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Clitheroe Week 6
Welcome back to Silver Bend! It’s Keika’s
turn in the rotation. She’s trying to complete
a WYD challenge. Starting on the left, we
have Buri, Griff holding Daine, Keika holding
Dana Shae, Alice, with Ceridwen down in
front. This week’s goal is move Griff out and
get the house built.
Griff and Alice were often up late. Griff was
just a night owl. But Alice had a mission.
Her friend Gumbo was here to visit.
Griff took charge of preparing meals. He
liked living on the beach, but he missed
trees. Keika still needed a lot of help. Maybe
after the baby was born he would move out.
This latest pregnancy with Jace Fuchs’ baby
was taking a lot out of her. Keika wondered if
it was because she didn’t particularly like
Somehow she still manage to get at least one
of the twins potty trained.
Alive still snuck off after school to work on
her mom’s spa.
“Thanks for coming to help Buri.”
“When are we going to tell her?” Buri asked.
“When it’s finished.” Alice said looking over
the unfinished building.
“Komei you look like you need a relaxing soak
in a hot tub.”
“You’re so right Alice, work has been so tough
this week.”
Ceridwen brought Brock Nott home from
“You have red hair. It matches your shirt.”
Ceridwen said shyly.
“Thanks, I like your skirt.”
Alice had a hankering to earn some
mechanical points. Her mom said the toilet
and shower needed be fixed. It was time for
some real world experiences.
“JUST WORK FRAMMIT!” She shouted at the
shower head. The toilet had been easy
enough but this ridiculous sink was being
stubborn. In the end she got her mechanical
“Mommy, why do all of us have different
daddies?” Ceridwen asked while they
“It’s difficult to explain.” Keika said, “I’ll tell
you when your older.”
“Dang Daine you’re stinky.” Buri scooped up
her sister and changed her diaper.
“Pinky Dainey!” The baby giggled.
Alice found a jog opening as a crossing
guard. She was tired of being a petty thief.
She was finally on the right track to
becoming a captain hero.
“No, no, you’re gonna slap me.” Buri laughed
“Either this or another bigfoot hug.” Griff
“Okay okay.”
“Oak, Ivy and Yew.” Griff sang to Daine,
trying to coax to talk.
“Poo!” The little girl fussed.
Keika had better luck Dana Shae.
“Momma!” Dana giggled, “Ceri!”
“That’s right Dana.” Keika cheered.
“You two are so….ow ow ow! Griff!!!!” Keika
shouted, “The baby is coming!!!”
“It’s a boy.” Keika gasped in surprise, “Hi
there Edmund.”
Her first boy. Poor thing, he’ll be surrounded
by girls.
“BIGFOOT HUG!!!!” Griff shouted plucking off
Keika off the beach.
“Omph! Put me down Griff.” Keika gasped,
the air squeezed out of her lungs.
Neither of them heard the lullaby chime
Buri did a little shopping after school. She
purchased collars for all the dogs. None of
them had one.
“Tell your mom I said hi.” Ani-Mei Starr said
restocking the rack.
“I will.” Buri promised.
She stopped by Silver Bend Shops for
groceries too.
“I hate this thing.” Brittany moaned.
“Take your time.” Buri smiled.
Alice put collars on all the reluctant dogs.
Buri had picked out a pretty collar for each of
Luckily a few harvests of the money trees
replaced the cash Buri had to spend on her
shopping trip.
“Little Edmund.” Keika cooed at her youngest.
“Bahbah.” He said back.
Keika’s stomach was upset. She wasn’t sure
why, she couldn’t be pregnant could she? She
wasn’t even sure which baby daddy she was
going to choose next.
Upset stomach aside, toddlers needed
The baby was born so Griff was on his way.
He had stayed long enough. It was time to
return to the forest. He would settle up in
the mountainous Verde Valley.
“I love you Daine.” Keika told her daughter.
“Momma!” She replied happily.
Keika’s stomach wobbled as she knelt.
Something was definitely up.
Buri brought Julie Diem home from school.
“What do you think of that Ryan Phoenix, he
is hot!” Buri gushed.
“I know, Rebecca got her first kiss from him.”
“No way!”
Alice went to work for her first day at her
new job.
The answer to Keika’s stomach problems was
soon apparent. But how?
“Bigfoot hugs.” She mused, she thought she
heard a chime on the beach the other day.
“Alright little bro, time to grow up.” Buri told
It was actually a triplet birthday. As Daine
and Dana Shae were due to grow up too.
“Mom, she smells.”
“She can shower after her cake.”
“Pwetty!” Edmund laughed as confetti
exploded around him. He looked a lot like his
father. He was a sloppy outgoing hyperactive
child with a mean streak a mile wide.
