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Katie Laird // Schipul - The Web Marketing Company

              Social Media                           When working,
                                                     playing and
            for Businesses                           networking collide!
What we’ll talk about

•Intro to Biz Social Media

•Power of Story

•Online Business tools

•5 things you can do today

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Social Media is a Conversation between actual HUMANS!
No really...
Why do I actually care about the Web?
It’s all about a balanced approach
Cost-effective and far-reaching tools

•Facebook = $0

•MySpace = $0

•Wordpress = $0

•Twitter = $0

•YouTube = $0

•Ning = $0
(Incredibly) Low barrier to entry
Classic Storytelling
The Power of the Narrative
Once upon a time...

...we told each other our stories...
Modern Storytelling
Narrating through Technology
Once upon this time...

...we still tell each other our stories...
4 Elements of Storytelling
   1. Message               4. Plot

     So my point is...

    2. Conflict           3. Characters
What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story

1. The Message

                                                  • Strategic premise

                                                  • What is your real statement?

                                                  • Stick to 1 or 2 messages

                                                  • Different audiences mean
                                                    different messages
1. The Message

What are your Vision, Mission and Values?

 You can’t write about what you don’t know

• Vision: Big picture

• Mission: The nuts and bolts

• Values: The behaviors that get you there
1. The Message

Promote the same message EVERYWHERE

• Message #1: Just Do It

  • Nike+ Run Faster Blog

• Message #2: We innovate, we help

  • Nike R&D Storytelling videos

1. The Message

Keep it simple - try a 6 word story
                          Ernest Hemingway’s best work?

                      ‘For sale: Baby shoes, never worn’

What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story

2. The Conflict

                                                          • Not always negative

                                                          • What problem forces you to act?

                                                          • How do you restore harmony?

                                                          • Internal or external conflict?
2. The Conflict

Identifying your conflict

• Inner Conflict - unsure of yourself or direction

• Relational Conflict - protagonist vs. antagonist

• Social Conflict - you vs. the system

• Situational Conflict - how you grow and survive tough times

• Cosmic Conflict - you vs. an invisible force
Whole Foods fights bio-engineering and trade practices
Starbucks lets patrons discover and solve conflict
What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story

3. The Characters

                                                      • Who are the main players?

                                                      • Multi-purpose Characters

                                                      • Your readers are Characters too
                                                         ** PERSONA Development **
3. The Characters

Mac vs. PC - Recognizable Characters

3. The Characters

The Apple story’s Characters
                     (everlasting love)

                                          (out-of-the-box geeks)
   Benefactor            Goal              Beneficiary

                                          (in-the-box products)

     Support             Hero               Adversary
Persona Development:
Who the heck is my audience?
Persona Development

1. Identify 3-7 ‘actual’ people (invisible friends)

• Name them and find a photo

• Give them a backstory and bio

• Talk about them in your meetings

• Use them to guide your efforts
Persona Development

Your Brand’s Persona #1


Age: 21
Education: College Senior
Work: PT barista
Income: $9/hour
Family: Dating / No kids
Hobbies: Blogger / Soccer
Platform: PC laptop
Magazines: Vanity Fair
Persona Development

Your Brand’s Persona #2


Age: 30
Education: Student of Life
Work: Print designer
Income: $53,000/year
Family: Engaged, no kids
Hobbies: Flag football
Platform: Macbook Pro
Magazines: Wired
Persona Development

Your Brand’s Persona #3


Age: 42
Education: MBA
Work: Retail boutique owner
Income: $75,000 / year
Family: Married, 2 kids
Hobbies: Yoga / Photography
Platform: Macbook
Magazines: Real Simple
Persona Development

2. How / when will you speak to these Personas?
Persona Development

3. Weave your audience into your Story


Persona Development

4. Master the art of Listening and Responding


Such a Character
Oh, the people you’ll meet...
What kind of hero are you?

  The Brave Hero   The Everyday Hero   The Wise Hero

   The Creator       The Joker         The Adventurer
What kind of hero are you?

    The Ruler     The Caregiver   The Lover

  The Innocent    The Magician    The Rebel
What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story

4. The Plot
                                                              The difference between:

                                                             ‘The King died and then the
                                                                     Queen died’


                                                           ‘The King died by the sword and
                                                               the Queen died of grief’
4. The Plot

 Plot your Plot

                                     Deal with it
                                                    Almost there...
         Interact / Connect / Play


                                                         Onward and upward
4. The Plot

Perception is reality - so, what Story is out there?


