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Single Parent Families In Australia
A sole parent by definition relates to a person either male or female living in a household with his/her child(ren) without the presence of the other
parent. According to the ABS, in 2012–2013, out of 6.7 million families who liv in Australia only 85% of households were couple families (5.7
million), while 14% were from single parent families (909,000). Single parent families, according to the ABS, were greater for mothers being 16%o of
all families with children between the ages of 0–17, opposed to single father families, only being established at 3& of all families with their children
between the ages of 0–17. Further investigation proves that the youngest child was between 0–4 in 16% of sole parent families. However, within the
Blacktown ... Show more content on ...
The more negative terms that are used to describe sole parent families include; broken family, struggling, disadvantaged and separated. These terms can
quite often reflect negatively towards the parent whom is solely taking care of the child(ren). Through the negative terminology, it can negatively affect
the wellbeing of the individuals. "broken family" can negatively impact physical wellbeing due to the fact of the stress that is placing upon the
individual, hence affecting their self–worth and belief in themselves as well as their confidence in raising the child(ren) alone, therefore, ignoring their
own health, such as not gaining the correct dieting requirements, therefore further impacting their physical wellbeing. Emotional wellbeing however, is
hindered greatly due to stress, especially of the parent believes that they have failed as a primary provider. Through the negative perceptions of self,
spiritual wellbeing is impacted as their purpose in life, to raise their child(ren) has been compromised by the terminology throughout the community.
However, through positive terminology, such as "independent" will have a positive influence on emotional wellbeing through empowerment and
therefore will supply strength to embrace their situation. Through politically correct terms, such as "divorced" and "widowed" can improve physical
wellbeing as sole parents gain the mind–set of improving self in order to provide for their family and therefore, improve, ultimately, physical
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Single Parent Homes Research Paper
If you live with a single parent, trust me your not the only one. It's very common for a child to grow up in a home where one of the parents is absent.
There are more than 30 million kids in the United States who live with a single parent and 16,334,000 children under the age of 18 in single mother
homes. Being a single mother comes with many obstacles to overcome in order to be a great parent. Single mother homes affects a child's psychology
causing negative effects on a child's esteem, behavior, and education. Self–esteem can be a big effect growing up in a single parent home. It can cause
bad feelings about themselves, they start to feel unwanted because their father is not around. This might cause bottled up anger and hard feelings
towards his/her father. You may never know what your child is feeling because they won't show you any signs but it always affects them on the inside,
It can also make them feel lonely and sad. ... Show more content on ...
it's normal for a child's behavioral problems to go get much more out of control when their parents are not together. It's way harder on the mother
without having anyone on her side to back her up. When it comes to disciplining your child you need to become more stricter with some things and
more chill in others. Some parents avoid discipling their child because they feel bad after they split, however it is said that kids that are stressed out
are the ones who need it the most. Working together with your Ex can have a lot of success in controlling the behavior. It Just takes baby steps
because it's a lot of
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Summary: Single Parent Alliances
The focus of this paper is to give a critique of the journal article "Adolescent and parent alliances with therapists in brief strategic family therapy with
drug–using Hispanic adolescents." The goals of the researchers were to examine the correlation between therapy alliance and retention in family
therapy (Robbins, Mayorga, Mitrani, Szapocznik, Turner, & Alexander, 2008). The researchers looked at two groups: the Completer group and the
Dropout group. They had two hypotheses; the first hypotheses predicted that there would be a greater alliance with the therapist for those families who
complete therapy. The second hypotheses predicted the outcome of an unbalanced alliance would increase the likelihood that families dropping out of
therapy. Overall, I think the study has a strong methodology. However, the study does lack generalizability and I believe the analysis could benefit
from the single parent families, which were excluded. By looking at ... Show more content on ...
In addition, it states that the study is specifically looking at Hispanic adolescents who are active drug users. Lastly, it informs the reader that the
researchers are looking specifically at alliances between therapists and adolescents and parents. However, it does not clearly state if it is looking at two
parent households, single parent households, or both. As previously mentioned, it also does not mention sexual orientation. Overall, the title is
effective and appropriate; including all of the information above within the title could potentially be too much. Further details can be discussed within
the study. Furthermore, the primary variables are referred to in the title; it clearly states the race of the participants and that youth and parents will be
studied. It also allows the reader to know the specific type of family therapy being used. It states the variables and purpose, but does not describe the
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Single Parent Homework
Thank you for sharing your views and personal experiences regarding this topic. I definitely agree that the breakdown of the family unit in this country
has been growing astronomically, which has negatively impacted many children. However, while I definitely agree that ideally children should be
conceived after marriage, this will not guarantee nor constitutes a healthy family dynamic. In fact, many marriages were maintained well past their
obvious expiration, whether "for the children's sake", the wife's lack of financial stability, or simply because of the sanctity of marriage, and occurs
still today. While, the fictitious image of unity is portrayed, the turmoil and its ill effects on one or both parents are apparent, which ultimately
negatively affect the children. Therefore, while I definitely agree that the absence of a father can have a negative impact on boys, "absence" can occur
even within a marriage, this unjustly imbalance can cause significant stress and the impact can be just as great if not more so for the children.
Therefore, I believe that, while not ideal, oftentimes single parent homes are healthier for the children.
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Children Being A Single Parent Essay
Children living in a single–parent "Children with single parent families often face disadvantages compared to those from two–parent families. One in
four children in the U.S. are being raised by a single parent–a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries"
(Armario 1). This means every year single parenting is growing and a child is having trouble than the average child should. Being a single parent is
ineffective parenting because there is a lack of parental supervision, it increases a chance of living a life of poverty, and suffers a wholesome healthy
life in the household. Kids need attention from parents and with only one parent that is working the time, trying to make sure they survive will lead
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Cultural Evaluation Of A Single Parent Family
Alezandria Winston
Cultural Essay–Evaluation 15
October 11,2015
One Parent Isn't Enough
Growing up in a single–parent family had to be the hardest thing I ever had to do, but also the strongest thing I had to do because it made me the
person I am today. My mom was a drug addict and my father wasn't around, therefore my mom lost custody of me to my aunt when I was an infant.
However, my aunt was a single–parent as well, and she already had two children of her own. She raised us all on her own, paid every bill on time,
worked two jobs, and fault with her addiction to drugs. After a few years of receiving me, my aunt eventually stopped doing drugs. All that matters is
my aunt did her best to take care of three children on her own without any help, even though we all suffered massively because we only had one
parent. A child's life is compromised when raised by single–parent because of limited resources, reasoning, and destruction of the "utopian family."
A child living in a single–parent home typically has limited resources. I know you are wondering, how could this be? When I say limited resources, I
mean same sex families vs. opposite sex families. In the United States, mothers generally receive custody over most fathers. Mothers are seen as the
caregiver in the eyes of the judicial system, even though fathers typically make better single parents than mothers do. Fathers who are single parents
tend to be more educated than the ideal
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Single Parent
My name is Reimy Guzman; I was born in New York City. My parents are from the Dominican Republic. I lived in a small apartment with my
parents and my brother. I was raised with both parents up to the age of 13 when they got divorced. My mother, brother and I moved to Florida while
my father stayed in New York City. When we got to Florida it was very difficult for mymother to get a good paying job, because of the language
barrier. She did not know how to speak English very well. It was a difficult time for my mother, brother and I. In a year later, we moved to
Massachusetts and that when our life had changed. My mother got a decent job that helped pay for the bills. My brother was finishing middle school
and I was a freshman in high school. For being a single parent, my mother had accomplished a lot with my brother and I.
As I was growing up I had dreams. My dreams were to finish high school, college, get married to a prince charming and have children. Life did not
work as I planned. I became a single mother at the age of 24. I have two children a 14 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. Becoming a single parent is a
big challenge and a stressful way of life. I learn from my mother that being a single parent is to have an obligation with your children. ... Show more
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There are ways people balance themselves differently than I do. My first priority is financial. I try to mange money wisely when it comes to pay bills.
This can help me relieve the stress of not working long hours or overtime and it gives me time to spend with my children and with school work. Part of
my daily routine is dividing my self in twenty pieces. I woke up at 4 am to start working on my schoolwork. Then I wake up the kids to get ready to go
to school and daycare. By 6:30am we all are heading out the door to our
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Single Parent Vs. Two Parent Homes
Single parent vs. two parent homes and the effect it has on their child's viability, intimacy and conflict in their intimate relationships.
Several years ago mothers normally stayed in the home with their children while the fathers took on the role as sole provider. Family life has changed
dramatically over the years. Most families now being dual–income families where both the mother and father work, today it is much more common to
see a child being raised by an outside caregiver or a single parent than it was just 40 years ago. Although this is more widely accepted than it once was,
what are the effects on the children? Does the family structure make a difference in a how a child grows up and adapts to the world? Furthermore does
is effect their future intimate relationships with other people as adults?
Within this paper the are key terms that have been identified as the following:
Single–Parent homes are defined as "families in which either the father or mother is absent because of divorce, marital separation, out–of–wedlock
pregnancy, or death" (Greenberg, 2002: 329).
Marriage: a social construct in the form of a formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife.
Parenting styles: parenting behaviors and attitudes that se the emotional climate of parent–child interactions
Mixed Messages: Communication in which the verbal and emotional content disagree
Primary appraisal: When a
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Single Parent Families In Australia
The family structures and the form of households in Australia have profoundly changed in the past decade. Among the most significant changes is the
increasing numbers of one–parent families with children under 15 years (ABS, 2007). This paper aims to explore the extent and nature of the growing
population of single parents and their households in Australia, particularly giving attention to their health status and related primary health care
services. A singleparent family composes of one parent with at least one dependent child residing in the same household (Qu & Weston, 2013).
Single–parent families are at higher risk of disadvantage compared to other family types, especially when it comes to housing, nutrition, income,
employment, ... Show more content on ...
From this, appropriate health promotion program can be developed or reinforced to address their unique needs through the provision of Primary
Health Care services. Single parent families are confronted by challenges on financial stress, lack of available affordable child care services, lower
opportunities for secure employment, social exclusion, marginalization, poor access to healthcare services and weak support system. Such
disadvantaged start predisposes them to more risk factors, poor health, maladaptation, poor education, children's altered development and shorter life
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The Effects Of Being Raised By A Single Parent
Introduction Parenting styles have had many controversial issues over the decades. The way people raised their children back in the 50's and 60's
are completely different from today society. Back then they believe in the nuclear family, which is a family with a mom, dad, and children. They
believe staying together at all cost. If something was breaking or broken you fixed it. At times you wonder if they stayed for love, money, or just for
the sake of the children. Now and days it is not the same. Families are broken up for many reasons. Rather it be by death, the other parent wanting out
(such as divorce). But in the end there is always a single parent left to take care of the kids in most situations. When something like this happens a
negative connotation is brought to the single parent. This paper would show the effects of being raised by a single parent. Just like everything in
life there is a good and bad side to everything. So in this paper you should learn the negative and positive effect of being raised by a single parent.
