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The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                Page 1 of 10

 The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan
        November 07, 2008by Peter Kim 140

        Peter Kim is a Senior Partner at Dachis Corporation. He blogs
 about social computing and marketing at Being Peter Kim.

 Over the past couple of months, I’ve been curating a list of social
 media marketing examples. The list started with 100 examples
 (including 35+ from Mashable) and has since tripled in size with the
 participation of over a hundred contributors with examples from
 companies around the world.

 We could probably come up with 3,000 examples instead of 300 – but
 the current set already gives us a pretty good sample to think about. One takeaway: for now, those neurotic
 about missing “what’s next” can relax a bit. Consumers still use a broader set of social tools than corporations,
 but new categories of tools aren’t emerging rapidly today, giving brands a chance to catch up. It’s time to master
 the last big thing while you have a chance to catch a breath.

 As corporate adoption emerges, there’s nothing wrong with learning lessons from others and making them your
 own. Start by making sure you have all of your bases covered with the major tools. In other words, copy and
 paste the items below, then fill in the blanks with your own company-driven effort.

 Here’s a framework of 22 tools to consider with notable brand examples:

          1. Blogs (Johnson & Johnson, Delta Air Lines)
          2. Bookmarking/Tagging (Adobe, Kodak)
          3. Brand monitoring (Dell, MINI)
          4. Content aggregation (Alltop, EMC)
          5. Crowdsourcing/Voting (Oracle, Starbucks)
          6. Discussion boards and forums (IBM, Mountain Dew)
          7. Events and meetups (Molson, Pampers)
          8. Mashups (Fidelity Investments, Nike)
          9. Microblogging (method, Whole Foods)
          10. Online video (Eukanuba, Home Depot)
          11. Organization and staffing (Ford, Pepsi)
          12. Outreach programs (Nokia, Yum Brands)
          13. Photosharing (Rubbermaid, UK Government)
          14. Podcasting (Ericsson, McDonalds)
          15. Presentation sharing (CapGemini, Daimler AG)
          16. Public Relations – social media releases (Avon, Intel)
          17. Ratings and reviews (Loblaws, TurboTax)
          18. Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities (British Airways,
          19. Sponsorships (Coca-Cola, Whirlpool)                                                5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                     Page 2 of 10

           20. Virtual worlds (National Geographic, Toyota)
           21. Widgets (Southwest Airlines, Target)
           22. Wikis (Second Life, T-Mobile Sidekick)

 And use this username check tool to see if your brands/preferred handles are still available.

 I haven’t found a single company doing all of these today. Forget divining a big, meaningful business objective
 before getting started – you’ll end up in analysis paralysis. Just make sure you’re making an existing business
 function better and get started. Today.

 Image courtesy of iStockPhoto, cmcderm1

 Email Story Reprints



                  Patrick Courtney

                  Great list. Thanks, Peter! And just because these opportunities exist doesn’t mean they’re right
                  for a brand. Technology comes after objective and strategy.

          November 07, 2008


                  Josh Chandler

                  It is great to see some real life corporate examples of this in action, it helps put my ideas into
                  better perspective if I judge against what the likes of Dell and HP are doing!

          November 07, 2008


                  Jordan Levy

                  Working a social media proposal right now, the examples of major companies using the various
                  strategies is really going to help me out. Thanks for taking the time to put this list together.

          November 07, 2008


                  Mark Schoneveld

                  I can think of at least one brand that did/does nearly all of these: the Barack Obama campaign.

          November 07, 2008                                                     5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                       Page 3 of 10


                   alisa hansen

                   hi peter, thanks for this list…though i have to admit i am uncomfortable, as a social media
                   strategist myself, with starting with tools and technology. we always start with objectives and
         data…those inform strategy and the tools and technologies (tactical implementations of the strategy) fall
         out of that…these are great examples though…just a caution that leveraging varying combinations of these
         tools does NOT a strategy make (also, don’t think of social as silo…your Web strategy ought to inherently
         have social elements to it…its not about a social strategy, its about your entire Web, and ultimately your
         marketing mix, strategy)

         November 07, 2008



                   You forgot one important use of social networks by corporations: HR and hiring. A lot of HR
                   people are using tools like during their recruiting process.

