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M E D I A M A R K E T I N G F O R B U S I N E S S ’ S
• Twitter is where people come to discover what’s happening.
• With over 500 millionTweets being sent each day, hundreds of millions of people are exploring links,
articles, Retweets,Trends, and Moments to find out more about what’s new.
• Whether you’re a CEO strengthening your personal brand, a retailer promoting new products, a
mobile app company hoping to get downloads, or just a hustler who wants more followers and likes
- Twitter’s unique discovery mindset allows businesses and brands to connect with a relevant,
engaged audience.
• If you run a small business and aren't usingTwitter, you're missing out on a great opportunity.
• Research shows that around 47 percent of people who follow a brand on Twitter are more likely to
visit that company's website.Three-quarter of companies with an online presence are now
usingTwitter for marketing purposes
• Twitter Followers Can HelpYour Brand
– Just being onTwitter shows you're part of the conversation
among savvy consumers who expect to be able to hold a
dialogue with companies they patronize. Decide what kind
ofTwitter account you want to have: will you respond to
customer complaints 24/7?Will you create a "voice" that
engages with followers in a humorous or fun way? Or will
yourTwitter feed be more of a broadcasting platform,
where you push out company messages and promote
– Your feed can even be a combination of these three
versions. But once you decide on a style, try to stick with it
if possible.
– Assuming your potential and existing customers are on
Twitter, you can instantly let them know your news,
whether it's an announcement or a new product, a special
deal, or an upcoming event they may be interested in.
– But be advised that you'll get out of Twitter what you put
into it. It's not very engaging (or social) to just blast out
one-way messages. If that's your goal, you may want to
exploreTwitter's advertising tools.
• UsingTwitter for networking
– Being onTwitter will give you opportunities to interact with
people you would never get the chance to talk to otherwise.And
some of those people might be the very business contacts you've
been seeking, people you want to start projects with, source
product from or even hire.
– By participating inTwitter (that is, using it to communicate with
others, rather than just spamming product announcements) you
can present and develop the kind of image that attracts your
potential customers, and refine your brand. (Remember;
communication is a two-way thing.)
• UsingTwitter to Monitor Conversations and
– Twitter lets you hear what other people are saying. UsingTwitter
Search, you can find out what people are saying about a
particular topic, enabling you to keep your ear to the ground
about your company and the competition.
– If you're onTwitter, chances are your competitors are too, and
are keeping tabs on you.That's just one more reason to have a
solid strategy behind your tweets.
• Engaging with Customers onTwitter
– Posting information about your products and/or services is the obvious use. But Twitter also gives
you another channel for listening to and finding out about your customers – what they like or dislike
about your company, how they feel about your brand, what suggestions they have for improvement,
what their favorite products are and why... all kinds of nuggets that you can use to make your
business more successful.
– Twitter can provide your small business with another channel to inform and engage your current
and potential customers – and every opportunity to do that is worth exploring.
– You will want to make sure, though, that you're usingTwitter properly to promote your business, so
you don't get seen as a spammer and damage your small business's reputation. Be engaging, and have
a personality that becomes a part of your overall brand.
Here are some ways you can leverageTwitter:
• Discover what’s happening right now
Twitter gives you access to what’s going on in your industry, community, and around the world at that
very moment. UseTwitter search to listen to the relevant conversations that are happening and jump in
where you can add value.
• Grow your brand awareness
Increase your impact by usingTwitter to regularly communicate with your followers and attract new
followers. Extend your reach even further with Twitter Ads.
• Provide timely customer service
People often talk about the products they use on Twitter, so it’s a natural place to provide customer
service. In fact, 85% of SMBTwitter users said that it's important that businesses provide customer
support on Twitter. UseTwitter's customer service features to quickly and easily respond to people.That
will help you develop a good reputation and strong relationships with customers.
