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• What is Digitalmarketing
• Introduction to SocialMedia marketing
• Marketing onSocialMedia
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Linkedin
Digital marketing
Whatis Digital Marketing
“Digital marketing” is the process of building and
maintaining customer relationships through online
activities to generate sales and/or capture customers
that are searching on the Internet for answers.
Marketing isbeing fishers of men, being thesalt of theearth and
going out to all the world. John Obidi.
Whatis Digital Marketing
“Digital marketing” is the process of building and
maintaining customer relationships through online
activities to generate sales and/or capture customers
that are searching on the Internet for answers.
Marketing isbeing fishers of men, being thesalt of theearth and
going out to all the world. John Obidi.
Over traditional marketing *
 Puts the consumer in control
 Provides convenience
 Drives brand loyalty
 Reduces the selling cycle
 Builds your brand
 It is measurable
 It is cost effective
What are the benefits of digital marketing?
One way to make sure you are found on the web is with an optimized digital
marketing strategy. Most digital marketing strategies and campaigns have 5
1. Reach the right audience
2. Engage with your audience
3. Motivate your audience to take action
4. Ensure efficient spending on your campaign
5. Maximize return on investment (ROI)
What are the benefits of digital marketing?
Social media marketing definition
Social media is a medium or instrument for communication, like a
newspaper or a radio.
Social media = a social instrument of communication.
What are the benefits of social media marketing?
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform available
with many advantages associated with it.
It is primarily a social networking site, however it can be used as a handy
tool for promoting and advertising a business.
We can use Facebook to promote a brand, market a company, or create
awareness about a service or a product.
How to Create a Fan Page!
A Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote your business, build
awareness for a cause, and gather support for your brand. If you would like to
create a fan page, follow these easy steps:
How to Create a Fan Page!
 Log in to your Facebook account.
 Click on the settings on the top right-hand corner
of your page.
How to Create a Fan Page!
How to Create a Fan Page!
 Click on the type of page you would like to
 Fill in all the information required.
How to Create a Fan Page!
Click on "get started".
Upload a profile picture and click on save photo.
Complete the 'about' section and click 'save info'.
Now decide whether you want to enable ads or skip (it will be payable if you enable) .
What are Facebook Adverts?
Facebook ads allow us to promote our business, get more fans to our business page,
and drive more leads for our sales team. Facebook ads allow us to advertise a
website or content that we manage on Facebook (like a group, page, or event).
Lets Create ADS!!!
What are Facebook Adverts?
To create an ad, go to:
And click "create advert".
Twitter is another social networking platform that allows registered users to read
and write 140-character messages called 'tweets'
• Twitter marketing is a powerful tool for companies of every size and structure to
reach out to new customers, promote their brand, and connect with the rest of
the companies.
• Users can find out if customers are talking about them, and the business can
accordingly respond.
• Tweets create another instance for the business that shows up in the search
engine results.
• Twitter serves as a solid foundation for your business to branch out into other
social sites.
• Twitter is a great platform for projecting what your company is doing and
accessing a large audience, where your Tweets can promote products and
What is Twitter Marketing?
For Bloggers and Website Owners,
Before creating a profile, make sure every element of your profile reflects your
business identity and personality. Follow the steps given below to create an account
for your business:
Create a Twitter Account for Your Business
 Sign up/Log In to Twitter or go to
Supply all the required information in the lower box on the right side of your
screen including your username, email address, and password.
 Confirm your account
Twitter will send you an email to the email address you provided that will include
a link that verifies your account. All you need to do is to click on the link to
activate the account.
 Make your first connections
When you are done with creating your account, the network will suggest people to
follow. Twitter will recommend some popular accounts of celebrities to follow.
Skip this step if you don’t want to follow an account.
 Add profile details
Click "edit profile" on the right side of your screen. Upload two different appropriate
and suitable photos to your profile and update the basic information that appears
in your bio. Try to convey what your business or brand is all about.
 Send your first tweet
Everything is ready, now you are set to start tweeting! Hit the "Tweet"
button and you are off and running with Twitter.
Create a Twitter Account for Your Business
 Grow your community by adding a follow button in your website and
promote your username.
 Get noticed with hash tags like #smallbiz etc.
