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  Sleep disorders
and dentistry’s role
Dental                                                                                                             Dental sleep medicine

                                                                                                                                                         more active and fulfilled lives, take fewer pills, and are less        “Deciding to learn about and practice dental sleep medi-
                                                                                                                                                         likely to fall asleep while driving. Their minds function bet-      cine is about becoming comfortable ‘switching hats’ and feel-
                                                                                                                                                         ter and they think more clearly, they control their weight          ing excited about working in a different and new mindset,”
                                                                                                                                                         more easily, and have more energy to exercise and do the            she said.

                                                                                                                                                         things they want to do,” Dr. Drake said.                               Dr. Katz said that many dentists who enter dental sleep
                                                                                                                                                            He said the most rewarding part about dental sleep medi-         medicine are looking to try something challenging.
                                                                                                                                                         cine is helping to turn someone’s life around. Dr. Drake said          These dentists must learn about other disorders in the
                                                                                                                                                         he was making an appliance for a gentleman who had his              field, such as parasomnias, insomnia, and narcolepsy, in order
                                                                                                                                                         25-year-old son along at the appointment and learned that           to know what they cannot treat with oral appliance therapy, as
                                                                                                                                                         the son had been in and out of school for years, was unable         well as work closely with sleep physicians and other medical
                                                                                                                                                         to hold down a job for more than a month due to sleepiness,         professionals.
                                                                                       Dentists treat obstructive sleep apnea patients with              was taking meds for depression, and was living at home with            Educational institutions have also started recognizing the
                                                                                       oral appliance therapy, expanding their practices                 his parents.                                                        importance of training dentists in DSM. Tufts University in
                                                                                                                                                            “We tested him for sleep-disordered breathing, and when          Boston, Mass., launched the first Dental Sleep Medicine Pro-
                                                                                       by Emilee McStay                                                  the test came back and showed that he suffered from severe          gram of its kind through the Craniofacial Pain, Headache,
                                                                                                                                                         sleep apnea, we made him an oral appliance,” Dr. Drake said.        and Sleep Center, which is part of the Department of General
                                                                                           “Most people with OSA cannot achieve or maintain a            “He wore it religiously, and a follow-up study confirmed that       Dentistry.
                                                                                       deep, restorative sleep because every time they go into a         it was treating his disease successfully. Two years later, he had      Through the program, post-graduate dental students will
                                                                                       deep sleep, their airway collapses and they wake up to re-        moved out of his parents’ house, held a part-time job, had          receive both classroom and clinical instruction from experts
                                                                                       sume breathing,” she said.                                        a girlfriend, was no longer taking anti-depression meds, and        in dental sleep medicine. Students will work with a multidis-
                                                                                           Dental sleep medicine (DSM) focuses on the management         was about to finish school.”                                        ciplinary team of dentists, neurologists, chiropractors, physi-
                                                                                       of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), which includes snoring          Dr. Drake said that many dentists practice DSM because           cal therapists, pain psychologists, occupational therapists, and
                                                                                       and OSA, with OAT and upper airway surgery.                       they enjoy helping people improve their lives and find it to be     behavioral management therapists to help treat sleep-related
                                                                                           Dr. Pancer explained that OAT involves the customized         financially rewarding and physically less demanding.                breathing disorders, such as OSA.
                                                                                       selection, fabrication, fitting, adjustments, and long-term          “Dentists are recognizing the benefit of adding DSM to              “Tufts’ pre-graduate dental students have learned DSM
                                                                                       follow-up care of specially designed oral devices, worn dur-      their practice,” Dr. Pancer added. “The AADSM has seen a            course content for several years,” said Leopoldo P. Correa,
                                                                                       ing sleep, which reposition the lower jaw and tongue base         135% jump in our membership over the last five years.”              BDS, course director of the Dental Sleep Medicine Section
                                                                                       forward to maintain a more open upper airway. Oral appli-            Dr. Pancer said that when he learned about the AADSM in          at Tufts Dental School.

                                                                                       ances (OAs) look similar to mouth guards, but should be se-       1996, it consisted of approximately 60 members, in contrast            “Some of our students choose to incorporate DSM into
                                                                                       lected and fitted by a dentist trained in DSM to maintain         to more than 1,600 members today.                                   their practices upon graduation, while other students leave
                                                                                       unobstructed breathing while the patient sleeps.                     Despite the AADSM’s increase in membership, Dr. Drake            Tufts with a better idea of how to identify patients who may
                               very night, an estimated 18 million Americans               Once a patient is diagnosed with OSA by a sleep physician     said that there is still a growing need for dentists qualified in   have OSA and who should get tested at an accredited sleep

                               stop breathing for 10 to 30 seconds, sometimes          at an accredited sleep center, he or she may be referred to a     DSM because sleep physicians have difficulty finding a den-         center,” said Dr. Correa. “By offering a hands-on post-gradu-
                               for a minute or longer, hundreds of times as they       dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon for OAT or upper        tist to whom they can refer their OSA patients.                     ate course, in addition to the course content in our pre-grad-
                               sleep. These men and women suffer from obstruc-         airway surgery.                                                      Dr. Drake said that the number one reason dentists shy           uate and continuing-education programs, more students will
                   tive sleep apnea (OSA) and, if left untreated, are at a higher          “Approximately 25% to 50% of patients with OSA are            away from practicing DSM is that they don’t understand it           gain the skills and in-depth experience they need to integrate
                   risk for excessive daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure,         unable to comply with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure         and don’t take the time to educate themselves. He recom-            DSM into their practices.”
