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                                                              The Insurers’ View of Social Media

Easy Riders Are In                                                            Contents                  Volume 2 Number 2 | April 2012

Good Hands                                                                    Easy Riders Are In Good Hands..................................................1, 3-4
                                                                              The Guy With The Suitcase..............................................................1-3
It Takes a Community to Build                                                 Facebook Data Table........................................................................... 5
Dialogue                                                                      Facebook Activity in February..........................................................6-7                     SocialEyes is published
A recent article in PC World took issue                                                                                                                                                            monthly by
                                                                              Twitter Data Table................................................................................ 7        The Customer Respect Group,
with the liberties Facebook takes regarding                                                                                                                                                 P.O. Box 266, MA 01938.
                                                                              News & Updates: Around The Horn..................................................... 8           
consumer privacy, with the implicit brand
endorsement available to advertisers
based on a single page “like”. The article                                    The Guy With The Suitcase
compared Facebook to that nosy girl in                                        Content is First and Foremost for Agents
seventh grade who wants to tell everyone
about your objects of affection, making                                       Many carriers have struggled to build a social media strategy that includes their in-
you an unwitting and unpaid celebrity en-                                     dependent agent distribution channels. Many agencies show limited interest in social
dorser. This advice will become common-                                       media, and those that do prefer to develop their own brand. So what role, if any, can a
place over the next year, and as consumers                                    carrier play?
come to realize how their identities are be-                                     One carrier consistently promoting social media to agencies is Foremost
ing used for commercial gain, brand pages                                     Insurance. Foremost is represented by more than 38,000 independent agen-
will find it harder to attract fans.                                          cies (in all 50 states and the District of Columbia) providing specialty auto and
   One consequence will be the growth in                                      homeowners insurance with more than 2.7 million active policies. We sat down
special-interest initiatives that follow the                                  with Jeff Bair, Executive Director Strategic Management–IA Operations, who
social 3Rs—resonance, relevance, and                                          also answers to the name of “The Foremost Guy” and the star of some of the best
reach. Consumers are on social networks                                       insurance videos on YouTube.
to connect with people like themselves, not
to buy products. Insurers need to consider                                    Is it possible to convince agents that ‘do not get social media’?
a more community-focused approach, es-                                        I think the population of users continues to move upward, but it probably will reach
pecially for those with a strong common                                       a crest unless there is some dramatic change on the usability landscape. We’ve been
interest. Communities do not need to be                                       successful convincing agents to start (several have posted on our Facebook page), and
geographic-, vocation- or belief-based:                                       that was a prime deliverable for the suitcase launch, but over time we’ll start to focus
members just need to identify with the                                        more on folks that are already in this space. We do have a few agents who have offered
community. With this in mind we spoke                                         us the opportunity to do a social media intervention (and film it), so we’re working to
with Erick Laseca, community manager of                                       schedule that as an additional attempt to get new potential users engaged.
Allstate Motorcycle.
   First the facts. The Allstate Motorcycle                                   Should you concentrate on agents that are already connected socially?
Facebook page launched just a year ago                                        That’s our future direction. Looking at ACT’s most recent data, 31% of agents that do
and today boasts nearly 60,000 fans.                                          not use Social Media don’t plan to start (47% plan to start between six months and a
Engagement statistics are impressive,                                         year from now), so that’s further indication that promoting new users isn’t where the
with nearly 30,000 fan interactions in re-                                    play will be.
sponse to company posts in the first quar-
ter of 2012. For the quarter, the rate of en-                                 Most agency principals are not connected socially – is this a problem?
gagement exceeded Allstate’s corporate                                        Actually, we’ve seen that usage out of the office has increased in overall acceptance,
                                              continued on page 3                                                                                                                                             continued on page 2

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                                                              Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email

SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

Foremost Insurance
continued from page 1

                                                                                                                        reading about the “how to” portions of the site. As we increase
                                                                                                                        elements like “success stories” we start to see the time on site
                                                                                                                        go up. It’s very hard to measure whether a post an agent did
                                                                                                                        actually resulted in a piece of business for us, but we’re looking
                                                                                                                        at other items we can build out to help us get closer to grabbing
                                                                                                                        this metric as well.

                                                                                                                        The Suitcase is open for all to see – is that part of the plan?
                                                                                                                        Part of our plan at the outset. The suitcase will move behind
                                                                                                                        our firewall later this year in conjunction with our launch of

                                                                                                                        Do you conduct any agent social media training?
                                                                                                                        We’ve not done that yet, but it’s been a topic of conversation.
regardless of age or position. In fact, in the aforementioned sur-                                                      Our “success stories” section was designed to do that at arm’s
vey, 60% of the respondents were agency principals or manage-                                                           length.
ment, so I think our challenge is more likely around continually
connecting with the community owners within an agency; com-                                                             How do you deal with providing content and training to
municating with them, providing them with content, creating                                                             agents who then use that to sell competing policies?
an environment where more agencies share ideas.                                                                         We’ve faced that issue for years. We’ve had seminars focused
                                                                                                                        on need satisfaction selling, pairing features and benefits to
Will social media change how agents are recruited or                                                                    best meet customer needs, and after attending, agents may use
trained?                                                                                                                that skill set to sell a competitor’s policy. While we’re not purely
If the question is in terms of how agencies recruit new agents,                                                         altruistic, we do believe that improving the skill sets of indepen-
I think you will start to see the slightest shift in terms of a                                                         dent agents and producers will result in an improved recogni-
desired skill set, and it might not be solely in terms of social                                                        tion for us, and if we do our part delivering competitive prod-
media savvy, but maybe more in terms of a robust set of mobile                                                          ucts and outstanding claim service, we’ll win more than we lose.
and web-based skills. A well rounded use of both devices and
platforms that keeps agents continually in front of prospects and                                                       Would you collaborate with other carriers or a content distri-
customers.                                                                                                              bution vendor as part of an industry content syndication?
                                                                                                                        Because of the space that we’re in, product-wise, creating and
One key agent-based initiative from Foremost is the “Social                                                             delivering our own content is probably the best approach at this
Media Suitcase”. This is a site containing social media success                                                         time. Also our distribution size relative to the market means
stories, “how to’s” and a steady stream of blog ideas, key dates                                                        that we already have access to provide content to almost all
and re-usable posts for major platforms. It is a great resource for                                                     independent agents. As for vendors, we have spoken to one, but
agents looking to get started and for ongoing content. Google                                                           have not moved forward with anyone yet.
“Foremost Suitcase” to take a look.
                                                                                                                        Your own Facebook page has limited activity and engage-
How do you measure the value or success of the “suitcase”?                                                              ment, why?
I think we’re still early in the game…the suitcase is only a year                                                       Our initial effort in this space was to support the Social Media
old last month, but most of our analytics are internal. We have                                                         Suitcase. We would have liked to see more posts, but initially
seen time on site go down dramatically, and usage continue to                                                           it was not only a space to start that conversation, but also our
go up. That points to more folks on content skirmishes and less                                                         laboratory. We were as new to social media as most agents were

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                                                               Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email

SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

Foremost Insurance                                                                                                     Allstate Motorcycle
continued from page 2                                                                                                  continued from page 1

                                      when we started, so it was our                                                    Facebook page (by a factor of five) and was three times the in-
                                      very public space to begin                                                        dustry average.
                                      experimenting with creating a
                                      viable community. Next steps                                                      Mission
                                      with the site will be to increase                                                    Before any activity commenced, three things were agreed
                                      the number of agent “likes”                                                       upon – the mission, what success would look like, and the plan to
                                      and start a more regular                                                          achieve that success. Of most importance was the mission – and
                                      industry- and information-                                                        for Allstate, this was to create a forum for the motorcycle commu-
                                      based conversation. We won’t                                                      nity where it initiated and hosted discussions about rider safety,
                                      stop posting items we consider                                                    relevant gear, and event news. This was not just about Allstate.
to be fun or light, but we’ll start creating a more active dialogue                                                        The key word in the mission is “forum”. For the mission to
later this year. While we would appreciate more “likes”, the most                                                       succeed, a broad and active community is crucial, and this would
important thing for us is the quality of those “likes”. Are we
reaching the people that we want to reach?

