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Social Media
4 February 2014
• President of NUDOR
• VSO Rwanda

The disability sector is able to amplify its voice and
influence for advocacy purposes through social media.
The workshop will ensure that participants
•have a good understanding of what social media is
•understand why social media is important for advocacy
•know how social media can effect change
•know how to effectively use social media
Agenda - morning





VSO – Sarah Challoner


Participant introductions

Kate Turner


What is social media and
why is it important?

Kate Turner


How and why VSORwanda
uses social media



How can social media
create social change?

Kate Turner


Introducing the social media

Kate Turner




Which social media should
you use and why?

Kate Turner


An introduction to Twitter

Kate Turner



Agenda - afternoon




Using Twitter effectively

Kate Turner


Advocating and educating
through video

Kate Turner


Getting your video to go

Kate Turner


Sharing through facebook

Kate Turner


Why blog?

Kate Turner


Using social media to

Tina Sloane


Measuring and evaluating

Kate Turner


Writing a social media plan

Kate Turner


Stay safe and Q&A

Kate Turner



Sarah Challoner

Please say
•your name
•which organisation you are representing
•which social media you use
•what social media your organisation uses

What is advocacy?
Advocacy is a set of organised activities designed to
influence the policies and actions of others to achieve
positive changes for lives of people with a disability based
on the experience and knowledge of working directly with
persons with a disability, their families and communities.

Social media and advocacy

Advocacy toolkit

What is social media?

What is social media?
• interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange
information and ideas in virtual communities and networks
• social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly
interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, cocreate, discuss, and modify user-generated content – it is PARTICIPATORY.
• For example - social platforms like Wikipedia or Twitter have
completely changed the way to consume and interact with information.
Services like YouTube or Facebook also transformed the way we entertain
• Social media is free and is therefore very accessible.
• It can help to improve trust, transparency and accountability as you able to
communicate more directly with your supporters.
• Adds more ‘personality’ to your brand or organisation.
• The success of social media relies on regular, relevant and engaging

“the web is social media, and social media is the web”
Exercise: Can you name five social media?

Why use social media?
An organization can use social media
•to create a bigger identity and more support for DPOs
and their work
•create relationships with people including members or
other key stakeholders who might not otherwise know
about the organization’s activities, services, projects or
what it represents – politicians, persons with disabilities,
donors, other DPOs
•to share information and persuade a wider audience to
support your cause.

Social media for social change?
• Social media is a tool that you can use in your advocacy
• Social media also helps you share information and promote
your activities and cause.
• Social media offers the opportunity for people to be more
meaningfully engaged in your work and offer support.
• Social media can be used to put pressure on a government
for change by contacting politicians and people of influence.
• It is not the sole method you use to effect change, but used
in conjunction with other advocacy techniques can be very
Your biggest resource is your supporters!
Creating connections and gathering
For people with disabilities and disabilities persons organisations,
social media can be especially helpful with:
• Self-information - access to the latest news. It is a great way to
keep up on your industry and any legislation or news related to living
with a disability such as government announcements, UN initiatives
• Like-minded networking. There are online groups and forums
where you can seek and receive advice and expertise.
• Disability awareness. Using social media is also an excellent
opportunity to spread awareness about the issues people with
disabilities face on a daily basis in Rwanda.

Our social media goal

Exercise: Can you give examples of
social media creating social change?

Exercise: Can you give examples of
social media creating social change?
Global Examples:

Examples in Rwanda

Arab Spring

Ndi Umunyarwanda



Japan 2011 Earthquake and
Tsunami relief fund

60 questions in 60 minutes with
Health Minister – improving

Tunisia’s Virtual Voices
2011 London Riots
2010 Haiti Earthquake
Occupy Wall Street
Save the Rhino

The Social Media landscape in 2013

Four types of social media

Social Media: Current Status and Way Forward
What can social media do at VSO?
• Social media a set of online tools that we can use to
engage with potential, current and returned volunteers, our
partners, donors and supporters, as well as fellow
• Through sharing news and starting conversations around
our work, i.e. communicating our impact, as well as joining
other people, we can raise VSO’s profile in the public eye
by bringing people together to end poverty.
Our vision

Our vision is to have a strong social media presence
that reinforces and enhances our reputation as a
global leader, and communicates what works in
development work through volunteering.
Our framework
• Consistent social presence: Supporting programmes in
creating a strong, branded social media presence
• Empowerment: Promoting best practice to empower
employees and volunteers
• Quality content: Supporting production of engaging and onbrand content
• Effective sharing: Building capacity through content sharing
• Monitoring progress: Measuring and reporting on activity and
• Current: Keeping at the forefront of development in social
media platforms
Our policy


To encourage good practice, protect VSO, its employees
and volunteers, partners and beneficiaries and to promote
effective use of social media:
VSO business accounts – acceptable use:
Accounts managed by nominated VSO employees.
Currently, VSO’s business accounts are on Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter, Wordpress and YouTube.
OUR POLICY (cont’d)

Individual accounts (non-business) – acceptable use:


If an individual mentions their association with VSO,
include the sentence ‘‘Views my own” (on Twitter, for
example) or where space allows (such as on blogging
platforms or YouTube),


“The views expressed [in this blog/here] are my own
and do not necessarily reflect those of VSO”.


