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Social Media
in an Agile World
Agile Principles
to Launch, Manage, and Measure
Your Social Media Identity
3 things:
1.  Where to go
2.  What to do
3.  How to do it
To include:
1.  Action learning
2.  Social media
3.  Lean/Agile/Scrum
What do I promise
q  To convince social media merit, assume you are here to engage
q  Preparation for Agile certification – more patterns, logic, and how
someone with no Agile background could adopt the principles
q  Not about doctrine more about options and applicable principles
q  Less prescriptive and more adoptive
What this is not
q  Roles – 15
ü  Social Media
q  Stories – 25
ü  Breakout activity – 7
ü  Agile – 18
q  Artifacts – 20
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of
getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming
tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the
first one.*
*sourced further in document
1.  Russian meteor 138 million views in first 72 hours. This year’s super
bowl audience 108 million
2.  25% of the 20 million tweets duringSandy were on-the-ground photos
and video.
3.  Hyper local – GeoTagging
#hoboken #restaurant
Bits and bytes
①  RolesWhere are we?
Top left picture source:
Bottom right picture source:
Since 2006 print
classified revenue
fell ~50%
q  Since 2006 total print ad
revenue also fell ~50%
q  Why?
①  RolesWhere is here? Read all about it …
Source: Newspaper Association of America, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism
Answer: We did.
q  86% skip TV ads
q  91% unsubscribe from email
q  44% of direct mail is never opened
q  200 million on the Do Not Call list
q  SPAM is 68% of all mail
①  RolesQuestion: Who broke marketing and sales?
①  RolesThe way we look is different
1/4th of respondents who complain via Facebook or Twitter expect a reply
within 60 minutes
①  RolesThe way we complain is different and now more viewable
Speed kills
are expected
q  Personal blogs
q  Peer production
q  Collaborative folksonomy
q  RSS feeds
q  Recommendations propagate
①  Roles
Web 1.0 Was Web 2.0 Is
Content is king Community is content
Publishing Participation
Advertisers control
Consumers call the shots
Size of community Quality of community
Bring people to the center Reach along the edges
Power by size Service by size of people
Central intelligence Collective intelligence
Static website
Incremental or dynamic
Publish Converse
From the ashes of what was – what is Web 2.0?
picture source: and slide 3
modified from:
The power of your blog or your hyperlink is about dialogue
q  Social Media is pervasive and regenerates thoughts and
ideas through a cyclical process of listening,
discovering, sharing, and contributing personal or
professional perspective
q  Not a message, but a conversation. If you do not have
anything to say, then listen
q  In the realm of Social Media, companies will earn the community of
customers they deserve
q  Customers have choices, and if you’re not consistently vying for their
attention, it’s pretty easy to fall off their radar screen when they evaluate
q  Conversations are markets
q  It is not about selling, it is about dialogue
The splinternet
①  RolesWeb 2.0 is about being social
Marketing was:
q  One-way
q  Outbound
①  RolesIt is no longer about who has the microphone
pic source: and
Marketing is:
q  Many to many
q  Inbound
Monologue has changed to dialogue
①  Roles
picture source:
picture source:
Delete users and audience from vocabulary; you are a participant in a
community of people.
q  Visitors can contribute
content or comments
q  Visitors can subscribe
to your content
q  Visitors can share your
content easily with
q  Visitors can rate your
q  Visitors can get
engaged in productive
ways before they are
ready to buy your
①  RolesAn example of what Web 2.0 feels like
picture source:
q  Speed
q  Collaboration
q  Flexibility
q  Gravity
q  Who’s in charge
q  Community controls content
New game, new rules
Check please!So if things changed what are the new rules?
picture source:
What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM?) the #1 communication filter
q  Search engines answer questions
ü  3 and 7
q  Identify the persona(s) in need of your solution
ü  What are their problems?
ü  What keeps them awake at night?
ü  What do they want to know?
q  Write their story
ü  Valued content describes issues and problems they have face and provides detail
on how to solve these problems
q  A source for their solution
ü  Hang out where they hang out
ü  Investigate words and phrases they use to describe problems?
ü  Measure ROI (Return on Involvement)
What’s in it for Me? What’s In It For Them? (WIIFT?)
②  StoriesCommunication rule #1: know your audience
Your strategy relies on enabling others:
q  Content is remarkable when someone
defines it as remarkable, not when your
marketing or product manager define it
as remarkable
ü  This is the greatest challenge in today’s
world of marketing.
Your buyer is faced with problems, develop topics that appeal to them:
q  You really have no control over your product’s value, however, you do
have control about hosting and socializing with
people who may advocate, refer, and recommend
your service or product
People don’t care what you say until you care about what they say
②  StoriesCreate content worth linking to
q  Create an archetype of your buyer
persona with all the details you
can provide:
ü  What the user does
ü  Is motivated professionally by
ü  Reads, works, is interested in
q  The objective is to understand the
persona’s motivation and need.
ü  What’s in it for them now provides
answers to What’s In It For Me?
WIIFM? leads to WIIFT?
To get found, find out about persona ②  Stories
Persona matrix worksheet modified from Lene Nielsen PhD
It really is about them
Persona matrix
The Person Who are they? Why are they interested?
The Hypothesis
+ Work conditions
+ Work strategies and goals?
Information strategies and needs
+ Likes/Dislikes
+ Inner Needs
+ Values
+ Area of Work
+ Work Conditions
Defining What is the need of this person
+ Goals
+ What engages this persona
+ Feeling about industry
+ Feeling about networking
+ Feeling about learning
+ What are the differences
between personas
Turn strangers into friends,
turn friends into customers,
turn customers into salespeople. Seth Godin
②  Stories
Is there a prescription?
q  Where to say it
q  Who do you say it to
q  What you have to say
q  How can people find what you say
q  Why should they care about what you say
So you’ve got something to say
From here to there … through the mist
pic source:
②  Stories
Agile persona template ②  Stories
Persona design
q  What answers can you provide for what they search for
ü  Keywords
ü  Key phrases
q  Think like a publisher – compelling content: unique to them
q  Think like a publisher – compelling content: unique to their
Focus on keywords and phrases that buyers use
q  Who are your clients? Prospects?
ü  What are they interested in?
ü  What do you want to hear from them?
ü  What do you want to talk to them about?
q  This is more than segmentation
ü  What value can you offer?
ü  What are your goals?
