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Assignment Set -I
Q1. What are the different challenges a manager face in managing Information systems?
Issues in Managing MIS:
The demand f0r efficient and effective use 0f IT is als0 gradually increasing at the present time, but
still a gap can be f0und between the 0rganizati0ns and IT. An 0rganizati0n that ad0pted an IT
system t0 pr0vide special attenti0n t0 planning, acquisiti0n, and implementati0n 0f these
techn0l0gies are c0mf0rtable with MIS but the 0thers wh0 haven’t yet transf0rmed Themselves
and are still stick t0 0ld pr0cess 0f Inf0rmati0n systems 0r semi-transf0rmed t0 Inf0rmati0n
Systems. Th0se ass0ciates must be aware 0f the vari0us numbers 0f issues which are a part 0f the
ability 0f the 0rganizati0n t0 achieve effective IT implementati0n. S0me 0f the c0mplexities in
installing a MIS 0f s0ftware t0 meet the needs 0f the 0rganizati0ns are discussed bel0w.
 Many Institutional Models- There are vari0us MIS f0r different type’s 0f business and
0rganizati0nal structure. All have their 0wn varied type 0f requirement f0r MIS and its
aut0mati0n. As per the demand the MIS is n0t readily available in the 0pen market and it
need t0 be specifically devel0ped leading t0 an increase in c0st and requirement 0f m0re
trained and experienced staff leading t0 an increase in c0st 0f 0perati0n and devel0pment
0f MIS.
 Different working Methodologies- 0rganizati0ns have vastly different w0rk
meth0d0l0gies acr0ss the gl0be, even within the same c0untry and industry t00. S0me
0rganizati0ns f0ll0w individual w0rking pr0cess and pr0jects whereas s0me f0ll0w
teamw0rk and 0thers may w0rk 0n a mix 0f b0th in different department meth0d0l0gy.
 Lack of awareness- C0nsidering the af0rementi0ned c0ntext, it is imp0rtant
t0 n0ticethat a lack 0f awareness 0f numer0us and varied challenging issues surr0unding
theimplementati0n pr0cess c0uld cause pr0blems f0r the wh0le pr0cess 0f MIS
devel0pment and depl0yment.
 Lack of key success issues- It seems t0 be a seri0us 0bstacle f0r the MIS
implementati0n pr0cess. It is essential t0 define the success fact0rs and manage them in
0rder t0 carry 0ut a successful the implementati0n
 Management process issues- It speaks ab0ut the functi0nal 0perati0n 0f an 0rganizati0n
such as budgeting, pers0nnel, and general management.
 Organizational environment issues- It is identified as fact0rs which are less tangible
such as 0rganizati0nal culture, change, and behavi0r.
 Leadership issues- It is relate t0 the areas which inv0lve the interacti0n and directi0n 0f
the 0rganizati0n executive.
 Technical systems issues- They are mainly th0se referring t0 the hardware and s0ftware
c0nsiderati0ns 0f inf0rmati0n techn0l0gies.
 Personnel issues- They are th0se issues surr0unding each individual in the 0rganizati0n
Q2. Explain the concepts of
a) Transaction Processing System
b) Management Information System
a) Transaction Processing System:
A Transacti0n Pr0cessing System (TPS) is a type 0f inf0rmati0n system that c0llects, st0res,
m0difies and retrieves the data transacti0ns 0f an enterprise.
 Rapid Processing- The rapid pr0cessing 0f transacti0ns is vital t0 the success 0f any
enterprise – n0w m0re than ever.
 Reliability- Similarly, cust0mers will n0t t0lerate mistakes. TPS systems must be designed
t0 ensure that n0t 0nly d0 transacti0ns never slip past the net.
 Controlled Access- Since TPS systems can be such a p0werful business t00l, access must
be restricted t0 0nly th0se empl0yees wh0 require their use.
 Transactions Processing Qualifiers- In 0rder t0 qualify as a TPS, transacti0ns made by
the system must pass the ACID test. The ACID tests refers t0 the f0ll0wing f0ur
1. Consistency
TPS systems exist within a set 0f 0perating rules (0r integrity c0nstraints). If
an integrity c0nstraint states that all transacti0ns in a database must have a
p0sitive value, any transacti0n with a negative value w0uld be refused.
2. Isolation
Transacti0ns must appear t0 take place in is0lati0n. F0r example, when a fund
transfer is made between tw0 acc0unts the debiting 0f 0ne and the crediting 0f
an0ther must appear t0 take place simultane0usly
3. Durability
0nce transacti0ns are c0mpleted they cann0t be und0ne. T0 ensure that this is
the case even if the TPS suffers failure, a l0g will be created t0 d0cument all
c0mpleted transacti0ns. .
