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Planning the Planting of
Cover Crops and Cash
               Daniel Parson
             Parson Produce
Parson Produce
•    The Farmhouse B & B is 40 acres
•    3.25 acres vegetable and cut flower
•    Small Apiary
•    300 shiitake logs

•  Applying for organic certification
Parson Produce Marketing
•  75 member Community Supported
   Agriculture (CSA)
•  Restaurants:
  –  Stella s Southern Bistro
  –  High Cotton Greenville
  –  American Grocery
•  Live Oak Farm Store and Swamp
   Rabbit Café and Grocery
•  TD Saturday Market, Greenville
Why Rotations?
•    Required for certified organic
•    Reduce pest pressure
•    Reduce weed problems
•    Improve crop fertility
•    Reduce crop disease
•    Include cover crops in production
Certified Organic

The producer must manage crop
nutrients and soil fertility through
 rotations, cover crops, and the
 application of plant and animal
What is a Cover Crop?

A cover crop is grown to support the
   production of other crops; not for
harvest. Cover crop residue is left on
   the surface in a no-till system or
 incorporated into the soil in a tillage
Pest Control
•  Biodiversity
•  Cover crops attract beneficials
•  Break cycles of infestation

Example: soil-borne nematodes that are
          plant-family specific
Buckwheat Blooming
Syrphid Flies
Natural Enemy Habitat
Beneficial Insects
Assassin Bug                      Lacewing Eggs

Predatory                      Syrphid Fly
Stink Bug

                                  Photos by Debbie Roos
Beneficial Insects
   Big-Eyed Bug                     Minute Pirate Bug

Newport News Master Gardeners

                               From University of Nebraska-
                             Lincoln/Photo by Jack Dykinga,
                           image from the USDA Agricultural
                                         Research Service.
Weed Control
•  Crop/weed timing
•  Diverse cultivation methods
•  Cover crops as smother crops

 Example: cultivation of winter squash
         before vines extend
Weed Management
Crop Fertility
•  Certain crops deplete certain nutrients
•  Some crops make nutrients more
•  Cover crops
•  Different crop fertilization strategies
Crop Fertility
Example: adding compost to one crop,
   followed by one that needs well-
     decomposed organic matter

 Example: straw mulch on tomatoes
    increases organic matter for
           following crop
Fertility Management
Disease Control
•    Break the cycle of soil-borne disease
•    Keep disease from building up
•    Increase beneficial microorganisms
•    Pathogens with limited host range
•    Pathogens without airborne spores
Diseases Poorly Controlled
•  Damping off
•  Verticillium wilt (300+ susceptible)
•  Anthracnose - beans, cukes, peppers
•  Fusarium - tomatoes, peas, melons,
•  Root knot nematodes - corn, lettuce,
Disease Management
What is a Good Cover Crop?
•  Legumes
  –  Nitrogen fixation (70-200 lb/acre N)
•  Grasses
  –  Add biomass (1-5 ton/acre dry)
  –  Conserve nutrients

•  Other vigorous growers
How to Plant Cover Crops
•  Minimal tillage to clean field and cover
  –  Fine seed on surface
  –  Larger seed sow before final cultivation
•  Achieve full coverage
•  Encourage vigorous germination
•  Consider following crop
How to Plow in Cover Crops
•    Early bloom stage before seed sets
•    Mow and shred
•    Allow to dry and shrink
•    Shallow tillage to incorporate
•    Wait 4 weeks before direct seeding
Warm Season Legumes
•  Soybean
  –  Upright easy to grow
•  Velvet bean (up to 200#N/acre)
  –  Climbing vines love heat
  –  Requires cultivation or companion
•  Cowpea (100-150#N/acre)
  –  Vigorous vines love heat
Velvet Bean
Warm Season Grasses
•  Sudan/Sorghum (4-5 tons/acre dry)
  –  Great biomass
  –  Requires mowing
•  Pearl millet
  –  Shorter stature
•  Browntop millet
  –  Short season
Warm Season Broadleaves
•  Buckwheat (1-1.5 ton/acre dry)
  –  Short season
  –  Prolific blooms attract beneficial insects
  –  Cycles Calcium
•  Sunflower
  –  Great scaffold for climbers
  –  Possible harvest with non-climbers
Cool Season Legumes
•  Crimson Clover (70-130#N/acre)
  –  Rich in N and blooms
•  Fava bean
  –  banner for N and biomass
•  Hairy Vetch (90-200#N/acre)
•  Austrian Winter Pea
Crimson Clover, Fava Bean
        and Rye
Hairy Vetch
Austrian Winter Peas
Cool Season Grasses
•  Cereal or Grain Rye
  –  Great height
  –  Winter hardiness
•  Oats
  –  Early biomass and semi winter-hardy
•  Wheat
  –  Smaller stature, hardy
Primary Mixes--Summer
•  Buckwheat, Soybean, and Sudan
  –  Early bloom of buckwheat
  –  Mow when soybeans bloom