People search for answers to their questions, not for your content
The engagement strategy Check please!
picture source:
q  Search
ü  # on
q  Subscribe
ü  email newsletter
ü  Choose and commit,
build a top 10 list
ü  RSS feed
q  Read
ü  Learn the language,
ü  Read daily (aggregators)
ü  Blogrolls
Where can you say it? Key places and communities ②  Stories
q  Comment
ü  Add useful/informative comments,
ü  Link backs
ü  Identity
q  Write
ü  Microblog
ü  Guest Blog
ü  Start your own blog
Use keywords to find out about your persona
picture source: Leadership-Pegs.jpg
②  Stories
In waterfall projects
q  A key driver is to lock design variables before
going into the build phase
q  A change control process design is to manage or
prevent change – unless critical
q  Design specification changes are more costly the
further out the timeline
q  A contractual agreement is made at the beginning
of the process that expects two things
1.  The customer knows exactly what they need and
want before work starts
2.  Requirements will not change
q  Inspect and adapt
q  React and respond
q  Constant prototype, nothing is finished
Damn the waterfall, we need to redefine done
③  ArtifactsProject managers, do not fear the creep in the corner
picture source:
q  We know project landscape changes, in Agile avoid “waste” or stockpiling
anything that could become obsolete with change
q  Wherever your starting point is A and your end point is B you need some
semblance of a plan, with these points:
ü  Recognize and acknowledge that your plan is based on what you know at the
ü  Don’t expect to execute your plan 100 percent; as you journey toward point B,
things will crop up that change how you need to reach your destination
ü  If you’re not set up to accommodate change, you will find the journey hard
going and even impossible at times
ü  If you build change into the process and are adaptable and flexible, both the
journey, and the end product, better for the flexibility to incorporate relevant
Why Social Media and Agile fit ③  Artifacts
Perfection is the enemy of good. Voltaire or Pareto
Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter)
by Lindsay Ratcliffe Marc McNeill
q  Lean
ü  Just enough
ü  Iterative
ü  Constant prototyping
ü  There is no done
q  Stories
ü  Customers
ü  Product backlog
ü  Sprint backlog
ü  Sprint burndown
q  Success criteria
ü  What is “working software”?
ü  Working increments
ü  Product owner
ü  Feedback
ü  User story - detail
ü  Story points – level of effort
ü  Sprint review
q  It is the requirement against which code is written and the project
planned. Unlike the requirements documentation you may have seen in
the past, a user story is very simple: a title and a sentence or two of plain
English to describe it.
A user story is the fuel of an Agile project
Lean, Agile, Scrum … WIIFM? ③  Artifacts
q  Personas
ü  Buyer Persona
ü  Community Persona
q  Stories
q  Technorati
q  Twitter
Where are they – follow the story
Who they are – where is they story ③  Artifacts
the story
Defined and predictable these are not
Agile user story is the fuel of an agile project ③  Artifacts
q  Businesses and customers have
something in common:
ü  Goals they wish to attain
ü  Keys: adapt, flexible, environmental exposure, responsiveness, adaptive,
“at the edge of chaos”
q  Methods help determine success probability – key is support of flexibility
and tolerance for change - at the outset
Agile in Practice
There is no perfect time to jump in, but you can Lean in
q  Stock is a resource invested, time is a finite resource, on the Internet
there is no such thing as a deadline, just a “use by” date
q  The project, and ultimately the design, is directed by both business
and customer goals, to ensure focus on delivering value
q  Their story, in their words
③  ArtifactsAgile excels at iteration and Scrum at involvement
Roles Product Owner ScrumMaster Team
Ceremonies Sprint Planning Sprint Review
Daily Scrum
Artifacts Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Burndown Chart
Agile – stories help Scrum Sprint accomplishments
24 hours
③  Artifacts
2 – 4
q  Begin with a clear engagement vision
q  What is your time:
ü  Sprint
ü  Iteration
q  Select items from product backlog
q  Commit to a sprint backlog
Agile/Scrum – Return on Involvement
Stories Deliverable
Deliverable Renewing
③  Artifacts
Agile Social Media
A relationship building forum
q  A way to increase your brand awareness
q  To create a lead funnel of prospects to your business
q  An un-ending resource for you and your company
q  A way to meet others across the world in similar
industries, likes and interests
Tactics – Twitter 140 character microblog ③  Artifacts
Twitter – Manage the 140, manage thousands
q  @
q  RT
q  link shortening
q  #
q  FF
③  Artifacts
Twitter – Lists
•  Subscribe
•  Recommendation
•  Friends
•  Discover
③  Artifacts
The Scrum-my Project
Agile/Scrum roles in a social (media) world
Product Owner ScrumMaster Team
Define features of the
Ensures team is fully functional
and productive
7 plus or minus 2
Decide on release date and
Enable close cooperation across
all functions
Selects the Sprint goal and
specifies work results
Prioritize according to
market value
Remove barriers
Has the right to do everything
within the boundaries of the
project guidelines to reach the
Sprint goal
Be responsible for the
profitability of the product (ROI)
Shield team from external
interferences; and Organizes itself and its work
Adjust features and priority
every 30 days (sooner?), as
Ensure process is followed (Daily
Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint
Demos work results to the
Product Owner
Accept or reject work results
③  Artifacts
A Brief Introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance
Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Meeting Sprint Review
Product Owner presents features
they like to see completed in
Task board tracks progress of
tasks for each feature
Product Owner keeps track of
feedback to incorporate, as
needed, into backlog
Lower-priority features go back
into product backlog
Minimum review:
1) To Do 2) Doing 3) Done
1) What was done well
2) What to continue
3) What to change for next
Get workload for Sprint
small enough to commit to
Items move across board from:
1) What they did yesterday
2) What they plan to do today
3) What obstacles
③  ArtifactsAgile/Scrum ceremonies in a social (media) world
A Brief Introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance
Lean Into the Noise
q  70% of your effort – offsite
q  Your effort is integrated
③  ArtifactsSocial media fieldtrip
to Your
q  Focus on the keywords and phrases that your buyers use
q  Google, and all search engines, provide answers to
q  Don’t like the answers you get, tweak the question and try
q  Answers come back based on meritocracy
ü  Authority
ü  Relevance
q  Offer solutions for each buying persona
q  Link content to the place where action occurs
q  Think like a publisher
q  Go to
ü  Enter a keyword you want to be ranking for.
ü  Find out synonymous keyword combinations.
ü  Choose one low on competition & with decent monthly traffic.
ü  Write a blog post around it.