• Connect with potential customers, brand advocates, and influencers
Twitter allows you to follow and interact with people outside of your personal network and discover new
circles that you never knew existed. UseTwitter to join, or even start, discussions with influencers and
industry experts to raise your profile and build valuable connections.
TWITTER PROFILEYour profile shows the world who you are, and first impressions count.
Each element should showcase your best content and accurately reflect
your message.
• 1. Your Twitter @name
• Your @name is your unique identifier on Twitter. It can contain up to
15 characters and should help people easily find your business. Your
name (which you can change as you please) appears above your @name
(which is permanent).
• 2. Your profile photo
• Choose a profile photo that visually represents your business or brand
and fits well in a small space. This image isn’t just on your profile page; it
is the icon in every Tweet you post.
• 3. Your bio
• You have 160 characters to let people know what makes your account
special, and why they should follow you. Include useful information,
such as what you tend to Tweet about, your location or business hours,
and a link to your website. Use a unique link, so you can track visitors
to your site from Twitter.
• 4. Your header image
• Consider this your billboard. You can use event photos, feature
products, use a graphic with text, or highlight your work and team.
Swap out this image periodically to spotlight promotions, events,
product news, or just keep things fresh.
• 5. Your pinned Tweet
• Keep an important Tweet at the top of your timeline by pinning it
there. Click on the “more” option on the Tweet you want to pin and
select “Pin to your profile page.” Use this feature to make sure visitors
to your profile can’t miss your biggest, latest news
• Twitter profile specifications
– The recommended image size for your profile pic is 400x400 pixels; the image will be resized to fit.
– The recommended size for a Twitter header image is 1500x500 pixels. On mobile, it’ll be cropped to
a 2:1 aspect ratio.
– Use a GIF or PNG file for vector-based and line art images.
– For photos, upload a JPG or PNG file.
• The value of a Twitter follower :When someone follows you on Twitter, they not only opt in to see your
Tweets — they also take actions that provide value to your business.
Five steps to get started:
1. Promote your username everywhere! Add a follow button to your website, include a link to your Twitter
profile in your email signature, and promote it on offline collateral such as business cards, or store signage.
2. Tap into your existing customer base. Upload your email contacts and let your customers know you’re
ready to have a conversation by following them on Twitter.
3. Search keywords and hashtags that relate to your industry and audience. Use them to enter into
conversations and get noticed, and follow influencers who can help spread the word about your business.
4. Bring your offline advocates online.Ask your employees to follow you and Retweet your content. If you
partner with other businesses, arrange to promote each other’s handles.
5. Ask for Retweets.When someone Retweets your content, they’re sharing your business with their networks
and your reach grows exponentially. Be direct, and ask your followers for their support.Try an incentive:You
can offer to release an exclusive coupon code or offer if a Tweet reaches a certain number of Retweets.
• Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time.
• There’s no right or wrong number of times you shouldTweet each day, or when. Instead, focus
on creating a regular cadence of content that’s relevant to your target audience and authentic
to your business.
• five best practices to help you createTweets that spark conversations and keep your audience
1. Keep it short
A concise Tweet makes an impact. Keep each
Tweet focused on one specific message rather
than trying to communicate multiple things.
You can include a link to a blog post or website
if you have a longer message to convey.
2. Use visuals in your Tweets
Adding a bold image, video, or GIF to your Tweets
adds a touch of personality, and leads to higher
Tweet engagement rates. In fact, people are three
times more likely to engage with Tweets that contain
videos and photos.* Can’t decide which photo to
use? You can attach up to four photos to a single
3. Incorporate relevant hashtags
Hashtags are a powerful tool that allow you to expand your reach and
tap into relevant conversations. Focus on keywords that are relevant to
your business.
• Best practices recommend using no more than two hashtags per
• One simple way to incorporate hashtags is by identifying popular
events to which you can link your business in an authentic way.
* Remember, these can be everyday, personal events like meals or
commutes, as well as wider cultural events, like Valentine’s Day or
Chinese New Year.
