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SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz
Quiz 1 Question 1: The sociological perspective stresses the social
contexts in which people live. Including: A. People who share a
culture and a territory. B. The group memberships that people
have because of their location in history and society. C. How
individual being identified with a group. D. All of the above.
Question 2: Conflict theory is a theoretical framework in which
society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for
scarce resources. This theory was introduced to sociology by: A .
George Herbert Mead B. Robert K. Merton C. Karl Marx D.
None of the Above. Question 3: Hypothesis is a statement of how
variables are expected to be related to one another, often according
to: A. Predictions from a theory. B. A statistical book. C. The
Government Department of Labor. D. The social media. Question
4: What Culture Provides? A. Culture provides orientations to
life. B. Culture provides social values. C. Culture provides self-
identity D. All of the above. Question 5: Culture influences our:
A. Materials in society. B. Our thinking. C. Our perception of
reality. D. All of the above. Question 6: Language: A.
Provides social or shared past. B. Allows the human experience to be
cumulative. C. Allows the human to have shared perspectives.D. All
of the above. Question 7: Based on Cultural Diversity in the United
States Race and Language, which culture is the dominant culture:
A. White B. Black C. HispanicD. Asian Question 8: Based on
Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language, which
statement is correct: A. All cultures are important. B. All of us
must adhere to the dominant American culture. C. Some
cultures are more important to others. D. In America all people are
equal Question 9: Which of the following statements are correct?
A. Values are the standards by which people define what is
desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful
or ugly. B. Norms are social expectations of “right” behavior. C.
Sanctions are either expressions of approval given to people for
following norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them.
D. All of the above. Question 10: Which of the following
statements are correct? A. Taboo is a norm so strong that it brings
extreme sanctions, even revulsion, if violated. B. Subculture is the
values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members
from the larger culture. C. core values are the values that are
central to a group, those around which a group builds a common
identity. D. All of the above. Question 11: Which of the following is
not a core value of American society? A. Achievement and
success. B. Individualism.C. Hard work. D. Polygamy Question
12: Which of the following is not an emerging value of American
society? A. Self-fulfillment. B. Youthfulness. C. Fatalism. D.
Concern for the environment. Question 13: Which of the following
statements is not correct? A. The sociological significance of
technology does not go far beyond the tool itself. B. Technology is
in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or
procedures necessary to make and use those tools. C. New
technology is the emerging technologies of an era that have a
significant impact on social life. D. Cultural lag means when human
behavior lagging behind technological innovations. Question 14:
True or False? Sometimes nonmaterial culture never does catch up
with material culture. A. True B. False Question 15: True or
False? People have learned from one another, adopting things they
found desirable. In this process, called cultural diffusion, groups are
most open to changes in their technology or material culture. A.
True B. False Question 16: Cultural leveling is a process by
which cultures become more and more different to one another.
A. True B. False
SOC 100 Week 2 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 2 Quiz Question 1: Social Environment is: A. The
entire human environment. B. Only includes interaction with
others. C. Only the personal property that we own D. A city that we
live in. Question 2: Socialization is the process by which people
learn: A. The characteristics of their group B. The knowledge,
skills, attitudes, values, norms their group. C. Actions thought
appropriate for them in their group. D. All of the above. Question
3: According to Cooley, the looking-glass self contains three
elements: A. We imagine how we appear to those around us. For
example, we may think that others perceive us as witty or dull. B.
We interpret others’ reactions. We come to conclusions about how
others evaluate us. Do they like us for being witty? Do they dislike us
for being dull?C. We develop a self-concept. How we interpret
others’ reactions to us frames our feelings and ideas about ourselves.
A favorable reflection in this social mir- ror leads to a positive self-
concept; a negative reflection leads to a negative self-concept. D. All
of the above. Question 4: Self is: A. The unique human capacity to
reproduce. B. The unique human capacity to survive after a
tragedy. C. The unique human capacity of being able to see ourselves
“from the outside”; the views we internalize of how we think others
see us. D. The unique human capacity to think without symbols.