Think like a publisher
The search engine meritocracy ③  Artifacts
q  Google account – analytics, education, reader
q  TweetDeck or hootsuite
q  Blogging platform – WordPress
③  ArtifactsAgile ceremonies in a social (media) world
picture source:
To Do In Process
To Verify
1. As a line
manager I have
15 direct reports
and want to find
a better way to …
q  Comment 3
times a week
q  Tweet 1 time
a day
q  Read
blogs, posts
q  Add 3 RSS
q  Create
Twitter list
q  Write 1 guest
blog on …
q  1 more
q  Next 2 day’s
ü  Clicks
ü  Retweets
ü  Comments
ü  Mentions
ü  Bounce rate
ü  Favorites/
24 – 48 hours
ü  Clicks
ü  Keywords
ü  Key phrases
ü  Comments
ü  Bounce rate
ü  Average time
on site
15 – 30 days
2. …
③  ArtifactsAgile tasks in a social (media) world – Scrum Task Board
③  ArtifactsMeasure ROI (Return on Involvement)
Monitor, Measure, Iterate
How they got here – (ROI) Return on Involvement ③  Artifacts
Analyze Return on Involvement with Google ③  Artifacts
③  ArtifactsLink shorteners: easy on the eyes AND to measure
Link shorteners provide detail on traffic and time ③  Artifacts
3 –
Who did they share with? ③  Artifacts
Check Please!
The best social media strategy starts with ~3 to 6 months of listening:
q  Start on other sites and seeing what they are talking about – then
q  COMMENT on influential blogs in your community, industry,
complementary industries, and prospective client’s markets
q  When you COMMENT, post informative, quality info to position yourself
as an expert – this is not a sales pitch
q  Develop a community – allow COMMENT and respond to them
q  Incorporate subscription and user tracking tools
Q: Where to start? A: By listening Check please!
Create content worth linking to:
q  Content is remarkable when someone defines it as remarkable, not when
your marketing or product manager define it as remarkable. This is the
greatest challenge in today’s world of marketing
q  You really have no control over your product’s value, however, you do
have control about hosting and socializing with people who will advocate,
refer, and recommend your service or product
q  Your strategy relies on enabling others
Check please!Share what solves problems, what answers questions
q  Identify where
q  Listen in
q  Plan
ü  Identify who and why
ü  Design the plan
ü  Get Found, Be Sticky, Call to Action
q  Contribute
ü  Hearing
ü  Adding
ü  Collaborating
q  Monitor and measure
ü  Tools –, TweetDeck, Technorati, keyword search
ü  What to measure, what to tweak
ü  Resources to manage your identity
Check please!Social part of social media
•  Refresh
•  Listen
•  Modify
•  Tools:
•  Patience
•  Working
•  Wilting
•  Waiting
•  Tools:
•  Google
•  Google
•  Link
Monitoring &
•  Commenting
•  Sounding the waters
•  Collaborating
•  Forwarding
•  Contributing
•  Tools:
•  Twitter
•  Tweetdeck
•  Your homepage
•  Comment
•  Communities
•  Who are we
looking for
•  What are they
interested in
•  How do we connect
•  Tools:
•  Persona
•  RSS
•  Readers
•  What is being said
•  What communities
•  Tools:
•  Google
•  Bloggers
Waterfall social media ROI plan – Return on Involvement
Do you develop communication that
clearly answers: What’s In It For Me?
Need more?
Select each book for more
information from
Ready to go?
q  Seth Godin
q  Mike Volpe -
q  Corvida Raven -
q  Chris Brogan -
Web Strategy and Search Engine Optimization
User Interface
q  User Interface Engineering - (brilliant user
experience in design perspective)
q  Community Persona design
q  Scope: or how to manage projects for organization success
q  How to launch and manage your social media identity
Blog Resources
AppendixThank You
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your
complex overwhelming tasks into small
manageable tasks, and then starting on the
first one. Mark Twain

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Social Media in an Agile World

  • 1. Social Media in an Agile World Agile Principles to Launch, Manage, and Measure Your Social Media Identity
  • 2. 3 things: 1.  Where to go 2.  What to do 3.  How to do it To include: 1.  Action learning 2.  Social media 3.  Lean/Agile/Scrum What do I promise q  To convince social media merit, assume you are here to engage q  Preparation for Agile certification – more patterns, logic, and how someone with no Agile background could adopt the principles q  Not about doctrine more about options and applicable principles q  Less prescriptive and more adoptive What this is not 2
  • 3. 3 q  Roles – 15 ü  Social Media q  Stories – 25 ü  Breakout activity – 7 ü  Agile – 18 q  Artifacts – 20 Agenda The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.* *sourced further in document
  • 5. 5 1.  Russian meteor 138 million views in first 72 hours. This year’s super bowl audience 108 million 2.  25% of the 20 million tweets duringSandy were on-the-ground photos and video. 3.  Hyper local – GeoTagging #hoboken #restaurant Bits and bytes ①  RolesWhere are we? Top left picture source: Bottom right picture source:
  • 6. Since 2006 print classified revenue fell ~50% 6 q  Since 2006 total print ad revenue also fell ~50% q  Why? ①  RolesWhere is here? Read all about it … Source: Newspaper Association of America, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism
  • 7. 7 Answer: We did. q  86% skip TV ads q  91% unsubscribe from email q  44% of direct mail is never opened q  200 million on the Do Not Call list q  SPAM is 68% of all mail ①  RolesQuestion: Who broke marketing and sales? 7 source:
  • 8. 8 ①  RolesThe way we look is different
  • 9. 9 1/4th of respondents who complain via Facebook or Twitter expect a reply within 60 minutes ①  RolesThe way we complain is different and now more viewable Speed kills Engagement/Empathy are expected
  • 10. 10 q  Personal blogs q  Peer production q  Collaborative folksonomy q  RSS feeds q  Recommendations propagate Hyperlinking ①  Roles Web 1.0 Was Web 2.0 Is Content is king Community is content Publishing Participation Advertisers control content Consumers call the shots Size of community Quality of community Bring people to the center Reach along the edges Power by size Service by size of people Central intelligence Collective intelligence Static website Incremental or dynamic websites RSVP RSS Publish Converse From the ashes of what was – what is Web 2.0? picture source: and slide 3 modified from:
  • 11. The power of your blog or your hyperlink is about dialogue q  Social Media is pervasive and regenerates thoughts and ideas through a cyclical process of listening, discovering, sharing, and contributing personal or professional perspective q  Not a message, but a conversation. If you do not have anything to say, then listen 11 q  In the realm of Social Media, companies will earn the community of customers they deserve q  Customers have choices, and if you’re not consistently vying for their attention, it’s pretty easy to fall off their radar screen when they evaluate options q  Conversations are markets q  It is not about selling, it is about dialogue The splinternet ①  RolesWeb 2.0 is about being social
  • 12. 12 Marketing was: q  One-way q  Outbound ①  RolesIt is no longer about who has the microphone pic source: and
  • 13. Marketing is: q  Many to many q  Inbound Monologue has changed to dialogue 13 ①  Roles picture source: picture source: Delete users and audience from vocabulary; you are a participant in a community of people.