4. Ask questions and run polls
Asking questions is an effective way to interact with
your audience, bring readers into the conversation,
and understand people’s opinions. Tweet open-
ended questions or use Twitter polls to survey on
specific responses.
5. Curate and connect with Retweets and replies
Retweeting relevant content and replying toTweets are great ways to
maintain a robustTwitter presence. Positive customer feedback, helpful
articles, and messages that align with your business’s authentic voice are
all impactful content to Retweet.When in doubt, remember this rule of
thumb: your Retweets reflect back on your business and should align
with your purpose and values.
People love to talk to businesses directly on Twitter. Be responsive to
any questions, comments, and criticisms that come your way.To avoid
long exchanges, switch to Direct Messages to resolve any complex
issues.You can now include a deep link in aTweet that displays a ‘Send a
private message’ call-to-action button to enable customers to send you
a Direct Message.
• A lot of brands makes the mistake of
adding irrelevant information in their
profiles. Information that gives zero clarity
about their business. So instead of adding
random motivational quotes in your bio,
use it to describe the purpose of your
business in a few words.
• Mixing personal and business account
• Lack of consistency on twitter
• Not responding to customer feedbacks
and messages in time
• When a Tweet is created with a standardized deep link to create a Direct
Message,Twitter will turn that simple URL into a link with a clear call to action
that guides a user straight into composing a new Direct Message.
• Using this new feature is easy. It requires that your Twitter account settings are
set to “Receive Direct Messages from Anyone” (Settings > Security and Privacy >
Privacy), and that you include a link in your Tweet using the following format.{your account’s numeric user ID}
• Twitters has an API with features to enable developers to build better-personalized customer
experiences at scale as well as other innovative interactions.
• Developers can access to endpoints to start conversations with a welcome message, publish
messages with quick replies and media, and more.
Get feedback
• After your business has a customer service interaction with someone on
Twitter, you may want to ask them how it went.With Customer Feedback
Cards, you can easily prompt them to leave feedback.
• Customer Feedback Cards allows users to share their opinion with
businesses after a service interaction.
• Approved businesses can create Customer Feedback Cards questions and
collect customer responses using one of the services in our ecosystem of
customer service solutions.
Personal Accounts
Brands / Companies / Causes
• Whether you're launching a product, promoting your brand story, or
jumping into discussions about what matters most,Twitter Ads help
you reach your goals.
• Expand your influence
– With Twitter Ads, you can get more likes, amplify your message, and get
more people talking about the things that matter to you most — your
cause, project, business, or brand.
• Connect with new audiences
– People onTwitter are looking for what’s new — for great content and
stories from the people, businesses, and brands they’re interested in.
Help them discover you.
• Control your budget
– There’s no minimum budget required forTwitter Ads. Pay only for the
specific results you need, such as new account followers or sending
traffic to your website.
Getting started with
Twitter Ad’s
Launch campaigns and tailor ads based on
your business goals and what's happening
with your brand right now
A bid represents how much you’re willing to pay for the billable action(s) for the
objective you’ve selected.
When your campaign starts, it enters theTwitter Ads auction.There it will
compete against other advertisers targeting the same audience.
The ad will serve based on factors including the relevance of your ads to your
targeted audience and the bid you've set.The advertiser with the higher bid
generally has a greater chance of winning the auction and having their ad serve.
In addition to your bid you can set a campaign budget for the total amount you’d
like to spend.
The price you’ll pay per billable action is not a fixed rate — our ads serve using
an auction system, where all advertisers bid on available ad space for the audience
they want to reach.
How much you will pay in your campaigns will depend on factors including:
• How engaging your ad is
The size of the audience you’ve targeted
• How many other advertisers are also targeting that particular audience
• How much you bid
In general, audiences in high demand will require higher bids to serve
Whether you’re a small business or large brand,Twitter Ads
campaigns can be customized to accommodate any budget.
