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Social Media
Smart Marketing Book Series
Smart Social Media Marketing (Smart Marketing
Book Series)
Master Steve
Somayeh Amiri, Tara Kamangar
Silk Road Publishing (Toronto, Canada)
Printed Book: 978-1-927060-93-3
	EBook: 978-1-927060-94-0
	 Images Credits:pikisuperstar / Freepik
Note: The author of this book gives the right to use
the present content, provided that the source is cited,
to professors, educators, teachers, lecturers, and aca-
demic and non-academic educational centers, for an
indefinite period.
The copyright of this bookis internationallyregistered
for the author.
Introduction ........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1: The Importance of Social Media in Business...... 6
a) The Necessity and Appeal of Using Social Media in Business ....7
b) The Purpose of a Business’s Presence on Social Media ................ 9
c) The Importance of Strategy for Presence on Social Media .......11
Chapter 2:
Chapter 2: Identifying the Target Market and Tools to
Do So......................................................................................................................12
a) The Importance of Identifying the Target Market in Social
Media Marketing ................................................................................................... 13
b) Tools to Identify the Target Market on Social Media ..................17
Chapter 3:
Chapter 3: Advertisement in Social Media.............................19
a) Social Media as an Advertisement Tool ............................................20
b) Some of Advertising Resources of Social Media ............................23
c) Advertisement Fee in Social Media .........................................................25
d) Stages of Advertisement in Social Media ............................................27
e) Smart Advertisement in Social Media ..................................................28
f) The Importance of Time in Advertising Plan ..................................34
g) The Importance of Recognizing Competitors in Designing an
Advertising Plan .....................................................................................................36
h) Google: The Main Competitor of Social Media ............................38
Smart Social Media Marketing 4
Chapter 4:
Chapter 4: The Process of Presence on Social Media....40
a) Choosing Social Media Platforms to Use ............................................41
b) The Process of Presence on Social Media ..........................................44
1) Creating an Account ..................................................................................45
2) Inviting Others to Join You....................................................................46
3) Content Providing to Attract Audience.......................................... 47
4) Analyzing the Presence on Social Media ......................................58
Chapter 5:
Chapter 5: Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and
a) Tips for Attracting Audience .......................................................................65
b) Methods of Attracting Audience ..............................................................70
Chapter 6:
Chapter 6: Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on
social media ....................................................................................................74
Afterword .........................................................................................................................83
List of figures
Figure 1: the process of presence on social media ..............................44

Social media has affected various aspects of people's lives and
become one of integral parts of our business and life. Nowa-
days, everybody deals with social media one way or another
and spends some hours of the day on these platforms.
It's been a while since the number of social media users
has exceeded 3 billion. The importance of social media
is highlighted as the number of users and the time they
spend on these platforms increase daily.
Therefore, as someone who owns a business, you need
to consider social media smartly and take it seriously; pre-
pare a plan to persuade your audience to spend some of
their time to follow you on social networks.
Like in the other books in the "Smart Business" series,
this book's topic is also based upon a smart perspective
towards business, namely, looking at current facts and
standards by a new perspective using various points of
view to achieve success.
What you will learn in this book includes using social
media in business and how to use these platforms smartly
to achieve the goals of sales and marketing.
Chapter 1
The Importance
of Social Media in
The Importance of Social Media in Business
a) The Necessity and Appeal of Using
Social Media in Business
1.		 Nowadays, presence on social media has become
a necessity. As a business owner, you can utilize
different methods, so your audience can really
follow what you do. You may advance this process
using ambient advertising. However, using social
media is an effective method because the tools
available in these platforms are appealing for
everybody and people constantly use them.
Smart Social Media Marketing 8
2.	 The main appeal about social media is not the
number of users in these platforms. There are
numerouswebsites and othermediawith a plethora
of viewers. The appeal about these networks comes
in two aspects:
Ongoing engagement of audience (power of
The main reason people turn to social media
is the power of these networks in engaging the
audience. There is no other tool or medium
with such power.
For instance, consider television that has had
many audiences all over the world for years, but
it's a one-way medium. The audience can only
reach out their messages to TV programs via
live call or sending SMS, and such communica-
tion is quite limited, but in some social media
platforms, thousands of people are comment-
ing and having live discussions and talks from
all around the world in real-time.
Easy to use and interact with
In addition, using social media is extremely
easy and the audience (customer) is prepared to
join you.
For example, many people still have diffi-
culty sending emails and don’t have any email
address but use various social media platforms
with no trouble.
The Importance of Social Media in Business
b) The Purpose of a Business's Presence on
Social Media
Presence on social media is
necessary but not sufficient.
You need to define a goal for your presence on social
media. If you don’t define a goal, you are unable to analyze
your activity. Analysis is always conduced based on goals.
In marketing strategies, two main goals are usually pur-
But you need to examine and determine the goals of your
presence on social media from other points of view, as well:
Do you intend to attract more followers?
Do you intend to have more interactions with
the audience?
Is it your goal to have more attendants in your
Is it your goal to increase the number of viewers
on your business website?
Smart Social Media Marketing 10
Define the goals of your presence on social
media and evaluate the result according to
these goals.
If the goal of your presence on social media is to sell
products, use tools that direct the audience to sale implic-
itly or explicitly. For example, you can get interesting tools
by selecting the option "Add a Button" on Facebook.
You can increase your sale by offering coupons, dis-
counts, direct link to sale, last status on the market, cut-rate
sale, and so on among posted contents on social media.
Try and pursue more than one goals and
make plans to achieve them.
Notice 1
Notice 2
The Importance of Social Media in Business
c) The Importance of Strategy for Presence
on Social Media
As you write the general plans and necessary strategies
in your business plan, write your business's marketing
plans and strategies in your marketing plan.
Such as the case with any other business activity, you
need to have a formulated strategy for marketing and pres-
ence on social media and design certain plans to achieve
the marketing goals.
The social media strategy
has its special place in the
marketing plan. This sec-
tion is mostly placed under
the topic of online market-
ing, and sometimes, a whole
separate topic is basically
considered for it. This is
due to the great importance
of social media.
Formulate the strategy
for the presence of your
business on social media
based on the general plan
of your company and
make plans for the details
of your operational plan.
This must include the fol-
lowing items:
	 Content providing
	 Advertising style
	 Method of notifica-
tion regarding incen-
Chapter 2
Identifying the Target
Market and Tools to
Do So
Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So
a) The Importance of Identifying the
Target Market in Social Media Marketing
1.		 When entering any new marketing setting, you
need to have sufficient knowledge regarding it and
prepare the plan for your presence according to
the parameters of that setting. Social media is no
exception. You need to write down the activities
and plans for your presence on these platforms
separately. This must be done according to each
platform's qualities.
The phrase “target market”
needs to be constantly in front
of your eyes for all marketing
Smart Social Media Marketing 14
2.	 To have an influential presence on social media,
you need to get to know your target market by
answering the following questions:
Who is your target market?
Where is your target market located?
On which social media can your target market
be found?
What is your target market's status in terms of
measures such as age, gender, income, educa-
tion, and other variables of your target market?
Make plans for your social media strategy
based on the qualities of your target market.
Being aware of your target market qualities
helps you know which social media plat-
forms the customers to whom you intend to
offer your products mostly use.
3.	 The distribution of audiences on social media
depends on the type of your service or product
and is a determining factor in formulating the
marketing plan in social media.
Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So
4.	 Depending on the product you offer and the
business model you have, a certain social media
platform might be more appropriate for your
activity. For example, Instagram may be a good
choice for selling cosmetic services, but LinkedIn
may be a better choice for educational services.
5.	 Some social media platforms are more important
and have more users. Some other ones such as
Snapchat have a more exclusive style and special
users of their own.
Smart Social Media Marketing 16
6.	 Only a part of your target market may be present
on social media. For instance, if you own a juice-
production business, a part of your target market
includes young people who are also present on
social media. Therefore, your marketing plans
through these platforms must be suitable for the
young generation.
Another part of your target market includes
mothers and women in general. Therefore, some
of your marketing plans such as ambient or TV
advertising must be suitable for this group who
mostly shop in person or watch TV programs.
Activity in social media with-
out considering the influential
audience will lead to the waste
of money and time.
	 Facebook has the greatest number of audiences
among social media platforms, but is it enough
for pursuing your goals to be present only on this
social media platform?
Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So
b) Tools to Identify the Target Market on
Social Media
1.		 Social media gives you tools so you can determine
or limit your target market.
The option of sending messages to audiences
who are inside the circle of your target market
is one of these tools.
Determining the geographical location of
the target market is one of ad filters on social
media; i.e. the place in which you are looking
for customer is determined.
In addition to determining the geographical
location, you can also determine the audience's
age group or gender for whom you want your
advertisement to be displayed.
Using this method, you can create a setting
where only the audiences you look for will
be able to see you and the cost you spend on
advertisement won't be wasted.
Smart Social Media Marketing 18
2.	 In Facebook as a social media platform, you can
apply all the aforementioned filters. Select the
circle of your audiences in a specific city and
display your ad in a more detailed way inside
an area within a particular radius. You can also
select the audiences of your ad according to their
interests. For example, if you choose the category
of art and music in Facebook, one billion people
all around the world can be your audience. A
circle of people is determined for each type of
Chapter 3
Advertisement in
Social Media
Smart Social Media Marketing 20
a) Social Media as an Advertisement Tool
1.		 In the US market, more than 80 billion dollars
are annually spent on advertisement in social
media. According to estimates, this figure will
reach about 113 billion dollars in 2020. Such
amount is not a number than can be easily
The highest advertising
expense in social media is spent
in Facebook, Twitter, Insta-
gram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and
SlideShare, respectively.
Advertisement in Social Media
2.	 You can use social media as an advertising tool in
two ways:
First, using free tools by the method of manage-
ment and activity in your social media account,
or in fact, using the options in your own page;
Second, advertisement in social media.
These two cases are totally independent of
each other and the way of handling each one is
different. Separate the case of managing your
personal page in these platforms from the case
of using the page for advertisement.
3.	 Advertisement in social media is easier than using
free options. Each social media platform has a section
for advertisement and you can easily order an ad.
For example, when you open a Facebook page,
there is a plain section for advertisement in the
menu above the page. This is also the case with
many other social media platforms.
4.	 Each social media platform offers you different
advertising tools. Use these tools based on the goals
of your presence on social media. For example,
your goal could be introducing your account page
or participation of the audience in a contest. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, you first need to
determine the goal of your activity on social media.
Smart Social Media Marketing 22
Recognize different tools of social media and
update your knowledge of how to use them.
