             authorities intercepted it. The suspected            explore the use of RFID and GPS to predict        welding and electrician apprenticeships via
                             smugglers are now in Cuban custody.                  the arrival time of buses and trains, and         videoconferencing by the Northern Alberta
                                In another effort to improve consumer             determine which technology works best.            Institute of Technology
                             security, BlackLine introduced in Canada                The organization also helped with a project      That’s for starters. Exciting bleeding-edge
                             the “Entourage PS, a portable product that           called eScan for the province of Alberta,         breakthroughs are going on behind closed
                             delivers similar features to the Entourage           which involved interviewing leaders on the        doors 24-7 throughout Alberta’s rapidly
                             CIS,” but, unlike that product, “is armed            directions new digital technologies are taking,   expanding tech sector. In the past, California’s
                             manually or via a BlackBerry or iPhone,”             and their potential impact on Alberta life.       famed Silicon Valley captured all the ink for
                             Swanson says.                                           According to Tom Ogaranko, president           innovative technology. It’s only a matter of
                                Robert Tasker is president and CEO of             of Kanata Health Solutions, a developer of        time before Alberta overtakes it as a creative-
                             TRLabs, a nonprofit telecom- and IT-research         personal health-care monitoring solutions         technology Mecca.   •
                                                                                                                                                    Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   13
Integrating ICT into health care
              saves money… and lives
                                                                                                       bellevue, ab, feb. 27, 2011/ troy media/ –
                                                                                                   Four years ago, when pharmacist Darsey
                                                                                                   Milford decided to open her own dispensary,
                                                                                                   she scrambled to outfit her business with the
                                                                                                   latest technology.
                                                                                                       She had read all about the electronic health
                                                                                                   network in Alberta, and “how it was up and
                                                                                                       “I was in a bit of a panic to get ourselves
                                                                                                   connected. I felt like we were behind the eight
                                                                                                   ball,” says the owner of Turtle Mountain
                                                                                                   Pharmacy in the small southern Alberta
                                                                                                   community of Bellevue.
                                                                                                       When the business finally opened its doors
                                                                                                   in 2007, Milford was stunned to learn she
                                                                                                   wasn’t behind the curve; she was leading
                                                                                                   it. Hers was actually the first independent
                                                                                                   pharmacy to migrate to the Alberta Netcare
                                                                                                   Portal, a province-wide program that provides
                                                                                                   instant access to medical information like lab
                                                                                                   reports and diagnostic imaging.
                                                                                                       And after seeing how it has transformed her
                                                                                                   business, her industry and the lives of patients,
                                                                                                   Milford says she’s surprised it hasn’t been
                                                                                                   more widely implemented across Canada: “It
                                                                                                   enhances what we do so much.”
                                                                                                   CloSInG THe proDuCTIvITy GAp
                                                                                                     Health care is just one Canadian sector
                                                                                                   where there are huge opportunities to
                                                                                                   enhance productivity by using information,
                                                                                                   communications and digital technology, the
                                                                                                   prescription for a prosperous economic future.
                                                                                                     Once an ICT leader, Canada has fallen
                                                                                                   behind the United States – its main
                                                                                                   competitor and trading partner – in
                                                                                                   technological innovation.
                                                                                                     Studies show that, size for size and sector
                                                                                                   for sector, a firm in Canada invests only
                                                                                                   62 per cent per employee in technology as a
                                                                                                   comparable firm in the U.S.
                                                                                                     “That’s a huge gap,” says Bernard Courtois,
                                                                                                   president and chief executive of Information
                                                                                                   Technology Association of Canada (ITAC).
                                                                                                   “That’s causing a prosperity gap and
                                                                                                   concern for our future, our competitiveness
              Alberta	Netcare	Portal	is	a	province-wide	program	that	provides	instant	access	to	
              medical	information

14	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                           	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
freeing up more time to spend with patients.
                                                                                                     It’s made her practice extraordinarily efficient.
                                                                                                        Everything from appointment scheduling
                                                                                                     and email reminders, to billing to
                                                                                                     communicating with other physicians is done
                                                                                                     digitally, saving both time and money.
                                                                                                        “There are no bodies pushing paper
                                                                                                     around,” says Goldade. “We used to get 400
                                                                                                     pieces of paper a week,” referring to the mass
                                                                                                     of medical information flowing in from
                                                                                                     hospitals, labs and other doctors’ offices that
                                                                                                     necessitated an employee for filing.
                                                                                                        The efficiencies created in her office not only
                                                                                                     boost her bottom line, but benefit the broader
                                                                                                     health system.
                                                                                                        Alberta has led the drive toward e-health
                                                                                                     and has spent $674 million on the plan since
                                                                                                     1999. The province will pump another $108
                                                                                                     million into it over the next three years. The
                                                                                                     final bill is expected to reach about $1.4 billion
                                                                                                     by the time the project is fully implemented.
An	electronic	medical	record	means	less	time		is	wasted	on	paper	work.                                  Innovation doesn’t come cheap
                                                                                                        With health expenditures in Canada
                                                                                                     expected to increase by 30 per cent in the next
                                                                                                     few years, ICT has a critical role in finding
in the future and prosperity. Most of the         what that would mean, not just in terms of our
                                                                                                     new ways to boost productivity.
productivity in today’s economy comes from        prosperity, but in terms of our being able to
                                                                                                        “E-health offers new opportunities for new
the digital economy.”                             pay for our social programs like health care.”
                                                                                                     optimized processes, reduced administration,
  The challenge Canada faces is to get
                                                  TeCHnoloGy MAkeS MeDICIne                          patient-centric care and patient-directed
companies to aggressively use technology
                                                  MobIle                                             care,” says Patrick Binns, president of Abinsi
to grow their businesses and make them
                                                                                                     Solutions Group, an innovative Alberta-based
competitive, Courtois says.                          Like pharmacist Darsey Milford, whose
                                                                                                     consulting firm that helps organizations grow
                                                  iPad makes her office mobile, Dr. Roxanne
THe exAMpleS Are nuMerouS.                                                                           within their areas of business.
                                                  Goldade has seen technology transform
                                                                                                        Binns, also the executive director of Alberta
   For starters, ICT can be used to automate      her practice. Her laptop and iPhone are
                                                                                                     ICT Council, says electronic medical record
a small-or-medium-size business’s supply          critical tools in her work as a pediatrician, as
                                                                                                     systems also result in less duplication of
chain or how it deals with customers. Sales       important as her stethoscope.
                                                                                                     treatments, which is better for both patients
teams can be equipped with technology                While most doctor’s offices or clinics have a
                                                                                                     and the overall health system, which is primed
that allows them to address customer needs        packed waiting room at any given hour, there
                                                                                                     for a radical technological overhaul.
and e-commerce can provide access to new,         are never usually more than one or two seats
                                                                                                        “There are huge and gross inefficiencies in
untapped markets.                                 occupied in the tidy southwest clinic Goldade
                                                                                                     the health system because of processes that are
   There are myriad ways technology creates       shares with another physician.
                                                                                                     50 and 100 years old,” Binns says.
efficiencies, whether it’s software that allows      Goldade packs her laptop from one patient
                                                                                                        As Milford and Goldade point out,
paperless customer billing or inventory           waiting room to the next, typing in symptoms
                                                                                                     integrating ICT into a business can save “a lot
tracking systems that reduce waste.               and answers to questions as they are offered
                                                                                                     of money.” But in health care, it can also be a
   It’s not always about the plumbing - the       instead of scribbling indecipherable notes into
hardware and computer systems – it’s              a chart hours after a patient’s visit.
