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                                            “A BEGINNERS’ COURSE ON
                   MOST MERCIFUL                             ISLAM”
                                         I L Lessons on Fardhu ‘Ain in English for Adults
                                      A-’ d )
                    JIB on t ’
                                    R         ’           conducted by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail
                                                                  conducted by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail
               H O 3 (c
           DIT    #
         HA O N                                               Every Friday night             IT CAN ALSO BE A
           SS                                                 @ 8pm – 10pm
                                                                                            REFRESHER COURSE
                                                              Wisma Indah, 450             FOR MUSLIM PARENTS,
                                                              Changi Road,                    EDUCATORS, IN
              “AR-RISAALAH”                                   #02-00 next to
                                                              Masjid Kassim
           Muhammad the Awaited                                                                 SINGAPORE.
                                                                                                OPEN TO ALL
            Last Prophet of Allah

                                          Using textbook & curriculum he has developed especially for
                                          Muslim converts and young Adult English-speaking Muslims.

                                         “To seek knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male & female)”

                                                                                        UPDATED 8 MARCH 2013
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)                                         1
          IN THE NAME OF ALLAH,                    FARDHU’AIN: CONDUCTED BY
          COMPASSIONATE,                           USTAZ ZHULKEFLEE HJ ISMAIL
          MOST MERCIFUL                            LESSONS FROM TEXTBOOK
                                                   “Beginners’ Manual on Islam”

                           (The basic message of Islam)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)

                                           “Allah” : Arabic proper noun; name for God, it refers
                                           to the One and Only, the Unique Creator, Lord
                                           Sustainer of the Universe, Who Alone is God – there
                                           is none besides Allah.

                                           No equivalent translation in non-Semitic language.

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)

                                        “Muhammad s.a.a.w.” : Arabic name
                                        meaning “the Praised One”; he is the
                                        Chosen, Unlettered Prophet, the servant
                                        and Messenger of Allah, the Awaited Seal
                                        of Prophethood after whom there will be
                                        no more prophet sent.
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          “There are many miracles of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
          to be offered as the evidence, and the greatest and most
          outstanding of them is still available to be considered by
          anyone (even today, until the Day of Judgement ) is without
          doubt, the Qur’an .... ”
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                                          “The Criteria
                      MOST MERCIFUL

                                           for a Holy
                                                   - a case for the Qur’an
                                                              by :
                                                    Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail

  TO VIEW ON BLOG       
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      claims to be from God;
             And which could not be produced by any
              who tries;
             And contains absolute principles;
             And does not contain discrepancies;

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      And has contributed to the well-being of
              mankind at all levels;
             And can be shown that some of its
              prophecies were proven true;
             And some of its data compatible with
              scientific research;
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      And the whole book still remains in its
              original text (language);
             And speaks of God and His plan;
             And has universal appeal and application.

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                        YOUR VERDICT OR


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                           MUST BE FROM GOD.

                               NO OTHER CONCLUSION
                                            IS PLAUSIBLE...!

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“Say (O Muhammad): Do you see? Whether this
                 message (teaching) be from Allah and yet you reject it,
                 and a witness from among the Children of Israel bore
                 witness of one like him………...”

                                                   (Qur’an : Ahqaf: 46: 10)

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Many Muslims scholars understands this verse as a
                 reference to him being like Moses a.s. - as prophesized
                 and recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy 18 : 18

                 “I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you (O
                 Moses) from amongst their brethren; and I will put My
                 words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that
                 I command him. And whoever will not give heed to My
                 words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will
                 require it of him.”

                                                     ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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“I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you
                      (O Moses) from amongst their brethren …”
                                                   ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            After birth was separated from         After birth was separated from
            his mother and adopted by the          his mother and adopted by the
            leading man in power (Pharaoh).        leading man in power (Quraysh

            Well-loved by all in the court of      Well-loved by all in the council
            Pharaoh.                               of the Quraysh.

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Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            Gave up life in Pharaoh's court        Kept away from the Quraysh
            and spent time in the wilderness       way and spent time in the
            around the Sinai peninsula.            mountain outside Makkah.

            Married and had a family before        Married and had a family before
            becoming a prophet (he married         becoming a prophet (he married
            the daughter of Jethro).               the Khadijah daughter of

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            Experienced first revelation in        Experienced first revelation in
            the Mountain (Mount Sinai).            the Mountain (Jabal Nur).

            Preached the clear message of          Preached the clear message of
            the Absolute Oneness of God.           the Absolute Oneness of God.
            “Hear O Israel! Your Lord God is       “There is no god except Allah
            One God.”                              (the One and Only God)”

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            Commanded to preach to the             Commanded to preach to the
            people in power (i.e. Pharaoh),        people in power (i.e. the
            who knew him.                          Quraysh), who knew him.

