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Jl. Sasahan Km. 03 Waringinkurung
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/tanggal : Rabu/23-02-2012
Kelas : IX
Waktu : 120 menit (08.00 – 10.00)
Petunjuk Umum
1. Isikan identitas and ke dalam lembar jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil
2B, sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK)
2. Tersedia waktu 20 menit untuk mengerjakan paket test tersebut
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya
5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap
6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan
7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya
8. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian
9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret dan di bawa pulang
A. Berilah tanda silang pada jawaban yang paling tepat pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.
Read the following notice.
1. The notice above means …
a. We should throw the rubbish in this area
b. People must not throw the rubbish in this
c. The students have to throw the rubbish here
d. We must keep our classroom
Read the invitation belowand answer questions 2
and 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen
Request the company of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown
On the occasion of their
Wedding Anniversary
On Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m.
Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4
Cengkareng Jakarta Barat
R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)
2. Who will celebrate the weeding
a. Windy
b. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen
c. The company of Mr. and Mrs. Brown
d. Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
3. The text is written in order to … .
When will the party be held ?
a. To invite someone to the weeding
anniversary party
b. To inform the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Hansen
c. To announce the weeding
anniversary party
d. To congratulate the marriage of Mr.
and Mrs. Brown
Read the following notice.
4. What is the notice about ?
a. We must not pass the road until weekend
b. We are allowed to pass only in the
c. We are supposed to pass on Saturday
d. We are not allowed to close the road in
Read the following text and answerquestions
number 5 – 6.
To : All students of SMPN 2 Waringinkurung.
In the framework of National Education Day
the student Organization will hold some
interesting programs. They are English Speech
Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine
The program will be held on May 2nd 2011,
started from 8 am until 1 p.m.
All classes must take part in the programs.
For detailed information, please contact
Mr.Andi , the coordinator of this program.
5. What is the announcement about?
a. A Student Organization
b. An English Speech Contest
c. A National Day Celebration
d. A National Education Day Ceremony
6. Based on the announcement above, these
statements are correct, except ……………
a. The program will be held on National
Educational Day.
b. There are two competitions.
c. Mr. Sulaiman is in charge to organize the
d. The programs will last for four hours.
7. The following notice means that people should
……. when they walk.
a. Be careful
b. Be noticed
c. Have steps
d. Use watch
Read the text below, then answer questions 8
– 9 !
The Lion and the hare
Once upon time, a lion had been hunting
for days without catching anything to eat.
“It looks like ! will go hungry again !” he
Then he saw a hare fast asleep beneath a
shady tree. He moved quietly towards it,
thinking. “At last ! here is a delicious meal
sitting and waiting for me !”
He was about to catch the hare when a
fine young deer trotted by. The lion thought,
“Now there is an even better dinner !” He
turned and chased the deer. The noise woke
the hare and he quickly hopped away.
After a long chase, the lion failed to catch
the deer. Tired out he came back looking for
the hare, but found that it had run away.
“What a fool I am!” the lion said as his
empty stomach growled.
“It serves me right for losing the food that
was almost mine, just for the chance of getting
more !”
8. Why did the lion postpone catching the sleeping
hare ?
a. Because he saw a deer passing by
b. Because he did not like eating the sleeping
c. Because he wanted to chase another lion
d. Because he saw a deer passing by
9. What can we learn from the strory ?
a. Do not run away when your friend
b. Do not speak too much
c. Do not be greedy, or you may lose
d. Don’t miss a chance
Read the text to answer number10 – 11
Michael Joseph Jackson, Known as the
“King of Pop”, was one of the best entertainer
of all time. He made his debut in 1964 as a
lead singer and youngest member of the
Jackson Five. He began successful solo career
in 1971. His 1982 album, Thriller, remains the
best selling album of all time, with “Off the
Wall” in 1979, “Bad” in 1987, “Dangerous” in
1991, and “History” in 1995 among the best
Jackson popularized a number of dance
techniques, such as the robot and the
moonwalk. His distinctive musical sounds,
vocal style, and choreography has inspired
numerous artists ranging in style from pop to
hit pop music.
He was also a notable philanthropist and
humanitarian, who donated and raised millions
of dollars through support of 39 charities and
his own “Heal the World Foundation”.
He married twice, first in 1994 and again
in 1996, and brought up three children.