Question 5: Gender socialization means: A. To be born male or
female. B. To be a strong male or female.C. To be a feminist male or
female. D. Learning society’s “gender map,” the paths in life set out
for us because we are male or female. Question 6: Peer group
means: A. A group of individuals studying in same university. B. A
group of individuals, often of roughly the same age, who are linked by
common interests and orientations. C. A group of individuals who live
in same locality. D. A group of individuals who live in same region.
Question 7: Social structure: A. Consists of the ways that
people and groups are related to one another. B. Consists of the
framework gives direction to and sets limits on our behavior. C.
Consists of the framework of society that surrounds us. D. All of
the Above. Question 8: Social structure consist of: A. Culture,
roles, groups. B. Social class, social status.C. Social institutions. D. All
of the above. Question 9: Ascribed status means: A. A position an
individual either do not inherits at birth or receives voluntarily later in
life. B. A position an individual either inherits at birth or receives
involuntarily later in life. C. A position an individual either elected or
receives voluntarily later in life. D. A position an individual either
elected or re-elected for second time. Question 10: One of the
best examples of a Gemeinschaft community is: A. Students.
B. Scientists. C. Amish. D. Actors and actresses. Question
11: Body language is: A. The ways in which people use their bodies to
grow stronger. B. The ways in which people use their bodies to
make work. C. The ways in which people use their bodies to run
fast. D. The ways in which people use their bodies to give
messages to others.Question 12: The Social Construction of Reality
means: A. To construct a reality show video. B. To be able to apply
the social norm to prevent crime in your community. C. To Be able to
apply the social construction of reality to your own life. D. To be
able to apply the social construction of reality to analyze your
dreams. Question 13: True or False: Macrosociology analysis of social
life that focuses on broad features of society, such as social class and
the relationships of groups to one another; usually used by
functionalists and conflict theorists True False Question 14: True or
False: Microsociology analysis of social life that focuses on social
interaction; typically used by symbolic interactionists. True False
Question 15: True or False: It is a struggle to adapt to a new
culture, to learn behaviors and ways of thinking that are at odds with
those already learned. True False Question 16: True or false: The
family, the neighborhood, religion, day care, school, peer groups, and
the workplace are agents of socialization. True False
SOC 100 Week 3 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 3 Quiz Question 1: Social group refers to: A. People
who interact with one another. B. People who believe that what
they have in common is significant. C. People who characterized by
intimate face-to-face association and cooperation. D. All of the
above. Question 2: Secondary group does not refer to: A. A larger,
relatively temporary. B. Impersonal group based on some interest or
activity. C. Siblings. D. More anonymous formal. Question 3:
Besides geography, the barriers that divide us into separate small
worlds (lumpy or not) are primarily those of social class, gender, and
race–ethnicity. A. Social class. B. Gender. C. Race–ethnicity.
D. All of the above. Question 4: Alienation does not lead to a
sense of A. Lack of connection.B. Feeling as a part of something.C.
Powerlessness. D. Normlessness. Question 5: No sociologist
would agree with such an idea:A. Someone who influences other
people. B. An individual who tries to keep the group moving toward
its goals.C. Leaders born with characteristics that propel them to the
forefront of a group. D. An individual who increases harmony.
Question 6: A family is: A. Two or more people who consider
themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption. B. Two or more
people who consider themselves related and live in a group. C.
Two or more people who consider themselves related by going to
same university. D. Two or more people who consider themselves
related by going to same place of worship. Question 7: People
who occupy the same housing unit are considered. A. Poor. B.
Hippies C. Farmers. D. Household. Question 8: Extended
family is:A. A family in which relatives, such as the “older generation”
or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their
children.B. A family in which a group of “older generation.” Live
together. C. A family in which relatives live in different cities.
D. A family in which relatives live one community.Question 9: A
nuclear family is) A. A family in which relatives, such as the “older
generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and
their children. B. A family in which relatives live in different cities.