5.	 Social media made it possible so that the person
who orders an ad can determine the circle of their
audiences as much as possible. It means they can
target unique audience and reach them directly
through the ad. The problem with the previous
generation of digital advertisementwas that despite
spending money, the person who has ordered the
ad wasn’t sure if their ad has been displayed for
their target market. Most times, regarding the
previous generation, digital advertisements are
displayed to the wrong group of customers.
The proper knowledge of tar-
get market prevents from wast-
ing advertising costs in social
Advertisement in Social Media
b) Some of Advertising Resources of Social
For example, as a social media platform, Facebook pro-
poses 15 different offers for advertisement (to the date this
book was written). By the offers it provides, this platform
has made advertising so easy that you can run your own
advertisement without having any special expertise. Some
of its tools are as follows:
The ad on which the audience clicks and they read it in
addition to seeing the notification.
The ad when your post is viewed by many people
(Boost Your Post).
Another type of ad is promoting the website you have
introduced on your Facebook page.
Before you go to the advertisement section to adver-
tise your page, it offers you to advertise your page
(Promote Your Page).
It offers you to increase the number of viewers for your
post or video.
You can advertise an event, add members for it, or ask
people to comment on a post.
You can define the time period for displaying your ad;
that in which day of the week and in which hours it is
going to be displayed.
Smart Social Media Marketing 24
Another option is displaying the ad in a way that it
will be shown mobile friendly. You can see how your
ad is displayed on a computer screen and on a mobile
You can define it so that your video will be displayed
on the page of people who follow a certain page such as
a famous radio channel or a TV network.
You can modify the selected filters in trial run and
choose your audience stringently. In that case, the number
of your audiences will be minimum and you will pay less
in advertisement.
Advertisement in Social Media
c) Advertisement Fee in Social Media
In advertising and marketing, money
will go up in smoke in the blink of an
eye. Due to overlooking some primary
principles in the way money is spent, the
budget sometimes drains out without
the goals being achieved.
Each person considers a certain
amount of budget for advertising
depending on their type of business.
Social media such as Facebook requires
you to determine the budget you have
considered for advertising.
This number can be 5 dollars per day
or more. The platform then informs you
about the number of individuals who
will see your ad based on the specified
amount. For example, if you pay 20 dol-
lars a day, between 7 to 22 individuals
will see your ad.
Smart Social Media Marketing 26
In social media, in exchange for
is deduced from the payment made
by the person who orders the ad.
In some types of advertisement, the
amount is deducted based on the
number of views.
Before spending money on adver-
tisement and in order to yield an effec-
tive result, consider some simple mat-
Have a clear and outlined advertising
able and measurable, not idealistic.
Your ad must be relevant and towards
accomplishing your goal.
Your ad must be done at the right time
and based on the current setting in
the target market.
Advertisement in Social Media
d) Stages of Advertisement in Social Media
Pursue the process of advertising in social media accord-
ing to the following stages:
1.	 	Recognize your tar-
get market.
2.	 Recognize the so-
cial media on which
your target market
is present.
3.	 Determine your tar-
get market on social
media where your
customers are active.
4.	 Define the goal of
your presence on
social media.
5.	 Identify the adver-
tising tools in your
selected social me-
dia platforms (what
advertising methods
and what options do
you have for putting
your ad in the select-
ed platform?)
6.	 Determine your ad-
vertising budget.
Prepare and define
your content, ad,
or advertising cam-
8.	 Put the ad to the test
in the target mar-
9.	 Examine and ana-
lyze the results of
advertising in social
10.	Define the course of
action for the rest
of your activity ac-
cording to the yield-
ed results from your
Smart Social Media Marketing 28
e) Smart Advertisement in Social Media
Smart advertisement in social media requires a new per-
spective from various points of view towards advertising.
Following items shed light on these points of view for you:
1 The form and content of an ad are of great
importance in achieving your presence on
social media.
Your ad design must be in a way that
attracts the audience and pursuits them to
follow your activities. Simply displaying the
ad to the audience is not enough, and the
main objective is to attract the customer and,
consequently, boost sales.
2 Pay attention to the philosophy of design,
and define the place for everything in your
ad according to that philosophy.
3 Every social media platform has its qualities,
and your ad must be designed according to
these certain qualities.
For example, Twitter and Facebook have
different structures and you need to consider
the circumstances for each one when you put
an ad. You shouldn’t repost in Twitter the con-
tent you publish in Facebook, and vice versa.
Advertisement in Social Media
4	 Design a distinct advertising strategy for each
social media platform.
In Twitter, you may be able to maneuver
over branding, while in Facebook, you can
think about both sale and branding. Face-
book has added many tools which help with
5	 In designing your advertising plans, use the
target market as the basis. The set of plans
you define for each social media platform
must belong to a certain target market.
For example, your advertising content
when your customers are companies is
different from when your customers are
6	 Social media has made it possible to define
various advertising series and it makes your
advertisement extremely influential.
Define multiple advertising campaigns.
Each one should target their own specific
audience; you should avoid targeting tens of
groups of audiences with one plan.
Smart Social Media Marketing 30
7	 Customize your ad for anything you adver-
tise and for any target market you have.
You can easily define various advertising
series in social media.
It is recommended to define multiple
and diverse advertising plans with different
schemes and plots for your various target
markets and consider a budget for each one.
For example, someone who lives in Ottawa,
or Calgary , or Toronto prefers to see a con-
tent which contains local signs of that area.
By customizing your ads, you indicate that
you respect the audiences and their taste.
This is something that can result in attracting
the audience.
8	 Provide your content and advertising design
based on your target market's culture and ge-
ography and consider their sensitivities.
Presently, large companies provide their
contents based on neighborhoods of each
city. There is a certain neighborhood in
Toronto where Portuguese residents are liv-
ing. The telecommunication company uses
Portuguese language and cultural signs in
their ad for that neighborhood.
Advertisement in Social Media
9	 Keep the harmony in design.
The importance of harmony is doubled
especially if your ad is a part of a series of
advertisements offered in billboards and
other forms of advertising. If you keep a
certain harmony in various ads and diverse
places, the ad will be gradually embedded
in audiences' minds and remembered by
An advertisement without har-
mony is unlikely to make a tide
for branding and sales.
Your ad design should be mobile-friendly
and the entire ad must be seen on a mobile
It is smart to design your ad in a way that
the user can easily see it on a mobile phone.
Many ads are elaborately designed, but since
they aren’t tablet and mobile-phone-friendly,
they can't be seen properly and a great deal of
potential views is lost.
Smart Social Media Marketing 32
11	Adhere to clarity of message in your adver-
tisement so that the audience would imme-
diately get your point.
12	Advertise in a way that the result of your ad-
vertisement would be measurable.
Sometimes, your advertisement is not ade-
quately fruitful. In that case, check why your
advertisement has failed.
13	Your advertisement must be relevant to your
goal and help you accomplish your goal
Don’t forget that your goal must be
achievable. You need to be able to evaluate
the degree of its realization based on the
yielded results. In other words, don’t define
idealistic goals.
Advertisement in Social Media
14	If you want to advertise smartly, check out
large companies' advertisements and learn
from them.
Supported by ongoing research, these
companies perform a series of advertise-
ments, and you can learn informative tips
for your advertisement by checking out their
Advertisements by others are
like a classroom for you to
learn things.
Smart Social Media Marketing 34
f) The Importance of Time in Advertising
In your advertising plan, consider temporal conditions,
occasions (holidays) and qualities of the target market in
terms of time, and be aware of when you need to work on
what type of advertisement.
Occasions are really important for people;
in designing your advertisement, consider
occasions of the area where the target mar-
ket is located.
A few years ago, Starbucks, which is a well-known
coffee shop, had no plan for Christmas. This holiday
was so important for people that they wrote "Merry
Christmas" on the mugs in the coffee shop and by
doing so, they criticized the way Starbucks acted that
For instance, if there is advertisement in Christ-
mas, you need to consider the mood of those
days in your advertisement.
Consider a time such as 7 to 9 a.m. for, say, the
target market including physicians because
many physicians check their emails during that
Notice 1
Advertisement in Social Media
Your advertisement sometimes needs to be dis-
played during the day and not at nights. This
is because your audiences follow that platform
during the daytime.
Make a list of the most important occasions and
select the ones among them which are the most
relevant occasions to your target market. Then,
incorporate them into your advertisement.
Have in mind adequate considerations
regarding the occasions which lead to bias.
For example, if you have considered an advertisement
for Chinese New Year, you need to consider a plan for tra-
ditions of other nationalities. Otherwise, you may lose a
significant share of the market and your audiences.
Notice 2
Smart Social Media Marketing 36
g) The Importance of Recognizing
Competitors in Designing an Advertising
Identifying competitors is one of the
most important matters in designing the
series of advertisingplan. Before designing
the advertising plan for your business on
social media, evaluate your competitors'
performance, identify their presence on
social media, and see which sections they
have targeted and how they advertise.
Without being aware of competitors' perfor-
mance, designing a plan for your presence
on social media is 100 percent wrong and
causes the waste of your financial resources.
Designing an advertising plan similar to your
competitors' which happens due to your lack
of knowledge about how they function will
turn you into the big loser of this competi-
Note 1
Note 2
Advertisement in Social Media
Since you share target market with
your competitor, try and learn a lesson
from their failures and successes, and
familiarize yourself with the customers'
reaction to your competitors' advertise-
ment and with your competitors' pres-
ence on social media.
Take a smart look at your com-
petitors, identifytheir advertis-
ing methods and get inspired.
Being aware of your competitors' perfor-
mance helps you distinguish whether what
you do for your presence on social media is
right and define your advertising campaign
based upon the result of analyzing your
Smart Social Media Marketing 38
h) Google: The Main Competitor of Social
Social media platforms now differ
in comparison to the initial days they
were launched. Today, these platforms
follow the advertisement method
of Google after they have identified
the ways Google has succeeded in
advertisement. At the same time, these
platforms attempt to invent creative
methods to get ahead of this company
and its methods. For example, there is
always an ad in the right corner of a
Facebook page and it even shows you
the option "Create Ads".
Google is the main competitor
of social media, and the high-
est cost in digital marketing is
spent in Google.
Advertisement in Social Media
Google is still applying extremely cut-
ting-edge methods for advertisement.
This company stands above social media
by far and constantly brings in various
options during the time.
While competing Google, social
media concluded that if they wanted
to have advertisement, they should let
their users order ads and have ads in a
market they define by themselves.
Google's advertisement is smart; it
checks the content of your emails and
the pages you view, and it shows you dif-
ferent ads accordingly.
Other websites may have such smart
option, as well. After you enter a website
based on Google Ads but you don’t make
any purchases, the ads for that website
are displayed for you so many times
because the system has seen your poten-
tial interest and considers the possibility
of pursuing you to make a purchase if
the ad display is repeated.