 Engage with your followers by collecting feedback to build a better business.
 Sync your email contacts with Twitter.
 Keep your bio updated with the events or the business campaign you are
 Embed your best tweets and tweet to people every day.
 You can promote your twitter account on any printed material, e.g.,
business cards.
 Follow people who follow you.
 Make sure you are engaging with your customers on twitter and not to your
Create a Twitter Account for Your Business
The symbol hash tag (#) is used to mark keywords in a tweet. It was originally
created by Twitter users. This symbol helps them to categorize the tweets and
show them easily when people search for them. Hash tags can occur anywhere in
a tweet – middle, end, or at the beginning. If you tweet with a hash tag on a
public account, anyone who does a search for that hash tag will find you. A hash
tag is a way for people to search for tweets having a common topic.
Hash tags allow you to create communities of people
interested in the same topic by making it easier to share
and find information related to the common topic.
Sponsored Tweets and #HASHTAGS
Sponsored Tweets
Sponsored tweets are advertising platforms that connect companies with tweeters.
Sponsored tweets allow brands to tap into a Twitter user's followers to reach out to
new customers. By giving companies access to your twitter stream, tweeters are
compensated for each advertisement they accept.
The only thing tweeters need to do is to write a tweet based on some simple
guidelines provided by the advertiser. Sponsored tweets take care of the rest, and
will even tweet it out for you. Companies choose twitter followers they like based
on a variety of factors, including how many followers you have and how much
influence you have over those followers.
Twitter Account Promotion
Promoted accounts are ad units that enable you to quickly gain followers.
Promoted accounts help you build trust and a fan following over time that gets
people to see more of your tweets regularly. Once your promoted account is created,
you can reach the audience who would most likely be interested in your business
and want to follow your account.
Promoted accounts are shown in the twitter section of "who to follow", located on
the left side of twitter feed. Promoted accounts help introduce a wider variety of
accounts that people can enjoy
Instagram is an online mobile photo sharing, video sharing, and social networking service that
enables its users to take pictures and videos.
Users can also share on a variety of other social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
A distinctive feature is that Instagram confines photos to a square shape similar to Polaroid images
and digitally applies filters.
Instagram is also a platform for brands to share their unique points of view.
Millions of people use Instagram as a source of inspiration, creative outlet, and find amazing imagery.
Brands will have no problems in reaching people who are open to new perspectives.
This can be attributed to Instagram’s simple design always putting visuals in the center stage.
Because each image or video fills the screen, there is no clutter to the experience.
Users are drawn to Instagram because it is a beautiful environment filled with captivating and
inspiring content.
How to Market on Instagram
You can use Instagram to tell a visual story about your brand, instantly engage with your followers
wherever they are, and even get very real user-generated content through
hashtag photo contests.
• Create your Instagram for Business account - It’s easy to make a business
account on Instagram.
• Make a business username - Use your business name as your username. If it is
taken, choose a username that is instantly recognized with your brand.
• Complete your profile - Include a cool, branded photo, a short informative bio, and a
link to your website.
• Connect your account to Facebook - Instagram is owned by Facebook. Connect
these two very powerful social media sites to boost your marketing efforts.
• Make an Instagram tab on your Facebook page - this enables you to instantly
share your Instagram photos to your Facebook Fans.
How to Market on Instagram
• Create a brand specific strategy - Keep your Instagram content strategy
focused on your brand’s unique way of seeing the world. Instagram is a photo
(and now video) sharing site. Connect your business with your ‘tribe’ on
Instagram in a consistent and particular visual way.
Using Hashtags
• Use hashtags (#’s) in your updates - Hashtags are a major part of Instagram.
It’s a big way of how users can find you through their mobile Instagram searches.
Unlike on other sites (such as Twitter), you’re not limited by character count.
Include a few tags (but not too many - or you’ll look desperate) in your posts to get
• Use brand specific hashtags’s - Include your business name in some of your post
hashtags. Also, use unique tags for particular marketing campaigns you run. For
example, if you’re hosting a photo contest on Instagram, make a unique tag just for
that campaign. This tactic both promotes your contest, and it gives your consumers
a distinct tag to connect with others participants (so they can see their
Here’s how Dry Soda uses a brand specific hashtag, #fridayDRYday to engage
Their community, and show off fan photos of the week.