The problem of the matter is that society tends to write off the child of single parents. Stating that they are lead down this road of destruction and
grouping the entire single parent raised children without seeing the other side. Not saying that being raised by a single parent does not come with it
hardships, but the fact is that there is still hope for those children and they can do very well. By always stating the negative it leaves the
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Single Undocumented Parents
In My lifetime of challenges, the biggest problem I have faced is living within my environment. Being raised by a single undocumented parent that
plays both roles in my life and barely makes any money at all. Then I have two older brothers, one that lets his anger out of control. He always starts
an argument with my mother just to acquire money so he can spend on his drugs. Then there is my oldest brother that I have never socialized in
person with but always calls to plead my mother for money. Moreover, anyone could state the brother that lives with me was my guide in life. Every
road he took meant I necessitated to turn the opposite direction. He always had tragic grades which compared to mine, my grades looked terrific. He
ended up going
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Single Parents In College
Eng:1011 Composition I
Takendra Culp
Research Assignment: Single Parents in College
Single parents have it hard balancing everyday life, to handling a full–time job, balancing financial needs, making sure their children are taking care of
which are just the basic needs that a single parent does. Many single parents take that leap of going back to school to better and secure their future for
their family. However, single parents that make the choice of going to back to school to better themselves go through a lot of issues or self–neglect.
Because of the self–neglect and the overbearing weight of handling everyday life and college life, researchers have found out that between "finances,
family, and relationship difficulties disproportionally affected single parents, who reported nearly twice as many suicide attempts as their
counterparts."(Shenony.2016) Many people would think that might not be as hard but being a single parent in college comes with a lot of challenges
due to trying to juggle many hats at once such as financial issues, balancing a stable home life for their dependents, and staying on top of class
assignments, these situations can be tough to manage but can eventually cause long term mental and physical challenges in the future while focusing
on building a better future. During this time of our economic status the rate of mental and physical stress of single parents in college could possible
double within the next year.
Most people would think
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The Effects Of Single Parent Home Research
For several years, the focus of much single parent home research has been concentrated on households where the father is not present. Due to the
prevalent influence of various psychoanalytical theories, and the enormous amounts of female headed households. Research shows that there are six
general effects bestowed upon children who live in single parent homes; regardless of the reason for the single parent status. The six general effects are:
Loss of concentration or attention
Delinquency and substance abuse
Withdraw from family and friends
A decline in academic scores and behavioral issues at school, and at home
Emotional outbursts, and often an increase in health issues
Severe anger issues (Hurtes, 2004).
These are just the general effects on some children being raised in a single parent home. In addition to these general effects, there are more age
specific effects on some children who live in single parent homes. The following is a brief summarization of some effects which children of different
age ranges may experience while living in a single parent home.
For children ages 3–5 years of age:
Regression to more infant like behavior
Feeling frightened, insecure, and angry
Children in Single Parent Homes 9
Some may experience nightmares, excessive or uncontrollable crying, and separation anxiety
Changes in their eating or sleeping habits.
For children ages 6–8 years of age:
Feelings of sadness, loss, fright, and uncertainty
Feelings of intense
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The Benefits Of Single Parents In College
Single parents have it hard from balancing day to day life, to handling a full–time job, balancing financial needs, making sure their children are taking
care of which are just the basic needs that a single parent does. Many single parents take that leap of going back to school to better and secure their
future for their family. However, single parents that make the choice of going to back to school to better themselves go through a lot of issues or
self–neglect. Because of the self–neglect and the overbearing weight of handling everyday life and college life, researchers have found out that between
"finances, family, and relationship difficulties disproportionately affected single parents, who reported nearly twice as many suicide attempts as their
counterparts." (Shenony.2016) Many people can sympathize that being a single parent is hard but being a single parent in college comes with a lot of
challenges due to trying to juggle many hats at once such as financial issues, balancing a stable home life for their dependents, and staying on top of
class assignments, these situations would be tough to manage but can eventually cause long–term mental and physical challenges in the future while
focusing on building a better future. During this time of our economic status, the rate of the mental and physical stress of single parents in college could
possible double within the next year.
Most people expect that a single parent going back to school is a choice but to us, is that
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The Problems Faced By Single Parents
Vast majority of people in this world don't have a home to live, don't have food to eat, and can't afford to attend school, all these things are
happening due to poverty. This is one of the major issues that the entire world has to deal with. Poverty itself is a very broad term which can be
described in various ways; however, most of the times it's a scenario that individuals try to avoid and escape from. Poverty has a very bad impact on the
country and its residents. It can easily destroys the economy of one country, especially the developing once. Poverty plays an important role in
effecting the life of single parents. The most common problems faced by single parents due to poverty are parenting, monthly expenses and health
First, single parents face hard time providing their children activities and parenting which have long term effects on children as compared to married
couples. "With a single parent, there 's only one earner.... When it comes to ferrying children to lessons or sports, they just can 't do it," she says. "We
found that parenting differs mostly because of resources – more so than by family structure." says Sandra Hofferth, professor of family science at the
University of Maryland School of Public Health (Stephanie). Parenting is more disturbed by lack of resources not by family structure. More than
quarter of children under age of 6 are living in families with income level below the poverty line and this number is increasing in single parent
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Single Parents And Single Parent Families
During the years, single parent families have become a more common thing. This is starting to become a problem, because family dynamics can really
influence a child's life. According to studies it affects not only the child but the parents too.
For most people, the home life can affect how you act everyday, this is no different for children and school. The stress from home is shown to affect a
child's school life. Research has shown that children that live with a single parent score less than children with two parents, on average, with
measurements of educational achievements. The reason why children usually do worse than kids with both parents, is because the single parent must
work. Therefore is not home to help with homework. Parents also provide the child with emotional support, encouragement and everyday assistance.
So, if there is only one parent, then the child is only receiving half of the previously stated things compared to children with two parents. These things
can affect a person at any school level. Over 57 percent of children who live with both parents enter college. Compared to the 32.5 percent of children
who have single parents that enter college. This is just one way that single parenting can affect a child's life.
Another way growing up in a single parent household can affect a child's life. Some children of single parents tend to develop some hard feelings
towards a parent or in some cases both parents. These feelings include anger, sadness or happiness. A reason why a child might feel anger is because
the may not like one parent for not helping out and being there in their life, or might blame the parent for their challenges in life. They might feel
sadness from not be able to have both parents in their life fully. However, they might just find happiness from their parents splitting up. Maybe their
parents just weren't not getting along. The happiness may come from the feeling of relief, knowing that their parents can't argue anymore. Children will
take the situation differently. However, no matter which feeling the feel, hardships are to come.
Children of a single parent might feel a little different from their fellow classmates. Which is understandable with some of the things they
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Having A Single Parent Home In Canada
In Canada, 1,527,840 families have a single parent home. In the world, 320 million children live in a single parent home. Having two parents
doubles the amount of role models in the home. Having one parent does influence a child's life greatly. In the novel Spoiled, Molly Dix grew up with
only a mother, and Brooke Berlin grew up having her celebrity father who was unavailable most of the time, while her mother had left her father and
herself at a very young age. The novel proved how important it was having a healthy parent relationship with their child, even with only one parent,
and how it affected both girls' lives. Having a single parent home can alter a child's behaviour in their social life, mental and physical state. A child that
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When in a single parent home that has just gone through a divorce or death, a child can feel a range of emotions that can cause a negative mental being.
Some of the emotions that kids can feel are; fear of being abandoned, guilty for fear of causing divorce, anger at parents for separation, and insecure
about themselves and what others might think of their status at home. "Insecurity can cause children to behave like they are much younger and
therefore bedwetting, 'clinginess', nightmares, worries or disobedience can all occur" (
/parentscarers/divorceorseparation.aspx ). "Children from single–parent families are twice as likely to suffer from mental health problems as those
living with married parents, especially boys" ( Common mental
health issues that children in single– parent families suffer from are– depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), conduct disorders, and
attention deficit disorder (ADD). In Spoiled, Brooke Berlin behaves poorly towards her half– sister Molly, which attracts attention to herself from her
father who is scarcely in her life because of his celebrity status. Using these examples, it is simple to see how children are greatly affected mentally by
living in a single parent
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The Problem Of Single Parent Household
As this crisis of single parent household continues children that are place within BBBSA program are benefited because they receive social support
that is able to help them understand gender roles and perform better in school. Amato says that, children in single parent homes are having to deal with
the actual effects [single parent households] because they will get less financial support, affection, information, direction, observation, and less role
modeling from an adult (Hippmann–West, 2001, p. 18). This statement by Amato supports the idea by many religious groups in America that believe
that children are better off with two adults in the home. This statement also outlines some of the deficiencies these children are more probable to
have which makes a case for the need of a complete solution. In connection with this idea of children receiving less support, Takako explains (2002)
that "Generally speaking, a child grows up taking the parent of the same sex as a model.[For a single parent child], [one of the] model[s] is not
present; and such children may have difficulty in adopting the attitudes and behavior patterns of their respective sex" ( pg 4). In other words the earlier
a child loses an example the more likely they are to have gender gaps and this may create problem in their interpersonal life later on. When these
children become parents, the habitual interaction styles they have used in their interaction with other people extend to their children. In order to
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Dating And The Single Parent Summary
Book Critique Dating and the Single Parent
The book Dating and the single Parent by Ron L. Deal is written to help single parents and people who are going to be dating single parents. This is
done by asking questions of the reader to find out if they are ready for a blended family and to make sure that the reader understands how to make a
blended family work. The author draws his experience on his counseling of single parents and his work in ministry. The book is broken up in three
sections, with the first section dealing with the preparation of starting to date. The second selection purpose is best way of finding a partner. The last
section deals with the marriage commitment and preparing the stepfamily for marriage.
In the first section the author explains the purpose of dating. He does this by first explaining that it is not about finding a soul mate or someone
who they can spend eternity with. He goes into detail why this form of thinking is wrong and selfish. The issue of God's purpose is dealt with in
dating and how God uses relationships to grow us. To find out if a person is ready for dating he uses FAQs in the dating process. He adds that one
should "look around for another Christ – follower who share our heart, interest, life objectives, background, parenting style, and vision for the family."
Deal, R. L. (2012, pg. 44). Lastly this section goes on to deal with death and divorce and deals with the question, is the healing ever over? This is
done by
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Single Parent Dating Research Paper
Dating as a single parent can be overwhelming frustrating and scary. You are in this mindset of wanting to find companionship, but you have children
to think about as well. The world of dating can be a scary place for any single parent, for they want to connect with another person while still
protecting their children from another loss. We understand your feelings and want to provide you with some dating tips for single parents, because this
chapter in your life doesn't have to be a negative one.
Remember You're Creating aFamily
Consider this tip number 1: you are dating to create a family, whoever you determine to commit to will play the parent role with you.
No longer are the days where dating only involved you and another adult, these ... Show more content on ...
If you recently separated from your children's other parent, they are not going to be so welcoming to this idea of dating as you are. Let's face it, you
are separated because the relationship faded long ago, your children however don't feel that way. Allow time for the shock of the parental split to
subside before introducing your children to another potential parental unit.
Invite Older Children without Force
Consider this tip number 3: give your older children time to build a bond at their own pace, rather than forcing them to accept a new parental figure.
Being a single parent to older children can make dating even more difficult to handle, because your older children understand what is going on a bit
deeper than the younger ones. Once you have determined who you want to create this new family with, extend an invite to your older children to
come along on some dates. Extending an invite to have your older child to go to dinner or out to an event with you and your new partner will allow
them to slowly accept and form a bond with this new person.
Continue Having Time with Your Children
Consider this tip number 4: take time to balance your love life and parent life, your children will start to pull away if they feel your new partner is
taking you away from
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Single Parent Households
As of 2016, there are over 20 million children in the United States who are being raised in single–parent households. While most of these children are
being raised by their mothers, over 3 million of them live with their fathers. These single moms & dads face unique challenges. Luckily, there are many
things single parents can do to face these challenges more efficiently.
