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Week Four
Here we’re back at Silver Bend for the Colours turn in the rotation! Last
week was rather eventful. Amanda gave birth to her three children, Bran in
front, Amanda’s holding Olaf and Thai’s got a handful with Odin. They didn’t
reach their goal of both having bronze robotics badges last week. But oh
well, the goal this week is get at least $200,000 for the college fund.
“Baba” Odin said reaching for the counter.
“No no.” Thai said grabbing the toddler’s hand, it was the wee
hours of the morning, but Odin and Olaf were full of energy.
Odin giggled and squirmed to get down, babbling at Thai in baby
“We need to teach you and your brother to talk.” Thai sighed, twins
were so much harder.
Though talking was not the first thing that Odin learned.
Amanda spent the morning teaching her son to walk.
After she laid the twins down for a nap she spent the
rest of the day on the phone to maintain her friendships.
It was strange having the house quiet. Thai and Bran
were at work and school. But it was nice to have time to
catch up with her friends.
Thai came home for his job with no promotion. He
sighed, it was hard to get his needed skills while the kids
were little. He decided to head to iRobot, Amanda
would be fine for a few more hours.
It was hard to juggle sales and the register by himself.
But he managed. He didn’t manage to get the store any
higher in rank. Though he sold enough to make a decent
Christy and Sandy came by for spaghetti dinner.
“Sorry about the toaster pastry.” Thai apologized, Bran
hadn’t finished his breakfast.
“No bother, this spaghetti is delicious, tell Amanda she
did a great job.”
“So you remember we have one more pregnancy.”
Amanda said in a low seductive tone.
“I didn’t forget, I thought you wanted to wait a little bit.”
“I do, but we should try anyway, I like living on the wild
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
“Alright Olaf, say next time it’s Daddy’s turn to change
“Daddy!” Olaf giggled.
“Copepods eat plankton, mandarins eat copepods, anemone eats the
mandarin, butterfly fish eats anemones.” Bran recited off his homework,
“Mom do I have to learn this?”
“Yes, now finish up, so you can go to bed.” Amanda chided. Though she had
to agree the fish based curriculum here was a bit strange.
As Bran struggled with his homework, Tiffany struggled
with her own dilemma. She was giving birth!
She gave birth to two puppies, Kay the brown girl
puppy, and Zimmer the white male puppy.
Tiffany was too exhausted after giving birth to realize
that her new found friend had a stinky surprise. Thai
sighed, he was going to wait until tomorrow to give her a
bath. But he couldn’t wait now.
“Hi Keika thanks for coming over.”
“No problem! You said there was a surprise for me.”
“Yeah, Tiffany had puppies last night. Pony wants the
girl to breed so I figured I’d give you the boy.”
“Thai, Zimmer is cute, but I can’t afford a puppy.”
“Oh really, just think about a sec Keika. Right now he’s a
puppy, but soon he’s going to be a grown dog. You can
train him all his tricks. Then he can get a job and pay for
himself.” Thai reasoned.
“Well when you put it like that how could I resist?”
“Puppies are hard to resist as it is.” Thai grinned.
After Keika left, Ambi came over.
“Thanks for the puppy Thai. I thought you weren’t going
to buy into Pony’s puppy breeding scheme.”
“I wasn’t, but Bran is really excited about it. He wants
Jonah to have Tiffany’s puppy. We really don’t need
three dogs anyway.”
Ambi stayed a while. It wasn’t often he got a break from
his large family. Thai invited him for an outing. They
hadn’t really had a chance to hang out since the long
ship ride over.
Even though the Diems lived across the street, Rebecca
and Julie rarely came home with Bran. Bran didn’t have
time for silly girls anyways. All his friends were in high
school, he was the only boy in the elementary school at
the moment. But he had plenty of time to study and
came home with an A+.
Being the only boy at school wasn’t going to last long. It
was Odin’s and Olaf’s birthday.
Both boys grew up in a flurry of sparkles and green
pajamas. Odin choose balloon bearing bears and Olaf
choose a green robe like his older brother.
“Will I make friends at school? Best friends?”
“Will Mom be coming to school with us?”
Odin and Olaf grilled their older brother with questions
about their first day of school.
Olaf decided to change his hair. Growing it out a little.
He needed glasses like his older brother. But he didn’t
have to wear them at night.
Sugar filled cake filled left the boys unable to sleep. So
an impromptu block building competition started.