                   heart attack, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and driving accidents.     (CPAP), the standard treatment therapy, or do not tolerate        mends that dentists take advantage of the mentorships, study           Dr Correa said that post-graduate students and residents
                      “The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine                   it, leaving a large population of untreated OSA patients for      groups, peer-reviewed journals, and introductory courses            will participate in patient assessment, polysomnogram inter-
                   (AADSM) tries to make it as easy as possible for OSA pa-            whom dentists can offer a much-needed service,” Dr. Pancer        available through the AADSM to learn more about OAT.                pretation, and the use of ambulatory sleep study monitors
                   tients to receive safe and effective treatment,” said AADSM         said.                                                                Dr. Pancer added that dentists who have experience in            when titrating oral appliances. The students will be trained
                   President, Jeffrey Pancer, DDS.                                         The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has published          DSM can take advanced courses in OAT or sit for the Amer-           in selecting, fitting, and adjusting the dental devices used to
                      OSA patients can use the find-a-dentist feature on the           practice parameters stating that OAT is indicated for treat-      ican Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM) exam. He                treat OSA and understand the potential limitations and com-
                   AADSM’s Web site ( to search for dentists             ment for those patients with mild to moderate apnea if they       said that the diplomates of the ABDSM represent the highest         plications of these devices.
                   in their area who practice dental sleep medicine (DSM) and          prefer it to CPAP, or if they cannot tolerate CPAP, or if they    level of education and training in DSM.                                “I think that in 10 years, DSM will be incorporated into
                   read more information about oral appliance therapy (OAT).           are unable to use positional therapy or weight loss to control       Established in 1991, the AADSM hosts an annual meeting,          every dental school and that learning OAT will be a require-
                      AADSM President-Elect Sheri Katz, DDS, said that                 their apnea. OAs are also recommended for severe patients if      offers educational courses for dental students and practicing       ment for every dental student,” said Dr. Correa. “Dentists
                   when patients have OSA, they may feel like they are sleep-          they are unable to tolerate CPAP.                                 dentists, distributes cutting-edge information through peer-        trained in DSM offer huge benefits to their patients and so-
                   ing a proper number of hours, but the quality of their sleep            According to Richard Drake, DDS, who has specialized          reviewed publications, pamphlets and DVDs, and establishes          ciety.”
                   is often poor.                                                      in DSM for seven years and taught AADSM courses for four          and maintains appropriate treatment protocol.
                                                                                       years, successfully treating OSA can reverse nearly all of the       Dr. Katz said that practicing DSM requires dentists to           Emilee McStay is the public relations coordinator
                    For more on this topic, go to and              ill effects the disease may have on a patient.                    broaden their scope of knowledge to understand the field of         for the American Academy of Dental Sleep
                    search using the following key words: sleep disorders,
                                                                                           “Patients better control their high blood pressure and        sleep in general and the pathophysiology of OSA in addition         Medicine. Contact her at (708) 273-9366,
                    obstructive sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy, sleep medicine.
                                                                                       diabetes, are less tired and sleepy, and therefore tend to lead   to their skills as a dentist.                             , or visit

                   July 2011 |                                                                                                                                                                                                 | July 2011
Sleep-disordered breathing: It’s not just a medical problem
       Sleep-disordered breathing:                                                                                                          tion that results in maximum patient comfort and efficacy.        To learn more, I highly recommend attending the Den-

     It’s not just a medical problem                                                                                                        It passively allows the tongue to assume a forward posi-
                                                                                                                                            tion conducive to better airway patency.
                                                                                                                                               Sleep dentistry is professionally gratifying and may
                                                                                                                                                                                                           tal Sleep Medicine Seminars by Dr. Allen Moses at Wil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           lis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) in Chicago.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dates are August 26-28 and November 11-13. For more
                                                                                                           by Dr. John T. Herald            be financially rewarding. However, one must always re-         information about The Moses or Dr. Moses’ seminars
                                                                                                                                            member that we are treating a potentially deadly medi-         visit or contact Ashley Truitt, Direc-
THE HOTTEST TOPIC IN DENTISTRY at the moment contraction. Clenching of the muscles of mastication po-                                       cal disorder, which happens to have a dental alternative       tor of Dental Sleep Medicine for The Moses at ashley@
is Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) for sleep apnea and tentiates the pharyngeal dilator muscles to help open the                               therapy. You will be held to the usual medical standard, and (940) 395-4555.
primary snoring. The treatment of sleep apnea is para- non-patent airway. Tremendous forces are placed on the                               not the dental standard. Diagnosis is paramount. Always
mount to our nation’s health, especially due to its relation-                teeth to facilitate this open airway. These forces may be      have a diagnosis prior to treatment and verify objectively     John T. Herald, D.D.S. lectures nationally and internationally
ship to hypertension, hyperlipidemia elevated A1C (insulin                   responsible for non-traumatic TMD, loosening of teeth,         your results. There is never any excuse for not obtaining a    about sleep-related pain and neuromuscular dysfunction. Dr.