                                                                                                     matter of life or death.•
about how to use information within the              It isn’t just about efficiency; an electronic
organization; using online tools to manage        record also makes charts more readable to
relationships internally and externally.          other doctors, a profession is often mocked for
   “One of the biggest challenges… for Canada     its poor handwriting skills.
is that we have a productivity gap with the          “It’s not a joke. Doctors still have terrible
U.S.,” Courtois says and Canada could grow        handwriting,” says Goldade, pointing out
its economy by 20 per cent if the productivity    the potential for medical mistakes because of
gap was addressed, especially in lagging          illegible prescriptions or charts.
sectors such as manufacturing, construction,         An electronic medical record also means
energy and agriculture, he says. “Imagine         Goldade wastes less time pushing paper,

                                                                                                                      Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   15
Alberta companies
                                    create bleeding-edge
                                    mobile apps
                                               calgary, ab, feb. 25, 2011/ troy media/ -
                                               Michael Sikorsky was once called an “Internet
                                               revolutionary” by Profit Magazine and a
                                               “CEO to watch” by CNN Money. So when
                                               the 38-year-old Calgary programmer speaks
                                               about the future of mobile applications, people
                                               pay attention.
                                                  And like others in the industry, the co-
                                               founder (along with his wife Camille) of
                                               Robots & Pencils, sees the smartphone
                                               applications, known simply as apps, about to
                                               explode at a pace unlike anything previously
                                               seen in the world of cyberspace.
                                                  The rate of adoption is about two or three
                                               times faster than the rate at of the desktop,
                                               Sikorsky says. “The trend is crazy, it’s
                                               unbelievably fast. Faster than when Netscape
                                               took off.”
                                                  The reason is simple - today’s cellphones,
                                               combined with the rapidly increasing number
                                               of apps available, is like having a laptop in
                                               your pocket.
                                                  “And it’s not kids, it’s all of us, the entire
                                               world is going mobile,” says Jim Barr, founder
                                               of Snowseekers, a multi-media company
                                               providing education and information about
                                               where to find snow fun in Western Canada.
                                                  “We’re looking at statistics suggesting that,
                                               by 2014, there will be more of us in North
                                               America accessing the Internet via mobile
                                               than there will be via desktop,” says Barr.
                                               “We’re at the same point now in terms of
                                               technological advances as we were when the
                                               Internet got launched.”
                                                  While most of today’s apps are
                                               entertainment-based, that is about to change
                                               as companies recognize the potential to
                                               market their products at home and abroad.
                                               And Alberta companies are caught up in the
                                                  Edmonton’s Victor Rubba, owner of Fluik
                                               Entertainment, says his company is working
                                               with a spa manufacturer to build an app that
                                               will allow users “to use your smartphone to
                                               control your spa from anywhere.”

16	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                       	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
There are apps providing immediate
                                                                                                      information on local hotspots, along with
                                                                                                      directions to find them; others allow people
                                                                                                      to keep in touch with friends in real time, and
                                                                                                      companies to track time devoted to clients.
                                                                                                        The last, says John Carpenter, chief
                                                                                                      technical officer at Calgary’s Mob4Hire, a
                                                                                                      service that tests and reviews new apps, “is
                                                                                                      critical information. It allows (an independent
                                                                          Find	snow	fun	with	         contractor) to assign a call to a client as soon
                                                                          SnowSeekers                 as you hang up, making it billable.”
                                                                                                      DevelopMenT IS expenSIve
                                                                                                         Sikorsky says because it is hard to produce
                                                                                                      a well-developed app for less than $50,000,
                                                                                                      companies are continually looking for ways to
                                                                                                      recoup their costs.
                                                                                                         Last year, Snowseekers experimented with
                                                                                                      a paid app - for $1.99 clients can purchase
                                                                                                      a “chapter” on local ski areas that provided
                                                                                                      information ranging from snow conditions
                                                                                                      to hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and other
                                                                                                      activities available. They sold about 7,000
                                                                                                      chapters, nowhere near enough to cover
                                                                                                      development costs. (Snowseekers has since
                                                                                                      updated and improved its app.)
                                                                                                         But Visa is experimenting with embedding
                                                                                                      credit cards into phones, allowing users to
                                                                                                      purchase products through their apps on their
                                                                          Trip	Tik	app	provides	      Visa account. That could open up huge new
                                                                          maps	and	directions         revenue streams for companies.
                                                                                                         The Wall Street Journal says global revenue
                                                                                                      from mobile apps could increase from $4.1
                                                                                                      billion last year to $17.5 billion by 2012.
  “You could also use it for control of media       through GPS technology,” says Frank Fotia,           Barr says one of the huge advantages of
in your house. It can be a remote control           vice-president of insurance, automotive, and      mobile apps, for both clients and companies,
for your TV, use it for home automation,            corporate affairs for CAA.                        is that ”opposed to a static piece of media,
download apps to control your security                 Fluik Entertainment is working on an           this is one that’s living and breathing and can
system from your phone.”                            app to allow mortgage brokers and agents          be fed content on a regular basis . . . so for
                                                    to fill out forms on their iPads, and recently    the user the experience is increased tenfold
MobIle App THAT STArTS AnD                                                                            because they have everything they need
                                                    developed one for Grower Direct to improve
MonITorS CArS                                                                                         right on their hip. You’re never going to leave
                                                    service for their customers.
   Another app, developed by Edmonton-                 That app will allow customers to order         home without your phone.”
based Certified Tracking Solutions, will allow      their flowers through their phones, access           Sikorsky, whose company slogan is “we
motorists to use their iPad or Blackberry to        the company’s 300 pages of information and        love to make things for the iPhone, web and
remote-start and monitor their vehicles from        hook into the messaging database to allow         desktop,” suggested that apps will be “way
any distance - even another country - as long       Grower Direct to send text messages alerting      bigger than the Internet,” perhaps leading to
as there’s wireless coverage.                       customers of upcoming holidays.                   the end of laptops in companies. He says that
   The Canadian Automobile Association’s               Health and fitness apps are becoming more      he can only imagine where the future will take
Trip Tik app provides maps and directions,          competitive and advanced in the ever-growing      us.
listings of approved hotels, routes to addresses,   genre for mobile devices. There are apps to          “You would need a crystal ball,” Sikorsky
and its Roadside app allows the CAA to find         provide a comprehensive study of a user’s         says. “But you just know it’s going to be huge.
your vehicle and send help.                         workout, monitor his or her weight, heart rate    When I look at what people are asking us to
   “By simply tapping open our app on your          and calories burned, map out runs and bike        do, and what we’re building, I can tell that
iPhone screen and clicking the “request for         rides, calculate body mass index or track and     2011 is going to be a turn-around year for
assistance” button, we will quickly receive         analyze sleep patterns, all while auto tweeting   businesses.”  •
your request for service and your location          and updating Facebook.

                                                                                                                        Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			   17
“Dentists, hospitals, labs – they all need a
                                                                                                                  sterile environment,” he says. “I did not know
                                                                                                                  this when we first began, but it turns out that
                                                                                                                  the keyboard is often the most contaminated
                                                                                                                  surface in the hospital. You would think
                                                                                                                  toilets, or doorknobs, but those get cleaned
                                                                                                                  more often than the keyboard or mouse.”
                                                                                                                     The Cleankeys keyboard solves the germ
                                                                                                                  problem by removing the mechanical keys. Its
                                                                                                                  glass or acrylic surface is flat, and its touch-
                                                                                                                  capacitive technology senses keystrokes just
                                                                                                                  like a touch screen on a mobile phone or a
                                                                                                                  bank machine.