4. The Plot

Due diligence on your Story

                               Powerful Social Media search engine
                              watches for your terms and updates you

                                                 Email updates for your company
                                                       name and keywords

                                             Yahoo! alerts you of any
                                         occurrences of defined terms and
Addictive and essential Google Reader:
Let’s take a break!
So let’s talk online networks
(this is the part where I try to turn you into geeks)

(remember, it’s all about the Story - not the technology)
1. Blog Your Heart Out
Use this as your Home Base
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Jumping into the Blogosphere

• Your online home base

•Position your brand

• Share brain candy

• Promote others
Schipul has fun, geeks out and grows Brand
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Blogging Do’s and Don’ts

  •Promote other people                             •Focus only on yourself

  •Be funny and interesting                         •Take undue credit

  •Pro-actively respond                             •Blog every 3 months

  •Tag your content                                 •Post press releases

  •Make it easy to share                            •Blog in Corporate-speak

  •Link to other companies                          •Post duplicate content
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Blogging Buzzwords

•Comment - Respond to a Blog post

•Link love - Linking to other Blogs / sites (online currency)

•Tagging - Adding words to describe Blog content

•Troll - Meanie commenter (IGNORE!)

•Blogroll - Links to fave Blogs

•Embed - Copy/paste media
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Blog bling: Tie it all together on your Blog

                                                    (Make your brand portable)
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Keep your Blog design branding consistent
1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

No Blog? Make a SMM page on your site
2. Micro-Blogging with Twitter
2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Twitter explained

2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Twitter includes others in ongoing dialogue

               Coffee Groundz on Twitter:
2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Twitter Do’s and Don’ts

                                                     •Gab about you constantly
  •‘Re-Tweet’ content:
   -- RT @happykatie....
                                                     •TYPE IN ALL CAPS
  •Talk directly to people:
   -- @magsmac - hey!!...                            •Re-post w/out attribution

  •Link to outside content:                          •Follow nobody
                                                     •Decline to respond to @’s
  •Profile love (pic and links)                        and DM’s

  •Live Tweet from events                            •Abuse your Tweet power
2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools

Twitter Buzzwords

•Follow - To friend someone (or follow their updates)

•Direct Message (DM) - Pseudo-email to someone that follows you

•‘At’ reply - Speak directly to someone (@magsmac)

•Re-tweet (RT) - Re-post content with credit

•Block - Restrict access to updates

•# - a kind of ‘tag’ or desc. phrase
3. Facebook
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

Facebook - Not just for college kids

•Be a leader and connector

•Create buzz for events /

•Brand exposure with
 Facebook ads

•Add photos and videos

                                              Houston Zoo on FB:
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

 Your Facebook profile at a glance

• Flesh out your profile

• Be picky on who you
  connect with

• Re-purpose other content

• Add ALL of your
  Social Media links

• Be fun and interesting
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

Why you should care about Facebook
            230 ‘yes’
           348 ‘maybe’

                                                                             Bill Erickson :)

                                                             670 members
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

Are you a ‘Group’ie?
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

Page Power in Facebook
3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX!

 To Page or to Group - that is the question

• Groups = Not indexed in Google

• Pages = Visible to Google

• Groups = Messages go to inbox

• Pages = Messages go to ‘updates’

• Use both!

3. Facebook: Community Building through Social tools

Facebook Do’s and Don’ts

                                                   •Be stiff and boring
 •Grow your profile

                                                   •Create a ‘company’
 •Upload pics and videos to
                                                    profile (deleted!!)
  tag and send

                                                   •Keep all personal and pro
 •Create and join biz and fun
                                                    life facets separate
  Groups / Pages

                                                   •Post press releases
 •Be picky on your friends

                                                   •Spam your contacts
 •Cross promote your
                                                    (connect but be polite)
  Social Media links
3. Facebook: Community Building through Social tools

 Facebook Buzzwords

•Friend - Connect with someone on Facebook

•Wall message - Write, draw or post something on someone’s wall

•Tag - Add names to photos or videos

•Status update - What are you doing?