C. A family consisting of a husband, wife, and child(ren). D. A
family in which relatives live one community. Question 10:
Polygyny means: A. A form of marriage in which is not sanctioned
by authorities.B. A form of marriage in which men have more than
one wife. C. A form of marriage in which men have only one
wife. D. A form of marriage in which husband and wife live
together. Question 11: Polyandry means: A. A form of marriage
in which is not sanctioned by authorities. B. A form of marriage in
which men have only one wife.C. A form of marriage in which men
have more than one wife. D. A form of marriage in which women
have more than one husband. Question 12: Which answer is
incorrect? Anyone who has been married or who has seen a marriage
from the inside knows that— despite a couple’s best intentions: A.
Love is a part of marriage. B. Family reunion can be part of
marriage. C. Conflict is not a part of marriage. D. Grandparents
are part of marriage. Question 13: Japanese students outscore U.S.
students. Why? A. One reason is that hardly any nation takes
education as seriously as Japan does. B. From grade school
through high school parents being pushed to bring home high grades.
C. All of the above. D. None of the above.Question 14: Another
manifest function of education is: A. The multi-cultural transmission
of national conflict. B. The cultural transmission of fake news. C.
The cultural transmission of values, a process by which schools pass
on a society’s core values. D. The cultural transmission of values
body language. Question 15: Three elements of Religion are:
A. Beliefs B. Practices C. A community D. All of the above.
Question 16: Which statements is not correct: A. According to
conflict theory, religion teaches that the existing social arrangements
represent what God desires. B. In India, Hinduism supports the
caste system by teaching that anyone who tries to change caste will
come back in the next life as a member of a lower caste. C. Sect is a
religious group larger than a cult that still feels substantial hostility
from and toward society. D. Conflict theorists stress that religion does
not legitimates social inequalities.
SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz Question 1: Social Control A. A group’s formal
and informal means of police enforcement. B. A group’s formal
and informal means of using military. C. A group’s formal and
informal means of enforcing its norms. D. A group’s formal and
informal means of not enforcing its values. Question 2: Which
statement is not correct: A. Negative sanction is an expression of
disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal
reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a fine or a
prison sentence. B. Positive sanction is an expression of approval
for following a norm, ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class
to a material reward such as a prize. C. Researchers have found a
specific childhood experience to be invariably linked with deviance.
D. Most negative sanctions are informal. Question 3: Which
statement is not correct: A. You know how important your family has
been in forming your views toward life, so it probably is obvious to
you that the family makes a big difference in whether people learn
deviance or conformity. B. Labeling theory focuses on: the
significance of reputations, how reputations or labels help set us on
paths that propel us into deviance or divert us away from it. C.
None of us attempt to neutralize the moral demands of society;
neutralization does not us to sleep at night. D. E. While most people
resist labels of deviance, some embrace them. Question 4: What is
not a white-collar crime: A. Quitting your job without giving two
weeks notices. B. Securities violations, embezzlement. C.
Bribery of public officials.D. Crimes committed by people of
respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations.
Question 5: Systems of Social Stratification are: A. Caste. B.
Slavery (including bonded labor). C. Class systems of social
stratification. D. All of the above. Question 6: Which statement is
incorrect? A. U.S. slave owners did not have an ideology, beliefs
to justify social arrangements, making those arrangements seem
necessary and fair. B. The Civil War did not end legal discrimination.
C. Slavery continues to rear its ugly head in several parts of the
world. D. Sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois (1935/1992:12) noted that
“gradu- ally the entire white South became an armed camp to keep
Negroes in slavery and to kill the black rebel.” Question 7: Apartheid
means: A. The government-approved- and-enforced separation of
Afghanis women from men. B. The government-approved- and-
enforcement of Sharia Laws. C. The government-approved- and-
enforced separation of racial–ethnic groups as was practiced in South
Africa D. The government-approved- and-enforced teaching of
religion in high schools. Question 8: Which country has the lowest
Income per Person (per capital? A. Norway.B. United State C.
Singapore. E. Luxembourg. Question 9: What constructs Social
Class? A. Property. B. Wealth. C. Income. D. All of the above.