Using Hashtags
• Use general hashtags’s - Include general tags on your posts, to be found for your
products or lifestyle posts. For example, if your business is a coffee shop, and you post an
image of your scrumptious latte, include tags like #latte or even #coffee.
• Use trending hashtags - Trends on Instagram can happen at lightning speed - and they
are often even quicker to go. If you spot a trend, and it fits with your brand, use it. Your
post could literally be seen by thousands of interested consumers in a matter a minutes.
• Run an Instagram Hashtag Contest - A hashtag contest allows your fans and followers to
upload photos under a certain hashtag. All submissions are then displayed in a voting
gallery on you Facebook Page, website, etc.
• Monitor your brand hashtags - Your consumers are using your tags to connect with
you. Be sure to keep checking your Instagram hashtags’s, just like you would your
Facebook Page and Twitter mentions. Respond to comments and concerns quickly, and
you’ll build happy customer relationships.
Focusing on Your Customers
• Make your followers famous - Share followers photos on your social sites. Show your
customers you appreciate them by acknowledging their cool photos, and share them with
your Facebook fan or Twitter followers. NOTE: be sure to ask permission to use their photo
• Starbucks is one of the top 3 brands on Instagram. They use this tactic frequently. Every
few weeks they show appreciation for one their followers, by giving a shout out to cool
image makers. The images include their products. They take it one step further by
updating their Facebook covers, using the Instagram photos. Their fans love it.
• Embed followers’ photos - Instagram now enables you to embed Instagram photos on
your website and other sites. Use this, like Starbucks, to show cool images of your brand
and product from your Instagram followers by embedding the entire post. Make sure you
tell them you’re showcasing their image, to make them feel appreciated, and to get their
permission to use it.
Focusing on Your Customers
• Like your Follower’s photos - Acknowledge your customers’ awesomeness by liking
their photos - particularly if they include your product, or emulate your brand.
• Comment on Followers’ photos - Engage with your consumers by commenting on cool
product related photos they post.
• Respond to comments on all your posts - If someone comments on your posts,
respond to them. This is particularly true when then comment is a question, or even
something negative about your brand.
• @mention your customers - @mentioning is another huge part of Instagram. @mention
your followers, your customers, and any other user with great photos of your products. You
show appreciation for them, and you get to engage with your market.
• @mention celebrities and other related industry leaders - If your images are about
celebs - let them know. They may just appreciate it enough to share it with their followers!
• 20. Focus on engaging your customer - Post images with your customer in mind. Post
about more than your product. Make your business Instagram about lifestyle, and
authentically connecting with your customers.
Showing Your Stuff
• Be creative with your photos - Use filters to enhance your photos. Use cool angles,
lighting and other photography tricks - whether you hire a photographer, or learn a few
tricks on your own. Use photoshop, Diptic, or photoshake to edit your pics, or combine a
number of photos into one.
• Make videos - Instagram now has short video capabilities. Use this to make 15 second
videoson your Instagram feed.
• Post photos and short videos of your products - take and post cool photos of your
goods to share with Instagram users.
• Show your products authentically - Show photos of your products as they are used in
real life.
• Show your products creatively - Be cool and creative on this hip mobile site.
Showing Your Stuff
• Show your brand story - post cool photos and videos to show your company’s core
values and brand.
• Show who you are - feature fun photos and videos of your employees. Give your
Instagrammers a behind the scenes look at your company. This makes you look like a
cool company.
• Post fun, authentic videos of your CEO - make your top executives look personable.
Make short, quirky videos of them to post on Instagram. For example, get them show
one thing they like to do when not working, or doing something fun at the office.
• Share exclusive content - Use your Instagram feed to show photos you haven’t
shared on your Facebook, Twitter or blog (and vice versa). This makes your followers
feel special.
Showing Your Stuff
• Launch a product live on Instagram - If you’re launching a new product, taking your
music group on tour, or opening a new store, etc - do it live on Instagram. For example,
the day you launch your product, make a few 15 second videos of you and staff behind the
scenes preparing for the launch, and the actual launch with excited customers. Post this to
• Build pre-launch momentum - If you’re launching a new product through Instagram, be
sure to build excitement. Tease your followers with a 15 second video behind-the-scenes
looks at how you’re preparing for the new product - without giving away exactly what it is.