Does LinkedIn fit in to your picture at all?
Not at this point, but we do have a new suite of products on the
horizon where there may be a better play. We also think that sites
like Manta, which are social-ish may have solid opportunities for
independent agents. Anywhere we can support creating a com-
munity, and thus creating referrals for producers, is probably an
area we will investigate.                                                                                               drive the content strategy and policies. The objective is not to sell
                                                                                                                        insurance, at least not directly; while the community has a passion
You have adopted the role of social media evangelist – is that                                                          for motorbikes, very few have a passion for insurance.
too big for a carrier, why not just sit back and wait?
I don’t think the problem was too big to solve, given our percep-                                                       What Does Success Look Like?
tion on the scope. We’ve always provided agents with business                                                               Success has five metrics, four of which are engagement-based:
building tools. For years we’ve had an internal site called “Grow-                                                      content “likes”, comments, shares, and community-generated
ing My Business” and this was just the next logical extension of                                                        posts. Fan count is the fifth metric, with retention just as important
that. I think there is ample opportunity to keep educating agents,                                                      as growth. An aggressive engagement strategy demands certain
but refocus on helping them discover new facilities (e.g. Pinter-                                                       risks – not easy for insurers to accept but critical in Laseca’s opin-
est), as well as ways to manage a communication plan that incor-                                                        ion. The forum allows and encourages independent contributions,
porates social media (e.g. Crowdbooster, Buffer, HootSuite).                                                            even extending that welcome to vendors that serve the commu-
                                                                                                                        nity (as long as they add value). Airbrush artists promoting loca-
What is the vision that drives the social media initiative?                                                             tions at upcoming rallies are a good example. Another act of trust
Supporting our distribution base, independent agents and                                                                is to allow and accept all user comments (with the obvious excep-
producers is a key element of our value proposition. In strategic                                                       tions of profanity or inappropriate language), letting the community
marketing, our informal mission statement is, “We think up cool                                                         police itself. Fans need to step in when comments are out of line
stuff to help producers add new and retain more customers.”                                                             or off-topic, but stepping in too early limits this involvement and
We’re supported by a very talented Corporate Communications                                                             inhibits the sense of community ownership.
group that takes the strategic ideation and translates it into a
solid creative deliverable. So, in a nutshell, that’s just what we do.                                                  Content Strategy
q                                                                                                                         A three-point guideline was agreed on before a single post that
                                                                                                                                                                                                              continued on page 4

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SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media
                                                                                                                        the message “Don’t let my motorcycle interfere with the safety of
Allstate Motorcycle                                                                                                     your phone call” attracted over 1,300 interactions.
continued from page 3
                                                                                                                           As part of an innovative but natural extension to the content
still holds true today:                                                                                                 strategy, Laseca has reached out to organizations and partners
      hh Does this fit into the social space in a                                                                                       where there is a strong fan overlap. The goal is to
          way that would benefit riders?                                                                                                enhance the value to the community as well as to
      hh Is this something the community would                                                                                          create cross-promotional opportunities for each
          find worthy to contribute their content                                                                                       organization. For example, Allstate will promote
          to comment on, share, or like?                                                                                                (entirely on social media) a campaign by Victory
      hh Does this demonstrate Allstate’s com-                                                                                          Motorcycles to offer an ambitious goal of motor-
          mitment to protecting riders?                                                                                                 bike test drives. Allstate has also created a part-
    Also important was to define was the voice (straightforward,                                                        nership with J&P Cycles, a leading aftermarket motorcycle parts
slang-free, and passionate), tone (intense and sincere without arti-                                                    supplier, to provide Allstate celebrity autographed promotional
ficial emphasis), key themes (advocacy, safety, maintenance) and                                                        items, and has formed programs with the American Motorcyclist
topics (about 20, including tips, community action, news, events                                                        Association and Men’s Journal.
and road safety).
    A constant flow of content is needed to keep the page fresh                                                         Recruitment
and relevant to riders from all walks of life and levels of experi-                                                        Fan base recruitment for the first six months was purely organic
ence. The enthusiast tends to be more impassioned and therefore                                                         while a content library was being developed. During this period,
more active and engaged, especially during the winter (off-season)                                                      some early fans became active, and while the identification and
months. Laseca takes care however to be responsive to requests                                                          acquisition of brand ambassadors was not orchestrated, there was
from leisure riders, firmly believing that listening to the community                                                   always the expectation that they would emerge. Allstate rewards
is vital. The mix needs to respond to the community and cannot be                                                       ambassadors with “goody” bags containing hard-to-find pro-
achieved in a vacuum or be preplanned too far in advance.                                                               motional items. Then, with content and a number of active fans,
    Laseca is able to call upon a dedicated team of independent                                                         Allstate expanded the community through relevant sweepstakes
motorcycle clubs, corporate relations, and advertisement/PR and                                                         and Facebook ads. While fan count was part of the objective,
event agencies to contribute content and community advocacy ini-                                                        retention was also critical; within this tightly-defined community,
tiatives to engage the community.                                                                                       Facebook ads performed exceptionally well. Since those promo-
    Advocacy is critical to the mission and safety is an especially                                                     tions, the community has reverted to organic growth, with a reten-
strong passion point. The ONE (Once is Never Enough) program, part                                                      tion rate of 99% in the first quarter.
of the Allstate Rider Protection Project, is an awareness campaign                                                         The dialogue between fans and Allstate is positive, and brand
to help reduce the number of motorcycle crashes involving other                                                         ambassadors frequently promote the values of Allstate a lot more
vehicles at intersections. One call to action for the program will be a                                                 actively than the company does.
newly-developed pledge program (ONE Pledge), which encourages
supporters to pledge to look twice for motorcycles at intersections,                                                    Conclusions
as well as to spread the message to one other person. The ONE                                                               Motorbikers have passion and a clear culture. This might seem
Pledge will be hosted on the Allstate’s Motorcycle Facebook page.                                                       to be an easy community to corral. Competitors, however, have
For each pledge Allstate will donate $1 to Departments of Transport                                                     fared less well. Progressive, Nationwide Insurance, and Dairyland
across the country to pay for the creation and installation of motor-                                                   Cycle have relatively stagnant Facebook pages, and GEICO has
cycle warning signs at dangerous intersections.                                                                         all but abandoned its motorcycle page. As insurers review com-
    Laseca also scours the Internet for relevant and appropriate con-                                                   munity-oriented social media, consideration must be given to the
tent that will engage the community. Content must always be rel-                                                        community needs and not merely promoting products. Laseca is
evant and interesting – it does not need to be about or from Allstate                                                   an advocate, but for whom? He feels that his role demands he be
– and it must emanate from reputable partners. The community has                                                        an advocate for the community to Allstate and not vice versa. The
a shared deadbeat sense of humor when considering key topics                                                            reward for success is the ability to influence a like-minded com-
such as safety. A recent graphic originating from “Bikerspost” with                                                     munity that trusts each other’s advice and recommendations. q

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SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