Question 10: Which statement is incorrect? A. Power is the ability
to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others. B. Term
for the top people in U.S. corporations, military, and politics who
make the nation’s major decision is power elite. C. In a
democratic nation such as the USA there are no power elite. D.
Wealth and power coalesce in a group of people who look at the
world in the same way—and view themselves as a special elite.
Question 11: Which is not a characteristic of prestige and high
paying jobs? A. They pay more. B. They require more education.
C. They involve with less abstract thought. D. They offer greater
autonomy (independence, or self-direction). Question 12: Which
statement is incorrect? A. Status is the position that someone
occupies in a social group (also called social status) B. Sitting on the
top rung of the class ladder is a powerful elite that consists of just 1
percent of the U.S. population.C. In the capitalist class many elites
reject philanthropy.D. The upper-middle class is the one most shaped
by education. Question 13: On the lowest rung of social class, and
with next to no chance of climbing anywhere in America, is the
underclass. A. True C. False Question 14: Most poor people
are high school dropouts. Many are func- tionally illiterate, finding it
difficult to read even the want ads. A. True B. False Question
15: Although they work full time, millions of the working poor depend
on food stamps and local food banks to survive on their meager
incomes.A. True B. False Question 16: Members of the poor
class, about 15 percent of the population the USA, work at unskilled,
low-paying, temporary and seasonal jobs, such as sharecropping,
migrant farm work, housecleaning, and day labor. A. True B.
SOC 100 Week 5 Quiz
SOC 100 Week 5 Quiz Question 1: The Industrial Revolution took
place during: A. 1400s B. 1700s C. 1960s D. 2100s Question 2:
Modernization meant: A. The transformation of traditional
societies into industrial societies. B. The transformation of modern
societies into industrial societies. C. The transformation of
traditional societies into feudal societies. D. The transformation of
modern societies into 21st Century societies. Question 3: Social
change means: A. The alteration of culture and societies by
socialism ideas. B. The alteration of culture and societies over
time. C. The alteration of culture and societies by religious ideas.
D. The alteration of culture and societies by a revelation. Question
4: According to Oswald Spengler, Natural cycles of social change
means: A. That Western civilization forcing European cycle and is
moving toward Americanization. B. That Western civilization had
passed its American cycles. C. That Western civilization had passed its
peak and becoming more democratic. D. That Western civilization
had passed its peak and was in decline. Question 5: Conflict over
Power and Resources results in: A. A recurring process of social
stagnation. B. A recurring process of social change. C. A
recurring process of technological development. D. A recurring
process of market stability. Question 6: According to Ogburn’s
Cultural lag means: A. Human behavior lagging behind food
innovations. B. human behavior lagging behind educational
innovations. C. for human behavior lagging behind musical
innovations. D. Human behavior lagging behind technological
innovations. Question 7: How Technology Changes Social Life and:
A. Technology changes how people organize themselves. B.
Workers become alienated from the product of their labor. C.
Just as ideology follows technology, so does conspicuous
consumption. D. All of the above. Question 8: Computer in
Education: A. Because of computers, students can take courses in
Russian, German, and Spanish. B. Courses taught to students who are
not physically present with their instructor. C. Soon will be a
reality: Your fellow students in a course on human culture will be
living in Thailand, South Africa, Latvia, Egypt, China, and Australia.
D. All of the above. Question 9: Environmental injustice refers
to: A. How minorities and the poor are not harmed the most by
environmental pollution. B. How minorities and the poor are getting
rich by the most by environmental pollution. C. How minorities and
the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution.D. How
rich and the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution.