Chapter 4
The Process of
Presence on Social
The Process of Presence on Social Media
a) Choosing Social Media Platforms to Use
Before discussing social media presence, first, you need to
answer this question: Which social media platform do you
need to be present on?
Type of a business is of great
importance in prioritization of using
social media. For example, platforms
such as Instagram and Facebook are
interesting for someone who owns a
restaurant, winery, fashion line, beauty
line etc,. LinkedIn and Facebook
are suitable for someone who works
in accounting, publishing etc.; or
another example is Pinterest which
has recently become popular among
clothing stores.
Smart Social Media Marketing 42
Choose the appropriate social media
platform to use based on your target
market, and create an account using
your brand's name.
You must be present on well-known
social media platforms. You need to
leave a trace of yourself in certain
platforms, namely, Facebook, Twitter,
Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Be more active in a platform on
which your target market has more
As an important social media
platform, LinkedIn has been extensively
developed in recent years because it's
not a general platform, and whenever a
discussion is about business, LinkedIn
is the name that is raised. LinkedIn is
extremely important in North America.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
Like Instagram, Pinterest has also
been developed extensively because
it's an image and video-oriented
platform; people who have lots of
online customers can't dismiss Pin-
YouTube is advancing day by day.
Accordingly, it has become much
easier to work with it. Since YouTube
has the option of live broadcast, it has
provided basic editing tools which
help you edit your content. With that,
you can tweak your content toward
specific customers.
Take Facebook and YouTube seri-
ously for sharing video content on
social media.
Smart Social Media Marketing 44
b) The Process of Presence on Social Media
Figure 1: the process of presence on social media
an Account
The Process of Presence on Social Media
1)	 Creating an Account
Create your business's page (not personal page)
on social media platforms you have chosen to use.
This should be the first step. When you launch a
page to advertise your business, use the page exclu-
sively for that purpose.
Create a neat, organized and technically-stan-
dard page.
Put appropriate pictures and images above
the page, and check whether these images are
properly seen on mobile screens.
In your page, put correct and full information,
including your website address and your logo.
You may wonder if it's better to purchase an account.
Is it a right move to buy pages which already have a huge
number of followers?
It depends on you to decide to buy an account. How-
ever, check the following items before the purchase:
Where are the followers of the page in ques-
tion located in terms of shopping?
Is their location overlapped with the geograph-
ical location of your target market?
Certain social media tools offer you such information
and other data on your followers.
Is your product suitable for these people?
In this case, you can buy the page.
Smart Social Media Marketing 46
2)	 Inviting Others to Join You
In the second step, use the Invite tool to attract
First, use this tool to make contact in the warm
market. You become more experienced by
relying on this market and your relations and
Use phone numbers and email addresses of
your friends and invite them to visit your page
and provided content.
Before inviting others, ensure your page's
design, content and the way it is displayed
are well tailored. You must also test the page
before it is published. By sending email or
using the Invite tool on your page, invite
others to visit your page. In this case, invited
people will follow you and introduce you to
other people, as well.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
3)	 Content Providing to Attract Audience
The third step is content providing and creat-
ing attraction to absorb more audiences. In this
stage, you need to focus on social media plat-
forms on which your target market is more pres-
Don’t miss the chance to attract
the audience by inviting peo-
ple to an empty page with no
On your page on social media, you can share
all kinds of content:
Textual content
Visual content
Audio content
Visual content including image and video is
more popular.
Note 1
Smart Social Media Marketing 48
Instagram is popular because it is designed
based on image and video.
Use all kinds of content, keep your page
Keeping your page active
means keeping your page alive
which is an important and
definite principle in attracting
more audiences and maintain-
ing the current ones.
Note 2
Note 3
The Process of Presence on Social Media
In providing advertising content of your business on
social media, consider the following points:
1.		 Provide your advertising content on social media
based on your policy.
2.	 Follow the 20/80 rule.
Don’t dedicate more than 20% of your pub-
lished content on social media to directly
advertise your business.
Ensure 80% of your content on social media
is indirectly related to your products and ser-
3.	 Pay attention to technical matters such as image
resolution, video quality and edit appropriately.
Sometimes the reason behind your content not
getting any views is ignoring technical matters.
4.	 Reporting events held in your geographical area
is one of interesting and influential contents to
increase the number of followers.
Smart Social Media Marketing 50
In any city you are located, certain events such
as sport contests, art festivals or industrial fairs
are held. Many people are interested in watching
short videos, highlights and talking points of these
events. So you can make them available to people
on your page to increase your reach and followers.
Take videos and photos of these events as much as
it's related to the nature of your business, and pub-
lish the contents on your social media pages.
5.	 To provide content for your audience, do not copy
materials which are in public access. Reposting
already-published materials is not interesting at
all. By doing so, you are wasting your time and your
audiences'. Your audiences need to know that they
will find points and tips on your page that can't be
found in other mediums.
6.	 Content providing is quite cost-efficient. However,
with smartphones, you can easily take photos and
videos, edit them using basic tools, and publish
them along with a short caption effortlessly and
Even if you intend to make some slideshows,
you can prepare it with free apps; or if you want to
create motion graphic design, you can fix it using
low-priced or free apps.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
	 Select novel and appealing subjects for advertising
videos and photos of your business. Thousands
of people might have visited a book fair, but your
viewpoint towards the events is undoubtedly
different from others'. Even if several people take
photo of one object from the same angle, their
view will be different.
8.	 Providing exclusive educational content is
another means of content providing suitable for
social media.
Prepare and publish short contents appro-
priate for your audiences.
Using this method, you can easily introduce
your business, brand, and the services and prod-
ucts you intend to sell.
In certain social media platforms such as Face-
book and Instagram, you can make use of easy-to-
use tools to create training videos regarding the
technical field of your business.
For example, one who works in interior design
for buildings can teach how to clean a dirty piece
of furniture or offer ideas about furniture layout
and where to place TV in a room. You can talk
Smart Social Media Marketing 52
about interior decoration and how to place furni-
ture for a better experience in a room. This and
many other contents can be explored to gain more
followers on your page and more customers for
your business.
You can prepare hundreds of interesting pho-
tos and videos without spending any money. Each
training has its fans.
If you are working in interior decoration,
you can make and share training videos and
audios about numerous learning ideas in this
regard. This is an extremely effortless and cos-
tless tool.
9.	 Use the tool of live video on social media. Live
video is interesting for many people who will
follow it.
Use the tool of live video on social media
when you have a clear plan and idea. For
example, you can provide your training con-
tent in form of live videos, or offer a part of
customer service in live.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
10.	Provideyourexclusiveyet unique content, as much
as possible, and don’t use the contents provided by
others so you can attract more audiences.
But in case of reposting others' contents, use
content provided by credible groups, source and
known individuals.
Pay attention that less than 20-30% of your
social media page content can be the con-
tents from others' pages.
For two reasons:
The first reason is copyright. After all, you own
a business and there is a possibility of being
sued for using others' contents, especially if
you use them for advertisement without asking
for permission.
The second reason is that your audience must
be able to see your exclusive content not oth-
ers'. If your audiences feel that you don’t have
any content of your own, they won't follow
Smart Social Media Marketing 54
11.	 Repost a content that is needed by your audience
while it's valid and interesting, as well.
Some believe that people are tired of seeing ads
because there is too much advertisement on social
media. The reason behind this fact is applying
improper methods.
12.	 Use creative methods to get ahead of your
competitors who bore the audience by bombing
them with ads due to their lack of knowledge.
When others apply improper
methods, it’s an opportunity
for you to make the best of the
The Process of Presence on Social Media
13.	 Encourage your audiences to provide content.
The users in your page can be
providers of unique and attrac-
tive contents for you, and this
can happen by mutual interac-
tion and requires you to direct
and manage the contents sent
by users.
One of the ways for audiences
to provide contents is pursuing
them to leave comments and
express their opinions.
Be careful that users don’t make trivial discus-
sions on your page because it makes viewers weary
and decreases the number of your followers. In
addition, your audiences assume that you don’t
have any material to offer and that you are trying
to provide content in this way.
Smart Social Media Marketing 56
14.	Turn your social media page into a place for
customer service.
Create a setting for answering users' questions.
This move has certain benefits:
Customers will have to visit social media to get
the answers to their questions.
It results in content providing.
People with similar questions get their answers.
There is usually a page for customer service on
many websites, but these pages don’t have many
visitors. By immediate or even delayed response
in social media, you can create something like a
discussion forum where other people also partic-
ipate in discussions, and by doing so, you provide
15.	 Take your audiences' comments on your contents
Respond to each comment without wasting any
time. By responding quickly, you both entice oth-
ers' participation and create discussions.
The quicker you respond, the more participa-
tion and engagement you receive from your cus-
tomers. You can create a setting in which others
can express their opinions.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
16.	Don’t delete your audiences' critical comments
but rather respond to them. Don’t defend yourself.
Provide rational answers to resolve any possible
ambiguity in others' minds.
17.	 Provide content on the pretexts such as birthday
of the company's members. This move creates an
intimate atmosphere.
We used to produce a program in which we
interviewed people about their private life. The
result was unbelievable. Even the private life of
people who weren’t famous was quite interesting
for the audiences, and lots of people followed our
page to follow up those people's private life.
Smart Social Media Marketing 58
4)	 Analyzing the Presence on Social Media
	 Always analyze the yielded results of your
own work. Analyzing the results can prevent
from many possible losses.
Simply deciding to do some-
thing and doing it won’t put
you in the path towards prog-
In any business, if you haven’t
considered analytic tools, not
only don’t you do a systematic
job, but also you swim against
the current!
Few years back, I worked on an ad in Facebook. Tens of
thousands of people referred to me. A year later, I did the
same ad with a different circle of audiences and higher
expenses, but I didn’t receive even a tenth of the former
feedback. In the first confrontation, this incident wasn’t
pleasant for me, but analyzing it provided me with great
information for our future ads.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
	 Examine the results and impact of your adver-
tisement on social media based on the goals
you have defined for your presence on social
What is the asset of your advertisement
for achieving your goal?
Are the goals you were pursuing accom-
plished by advertisement and presence on
social media?
How helpful has your presence on social
media been in your branding?
How much did your presence on social
media increase the number of visitors to
your website?
Simply having visitors is not
enough. What matters is hav-
ing influential visitors.
High traffic or great number of
visits for your ad is not simply
enough. What matters is influ-
ential traffic.
Smart Social Media Marketing 60
Your ad must lead to your desired result such as more
sales because of your audiences' visits.
Without constant analysis,
advertisement is a blind move
which won’t get you to your
desired goal.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
	 There are many tools for analyzing results.