While preparing for the “This Is It”
concert tour in 2009, Jackson died at the age
of fifty after suffering from cardiac arrest. His
death was ruled a homicide by the Los
Angeles county coroner. His death triggered
grief from around the world with his globally
live broadcast memorial service attracting an
audience of up to one billion people.
10. What is the text about ?
a. King of Pop
b. The Jackson Five
c. The best entertainer
d. Michael Joseph Jackson
11. How many years was his first debut until his
successful solo career ?
a. Five
b. six
c. seven
d. eight
12. Based on the text we can say that Michael
Jackson is like…
a. Generous
b. Glorious
c. Dangerous
d. Heinous
13. “His death triggered grief from around the world
with his globally …” (paragraph 4)
The underlined word means …
a. Partially
b. Slowly
c. Generally
d. Totally
This text is for question no 14 – 16
It happened on Sunday morning,
December 26th
2004. On that day, I went to the
beach in meulaboh, Aceh.
When I arrived there, I saw many people
were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was
such a good moment. But, suddenly we were
shocked by a violent shake in the ground
everybody was panic. I soon realized that it
was a very big earthquake although it struck in
a very short time.
After that, I saw the water became
shallow. Then many kinds of fish were left
behind on the sand. I saw astonished by the
view until realized there was a huge wave
moved very fast and came towards us. It
destroyed everything in its way. I didn’t
realize what had happened until I found
myself hanging on a branch of a tree. On
Sunday morning, December 26th
2004, a
tsunami hit the coast quickly without any
warning. It traveled far inland caused serious
flooding and loss of life.
I would never forget that day for the entire
of my life.
14. What does the text mainly discuss ?
a. A terrible earthquake
b. The writer’s experience with tsunami
c. Simple steps to survive from tsunami
d. The description of a beach in Meulaboh
15. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. Many fish were left behind on the sand
b. The view of the beach astonished the
c. The writer did not realize what he wrote
d. A tsunami occurred and destroyed
16. Why was everybody panic ?
a. Because the sun rises in the east
b. Because there was an earthquake
c. Because the beach was beautiful
d. Because there was an amazing view in
the sea
17. I saw many people were enjoying the
beautiful sunrise. It was …”
What does the underlined word means?
a. Find something pleasing
b. Find something unpleasing
c. Have a good experience
d. Have a good time
This text for question no.18 – 19
Two storey houses. It is located near
patrol highway, jalan Sastrawan No.3,Flores.
The house consists of the following :
 A living room, a drawing room, a dining
room, a study room, a kitchen, two
bathrooms, and nanny’s bedrooms and a
 Children’s and nanny’s bedrooms upstairs
and a main bedroom downstairs.
 A sofa and some chairs in the drawing
 A refrigerator, an electric fan and a
 Kitchen utensils such as pots, pans, kettles,
gas stove, and the kitchen sink.
 It also has 3000 V power, telephone line,
hotspot, and water heater.
Serious buyer please contact :
Tia (081329075138
18. How many rooms are there?
a. 8
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11
19. “it is located near patrol highway, …”
The underlined word has the opposite with
a. Situated
b. Positioned
c. Displaced
d. Sited
Read the text and answerquestionsnumber 20 -
225Aspirin Tablets,200mg
Active ingredient (in each tablet)
Uses : temporarilyrelieves minorachesandpains
 Headache
 Toothache
 Muscularaches
 Commoncold
 Backache
 Minorpainof
20. The text above is about …
a. a recipe
b. a prescription
c. a medicine
d. a lesson
21. The medicine is intended for relieving ?
a. major pains
b. minor pains
c. permanent minor pains
d. permanent backache
Read the text to answer number22 – 25
A hurricane is a violent tropical storm
with sustained winds of at least 74 mph. It
forms over warm ocean waters. Warm and
moist air moves towards the center of the
storms and spirals upward. This releases
torrential rains. As updrafts suck up more
water vapor, it triggers a cycle of
strengthening. This cycle can be stopped only
one contact is made with land or cooler water.
The whole hurricane can be described
as a giant wheel lying on its side. The
hurricane spins and moves across the Earth’s
surface at a speed of between 15 and 30
km/hour. When a hurricane approaches, the
wind rises swiftly, sometimes reaching speeds
of 160 km/hour or more. Wind blows inward
towards an area of low pressure, by travelling
in a spiral due to the Earth’s rotation. When
the hurricane strikes, houses maybe blown
down, trees uprooted, crops damaged, and
widespread flooding may also occur.