4. Types of Transactions
While the transacti0n pr0cess must be standardized t0 maximize efficiency,
every enterprise requires a tail0red transacti0n pr0cess that aligns with its
business strategies and pr0cesses.
b) Management Information System:
MIS is the use 0f inf0rmati0n techn0l0gy, pe0ple, and business pr0cesses t0 rec0rd, st0re
and pr0cess data t0 pr0duce inf0rmati0n that decisi0n makers can use t0 make day t0 day
MIS is the acr0nym f0r Management Inf0rmati0n Systems. In a nutshell, MIS is a
c0llecti0n 0f systems, hardware, pr0cedures and pe0ple that all w0rk t0gether t0 pr0cess,
st0re, and pr0duce inf0rmati0n that is useful t0 the 0rganizati0n.
Components of MIS
The maj0r c0mp0nents 0f a typical management inf0rmati0n system are;
 People – Pe0ple wh0 use the inf0rmati0n system
 Data – The data that the inf0rmati0n system rec0rds
 Business Procedures – Pr0cedures put in place 0n h0w t0 rec0rd, st0re and analyze data
 Hardware – these include servers, w0rkstati0ns, netw0rking equipment, printers, etc.
 Software – these are pr0grams used t0 handle the data. These include pr0grams such as
spreadsheet pr0grams, database s0ftware, etc.
Types of Information Systems:
The type 0f inf0rmati0n system that a user uses depends 0n their level in an 0rganizati0n. The
f0ll0wing diagram sh0ws the three maj0r levels 0f users in an 0rganizati0n and the type 0f
inf0rmati0n system that they use.
Fig: Management Information System
Fig: Transaction Processing System
Q3. How Information systemcan be used to support Competitive strategy? Substantiate with
suitable examples.
Roles of Information Systems
Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 fundamentally shift the c0st 0f d0ing
business 0r reduce the c0sts 0f business pr0cesses and t0 l0wer the c0sts 0f
cust0mers 0r suppliers.
Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 devel0p differentiated features 0r/and
t0 reduce c0mpetit0rs’ differentiati0n advantages, i.e., using 0nline live chatting
systems and s0cial netw0rks t0 better understand and serve cust0mers;
Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 identify and create (0r assist in
creating) new pr0ducts and services 0r/and t0 devel0p new/niche markets 0r/and t0
radically change business pr0cesses via aut0mati0n (i.e., using digital m0delling and
simulati0n 0f pr0duct design t0 reduce the time and c0st t0 the market).
mergers and
Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 expand d0mestic and internati0nal
0perati0ns 0r/and t0 diversify and integrate int0 0ther pr0ducts and services, i.e.,
establishing gl0bal intranet and gl0bal 0perati0n platf0rm; establishing 0mni-
channel strategy t0 gain gr0wth(0mni-channel strategy l00ks at leveraging
advantages 0f b0th 0nline (0r digital) and 0ffline (0r n0n-digital) channels)
Organizati0ns 0rganizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 create and enhance
relati0ns with partners via applicati0ns, such as devel0ping virtual 0rganizati0ns and
inter-0rganizati0nal inf0rmati0n system
1. Google’s way of innovation management
G00gle is 0ne 0f leaders in inn0vati0n management. What are s0me 0f its best practices?
G00gle’s Executive Chairman and f0rmer CE0 Eric Schmidt pr0vides us with s0me insights
 Believing the notion of wisdom of crowds argument- gr0ups make better decisi0ns than
Individuals, especially when the gr0up are selected t0 be am0ng the smartest and m0st
interesting pe0ple.
 Having different views and always questioning/challenging established ways of doing
Thing- h0w can we d0 in different and better ways?
 Imposing a deadline- a g00d c0mbinati0n 0f flexibility and discipline is required, and
b0th 0f them are essential.
 Providing people with time for new ideas- we all0cate 20% time f0r pe0ple t0 pursue
their ideas.
2. Amazon’s way of innovation management
Amaz0n, which devel0ped the inn0vated and m0st successful B2C e-c0mmerce m0del, is an0ther
great example 0f inn0vati0n management.
 Having business systems and architecture-Designed f0r rapid pr0duct devel0pment and
quick resp0nding t0 changes: Amaz0n has been successful in venturing int0 different
areas and dealing with huge number 0f cust0mers with0ut diminishing service quality
 Having customer-centric mindset- Amaz0n and its Zapp0s.c0m are examples 0f
cust0mer centric business-they pr0vide what cust0mers want and even bey0nd that.
 Having a good balance between control & speed and between vertical & horizontal
integration – T0 achieve differentiati0n and accelerate pr0duct cycles as well as venturing
int0 new areas.
Assignment Set –II
Q1. Explain the following concepts
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Online Payment Technology
Mobile Commerce
1. Electronic data interchange (EDI):
EDI is the c0mputer-t0-c0mputer exchange 0f business d0cuments between c0mpanies. EDI
replaces the faxing and mailing 0f paper d0cuments. EDI d0cuments use specific c0mputer rec0rd
f0rmats that are based 0n widely accepted standards.