There is no minimum spend required forTwitter Ads, and
you always have complete control over how much you’d
like your campaigns to spend.
Billable actions
What you will be charged for depends on the campaign
objective you choose. Each campaign objective has a
different billable action, and you’re only charged when that
action occurs. In other words, billable actions are what
you're charged for.
For example, when you choose theWebsite clicks and
conversions objective you will only be charged when
someone clicks a link to your website.A link click is the
billable action of theWebsite clicks and conversions
campaign objective.
➢ Awareness: Promote your Tweets to maximize their reach. Pay
for: Impressions (cost per 1,000 tweet impressions)
➢ Tweet engagements: Put your content in front of the right
audience who will likely start a conversation. Pay for:Tweet
engagements (cost per engagement)
➢ Video views: Maximize the viewership of your video content.
Pay for: video views (cost per view)
➢ Followers: Grow your followers onTwitter. Pay for: follows
(cost per follow)
➢ Website clicks and conversions: Promote your website and get
more traffic. Pay for: link clicks and website card clicks (cost per click)
➢ App install or re-engagement: Promote your app and get more
downloads. Pay for: app installs or app clicks (cost per app click or cost
per install)
➢ In-stream video views: Put your video content in front of highly
relevant publisher content as pre-roll videos. Pay for: In-stream video
views (cost per in-stream video view)
➢ Quick Promote: Don't have time to run an objective based campaign?
Quick Promote offers a solution.
Decide what you want your campaign to achieve. Each of our campaign objectives are
specialized to drive the type of engagement you want, and you will only be charged when a user
takes that action.
Twitter analytics provides a wealth of information that can help
you create meaningfulTweets that will resonate with your target
Audience insights
• Want to know what your followers are interested in, their
professions, and what they’re purchasing? Look no further
than the audience insights dashboard.
Comparison data
• All the information available on your followers is also
available for all of Twitter, as well as select audience groups.
You can compare your followers with different personas,
demographics, interests and consumer behaviors to see how
your brand measures up.
Tweet impressions
• Under theTweets section, you can find a list of all your
Tweets and the number of impressions.You can see individual
Tweet performance, as well as recent months or a 28-day
overview of cumulative impressions. Capitalize on this
information by repurposingTweets that gained the most
impressions, or creatingTweets on a similar subject.
Tweet engagements and engagement rate
• Similar to impressions, theTweets section also shows yourTweets
engagement, or the number of interactions yourTweet has received, as
well as the engagement rate, which is engagements divided by
impressions. If yourTweets are receiving little engagement, you may want
to rethink your subject matter and format, for instance, you may want to
add photo or video to your content mix, which tends to generate more
Follower growth
• In the followers dashboard, you can track how your following has
increased over the last 30 days, and also how many new followers you’ve
received per day. If you notice a particular day has either gained or lost
you several followers, be sure to check what youTweeted that day to try
and determine the cause.You can also consider running a Followers
campaign to gain engaged new followers.
Event and trending topic data
• Discover upcoming holidays, events, and recurring trends, and find out
who’sTweeting about them.This is great way to find potential new
content ideas, and conversations to join in on.
Video content performance
• If you’re using video as part of your content strategy, you can track your
video views, as well see a bigger picture of how people are responding
to your videos. For instance, are they watching it to completion?
• It is a social media dashboard
application for management of Twitter
accounts. Originally an independent
app,TweetDeck was subsequently
acquired by Twitter Inc. and integrated
into Twitter's interface.