Allow Others to Help
Whether because of divorce, death, or another reason, if you find yourself as a single parent, it can be easy to feel like you are alone. While it is true
that you will now be raising your child or children on your own, it is important to realize that you are not alone. Whether you have been a single
parent for only a short time or you have been one ... Show more content on ...
For example, with small children, walking to the park down the street and playing there is a great idea. You could visit a free or inexpensive museum
with older children or find another free activity near your home. Make your children a priority.
Take Time for Yourself
As a single parent, taking care of your family can quickly get stressful and sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you have several children.
Never feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Have a babysitter take care of your children while you go out to dinner with a few friends. Join a
quilting club. Go to the library. Do something fun without your kids. Your support system really comes into play when it comes to taking time for
yourself. You can know that your kids are being well taken care of while you are out taking time for yourself.
As a single parent, there will be stressful moments. There will be times when you may feel inadequate. Just remember that you are not alone. There
are other parents struggling to care for their children on their own. Yet, as you rely on others, enjoy time with your children, and take time for yourself,
you will likely find you are doing better than you
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Why Single Parents Attend College
Single Parents Attending College
B.B King quoted, "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." This paper will aim to show why being a single
parent that attends college is a struggle that many face, however it is worth it.
Health Care Struggles
Single parents may face many obstacles while raising children. When a single parent works and attends college some physical and mental health issues
may arise. These matters can be attributed to lack of sleep, poor eating and nutrition, the lack of coping mechanisms as well as not being able to keep
appointments to address these health concerns.
For some individual's lack of sleep can cause the lack of comprehensive skills, poor coordination, and the ability to maintain their composure.
Additionally, poor sleeping conditions can be caused from inadequate eating habits due to always being on the go and college students in general do not
have the most nutritious ... Show more content on ...
One of these resources is the federal Pell grant. This grant is funded by the federal government and allocated towards the student's tuition. Another
resource available to students is the Non–Traditional Student office. This resource helps single parents, married couples, students over the age of
twenty–five as well as families that attend college. Some of the Non–Traditional services available are the ccampus childcare funds, life lessons and
lunch, student advisement, help with obtaining scholarships, as well as many other helpful and informative services. In addition, there are other
services such as the disability student center. The disability department provides tutoring, learning aides and student support for testing. The writing lab
is also available to all students and helps students understand and create outlines and essays. Finally, the computer lab is also another tool and resource
that is there to aide students in learning the
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Kids : A Single Parent Home
Coming from a single parent home, kids really are less fortunate than those staying in a two parent household. Children in a single parent home
don't have as many option as the children do in a two parent household. The reason I say that is because they are less fortunate and their options on
things are low because their isn't a stable income. Choosing this topic was a good pick for me because I can relate more on the situation and the
struggle of being raised with just my mom doing everything. Single parents work twice as hard to make sure everything is paid before their children
can receive anything nice or new to wear.
The most important issue about this situation is money. Living in a single parent home their is a struggle to make sure the rent or mortgage is paid, bills
are paid on time, and everything in the house is taken care of.That 's why the children have to wait months without getting new clothes or shoes
because everything is on a tight budget. That's when problem comes inside the house when the kids get mad in see their friends with all the new
outfits, games, or shoes. Kids start off stealing because they can't get the things they want or start going out doing illegal things to buy them the things
they always wanted.
Majority of the single home families are African American. Not basing it off ethnicity but "only 12 percent of black families below poverty line have
both parents present" (Andersen). Most children have grown up without their father either
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Single Parenting Is A Single Parent Household
In today's society, there are more and more families that are being raised by a single parent, whether it's a mother or father. In the world of political
correctness we live in today, it's frowned upon to say there's anything wrong with a single parent household. Society views single fathers and mothers
as strong willed people, and while they may be so, it's be proven that a child growing up in a single parent household often times has negative
outcomes. While in some situations single parenting cannot be avoided, a child growing up in a single parent household is affected in many different
ways. It seems to be widely known that single parenting isn't ideal. Most people have often heard the phrase "a child needs a mother and a father"
or some variation of that phrase. Despite this, a lot of families either are composed of one parent and the children or else the child is shepherded
back and forth between both parents. Despite the fact that this doesn't seem to be "ideal" it's happening more and more often. Perhaps one reason
for this is that not everyone knows exactly how bad some of the ramifications of single parenting can be. For instance, a child that is the product of
single parenting is twice as likely to drop out of high school, two and a half times as likely to be a teen mother, and 1.4 times as likely to be out of
school or work as a child that grows up with both parents. Just those statistics are staggering enough that people should look for more ways around
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Single Parent Homes Essay
Single Parent Homes A single parent is one who is living without a spouse and/or partner. This individual takes on all of the daily responsibilities that
comes with raising a child(ren). Furthermore, consider the single parent the one who provides solely for the child as they are the ones with them most
of the time throughout the stint of their entire life. Even when discussing the separation of parents and/or divorce, children live with one parent who is
also known as the custodial parent. While the second parent normally has visitation of their child, too. However, in many cases, the second parent is
either only seeing the child sometimes or has disappeared from the child's life completely, altogether. Years back, the death of your... Show more
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To begin, single parent families are at a rise in America year after year. The census now shows within a 50 year span single parent families have
doubled. If you think about it, that is a substantial amount of growth. At this rate, 50 years from now there will be a shocking amount of single
parent families all around the world. 24 percent of white families with children under 18, 37 percent of Hispanic families with children, and 62
percent of African American families are single parented (Schaefer). With that being said, the amount of single parent families is truly growing at a
rapid rate. Nearly 160 thousand children are living with single parent families within a year. The census also sees a devastating 1.2 million fall of
both parent households. The social problem becomes only greater with the struggle when the situation grows. The only thing to blame for the growing
amount of single families is society itself. The way to deal with drugs, crime, poverty, and many other cultural issues is very easy; strengthen actual
families. Fix households without fathers and all of the above slowly but surely begins to slow down. Seems a bit far–fetched but is definitively
feasible. Studies now a days show that fatherless households cause a major negative impact on the development of children; both socially and
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Analysis Of Nicci Stewell Is A Single Parent
Nicci Stowell is a single parent and just quit her job six months ago to stay at home with her kids. When it comes to children, we should follow what
the founder of Reggio Emilia's Approach, Loris Malaguzzi, said, "Our task is to help children communicate with the world using all their potential,
strengths, and languages, and to overcome any obstacle presented by our culture." This family is friends with my aunt and offered to answer some
questions. I selected this family because in our textbook, "The Whole Child: Developmental Education for the Early Years" by Patricia Weissman and
Joanne Hendrick, it mentions that only thirteen percent of all families in the United States has a stay–at home mother. It was also taken into
consideration ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the school year, they have a handful of nights where the parents can bring the student and socialize and get to know others. Parents are
always welcome to volunteer and help out during the day in the classroom. While these are great ways to include parents in their child's education,
Joyce Epstein of Johns Hopkins University mentions 6 levels of involvement. The first level is parenting, teachers should help establish a home
environment that supports learning for the child. Secondly, communicating from school–to–home and home–to–school. Some different ways to do this
are phone calls, newsletters, and emails. The next level is volunteering. Teachers should not only promote but ask for family support in and out of the
classroom. Learning at home is the fourth level of parent involvement. Teachers should include information about what their child is learning and how
they can help with the child's reading and homework and what needs to be improved. Fifthly, teachers should include parents in school decisions and
create family organizations such as PTA. Lastly, teachers should collaborate with the community and provide information about community health,
cultural, social support, and other programs or services. (Weissman and Hendrick 49–50). By communicating about community cultural services, I
believe that it shows that a teacher shows interest in the familys' culture. Establishing a good relationship
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Negative Portrayals Of Single Parented Parents
Coming from a family with a single parent can become a problem within itself, but with only having one parent, the child is faced with being an
outcast and classified as different than the rest of the children. When a parent comes from a bad past, society assumes the same for their children.
For a child of these type of parents, it is hard to get out of this situation and defy the odds set on them by society. In television shows such as Weeds
and Mom, there are many examples of these portrayals of the parents and their children. Negative portrayals in television shows of single parented
families through comedic relief gives the children of these families a negative mindset, while being compared to these poor depictions in these shows.
A child that has went through this traumatic experience will go through hard times, but will try to look at the positive sides of things that they come to
challenge with. In his book, Psychological well–being and quality of parenting among children of single parent family, Kiran Sahu stated that "The
psychological well being includes meaning in life, absence of somatic symptoms, self esteem, positive effect, daily activities, suicidal thoughts,
personal control social support, absence of tension and general efficiency" (531). The television show, Weeds, focuses on a singlemother, Nancy
Bloom, who has an early bad depiction in the show. After her husband, Judah, dies unexpectedly, Nancy has to take the center position in her family.
After becoming faced with financial problems after her husband's death and dark past coming back to haunt the family, Nancy has to become a drug
dealer for her neighborhood and family to survive. Nancy is having to deal with these financial struggles and taking care of her three children: Silas,
Shane, and Steven. With having both of their parents in the negative spotlight of the community, these children have a hard time trying to reach
success in their city. With the death of Judah and having their mom to rely on, each child acts in different ways. Silas, the oldest, was devastated
when his father Judah died, and he took his emotions out on everyone and started depending on drugs to forget about it. In season 1, episode 10 of
Weeds, Silas is shown
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Becoming A Single-Parent
The pain of losing someone close to you, especially a parent, is never something you can ever quite articulate. But, the lessons you learn and the
person you become in the aftermath is a little easier to explain. My mother was my best friend. She was ornery, funny, and brilliant in her own
way. She always knew how to soothe me and she always made the effort to, even when she was combatting her own issues. In 2009, my parents
divorced due to my father's anger issues and drug use. In addition to becoming a single parent, she was also physically disabled due to work injuries
and dealt with pain almost constantly. Her death was May 26th, 2015, just six days after the end of my freshman year. The exact details are burned
into my memory, but at the same time the entire day is a blur. I remember the train of emotions hurtling in myself and in my loved ones; the panic, the
rage, and the absolute heartbreak I experienced during what I dub "The First Year".
During "The First Year", the odds seemed so against us: my brother needed to obtain custody and ownership of our home; our dog passed away; both
my brother and his girlfriend crashed their cars and my mother's car; my girlfriend even broke up with me because she couldn't handle how ... Show
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At the beginning of the school year, my friend Sam was in my math class. We had never been close, but since we had the class together first period, we
had become closer. We started spending time together with our mutual friend Nick. And the following summer, I had some ofthe best days of my life –
I was out of the house almost every day with people I loved and who loved me too. Sam is my best friend and Nick's now my boyfriend, and I wouldn't
have anyone else as my best
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Single Parents Essay
I grew up in what I would consider. I had two parents who loved me and a sister I got along with most of the time. I never really thought about
single–parent families; I cannot recall any of my close friends having only one parent. Growing up with two parents may be normal for me, but for
some, it is not. In this day and age, divorce is more common, and growing up with one parent is not out of the ordinary. According to Mary Parke;
Policy Analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, "An increase in the numbers and proportion of children born outside ofmarriage and a rise in
divorce rates have contributed to a three–fold increase in the proportion of children growing up in single–parent families since 1960." Mary Parke also
highlights ... Show more content on ...