Question 10: What Technology means:A. Its first meaning refers
to tools. B. The procedures necessary to produce tools. C. Refers
to the skills needed to use tools. D. All of the above. Question
11: True or False? Human actions have unintended consequences,
many of which have an impact on nature. True False Question 12:
True or False? The ecological problems place limits on economic
expansion. True False Question 13: True or False? Increased
extraction of resources leads to ecological problems. True False
Question 14: True or False? Economic expansion requires the
increased extraction of resources from the environment. True False
Question 15: True or False? The world is finite, so there are
physical limits to economic growth. True False Question 16: True or
False? Human beings are but one species among many that depend
on the natural environment. True False

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SOC 100 GENIUS Opportunity

  • 1. SOC 100 Week 1 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Quiz 1 Question 1: The sociological perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live. Including: A. People who share a culture and a territory. B. The group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society. C. How individual being identified with a group. D. All of the above. Question 2: Conflict theory is a theoretical framework in which society is viewed as composed of groups that are competing for scarce resources. This theory was introduced to sociology by: A . George Herbert Mead B. Robert K. Merton C. Karl Marx D. None of the Above. Question 3: Hypothesis is a statement of how variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to: A. Predictions from a theory. B. A statistical book. C. The Government Department of Labor. D. The social media. Question 4: What Culture Provides? A. Culture provides orientations to life. B. Culture provides social values. C. Culture provides self- identity D. All of the above. Question 5: Culture influences our: A. Materials in society. B. Our thinking. C. Our perception of reality. D. All of the above. Question 6: Language: A. Provides social or shared past. B. Allows the human experience to be cumulative. C. Allows the human to have shared perspectives.D. All
  • 2. of the above. Question 7: Based on Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language, which culture is the dominant culture: A. White B. Black C. HispanicD. Asian Question 8: Based on Cultural Diversity in the United States Race and Language, which statement is correct: A. All cultures are important. B. All of us must adhere to the dominant American culture. C. Some cultures are more important to others. D. In America all people are equal Question 9: Which of the following statements are correct? A. Values are the standards by which people define what is desirable or undesirable, superior or inferior, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. B. Norms are social expectations of “right” behavior. C. Sanctions are either expressions of approval given to people for following norms or expressions of disapproval for violating them. D. All of the above. Question 10: Which of the following statements are correct? A. Taboo is a norm so strong that it brings extreme sanctions, even revulsion, if violated. B. Subculture is the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture. C. core values are the values that are central to a group, those around which a group builds a common identity. D. All of the above. Question 11: Which of the following is not a core value of American society? A. Achievement and success. B. Individualism.C. Hard work. D. Polygamy Question 12: Which of the following is not an emerging value of American society? A. Self-fulfillment. B. Youthfulness. C. Fatalism. D. Concern for the environment. Question 13: Which of the following statements is not correct? A. The sociological significance of technology does not go far beyond the tool itself. B. Technology is in its narrow sense, tools; its broader sense includes the skills or
  • 3. procedures necessary to make and use those tools. C. New technology is the emerging technologies of an era that have a significant impact on social life. D. Cultural lag means when human behavior lagging behind technological innovations. Question 14: True or False? Sometimes nonmaterial culture never does catch up with material culture. A. True B. False Question 15: True or False? People have learned from one another, adopting things they found desirable. In this process, called cultural diffusion, groups are most open to changes in their technology or material culture. A. True B. False Question 16: Cultural leveling is a process by which cultures become more and more different to one another. A. True B. False ============================================== SOC 100 Week 2 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SOC 100 Week 2 Quiz Question 1: Social Environment is: A. The entire human environment. B. Only includes interaction with others. C. Only the personal property that we own D. A city that we live in. Question 2: Socialization is the process by which people learn: A. The characteristics of their group B. The knowledge,