Facebook Data for March 2012 (sample data from pages with over 1,000 fans)
  Note: Table is sorted by Normalized                                        Q1 2012                                                                                  Normalized             Weighted
  Interactions in Q1 2012 (column 3).                                       Normalized                                                            March               Interactions          Interactions
                                                        Category            Interactions            Fan Count          Month Change            Interactions             (March)               (March)                    Posts
Modern Woodmen of America                             Corporate                39.8%                    1,280                 6%                      484                 38%                  119%                        19
Primerica                                             Corporate                23.1%                  23,637                  2%                   5,100                  22%                   42%                        38
American General Life and Accident (AGLA)             Corporate                19.0%                    1,791                 2%                      334                 19%                   36%                        64
Chubb                                                 Corporate                18.5%                    2,225                 3%                      479                 22%                   52%                        76
Foremost                                              Corporate                17.5%                    5,486               77%                    1,195                  22%                   62%                        58
Allstate Motorcycle                                     Product                16.1%                  57,668                  1%                   9,707                  17%                   37%                        54
Mayhem (Allstate)                                       Mascot                 15.8%              1,228,982                   2%                164,563                   13%                   21%                        18
PEMCO                                                 Corporate                11.0%                    2,444                 3%                      238                 10%                   23%                        60
Erie Insurance                                        Corporate                10.8%                    5,604                 5%                      967                 17%                   41%                        20
Horace Mann                                           Corporate                10.7%                    3,749                 7%                      510                 14%                   24%                        26
Safeco                                                Corporate                10.2%                    3,189                 3%                      433                 14%                   48%                        14
California Casualty                                   Corporate                  9.7%                 17,494                19%                       744                   4%                  13%                        22
Acuity–WOW                                            Corporate                  9.3%                   4,608                 1%                      307                   7%                  15%                        14
Metlife                                               Corporate                  8.4%                213,620                  4%                  16,678                    8%                  13%                        79
Travelers Insurance                                   Corporate                  6.9%                   8,991                 4%                   1,048                  12%                   40%                         8
Alfa Insurance                                        Corporate                  6.6%                   3,088                 1%                      225                   7%                  23%                        15
Sentry Insurance                                      Corporate                  6.6%                   2,151                 1%                      125                   6%                  14%                        15
Mass Mutual                                           Corporate                  6.0%                 29,305                  0%                      989                   3%                    7%                       67
Amica Mutual                                          Corporate                  5.9%                   1,872                 2%                      109                   6%                  11%                        26
AXA Equitable                                         Corporate                  5.8%                   2,683                 1%                      124                   5%                    6%                       60
Shelter                                               Corporate                  5.5%                   2,006                 2%                      131                   7%                  16%                        12
Northwestern Mutual                                   Corporate                  5.5%                 27,352                  4%                   2,420                    9%                  19%                        31
Westfield Insurance                                   Corporate                  5.2%                   1,627                 2%                        99                  6%                    9%                       49
New York Life                                         Corporate                  4.9%                249,172                  8%                   2,557                    1%                    2%                       28
Thrivent Financial                                    Corporate                  4.6%                 74,804                24%                    2,740                    4%                  10%                        22
Ameriprise                                            Corporate                  4.3%                   8,457                 3%                      417                   5%                  14%                         9
InGear for Truckers–Acuity                              Product                  4.2%                   7,925               14%                       252                   3%                    7%                       10
Nationwide Insurance                                  Corporate                  4.1%                 14,116                  4%                   1,046                    7%                  21%                        34
Liberty Mutual Insurance                              Corporate                  3.4%                 15,695                  3%                      585                   4%                    7%                       29
Allstate                                              Corporate                  3.3%                 75,355                  2%                   3,502                    5%                  13%                        43
Principal Financial                                   Corporate                  3.2%                   2,732                 3%                      131                   5%                  11%                        26
USAA                                                  Corporate                  3.1%                230,723                  2%                   6,948                    3%                    7%                       39
American Family                                       Corporate                  3.1%                 53,331                  0%                   2,072                    4%                  10%                        47
Esurance                                              Corporate                  3.0%                 26,185                  5%                      893                   3%                    8%                       38
State Farm Insurance                                  Corporate                  2.5%                240,194                  9%                   5,846                    2%                    6%                       43
Progressive Insurance                                 Corporate                  1.8%                 43,831                  4%                      773                   2%                    3%                        7
Aflac Duck                                            Corporate                  1.7%                313,781                  2%                   3,515                    1%                    2%                       33
Gerber Life                                           Corporate                  1.6%                 38,000                13%                       401                   1%                    1%                       14
The Gecko (GEICO)                                       Mascot                   1.6%                238,244                  2%                   3,051                    1%                    2%                       12

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SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

Facebook activity in March
                                                                                                                                test generated over 60,000 entrants to boost the fan
     hh The average growth rate in March for Industry                                                                           count to 80,000. The top age group for the page now
        Facebook fans was 8.1%. Very large fan pages (>1                                                                        is 45-54.
        million) grew at 3%, Large (100K–1million) at 8.5%,                                                                  hh The normalized interaction rate for the industry is
        Medium-Large (10K–100K) at 4.2%, Medium-Small                                                                           2.65%. This calculation adds the ‘likes’, ‘shares’ and
        (5K–10K) at 11.1%, Small (1K–5K) at 4.2% and very                                                                       comments contributed to company posts and di-
        small (<1K) at 13%. Life insurers grew at 9.5%, out-                                                                    vides by fan count. Across multiple industries, the
        pacing P&C companies at 5.8%.                                                                                           expected rate is about 2% (even though that metric
     hh Fan recruitment continues be a hot issue even though                                                                    does not take into account shares —not supported by
        engagement is now at the top of insurer priorities.                                                                     Facebook APIs at present). The equivalent insurance
        Thrivent Financial for Lutherans launched its                                                                           rate (excluding shares) is 2.33%.
        campaign “Fan it Forward” which rewards new page                                                                     hh There is little variation between quarterly interaction
        likes with a donation of $1 to Lutheran Services in                                                                     rates compared to last month indicating maturity as
        America. The goal was 15,000 new fans but that tar-                                                                     pages establish set patterns. More engaged in March
        get was almost reached (+24%) by the end of March,                                                                      compared to their own averages were Foremost,
        three weeks ahead of schedule.                                                                                          Northwestern Mutual, and Travelers. Less en-
     hh In the top page fan-size category, the Flo fan base                                                                     gaged were Mass Mutual and New York Life.
        leaped 11% in the month (+368K) on the back of a                                                                     hh The most engaged insurers for their size catego-
        social media-driven video campaign “Best Day Ever”.                                                                     ries for the first quarter were Auto-Owners (Very
        Progressive created three posts featuring video to                                                                      Small), Modern Woodmen (Small), Foremost
        test and optimize the content for sharing. The posts                                                                    (Medium-Small), Primerica (Medium Large),
        were promoted in real-time based on which post was                                                                      MetLife (Large), and Mayhem (Very Large). The
        seeing most social traffic, a process they describe as                                                                  same companies led their categories for Weighted
        “viral optimization”.                                                                                                   Interaction, which weights quality engagement
     hh American Income Life Insurance Company, in its                                                                          (‘shares’ and ‘comments’) five times more than a ‘like’.
        goal to raise fan count to 2,500, is offering an iPad                                                                   This is in line with research conducted by Edgerank
        in a sweepstake for new fans. Six hundred eager fans                                                                    Checker indicating the extended reach gained by
        joined in the first five days (+27%).                                                                                   these forms of interaction.
     hh California Casualty continues to offer group                                                                         hh Insurers with the highest percentage of qual-
        awards (schoolteacher lounge makeover) and indi-                                                                        ity engagement (shares and comments) include
        vidual gift cards to boost awareness of its Facebook                                                                        Travelers, California Casualty, Foremost,
        page within its public sector communities (+19%–                                                                            Geico, Allstate and Amerprise. Insurers with the
        2800 fans).                                                                                                             lowest percentage of quality engagement include
     hh In September last year 21st Century Insurance                                                                           Aviva, Axa-Equitable and Gerber Life.
        launched a 13-week long “Win Big Sweepstakes”.                                                                       hh Facebook now publishes a monthly summary of
        Visitors who “liked” 21st Century entered into a                                                                        “Talking About This” (TAT). This metric covers all
        drawing for various prizes including a car. The con-                                                                    interactions with the page (including page likes).
                                                                                                                                Most insurers are displaying this data (with notable
    MORE FACEBOOK DATA—FAN COUNT                                                                                                exceptions MetLife and Allstate). Obviously on
    Fan count data for 180 insurers and engagement data for 80 insurers                                                         this raw number mascot pages with huge fan counts
    is available monthly in Excel format. To request this data, please email
                                                                                                                                dominate. This month, Flo added 360K fans so this
    Following many requests, we announce a new company subscription
                                                                                                                                distorts the TAT. The TAT is normalized by dividing
                                                                                                                                it by fan count, which puts Foremost top due in part
     NEW option—forIndividualdelivery and sharing$499.00
                           intranet                    with colleagues—
               for $1500.           licences remain at                                                                          to a recruitment campaign this month.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              continued on page 7