(Think iconic Steve Jobs marketing.)
• Show your post-launch staff party (or clean up) - Dare to show you and your
employees authentically, by posting a short video of you after a product launch.
Showing Your Stuff
• Partner with other Brands on Instagram - Whether you’re a small one shop business,
or a large multinational, you have relationships with other businesses. If they’re on
Instagram too, partner up, and get them to post your products on their Instagram feed.
• Ask for comments on your photos and videos - If you want more engagement on
your posts, ask for it. Questions open up conversations. Ask your followers what they
think of a new post you made, and more.
• Ask questions about your business or products - Use questions to get your people
talking about your business. For example, ask your Followers if they have used your
product today. Add a unique hashtag and give your consumers a hub to share photos of
how they used your goods with each other.
• Target uses questions, such as asking followers their favourite popsicle flavour. This gets
people talking about products Target sells.
Showing Your Stuff
• Ask questions about lifestyles - Ask a question about lifestyles or how to solve
common problems. For example, if you’re a fashion store - ask what boots your followers
would wear with a new line of jeans you have.
• 37. Use “fill in the blank” posts - Make updates with a sentence followers can
complete. For example, if you sell groceries, create a post with an image of breakfast
cereals. Include a “fill in the blank” post such as “I love starting my day with a bowl of
• This gets people talking about products related to what you sell.
• 38. Use photo caption posts - Another great way to get engagement on your
Instagram posts is through photo caption questions. Take a cool image of your products,
or something related to your brand lifestyle. Ask your followers to have fun by captioning
it. Tip: You can even make aphoto caption contest, to entice engagement in your
followers through a cool prize.
Showing Your Stuff
• Crowdsource photos - Ask followers to submit photos of how they use your product.
This could help your business gain customer insight, and future product development
research. It’s pretty easy to do, but you may need to up the ante. To entice lots of
consumers to give you their photos, run an Instagram photo contest.
Instagram Contests
• Run Instagram hashtag contests - Hashtag contests are the newest and most fun
way to gain user-generated content and engage your followers. Followers simply
upload a photo with your hashtag and submissions are placed into a gallery on
Facebook and your website where they are voted on to choose a winner.
• Run Instagram Contests with cool prizes - When you host an Instagram contest,
make sure your prize provides the right incentive to get your customers entering,
and sharing with their friends, too. The right prize that connects with your market,
can easily make your contest go viral.
• Run Instagram photo contests with voting - Include a voting element in
your Instagram photo contest. This will get your contestants vying for the most
votes. They will spread the word about your contest to their friends, and friends of
Make Use of Mobile
• Geotag your posts - Target your local consumers by using Photo Map to tag where you are
• Bring offline online - Use QR codes to entice your in-store traffic to engage with you instantly
on Instagram, entice them with social coupon promotions.
• Bring offline events online - Are you hosting a live event? Promote a hashtag for attendees to
use to share their photos of it.
• Bring online offline - Host an Instagram meetup to engage in real life with local Instagram
enthusiasts - and potential customers.
Improve Your ROI
• Post consistently - Regardless of your follower count, post consistently. This gets
your brand seen regularly by your followers. They will be more apt to become more
regular customers this way too.
• Determine post frequency - You might need to post 2-3 times a day, or 2-3 times a
week. Monitor your account to determine your post frequency.
• Find your perfect Instagram posting time - Not all brands have the same best
time to post on Instagram. Not all products do either. Use analytic tools to monitor
when your photos are getting liked and commented on. Find out when your hashtags
are being used. Then post your fresh content at these most active times.
Improve Your ROI
• Monitor your Instagram results - use third party analytics, or track your followers,
your hashtag post numbers, your post likes and comments.
• Continuously improve - Based on your content results, keep improving your photo and
video posts. If a particular type of image drives tons of engagement, keep using those
types of posts. If using general hashtags get your posts interacted with a lot, keep
searching for and using general hashtags.
• Keep on top of Instagram trends - Instagram is constantly developing new and
innovative ways to engage on this application. Keep learning to stay knowledgeable
about the coolest ways to connect.