You are responsible for promoting yourself and VSO in a
legal, professional and ethical manner
Our policy: the don’ts


Unacceptable use (both business and non-business)
You should not engage in any social networking activity that could
cause offence to yourself, others or bring VSO into disrepute:
Any offensive or derogatory remarks relating to sex, gender, race,
nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs or age
Openly criticising anyone connected with VSO
Making defamatory comments about an individual or organisation
Posting sexually explicit or pornographic material

Unacceptable use (both business and non-business)
Posting any material which may be deemed obscene, profane, abusive,
threatening or inappropriate
Breaching copyright: e.g. logos or using content without consent
Breaching confidentiality by revealing internal information about VSO, its
employees or volunteers, partners
Posting photographs which include VSO employees or volunteers on
social media sites until you have the written consent of the person in the
Being safe on social media
• Sharing personal details, such as information about your
location, can compromise security of both you and others
(in countries where there is a risk of theft or kidnap).
• In countries where there is a high level of political
sensitivity, blog posts must be avoided that could be
considered critical of government or other institutions or
national laws.
• Be culturally sensitive and aware of different attitudes to
sexuality, politics, religion, etc.
• Share your login details with a friend or family member if
you are travelling or living in an unstable region.
Current scenario
- Individuals interested in social media
- Global and country interest in social media
- Plan to revamp the use of social media across
VSO activities, lesson learnt, experiences, what
Way forward

The advent of social media is still relatively
new, and we are working to establish the most
effective way for VSO to use the tools available
globally, nationally, and locally.
•Can we help you set up
a Twitter account?
•Come find us!
An introduction to four social media

• Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging
service that enables users to send and read "tweets",
which are text messages limited to 140 characters.
• Similar to a SMS text message but it is on the internet
and can be read by anyone. Registered users can read
and post tweets.
• It is instant - works in ‘real-time’
• Use hashtags # to group messages together
• You can “follow” or be “followed”
• Your profile starts with @ - eg @NUDOR_RW and you
can ‘mention’ people in your tweets
Why use twitter?
•500 million registered users in 2012,
who posted 340 million tweets per
•Twitter is now one of the ten mostvisited websites, and has been
described as "the SMS of the Internet
•High twitter usage in Rwanda –
research in 2012 showed that
Rwanda is 7th largest tweeter in
•High profile leaders and media use
twitter in Rwanda
•Connecting your organisation to
other DPOs, persons with disabilities
What should you use twitter for?

Use it to broadcast your opinion, news or links other websites
such as news articles, blogs, videos
For instance, the Global Campaign for Education published their
new report on Education and Disability on 3 Dec - #IDPD. They
promoted key statistics and findings from the report on twitter

Number of
your tweets

People who
you follow
People who
follow you

of who you
should follow

“Trends” –
what people
are talking

Live feed of

13 ‘lucky’ tips on how to use twitter
1. Have a good biography - 160 characters

Personal account – list your profession, interests and location. Have a clear, professional
and up to date photograph
Organisational account – list the full name of the organisation, its mission and location.
Provide your website address. The picture should be the organisational logo.

1. Be selective when following – only follow relevant profiles that will deliver relevant
information to your timeline.
2. Credit your sources – if you share some information or retweet a post, make sure
you acknowledge the source such as “via @user”. It will bring a lot of appreciation
from the person you retweet and is also important to maintaining credibility.
3. Make use of hashtags - hashtags (#) facilitate searching the information you’re
looking for within seconds. Using hashtags increases a user’s visibility in a
particular area of discussion and increases the number of followers from a specific
4. Have a focus – if you are a DPO, you should be tweeting about disability and
issues around improving human rights, NOT the latest football scores. It can put off
people following you.

13 ‘lucky’ tips on how to use twitter
effectively cont’d

Engage - Twitter is a two-way street. You should engage and interact with other users. This helps build
a relationship with other users and creates a network for you. It is very easy to interact with somebody
who already replied to you or retweeted you, so don’t hesitate to do it. Take a few seconds to answer,
because you might get a lot in return for it.


Don’t be a RT machine - You need to provide content, don’t just RT content from other people. Why
would somebody follow you instead of the source you retweet 5 times per day?


Avoid arguments - Getting involved in unnecessary arguments will never get you far - If amends need
to be taken, then take them using the DM option or over e-mail, not publicly on Twitter. To ensure you
don’t get caught in such situations, avoid tweeting on hot topics regarding a person’s religion,
relationships, career, professional or personal issues and so on. Never tweet something that you
wouldn’t be comfortable saying publically.


Don’t ask to be followed - If you can’t convince someone to follow your profile with your bio and
tweets, they will never follow you just because you ask them to.

10. Do not delete tweets - apologizing is always better than deleting a tweet, because it will show people
you can accept your mistakes and take responsibility for them.
11. Be responsive - Followers will many times provide company profiles with feedback. It is an asset for a
company profile to be able to respond properly to feedback.
12. Don’t spam - Spamming is the worst thing a organisation’s Twitter profile can do. None of us like spam
and most of us stop following any profile that fills our timeline with spam instantly. Regardless of how
much you want to have more followers, do not spam – it can create a lot of damage from which you
may never recover from.
13. No tweeting about yourself on a organizational account – followers of an organization are
interested in the organization, not not the person behind the profile. Making personal updates on a
company profile is not a good idea.


A good biography

Your logo

Job title
and skills










Who to follow?
• International agencies: @UN_Enable, @UN, @UNICEF
• INGOs and NGOs: @HI_UK, @PlanGlobal
• Donors: @DFID_UK @VSO_Intl
• Rwandan DPOs: @NUDOR_Rw
• Government: @Rwandalocalgov
• Media: @Igihe
• Influential people: @DonaldKaberuka
•A list of suggested organisations is provided.