         November 07, 2008



                   or write a good blog and do nothing

         November 07, 2008


                   LJ Jones

                   This is a great list of tools to consider in developing a strategy. I think the key is to figure out what
                   you would like to communicate to your audience and who your audience is, and then decide
         which tools can best help you do that. In a rush to get in to social media, too many companies jump in and
         start creating profiles and grabbing up tools without first thinking of what they are going to say. Just
         because you have a profile on a bunch of different platforms doesn’t mean you have a social media
         strategy. Develop a strategy first, then implement the technology.

         November 07, 2008


                   John Flynn

                   I really like you comment on just do it.

         You can think about it all day and night but one day you have to jump in the pool.

         Thanks!                                                        5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                     Page 4 of 10

         November 07, 2008



                   I really liked the list you put together. Real life examples that show what leading companies are
                   doing today. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Very valuable information.


         November 07, 2008



                   Great List of tolls and brand examples. Thanks!

         November 07, 2008


                   Steve Kleine

                  Great list. It is really helpful to see the whole “menu” of options. I do agree with the comment that
                  says to start by figuring out where your audience is engaged online, then develop the content and
         commit to interacting with them on a daily basis.

         November 07, 2008



                   Really great list of examples, thanks! However, this is not a social media marketing plan, it’s a list
                   of social media tools with examples of how they have been used for marketing. If you had titled
         this post something like “22 Great Examples of Social Media Marketing,” I would love it. But instead I’m

         False advertising on your part? I guess it worked, but I’m not subscribing.

         November 07, 2008



                   great list of tool

         November 08, 2008

   15.                                                     5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                    Page 5 of 10

                  Tom O'Brien


         Great, edited list. I only wish we could talk about all the cool work we have done beyond Mini.

         We (MotiveQuest) have done really interesting Listening projects for well over 100 giant brands. The depth,
         quality and quantity of consumer insight available just by listening and analysis is staggering.

         Thanks for the mention.

         Tom O’Brien
         CMO – MotiveQuest LLC

         November 08, 2008


                  Tom O'Brien

                  Hi Peter:

         thanks for the Mini mention – I wish we had a few more clients who would let us share their stories publicly.
         We have worked for well over 100 well know brands and the amount and quality of consumer insights out
         there in the online conversation are simply staggering.

         Tom O’Brien
         MotiveQuest LLC

         November 08, 2008



                  I’m rather disappointed after having high expectations from the title. I agree with Ryan’s point.

         1 – because this isn’t a social media plan. It’s a list of tools and things companies are doing. 2 – because
         of the assumption made that you can forget about strategy and objectives and just adopt a tool and it will
         work! A big problem social media practitioners are facing right now is how to link Social media to an
         organizations strategy and business objectives and, most difficult of all, prove the return on investment.

         If they go into a company with a list of tools and no idea how it fits into a company’s strategy they will not
         get buy in. I know because I talk to executives fresh from a “Social Media sales presentation.” I’ve worked
         in corporations and in small companies and there are business objectives that have to be met. There are
         SM tools that can help (and you have listed several), but not by themselves and not without a strategy.

         For an idea of how to start thinking about a Social Media Marketing plan/strategy, have a look at this post:

         Once a company has addressed these questions, the tools that fit will become a lot clearer. Good list of
         examples though… not common to find that.

         November 08, 2008                                                    5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                     Page 6 of 10


                   Patrick Schwerdtfeger

                   This is a good list. Thanks for posting. But it’s worth mentioning that all these tactics need to be
                   part of a larger integrated marketing strategy. Simply going onto all these various platform and
         attempting to be active within their communities does little more than waste time. You have to start with a
         strategy. Click on my name to receive a free 52-step roadmap to online profits.

         November 08, 2008


                   Ron Robinson

                    This is indeed a good list. I plan on launching a beauty networking site in a few weeks in order to
                    help women find the right beauty and skincare products for their skin.
         My target audience is women 25-60 y/o who are beauty involved. I have a plan to use some of the above
         tools to reach that demographic. After launch, if I find that my audience is slightly different than expected, I
         need to be fully prepared to change the mix in order to build my audience.
         Ron Robinson
         Founder, LLC

         November 08, 2008


                   Cath Lawson

                  Thanks for sharing these ideas Peter. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Despite all the new
                  ways to promote your business – forums are still v popular. I still think they encourage more
         discussion than blogging.