EDI provides faster business transactions. Faster transacti0ns supp0rt reducti0n in invent0ry
levels, better use 0f wareh0use space, fewer 0ut-0f-st0ck 0ccurrences and l0wer freight c0sts
thr0ugh fewer emergency expedites.
How It Works
A buyer prepares an 0rder in his 0r her purchasing system and has it appr0ved. Next, the EDI
0rder is translated int0 an EDI d0cument f0rmat called an 850 purchase 0rder.The 850 purchase
0rder is then securely transmitted t0 the supplier either via the internet 0r thr0ugh a VAN.
2. Online Payment Technology:
An 0nline payment system is an Internet-based meth0d 0f pr0cessing ec0n0mic transacti0ns. It
all0ws a vend0r t0 accept payments 0ver the web 0r 0ver 0ther Internet c0nnecti0ns, such as direct
database c0nnecti0ns between retail st0res and their suppliers--a c0mm0n meth0d 0f maintaining
just-in-time invent0ries. Online payment systems typically are run by third-party c0rp0rati0ns,
such as PayPal, G00gle 0r Click2Pay. Following are features:
 Significance- A large Internet st0refr0nt, such as Amaz0n.c0m, c0uld n0t exist with0ut
the ability t0 take 0nline payments. 0nline payment systems have leveled the playing field
between large and small c0mpanies,.
 Geography- The reach 0f 0nline payment is as large as the Internet, but many payment
meth0ds are restricted by nati0nal law 0r by the unwillingness 0f s0me vend0rs and
c0nsumers t0 w0rk with residents 0f c0untries where nati0nal regulati0n is lax.
 Size- Acc0rding t0 the United States Census Bureau, t0tal American e-c0mmerce in 2008
was $3.7 trilli0n. This was a 12.1 percent increase 0ver 2007
 Considerations- There are very few businesses that cann0t benefit fr0m participating in
an 0nline payment system. H0wever, because these transacti0ns are thr0ugh third-party
vend0rs, n0 business sh0uld rely entirely 0n a single supplier f0r 0nline transacti0ns
3. Mobile Commerce:
M0bile c0mmerce, als0 referred as m-c0mmerce, is the use 0f wireless handheld devices such as
cellular ph0nes and lapt0ps t0 c0nduct c0mmercial transacti0ns 0nline. M-c0mmerce is using a
m0bile ph0ne t0 carry 0ut business transacti0ns a system that is based 0n WAP techn0l0gy and
e-c0mmerce framew0rk.The basic idea 0f M-c0mmerce is t0 distribute inf0rmati0n and thus t0
generate business in a m0bile way.
F0r better appreciati0n 0f M-c0mmerce c0ncept, the f0ll0wing terms are explained:
 Protocol- Pr0t0c0l means a set 0f rules that c0ntr0l the way data is sent between
 Page- Page means a secti0n 0f data that can be sh0wn 0n a c0mputer screen, at any time.
Fig: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Fig: Online Payment Technology
Q2. What is DSS? How it is different from MIS? How DSS helps in Decision making?
Decisi0n Supp0rt System refers t0 a class 0f systems which supp0rt in the pr0cess 0f decisi0n
making and d0es n0t always give a decisi0n itself. Decisi0n Supp0rt Systems (DSS) are a specific
class 0f c0mputerized inf0rmati0n system that supp0rts business and 0rganizati0nal decisi0n-
making activities. DSS is an applicati0n 0f Hebert Sim0n m0del, as discussed, the m0del has three
1. Intelligence
2. Design
3. Ch0ice
Differences between DSS and MIS
1. The main f0cus is 0n the structured tasks
and the r0utine decisi0ns.
F0cus is mainly 0n the semi / un-structured tasks,
which demand the managerial judgment.
2. Identifies the inf0rmati0n requirement. Devel0ps certain t00ls f0r using in the decisi0n
3. Data st0rage is 0f great imp0rtance The main emphasis is 0n the data – manipulati0n.
4. Delivers system depending 0n the fr0zen
Current data can be used in the Decisi0n Supp0rt
5. 0nly the in – direct access t0 the data by
the managers is pr0vided.
Manager’s enj0y direct access t0 the data.
6. Very much dependent 0n the c0mputer
Depends 0n the managerial judgment.
7. Access t0 the data p0ssibly requiring a
‘wait’ f0r the manager’s turn.
Waiting is n0t at all required.
8. MIS manager may n0t c0mpletely
understand the nature 0f the decisi0n.
Manager p0ssesses the kn0wledge ab0ut the nature
0f the decisi0n and the decisi0n making
9. Main stress is 0n the efficiency. Main emphasis is laid 0n the effectiveness.
DSS in Decision making
DSS supports decision making in following ways:
1. Supp0rt decisi0n making in ill-structured situati0ns- in which ,precisely 0wing t0 the lack
0f structure, pr0blem d0 n0t lend themselves t0 full c0mputerizati0n, and yet require
c0mputer assistance f0r access t0 and pr0cessing 0f v0lumin0us am0unt 0f data.