Analysis can be conducted both through plan-
ning or using app options. For example:
In case of advertisement by redirecting
the link to a landing page, you can find out
the statistics on people who have referred
to your website through that ad, and then,
analyze the results and check if you have
accomplished your goals.
You can use companies which provide
analytic services.
You can analyze your advertising cam-
paign using app design by your planners.
Limited run before starting the job is one
of the methods to analyze an advertising
plan. You must test your plans and never
abandon them.
For example, when you want to invest
on advertising campaigns heavily, test your
ad in a smaller circle of your defined audi-
ences using lower budget and check how
much successful you would be in yielding
your desired results. Then, according to
the results, you decide whether you con-
tinue or not.
Smart Social Media Marketing 62
	 Notice that the audience is attracted to more
direct ads. Therefore, your ad links must go
straight to the page where the ad in question is
described, not to the main page of your website.
For example, when the ad is about a dis-
count plan, customer doesn’t have time to go
to that section in question through the main
page and leaves the website immediately as
he/she is redirected to the main page.
	 Evaluate the impact of anything you do on
achieving your goal.
Analyze the number and behavior of visi-
tors on your website.
Analyze each plan for at least one time a
week and examine the extent of accom-
plishing your goals.
If you look for short-term impact by your
ad, analyze it every few hours.
Continue effective and productive methods
in a professional and organized manner.
Troubleshoot the methods that don’t yield
any desired result. If it's impossible to fix the
flaws found in those methods, stop apply-
ing those methods. Sometimes, you need to
stop running a plan and design a new one.
The Process of Presence on Social Media
	 Notice that your knowledge on its own does
not guarantee that you would do your job
correctly. In digital marketing world, sev-
eral factors are defining whether you will
yield the needed results or not. Sometimes,
the users' behavior is different from what you
have predicted. Hence, you must always check
the feedback on your ads and formulate your
future plans based on your audiences' behav-
ioral pattern.
Chapter 5
Attracting Audience in
Social Media: Tips and
Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
a) Tips for Attracting Audience
Attracting viewers on social media is a
time-consuming task. Be patient in this
process. All your social media pages are
not going to become popular overnight.
Spend a great deal of time to intro-
duce your presence on social media,
and persuade the audience to follow
your page by providing eye-catching
contents. This content will attract more
followers to your business page on social
Smart Social Media Marketing 66
In the first place, use social media
to communicate with your current
Try and bring in your current
customers or the warm market (relatives
and friends), and then gradually, add
people who have the potential to join
you in your social network.
Build your page gradually and learn
what to do and how to add people to
your network during the time.
Thousands of people are not sup-
posed to join your social media initially
so you wouldn’t know what to do and
how to keep them. If you attract lots
of people in the beginning days with-
out having any plans for them, they will
leave your page and it's hard to bring
them back.
Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
Using social media tools, invite people
to view certain content, something that
you think is popular and special such as
a contest.
Invite people to follow your page.
Use page management tools to
improve your performance on social
Use your blog to introduce your social
media page. Blog is seen well in smart
search. You can also repost your materi-
als in blogs so they can be seen in search
on social media and your followers will
Smart Social Media Marketing 68
Use social media tools based on your
capabilities and resources, and check
what activities you can do using these
tools. Focus on these activities so others
get to know your strengths and follow
you accordingly.
Try and form a close relationship
with your audiences and persuade
them to participate. If visitors feel that
you are trying to sell a product to them,
they won't follow you. You can't sell
anything without creating a close rela-
Have continuous activity. An action
taken only for a certain period will be
Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
Proceed according to the plan you
have prepared for the audience. Avoid
reposting any interesting content you
see and getting out of the course you
have defined.
We had a Facebook page with tens
of thousands of followers, but when
the content of the page got changed,
the number of followers strangely
decreased because the followers
expected to see what was offered in the
former contents.
Smart Social Media Marketing 70
b) Methods of Attracting Audience
To attract more viewers, social media platforms have
designed free tools for users. These tools provide you with
an opportunity to target your audiences.
1.		 Running a contest is one of the methods of
attracting audiences. Contest attracts new
audiences and guarantees participation of old-
time audiences.
If you started a contest and didn’t yield the
desired result, be patient. This action is not
going to yield any results overnight.
The prize you give in the contest plays a great
role in attracting the audience. The prize can
be either some of your products or promoting
gifts that are consuming such as inexpensive
gift cards.
As prizes, offer your products or services that
are cost-efficient for you. By doing so, you have
both persuaded the audiences to be with you
and introduced your products and put them
out for use.
Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
If you start a contest, be on time in announc-
ing the name of winners and the way prizes are
given because everybody is interested in a con-
test and follows it.
Be creative in the way you hold your contest.
The prize of a contest might not be very valu-
able, but the contest itself and the way of par-
ticipation could be so enticing that people don’t
care about the prize and attend the contest for
Don’t be content to a contest online. You can
hold an interesting contest in a crowded and
high-traffic location and post its video on social
media. By doing so, many audiences will join
your page, hoping to get the news on future
contests and attend them.
Contest is one of the best ways of attracting
the audience, and prize and gift are one of
the best ways of introducing your services
and products.
Smart Social Media Marketing 72
2.	 You can attract customers byabsorbing comments
and feedbacks of your current and potential
The feedbacks on your products have a heavy
impact on purchases made by others, and in fact,
on sales of your product.
Currently, more than 80% of Amazon's cus-
tomers read reviews of products before purchas-
Others’ opinion is always
important for everybody else
directly or indirectly.
You can absorb customers on social media and
ask them to express their opinions. The audience
will get to know you by reading others' comments,
and consequently, they will decide whether to take
you seriously or not. It will also keep your page
Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
3.	 Poll is one of the efficient tools in provoking
participation on social media.
You need to know what your
customers think of you.
Using polls, you become aware of your custom-
ers' opinions and viewpoints about you.
Provide adequate information for polls. Other-
wise, the audiences won't get into the page and
you will lose many potential viewers.
Consider gifts for attempting a question or for
voting in polls or actions like that, so you can
yield a better result.
Chapter 6
Methods and Rules of
Sharing Contents on
Social Media
Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
Apply smart methods for sharing contents. If you proceed,
using ordinary and conventional methods, the number
of your followers will gradually decrease. You must think
ahead of time and post content that is novel for your audi-
ence to see.
The option of reposting materials of
your website on your social media is one
of the essential options that you need to
consider while designing your business
Repost the interesting social media
contents in discussion forums and blogs,
and put the link to your page below these
contents so audiences get persuaded to
visit your page.
Smart Social Media Marketing 76
In some social media platforms,
there are open pages and groups which
allow you to share your content in
Have a sharing strategy for any of your
provided contents, whether they are
textual, visual or audio files. As you con-
tinue to share your content, your con-
tent get to get more views.
Any company can use its con-
tent and absorb followers on its
social media pages.
For example, I am working on launch-
ing a project regarding talent contest and
finding new talents in different fields
Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
such as singing, and I follow any page
related to this topic; in other words, my
choice is only based on content and it
doesn’t matterwhetherthat page belongs
to which individual or company.
Therefore, sharing contents properly
is of great importance. It can get the
content to the audience who are looking
for it.
By sharing contents properly,
you find the right audience,
and this is the first step in
boosting the number of fol-
Before sharing any content, examine
the following items:
Is the prepared content ready to be
Is an appropriate caption attached
to the video and photo?
Is the video edited properly? Doesn’t
it have any extra frames?
Smart Social Media Marketing 78
When you post a video or photo,
you need to write a short caption as its
description so the audiences can decide
whether to see it or not. Simply upload-
ing a photo or video is not enough.
Respect timing in posting contents on
social media.
Don’t share contents and materials
without any pause. Sometimes, you need
to upload one or two texts or photos
during the day. Some companies do it
Based on the type of your audiences, con-
sider a minimum interval for posting con-
Some social media platforms have
some tools for posting contents at certain
times. You can apply these tools or apps
for time management.
Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
Via email, notify others about
the contents you put on your social
Time is of great importance in social
media marketing. A user may not visit
your page during a certain time and
miss the posted content. Therefore,
you need to remind social media users
via email to visit the updated content.
Use operational email sending apps for
doing it.
Smart Social Media Marketing 80
To introduce your contents to your
audiences, define an email marketing
In this strategy, have an organized
database and differentiate emails based
on location, age, gender, education
status and interests. Then, send the
suitable content for each group instead
of sending the same content to all of
your audiences!
If you intend to make a tide,
first you need to be a good
surfer. If you make a tide with-
out knowing how to surf, you
are the one who will drown!
Have your own unique and exclusive
contents for social media so your cus-
tomers realize that they can only access
these contents throughyoursocial media
pages and cannot get them in other feed
channels such as websites.
Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
For example, you have a topic
called "Thursdays", and you share
exclusive news about discounts and
the market on Thursdays without
publishing these pieces of news any-
where else.
You can also allocate prizes for vis-
its in certain days so your audiences
become dependent of you and visit
your page on weekends habitually. This
dependency may even lead them to fol-
low you on other days of the week in
search of other incentives. This move
increases your interaction with follow-
ers and makes them follow up your
page. It also helps you make your fol-
lowers loyal to you.
Don’t disregard the presence of all
people on social media. Based on task
division, everybody, ranging from
employees to managers, can update the
company’s page on social media.
Smart Social Media Marketing 82
Your social media content can be seen
in Google search. Therefore, apply SEO
(Search Engine Optimization) strategy
in social media.
You may need to hire someone for
this job. Some brands outsource the
task of updating and keeping their social
media alive to brands that specialize in
social media management. This method
will be fruitful.
Don’t get sidetracked and never
forget this principle that your
goal for being present on social
media is introducing your busi-
ness, branding, and selling your
services and products.
Sometimes, you get so side-
tracked bysome aspects of these
platforms such as like for posts
and so on that the principle of
your presence and your goal of
presence get overlooked.
Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
Social media platforms are constantly changing and
they offer new services as technology becomes more
advanced. Many of these changes happen due to advanced
options provided by new mobiles and tablets. You must be
able to use these changes to your advantage and use it to
boost your presence on social media.
Social media platforms have prepared themselves for
future changes so they can adapt their plans to them. Soft-
ware companies that provide social media services con-
stantly adapt themselves to current circumstances. That
is, they think about every event before it happens. Com-
panies such as Microsoft and Facebook notify their users
about new software tools that they will offer in the market
soon so their customers can adapt to these new changes.
In addition to using new tools,
regarding social media.
Always look for gaining under-
standing, knowledge and expe-
rience, and never assume that
you have learnt everything.
Always understand that there
is more to learn.

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Smart Social Media Marketing

  • 1.