            His initial encounter (calling)        His initial encounter (calling)
            was rejected but he was not            was rejected but he was not
            harmed.                                harmed.

            Has his brother Aaron who              Has ‘Ali, his cousin likened as his
            assisted him throughout his            ‘brother’, who assisted him
            mission.                               throughout his mission.
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            He was brought to the presence         He was brought to the presence
            of Allah by undertaking a              of Allah during the miraculous
            journey up on Mount Sinai to           journey of Isra’ and Mi’raj –
            experience the “epiphany”              including the “epiphany” - (but
            (beatific vision of God).              far greater than that
                                                   experienced by Moses, as his
                                                   journey transcends into the
                                                   realm never traverse by except
                                                   him – the beloved of Allah.)
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Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            His life and his people were           His life and his people were
            threatened and oppressed, yet          threatened and oppressed, yet
            managed to bring his people            managed to bring his people
            safely out of the land of              safely out of the land of
            oppression through “Exodus”,           oppression through “Hijrah”,
            and established a community,           and established a community,
            governed over them by the Law          governed over them by the
            of God (Torah).                        (Shari’ah) Law of God (Qur’an
                                                   and the Sunnah).
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Prophet Moses                             Prophet Muhammad

                                                   He was victorious over the
            He was victorious over the
                                                   Makkan (Quraysh) army with
            Pharaoh’s army with Allah’s
                                                   Allah’s direct Divine
            direct Divine intervention which
                                                   intervention at the Battle of
            routed and vanquished this
                                                   Badr, in which angels were sent
            military force, a more superior
                                                   to aid Muslims and they routed
            to the Bani Isra’il who were
                                                   and vanquished their enemies
            lesser in numbers and
                                                   who were more superior to
            equipment – drowning them.
                                                   them in numbers and
                                                   equipment. Also the Battle of al-
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)   Ahzab
Prophet Moses                           Prophet Muhammad

                                                   He had to face enemies within
            Had to face enemies within his
                                                   his community – the “munaa-
            community (the hypocrites) who
                                                   fiqun” (hypocrites). They build a
            introduced the ‘golden calf’ to
                                                   mosque (“masjid Dirara”) to
            undermine Moses teaching and
                                                   undermine Muhammad’s
            authority. The ‘golden calf’ was
                                                   teaching and authority. The
            then destroyed and the
                                                   mosque was burned and
            perpetrators exposed
                                                   destroyed; the perpetrator
                                                   exposed and condemned by
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Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            Although he was at first rejected      Although he was at first rejected
            by his people but in the end was       by his people but in the end was
            overwhelmingly accepted as the         overwhelmingly accepted as the
            Messenger of God.                      Messenger of God.

            Power over his community both          Power over his community both
            as spiritual leader as well as the     as spiritual leader as well as the
            supreme temporal ruler.                supreme temporal ruler.

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Prophet Moses                            Prophet Muhammad

            Had his teachings codified.            Had his teachings codified.

            Married and had continuous             Married and had continuous
            chain of descendants linked to         chain of descendants linked to
            his noble families.                    his noble families.

            Had successors to continue his         Had successors to continue his
            mission.                               mission.

            Died and buried on this earth.         Died and buried on this earth.

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        (Jesus is also recorded to have said)

            “ I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.
              But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all
              truth. He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he
              hears, and he will tell you of what is yet to come. He will bring
              glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to

                                                                   (John: 16: 7-14)

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       “Jesus said to them :

         ‘Have you never read in the scriptures:

          “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone ”;

           The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

            Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from
             you and given to a people who will produce its fruit . He who falls on
             this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be

                                                             (Matthews: 21: 42-44)
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                    “The likeness of me and the other Prophets is similar to that
                   of a man who built a house and perfectly decorated it except
                   for a space of one brick. The people used to go round this
                   house, wonder and say, ‘If only this missing brick were put
                       Thus, I am that brick and I am the Last of the Prophets .”

                                (Hadith agreed upon by Bukhary and Muslim)

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                     (other nations)                              NOAH (Nuh)
                                                       (Shem)                 (Ham)                   (Yaphet)

                    “for We assuredly sent
                    amongst every nation,                                    (other nations)
                    a Messenger”
                    (Q: Nahl : 16:36)
                                                   ABRAHAM (Ibrahim)
                    (1st Born)                                  (2nd Born)
                    ISHMAEL (Isma’il)                              ISAAC (Ishaq)
                                                                  JACOB (Ya’akub))
                                                                  JOSEPH (Yusuf)
                                                                   MOSES (Musa)