         November 09, 2008


                   michael lam

                   Hi- nice list, but VERY misleading title man. I expected 22 STEPS, not 22 totally different types of
                   companies to try and figure out what they do so that maybe I can emulate them too…..

         November 09, 2008


                   Philippe Borremans

                   Tools don’t make the plan indeed… I see this on a regular basis; companies who jump on tactics
                   & tools and then become totally frustrated because the tools do not deliver.                                                      5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                    Page 7 of 10

         Like any other business planning, also social media marketing plans need to start from the business and
         communications objective. What is your issue, who do you need to reach, what change do you want to
         achieve etc… All crucial questions to ask BEFORE looking at tools and tactics.

         Could very well be that social media are not at all part of the solution for your enterprise… Let’s get back to
         basic planning, testing and implementation – where and if it makes sense – and stop the hype…

         November 09, 2008


                  November 10, 2008


                  Steve Poppe

                  You are my second Peter Kim hero. Both strategists. Good work.

         November 10, 2008


                  Andy Merchant

                    Great frame work of tools Peter. Just to let every one know the original social media marketing
                    examples list by Peter has been turned into an editable wiki called the social media business list Please feel free to add to the list with your business social
         media assets/activities.

         November 11, 2008


                  Dave Peck

                  Great list and resource! Thanks

         November 12, 2008



         – Extensive collection of clean humor, funny pictures, movies and flash

         November 15, 2008


         Sylvia Montgomery                                                    5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                    Page 8 of 10

                  Peter — thanks for sharing this great compilation. As a marketer for professional services firms, I
                  am alway curious of how social media is being leveraged by the industry. Can you point to any
                  professional services firms that are embracing social marketing as part of their overall marketing
         mix? Curious…

         November 19, 2008



                 @Sylvia Montgomery
                 That is by far a great question. Somebody, please answer that. Because I have yet to know of
         any embracing social media completely.

         November 19, 2008


                   Brandon Holmes

                   ahhh, this post is refreshing for organizers of social media plans

         December 09, 2008



                  Great list…all companies need to do more in these areas. Are there any companies with decent
                  fees and brilliant results that can handle this on an outsourced basis. Or is it better to master
         these areas yourself and put them into action….

         December 12, 2008


                   Nick Ayres

                   Peter – thanks for this great list and for including The Home Depot as part of it. I’m not sure how I
                   missed it before but I’m just now coming across it. In any case, I wanted to mention that we are
         actually at a different URL on YouTube – the correct URL is


         January 19, 2009



                   great list of tools

         January 26, 2009                                                    5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                   Page 9 of 10



                   I agree in principle with avoiding “analysis paralysis” – and to the nay-sayers who think you must
                   have data and analysis before you even start the profile building process, I would refer them to a
         local radio celebrity here in Austin who spontaneously grew a Facebook account, which was created totally
         without her permission, populated with lots of photos available elsewhere online to give the impression that
         she was building content, and operated long enough by the ID hijacker to accumulate over 300 friends
         before he handed over the keys to the person whose name and popularity (and reputation) he’d hijacked.

         If you or your company do not own your name(s) on these social platforms, you better get them before
         someone else does, whether you use them or not.

         January 28, 2009


                  Jeff paul Internet Millions

                  Jeff Paul reigns as the King of internet marketing arrived on the T.V over ten years ago.showing
                  ways of earning money by sitting at home.

         January 28, 2009



                  great article.

         It’s so cool to see this many examples in one spot. It’s easy to forget about some of these when you’re
         focused so much on all the others. I love it when i see a small business here in Philadelphia using cool
         social media marketing.


         January 31, 2009


                  Jaish DeSouza

                  This is a great of information. Very well aggregated. Thank you Peter Kim

         February 01, 2009


                  Jon Roberts

                  Very interesting article, I never really thought that there were so many different social media
                  tools. Keep up the good work.                                                   5/6/2012
The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan                                                                     Page 10 of 10

         February 27, 2009



                   Brilliant! (As usual)

         March 19, 2009



                    A list of tools is not a social media marketing plan. And the reason why you “haven’t found a
                    single company doing all of these today.” is because a plan is not a checking off a list of tools. Try
         listing these tools under 5 steps -> like Gary Hayes has done here They are INVOLVE, CREATE,

         March 23, 2009


                   Derek Peacock

                   Great information! Every business every business needs social media marketing

         May 30, 2009


                   Eline Walda

                   That’s a great list. I don’t think it is essential to do ALL of these things, though. For organisations
                   with limited means/manpower, I believe it’s preferable to excel at a number of these things rather
         than to do all of them indifferently and without focus. Quality first!

