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Social Design
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© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Table of Contents
• Social design strategy의 가능성과 가치
• Social design strategies
Social design
가능성과 가치
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Social design strategy의 가능성과 가치
• I have discovered that the social world is much less complicated than it appears. In
fact, interactions between people are governed by simple rules and patterns.
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
Social design
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (1/3)
• Version 1.0*
 Every time a user typed “Dear . . . ,” Clippy would dutifully
propose, “I see you are writing a letter. Would you like some
help?”—no matter how many times the user had rejected this
offer in the past.
 Clippy would give unhelpful answers to questions, and when
the user rephrased the question, Clippy would give the same
unhelpful answers again.
Image source:
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (2/3)
• Version 2.0*
 After Clippy made a suggestion or answered a question, he
would ask, “Was that helpful?” and then present buttons for
“yes” and “no.” If the user clicked “no,” Clippy would say, “That
gets me really angry! Let’s tell Microsoft how bad their help
system is.”
 He would then pop up an e-mail to be sent to “Manager,
Microsoft Support,” with the subject, “Your help system needs
work!” After giving the user a couple of minutes to type a
complaint, Clippy would say, “C’mon! You can be tougher than
that. Let ’em have it!”
Image source:
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (3/3)
• Strategy*
 Without any fundamental change in the software, the right
social strategy rescued Clippy from the list of Most Hated
Software of All Time; creating a scapegoat bonded Clippy
and the user against a common enemy.
 Social science literature to find simple tactics that unpopular
people use to make friends.Image source:
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Flatterer computer(아첨 전략)
• “wrong! wrong! wrong!” Even when you were right. And what did the spell checker
do when it was wrong? It would simply ask you to “add the word to the dictionary”
without even an apology.
• a “kinder and gentler” spell checker?; When it saw the word “onomatopoeia,” it
could say, “Wow, that’s a really hard word to spell right!”
• Participants reported that they liked the flatterer computer (which gave random
and generic feedback) as much as they liked the accurate computer. Because
participants happily accepted the flatterer’s praise; “Only an idiot would be
influenced by comments that had nothing to do with their real performance.”
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Politeness(To be polite to the computer; 미디어에 예의 차리기 전략)
• 30분 정도 소프트웨어 사용 후, “이 소프트웨어를 구매할 의향이 있습니까?”, “얼마나
만족합니까?” 등의 소프트웨어의 사용 느낌을 물어봄. 피실험자들의 절반은 평소 사용한
컴퓨터에서 질문에 답했고, 나머지 절반은 방 한쪽에 떨어져있는 동일한 기종의
컴퓨터에서 질문에 답함
• Users entered more positive responses on the computer that asked about itself than
they did on the separate, “objective” computer. People gave different answers
because they unconsciously felt that they had to be polite to the computer they
were evaluating!
• When we questioned them after the experiment, every one of the participants
insisted that she or he would never bother being polite to a computer.
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Gender stereotypes(성별 고정관념 활용 전략) (1/2)
• The BMW service desk received numerous calls from agitated German men that
went something like this:
CUSTOMER: I can’t use my navigation system.
OPERATOR: I’m very sorry about that, sir. What seems to be the problem?
CUSTOMER: A woman should not be giving directions.
OPERATOR: Sir, it is not really a woman. It is only a recorded voice.
CUSTOMER: I don’t trust directions from a woman.
OPERATOR: Sir, if it makes you feel better, I am certain that the engineers that built
the system and the cartographers who figured out the directions were all men.
CUSTOMER: It doesn’t matter. It simply doesn’t work.
• BMW was forced to recall the product. What was the problem? It turns out that the
system had a female voice, and male German drivers refused to take directions
from a woman!
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Gender stereotypes(성별 고정관념 활용 전략) (2/2)
• 40명의 피실험자 대상 실험: 피실험자 절반에게 20분에 걸쳐 컴퓨터에서 여성의
목소리로 ‘사랑과 인간관계(전형적인 여성의 주제)’을 배우게 하였고, 나머지 절반에게
동일 조건에서 남성의 목소리로 ‘물리학(전형적인 남성의 주제)’을 학습하게 한 후, 다른
컴퓨터에서 소감을 설문조사 함. 결과는?
• When we asked participants afterward whether the apparent gender of the voice
made a difference, they uniformly said that it would be ludicrous to assign a gender
to a computer. Furthermore, every participant denied harboring any gender
stereotypes at all!