  • 3. Smart Social Media Marketing (Smart Marketing Book Series) Title Master Steve Author Somayeh Amiri, Tara Kamangar Colleagues Keyvan Layout Designer Silk Road Publishing (Toronto, Canada) Publisher Printed Book: 978-1-927060-93-3 EBook: 978-1-927060-94-0 ISBN Website Attributions: Images Credits:pikisuperstar / Freepik Note: The author of this book gives the right to use the present content, provided that the source is cited, to professors, educators, teachers, lecturers, and aca- demic and non-academic educational centers, for an indefinite period. The copyright of this bookis internationallyregistered for the author.
  • 4. Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................5 Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Importance of Social Media in Business...... 6 a) The Necessity and Appeal of Using Social Media in Business ....7 b) The Purpose of a Business’s Presence on Social Media ................ 9 c) The Importance of Strategy for Presence on Social Media .......11 Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So......................................................................................................................12 a) The Importance of Identifying the Target Market in Social Media Marketing ................................................................................................... 13 b) Tools to Identify the Target Market on Social Media ..................17 Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Advertisement in Social Media.............................19 a) Social Media as an Advertisement Tool ............................................20 b) Some of Advertising Resources of Social Media ............................23 c) Advertisement Fee in Social Media .........................................................25 d) Stages of Advertisement in Social Media ............................................27 e) Smart Advertisement in Social Media ..................................................28 f) The Importance of Time in Advertising Plan ..................................34 g) The Importance of Recognizing Competitors in Designing an Advertising Plan .....................................................................................................36 h) Google: The Main Competitor of Social Media ............................38
  • 5. Smart Social Media Marketing 4 Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Process of Presence on Social Media....40 a) Choosing Social Media Platforms to Use ............................................41 b) The Process of Presence on Social Media ..........................................44 1) Creating an Account ..................................................................................45 2) Inviting Others to Join You....................................................................46 3) Content Providing to Attract Audience.......................................... 47 4) Analyzing the Presence on Social Media ......................................58 Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods..............................................................................................................64 a) Tips for Attracting Audience .......................................................................65 b) Methods of Attracting Audience ..............................................................70 Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on social media ....................................................................................................74 Afterword .........................................................................................................................83 List of figures Figure 1: the process of presence on social media ..............................44
  • 6. 5  Introduction Social media has affected various aspects of people's lives and become one of integral parts of our business and life. Nowa- days, everybody deals with social media one way or another and spends some hours of the day on these platforms. It's been a while since the number of social media users has exceeded 3 billion. The importance of social media is highlighted as the number of users and the time they spend on these platforms increase daily. Therefore, as someone who owns a business, you need to consider social media smartly and take it seriously; pre- pare a plan to persuade your audience to spend some of their time to follow you on social networks. Like in the other books in the "Smart Business" series, this book's topic is also based upon a smart perspective towards business, namely, looking at current facts and standards by a new perspective using various points of view to achieve success. What you will learn in this book includes using social media in business and how to use these platforms smartly to achieve the goals of sales and marketing.
  • 7. Chapter 1 The Importance of Social Media in Business
  • 8. 7 The Importance of Social Media in Business a) The Necessity and Appeal of Using Social Media in Business 1. 1. Nowadays, presence on social media has become a necessity. As a business owner, you can utilize different methods, so your audience can really follow what you do. You may advance this process using ambient advertising. However, using social media is an effective method because the tools available in these platforms are appealing for everybody and people constantly use them.
  • 9. Smart Social Media Marketing 8 2. 2. The main appeal about social media is not the number of users in these platforms. There are numerouswebsites and othermediawith a plethora of viewers. The appeal about these networks comes in two aspects: 9 Ongoing engagement of audience (power of engagement) The main reason people turn to social media is the power of these networks in engaging the audience. There is no other tool or medium with such power. For instance, consider television that has had many audiences all over the world for years, but it's a one-way medium. The audience can only reach out their messages to TV programs via live call or sending SMS, and such communica- tion is quite limited, but in some social media platforms, thousands of people are comment- ing and having live discussions and talks from all around the world in real-time. 9 Easy to use and interact with In addition, using social media is extremely easy and the audience (customer) is prepared to join you. For example, many people still have diffi- culty sending emails and don’t have any email address but use various social media platforms with no trouble.
  • 10. 9 The Importance of Social Media in Business b) The Purpose of a Business's Presence on Social Media Presence on social media is necessary but not sufficient. You need to define a goal for your presence on social media. If you don’t define a goal, you are unable to analyze your activity. Analysis is always conduced based on goals. In marketing strategies, two main goals are usually pur- sued: ¾ Sale ¾ Branding But you need to examine and determine the goals of your presence on social media from other points of view, as well: ƒ Do you intend to attract more followers? ƒ Do you intend to have more interactions with the audience? ƒ Is it your goal to have more attendants in your events? ƒ Is it your goal to increase the number of viewers on your business website?
  • 11. Smart Social Media Marketing 10 Define the goals of your presence on social media and evaluate the result according to these goals. If the goal of your presence on social media is to sell products, use tools that direct the audience to sale implic- itly or explicitly. For example, you can get interesting tools by selecting the option "Add a Button" on Facebook. You can increase your sale by offering coupons, dis- counts, direct link to sale, last status on the market, cut-rate sale, and so on among posted contents on social media. Try and pursue more than one goals and make plans to achieve them. Notice 1 Notice 2 25
  • 12. 11 The Importance of Social Media in Business c) The Importance of Strategy for Presence on Social Media As you write the general plans and necessary strategies in your business plan, write your business's marketing plans and strategies in your marketing plan. Such as the case with any other business activity, you need to have a formulated strategy for marketing and pres- ence on social media and design certain plans to achieve the marketing goals. 1 1 The social media strategy has its special place in the marketing plan. This sec- tion is mostly placed under the topic of online market- ing, and sometimes, a whole separate topic is basically considered for it. This is due to the great importance of social media. 2 2 Formulate the strategy for the presence of your business on social media based on the general plan of your company and make plans for the details of your operational plan. This must include the fol- lowing items: z Content providing z Advertising style z Method of notifica- tion regarding incen- tives
  • 13. Chapter 2 Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So 011100010 101000101 001001101 C++ CSS
  • 14. 13 Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So a) The Importance of Identifying the Target Market in Social Media Marketing 1. 1. When entering any new marketing setting, you need to have sufficient knowledge regarding it and prepare the plan for your presence according to the parameters of that setting. Social media is no exception. You need to write down the activities and plans for your presence on these platforms separately. This must be done according to each platform's qualities. The phrase “target market” needs to be constantly in front of your eyes for all marketing activities.
  • 15. Smart Social Media Marketing 14 2. 2. To have an influential presence on social media, you need to get to know your target market by answering the following questions: ¾ Who is your target market? ¾ Where is your target market located? ¾ On which social media can your target market be found? ¾ What is your target market's status in terms of measures such as age, gender, income, educa- tion, and other variables of your target market? Make plans for your social media strategy based on the qualities of your target market. Being aware of your target market qualities helps you know which social media plat- forms the customers to whom you intend to offer your products mostly use. 3. 3. The distribution of audiences on social media depends on the type of your service or product and is a determining factor in formulating the marketing plan in social media. Notice Note
  • 16. 15 Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So 4. 4. Depending on the product you offer and the business model you have, a certain social media platform might be more appropriate for your activity. For example, Instagram may be a good choice for selling cosmetic services, but LinkedIn may be a better choice for educational services. 5. 5. Some social media platforms are more important and have more users. Some other ones such as Snapchat have a more exclusive style and special users of their own. B A C D D C B a
  • 17. Smart Social Media Marketing 16 6. 6. Only a part of your target market may be present on social media. For instance, if you own a juice- production business, a part of your target market includes young people who are also present on social media. Therefore, your marketing plans through these platforms must be suitable for the young generation. Another part of your target market includes mothers and women in general. Therefore, some of your marketing plans such as ambient or TV advertising must be suitable for this group who mostly shop in person or watch TV programs. Activity in social media with- out considering the influential audience will lead to the waste of money and time. 7. 7. Facebook has the greatest number of audiences among social media platforms, but is it enough for pursuing your goals to be present only on this social media platform?
  • 18. 17 Identifying the Target Market and Tools to Do So b) Tools to Identify the Target Market on Social Media 1. 1. Social media gives you tools so you can determine or limit your target market. ¾ The option of sending messages to audiences who are inside the circle of your target market is one of these tools. ¾ Determining the geographical location of the target market is one of ad filters on social media; i.e. the place in which you are looking for customer is determined. ¾ In addition to determining the geographical location, you can also determine the audience's age group or gender for whom you want your advertisement to be displayed. Using this method, you can create a setting where only the audiences you look for will be able to see you and the cost you spend on advertisement won't be wasted.
  • 19. Smart Social Media Marketing 18 2. 2. In Facebook as a social media platform, you can apply all the aforementioned filters. Select the circle of your audiences in a specific city and display your ad in a more detailed way inside an area within a particular radius. You can also select the audiences of your ad according to their interests. For example, if you choose the category of art and music in Facebook, one billion people all around the world can be your audience. A circle of people is determined for each type of interest.
  • 21. Smart Social Media Marketing 20 a) Social Media as an Advertisement Tool 1. 1. In the US market, more than 80 billion dollars are annually spent on advertisement in social media. According to estimates, this figure will reach about 113 billion dollars in 2020. Such amount is not a number than can be easily underestimated. The highest advertising expense in social media is spent in Facebook, Twitter, Insta- gram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and SlideShare, respectively.
  • 22. 21 Advertisement in Social Media 2. 2. You can use social media as an advertising tool in two ways: ¾ First, using free tools by the method of manage- ment and activity in your social media account, or in fact, using the options in your own page; ¾ Second, advertisement in social media. These two cases are totally independent of each other and the way of handling each one is different. Separate the case of managing your personal page in these platforms from the case of using the page for advertisement. 3. 3. Advertisement in social media is easier than using free options. Each social media platform has a section for advertisement and you can easily order an ad. For example, when you open a Facebook page, there is a plain section for advertisement in the menu above the page. This is also the case with many other social media platforms. 4. 4. Each social media platform offers you different advertising tools. Use these tools based on the goals of your presence on social media. For example, your goal could be introducing your account page or participation of the audience in a contest. As mentioned in the previous chapter, you first need to determine the goal of your activity on social media.