“Last one to build a tower has to clean all the toilets!”
Bran shouted.
Amanda was up late too, working on her robotics badge.
Her newest child made itself known.
“Hey there, how much does Mommy have to pay you to
be a girl?”
“See ya later Amanda, I’m off to the club.”
“Okay, have fun, I’m gonna eat a whole plate of pop tarts
and pass out on the couch.”
Thai hesitated a second before turning the ticket
machine up $200. He wanted his kids to go to college
too. But he didn’t want to drive away too much
“Aren’t you two supposed be in school?” Thai asked the
teenagers that invaded his club.
“We’re out for an assembly.” They said quickly. A little
too quickly.
“Uh huh, just stay away from the juice bar.”
“Thai this is the best place ever. I’ll pay whatever you
ask.” Jan exclaimed when Thai told her why he raised the
“Thanks Jan.”
“Hey, those kiddos have to get educated.”
“Want to go on an outing?” Thai offered.
“Sure that’ll be great.”
“I want to go on an outing too, Thai!” Sandy waving her
“You know I’m married right?” Thai said.
“Not a date, an outing. You’re the coolest guy in town,
but Sandy ain’t gonna be settling down.”
“Ah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”
Thai closed up after he rake in $50,000 for the University
Fund. A quarter down. $150,000 to go.
He came home to find Amanda curled up on the couch.
He took the dogs outside to keep them quiet.
“Fetch Tiffany!” Thai shouted.
“Ruff!” Tiffany barked happily.
Delilah came by and stole the invisible newspaper. Thai
sighed, so the thieving begins.
This pregnancy was taking it’s toll on her. As soon as she
fell asleep, the baby would wake her up again.
She was fed up with staying home too.
“Thai let’s both go to Colouriffic today.” She said taking
his hand. “We could have a date too.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Thai grinned, “Just let
me take a shower.”
Even with raised prices, Colouriffic was as popular as
ever. It quick rose two ranks.
“You’re the coolest sim I’ve met in ages.” Jan told Thai. “I
got a free TV you should sample.”
“Thanks Jan.” Thai grinned, he sold it after she left. It
wasn’t the nicest thing to do. But it would help out a lot
with the Uni fund.
It wasn’t long before they reached another $50,000.
Thai closed up shop. It was still early in the day. This
was going better than he had planned.
“How about that date?” Thai purred in Amanda’s ear
when they got home.
“You’re shameless.”
They had a nice date. Then they settled down for a quiet
afternoon. Amanda continued to work on her robotics
badge while That studied for mechanical skills points. He
was a couple away from a promotion.
An hour passed before Amanda got restless.
“Thai let’s go back to work. I’m bored.”
“Alright, I just have to put this book away.”
Amanda made a beeline for the DJ booth, her favorite
thing. She loved watching people dance.
Thai kept himself busy with the ticket sales. And making
friends, Ivy Cooper was more than delighted to go on an
Silver Bend’s newest resident came by to visit.
“Gabie! I heard you were here.”
“Yeah, Pony bribed me with adulthood.”
“She’s underhanded sometimes.”
“I’m actually winning! I think I’ll give this place a star.”
Shelby mused to herself. Colouriffic was at last rank ten!
Thai used some of the earnings to purchase another
community lot. Dreamweaver was Silver Bend’s first
“I never thought I make so much money.” Thai mused
when Colouriffic officially made $100,000. He donated
another $75,000 to the Uni fund.
“Hey how does it feel to be rich.” Thai smiled at Amanda.
“My feet hurt and your child is sitting on my bladder. So
it feels great to be rich.”
“Spoil sport.”
“You guys didn’t have to follow us over.” Amanda said.
They had gone to Dreamweaver.
“Puhlease, Amanda. We all want to see the new store.
I’ll finally be able to catch up on my favorite series.”
Melissa said. “It’s a paranormal romance.”
Thai and Amanda got to work. Only a few bookcases to
start out with. But Amanda had a plan in mind.
Andrea and Katy were quick to give stars. Dreamweaver
was rank 2 in no time.
Thai was a little surprised on how much the people here
loved to read.
“Are you planning to stock more gardening books? I
noticed you’re missing ‘How to Grow Cowplants:
Without Being Eaten’”
“We’re gonna try, it’s a little hard to import rarer books.”
Back home, Thai made up some tasty grilled cheese for
his boys.