•Public timeline - List of recent activity
4. MySpace
Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools

MySpace = social networking for musicians

 Houston musician Andrew Karnavas:
Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools

MySpace = another spot to tie it TOGETHER!

IRC MySpace:
4. MySpace: (further) Community Building through Social tools

MySpace Do’s and Don’ts

                                                    •Blinky crazy stuff
 •Keep your branding
  consistent (everywhere)
                                                    •Spam all of MySpace (go
                                                     after the relevant leaders)
 •Make it easy to get to your
  ‘real stuff’ online
                                                    •Ignore Friend Requests
 •Incorporate photos, videos
  and Blog posts                                    •Static MySpace profile
                                                     (auto update with fresh
 •Interact with MICRO
  targeted audience
                                                    •Depend only MySpace :(
4. MySpace: (further) Community Building through Social tools

MySpace Buzzwords

•Friend - Connect with another User

•Bulletins - Message to groups (w/out individual messaging)

•Bots - Fake spammy MySpace users (adult/poker/etc.)

•Moods - How user is currently feeling :) :x :p

•Blurbs - Details on your profile

•HTML/CSS - how to edit your look
5. Virb
5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad)

Want to create your OWN social network?

                                                                   Schipul Ning:

Company on Ning:
5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad)

Ning - Create your own Social Network


5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad)

3 steps and you’re done!

                                           1. Name and describe

                                                        2. Add your widgets

                                                                3. Change the look

                                                                         4. DONE!
Add logo
5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad)

Invite and promote (+ get help with that content)
6. YouTube
6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

YouTube - Harness the power of P2P discussion
6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

Engage your Audience through video


6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

Buy a Flip camera (seriously)

6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

YouTube Do’s and Don’ts

                                            •Forget to TAG and
 •Connect with other
                                             describe your videos
  YouTube geeks

                                            •Ignore quality (although
 •Include transcripts
                                             ‘so-so, not great’ is ok)
 •Embed video on Blog /
                                            •Respond harshly to
  Site / Facebook
                                             negative comments
 •Comment + respond to
                                            •Keep your guard down
  other video submissions
                                             (check on that feedback)
 •Engage / have fun!
6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

YouTube Buzzwords

•Video Response - Reply to a video with another video

•Flag - Mark content you think is inappropriate

•Rate - Add stars for how awesome content is

•Embed - Code to place video on your site

•Share - Links to add to other sites

•Playlist - Customized video lists
6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video

YouTube - Advertising and Learning

7. Flickr
7. Flickr - Growing your business visually

Doing business through photos
7. Flickr - Growing your business visually

Networking via Flickr

7. Flickr - Growing your business visually

Spread the Flickr love and look cool doing it

7. Flickr - Growing your business visually

Flickr Do’s and Don’ts

                                             •Don’t HAVE to friend
   •Search thru site for photos
                                              back for them to be
    and groups of interest
                                              connected to you

   •Friend as many as you like
                                             •Not necessary for all
    to see their most recent
                                              photos to be public

                                             •Don’t have to have
   •Comment and tag often
                                              Photoshop to edit photos
                                              (built in editor)
   •Join/create groups
                                             •Can’t use other pics w/
   •Organize your pics well                   out correct license
7. Flickr - Growing your business visually

Flickr Buzzwords

•Pool / Set - Themed community / personal sharing photo group

•Contact - How you connect (Contact / Friend / Family)

•Favorite - Marking your faves for later

•Tag - Descriptive terms / phrases

•Comment - Adding your 2 cents

•Creative Commons - photo license
8. LinkedIn
8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online

Virtual rolodex?
8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online

Have questions? Get answers (and give them)
8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online

LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts

                                                     •Be needy
  •Connect with colleagues,
   friends and co-workers
                                                     •Make false connections
  •Play with widgets
                                                     •Spam a group
  •Ask/answer questions
                                                     •Be REALLY needy
  •Recommend people
                                                     •Embellish on your past
  •Post/refer jobs
8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online

Linkedin Buzzwords

•Connections - Your Linkedin contacts (must approve)

•Applications - Fun widgets / tools to interact and promote brand

•Answers - Space to ask / answer questions and polls

•Groups - Opt in Communities

•Contact Settings - Set your terms
8. Other great networks to know
Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools

Free social event promotion sites


Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools

Behold, Slideshare!!!
How to get started
Step 1:
Start Listening
Step 1: Start listening!