                                                                   DAVID (Dawud)
                                                                    SOLOMON (Sulaiman)
                                                                    (many others amongst Israelite)
                                                                  JOHN THE BAPTIST (Yahya)
                                                                    JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh)
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
                     (other nations)                               NOAH (Nuh)
                                                        (Shem)                 (Ham)                   (Yaphet)

                    “for We assuredly sent
                    amongst every nation,                                     (other nations)
                    a Messenger”
                    (Q: Nahl : 16:36)
                                                   ABRAHAM (Ibrahim)

                    (1st Born)                                   (2nd Born)
                    ISHMAEL (Isma’il)                               ISAAC (Ishaq)
                                                                   JACOB (Ya’akub))
                                                                   JOSEPH (Yusuf)
                                                                    MOSES (Musa)
                        (The Quraysh tribe
                        in Mecca, direct
                                                                    DAVID (Dawud)
                        descendants of
                                                                     SOLOMON (Sulaiman)
                        Ishmael)                                     (many others amongst Israelite)
                                                                   JOHN THE BAPTIST (Yahya)
                                                                     JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh)
                    (The chosen Seal of Prophethood)
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“ … and I will put My words in his mouth, and
                        he shall speak to them all that I command
                        him. And whoever will not give heed to My
                        words which he shall speak in My name ...”
                                                   ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 )

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“Nor does he (Muhammad) say (aught) of (his own) Desire .
                     It is no less than inspiration sent down to him: He was
                     taught by one mighty in Power (endued with Wisdom).”
                                                           (Qur’an: Najm: 53: 3-5)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord

                                    and Cherisher, Who created― “

                                                         (Qur’an: al-’Alaq: 96: 1)

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“O people of the Book! now hath come unto you, making (things)
                 clear unto you, Our Messenger after the break in (the series of)
                 Our Messengers, lest ye should say: there came unto us no
                 bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil): but now hath
                 come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil):
                 and Allah hath power over all things.”
                                                          (Qur’an: Maa-idah: 5: 15

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“  Say (O Muhammad): "If ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will
                      love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
                      Most Merciful.“ ”.

                                                        (Qur’an : Aali ‘Imran : 3 : 31)

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Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves
                      [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed,
                      Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the

                                                            (Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 53)

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“ … And return [in repentance] to your Lord and submit to
                      Him (ASLIMU) before the punishment comes upon you; then
                      you will not be helped. “

                                                      (Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 54)

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who
                        are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but)
                        compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them
                        bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking Grace
                        from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.... “
                                                            (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29)

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“ ... On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their
                   prostration. This is their similitude in the Torah; and their
                   similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its
                   blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick and it stands
                   on its own stem (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As
                   a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at him. Allah has
                   promised those among them who believe and do righteous
                   deeds Forgiveness and a great Reward.”
                                                                (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
     That message of TAUHEED , requires submission and obedience to 
             Allah by acknowledging and following Allah’s last Messenger :

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“ Say, [O Muhammad], "O mankind, indeed I am the
                         Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom
                         belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. ”
                                                        (Qur’an: A’raf: 7: 158)

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“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from
                          among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you
                          suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers
                          is kind and merciful.”
                                                        (Qur’an: Taubah: 9: 128)

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“ There is no deity except Him; He gives life (YUH-YII)
                            and causes death (WA YU-MIIT)."
                            So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered
                            prophet (Muhammad), who believes in Allah and His
                            words, and follow him (TABI’-’UUHU) that you may
                            be guided (TAH-TADUUN). ”
                                                             (Qur’an: A’raf: 7: 158)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
“He (Allah) it is who has sent forth His Messenger (Muhammad)
                  with the [task of spreading] guidance and the religion of truth
                  (AD-DEENUL-HAQQ), to the end that He make it prevail over
                  every [false] religion; and none can bear witness [to the truth] as
                  Allah does.”
                                                               (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 28)
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“O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the
                        Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life .
                        And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his
                        heart and that to Him you will be gathered.”
                                                             (Qur’an: Anfaal: 8: 24)

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
    Islam is built upon five 
           “Tell me about Islam” things:
                                     Bear witness that there 
                                     is none deserving of 
                                     worship except Allah, 
                                     and that Muhammad is 
                                     His servant and 

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Islam is built upon five
           “Tell me about Islam”                    things:
                                                    And to establish
                                                    Swolah (the obligatory
                                                    five daily worship or
                                                    specific devotion).

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Islam is built upon five
           “Tell me about Islam”                    things:
                                                    And to pay the Zakah
                                                    (obligatory tax upon
                                                    the wealth).