         August 26, 2009                                                      5/6/2012

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Social media

  • 1. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 1 of 10 The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan November 07, 2008by Peter Kim 140 Peter Kim is a Senior Partner at Dachis Corporation. He blogs about social computing and marketing at Being Peter Kim. Over the past couple of months, I’ve been curating a list of social media marketing examples. The list started with 100 examples (including 35+ from Mashable) and has since tripled in size with the participation of over a hundred contributors with examples from companies around the world. We could probably come up with 3,000 examples instead of 300 – but the current set already gives us a pretty good sample to think about. One takeaway: for now, those neurotic about missing “what’s next” can relax a bit. Consumers still use a broader set of social tools than corporations, but new categories of tools aren’t emerging rapidly today, giving brands a chance to catch up. It’s time to master the last big thing while you have a chance to catch a breath. As corporate adoption emerges, there’s nothing wrong with learning lessons from others and making them your own. Start by making sure you have all of your bases covered with the major tools. In other words, copy and paste the items below, then fill in the blanks with your own company-driven effort. Here’s a framework of 22 tools to consider with notable brand examples: 1. Blogs (Johnson & Johnson, Delta Air Lines) 2. Bookmarking/Tagging (Adobe, Kodak) 3. Brand monitoring (Dell, MINI) 4. Content aggregation (Alltop, EMC) 5. Crowdsourcing/Voting (Oracle, Starbucks) 6. Discussion boards and forums (IBM, Mountain Dew) 7. Events and meetups (Molson, Pampers) 8. Mashups (Fidelity Investments, Nike) 9. Microblogging (method, Whole Foods) 10. Online video (Eukanuba, Home Depot) 11. Organization and staffing (Ford, Pepsi) 12. Outreach programs (Nokia, Yum Brands) 13. Photosharing (Rubbermaid, UK Government) 14. Podcasting (Ericsson, McDonalds) 15. Presentation sharing (CapGemini, Daimler AG) 16. Public Relations – social media releases (Avon, Intel) 17. Ratings and reviews (Loblaws, TurboTax) 18. Social networks: applications, fan pages, groups, and personalities (British Airways, Saturn) 19. Sponsorships (Coca-Cola, Whirlpool) 5/6/2012
  • 2. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 2 of 10 20. Virtual worlds (National Geographic, Toyota) 21. Widgets (Southwest Airlines, Target) 22. Wikis (Second Life, T-Mobile Sidekick) And use this username check tool to see if your brands/preferred handles are still available. I haven’t found a single company doing all of these today. Forget divining a big, meaningful business objective before getting started – you’ll end up in analysis paralysis. Just make sure you’re making an existing business function better and get started. Today. Image courtesy of iStockPhoto, cmcderm1 Email Story Reprints 42 Comments 1. Patrick Courtney Great list. Thanks, Peter! And just because these opportunities exist doesn’t mean they’re right for a brand. Technology comes after objective and strategy. November 07, 2008 2. Josh Chandler It is great to see some real life corporate examples of this in action, it helps put my ideas into better perspective if I judge against what the likes of Dell and HP are doing! November 07, 2008 3. Jordan Levy Working a social media proposal right now, the examples of major companies using the various strategies is really going to help me out. Thanks for taking the time to put this list together. November 07, 2008 4. Mark Schoneveld I can think of at least one brand that did/does nearly all of these: the Barack Obama campaign. November 07, 2008 5/6/2012
  • 3. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 3 of 10 5. alisa hansen hi peter, thanks for this list…though i have to admit i am uncomfortable, as a social media strategist myself, with starting with tools and technology. we always start with objectives and data…those inform strategy and the tools and technologies (tactical implementations of the strategy) fall out of that…these are great examples though…just a caution that leveraging varying combinations of these tools does NOT a strategy make (also, don’t think of social as silo…your Web strategy ought to inherently have social elements to it…its not about a social strategy, its about your entire Web, and ultimately your marketing mix, strategy) November 07, 2008 6. Eugene You forgot one important use of social networks by corporations: HR and hiring. A lot of HR people are using tools like during their recruiting process. November 07, 2008 7. joanned or write a good blog and do nothing November 07, 2008 8. LJ Jones This is a great list of tools to consider in developing a strategy. I think the key is to figure out what you would like to communicate to your audience and who your audience is, and then decide which tools can best help you do that. In a rush to get in to social media, too many companies jump in and start creating profiles and grabbing up tools without first thinking of what they are going to say. Just because you have a profile on a bunch of different platforms doesn’t mean you have a social media strategy. Develop a strategy first, then implement the technology. November 07, 2008 9. John Flynn I really like you comment on just do it. You can think about it all day and night but one day you have to jump in the pool. Thanks! 5/6/2012