What are people saying to/about you?

                                  Powerful Social Media search engine
                                  watches for your terms and updates

                                                   Email updates for your company
                                                         name and keywords

                                    Search for what you care about
                                               on Twitter
Addictive and essential Google Reader:
Step 1: Start listening!

Further online Reputation Management

     Google Trends search:

                              Technorati search:
Step 1: Start listening!

How do you compare to your competition?

                                     Great visuals to track you and
                                    your competition’s online activity
                                               and Buzz
Step 2:
         Set up your
response + promotion vehicles
Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles

Go where your audience is

       ????????????                                   ????????????

Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles

Beef up your Personal Brand

  • Keep it consistent

  • Create an Avatar

  • Cross promote in
    email footers

  • Promote your employee
    Personal Brands

Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles

Poll your company or hire a savvy intern

   You are a Digital Immigrant.
  You could use a Digital Native.
Step 3:
Start spreading the news...
Step 3: Start spreading the news

Keep it Consistent and Connected

• Tie it all in together

• Put your SM links in your email footer

• Re-purpose your content


Step 3: Start spreading the news

Stay pro-active and responsive
                                    Power to the People

• Keep an eye on your Alerts
  and respond!

• Promote other events and people

• Keep it light and interesting
Step 3: Start spreading the news

Play with your Community


Step 5:
 Follow up fun time
(interaction, interaction, interaction)
Step 5: Follow up fun time! (interaction, interaction, interaction)

Tie it all together and keep the Buzz going

                                                    • Be fast and be timely

                                                    • Newsletter, Blog posts, Facebook
                                                      group and event postings

                                                    • Say thank you (individually - one little
                                                      comment goes a looong way)

                                                    • Watch the Buzz for opps to connect

                                                    • Be creative!! Start the drumbeat for
                                                      the Next Big Thing

Your Homework
5 things you can do TODAY!

1. Start listening (Google Reader + Alerts)

2. Develop your Personal Brand

3. Join Facebook (

4. Find your rich media niche + work it!

5. Recruit an internal guru (or an intern)
Let’s Review...

•Use those Story elements

•Know thy Audience

•Track the Buzz

•What’s your Motivation?

Find this presentation:
Thanks for participating - see you online :)

  Katie Laird // Strategic Advisor
  Schipul - The Web Marketing Company

  Personal blog:

  Find my presentation today!


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Social Networks for Business