Video Sharing
• A video sharing service allows individuals to upload video content
to share, distribute or place on a website.
• The type of video content uploaded can be anything from short
video clips all the way to full length movies.
• Video sharing services are becoming increasingly popular,
especially with the explosion in popularity of blogs, internet forums,
and other interactive pages.
• You tube is the largest and the most popular site

The social impact of video sharing
• Changed the face of video broadcasting, with major media outlets,
celebrities and politicians using You tube for communicating.
• Said to have changed education and supported a higher level of
human learning and information sharing.
• development of "visual journalism", in which citizen eyewitnesses
and established news organizations share in content creation.
• YouTube has enabled people to more directly engage with
government, such as in the CNN/YouTube presidential debates
(2007) in which ordinary people submitted questions.
• An activist described the organisation of political unrest such as the
Arab Spring now involves using "Facebook to schedule the
protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.”
• The White House's official YouTube channel was the seventh top
news organization producer on YouTube in 2012
• More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month
• Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube
—that's almost an hour for every person on Earth, and 50% more
than last year
• 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
• 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US
• You can create your own channel to post your own videos – for
example NUDOR and NPC Rwanda have their own channels

Advocacy through video sharing
Using visual media as a targeted tool that will engage people to create change.
•Participatory video – pushing for change through telling the story through the lens of
a person with a disability. Participatory video is a form of participatory media in which a
group or community creates their own film. The idea behind this is that making a video
is easy and accessible, and is a great way of bringing people together to explore issues,
voice concerns or simply to be creative and tell stories.
•Educational video – introducing a general
audience to a cause or idea
•Inspirational – trying to change a perception
about a certain cause
•Campaigning – trying to motivate you to
move to action

Disability in Ngorerero

Know your rights – Scottish Human Rights

Forgotten and ignored - Kenya

Stand by me - ending disability hate crime

NPC -TV Portrait: Athanase Rugerinyange

What type of videos have you
• Educational?
• Campaigning?

• Participatory?
• Inspirational?

What did the videos make you feel?
Did they change your opinion on anything?
What did you learn?
Top tips on making a video

Define your objectives.


What is your budget?
Where will you be showing your video?
Who’s going to be in charge of managing the video production?
How will you measure the return on investment?


Know your audience - What is the purpose of your video? There are many types of video:
talking heads, raising awareness of a humanitarian issue, fundraising, user generated content,
documentaries, developing brand awareness.


Be inventive. How do you cut through and make your video shine?


Optimise your videos for search engines. Videos on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo often
appear on the first page of the search engine results page (SERPS). In addition


Ensure that your video ties in with your NGOs digital media or social media guidelines.
Does your organisation have standard assets such as title bars, intros and outros.


Make sure your video portrays your brand’s tone of voice and is informed by overall corporate


Making a viral video. Viral videos can quickly get your brand concern out to a wide audience,
but there is no guaranteed way to “make” a video viral. Seed your video carefully and


Plan, plan, plan. A storyboard however basic will save you time and money.


Measure your impact – analyse your viewing demographics and relate them back to your
objectives to assess your success.


Be creative!

Promoting your video

•Can we help you set up
a Twitter account?
•Come find us!
• Free platform to upload
video, photos and more
detailed information
• Create a network of people
with an interest in your work
• Huge number of users
• They have to ‘like’ your
organisation to subscribe to
your ‘feed’
• Develop links with other
RNUD facebook page
Number of supporters

Organisational details
Stories and updates

News and campaigns

NUDOR ‘likes’ VSO Rwanda

Developing your networks


A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the internet consisting of
discrete entries ("posts”) - the most recent post appears first.


Either single contributor or multiple authors.


Majority are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each
other - blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service.


Bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social
relations with their readers and other bloggers.


A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other
media related to its topic.


The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important
contribution to the popularity of many blogs.


Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject - feature your news and
opinion pieces. Forum to provide insight and analysis


150 million active blogs; 350 million people globally read blogs


Relies on regular updating and promotion on other social media channels.


News and opinion pieces
Insight pieces

Social media as a fundraising tool
• Social media is an opportunity to tell people about your
cause, why it is important and how you are helping.
• Using every-day stories makes your projects come to life
for donors, so they can see the impact of your work.
• Reporting on progress in real-time (little and often)
increases transparency.
• It gives supporters a place to ask questions and hold you
to account – so make sure you respond to queries!
• It allows you to reach a global audience, including people
it might usually be difficult to contact e.g. celebrities.
• It is free!
Social media as a fundraising tool
Usually a social media update will do one of the following:
1.Demonstrate need: Tell a story about the problems the people you
support are facing.
2.Show your impact: Explain the difference your project is making.
This doesn’t need to be complicated – it can be as simple as a project
officer saying they liked seeing everyone enjoying an activity you
3.Ask for support: You could request funds, volunteers or an
accessible space to hold an event.
4.Thank supporters
5.Help you to network or be more transparent: A place to answer
questions, talk about the day-to-day running of projects & connect
with people or organisations with similar interests.
Exercise: Social media as a
fundraising tool
Here are some tweets and facebook updates from some
charities to show you how they use social media as a
fundraising tool. Let’s decide together whether they:
1. Demonstrate need
2. Show impact
3. Ask for support
4. Thank supporters
5. Help with networking or transparency







Make sure you’re connected
– Make sure your website is linked to your social media channels
and your social media channels are linked to your website!



Measuring your success
•There is no point in using social media unless you set
some specific objectives – then you can evaluate your
•Set some milestones and outcomes that you can work
•For instance:
– engaging a Minister on twitter to highlight your work, with an
acknowledgement of support
– increasing your supporters and raising their awareness of your
– X number of likes or followers
Measuring your reach
•Number of facebook likes
•Number of comments
•Number of Twitter followers
•Number of retweets
•Number of @ mentions
•Number of views
•Number of followers
•Number of views
•Number of comments

Measuring your influence
• The Klout Score is a number between 1-100 that
represents your influence. The more influential you are,
the higher your Klout Score.
• Barack Obama – 99
• DFID UK - 80
• VSO UK – 60
• Kate Turner - 52

Measuring your influence
• Twtrland - a visual snapshot of your online presence on
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Displays your
influence metrics, audience demographics and close

Write a social media plan

Define your goal(s) and objectives


What will be different? What does success look like?