YOUR time…

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Social Media Marketing

  • 2. SME SMO • What is Digitalmarketing • Introduction to SocialMedia marketing • Marketing onSocialMedia  Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Linkedin Digital marketing
  • 3. Whatis Digital Marketing “Digital marketing” is the process of building and maintaining customer relationships through online activities to generate sales and/or capture customers that are searching on the Internet for answers. Marketing isbeing fishers of men, being thesalt of theearth and going out to all the world. John Obidi.
  • 4. Whatis Digital Marketing “Digital marketing” is the process of building and maintaining customer relationships through online activities to generate sales and/or capture customers that are searching on the Internet for answers. Marketing isbeing fishers of men, being thesalt of theearth and going out to all the world. John Obidi.
  • 5. Over traditional marketing *  Puts the consumer in control  Provides convenience  Drives brand loyalty  Reduces the selling cycle  Builds your brand  It is measurable  It is cost effective DigitalMarketingOverview What are the benefits of digital marketing?
  • 6. One way to make sure you are found on the web is with an optimized digital marketing strategy. Most digital marketing strategies and campaigns have 5 objectives: 1. Reach the right audience 2. Engage with your audience 3. Motivate your audience to take action 4. Ensure efficient spending on your campaign 5. Maximize return on investment (ROI) DigitalMarketingOverview What are the benefits of digital marketing?
  • 7. Social media marketing definition Social media is a medium or instrument for communication, like a newspaper or a radio. Social media = a social instrument of communication. DigitalMarketingOverview What are the benefits of social media marketing?
  • 8. Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social media platform available with many advantages associated with it. It is primarily a social networking site, however it can be used as a handy tool for promoting and advertising a business. We can use Facebook to promote a brand, market a company, or create awareness about a service or a product.
  • 9. How to Create a Fan Page!
  • 10. A Facebook fan page is an amazing way to promote your business, build awareness for a cause, and gather support for your brand. If you would like to create a fan page, follow these easy steps: How to Create a Fan Page!  Log in to your Facebook account.
  • 11.  Click on the settings on the top right-hand corner of your page. How to Create a Fan Page!
  • 12. How to Create a Fan Page!  Click on the type of page you would like to create.  Fill in all the information required.
  • 13. How to Create a Fan Page! Click on "get started". Upload a profile picture and click on save photo. Complete the 'about' section and click 'save info'. Now decide whether you want to enable ads or skip (it will be payable if you enable) .
  • 14. What are Facebook Adverts? Facebook ads allow us to promote our business, get more fans to our business page, and drive more leads for our sales team. Facebook ads allow us to advertise a website or content that we manage on Facebook (like a group, page, or event). Lets Create ADS!!!
  • 15. What are Facebook Adverts? To create an ad, go to: And click "create advert".
  • 16. Twitter is another social networking platform that allows registered users to read and write 140-character messages called 'tweets'
  • 17. • Twitter marketing is a powerful tool for companies of every size and structure to reach out to new customers, promote their brand, and connect with the rest of the companies. • Users can find out if customers are talking about them, and the business can accordingly respond. • Tweets create another instance for the business that shows up in the search engine results. • Twitter serves as a solid foundation for your business to branch out into other social sites. • Twitter is a great platform for projecting what your company is doing and accessing a large audience, where your Tweets can promote products and events. What is Twitter Marketing?
  • 18. For Bloggers and Website Owners,
  • 19. Before creating a profile, make sure every element of your profile reflects your business identity and personality. Follow the steps given below to create an account for your business: Create a Twitter Account for Your Business  Sign up/Log In to Twitter or go to Supply all the required information in the lower box on the right side of your screen including your username, email address, and password.  Confirm your account Twitter will send you an email to the email address you provided that will include a link that verifies your account. All you need to do is to click on the link to activate the account.  Make your first connections When you are done with creating your account, the network will suggest people to follow. Twitter will recommend some popular accounts of celebrities to follow. Skip this step if you don’t want to follow an account.