                                                                                                                  TypInG wHIle TAkInG A bATH

Cleankeys’ randy Marsden
                                                                                                                     Unlike other touch-screen keyboards,
                                                                                                                  however, the Cleankeys model can sense when
                                                                                                                  a user is resting their fingers instead of typing.

takes a Swype at texting
                                                                                                                  This provides a normal keyboard on a surface
                                                                                                                  that can be cleaned like any countertop to
                                                                                                                  minimize the risk of infection.
                                                                                                                     Although it was developed with medical
                                                                                                                  professionals in mind, the Cleankeys
              edmonton, ab, troy media/ – Muhammad Ali              Marsden’s current project, the Cleankeys      keyboard has drawn interest far beyond the
              once boasted that he was so fast that when he       keyboard, is in the nascent field of hygienic   hygienic computing field and the company
              turned off the light switch in his hotel room,      computing and has the potential to help         may begin to license its innovations for
              he was in bed before the room was dark.             hospitals and clinics worldwide fight           personal computing.
                 Cleankeys Inc. CEO Randy Marsden’s               infections.                                        “We’ve had a number of inquiries, but one
              boasts are a little more modest.                      “The ‘Eureka!’ moment came when a dentist     of the more bizarre ones was with a company
                 “I invented the world’s fastest way to enter     bought a camera for people who cannot use       in the U.K. that wants to make some sort of
              text on screen,” he says about Swype, a text        their hands,” says Marsden. “I got hold of      an entertainment solution for people taking
              input system that he co-developed around the        him, and asked, ‘Why are you buying this?’      a bath,” says Marsden. “Apparently there are
              idea that people could write by sliding a finger    By asking that question, I learned about this   quite a few people soaking in tubs who want
              across a touch screen keyboard. “We broke           world of infection control.”                    to be able to type.” •
              the Guinness World Record for texting speed
              twice this year!”
                 Impressive? Certainly, but when looking
              at Marsden’s two decades as an innovator,
              Swype almost looks like a diversion, at least in
              terms of the impact on the quality of life of his
              GerM-Free keyboArD
                 Ever since he developed a communication
              device for a quadriplegic friend when he was
              a student at the University of Alberta in 1987,
              Marsden has been a pioneer in the field of
              assistive technology. His innovations have
              helped millions worldwide.

18	   Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                                          	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
what we have here is a failure to
            By	Patrick	Binns edmonton, ab, troy media/ – We have                    TV channel of interest). Despite the many
            ExEcutivE DirEctor    many more ways to communicate than we             options available, people tend to pick the
            AlbErtA ict council   did 150 years ago and that is increasingly        wrong communication channel. How many
                                  becoming a problem.                               times of you heard of someone breaking off a
                                    It’s becoming increasingly difficult to         relationship via Facebook?
                                  even confirm receipt of a message or to              These new sets of commonly-used
                                  gain the attention of the recipient. Email,       communication channels are beyond the
                                  previously a trusted channel, cannot be relied    control of corporate IT groups, which is
                                  on because of spam blocking devices that          creating significant problems as users expect
                                  consume messages without responding to the        these tools to work reliability within their
                                  originator.                                       corporate networks. More importantly,
                                    Now add in the fact that many people have       controlling confidential materials and meeting
                                  multiple email accounts, and the problem          legislated records retention requirements is
                                  becomes even more dire. Which do you use?         becoming increasingly complex.
                                  And which is for business and which for              Corporations are also challenged by the
                                  pleasure? What happens when the person gets       personal use of external communication
                                  a new job or moves to a new Internet service      technologies (YouTube, Skype, and others)
                                  provider?                                         which are consuming valuable network
                                                                                    resources. Their uncontrolled use reduces
                                                                                    productivity and increases corporate network
                                                                                    TIMe To lIMIT CoMMunICATIon
                                                                                      Effective communications is one of the
                                                                                    most important skills to have in today’s world.
                                                                                    The number of communication events grows
                                                                                    geometrically as the size of the team increases.
                                                                                      We can avoid miscommunication by
                                                                                    limiting the channels we use, defining
                                                                                    preferred inbound channels and selecting
                                                                                    channels preferred by the message recipient.
                                  THe CoSTS oF new                                  Don’t over-communicate. And use network
                                  CoMMunICATIon ToolS                               infrastructure responsibly by not loading it
                                     It’s a much more complex time than the         with high-definition video content.  •
                                  1800s, when people communicated by word
                                  of mouth, letter, printed books, and social
                                  gatherings. By the 1950s, technology gave us
                                  the telephone, audio recordings, billboards,
                                  movies and TV. Compare that relatively
                                  advanced time now, with e-mail, the Internet,
                                  SMS texting, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, web-                                  Patrick Binns is the Executive Director of the
                                  conferencing and 500+ TV channels.                                         Alberta ICT Council. The council works with
                                     There is a cost to this plethora of channels                            companies and stakeholders in Alberta to promote,
                                  in terms of communications risk and lost                                   develop, and distribute ICT-based products.
                                  productivity (having to check all your e-mail
                                  accounts, phone messages, and finding the

20	 Alberta’s	ICT	Powerhouse			                                                                                       	Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse
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Special Report Albertas Ict Powerhouse

  • 1. A Troy Media Publication SPECIAL REPORT Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Information Communications Technology Simulation and game development Web publishing management systems ICT transforming the energy business E-health innovation
  • 2.