•  Buckwheat alone in sequence
  –  Short season cover
  –  Constant bloom for insects
Buckwheat, Soybean, Sudan
Primary Mixes--Winter
•  Rye and hairy vetch
  –  More biomass formed
  –  Precedes later season crops
•  Oats and Crimson Clover
  –  Precedes spring crops
  –  Better N source for short crops
How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan
How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan
212 Feet

225 Feet     225 Feet
                        325 Feet

           225 Feet
How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan

How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan
Plant Families
•  Cucurbitaceae - squash, melons,
   cucumbers, lufa, pumpkins,
•  Solanaceae - tomato, pepper, eggplant,
•  Convolvulaceae - sweet potato
•  Malvaceae - okra, cotton
•  Asteraceae - lettuce, sunflower, endive
•  Chenopodiaceae - spinach, beet, chard
Plant Families
•  Brassicaceae - cabbage, broccoli,
   cauliflower, collards, kale, brussel sprouts,
   arugula, boc choi
•  Apiaceae - carrot, celery, fennel, cilantro
•  Fabaceae - snap beans, peas
•  Lilliaceae - garlic, onion
•  Poaceae - rye, oats, sudangrass
Timing of Crop
•    Planting through harvest
•    Over-wintering or perennial
•    Consider double cropping
•    Cover crops and incorporation
Spring and Fall
•    Carrots and Beets
•    Broccoli
•    Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Kale
•    Potatoes (Spring only)
•    Arugula, Turnips, Lettuce, etc.
•    Beans and Flowers
•    Peppers and Eggplant
•    Cucumbers and Squash
•    Tomatoes
•    Sweet Potatoes
•    Okra
•    Melons
•  Garlic
•  Various Cover Crops
How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan
Arrange Crops
•  Note-card method
•  Blank grid method: column names
  –  Field Number
  –  Crops and Cover Crops
  –  Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

Field Rotation Plan 2012
Field                Crop                   Season
 1                Broccoli                  Spring
             Soybeans/Buckwheat            Summer
              Carrots and Beets              Fall
                 Rye Aisles                 Winter
 2                Potatoes                  Spring
               Sudex/Soybeans              Summer
                    Garlic                   Fall
 3                                          Spring
              Late Flowers/Beans           Summer
             Wheat/Crimson Clover            Fall
 4                                          Spring
                     Okra                  Summer
                Rye/Hairy Vetch              Fall
 5                                          Spring
               Peppers/Eggplant            Summer
               Oats/Winter Peas              Fall
 6           Arugula and Lettuce            Spring
             Soybeans/Buckwheat            Summer
               Cabbage and Kale              Fall
              Rye/Crimson Clover            Winter
 7            Cucumbers/Squash              Spring
               Oats/Winter Peas              Fall
 8            Carrots and Beets             Spring
             Soybeans/Buckwheat            Summer
                  Broccoli                   Fall
                 Rye/Clover                 Winter
 9             Sweet Potatoes               Spring
               Oats and Clover             Summer
 10            Cabbage and Kale             Spring
                  Buckwheat                Summer
              Arugula and Lettuce            Fall
        Wheat Aisles and Crimson Clover     Winter
 11                                         Spring
           Early Flowers and Beans         Summer
             Rye and Hairy Vetch             Fall
 12                                         Spring
                    Melons                 Summer
            Rye and Crimson Clover           Fall
 13                Tomatoes                 Spring
             Oats and Winter Peas          Summer
How to Design a Rotation
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan

Field 1 Layout
                                      Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle
             Chioggia Beets                         Radish                           Chioggia Beets          Leaf Mulch
                                      Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle
              Lettuce Mix                           Radish                         Arugula Roquette          Leaf Mulch
                                      Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle
              Braizing Mix                          Radish                       Spring Onions (Failure)     Leaf Mulch

          Georgia Sweet Onions                  Red Ace Beets                        Red Ace Beets           Leaf Mulch

            Sugar Snap Peas                    Sugar Snap Peas                      Sugar Snap Peas        Sugar Snap Peas

*All beds 50 feet on 5 foot centers
                                      Tillage and bed preparation March,
Tillage                                              2004

Planting                                         March, 2004

Harvest                                         April-June, 2004
                                      Fertrel 4-2-4 OMRI approved band
Fertility                                    applied at 100#N/acre

Date-Transplant Actual
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Date-Seeding Actual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Date-Harvest Actual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Date-Transplant Est
                                                                                                                                                                         Date-Seeding Est

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Date-Harvest Est
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Days to Harvest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Days SD to TD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Actual Beds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  # of Beds

                                            De Cicco                                                               Broccoli                             12               28                                                     28               56                                               58                         114                                                    1                        1
                                            Batavia                                                                Broccoli                             12               28                                                     28               56                                               58                         114                                                    2                        2
                                            Gypsy                                                                  Broccoli                             12               28                                                     28               56                                               58                         114                                                    6                        6
                                            Packman                                                                Broccoli                             12               28                                                     28               56                                               49                         105                                                    6                        6
                                            Famosa                                                                 Cabbage                              12               28                                                     28               56                                               70                         126                                                    1                        1
                                            Jersey Wakefield                                                       Cabbage                              12               28                                                     28               56                                               63                         119                                                    2                        2
                                            Even' Star Champion                                                    Collards                               2              28                                                     28               56                                               60                         116                                                    2                        4
                                            Lacinato                                                               Kale                                   9              28                                                     28               56                                               60                         116                                                    3                        6
                                            Siberian                                                               Kale                                   2              28                                                     28               56                                               60                         116                                                    3                        6
                                            Red                                                                    Lettuce                                2              28                                                     28               56                                               56                         112                                                  1.5                        4
                                            Green                                                                  Lettuce                                2              28                                                     28               56                                               56                         112                                                  1.5                        4
                                            Kohlrabi                                                               Kohlrabi                               9              35                                                     28               63                                               50                         113                                                    1                        2
                                            Korridor                                                               Kohlrabi                               7              35                                                     28               63                                               50                         113                                                    1                        2
                    Date-Harvest Actual

                                            Windsor                                                                Fava Bean                              4              42                                                                                                                       75                         117                                                    4                        8
 Date-Harvest Est

                                                                                               # seeds per foot

                                                                                                                                     # of Rows / Bed

                                            Perfection                                                             Fennel                                 2              42                                                     35               77                                               80                         157                                                    1                        3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           # of Seeds / Oz

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ounces of Seed
                                                                              Feet per Ounce

                                            Red                                                                    Lettuce                                2              42                                                     28               70                                               56                         126                                                  0.5                        1
                                                                                                                     Plants / Foot

                                            Green                                                                  Lettuce                                2              42                                                     28               70                                               56                         126                                                  0.5                        1
                                                      Actual Beds

                                                                                                                                                           # of Plants

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      # of Seeds
                                            Sugar Snap                                                             Pea                                    2              42                                                                                                                       58                         100                                                    4                        8
                                          # of Beds

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              # of Flats
                                                                                                                                                                                            Flat Size