Parents' provision of social capital, in turn, is positively associated with children's school success." Social capital meaning the networks of
relationships among people which helps a society function. This helps to show how if a child has both parents, they are more likely to live in a
financially stable household and receive more attention, this in turn makes the child stronger academically. Emily Badger, an urban policy journalist
reiterates the point that: "two–parent households don't just tend to have more money (which they might spend on tutors, museums, books or simply
better health care and groceries). They also have more time (which they might spend on homework help, library visits and bedtime reading). Add the
time factor to the parenting qualities I mentioned earlier (patience, commitment), and it's possible that part of the marriage effect is really a 'parenting
effect': Children with married parents also have more engaged parents, and it's the engagement that really matters."
This is significant because having two parents means the child is more likely to be acknowledged and the parents will be more likely to have time for
them. The family is more likely to have money to pay for schooling and the patience to deal with children. This engagement is not as common,
however, in single–parent families. Single–parents are less able to interact with their kids. Yuko
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Single Parents Vs. Single Parenting Essay
We live in a world that is constantly evolving. As mankind evolves with their way of living, so do the familial ways. We've traveled through different
eras, from the start where men worked and woman were housewives, to today, where it is very common to see both men and women working or
staying at home. Living situations are constantly changing, whether it has to do with conflict, stress, or even economic problems. A person is able to
understand the evolution of family structure by viewing the pros and cons of any given situation. Single parenting would be where one parent is in
charge of the household and cares for the child. Although single parents face a thousand challenges, they are also able to obtain many benefits.
There can be many difficult challenges with being a single parent and not only for the parent, but for the child as well. The main problem with
single parenting happens to be time management. Despite the efforts, the single parent will have to spend a great amount of time working in order
to provide sufficient income for the family without any help. Time however, is actually very important to a child. A parent must be involved in a
child's life, in order to show care and support. For instance, as a single parent raises a family, they ultimately have to spend more hours working in
order to provide sufficient income for the family. For a single parent, it can be very difficult to provide more income, since they don 't earn the same
income as a household with
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Argument On Single Parents
Tatianna Ewers
English 1101(10:00–10:50)–Argument
11 December 2017
Single Parent
Children who grew up in a single parent family have been looked at differently. Just because people are raised by one parent isn't bad but seems
impractical to some, yet over the years it has become more common. Today's world many children have grown up and became spiritually stable and
victorious whether they had one parent or two, to show them the hard path that life has bestowed upon all humans. The issue lies in the distinction of
children raised by single parents versus children raised by both mother and father. I don't think children really need both of parents their parents to
grow up right. A boy doesn't need a father figure around to help ... Show more content on ...
More children in America are living in a single parent family home then a two parent home and that's crazy. This is an alarming rate because it's
showing how little effort is put into relationships before actually determining to have children. Sadly not all single–parents take the time to perform the
important tasks needed to raise their children. Parents who think they would never be able to provide emotional and physical stability for their
children by themselves should have taken time to think about it before deciding to have children. Accidents happen every now and then but in
most situations adults know what is at hand when having a child. If you're not ready to responsible, than don't have sex. If you decide to have the
child and you can love the child, then you can be a great parent. There are many ways to enhance the success of your child if you involve yourself in
your child's life. While it is exceedingly important for a male child to have his father in his life , there are many ways of teaching a young boy the
lessons he needs to grow and become a man. I know from my own experience that you don't need both parents to be raised right. I was raised by my
mom and I had a stepdad too but they were so off an on. I never had my biological father around while I grew up and I did have many positive male
role models. My stepdad was always there to help
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Julie Jones: Single Parent
Julie Jones is a single parent. She lives with her children, eleven–year–old Eric and seven–year–old Stella. He ex–husband, Brad, pays child support
regularly but does not spend much time with his children, even though he shares custody of them with Julie. She has a full–time job at the local
university. When she is not working, her time is devoted to her children––helping them with schoolwork, driving them to soccer practice and games,
taking them to music lessons and play dates. Feeling overwhelmed by all her responsibilities, Julie asks to speak with you, her pastor, about her
situation. She is feeling increasingly resentful and angry with her ex–husband for not being more involved in the children's lives. Eric has been getting
into trouble
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Non-Conflictual Single-Parent Families
Life needs a lot of requirements, including the concern for children and their education.
All parents seeking their children to be successful in the future, educationally and morally.
There are many ways for children to be successful in the future and some of the methods
depend on parents. I believe there are three ways to help your children succeed in the future.
first of all, they have healthy relationships with each other, Children in high–conflict families
whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along.
some studies have found children in non–conflictual single–parent families are better than children in
conflictual two–parent families. Sedentary life without conflict
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Essay on Single Parent Homes
Single parent homes: How are they affecting our youth? The cause of behavioral and/or emotional problems among our youth could come from being
raised in a single parent home. Many children resort to negative acts of behavior because of limited parental supervision within the single parent
household. Children are two to three times more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems in single parent homes (Maginnis, 1997).
Research and etiology on the problem behaviors in childhood and adolescence often focus on the role of the family on the development of antisocial
behavior. An important factor examined in past studies has been family structure, and this research has shown that youth from single parent families
often have higher ... Show more content on ...
The single parent also showed lower ego functioning and in turn were less playful with the children, less empathetic, less tolerant of negative behavior
from the children, and more likely to display non–age appropriate behavior (Walker & Hennig, 1997). Single mothers are more likely to make negative
statements about and to their children, therefore resulting in a low self esteem in the child. Walker and Hennig (1997) also discovered an up side to
single parenting, the relationship between parent and child was more nurturing. This could come from the loss of intimacy in the single parent's life.
Problem behaviors in single parent homes could be the result of low income within the household. It was reported that 80% of single mother
households had incomes of $15,000 of below (Peden, 2004). Loss of economic security can cause many problems in a single parent household.
Economic problems may cause a loss of attachment between the parent and the child (Hollist &McBroom, 2006). Poverty has shown to cause poor
mental health in single mothers and therefore having a bad influence on children. Poor mental health also had an effect on the mother's ability to
perform at work or simply left them unemployed. Youth from single parent homes showed an increase in drug use. Children from single parent
homes are also more likely to smoke cigarettes, use drugs, and drink alcoholic beverages. In a study done by Hollist and Mcbroom (2006) 49.2% of
children being raised in single
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Single Parent Households
Despite the fact that the majority of children in America live in a two–parent household, alarming Census Bureau data reveals an enormous drop in the
number of two parent families. Using their most recent data, the United States Census Bureau reports a 1.2 million drop in the number of two–parent
households over the past decade (Bureau). Families without fathers impacts nearly eighteen million children in the United States. Fatherless households
account for the majority of single parent households; however, motherless families influence another five million children (Bureau). Numerous reasons
account for how single parent households develops; but as the number of children nurtured in single–parent homes continues to rise, a disturbing
number ... Show more content on ...
The Pew Research Center, an association focusing on societal and demographic statistics, reveals that in 2011 family units in America with children
under eighteen maintained an average annual income of $57,100 (Kedro). Divorced, separated, or widowed single mothers earned approximately
$29,000 annually, and single mothers, never married, live barely above poverty levels, netting only $17,400 annually (Kedro). In addition, the financial
stability of two–parent homes equates to better educational benefits. Single parent households usually struggle to maintain basic necessities of life for
the families, thereby providing limited or no resources for educational expenses, and relying solely on financial aid or other state and federal programs
to educate their
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Single Parents Essay
How single parents struggle for many years, children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different. But, being raised by only
one parent can seem so impossible to many yet, over decades it has become more prevalent. In today's society, many kids have grown up to become
emotionally stable and successful and some became stressed and more. Whether they had one or two parents they can showed them rocky path of life
that has been upon all human beings. The problem lies in the difference of children who are raised by single parents versus children raised by both a
mother and father. Every one ask does a child need both of their parents in a lot of different ways. But the bigger question is does a youngboy need a
father ... Show more content on ...
They must be able to have a lot of time to offer and amount of emotional time for the well–being of their child. However, this may seem impossible,
but we know it can be done. As this subject continues to be looked down on, people must realize that single parents are becoming more common in
today's world. Since a long time ago families structure for children ages fourteen to eighteen consists of forty–two percent living in a first marriage
family with both parents, and twenty–two percent living in a second marriage step–family. Twenty–one percent living in a single parent, divorced or
separated family. The chilling percentage because it shows how little faith is put into a relationship before actually deciding to have children.
Unfortunately, not all single–parents take the time to perform the tasks that are thrown at them but is needed to raise their children. Parents think
they would never be able to provide stability for their children by themselves. They should have taken the time to think this through before
deciding to become parents. I know from personal experience that is very hard to raise one or more kids if one of your parents leave and you're just
trying to take it all in day by day without any if ands or but by it. I never had my father around while growing up and I did in fact have somewhat a
positive male role model. My sister father was always there to help guide me as I slowly blossomed into a young woman. Anytime my mother had to
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Single Generations : Support For Single Parents
As compared to previous generations, the current generation has seen an incredible increase in single fathers. Back in the days, several single fathers
could attain the title of singlehood as a result of a few grounds, which mainly were death of a partner or divorce. As years progressed, divorce became
dominant among various couples and this increased the need for help for single fathers. Today, in the 21st century, cases of divorce and death are not
the only causes of single fatherhood. Instead, there are diverse reasons as to why we have more single fathers, in which I will list below.
First, let's get to know what we mean by "a family". Several definitions have been brought up but for our purpose here, we define it as the basic unit in
a society consisting of two parents nurturing their children. A singleparent is defined as a parent that exercises parenthood alone, without the support
of the other parent. Even with the existence of other adults and children in a household, a parent is viewed as a single parent if he is not partnered
with anyone else in the household. With all these said, it is clear that we need help for single fathers, especially in today's generation, which has proved
to have growing numbers of single fathers.
More fathers are emerging in raising their children solely without the help of their alternate partner. Sometimes, the best place for children is with their
Dad. These comes as a result of
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Should Single Parents Be Allowed To Adopt
The question " Should single parents be allowed to adopt, in our democracy? " is not one you hear about or see in the news, on the radio, or on
social media platforms. Due to the lack of controversy on this topic there is very little information and research, but there is enough to decipher
whether or not single men and women should have the privilege to adopt. In relation, Sharon Dougherty believes " These women [and men] choose
the rewards of parenthood along with the financial and emotional burdens. Parenthood is not pressed upon them by society. In fact a strong motivation
and much perseverance is required, for these single parents must wait for their applications to be accepted, wait for the agency to conduct a study of
their home, and then wait for a child"( Dougherty 311). In the following paragraphs I will be taking into account the psychological perspective on
single parenting and all the effects it can have.
Psychological Effects on the Parent: Becoming a parent in general can have a positive or negative effect on someone's life, but when it comes to being
a single parent the game changes. When men and women are single and have no children they are considered to have lots of freedom in the sense that
they only have to worry about themselves and have all the time they want, to do what they please. With that being said, an article by Martha Osborne
states that single adoptive parents may struggle with high expectations and also may feel guilt when they long for
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Advantages Of Single Parent Families
Single–parent families are more common than you think. A recent study by Sara Mclanahan with the Harvard press shows that about 25% of families
are headed by single–parents in today's society. A family that is run by one adult, struggles much more than a family with two adults. This was a
problem in the 1930s, as demonstrated in the book To Kill A Mockingbirdby Harper Lee, and is still a relevant problem today. Atticus Finch became a
single parent by the death of his spouse, in maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s and is an injustices the book because he now struggles with things that
wouldn't normally be an issue. Raising his children right is important to him and he makes time unlike some single–parents like Mr. Ewell. Even
though this problem has been prevalent throughout the years, we can take steps to reduce challenges that may arise within a single–parent home. The
best solution to decreasing the struggle with single parent families is to offer some sort of service that will take some stress off of a single parent.