Dana Shae and Daine also made their
transitions into childhood.
“Alright big boy, go potty for Momma.”
Of course he learned that already.
“I sense good energy in this house.” The
newest matchmaker cheered. “He can
complete his task here.”
“Pony warned me about you.” Keika told the
“It’ll be worth your wildest dreams.” The
genie promised.
“I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I wish
for money. I want to finish this house.”
“Hey Craig you want to come over for a
while, the baby is asleep and the kids are at
school.” Keika called her boyfriend, she
couldn’t wait until he could move in for good.
“You’ll never believe what happened at the
park.” He giggled whispering in her ear.
“No way really?” She laughed. She was
thankful he wasn’t pressuring her. It would
happen soon enough.
Craig went to play with Edmund when the
older kids got home.
“Mom can you help me? this apple and guppy
question is hard.”
“Sure can.”
“Wait a sec Daine, umph.” Keika’s belly
expanded as her pregnancy advanced.
“Nevermind I figured it out.” Daine waved
before running outside.
“I still need help, Momma.” Dana Shae said
“Okay let’s look at this.” Keika smiled.
“Okay Edmund, you’re the only man in the
house. You take care of your mom until she
let’s me move in.” Craig told the toddler.
“The cow goes moooooo!” Edmund laughed.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Craig chuckled.
“Potty training take sooo long.” Keika
“All done!” Edmund chirped.
“Come on you only had a little bit left.”
All the kids were asleep, Keika drank a sip of
elixir before heading to bed herself.
“Have you thought about my propsitioin?”
The genie asked.
“Sorry bub, there’s still a bun in the oven. I
wish for more money, I’m tired of living in
this shack.”
“As you wish.”
Keika got Pony’s permission to do a little
early renovating. Her house was better, but
still horrible.
With the money from the genie she was able
to add a second floor. With finally enough
beds for everyone. She even had a few
windows now.
The walls weren’t finished, but she had
flooring down. And an actual dining table
with a real kitchen.
It was nice to spend the day with Edmund.
She worked teaching him to walk.
The best part was the dining room table.
They could all eat together.
Keika began feeling familiar pains in her
midsection. Her latest child was on its way.
“I think I’ll name you Firekeeper.” Keika told
her youngest daughter.
That night was also Ceriden’s birthday. In the
redesigned kitchen.
Ceridwen grew up in a flurry of confetti.
“This rocks.” She grinned. She wanted to
make her fortune entertaining until she
reached the top.
“Think we should let her in on our secret.” Buri
asked Alice slyly.
“You think she can keep a secret?” Alice asked
in return.
“Come on guys, tell!” Ceridwen demanded.
“Mom we’re taking Ceridwen to get some
new clothes.” Alice said.
“Okay, don’t stay out too late.” Keika called
“This is the big secret? Digging in the mud?”
Ceridwen groaned.
“We’re trying to build Mom’s Spa.” Alice said.
“The best way to get money is dig.” Buri said,
“So get digging.”
While the girls dug their guests relaxed in the
hot tub.
Ceridwen struck gold. Netting $5,000 for her
They did in truth stop by Silver Bend Shops
for clothes and groceries.
“Okay, I accept your proposal.” Keika told the
genie. “However the child is mine. I get to
decide whether or not it joins your world.”
“Fair enough. If this one fails, I can get
“Pony’s letting you have more than one?”
“That is our business, not yours.”
Ceridwen unbraided her hair and fluffed it
out. She loved her new outfit.
Buri rolled the want for a bronze toy making
badge. There was no toy maker in Silver
Bend. Maybe after college, it would be a good
cover for a Criminal Mastermind.
Ceridwen was also thinking about her future.
She needed to max her charisma skill to open
up a spot in the Entertainment career.
Alice finally had a visit from a friend she had
been waiting for.
“I’ve missed you Gumbo.” Alice rubbed the
wolf’s belly, “Where have you been? I wish I
could adopt you.”
“Wuff.” Gumbo sneezed. He loved Alice, but
he was wild and free. He didn’t belong in a
human home.
Saturday meant Reno Day. There was still a
lot to be done. But the household funds were
still in rather short supply.
The downstairs bathroom was redone, as well
as the living room.
Keika also managed to get the upstairs
bathroom done.
“Keep still Edmund.” Keika smiled, her home
was starting to become a real house.
“What do you think of the table?” Keika
asked Ceridwen.
“I love it, it’s so nice to have a real house.”
“Next week we’ll be able to finish upstairs.”
Keika smiled.
“And maybe you’ll get to go on vacation
again.” Ceridwen said slyly.
Keika quickly put her plate down and held her
stomach. Another baby on the way. A genie
baby, how fitting for the letter g baby.