Hurricane is known by different name
in other parts of the world. In the bay of
Bengal and the Arabian sea, they are called
cyclones. While for those in Japan, the
Philippines, and the coast of China, hurricanes
are called typhoons.
22. The writer wrote the text …
a. To inform the readers about a hurricane
b. To show the steps of how to get rid of a
c. To amuse the readers with the story of a
d. To tell the readers about a certain hurricane
in tropical area
23. What can be describe as a giant wheel ?
a. The earth’s surface
b. The earth’s rotation
c. The whole hurricane
d. A hurricane approaches
24. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
a. Kinds of hurricanes
b. Where a hurricane happens
c. The definition of hurricane
d. The alias names for a hurricane
25. “The whole hurricane can be described as a
giant wheel…”
The underlined word means…..
a. Awful
b. Dynamic
c. Very big
d. Very strong
Read the text to answer number26 – 27
English Teacher
Required Exp/ C TEFL preferred
Ph. Louis 8564791 – 92, 8 a.m – 8. P.m
Monday to Saturday
26. Which qualification must the teacher
candidate have ?
a. Explicit
b. Expired
c. Expressive
d. Experience
27. The word “experience” is similar meaning to …
a. Skill
b. Help
c. Train
d. Need
Read the text to answer number28 – 30
Up to 40 % SPECIAL
Discount 7 days only storewide
At all DC world bookstores
28. From the text we know that …
a. The promo will last for 2 weeks
b. All items got more than a 40% discount
c. We can get discount at any DC World
d. All DC World Bookstore are wide enough
to shop
29. How frequent is the promo ?
a. Once a month
b. Twice a month
c. Once a year
d. Twice a year
30. Bookstore is a place to …
a. Sell toys
b. Read books
c. Borrow books
d. Buy books
Read the text to answer number31 - 32
A Cough Syrup
Especially for infants and children.
Indication : sore throat, cough, abnormal
secretion of sputa
Dosage : Infants under 6 months - 1
teaspoonful ( 5 ml ) 2 x daily
Infants over 6 months - 1 teaspoonful ( 5 ml )
3 x daily
Children : 1 – 2 teaspoonful 3 x daily or as
prescribed by the physician
Available : in bottles of 60 ml / 90 ml
Store in refrigerator
31. What is the text about ?
a. How to store the medicine
b. How to keep the medicine
c. How to make the medicine
d. How to take the medicine
32. How long will it take an infant under 6
months to finish a bottle of 60 ml ?
a. 2 days c. 6 days
b. 4 days d. 8 days
Read the text to answer number 33 – 35
The monkey and the Cats
Once upon a time, a monkey and two cats
lived together at home of rich family. The cats
lived in the kitchen and the monkey lived
behind the house.
One day the cats felt hungry and went to
dining room, and then they took the cheese
quickly. They divided the cheese in halves.
But one piece was bigger than the other one,
and each cat wanted to have the bigger one.
And the two cats began to quarrel.
Finally they asked the monkey to be a
judge. Then the monkey put that cheese on the
scales and began to weight the two pieces, but
they were not even. He took the bigger pieces
of cheese and bit of a large mouthful. Now the
cheese could be smaller and smaller. The cats
stopped the monkey biting up. Then he put the
two small pieces of cheese into his mouth, and
started back to his place, behind the house.
At last the cats looked at each other. They
had quarreled to get a bigger piece, and they
both got nothing.
33. How did the cats stop the quarrel ?
a. By weighing the cheese.
b. By weighing the cheese again.
c. By eating the cheese together.
d. By asking a monkey to be a judge.
34. Where did the story happen?
a. In the living room
b. In the dining room
c. In the kitchen
d. In the house
35. What is the moral value from the story ?
a. We must fight to get our rights.
b. We should appreciate a decision.
c. We must be patient, not be greedy
d. We should understand persons’
Read the text to answer number36 – 38
551 Lakeside Avenue
OX118 UP
January 12th
, 2011
Dear Julia,
I am very sorry for this late reply. I arrived
three days ago after a journey that took about
ten hours. I used every type of transportations
I could think of. First, I got a taxi to the
airport, then a plane to Heatrow airport. After
that I took a bus to London and finally got
myself in a train to Oxford! I slept for twelve
hours on the first night because I was so tired.