                                            Korridor                                                               Kohlrabi                               7              49                                                     28               77                                               50                         127                                                    1                        2
                                            Chioggia                                                               Beets                                  7              56                                                                                                                       55                         111                                                  1.5                        4
                                            Red Ace                                                                Beets                                  7              56                                                                                                                       50                         106                                                    3                        9
                                            Golden                                                                 Beets                                  7              56                                                                                                                       50                         106                                                  1.5                        4
114                                         1            100                                                      0.667                     1           66.7                 50                                                2                  200                                            6000                                            0.034
                                            Scarlet Nantes                                                         Carrot                                 7              56                                                                                                                       65                         121                                                    2                        6
114                                         2            200                                                      0.667                     1          133.4                 50                                                4                  400                                            6000                                            0.067
                                            Yaya                                                                   Carrot                                 7              56                                                                                                                       56                         112                                                    2                        6
114                                         6            600                                                      0.667                     1          400.2                 50                                               10                1000                                             6000                                            0.167
                                            Purple Haze                                                            Carrot                                 7              56                                                                                                                       56                         112                                                    1                        3
105                                         6            600                                                      0.667                     1          400.2                 50                                               10                1000                                             6000                                            0.167
                                            Napoli                                                                 Carrot                                 7              56                                                                                                                       58                         114                                                    2                        6
126                                         1
                                            Red          100                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Lettuce                  1            100
                                                                                                                                                          2              56 72                                                 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              28                  288
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  84                                             7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  56                         140                 0.042                            0.5                        1
119                                         2
                                            Green        200                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Lettuce                  1            200
                                                                                                                                                          2              56 72                                                 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              28                  576
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  84                                             7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  56                         140                 0.083                            0.5                        1
116                                         2
                                            Corno di Toro400                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   2            400
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 72                                                 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                1008
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                             7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  75                         201                 0.144                              2                        4
116                                         3
                                            Anaheim      600                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   2            600
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 72                                                10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                1440
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                             7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  75                         201                 0.206                              1                        2
116                                         3
                                            Poblano      600                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   2            600
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 72                                                10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                1440
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                             7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  70                         196                 0.206                              1                        2
112                                       1.5
                                            Pimiento     450                                                        1.2
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   3            540
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 128                                                5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                1280
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                            24000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  70                         196                 0.054                              1                        2
112                                       1.5            450
                                            California Wonder Green/Red                                             1.2
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   3            540
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 128                                                5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                1280
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                            24000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  70                         196                 0.054                              6                       12
113                                         1
                                            Hot mix      200                                                          1
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   2            200
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 72                                                 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                  576
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                             6500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 100                         226                 0.089                              1                        2
113                                         1            200
                                            California Wonder Orange                                                  1
                                                                                                                   Pepper                   2            200
                                                                                                                                                          6              56 72                                                 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              70                  576
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 126                                             6500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  85                         211                 0.089                              3                        6
Rotation Questions?
•  Measure and map your fields
•  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational
•  Group cash crops: family, seasonality
•  Create rotational plan outline
•  Fill in with cover crops
•  Create detailed field plan
•  National Center for Appropriate
•  Available online at
  –  Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A
     Planning Manual
  –  Using Cover Crops Profitably
•  Adams-Briscoe Seed Company
Planning the Planting of
Cover Crops and Cash
               Daniel Parson
             Parson Produce

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Southern SAWG-Planning the Planting of Cover Crops and Cash Crops