Identify your target


Who do you want to influence? Map your audience


Prepare your content


What are you going to communicate – think of your audience


Select your platform


Do you want to network, share, publish or discuss? Twitter, facebook,


Develop your connections


Make sure you’re following the right people and have the right connections




Make sure it is easy for people to follow you – have the social media icons
on your website




Have lots of conversations and develop relationships




Develop an activity and editorial plan to keep your social media channels
fresh and up to date


Monitor and Evaluate


Analyse the stats relating to traffic to your website, monitor any
increase/decrease in followers / likes/connections. Assess against your
objectives. Use social media analytics tools to assess your influence.

The risks of using social media:
protecting your reputation
• As social media is participatory, you can receive
comments; some can be positive, others negative.
• You can use the opportunity to respond to criticism and
provide evidence about a certain situation.
• You also need to be aware of the content that you post
– you should avoid any inflammatory, derisive, negative
or confidential content that may derail your advocacy
goals and affect your reputation.
• Use common sense, if you wouldn’t say something to
someone face to face, then don’t post it online!

Exercise: what would you do?
• A media personality or celebrity writes a demeaning
tweet about a person with disability, saying that children
with disabilities should not be allowed to go to school.
What would you do?
• Somebody writes on your organisation’s facebook page
saying that it does not matter if a girl with a mental
disability is raped and subject to gender based violence.
What would you do?
• You’ve just attended a private meeting with a
Government Minister and received some confidential
news about a new initiative about a programme that will
benefit persons with a disability. What do you do?
Let us know what you thought!
• Please fill in the feedback form
• Copies of the presentation can be downloaded from

Thank you
for being

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Social Media Advocacy Presentation