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Computers Are Social Actors
• Humans expect computers to act as though they were people and get annoyed
when technology fails to respond in socially appropriate ways.(컴퓨터가 사람처럼
행동하길 기대하고, 기술이 인간적인 방식으로 반응하지 않는 것에 불만을 가짐)
• Show that people treat computers as if they were real people(컴퓨터와 미디어를
사람처럼 대하는 사람들의 성향 관련 연구)
 Nass, C., and Brave, S. B. (2005). Wired for speech: How voice activates and
enhances the human computer relationship. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
 Reeves, B., and Nass, C. (1996). The media equation: How people treat computers,
television, and new media like real people and places. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(1/5)
• This is a reproduction of one of the most famous of the Tiffany stained-glass pieces—
the colors are absolutely sensational! This first-class, handmade copper-foiled stained-
glass shade is over six and one-half inches in diameter and over five inches tall. I am
sure that this gorgeous lamp will accent any environment and bring a classic touch of
the past to a stylish present. It is guaranteed to be in excellent condition! I very highly
recommend it.
• This is a reproduction of a Tiffany stained-glass piece. The colors are quite rich. The
handmade copper-foiled stained-glass shade is about six and one-half inches in
diameter and five inches tall.
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(2/5)
• You should definitely select option A instead of option B. There are at least six
reasons why this is the right option. I am 90 percent confident of this assessment.
• Perhaps you should select option A instead of option B? It seems like there are
reasons why this might be the right choice. I am 40 percent confident of this
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(3/5)
• Personality traits(성격 특성); 5살 무렵에 형성
• Four Personalities
비판형 외향형
내향형 수용형
냉정형 다정형
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(4/5)
• Similarity-attraction affects people to such a degree that they feel positive toward
not only similar people but also anything associated with those similar people. For
example, in the experiment, not only did participants like the sellers who were similar
to themselves, they also felt more positive about the items associated with the
similar sellers.(유사성-매력 효과는 긍정적 감정 뿐만 아니라 유대감 유발. 심지어
성격이 비슷한 판매자가 경매에 올린 제품까지 선호)
• 외향성 음성과 내향성 음성 동일 적용; 음량, 음역, 음성 속도; 성격과 음성의 일관성
중요하게 판단함
• When the introduction to a computer-based “Entertainment Guide” matched users’
personalities, users found the recommended music to be significantly better, even
though the recommendations themselves were identical.(동일 음악을 추천하여도
서비스 도입부가 자신의 성격에 부합하면 선호 발생)
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(5/5)
• Similarity-attraction & opposites attract(the principle of complementarity상보성 원리)
• 유사성-매력 효과는 상보성 원리를 뛰어넘음
• Gain effect(게인 효과): 처음에 큰 보상을 한 번 받는 것보다 처음에 작은 보상을
받았다가 서서히 큰 보상을 받는 것을 좋아함
 투자: 꾸준히 큰 수익을 거두는 것보다 갑자기 큰 수익을 거두는 것 더 가치 있다고
 급여 인상: 꾸준히 급여가 올라야 유리한데도, 급여가 적게 올랐다가 크게 오를 때
급여가 올랐다는 느낌을 더욱 크게 받음
 연애: 처음부터 관심이 가는 사람보다 지내다 보니 갑자기 관심이 생기는 사람을 더
 결혼: 성격이 반대인 사람에게 끌리는 매력과 잘 살아가는 모습? 서로 성격을 맞춰
나가면서 성격이 닮아가고 마음이 잘 통함
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy
인용/참조 문헌
• Nass, C., and Brave, S. B. (2005). Wired for speech: How voice activates and enhances
the human computer relationship. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
• Reeves, B., and Nass, C. (1996). The media equation: How people treat computers,
television, and new media like real people and places. New York: Cambridge
University Press.