The well–being of a child is important to how they form as an adult and a child's well–being can be swayed by parents. There are three ways for a
family to become a single parent family. One way to becoming a single parent is due to a divorce. Another way to become a single parent is by
having your spouse die. Lastly, the way to becoming a single parent is due to unprotected sex and then one of the reproducers, or parent, leave the
other one. The well–being
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Single Parent Families In Australia

  • 1. Single Parent Families In Australia A sole parent by definition relates to a person either male or female living in a household with his/her child(ren) without the presence of the other parent. According to the ABS, in 2012–2013, out of 6.7 million families who liv in Australia only 85% of households were couple families (5.7 million), while 14% were from single parent families (909,000). Single parent families, according to the ABS, were greater for mothers being 16%o of all families with children between the ages of 0–17, opposed to single father families, only being established at 3& of all families with their children between the ages of 0–17. Further investigation proves that the youngest child was between 0–4 in 16% of sole parent families. However, within the Blacktown ... Show more content on ... The more negative terms that are used to describe sole parent families include; broken family, struggling, disadvantaged and separated. These terms can quite often reflect negatively towards the parent whom is solely taking care of the child(ren). Through the negative terminology, it can negatively affect the wellbeing of the individuals. "broken family" can negatively impact physical wellbeing due to the fact of the stress that is placing upon the individual, hence affecting their self–worth and belief in themselves as well as their confidence in raising the child(ren) alone, therefore, ignoring their own health, such as not gaining the correct dieting requirements, therefore further impacting their physical wellbeing. Emotional wellbeing however, is hindered greatly due to stress, especially of the parent believes that they have failed as a primary provider. Through the negative perceptions of self, spiritual wellbeing is impacted as their purpose in life, to raise their child(ren) has been compromised by the terminology throughout the community. However, through positive terminology, such as "independent" will have a positive influence on emotional wellbeing through empowerment and therefore will supply strength to embrace their situation. Through politically correct terms, such as "divorced" and "widowed" can improve physical wellbeing as sole parents gain the mind–set of improving self in order to provide for their family and therefore, improve, ultimately, physical ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Single Parent Homes Research Paper If you live with a single parent, trust me your not the only one. It's very common for a child to grow up in a home where one of the parents is absent. There are more than 30 million kids in the United States who live with a single parent and 16,334,000 children under the age of 18 in single mother homes. Being a single mother comes with many obstacles to overcome in order to be a great parent. Single mother homes affects a child's psychology causing negative effects on a child's esteem, behavior, and education. Self–esteem can be a big effect growing up in a single parent home. It can cause bad feelings about themselves, they start to feel unwanted because their father is not around. This might cause bottled up anger and hard feelings towards his/her father. You may never know what your child is feeling because they won't show you any signs but it always affects them on the inside, It can also make them feel lonely and sad. ... Show more content on ... it's normal for a child's behavioral problems to go get much more out of control when their parents are not together. It's way harder on the mother without having anyone on her side to back her up. When it comes to disciplining your child you need to become more stricter with some things and more chill in others. Some parents avoid discipling their child because they feel bad after they split, however it is said that kids that are stressed out are the ones who need it the most. Working together with your Ex can have a lot of success in controlling the behavior. It Just takes baby steps because it's a lot of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Summary: Single Parent Alliances The focus of this paper is to give a critique of the journal article "Adolescent and parent alliances with therapists in brief strategic family therapy with drug–using Hispanic adolescents." The goals of the researchers were to examine the correlation between therapy alliance and retention in family therapy (Robbins, Mayorga, Mitrani, Szapocznik, Turner, & Alexander, 2008). The researchers looked at two groups: the Completer group and the Dropout group. They had two hypotheses; the first hypotheses predicted that there would be a greater alliance with the therapist for those families who complete therapy. The second hypotheses predicted the outcome of an unbalanced alliance would increase the likelihood that families dropping out of therapy. Overall, I think the study has a strong methodology. However, the study does lack generalizability and I believe the analysis could benefit from the single parent families, which were excluded. By looking at ... Show more content on ... In addition, it states that the study is specifically looking at Hispanic adolescents who are active drug users. Lastly, it informs the reader that the researchers are looking specifically at alliances between therapists and adolescents and parents. However, it does not clearly state if it is looking at two parent households, single parent households, or both. As previously mentioned, it also does not mention sexual orientation. Overall, the title is effective and appropriate; including all of the information above within the title could potentially be too much. Further details can be discussed within the study. Furthermore, the primary variables are referred to in the title; it clearly states the race of the participants and that youth and parents will be studied. It also allows the reader to know the specific type of family therapy being used. It states the variables and purpose, but does not describe the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Single Parent Homework Thank you for sharing your views and personal experiences regarding this topic. I definitely agree that the breakdown of the family unit in this country has been growing astronomically, which has negatively impacted many children. However, while I definitely agree that ideally children should be conceived after marriage, this will not guarantee nor constitutes a healthy family dynamic. In fact, many marriages were maintained well past their obvious expiration, whether "for the children's sake", the wife's lack of financial stability, or simply because of the sanctity of marriage, and occurs still today. While, the fictitious image of unity is portrayed, the turmoil and its ill effects on one or both parents are apparent, which ultimately negatively affect the children. Therefore, while I definitely agree that the absence of a father can have a negative impact on boys, "absence" can occur even within a marriage, this unjustly imbalance can cause significant stress and the impact can be just as great if not more so for the children. Therefore, I believe that, while not ideal, oftentimes single parent homes are healthier for the children. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Children Being A Single Parent Essay Children living in a single–parent "Children with single parent families often face disadvantages compared to those from two–parent families. One in four children in the U.S. are being raised by a single parent–a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries" (Armario 1). This means every year single parenting is growing and a child is having trouble than the average child should. Being a single parent is ineffective parenting because there is a lack of parental supervision, it increases a chance of living a life of poverty, and suffers a wholesome healthy life in the household. Kids need attention from parents and with only one parent that is working the time, trying to make sure they survive will lead ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Cultural Evaluation Of A Single Parent Family Alezandria Winston ENGL–1510–016–2015AU Cultural Essay–Evaluation 15 October 11,2015 One Parent Isn't Enough Growing up in a single–parent family had to be the hardest thing I ever had to do, but also the strongest thing I had to do because it made me the person I am today. My mom was a drug addict and my father wasn't around, therefore my mom lost custody of me to my aunt when I was an infant. However, my aunt was a single–parent as well, and she already had two children of her own. She raised us all on her own, paid every bill on time, worked two jobs, and fault with her addiction to drugs. After a few years of receiving me, my aunt eventually stopped doing drugs. All that matters is my aunt did her best to take care of three children on her own without any help, even though we all suffered massively because we only had one parent. A child's life is compromised when raised by single–parent because of limited resources, reasoning, and destruction of the "utopian family." A child living in a single–parent home typically has limited resources. I know you are wondering, how could this be? When I say limited resources, I mean same sex families vs. opposite sex families. In the United States, mothers generally receive custody over most fathers. Mothers are seen as the caregiver in the eyes of the judicial system, even though fathers typically make better single parents than mothers do. Fathers who are single parents tend to be more educated than the ideal ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Single Parent My name is Reimy Guzman; I was born in New York City. My parents are from the Dominican Republic. I lived in a small apartment with my parents and my brother. I was raised with both parents up to the age of 13 when they got divorced. My mother, brother and I moved to Florida while my father stayed in New York City. When we got to Florida it was very difficult for mymother to get a good paying job, because of the language barrier. She did not know how to speak English very well. It was a difficult time for my mother, brother and I. In a year later, we moved to Massachusetts and that when our life had changed. My mother got a decent job that helped pay for the bills. My brother was finishing middle school and I was a freshman in high school. For being a single parent, my mother had accomplished a lot with my brother and I. As I was growing up I had dreams. My dreams were to finish high school, college, get married to a prince charming and have children. Life did not work as I planned. I became a single mother at the age of 24. I have two children a 14 year old girl and a 2 year old boy. Becoming a single parent is a big challenge and a stressful way of life. I learn from my mother that being a single parent is to have an obligation with your children. ... Show more content on ... There are ways people balance themselves differently than I do. My first priority is financial. I try to mange money wisely when it comes to pay bills. This can help me relieve the stress of not working long hours or overtime and it gives me time to spend with my children and with school work. Part of my daily routine is dividing my self in twenty pieces. I woke up at 4 am to start working on my schoolwork. Then I wake up the kids to get ready to go to school and daycare. By 6:30am we all are heading out the door to our ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Single Parent Vs. Two Parent Homes Single parent vs. two parent homes and the effect it has on their child's viability, intimacy and conflict in their intimate relationships. Introduction Several years ago mothers normally stayed in the home with their children while the fathers took on the role as sole provider. Family life has changed dramatically over the years. Most families now being dual–income families where both the mother and father work, today it is much more common to see a child being raised by an outside caregiver or a single parent than it was just 40 years ago. Although this is more widely accepted than it once was, what are the effects on the children? Does the family structure make a difference in a how a child grows up and adapts to the world? Furthermore does is effect their future intimate relationships with other people as adults? Terms/Definitions Within this paper the are key terms that have been identified as the following: Single–Parent homes are defined as "families in which either the father or mother is absent because of divorce, marital separation, out–of–wedlock pregnancy, or death" (Greenberg, 2002: 329). Marriage: a social construct in the form of a formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. Parenting styles: parenting behaviors and attitudes that se the emotional climate of parent–child interactions Mixed Messages: Communication in which the verbal and emotional content disagree Primary appraisal: When a ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Single Parent Families In Australia Introduction The family structures and the form of households in Australia have profoundly changed in the past decade. Among the most significant changes is the increasing numbers of one–parent families with children under 15 years (ABS, 2007). This paper aims to explore the extent and nature of the growing population of single parents and their households in Australia, particularly giving attention to their health status and related primary health care services. A singleparent family composes of one parent with at least one dependent child residing in the same household (Qu & Weston, 2013). Single–parent families are at higher risk of disadvantage compared to other family types, especially when it comes to housing, nutrition, income, employment, ... Show more content on ... From this, appropriate health promotion program can be developed or reinforced to address their unique needs through the provision of Primary Health Care services. Single parent families are confronted by challenges on financial stress, lack of available affordable child care services, lower opportunities for secure employment, social exclusion, marginalization, poor access to healthcare services and weak support system. Such disadvantaged start predisposes them to more risk factors, poor health, maladaptation, poor education, children's altered development and shorter life ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Effects Of Being Raised By A Single Parent Introduction Parenting styles have had many controversial issues over the decades. The way people raised their children back in the 50's and 60's are completely different from today society. Back then they believe in the nuclear family, which is a family with a mom, dad, and children. They believe staying together at all cost. If something was breaking or broken you fixed it. At times you wonder if they stayed for love, money, or just for the sake of the children. Now and days it is not the same. Families are broken up for many reasons. Rather it be by death, the other parent wanting out (such as divorce). But in the end there is always a single parent left to take care of the kids in most situations. When something like this happens a negative connotation is brought to the single parent. This paper would show the effects of being raised by a single parent. Just like everything in life there is a good and bad side to everything. So in this paper you should learn the negative and positive effect of being raised by a single parent. The problem of the matter is that society tends to write off the child of single parents. Stating that they are lead down this road of destruction and grouping the entire single parent raised children without seeing the other side. Not saying that being raised by a single parent does not come with it hardships, but the fact is that there is still hope for those children and they can do very well. By always stating the negative it leaves the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Single Undocumented Parents In My lifetime of challenges, the biggest problem I have faced is living within my environment. Being raised by a single undocumented parent that plays both roles in my life and barely makes any money at all. Then I have two older brothers, one that lets his anger out of control. He always starts an argument with my mother just to acquire money so he can spend on his drugs. Then there is my oldest brother that I have never socialized in person with but always calls to plead my mother for money. Moreover, anyone could state the brother that lives with me was my guide in life. Every road he took meant I necessitated to turn the opposite direction. He always had tragic grades which compared to mine, my grades looked terrific. He ended up going ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Single Parents In College Eng:1011 Composition I Takendra Culp Research Assignment: Single Parents in College Single parents have it hard balancing everyday life, to handling a full–time job, balancing financial needs, making sure their children are taking care of which are just the basic needs that a single parent does. Many single parents take that leap of going back to school to better and secure their future for their family. However, single parents that make the choice of going to back to school to better themselves go through a lot of issues or self–neglect. Because of the self–neglect and the overbearing weight of handling everyday life and college life, researchers have found out that between "finances, family, and relationship difficulties disproportionally affected single parents, who reported nearly twice as many suicide attempts as their counterparts."