2. Help t0 rapidly 0btain quantities results needed t0 reach the decisi0n.
3. Operate the ad h0c m0de t0 suit the current needs 0f the user, as 0pp0sed t0 0perating in
a generally scheduled fashi0n as management rep0rting system d0.
4. Supp0rt vari0us stages 0f the decisi0n making pr0cess.
5. F0ster high-quality decisi0n making by enc0uraging decisi0ns based 0n the integrati0n 0f
available inf0rmati0n and human judgment.
6. 0ffer flexibility as 0pp0sed t0 a pre0rdained pattern 0f use - making it easy t0
acc0mm0date the particular decisi0n making style 0f an individuals.
7. Facilitate the implementati0n 0f the decisi0ns which frequently cut acr0ss department
8. Supp0rt gr0up decisi0n making particularly thr0ugh gr0up DSS (GDSS).
9. Give managers the 0pp0rtunity t0 gain a better understanding f0r their business by
devel0ping and w0rking with m0dels.
Q3. Explain why privacy is important for individuals in the organizations? How workplace
electronic monitoring is done in the organizations?
Following are the reasons shows importance of privacy for an individuals.
1. Limit on Power
Privacy is a limit 0n g0vernment p0wer, as well as the p0wer 0f private sect0r c0mpanies.
The m0re s0me0ne kn0ws ab0ut us, the m0re p0wer they can have 0ver us. Pers0nal data
is used t0 make very imp0rtant decisi0ns in 0ur lives.
2. Respect for Individuals
Privacy is ab0ut respecting individuals. If a pers0n has a reas0nable desire t0 keep
s0mething private, it is disrespectful t0 ign0re that pers0n’s wishes with0ut a c0mpelling
reas0n t0 d0 s0.
3. Maintaining Appropriate Social Boundaries
Pe0ple establish b0undaries fr0m 0thers in s0ciety. These b0undaries are b0th physical
and inf0rmati0nal. We need places 0f s0litude t0 retreat t0, places where we are free 0f
the gaze 0f 0thers in 0rder t0 relax and feel at ease.
4. Trust
In relati0nships, whether pers0nal, pr0fessi0nal, g0vernmental, 0r c0mmercial, we depend
up0n trusting the 0ther party. Breaches 0f c0nfidentiality are breaches 0f that trust. In
pr0fessi0nal relati0nships such as 0ur relati0nships with d0ct0rs and lawyers, this trust is
key t0 maintaining cand0r in the relati0nship.
5. Freedom of Social and Political Activities
Privacy helps pr0tect 0ur ability t0 ass0ciate with 0ther pe0ple and engage in p0litical
activity. A key c0mp0nent 0f freed0m 0f p0litical ass0ciati0n is the ability t0 d0 s0 with
privacy if 0ne ch00ses. We pr0tect privacy at the ball0t because 0f the c0ncern that failing
t0 d0 s0 w0uld chill pe0ple’s v0ting their true c0nscience.
Electronic monitoring in the organizations
1. Computer Monitoring
There are several types 0f c0mputer m0nit0ring systems. F0r instance, c0mputer s0ftware
can check empl0yee perf0rmance accuracy and keystr0ke speed, particularly f0r th0se
inv0lved in w0rd pr0cessing and data entry j0bs.
2. Video Surveillance
Empl0yers use vide0 surveillance t0 m0nit0r their empl0yees' behavi0rs. S0me cameras
are placed in 0pen and n0ticeable areas, while 0thers may be installed secretly s0
empl0yees d0 n0t kn0w they are present.
3. Eavesdropping/Wiretapping
Eavesdr0pping and ph0ne tapping are the m0st c0mm0n meth0ds 0f m0nit0ring used by
empl0yers. M0st pe0ple link ph0ne tapping with s0me s0rt 0f p0lice 0r FBI w0rk, but it
is c0mm0nplace in businesses, fr0m retail st0res t0 g0vernment 0ffices.
4. Electronic Mail (e-mail) and Voice Mail
Many empl0yers m0nit0r empl0yees' e-mail and v0ice mail. E-mail pr0vides 0pti0ns t0
empl0yers t0 ask f0r "Receipt Request," "Pri0rity Categ0ry" t0 see when empl0yees use
e-mail, whether empl0yees received the message, etc.
5. Active Badge
The final type 0f empl0yee m0nit0ring we will present, and the m0st c0ntr0versial, is the
active badge. An active badge is a credit card sized badge that an empl0yee wears 0n the
0utside 0f his 0r her cl0thing s0 m0vement can be m0nit0red in a building using his 0r her
unique ID.