  • 1. Katie Laird // Schipul - The Web Marketing Company Social Media When working, playing and for Businesses networking collide!
  • 2. What we’ll talk about •Intro to Biz Social Media •Power of Story •Online Business tools •5 things you can do today Find this presentation:
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Social Media is a Conversation between actual HUMANS!
  • 6. No really... Why do I actually care about the Web?
  • 7. It’s all about a balanced approach
  • 8. Cost-effective and far-reaching tools •Facebook = $0 •MySpace = $0 •Wordpress = $0 •Twitter = $0 •YouTube = $0 •Ning = $0
  • 10. Classic Storytelling The Power of the Narrative
  • 11. Once upon a time...
  • 12. ...we told each other our stories...
  • 14. Once upon this time...
  • 15. ...we still tell each other our stories...
  • 16. 4 Elements of Storytelling 1. Message 4. Plot So my point is... 2. Conflict 3. Characters
  • 17. What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story 1. The Message • Strategic premise • What is your real statement? • Stick to 1 or 2 messages • Different audiences mean different messages
  • 18. 1. The Message What are your Vision, Mission and Values? You can’t write about what you don’t know • Vision: Big picture • Mission: The nuts and bolts • Values: The behaviors that get you there
  • 19. 1. The Message Promote the same message EVERYWHERE • Message #1: Just Do It • Nike+ Run Faster Blog • Message #2: We innovate, we help • Nike R&D Storytelling videos
  • 20. 1. The Message Keep it simple - try a 6 word story Ernest Hemingway’s best work? ‘For sale: Baby shoes, never worn’
  • 21. What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story 2. The Conflict • Not always negative • What problem forces you to act? • How do you restore harmony? • Internal or external conflict?
  • 22. 2. The Conflict Identifying your conflict • Inner Conflict - unsure of yourself or direction • Relational Conflict - protagonist vs. antagonist • Social Conflict - you vs. the system • Situational Conflict - how you grow and survive tough times • Cosmic Conflict - you vs. an invisible force
  • 23. Whole Foods fights bio-engineering and trade practices
  • 24. Starbucks lets patrons discover and solve conflict
  • 25. What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story 3. The Characters • Who are the main players? • Multi-purpose Characters • Your readers are Characters too ** PERSONA Development **
  • 26. 3. The Characters Mac vs. PC - Recognizable Characters
  • 27. 3. The Characters The Apple story’s Characters (everlasting love) (out-of-the-box geeks) Benefactor Goal Beneficiary (in-the-box products) Support Hero Adversary
  • 28. Persona Development: Who the heck is my audience?
  • 29. Persona Development 1. Identify 3-7 ‘actual’ people (invisible friends) • Name them and find a photo • Give them a backstory and bio • Talk about them in your meetings • Use them to guide your efforts
  • 30. Persona Development Your Brand’s Persona #1 Ashley Age: 21 Education: College Senior Work: PT barista Income: $9/hour Family: Dating / No kids Hobbies: Blogger / Soccer Platform: PC laptop Magazines: Vanity Fair
  • 31. Persona Development Your Brand’s Persona #2 Marshall Age: 30 Education: Student of Life Work: Print designer Income: $53,000/year Family: Engaged, no kids Hobbies: Flag football Platform: Macbook Pro Magazines: Wired
  • 32. Persona Development Your Brand’s Persona #3 Laura Age: 42 Education: MBA Work: Retail boutique owner Income: $75,000 / year Family: Married, 2 kids Hobbies: Yoga / Photography Platform: Macbook Magazines: Real Simple
  • 33. Persona Development 2. How / when will you speak to these Personas?
  • 34. Persona Development 3. Weave your audience into your Story
  • 35. Persona Development 4. Master the art of Listening and Responding
  • 36. Such a Character Oh, the people you’ll meet...
  • 37. What kind of hero are you? The Brave Hero The Everyday Hero The Wise Hero The Creator The Joker The Adventurer
  • 38. What kind of hero are you? The Ruler The Caregiver The Lover The Innocent The Magician The Rebel
  • 39. What’s old is new: The 4 Elements of a Modern Story 4. The Plot The difference between: ‘The King died and then the Queen died’ and ‘The King died by the sword and the Queen died of grief’
  • 40. 4. The Plot Plot your Plot Deal with it Almost there... Interact / Connect / Play Establish Onward and upward
  • 41. 4. The Plot Perception is reality - so, what Story is out there?
  • 42. 4. The Plot Due diligence on your Story www, Powerful Social Media search engine watches for your terms and updates you Email updates for your company name and keywords Yahoo! alerts you of any occurrences of defined terms and names
  • 43. Addictive and essential Google Reader:
  • 44. Let’s take a break!
  • 45. So let’s talk online networks (this is the part where I try to turn you into geeks)
  • 47. 1. Blog Your Heart Out Use this as your Home Base
  • 48. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Jumping into the Blogosphere • Your online home base •Position your brand • Share brain candy • Promote others
  • 49. Schipul has fun, geeks out and grows Brand
  • 50. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Blogging Do’s and Don’ts •Promote other people •Focus only on yourself •Be funny and interesting •Take undue credit •Pro-actively respond •Blog every 3 months •Tag your content •Post press releases •Make it easy to share •Blog in Corporate-speak •Link to other companies •Post duplicate content