resistance), and obesity. Hundreds of research articles year-                fracturing of cusps, abfractions, and abnormal wear. The       home sleep test that is read and interpreted by a qualified    Herald has used oral appliances to treat sleep
ly detail the millions of dollars, if not billions, that could be            body will enlist whatever mechanism available to survive.      sleep specialist, or referring a patient for a polysomno-      disturbances and related dental and medical
saved by the successful treatment of this disorder.                          It has been my experience that many dental problems and        gram (PSG) overnight sleep study.                              problems since 1982. Dr. Herald is a found-
   There are many oral appliance designs FDA cleared                         restorative failures often occur due to Sleep Disordered          Many physicians feel that the dentist is the vanguard       ing member of the Academy of Clinical Sleep
for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.                    Breathing (SDB).                                               for diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. If you’re in-    Disorders Disciplines and is also a Member of the
A key attribute to the design of a successful oral appliance                    Thousands of years ago, man developed the ability to        terested, get in the game but know the rules. Your team        American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
is allowing maximum intraoral space for tongue posture                       speak. Residual components of our past still exist. For        will also play a large part in the successful implementation   Dr. Herald graduated from Case Western
and position, which includes a vertical and protrusive ele-                  the first 18 to 24 months, babies can breathe and swallow      of Dental Sleep Medicine into your practice. I encourage       Reserve University and is a member of the American Dental
ment.                                                                        simultaneously. Afterwards, the uvula migrates cervically      you to educate and involve your team as much as possible.      Association and Ohio Dental Association.
   In Phase 2 sleep, which makes up about 50 percent of                      and the epiglottis caudally. That short distance becomes
the normal sleep cycle, the brain turns off the highest                      a collapsible tube where most of our vowel sounds are
functioning recognition because the brain needs its rest.                    formed. It also is non-cartilaginous and prone to collapse.
Only essential body functions, heart rate, oxygen satura-                       Our body also provides us with several “hard wired”
tion, CO2 monitoring and other functions generally as-                       neuromuscular reflexes, the most important being the
sociated with the autonomic nervous system are vigilant.                     jaw-tongue reflex. Opening the jaw several millimeters
During a partial or full collapse of the airway, the body                    allows the tongue to reflexively reposition anteriorly. Tak-
produces large amounts of adrenalin to facilitate muscle                     ing advantage of this reflex is the single-most important
                                                                             mechanism available to those who treat SDB with OAT.
                                                                                The tongue is a hydrostat (mostly muscle and water)
                                                                             that can change form but not mass. If given the oppor-
                                                                             tunity, the tongue much prefers to be in the oral cavity
                                                                             and not in the throat. Successful OAT requires that there
                                                                             be maximum space for the tongue to move forward and
                                                                             upwards. The key is providing room for the tongue to
                                                                             reflexively move more forward than the mandible.
                                                                                The newest and most
                                                                             unique appliance on the
                                                                             market that takes ad-
                                                                             vantage of these reflexes
                                                                             is The Moses™ device
                                                                             (right), which perhaps
                                                                             has the most tongue
                                                                             space of all. It is designed
                                                                             to be low-profile lingual-                                                                                                                              ®

                                                                             ly, providing adequate
                                                                             room intraorally, is ti-
                                                                             tratable (adjustable) and
   About the MediByte (above): Dentists can obtain top-down treatment
   control of sleep dentistry by combining The Moses with the MediByte       allows for full lip seal to
 from BRAEBON. The MediByte is a convenient, accurate, and comfortable       facilitate nasal breathing.
   home sleep test device for patients suffering from snoring and/or sleep      Oral appliances provide an exoskeleton to support pro-
   apnea. Patients are sent home with the MediByte, they then conduct an     trusion and vertical opening, thereby maximizing tongue
overnight home sleep test. Home Sleep Delivered then has one of its board-
                certified sleep doctors interpret the results and            posture and position. The innovative open anterior de-
                         send it back to dentists in days.                   sign of The Moses accommodates a forward tongue posi-            DIQSam12h_Dntl_110331 1                                                                                       3/31/11 2:47 PM

July 2011 |                                                                                                                                                                                                 | July 2011
Dentists play important
role in treatment of
patients’ sleep disorders
                                          by David P. Schwaber, DDS, ABDSM

              s a dentist who has worked with
              physicians for more than 12 years
              in the treatment of people who
              snore and suffer from sleep apnea,
              I recognize that the dentist’s role
in helping those patients has become increas-
ingly important.
   The medical problems associated with sleep
disordered breathing have been well studied and
documented. Hypertension, cardiovascular prob-
lems, and impaired cognitive functioning are but a
few of the possible health consequences. Untreat-
ed patients with sleep apnea can put themselves at
risk for increased morbidity and mortality. Public
awareness has improved, but unfortunately many
people still go undiagnosed.