“A B+ blek, I wanted an A.” Odin whined when he got off
the bus.
Olaf brought home Rebecca from school.
“I like your glasses.” Olaf grinned.
“They help me catch dirty robbers.” Rebecca
said aiming a finger gun.
“You’ll never catch me you copper!”
Rebecca’s twin Julie had come home with Odin. They
joined him eating leftovers for dinner.
Tiffany slunk off for a break. Luckily for her all the extra
children went home when it got dark.
“Thai wake up.” Amanda whispered harshly.
“Wah, what is it?” Thai said groggily.
“It’s time!” Amanda said trying not to wake up the older
“Hi there.” Amanda said after a quick labor. “You were
ready, huh. I think I’ll call you Oddmund.”
Oddmund had his father’s everything. Just like his older
brothers. Amanda liked to pretend the black hair was
from her.
Thai couldn’t go back to sleep after the birth of his
fourth son.
“You think Amanda would want to try for a girl?” He
asked Hans.
Bran and Olaf grew closer together over chess.
“People with glasses are super smart right Bran?” Olaf
“Yes, glasses make you super smart. So you can beat
me at chess.”
Thai spent the morning in the rather neglected garden.
He kept forgetting that it was the only way to refill their
fridge until a grocery store was built.
“Phew Oddmund.” Amanda laughed.
Oddmund burbled and grabbed at her hair.
“Hey Amanda, I heard you had another baby. Congrats.”
“Thanks Keika, come inside for lunch.”
“So how’s Alice?”
“She’s great, quiet kid, I hope the next one is quiet.”
Keika smiled, “looks like your OWBC is going well.”
“I’d say so. It’s a little hard to keep up with all the
businesses right now.”
“Well once we have college you’ll be able to stop going
to Colouriffic. That should help.”
Keika hung out for Bran’s birthday.
“Make a wish, sweetie.” Amanda encouraged.
Bran wished for prestige and popularity. He wanted to
be mayor of Silver Bend.
“So Bran is old enough to watch the kids now.” Thai said.
“Thai, he just grew up.”
“Keika is here to help out, we only need $25,000 more
for the Uni fund.”
“Oh fine, we’ll go.”
Pony and Ambi made appearance at Colouriffic.
“It’s good to see Thai’s doing well.” Pony smiled.
“Yes, your town is coming along just fine.” Ambi grinned,
“Now quit trying to distract me, I know you have an ace
under your hand.”
“Whatever do you mean, dearest?”
One of the reviewers from the next island over stopped
by. She didn’t say much, but she seemed happy and
danced hour away.
Both Amanda and Thai got busy making friends and
going on outings.
They made another $50,000 for the Uni Fund and then
some. Thai finally upgraded the bathroom. A level ten
business needed a classy bathroom.
Thai went to work late at night. He was raking in
promotions but he couldn’t wait for the hours to even
“Hey Hans, Dad gave all our puppies away. I really want
a dog of my own. Still up to being a dad?”
“Of course you are, Tiffany is smoking!”
At last Amanda finished her bronze robotics badge. Now
for the silver.
Another promotion. Hopefully he’d get a new carpool
Amanda and Thai were starting to feel their age. So they
each had their allowed bottle of elixir of life.
“Easy there Oddmund, don’t drink it all at once.” Thai
chided his young son.
Saturday meant Reno Day, there wasn’t much to do the
house. So Amanda and Thai focused on the backyard.
Why live on an island and not have a pool?
Oddmund was taking a nap so the rest of the family
made use of the new pool.
Amanda and Thai left the younger children with Bran
again. A quick stop at Colouriffic for a date, then it was
off to iRobot.
Thai got his bronze restocking badge stocking out the toy
They only stayed long enough for Matthew to give
iRobot rank 6.
Olaf wasn’t happy with his hair anymore. So he spent an
hour if front of the mirror before finally deciding on a
new style.
Amanda wanted to be a business tycoon more than
anything in the world. And at last Colouriffic was level
10. But there wasn’t any job offers.
That night was Oddmund’s birthday. His older brother’s
around offering they’re support.
Oddmund was struck by the dreaded first born disease. He was like Bran in
every way. Amanda didn’t want him to miss his chance for being heir. So
she stuck use the sim blender to give him his own personality. Very Neat
and Outing, if a bit lazy. He was playful, if a bit mean sometimes. A little
makeup gave him a slightly different appearance than Bran.