• It offers a more convenient Twitter
experience by letting you view
multiple timelines in one easy
• It includes a host of advanced features
to help get the most of Twitter:
Manage multipleTwitter accounts,
scheduleTweets for posting in the
future, buildTweet collections, and
more. More onTweet deck here
Social media marketing - Part 7 Twitter

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Social media marketing - Part 7 Twitter

  • 3. INTRO • Twitter is where people come to discover what’s happening. • With over 500 millionTweets being sent each day, hundreds of millions of people are exploring links, articles, Retweets,Trends, and Moments to find out more about what’s new. • Whether you’re a CEO strengthening your personal brand, a retailer promoting new products, a mobile app company hoping to get downloads, or just a hustler who wants more followers and likes - Twitter’s unique discovery mindset allows businesses and brands to connect with a relevant, engaged audience. • If you run a small business and aren't usingTwitter, you're missing out on a great opportunity. • Research shows that around 47 percent of people who follow a brand on Twitter are more likely to visit that company's website.Three-quarter of companies with an online presence are now usingTwitter for marketing purposes
  • 4. • Twitter Followers Can HelpYour Brand – Just being onTwitter shows you're part of the conversation among savvy consumers who expect to be able to hold a dialogue with companies they patronize. Decide what kind ofTwitter account you want to have: will you respond to customer complaints 24/7?Will you create a "voice" that engages with followers in a humorous or fun way? Or will yourTwitter feed be more of a broadcasting platform, where you push out company messages and promote products? – Your feed can even be a combination of these three versions. But once you decide on a style, try to stick with it if possible. – Assuming your potential and existing customers are on Twitter, you can instantly let them know your news, whether it's an announcement or a new product, a special deal, or an upcoming event they may be interested in. – But be advised that you'll get out of Twitter what you put into it. It's not very engaging (or social) to just blast out one-way messages. If that's your goal, you may want to exploreTwitter's advertising tools. • UsingTwitter for networking – Being onTwitter will give you opportunities to interact with people you would never get the chance to talk to otherwise.And some of those people might be the very business contacts you've been seeking, people you want to start projects with, source product from or even hire. – By participating inTwitter (that is, using it to communicate with others, rather than just spamming product announcements) you can present and develop the kind of image that attracts your potential customers, and refine your brand. (Remember; communication is a two-way thing.) • UsingTwitter to Monitor Conversations and Competitors – Twitter lets you hear what other people are saying. UsingTwitter Search, you can find out what people are saying about a particular topic, enabling you to keep your ear to the ground about your company and the competition. – If you're onTwitter, chances are your competitors are too, and are keeping tabs on you.That's just one more reason to have a solid strategy behind your tweets.
  • 5. • Engaging with Customers onTwitter – Posting information about your products and/or services is the obvious use. But Twitter also gives you another channel for listening to and finding out about your customers – what they like or dislike about your company, how they feel about your brand, what suggestions they have for improvement, what their favorite products are and why... all kinds of nuggets that you can use to make your business more successful. – Twitter can provide your small business with another channel to inform and engage your current and potential customers – and every opportunity to do that is worth exploring. – You will want to make sure, though, that you're usingTwitter properly to promote your business, so you don't get seen as a spammer and damage your small business's reputation. Be engaging, and have a personality that becomes a part of your overall brand.
  • 6. HOW TO MAKE USE OF TWITTER Here are some ways you can leverageTwitter: • Discover what’s happening right now Twitter gives you access to what’s going on in your industry, community, and around the world at that very moment. UseTwitter search to listen to the relevant conversations that are happening and jump in where you can add value. • Grow your brand awareness Increase your impact by usingTwitter to regularly communicate with your followers and attract new followers. Extend your reach even further with Twitter Ads. • Provide timely customer service People often talk about the products they use on Twitter, so it’s a natural place to provide customer service. In fact, 85% of SMBTwitter users said that it's important that businesses provide customer support on Twitter. UseTwitter's customer service features to quickly and easily respond to people.That will help you develop a good reputation and strong relationships with customers. • Connect with potential customers, brand advocates, and influencers Twitter allows you to follow and interact with people outside of your personal network and discover new circles that you never knew existed. UseTwitter to join, or even start, discussions with influencers and industry experts to raise your profile and build valuable connections.