  • 20.  Add profile details Click "edit profile" on the right side of your screen. Upload two different appropriate and suitable photos to your profile and update the basic information that appears in your bio. Try to convey what your business or brand is all about.  Send your first tweet Everything is ready, now you are set to start tweeting! Hit the "Tweet" button and you are off and running with Twitter. Create a Twitter Account for Your Business
  • 21.  Grow your community by adding a follow button in your website and promote your username.  Get noticed with hash tags like #smallbiz etc.  Engage with your followers by collecting feedback to build a better business.  Sync your email contacts with Twitter.  Keep your bio updated with the events or the business campaign you are running.  Embed your best tweets and tweet to people every day.  You can promote your twitter account on any printed material, e.g., business cards.  Follow people who follow you.  Make sure you are engaging with your customers on twitter and not to your product. Create a Twitter Account for Your Business
  • 22. #HASHTAGS The symbol hash tag (#) is used to mark keywords in a tweet. It was originally created by Twitter users. This symbol helps them to categorize the tweets and show them easily when people search for them. Hash tags can occur anywhere in a tweet – middle, end, or at the beginning. If you tweet with a hash tag on a public account, anyone who does a search for that hash tag will find you. A hash tag is a way for people to search for tweets having a common topic. Hash tags allow you to create communities of people interested in the same topic by making it easier to share and find information related to the common topic.
  • 23. Sponsored Tweets and #HASHTAGS Sponsored Tweets Sponsored tweets are advertising platforms that connect companies with tweeters. Sponsored tweets allow brands to tap into a Twitter user's followers to reach out to new customers. By giving companies access to your twitter stream, tweeters are compensated for each advertisement they accept. The only thing tweeters need to do is to write a tweet based on some simple guidelines provided by the advertiser. Sponsored tweets take care of the rest, and will even tweet it out for you. Companies choose twitter followers they like based on a variety of factors, including how many followers you have and how much influence you have over those followers.
  • 24. Twitter Account Promotion Promoted accounts are ad units that enable you to quickly gain followers. Promoted accounts help you build trust and a fan following over time that gets people to see more of your tweets regularly. Once your promoted account is created, you can reach the audience who would most likely be interested in your business and want to follow your account. Promoted accounts are shown in the twitter section of "who to follow", located on the left side of twitter feed. Promoted accounts help introduce a wider variety of accounts that people can enjoy
  • 25. INSTAGRAM Instagram is an online mobile photo sharing, video sharing, and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos. Users can also share on a variety of other social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. A distinctive feature is that Instagram confines photos to a square shape similar to Polaroid images and digitally applies filters. Instagram is also a platform for brands to share their unique points of view. Millions of people use Instagram as a source of inspiration, creative outlet, and find amazing imagery. Brands will have no problems in reaching people who are open to new perspectives. This can be attributed to Instagram’s simple design always putting visuals in the center stage. Because each image or video fills the screen, there is no clutter to the experience. Users are drawn to Instagram because it is a beautiful environment filled with captivating and inspiring content.
  • 27. How to Market on Instagram You can use Instagram to tell a visual story about your brand, instantly engage with your followers wherever they are, and even get very real user-generated content through hashtag photo contests. • Create your Instagram for Business account - It’s easy to make a business account on Instagram. • Make a business username - Use your business name as your username. If it is taken, choose a username that is instantly recognized with your brand. • Complete your profile - Include a cool, branded photo, a short informative bio, and a link to your website. • Connect your account to Facebook - Instagram is owned by Facebook. Connect these two very powerful social media sites to boost your marketing efforts. • Make an Instagram tab on your Facebook page - this enables you to instantly share your Instagram photos to your Facebook Fans.
  • 28. How to Market on Instagram • Create a brand specific strategy - Keep your Instagram content strategy focused on your brand’s unique way of seeing the world. Instagram is a photo (and now video) sharing site. Connect your business with your ‘tribe’ on Instagram in a consistent and particular visual way.
  • 29. Using Hashtags • Use hashtags (#’s) in your updates - Hashtags are a major part of Instagram. It’s a big way of how users can find you through their mobile Instagram searches. Unlike on other sites (such as Twitter), you’re not limited by character count. Include a few tags (but not too many - or you’ll look desperate) in your posts to get connected. • Use brand specific hashtags’s - Include your business name in some of your post hashtags. Also, use unique tags for particular marketing campaigns you run. For example, if you’re hosting a photo contest on Instagram, make a unique tag just for that campaign. This tactic both promotes your contest, and it gives your consumers a distinct tag to connect with others participants (so they can see their competition!). Here’s how Dry Soda uses a brand specific hashtag, #fridayDRYday to engage Their community, and show off fan photos of the week.