  • 4. skills, attitudes, values, norms their group. C. Actions thought appropriate for them in their group. D. All of the above. Question 3: According to Cooley, the looking-glass self contains three elements: A. We imagine how we appear to those around us. For example, we may think that others perceive us as witty or dull. B. We interpret others’ reactions. We come to conclusions about how others evaluate us. Do they like us for being witty? Do they dislike us for being dull?C. We develop a self-concept. How we interpret others’ reactions to us frames our feelings and ideas about ourselves. A favorable reflection in this social mir- ror leads to a positive self- concept; a negative reflection leads to a negative self-concept. D. All of the above. Question 4: Self is: A. The unique human capacity to reproduce. B. The unique human capacity to survive after a tragedy. C. The unique human capacity of being able to see ourselves “from the outside”; the views we internalize of how we think others see us. D. The unique human capacity to think without symbols. Question 5: Gender socialization means: A. To be born male or female. B. To be a strong male or female.C. To be a feminist male or female. D. Learning society’s “gender map,” the paths in life set out for us because we are male or female. Question 6: Peer group means: A. A group of individuals studying in same university. B. A group of individuals, often of roughly the same age, who are linked by common interests and orientations. C. A group of individuals who live in same locality. D. A group of individuals who live in same region. Question 7: Social structure: A. Consists of the ways that people and groups are related to one another. B. Consists of the framework gives direction to and sets limits on our behavior. C. Consists of the framework of society that surrounds us. D. All of
  • 5. the Above. Question 8: Social structure consist of: A. Culture, roles, groups. B. Social class, social status.C. Social institutions. D. All of the above. Question 9: Ascribed status means: A. A position an individual either do not inherits at birth or receives voluntarily later in life. B. A position an individual either inherits at birth or receives involuntarily later in life. C. A position an individual either elected or receives voluntarily later in life. D. A position an individual either elected or re-elected for second time. Question 10: One of the best examples of a Gemeinschaft community is: A. Students. B. Scientists. C. Amish. D. Actors and actresses. Question 11: Body language is: A. The ways in which people use their bodies to grow stronger. B. The ways in which people use their bodies to make work. C. The ways in which people use their bodies to run fast. D. The ways in which people use their bodies to give messages to others.Question 12: The Social Construction of Reality means: A. To construct a reality show video. B. To be able to apply the social norm to prevent crime in your community. C. To Be able to apply the social construction of reality to your own life. D. To be able to apply the social construction of reality to analyze your dreams. Question 13: True or False: Macrosociology analysis of social life that focuses on broad features of society, such as social class and the relationships of groups to one another; usually used by functionalists and conflict theorists True False Question 14: True or False: Microsociology analysis of social life that focuses on social interaction; typically used by symbolic interactionists. True False Question 15: True or False: It is a struggle to adapt to a new culture, to learn behaviors and ways of thinking that are at odds with those already learned. True False Question 16: True or false: The
  • 6. family, the neighborhood, religion, day care, school, peer groups, and the workplace are agents of socialization. True False ============================================== SOC 100 Week 3 Quiz FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SOC 100 Week 3 Quiz Question 1: Social group refers to: A. People who interact with one another. B. People who believe that what they have in common is significant. C. People who characterized by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation. D. All of the above. Question 2: Secondary group does not refer to: A. A larger, relatively temporary. B. Impersonal group based on some interest or activity. C. Siblings. D. More anonymous formal. Question 3: Besides geography, the barriers that divide us into separate small worlds (lumpy or not) are primarily those of social class, gender, and race–ethnicity. A. Social class. B. Gender. C. Race–ethnicity. D. All of the above. Question 4: Alienation does not lead to a sense of A. Lack of connection.B. Feeling as a part of something.C. Powerlessness. D. Normlessness. Question 5: No sociologist would agree with such an idea:A. Someone who influences other people. B. An individual who tries to keep the group moving toward
  • 7. its goals.C. Leaders born with characteristics that propel them to the forefront of a group. D. An individual who increases harmony. Question 6: A family is: A. Two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption. B. Two or more people who consider themselves related and live in a group. C. Two or more people who consider themselves related by going to same university. D. Two or more people who consider themselves related by going to same place of worship. Question 7: People who occupy the same housing unit are considered. A. Poor. B. Hippies C. Farmers. D. Household. Question 8: Extended family is:A. A family in which relatives, such as the “older generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their children.B. A family in which a group of “older generation.” Live together. C. A family in which relatives live in different cities. D. A family in which relatives live one community.Question 9: A nuclear family is) A. A family in which relatives, such as the “older generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their children. B. A family in which relatives live in different cities. C. A family consisting of a husband, wife, and child(ren). D. A family in which relatives live one community. Question 10: Polygyny means: A. A form of marriage in which is not sanctioned by authorities.B. A form of marriage in which men have more than one wife. C. A form of marriage in which men have only one wife. D. A form of marriage in which husband and wife live together. Question 11: Polyandry means: A. A form of marriage in which is not sanctioned by authorities. B. A form of marriage in which men have only one wife.C. A form of marriage in which men have more than one wife. D. A form of marriage in which women