   Oral appliances, which are worn in the mouth
like dental retainers, have proven to be a comfort-
able and effective choice for patients who have
the symptoms of sleep apnea, such as tiredness,
snoring, and poor sleep. Many patients who are
unwilling or unable to use CPAP machines have
benefitted from using oral appliances, which have
been recommended by the American Academy                                                                               ©

of Sleep Medicine in the treatment of OSA, ob-
structive sleep apnea.                                be returned to the office the next day. The results are downloaded
   First, patients who have already been diag-        into a computer program that provides feedback on apnea, hypoxia,
nosed by their physicians with a sleep study called   and blood oxygen levels. With this information, further adjustment
a polysomnogram are referred to the dentist for       of the appliance can be made if needed. A follow-up study by the pa-
evaluation. Our examination includes a sleep his-     tients’ sleep center is always recommended.
tory and a complete exam of the upper airway and
dentition. A discussion regarding the different       Dr. David Schwaber is a graduate of the University of Tennessee College of
types of oral appliances follows with an explana-     Dentistry. He has studied orthodontics at the Institute for Graduate Dentists
tion of how they are designed to work. Patients       and has a diplomate accreditation by the American Academy of Dental
who wear oral appliances often report improved        Sleep Medicine. As a consultant to the Hospital of Central Connecticut and
comfort because they are able to sleep in any po-     other Greater Hartford sleep centers, he has presented numerous lectures to
sition without using the cumbersome facial masks      physicians and patient groups in the field of dental sleep medicine. His infor-
and hoses associated with CPAP. As the appli-         mational Web site on dental sleep medicine is
ances are titrated and adjusted over a period of
weeks, the dentist will often provide the patient        Special thanks to Irfan Ali, dental sleep technician/consultant at CT
with an overnight at-home sleep monitor that can Contact him at

July 2011 |
Sleep apnea and the search for a solution through
dental-medical collaboration
I have had a personal experience with sleep apnea. My fa-
                                                                                                        by Larry Twersky
                                                                materials that promote sleep apnea treatment such as OAT.
ther was an undiagnosed sufferer. Growing up, I remem-              Regarding the educational opportunities he and his staff
ber him coming home from work and going straight to the         have taken advantage of with 1-800-Snoring, Dr. Steven
couch to sleep instead of playing with my siblings and me.      Greenman, in Westlake Village, Calif., says, “Once my team
Not having quality time every day is hard on a family. I def-   and I learned how to identify and talk to the people coming
initely feel as though I missed out on having a stronger re-    into the office with snoring and OSA problems, I have begun
lationship with my father because of this condition. Tooth      to see dramatic results in both the lives and marriages of the
issues, such as decay, affect only one person, but snoring      patients I am helping and the profitability of my practice.”
and sleep apnea affect entire families. Besides health conse-       Dr. Eric Johnson, in Torrance, Calif., says, “1-800-Snoring
quences, these conditions can damage marriages, relation-       is the best marketing investment we’ve made to date! We’ve
ships, and work performance. My goal is to educate people       used many other mediums such as newspaper, health expos,
about sleep apnea and the options available to get help.        Internet, but nothing has worked as quickly and as effectively
   There are four ways to solve a sleep apnea problem: lose     in bringing us new patients as 1-800-Snoring. No doubt about
weight, CPAP therapy, surgery, and oral appliance therapy       it ... the business model works ... the experts at 1-800-Snoring
(OAT). For those whose apnea is not weight-related, that        really know what they’re doing in terms of targeting our au-
leaves CPAP therapy, which many find to be intolerable, or      dience and bringing us qualified patients. And, the additional
surgery, which is painful and only 50% effective. Unfortu-      staff education and coaching is above and beyond!”
nately, most ENT specialists and cardiologists are unfamiliar       As of today, 77% of those suffering from OSA are un-
with the success of OAT in treating sleep apnea; therefore,     diagnosed. To put that number into perspective, 18,000 of
they only recommend CPAP, leaving many patients without         the people who attended this year’s Indy 500 have undiag-
a choice. This is why both the general public and the medi-     nosed OSA. That is a staggering number. This condition
cal community need to know that oral appliance therapy is       can lead to fatal health issues such as high blood pressure,
FDA-approved and has been proven to be highly effective         heart failure, stroke, and diabetes.
in cases of mild to moderate and certain cases of severe ob-        Many patients don’t think their snoring or sleep apnea
structive sleep apnea (OSA). OAT is the only therapy offered    problem is their problem. Treating snoring and sleep apnea
— other than surgery — when CPAP cannot be tolerated.           is markedly different than performing standard dental care.
   In the beginning, 1-800-Snoring was established with-        In “regular” dentistry, patients call because they are in pain or
in the 1-800-DENTIST company to inform people that              don’t like something about their teeth. With OSA, patients
OSA is a dangerous disease both physically and emotion-         commonly call in because a spouse or significant other is
ally. The company has three distinct goals:                     bugging them ... because someone else is having a problem.