  • 30. Using Hashtags • Use general hashtags’s - Include general tags on your posts, to be found for your products or lifestyle posts. For example, if your business is a coffee shop, and you post an image of your scrumptious latte, include tags like #latte or even #coffee. • Use trending hashtags - Trends on Instagram can happen at lightning speed - and they are often even quicker to go. If you spot a trend, and it fits with your brand, use it. Your post could literally be seen by thousands of interested consumers in a matter a minutes. • Run an Instagram Hashtag Contest - A hashtag contest allows your fans and followers to upload photos under a certain hashtag. All submissions are then displayed in a voting gallery on you Facebook Page, website, etc. • Monitor your brand hashtags - Your consumers are using your tags to connect with you. Be sure to keep checking your Instagram hashtags’s, just like you would your Facebook Page and Twitter mentions. Respond to comments and concerns quickly, and you’ll build happy customer relationships.
  • 31. Focusing on Your Customers • Make your followers famous - Share followers photos on your social sites. Show your customers you appreciate them by acknowledging their cool photos, and share them with your Facebook fan or Twitter followers. NOTE: be sure to ask permission to use their photo first! • Starbucks is one of the top 3 brands on Instagram. They use this tactic frequently. Every few weeks they show appreciation for one their followers, by giving a shout out to cool image makers. The images include their products. They take it one step further by updating their Facebook covers, using the Instagram photos. Their fans love it. • Embed followers’ photos - Instagram now enables you to embed Instagram photos on your website and other sites. Use this, like Starbucks, to show cool images of your brand and product from your Instagram followers by embedding the entire post. Make sure you tell them you’re showcasing their image, to make them feel appreciated, and to get their permission to use it.
  • 32. Focusing on Your Customers • Like your Follower’s photos - Acknowledge your customers’ awesomeness by liking their photos - particularly if they include your product, or emulate your brand. • Comment on Followers’ photos - Engage with your consumers by commenting on cool product related photos they post. • Respond to comments on all your posts - If someone comments on your posts, respond to them. This is particularly true when then comment is a question, or even something negative about your brand. • @mention your customers - @mentioning is another huge part of Instagram. @mention your followers, your customers, and any other user with great photos of your products. You show appreciation for them, and you get to engage with your market. • @mention celebrities and other related industry leaders - If your images are about celebs - let them know. They may just appreciate it enough to share it with their followers! • 20. Focus on engaging your customer - Post images with your customer in mind. Post about more than your product. Make your business Instagram about lifestyle, and authentically connecting with your customers.
  • 33. Showing Your Stuff • Be creative with your photos - Use filters to enhance your photos. Use cool angles, lighting and other photography tricks - whether you hire a photographer, or learn a few tricks on your own. Use photoshop, Diptic, or photoshake to edit your pics, or combine a number of photos into one. • Make videos - Instagram now has short video capabilities. Use this to make 15 second videoson your Instagram feed. • Post photos and short videos of your products - take and post cool photos of your goods to share with Instagram users. • Show your products authentically - Show photos of your products as they are used in real life. • Show your products creatively - Be cool and creative on this hip mobile site.
  • 34. Showing Your Stuff • Show your brand story - post cool photos and videos to show your company’s core values and brand. • Show who you are - feature fun photos and videos of your employees. Give your Instagrammers a behind the scenes look at your company. This makes you look like a cool company. • Post fun, authentic videos of your CEO - make your top executives look personable. Make short, quirky videos of them to post on Instagram. For example, get them show one thing they like to do when not working, or doing something fun at the office. • Share exclusive content - Use your Instagram feed to show photos you haven’t shared on your Facebook, Twitter or blog (and vice versa). This makes your followers feel special.