I started my English lesson the day after I
arrived. The school is in the center of the
town. There are twelve people in my class,
and I am the only Indonesian person so I speak
English all the time. The family I am staying
with is nice and I am not sharing a bedroom,
so I am quite happy.
I am going to London on Sunday. I will
send you a post card of your favourite place,
Buckingham Palace.
36. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform some good news
b. To describe the writer’s experience
c. To retell the writer experience
d. To entertain the reader with a joke
37. Whom is the writer writing to?
a. Julia
b. Yati
c. Oxford
d. Heathrow
38. What does the writer probably do in Oxford?
a. Studying
b. Working
c. Sightseeing
d. Having a holiday
This text is for question no 39 – 41
How to Make a Greeting Card
- Materials :
1. Hard paper
2. Various sticker
3. Colouring pens
- Instructions :
1. Fold the paper into two
2. Decorate the front page with various
3. Open the paper
4. Write the name of the receiver of the
card as the upper part with colouring
5. then write your messages in the center
part of the page
6. Don’t forget to write the name of the
sender of the card under it
7. your greeting card is ready to send
39. What is the goal of the text ?
a. To describe about a greating card
b. To explain what the graeting card is
c. To show how to make a greating card
d. To entertain the readers about greating
40. What do we have to do after opening the paper
a. Decorating it with stickers
b. Writing the name of the receiver
c. Writing the name of the sender
d. Colouring the paper with pens
41. “…Don’t forget to write the name of the
sender of the card under it”
What does the word “it” refer to?
a. Page
b. Card
c. Paper
d. Message
This text is for questionsno 42 – 44
Bears are mammals of the family ursidae,
Bears are classified as caniforms, doglike
Carnivorans, with the pennipeds being their
closest relatives. Although there only eight
living species of bear they are widespread,
appearing in a wide variety of habitats
thought-out the of north America, of south
America, Europe, and Asia
Common characteristics of modern bears
include a large body with short and solid legs,
a long snout, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws
with five nonrestrictive claws, and short tail.
While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous and
the giant panda feeds almost entirely on
bamboo, the remaining six species are
carnivorous, with largely varied diets
including both plant and animals
With the exceptions of courting
individuals and mothers with their young,
bears are typically solitary animals, They are
sometimes diurnal, but are usually active
during the night ( nocturnal ) or twilight (
crepuscular ). Bears are aided by an excellent
sense of smell. Despite their heavy build and
awkward gait, they can run quickly and are
adept climbers and swimmers.
42. How many species of bear are still living now
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
43. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. Bears are naturally isolated animals
b. Bears are expert in climbing and swimming
c. Animals can sense smell from a long
d. All creatures can run as quickly as human
44. The purpose of the text is…
a. to describe about bears
b. to protect bears’ habitat
c. to show that bears are large
d. to make people aware of bears
Fill the blank with the suitable wordsno 45 –
Rain always comes from clouds. But where do
clouds come from? How does all the water get
into the sky? The water in the ocean is warm
when the sun shines on it. Some of this water
goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The
wind (44)…..the clouds for hundreds of
kilometers, The clouds meet the cold air in the
sky. Then we will see drops of water are
(45)…….The rain falls and runs into the
river.(46)…… run into the oceans. And the
water from the oceans changes into clouds and
becomes rain. So water is always moving from
oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans
45. a. asks
b. carries
c. gives
d. cleans
46. a. air
b. rains
c. rivers
d. clouds
47. a. I
b. we
c. you
d. they
Arrange the following sentences into a good
1. The five footed bear liked to help other
2. One afternoon, when the five – footed bear
went home, he found a rabbit under a
mahogany tree
3. But all animals who lived with him didn’t feel
4. Once upon time there was a strange bear who
lived in a jungle
5. Then the five footed bear brought him to his
6. His home was open for anyone who wanted to
7. He had five feet
8. The rabbit looked hungry
48. a. 4 -7- 3- 5-6-8-2-1
b. 4 -7-1-3-8-6-5-2
c. 4 -7-3-1-6-2-8-5
d. 4 – 7-3-1-5-2-6-5
49. Arrange the words into a good sentences
You – happy – the – congratulation -
1 2 3 4
knowing – competition – we’re – won
5 6 7 8
a. 4 – 2 – 5 – 8 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 1
b. 4 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 3 - 6
c. 4 - 8 - 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 1
d. 4 – 7 - 2 - 5 – 3 – 1 – 8 – 6
Arrange the sentencesto make a good
1. Some of the places where they live are
Africa, India, south America and Australia
2. They hunt animals and birds which come
to the river to drink
3. Crocodiles are the largest and the most
dangerous reptile
4. They can also attack and kill people
5. They have large mouth and many sharp
6. They live in river
50. The best arrangement to make a good
paragraph is…..