(Shenony.2016) Many people would think that might not be as hard but being a single parent in college comes with a lot of challenges due to trying to juggle many hats at once such as financial issues, balancing a stable home life for their dependents, and staying on top of class assignments, these situations can be tough to manage but can eventually cause long term mental and physical challenges in the future while focusing on building a better future. During this time of our economic status the rate of mental and physical stress of single parents in college could possible double within the next year. Most people would think ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Effects Of Single Parent Home Research For several years, the focus of much single parent home research has been concentrated on households where the father is not present. Due to the prevalent influence of various psychoanalytical theories, and the enormous amounts of female headed households. Research shows that there are six general effects bestowed upon children who live in single parent homes; regardless of the reason for the single parent status. The six general effects are: Loss of concentration or attention Delinquency and substance abuse Withdraw from family and friends A decline in academic scores and behavioral issues at school, and at home Emotional outbursts, and often an increase in health issues Severe anger issues (Hurtes, 2004). These are just the general effects on some children being raised in a single parent home. In addition to these general effects, there are more age specific effects on some children who live in single parent homes. The following is a brief summarization of some effects which children of different age ranges may experience while living in a single parent home. For children ages 3–5 years of age: Regression to more infant like behavior Feeling frightened, insecure, and angry Children in Single Parent Homes 9 Some may experience nightmares, excessive or uncontrollable crying, and separation anxiety Changes in their eating or sleeping habits. For children ages 6–8 years of age: Feelings of sadness, loss, fright, and uncertainty Feelings of intense ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Benefits Of Single Parents In College Single parents have it hard from balancing day to day life, to handling a full–time job, balancing financial needs, making sure their children are taking care of which are just the basic needs that a single parent does. Many single parents take that leap of going back to school to better and secure their future for their family. However, single parents that make the choice of going to back to school to better themselves go through a lot of issues or self–neglect. Because of the self–neglect and the overbearing weight of handling everyday life and college life, researchers have found out that between "finances, family, and relationship difficulties disproportionately affected single parents, who reported nearly twice as many suicide attempts as their counterparts." (Shenony.2016) Many people can sympathize that being a single parent is hard but being a single parent in college comes with a lot of challenges due to trying to juggle many hats at once such as financial issues, balancing a stable home life for their dependents, and staying on top of class assignments, these situations would be tough to manage but can eventually cause long–term mental and physical challenges in the future while focusing on building a better future. During this time of our economic status, the rate of the mental and physical stress of single parents in college could possible double within the next year. Most people expect that a single parent going back to school is a choice but to us, is that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Problems Faced By Single Parents Vast majority of people in this world don't have a home to live, don't have food to eat, and can't afford to attend school, all these things are happening due to poverty. This is one of the major issues that the entire world has to deal with. Poverty itself is a very broad term which can be described in various ways; however, most of the times it's a scenario that individuals try to avoid and escape from. Poverty has a very bad impact on the country and its residents. It can easily destroys the economy of one country, especially the developing once. Poverty plays an important role in effecting the life of single parents. The most common problems faced by single parents due to poverty are parenting, monthly expenses and health problems. First, single parents face hard time providing their children activities and parenting which have long term effects on children as compared to married couples. "With a single parent, there 's only one earner.... When it comes to ferrying children to lessons or sports, they just can 't do it," she says. "We found that parenting differs mostly because of resources – more so than by family structure." says Sandra Hofferth, professor of family science at the University of Maryland School of Public Health (Stephanie). Parenting is more disturbed by lack of resources not by family structure. More than quarter of children under age of 6 are living in families with income level below the poverty line and this number is increasing in single parent ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Single Parents And Single Parent Families During the years, single parent families have become a more common thing. This is starting to become a problem, because family dynamics can really influence a child's life. According to studies it affects not only the child but the parents too. For most people, the home life can affect how you act everyday, this is no different for children and school. The stress from home is shown to affect a child's school life. Research has shown that children that live with a single parent score less than children with two parents, on average, with measurements of educational achievements. The reason why children usually do worse than kids with both parents, is because the single parent must work. Therefore is not home to help with homework. Parents also provide the child with emotional support, encouragement and everyday assistance. So, if there is only one parent, then the child is only receiving half of the previously stated things compared to children with two parents. These things can affect a person at any school level. Over 57 percent of children who live with both parents enter college. Compared to the 32.5 percent of children who have single parents that enter college. This is just one way that single parenting can affect a child's life. Another way growing up in a single parent household can affect a child's life. Some children of single parents tend to develop some hard feelings towards a parent or in some cases both parents. These feelings include anger, sadness or happiness. A reason why a child might feel anger is because the may not like one parent for not helping out and being there in their life, or might blame the parent for their challenges in life. They might feel sadness from not be able to have both parents in their life fully. However, they might just find happiness from their parents splitting up. Maybe their parents just weren't not getting along. The happiness may come from the feeling of relief, knowing that their parents can't argue anymore. Children will take the situation differently. However, no matter which feeling the feel, hardships are to come. Children of a single parent might feel a little different from their fellow classmates. Which is understandable with some of the things they ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Having A Single Parent Home In Canada In Canada, 1,527,840 families have a single parent home. In the world, 320 million children live in a single parent home. Having two parents doubles the amount of role models in the home. Having one parent does influence a child's life greatly. In the novel Spoiled, Molly Dix grew up with only a mother, and Brooke Berlin grew up having her celebrity father who was unavailable most of the time, while her mother had left her father and herself at a very young age. The novel proved how important it was having a healthy parent relationship with their child, even with only one parent, and how it affected both girls' lives. Having a single parent home can alter a child's behaviour in their social life, mental and physical state. A child that ... Show more content on ... When in a single parent home that has just gone through a divorce or death, a child can feel a range of emotions that can cause a negative mental being. Some of the emotions that kids can feel are; fear of being abandoned, guilty for fear of causing divorce, anger at parents for separation, and insecure about themselves and what others might think of their status at home. "Insecurity can cause children to behave like they are much younger and therefore bedwetting, 'clinginess', nightmares, worries or disobedience can all occur" ( /parentscarers/divorceorseparation.aspx ). "Children from single–parent families are twice as likely to suffer from mental health problems as those living with married parents, especially boys" ( Common mental health issues that children in single– parent families suffer from are– depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), conduct disorders, and attention deficit disorder (ADD). In Spoiled, Brooke Berlin behaves poorly towards her half– sister Molly, which attracts attention to herself from her father who is scarcely in her life because of his celebrity status. Using these examples, it is simple to see how children are greatly affected mentally by living in a single parent ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Problem Of Single Parent Household As this crisis of single parent household continues children that are place within BBBSA program are benefited because they receive social support that is able to help them understand gender roles and perform better in school. Amato says that, children in single parent homes are having to deal with the actual effects [single parent households] because they will get less financial support, affection, information, direction, observation, and less role modeling from an adult (Hippmann–West, 2001, p. 18). This statement by Amato supports the idea by many religious groups in America that believe that children are better off with two adults in the home. This statement also outlines some of the deficiencies these children are more probable to have which makes a case for the need of a complete solution. In connection with this idea of children receiving less support, Takako explains (2002) that "Generally speaking, a child grows up taking the parent of the same sex as a model.[For a single parent child], [one of the] model[s] is not present; and such children may have difficulty in adopting the attitudes and behavior patterns of their respective sex" ( pg 4). In other words the earlier a child loses an example the more likely they are to have gender gaps and this may create problem in their interpersonal life later on. When these children become parents, the habitual interaction styles they have used in their interaction with other people extend to their children. In order to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Dating And The Single Parent Summary Book Critique Dating and the Single Parent The book Dating and the single Parent by Ron L. Deal is written to help single parents and people who are going to be dating single parents. This is done by asking questions of the reader to find out if they are ready for a blended family and to make sure that the reader understands how to make a blended family work. The author draws his experience on his counseling of single parents and his work in ministry. The book is broken up in three sections, with the first section dealing with the preparation of starting to date. The second selection purpose is best way of finding a partner. The last section deals with the marriage commitment and preparing the stepfamily for marriage. Summary In the first section the author explains the purpose of dating. He does this by first explaining that it is not about finding a soul mate or someone who they can spend eternity with. He goes into detail why this form of thinking is wrong and selfish. The issue of God's purpose is dealt with in dating and how God uses relationships to grow us. To find out if a person is ready for dating he uses FAQs in the dating process. He adds that one should "look around for another Christ – follower who share our heart, interest, life objectives, background, parenting style, and vision for the family." Deal, R. L. (2012, pg. 44). Lastly this section goes on to deal with death and divorce and deals with the question, is the healing ever over? This is done by ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Single Parent Dating Research Paper Dating as a single parent can be overwhelming frustrating and scary. You are in this mindset of wanting to find companionship, but you have children to think about as well. The world of dating can be a scary place for any single parent, for they want to connect with another person while still protecting their children from another loss. We understand your feelings and want to provide you with some dating tips for single parents, because this chapter in your life doesn't have to be a negative one. Remember You're Creating aFamily Consider this tip number 1: you are dating to create a family, whoever you determine to commit to will play the parent role with you. No longer are the days where dating only involved you and another adult, these ... Show more content on ... If you recently separated from your children's other parent, they are not going to be so welcoming to this idea of dating as you are. Let's face it, you are separated because the relationship faded long ago, your children however don't feel that way. Allow time for the shock of the parental split to subside before introducing your children to another potential parental unit. Invite Older Children without Force Consider this tip number 3: give your older children time to build a bond at their own pace, rather than forcing them to accept a new parental figure. Being a single parent to older children can make dating even more difficult to handle, because your older children understand what is going on a bit deeper than the younger ones. Once you have determined who you want to create this new family with, extend an invite to your older children to come along on some dates. Extending an invite to have your older child to go to dinner or out to an event with you and your new partner will allow them to slowly accept and form a bond with this new person. Continue Having Time with Your Children Consider this tip number 4: take time to balance your love life and parent life, your children will start to pull away if they feel your new partner is taking you away from ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Single Parent Households As of 2016, there are over 20 million children in the United States who are being raised in single–parent households. While most of these children are being raised by their mothers, over 3 million of them live with their fathers. These single moms & dads face unique challenges. Luckily, there are many things single parents can do to face these challenges more efficiently. Allow Others to Help Whether because of divorce, death, or another reason, if you find yourself as a single parent, it can be easy to feel like you are