  • 14. 14 q  Visitors can contribute content or comments q  Visitors can subscribe to your content q  Visitors can share your content easily with others q  Visitors can rate your content q  Visitors can get engaged in productive ways before they are ready to buy your widget ①  RolesAn example of what Web 2.0 feels like picture source:
  • 15. q  Speed q  Collaboration q  Flexibility q  Gravity 15 q  Who’s in charge q  Community controls content New game, new rules Check please!So if things changed what are the new rules? picture source:
  • 17. What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM?) the #1 communication filter q  Search engines answer questions ü  3 and 7 q  Identify the persona(s) in need of your solution ü  What are their problems? ü  What keeps them awake at night? ü  What do they want to know? 17 q  Write their story ü  Valued content describes issues and problems they have face and provides detail on how to solve these problems q  A source for their solution ü  Hang out where they hang out ü  Investigate words and phrases they use to describe problems? ü  Measure ROI (Return on Involvement) What’s in it for Me? What’s In It For Them? (WIIFT?) ②  StoriesCommunication rule #1: know your audience
  • 18. Your strategy relies on enabling others: q  Content is remarkable when someone defines it as remarkable, not when your marketing or product manager define it as remarkable ü  This is the greatest challenge in today’s world of marketing. 18 Your buyer is faced with problems, develop topics that appeal to them: q  You really have no control over your product’s value, however, you do have control about hosting and socializing with people who may advocate, refer, and recommend your service or product People don’t care what you say until you care about what they say ②  StoriesCreate content worth linking to
  • 19. q  Create an archetype of your buyer persona with all the details you can provide: ü  What the user does ü  Is motivated professionally by ü  Reads, works, is interested in 19 q  The objective is to understand the persona’s motivation and need. ü  What’s in it for them now provides answers to What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM?) WIIFM? leads to WIIFT? To get found, find out about persona ②  Stories Persona matrix worksheet modified from Lene Nielsen PhD
  • 20. 20 It really is about them Persona matrix The Person Who are they? Why are they interested? The Hypothesis + Work conditions + Work strategies and goals? Information strategies and needs Verification + Likes/Dislikes + Inner Needs + Values + Area of Work + Work Conditions Defining What is the need of this person Validation + Goals + What engages this persona + Feeling about industry + Feeling about networking + Feeling about learning + What are the differences between personas Turn strangers into friends, turn friends into customers, turn customers into salespeople. Seth Godin ②  Stories
  • 21. 21 Is there a prescription? q  Where to say it q  Who do you say it to q  What you have to say q  How can people find what you say q  Why should they care about what you say So you’ve got something to say From here to there … through the mist pic source: ②  Stories
  • 22. 22 Agile persona template ②  Stories
  • 23. Persona design q  What answers can you provide for what they search for ü  Keywords ü  Key phrases q  Think like a publisher – compelling content: unique to them q  Think like a publisher – compelling content: unique to their community 23 Focus on keywords and phrases that buyers use q  Who are your clients? Prospects? ü  What are they interested in? ü  What do you want to hear from them? ü  What do you want to talk to them about? q  This is more than segmentation ü  What value can you offer? ü  What are your goals? People search for answers to their questions, not for your content The engagement strategy Check please! picture source:
  • 24. 24 q  Search ü ü ü  # on q  Subscribe ü  email newsletter ü  Choose and commit, build a top 10 list ü  RSS feed q  Read ü  Learn the language, ü  Read daily (aggregators) ü  Blogrolls Where can you say it? Key places and communities ②  Stories
  • 25. q  Comment ü  Add useful/informative comments, ü  Link backs ü  Identity q  Write ü  Microblog ü  Guest Blog ü  Start your own blog 25 Use keywords to find out about your persona picture source: Leadership-Pegs.jpg ②  Stories
  • 27. In waterfall projects q  A key driver is to lock design variables before going into the build phase q  A change control process design is to manage or prevent change – unless critical q  Design specification changes are more costly the further out the timeline q  A contractual agreement is made at the beginning of the process that expects two things 1.  The customer knows exactly what they need and want before work starts 2.  Requirements will not change 27 q  Inspect and adapt q  React and respond q  Constant prototype, nothing is finished Damn the waterfall, we need to redefine done ③  ArtifactsProject managers, do not fear the creep in the corner picture source:
  • 28. 28 q  We know project landscape changes, in Agile avoid “waste” or stockpiling anything that could become obsolete with change q  Wherever your starting point is A and your end point is B you need some semblance of a plan, with these points: ü  Recognize and acknowledge that your plan is based on what you know at the time ü  Don’t expect to execute your plan 100 percent; as you journey toward point B, things will crop up that change how you need to reach your destination ü  If you’re not set up to accommodate change, you will find the journey hard going and even impossible at times ü  If you build change into the process and are adaptable and flexible, both the journey, and the end product, better for the flexibility to incorporate relevant change Why Social Media and Agile fit ③  Artifacts Perfection is the enemy of good. Voltaire or Pareto Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) by Lindsay Ratcliffe Marc McNeill
  • 29. q  Lean ü  Just enough ü  Iterative ü  Constant prototyping ü  There is no done q  Stories ü  Customers ü  Product backlog ü  Sprint backlog ü  Sprint burndown q  Success criteria ü  What is “working software”? ü  Working increments ü  Product owner ü  Feedback ü  User story - detail ü  Story points – level of effort ü  Sprint review 29 q  It is the requirement against which code is written and the project planned. Unlike the requirements documentation you may have seen in the past, a user story is very simple: a title and a sentence or two of plain English to describe it. A user story is the fuel of an Agile project Lean, Agile, Scrum … WIIFM? ③  Artifacts