   • To provide patients suffering from sleep apnea access          We have to talk to patients who suffer from sleep apnea in
to effective, compassionate, and noninvasive treatment          a way that makes them understand that the condition is not
from highly qualified dental sleep medicine providers           just annoying to the spouse, but it’s a potentially fatal condi-
   • To provide members with the marketing, education,          tion — all without scaring them off. My team and I resolved
and support they need to be quality doctors to whom we          this issue by adding a more personal touch to how we take
would want to send our friends and family for treatment         phone calls. Our operators ask questions about the patient,
   • To offer a cooperative marketing program so members        find out the nature of his or her condition, and then refer the
can benefit from the full potential of our advertisements in    patient to a provider who would be the best fit. By the end
their geographic areas                                          of these types of calls — without dispensing medical advice,
   Sleep apnea is a big picture condition, so we search for     yet educating them about their condition and assuring them
doctors who are capable of seeing the whole issue and who       regarding treatment options — patients will understand that
are willing to work with the medical community to provide a     snoring and sleep apnea are dangerous, and that they are do-
total solution. We offer training and educational opportuni-    ing the right thing by getting help.
ties for our members both in-person and over the Web. Our           I have always found that when you do things exception-
range of continuing-education topics help members of the        ally and for the right reason, the rewards are the greatest
dental and medical communities set up their practices to ac-    and success comes in abundance. Today, it is about getting
commodate snoring and sleep apnea patients, recognize the       things exceptionally right.
signs of these conditions in existing patients, and even how
to do medical billing. Every member of 1-800-Snoring pays       Larry Twersky is the former president of 1-800-Dentist and the cur-
a monthly fee. We use that money to run ads and send out        rent CEO and founder of 1-800-SleepMed and 1-800-Snoring.

July 2011 |

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Sleep disordere supp

  • 1. e-supplement Sleep disorders and dentistry’s role
  • 2. Dental Dental sleep medicine sleep more active and fulfilled lives, take fewer pills, and are less “Deciding to learn about and practice dental sleep medi- likely to fall asleep while driving. Their minds function bet- cine is about becoming comfortable ‘switching hats’ and feel- ter and they think more clearly, they control their weight ing excited about working in a different and new mindset,” more easily, and have more energy to exercise and do the she said. medicine things they want to do,” Dr. Drake said. Dr. Katz said that many dentists who enter dental sleep He said the most rewarding part about dental sleep medi- medicine are looking to try something challenging. cine is helping to turn someone’s life around. Dr. Drake said These dentists must learn about other disorders in the he was making an appliance for a gentleman who had his field, such as parasomnias, insomnia, and narcolepsy, in order 25-year-old son along at the appointment and learned that to know what they cannot treat with oral appliance therapy, as the son had been in and out of school for years, was unable well as work closely with sleep physicians and other medical to hold down a job for more than a month due to sleepiness, professionals. Dentists treat obstructive sleep apnea patients with was taking meds for depression, and was living at home with Educational institutions have also started recognizing the oral appliance therapy, expanding their practices his parents. importance of training dentists in DSM. Tufts University in “We tested him for sleep-disordered breathing, and when Boston, Mass., launched the first Dental Sleep Medicine Pro- by Emilee McStay the test came back and showed that he suffered from severe gram of its kind through the Craniofacial Pain, Headache, sleep apnea, we made him an oral appliance,” Dr. Drake said. and Sleep Center, which is part of the Department of General “Most people with OSA cannot achieve or maintain a “He wore it religiously, and a follow-up study confirmed that Dentistry. deep, restorative sleep because every time they go into a it was treating his disease successfully. Two years later, he had Through the program, post-graduate dental students will deep sleep, their airway collapses and they wake up to re- moved out of his parents’ house, held a part-time job, had receive both classroom and clinical instruction from experts sume breathing,” she said. a girlfriend, was no longer taking anti-depression meds, and in dental sleep medicine. Students will work with a multidis- Dental sleep medicine (DSM) focuses on the management was about to finish school.” ciplinary team of dentists, neurologists, chiropractors, physi- of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), which includes snoring Dr. Drake said that many dentists practice DSM because cal therapists, pain psychologists, occupational therapists, and and OSA, with OAT and upper airway surgery. they enjoy helping people improve their lives and find it to be behavioral management therapists to help treat sleep-related Dr. Pancer explained that OAT involves the customized financially rewarding and physically less demanding. breathing disorders, such as OSA. selection, fabrication, fitting, adjustments, and long-term “Dentists are recognizing the benefit of adding DSM to “Tufts’ pre-graduate dental students have learned DSM follow-up care of specially designed oral devices, worn dur- their practice,” Dr. Pancer added. “The AADSM has seen a course content for several years,” said Leopoldo P. Correa, ing sleep, which reposition the lower jaw and tongue base 135% jump in our membership over the last five years.” BDS, course director of the Dental Sleep Medicine Section forward to maintain a more open upper airway. Oral appli- Dr. Pancer said that when he learned about the AADSM in at Tufts Dental School. e ances (OAs) look similar to mouth guards, but should be se- 1996, it consisted of approximately 60 members, in contrast “Some of our students choose to incorporate DSM into lected and fitted by a dentist trained in DSM to maintain to more than 1,600 members today. their