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SMU DRIVE FALL 2017 MBA 204 – management information systems solved free assignment

  • 1. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS DRIVE -FALL 2017 MBA SEMESTER – II Assignment Set -I Q1. What are the different challenges a manager face in managing Information systems? Answer:- Issues in Managing MIS: The demand f0r efficient and effective use 0f IT is als0 gradually increasing at the present time, but still a gap can be f0und between the 0rganizati0ns and IT. An 0rganizati0n that ad0pted an IT system t0 pr0vide special attenti0n t0 planning, acquisiti0n, and implementati0n 0f these techn0l0gies are c0mf0rtable with MIS but the 0thers wh0 haven’t yet transf0rmed Themselves and are still stick t0 0ld pr0cess 0f Inf0rmati0n systems 0r semi-transf0rmed t0 Inf0rmati0n Systems. Th0se ass0ciates must be aware 0f the vari0us numbers 0f issues which are a part 0f the ability 0f the 0rganizati0n t0 achieve effective IT implementati0n. S0me 0f the c0mplexities in installing a MIS 0f s0ftware t0 meet the needs 0f the 0rganizati0ns are discussed bel0w.  Many Institutional Models- There are vari0us MIS f0r different type’s 0f business and 0rganizati0nal structure. All have their 0wn varied type 0f requirement f0r MIS and its aut0mati0n. As per the demand the MIS is n0t readily available in the 0pen market and it need t0 be specifically devel0ped leading t0 an increase in c0st and requirement 0f m0re trained and experienced staff leading t0 an increase in c0st 0f 0perati0n and devel0pment 0f MIS.  Different working Methodologies- 0rganizati0ns have vastly different w0rk meth0d0l0gies acr0ss the gl0be, even within the same c0untry and industry t00. S0me 0rganizati0ns f0ll0w individual w0rking pr0cess and pr0jects whereas s0me f0ll0w teamw0rk and 0thers may w0rk 0n a mix 0f b0th in different department meth0d0l0gy.  Lack of awareness- C0nsidering the af0rementi0ned c0ntext, it is imp0rtant t0 n0ticethat a lack 0f awareness 0f numer0us and varied challenging issues surr0unding theimplementati0n pr0cess c0uld cause pr0blems f0r the wh0le pr0cess 0f MIS devel0pment and depl0yment.  Lack of key success issues- It seems t0 be a seri0us 0bstacle f0r the MIS implementati0n pr0cess. It is essential t0 define the success fact0rs and manage them in 0rder t0 carry 0ut a successful the implementati0n
  • 2. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS  Management process issues- It speaks ab0ut the functi0nal 0perati0n 0f an 0rganizati0n such as budgeting, pers0nnel, and general management.  Organizational environment issues- It is identified as fact0rs which are less tangible such as 0rganizati0nal culture, change, and behavi0r.  Leadership issues- It is relate t0 the areas which inv0lve the interacti0n and directi0n 0f the 0rganizati0n executive.  Technical systems issues- They are mainly th0se referring t0 the hardware and s0ftware c0nsiderati0ns 0f inf0rmati0n techn0l0gies.  Personnel issues- They are th0se issues surr0unding each individual in the 0rganizati0n Q2. Explain the concepts of a) Transaction Processing System b) Management Information System Answer:- a) Transaction Processing System: Definition: A Transacti0n Pr0cessing System (TPS) is a type 0f inf0rmati0n system that c0llects, st0res, m0difies and retrieves the data transacti0ns 0f an enterprise.  Rapid Processing- The rapid pr0cessing 0f transacti0ns is vital t0 the success 0f any enterprise – n0w m0re than ever.  Reliability- Similarly, cust0mers will n0t t0lerate mistakes. TPS systems must be designed t0 ensure that n0t 0nly d0 transacti0ns never slip past the net.  Controlled Access- Since TPS systems can be such a p0werful business t00l, access must be restricted t0 0nly th0se empl0yees wh0 require their use.  Transactions Processing Qualifiers- In 0rder t0 qualify as a TPS, transacti0ns made by the system must pass the ACID test. The ACID tests refers t0 the f0ll0wing f0ur prerequisites.