  • 8. have more than one husband. Question 12: Which answer is incorrect? Anyone who has been married or who has seen a marriage from the inside knows that— despite a couple’s best intentions: A. Love is a part of marriage. B. Family reunion can be part of marriage. C. Conflict is not a part of marriage. D. Grandparents are part of marriage. Question 13: Japanese students outscore U.S. students. Why? A. One reason is that hardly any nation takes education as seriously as Japan does. B. From grade school through high school parents being pushed to bring home high grades. C. All of the above. D. None of the above.Question 14: Another manifest function of education is: A. The multi-cultural transmission of national conflict. B. The cultural transmission of fake news. C. The cultural transmission of values, a process by which schools pass on a society’s core values. D. The cultural transmission of values body language. Question 15: Three elements of Religion are: A. Beliefs B. Practices C. A community D. All of the above. Question 16: Which statements is not correct: A. According to conflict theory, religion teaches that the existing social arrangements represent what God desires. B. In India, Hinduism supports the caste system by teaching that anyone who tries to change caste will come back in the next life as a member of a lower caste. C. Sect is a religious group larger than a cult that still feels substantial hostility from and toward society. D. Conflict theorists stress that religion does not legitimates social inequalities. ============================================== SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz
  • 9. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SOC 100 Week 4 Quiz Question 1: Social Control A. A group’s formal and informal means of police enforcement. B. A group’s formal and informal means of using military. C. A group’s formal and informal means of enforcing its norms. D. A group’s formal and informal means of not enforcing its values. Question 2: Which statement is not correct: A. Negative sanction is an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm, ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a fine or a prison sentence. B. Positive sanction is an expression of approval for following a norm, ranging from a smile or a good grade in a class to a material reward such as a prize. C. Researchers have found a specific childhood experience to be invariably linked with deviance. D. Most negative sanctions are informal. Question 3: Which statement is not correct: A. You know how important your family has been in forming your views toward life, so it probably is obvious to you that the family makes a big difference in whether people learn deviance or conformity. B. Labeling theory focuses on: the significance of reputations, how reputations or labels help set us on paths that propel us into deviance or divert us away from it. C. None of us attempt to neutralize the moral demands of society; neutralization does not us to sleep at night. D. E. While most people resist labels of deviance, some embrace them. Question 4: What is
  • 10. not a white-collar crime: A. Quitting your job without giving two weeks notices. B. Securities violations, embezzlement. C. Bribery of public officials.D. Crimes committed by people of respectable and high social status in the course of their occupations. Question 5: Systems of Social Stratification are: A. Caste. B. Slavery (including bonded labor). C. Class systems of social stratification. D. All of the above. Question 6: Which statement is incorrect? A. U.S. slave owners did not have an ideology, beliefs to justify social arrangements, making those arrangements seem necessary and fair. B. The Civil War did not end legal discrimination. C. Slavery continues to rear its ugly head in several parts of the world. D. Sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois (1935/1992:12) noted that “gradu- ally the entire white South became an armed camp to keep Negroes in slavery and to kill the black rebel.” Question 7: Apartheid means: A. The government-approved- and-enforced separation of Afghanis women from men. B. The government-approved- and- enforcement of Sharia Laws. C. The government-approved- and- enforced separation of racial–ethnic groups as was practiced in South Africa D. The government-approved- and-enforced teaching of religion in high schools. Question 8: Which country has the lowest Income per Person (per capital? A. Norway.B. United State C. Singapore. E. Luxembourg. Question 9: What constructs Social Class? A. Property. B. Wealth. C. Income. D. All of the above. Question 10: Which statement is incorrect? A. Power is the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others. B. Term for the top people in U.S. corporations, military, and politics who make the nation’s major decision is power elite. C. In a democratic nation such as the USA there are no power elite. D.