  • 23. Smart Social Media Marketing 22 Recognize different tools of social media and update your knowledge of how to use them. 5. 5. Social media made it possible so that the person who orders an ad can determine the circle of their audiences as much as possible. It means they can target unique audience and reach them directly through the ad. The problem with the previous generation of digital advertisementwas that despite spending money, the person who has ordered the ad wasn’t sure if their ad has been displayed for their target market. Most times, regarding the previous generation, digital advertisements are displayed to the wrong group of customers. The proper knowledge of tar- get market prevents from wast- ing advertising costs in social media. Notice
  • 24. 23 Advertisement in Social Media b) Some of Advertising Resources of Social Media For example, as a social media platform, Facebook pro- poses 15 different offers for advertisement (to the date this book was written). By the offers it provides, this platform has made advertising so easy that you can run your own advertisement without having any special expertise. Some of its tools are as follows: ¾ The ad on which the audience clicks and they read it in addition to seeing the notification. ¾ The ad when your post is viewed by many people (Boost Your Post). ¾ Another type of ad is promoting the website you have introduced on your Facebook page. ¾ Before you go to the advertisement section to adver- tise your page, it offers you to advertise your page (Promote Your Page). ¾ It offers you to increase the number of viewers for your post or video. ¾ You can advertise an event, add members for it, or ask people to comment on a post. ¾ You can define the time period for displaying your ad; that in which day of the week and in which hours it is going to be displayed.
  • 25. Smart Social Media Marketing 24 ¾ Another option is displaying the ad in a way that it will be shown mobile friendly. You can see how your ad is displayed on a computer screen and on a mobile screen. ¾ You can define it so that your video will be displayed on the page of people who follow a certain page such as a famous radio channel or a TV network. You can modify the selected filters in trial run and choose your audience stringently. In that case, the number of your audiences will be minimum and you will pay less in advertisement.
  • 26. 25 Advertisement in Social Media c) Advertisement Fee in Social Media In advertising and marketing, money will go up in smoke in the blink of an eye. Due to overlooking some primary principles in the way money is spent, the budget sometimes drains out without the goals being achieved. Each person considers a certain amount of budget for advertising depending on their type of business. Social media such as Facebook requires you to determine the budget you have considered for advertising. This number can be 5 dollars per day or more. The platform then informs you about the number of individuals who will see your ad based on the specified amount. For example, if you pay 20 dol- lars a day, between 7 to 22 individuals will see your ad.
  • 27. Smart Social Media Marketing 26 ¾ In social media, in exchange for everyclickonanad,acertainamount is deduced from the payment made by the person who orders the ad. ¾ In some types of advertisement, the amount is deducted based on the number of views. Before spending money on adver- tisement and in order to yield an effec- tive result, consider some simple mat- ters: ƒ Have a clear and outlined advertising message. ƒ Theresultofyouradshouldbeachiev- able and measurable, not idealistic. ƒ Your ad must be relevant and towards accomplishing your goal. ƒ Your ad must be done at the right time and based on the current setting in the target market.
  • 28. 27 Advertisement in Social Media d) Stages of Advertisement in Social Media Pursue the process of advertising in social media accord- ing to the following stages: 1. 1. Recognize your tar- get market. 2. 2. Recognize the so- cial media on which your target market is present. 3. 3. Determine your tar- get market on social media where your customers are active. 4. 4. Define the goal of your presence on social media. 5. 5. Identify the adver- tising tools in your selected social me- dia platforms (what advertising methods and what options do you have for putting your ad in the select- ed platform?) 6. 6. Determine your ad- vertising budget. 7. 7. Prepare and define your content, ad, or advertising cam- paign. 8. 8. Put the ad to the test in the target mar- ket. 9. 9. Examine and ana- lyze the results of advertising in social media. 10. 10. Define the course of action for the rest of your activity ac- cording to the yield- ed results from your evaluation.
  • 29. Smart Social Media Marketing 28 e) Smart Advertisement in Social Media Smart advertisement in social media requires a new per- spective from various points of view towards advertising. Following items shed light on these points of view for you: 1 The form and content of an ad are of great importance in achieving your presence on social media. Your ad design must be in a way that attracts the audience and pursuits them to follow your activities. Simply displaying the ad to the audience is not enough, and the main objective is to attract the customer and, consequently, boost sales. 2 Pay attention to the philosophy of design, and define the place for everything in your ad according to that philosophy. 3 Every social media platform has its qualities, and your ad must be designed according to these certain qualities. For example, Twitter and Facebook have different structures and you need to consider the circumstances for each one when you put an ad. You shouldn’t repost in Twitter the con- tent you publish in Facebook, and vice versa.
  • 30. 29 Advertisement in Social Media 4 Design a distinct advertising strategy for each social media platform. In Twitter, you may be able to maneuver over branding, while in Facebook, you can think about both sale and branding. Face- book has added many tools which help with sales. 5 In designing your advertising plans, use the target market as the basis. The set of plans you define for each social media platform must belong to a certain target market. For example, your advertising content when your customers are companies is different from when your customers are women. 6 Social media has made it possible to define various advertising series and it makes your advertisement extremely influential. Define multiple advertising campaigns. Each one should target their own specific audience; you should avoid targeting tens of groups of audiences with one plan.
  • 31. Smart Social Media Marketing 30 7 Customize your ad for anything you adver- tise and for any target market you have. You can easily define various advertising series in social media. It is recommended to define multiple and diverse advertising plans with different schemes and plots for your various target markets and consider a budget for each one. For example, someone who lives in Ottawa, or Calgary , or Toronto prefers to see a con- tent which contains local signs of that area. By customizing your ads, you indicate that you respect the audiences and their taste. This is something that can result in attracting the audience. 8 Provide your content and advertising design based on your target market's culture and ge- ography and consider their sensitivities. Presently, large companies provide their contents based on neighborhoods of each city. There is a certain neighborhood in Toronto where Portuguese residents are liv- ing. The telecommunication company uses Portuguese language and cultural signs in their ad for that neighborhood.
  • 32. 31 Advertisement in Social Media 9 Keep the harmony in design. The importance of harmony is doubled especially if your ad is a part of a series of advertisements offered in billboards and other forms of advertising. If you keep a certain harmony in various ads and diverse places, the ad will be gradually embedded in audiences' minds and remembered by them. An advertisement without har- mony is unlikely to make a tide for branding and sales. 10 Your ad design should be mobile-friendly and the entire ad must be seen on a mobile screen. It is smart to design your ad in a way that the user can easily see it on a mobile phone. Many ads are elaborately designed, but since they aren’t tablet and mobile-phone-friendly, they can't be seen properly and a great deal of potential views is lost.
  • 33. Smart Social Media Marketing 32 11 Adhere to clarity of message in your adver- tisement so that the audience would imme- diately get your point. 12 Advertise in a way that the result of your ad- vertisement would be measurable. Sometimes, your advertisement is not ade- quately fruitful. In that case, check why your advertisement has failed. 13 Your advertisement must be relevant to your goal and help you accomplish your goal quickly. Don’t forget that your goal must be achievable. You need to be able to evaluate the degree of its realization based on the yielded results. In other words, don’t define idealistic goals.
  • 34. 33 Advertisement in Social Media 14 If you want to advertise smartly, check out large companies' advertisements and learn from them. Supported by ongoing research, these companies perform a series of advertise- ments, and you can learn informative tips for your advertisement by checking out their works. Advertisements by others are like a classroom for you to learn things.
  • 35. Smart Social Media Marketing 34 f) The Importance of Time in Advertising Plan In your advertising plan, consider temporal conditions, occasions (holidays) and qualities of the target market in terms of time, and be aware of when you need to work on what type of advertisement. Occasions are really important for people; in designing your advertisement, consider occasions of the area where the target mar- ket is located. A few years ago, Starbucks, which is a well-known coffee shop, had no plan for Christmas. This holiday was so important for people that they wrote "Merry Christmas" on the mugs in the coffee shop and by doing so, they criticized the way Starbucks acted that year. ƒ For instance, if there is advertisement in Christ- mas, you need to consider the mood of those days in your advertisement. ƒ Consider a time such as 7 to 9 a.m. for, say, the target market including physicians because many physicians check their emails during that period. Notice 1
  • 36. 35 Advertisement in Social Media ƒ Your advertisement sometimes needs to be dis- played during the day and not at nights. This is because your audiences follow that platform during the daytime. ƒ Make a list of the most important occasions and select the ones among them which are the most relevant occasions to your target market. Then, incorporate them into your advertisement. Have in mind adequate considerations regarding the occasions which lead to bias. For example, if you have considered an advertisement for Chinese New Year, you need to consider a plan for tra- ditions of other nationalities. Otherwise, you may lose a significant share of the market and your audiences. Notice 2
  • 37. Smart Social Media Marketing 36 g) The Importance of Recognizing Competitors in Designing an Advertising Plan Identifying competitors is one of the most important matters in designing the series of advertisingplan. Before designing the advertising plan for your business on social media, evaluate your competitors' performance, identify their presence on social media, and see which sections they have targeted and how they advertise. Without being aware of competitors' perfor- mance, designing a plan for your presence on social media is 100 percent wrong and causes the waste of your financial resources. Designing an advertising plan similar to your competitors' which happens due to your lack of knowledge about how they function will turn you into the big loser of this competi- tion. Note 1 Note 2
  • 38. 37 Advertisement in Social Media Since you share target market with your competitor, try and learn a lesson from their failures and successes, and familiarize yourself with the customers' reaction to your competitors' advertise- ment and with your competitors' pres- ence on social media. Take a smart look at your com- petitors, identifytheir advertis- ing methods and get inspired. . Being aware of your competitors' perfor- mance helps you distinguish whether what you do for your presence on social media is right and define your advertising campaign based upon the result of analyzing your competitors. Note
  • 39. Smart Social Media Marketing 38 h) Google: The Main Competitor of Social Media Social media platforms now differ in comparison to the initial days they were launched. Today, these platforms follow the advertisement method of Google after they have identified the ways Google has succeeded in advertisement. At the same time, these platforms attempt to invent creative methods to get ahead of this company and its methods. For example, there is always an ad in the right corner of a Facebook page and it even shows you the option "Create Ads". Google is the main competitor of social media, and the high- est cost in digital marketing is spent in Google.
  • 40. 39 Advertisement in Social Media Google is still applying extremely cut- ting-edge methods for advertisement. This company stands above social media by far and constantly brings in various options during the time. While competing Google, social media concluded that if they wanted to have advertisement, they should let their users order ads and have ads in a market they define by themselves. Google's advertisement is smart; it checks the content of your emails and the pages you view, and it shows you dif- ferent ads accordingly. Other websites may have such smart option, as well. After you enter a website based on Google Ads but you don’t make any purchases, the ads for that website are displayed for you so many times because the system has seen your poten- tial interest and considers the possibility of pursuing you to make a purchase if the ad display is repeated.