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Natural place
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UX & Future
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UX & Future
신경건축학 (Neuroarchitecture)과 서비스 디자인
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온라인 쇼핑몰 UX디자인 파괴적 혁신 트렌드 및 전망: 사례 중심으로 살펴본 UX Engagement 향상을 위한 미래 제언
사람의 이해: 다양한 이론 중심으로
사람의 이해: 다양한 이론 중심으로사람의 이해: 다양한 이론 중심으로
사람의 이해: 다양한 이론 중심으로
인간의 이해: 뇌과학, 인지(신경)과학 그리고 미래
인간의 이해: 뇌과학, 인지(신경)과학 그리고 미래인간의 이해: 뇌과학, 인지(신경)과학 그리고 미래
인간의 이해: 뇌과학, 인지(신경)과학 그리고 미래
2016년 국내외 커머스 디자인 트렌드 및 전망: 주목할 해외 사례 중심으로
2016년 국내외 커머스 디자인 트렌드 및 전망: 주목할 해외 사례 중심으로2016년 국내외 커머스 디자인 트렌드 및 전망: 주목할 해외 사례 중심으로
2016년 국내외 커머스 디자인 트렌드 및 전망: 주목할 해외 사례 중심으로
UX, 세상을 바꾸는 비밀
UX, 세상을 바꾸는 비밀UX, 세상을 바꾸는 비밀
UX, 세상을 바꾸는 비밀
Silent Interaction: Healthcare UX,지금 우리가 질문해야 할 몇 가지
 Silent Interaction: Healthcare UX,지금 우리가 질문해야 할 몇 가지 Silent Interaction: Healthcare UX,지금 우리가 질문해야 할 몇 가지
Silent Interaction: Healthcare UX,지금 우리가 질문해야 할 몇 가지
Future of Voice UX: Everywhere and 合流(Voice 관련 연구 탐색 및 Voice 서비스 통찰 중심으로)
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designing conversations: Conversational interfaces, Bot Interactions, Chatb...
2017년 콘텐츠 서비스 디자인/UX 트렌드와 전망: 파괴적 UX혁신 방향성 고찰로 새로운 프레임 추구
2017년 콘텐츠 서비스 디자인/UX 트렌드와 전망: 파괴적 UX혁신 방향성 고찰로 새로운 프레임 추구2017년 콘텐츠 서비스 디자인/UX 트렌드와 전망: 파괴적 UX혁신 방향성 고찰로 새로운 프레임 추구
2017년 콘텐츠 서비스 디자인/UX 트렌드와 전망: 파괴적 UX혁신 방향성 고찰로 새로운 프레임 추구

Similar to 인간의 이해: social design strategy

Technovation challenge work plan for week 3
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Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products
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User Research. Do or Do Not? How to design better products by understanding u...
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Borrys Hasian
Social engineering and indian jugaad
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n|u - The Open Security Community
Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products (2)
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Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products (2)
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Creating Social Video
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Adam Tinworth
Hack (y)our Borders
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Hack (y)our Borders
Noel Hatch
Factual research pro forma
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Factual research pro forma
pitch .pptx
pitch .pptxpitch .pptx
pitch .pptx
Open Plans User Testing Workshop
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Cyd Harrell
Factual research pro forma
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Factual research pro forma
Fight club research
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Fight club research
Ryan Bailey
Factual research pro forma
Factual research pro formaFactual research pro forma
Factual research pro forma
Community Media Workshop: Chicago
Community Media Workshop: ChicagoCommunity Media Workshop: Chicago
Community Media Workshop: Chicago
Beth Kanter
Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)
Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)
Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)Mirzam86
Guidelines (4/6)
Guidelines (4/6)Guidelines (4/6)
Guidelines (4/6)
Roberta Cuel
Factual research pro forma
Factual research pro formaFactual research pro forma
Factual research pro forma
UX - UI architecture session
UX - UI architecture sessionUX - UI architecture session
UX - UI architecture session
Vidhya Sriram, CCXP

Similar to 인간의 이해: social design strategy (20)

Technovation challenge work plan for week 3
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Technovation challenge work plan for week 3
Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products
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Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products
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User Research. Do or Do Not? How to design better products by understanding u...
User Research. Do or Do Not? How to design better products by understanding u...User Research. Do or Do Not? How to design better products by understanding u...
User Research. Do or Do Not? How to design better products by understanding u...