practices upon graduation, while other students leave unobstructed breathing while the patient sleeps. Despite the AADSM’s increase in membership, Dr. Drake Tufts with a better idea of how to identify patients who may very night, an estimated 18 million Americans Once a patient is diagnosed with OSA by a sleep physician said that there is still a growing need for dentists qualified in have OSA and who should get tested at an accredited sleep © stop breathing for 10 to 30 seconds, sometimes at an accredited sleep center, he or she may be referred to a DSM because sleep physicians have difficulty finding a den- center,” said Dr. Correa. “By offering a hands-on post-gradu- for a minute or longer, hundreds of times as they dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon for OAT or upper tist to whom they can refer their OSA patients. ate course, in addition to the course content in our pre-grad- sleep. These men and women suffer from obstruc- airway surgery. Dr. Drake said that the number one reason dentists shy uate and continuing-education programs, more students will tive sleep apnea (OSA) and, if left untreated, are at a higher “Approximately 25% to 50% of patients with OSA are away from practicing DSM is that they don’t understand it gain the skills and in-depth experience they need to integrate risk for excessive daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure, unable to comply with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and don’t take the time to educate themselves. He recom- DSM into their practices.” heart attack, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and driving accidents. (CPAP), the standard treatment therapy, or do not tolerate mends that dentists take advantage of the mentorships, study Dr Correa said that post-graduate students and residents “The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine it, leaving a large population of untreated OSA patients for groups, peer-reviewed journals, and introductory courses will participate in patient assessment, polysomnogram inter- (AADSM) tries to make it as easy as possible for OSA pa- whom dentists can offer a much-needed service,” Dr. Pancer available through the AADSM to learn more about OAT. pretation, and the use of ambulatory sleep study monitors tients to receive safe and effective treatment,” said AADSM said. Dr. Pancer added that dentists who have experience in when titrating oral appliances. The students will be trained President, Jeffrey Pancer, DDS. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has published DSM can take advanced courses in OAT or sit for the Amer- in selecting, fitting, and adjusting the dental devices used to OSA patients can use the find-a-dentist feature on the practice parameters stating that OAT is indicated for treat- ican Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM) exam. He treat OSA and understand the potential limitations and com- AADSM’s Web site ( to search for dentists ment for those patients with mild to moderate apnea if they said that the diplomates of the ABDSM represent the highest plications of these devices. in their area who practice dental sleep medicine (DSM) and prefer it to CPAP, or if they cannot tolerate CPAP, or if they level of education and training in DSM. “I think that in 10 years, DSM will be incorporated into read more information about oral appliance therapy (OAT). are unable to use positional therapy or weight loss to control Established in 1991, the AADSM hosts an annual meeting, every dental school and that learning OAT will be a require- AADSM President-Elect Sheri Katz, DDS, said that their apnea. OAs are also recommended for severe patients if offers educational courses for dental students and practicing ment for every dental student,” said Dr. Correa. “Dentists when patients have OSA, they may feel like they are sleep- they are unable to tolerate CPAP. dentists, distributes cutting-edge information through peer- trained in DSM offer huge benefits to their patients and so- ing a proper number of hours, but the quality of their sleep According to Richard Drake, DDS, who has specialized reviewed publications, pamphlets and DVDs, and establishes ciety.” is often poor. in DSM for seven years and taught AADSM courses for four and maintains appropriate treatment protocol. years, successfully treating OSA can reverse nearly all of the Dr. Katz said that practicing DSM requires dentists to Emilee McStay is the public relations coordinator For more on this topic, go to and ill effects the disease may have on a patient. broaden their scope of knowledge to understand the field of for the American Academy of Dental Sleep search using the following key words: sleep disorders, “Patients better control their high blood pressure and sleep in general and the pathophysiology of OSA in addition Medicine. Contact her at (708) 273-9366, obstructive sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy, sleep medicine. diabetes, are less tired and sleepy, and therefore tend to lead to their skills as a dentist., or visit July 2011 | | July 2011
  • 3. Sleep-disordered breathing: It’s not just a medical problem Sleep-disordered breathing: tion that results in maximum patient comfort and efficacy. To learn more, I highly recommend attending the Den- It’s not just a medical problem It passively allows the tongue to assume a forward posi- tion conducive to better airway patency. Sleep dentistry is professionally gratifying and may tal Sleep Medicine Seminars by Dr. Allen Moses at Wil- lis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower) in Chicago. Dates are August 26-28 and November 11-13. For more by Dr. John T. Herald be financially rewarding. However, one must always re- information about The Moses or Dr. Moses’ seminars member that we are treating a potentially deadly medi- visit or contact Ashley Truitt, Direc- THE HOTTEST TOPIC IN DENTISTRY at the moment contraction. Clenching of the muscles of mastication po- cal disorder, which happens to have a dental alternative tor of Dental Sleep Medicine for The Moses at ashley@ is Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) for sleep apnea and tentiates the pharyngeal dilator muscles to help open the therapy. You will be held to the usual medical standard, and (940) 395-4555. primary snoring. The treatment of sleep apnea is para- non-patent airway. Tremendous forces are placed on the not the dental standard. Diagnosis is paramount. Always mount to our nation’s health, especially due to its relation- teeth to facilitate this open airway. These forces may be have a diagnosis prior to treatment and