  • 41. Chapter 4 The Process of Presence on Social Media
  • 42. 41 The Process of Presence on Social Media a) Choosing Social Media Platforms to Use Before discussing social media presence, first, you need to answer this question: Which social media platform do you need to be present on? Type of a business is of great importance in prioritization of using social media. For example, platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are interesting for someone who owns a restaurant, winery, fashion line, beauty line etc,. LinkedIn and Facebook are suitable for someone who works in accounting, publishing etc.; or another example is Pinterest which has recently become popular among clothing stores.
  • 43. Smart Social Media Marketing 42 Choose the appropriate social media platform to use based on your target market, and create an account using your brand's name. You must be present on well-known social media platforms. You need to leave a trace of yourself in certain platforms, namely, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Be more active in a platform on which your target market has more presence. As an important social media platform, LinkedIn has been extensively developed in recent years because it's not a general platform, and whenever a discussion is about business, LinkedIn is the name that is raised. LinkedIn is extremely important in North America.
  • 44. 43 The Process of Presence on Social Media Like Instagram, Pinterest has also been developed extensively because it's an image and video-oriented platform; people who have lots of online customers can't dismiss Pin- terest. YouTube is advancing day by day. Accordingly, it has become much easier to work with it. Since YouTube has the option of live broadcast, it has provided basic editing tools which help you edit your content. With that, you can tweak your content toward specific customers. Take Facebook and YouTube seri- ously for sharing video content on social media.
  • 45. Smart Social Media Marketing 44 b) The Process of Presence on Social Media Figure 1: the process of presence on social media Creating an Account Inviting Audiences Providing Content Analysis
  • 46. 45 The Process of Presence on Social Media 1) 1) Creating an Account Create your business's page (not personal page) on social media platforms you have chosen to use. This should be the first step. When you launch a page to advertise your business, use the page exclu- sively for that purpose. ¾ Create a neat, organized and technically-stan- dard page. ¾ Put appropriate pictures and images above the page, and check whether these images are properly seen on mobile screens. ¾ In your page, put correct and full information, including your website address and your logo. You may wonder if it's better to purchase an account. Is it a right move to buy pages which already have a huge number of followers? It depends on you to decide to buy an account. How- ever, check the following items before the purchase: ¾ Where are the followers of the page in ques- tion located in terms of shopping? ¾ Is their location overlapped with the geograph- ical location of your target market? Certain social media tools offer you such information and other data on your followers. ¾ Is your product suitable for these people? In this case, you can buy the page.
  • 47. Smart Social Media Marketing 46 2) 2) Inviting Others to Join You In the second step, use the Invite tool to attract audience. ¾ First, use this tool to make contact in the warm market. You become more experienced by relying on this market and your relations and acquaintances. ¾ Use phone numbers and email addresses of your friends and invite them to visit your page and provided content. Before inviting others, ensure your page's design, content and the way it is displayed are well tailored. You must also test the page before it is published. By sending email or using the Invite tool on your page, invite others to visit your page. In this case, invited people will follow you and introduce you to other people, as well. Notice
  • 48. 47 The Process of Presence on Social Media 3) 3) Content Providing to Attract Audience The third step is content providing and creat- ing attraction to absorb more audiences. In this stage, you need to focus on social media plat- forms on which your target market is more pres- ent. Don’t miss the chance to attract the audience by inviting peo- ple to an empty page with no content. ¾ On your page on social media, you can share all kinds of content: ƒ Textual content ƒ Visual content ƒ Audio content Visual content including image and video is more popular. Note 1
  • 49. Smart Social Media Marketing 48 Instagram is popular because it is designed based on image and video. Use all kinds of content, keep your page active. Keeping your page active means keeping your page alive which is an important and definite principle in attracting more audiences and maintain- ing the current ones. Note 2 Note 3
  • 50. 49 The Process of Presence on Social Media In providing advertising content of your business on social media, consider the following points: 1. 1. Provide your advertising content on social media based on your policy. 2. 2. Follow the 20/80 rule. ¾ Don’t dedicate more than 20% of your pub- lished content on social media to directly advertise your business. ¾ Ensure 80% of your content on social media is indirectly related to your products and ser- vices. 3. 3. Pay attention to technical matters such as image resolution, video quality and edit appropriately. Sometimes the reason behind your content not getting any views is ignoring technical matters. 4. 4. Reporting events held in your geographical area is one of interesting and influential contents to increase the number of followers.
  • 51. Smart Social Media Marketing 50 In any city you are located, certain events such as sport contests, art festivals or industrial fairs are held. Many people are interested in watching short videos, highlights and talking points of these events. So you can make them available to people on your page to increase your reach and followers. Take videos and photos of these events as much as it's related to the nature of your business, and pub- lish the contents on your social media pages. 5. 5. To provide content for your audience, do not copy materials which are in public access. Reposting already-published materials is not interesting at all. By doing so, you are wasting your time and your audiences'. Your audiences need to know that they will find points and tips on your page that can't be found in other mediums. 6. 6. Content providing is quite cost-efficient. However, with smartphones, you can easily take photos and videos, edit them using basic tools, and publish them along with a short caption effortlessly and quickly. Even if you intend to make some slideshows, you can prepare it with free apps; or if you want to create motion graphic design, you can fix it using low-priced or free apps.
  • 52. 51 The Process of Presence on Social Media 7. 7. Select novel and appealing subjects for advertising videos and photos of your business. Thousands of people might have visited a book fair, but your viewpoint towards the events is undoubtedly different from others'. Even if several people take photo of one object from the same angle, their view will be different. 8. 8. Providing exclusive educational content is another means of content providing suitable for social media. Prepare and publish short contents appro- priate for your audiences. Using this method, you can easily introduce your business, brand, and the services and prod- ucts you intend to sell. In certain social media platforms such as Face- book and Instagram, you can make use of easy-to- use tools to create training videos regarding the technical field of your business. For example, one who works in interior design for buildings can teach how to clean a dirty piece of furniture or offer ideas about furniture layout and where to place TV in a room. You can talk Note
  • 53. Smart Social Media Marketing 52 about interior decoration and how to place furni- ture for a better experience in a room. This and many other contents can be explored to gain more followers on your page and more customers for your business. You can prepare hundreds of interesting pho- tos and videos without spending any money. Each training has its fans. If you are working in interior decoration, you can make and share training videos and audios about numerous learning ideas in this regard. This is an extremely effortless and cos- tless tool. 9. 9. Use the tool of live video on social media. Live video is interesting for many people who will follow it. Use the tool of live video on social media when you have a clear plan and idea. For example, you can provide your training con- tent in form of live videos, or offer a part of customer service in live. Notice
  • 54. 53 The Process of Presence on Social Media 10. 10. Provideyourexclusiveyet unique content, as much as possible, and don’t use the contents provided by others so you can attract more audiences. But in case of reposting others' contents, use content provided by credible groups, source and known individuals. Pay attention that less than 20-30% of your social media page content can be the con- tents from others' pages. For two reasons: ¾ The first reason is copyright. After all, you own a business and there is a possibility of being sued for using others' contents, especially if you use them for advertisement without asking for permission. ¾ The second reason is that your audience must be able to see your exclusive content not oth- ers'. If your audiences feel that you don’t have any content of your own, they won't follow you. Notice
  • 55. Smart Social Media Marketing 54 11. 11. Repost a content that is needed by your audience while it's valid and interesting, as well. Some believe that people are tired of seeing ads because there is too much advertisement on social media. The reason behind this fact is applying improper methods. 12. 12. Use creative methods to get ahead of your competitors who bore the audience by bombing them with ads due to their lack of knowledge. When others apply improper methods, it’s an opportunity for you to make the best of the circumstances.
  • 56. 55 The Process of Presence on Social Media 13. 13. Encourage your audiences to provide content. The users in your page can be providers of unique and attrac- tive contents for you, and this can happen by mutual interac- tion and requires you to direct and manage the contents sent by users. One of the ways for audiences to provide contents is pursuing them to leave comments and express their opinions. Be careful that users don’t make trivial discus- sions on your page because it makes viewers weary and decreases the number of your followers. In addition, your audiences assume that you don’t have any material to offer and that you are trying to provide content in this way.
  • 57. Smart Social Media Marketing 56 14. 14. Turn your social media page into a place for customer service. Create a setting for answering users' questions. This move has certain benefits: ¾ Customers will have to visit social media to get the answers to their questions. ¾ It results in content providing. ¾ People with similar questions get their answers. There is usually a page for customer service on many websites, but these pages don’t have many visitors. By immediate or even delayed response in social media, you can create something like a discussion forum where other people also partic- ipate in discussions, and by doing so, you provide content. 15. 15. Take your audiences' comments on your contents seriously. Respond to each comment without wasting any time. By responding quickly, you both entice oth- ers' participation and create discussions. The quicker you respond, the more participa- tion and engagement you receive from your cus- tomers. You can create a setting in which others can express their opinions.
  • 58. 57 The Process of Presence on Social Media 16. 16. Don’t delete your audiences' critical comments but rather respond to them. Don’t defend yourself. Provide rational answers to resolve any possible ambiguity in others' minds. 17. 17. Provide content on the pretexts such as birthday of the company's members. This move creates an intimate atmosphere. We used to produce a program in which we interviewed people about their private life. The result was unbelievable. Even the private life of people who weren’t famous was quite interesting for the audiences, and lots of people followed our page to follow up those people's private life.
  • 59. Smart Social Media Marketing 58 4) 4) Analyzing the Presence on Social Media A) A) Always analyze the yielded results of your own work. Analyzing the results can prevent from many possible losses. Simply deciding to do some- thing and doing it won’t put you in the path towards prog- ress. In any business, if you haven’t considered analytic tools, not only don’t you do a systematic job, but also you swim against the current! Few years back, I worked on an ad in Facebook. Tens of thousands of people referred to me. A year later, I did the same ad with a different circle of audiences and higher expenses, but I didn’t receive even a tenth of the former feedback. In the first confrontation, this incident wasn’t pleasant for me, but analyzing it provided me with great information for our future ads.
  • 60. 59 The Process of Presence on Social Media B) B) Examine the results and impact of your adver- tisement on social media based on the goals you have defined for your presence on social media. ¾ What is the asset of your advertisement for achieving your goal? ¾ Are the goals you were pursuing accom- plished by advertisement and presence on social media? ¾ How helpful has your presence on social media been in your branding? ¾ How much did your presence on social media increase the number of visitors to your website? Simply having visitors is not enough. What matters is hav- ing influential visitors. High traffic or great number of visits for your ad is not simply enough. What matters is influ- ential traffic.
  • 61. Smart Social Media Marketing 60 Your ad must lead to your desired result such as more sales because of your audiences' visits. Without constant analysis, advertisement is a blind move which won’t get you to your desired goal.