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                                                              Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email

SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

                                                                                   Twitter Table March 2012
  Facebook Activity
  continued from page 6                                                                                                    Account Type              Followers            March Tweets          March Change           3-Mth Change
                                                                                   New York Life                             Corporate                30,964                    130                   1%                    33%
                                                                                   State Farm Nation                       Demographic                28,227                      86                  0%                     0%
  Removing new fan additions
                                                                                   USAA                                      Corporate                27,286                    118                   4%                    15%
  from the TAT calculation leaves
                                                                                   Allstate Insurance                        Corporate                27,050                    506                   2%                     5%
  Auto-Owners, IMT Group, Erie
                                                                                   State Farm Insurance                      Corporate                21,399                    384                   3%                    13%
  Insurance, Allstate Motorcycle,
  USAA and State Farm Nation top                                                   Aflac Duck                                 Mascot                  14,603                    104                   2%                     7%

  of their page size categories.                                                   Progressive Insurance                     Corporate                12,071                    219                   4%                    15%
hhHorace Mann is going to re-launch                                                The Hartford                              Corporate                11,969                      20                  3%                    10%
  its Facebook-based campaign to                                                   Nationwide Insurance                      Corporate                10,272                      59                  4%                    16%
  provide donations towards unfund-                                                American Family                           Corporate                  9,950                   274                   1%                  134%
  ed public school projects. The cam-                                              Primerica                                 Corporate                  9,360                     59                  6%                    18%
  paign prompted teachers to promote
                                                                                   Chubb Insurance                           Corporate                  9,166                   290                   5%                    15%
  projects on the Horace Mann page,
                                                                                   Travelers Insurance                       Corporate                  9,090                     28                  6%                    22%
  which seeded lively discussions.
                                                                                   GEICO                                     Corporate                  8,360                     17                  6%                    17%
  Engagement rates on the page have
  halved since the end of the original                                             GEICO Gecko                                Mascot                    8,149                     12                  0%                     2%

  campaign.                                                                        Progressive - It’s Flo                     Mascot                    7,901                     95                  5%                    19%

hhCarriers are experiencing more                                                   Farmers Insurance                         Corporate                  7,298                     19                  6%                    23%
  interaction with independent agents                                              Liberty Mutual                            Corporate                  6,972                     46                  6%                    21%
  and providing more content as a                                                  AON                                       Corporate                  5,516                     34                  7%                    27%
  result. Over 360 agents clicked ‘like’                                           USAA Help                                    Help                    5,459                   117                   3%                    11%
  in response to Erie Insurance asking                                             Esurance                                  Corporate                  5,071                     90                  4%                    51%
  if they love being an agent. Grange
                                                                                   Progressive Help                             Help                    5,064                     70                  4%                    13%
  Insurance posted spring agent
                                                                                   Zurich North America                      Corporate                  4,786                     73                  9%                    35%
  meeting photos, much of Primerica
                                                                                   Transamerica                              Corporate                  4,405                     32                  4%                    28%
  page content targets agents, and 80%
  of Safeco shares are by agents.                                                  Cigna                                     Corporate                  4,295                   150                   4%                    16%

hhMost insurers allow consum-                                                      Northwestern Mutual                       Corporate                  3,109                   114                   7%                    22%
  ers to start new posts but there                                                 PEMCO                                     Corporate                  3,028                   179                   3%                     5%
  are still a few exceptions, includ-                                              Safe Auto                                 Corporate                  2,796                     36                  5%                    15%
  ing Ameriprise, Northwestern                                                     Safeco Insurance                          Corporate                  2,701                     63                  9%                    34%
  Mutual, Traveler, Shelter and                                                    AXA Equitable                             Corporate                  2,594                     63                  4%                     8%
                                                                                   Munich Re                                 Corporate                  2,518                     30                  4%                    16%
hhFrom the “Only in America” depart-
                                                                                   Thrivent Financial                        Corporate                  2,175                     20                  4%                    16%
  ment—Progressive’s Flo stated
                                                                                   SwissRe                                   Corporate                  2,156                     38                 14%                    48%
  “I am thinking of a number…go”.
                                                                                   MetLife Blimp                              Mascot                    2,059                     31                  4%                    16%
  To date nearly 6,000 people have
  participated even though there is                                                Foremost Insurance                        Corporate                  2,030                     16                  5%                    23%

  no indication whether Flo will ever                                              The Principal                             Corporate                  1,904                     68                  7%                    26%
  reveal her number. Mega Millions                                                 California Casualty                       Corporate                  1,791                     13                  0%                     0%
  lottery hangover? q                                                              Westfield Insurance                       Corporate                  1,661                     46                  4%                    11%

   SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the
                                                                 Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email

SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media

 Around The Horn                                                               Allstate conducted video hangouts on                                          Gartner, in its report “10 Most Disruptive
                                                                               Google Plus during the Final Four with former                                 Technologies for P&C Insurers”, puts social
 — April 2012                                                                  March madness stars talking to fans. The                                      media in that bucket. Acknowledging
                                                                               take-up was very limited due possibly to the                                  that social data could create significant
 Thanks to data made available by Facebook                                     lack of publicity and the limited scalability of                              competitive advantage via an ocean of
 as part of the new brand timeline, we are                                     hangouts.                                                                     consumer data, insurers content with playing
 offered a few insights and as well as oddities.                                                                                                             wait-and-see are likely going to pay for their
                                                                               Twitter follower counts for the industry are
 For most insurers, the city from where the                                                                                                                  patience.
                                                                               growing more slowly than ever before. As
 most page visitors hail also happens to be
                                                                               Facebook becomes the dominant social                                          Jackson National Life Insurance Company
 the location of the home office. Employees
                                                                               marketing channel, many insurers have                                         recently announced the winners of
 are obviously keen observers if not
                                                                               focused Twitter on a combination of news                                      the Jackson Social Media Challenge,
 contributors to company pages. The most
                                                                               feed, corporate communications, and                                           which charged university teams with the
 prominent cities for State Farm Nation and
                                                                               customer service. In the past, follower growth                                development of a social media business plan
 Mutual of Omaha’s My Aha Moment (both
                                                                               has been triggered by natural disasters and                                   for Jackson and the opportunity to win a
 Jakarta, Indonesia) and Farmers Insurance
                                                                               the launch last year of promoted accounts                                     $15,000 first-place prize.
 (London, UK) do raise eyebrows, as do the
                                                                               and tweets.
 promotional recruitment activities employed.                                                                                                                Attensity, a provider of social analytics
 Chicago is the undisputed insurance fan                                       Social media is a natural channel to vent and                                 applications for Social CRM, is offering a
 capital as the most active city for more than                                 insurers advertising on Rush Limbaugh’s                                       new insurance solution to assist analysis
 20% of insurers. New York and Los Angeles                                     radio show certainly heard about it from                                      of data gathered from a myriad of sources:
 come next.                                                                    both sides of the argument. Allstate and                                      claim forms, adjuster notes and third-party
                                                                               GEICO both had over 2,000 opinions on                                         reports—including police, medical and
 Also thanks to Facebook, we get a glimpse
                                                                               Facebook. Progressive choose to tackle                                        inspection reports—as well as customer
 into some demographic data – the most
                                                                               the issue on Twitter. On the positive side,                                   feedback from social media, surveys, emails
 active age group on industry pages are                                        the dialogue could have been calls to the                                     and other sources.
 those between 25 and 34. Insurer pages                                        call center whereas social media provided a
 that attract younger consumers (18-24), not                                   forum for a lively, albeit heated discussion.                                 Almost all of the subscriber growth for
 surprisingly include Flo, the Aflac Duck, State                                                                                                             insurers in LinkedIn is coming from non-
 Farm Nation and the Gecko but perhaps                                         UNUM in the UK launched a social media                                        employees. Employee growth over the
 more surprisingly MetLife and Allstate. Staying                               campaign to educate consumers for the                                         quarter was an insipid 3% whereas non-
 on Allstate, Mayhem attracts the 25-34 group                                  need for long-term disability insurance.                                      employees subscribers grew by 19%. The
 (who may appreciate the offbeat humor) but                                    Needing consumers to drive demand                                             low employee subscriber growth indicates
 the Allstate motorcycle crowd are between                                     with employers who need in turn to speak                                      strong existing penetration. Aflac increased
 45 and 54. Dairyland Cycle, with its posse of                                 with brokers, the campaign aims to build                                      non-employee subscribers by 168% in the
 Harley riders also attracts the 45-54 crowd.                                  momentum, demonstrating that others                                           quarter and with strong growth from Farmers
                                                                               already have the insurance. Starting with a                                   (37%), State Farm (36%), and Liberty Mutual
 Life insurers tend to attract older fans than                                 moderated forum to manage comments,                                           (35%). State Farm and Mass Mutual are the
 P&C fans with Mass Mutual, Northwestern                                       it has now extended to a Facebook page                                        latest insurers to employ the Product and
 Mutual and Thrivent Financial all appealing to                                (BackUpPlan) with 14,000 fans.                                                Services tab. Liberty Mutual has the most
 the 45-54 group with mixtures of insurance                                                                                                                  product recommendations with 75.
 content and philanthropic activities. New York                                According to a report commissioned by
 Life mixes material between business content                                  Hearsay Social, a post from a local Facebook
                                                                               page reaches five times the percentage of
                                                                                                                                                                Subscribe to SocialEyes
 and business-related campaigns attracting
 the 25-34 group. MetLife focuses on Peanuts                                   fans compared to a post from a corporate                                         Get 12 issues for just $499
 characters and strong visuals and attracts the                                page. The study also found local posts get                                       (or $1500 for a company
 younger audience.                                                             eight times the engagement.                                                      subscription)
 Activity on Google Plus is very slow and                                      Companies continue to see compliance                                             SocialEyes is a subscription-only
 dialogue has decreased if anything over the                                   platforms as the solution to approving                                           newsletter published monthly by
 past few months with little sign of consumer                                  social media. Ziegler, a specialty investment                                    The Customer Respect Group.
 dialogue in any volume. Even though the                                       bank selected Hearsay Social, while The
 industry circle count grew by 20%for the                                      Principal opted for Socialite from Actiance.                                     To subscribe, just visit
 month, the number of consumers connected                                      The Principal determined that a compliance                             
 to insurers on Google Plus is 0.06% of that                                   platform to monitor social media activity by
 on Facebook. Allstate leads all insurers with                                 reps in both the home office and the field was                                   For subscription information, email
 1,175, with New York Life showing strongest                                   a requirement, before allowing those reps                              
 growth, up 70% at 599.                                                        access to social media.                                                          or call (978) 412.4047

SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the
                                                              Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email