  • 3. Table of Contents Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Publisher Gary Slywchuk Senior Editor Doug Firby Art Director Sally Hewson Sponsored by Alberta ICT Council About Troy Media Corporation Photo: Chuck Szmurlo Troy Media is dedicated to fostering debate about issues shaping Canada and the world. In less than five years, we have become a major and respected supplier of high-quality opinion, analyses and timely editorial content. Over the past 12 months, more than 800 media outlets have consistently used our content. Our circulation for 4 Innovation key to meeting ICT challenges 2010 exceeded 530 million. Our website has also demonstrated 6 Alberta’s tech sector has no beef with the oil industry dramatic growth. Visits to the end of September 2010 exceeded 550,000. 8 54,000 Albertans employed in technology With our new design – featuring an enhanced format, a raft of new 10 ICT in the economic driver’s seat content including syndicated columns and features that will 12 BlackLine GPS gives parents peace of mind be marketed globally, and easy, instantaneous navigation – page 14 Integrating ICT into health care saves money… and lives views are averaging 10 pages per visit, with visitors remaining on 16 Alberta companies create bleeding-edge mobile apps the site an average of 8.6 minutes. Troy Media distributes more than 18 Cleankeys’ Randy Marsden takes a Swype at texting 45 commentaries, articles and columns each month, along with 20 What we have here is a failure to communicate special sections and exclusive reports on a wide variety of issues 21 Wireless synching innovation frees users from shackles and topics, written by authoritative of USB and well-known writers and journalists. 22 Clean technology harmonizes man and machines with For more information about Troy the environment Media, visit or email us at 24 Three-time curling champ now has his head in the clouds 26 Canada third largest video game producer 28 Third-generation websites go far beyond earning money 30 We should stop trying to compete against China Troy Media Corporation (403) 835-8192 (403) 398-0509 fax Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 3
  • 4. Innovation key to meeting ICT challenges By Patrick Binns edmonton, ab, troy media/ – Two companies transaction, or groups of transactions, ExEcutivE DirEctor invest similar amounts of time and money to become readily available. Changing inefficient AlbErtA ict council build their Information and Communications processes requires insight into both available Technology (ICT) infrastructure and yet they computing devices and business knowledge. may have completely different outcomes. Why Sadly, this is where the innovation process the difference? often fails. The key difference between the two FoCuS on buSIneSS proCeSSeS outcomes comes down to whether businesses look beyond the basic infrastructure – the To get beyond mere “computer plumbing,” “ICT plumbing” – and take a different attitude companies have to focus more on business towards their ICT investment. processes than available technology. ICT Plumbing refers to the workstations, This is where Alberta’s ICT sector shines: networks, servers, data centres and portable we have companies involved in business value computing devices – in other words, stuff. chains that build industry solutions based on While these devices are critical to the integrated components, data resources and processes that support our economy, they are advanced software. These systems address less important than the innovation thinking productivity opportunities in economic required to utilize these devices to their sectors, such as resource management, maximum potential. advanced manufacturing, eHealth and industrial systems. ICT IS A Core CoMpeTenCy System components are readily available; Do you consider your ICT infrastructure the innovation challenge comes in integrating as “a cost to your business” or as “an enabler them to solve complex real-world solutions to your business?” If you view it as an enabler, that drive productivity – for example next- then ICT is a core competency and is being generation processes to manage our wellness, used to set you apart from your competitors. health, and chronic diseases. • If it’s just a cost, then ICT purchases are being treated much like buying pens, paper, and Patrick Binns is the Executive Director of the other office supplies. Alberta ICT Council. The council works with ICT-enabled innovation is responsible for companies and stakeholders in Alberta to promote, process improvements because it eliminates develop, and distribute ICT-based products. information barriers. Data to support the Contact: 3D Interactive (3DI) is a leading developer of interactive simulation software for industrial training and design visualization. 4 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 5. Cloud Computing... here to stay Advanced hosted services for highly regulated industries. Call today for 25% promotional savings on any Nirix service! Promo code: 56123. Hosted Backup | Hosted Exchange | Hosted Desktop | Hosted Server | Co-Location 100% Canadian owned and operated CICA5970/SAS70 Type II/B Compliant DSS PCI Compliant Alberta PIA Accepted Contact us: 18203-114 Avenue | Edmonton, AB T5S 2P6 | 780-414-1556 |
  • 6. Alberta’s tech sector has no beef with the oil industry calgary, ab, troy media/ –They don’t wear cowboy hats, spray crops or work on oilrigs. Yet they contribute up to 15 per cent of the province’s gross domestic product. They’re techies, and they’re the unsung heroes of Alberta’s economy. The statistics are impressive: Alberta’s information communications technology (ICT) sector’s direct economic impact exceeds $8 billion per year, and ICT companies are among the largest spenders on industrial research and development, according to the Alberta ICT Council, a not-for-profit advocacy group. Health care, education and government services are among the countless industries benefiting from Alberta’s burgeoning tech sector. Driving that growth are a handful of factors, including low provincial taxes, government initiatives and an impressive talent pool. While the presence of tech titans like Nortel once lured IT professionals to this prairie province, Ranil Herath, president of DeVry University’s Calgary campus, points to smaller outfits as being key contributors to Alberta’s economy. “These days, there are many small- to medium-size tech firms that continue to thrive in the province of Alberta, and we’re seeing a Delivering CT and MRI scans fair bit of innovation come out of them.” and other critical data, MeDICAl IMAGInG ResolutionMD Mobile by Calgary Scientific allows One of those firms is Calgary Scientific, which has developed an iPhone and iPad app that emergency personnel to provides round-the-clock, worldwide access to medical images on mobile devices. Dubbed make life-saving decisions ResolutionMD Mobile, the life-saving software lets emergency personnel deliver to doctors CT on the spot. and MRI scans and a range of other critical data that allow them to make decisions on the spot. Not bad for a business with just 53 employees. 6 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 7. But profit parlayed into government subsidies isn’t the only way tech-related companies are piggybacking on Alberta’s energy, agriculture and oil sectors. “People don’t realize it, but the oil patch is a very technical business,” Osing says. “Calgary is one of the centres of the universe for technology development as related to the resource industry.” That’s not to suggest that Alberta’s tech sector doesn’t face major challenges. Although the province still enjoys a relatively low tax regime, the oil boom has driven up the price of residential and commercial real estate. According to a recent Royal LePage housing- price survey, the average price of a two-storey home has risen by 5.5 per cent, and prices for detached bungalows have increased by 4.6 per cent since 2009. InSuFFICIenT venTure CApITAl Another obstacle to the tech sector’s positive impact on Alberta’s economy is poor access to venture capital. While some provinces, Ontario for example, have labour and pension-sponsored funds, Osing says that “the single biggest factor that we lack in Alberta is a significant amount of venture capital or institution capital to invest in early-stage technologies here.” Nemish agreed. “Compared to Eastern or “People’s perception is that you can’t build CollAborATIve SpIrIT Western Canada, there isn’t really a strong the kind of advanced technology that we’re venture-capital community for high-tech A collaborative spirit has also greatly building in Alberta,” says Byron Osing, CEO companies. Ninety per cent of business in contributed to Alberta’s strengthening of Calgary Scientific. “But my team stands in Alberta is focused on oil and gas, so venture tech sector. “Alberta is still the most front of the biggest, smartest companies in the capitalists see that as a much lower-risk entrepreneurial province in the country,” world all the time and blows them away.” investment than high tech. Besides, it’s much Osing says. “We’re a Western-based province; Long gone are the days of Alberta’s gold- easier to invest in businesses you understand we’re not fed by government; you pull yourself rush-driven work force, which spawned mass than ones you don’t.” up by your own bootstraps, and you find a influxes – and exoduses – of talent. “Once Business leaders have criticized the Alberta way to make a go of it. To do that, you have people move here, they find the lifestyle in government for picking favourites when to depend on each other as entrepreneurs Alberta is wonderful,” Osing says. “It’s a great allocating scarce funds. “The government or private businessmen for access to a lot of province to live in, and the personal taxes has to be careful not to be perceived as resources that people in other provinces can are a lot lower than many people are used to picking winners and losers (among high tech access through government programs.” paying in Ontario or British Columbia. Once companies),” Nemish says. “It’s a very fine There’s no disputing that Alberta’s tech technology-based talent comes here, it seldom line.” sector has been overshadowed by the leaves.” In the end though, sustaining Alberta’s province’s much-ballyhooed beef and energy Roman Nemish has seen similar ICT sector and its positive impact on the industries. However, savvy business leaders employment trends. Nemish is the president province’s economy may have as much to do are tapping into the advantages of being so of Tektelic Communications, a Calgary-based with innovation, talent and venture capital as close to such lucrative industries. company specializing in high-power and with gracefully embracing its second-string “When the oil and gas companies were high-efficiency radio solutions for wireless status. After all, says Herath, “the two main doing really well, the government was able networks. “It’s not difficult to attract people in areas Alberta is known for are beef and oil. to see a meaningful profit, which it’s now the telecom industry to Alberta,” he says. using to make Alberta a stronger location for And that’s not going to change.” • investment,” Nemish says. Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 7