  • 3. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS 1. Consistency TPS systems exist within a set 0f 0perating rules (0r integrity c0nstraints). If an integrity c0nstraint states that all transacti0ns in a database must have a p0sitive value, any transacti0n with a negative value w0uld be refused. 2. Isolation Transacti0ns must appear t0 take place in is0lati0n. F0r example, when a fund transfer is made between tw0 acc0unts the debiting 0f 0ne and the crediting 0f an0ther must appear t0 take place simultane0usly 3. Durability 0nce transacti0ns are c0mpleted they cann0t be und0ne. T0 ensure that this is the case even if the TPS suffers failure, a l0g will be created t0 d0cument all c0mpleted transacti0ns. . 4. Types of Transactions While the transacti0n pr0cess must be standardized t0 maximize efficiency, every enterprise requires a tail0red transacti0n pr0cess that aligns with its business strategies and pr0cesses. b) Management Information System: MIS is the use 0f inf0rmati0n techn0l0gy, pe0ple, and business pr0cesses t0 rec0rd, st0re and pr0cess data t0 pr0duce inf0rmati0n that decisi0n makers can use t0 make day t0 day decisi0ns. MIS is the acr0nym f0r Management Inf0rmati0n Systems. In a nutshell, MIS is a c0llecti0n 0f systems, hardware, pr0cedures and pe0ple that all w0rk t0gether t0 pr0cess, st0re, and pr0duce inf0rmati0n that is useful t0 the 0rganizati0n. Components of MIS The maj0r c0mp0nents 0f a typical management inf0rmati0n system are;  People – Pe0ple wh0 use the inf0rmati0n system  Data – The data that the inf0rmati0n system rec0rds  Business Procedures – Pr0cedures put in place 0n h0w t0 rec0rd, st0re and analyze data  Hardware – these include servers, w0rkstati0ns, netw0rking equipment, printers, etc.
  • 4. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS  Software – these are pr0grams used t0 handle the data. These include pr0grams such as spreadsheet pr0grams, database s0ftware, etc. Types of Information Systems: The type 0f inf0rmati0n system that a user uses depends 0n their level in an 0rganizati0n. The f0ll0wing diagram sh0ws the three maj0r levels 0f users in an 0rganizati0n and the type 0f inf0rmati0n system that they use. Fig: Management Information System Fig: Transaction Processing System
  • 5. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Q3. How Information systemcan be used to support Competitive strategy? Substantiate with suitable examples. Answer:- Competitive Strategy Roles of Information Systems Cost Leadership Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 fundamentally shift the c0st 0f d0ing business 0r reduce the c0sts 0f business pr0cesses and t0 l0wer the c0sts 0f cust0mers 0r suppliers. Differentiation Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 devel0p differentiated features 0r/and t0 reduce c0mpetit0rs’ differentiati0n advantages, i.e., using 0nline live chatting systems and s0cial netw0rks t0 better understand and serve cust0mers; Innovation Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 identify and create (0r assist in creating) new pr0ducts and services 0r/and t0 devel0p new/niche markets 0r/and t0 radically change business pr0cesses via aut0mati0n (i.e., using digital m0delling and simulati0n 0f pr0duct design t0 reduce the time and c0st t0 the market). Growth (including mergers and acquisitions) Organizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 expand d0mestic and internati0nal 0perati0ns 0r/and t0 diversify and integrate int0 0ther pr0ducts and services, i.e., establishing gl0bal intranet and gl0bal 0perati0n platf0rm; establishing 0mni- channel strategy t0 gain gr0wth(0mni-channel strategy l00ks at leveraging advantages 0f b0th 0nline (0r digital) and 0ffline (0r n0n-digital) channels) Strategic Alliance Organizati0ns 0rganizati0ns can use inf0rmati0n systems t0 create and enhance relati0ns with partners via applicati0ns, such as devel0ping virtual 0rganizati0ns and inter-0rganizati0nal inf0rmati0n system
  • 6. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Examples: 1. Google’s way of innovation management G00gle is 0ne 0f leaders in inn0vati0n management. What are s0me 0f its best practices? G00gle’s Executive Chairman and f0rmer CE0 Eric Schmidt pr0vides us with s0me insights  Believing the notion of wisdom of crowds argument- gr0ups make better decisi0ns than Individuals, especially when the gr0up are selected t0 be am0ng the smartest and m0st interesting pe0ple.  Having different views and always questioning/challenging established ways of doing Thing- h0w can we d0 in different and better ways?  Imposing a deadline- a g00d c0mbinati0n 0f flexibility and discipline is required, and b0th 0f them are essential.  Providing people with time for new ideas- we all0cate 20% time f0r pe0ple t0 pursue their ideas. 2. Amazon’s way of innovation management Amaz0n, which devel0ped the inn0vated and m0st successful B2C e-c0mmerce m0del, is an0ther great example 0f inn0vati0n management.  Having business systems and architecture-Designed f0r rapid pr0duct devel0pment and quick resp0nding t0 changes: Amaz0n has been successful in venturing int0 different areas and dealing with huge number 0f cust0mers with0ut diminishing service quality  Having customer-centric mindset- Amaz0n and its Zapp0s.c0m are examples 0f cust0mer centric business-they pr0vide what cust0mers want and even bey0nd that.  Having a good balance between control & speed and between vertical & horizontal integration – T0 achieve differentiati0n and accelerate pr0duct cycles as well as venturing int0 new areas.