  • 51. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Blogging Buzzwords •Comment - Respond to a Blog post •Link love - Linking to other Blogs / sites (online currency) •Tagging - Adding words to describe Blog content •Troll - Meanie commenter (IGNORE!) •Blogroll - Links to fave Blogs •Embed - Copy/paste media
  • 52. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Blog bling: Tie it all together on your Blog (Make your brand portable)
  • 53. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Keep your Blog design branding consistent
  • 54. 1. Blogs: Community Building through Social tools No Blog? Make a SMM page on your site
  • 56. 2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Twitter explained
  • 57. 2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Twitter includes others in ongoing dialogue Coffee Groundz on Twitter:
  • 58. 2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Twitter Do’s and Don’ts •Gab about you constantly •‘Re-Tweet’ content: -- RT @happykatie.... •TYPE IN ALL CAPS •Talk directly to people: -- @magsmac - hey!!... •Re-post w/out attribution •Link to outside content: •Follow nobody -- •Decline to respond to @’s •Profile love (pic and links) and DM’s •Live Tweet from events •Abuse your Tweet power
  • 59. 2. Micro-Blogs: Community Building through Social tools Twitter Buzzwords •Follow - To friend someone (or follow their updates) •Direct Message (DM) - Pseudo-email to someone that follows you •‘At’ reply - Speak directly to someone (@magsmac) •Re-tweet (RT) - Re-post content with credit •Block - Restrict access to updates •# - a kind of ‘tag’ or desc. phrase
  • 61. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! Facebook - Not just for college kids •Be a leader and connector •Create buzz for events / campaigns •Brand exposure with Facebook ads •Add photos and videos Main: Houston Zoo on FB:
  • 62. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! Your Facebook profile at a glance • Flesh out your profile • Be picky on who you connect with • Re-purpose other content • Add ALL of your Social Media links • Be fun and interesting
  • 63. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! Why you should care about Facebook 230 ‘yes’ 348 ‘maybe’ Bill Erickson :) 670 members
  • 64. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! Are you a ‘Group’ie?
  • 65. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! Page Power in Facebook
  • 66. 3. Facebook - Professional and Personal Networking to the MAX! To Page or to Group - that is the question • Groups = Not indexed in Google • Pages = Visible to Google • Groups = Messages go to inbox • Pages = Messages go to ‘updates’ • Use both! facebook-fan-page-whats-better/7761/
  • 67. 3. Facebook: Community Building through Social tools Facebook Do’s and Don’ts •Be stiff and boring •Grow your profile •Create a ‘company’ •Upload pics and videos to profile (deleted!!) tag and send •Keep all personal and pro •Create and join biz and fun life facets separate Groups / Pages •Post press releases •Be picky on your friends •Spam your contacts •Cross promote your (connect but be polite) Social Media links
  • 68. 3. Facebook: Community Building through Social tools Facebook Buzzwords •Friend - Connect with someone on Facebook •Wall message - Write, draw or post something on someone’s wall •Tag - Add names to photos or videos •Status update - What are you doing? •Public timeline - List of recent activity
  • 70. Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools MySpace = social networking for musicians Main: Houston musician Andrew Karnavas:
  • 71. Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools MySpace = another spot to tie it TOGETHER! IRC MySpace:
  • 72. 4. MySpace: (further) Community Building through Social tools MySpace Do’s and Don’ts •Blinky crazy stuff •Keep your branding consistent (everywhere) •Spam all of MySpace (go after the relevant leaders) •Make it easy to get to your ‘real stuff’ online •Ignore Friend Requests •Incorporate photos, videos and Blog posts •Static MySpace profile (auto update with fresh content) •Interact with MICRO targeted audience •Depend only MySpace :(
  • 73. 4. MySpace: (further) Community Building through Social tools MySpace Buzzwords •Friend - Connect with another User •Bulletins - Message to groups (w/out individual messaging) •Bots - Fake spammy MySpace users (adult/poker/etc.) •Moods - How user is currently feeling :) :x :p •Blurbs - Details on your profile •HTML/CSS - how to edit your look
  • 75. 5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad) Want to create your OWN social network? Schipul Ning: Company on Ning:
  • 76. 5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad) Ning - Create your own Social Network
  • 77. 5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad) 3 steps and you’re done! 1. Name and describe 2. Add your widgets 3. Change the look 4. DONE! Add logo
  • 78. 5. Virb - Developing a walled garden (sometimes good, sometimes bad) Invite and promote (+ get help with that content)
  • 80. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video YouTube - Harness the power of P2P discussion
  • 81. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video Engage your Audience through video
  • 82. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video Buy a Flip camera (seriously)