Thai came home with a new carpool, no more beat up
junker. He also snagged another promotion. He just
needed to keep this up.
Bran waited until his dad was in upstairs before sneaking
out of his room.
“Hey Heather, come pick me up.”
“I’ll be there in a sec.”
Thai came back downstairs to spend time with Oddmund. Toddlers kept the
worse hours. The sound of a car door startled him.
“What was that?” He said getting up.
“Bran!” Thai gasped, “I would have never expected this of you!”
“Aw come on Dad, we only went College Club.”
“I would expect this from Delilah but not you and Heather.” Thai kept
his voice low not wanting to wake Amanda. “You’re grounded, no
phone calls for a week.”
“Aww, Dad.”
Thai didn’t cancel Family Sunday though. Olaf and Odin
didn’t need to be punished. He even invited Pony’s
teenagers. Hopefully giving them sanctioned time
together would keep them from sneaking out.
The guests soon arrived. Thai invited Keika and Gabie
over as well. The whole neighborhood was invited.
“Hey there Delilah.” Bran smiled, he didn’t realize how
pretty she was before.
“What’s up Bran.” Delilah smiled back, “Mom said you
guys got a pool.”
“Yeah, we did, want to check it out?”
“Sure. I’ll follow you.”
Delilah waited for Bran to get inside before seizing the
gnome on the lawn.
“Delilah?” Bran called.
“I’m coming!” Delilah shouted back, tucking the gnome
away in her inventory.
The kids made a brunch of sparkle pancakes.
“Does your mom have any sprinkles?” Rebecca asked, “Mom says sprinkles
make everything better.”
“Everything?” Olaf asked in disbelief, “Sprinkles don’t make grilled cheese
better, Dad says nothing makes grilled cheese better. He says grilled cheese
is perfect.”
“I bet sprinkles would still make it better.” Rebecca insisted.
Sprinkles aside, the pool was a hit.
“Marco!” Odin called.
“Polo!!!” Everyone yelled back.
Amanda also broke out the Myshuno machine.
“I-eight.” Ambi called.
“I can’t find it.” Gabie complain.
“Myshuno!” Olaf squeaked excitedly.
“Come on Olaf let’s play something else.” Odin begged.
“Aww, I just won.”
“Hey, Delilah, you’re the prettiest girl on the island.”
Bran stammered, “Would you go on a date with me?”
“Yeah, I think I will.”
Bran slowly worked up his courage and kissed Delilah on
the lips.
“Bran!” Delilah gasped but didn’t pull away.
The day had been long and eventful. It took a while to
get everybody home and her kids in bed. Amanda sat
down at her computer, still no job offers in business.
Bran snuck outside when he heard barking at the door.
“Hi there wolffie.” He crooned petting the glowing eyed
creature. “Want to be friends?”
Rotation: Week 4
Households: 2 of 4
Playable Sims: 16
# Of Total Residents(PS +
Gravestones): 16
Community Lots: 6
Business Districts: 0
Universities: 0
Downtown: No
SM: 3
Population: 48
CAS Available: 3
University Funds:
(10% taken of available
funds taken daily)
# of Fires: 1
# of Burglaries: 1
# of Electrocutions: 0
# of Graves: 0
Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 5
Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem
- 3
College Club – Pony Diem - 3
Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 5
iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5
Dreamweaver – Thai Colours
- 2
Goddess Spa – Keika
Clitheroe – 0
Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours)
Business: 0 of 1
Architecture: 0 of 1
So much to say here and only one slide to do it.
Well I didn’t expect it to take so long to get another
chapter out. Puppies = no simming time. Luckily
he’s slowly getting better. Lots of things happening
in this chapter even after I cut a few things out.
Bran and Delilah make a good couple, they’re close
enough in age to stay together. But I’m not sure I
want to intermarry the families just yet. I guess
we’ll wait and see.
A third of the way toward Uni!
Anyway Keika’s up next ->

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Silver bend colours 4

  • 2. Here we’re back at Silver Bend for the Colours turn in the rotation! Last week was rather eventful. Amanda gave birth to her three children, Bran in front, Amanda’s holding Olaf and Thai’s got a handful with Odin. They didn’t reach their goal of both having bronze robotics badges last week. But oh well, the goal this week is get at least $200,000 for the college fund.