a. 6–1-3-4-5-2
b. 3-6-4-2-1-5
c. 3-6-1-5-2-4
d. 1-2-3-4-5-6
Soal to paket 39

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Soal to paket 39

  • 1. PAKET 25 PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN SERANG DINAS PENDIDIKAN TRY OUT UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2011-2012 SMP NEGERI 2 WARINGINKURUNG Jl. Sasahan Km. 03 Waringinkurung Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/tanggal : Rabu/23-02-2012 Kelas : IX Waktu : 120 menit (08.00 – 10.00) Petunjuk Umum 1. Isikan identitas and ke dalam lembar jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B, sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) 2. Tersedia waktu 20 menit untuk mengerjakan paket test tersebut 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya 5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap 6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan 7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya 8. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian 9. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret dan di bawa pulang A. Berilah tanda silang pada jawaban yang paling tepat pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia. Read the following notice. DON’T THROW RUBBISH AROUND HERE ! 1. The notice above means … a. We should throw the rubbish in this area b. People must not throw the rubbish in this area c. The students have to throw the rubbish here d. We must keep our classroom Read the invitation belowand answer questions 2 and 3. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen Request the company of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown On the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary On Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m. Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4 Cengkareng Jakarta Barat R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231) 2. Who will celebrate the weeding anniversary? a. Windy b. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen c. The company of Mr. and Mrs. Brown d. Mr. and Mrs. Brown. 3. The text is written in order to … . When will the party be held ? a. To invite someone to the weeding anniversary party b. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen c. To announce the weeding anniversary party d. To congratulate the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Read the following notice. ROAD CLOSED UNTIL WEEKEND 4. What is the notice about ? a. We must not pass the road until weekend b. We are allowed to pass only in the weekend c. We are supposed to pass on Saturday d. We are not allowed to close the road in weekend Read the following text and answerquestions number 5 – 6. ANNOUNCEMENT To : All students of SMPN 2 Waringinkurung. In the framework of National Education Day the student Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition. The program will be held on May 2nd 2011, started from 8 am until 1 p.m. All classes must take part in the programs. DOKUMEN NEGARA SANGAT RAHASIA
  • 2. For detailed information, please contact Mr.Andi , the coordinator of this program. 5. What is the announcement about? a. A Student Organization b. An English Speech Contest c. A National Day Celebration d. A National Education Day Ceremony 6. Based on the announcement above, these statements are correct, except …………… a. The program will be held on National Educational Day. b. There are two competitions. c. Mr. Sulaiman is in charge to organize the programs d. The programs will last for four hours. 7. The following notice means that people should ……. when they walk. NOTICE WATCH YOUR STEP a. Be careful b. Be noticed c. Have steps d. Use watch Read the text below, then answer questions 8 – 9 ! The Lion and the hare Once upon time, a lion had been hunting for days without catching anything to eat. “It looks like ! will go hungry again !” he thought. Then he saw a hare fast asleep beneath a shady tree. He moved quietly towards it, thinking. “At last ! here is a delicious meal sitting and waiting for me !” He was about to catch the hare when a fine young deer trotted by. The lion thought, “Now there is an even better dinner !” He turned and chased the deer. The noise woke the hare and he quickly hopped away. After a long chase, the lion failed to catch the deer. Tired out he came back looking for the hare, but found that it had run away. “What a fool I am!” the lion said as his empty stomach growled. “It serves me right for losing the food that was almost mine, just for the chance of getting more !” 