Social engineering and indian jugaad
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Social engineering and indian jugaad
Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products (2)
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Week 12 pro-forma audiences & products (2)
Designing Digital Longform (AAN 2014)
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Designing Digital Longform (AAN 2014)
Creating Social Video
Creating Social VideoCreating Social Video
Creating Social Video
Hack (y)our Borders
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Hack (y)our Borders
Factual research pro forma
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pitch .pptx
pitch .pptxpitch .pptx
pitch .pptx
Open Plans User Testing Workshop
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Factual research pro forma
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Fight club research
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Factual research pro forma
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Factual research pro forma
Community Media Workshop: Chicago
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Community Media Workshop: Chicago
Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)
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Caseivpresentation 090405211009-phpapp02(1)
Guidelines (4/6)
Guidelines (4/6)Guidelines (4/6)
Guidelines (4/6)
Factual research pro forma
Factual research pro formaFactual research pro forma
Factual research pro forma
UX - UI architecture session
UX - UI architecture sessionUX - UI architecture session
UX - UI architecture session

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Billy Choi
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Billy Choi
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인간의 이해: social design strategy

  • 1. 인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy 2015 성균관대학교 일반대학원 휴먼ICT융합학과 교수/ 홍익대학교 영상대학원 HCI개론 강의/ 연세대학교 공학대학원 서비스디자인경영 강의/ HEDcentric UX미래융합전략연구소 연구소장 Billy(최병호)/ Research Data: Twitter/Facebook: ILOVEHCI 휴먼ICT융합 blog: UX미래융합전략연구소 blog:
  • 2. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Table of Contents • Social design strategy의 가능성과 가치 • Social design strategies 1
  • 4. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Social design strategy의 가능성과 가치 • I have discovered that the social world is much less complicated than it appears. In fact, interactions between people are governed by simple rules and patterns. * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 6. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (1/3) • Version 1.0*  Every time a user typed “Dear . . . ,” Clippy would dutifully propose, “I see you are writing a letter. Would you like some help?”—no matter how many times the user had rejected this offer in the past.  Clippy would give unhelpful answers to questions, and when the user rephrased the question, Clippy would give the same unhelpful answers again. Image source: * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 7. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (2/3) • Version 2.0*  After Clippy made a suggestion or answered a question, he would ask, “Was that helpful?” and then present buttons for “yes” and “no.” If the user clicked “no,” Clippy would say, “That gets me really angry! Let’s tell Microsoft how bad their help system is.”  He would then pop up an e-mail to be sent to “Manager, Microsoft Support,” with the subject, “Your help system needs work!” After giving the user a couple of minutes to type a complaint, Clippy would say, “C’mon! You can be tougher than that. Let ’em have it!” Image source: * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 8. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Scapegoating(Create a scapegoat; 죄를 뒤집어씌우는 전략) (3/3) • Strategy*  Without any fundamental change in the software, the right social strategy rescued Clippy from the list of Most Hated Software of All Time; creating a scapegoat bonded Clippy and the user against a common enemy.  Social science literature to find simple tactics that unpopular people use to make friends.Image source: * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 9. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Flatterer computer(아첨 전략) • “wrong! wrong! wrong!” Even when you were right. And what did the spell checker do when it was wrong? It would simply ask you to “add the word to the dictionary” without even an apology. • a “kinder and gentler” spell checker?; When it saw the word “onomatopoeia,” it could say, “Wow, that’s a really hard word to spell right!” • Participants reported that they liked the flatterer computer (which gave random and generic feedback) as much as they liked the accurate computer. Because participants happily accepted the flatterer’s praise; “Only an idiot would be influenced by comments that had nothing to do with their real performance.” * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 10. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Politeness(To be polite to the computer; 미디어에 예의 차리기 전략) • 30분 정도 소프트웨어 사용 후, “이 소프트웨어를 구매할 의향이 있습니까?”, “얼마나 만족합니까?” 등의 소프트웨어의 사용 느낌을 물어봄. 피실험자들의 절반은 평소 사용한 컴퓨터에서 질문에 답했고, 나머지 절반은 방 한쪽에 떨어져있는 동일한 기종의 컴퓨터에서 질문에 답함 • Users entered more positive responses on the computer that asked about itself than they did on the separate, “objective” computer. People gave different answers because they unconsciously felt that they had to be polite to the computer they were evaluating! • When we questioned them after the experiment, every one of the participants insisted that she or he would never bother being polite to a computer. * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 11. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Gender stereotypes(성별 고정관념 활용 전략) (1/2) • The BMW service desk received numerous calls from agitated German men that went something like this: CUSTOMER: I can’t use my navigation system. OPERATOR: I’m very sorry about that, sir. What seems to be the problem? CUSTOMER: A woman should not be giving directions. OPERATOR: Sir, it is not really a woman. It is only a recorded voice. CUSTOMER: I don’t trust directions from a woman. OPERATOR: Sir, if it makes you feel better, I am certain that the engineers that built the system and the cartographers who figured out the directions were all men. CUSTOMER: It doesn’t matter. It simply doesn’t work. • BMW was forced to recall the product. What was the problem? It turns out that the system had a female voice, and male German drivers refused to take directions from a woman! 10 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 12. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Gender stereotypes(성별 고정관념 활용 전략) (2/2) • 40명의 피실험자 대상 실험: 피실험자 절반에게 20분에 걸쳐 컴퓨터에서 여성의 목소리로 ‘사랑과 인간관계(전형적인 여성의 주제)’을 배우게 하였고, 나머지 절반에게 동일 조건에서 남성의 목소리로 ‘물리학(전형적인 남성의 주제)’을 학습하게 한 후, 다른 컴퓨터에서 소감을 설문조사 함. 결과는? • When we asked participants afterward whether the apparent gender of the voice made a difference, they uniformly said that it would be ludicrous to assign a gender to a computer. Furthermore, every participant denied harboring any gender stereotypes at all! 11 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 13. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Computers Are Social Actors • Humans expect computers to act as though they were people and get annoyed when technology fails to respond in socially appropriate ways.(컴퓨터가 사람처럼 행동하길 기대하고, 기술이 인간적인 방식으로 반응하지 않는 것에 불만을 가짐) • Show that people treat computers as if they were real people(컴퓨터와 미디어를 사람처럼 대하는 사람들의 성향 관련 연구)  Nass, C., and Brave, S. B. (2005). Wired for speech: How voice activates and enhances the human computer relationship. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  Reeves, B., and Nass, C. (1996). The media equation: How people treat computers, television, and new media like real people and places. New York: Cambridge University Press. * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 14. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(1/5) • This is a reproduction of one of the most famous of the Tiffany stained-glass pieces— the colors are absolutely sensational! This first-class, handmade copper-foiled stained- glass shade is over six and one-half inches in diameter and over five inches tall. I am sure that this gorgeous lamp will accent any environment and bring a classic touch of the past to a stylish present. It is guaranteed to be in excellent condition! I very highly recommend it. • This is a reproduction of a Tiffany stained-glass piece. The colors are quite rich. The handmade copper-foiled stained-glass shade is about six and one-half inches in diameter and five inches tall. 13 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 15. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(2/5) • You should definitely select option A instead of option B. There are at least six reasons why this is the right option. I am 90 percent confident of this assessment. • Perhaps you should select option A instead of option B? It seems like there are reasons why this might be the right choice. I am 40 percent confident of this assessment. 14 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 16. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(3/5) • Personality traits(성격 특성); 5살 무렵에 형성 • Four Personalities 15 비판형 외향형 내향형 수용형 냉정형 다정형 순응형 지배형 협력 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 17. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(4/5) • Similarity-attraction affects people to such a degree that they feel positive toward not only similar people but also anything associated with those similar people. For example, in the experiment, not only did participants like the sellers who were similar to themselves, they also felt more positive about the items associated with the similar sellers.(유사성-매력 효과는 긍정적 감정 뿐만 아니라 유대감 유발. 심지어 성격이 비슷한 판매자가 경매에 올린 제품까지 선호) • 외향성 음성과 내향성 음성 동일 적용; 음량, 음역, 음성 속도; 성격과 음성의 일관성 중요하게 판단함 • When the introduction to a computer-based “Entertainment Guide” matched users’ personalities, users found the recommended music to be significantly better, even though the recommendations themselves were identical.(동일 음악을 추천하여도 서비스 도입부가 자신의 성격에 부합하면 선호 발생) 16 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 18. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(5/5) • Similarity-attraction & opposites attract(the principle of complementarity상보성 원리) • 유사성-매력 효과는 상보성 원리를 뛰어넘음 • Gain effect(게인 효과): 처음에 큰 보상을 한 번 받는 것보다 처음에 작은 보상을 받았다가 서서히 큰 보상을 받는 것을 좋아함  투자: 꾸준히 큰 수익을 거두는 것보다 갑자기 큰 수익을 거두는 것 더 가치 있다고 판단함  급여 인상: 꾸준히 급여가 올라야 유리한데도, 급여가 적게 올랐다가 크게 오를 때 급여가 올랐다는 느낌을 더욱 크게 받음  연애: 처음부터 관심이 가는 사람보다 지내다 보니 갑자기 관심이 생기는 사람을 더 좋아함  결혼: 성격이 반대인 사람에게 끌리는 매력과 잘 살아가는 모습? 서로 성격을 맞춰 나가면서 성격이 닮아가고 마음이 잘 통함 17 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 20. © 2015 최병호 All rights reserved.인간의 이해: Social Design Strategy 인용/참조 문헌 • Nass, C., and Brave, S. B. (2005). Wired for speech: How voice activates and enhances the human computer relationship. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. • Reeves, B., and Nass, C. (1996). The media equation: How people treat computers, television, and new media like real people and places. New York: Cambridge University Press.