  • 8. TWITTER PROFILEYour profile shows the world who you are, and first impressions count. Each element should showcase your best content and accurately reflect your message. • 1. Your Twitter @name • Your @name is your unique identifier on Twitter. It can contain up to 15 characters and should help people easily find your business. Your name (which you can change as you please) appears above your @name (which is permanent). • 2. Your profile photo • Choose a profile photo that visually represents your business or brand and fits well in a small space. This image isn’t just on your profile page; it is the icon in every Tweet you post. • 3. Your bio • You have 160 characters to let people know what makes your account special, and why they should follow you. Include useful information, such as what you tend to Tweet about, your location or business hours, and a link to your website. Use a unique link, so you can track visitors to your site from Twitter. • 4. Your header image • Consider this your billboard. You can use event photos, feature products, use a graphic with text, or highlight your work and team. Swap out this image periodically to spotlight promotions, events, product news, or just keep things fresh. • 5. Your pinned Tweet • Keep an important Tweet at the top of your timeline by pinning it there. Click on the “more” option on the Tweet you want to pin and select “Pin to your profile page.” Use this feature to make sure visitors to your profile can’t miss your biggest, latest news
  • 9. • Twitter profile specifications – The recommended image size for your profile pic is 400x400 pixels; the image will be resized to fit. – The recommended size for a Twitter header image is 1500x500 pixels. On mobile, it’ll be cropped to a 2:1 aspect ratio. – Use a GIF or PNG file for vector-based and line art images. – For photos, upload a JPG or PNG file.
  • 10. TWITTER FOLLOWERS • The value of a Twitter follower :When someone follows you on Twitter, they not only opt in to see your Tweets — they also take actions that provide value to your business. Five steps to get started: 1. Promote your username everywhere! Add a follow button to your website, include a link to your Twitter profile in your email signature, and promote it on offline collateral such as business cards, or store signage. 2. Tap into your existing customer base. Upload your email contacts and let your customers know you’re ready to have a conversation by following them on Twitter. 3. Search keywords and hashtags that relate to your industry and audience. Use them to enter into conversations and get noticed, and follow influencers who can help spread the word about your business. 4. Bring your offline advocates online.Ask your employees to follow you and Retweet your content. If you partner with other businesses, arrange to promote each other’s handles. 5. Ask for Retweets.When someone Retweets your content, they’re sharing your business with their networks and your reach grows exponentially. Be direct, and ask your followers for their support.Try an incentive:You can offer to release an exclusive coupon code or offer if a Tweet reaches a certain number of Retweets.
  • 11. WHAT TO TWEET • Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time. • There’s no right or wrong number of times you shouldTweet each day, or when. Instead, focus on creating a regular cadence of content that’s relevant to your target audience and authentic to your business. • five best practices to help you createTweets that spark conversations and keep your audience engaged.
  • 12. 1. Keep it short A concise Tweet makes an impact. Keep each Tweet focused on one specific message rather than trying to communicate multiple things. You can include a link to a blog post or website if you have a longer message to convey. 2. Use visuals in your Tweets Adding a bold image, video, or GIF to your Tweets adds a touch of personality, and leads to higher Tweet engagement rates. In fact, people are three times more likely to engage with Tweets that contain videos and photos.* Can’t decide which photo to use? You can attach up to four photos to a single Tweet.
  • 13. 3. Incorporate relevant hashtags Hashtags are a powerful tool that allow you to expand your reach and tap into relevant conversations. Focus on keywords that are relevant to your business. • Best practices recommend using no more than two hashtags per Tweet. • One simple way to incorporate hashtags is by identifying popular events to which you can link your business in an authentic way. * Remember, these can be everyday, personal events like meals or commutes, as well as wider cultural events, like Valentine’s Day or Chinese New Year. 4. Ask questions and run polls Asking questions is an effective way to interact with your audience, bring readers into the conversation, and understand people’s opinions. Tweet open- ended questions or use Twitter polls to survey on specific responses.