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Islam is built upon five
           “Tell me about Islam”                    things:
                                                    And to make
                                                    pilgrimage (Hajj) to the
                                                    House (Ka’ba in
                                                    Makkah) if you are

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
Islam is built upon five
           “Tell me about Islam”                    things:
                                                    And to observe fasting
                                                    daily in the month of

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.....“Tell me about                     (Belief) iiman is that
           iiman (Faith/Belief)”                   you:
                                                   Solemnly believe in Allah;
                                                   His angels;
                                                   His Books,
                                                   His Messengers;
                                                   In the Afterlife;
                                                   In the Decree, the good &
                                                   bad, all comes from (the
                                                   eternal knowledge of)
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
........ “ Tell me                       “Al-Ihsan” (excellence)
          about ‘Al-Ihsan’-                         is:
          (the Best or                              ... That you serve
                                                    (worship) Allah as
          Righteous conduct or                      though you see Him,
          Excellence)”                              but if you do not see
                                                    Him, He (Allah) sees

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IIMAN                                   ‘AMAL          IHSAN
                    Belief                         Submission        Best or
                    Faith                          Obedience        Righteous
                  Conviction                        Practice         Conduct

         Faith without obedience is meaningless; and obedience without Faith is
         mere rituals and may even lead to hypocrisy.
         Together, Faith and Obedience must lead to Righteousness with IHSAN
         which essentially focus in our intention to sincerely serve Allah s.w.t.
         Thus, in these three aspects can one be said to be true in his submission
         to the Will of Allah (as Muslim).

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                          THE ABSOLUTE ONENESS OF ALLAH (TAUHEED)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
      IIMAN is “Belief or Faith” to something beyond sense
              perception, termed as “              - al-ghayb” meaning “the
             It is derived from the root word “          ” which also means
              “safety, peace, security, protection”
             It denote: “certainty of the ultimate truth”, adherence to it
              instils sense of “security in him” from doubts, uncertainty,
              restlessness etc.

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      Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere blind
          acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e. Believe or
          faith must be with knowledge.

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
     Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere
            blind acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e.
            Must be with knowledge.

                            "And do not follow (pursue) anything of which thou
                            hast no knowledge: verily (thy) hearing and sight
                            and heart - all of them - will be called to account
                             for it (on Judgement Day).“
                                                             (Q: Bani Israil : 17 :36)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
      Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere
              blind acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e.
              Must be with knowledge.
             Three sources for knowledge:

       [1] Five sensory perceptions -                      ;

       [2] Reasoning -                             ;

       [3] True report -                               ;

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
(The Detailed Belief) “Al-iiman is that you:

          Solemnly believe in Allah;
          His angels;
          His Books,
          His Messengers;
          In the Afterlife;
          In the Decree, the good & bad, all comes
           from (the eternal knowledge of) Allah
           Most Exalted.”
All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
(The Detailed Belief) “Al-iiman is that you:

          Solemnly believe in Allah;
          His angels;
          His Books,
          His Messengers;
          In the Afterlife;
          In the Decree, the good & bad, all comes
           from (the eternal knowledge of) Allah
           Most Exalted.”

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All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)

                               THE ABSOLUTE ONENESS OF ALLAH (TAUHEED)

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
All welcome to visit my web-blog:


          http ://

All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2012)

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[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson #2- (february-2013-batch) -(20-february-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson #2- (february-2013-batch) -(20-february-2013)[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson #2- (february-2013-batch) -(20-february-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson #2- (february-2013-batch) -(20-february-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#3 -preparation-for-lea...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#3 -preparation-for-lea...[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#3 -preparation-for-lea...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#3 -preparation-for-lea...
Slideshare [ntums-final]-islamic-fastabiqul-khayraat-(25-june-2013)
Slideshare [ntums-final]-islamic-fastabiqul-khayraat-(25-june-2013)Slideshare [ntums-final]-islamic-fastabiqul-khayraat-(25-june-2013)
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[Slideshare] fardh'ain(august-2014-batch)#7(arkaan-ul-iiman-believe-in-his-me...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain(august-2014-batch)#7(arkaan-ul-iiman-believe-in-his-me...[Slideshare] fardh'ain(august-2014-batch)#7(arkaan-ul-iiman-believe-in-his-me...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain(august-2014-batch)#7(arkaan-ul-iiman-believe-in-his-me...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 11 -disparity-between-fa...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 11 -disparity-between-fa...[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 11 -disparity-between-fa...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 11 -disparity-between-fa...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#4 -about-the-nafs-(18-...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#4 -about-the-nafs-(18-...[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#4 -about-the-nafs-(18-...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (august-2013-batch) -lesson#4 -about-the-nafs-(18-...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(feb-2013-batch)lesson# 11[a]-arkaan-ul-islam-swolah(p...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(feb-2013-batch)lesson# 11[a]-arkaan-ul-islam-swolah(p...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(feb-2013-batch)lesson# 11[a]-arkaan-ul-islam-swolah(p...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(feb-2013-batch)lesson# 11[a]-arkaan-ul-islam-swolah(p...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 9 c -guidance-from-al-qu...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 9 c -guidance-from-al-qu...[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 9 c -guidance-from-al-qu...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 9 c -guidance-from-al-qu...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 6-types-of-nafs-(30-marc...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 6-types-of-nafs-(30-marc...[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 6-types-of-nafs-(30-marc...
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch-) -# 6-types-of-nafs-(30-marc...
[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-(2014)-#3b -daily-application-(wudhu'-ablution)-cont'...
[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-(2014)-#3b  -daily-application-(wudhu'-ablution)-cont'...[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-(2014)-#3b  -daily-application-(wudhu'-ablution)-cont'...
[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-(2014)-#3b -daily-application-(wudhu'-ablution)-cont'...
[Slideshare] prayer-for the-ummah-of-muhammad
[Slideshare] prayer-for the-ummah-of-muhammad[Slideshare] prayer-for the-ummah-of-muhammad
[Slideshare] prayer-for the-ummah-of-muhammad