8. Why did the lion postpone catching the sleeping hare ? a. Because he saw a deer passing by b. Because he did not like eating the sleeping hare c. Because he wanted to chase another lion d. Because he saw a deer passing by 9. What can we learn from the strory ? a. Do not run away when your friend b. Do not speak too much c. Do not be greedy, or you may lose d. Don’t miss a chance Read the text to answer number10 – 11 Michael Joseph Jackson, Known as the “King of Pop”, was one of the best entertainer of all time. He made his debut in 1964 as a lead singer and youngest member of the Jackson Five. He began successful solo career in 1971. His 1982 album, Thriller, remains the best selling album of all time, with “Off the Wall” in 1979, “Bad” in 1987, “Dangerous” in 1991, and “History” in 1995 among the best selling. Jackson popularized a number of dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sounds, vocal style, and choreography has inspired numerous artists ranging in style from pop to hit pop music. He was also a notable philanthropist and humanitarian, who donated and raised millions of dollars through support of 39 charities and his own “Heal the World Foundation”. He married twice, first in 1994 and again in 1996, and brought up three children. While preparing for the “This Is It” concert tour in 2009, Jackson died at the age of fifty after suffering from cardiac arrest. His death was ruled a homicide by the Los Angeles county coroner. His death triggered grief from around the world with his globally live broadcast memorial service attracting an audience of up to one billion people. 10. What is the text about ? a. King of Pop b. The Jackson Five c. The best entertainer d. Michael Joseph Jackson 11. How many years was his first debut until his successful solo career ? a. Five b. six c. seven d. eight 12. Based on the text we can say that Michael Jackson is like… a. Generous b. Glorious c. Dangerous d. Heinous 13. “His death triggered grief from around the world with his globally …” (paragraph 4) The underlined word means … a. Partially b. Slowly c. Generally d. Totally This text is for question no 14 – 16 It happened on Sunday morning, December 26th 2004. On that day, I went to the beach in meulaboh, Aceh. When I arrived there, I saw many people were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was
  • 3. such a good moment. But, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground everybody was panic. I soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short time. After that, I saw the water became shallow. Then many kinds of fish were left behind on the sand. I saw astonished by the view until realized there was a huge wave moved very fast and came towards us. It destroyed everything in its way. I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree. On Sunday morning, December 26th 2004, a tsunami hit the coast quickly without any warning. It traveled far inland caused serious flooding and loss of life. I would never forget that day for the entire of my life. 14. What does the text mainly discuss ? a. A terrible earthquake b. The writer’s experience with tsunami c. Simple steps to survive from tsunami d. The description of a beach in Meulaboh 15. What is the main idea of the third paragraph? a. Many fish were left behind on the sand b. The view of the beach astonished the writer c. The writer did not realize what he wrote d. A tsunami occurred and destroyed everything 16. Why was everybody panic ? a. Because the sun rises in the east b. Because there was an earthquake c. Because the beach was beautiful d. Because there was an amazing view in the sea 17. I saw many people were enjoying the beautiful sunrise. It was …” What does the underlined word means? a. Find something pleasing b. Find something unpleasing c. Have a good experience d. Have a good time This text for question no.18 – 19 FOR SALE Two storey houses. It is located near patrol highway, jalan Sastrawan No.3,Flores. The house consists of the following :  A living room, a drawing room, a dining room, a study room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and nanny’s bedrooms and a garage.  Children’s and nanny’s bedrooms upstairs and a main bedroom downstairs.  A sofa and some chairs in the drawing room.  A refrigerator, an electric fan and a television.  Kitchen utensils such as pots, pans, kettles, gas stove, and the kitchen sink.  It also has 3000 V power, telephone line, hotspot, and water heater. Serious buyer please contact : Tia (081329075138 18. How many rooms are there? a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11 19. “it is located near patrol highway, …” The underlined word has the opposite with … a. Situated b. Positioned c. Displaced d. Sited Read the text and answerquestionsnumber 20 - 21 ASPIRIN 225Aspirin Tablets,200mg Active ingredient (in each tablet) Uses : temporarilyrelieves minorachesandpains dueto  Headache  Toothache  Muscularaches  Commoncold  Backache  Minorpainof arthirits SEE CARTON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION 20. The text above is about … a. a recipe b. a prescription c. a medicine d. a lesson 21. The medicine is intended for relieving ? a. major pains b. minor pains c. permanent minor pains d. permanent backache Read the text to answer number22 – 25 A hurricane is a violent tropical storm with sustained winds of at least 74 mph. It forms over warm ocean waters. Warm and moist air moves towards the center of the storms and spirals upward. This releases torrential rains. As updrafts suck up more water vapor, it triggers a cycle of strengthening. This cycle can be stopped only one contact is made with land or cooler water. The whole hurricane can be described as a giant wheel lying on its side. The hurricane spins and moves across the Earth’s surface at a speed of between 15 and 30 km/hour. When a hurricane approaches, the wind rises swiftly, sometimes reaching speeds of 160 km/hour or more. Wind blows inward