  • 8. 54,000 calgary, ab, troy media/ –This summer, as the renowned Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibit opened in the brand-new Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York, an online video game set out to recruit secret agents aged eight to 12 to follow Albertans explorer Howard Carter’s trail all the way to the exhibit. Seek Your Own Proof, an educational game that encourages children to research historical events online and in nearby museums to solve puzzles and earn points, is one of the employed cornerstones of the Discovery Channel’s Discovery Kids website. It’s also one of the interesting success stories of Alberta’s information and communication technologies sector. It was developed by Edmonton’s Rocketfuel Productions, a joint venture between two Alberta ICT in companies, Hotrocket and Redengine. “Ten years ago, when I started Redengine, we focused on making software and providing services and platforms for professional associations in Canada and U.S.,” says Tom Ogaranko, technology the co-founder of Redengine, who also serves as chair of the Alberta ICT Council. “We wanted to branch out, and we got together with Hotrocket and launched Rocketfuel to do the online game, which is now being played by more than 10,000 kids, and which Discovery is building into its broadcasting.” 54,000 AlberTAnS work In TeCHnoloGy Ogaranko is one of 54,000 Albertans employed by about 4,300 companies that generate $10 billion in revenues across the province. He is also a perpetual entrepreneur, having moved on from Redengine and Rocketfuel in 2008 to found Kanata Health Solutions, a University of Alberta spinoff company that is taking a wireless wearable patient-monitor patent developed by the university and bringing the technology to market. Clusters of research and development infrastructure centre around the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. Dr. Cooper Langford 8 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 9. Ogaranko’s story is emblematic of Alberta’s There are also small but significant the broader topic of innovation. He offers a ICT sector, which is made up largely of small pockets of innovation in Medicine Hat, good explanation of what those offshoots may and medium enterprises that dot an economic where the federally funded Canadian Centre look like. landscape still dominated by resource extraction for Unmanned Vehicle Systems facilitates “Calgary is a knowledge-base centre,” he and servicing the oil patch. research in unmanned vehicles near the says. “There is not much oil around here As a large, sparsely populated province Canadian Forces Base in Suffield and in anymore, and not much gas, but Calgary is the with abundant natural resources, it is no Lethbridge, where the Canadian Centre for place where you can put together the technical surprise that Alberta’s ICT sector is mainly Behavioural Neuroscience at the University and managerial capacity for extractive focused on geomatics, land management of Lethbridge attracts world-class researchers projects around Alberta, Canada and abroad.” and environmental science, which allow like Dr. Bruce McNaughton who in 2008 won So you have ICT, managerial and financial for more efficient use of land and resources, the $10-million Alberta Heritage Foundation services, and there is innovation in each area. “What is interesting is that wireless services and its Global Positioning Systems (GPS) cousin have spun off from services in oil and gas into its own cluster,” Langford adds. Langford’s research points to trends in Calgary and across the province, where the presence of large market niches like the oil and gas sector and the Alberta government - as well as university research centres - provide fertile ground for innovation. “Certainly GPS is strong in Calgary, but that is partly because the GPS group here at the University of Calgary developed an explicit strategy in developing a GPS industry,” says Langford. “They did it by taking an activist stance within an academic organization, the U.S. Institute of Navigation. They encouraged their students to publish papers, which talk about Calgary-manufactured prototypes. Their students were getting more best-paper awards at these international meetings than anyone, and the industry benefits.” and wireless- and mobile-communication for Medical Research Polaris Award, the enCourAGInG A CulTure oF technologies, which foster communication largest medical award in Canada. exCellenCe across vast distances. Those two areas of Dr. McNaughton joined the CCBN from the expertise are complemented by strong University of Arizona to lead a 10-year project Several e-services companies in Edmonton e-services (especially e-health) and digital investigating electrical impulses and memory are focused on e-health, and there is also media sectors. consolidation, and he is in good company. a growing gaming cluster, led by software Just this summer, another CCBN researcher, developers Bioware, that has produced some CAlGAry, eDMonTon HoST TeCH of the most recognizable video game titles on Dr. Robert Sutherland, announced a major CluSTerS the market, including Star Wars: Knights of breakthrough in brain research, showing that The ICT companies that either serve damaged adult brain cells can be regrown in the Old Republic. or are spun out of the energy sector are mice, raising hopes that similar methods may “From a consumer point of view, anyone clustered around Calgary, along with the be used to help treat diseases like Alzheimer’s who loves computer games knows that one of wireless sector, which goes back to the days and Parkinson’s. the most productive companies in the world when Nortel was a global powerhouse in In the meantime, Alberta’s more traditional is Bioware,” says Randy Goebel, professor network technologies. Many of Alberta’s advantages in oil and gas continue to benefit of computing science at the University of e-services, e-health and digital-media companies in the ICT sector. Alberta and the former CEO of the Alberta companies are clustered around Edmonton. Informatics Circle of Research Excellence, oIl AnD GAS oFFSHooTS which was established in October 1999 by the Both cities provide a favourable climate for innovation, with large, well-educated Dr. Cooper Langford, professor of government of Alberta. populations and clusters of research chemistry at the University of Calgary and “But, do consumers notice that it’s an and development infrastructure at the director of its Science, Technology and Alberta company?” asks Goebel. “The University of Calgary and University of Society Program, has studied the origins and geography of where a product comes from is a Alberta. structure of the Calgary wireless sector and nonissue for the customer. It just has to be good.” • Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 9
  • 10. ICT in the economic driver’s seat calgary, ab, troy media/ – Breaking new ground, forging creative links, and educating by opening people’s minds to the beneficial wonders of cutting-edge technology is all in a day’s work for Alberta’s ICT leaders. Leslie Roberts, president of GoForth Institute, is a good example of one of those leaders. Roberts is a leader in entrepreneurship, education and research and now ICT. She was the first person in Canada to be awarded a PhD in entrepreneurship. GoForth is a private nationwide institute dedicated to entrepreneurial education — the only one of its kind in Canada. nATIonAl enTrepreneurSHIp eDuCATIon “We’re doing something quite nontraditional in the education sector,” Roberts says. “We are delivering the first national entrepreneurship education program for adults using a technology program.” Market research uncovered a demand for adult education delivered in a way that would suit working entrepreneurs. “I was not intending to become a technology company, but I let the market drive us there. “This is where I connected with the technology sector and with Calgary Technologies Inc. (CTI) helped us identify and select a program that would respond to the needs of the marketplace and protect our valuable content, streaming high-def video.” Roberts says GoForth took the curriculum and “packetized” it, which condenses each of the 30 segments to a maximum of 20 minutes. The video lessons cost $295 per student for the full 10-hour course, and users can sign on and watch whenever it’s convenient. “I had a background as a professor, and I really wanted to build something,” Roberts says. “The technology arrived at the right