  • 11. Wealth and power coalesce in a group of people who look at the world in the same way—and view themselves as a special elite. Question 11: Which is not a characteristic of prestige and high paying jobs? A. They pay more. B. They require more education. C. They involve with less abstract thought. D. They offer greater autonomy (independence, or self-direction). Question 12: Which statement is incorrect? A. Status is the position that someone occupies in a social group (also called social status) B. Sitting on the top rung of the class ladder is a powerful elite that consists of just 1 percent of the U.S. population.C. In the capitalist class many elites reject philanthropy.D. The upper-middle class is the one most shaped by education. Question 13: On the lowest rung of social class, and with next to no chance of climbing anywhere in America, is the underclass. A. True C. False Question 14: Most poor people are high school dropouts. Many are func- tionally illiterate, finding it difficult to read even the want ads. A. True B. False Question 15: Although they work full time, millions of the working poor depend on food stamps and local food banks to survive on their meager incomes.A. True B. False Question 16: Members of the poor class, about 15 percent of the population the USA, work at unskilled, low-paying, temporary and seasonal jobs, such as sharecropping, migrant farm work, housecleaning, and day labor. A. True B. False ============================================== SOC 100 Week 5 Quiz
  • 12. FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT SOC 100 Week 5 Quiz Question 1: The Industrial Revolution took place during: A. 1400s B. 1700s C. 1960s D. 2100s Question 2: Modernization meant: A. The transformation of traditional societies into industrial societies. B. The transformation of modern societies into industrial societies. C. The transformation of traditional societies into feudal societies. D. The transformation of modern societies into 21st Century societies. Question 3: Social change means: A. The alteration of culture and societies by socialism ideas. B. The alteration of culture and societies over time. C. The alteration of culture and societies by religious ideas. D. The alteration of culture and societies by a revelation. Question 4: According to Oswald Spengler, Natural cycles of social change means: A. That Western civilization forcing European cycle and is moving toward Americanization. B. That Western civilization had passed its American cycles. C. That Western civilization had passed its peak and becoming more democratic. D. That Western civilization had passed its peak and was in decline. Question 5: Conflict over Power and Resources results in: A. A recurring process of social stagnation. B. A recurring process of social change. C. A recurring process of technological development. D. A recurring process of market stability. Question 6: According to Ogburn’s Cultural lag means: A. Human behavior lagging behind food
  • 13. innovations. B. human behavior lagging behind educational innovations. C. for human behavior lagging behind musical innovations. D. Human behavior lagging behind technological innovations. Question 7: How Technology Changes Social Life and: A. Technology changes how people organize themselves. B. Workers become alienated from the product of their labor. C. Just as ideology follows technology, so does conspicuous consumption. D. All of the above. Question 8: Computer in Education: A. Because of computers, students can take courses in Russian, German, and Spanish. B. Courses taught to students who are not physically present with their instructor. C. Soon will be a reality: Your fellow students in a course on human culture will be living in Thailand, South Africa, Latvia, Egypt, China, and Australia. D. All of the above. Question 9: Environmental injustice refers to: A. How minorities and the poor are not harmed the most by environmental pollution. B. How minorities and the poor are getting rich by the most by environmental pollution. C. How minorities and the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution.D. How rich and the poor are harmed the most by environmental pollution. Question 10: What Technology means:A. Its first meaning refers to tools. B. The procedures necessary to produce tools. C. Refers to the skills needed to use tools. D. All of the above. Question 11: True or False? Human actions have unintended consequences, many of which have an impact on nature. True False Question 12: True or False? The ecological problems place limits on economic expansion. True False Question 13: True or False? Increased extraction of resources leads to ecological problems. True False Question 14: True or False? Economic expansion requires the
  • 14. increased extraction of resources from the environment. True False Question 15: True or False? The world is finite, so there are physical limits to economic growth. True False Question 16: True or False? Human beings are but one species among many that depend on the natural environment. True False ==============================================