  • 4. towards an area of low pressure, by travelling in a spiral due to the Earth’s rotation. When the hurricane strikes, houses maybe blown down, trees uprooted, crops damaged, and widespread flooding may also occur. Hurricane is known by different name in other parts of the world. In the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea, they are called cyclones. While for those in Japan, the Philippines, and the coast of China, hurricanes are called typhoons. 22. The writer wrote the text … a. To inform the readers about a hurricane b. To show the steps of how to get rid of a hurricane c. To amuse the readers with the story of a hurricane d. To tell the readers about a certain hurricane in tropical area 23. What can be describe as a giant wheel ? a. The earth’s surface b. The earth’s rotation c. The whole hurricane d. A hurricane approaches 24. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ? a. Kinds of hurricanes b. Where a hurricane happens c. The definition of hurricane d. The alias names for a hurricane 25. “The whole hurricane can be described as a giant wheel…” The underlined word means….. a. Awful b. Dynamic c. Very big d. Very strong Read the text to answer number26 – 27 VACANCY English Teacher Required Exp/ C TEFL preferred Ph. Louis 8564791 – 92, 8 a.m – 8. P.m Monday to Saturday 26. Which qualification must the teacher candidate have ? a. Explicit b. Expired c. Expressive d. Experience 27. The word “experience” is similar meaning to … a. Skill b. Help c. Train d. Need Read the text to answer number28 – 30 ANNUAL PROMO Up to 40 % SPECIAL Discount 7 days only storewide At all DC world bookstores 28. From the text we know that … a. The promo will last for 2 weeks b. All items got more than a 40% discount c. We can get discount at any DC World Bookstore d. All DC World Bookstore are wide enough to shop 29. How frequent is the promo ? a. Once a month b. Twice a month c. Once a year d. Twice a year 30. Bookstore is a place to … a. Sell toys b. Read books c. Borrow books d. Buy books Read the text to answer number31 - 32 A Cough Syrup Especially for infants and children. Indication : sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of sputa Dosage : Infants under 6 months - 1 teaspoonful ( 5 ml ) 2 x daily Infants over 6 months - 1 teaspoonful ( 5 ml ) 3 x daily Children : 1 – 2 teaspoonful 3 x daily or as prescribed by the physician Available : in bottles of 60 ml / 90 ml Store in refrigerator 31. What is the text about ? a. How to store the medicine b. How to keep the medicine c. How to make the medicine d. How to take the medicine 32. How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml ? a. 2 days c. 6 days b. 4 days d. 8 days Read the text to answer number 33 – 35 The monkey and the Cats Once upon a time, a monkey and two cats lived together at home of rich family. The cats lived in the kitchen and the monkey lived behind the house. One day the cats felt hungry and went to dining room, and then they took the cheese quickly. They divided the cheese in halves. But one piece was bigger than the other one, and each cat wanted to have the bigger one. And the two cats began to quarrel. Finally they asked the monkey to be a judge. Then the monkey put that cheese on the scales and began to weight the two pieces, but they were not even. He took the bigger pieces of cheese and bit of a large mouthful. Now the cheese could be smaller and smaller. The cats stopped the monkey biting up. Then he put the
  • 5. two small pieces of cheese into his mouth, and started back to his place, behind the house. At last the cats looked at each other. They had quarreled to get a bigger piece, and they both got nothing. 33. How did the cats stop the quarrel ? a. By weighing the cheese. b. By weighing the cheese again. c. By eating the cheese together. d. By asking a monkey to be a judge. 34. Where did the story happen? a. In the living room b. In the dining room c. In the kitchen d. In the house 35. What is the moral value from the story ? a. We must fight to get our rights. b. We should appreciate a decision. c. We must be patient, not be greedy d. We should understand persons’ behavior. Read the text to answer number36 – 38 551 Lakeside Avenue Oxford OX118 UP January 12th , 2011 Dear Julia, I am very sorry for this late reply. I arrived three days ago after a journey that took about ten hours. I used every type of transportations I could think of. First, I got a taxi to the airport, then a plane to Heatrow airport. After that I took a bus to London and finally got myself in a train to Oxford! I slept for twelve hours on the first night because I was so tired. I started my English lesson the day after I arrived. The school is in the center of the town. There are twelve people in my class, and I am the only Indonesian person so I speak English all the time. The family I am staying with is nice and I am not sharing a bedroom, so I am quite happy. I am going to London on Sunday. I will send you a post card of your favourite