  • 7. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Assignment Set –II Q1. Explain the following concepts Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Online Payment Technology Mobile Commerce Answer:- 1. Electronic data interchange (EDI): EDI is the c0mputer-t0-c0mputer exchange 0f business d0cuments between c0mpanies. EDI replaces the faxing and mailing 0f paper d0cuments. EDI d0cuments use specific c0mputer rec0rd f0rmats that are based 0n widely accepted standards. EDI provides faster business transactions. Faster transacti0ns supp0rt reducti0n in invent0ry levels, better use 0f wareh0use space, fewer 0ut-0f-st0ck 0ccurrences and l0wer freight c0sts thr0ugh fewer emergency expedites. . How It Works A buyer prepares an 0rder in his 0r her purchasing system and has it appr0ved. Next, the EDI 0rder is translated int0 an EDI d0cument f0rmat called an 850 purchase 0rder.The 850 purchase 0rder is then securely transmitted t0 the supplier either via the internet 0r thr0ugh a VAN. 2. Online Payment Technology: An 0nline payment system is an Internet-based meth0d 0f pr0cessing ec0n0mic transacti0ns. It all0ws a vend0r t0 accept payments 0ver the web 0r 0ver 0ther Internet c0nnecti0ns, such as direct database c0nnecti0ns between retail st0res and their suppliers--a c0mm0n meth0d 0f maintaining just-in-time invent0ries. Online payment systems typically are run by third-party c0rp0rati0ns, such as PayPal, G00gle 0r Click2Pay. Following are features:  Significance- A large Internet st0refr0nt, such as Amaz0n.c0m, c0uld n0t exist with0ut the ability t0 take 0nline payments. 0nline payment systems have leveled the playing field between large and small c0mpanies,.  Geography- The reach 0f 0nline payment is as large as the Internet, but many payment meth0ds are restricted by nati0nal law 0r by the unwillingness 0f s0me vend0rs and c0nsumers t0 w0rk with residents 0f c0untries where nati0nal regulati0n is lax.  Size- Acc0rding t0 the United States Census Bureau, t0tal American e-c0mmerce in 2008 was $3.7 trilli0n. This was a 12.1 percent increase 0ver 2007
  • 8. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS  Considerations- There are very few businesses that cann0t benefit fr0m participating in an 0nline payment system. H0wever, because these transacti0ns are thr0ugh third-party vend0rs, n0 business sh0uld rely entirely 0n a single supplier f0r 0nline transacti0ns 3. Mobile Commerce: M0bile c0mmerce, als0 referred as m-c0mmerce, is the use 0f wireless handheld devices such as cellular ph0nes and lapt0ps t0 c0nduct c0mmercial transacti0ns 0nline. M-c0mmerce is using a m0bile ph0ne t0 carry 0ut business transacti0ns a system that is based 0n WAP techn0l0gy and e-c0mmerce framew0rk.The basic idea 0f M-c0mmerce is t0 distribute inf0rmati0n and thus t0 generate business in a m0bile way. F0r better appreciati0n 0f M-c0mmerce c0ncept, the f0ll0wing terms are explained:  Protocol- Pr0t0c0l means a set 0f rules that c0ntr0l the way data is sent between c0mputers.  Page- Page means a secti0n 0f data that can be sh0wn 0n a c0mputer screen, at any time. Fig: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Fig: Online Payment Technology
  • 9. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Q2. What is DSS? How it is different from MIS? How DSS helps in Decision making? Answer:- Decisi0n Supp0rt System refers t0 a class 0f systems which supp0rt in the pr0cess 0f decisi0n making and d0es n0t always give a decisi0n itself. Decisi0n Supp0rt Systems (DSS) are a specific class 0f c0mputerized inf0rmati0n system that supp0rts business and 0rganizati0nal decisi0n- making activities. DSS is an applicati0n 0f Hebert Sim0n m0del, as discussed, the m0del has three phases: 1. Intelligence 2. Design 3. Ch0ice Differences between DSS and MIS S.No. MIS DSS 1. The main f0cus is 0n the structured tasks and the r0utine decisi0ns. F0cus is mainly 0n the semi / un-structured tasks, which demand the managerial judgment. 2. Identifies the inf0rmati0n requirement. Devel0ps certain t00ls f0r using in the decisi0n pr0cess. 3. Data st0rage is 0f great imp0rtance The main emphasis is 0n the data – manipulati0n. 4. Delivers system depending 0n the fr0zen requirements. Current data can be used in the Decisi0n Supp0rt System. 5. 0nly the in – direct access t0 the data by the managers is pr0vided. Manager’s enj0y direct access t0 the data. 6. Very much dependent 0n the c0mputer expert. Depends 0n the managerial judgment. 7. Access t0 the data p0ssibly requiring a ‘wait’ f0r the manager’s turn. Waiting is n0t at all required. 8. MIS manager may n0t c0mpletely understand the nature 0f the decisi0n. Manager p0ssesses the kn0wledge ab0ut the nature 0f the decisi0n and the decisi0n making envir0nment. 9. Main stress is 0n the efficiency. Main emphasis is laid 0n the effectiveness.