  • 2. Welcome • President of NUDOR • VSO Rwanda #advocacysocialmedia
  • 3. Goal: The disability sector is able to amplify its voice and influence for advocacy purposes through social media. Objectives: The workshop will ensure that participants •have a good understanding of what social media is •understand why social media is important for advocacy purposes •know how social media can effect change •know how to effectively use social media #advocacysocialmedia
  • 4. Agenda - morning Time Detail Responsible 9.00am Introduction VSO – Sarah Challoner 9.10am Participant introductions Kate Turner 9.30am What is social media and why is it important? Kate Turner 9.45am How and why VSORwanda uses social media JP 10.00am How can social media create social change? Kate Turner 10.20am Introducing the social media landscape Kate Turner 11.00am COFFEE BREAK 11.30am Which social media should you use and why? Kate Turner 12.00pm An introduction to Twitter Kate Turner 1pm LUNCH #advocacysocialmedia #advocacysocialmedia
  • 5. Agenda - afternoon Time Detail Responsible 2.00pm Using Twitter effectively Kate Turner 2.30pm Advocating and educating through video Kate Turner 3.00pm Getting your video to go viral Kate Turner 3.20pm Sharing through facebook Kate Turner 4.00pm Why blog? Kate Turner 4.10pm Using social media to fundraise Tina Sloane 4.20pm Measuring and evaluating success Kate Turner 4.40pm Writing a social media plan Kate Turner 4.50pm Stay safe and Q&A Kate Turner 5.00pm Close Sarah Challoner #advocacysocialmedia
  • 6. Introductions Please say •your name •which organisation you are representing •which social media you use •what social media your organisation uses #advocacysocialmedia
  • 7. What is advocacy? Advocacy is a set of organised activities designed to influence the policies and actions of others to achieve positive changes for lives of people with a disability based on the experience and knowledge of working directly with persons with a disability, their families and communities. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 8. Social media and advocacy #advocacysocialmedia
  • 10. What is social media? #advocacysocialmedia
  • 11. What is social media? • interaction among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks • social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, cocreate, discuss, and modify user-generated content – it is PARTICIPATORY. • For example - social platforms like Wikipedia or Twitter have completely changed the way to consume and interact with information. Services like YouTube or Facebook also transformed the way we entertain ourselves. • Social media is free and is therefore very accessible. • It can help to improve trust, transparency and accountability as you able to communicate more directly with your supporters. • Adds more ‘personality’ to your brand or organisation. • The success of social media relies on regular, relevant and engaging content. “the web is social media, and social media is the web” #advocacysocialmedia
  • 12. Exercise: Can you name five social media? #advocacysocialmedia
  • 13. Why use social media? An organization can use social media •to create a bigger identity and more support for DPOs and their work •create relationships with people including members or other key stakeholders who might not otherwise know about the organization’s activities, services, projects or what it represents – politicians, persons with disabilities, donors, other DPOs •to share information and persuade a wider audience to support your cause. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 14. Social media for social change? • Social media is a tool that you can use in your advocacy activities. • Social media also helps you share information and promote your activities and cause. • Social media offers the opportunity for people to be more meaningfully engaged in your work and offer support. • Social media can be used to put pressure on a government for change by contacting politicians and people of influence. • It is not the sole method you use to effect change, but used in conjunction with other advocacy techniques can be very powerful. Your biggest resource is your supporters! #advocacysocialmedia
  • 15. Creating connections and gathering advocates For people with disabilities and disabilities persons organisations, social media can be especially helpful with: • Self-information - access to the latest news. It is a great way to keep up on your industry and any legislation or news related to living with a disability such as government announcements, UN initiatives • Like-minded networking. There are online groups and forums where you can seek and receive advice and expertise. • Disability awareness. Using social media is also an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about the issues people with disabilities face on a daily basis in Rwanda. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 16. Our social media goal #advocacysocialmedia
  • 17. Exercise: Can you give examples of social media creating social change? #advocacysocialmedia
  • 18. Exercise: Can you give examples of social media creating social change? Global Examples: Examples in Rwanda Arab Spring Ndi Umunyarwanda WikiLeaks Kwibuka20 Japan 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami relief fund 60 questions in 60 minutes with Health Minister – improving healthcare Tunisia’s Virtual Voices 2011 London Riots 2010 Haiti Earthquake Occupy Wall Street Save the Rhino #advocacysocialmedia
  • 19. The Social Media landscape in 2013 #advocacysocialmedia
  • 20. Four types of social media #advocacysocialmedia
  • 21. VSO RWANDA Social Media: Current Status and Way Forward
  • 22. What can social media do at VSO? • Social media a set of online tools that we can use to engage with potential, current and returned volunteers, our partners, donors and supporters, as well as fellow employees • Through sharing news and starting conversations around our work, i.e. communicating our impact, as well as joining other people, we can raise VSO’s profile in the public eye by bringing people together to end poverty.
  • 23. Our vision Our vision is to have a strong social media presence that reinforces and enhances our reputation as a global leader, and communicates what works in development work through volunteering.
  • 24. Our framework • Consistent social presence: Supporting programmes in creating a strong, branded social media presence • Empowerment: Promoting best practice to empower employees and volunteers • Quality content: Supporting production of engaging and onbrand content • Effective sharing: Building capacity through content sharing • Monitoring progress: Measuring and reporting on activity and engagement • Current: Keeping at the forefront of development in social media platforms
  • 25. Our policy • • • To encourage good practice, protect VSO, its employees and volunteers, partners and beneficiaries and to promote effective use of social media: VSO business accounts – acceptable use: Accounts managed by nominated VSO employees. Currently, VSO’s business accounts are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Wordpress and YouTube.
  • 26. OUR POLICY (cont’d) • Individual accounts (non-business) – acceptable use: • If an individual mentions their association with VSO, include the sentence ‘‘Views my own” (on Twitter, for example) or where space allows (such as on blogging platforms or YouTube), • “The views expressed [in this blog/here] are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of VSO”. • You are responsible for promoting yourself and VSO in a legal, professional and ethical manner
  • 27. Our policy: the don’ts • • • • • • • Unacceptable use (both business and non-business) You should not engage in any social networking activity that could cause offence to yourself, others or bring VSO into disrepute: Any offensive or derogatory remarks relating to sex, gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs or age Openly criticising anyone connected with VSO Making defamatory comments about an individual or organisation Posting sexually explicit or pornographic material
  • 28. OUR POLICY: THE DON’TS (cont’d) • • • • • Unacceptable use (both business and non-business) Posting any material which may be deemed obscene, profane, abusive, threatening or inappropriate Breaching copyright: e.g. logos or using content without consent Breaching confidentiality by revealing internal information about VSO, its employees or volunteers, partners Posting photographs which include VSO employees or volunteers on social media sites until you have the written consent of the person in the photo