  • 14. 5. Curate and connect with Retweets and replies Retweeting relevant content and replying toTweets are great ways to maintain a robustTwitter presence. Positive customer feedback, helpful articles, and messages that align with your business’s authentic voice are all impactful content to Retweet.When in doubt, remember this rule of thumb: your Retweets reflect back on your business and should align with your purpose and values. People love to talk to businesses directly on Twitter. Be responsive to any questions, comments, and criticisms that come your way.To avoid long exchanges, switch to Direct Messages to resolve any complex issues.You can now include a deep link in aTweet that displays a ‘Send a private message’ call-to-action button to enable customers to send you a Direct Message.
  • 15. COMMON MISTAKES • A lot of brands makes the mistake of adding irrelevant information in their profiles. Information that gives zero clarity about their business. So instead of adding random motivational quotes in your bio, use it to describe the purpose of your business in a few words. • Mixing personal and business account usages • Lack of consistency on twitter interactions • Not responding to customer feedbacks and messages in time
  • 16. CONNECT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS ON TWITTER – ADVANCED FEATURES • When a Tweet is created with a standardized deep link to create a Direct Message,Twitter will turn that simple URL into a link with a clear call to action that guides a user straight into composing a new Direct Message. • Using this new feature is easy. It requires that your Twitter account settings are set to “Receive Direct Messages from Anyone” (Settings > Security and Privacy > Privacy), and that you include a link in your Tweet using the following format.{your account’s numeric user ID}
  • 17. CONNECT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS ON TWITTER – ADVANCED FEATURES • Twitters has an API with features to enable developers to build better-personalized customer experiences at scale as well as other innovative interactions. • Developers can access to endpoints to start conversations with a welcome message, publish messages with quick replies and media, and more.
  • 18. CONNECT WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS ON TWITTER – BEST PRACTICES Get feedback • After your business has a customer service interaction with someone on Twitter, you may want to ask them how it went.With Customer Feedback Cards, you can easily prompt them to leave feedback. • Customer Feedback Cards allows users to share their opinion with businesses after a service interaction. • Approved businesses can create Customer Feedback Cards questions and collect customer responses using one of the services in our ecosystem of customer service solutions.
  • 19. EXAMPLES OF TWITTER ACCOUNTS IN ETHIOPIA Personal Accounts • • • • • • • • • Brands / Companies / Causes • • • • • • • •
  • 20. PAID AD’S • Whether you're launching a product, promoting your brand story, or jumping into discussions about what matters most,Twitter Ads help you reach your goals. • Expand your influence – With Twitter Ads, you can get more likes, amplify your message, and get more people talking about the things that matter to you most — your cause, project, business, or brand. • Connect with new audiences – People onTwitter are looking for what’s new — for great content and stories from the people, businesses, and brands they’re interested in. Help them discover you. • Control your budget – There’s no minimum budget required forTwitter Ads. Pay only for the specific results you need, such as new account followers or sending traffic to your website.
  • 21.
  • 22. Getting started with Twitter Ad’s Launch campaigns and tailor ads based on your business goals and what's happening with your brand right now
  • 23. TWITTER ADS PRICING Bids A bid represents how much you’re willing to pay for the billable action(s) for the objective you’ve selected. When your campaign starts, it enters theTwitter Ads auction.There it will compete against other advertisers targeting the same audience. The ad will serve based on factors including the relevance of your ads to your targeted audience and the bid you've set.The advertiser with the higher bid generally has a greater chance of winning the auction and having their ad serve. In addition to your bid you can set a campaign budget for the total amount you’d like to spend. Auctions The price you’ll pay per billable action is not a fixed rate — our ads serve using an auction system, where all advertisers bid on available ad space for the audience they want to reach. How much you will pay in your campaigns will depend on factors including: • How engaging your ad is The size of the audience you’ve targeted • How many other advertisers are also targeting that particular audience • How much you bid In general, audiences in high demand will require higher bids to serve Whether you’re a small business or large brand,Twitter Ads campaigns can be customized to accommodate any budget. There is no minimum spend required forTwitter Ads, and you always have complete control over how much you’d like your campaigns to spend. Billable actions What you will be charged for depends on the campaign objective you choose. Each campaign objective has a different billable action, and you’re only charged when that action occurs. In other words, billable actions are what you're charged for. For example, when you choose theWebsite clicks and conversions objective you will only be charged when someone clicks a link to your website.A link click is the billable action of theWebsite clicks and conversions campaign objective.