verify objectively John T. Herald, D.D.S. lectures nationally and internationally ship to hypertension, hyperlipidemia elevated A1C (insulin responsible for non-traumatic TMD, loosening of teeth, your results. There is never any excuse for not obtaining a about sleep-related pain and neuromuscular dysfunction. Dr. resistance), and obesity. Hundreds of research articles year- fracturing of cusps, abfractions, and abnormal wear. The home sleep test that is read and interpreted by a qualified Herald has used oral appliances to treat sleep ly detail the millions of dollars, if not billions, that could be body will enlist whatever mechanism available to survive. sleep specialist, or referring a patient for a polysomno- disturbances and related dental and medical saved by the successful treatment of this disorder. It has been my experience that many dental problems and gram (PSG) overnight sleep study. problems since 1982. Dr. Herald is a found- There are many oral appliance designs FDA cleared restorative failures often occur due to Sleep Disordered Many physicians feel that the dentist is the vanguard ing member of the Academy of Clinical Sleep for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Breathing (SDB). for diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. If you’re in- Disorders Disciplines and is also a Member of the A key attribute to the design of a successful oral appliance Thousands of years ago, man developed the ability to terested, get in the game but know the rules. Your team American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. is allowing maximum intraoral space for tongue posture speak. Residual components of our past still exist. For will also play a large part in the successful implementation Dr. Herald graduated from Case Western and position, which includes a vertical and protrusive ele- the first 18 to 24 months, babies can breathe and swallow of Dental Sleep Medicine into your practice. I encourage Reserve University and is a member of the American Dental ment. simultaneously. Afterwards, the uvula migrates cervically you to educate and involve your team as much as possible. Association and Ohio Dental Association. In Phase 2 sleep, which makes up about 50 percent of and the epiglottis caudally. That short distance becomes the normal sleep cycle, the brain turns off the highest a collapsible tube where most of our vowel sounds are functioning recognition because the brain needs its rest. formed. It also is non-cartilaginous and prone to collapse. Only essential body functions, heart rate, oxygen satura- Our body also provides us with several “hard wired” tion, CO2 monitoring and other functions generally as- neuromuscular reflexes, the most important being the sociated with the autonomic nervous system are vigilant. jaw-tongue reflex. Opening the jaw several millimeters During a partial or full collapse of the airway, the body allows the tongue to reflexively reposition anteriorly. Tak- produces large amounts of adrenalin to facilitate muscle ing advantage of this reflex is the single-most important mechanism available to those who treat SDB with OAT. The tongue is a hydrostat (mostly muscle and water) that can change form but not mass. If given the oppor- tunity, the tongue much prefers to be in the oral cavity and not in the throat. Successful OAT requires that there be maximum space for the tongue to move forward and upwards. The key is providing room for the tongue to reflexively move more forward than the mandible. The newest and most unique appliance on the market that takes ad- vantage of these reflexes is The Moses™ device (right), which perhaps has the most tongue space of all. It is designed to be low-profile lingual- ® ly, providing adequate room intraorally, is ti- tratable (adjustable) and About the MediByte (above): Dentists can obtain top-down treatment control of sleep dentistry by combining The Moses with the MediByte allows for full lip seal to from BRAEBON. The MediByte is a convenient, accurate, and comfortable facilitate nasal breathing. home sleep test device for patients suffering from snoring and/or sleep Oral appliances provide an exoskeleton to support pro- apnea. Patients are sent home with the MediByte, they then conduct an trusion and vertical opening, thereby maximizing tongue overnight home sleep test. Home Sleep Delivered then has one of its board- certified sleep doctors interpret the results and posture and position. The innovative open anterior de- send it back to dentists in days. sign of The Moses accommodates a forward tongue posi- DIQSam12h_Dntl_110331 1 3/31/11 2:47 PM July 2011 | | July 2011
  • 4. Dentists play important role in treatment of patients’ sleep disorders by David P. Schwaber, DDS, ABDSM A s a dentist who has worked with physicians for more than 12 years in the treatment of people who snore and suffer from sleep apnea, I recognize that the dentist’s role in helping those patients has become increas- ingly important. The medical problems associated with sleep disordered breathing have been well studied and documented. Hypertension, cardiovascular prob- lems, and impaired cognitive functioning are but a few of the possible health consequences. Untreat- ed patients with sleep apnea can put themselves at risk for increased morbidity and mortality. Public awareness has improved, but unfortunately many people still go undiagnosed. Oral appliances, which are worn in the mouth like dental retainers, have proven to be a comfort- able and effective choice for patients who have the symptoms of sleep apnea, such as tiredness, snoring, and poor sleep. Many patients who are unwilling or unable to use CPAP machines have benefitted from using oral appliances, which have been recommended by the American Academy © of Sleep Medicine in the treatment of OSA, ob- structive sleep apnea. be returned to the office the next day. The results are downloaded First, patients who have already been diag- into a computer program that provides feedback on apnea, hypoxia, nosed by their physicians with a sleep study called and blood oxygen levels. With this information, further adjustment a polysomnogram are referred to the dentist for of the appliance can be made if needed. A follow-up study by the pa- evaluation. Our examination includes a sleep his- tients’ sleep center is always recommended. tory and a complete exam of the upper airway and dentition. A discussion regarding the different Dr. David Schwaber is a graduate of the University of Tennessee College of types of oral appliances follows with an explana- Dentistry. He has studied orthodontics at the Institute for Graduate Dentists tion of how they are designed to work. Patients and has a diplomate accreditation by the American Academy of Dental who wear oral appliances often report improved Sleep Medicine. As a consultant to the Hospital of Central Connecticut and comfort because they are able to sleep in any po- other Greater Hartford sleep centers, he has presented numerous lectures to sition without using the cumbersome facial masks physicians and patient groups in the field of dental sleep medicine. His infor- and hoses associated with CPAP. As the appli- mational Web site on dental sleep medicine is ances are titrated and adjusted over a period of weeks, the dentist will often provide the patient Special thanks to Irfan Ali, dental sleep technician/consultant at CT with an overnight at-home sleep monitor that can Contact him at July 2011 |