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[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164][Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) - # 3b -(9-march-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) -  # 3b -(9-march-2013)[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) -  # 3b -(9-march-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) - # 3b -(9-march-2013)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
Zhulkeflee Ismail

Similar to [Slideshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3(contn'd)-(risaalah)a-8-march-2013 (15)

[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
[Slideeshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3a-(risaalah)-1-march-2013
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(25 may2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#9a-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-qadha' -qad rpt1(18-may-i...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#10-arkaan-ul-islam-(1)shahadahtain(7-dec...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain-lesson#13-arkaanul-islam(4)-hajj (29 june 2012)
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(16-nov...
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164][Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february-2013-be-grateful-as-muslims(aali'imran-3-v-164]
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
[Slideshare] fardhu'ain(2012)-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books-(9-novemb...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#7-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-prophets(4-may-2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#4a-contd-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-allah-(13 aprill2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-lesson#6-arkaan-ul-iiman-in-his-books(27 april2012)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 a -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-#6-(feb-2013-batch)-using resourcestext-(20-march-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) - # 3b -(9-march-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) -  # 3b -(9-march-2013)[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) -  # 3b -(9-march-2013)
[Slideshare] akhlaq-course (february 2013-batch) - # 3b -(9-march-2013)
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...
[Slideshare] fiqh-course-lesson-#9 b -(feb-2013-batch)-history-of-islam-in-s-...

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[Slideshare] knowledge of our roots
[Slideshare] knowledge of our roots[Slideshare] knowledge of our roots
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[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1e -‘muslim’s education'-key...[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1e -‘muslim’s education'-key...
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Zhulkeflee Ismail
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[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february -2017-seeking-allah's-nearness-part-2-(surah ...[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february -2017-seeking-allah's-nearness-part-2-(surah ...
[Slideshare] tadzkirah-february -2017-seeking-allah's-nearness-part-2-(surah ...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1d -‘muslim’s education'-key...
[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1d -‘muslim’s education'-key...[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1d -‘muslim’s education'-key...
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Zhulkeflee Ismail
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Zhulkeflee Ismail
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[Slideshare] tafaqqahu-#6-(january-2017)-lesson-#1c-consolidation-restart mod...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3b-risaalah-con...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3b-risaalah-con...[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3b-risaalah-con...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3b-risaalah-con...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
Slideshare~$(lesson#2b)tauheed course-(batch#6-januay-may-2017)-causes-of-wro...
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Slideshare~$(lesson#2b)tauheed course-(batch#6-januay-may-2017)-causes-of-wro...
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] kenali sejarah-(intro)
[Slideshare] kenali  sejarah-(intro)[Slideshare] kenali  sejarah-(intro)
[Slideshare] kenali sejarah-(intro)
Zhulkeflee Ismail
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3a-risaalah-(ba...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3a-risaalah-(ba...[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3a-risaalah-(ba...
[Slideshare] fardh'ain-(batch#17-intake-january-2017)-lesson #3a-risaalah-(ba...
Zhulkeflee Ismail

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[Slideshare] fardh'ain(feb-2013-batch)-lesson#3(contn'd)-(risaalah)a-8-march-2013