  • 30. q  Personas ü  Buyer Persona ü  Community Persona q  Stories 30 q  Technorati q q  Twitter Where are they – follow the story Who they are – where is they story ③  Artifacts
  • 31. Follow the story 31 Defined and predictable these are not Agile user story is the fuel of an agile project ③  Artifacts q  Businesses and customers have something in common: ü  Goals they wish to attain ü  Keys: adapt, flexible, environmental exposure, responsiveness, adaptive, “at the edge of chaos” q  Methods help determine success probability – key is support of flexibility and tolerance for change - at the outset
  • 33. There is no perfect time to jump in, but you can Lean in q  Stock is a resource invested, time is a finite resource, on the Internet there is no such thing as a deadline, just a “use by” date q  The project, and ultimately the design, is directed by both business and customer goals, to ensure focus on delivering value q  Their story, in their words ③  ArtifactsAgile excels at iteration and Scrum at involvement Roles Product Owner ScrumMaster Team Ceremonies Sprint Planning Sprint Review Daily Scrum Meeting Artifacts Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Burndown Chart
  • 34. Sprint Sprint Planning Meeting Stories 34 Agile – stories help Scrum Sprint accomplishments Deliverable Sprint Review Meeting Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Deliverable(s)Sprint 24 hours ③  Artifacts 2 – 4 weeks
  • 35. q  Begin with a clear engagement vision q  What is your time: ü  Sprint ü  Iteration q  Select items from product backlog q  Commit to a sprint backlog 35 Agile/Scrum – Return on Involvement Sprint Planning Meeting Stories Deliverable Sprint Review Meeting Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Deliverable Renewing Sprint ③  Artifacts
  • 37. 37 A relationship building forum q  A way to increase your brand awareness q  To create a lead funnel of prospects to your business q  An un-ending resource for you and your company q  A way to meet others across the world in similar industries, likes and interests Tactics – Twitter 140 character microblog ③  Artifacts
  • 38. 38 Twitter – Manage the 140, manage thousands q  @ q  RT q  link shortening services q  # q  FF ③  Artifacts
  • 39. 39 Twitter – Lists •  Subscribe •  Recommendation •  Friends •  Discover ③  Artifacts
  • 41. 41 Agile/Scrum roles in a social (media) world Product Owner ScrumMaster Team Define features of the product Ensures team is fully functional and productive 7 plus or minus 2 Decide on release date and content Enable close cooperation across all functions Selects the Sprint goal and specifies work results Prioritize according to market value Remove barriers Has the right to do everything within the boundaries of the project guidelines to reach the Sprint goal Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI) Shield team from external interferences; and Organizes itself and its work Adjust features and priority every 30 days (sooner?), as needed Ensure process is followed (Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Planning) Demos work results to the Product Owner Accept or reject work results ③  Artifacts A Brief Introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance
  • 42. Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Meeting Sprint Review Product Owner presents features they like to see completed in Sprint Task board tracks progress of tasks for each feature Product Owner keeps track of feedback to incorporate, as needed, into backlog Lower-priority features go back into product backlog Minimum review: 1) To Do 2) Doing 3) Done Review: 1) What was done well 2) What to continue 3) What to change for next Sprint Get workload for Sprint small enough to commit to Items move across board from: 1) What they did yesterday 2) What they plan to do today 3) What obstacles 42 ③  ArtifactsAgile/Scrum ceremonies in a social (media) world A Brief Introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance
  • 44. q  70% of your effort – offsite q  Your effort is integrated 44 ③  ArtifactsSocial media fieldtrip Blog Comments Search Engine Optimization Hyperlinks to Your Content Keywords RSS Feeds Tags LinkedIn Twitter Email Newsletter
  • 45. q  Focus on the keywords and phrases that your buyers use q  Google, and all search engines, provide answers to questions q  Don’t like the answers you get, tweak the question and try again q  Answers come back based on meritocracy ü  Authority ü  Relevance 45 q  Offer solutions for each buying persona q  Link content to the place where action occurs q  Think like a publisher q  Go to ü  Enter a keyword you want to be ranking for. ü  Find out synonymous keyword combinations. ü  Choose one low on competition & with decent monthly traffic. ü  Write a blog post around it. Think like a publisher The search engine meritocracy ③  Artifacts
  • 46. q  Google account – analytics, education, reader q q q  TweetDeck or hootsuite q  Blogging platform – WordPress 46 ③  ArtifactsAgile ceremonies in a social (media) world picture source:
  • 47. Story (persona) To Do In Process To Verify (measure) Done (measure) 1. As a line manager I have 15 direct reports and want to find a better way to … q  Comment 3 times a week q  Tweet 1 time a day q  Read following blogs, posts q  Add 3 RSS feeds q  Create Twitter list q  Write 1 guest blog on … q  1 more comment q  Next 2 day’s Tweets ü  Clicks ü  Retweets ü  Comments ü  Mentions ü  Bounce rate ü  Favorites/ Likes/Shares 24 – 48 hours ü  Clicks ü  Keywords ü  Key phrases ü  Comments ü  Bounce rate ü  Average time on site 15 – 30 days 2. … 47 ③  ArtifactsAgile tasks in a social (media) world – Scrum Task Board
  • 48. 48 ③  ArtifactsMeasure ROI (Return on Involvement)
  • 50. 50 How they got here – (ROI) Return on Involvement ③  Artifacts
  • 51. 51 Analyze Return on Involvement with Google ③  Artifacts
  • 52. 52 ③  ArtifactsLink shorteners: easy on the eyes AND to measure
  • 53. 53 Link shorteners provide detail on traffic and time ③  Artifacts
  • 54. 54 3 – 3"–""" Who did they share with? ③  Artifacts
  • 56. 56 The best social media strategy starts with ~3 to 6 months of listening: q  Start on other sites and seeing what they are talking about – then comment q  COMMENT on influential blogs in your community, industry, complementary industries, and prospective client’s markets q  When you COMMENT, post informative, quality info to position yourself as an expert – this is not a sales pitch q  Develop a community – allow COMMENT and respond to them q  Incorporate subscription and user tracking tools Q: Where to start? A: By listening Check please!