  • 29. Being safe on social media • Sharing personal details, such as information about your location, can compromise security of both you and others (in countries where there is a risk of theft or kidnap). • In countries where there is a high level of political sensitivity, blog posts must be avoided that could be considered critical of government or other institutions or national laws. • Be culturally sensitive and aware of different attitudes to sexuality, politics, religion, etc. • Share your login details with a friend or family member if you are travelling or living in an unstable region.
  • 30. Current scenario - Individuals interested in social media - Global and country interest in social media - Plan to revamp the use of social media across VSO activities, lesson learnt, experiences, what works
  • 31. Way forward • The advent of social media is still relatively new, and we are working to establish the most effective way for VSO to use the tools available globally, nationally, and locally.
  • 32. COFFEE BREAK •Can we help you set up a Twitter account? •Come find us!
  • 33. An introduction to four social media #advocacysocialmedia
  • 34. Twitter • Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters. • Similar to a SMS text message but it is on the internet and can be read by anyone. Registered users can read and post tweets. • It is instant - works in ‘real-time’ • Use hashtags # to group messages together • You can “follow” or be “followed” • Your profile starts with @ - eg @NUDOR_RW and you can ‘mention’ people in your tweets #advocacysocialmedia
  • 35. Why use twitter? •500 million registered users in 2012, who posted 340 million tweets per day. •Twitter is now one of the ten mostvisited websites, and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet •High twitter usage in Rwanda – research in 2012 showed that Rwanda is 7th largest tweeter in Africa •High profile leaders and media use twitter in Rwanda •Connecting your organisation to other DPOs, persons with disabilities #advocacysocialmedia
  • 36. What should you use twitter for? • • Use it to broadcast your opinion, news or links other websites such as news articles, blogs, videos For instance, the Global Campaign for Education published their new report on Education and Disability on 3 Dec - #IDPD. They promoted key statistics and findings from the report on twitter #advocacysocialmedia
  • 37. Number of your tweets People who you follow People who follow you Suggestions of who you should follow “Trends” – what people are talking about Live feed of tweets #advocacysocialmedia
  • 38. 13 ‘lucky’ tips on how to use twitter effectively 1. Have a good biography - 160 characters • • Personal account – list your profession, interests and location. Have a clear, professional and up to date photograph Organisational account – list the full name of the organisation, its mission and location. Provide your website address. The picture should be the organisational logo. 1. Be selective when following – only follow relevant profiles that will deliver relevant information to your timeline. 2. Credit your sources – if you share some information or retweet a post, make sure you acknowledge the source such as “via @user”. It will bring a lot of appreciation from the person you retweet and is also important to maintaining credibility. 3. Make use of hashtags - hashtags (#) facilitate searching the information you’re looking for within seconds. Using hashtags increases a user’s visibility in a particular area of discussion and increases the number of followers from a specific domain. 4. Have a focus – if you are a DPO, you should be tweeting about disability and issues around improving human rights, NOT the latest football scores. It can put off people following you. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 39. 13 ‘lucky’ tips on how to use twitter effectively cont’d 6. Engage - Twitter is a two-way street. You should engage and interact with other users. This helps build a relationship with other users and creates a network for you. It is very easy to interact with somebody who already replied to you or retweeted you, so don’t hesitate to do it. Take a few seconds to answer, because you might get a lot in return for it. 7. Don’t be a RT machine - You need to provide content, don’t just RT content from other people. Why would somebody follow you instead of the source you retweet 5 times per day? 8. Avoid arguments - Getting involved in unnecessary arguments will never get you far - If amends need to be taken, then take them using the DM option or over e-mail, not publicly on Twitter. To ensure you don’t get caught in such situations, avoid tweeting on hot topics regarding a person’s religion, relationships, career, professional or personal issues and so on. Never tweet something that you wouldn’t be comfortable saying publically. 9. Don’t ask to be followed - If you can’t convince someone to follow your profile with your bio and tweets, they will never follow you just because you ask them to. 10. Do not delete tweets - apologizing is always better than deleting a tweet, because it will show people you can accept your mistakes and take responsibility for them. 11. Be responsive - Followers will many times provide company profiles with feedback. It is an asset for a company profile to be able to respond properly to feedback. 12. Don’t spam - Spamming is the worst thing a organisation’s Twitter profile can do. None of us like spam and most of us stop following any profile that fills our timeline with spam instantly. Regardless of how much you want to have more followers, do not spam – it can create a lot of damage from which you may never recover from. 13. No tweeting about yourself on a organizational account – followers of an organization are interested in the organization, not not the person behind the profile. Making personal updates on a #advocacysocialmedia company profile is not a good idea.
  • 41. A good biography Your logo Job title and skills Your location Your Your activities activities Your website #advocacysocialmedia Organization description Your
  • 42. Who to follow? • International agencies: @UN_Enable, @UN, @UNICEF • INGOs and NGOs: @HI_UK, @PlanGlobal • Donors: @DFID_UK @VSO_Intl • Rwandan DPOs: @NUDOR_Rw • Government: @Rwandalocalgov • Media: @Igihe • Influential people: @DonaldKaberuka •A list of suggested organisations is provided. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 43. LUNCH
  • 44. Video Sharing • A video sharing service allows individuals to upload video content to share, distribute or place on a website. • The type of video content uploaded can be anything from short video clips all the way to full length movies. • Video sharing services are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the explosion in popularity of blogs, internet forums, and other interactive pages. • You tube is the largest and the most popular site #advocacysocialmedia
  • 45. The social impact of video sharing • Changed the face of video broadcasting, with major media outlets, celebrities and politicians using You tube for communicating. • Said to have changed education and supported a higher level of human learning and information sharing. • development of "visual journalism", in which citizen eyewitnesses and established news organizations share in content creation. • YouTube has enabled people to more directly engage with government, such as in the CNN/YouTube presidential debates (2007) in which ordinary people submitted questions. • An activist described the organisation of political unrest such as the Arab Spring now involves using "Facebook to schedule the protests, Twitter to coordinate, and YouTube to tell the world.” • The White House's official YouTube channel was the seventh top news organization producer on YouTube in 2012 #advocacysocialmedia
  • 46. YouTube • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube —that's almost an hour for every person on Earth, and 50% more than last year • 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute • 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US • You can create your own channel to post your own videos – for example NUDOR and NPC Rwanda have their own channels #advocacysocialmedia
  • 47. Advocacy through video sharing Using visual media as a targeted tool that will engage people to create change. •Participatory video – pushing for change through telling the story through the lens of a person with a disability. Participatory video is a form of participatory media in which a group or community creates their own film. The idea behind this is that making a video is easy and accessible, and is a great way of bringing people together to explore issues, voice concerns or simply to be creative and tell stories. •Educational video – introducing a general audience to a cause or idea •Inspirational – trying to change a perception about a certain cause •Campaigning – trying to motivate you to move to action #advocacysocialmedia