time, allowing us to deliver entrepreneurship education anywhere in the country. Having a tech partner makes it easy for us to stay at the forefront of Web videos.” Another pioneer to watch, says Roberts, is Calgary-based Worldplay, a leader in video- compression technology, with whom she will be launching a new product that will lower the barriers to transmitting educational information worldwide. web 2.0 SeCurITy Roberts believes ICT drives every aspect of the economy, and that includes protecting the security of all high-tech applications. Enter Wedge Networks Inc., a leader in Web 2.0 security for enterprises and service providers worldwide. Wedge Networks’ CEO Hongwen Zhang estimates there are about four million viruses transmitted via the Internet, and he warns that they are becoming more aggressive with the proliferation of Internet usage. “Because of our clear vision for a clean network, Wedge is taking a leadership role,” he says. Zhang has more than 18 years of high-tech experience and notes that Wedge offers a security solution “that is revolutionary in the sense that it offers great cost savings and simplifies day-to- day management.” Endorsements for Wedge Networks’ products come from such industry principals as Wmode, a global leader in content management for mobile networks, and media companies. Leslie Roberts, president of GoForth Institute 10 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 11. Describing the Internet today as “the nervous system of the human race,” Zhang also sees significance in promoting and sponsoring partnerships. “We try to foster an ecosystem where we can bring value to society,” he says. noT-For-proFIT ICT SHIFTInG FoCuS One of the beneficiaries of that sponsorship is TRLabs, Canada’s largest information and communications technology R&D consortium. Under the stewardship of CEO Robert Tasker, TRLabs is bringing technologies to market that used to be limited in use to applied research. After 23 years in the ICT private sector, Tasker recognizes the challenges ahead, as did the board of TRLabs, which realized a new mindset was required to “lead the way to commercializing technology.” When Tasker first joined the innovation sector he admits to making a simplistic judgment: “It’s a very fragmented ecosystem,” with a number of players like TRLabs, but little collaboration. “I see a huge opportunity for TRLabs to take a leadership role in partnerships, rather than competing for not- for-profit dollars from government.” Alberta Innovates is a prime example of successfully consolidating high-tech organizations, Tasker says. He believes Robert Tasker, CEO, TRLabs that Alberta Innovates CEO Gary believer in Europe’s approach to education, Albach “understands and recognizes the where he grew up with “engineering as applied fragmentation problem and hopes to create science.” one technology-industry association with a In the U.K., he says, most professors more consistent voice.” practice their specialties. “In Canada, super Hongwen Zhang, Another problem Tasker is addressing is smart people get educated but never practice. I CEO, the lack of venture capital available for small want to make what we’re doing more practical Wedge Networks businesses. “Canada is attractive to investors, so industry sees the benefits. What’s changing so we must help coach SMBs to find what the ICT sector is the legacy of what telecom venture capitalists want and what they must and other providers can do for business and do to attract them.” The Alberta ICT Council consumers.” is heavily involved in this initiative globally, But Gedeon says the ICT community must Tasker says. pull together more. For its part, his company sponsors the Telus Innovation Award, “of TIMe To puT TeACHInG InTo which 30 per cent goes to communicating prACTICe innovative ideas.” Ibrahim Gedeon, Prior to joining TRLabs, Tasker spent Looking ahead, Gedeon is intent on turning Chief Technology 10 years as an executive with Telus, where engineering into applied science. He sees it as Officer, Telus Ibrahim Gedeon is chief technology officer. a moral responsibility because it can do the Internationally educated, Gedeon is a great most good on a global scale. • Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 11
  • 12. blackline GpS gives parents peace of mind calgary, ab, troy media/ – Parents are understandably nervous when their teenagers are learning to drive. It’s hard not to think of all the things that can go wrong when your 16 year old is disappearing down the street behind the wheel of the family sedan. But now an Alberta-developed technology can bring those parents peace of mind. Alberta’s BlackLine GPS has received wide acclaim for its “teen safety GPS system,” delivered by its Entourage CIS product. It allows parents of teen drivers to monitor and “improve the driving behaviour of their teens” using special report cards, explains Clark Swanson, BlackLine’s president and CEO. These report cards are “based on parameters set by the parents,” who set times they expect their teens to be attending school and driving speeds they consider acceptable, he says. It’s just one of hundreds of services and products developed in Alberta that are improving the lives of consumers every day. And the Alberta ICT Council is working hard to make it easier for the companies behind these products to reach the public. The council, a not-for-profit agency that represents Alberta’s ICT sector, seeks greater visibility for an industry that sometimes “gets lost” in the mix, according to Patrick Binns, the council’s executive director. He says the council’s mission is to “create a brand for Alberta’s ICT sector,” and help all parties better understand the value of collaborating as part of a larger “ecosystem” for technology products and services. Dr. Pierre Boulanger, Adjunct Professor, TRLabs in his virtual reality lab. Photos: Courtesy of TRlabs 12 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 13. and chair of Alberta’s ICT Council, one of the council’s main goals is to “promote how information and communication technologies such as broadband, wireless and digital Leo Yeung, TRLabs media can improve the delivery of services in such areas as water-quality management, Photos: Courtesy of TRlabs environmental monitoring, health care and learning.” TeleHeAlTH pIoneerS Ogaranko says “Alberta has been a pioneer in telehealth networks,” with significant e-health efforts under way “at universities and in the IT sector.” For example, the University of Alberta, in concert with Seiko and Sony, has developed a wearable physiological monitoring system, which takes a person’s “Alberta’s ICT Council is focused on five consortium. TRLabs fosters “innovation pulse and blood-glucose level and sends that initiatives – sector awareness, sector alignment, across multiple industry sectors, and information back to a clinic. access to capital, access to markets, and access innovation for the ICT industry in Alberta,” SuperNet, a high-speed broadband network to skills,” says Binns. “Those initiatives support he says. The organization works with operated by Internet provider Axia (www. technology commercialization of ICT products universities to fund students and professors,, has “made a profound difference” and services that impact our economy. In this and bridge the gap between industry and in people’s lives in Alberta, “allowing them capacity, the council promotes ICT developers, education. to communicate much better,” according such as companies developing digital media; As a “broker and technical adviser,” to Randy Goebel, vice-president of Alberta ICT distributors such as telcos, digital TRLabs plays a role in developing e-health Innovates Technology Futures. The network’s networks, and resellers; and ICT markets.” solutions to alleviate the high costs of health goal is to eliminate the digital divide between Binns believes the council has been effective care, which are driven by “a large aging rural and urban Albertans by making Internet in bringing together industry leaders with population” and a greater incidence of service affordable to all Albertans, regardless other ICT groups and increasing awareness chronic diseases. TRLabs uses technology of their location or income. of Alberta’s ICT strength. In addition, the to improve delivery of health care through SuperNet delivers to formerly unserved council has played a key role in helping bring “remote health-care monitoring, telehealth, areas, says Drew McNaughton, chief new technologies to market, and creating and self-diagnosis tools,” Tasker says. technology officer at Axia. In fact, SuperNet a better understanding among small and is often “the main network provider in rural MAnAGInG your own HeAlTH CAre mid-sized businesses about the value of Alberta,” Ogaranko adds. Through Axia’s implementing new technologies in their TRLabs aims to develop products that allow NGN solution, which “underpins SuperNet,” businesses. “consumers to take greater ownership of their Alberta’s global-interconnect grid connects One way to get your product noticed is to health care,” and “bridge the gap between 429 communities. help resolve an international incident. Blackline traditional health-care providers and self- SuperneT DelIverS GPS attracted media attention this year with managed health care.” its Harpoon product. When a yacht was stolen TRLabs also supports initiatives to improve SuperNet’s education opportunities from its Florida marina, the vessel’s Harpoon the efficiency of transportation services include delivery of specialized courses in GPS-based security system alerted the captain, using new technologies, such as RFID (radio such areas as math and physics to students who was then able to alert the U.S. Coast guard. frequency identification) and GPS (global in remote areas, access to more than 400 Aircraft and coast guard cutters pursued the positioning systems). To cite one practical online