  • 57. 57 Create content worth linking to: q  Content is remarkable when someone defines it as remarkable, not when your marketing or product manager define it as remarkable. This is the greatest challenge in today’s world of marketing q  You really have no control over your product’s value, however, you do have control about hosting and socializing with people who will advocate, refer, and recommend your service or product q  Your strategy relies on enabling others Check please!Share what solves problems, what answers questions
  • 58. 58 q  Identify where q  Listen in q  Plan ü  Identify who and why ü  Design the plan ü  Get Found, Be Sticky, Call to Action q  Contribute ü  Hearing ü  Adding ü  Collaborating q  Monitor and measure ü  Tools –, TweetDeck, Technorati, keyword search ü  What to measure, what to tweak ü  Resources to manage your identity Check please!Social part of social media
  • 60. •  Refresh •  Listen •  Modify •  Tools: •  Patience Renewing •  Working •  Wilting •  Waiting •  Tools: •  Google Analytics •  Google Webmaster •  Link shorteners Monitoring & Controlling •  Commenting •  Sounding the waters •  Collaborating •  Forwarding •  Contributing •  Tools: •  Twitter •  Tweetdeck •  Your homepage •  Comment platforms •  Communities Executing •  Who are we looking for •  What are they interested in •  How do we connect •  Tools: •  Persona Template •  RSS •  Readers Planning •  What is being said •  What communities exist •  Tools: •  Google •  Bloggers Initiating 60 Waterfall social media ROI plan – Return on Involvement Do you develop communication that clearly answers: What’s In It For Me? (WIFFM?) Appendix
  • 61. Need more? Select each book for more information from Amazon 61 Ready to go? AppendixResources
  • 62. Blogs q  Seth Godin q  Mike Volpe - q  Corvida Raven - q  Chris Brogan - Web Strategy and Search Engine Optimization q q q q q q q User Interface q  User Interface Engineering - (brilliant user experience in design perspective) Marketing q q q Twitter: @HubSpot @incentintel @socialmedia247 @socialmedia630 @BrianSolis @cydtetro @SocialMediaClub @KarenRubin @SteinarKnutsen @mvolpe @jblossom 62 AppendixResources
  • 63. @TobyElwin 63 q  Community Persona design q  Scope: or how to manage projects for organization success q  How to launch and manage your social media identity Blog Resources AppendixThank You The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. Mark Twain

Editor's Notes

  1. This is not a presentation, this is an eBook, you will not need to read, I will not show all slides, the idea is you take this with you and can work this with insight, on your own or to use it as a guideThe key to both social media and Agile is time – the further out the time the higher the risk to realityTraining theory states that the person must become conscious of their incompetence before development of the new skill or learning can begin.Culmsee, Paul; KailashAwati (2011-12-02). The Heretic's Guide to Best Practices: The Reality of Managing Complex Problems in Organisations (Kindle Locations 2843-2844). iUniverse. Kindle Edition. You don’t know what you know until you social what you think.Marketing YouTube videoDesign is a social exercise
  2. Life was slower in those by-gone daysAnyone guess when this was said? Here’s a better hint: anyone guess what century this was said? Mark Twain
  3. According to Pew Research, of social media command center -, Super Storm Sandy, presidential election 2012 The initial pictures illustrated the reality of what had been forecasted, allowing for more clarity and more certainty as the storm continued. 400 videos
  4. The people formerly known as the audience are speakingNews is fasterWhy classifieds? People now connect direct, they do not need the old way to connect
  5. A couple of things about filtersThe people formerly known as the audience are no longerlistening,The people formerly known as the audience have spokenHubSpot by CBS for CBS viewersThe Internet has changed the dynamics of the business world.  For the past decades, marketers have used  “outbound” marketing techniques such as trade shows and print advertising, where marketers push out a  message far and wide hoping that it resonates with a few individuals.  These outbound marketing methods are becoming less and less effective for two reasons:People are getting better at blocking out interruption‐based marking messages.The average person is inundated with thousands of outbound marketing interruptions per day and is figuring out more creative ways to block them out, including caller ID, spam filtering, and on‐demand TV and radio. The Internet presents quick and easy ways for consumers to learn and shop.Instead of flying to a trade show across the country, for example, a consumer can go the Internet to research  and purchase products or services.Today, consumers are going to the Internet to start their purchasing process.  In order to remain competitive, businesses need to utilize “inbound” marketing techniques to “get found” by the consumers searching for their products and services online.
  6. Mobile web focusEncyclopedia versus Wikipedia – what does good enough mean?The people formerly known as the audience are now producers/directors/script writersPassive is now active minutes spent on mobile and pc – State of the media – The Social Media Report 2012 neilsen
  7. respondents who complain via Facebook or Twitter expect a reply within 60 minutes -- and 6% expect a response within 10 minutes, according to the study by Lightspeed Research and the Internet Advertising Bureau UK. Yet if consumers notify a company of a problem using its Web site, 50% are happy to wait up to a day for a reply and 27% are content to wait for up to three days, the report said. asked how quickly they expect companies to respond to a question or complaint on Facebook and Twitter: Across regions, 81% of Twitter users expect a same-day response to questions and complaints posted at the newsfeed;30% of Twitter users expect a response within 30 minutes, 22% expect a response within two hours and 29% expect a same-day response;29% of consumers on Facebook expect a response within two hours when they post a question at a company’s page and 22% expect a same-day response Approximately 30% of respondents said they expected companies to reply within hours when contacted via social media; 16.6% expect a response in less than 10 minutes; 13.1% less than an hour; 29.2% said within the same business day. Response TimeTiming is everything in customer service satisfaction. Traditionally, customers expect a response within 24 hours, but social media is bringing immediacy to interactions that cannot be ignored. To get an idea of what we’re dealing with, we took the top 10 top brands as measured by their Average First Response Time to customer posts on Facebook.
  8. Wikipedia collaborative folksonomy instead of taxonomy – the way people really do look and identify things
  9. Social media command centerData explosion, splinternet (media fragmentation), Google has 3 billion searches a day (people search for answers), inbound/outbound what’s it mean? – Size of the indexed web ~ 45 Billion Google pictureFacilitating conversationsTraditional influence flowed from a news or information gatherer (for example, a journalist) to his or her audience. Blogs, social networks, online forums, and other forms of Social Media have changed the dynamics of influence. New information is now readily shared among peers. This peer-to-peer sharing—in which you, personally, and as a client representative participate—now affords communications professionals the opportunity to reach beyond their “A-list” media when telling their story. We can now also reach the “magic middle,” that group of ideal customers who directly reach their peers through Social Media channels. As you’ll learn throughout this book, the participant’s story replaces the pushed messages of the past, now tailored for specific audiences; Social Media requires that we “share” stories that benefit all those engaged in the process by first learning what they’re specifically looking for.Solis, Brian; Breakenridge, Deirdre K. (2009-02-19). Putting the Public Back in Public Relations (Kindle Locations 382-389). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition. buy expensive advertising, beg the mainstream media to tell your story for you, or hire a huge sales staff – new rulesCreate incentive to share; don’t beg influencers, involve them;
  10. Toggle back and forth, where would you rather be? … other than a Who concertProvide value – you’ll gain trust and attentionSupport the community – put others above yourselfCreate conversationsRequest and listen to feedback; let other users of the site be your teachers and informantsDemonstrate integrity – you are transparent on the web and integrity mattersHave fun – don’t prejudge connections – you never know where someone will lead you
  11. Visitors can form communities and collaborate with each other. Visitors can influence the opinions of others positively or negatively. Visitors are not limited to your company website but can also link to other destinations on the web that interest them.