  • 1. Planning the Planting of Cover Crops and Cash Crops Daniel Parson Parson Produce 404.452.4321
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  • 6. Parson Produce •  The Farmhouse B & B is 40 acres •  3.25 acres vegetable and cut flower •  Small Apiary •  300 shiitake logs •  Applying for organic certification
  • 7. Parson Produce Marketing •  75 member Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) •  Restaurants: –  Stella s Southern Bistro –  High Cotton Greenville –  American Grocery •  Live Oak Farm Store and Swamp Rabbit Café and Grocery •  TD Saturday Market, Greenville
  • 8. Why Rotations? •  Required for certified organic •  Reduce pest pressure •  Reduce weed problems •  Improve crop fertility •  Reduce crop disease •  Include cover crops in production
  • 9. Certified Organic The producer must manage crop nutrients and soil fertility through rotations, cover crops, and the application of plant and animal materials
  • 10. What is a Cover Crop? A cover crop is grown to support the production of other crops; not for harvest. Cover crop residue is left on the surface in a no-till system or incorporated into the soil in a tillage system.
  • 11. Pest Control •  Biodiversity •  Cover crops attract beneficials •  Break cycles of infestation Example: soil-borne nematodes that are plant-family specific
  • 15. Beneficial Insects Assassin Bug Lacewing Eggs Predatory Syrphid Fly Stink Bug Photos by Debbie Roos
  • 16. Beneficial Insects Big-Eyed Bug Minute Pirate Bug Newport News Master Gardeners From University of Nebraska- Lincoln/Photo by Jack Dykinga, image from the USDA Agricultural Research Service.
  • 17. Weed Control •  Crop/weed timing •  Diverse cultivation methods •  Cover crops as smother crops Example: cultivation of winter squash before vines extend
  • 19. Crop Fertility •  Certain crops deplete certain nutrients •  Some crops make nutrients more available •  Cover crops •  Different crop fertilization strategies
  • 20. Crop Fertility Example: adding compost to one crop, followed by one that needs well- decomposed organic matter Example: straw mulch on tomatoes increases organic matter for following crop
  • 22. Disease Control •  Break the cycle of soil-borne disease •  Keep disease from building up •  Increase beneficial microorganisms •  Pathogens with limited host range •  Pathogens without airborne spores
  • 23. Diseases Poorly Controlled •  Damping off •  Verticillium wilt (300+ susceptible) •  Anthracnose - beans, cukes, peppers •  Fusarium - tomatoes, peas, melons, dahlias •  Root knot nematodes - corn, lettuce, tomatoes
  • 25. What is a Good Cover Crop? •  Legumes –  Nitrogen fixation (70-200 lb/acre N) •  Grasses –  Add biomass (1-5 ton/acre dry) –  Conserve nutrients •  Other vigorous growers
  • 26. How to Plant Cover Crops •  Minimal tillage to clean field and cover –  Fine seed on surface –  Larger seed sow before final cultivation •  Achieve full coverage •  Encourage vigorous germination •  Consider following crop
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  • 30. How to Plow in Cover Crops •  Early bloom stage before seed sets •  Mow and shred •  Allow to dry and shrink •  Shallow tillage to incorporate •  Wait 4 weeks before direct seeding
  • 31.
  • 32. Warm Season Legumes •  Soybean –  Upright easy to grow •  Velvet bean (up to 200#N/acre) –  Climbing vines love heat –  Requires cultivation or companion planting •  Cowpea (100-150#N/acre) –  Vigorous vines love heat
  • 34. Warm Season Grasses •  Sudan/Sorghum (4-5 tons/acre dry) –  Great biomass –  Requires mowing •  Pearl millet –  Shorter stature •  Browntop millet –  Short season