alone. While it is true that you will now be raising your child or children on your own, it is important to realize that you are not alone. Whether you have been a single parent for only a short time or you have been one ... Show more content on ... For example, with small children, walking to the park down the street and playing there is a great idea. You could visit a free or inexpensive museum with older children or find another free activity near your home. Make your children a priority. Take Time for Yourself As a single parent, taking care of your family can quickly get stressful and sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you have several children. Never feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Have a babysitter take care of your children while you go out to dinner with a few friends. Join a quilting club. Go to the library. Do something fun without your kids. Your support system really comes into play when it comes to taking time for yourself. You can know that your kids are being well taken care of while you are out taking time for yourself. As a single parent, there will be stressful moments. There will be times when you may feel inadequate. Just remember that you are not alone. There are other parents struggling to care for their children on their own. Yet, as you rely on others, enjoy time with your children, and take time for yourself, you will likely find you are doing better than you ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Why Single Parents Attend College Single Parents Attending College Introduction B.B King quoted, "The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." This paper will aim to show why being a single parent that attends college is a struggle that many face, however it is worth it. Health Care Struggles Single parents may face many obstacles while raising children. When a single parent works and attends college some physical and mental health issues may arise. These matters can be attributed to lack of sleep, poor eating and nutrition, the lack of coping mechanisms as well as not being able to keep appointments to address these health concerns. For some individual's lack of sleep can cause the lack of comprehensive skills, poor coordination, and the ability to maintain their composure. Additionally, poor sleeping conditions can be caused from inadequate eating habits due to always being on the go and college students in general do not have the most nutritious ... Show more content on ... One of these resources is the federal Pell grant. This grant is funded by the federal government and allocated towards the student's tuition. Another resource available to students is the Non–Traditional Student office. This resource helps single parents, married couples, students over the age of twenty–five as well as families that attend college. Some of the Non–Traditional services available are the ccampus childcare funds, life lessons and lunch, student advisement, help with obtaining scholarships, as well as many other helpful and informative services. In addition, there are other services such as the disability student center. The disability department provides tutoring, learning aides and student support for testing. The writing lab is also available to all students and helps students understand and create outlines and essays. Finally, the computer lab is also another tool and resource that is there to aide students in learning the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Kids : A Single Parent Home Coming from a single parent home, kids really are less fortunate than those staying in a two parent household. Children in a single parent home don't have as many option as the children do in a two parent household. The reason I say that is because they are less fortunate and their options on things are low because their isn't a stable income. Choosing this topic was a good pick for me because I can relate more on the situation and the struggle of being raised with just my mom doing everything. Single parents work twice as hard to make sure everything is paid before their children can receive anything nice or new to wear. The most important issue about this situation is money. Living in a single parent home their is a struggle to make sure the rent or mortgage is paid, bills are paid on time, and everything in the house is taken care of.That 's why the children have to wait months without getting new clothes or shoes because everything is on a tight budget. That's when problem comes inside the house when the kids get mad in see their friends with all the new outfits, games, or shoes. Kids start off stealing because they can't get the things they want or start going out doing illegal things to buy them the things they always wanted. Majority of the single home families are African American. Not basing it off ethnicity but "only 12 percent of black families below poverty line have both parents present" (Andersen). Most children have grown up without their father either ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Single Parenting Is A Single Parent Household In today's society, there are more and more families that are being raised by a single parent, whether it's a mother or father. In the world of political correctness we live in today, it's frowned upon to say there's anything wrong with a single parent household. Society views single fathers and mothers as strong willed people, and while they may be so, it's be proven that a child growing up in a single parent household often times has negative outcomes. While in some situations single parenting cannot be avoided, a child growing up in a single parent household is affected in many different ways. It seems to be widely known that single parenting isn't ideal. Most people have often heard the phrase "a child needs a mother and a father" or some variation of that phrase. Despite this, a lot of families either are composed of one parent and the children or else the child is shepherded back and forth between both parents. Despite the fact that this doesn't seem to be "ideal" it's happening more and more often. Perhaps one reason for this is that not everyone knows exactly how bad some of the ramifications of single parenting can be. For instance, a child that is the product of single parenting is twice as likely to drop out of high school, two and a half times as likely to be a teen mother, and 1.4 times as likely to be out of school or work as a child that grows up with both parents. Just those statistics are staggering enough that people should look for more ways around single ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Single Parent Homes Essay Single Parent Homes A single parent is one who is living without a spouse and/or partner. This individual takes on all of the daily responsibilities that comes with raising a child(ren). Furthermore, consider the single parent the one who provides solely for the child as they are the ones with them most of the time throughout the stint of their entire life. Even when discussing the separation of parents and/or divorce, children live with one parent who is also known as the custodial parent. While the second parent normally has visitation of their child, too. However, in many cases, the second parent is either only seeing the child sometimes or has disappeared from the child's life completely, altogether. Years back, the death of your... Show more content on ... To begin, single parent families are at a rise in America year after year. The census now shows within a 50 year span single parent families have doubled. If you think about it, that is a substantial amount of growth. At this rate, 50 years from now there will be a shocking amount of single parent families all around the world. 24 percent of white families with children under 18, 37 percent of Hispanic families with children, and 62 percent of African American families are single parented (Schaefer). With that being said, the amount of single parent families is truly growing at a rapid rate. Nearly 160 thousand children are living with single parent families within a year. The census also sees a devastating 1.2 million fall of both parent households. The social problem becomes only greater with the struggle when the situation grows. The only thing to blame for the growing amount of single families is society itself. The way to deal with drugs, crime, poverty, and many other cultural issues is very easy; strengthen actual families. Fix households without fathers and all of the above slowly but surely begins to slow down. Seems a bit far–fetched but is definitively feasible. Studies now a days show that fatherless households cause a major negative impact on the development of children; both socially and emotionally. ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Analysis Of Nicci Stewell Is A Single Parent Nicci Stowell is a single parent and just quit her job six months ago to stay at home with her kids. When it comes to children, we should follow what the founder of Reggio Emilia's Approach, Loris Malaguzzi, said, "Our task is to help children communicate with the world using all their potential, strengths, and languages, and to overcome any obstacle presented by our culture." This family is friends with my aunt and offered to answer some questions. I selected this family because in our textbook, "The Whole Child: Developmental Education for the Early Years" by Patricia Weissman and Joanne Hendrick, it mentions that only thirteen percent of all families in the United States has a stay–at home mother. It was also taken into consideration ... Show more content on ... Throughout the school year, they have a handful of nights where the parents can bring the student and socialize and get to know others. Parents are always welcome to volunteer and help out during the day in the classroom. While these are great ways to include parents in their child's education, Joyce Epstein of Johns Hopkins University mentions 6 levels of involvement. The first level is parenting, teachers should help establish a home environment that supports learning for the child. Secondly, communicating from school–to–home and home–to–school. Some different ways to do this are phone calls, newsletters, and emails. The next level is volunteering. Teachers should not only promote but ask for family support in and out of the classroom. Learning at home is the fourth level of parent involvement. Teachers should include information about what their child is learning and how they can help with the child's reading and homework and what needs to be improved. Fifthly, teachers should include parents in school decisions and create family organizations such as PTA. Lastly, teachers should collaborate with the community and provide information about community health, cultural, social support, and other programs or services. (Weissman and Hendrick 49–50). By communicating about community cultural services, I believe that it shows that a teacher shows interest in the familys' culture. Establishing a good relationship ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Negative Portrayals Of Single Parented Parents Coming from a family with a single parent can become a problem within itself, but with only having one parent, the child is faced with being an outcast and classified as different than the rest of the children. When a parent comes from a bad past, society assumes the same for their children. For a child of these type of parents, it is hard to get out of this situation and defy the odds set on them by society. In television shows such as Weeds and Mom, there are many examples of these portrayals of the parents and their children. Negative portrayals in television shows of single parented families through comedic relief gives the children of these families a negative mindset, while being compared to these poor depictions in these shows. A child that has went through this traumatic experience will go through hard times, but will try to look at the positive sides of things that they come to challenge with. In his book, Psychological well–being and quality of parenting among children of single parent family, Kiran Sahu stated that "The psychological well being includes meaning in life, absence of somatic symptoms, self esteem, positive effect, daily activities, suicidal thoughts, personal control social support, absence of tension and general efficiency" (531). The television show, Weeds, focuses on a singlemother, Nancy Bloom, who has an early bad depiction in the show. After her husband, Judah, dies unexpectedly, Nancy has to take the center position in her family. After becoming faced with financial problems after her husband's death and dark past coming back to haunt the family, Nancy has to become a drug dealer for her neighborhood and family to survive. Nancy is having to deal with these financial struggles and taking care of her three children: Silas, Shane, and Steven. With having both of their parents in the negative spotlight of the community, these children have a hard time trying to reach success in their city. With the death of Judah and having their mom to rely on, each child acts in different ways. Silas, the oldest, was devastated when his father Judah died, and he took his emotions out on everyone and started depending on drugs to forget about it. In season 1, episode 10 of Weeds, Silas is shown ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Becoming A Single-Parent The pain of losing someone close to you, especially a parent, is never something you can ever quite articulate. But, the lessons you learn and the person you become in the aftermath is a little easier to explain. My mother was my best friend. She was ornery, funny, and brilliant in her own way. She always knew how to soothe me and she always made the effort to, even when she was combatting her own issues. In 2009, my parents divorced due to my father's anger issues and drug use. In addition to becoming a single parent, she was also physically disabled due to work injuries and dealt with pain almost constantly. Her death was May 26th, 2015, just six days after the end of my freshman year. The exact details are burned into my memory, but at the same time the entire day is a blur. I remember the train of emotions hurtling in myself and in my loved ones; the panic, the rage, and the absolute heartbreak I experienced during what I dub "The First Year". During "The First Year", the odds seemed so against us: my brother needed to obtain custody and ownership of our home; our dog passed away; both my brother and his girlfriend crashed their cars and my mother's car; my girlfriend even broke up with me because she couldn't handle how ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the school year, my friend Sam was in my math class. We had never been close, but since we had the class together first period, we had become closer. We started spending time together with our mutual friend Nick. And the following summer, I had some ofthe best days of my life – I was out of the house almost every day with people I loved and who loved me too. Sam is my best friend and Nick's now my boyfriend, and I wouldn't have anyone else as my best ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Single Parents Essay I grew up in what I would consider. I had two parents who loved me and a sister I got along with most of the time. I never really thought about single–parent families; I cannot recall any of my close friends having only one parent. Growing up with two parents may be normal for me, but for some, it is not. In this day and age, divorce is more common, and growing up with one parent is not out of the ordinary. According to Mary Parke; Policy Analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, "An increase in the numbers and proportion of children born outside ofmarriage and a rise in divorce rates have contributed to a three–fold increase in the proportion of children growing up in single–parent families since 1960." Mary Parke also highlights ... Show more content on ... Parents' provision of social capital, in turn, is positively associated with children's school success." Social capital meaning the networks of relationships among people which helps a society function. This helps to show how if a child has both parents, they are more likely to live in a financially stable household and receive more attention, this in turn makes the child stronger academically. Emily Badger, an urban policy journalist reiterates the point that: "two–parent households don't just tend to have more money (which they might spend on tutors, museums, books or simply better health care and groceries). They also have more time (which they might spend on homework help, library visits and bedtime reading). Add the time factor to the parenting qualities I mentioned earlier (patience, commitment), and it's possible that part of the marriage effect is really a 'parenting