  • 3. “Baba” Odin said reaching for the counter. “No no.” Thai said grabbing the toddler’s hand, it was the wee hours of the morning, but Odin and Olaf were full of energy. Odin giggled and squirmed to get down, babbling at Thai in baby noises. “We need to teach you and your brother to talk.” Thai sighed, twins were so much harder.
  • 4. Though talking was not the first thing that Odin learned. Amanda spent the morning teaching her son to walk.
  • 5. After she laid the twins down for a nap she spent the rest of the day on the phone to maintain her friendships. It was strange having the house quiet. Thai and Bran were at work and school. But it was nice to have time to catch up with her friends.
  • 6. Thai came home for his job with no promotion. He sighed, it was hard to get his needed skills while the kids were little. He decided to head to iRobot, Amanda would be fine for a few more hours.
  • 7. It was hard to juggle sales and the register by himself. But he managed. He didn’t manage to get the store any higher in rank. Though he sold enough to make a decent profit.
  • 8. Christy and Sandy came by for spaghetti dinner. “Sorry about the toaster pastry.” Thai apologized, Bran hadn’t finished his breakfast. “No bother, this spaghetti is delicious, tell Amanda she did a great job.”
  • 9. “So you remember we have one more pregnancy.” Amanda said in a low seductive tone. “I didn’t forget, I thought you wanted to wait a little bit.” “I do, but we should try anyway, I like living on the wild side.” “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
  • 10. “Alright Olaf, say next time it’s Daddy’s turn to change diapers.” “Daddy!” Olaf giggled.
  • 11. “Copepods eat plankton, mandarins eat copepods, anemone eats the mandarin, butterfly fish eats anemones.” Bran recited off his homework, “Mom do I have to learn this?” “Yes, now finish up, so you can go to bed.” Amanda chided. Though she had to agree the fish based curriculum here was a bit strange.
  • 12. As Bran struggled with his homework, Tiffany struggled with her own dilemma. She was giving birth!
  • 13. She gave birth to two puppies, Kay the brown girl puppy, and Zimmer the white male puppy.
  • 14. Tiffany was too exhausted after giving birth to realize that her new found friend had a stinky surprise. Thai sighed, he was going to wait until tomorrow to give her a bath. But he couldn’t wait now.
  • 15. “Hi Keika thanks for coming over.” “No problem! You said there was a surprise for me.” “Yeah, Tiffany had puppies last night. Pony wants the girl to breed so I figured I’d give you the boy.”
  • 16. “Thai, Zimmer is cute, but I can’t afford a puppy.” “Oh really, just think about a sec Keika. Right now he’s a puppy, but soon he’s going to be a grown dog. You can train him all his tricks. Then he can get a job and pay for himself.” Thai reasoned.
  • 17. “Well when you put it like that how could I resist?” “Puppies are hard to resist as it is.” Thai grinned.
  • 18. After Keika left, Ambi came over. “Thanks for the puppy Thai. I thought you weren’t going to buy into Pony’s puppy breeding scheme.” “I wasn’t, but Bran is really excited about it. He wants Jonah to have Tiffany’s puppy. We really don’t need three dogs anyway.”
  • 19. Ambi stayed a while. It wasn’t often he got a break from his large family. Thai invited him for an outing. They hadn’t really had a chance to hang out since the long ship ride over.
  • 20. Even though the Diems lived across the street, Rebecca and Julie rarely came home with Bran. Bran didn’t have time for silly girls anyways. All his friends were in high school, he was the only boy in the elementary school at the moment. But he had plenty of time to study and came home with an A+.
  • 21. Being the only boy at school wasn’t going to last long. It was Odin’s and Olaf’s birthday.
  • 22. Both boys grew up in a flurry of sparkles and green pajamas. Odin choose balloon bearing bears and Olaf choose a green robe like his older brother.
  • 23. “Will I make friends at school? Best friends?” “Will Mom be coming to school with us?” Odin and Olaf grilled their older brother with questions about their first day of school.
  • 24. Olaf decided to change his hair. Growing it out a little. He needed glasses like his older brother. But he didn’t have to wear them at night.
  • 25. Sugar filled cake filled left the boys unable to sleep. So an impromptu block building competition started. “Last one to build a tower has to clean all the toilets!” Bran shouted.
  • 26. Amanda was up late too, working on her robotics badge. Her newest child made itself known. “Hey there, how much does Mommy have to pay you to be a girl?”