  • 49. Know your rights – Scottish Human Rights Commission #advocacysocialmedia
  • 50. Forgotten and ignored - Kenya #advocacysocialmedia
  • 51. Stand by me - ending disability hate crime #advocacysocialmedia
  • 52. NPC -TV Portrait: Athanase Rugerinyange #advocacysocialmedia
  • 53. What type of videos have you seen? • Educational? • Campaigning? • Participatory? • Inspirational? What did the videos make you feel? Did they change your opinion on anything? What did you learn?
  • 54. Top tips on making a video 1. Define your objectives. – – – – What is your budget? Where will you be showing your video? Who’s going to be in charge of managing the video production? How will you measure the return on investment? • Know your audience - What is the purpose of your video? There are many types of video: talking heads, raising awareness of a humanitarian issue, fundraising, user generated content, documentaries, developing brand awareness. • Be inventive. How do you cut through and make your video shine? • Optimise your videos for search engines. Videos on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo often appear on the first page of the search engine results page (SERPS). In addition • Ensure that your video ties in with your NGOs digital media or social media guidelines. Does your organisation have standard assets such as title bars, intros and outros. • Make sure your video portrays your brand’s tone of voice and is informed by overall corporate objectives. • Making a viral video. Viral videos can quickly get your brand concern out to a wide audience, but there is no guaranteed way to “make” a video viral. Seed your video carefully and strategically. • Plan, plan, plan. A storyboard however basic will save you time and money. • Measure your impact – analyse your viewing demographics and relate them back to your objectives to assess your success. • Be creative! #advocacysocialmedia
  • 56. COFFEE BREAK •Can we help you set up a Twitter account? •Come find us!
  • 57. Facebook • Free platform to upload video, photos and more detailed information • Create a network of people with an interest in your work • Huge number of users • They have to ‘like’ your organisation to subscribe to your ‘feed’ • Develop links with other organisations #advocacysocialmedia
  • 58. RNUD facebook page Number of supporters Organisational details Stories and updates News and campaigns #advocacysocialmedia
  • 59. NUDOR ‘likes’ VSO Rwanda Developing your networks #advocacysocialmedia
  • 60. Blogging • A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the internet consisting of discrete entries ("posts”) - the most recent post appears first. • Either single contributor or multiple authors. • Majority are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other - blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. • Bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers. • A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. • The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. • Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject - feature your news and opinion pieces. Forum to provide insight and analysis • 150 million active blogs; 350 million people globally read blogs • Relies on regular updating and promotion on other social media channels. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 61. Blogging News and opinion pieces Insight pieces #advocacysocialmedia
  • 62. Social media as a fundraising tool • Social media is an opportunity to tell people about your cause, why it is important and how you are helping. • Using every-day stories makes your projects come to life for donors, so they can see the impact of your work. • Reporting on progress in real-time (little and often) increases transparency. • It gives supporters a place to ask questions and hold you to account – so make sure you respond to queries! • It allows you to reach a global audience, including people it might usually be difficult to contact e.g. celebrities. • It is free! #advocacysocialmedia
  • 63. Social media as a fundraising tool Usually a social media update will do one of the following: 1.Demonstrate need: Tell a story about the problems the people you support are facing. 2.Show your impact: Explain the difference your project is making. This doesn’t need to be complicated – it can be as simple as a project officer saying they liked seeing everyone enjoying an activity you organised. 3.Ask for support: You could request funds, volunteers or an accessible space to hold an event. 4.Thank supporters 5.Help you to network or be more transparent: A place to answer questions, talk about the day-to-day running of projects & connect with people or organisations with similar interests.
  • 64. Exercise: Social media as a fundraising tool Here are some tweets and facebook updates from some charities to show you how they use social media as a fundraising tool. Let’s decide together whether they: 1. Demonstrate need 2. Show impact 3. Ask for support 4. Thank supporters 5. Help with networking or transparency #advocacysocialmedia
  • 71. Make sure you’re connected – Make sure your website is linked to your social media channels and your social media channels are linked to your website! Twitter Facebook #advocacysocialmedia
  • 72. Measuring your success •There is no point in using social media unless you set some specific objectives – then you can evaluate your success. •Set some milestones and outcomes that you can work towards. •For instance: – engaging a Minister on twitter to highlight your work, with an acknowledgement of support – increasing your supporters and raising their awareness of your work – X number of likes or followers #advocacysocialmedia
  • 73. Measuring your reach Facebook •Number of facebook likes •Number of comments Twitter •Number of Twitter followers •Number of retweets •Number of @ mentions Youtube •Number of views Blog •Number of followers •Number of views •Number of comments #advocacysocialmedia
  • 74. Measuring your influence • The Klout Score is a number between 1-100 that represents your influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score. • Barack Obama – 99 • DFID UK - 80 • VSO UK – 60 • Kate Turner - 52 #advocacysocialmedia
  • 75. Measuring your influence • Twtrland - a visual snapshot of your online presence on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Displays your influence metrics, audience demographics and close network #advocacysocialmedia
  • 76. Write a social media plan 1. Define your goal(s) and objectives – What will be different? What does success look like? 1. Identify your target – Who do you want to influence? Map your audience 1. Prepare your content – What are you going to communicate – think of your audience 1. Select your platform – Do you want to network, share, publish or discuss? Twitter, facebook, etc? 1. Develop your connections – Make sure you’re following the right people and have the right connections 1. Contact – Make sure it is easy for people to follow you – have the social media icons on your website 1. Engagement – Have lots of conversations and develop relationships 1. Action 1. Develop an activity and editorial plan to keep your social media channels fresh and up to date • Monitor and Evaluate 1. Analyse the stats relating to traffic to your website, monitor any increase/decrease in followers / likes/connections. Assess against your objectives. Use social media analytics tools to assess your influence. #advocacysocialmedia
  • 77. The risks of using social media: protecting your reputation • As social media is participatory, you can receive comments; some can be positive, others negative. • You can use the opportunity to respond to criticism and provide evidence about a certain situation. • You also need to be aware of the content that you post – you should avoid any inflammatory, derisive, negative or confidential content that may derail your advocacy goals and affect your reputation. • Use common sense, if you wouldn’t say something to someone face to face, then don’t post it online! #advocacysocialmedia
  • 78. Exercise: what would you do? • A media personality or celebrity writes a demeaning tweet about a person with disability, saying that children with disabilities should not be allowed to go to school. What would you do? • Somebody writes on your organisation’s facebook page saying that it does not matter if a girl with a mental disability is raped and subject to gender based violence. What would you do? • You’ve just attended a private meeting with a Government Minister and received some confidential news about a new initiative about a programme that will benefit persons with a disability. What do you do? #advocacysocialmedia
  • 80. Let us know what you thought! • Please fill in the feedback form • Copies of the presentation can be downloaded from Slideshare • #advocacysocialmedia