  • 5. Sleep apnea and the search for a solution through dental-medical collaboration I have had a personal experience with sleep apnea. My fa- by Larry Twersky materials that promote sleep apnea treatment such as OAT. ther was an undiagnosed sufferer. Growing up, I remem- Regarding the educational opportunities he and his staff ber him coming home from work and going straight to the have taken advantage of with 1-800-Snoring, Dr. Steven couch to sleep instead of playing with my siblings and me. Greenman, in Westlake Village, Calif., says, “Once my team Not having quality time every day is hard on a family. I def- and I learned how to identify and talk to the people coming initely feel as though I missed out on having a stronger re- into the office with snoring and OSA problems, I have begun lationship with my father because of this condition. Tooth to see dramatic results in both the lives and marriages of the issues, such as decay, affect only one person, but snoring patients I am helping and the profitability of my practice.” and sleep apnea affect entire families. Besides health conse- Dr. Eric Johnson, in Torrance, Calif., says, “1-800-Snoring quences, these conditions can damage marriages, relation- is the best marketing investment we’ve made to date! We’ve ships, and work performance. My goal is to educate people used many other mediums such as newspaper, health expos, about sleep apnea and the options available to get help. Internet, but nothing has worked as quickly and as effectively There are four ways to solve a sleep apnea problem: lose in bringing us new patients as 1-800-Snoring. No doubt about weight, CPAP therapy, surgery, and oral appliance therapy it ... the business model works ... the experts at 1-800-Snoring (OAT). For those whose apnea is not weight-related, that really know what they’re doing in terms of targeting our au- leaves CPAP therapy, which many find to be intolerable, or dience and bringing us qualified patients. And, the additional surgery, which is painful and only 50% effective. Unfortu- staff education and coaching is above and beyond!” nately, most ENT specialists and cardiologists are unfamiliar As of today, 77% of those suffering from OSA are un- with the success of OAT in treating sleep apnea; therefore, diagnosed. To put that number into perspective, 18,000 of they only recommend CPAP, leaving many patients without the people who attended this year’s Indy 500 have undiag- a choice. This is why both the general public and the medi- nosed OSA. That is a staggering number. This condition cal community need to know that oral appliance therapy is can lead to fatal health issues such as high blood pressure, FDA-approved and has been proven to be highly effective heart failure, stroke, and diabetes. in cases of mild to moderate and certain cases of severe ob- Many patients don’t think their snoring or sleep apnea structive sleep apnea (OSA). OAT is the only therapy offered problem is their problem. Treating snoring and sleep apnea — other than surgery — when CPAP cannot be tolerated. is markedly different than performing standard dental care. In the beginning, 1-800-Snoring was established with- In “regular” dentistry, patients call because they are in pain or in the 1-800-DENTIST company to inform people that don’t like something about their teeth. With OSA, patients OSA is a dangerous disease both physically and emotion- commonly call in because a spouse or significant other is ally. The company has three distinct goals: bugging them ... because someone else is having a problem. • To provide patients suffering from sleep apnea access We have to talk to patients who suffer from sleep apnea in to effective, compassionate, and noninvasive treatment a way that makes them understand that the condition is not from highly qualified dental sleep medicine providers just annoying to the spouse, but it’s a potentially fatal condi- • To provide members with the marketing, education, tion — all without scaring them off. My team and I resolved and support they need to be quality doctors to whom we this issue by adding a more personal touch to how we take would want to send our friends and family for treatment phone calls. Our operators ask questions about the patient, • To offer a cooperative marketing program so members find out the nature of his or her condition, and then refer the can benefit from the full potential of our advertisements in patient to a provider who would be the best fit. By the end their geographic areas of these types of calls — without dispensing medical advice, Sleep apnea is a big picture condition, so we search for yet educating them about their condition and assuring them doctors who are capable of seeing the whole issue and who regarding treatment options — patients will understand that are willing to work with the medical community to provide a snoring and sleep apnea are dangerous, and that they are do- total solution. We offer training and educational opportuni- ing the right thing by getting help. ties for our members both in-person and over the Web. Our I have always found that when you do things exception- range of continuing-education topics help members of the ally and for the right reason, the rewards are the greatest dental and medical communities set up their practices to ac- and success comes in abundance. Today, it is about getting commodate snoring and sleep apnea patients, recognize the things exceptionally right. signs of these conditions in existing patients, and even how to do medical billing. Every member of 1-800-Snoring pays Larry Twersky is the former president of 1-800-Dentist and the cur- a monthly fee. We use that money to run ads and send out rent CEO and founder of 1-800-SleepMed and 1-800-Snoring. July 2011 |