  • 27. “See ya later Amanda, I’m off to the club.” “Okay, have fun, I’m gonna eat a whole plate of pop tarts and pass out on the couch.”
  • 28. Thai hesitated a second before turning the ticket machine up $200. He wanted his kids to go to college too. But he didn’t want to drive away too much business.
  • 29. “Aren’t you two supposed be in school?” Thai asked the teenagers that invaded his club. “We’re out for an assembly.” They said quickly. A little too quickly. “Uh huh, just stay away from the juice bar.”
  • 30. “Thai this is the best place ever. I’ll pay whatever you ask.” Jan exclaimed when Thai told her why he raised the prices. “Thanks Jan.” “Hey, those kiddos have to get educated.”
  • 31. “Want to go on an outing?” Thai offered. “Sure that’ll be great.”
  • 32. “I want to go on an outing too, Thai!” Sandy waving her arms. “You know I’m married right?” Thai said. “Not a date, an outing. You’re the coolest guy in town, but Sandy ain’t gonna be settling down.” “Ah, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”
  • 33. Thai closed up after he rake in $50,000 for the University Fund. A quarter down. $150,000 to go.
  • 34. He came home to find Amanda curled up on the couch.
  • 35. He took the dogs outside to keep them quiet. “Fetch Tiffany!” Thai shouted. “Ruff!” Tiffany barked happily.
  • 36. Delilah came by and stole the invisible newspaper. Thai sighed, so the thieving begins.
  • 37. This pregnancy was taking it’s toll on her. As soon as she fell asleep, the baby would wake her up again.
  • 38. She was fed up with staying home too. “Thai let’s both go to Colouriffic today.” She said taking his hand. “We could have a date too.” “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Thai grinned, “Just let me take a shower.”
  • 39. Even with raised prices, Colouriffic was as popular as ever. It quick rose two ranks.
  • 40. “You’re the coolest sim I’ve met in ages.” Jan told Thai. “I got a free TV you should sample.” “Thanks Jan.” Thai grinned, he sold it after she left. It wasn’t the nicest thing to do. But it would help out a lot with the Uni fund.
  • 41. It wasn’t long before they reached another $50,000.
  • 42. Thai closed up shop. It was still early in the day. This was going better than he had planned.
  • 43. “How about that date?” Thai purred in Amanda’s ear when they got home. “You’re shameless.”
  • 44. They had a nice date. Then they settled down for a quiet afternoon. Amanda continued to work on her robotics badge while That studied for mechanical skills points. He was a couple away from a promotion.
  • 45. An hour passed before Amanda got restless. “Thai let’s go back to work. I’m bored.” “Alright, I just have to put this book away.”
  • 46. Amanda made a beeline for the DJ booth, her favorite thing. She loved watching people dance.
  • 47. Thai kept himself busy with the ticket sales. And making friends, Ivy Cooper was more than delighted to go on an outing.
  • 48. Silver Bend’s newest resident came by to visit. “Gabie! I heard you were here.” “Yeah, Pony bribed me with adulthood.” “She’s underhanded sometimes.”
  • 49. “I’m actually winning! I think I’ll give this place a star.” Shelby mused to herself. Colouriffic was at last rank ten!
  • 50. Thai used some of the earnings to purchase another community lot. Dreamweaver was Silver Bend’s first bookstore.
  • 51. “I never thought I make so much money.” Thai mused when Colouriffic officially made $100,000. He donated another $75,000 to the Uni fund.
  • 52. “Hey how does it feel to be rich.” Thai smiled at Amanda. “My feet hurt and your child is sitting on my bladder. So it feels great to be rich.” “Spoil sport.”
  • 53. “You guys didn’t have to follow us over.” Amanda said. They had gone to Dreamweaver. “Puhlease, Amanda. We all want to see the new store. I’ll finally be able to catch up on my favorite series.” Melissa said. “It’s a paranormal romance.”
  • 54. Thai and Amanda got to work. Only a few bookcases to start out with. But Amanda had a plan in mind.
  • 55. Andrea and Katy were quick to give stars. Dreamweaver was rank 2 in no time.
  • 56. Thai was a little surprised on how much the people here loved to read. “Are you planning to stock more gardening books? I noticed you’re missing ‘How to Grow Cowplants: Without Being Eaten’” “We’re gonna try, it’s a little hard to import rarer books.”