  • 4. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 4 of 10 November 07, 2008 10. Kevin I really liked the list you put together. Real life examples that show what leading companies are doing today. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Very valuable information. Kevin November 07, 2008 11. Lior Great List of tolls and brand examples. Thanks! November 07, 2008 12. Steve Kleine Great list. It is really helpful to see the whole “menu” of options. I do agree with the comment that says to start by figuring out where your audience is engaged online, then develop the content and commit to interacting with them on a daily basis. November 07, 2008 13. Ryan Really great list of examples, thanks! However, this is not a social media marketing plan, it’s a list of social media tools with examples of how they have been used for marketing. If you had titled this post something like “22 Great Examples of Social Media Marketing,” I would love it. But instead I’m disappointed. False advertising on your part? I guess it worked, but I’m not subscribing. November 07, 2008 14. Fuzz great list of tool November 08, 2008 15. 5/6/2012
  • 5. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 5 of 10 Tom O'Brien Peter: Great, edited list. I only wish we could talk about all the cool work we have done beyond Mini. We (MotiveQuest) have done really interesting Listening projects for well over 100 giant brands. The depth, quality and quantity of consumer insight available just by listening and analysis is staggering. Thanks for the mention. Tom O’Brien CMO – MotiveQuest LLC November 08, 2008 16. Tom O'Brien Hi Peter: thanks for the Mini mention – I wish we had a few more clients who would let us share their stories publicly. We have worked for well over 100 well know brands and the amount and quality of consumer insights out there in the online conversation are simply staggering. Tom O’Brien MotiveQuest LLC November 08, 2008 17. Nicky I’m rather disappointed after having high expectations from the title. I agree with Ryan’s point. 1 – because this isn’t a social media plan. It’s a list of tools and things companies are doing. 2 – because of the assumption made that you can forget about strategy and objectives and just adopt a tool and it will work! A big problem social media practitioners are facing right now is how to link Social media to an organizations strategy and business objectives and, most difficult of all, prove the return on investment. If they go into a company with a list of tools and no idea how it fits into a company’s strategy they will not get buy in. I know because I talk to executives fresh from a “Social Media sales presentation.” I’ve worked in corporations and in small companies and there are business objectives that have to be met. There are SM tools that can help (and you have listed several), but not by themselves and not without a strategy. For an idea of how to start thinking about a Social Media Marketing plan/strategy, have a look at this post: Once a company has addressed these questions, the tools that fit will become a lot clearer. Good list of examples though… not common to find that. November 08, 2008 5/6/2012
  • 6. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 6 of 10 18. Patrick Schwerdtfeger This is a good list. Thanks for posting. But it’s worth mentioning that all these tactics need to be part of a larger integrated marketing strategy. Simply going onto all these various platform and attempting to be active within their communities does little more than waste time. You have to start with a strategy. Click on my name to receive a free 52-step roadmap to online profits. November 08, 2008 19. Ron Robinson This is indeed a good list. I plan on launching a beauty networking site in a few weeks in order to help women find the right beauty and skincare products for their skin. My target audience is women 25-60 y/o who are beauty involved. I have a plan to use some of the above tools to reach that demographic. After launch, if I find that my audience is slightly different than expected, I need to be fully prepared to change the mix in order to build my audience. Ron Robinson Founder, LLC November 08, 2008 20. Cath Lawson Thanks for sharing these ideas Peter. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Despite all the new ways to promote your business – forums are still v popular. I still think they encourage more discussion than blogging. November 09, 2008 21. michael lam Hi- nice list, but VERY misleading title man. I expected 22 STEPS, not 22 totally different types of companies to try and figure out what they do so that maybe I can emulate them too….. November 09, 2008 22. Philippe Borremans Tools don’t make the plan indeed… I see this on a regular basis; companies who jump on tactics & tools and then become totally frustrated because the tools do not deliver. 5/6/2012