  • 36. Warm Season Broadleaves •  Buckwheat (1-1.5 ton/acre dry) –  Short season –  Prolific blooms attract beneficial insects –  Cycles Calcium •  Sunflower –  Great scaffold for climbers –  Possible harvest with non-climbers
  • 37. Cool Season Legumes •  Crimson Clover (70-130#N/acre) –  Rich in N and blooms •  Fava bean –  banner for N and biomass •  Hairy Vetch (90-200#N/acre) •  Austrian Winter Pea
  • 38. Crimson Clover, Fava Bean and Rye
  • 41. Cool Season Grasses •  Cereal or Grain Rye –  Great height –  Winter hardiness •  Oats –  Early biomass and semi winter-hardy •  Wheat –  Smaller stature, hardy
  • 42. Primary Mixes--Summer •  Buckwheat, Soybean, and Sudan –  Early bloom of buckwheat –  Mow when soybeans bloom •  Buckwheat alone in sequence –  Short season cover –  Constant bloom for insects
  • 44. Primary Mixes--Winter •  Rye and hairy vetch –  More biomass formed –  Precedes later season crops •  Oats and Crimson Clover –  Precedes spring crops –  Better N source for short crops
  • 45. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 46. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 47. 212 Feet 225 Feet 225 Feet 325 Feet 225 Feet
  • 48. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 49. 8 12 7 11 13 6 10 5 9 4 3 2 1
  • 50. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 51. Plant Families •  Cucurbitaceae - squash, melons, cucumbers, lufa, pumpkins, •  Solanaceae - tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato •  Convolvulaceae - sweet potato •  Malvaceae - okra, cotton •  Asteraceae - lettuce, sunflower, endive •  Chenopodiaceae - spinach, beet, chard
  • 52. Plant Families •  Brassicaceae - cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, brussel sprouts, arugula, boc choi •  Apiaceae - carrot, celery, fennel, cilantro •  Fabaceae - snap beans, peas •  Lilliaceae - garlic, onion •  Poaceae - rye, oats, sudangrass
  • 53. Timing of Crop •  Planting through harvest •  Over-wintering or perennial •  Consider double cropping •  Cover crops and incorporation
  • 54. Spring and Fall •  Carrots and Beets •  Broccoli •  Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Kale •  Potatoes (Spring only) •  Arugula, Turnips, Lettuce, etc.
  • 55. Summer •  Beans and Flowers •  Peppers and Eggplant •  Cucumbers and Squash •  Tomatoes •  Sweet Potatoes •  Okra •  Melons
  • 57. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 58. Arrange Crops •  Note-card method •  Blank grid method: column names –  Field Number –  Crops and Cover Crops –  Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
  • 59. 8 12 7 11 13 6 10 5 9 4 3 2 1
  • 60. Field Rotation Plan 2012 Field Crop Season Winter 1 Broccoli Spring Soybeans/Buckwheat Summer Carrots and Beets Fall Rye Aisles Winter 2 Potatoes Spring Sudex/Soybeans Summer Garlic Fall Winter 3 Spring Late Flowers/Beans Summer Wheat/Crimson Clover Fall Winter 4 Spring Okra Summer Rye/Hairy Vetch Fall Winter 5 Spring Peppers/Eggplant Summer Oats/Winter Peas Fall Winter 6 Arugula and Lettuce Spring Soybeans/Buckwheat Summer Cabbage and Kale Fall Rye/Crimson Clover Winter 7 Cucumbers/Squash Spring Summer Oats/Winter Peas Fall Winter 8 Carrots and Beets Spring Soybeans/Buckwheat Summer Broccoli Fall Rye/Clover Winter 9 Sweet Potatoes Spring Oats and Clover Summer Fall Winter 10 Cabbage and Kale Spring Buckwheat Summer Arugula and Lettuce Fall Wheat Aisles and Crimson Clover Winter 11 Spring Early Flowers and Beans Summer Rye and Hairy Vetch Fall Winter 12 Spring Melons Summer Rye and Crimson Clover Fall Winter 13 Tomatoes Spring Oats and Winter Peas Summer Fall