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Social Eyes April

  • 1. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Easy Riders Are In Contents Volume 2 Number 2 | April 2012 Good Hands Easy Riders Are In Good Hands..................................................1, 3-4 The Guy With The Suitcase..............................................................1-3 It Takes a Community to Build Facebook Data Table........................................................................... 5 Dialogue Facebook Activity in February..........................................................6-7 SocialEyes is published A recent article in PC World took issue monthly by Twitter Data Table................................................................................ 7 The Customer Respect Group, with the liberties Facebook takes regarding P.O. Box 266, MA 01938. News & Updates: Around The Horn..................................................... 8 consumer privacy, with the implicit brand endorsement available to advertisers based on a single page “like”. The article The Guy With The Suitcase compared Facebook to that nosy girl in Content is First and Foremost for Agents seventh grade who wants to tell everyone about your objects of affection, making Many carriers have struggled to build a social media strategy that includes their in- you an unwitting and unpaid celebrity en- dependent agent distribution channels. Many agencies show limited interest in social dorser. This advice will become common- media, and those that do prefer to develop their own brand. So what role, if any, can a place over the next year, and as consumers carrier play? come to realize how their identities are be- One carrier consistently promoting social media to agencies is Foremost ing used for commercial gain, brand pages Insurance. Foremost is represented by more than 38,000 independent agen- will find it harder to attract fans. cies (in all 50 states and the District of Columbia) providing specialty auto and One consequence will be the growth in homeowners insurance with more than 2.7 million active policies. We sat down special-interest initiatives that follow the with Jeff Bair, Executive Director Strategic Management–IA Operations, who social 3Rs—resonance, relevance, and also answers to the name of “The Foremost Guy” and the star of some of the best reach. Consumers are on social networks insurance videos on YouTube. to connect with people like themselves, not to buy products. Insurers need to consider Is it possible to convince agents that ‘do not get social media’? a more community-focused approach, es- I think the population of users continues to move upward, but it probably will reach pecially for those with a strong common a crest unless there is some dramatic change on the usability landscape. We’ve been interest. Communities do not need to be successful convincing agents to start (several have posted on our Facebook page), and geographic-, vocation- or belief-based: that was a prime deliverable for the suitcase launch, but over time we’ll start to focus members just need to identify with the more on folks that are already in this space. We do have a few agents who have offered community. With this in mind we spoke us the opportunity to do a social media intervention (and film it), so we’re working to with Erick Laseca, community manager of schedule that as an additional attempt to get new potential users engaged. Allstate Motorcycle. First the facts. The Allstate Motorcycle Should you concentrate on agents that are already connected socially? Facebook page launched just a year ago That’s our future direction. Looking at ACT’s most recent data, 31% of agents that do and today boasts nearly 60,000 fans. not use Social Media don’t plan to start (47% plan to start between six months and a Engagement statistics are impressive, year from now), so that’s further indication that promoting new users isn’t where the with nearly 30,000 fan interactions in re- play will be. sponse to company posts in the first quar- ter of 2012. For the quarter, the rate of en- Most agency principals are not connected socially – is this a problem? gagement exceeded Allstate’s corporate Actually, we’ve seen that usage out of the office has increased in overall acceptance, continued on page 3 continued on page 2 SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 1
  • 2. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Foremost Insurance continued from page 1 reading about the “how to” portions of the site. As we increase elements like “success stories” we start to see the time on site go up. It’s very hard to measure whether a post an agent did actually resulted in a piece of business for us, but we’re looking at other items we can build out to help us get closer to grabbing this metric as well. The Suitcase is open for all to see – is that part of the plan? Part of our plan at the outset. The suitcase will move behind our firewall later this year in conjunction with our launch of Do you conduct any agent social media training? We’ve not done that yet, but it’s been a topic of conversation. regardless of age or position. In fact, in the aforementioned sur- Our “success stories” section was designed to do that at arm’s vey, 60% of the respondents were agency principals or manage- length. ment, so I think our challenge is more likely around continually connecting with the community owners within an agency; com- How do you deal with providing content and training to municating with them, providing them with content, creating agents who then use that to sell competing policies? an environment where more agencies share ideas. We’ve faced that issue for years. We’ve had seminars focused on need satisfaction selling, pairing features and benefits to Will social media change how agents are recruited or best meet customer needs, and after attending, agents may use trained? that skill set to sell a competitor’s policy. While we’re not purely If the question is in terms of how agencies recruit new agents, altruistic, we do believe that improving the skill sets of indepen- I think you will start to see the slightest shift in terms of a dent agents and producers will result in an improved recogni- desired skill set, and it might not be solely in terms of social tion for us, and if we do our part delivering competitive prod- media savvy, but maybe more in terms of a robust set of mobile ucts and outstanding claim service, we’ll win more than we lose. and web-based skills. A well rounded use of both devices and platforms that keeps agents continually in front of prospects and Would you collaborate with other carriers or a content distri- customers. bution vendor as part of an industry content syndication? Because of the space that we’re in, product-wise, creating and One key agent-based initiative from Foremost is the “Social delivering our own content is probably the best approach at this Media Suitcase”. This is a site containing social media success time. Also our distribution size relative to the market means stories, “how to’s” and a steady stream of blog ideas, key dates that we already have access to provide content to almost all and re-usable posts for major platforms. It is a great resource for independent agents. As for vendors, we have spoken to one, but agents looking to get started and for ongoing content. Google have not moved forward with anyone yet. “Foremost Suitcase” to take a look. Your own Facebook page has limited activity and engage- How do you measure the value or success of the “suitcase”? ment, why? I think we’re still early in the game…the suitcase is only a year Our initial effort in this space was to support the Social Media old last month, but most of our analytics are internal. We have Suitcase. We would have liked to see more posts, but initially seen time on site go down dramatically, and usage continue to it was not only a space to start that conversation, but also our go up. That points to more folks on content skirmishes and less laboratory. We were as new to social media as most agents were SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 2
  • 3. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Foremost Insurance Allstate Motorcycle continued from page 2 continued from page 1 when we started, so it was our Facebook page (by a factor of five) and was three times the in- very public space to begin dustry average. experimenting with creating a viable community. Next steps Mission with the site will be to increase Before any activity commenced, three things were agreed the number of agent “likes” upon – the mission, what success would look like, and the plan to and start a more regular achieve that success. Of most importance was the mission – and industry- and information- for Allstate, this was to create a forum for the motorcycle commu- based conversation. We won’t nity where it initiated and hosted discussions about rider safety, stop posting items we consider relevant gear, and event news. This was not just about Allstate. to be fun or light, but we’ll start creating a more active dialogue The key word in the mission is “forum”. For the mission to later this year. While we would appreciate more “likes”, the most succeed, a broad and active community is crucial, and this would important thing for us is the quality of those “likes”. Are we reaching the people that we want to reach? Does LinkedIn fit in to your picture at all? Not at this point, but we do have a new suite of products on the horizon where there may be a better play. We also think that sites like Manta, which are social-ish may have solid opportunities for independent agents. Anywhere we can support creating a com- munity, and thus creating referrals for producers, is probably an area we will investigate. drive the content strategy and policies. The objective is not to sell insurance, at least not directly; while the community has a passion You have adopted the role of social media evangelist – is that for motorbikes, very few have a passion for insurance. too big for a carrier, why not just sit back and wait? I don’t think the problem was too big to solve, given our percep- What Does Success Look Like? tion on the scope. We’ve always provided agents with business Success has five metrics, four of which are engagement-based: building tools. For years we’ve had an internal site called “Grow- content “likes”, comments, shares, and community-generated ing My Business” and this was just the next logical extension of posts. Fan count is the fifth metric, with retention just as important that. I think there is ample opportunity to keep educating agents, as growth. An aggressive engagement strategy demands certain but refocus on helping them discover new facilities (e.g. Pinter- risks – not easy for insurers to accept but critical in Laseca’s opin- est), as well as ways to manage a communication plan that incor- ion. The forum allows and encourages independent contributions, porates social media (e.g. Crowdbooster, Buffer, HootSuite). even extending that welcome to vendors that serve the commu- nity (as long as they add value). Airbrush artists promoting loca- What is the vision that drives the social media initiative? tions at upcoming rallies are a good example. Another act of trust Supporting our distribution base, independent agents and is to allow and accept all user comments (with the obvious excep- producers is a key element of our value proposition. In strategic tions of profanity or inappropriate language), letting the community marketing, our informal mission statement is, “We think up cool police itself. Fans need to step in when comments are out of line stuff to help producers add new and retain more customers.” or off-topic, but stepping in too early limits this involvement and We’re supported by a very talented Corporate Communications inhibits the sense of community ownership. group that takes the strategic ideation and translates it into a solid creative deliverable. So, in a nutshell, that’s just what we do. Content Strategy q A three-point guideline was agreed on before a single post that continued on page 4 SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 3