effect': Children with married parents also have more engaged parents, and it's the engagement that really matters." This is significant because having two parents means the child is more likely to be acknowledged and the parents will be more likely to have time for them. The family is more likely to have money to pay for schooling and the patience to deal with children. This engagement is not as common, however, in single–parent families. Single–parents are less able to interact with their kids. Yuko ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Single Parents Vs. Single Parenting Essay We live in a world that is constantly evolving. As mankind evolves with their way of living, so do the familial ways. We've traveled through different eras, from the start where men worked and woman were housewives, to today, where it is very common to see both men and women working or staying at home. Living situations are constantly changing, whether it has to do with conflict, stress, or even economic problems. A person is able to understand the evolution of family structure by viewing the pros and cons of any given situation. Single parenting would be where one parent is in charge of the household and cares for the child. Although single parents face a thousand challenges, they are also able to obtain many benefits. There can be many difficult challenges with being a single parent and not only for the parent, but for the child as well. The main problem with single parenting happens to be time management. Despite the efforts, the single parent will have to spend a great amount of time working in order to provide sufficient income for the family without any help. Time however, is actually very important to a child. A parent must be involved in a child's life, in order to show care and support. For instance, as a single parent raises a family, they ultimately have to spend more hours working in order to provide sufficient income for the family. For a single parent, it can be very difficult to provide more income, since they don 't earn the same income as a household with ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Argument On Single Parents Tatianna Ewers Dr.Menon English 1101(10:00–10:50)–Argument 11 December 2017 Single Parent Children who grew up in a single parent family have been looked at differently. Just because people are raised by one parent isn't bad but seems impractical to some, yet over the years it has become more common. Today's world many children have grown up and became spiritually stable and victorious whether they had one parent or two, to show them the hard path that life has bestowed upon all humans. The issue lies in the distinction of children raised by single parents versus children raised by both mother and father. I don't think children really need both of parents their parents to grow up right. A boy doesn't need a father figure around to help ... Show more content on ... More children in America are living in a single parent family home then a two parent home and that's crazy. This is an alarming rate because it's showing how little effort is put into relationships before actually determining to have children. Sadly not all single–parents take the time to perform the important tasks needed to raise their children. Parents who think they would never be able to provide emotional and physical stability for their children by themselves should have taken time to think about it before deciding to have children. Accidents happen every now and then but in most situations adults know what is at hand when having a child. If you're not ready to responsible, than don't have sex. If you decide to have the child and you can love the child, then you can be a great parent. There are many ways to enhance the success of your child if you involve yourself in your child's life. While it is exceedingly important for a male child to have his father in his life , there are many ways of teaching a young boy the lessons he needs to grow and become a man. I know from my own experience that you don't need both parents to be raised right. I was raised by my mom and I had a stepdad too but they were so off an on. I never had my biological father around while I grew up and I did have many positive male role models. My stepdad was always there to help ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Julie Jones: Single Parent Julie Jones is a single parent. She lives with her children, eleven–year–old Eric and seven–year–old Stella. He ex–husband, Brad, pays child support regularly but does not spend much time with his children, even though he shares custody of them with Julie. She has a full–time job at the local university. When she is not working, her time is devoted to her children––helping them with schoolwork, driving them to soccer practice and games, taking them to music lessons and play dates. Feeling overwhelmed by all her responsibilities, Julie asks to speak with you, her pastor, about her situation. She is feeling increasingly resentful and angry with her ex–husband for not being more involved in the children's lives. Eric has been getting into trouble ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Non-Conflictual Single-Parent Families Life needs a lot of requirements, including the concern for children and their education. All parents seeking their children to be successful in the future, educationally and morally. There are many ways for children to be successful in the future and some of the methods depend on parents. I believe there are three ways to help your children succeed in the future. first of all, they have healthy relationships with each other, Children in high–conflict families whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along. some studies have found children in non–conflictual single–parent families are better than children in conflictual two–parent families. Sedentary life without conflict ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay on Single Parent Homes Single parent homes: How are they affecting our youth? The cause of behavioral and/or emotional problems among our youth could come from being raised in a single parent home. Many children resort to negative acts of behavior because of limited parental supervision within the single parent household. Children are two to three times more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems in single parent homes (Maginnis, 1997). Research and etiology on the problem behaviors in childhood and adolescence often focus on the role of the family on the development of antisocial behavior. An important factor examined in past studies has been family structure, and this research has shown that youth from single parent families often have higher ... Show more content on ... The single parent also showed lower ego functioning and in turn were less playful with the children, less empathetic, less tolerant of negative behavior from the children, and more likely to display non–age appropriate behavior (Walker & Hennig, 1997). Single mothers are more likely to make negative statements about and to their children, therefore resulting in a low self esteem in the child. Walker and Hennig (1997) also discovered an up side to single parenting, the relationship between parent and child was more nurturing. This could come from the loss of intimacy in the single parent's life. Problem behaviors in single parent homes could be the result of low income within the household. It was reported that 80% of single mother households had incomes of $15,000 of below (Peden, 2004). Loss of economic security can cause many problems in a single parent household. Economic problems may cause a loss of attachment between the parent and the child (Hollist &McBroom, 2006). Poverty has shown to cause poor mental health in single mothers and therefore having a bad influence on children. Poor mental health also had an effect on the mother's ability to perform at work or simply left them unemployed. Youth from single parent homes showed an increase in drug use. Children from single parent homes are also more likely to smoke cigarettes, use drugs, and drink alcoholic beverages. In a study done by Hollist and Mcbroom (2006) 49.2% of children being raised in single ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Single Parent Households Despite the fact that the majority of children in America live in a two–parent household, alarming Census Bureau data reveals an enormous drop in the number of two parent families. Using their most recent data, the United States Census Bureau reports a 1.2 million drop in the number of two–parent households over the past decade (Bureau). Families without fathers impacts nearly eighteen million children in the United States. Fatherless households account for the majority of single parent households; however, motherless families influence another five million children (Bureau). Numerous reasons account for how single parent households develops; but as the number of children nurtured in single–parent homes continues to rise, a disturbing number ... Show more content on ... The Pew Research Center, an association focusing on societal and demographic statistics, reveals that in 2011 family units in America with children under eighteen maintained an average annual income of $57,100 (Kedro). Divorced, separated, or widowed single mothers earned approximately $29,000 annually, and single mothers, never married, live barely above poverty levels, netting only $17,400 annually (Kedro). In addition, the financial stability of two–parent homes equates to better educational benefits. Single parent households usually struggle to maintain basic necessities of life for the families, thereby providing limited or no resources for educational expenses, and relying solely on financial aid or other state and federal programs to educate their ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Single Parents Essay How single parents struggle for many years, children growing up in a single parent family have been viewed as different. But, being raised by only one parent can seem so impossible to many yet, over decades it has become more prevalent. In today's society, many kids have grown up to become emotionally stable and successful and some became stressed and more. Whether they had one or two parents they can showed them rocky path of life that has been upon all human beings. The problem lies in the difference of children who are raised by single parents versus children raised by both a mother and father. Every one ask does a child need both of their parents in a lot of different ways. But the bigger question is does a youngboy need a father ... Show more content on ... They must be able to have a lot of time to offer and amount of emotional time for the well–being of their child. However, this may seem impossible, but we know it can be done. As this subject continues to be looked down on, people must realize that single parents are becoming more common in today's world. Since a long time ago families structure for children ages fourteen to eighteen consists of forty–two percent living in a first marriage family with both parents, and twenty–two percent living in a second marriage step–family. Twenty–one percent living in a single parent, divorced or separated family. The chilling percentage because it shows how little faith is put into a relationship before actually deciding to have children. Unfortunately, not all single–parents take the time to perform the tasks that are thrown at them but is needed to raise their children. Parents think they would never be able to provide stability for their children by themselves. They should have taken the time to think this through before deciding to become parents. I know from personal experience that is very hard to raise one or more kids if one of your parents leave and you're just trying to take it all in day by day without any if ands or but by it. I never had my father around while growing up and I did in fact have somewhat a positive male role model. My sister father was always there to help guide me as I slowly blossomed into a young woman. Anytime my mother had to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Single Generations : Support For Single Parents SUPPORT FOR SINGLE PARENTS HELP FOR SINGLE FATHERS As compared to previous generations, the current generation has seen an incredible increase in single fathers. Back in the days, several single fathers could attain the title of singlehood as a result of a few grounds, which mainly were death of a partner or divorce. As years progressed, divorce became dominant among various couples and this increased the need for help for single fathers. Today, in the 21st century, cases of divorce and death are not the only causes of single fatherhood. Instead, there are diverse reasons as to why we have more single fathers, in which I will list below. First, let's get to know what we mean by "a family". Several definitions have been brought up but for our purpose here, we define it as the basic unit in a society consisting of two parents nurturing their children. A singleparent is defined as a parent that exercises parenthood alone, without the support of the other parent. Even with the existence of other adults and children in a household, a parent is viewed as a single parent if he is not partnered with anyone else in the household. With all these said, it is clear that we need help for single fathers, especially in today's generation, which has proved to have growing numbers of single fathers. More fathers are emerging in raising their children solely without the help of their alternate partner. Sometimes, the best place for children is with their Dad. These comes as a result of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Should Single Parents Be Allowed To Adopt The question " Should single parents be allowed to adopt, in our democracy? " is not one you hear about or see in the news, on the radio, or on social media platforms. Due to the lack of controversy on this topic there is very little information and research, but there is enough to decipher whether or not single men and women should have the privilege to adopt. In relation, Sharon Dougherty believes " These women [and men] choose the rewards of parenthood along with the financial and emotional burdens. Parenthood is not pressed upon them by society. In fact a strong motivation and much perseverance is required, for these single parents must wait for their applications to be accepted, wait for the agency to conduct a study of their home, and then wait for a child"( Dougherty 311). In the following paragraphs I will be taking into account the psychological perspective on single parenting and all the effects it can have. Psychological Effects on the Parent: Becoming a parent in general can have a positive or negative effect on someone's life, but when it comes to being a single parent the game changes. When men and women are single and have no children they are considered to have lots of freedom in the sense that they only have to worry about themselves and have all the time they want, to do what they please. With that being said, an article by Martha Osborne states that single adoptive parents may struggle with high expectations and also may feel guilt when they long for ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Advantages Of Single Parent Families Single–parent families are more common than you think. A recent study by Sara Mclanahan with the Harvard press shows that about 25% of families are headed by single–parents in today's society. A family that is run by one adult, struggles much more than a family with two adults. This was a problem in the 1930s, as demonstrated in the book To Kill A Mockingbirdby Harper Lee, and is still a relevant problem today. Atticus Finch became a single parent by the death of his spouse, in maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s and is an injustices the book because he now struggles with things that wouldn't normally be an issue. Raising his children right is important to him and he makes time unlike some single–parents like Mr. Ewell. Even though this problem has been prevalent throughout the years, we can take steps to reduce challenges that may arise within a single–parent home. The best solution to decreasing the struggle with single parent families is to offer some sort of service that will take some stress off of a single parent. The well–being of a child is important to how they form as an adult and a child's well–being can be swayed by parents. There are three ways for a family to become a single parent family. One way to becoming a single parent is due to a divorce. Another way to become a single parent is by having your spouse die. Lastly, the way to becoming a single parent is due to unprotected sex and then one of the reproducers, or parent, leave the other one. The well–being ... Get more on ...