  • 61. How to Design a Rotation •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 62. 8 12 7 11 13 6 10 5 9 4 3 2 1
  • 63. Field 1 Layout Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle Chioggia Beets Radish Chioggia Beets Leaf Mulch Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle Lettuce Mix Radish Arugula Roquette Leaf Mulch Scarlet Nantes Carrots/ Cherry Belle Braizing Mix Radish Spring Onions (Failure) Leaf Mulch Georgia Sweet Onions Red Ace Beets Red Ace Beets Leaf Mulch Sugar Snap Peas Sugar Snap Peas Sugar Snap Peas Sugar Snap Peas *All beds 50 feet on 5 foot centers Tillage and bed preparation March, Tillage 2004 Planting March, 2004 Harvest April-June, 2004 Fertrel 4-2-4 OMRI approved band Fertility applied at 100#N/acre
  • 64. 8 12 7 11 13 6 10 5 9 4 3 2 1
  • 65. Date-Transplant Actual Date-Seeding Actual Date-Harvest Actual Date-Transplant Est Date-Seeding Est Date-Harvest Est Days to Harvest Days SD to TD Actual Beds # of Beds Variety Field Crop De Cicco Broccoli 12 28 28 56 58 114 1 1 Batavia Broccoli 12 28 28 56 58 114 2 2 Gypsy Broccoli 12 28 28 56 58 114 6 6 Packman Broccoli 12 28 28 56 49 105 6 6 Famosa Cabbage 12 28 28 56 70 126 1 1 Jersey Wakefield Cabbage 12 28 28 56 63 119 2 2 Even' Star Champion Collards 2 28 28 56 60 116 2 4 Lacinato Kale 9 28 28 56 60 116 3 6 Siberian Kale 2 28 28 56 60 116 3 6 Red Lettuce 2 28 28 56 56 112 1.5 4 Green Lettuce 2 28 28 56 56 112 1.5 4 Kohlrabi Kohlrabi 9 35 28 63 50 113 1 2 Korridor Kohlrabi 7 35 28 63 50 113 1 2 Date-Harvest Actual Windsor Fava Bean 4 42 75 117 4 8 Date-Harvest Est # seeds per foot # of Rows / Bed Perfection Fennel 2 42 35 77 80 157 1 3 # of Seeds / Oz Ounces of Seed Feet per Ounce Red Lettuce 2 42 28 70 56 126 0.5 1 Plants / Foot Green Lettuce 2 42 28 70 56 126 0.5 1 Actual Beds # of Plants # of Seeds Sugar Snap Pea 2 42 58 100 4 8 # of Beds # of Flats Flat Size Rowfeet Korridor Kohlrabi 7 49 28 77 50 127 1 2 Chioggia Beets 7 56 55 111 1.5 4 Red Ace Beets 7 56 50 106 3 9 Golden Beets 7 56 50 106 1.5 4 114 1 100 0.667 1 66.7 50 2 200 6000 0.034 Scarlet Nantes Carrot 7 56 65 121 2 6 114 2 200 0.667 1 133.4 50 4 400 6000 0.067 Yaya Carrot 7 56 56 112 2 6 114 6 600 0.667 1 400.2 50 10 1000 6000 0.167 Purple Haze Carrot 7 56 56 112 1 3 105 6 600 0.667 1 400.2 50 10 1000 6000 0.167 Napoli Carrot 7 56 58 114 2 6 126 1 Red 100 1 Lettuce 1 100 2 56 72 2 28 288 84 7000 56 140 0.042 0.5 1 119 2 Green 200 1 Lettuce 1 200 2 56 72 4 28 576 84 7000 56 140 0.083 0.5 1 116 2 Corno di Toro400 1 Pepper 2 400 6 56 72 7 70 1008 126 7000 75 201 0.144 2 4 116 3 Anaheim 600 1 Pepper 2 600 6 56 72 10 70 1440 126 7000 75 201 0.206 1 2 116 3 Poblano 600 1 Pepper 2 600 6 56 72 10 70 1440 126 7000 70 196 0.206 1 2 112 1.5 Pimiento 450 1.2 Pepper 3 540 6 56 128 5 70 1280 126 24000 70 196 0.054 1 2 112 1.5 450 California Wonder Green/Red 1.2 Pepper 3 540 6 56 128 5 70 1280 126 24000 70 196 0.054 6 12 113 1 Hot mix 200 1 Pepper 2 200 6 56 72 4 70 576 126 6500 100 226 0.089 1 2 113 1 200 California Wonder Orange 1 Pepper 2 200 6 56 72 4 70 576 126 6500 85 211 0.089 3 6
  • 66. Rotation Questions? •  Measure and map your fields •  Divide into equal-sized ‘rotational units’ •  Group cash crops: family, seasonality •  Create rotational plan outline •  Fill in with cover crops •  Create detailed field plan
  • 67. Resources •  National Center for Appropriate Technology •  Available online at –  Crop Rotation on Organic Farms: A Planning Manual –  Using Cover Crops Profitably •  Adams-Briscoe Seed Company
  • 68. Planning the Planting of Cover Crops and Cash Crops Daniel Parson Parson Produce 404.452.4321