  • 4. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media the message “Don’t let my motorcycle interfere with the safety of Allstate Motorcycle your phone call” attracted over 1,300 interactions. continued from page 3 As part of an innovative but natural extension to the content still holds true today: strategy, Laseca has reached out to organizations and partners hh Does this fit into the social space in a where there is a strong fan overlap. The goal is to way that would benefit riders? enhance the value to the community as well as to hh Is this something the community would create cross-promotional opportunities for each find worthy to contribute their content organization. For example, Allstate will promote to comment on, share, or like? (entirely on social media) a campaign by Victory hh Does this demonstrate Allstate’s com- Motorcycles to offer an ambitious goal of motor- mitment to protecting riders? bike test drives. Allstate has also created a part- Also important was to define was the voice (straightforward, nership with J&P Cycles, a leading aftermarket motorcycle parts slang-free, and passionate), tone (intense and sincere without arti- supplier, to provide Allstate celebrity autographed promotional ficial emphasis), key themes (advocacy, safety, maintenance) and items, and has formed programs with the American Motorcyclist topics (about 20, including tips, community action, news, events Association and Men’s Journal. and road safety). A constant flow of content is needed to keep the page fresh Recruitment and relevant to riders from all walks of life and levels of experi- Fan base recruitment for the first six months was purely organic ence. The enthusiast tends to be more impassioned and therefore while a content library was being developed. During this period, more active and engaged, especially during the winter (off-season) some early fans became active, and while the identification and months. Laseca takes care however to be responsive to requests acquisition of brand ambassadors was not orchestrated, there was from leisure riders, firmly believing that listening to the community always the expectation that they would emerge. Allstate rewards is vital. The mix needs to respond to the community and cannot be ambassadors with “goody” bags containing hard-to-find pro- achieved in a vacuum or be preplanned too far in advance. motional items. Then, with content and a number of active fans, Laseca is able to call upon a dedicated team of independent Allstate expanded the community through relevant sweepstakes motorcycle clubs, corporate relations, and advertisement/PR and and Facebook ads. While fan count was part of the objective, event agencies to contribute content and community advocacy ini- retention was also critical; within this tightly-defined community, tiatives to engage the community. Facebook ads performed exceptionally well. Since those promo- Advocacy is critical to the mission and safety is an especially tions, the community has reverted to organic growth, with a reten- strong passion point. The ONE (Once is Never Enough) program, part tion rate of 99% in the first quarter. of the Allstate Rider Protection Project, is an awareness campaign The dialogue between fans and Allstate is positive, and brand to help reduce the number of motorcycle crashes involving other ambassadors frequently promote the values of Allstate a lot more vehicles at intersections. One call to action for the program will be a actively than the company does. newly-developed pledge program (ONE Pledge), which encourages supporters to pledge to look twice for motorcycles at intersections, Conclusions as well as to spread the message to one other person. The ONE Motorbikers have passion and a clear culture. This might seem Pledge will be hosted on the Allstate’s Motorcycle Facebook page. to be an easy community to corral. Competitors, however, have For each pledge Allstate will donate $1 to Departments of Transport fared less well. Progressive, Nationwide Insurance, and Dairyland across the country to pay for the creation and installation of motor- Cycle have relatively stagnant Facebook pages, and GEICO has cycle warning signs at dangerous intersections. all but abandoned its motorcycle page. As insurers review com- Laseca also scours the Internet for relevant and appropriate con- munity-oriented social media, consideration must be given to the tent that will engage the community. Content must always be rel- community needs and not merely promoting products. Laseca is evant and interesting – it does not need to be about or from Allstate an advocate, but for whom? He feels that his role demands he be – and it must emanate from reputable partners. The community has an advocate for the community to Allstate and not vice versa. The a shared deadbeat sense of humor when considering key topics reward for success is the ability to influence a like-minded com- such as safety. A recent graphic originating from “Bikerspost” with munity that trusts each other’s advice and recommendations. q SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 4
  • 5. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Facebook Data for March 2012 (sample data from pages with over 1,000 fans) Normalized Note: Table is sorted by Normalized Q1 2012 Normalized Weighted Interactions in Q1 2012 (column 3). Normalized March Interactions Interactions Category Interactions Fan Count Month Change Interactions (March) (March) Posts Modern Woodmen of America Corporate 39.8% 1,280 6% 484 38% 119% 19 Primerica Corporate 23.1% 23,637 2% 5,100 22% 42% 38 American General Life and Accident (AGLA) Corporate 19.0% 1,791 2% 334 19% 36% 64 Chubb Corporate 18.5% 2,225 3% 479 22% 52% 76 Foremost Corporate 17.5% 5,486 77% 1,195 22% 62% 58 Allstate Motorcycle Product 16.1% 57,668 1% 9,707 17% 37% 54 Mayhem (Allstate) Mascot 15.8% 1,228,982 2% 164,563 13% 21% 18 PEMCO Corporate 11.0% 2,444 3% 238 10% 23% 60 Erie Insurance Corporate 10.8% 5,604 5% 967 17% 41% 20 Horace Mann Corporate 10.7% 3,749 7% 510 14% 24% 26 Safeco Corporate 10.2% 3,189 3% 433 14% 48% 14 California Casualty Corporate 9.7% 17,494 19% 744 4% 13% 22 Acuity–WOW Corporate 9.3% 4,608 1% 307 7% 15% 14 Metlife Corporate 8.4% 213,620 4% 16,678 8% 13% 79 Travelers Insurance Corporate 6.9% 8,991 4% 1,048 12% 40% 8 Alfa Insurance Corporate 6.6% 3,088 1% 225 7% 23% 15 Sentry Insurance Corporate 6.6% 2,151 1% 125 6% 14% 15 Mass Mutual Corporate 6.0% 29,305 0% 989 3% 7% 67 Amica Mutual Corporate 5.9% 1,872 2% 109 6% 11% 26 AXA Equitable Corporate 5.8% 2,683 1% 124 5% 6% 60 Shelter Corporate 5.5% 2,006 2% 131 7% 16% 12 Northwestern Mutual Corporate 5.5% 27,352 4% 2,420 9% 19% 31 Westfield Insurance Corporate 5.2% 1,627 2% 99 6% 9% 49 New York Life Corporate 4.9% 249,172 8% 2,557 1% 2% 28 Thrivent Financial Corporate 4.6% 74,804 24% 2,740 4% 10% 22 Ameriprise Corporate 4.3% 8,457 3% 417 5% 14% 9 InGear for Truckers–Acuity Product 4.2% 7,925 14% 252 3% 7% 10 Nationwide Insurance Corporate 4.1% 14,116 4% 1,046 7% 21% 34 Liberty Mutual Insurance Corporate 3.4% 15,695 3% 585 4% 7% 29 Allstate Corporate 3.3% 75,355 2% 3,502 5% 13% 43 Principal Financial Corporate 3.2% 2,732 3% 131 5% 11% 26 USAA Corporate 3.1% 230,723 2% 6,948 3% 7% 39 American Family Corporate 3.1% 53,331 0% 2,072 4% 10% 47 Esurance Corporate 3.0% 26,185 5% 893 3% 8% 38 State Farm Insurance Corporate 2.5% 240,194 9% 5,846 2% 6% 43 Progressive Insurance Corporate 1.8% 43,831 4% 773 2% 3% 7 Aflac Duck Corporate 1.7% 313,781 2% 3,515 1% 2% 33 Gerber Life Corporate 1.6% 38,000 13% 401 1% 1% 14 The Gecko (GEICO) Mascot 1.6% 238,244 2% 3,051 1% 2% 12 SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 5
  • 6. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Facebook activity in March test generated over 60,000 entrants to boost the fan hh The average growth rate in March for Industry count to 80,000. The top age group for the page now Facebook fans was 8.1%. Very large fan pages (>1 is 45-54. million) grew at 3%, Large (100K–1million) at 8.5%, hh The normalized interaction rate for the industry is Medium-Large (10K–100K) at 4.2%, Medium-Small 2.65%. This calculation adds the ‘likes’, ‘shares’ and (5K–10K) at 11.1%, Small (1K–5K) at 4.2% and very comments contributed to company posts and di- small (<1K) at 13%. Life insurers grew at 9.5%, out- vides by fan count. Across multiple industries, the pacing P&C companies at 5.8%. expected rate is about 2% (even though that metric hh Fan recruitment continues be a hot issue even though does not take into account shares —not supported by engagement is now at the top of insurer priorities. Facebook APIs at present). The equivalent insurance Thrivent Financial for Lutherans launched its rate (excluding shares) is 2.33%. campaign “Fan it Forward” which rewards new page hh There is little variation between quarterly interaction likes with a donation of $1 to Lutheran Services in rates compared to last month indicating maturity as America. The goal was 15,000 new fans but that tar- pages establish set patterns. More engaged in March get was almost reached (+24%) by the end of March, compared to their own averages were Foremost, three weeks ahead of schedule. Northwestern Mutual, and Travelers. Less en- hh In the top page fan-size category, the Flo fan base gaged were Mass Mutual and New York Life. leaped 11% in the month (+368K) on the back of a hh The most engaged insurers for their size catego- social media-driven video campaign “Best Day Ever”. ries for the first quarter were Auto-Owners (Very Progressive created three posts featuring video to Small), Modern Woodmen (Small), Foremost test and optimize the content for sharing. The posts (Medium-Small), Primerica (Medium Large), were promoted in real-time based on which post was MetLife (Large), and Mayhem (Very Large). The seeing most social traffic, a process they describe as same companies led their categories for Weighted “viral optimization”. Interaction, which weights quality engagement hh American Income Life Insurance Company, in its (‘shares’ and ‘comments’) five times more than