  • 57. Back home, Thai made up some tasty grilled cheese for his boys.
  • 58. “A B+ blek, I wanted an A.” Odin whined when he got off the bus.
  • 59. Olaf brought home Rebecca from school. “I like your glasses.” Olaf grinned. “They help me catch dirty robbers.” Rebecca said aiming a finger gun. “You’ll never catch me you copper!”
  • 60. Rebecca’s twin Julie had come home with Odin. They joined him eating leftovers for dinner.
  • 61. Tiffany slunk off for a break. Luckily for her all the extra children went home when it got dark.
  • 62. “Thai wake up.” Amanda whispered harshly. “Wah, what is it?” Thai said groggily.
  • 63. “It’s time!” Amanda said trying not to wake up the older children.
  • 64. “Hi there.” Amanda said after a quick labor. “You were ready, huh. I think I’ll call you Oddmund.” Oddmund had his father’s everything. Just like his older brothers. Amanda liked to pretend the black hair was from her.
  • 65. Thai couldn’t go back to sleep after the birth of his fourth son. “You think Amanda would want to try for a girl?” He asked Hans. “Woof!”
  • 66. Bran and Olaf grew closer together over chess. “People with glasses are super smart right Bran?” Olaf asked. “Yes, glasses make you super smart. So you can beat me at chess.”
  • 67. Thai spent the morning in the rather neglected garden. He kept forgetting that it was the only way to refill their fridge until a grocery store was built.
  • 68. “Phew Oddmund.” Amanda laughed. Oddmund burbled and grabbed at her hair.
  • 69. “Hey Amanda, I heard you had another baby. Congrats.” “Thanks Keika, come inside for lunch.”
  • 70. “So how’s Alice?” “She’s great, quiet kid, I hope the next one is quiet.” Keika smiled, “looks like your OWBC is going well.” “I’d say so. It’s a little hard to keep up with all the businesses right now.” “Well once we have college you’ll be able to stop going to Colouriffic. That should help.”
  • 71. Keika hung out for Bran’s birthday. “Make a wish, sweetie.” Amanda encouraged.
  • 72. Bran wished for prestige and popularity. He wanted to be mayor of Silver Bend.
  • 73. “So Bran is old enough to watch the kids now.” Thai said. “Thai, he just grew up.” “Keika is here to help out, we only need $25,000 more for the Uni fund.” “Oh fine, we’ll go.”
  • 74. Pony and Ambi made appearance at Colouriffic. “It’s good to see Thai’s doing well.” Pony smiled. “Yes, your town is coming along just fine.” Ambi grinned, “Now quit trying to distract me, I know you have an ace under your hand.” “Whatever do you mean, dearest?”
  • 75. One of the reviewers from the next island over stopped by. She didn’t say much, but she seemed happy and danced hour away.
  • 76. Both Amanda and Thai got busy making friends and going on outings.
  • 77. They made another $50,000 for the Uni Fund and then some. Thai finally upgraded the bathroom. A level ten business needed a classy bathroom.
  • 78. Thai went to work late at night. He was raking in promotions but he couldn’t wait for the hours to even out.
  • 79. “Hey Hans, Dad gave all our puppies away. I really want a dog of my own. Still up to being a dad?” “Ruff!” “Of course you are, Tiffany is smoking!”
  • 80. At last Amanda finished her bronze robotics badge. Now for the silver.
  • 81. Another promotion. Hopefully he’d get a new carpool soon.
  • 82. Amanda and Thai were starting to feel their age. So they each had their allowed bottle of elixir of life.
  • 83. “Easy there Oddmund, don’t drink it all at once.” Thai chided his young son.
  • 84. Saturday meant Reno Day, there wasn’t much to do the house. So Amanda and Thai focused on the backyard. Why live on an island and not have a pool?
  • 85. Oddmund was taking a nap so the rest of the family made use of the new pool.
  • 86. Amanda and Thai left the younger children with Bran again. A quick stop at Colouriffic for a date, then it was off to iRobot.
  • 87. Thai got his bronze restocking badge stocking out the toy robots.
  • 88. They only stayed long enough for Matthew to give iRobot rank 6.
  • 89. Olaf wasn’t happy with his hair anymore. So he spent an hour if front of the mirror before finally deciding on a new style.
  • 90. Amanda wanted to be a business tycoon more than anything in the world. And at last Colouriffic was level 10. But there wasn’t any job offers.