  • 24. TWITTER AD’S CAMPAIGN ➢ Awareness: Promote your Tweets to maximize their reach. Pay for: Impressions (cost per 1,000 tweet impressions) awareness-campaign.html ➢ Tweet engagements: Put your content in front of the right audience who will likely start a conversation. Pay for:Tweet engagements (cost per engagement) engagement-campaign.html ➢ Video views: Maximize the viewership of your video content. Pay for: video views (cost per view) campaign.html ➢ Followers: Grow your followers onTwitter. Pay for: follows (cost per follow) campaign.html ➢ Website clicks and conversions: Promote your website and get more traffic. Pay for: link clicks and website card clicks (cost per click) campaign.html ➢ App install or re-engagement: Promote your app and get more downloads. Pay for: app installs or app clicks (cost per app click or cost per install) installs-or-app-engagement-campaign.html ➢ In-stream video views: Put your video content in front of highly relevant publisher content as pre-roll videos. Pay for: In-stream video views (cost per in-stream video view) app-engagement-campaign.html ➢ Quick Promote: Don't have time to run an objective based campaign? Quick Promote offers a solution. app-engagement-campaign.html Objective Decide what you want your campaign to achieve. Each of our campaign objectives are specialized to drive the type of engagement you want, and you will only be charged when a user takes that action.
  • 25. TWITTER ANALYTICS Twitter analytics provides a wealth of information that can help you create meaningfulTweets that will resonate with your target audience. Audience insights • Want to know what your followers are interested in, their professions, and what they’re purchasing? Look no further than the audience insights dashboard. Comparison data • All the information available on your followers is also available for all of Twitter, as well as select audience groups. You can compare your followers with different personas, demographics, interests and consumer behaviors to see how your brand measures up. Tweet impressions • Under theTweets section, you can find a list of all your Tweets and the number of impressions.You can see individual Tweet performance, as well as recent months or a 28-day overview of cumulative impressions. Capitalize on this information by repurposingTweets that gained the most impressions, or creatingTweets on a similar subject. Tweet engagements and engagement rate • Similar to impressions, theTweets section also shows yourTweets engagement, or the number of interactions yourTweet has received, as well as the engagement rate, which is engagements divided by impressions. If yourTweets are receiving little engagement, you may want to rethink your subject matter and format, for instance, you may want to add photo or video to your content mix, which tends to generate more engagement. Follower growth • In the followers dashboard, you can track how your following has increased over the last 30 days, and also how many new followers you’ve received per day. If you notice a particular day has either gained or lost you several followers, be sure to check what youTweeted that day to try and determine the cause.You can also consider running a Followers campaign to gain engaged new followers. Event and trending topic data • Discover upcoming holidays, events, and recurring trends, and find out who’sTweeting about them.This is great way to find potential new content ideas, and conversations to join in on. Video content performance • If you’re using video as part of your content strategy, you can track your video views, as well see a bigger picture of how people are responding to your videos. For instance, are they watching it to completion?
  • 26. TWEET DECK • It is a social media dashboard application for management of Twitter accounts. Originally an independent app,TweetDeck was subsequently acquired by Twitter Inc. and integrated into Twitter's interface. • It offers a more convenient Twitter experience by letting you view multiple timelines in one easy interface. • It includes a host of advanced features to help get the most of Twitter: Manage multipleTwitter accounts, scheduleTweets for posting in the future, buildTweet collections, and more. More onTweet deck here