  12. Ask Steve for thoughts#NBCFails
  13. Engagement check onsocial mediaAgile
  14. Project manager as a community exampleGoogle 3 million search a day of ~45 millionThe goal is to become their source, they then advocate for you
  15. Persona – buyer versus community and differenceKnow what Google search engines value]
  16. People formerly known as the market – quantitative versus qualitative (empathy) Nielsen wrote her Ph.D. thesis Engaging Personas and Narrative Scenarios in 2004. She is usability consultant at Snitker & Co., Denmark. She is also the international mentor for HCI Vistas Global Initiative. best web strategy positions your web page not as a brochure or an advertisement, but a rich source of content. The best web strategy, like the best magazine, provides content over just look – form over function. Not all of your site’s visitor’s have to be buyers, but they should leave as advocates.Today’s marketing relies less on information (a one-way flow of thoughts and ideas) and more than ever on communication (a two-way flow of thoughts and ideas). Social media and the Internet are conversations, referrals, and filters. Like a dinner party, no one on the Internet will tolerate an individual who monopolizes the conversation or directs others to talk about only their interests.
  17. How should I research keywords?*Make a list of five or six of the keywords you would like to use and see what Google suggests. If you have a competitor in mind, enter their website and see what keywords they’re using. Generally, you don’t want to choose keywords with a lot of competition.Why do are so many of these tools associated with blogging?*Blogging is one of the fundamental aspects of inbound marketing. It builds long-term assets that help both humans and search engines find your business. Successful marketers need to maintain at least one blog that can bring them visibility, traffic and new leads.
  18. You’ve got something to say, but where to say it and who is listening?Cut through the clutter to be found, to be heard, to be acknowledge – it is more than a flare, it moves back to WIIFMDiscernDiagnoseDesignDeliverMonitor/MeasureModifyMagnify
  19. Modified from the following source: Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer’s Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) and Ten Steps to User Persona By Dr. Lene Nielsen Instructions: Use this form to create an archetype sample of the persona you want to connect with: what the user does, is motivated professionally by, reads, works, is interested in, etc ...Focus on the persona’s motivation to for them to answer: What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM?)Note: You will have multiple community personas, add as you go.
  20. Compelling Contentmake sure there are always links back to a source or call to action, always make it easy for us to dig deeper; stop spamming press releases, journalists Google you, they don't look at a stack of your jargon-filled press releases; post all your news and press releases on your website, that's where we go for your news and that is where Google goes to index your information;  go where your audience is or provide all the tools for your audience to build their own happening; stop co-opting Twitter, You Tube, and Facebook, we are faster than you; when you provide content you build organically:  become the source for information and problem solving and you and your company will become known;ask permission; forget about your viral campaign, provide value and we make your content viralwe don't care about you or your product, we care about how you or your product makes our life better - so get to the point wwithout jargon, better yet, if you come recommended, I will find you
  21. TipsHow can you reach each buyer personadevelop compelling messagesinterview themidentify the buyer problems your product/service solvesfind out the media your buyer persona uses – where do they hang outIdentify any gaps in your initial buyer persona Identify the ways you’re your buyer speaks and match thatyour online presence should not be a one-size fits all productwrite for the buyer, not for what you want to sellunderstand the words or phrases of your audience (buyer persona)
  22. So whatHow to
  23. Internet has sped things up, but just doing something fast is not doing something well, you need a plan, otherwise you just screw up fasterTrad project management methods fix requirements in an effort to control time and costScrum fixes time and cost in an effort to control requirements and involves the business throughout heavily relying on collaboration between team and customerWhile Scrum is Agile it is not the sole method of Agile principles. Scrum is one of many approaches. Simply put: Scrum is an Agile method of iterative and incremental delivery that uses frequent feedback and collaborative decision making.
  24. Agile is unique, change is built into the processDesigningRatcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Locations 342-344). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition. working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change,Just in TimeProcess, patterns, procedure, promiseOn the Internet there’s no such thing as a deadline. Instead, there is a notion of a “use by” date, whereby something is hot or not depending on the groundswell of the virtual tribal trend at that moment in time. Agile XThe Web is ubiquitous and at the same time organic. It is dynamic and emergent, and it continues to evolve following Darwinian theory. If a website is no longer fit for its purpose, it mutates into some enhanced version of its predecessor, otherwise a new cell emerges to triumph. Agile XOn an agile project the build phase is divided into very short chunks, usually one to two weeks, known as iterations or sprints. Designers aim to work one or two iterations ahead of the developers to think holistically about the stories in the context of the overall design and to solicit regular and timely feedback about the designs from the end customers. The aim is to test with customers during every iteration, to ensure that the emergent designs are value-based, useful, usable, and desirable. Agile XTest your ideas with the market as early and often as you possibly can. Get out of the office and onto the streets to get feedback from the target audience. The idea is to succeed quickly or “fail fast.” It’s much better to determine early on that your idea isn’t going to work than to spend one to two years and a lot of money on an idea that ends up bombing in the marketplace. Agile XAgile is all about delivering maximum value in the minimum amount of time. Agile Xwe need to redesign the design process to: make it iterative, collaborative, and intense; make the vision real, continuously develop the detail; and make the design responsive. Agile XDone is a past participle of the verb do. By definition, done means the task of doing an activity has ended and the job is complete. This is interesting because this deceptively simple definition has a different meaning depending on the context. Agile XSoftware is a social exercise. It should be about people and how they communicate, cooperate, and interact as a team to deliver value to the organisation. The intention of delivering value can be derailed by politics around the correct processes and the appropriate tools. Agile XAgile Manifesto places a high value on working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change, and how the waterfall process inherently works against these priorities. Agile XCreating agile online customer experiences requires us to redefine what we mean by “done.” Agile XTHE ONLY CONSTANT IS CHANGE, CONTINUING CHANGE, INEVITABLE CHANGE, THAT IS THE DOMINANT FACTOR IN SOCIETY TODAY. —Isaac Asimov Agile XDigital product success is no longer about meeting the project deadline, or being first to market. It’s about creating the right product, at the right time, for the right market, and continuously evolving. Agile Xcustomer-centred (GOAL-ORIENTED)design: the idea that the design should be focused on the customer’s wants, needs, and context of use. If the process is truly customer-centred, then customers should be involved throughout the design development. From the outset, where you spend time understanding the customers’ world: who the customers are, what they do and how they do it, to getting them involved in collaborative design or user testing throughout the process. Agile X
  25. Agile Experience DesignScrum is an enhancement to iterative and incrementalAccepted philosophy for systems development is that the development process is a well understood approach that can be planned, estimated, and successfully completed. This has proven incorrect in practice. Scrum assumes that the systems development process is an unpredictable, complicated process that can only be roughly described as an overall progression.Scrum defines the systems development process as a loose set of activities that combines known, workable tools and techniques with the best that a development team can devise to build systems. Since these activities are loose, controls to manage the process and inherent risk are used. Scrum is an enhancement of the commonly used iterative/incremental object oriented development cycle. Ken Schwaber 1995,j Scrum Development ProcessProduct owner owns the business plan for the product
  26. WhoWhatWhereAgile XHow it’s written In its most elementary form the story card identifies who wants the story, what it needs to do, and why it is valuable: “As an X, I want to Y, so that Z.” Don’t worry, despite what you might hear, it’s not compulsory to write your story in this format. “As a...” This defines who the end user will be. The parallel with user-centered design approaches is obvious here: an understanding and appreciation of the user. The difference is that this is just at the role level.“I want to ...” Again, this is a common step with user-centred design approaches: an understanding of the customer (user) goal and tasks to achieve that goal. Addressing a requirement in terms of customer goals focuses development on what is needed. “So that ...” Why do we need it? What business objective is it trying to meet? Why should the customer care? What goal will it help her achieve? As a persona Is the user a persona? For example, “As Sue, the novice Customer ServiceRatcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Locations 2763-2772). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition.