  • 91. That night was Oddmund’s birthday. His older brother’s around offering they’re support.
  • 92. Oddmund was struck by the dreaded first born disease. He was like Bran in every way. Amanda didn’t want him to miss his chance for being heir. So she stuck use the sim blender to give him his own personality. Very Neat and Outing, if a bit lazy. He was playful, if a bit mean sometimes. A little makeup gave him a slightly different appearance than Bran.
  • 93. Thai came home with a new carpool, no more beat up junker. He also snagged another promotion. He just needed to keep this up.
  • 94. Bran waited until his dad was in upstairs before sneaking out of his room. “Hey Heather, come pick me up.” “I’ll be there in a sec.”
  • 95. Thai came back downstairs to spend time with Oddmund. Toddlers kept the worse hours. The sound of a car door startled him. “What was that?” He said getting up.
  • 96. “Bran!” Thai gasped, “I would have never expected this of you!” “Aw come on Dad, we only went College Club.” “I would expect this from Delilah but not you and Heather.” Thai kept his voice low not wanting to wake Amanda. “You’re grounded, no phone calls for a week.” “Aww, Dad.”
  • 97. Thai didn’t cancel Family Sunday though. Olaf and Odin didn’t need to be punished. He even invited Pony’s teenagers. Hopefully giving them sanctioned time together would keep them from sneaking out.
  • 98. The guests soon arrived. Thai invited Keika and Gabie over as well. The whole neighborhood was invited.
  • 99. “Hey there Delilah.” Bran smiled, he didn’t realize how pretty she was before. “What’s up Bran.” Delilah smiled back, “Mom said you guys got a pool.” “Yeah, we did, want to check it out?” “Sure. I’ll follow you.”
  • 100. Delilah waited for Bran to get inside before seizing the gnome on the lawn. “Delilah?” Bran called. “I’m coming!” Delilah shouted back, tucking the gnome away in her inventory.
  • 101. The kids made a brunch of sparkle pancakes. “Does your mom have any sprinkles?” Rebecca asked, “Mom says sprinkles make everything better.” “Everything?” Olaf asked in disbelief, “Sprinkles don’t make grilled cheese better, Dad says nothing makes grilled cheese better. He says grilled cheese is perfect.” “I bet sprinkles would still make it better.” Rebecca insisted.
  • 102. Sprinkles aside, the pool was a hit. “Marco!” Odin called. “Polo!!!” Everyone yelled back.
  • 103. Amanda also broke out the Myshuno machine. “I-eight.” Ambi called. “I can’t find it.” Gabie complain. “Myshuno!” Olaf squeaked excitedly.
  • 104. “Come on Olaf let’s play something else.” Odin begged. “Aww, I just won.”
  • 105. “Hey, Delilah, you’re the prettiest girl on the island.” Bran stammered, “Would you go on a date with me?” “Yeah, I think I will.”
  • 106. Bran slowly worked up his courage and kissed Delilah on the lips. “Bran!” Delilah gasped but didn’t pull away.
  • 107. The day had been long and eventful. It took a while to get everybody home and her kids in bed. Amanda sat down at her computer, still no job offers in business.
  • 108. Bran snuck outside when he heard barking at the door. “Hi there wolffie.” He crooned petting the glowing eyed creature. “Want to be friends?”
  • 109. Rotation: Week 4 Households: 2 of 4 Playable Sims: 16 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 16 Community Lots: 6 Business Districts: 0 Universities: 0 Downtown: No SM: 3 Population: 48 CAS Available: 3 University Funds: $386,508(+229,850) (10% taken of available funds taken daily) # of Fires: 1 # of Burglaries: 1 # of Electrocutions: 0 # of Graves: 0 Businesses: Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 5 Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 3 College Club – Pony Diem - 3 Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 5 iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5 Dreamweaver – Thai Colours - 2 Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 0 Careers: Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours) Business: 0 of 1 Architecture: 0 of 1
  • 110. So much to say here and only one slide to do it. Well I didn’t expect it to take so long to get another chapter out. Puppies = no simming time. Luckily he’s slowly getting better. Lots of things happening in this chapter even after I cut a few things out. Bran and Delilah make a good couple, they’re close enough in age to stay together. But I’m not sure I want to intermarry the families just yet. I guess we’ll wait and see. A third of the way toward Uni! Anyway Keika’s up next ->