a ‘like’. goal to raise fan count to 2,500, is offering an iPad This is in line with research conducted by Edgerank in a sweepstake for new fans. Six hundred eager fans Checker indicating the extended reach gained by joined in the first five days (+27%). these forms of interaction. hh California Casualty continues to offer group hh Insurers with the highest percentage of qual- awards (schoolteacher lounge makeover) and indi- ity engagement (shares and comments) include vidual gift cards to boost awareness of its Facebook Travelers, California Casualty, Foremost, page within its public sector communities (+19%– Geico, Allstate and Amerprise. Insurers with the 2800 fans). lowest percentage of quality engagement include hh In September last year 21st Century Insurance Aviva, Axa-Equitable and Gerber Life. launched a 13-week long “Win Big Sweepstakes”. hh Facebook now publishes a monthly summary of Visitors who “liked” 21st Century entered into a “Talking About This” (TAT). This metric covers all drawing for various prizes including a car. The con- interactions with the page (including page likes). Most insurers are displaying this data (with notable MORE FACEBOOK DATA—FAN COUNT exceptions MetLife and Allstate). Obviously on Fan count data for 180 insurers and engagement data for 80 insurers this raw number mascot pages with huge fan counts is available monthly in Excel format. To request this data, please email dominate. This month, Flo added 360K fans so this Following many requests, we announce a new company subscription distorts the TAT. The TAT is normalized by dividing it by fan count, which puts Foremost top due in part NEW option—forIndividualdelivery and sharing$499.00 intranet with colleagues— for $1500. licences remain at to a recruitment campaign this month. continued on page 7 SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 6
  • 7. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Twitter Table March 2012 Facebook Activity continued from page 6 Account Type Followers March Tweets March Change 3-Mth Change New York Life Corporate 30,964 130 1% 33% State Farm Nation Demographic 28,227 86 0% 0% Removing new fan additions USAA Corporate 27,286 118 4% 15% from the TAT calculation leaves Allstate Insurance Corporate 27,050 506 2% 5% Auto-Owners, IMT Group, Erie State Farm Insurance Corporate 21,399 384 3% 13% Insurance, Allstate Motorcycle, USAA and State Farm Nation top Aflac Duck Mascot 14,603 104 2% 7% of their page size categories. Progressive Insurance Corporate 12,071 219 4% 15% hhHorace Mann is going to re-launch The Hartford Corporate 11,969 20 3% 10% its Facebook-based campaign to Nationwide Insurance Corporate 10,272 59 4% 16% provide donations towards unfund- American Family Corporate 9,950 274 1% 134% ed public school projects. The cam- Primerica Corporate 9,360 59 6% 18% paign prompted teachers to promote Chubb Insurance Corporate 9,166 290 5% 15% projects on the Horace Mann page, Travelers Insurance Corporate 9,090 28 6% 22% which seeded lively discussions. GEICO Corporate 8,360 17 6% 17% Engagement rates on the page have halved since the end of the original GEICO Gecko Mascot 8,149 12 0% 2% campaign. Progressive - It’s Flo Mascot 7,901 95 5% 19% hhCarriers are experiencing more Farmers Insurance Corporate 7,298 19 6% 23% interaction with independent agents Liberty Mutual Corporate 6,972 46 6% 21% and providing more content as a AON Corporate 5,516 34 7% 27% result. Over 360 agents clicked ‘like’ USAA Help Help 5,459 117 3% 11% in response to Erie Insurance asking Esurance Corporate 5,071 90 4% 51% if they love being an agent. Grange Progressive Help Help 5,064 70 4% 13% Insurance posted spring agent Zurich North America Corporate 4,786 73 9% 35% meeting photos, much of Primerica Transamerica Corporate 4,405 32 4% 28% page content targets agents, and 80% of Safeco shares are by agents. Cigna Corporate 4,295 150 4% 16% hhMost insurers allow consum- Northwestern Mutual Corporate 3,109 114 7% 22% ers to start new posts but there PEMCO Corporate 3,028 179 3% 5% are still a few exceptions, includ- Safe Auto Corporate 2,796 36 5% 15% ing Ameriprise, Northwestern Safeco Insurance Corporate 2,701 63 9% 34% Mutual, Traveler, Shelter and AXA Equitable Corporate 2,594 63 4% 8% VALIC. Munich Re Corporate 2,518 30 4% 16% hhFrom the “Only in America” depart- Thrivent Financial Corporate 2,175 20 4% 16% ment—Progressive’s Flo stated SwissRe Corporate 2,156 38 14% 48% “I am thinking of a number…go”. MetLife Blimp Mascot 2,059 31 4% 16% To date nearly 6,000 people have participated even though there is Foremost Insurance Corporate 2,030 16 5% 23% no indication whether Flo will ever The Principal Corporate 1,904 68 7% 26% reveal her number. Mega Millions California Casualty Corporate 1,791 13 0% 0% lottery hangover? q Westfield Insurance Corporate 1,661 46 4% 11% SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 7
  • 8. SocialEyes The Insurers’ View of Social Media Around The Horn Allstate conducted video hangouts on Gartner, in its report “10 Most Disruptive Google Plus during the Final Four with former Technologies for P&C Insurers”, puts social — April 2012 March madness stars talking to fans. The media in that bucket. Acknowledging take-up was very limited due possibly to the that social data could create significant Thanks to data made available by Facebook lack of publicity and the limited scalability of competitive advantage via an ocean of as part of the new brand timeline, we are hangouts. consumer data, insurers content with playing offered a few insights and as well as oddities. wait-and-see are likely going to pay for their Twitter follower counts for the industry are For most insurers, the city from where the patience. growing more slowly than ever before. As most page visitors hail also happens to be Facebook becomes the dominant social Jackson National Life Insurance Company the location of the home office. Employees marketing channel, many insurers have recently announced the winners of are obviously keen observers if not focused Twitter on a combination of news the Jackson Social Media Challenge, contributors to company pages. The most feed, corporate communications, and which charged university teams with the prominent cities for State Farm Nation and customer service. In the past, follower growth development of a social media business plan Mutual of Omaha’s My Aha Moment (both has been triggered by natural disasters and for Jackson and the opportunity to win a Jakarta, Indonesia) and Farmers Insurance the launch last year of promoted accounts $15,000 first-place prize. (London, UK) do raise eyebrows, as do the and tweets. promotional recruitment activities employed. Attensity, a provider of social analytics Chicago is the undisputed insurance fan Social media is a natural channel to vent and applications for Social CRM, is offering a capital as the most active city for more than insurers advertising on Rush Limbaugh’s new insurance solution to assist analysis 20% of insurers. New York and Los Angeles radio show certainly heard about it from of data gathered from a myriad of sources: come next. both sides of the argument. Allstate and claim forms, adjuster notes and third-party GEICO both had over 2,000 opinions on reports—including police, medical and Also thanks to Facebook, we get a glimpse Facebook. Progressive choose to tackle inspection reports—as well as customer into some demographic data – the most the issue on Twitter. On the positive side, feedback from social media, surveys, emails active age group on industry pages are the dialogue could have been calls to the and other sources. those between 25 and 34. Insurer pages call center whereas social media provided a that attract younger consumers (18-24), not forum for a lively, albeit heated discussion. Almost all of the subscriber growth for surprisingly include Flo, the Aflac Duck, State insurers in LinkedIn is coming from non- Farm Nation and the Gecko but perhaps UNUM in the UK launched a social media employees. Employee growth over the more surprisingly MetLife and Allstate. Staying campaign to educate consumers for the quarter was an insipid 3% whereas non- on Allstate, Mayhem attracts the 25-34 group need for long-term disability insurance. employees subscribers grew by 19%. The (who may appreciate the offbeat humor) but Needing consumers to drive demand low employee subscriber growth indicates the Allstate motorcycle crowd are between with employers who need in turn to speak strong existing penetration. Aflac increased 45 and 54. Dairyland Cycle, with its posse of with brokers, the campaign aims to build non-employee subscribers by 168% in the Harley riders also attracts the 45-54 crowd. momentum, demonstrating that others quarter and with strong growth from Farmers already have the insurance. Starting with a (37%), State Farm (36%), and Liberty Mutual Life insurers tend to attract older fans than moderated forum to manage comments, (35%). State Farm and Mass Mutual are the P&C fans with Mass Mutual, Northwestern it has now extended to a Facebook page latest insurers to employ the Product and Mutual and Thrivent Financial all appealing to (BackUpPlan) with 14,000 fans. Services tab. Liberty Mutual has the most the 45-54 group with mixtures of insurance product recommendations with 75. content and philanthropic activities. New York According to a report commissioned by Life mixes material between business content Hearsay Social, a post from a local Facebook page reaches five times the percentage of Subscribe to SocialEyes and business-related campaigns attracting the 25-34 group. MetLife focuses on Peanuts fans compared to a post from a corporate Get 12 issues for just $499 characters and strong visuals and attracts the page. The study also found local posts get (or $1500 for a company younger audience. eight times the engagement. subscription) Activity on Google Plus is very slow and Companies continue to see compliance SocialEyes is a subscription-only dialogue has decreased if anything over the platforms as the solution to approving newsletter published monthly by past few months with little sign of consumer social media. Ziegler, a specialty investment The Customer Respect Group. dialogue in any volume. Even though the bank selected Hearsay Social, while The industry circle count grew by 20%for the Principal opted for Socialite from Actiance. To subscribe, just visit month, the number of consumers connected The Principal determined that a compliance to insurers on Google Plus is 0.06% of that platform to monitor social media activity by on Facebook. Allstate leads all insurers with reps in both the home office and the field was For subscription information, email 1,175, with New York Life showing strongest a requirement, before allowing those reps growth, up 70% at 599. access to social media. or call (978) 412.4047 SocialEyes is a confidential, copyrighted newsletter for subscribers only. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any form or means, including photocopying, scanning or facsimile transmission, without prior permission of the Publisher. To subscribe, visit or email 8