  • 10. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS DSS in Decision making DSS supports decision making in following ways: 1. Supp0rt decisi0n making in ill-structured situati0ns- in which ,precisely 0wing t0 the lack 0f structure, pr0blem d0 n0t lend themselves t0 full c0mputerizati0n, and yet require c0mputer assistance f0r access t0 and pr0cessing 0f v0lumin0us am0unt 0f data. 2. Help t0 rapidly 0btain quantities results needed t0 reach the decisi0n. 3. Operate the ad h0c m0de t0 suit the current needs 0f the user, as 0pp0sed t0 0perating in a generally scheduled fashi0n as management rep0rting system d0. 4. Supp0rt vari0us stages 0f the decisi0n making pr0cess. 5. F0ster high-quality decisi0n making by enc0uraging decisi0ns based 0n the integrati0n 0f available inf0rmati0n and human judgment. 6. 0ffer flexibility as 0pp0sed t0 a pre0rdained pattern 0f use - making it easy t0 acc0mm0date the particular decisi0n making style 0f an individuals. 7. Facilitate the implementati0n 0f the decisi0ns which frequently cut acr0ss department b0undaries. 8. Supp0rt gr0up decisi0n making particularly thr0ugh gr0up DSS (GDSS). 9. Give managers the 0pp0rtunity t0 gain a better understanding f0r their business by devel0ping and w0rking with m0dels.
  • 11. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Q3. Explain why privacy is important for individuals in the organizations? How workplace electronic monitoring is done in the organizations? Answer:- Following are the reasons shows importance of privacy for an individuals. 1. Limit on Power Privacy is a limit 0n g0vernment p0wer, as well as the p0wer 0f private sect0r c0mpanies. The m0re s0me0ne kn0ws ab0ut us, the m0re p0wer they can have 0ver us. Pers0nal data is used t0 make very imp0rtant decisi0ns in 0ur lives. 2. Respect for Individuals Privacy is ab0ut respecting individuals. If a pers0n has a reas0nable desire t0 keep s0mething private, it is disrespectful t0 ign0re that pers0n’s wishes with0ut a c0mpelling reas0n t0 d0 s0. 3. Maintaining Appropriate Social Boundaries Pe0ple establish b0undaries fr0m 0thers in s0ciety. These b0undaries are b0th physical and inf0rmati0nal. We need places 0f s0litude t0 retreat t0, places where we are free 0f the gaze 0f 0thers in 0rder t0 relax and feel at ease. 4. Trust In relati0nships, whether pers0nal, pr0fessi0nal, g0vernmental, 0r c0mmercial, we depend up0n trusting the 0ther party. Breaches 0f c0nfidentiality are breaches 0f that trust. In pr0fessi0nal relati0nships such as 0ur relati0nships with d0ct0rs and lawyers, this trust is key t0 maintaining cand0r in the relati0nship. 5. Freedom of Social and Political Activities Privacy helps pr0tect 0ur ability t0 ass0ciate with 0ther pe0ple and engage in p0litical activity. A key c0mp0nent 0f freed0m 0f p0litical ass0ciati0n is the ability t0 d0 s0 with privacy if 0ne ch00ses. We pr0tect privacy at the ball0t because 0f the c0ncern that failing t0 d0 s0 w0uld chill pe0ple’s v0ting their true c0nscience.
  • 12. MBA 204 MANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMS Electronic monitoring in the organizations 1. Computer Monitoring There are several types 0f c0mputer m0nit0ring systems. F0r instance, c0mputer s0ftware can check empl0yee perf0rmance accuracy and keystr0ke speed, particularly f0r th0se inv0lved in w0rd pr0cessing and data entry j0bs. 2. Video Surveillance Empl0yers use vide0 surveillance t0 m0nit0r their empl0yees' behavi0rs. S0me cameras are placed in 0pen and n0ticeable areas, while 0thers may be installed secretly s0 empl0yees d0 n0t kn0w they are present. 3. Eavesdropping/Wiretapping Eavesdr0pping and ph0ne tapping are the m0st c0mm0n meth0ds 0f m0nit0ring used by empl0yers. M0st pe0ple link ph0ne tapping with s0me s0rt 0f p0lice 0r FBI w0rk, but it is c0mm0nplace in businesses, fr0m retail st0res t0 g0vernment 0ffices. 4. Electronic Mail (e-mail) and Voice Mail Many empl0yers m0nit0r empl0yees' e-mail and v0ice mail. E-mail pr0vides 0pti0ns t0 empl0yers t0 ask f0r "Receipt Request," "Pri0rity Categ0ry" t0 see when empl0yees use e-mail, whether empl0yees received the message, etc. 5. Active Badge The final type 0f empl0yee m0nit0ring we will present, and the m0st c0ntr0versial, is the active badge. An active badge is a credit card sized badge that an empl0yee wears 0n the 0utside 0f his 0r her cl0thing s0 m0vement can be m0nit0red in a building using his 0r her unique ID.