place, Buckingham Palace. Love, Yati 36. What is the purpose of the text? a. To inform some good news b. To describe the writer’s experience c. To retell the writer experience d. To entertain the reader with a joke 37. Whom is the writer writing to? a. Julia b. Yati c. Oxford d. Heathrow 38. What does the writer probably do in Oxford? a. Studying b. Working c. Sightseeing d. Having a holiday This text is for question no 39 – 41 How to Make a Greeting Card - Materials : 1. Hard paper 2. Various sticker 3. Colouring pens - Instructions : 1. Fold the paper into two 2. Decorate the front page with various stickers 3. Open the paper 4. Write the name of the receiver of the card as the upper part with colouring pens 5. then write your messages in the center part of the page 6. Don’t forget to write the name of the sender of the card under it 7. your greeting card is ready to send 39. What is the goal of the text ? a. To describe about a greating card b. To explain what the graeting card is c. To show how to make a greating card d. To entertain the readers about greating card 40. What do we have to do after opening the paper ? a. Decorating it with stickers b. Writing the name of the receiver c. Writing the name of the sender d. Colouring the paper with pens 41. “…Don’t forget to write the name of the sender of the card under it” What does the word “it” refer to? a. Page b. Card c. Paper d. Message This text is for questionsno 42 – 44 BEARS Bears are mammals of the family ursidae, Bears are classified as caniforms, doglike Carnivorans, with the pennipeds being their closest relatives. Although there only eight living species of bear they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats thought-out the of north America, of south America, Europe, and Asia Common characteristics of modern bears include a large body with short and solid legs, a long snout, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonrestrictive claws, and short tail. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous and
  • 6. the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are carnivorous, with largely varied diets including both plant and animals With the exceptions of courting individuals and mothers with their young, bears are typically solitary animals, They are sometimes diurnal, but are usually active during the night ( nocturnal ) or twilight ( crepuscular ). Bears are aided by an excellent sense of smell. Despite their heavy build and awkward gait, they can run quickly and are adept climbers and swimmers. 42. How many species of bear are still living now ? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 43. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? a. Bears are naturally isolated animals b. Bears are expert in climbing and swimming c. Animals can sense smell from a long distance d. All creatures can run as quickly as human run 44. The purpose of the text is… a. to describe about bears b. to protect bears’ habitat c. to show that bears are large d. to make people aware of bears Fill the blank with the suitable wordsno 45 – 47. Rain always comes from clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all the water get into the sky? The water in the ocean is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind (44)…..the clouds for hundreds of kilometers, The clouds meet the cold air in the sky. Then we will see drops of water are (45)…….The rain falls and runs into the river.(46)…… run into the oceans. And the water from the oceans changes into clouds and becomes rain. So water is always moving from oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans 45. a. asks b. carries c. gives d. cleans 46. a. air b. rains c. rivers d. clouds 47. a. I b. we c. you d. they Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1. The five footed bear liked to help other animals 2. One afternoon, when the five – footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under a mahogany tree 3. But all animals who lived with him didn’t feel strange 4. Once upon time there was a strange bear who lived in a jungle 5. Then the five footed bear brought him to his home 6. His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay 7. He had five feet 8. The rabbit looked hungry 48. a. 4 -7- 3- 5-6-8-2-1 b. 4 -7-1-3-8-6-5-2 c. 4 -7-3-1-6-2-8-5 d. 4 – 7-3-1-5-2-6-5 49. Arrange the words into a good sentences You – happy – the – congratulation - 1 2 3 4 knowing – competition – we’re – won 5 6 7 8 a. 4 – 2 – 5 – 8 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 1 b. 4 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 3 - 6 c. 4 - 8 - 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 1 d. 4 – 7 - 2 - 5 – 3 – 1 – 8 – 6 Arrange the sentencesto make a good paragraph 1. Some of the places where they live are Africa, India, south America and Australia 2. They hunt animals and birds which come to the river to drink 3. Crocodiles are the largest and the most dangerous reptile 4. They can also attack and kill people 5. They have large mouth and many sharp teeth 6. They live in river 50. The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is….. a. 6–1-3-4-5-2 b. 3-6-4-2-1-5 c. 3-6-1-5-2-4 d. 1-2-3-4-5-6