  • 83. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video YouTube Do’s and Don’ts •Forget to TAG and •Connect with other describe your videos YouTube geeks •Ignore quality (although •Include transcripts ‘so-so, not great’ is ok) •Embed video on Blog / •Respond harshly to Site / Facebook negative comments •Comment + respond to •Keep your guard down other video submissions (check on that feedback) •Engage / have fun!
  • 84. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video YouTube Buzzwords •Video Response - Reply to a video with another video •Flag - Mark content you think is inappropriate •Rate - Add stars for how awesome content is •Embed - Code to place video on your site •Share - Links to add to other sites •Playlist - Customized video lists
  • 85. 6. YouTube: Harnessing the power of Video YouTube - Advertising and Learning
  • 87. 7. Flickr - Growing your business visually Doing business through photos
  • 88. 7. Flickr - Growing your business visually Networking via Flickr
  • 89. 7. Flickr - Growing your business visually Spread the Flickr love and look cool doing it
  • 90. 7. Flickr - Growing your business visually Flickr Do’s and Don’ts •Don’t HAVE to friend •Search thru site for photos back for them to be and groups of interest connected to you •Friend as many as you like •Not necessary for all to see their most recent photos to be public photos •Don’t have to have •Comment and tag often Photoshop to edit photos (built in editor) •Join/create groups •Can’t use other pics w/ •Organize your pics well out correct license
  • 91. 7. Flickr - Growing your business visually Flickr Buzzwords •Pool / Set - Themed community / personal sharing photo group •Contact - How you connect (Contact / Friend / Family) •Favorite - Marking your faves for later •Tag - Descriptive terms / phrases •Comment - Adding your 2 cents •Creative Commons - photo license
  • 93. 8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online Virtual rolodex?
  • 94. 8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online Have questions? Get answers (and give them)
  • 95. 8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts •Be needy •Connect with colleagues, friends and co-workers •Make false connections •Play with widgets •Spam a group •Ask/answer questions •Be REALLY needy •Recommend people •Embellish on your past •Post/refer jobs
  • 96. 8. LinkedIn - Honest to goodness networking online Linkedin Buzzwords •Connections - Your Linkedin contacts (must approve) •Applications - Fun widgets / tools to interact and promote brand •Answers - Space to ask / answer questions and polls •Groups - Opt in Communities •Contact Settings - Set your terms
  • 97. 8. Other great networks to know
  • 98. Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools Free social event promotion sites
  • 99. Social Networks: Community Building through Social tools Behold, Slideshare!!!
  • 100. How to get started
  • 102. Step 1: Start listening! What are people saying to/about you? Powerful Social Media search engine watches for your terms and updates you Email updates for your company name and keywords Search for what you care about on Twitter
  • 103. Addictive and essential Google Reader:
  • 104. Step 1: Start listening! Further online Reputation Management Google Trends search: Technorati search:
  • 105. Step 1: Start listening! How do you compare to your competition? Great visuals to track you and your competition’s online activity and Buzz
  • 106. Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles
  • 107. Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles Go where your audience is ???????????? ???????????? ????????????
  • 108. Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles Beef up your Personal Brand • Keep it consistent EVERYWHERE • Create an Avatar • Cross promote in email footers • Promote your employee Personal Brands Happykatie!
  • 109. Step 2: Set up your response + promotion vehicles Poll your company or hire a savvy intern You are a Digital Immigrant. You could use a Digital Native.
  • 110. Step 3: Start spreading the news...
  • 111. Step 3: Start spreading the news Keep it Consistent and Connected • Tie it all in together • Put your SM links in your email footer • Re-purpose your content • BADGES!!!
  • 112. Step 3: Start spreading the news Stay pro-active and responsive Power to the People • Keep an eye on your Alerts and respond! • Promote other events and people • Keep it light and interesting
  • 113. Step 3: Start spreading the news Play with your Community
  • 114. Step 5: Follow up fun time (interaction, interaction, interaction)
  • 115. Step 5: Follow up fun time! (interaction, interaction, interaction) Tie it all together and keep the Buzz going • Be fast and be timely • Newsletter, Blog posts, Facebook group and event postings • Say thank you (individually - one little comment goes a looong way) • Watch the Buzz for opps to connect • Be creative!! Start the drumbeat for the Next Big Thing 53611153@N00/2602728681/
  • 117. 5 things you can do TODAY! 1. Start listening (Google Reader + Alerts) 2. Develop your Personal Brand 3. Join Facebook ( 4. Find your rich media niche + work it! 5. Recruit an internal guru (or an intern)
  • 118. Let’s Review... •Use those Story elements •Know thy Audience •Track the Buzz •What’s your Motivation? Find this presentation:
  • 119. Thanks for participating - see you online :) Katie Laird // Strategic Advisor Schipul - The Web Marketing Company Email: Personal blog: Flickr: Twitter: Find my presentation today!