  • 1. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, MOST COMPASSIONATE, “A BEGINNERS’ COURSE ON MOST MERCIFUL ISLAM” I L Lessons on Fardhu ‘Ain in English for Adults A-’ d ) JIB on t ’ R ’ conducted by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail conducted by Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail F H O 3 (c DIT # HA O N Every Friday night IT CAN ALSO BE A SS @ 8pm – 10pm LE REFRESHER COURSE Wisma Indah, 450 FOR MUSLIM PARENTS, Changi Road, EDUCATORS, IN “AR-RISAALAH” #02-00 next to CONTEMPORARY Masjid Kassim Muhammad the Awaited SINGAPORE. OPEN TO ALL Last Prophet of Allah Using textbook & curriculum he has developed especially for Muslim converts and young Adult English-speaking Muslims. “To seek knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (male & female)” UPDATED 8 MARCH 2013 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013) 1
  • 3. FROM PREVIOUS LESSONS “Allah” : Arabic proper noun; name for God, it refers to the One and Only, the Unique Creator, Lord Sustainer of the Universe, Who Alone is God – there is none besides Allah. No equivalent translation in non-Semitic language. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 4. FROM PREVIOUS LESSONS “Muhammad s.a.a.w.” : Arabic name meaning “the Praised One”; he is the Chosen, Unlettered Prophet, the servant and Messenger of Allah, the Awaited Seal of Prophethood after whom there will be no more prophet sent. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 5. FROM PREVIOUS LESSONS “There are many miracles of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. to be offered as the evidence, and the greatest and most outstanding of them is still available to be considered by anyone (even today, until the Day of Judgement ) is without doubt, the Qur’an .... ” 5 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 6. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, FROM PREVIOUS LESSONS MOST COMPASSIONATE, “The Criteria MOST MERCIFUL for a Holy Book” - a case for the Qur’an by : Ustaz Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail Singapore. TO VIEW ON BLOG 6 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 7. claims to be from God;  And which could not be produced by any who tries;  And contains absolute principles;  And does not contain discrepancies; All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 8. And has contributed to the well-being of mankind at all levels;  And can be shown that some of its prophecies were proven true;  And some of its data compatible with scientific research; All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 9. And the whole book still remains in its original text (language);  And speaks of God and His plan;  And has universal appeal and application. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 10. WHAT MUST BE YOUR VERDICT OR CONCLUSION? All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 11. MOST CERTAINLY, IT MUST BE FROM GOD. BECAUSE, NO OTHER CONCLUSION IS PLAUSIBLE...! All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 12. TO CONTINUE … All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 13. “Say (O Muhammad): Do you see? Whether this message (teaching) be from Allah and yet you reject it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel bore witness of one like him………...” (Qur’an : Ahqaf: 46: 10) 13 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 14. Many Muslims scholars understands this verse as a reference to him being like Moses a.s. - as prophesized and recorded in the Book of Deuteronomy 18 : 18 “I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you (O Moses) from amongst their brethren; and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him.” ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 ) 14 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 15. “I will raise up for them a prophet like unto you (O Moses) from amongst their brethren …” ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 ) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 16. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad After birth was separated from After birth was separated from his mother and adopted by the his mother and adopted by the leading man in power (Pharaoh). leading man in power (Quraysh leaders). Well-loved by all in the court of Well-loved by all in the council Pharaoh. of the Quraysh. 16 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 17. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad Gave up life in Pharaoh's court Kept away from the Quraysh and spent time in the wilderness way and spent time in the around the Sinai peninsula. mountain outside Makkah. Married and had a family before Married and had a family before becoming a prophet (he married becoming a prophet (he married the daughter of Jethro). the Khadijah daughter of Khuwailid). 17 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 18. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad Experienced first revelation in Experienced first revelation in the Mountain (Mount Sinai). the Mountain (Jabal Nur). Preached the clear message of Preached the clear message of the Absolute Oneness of God. the Absolute Oneness of God. “Hear O Israel! Your Lord God is “There is no god except Allah One God.” (the One and Only God)” 18 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 19. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad Commanded to preach to the Commanded to preach to the people in power (i.e. Pharaoh), people in power (i.e. the who knew him. Quraysh), who knew him. His initial encounter (calling) His initial encounter (calling) was rejected but he was not was rejected but he was not harmed. harmed. Has his brother Aaron who Has ‘Ali, his cousin likened as his assisted him throughout his ‘brother’, who assisted him mission. throughout his mission. 19 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 20. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad He was brought to the presence He was brought to the presence of Allah by undertaking a of Allah during the miraculous journey up on Mount Sinai to journey of Isra’ and Mi’raj – experience the “epiphany” including the “epiphany” - (but (beatific vision of God). far greater than that experienced by Moses, as his journey transcends into the realm never traverse by except him – the beloved of Allah.) 20 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 21. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad His life and his people were His life and his people were threatened and oppressed, yet threatened and oppressed, yet managed to bring his people managed to bring his people safely out of the land of safely out of the land of oppression through “Exodus”, oppression through “Hijrah”, and established a community, and established a community, governed over them by the Law governed over them by the of God (Torah). (Shari’ah) Law of God (Qur’an and the Sunnah). 21 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 22. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad He was victorious over the He was victorious over the Makkan (Quraysh) army with Pharaoh’s army with Allah’s Allah’s direct Divine direct Divine intervention which intervention at the Battle of routed and vanquished this Badr, in which angels were sent military force, a more superior to aid Muslims and they routed to the Bani Isra’il who were and vanquished their enemies lesser in numbers and who were more superior to equipment – drowning them. them in numbers and equipment. Also the Battle of al- 22 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013) Ahzab
  • 23. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad He had to face enemies within Had to face enemies within his his community – the “munaa- community (the hypocrites) who fiqun” (hypocrites). They build a introduced the ‘golden calf’ to mosque (“masjid Dirara”) to undermine Moses teaching and undermine Muhammad’s authority. The ‘golden calf’ was teaching and authority. The then destroyed and the mosque was burned and perpetrators exposed destroyed; the perpetrator exposed and condemned by God. 23 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 24. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad Although he was at first rejected Although he was at first rejected by his people but in the end was by his people but in the end was overwhelmingly accepted as the overwhelmingly accepted as the Messenger of God. Messenger of God. Power over his community both Power over his community both as spiritual leader as well as the as spiritual leader as well as the supreme temporal ruler. supreme temporal ruler. 24 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 25. Prophet Moses Prophet Muhammad Had his teachings codified. Had his teachings codified. Married and had continuous Married and had continuous chain of descendants linked to chain of descendants linked to his noble families. his noble families. Had successors to continue his Had successors to continue his mission. mission. Died and buried on this earth. Died and buried on this earth. 25 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 26. COINCIDENTAL or CORROBORATION? (Jesus is also recorded to have said) “ I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will only speak what he hears, and he will tell you of what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you….” (John: 16: 7-14) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 27. COINCIDENTAL or CORROBORATION? “Jesus said to them : ‘Have you never read in the scriptures: “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone ”; The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit . He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.” (Matthews: 21: 42-44) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 28. THE PROPHET S.A.A.W. SAID: All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 29. THE PROPHET S.A.A.W. SAID: “The likeness of me and the other Prophets is similar to that of a man who built a house and perfectly decorated it except for a space of one brick. The people used to go round this house, wonder and say, ‘If only this missing brick were put in!’ Thus, I am that brick and I am the Last of the Prophets .” (Hadith agreed upon by Bukhary and Muslim) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 30. ADAM (other nations) NOAH (Nuh) (Shem) (Ham) (Yaphet) “for We assuredly sent amongst every nation, (other nations) a Messenger” (Q: Nahl : 16:36) ABRAHAM (Ibrahim) (1st Born) (2nd Born) ISHMAEL (Isma’il) ISAAC (Ishaq) JACOB (Ya’akub)) JOSEPH (Yusuf) MOSES (Musa) DAVID (Dawud) SOLOMON (Sulaiman) (many others amongst Israelite) JOHN THE BAPTIST (Yahya) JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh) (AWAITING THE FULFILMENT OF PATRIACH ABRAHAM’S PRAYER) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 31. ADAM (other nations) NOAH (Nuh) (Shem) (Ham) (Yaphet) “for We assuredly sent amongst every nation, (other nations) a Messenger” (Q: Nahl : 16:36) ABRAHAM (Ibrahim) (1st Born) (2nd Born) ISHMAEL (Isma’il) ISAAC (Ishaq) JACOB (Ya’akub)) JOSEPH (Yusuf) MOSES (Musa) (The Quraysh tribe in Mecca, direct DAVID (Dawud) descendants of SOLOMON (Sulaiman) Ishmael) (many others amongst Israelite) JOHN THE BAPTIST (Yahya) JESUS CHRIST (‘Isa al-Maseeh) MUHAMMAD (The chosen Seal of Prophethood) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 32. “ … and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And whoever will not give heed to My words which he shall speak in My name ...” ( Deuteronomy 18 : 18 ) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 33. “Nor does he (Muhammad) say (aught) of (his own) Desire . It is no less than inspiration sent down to him: He was taught by one mighty in Power (endued with Wisdom).” (Qur’an: Najm: 53: 3-5) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 34. “Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created― “ (Qur’an: al-’Alaq: 96: 1) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 35. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 36. “O people of the Book! now hath come unto you, making (things) clear unto you, Our Messenger after the break in (the series of) Our Messengers, lest ye should say: there came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and no warner (from evil): but now hath come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner (from evil): and Allah hath power over all things.” (Qur’an: Maa-idah: 5: 15 All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 37. “  Say (O Muhammad): "If ye do love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.“ ”. (Qur’an : Aali ‘Imran : 3 : 31) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 38. Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 53) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 39. “ … And return [in repentance] to your Lord and submit to Him (ASLIMU) before the punishment comes upon you; then you will not be helped. “ (Qur’an : Zumar : 39 : 54) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 40. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 41. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.... “ (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 42. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 43. “ ... On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Torah; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick and it stands on its own stem (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at him. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds Forgiveness and a great Reward.” (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 29) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 44. That message of TAUHEED , requires submission and obedience to  Allah by acknowledging and following Allah’s last Messenger : All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 45. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 46. “ Say, [O Muhammad], "O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. ” (Qur’an: A’raf: 7: 158) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 47. “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.” (Qur’an: Taubah: 9: 128) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 48. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 49. “ There is no deity except Him; He gives life (YUH-YII) and causes death (WA YU-MIIT)." So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet (Muhammad), who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him (TABI’-’UUHU) that you may be guided (TAH-TADUUN). ” (Qur’an: A’raf: 7: 158) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 50. “He (Allah) it is who has sent forth His Messenger (Muhammad) with the [task of spreading] guidance and the religion of truth (AD-DEENUL-HAQQ), to the end that He make it prevail over every [false] religion; and none can bear witness [to the truth] as Allah does.” (Qur’an: Fath: 48: 28) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 51. “O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life . And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered.” (Qur’an: Anfaal: 8: 24) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 52. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 53. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 54.     Islam is built upon five  “Tell me about Islam” things: Bear witness that there  is none deserving of  worship except Allah,  and that Muhammad is  His servant and  Messenger. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 55. Islam is built upon five “Tell me about Islam” things: And to establish Swolah (the obligatory five daily worship or specific devotion). All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 56. Islam is built upon five “Tell me about Islam” things: And to pay the Zakah (obligatory tax upon the wealth). All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 57. Islam is built upon five “Tell me about Islam” things: And to make pilgrimage (Hajj) to the House (Ka’ba in Makkah) if you are able. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 58. Islam is built upon five “Tell me about Islam” things: And to observe fasting daily in the month of Ramadhan. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 59. .....“Tell me about (Belief) iiman is that iiman (Faith/Belief)” you: Solemnly believe in Allah; His angels; His Books, His Messengers; In the Afterlife; In the Decree, the good & bad, all comes from (the eternal knowledge of) Allah; All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 60. ........ “ Tell me “Al-Ihsan” (excellence) about ‘Al-Ihsan’- is: (the Best or ... That you serve (worship) Allah as Righteous conduct or though you see Him, Excellence)” but if you do not see Him, He (Allah) sees you.” All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 61. IIMAN ‘AMAL IHSAN [Islam] Belief Submission Best or Faith Obedience Righteous Conviction Practice Conduct Faith without obedience is meaningless; and obedience without Faith is mere rituals and may even lead to hypocrisy. Together, Faith and Obedience must lead to Righteousness with IHSAN which essentially focus in our intention to sincerely serve Allah s.w.t. Thus, in these three aspects can one be said to be true in his submission to the Will of Allah (as Muslim). All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 63. IIMAN is “Belief or Faith” to something beyond sense perception, termed as “ - al-ghayb” meaning “the unseen”.  It is derived from the root word “ ” which also means “safety, peace, security, protection”  It denote: “certainty of the ultimate truth”, adherence to it instils sense of “security in him” from doubts, uncertainty, restlessness etc. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 64. Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere blind acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e. Believe or faith must be with knowledge. All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 65. Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere blind acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e. Must be with knowledge. "And do not follow (pursue) anything of which thou hast no knowledge: verily (thy) hearing and sight and heart - all of them - will be called to account for it (on Judgement Day).“ (Q: Bani Israil : 17 :36) All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 66. Yet from Islamic perspective “iiman” cannot be by mere blind acceptance devoid of proof or substantiation i.e. Must be with knowledge.  Three sources for knowledge: [1] Five sensory perceptions - ; [2] Reasoning - ; [3] True report - ; All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 67. (The Detailed Belief) “Al-iiman is that you:  Solemnly believe in Allah;  His angels;  His Books,  His Messengers;  In the Afterlife;  In the Decree, the good & bad, all comes from (the eternal knowledge of) Allah Most Exalted.” All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 68. (The Detailed Belief) “Al-iiman is that you:  Solemnly believe in Allah;  His angels;  His Books,  His Messengers;  In the Afterlife;  In the Decree, the good & bad, all comes from (the eternal knowledge of) Allah Most Exalted.” All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
  • 69. TO BE CONTINUED – All Rights Reserved© Zhulkeflee Hj Ismail (2013)
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