courses offered by eCampus Alberta’s vessel, which headed for Cuba where Cuban application, it is helping the City of Calgary 15 post-secondary institutions, and access to authorities intercepted it. The suspected explore the use of RFID and GPS to predict welding and electrician apprenticeships via smugglers are now in Cuban custody. the arrival time of buses and trains, and videoconferencing by the Northern Alberta In another effort to improve consumer determine which technology works best. Institute of Technology security, BlackLine introduced in Canada The organization also helped with a project That’s for starters. Exciting bleeding-edge the “Entourage PS, a portable product that called eScan for the province of Alberta, breakthroughs are going on behind closed delivers similar features to the Entourage which involved interviewing leaders on the doors 24-7 throughout Alberta’s rapidly CIS,” but, unlike that product, “is armed directions new digital technologies are taking, expanding tech sector. In the past, California’s manually or via a BlackBerry or iPhone,” and their potential impact on Alberta life. famed Silicon Valley captured all the ink for Swanson says. According to Tom Ogaranko, president innovative technology. It’s only a matter of Robert Tasker is president and CEO of of Kanata Health Solutions, a developer of time before Alberta overtakes it as a creative- TRLabs, a nonprofit telecom- and IT-research personal health-care monitoring solutions technology Mecca. • Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 13
  • 14. Integrating ICT into health care saves money… and lives bellevue, ab, feb. 27, 2011/ troy media/ – Four years ago, when pharmacist Darsey Milford decided to open her own dispensary, she scrambled to outfit her business with the latest technology. She had read all about the electronic health network in Alberta, and “how it was up and coming.” “I was in a bit of a panic to get ourselves connected. I felt like we were behind the eight ball,” says the owner of Turtle Mountain Pharmacy in the small southern Alberta community of Bellevue. When the business finally opened its doors in 2007, Milford was stunned to learn she wasn’t behind the curve; she was leading it. Hers was actually the first independent pharmacy to migrate to the Alberta Netcare Portal, a province-wide program that provides instant access to medical information like lab reports and diagnostic imaging. And after seeing how it has transformed her business, her industry and the lives of patients, Milford says she’s surprised it hasn’t been more widely implemented across Canada: “It enhances what we do so much.” CloSInG THe proDuCTIvITy GAp Health care is just one Canadian sector where there are huge opportunities to enhance productivity by using information, communications and digital technology, the prescription for a prosperous economic future. Once an ICT leader, Canada has fallen behind the United States – its main competitor and trading partner – in technological innovation. Studies show that, size for size and sector for sector, a firm in Canada invests only 62 per cent per employee in technology as a comparable firm in the U.S. “That’s a huge gap,” says Bernard Courtois, president and chief executive of Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC). “That’s causing a prosperity gap and concern for our future, our competitiveness Alberta Netcare Portal is a province-wide program that provides instant access to medical information 14 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 15. freeing up more time to spend with patients. It’s made her practice extraordinarily efficient. Everything from appointment scheduling and email reminders, to billing to communicating with other physicians is done digitally, saving both time and money. “There are no bodies pushing paper around,” says Goldade. “We used to get 400 pieces of paper a week,” referring to the mass of medical information flowing in from hospitals, labs and other doctors’ offices that necessitated an employee for filing. The efficiencies created in her office not only boost her bottom line, but benefit the broader health system. Alberta has led the drive toward e-health and has spent $674 million on the plan since 1999. The province will pump another $108 million into it over the next three years. The final bill is expected to reach about $1.4 billion by the time the project is fully implemented. An electronic medical record means less time is wasted on paper work. Innovation doesn’t come cheap With health expenditures in Canada expected to increase by 30 per cent in the next few years, ICT has a critical role in finding in the future and prosperity. Most of the what that would mean, not just in terms of our new ways to boost productivity. productivity in today’s economy comes from prosperity, but in terms of our being able to “E-health offers new opportunities for new the digital economy.” pay for our social programs like health care.” optimized processes, reduced administration, The challenge Canada faces is to get TeCHnoloGy MAkeS MeDICIne patient-centric care and patient-directed companies to aggressively use technology MobIle care,” says Patrick Binns, president of Abinsi to grow their businesses and make them Solutions Group, an innovative Alberta-based competitive, Courtois says. Like pharmacist Darsey Milford, whose consulting firm that helps organizations grow iPad makes her office mobile, Dr. Roxanne THe exAMpleS Are nuMerouS. within their areas of business. Goldade has seen technology transform Binns, also the executive director of Alberta For starters, ICT can be used to automate her practice. Her laptop and iPhone are ICT Council, says electronic medical record a small-or-medium-size business’s supply critical tools in her work as a pediatrician, as systems also result in less duplication of chain or how it deals with customers. Sales important as her stethoscope. treatments, which is better for both patients teams can be equipped with technology While most doctor’s offices or clinics have a and the overall health system, which is primed that allows them to address customer needs packed waiting room at any given hour, there for a radical technological overhaul. and e-commerce can provide access to new, are never usually more than one or two seats “There are huge and gross inefficiencies in untapped markets. occupied in the tidy southwest clinic Goldade the health system because of processes that are There are myriad ways technology creates shares with another physician. 50 and 100 years old,” Binns says. efficiencies, whether it’s software that allows Goldade packs her laptop from one patient As Milford and Goldade point out, paperless customer billing or inventory waiting room to the next, typing in symptoms integrating ICT into a business can save “a lot tracking systems that reduce waste. and answers to questions as they are offered of money.” But in health care, it can also be a It’s not always about the plumbing - the instead of scribbling indecipherable notes into hardware and computer systems – it’s a chart hours after a patient’s visit. matter of life or death.• about how to use information within the It isn’t just about efficiency; an electronic organization; using online tools to manage record also makes charts more readable to relationships internally and externally. other doctors, a profession is often mocked for “One of the biggest challenges… for Canada its poor handwriting skills. is that we have a productivity gap with the “It’s not a joke. Doctors still have terrible U.S.,” Courtois says and Canada could grow handwriting,” says Goldade, pointing out its economy by 20 per cent if the productivity the potential for medical mistakes because of gap was addressed, especially in lagging illegible prescriptions or charts. sectors such as manufacturing, construction, An electronic medical record also means energy and agriculture, he says. “Imagine Goldade wastes less time pushing paper, Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 15
  • 16. Alberta companies create bleeding-edge mobile apps calgary, ab, feb. 25, 2011/ troy media/ - Michael Sikorsky was once called an “Internet revolutionary” by Profit Magazine and a “CEO to watch” by CNN Money. So when the 38-year-old Calgary programmer speaks about the future of mobile applications, people pay attention. And like others in the industry, the co- founder (along with his wife Camille) of Robots & Pencils, sees the smartphone applications, known simply as apps, about to explode at a pace unlike anything previously seen in the world of cyberspace. The rate of adoption is about two or three times faster than the rate at of the desktop, Sikorsky says. “The trend is crazy, it’s unbelievably fast. Faster than when Netscape took off.” The reason is simple - today’s cellphones, combined with the rapidly increasing number of apps available, is like having a laptop in your pocket. “And it’s not kids, it’s all of us, the entire world is going mobile,” says Jim Barr, founder of Snowseekers, a multi-media company providing education and information about where to find snow fun in Western Canada. “We’re looking at statistics suggesting that, by 2014, there will be more of us in North America accessing the Internet via mobile than there will be via desktop,” says Barr. “We’re at the same point now in terms of technological advances as we were when the Internet got launched.” While most of today’s apps are entertainment-based, that is about to change as companies recognize the potential to market their products at home and abroad. And Alberta companies are caught up in the explosion. Edmonton’s Victor Rubba, owner of Fluik Entertainment, says his company is working with a spa manufacturer to build an app that will allow users “to use your smartphone to control your spa from anywhere.” 