Editor's Notes

  1. Dominique to welcome
  2. Charlotte
  3. Please also write your name on the piece of paper with your organisation and which social media they use, as well as the social media that you use I will introduce myself first: I’m Kate – I am a VSO volunteer from London, UK and I work as an Advocacy Advisor at NUDOR. The social networks I personally use are: Twitter Facebook Linkedin Instagram –photo album Whats app Vine Wordpress – my blog Spotify Last fm You tube – my own channel Google+ I will leave my colleagues form NUDOR to say which social media they use. I am running this workshop as I believe that the disability sector has much to gain from using social media. In my last job where I worked for the British Government, I lobbied MPs and promoted news to our key stakeholders through social media. We delivered policy change, managed our reputation and increased awareness using these channels. First and foremost I am an advocacy specialist and I won’t have every answer about social media, but I can help give you an introduction.
  4. Not everyone is familiar with advocacy, but in reality you’re most probably doing it everyday! Here is the definition we will use as we want to make changes that improve the lives of persons with disabilities and involve persons with a disability
  5. Here are the activities that we do when we are carrying out advocacy. Differences between social media and media: Social Media: Two-way conversation Open system Transparent One-on-one marketing About you Brand and User-generated Content Authentic content FREE platform Metric: Engagement Actors: Users/ Influencers Community decision-making Unstructured communication Real time creation Bottom-up strategy Informal language Active involvement Traditional Media: One-way conversation Closed system Opaque Mass marketing About ME Professional content Polished content Paid platform Metric: Reach/ frequency Actors/ Celebrities Economic decision-making Controlled communication Pre-produced/ scheduled Top-down strategy Formal language Passive involvement
  6. Social media
  7. Charlotte
  8. Use flip chart
  9. 1.Arab Spring: Undoubtedly the most impressive and most remembered of all social media impacts was during the Arab Spring. Social media was never the cause of revolution in the region, but did fuel and assist, and is seen as a major catalyst. Ever since the WikiLeaks publications of diplomatic cables, the knowledge of government corruption, absolute monarchy and human rights violations came to the fore. Arab citizens revolted and using social media as a communication tool and a collective war effort was organised via social media instead of in the war room. The size and effects of this impact are impressive: more than 15 countries were affected, four rulers forced from power, two new countries formed and it spanned the entire Arab world from Mauritania to Syria and Oman. 2. WikiLeaks Julian Assange, whistle-blower supremo, decided that through the use of the internet and social media, he would publicise sensitive and secret government material about corruption, human rights violations and the underhanded dealings of governments. The effect of this publication has been two-sided however: a lot of red faces in governments, and even more stringent secrecy bills implemented. Yet, this caused a lot of change as mentioned above in many parts of the world. In retrospect this is not a once-off event, but can be seen more as an ongoing endeavour. 3. Japan 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami relief fund After a magnitude 8.9 quake and one of the most devastating tsunamis in history, Japan’s telecommunications infrastructure was left battered and bruised. Unknowingly and without plan, social media came to the forefront with a combination of internet savvy and simple humanitarianism. With congested telephone lines, the humble mobile phone stepped up to the plate with SMS and video chat feeds as to what was happening. Victims, families and friends had instant access to information. Twitter and Facebook proved an invaluable tool for those involved in relief efforts, posting up to the minute reports on tsunami alerts, altered train schedules, emergency numbers and shelters. YouTube users uploaded more than 15 000 videos to show the magnitude of what has happened 4. Tunisia’s Virtual Voices Under the dictatorial rule of former president Zine el-Abidine, Tunisian citizens had no voice. Almost all forms of social media were politically taboo, with some social platforms having been blocked completely. Blogs were monitored, and anyone who wrote political commentaries was harassed. This type of censorship was fuel to the fire and Tunisians found any way possible to remain online. Social networks were invaluable in raising awareness and activism among Tunisians, giving them a venue to discuss political issues and push for freedom of speech. 2011 London Riots During the London riots, BBM was used extensively by looters to organise looting activities and send reports on police activity. As an text-based service BBM was perfectly suited for this as it is gives users the ability to connect immediately to individuals or groups. Unfortunately this is an example of how the social network can have a negative influence, but at the same time police counteracted this by using the same system for defence. 2010 Haiti earthquake Ushahidi, an open source social media platform used for crisis map creation, was used extensively during the Haiti earthquake disaster. First responders to the disaster used cell phones to create, to date, the largest worldwide crisis management map. Social media platforms like Skype and Twitter contributed to the information needed, relaying reports on food aid, shelters, road closures and cell phone recharging stations. The Red Cross also used their own Twitter account to relay information to volunteers and victims. Occupy Wall Street On 17 September 2011, protesters marched down to lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, sparking numerous other protests across the US. Even though it did not receive much media attention before the time, the three weeks that Wall Street was occupied showed the dissent of people all over the US with the growing inequality between the very wealthy (the one percent) and the working and middle class (the 99%). Save the rhino Rhino poaching has gone largely unnoticed for many years. Since the advent of social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, it has been able to garner massive support. The general public got involved, information was more easily obtainable and several citizens’ arrests were made, whether personally or by contacting the police. Updates on statistics are now daily. Instead of just one cause dedicated to it, several different causes are linked together, showing the growing interest social media has lead to.
  10. 4 types of social media Publishing Sharing Networking Discussing
  11. Publishing with blogging platforms: WordPress, Blogger, Live Journal, TypePad, Over-Blog and wikis Wikipedia, Wikia, Mahalo… Sharing services for pictures, links, videos, music, products: Delicious, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, TheFancy, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud, MySpace, Slideshare Discussing with knowledge platforms: Quora, Github, Reddit, Stack Exchange, mobile chat applications: Skype, Kik, WhatsApp, SnapChat Networking for Business to Consumer audiences: Badoo, Tagged and professionals: LinkedIn  
  12. Today we are going to focus on 4 types of social media
  13. GCE is the global campaign that is trying to improve education around the world. On 3 December 2013, International Day of Persons with a Disability, they launched their report on education and disability. They used hashtags and shortened URLs to link to the report Driving traffic to website and report whilst also sharing news Helped them have a presence in the day and raise awareness
  14. Here is a twitter feed – its different to your profile
  15. Three different examples of biographies and how to show what you do
  16. A list is included which present some suggested people to follow. Twitter will automatically suggest people based on your interests
  17. Charlotte
  18. This is from Scotland Remember in the UK we use the term ‘disabled people’ which I disagree with.
  19. In Red Soil, a settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, the issue of disability is becoming more visible. Children researchers have documented the experiences of families that face disability, the issues that affect their lives and how parents are raising the profile of disability in the community. Jecinta, the mother of a son with a disability, has mobilised a group of mothers to support each other and to provide a platform to engage with local decision-makers.
  20. Charlotte
  21. Charlotte