  27. Agile user story is the same as a personaAgile Ex – A story is a placeholder for a conversationA user story is the fuel of an agile project. It is the requirement against which code is written and the project planned. Unlike the requirements documentation you may have seen in the past, a user story is very simple: a title and a sentence or two of plain English to describe it. Most importantly, A user story represents a prompt for a conversation between the appropriate stakeholders as and when necessary.This is because talking is more efficient than writing. It enables the requester of the requirement to be close to the people who are going to implement it. This is markedly different from the traditional approach to capturing requirements where the business analyst captures all the detail up front before development starts. When you have this closeness, you remove ambiguity and conflict.Ratcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Locations 2718-2725). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition. Discover – ask whyEnvision – ask whatElaborate – ask howDevelop – let’s do itEvolve – continue to improve “Agile Experience design”Activities, not processDo just enough that is good enough to provide us with a direction that we all agree is the right one based on the information available todayBe ready to kill the idea early or change, pivot, when the available information tells us this is the right thing to do Ratcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Location 1574). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition. Agile experience design places an emphasis on this sharing. That means engaging the right people at the right time to identify problems or opportunities and develop feasible and compelling solutions. Next, we’ll look at who you need to engage, when they need to be engaged, and what they will do.Ratcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Locations 1638-1640). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition.
  28. So whatHow to
  29. Flickr, the photo-sharing website, started its life as a multiplayer online game which had a chat room that enabled sharing of photos.PayPal started out as Confinity, a tool for reconciling payments beamed between Palm Pilots.YouTube started as a video dating site.Groupon started life as a fund-raising website. Its future looked bleak until they came up with a half-price offer for pizzas from the restaurant in their building.Facebook began as Even as Facebook was growing, Mark Zuckerberg was working on other products.Twitter started its life in the podcasting company Odeo. It was an idea that came out of a brainstorming session; work started on it in March 2006 and it was introduced to the general public four months later. Nokia started as a rubber company selling rubber boots; Lamborghini began as a tractor company.Ratcliffe, Lindsay; McNeill, Marc (2011-11-22). Agile Experience Design: A Digital Designer's Guide to Agile, Lean, and Continuous (Voices That Matter) (Kindle Locations 2622-2633). Pearson Education (US). Kindle Edition.
  30. Process versus promise process you manage or engagement you enable
  31. You do not fully know your stories yet, time to go into th
  32. So whatHow to
  33. ListenFollow and be followedSay something worth listening to. Nobody wants to hear your sales pitch!You don’t push yourself on othersYou engageYou find common interestsYou listenYou shareLinkTo your blogTo an article you publishedTo an article someone else publishedTo something funny, interesting, or inspiringTo information that supports your case
  34. So whatHow to
  35. A brief introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance, 2006Sprint planning meetingUser (persona) stories provide requirements (topics, blogs, backlog); requirements are in the form of user stories [assumptions, verification, and newRequirements break down to tasksTasks take initial estimates – may only know during sprintA Scrum and a SprintProduct owner is a proxy for the marketProduct owner feeds , with a vision frames purpose, anticipated time frames, road map, features by contribution valueBroken into highest prioritySmall enough to be estimable and testable ~10 days of work Features further out can be less detailedProduct backlog becomes Sprint backlog
  36. A brief introduction to Scrum by Jeff Sutherland, Ph. D.; Scrum Alliance, 2006Controls (Scrum Papers – 70) :BacklogRelease/EnhancementPacketsChangesProblemsRisksSolutionsIssuesPlanning DesignSprint (develop) with product definition tasksReviewClosure Design for energy, focus, clarity, and transparency
  37. So whatHow to
  38. Why do I have Google and YouTube – both answer questions*HubSpot.comQualities for searchRobotThe best web strategy positions your web page not as a brochure or an advertisement, but a rich source of content. The best web strategy, like the best magazine, provides content over just look – form over function. Not all of your site’s visitor’s have to be buyers, but they should leave as advocates.Today’s marketing relies less on information (a one-way flow of thoughts and ideas) and more than ever on communication (a two-way flow of thoughts and ideas). Social media and the Internet are conversations, referrals, and filters. Like a dinner party, no one on the Internet will tolerate an individual who monopolizes the conversation or directs others to talk about only their interests.
  39. Here’s how to handle things
  40. Modified from “Agile Project Management with Scrum” by Michele Sliger, Sliger Consulting
  41. So whatHow to
  42. Process versus promise process you manage or engagement you enableIn the project management world iterations were happening, but Scrum allowed involvement and self-empowered and self-organizing teamsLearning to better estimate what can be done, not to beat each other, or yourself, on what was not doneThere is no steady-state only what was and what could be
  43. So whatHow to
  44. Know what Google search engines value]
  45. Process versus promise process you manage or engagement you enableThere are many reasons why communication is important for the change effort, a few of these include:People need information to make change happen.Without good information, people make it up.Lack of information breeds uncertainty…and anxiety.Anxiety interferes with focus and productivity.People assume their managers “know”.Information-sharing gives people a sense of belonging.People work harder for organizations they feel a part of.Communication stimulates new ways of thinking.Honest, timely communication enhances credibility.With good communication, people will rely on the company (vs. the grapevine or the press) for accurate, up-to-date information.
  46. SourcesNon-believers – new rules, trust agentsDo-ers - Planners – Online – Godin, Brogan, HubSpot, gmail (use post on seo)