  • 35. Showing Your Stuff • Launch a product live on Instagram - If you’re launching a new product, taking your music group on tour, or opening a new store, etc - do it live on Instagram. For example, the day you launch your product, make a few 15 second videos of you and staff behind the scenes preparing for the launch, and the actual launch with excited customers. Post this to Instagram. • Build pre-launch momentum - If you’re launching a new product through Instagram, be sure to build excitement. Tease your followers with a 15 second video behind-the-scenes looks at how you’re preparing for the new product - without giving away exactly what it is. (Think iconic Steve Jobs marketing.) • Show your post-launch staff party (or clean up) - Dare to show you and your employees authentically, by posting a short video of you after a product launch.
  • 36. Showing Your Stuff • Partner with other Brands on Instagram - Whether you’re a small one shop business, or a large multinational, you have relationships with other businesses. If they’re on Instagram too, partner up, and get them to post your products on their Instagram feed. • Ask for comments on your photos and videos - If you want more engagement on your posts, ask for it. Questions open up conversations. Ask your followers what they think of a new post you made, and more. • Ask questions about your business or products - Use questions to get your people talking about your business. For example, ask your Followers if they have used your product today. Add a unique hashtag and give your consumers a hub to share photos of how they used your goods with each other. • Target uses questions, such as asking followers their favourite popsicle flavour. This gets people talking about products Target sells.
  • 37. Showing Your Stuff • Ask questions about lifestyles - Ask a question about lifestyles or how to solve common problems. For example, if you’re a fashion store - ask what boots your followers would wear with a new line of jeans you have. • 37. Use “fill in the blank” posts - Make updates with a sentence followers can complete. For example, if you sell groceries, create a post with an image of breakfast cereals. Include a “fill in the blank” post such as “I love starting my day with a bowl of ______”. • This gets people talking about products related to what you sell. • 38. Use photo caption posts - Another great way to get engagement on your Instagram posts is through photo caption questions. Take a cool image of your products, or something related to your brand lifestyle. Ask your followers to have fun by captioning it. Tip: You can even make aphoto caption contest, to entice engagement in your followers through a cool prize.
  • 38. Showing Your Stuff • Crowdsource photos - Ask followers to submit photos of how they use your product. This could help your business gain customer insight, and future product development research. It’s pretty easy to do, but you may need to up the ante. To entice lots of consumers to give you their photos, run an Instagram photo contest.
  • 39. Instagram Contests • Run Instagram hashtag contests - Hashtag contests are the newest and most fun way to gain user-generated content and engage your followers. Followers simply upload a photo with your hashtag and submissions are placed into a gallery on Facebook and your website where they are voted on to choose a winner. • Run Instagram Contests with cool prizes - When you host an Instagram contest, make sure your prize provides the right incentive to get your customers entering, and sharing with their friends, too. The right prize that connects with your market, can easily make your contest go viral. • Run Instagram photo contests with voting - Include a voting element in your Instagram photo contest. This will get your contestants vying for the most votes. They will spread the word about your contest to their friends, and friends of friends.
  • 40. Make Use of Mobile • Geotag your posts - Target your local consumers by using Photo Map to tag where you are • Bring offline online - Use QR codes to entice your in-store traffic to engage with you instantly on Instagram, entice them with social coupon promotions. • Bring offline events online - Are you hosting a live event? Promote a hashtag for attendees to use to share their photos of it. • Bring online offline - Host an Instagram meetup to engage in real life with local Instagram enthusiasts - and potential customers.
  • 41. Improve Your ROI • Post consistently - Regardless of your follower count, post consistently. This gets your brand seen regularly by your followers. They will be more apt to become more regular customers this way too. • Determine post frequency - You might need to post 2-3 times a day, or 2-3 times a week. Monitor your account to determine your post frequency. • Find your perfect Instagram posting time - Not all brands have the same best time to post on Instagram. Not all products do either. Use analytic tools to monitor when your photos are getting liked and commented on. Find out when your hashtags are being used. Then post your fresh content at these most active times.
  • 42. Improve Your ROI • Monitor your Instagram results - use third party analytics, or track your followers, your hashtag post numbers, your post likes and comments. • Continuously improve - Based on your content results, keep improving your photo and video posts. If a particular type of image drives tons of engagement, keep using those types of posts. If using general hashtags get your posts interacted with a lot, keep searching for and using general hashtags. • Keep on top of Instagram trends - Instagram is constantly developing new and innovative ways to engage on this application. Keep learning to stay knowledgeable about the coolest ways to connect.