16 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 17. There are apps providing immediate information on local hotspots, along with directions to find them; others allow people to keep in touch with friends in real time, and companies to track time devoted to clients. The last, says John Carpenter, chief technical officer at Calgary’s Mob4Hire, a service that tests and reviews new apps, “is critical information. It allows (an independent Find snow fun with contractor) to assign a call to a client as soon SnowSeekers as you hang up, making it billable.” DevelopMenT IS expenSIve Sikorsky says because it is hard to produce a well-developed app for less than $50,000, companies are continually looking for ways to recoup their costs. Last year, Snowseekers experimented with a paid app - for $1.99 clients can purchase a “chapter” on local ski areas that provided information ranging from snow conditions to hotels, restaurants, nightclubs and other activities available. They sold about 7,000 chapters, nowhere near enough to cover development costs. (Snowseekers has since updated and improved its app.) But Visa is experimenting with embedding credit cards into phones, allowing users to purchase products through their apps on their Trip Tik app provides Visa account. That could open up huge new maps and directions revenue streams for companies. The Wall Street Journal says global revenue from mobile apps could increase from $4.1 billion last year to $17.5 billion by 2012. “You could also use it for control of media through GPS technology,” says Frank Fotia, Barr says one of the huge advantages of in your house. It can be a remote control vice-president of insurance, automotive, and mobile apps, for both clients and companies, for your TV, use it for home automation, corporate affairs for CAA. is that ”opposed to a static piece of media, download apps to control your security Fluik Entertainment is working on an this is one that’s living and breathing and can system from your phone.” app to allow mortgage brokers and agents be fed content on a regular basis . . . so for to fill out forms on their iPads, and recently the user the experience is increased tenfold MobIle App THAT STArTS AnD because they have everything they need developed one for Grower Direct to improve MonITorS CArS right on their hip. You’re never going to leave service for their customers. Another app, developed by Edmonton- That app will allow customers to order home without your phone.” based Certified Tracking Solutions, will allow their flowers through their phones, access Sikorsky, whose company slogan is “we motorists to use their iPad or Blackberry to the company’s 300 pages of information and love to make things for the iPhone, web and remote-start and monitor their vehicles from hook into the messaging database to allow desktop,” suggested that apps will be “way any distance - even another country - as long Grower Direct to send text messages alerting bigger than the Internet,” perhaps leading to as there’s wireless coverage. customers of upcoming holidays. the end of laptops in companies. He says that The Canadian Automobile Association’s Health and fitness apps are becoming more he can only imagine where the future will take Trip Tik app provides maps and directions, competitive and advanced in the ever-growing us. listings of approved hotels, routes to addresses, genre for mobile devices. There are apps to “You would need a crystal ball,” Sikorsky and its Roadside app allows the CAA to find provide a comprehensive study of a user’s says. “But you just know it’s going to be huge. your vehicle and send help. workout, monitor his or her weight, heart rate When I look at what people are asking us to “By simply tapping open our app on your and calories burned, map out runs and bike do, and what we’re building, I can tell that iPhone screen and clicking the “request for rides, calculate body mass index or track and 2011 is going to be a turn-around year for assistance” button, we will quickly receive analyze sleep patterns, all while auto tweeting businesses.” • your request for service and your location and updating Facebook. Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse 17
  • 18. “Dentists, hospitals, labs – they all need a sterile environment,” he says. “I did not know this when we first began, but it turns out that the keyboard is often the most contaminated surface in the hospital. You would think toilets, or doorknobs, but those get cleaned more often than the keyboard or mouse.” The Cleankeys keyboard solves the germ problem by removing the mechanical keys. Its glass or acrylic surface is flat, and its touch- capacitive technology senses keystrokes just like a touch screen on a mobile phone or a bank machine. TypInG wHIle TAkInG A bATH Cleankeys’ randy Marsden Unlike other touch-screen keyboards, however, the Cleankeys model can sense when a user is resting their fingers instead of typing. takes a Swype at texting This provides a normal keyboard on a surface that can be cleaned like any countertop to minimize the risk of infection. Although it was developed with medical professionals in mind, the Cleankeys edmonton, ab, troy media/ – Muhammad Ali Marsden’s current project, the Cleankeys keyboard has drawn interest far beyond the once boasted that he was so fast that when he keyboard, is in the nascent field of hygienic hygienic computing field and the company turned off the light switch in his hotel room, computing and has the potential to help may begin to license its innovations for he was in bed before the room was dark. hospitals and clinics worldwide fight personal computing. Cleankeys Inc. CEO Randy Marsden’s infections. “We’ve had a number of inquiries, but one boasts are a little more modest. “The ‘Eureka!’ moment came when a dentist of the more bizarre ones was with a company “I invented the world’s fastest way to enter bought a camera for people who cannot use in the U.K. that wants to make some sort of text on screen,” he says about Swype, a text their hands,” says Marsden. “I got hold of an entertainment solution for people taking input system that he co-developed around the him, and asked, ‘Why are you buying this?’ a bath,” says Marsden. “Apparently there are idea that people could write by sliding a finger By asking that question, I learned about this quite a few people soaking in tubs who want across a touch screen keyboard. “We broke world of infection control.” to be able to type.” • the Guinness World Record for texting speed twice this year!” Impressive? Certainly, but when looking at Marsden’s two decades as an innovator, Swype almost looks like a diversion, at least in terms of the impact on the quality of life of his customers. GerM-Free keyboArD Ever since he developed a communication device for a quadriplegic friend when he was a student at the University of Alberta in 1987, Marsden has been a pioneer in the field of assistive technology. His innovations have helped millions worldwide. 18 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication
  • 19.
  • 20. what we have here is a failure to communicate By Patrick Binns edmonton, ab, troy media/ – We have TV channel of interest). Despite the many ExEcutivE DirEctor many more ways to communicate than we options available, people tend to pick the AlbErtA ict council did 150 years ago and that is increasingly wrong communication channel. How many becoming a problem. times of you heard of someone breaking off a It’s becoming increasingly difficult to relationship via Facebook? even confirm receipt of a message or to These new sets of commonly-used gain the attention of the recipient. Email, communication channels are beyond the previously a trusted channel, cannot be relied control of corporate IT groups, which is on because of spam blocking devices that creating significant problems as users expect consume messages without responding to the these tools to work reliability within their originator. corporate networks. More importantly, Now add in the fact that many people have controlling confidential materials and meeting multiple email accounts, and the problem legislated records retention requirements is becomes even more dire. Which do you use? becoming increasingly complex. And which is for business and which for Corporations are also challenged by the pleasure? What happens when the person gets personal use of external communication a new job or moves to a new Internet service technologies (YouTube, Skype, and others) provider? which are consuming valuable network resources. Their uncontrolled use reduces productivity and increases corporate network costs. TIMe To lIMIT CoMMunICATIon CHAnnelS Effective communications is one of the most important skills to have in today’s world. The number of communication events grows geometrically as the size of the team increases. We can avoid miscommunication by limiting the channels we use, defining preferred inbound channels and selecting channels preferred by the message recipient. THe CoSTS oF new Don’t over-communicate. And use network CoMMunICATIon ToolS infrastructure responsibly by not loading it It’s a much more complex time than the with high-definition video content. • 1800s, when people communicated by word of mouth, letter, printed books, and social gatherings. By the 1950s, technology gave us the telephone, audio recordings, billboards, movies and TV. Compare that relatively advanced time now, with e-mail, the Internet, SMS texting, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, web- Patrick Binns is the Executive Director of the conferencing and 500+ TV channels. Alberta ICT Council. The council works with There is a cost to this plethora of channels companies and stakeholders in Alberta to promote, in terms of communications risk and lost develop, and distribute ICT-based products. Contact: productivity (having to check all your e-mail accounts, phone messages, and finding the 20 Alberta’s ICT Powerhouse Volume 1 Issue 1 • A Troy Media Publication