  • 62. 61 The Process of Presence on Social Media C) C) There are many tools for analyzing results. Analysis can be conducted both through plan- ning or using app options. For example: ¾ In case of advertisement by redirecting the link to a landing page, you can find out the statistics on people who have referred to your website through that ad, and then, analyze the results and check if you have accomplished your goals. ¾ You can use companies which provide analytic services. ¾ You can analyze your advertising cam- paign using app design by your planners. ¾ Limited run before starting the job is one of the methods to analyze an advertising plan. You must test your plans and never abandon them. For example, when you want to invest on advertising campaigns heavily, test your ad in a smaller circle of your defined audi- ences using lower budget and check how much successful you would be in yielding your desired results. Then, according to the results, you decide whether you con- tinue or not.
  • 63. Smart Social Media Marketing 62 D) D) Notice that the audience is attracted to more direct ads. Therefore, your ad links must go straight to the page where the ad in question is described, not to the main page of your website. For example, when the ad is about a dis- count plan, customer doesn’t have time to go to that section in question through the main page and leaves the website immediately as he/she is redirected to the main page. E) E) Evaluate the impact of anything you do on achieving your goal. ¾ Analyze the number and behavior of visi- tors on your website. ¾ Analyze each plan for at least one time a week and examine the extent of accom- plishing your goals. ¾ If you look for short-term impact by your ad, analyze it every few hours. ¾ Continue effective and productive methods in a professional and organized manner. ¾ Troubleshoot the methods that don’t yield any desired result. If it's impossible to fix the flaws found in those methods, stop apply- ing those methods. Sometimes, you need to stop running a plan and design a new one.
  • 64. 63 The Process of Presence on Social Media F) F) Notice that your knowledge on its own does not guarantee that you would do your job correctly. In digital marketing world, sev- eral factors are defining whether you will yield the needed results or not. Sometimes, the users' behavior is different from what you have predicted. Hence, you must always check the feedback on your ads and formulate your future plans based on your audiences' behav- ioral pattern.
  • 65. Chapter 5 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods
  • 66. 65 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods a) Tips for Attracting Audience Attracting viewers on social media is a time-consuming task. Be patient in this process. All your social media pages are not going to become popular overnight. Spend a great deal of time to intro- duce your presence on social media, and persuade the audience to follow your page by providing eye-catching contents. This content will attract more followers to your business page on social media.
  • 67. Smart Social Media Marketing 66 In the first place, use social media to communicate with your current customers. Try and bring in your current customers or the warm market (relatives and friends), and then gradually, add people who have the potential to join you in your social network. Build your page gradually and learn what to do and how to add people to your network during the time. Thousands of people are not sup- posed to join your social media initially so you wouldn’t know what to do and how to keep them. If you attract lots of people in the beginning days with- out having any plans for them, they will leave your page and it's hard to bring them back.
  • 68. 67 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods Using social media tools, invite people to view certain content, something that you think is popular and special such as a contest. Invite people to follow your page. Use page management tools to improve your performance on social media. Use your blog to introduce your social media page. Blog is seen well in smart search. You can also repost your materi- als in blogs so they can be seen in search on social media and your followers will increase.
  • 69. Smart Social Media Marketing 68 Use social media tools based on your capabilities and resources, and check what activities you can do using these tools. Focus on these activities so others get to know your strengths and follow you accordingly. Try and form a close relationship with your audiences and persuade them to participate. If visitors feel that you are trying to sell a product to them, they won't follow you. You can't sell anything without creating a close rela- tionship. Have continuous activity. An action taken only for a certain period will be fruitless.
  • 70. 69 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods Proceed according to the plan you have prepared for the audience. Avoid reposting any interesting content you see and getting out of the course you have defined. We had a Facebook page with tens of thousands of followers, but when the content of the page got changed, the number of followers strangely decreased because the followers expected to see what was offered in the former contents.
  • 71. Smart Social Media Marketing 70 b) Methods of Attracting Audience To attract more viewers, social media platforms have designed free tools for users. These tools provide you with an opportunity to target your audiences. 1. 1. Running a contest is one of the methods of attracting audiences. Contest attracts new audiences and guarantees participation of old- time audiences. ¾ If you started a contest and didn’t yield the desired result, be patient. This action is not going to yield any results overnight. ¾ The prize you give in the contest plays a great role in attracting the audience. The prize can be either some of your products or promoting gifts that are consuming such as inexpensive gift cards. ¾ As prizes, offer your products or services that are cost-efficient for you. By doing so, you have both persuaded the audiences to be with you and introduced your products and put them out for use.
  • 72. 71 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods ¾ If you start a contest, be on time in announc- ing the name of winners and the way prizes are given because everybody is interested in a con- test and follows it. ¾ Be creative in the way you hold your contest. The prize of a contest might not be very valu- able, but the contest itself and the way of par- ticipation could be so enticing that people don’t care about the prize and attend the contest for excitement. ¾ Don’t be content to a contest online. You can hold an interesting contest in a crowded and high-traffic location and post its video on social media. By doing so, many audiences will join your page, hoping to get the news on future contests and attend them. Contest is one of the best ways of attracting the audience, and prize and gift are one of the best ways of introducing your services and products. Note
  • 73. Smart Social Media Marketing 72 2. 2. You can attract customers byabsorbing comments and feedbacks of your current and potential customers. The feedbacks on your products have a heavy impact on purchases made by others, and in fact, on sales of your product. Currently, more than 80% of Amazon's cus- tomers read reviews of products before purchas- ing. Others’ opinion is always important for everybody else directly or indirectly. You can absorb customers on social media and ask them to express their opinions. The audience will get to know you by reading others' comments, and consequently, they will decide whether to take you seriously or not. It will also keep your page active.
  • 74. 73 Attracting Audience in Social Media: Tips and Methods 3. 3. Poll is one of the efficient tools in provoking participation on social media. You need to know what your customers think of you. ¾ Using polls, you become aware of your custom- ers' opinions and viewpoints about you. ¾ Provide adequate information for polls. Other- wise, the audiences won't get into the page and you will lose many potential viewers. ¾ Consider gifts for attempting a question or for voting in polls or actions like that, so you can yield a better result.
  • 75. Chapter 6 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media
  • 76. 75 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media Apply smart methods for sharing contents. If you proceed, using ordinary and conventional methods, the number of your followers will gradually decrease. You must think ahead of time and post content that is novel for your audi- ence to see. The option of reposting materials of your website on your social media is one of the essential options that you need to consider while designing your business website. Repost the interesting social media contents in discussion forums and blogs, and put the link to your page below these contents so audiences get persuaded to visit your page.
  • 77. Smart Social Media Marketing 76 In some social media platforms, there are open pages and groups which allow you to share your content in them. Have a sharing strategy for any of your provided contents, whether they are textual, visual or audio files. As you con- tinue to share your content, your con- tent get to get more views. Any company can use its con- tent and absorb followers on its social media pages. For example, I am working on launch- ing a project regarding talent contest and finding new talents in different fields
  • 78. 77 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media such as singing, and I follow any page related to this topic; in other words, my choice is only based on content and it doesn’t matterwhetherthat page belongs to which individual or company. Therefore, sharing contents properly is of great importance. It can get the content to the audience who are looking for it. By sharing contents properly, you find the right audience, and this is the first step in boosting the number of fol- lowers. Before sharing any content, examine the following items: ¾ Is the prepared content ready to be shared? ¾ Is an appropriate caption attached to the video and photo? ¾ Is the video edited properly? Doesn’t it have any extra frames?
  • 79. Smart Social Media Marketing 78 When you post a video or photo, you need to write a short caption as its description so the audiences can decide whether to see it or not. Simply upload- ing a photo or video is not enough. Respect timing in posting contents on social media. Don’t share contents and materials without any pause. Sometimes, you need to upload one or two texts or photos during the day. Some companies do it weekly. Based on the type of your audiences, con- sider a minimum interval for posting con- tents. Some social media platforms have some tools for posting contents at certain times. You can apply these tools or apps for time management. Notice
  • 80. 79 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media Via email, notify others about the contents you put on your social media. Time is of great importance in social media marketing. A user may not visit your page during a certain time and miss the posted content. Therefore, you need to remind social media users via email to visit the updated content. Use operational email sending apps for doing it.
  • 81. Smart Social Media Marketing 80 To introduce your contents to your audiences, define an email marketing strategy. In this strategy, have an organized database and differentiate emails based on location, age, gender, education status and interests. Then, send the suitable content for each group instead of sending the same content to all of your audiences! If you intend to make a tide, first you need to be a good surfer. If you make a tide with- out knowing how to surf, you are the one who will drown! Have your own unique and exclusive contents for social media so your cus- tomers realize that they can only access these contents throughyoursocial media pages and cannot get them in other feed channels such as websites.
  • 82. 81 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media For example, you have a topic called "Thursdays", and you share exclusive news about discounts and the market on Thursdays without publishing these pieces of news any- where else. You can also allocate prizes for vis- its in certain days so your audiences become dependent of you and visit your page on weekends habitually. This dependency may even lead them to fol- low you on other days of the week in search of other incentives. This move increases your interaction with follow- ers and makes them follow up your page. It also helps you make your fol- lowers loyal to you. Don’t disregard the presence of all people on social media. Based on task division, everybody, ranging from employees to managers, can update the company’s page on social media.
  • 83. Smart Social Media Marketing 82 Your social media content can be seen in Google search. Therefore, apply SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy in social media. You may need to hire someone for this job. Some brands outsource the task of updating and keeping their social media alive to brands that specialize in social media management. This method will be fruitful. Don’t get sidetracked and never forget this principle that your goal for being present on social media is introducing your busi- ness, branding, and selling your services and products. Sometimes, you get so side- tracked bysome aspects of these platforms such as like for posts and so on that the principle of your presence and your goal of presence get overlooked.
  • 84. 83 Methods and Rules of Sharing Contents on Social Media Afterword Social media platforms are constantly changing and they offer new services as technology becomes more advanced. Many of these changes happen due to advanced options provided by new mobiles and tablets. You must be able to use these changes to your advantage and use it to boost your presence on social media. Social media platforms have prepared themselves for future changes so they can adapt their plans to them. Soft- ware companies that provide social media services con- stantly adapt themselves to current circumstances. That is, they think about every event before it happens. Com- panies such as Microsoft and Facebook notify their users about new software tools that they will offer in the market soon so their customers can adapt to these new changes. In addition to using new tools, keepyourinformationupdated regarding social media. Always look for gaining under- standing, knowledge and expe- rience, and never assume that you have learnt everything. Always understand that there is more to learn.