  • 7. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 7 of 10 Like any other business planning, also social media marketing plans need to start from the business and communications objective. What is your issue, who do you need to reach, what change do you want to achieve etc… All crucial questions to ask BEFORE looking at tools and tactics. Could very well be that social media are not at all part of the solution for your enterprise… Let’s get back to basic planning, testing and implementation – where and if it makes sense – and stop the hype… November 09, 2008 23. Chris November 10, 2008 24. Steve Poppe You are my second Peter Kim hero. Both strategists. Good work. November 10, 2008 25. Andy Merchant Great frame work of tools Peter. Just to let every one know the original social media marketing examples list by Peter has been turned into an editable wiki called the social media business list Please feel free to add to the list with your business social media assets/activities. November 11, 2008 26. Dave Peck Great list and resource! Thanks November 12, 2008 27. max – Extensive collection of clean humor, funny pictures, movies and flash Videos November 15, 2008 28. Sylvia Montgomery 5/6/2012
  • 8. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 8 of 10 Peter — thanks for sharing this great compilation. As a marketer for professional services firms, I am alway curious of how social media is being leveraged by the industry. Can you point to any professional services firms that are embracing social marketing as part of their overall marketing mix? Curious… November 19, 2008 29. joanned @Sylvia Montgomery That is by far a great question. Somebody, please answer that. Because I have yet to know of any embracing social media completely. November 19, 2008 30. Brandon Holmes ahhh, this post is refreshing for organizers of social media plans December 09, 2008 31. Evan Great list…all companies need to do more in these areas. Are there any companies with decent fees and brilliant results that can handle this on an outsourced basis. Or is it better to master these areas yourself and put them into action…. December 12, 2008 32. Nick Ayres Peter – thanks for this great list and for including The Home Depot as part of it. I’m not sure how I missed it before but I’m just now coming across it. In any case, I wanted to mention that we are actually at a different URL on YouTube – the correct URL is Thanks! January 19, 2009 33. Pinky great list of tools January 26, 2009 5/6/2012
  • 9. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 9 of 10 34. michelle I agree in principle with avoiding “analysis paralysis” – and to the nay-sayers who think you must have data and analysis before you even start the profile building process, I would refer them to a local radio celebrity here in Austin who spontaneously grew a Facebook account, which was created totally without her permission, populated with lots of photos available elsewhere online to give the impression that she was building content, and operated long enough by the ID hijacker to accumulate over 300 friends before he handed over the keys to the person whose name and popularity (and reputation) he’d hijacked. If you or your company do not own your name(s) on these social platforms, you better get them before someone else does, whether you use them or not. January 28, 2009 35. Jeff paul Internet Millions Jeff Paul reigns as the King of internet marketing arrived on the T.V over ten years ago.showing ways of earning money by sitting at home. January 28, 2009 36. Chris great article. It’s so cool to see this many examples in one spot. It’s easy to forget about some of these when you’re focused so much on all the others. I love it when i see a small business here in Philadelphia using cool social media marketing. Chris January 31, 2009 37. Jaish DeSouza This is a great of information. Very well aggregated. Thank you Peter Kim February 01, 2009 38. Jon Roberts Very interesting article, I never really thought that there were so many different social media tools. Keep up the good work. 5/6/2012
  • 10. The 22 Step Social Media Marketing Plan Page 10 of 10 February 27, 2009 39. Francis Brilliant! (As usual) March 19, 2009 40. LaurelPapworth A list of tools is not a social media marketing plan. And the reason why you “haven’t found a single company doing all of these today.” is because a plan is not a checking off a list of tools. Try listing these tools under 5 steps -> like Gary Hayes has done here They are INVOLVE, CREATE, DISCUSS, PROMOTE, MEASURE. March 23, 2009 41. Derek Peacock Great information! Every business every business needs social media marketing May 30, 2009 42. Eline Walda That’s a great list. I don’t think it is essential to do ALL of these things, though. For organisations with limited means/manpower, I believe it’s preferable to excel at a number of these things rather than to do all of them indifferently and without focus. Quality first! August 26, 2009 5/6/2012