Buri took her sister’s spot as a pickpocket. She
wanted nothing more than to be a criminal
mastermind. It was about time Silver Bend
was shaken up.
Darkness fell just in time for Edmund’s
“Blue robes unite!” Dana Shae cheered as her
brother grew up.
Edmund wasn’t the only one growing. Baby
G was on its way.
Keika made sure to spend time with Buri and
Alice, they were growing up so fast.
The kids spent time with each other too. The
new TV drew all of them like a magnet.
Working the spa was not bringing in very
much. And digging was alright, but writing
kept the dirt out from under her nails.
Ceridwen kept plugging away at her charisma
skill. Alice and Buri were already on their
careers paths. She was determined to follow
Sunday was here at last, Keika called Ani-Mei
and Jihoon over from Family Sunday.
“I guess we should be thankful we didn’t get
100 baby challenges.” Ani-Mei teased.
“Oh do you think Pony has that in her
“I bet she does.” Ani-Mei said.
“I love the new dining room!” Ani-Mei said
biting into the melty goodness of the grilled
“I’m so glad we could finally afford it, and a
stove.” Keika replied.
There was a bit of a rush to get Firekeeper to
the birthday cake.
Firekeeper grew in a flurry of confetti and long
beautiful black hair.
Regrettfully, Keika decide long hair would be
too much for an active toddler like
Firekeeper. She cut most of it off into a more
manageable length.
“Finally.” Ceridwen breathed a sigh of relief.
She had finally finished maxing her charisma
skill. And just before midnight too.
Alice – Pao Mellon (service sim father) + 1
Buri – Craig Ray (To be Husband father) + 1
Ceridwen – Weylon Menon (brown hair father) +1
Daine/ Dana Shae – Palmer Colours (Servo father)
Edmund – Jace Fuchs (Vacation Dad 1) +1
Firekeeper – Griff Bigfoot (Bigfoot Dad) +1
Babies born before husband moves in (excluding
first baby) + 3
Founder started on an empty lot + 5
Uploading story + 20
Total: 34
Rotation: Week 6
Households: 3 of 14
Playable Sims: 86
# Of Total
Residents(PS +
Gravestones): 86
Community Lots: 17
Business Districts: 1
Universities: 1
Downtown: No
SM: 16
Population: 1,376
CAS Available: -8
University Funds:
(10% taken of available
funds taken daily)
# of Fires: 3
# of Burglaries: 3
# of Electrocutions: 2
# of Graves: 0
Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6
Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 8
College Club – Jonah Diem – 9
Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem - 5
Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10
iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5
Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 4
Colour Café – Thai Colours - 5
Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 1
Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3
The Flower Garden – Clarence
Phillippine – 8
Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron - 3
Cat Café – Ani-Mei Starr – 4
Fire it Up! – Charmander Pokemon –
Verde Valley Library – Ivy Elm – 0
Diem Library –Community Owned-
Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai
Business: unlocked!
Architecture: 0 of 1
Music: unlocked!
Criminal: 1 of 1
Education: 0 of 5
Law Enforcement: 1 of 2
Culinary: 0 of 1
Pet Service: unlocked!
Medical: unlocked!
Politics: unlocked!
Journalism: 0 of 1
Gamer: special 0 of 1
Entainemet: Special 0 of 1
Service calls
Finally I have Keika’s update finished, I’ve
been sitting on it a couple of months. Looks
like once again I threw my resolution out the
window. It’s been a crazy couple of months.
I actually have a story that is past 50k words.
There’s still a lot of work left on it, but it has
a lot of potential to be published. In June I
had to move, which was chaotic, but my pets
and I are very much enjoying the new place.
I’m going to try to make front for my lack of
updates. I have a lot of pictures taken, I just
need to whip up chapters.
Edmund is named after the Chronicles of
Firekeeper is named after the wolf girl in the
Firekeeper Saga by Jane Lindskold.
Anyways on the first uni chapter of Week 6
Happy Simming!

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Silver bend week 6 clitheroe

  • 2. Welcome back to Silver Bend! It’s Keika’s turn in the rotation. She’s trying to complete a WYD challenge. Starting on the left, we have Buri, Griff holding Daine, Keika holding Dana Shae, Alice, with Ceridwen down in front. This week’s goal is move Griff out and get the house built.
  • 3. Griff and Alice were often up late. Griff was just a night owl. But Alice had a mission. Her friend Gumbo was here to visit.
  • 4. Griff took charge of preparing meals. He liked living on the beach, but he missed trees. Keika still needed a lot of help. Maybe after the baby was born he would move out.
  • 5. This latest pregnancy with Jace Fuchs’ baby was taking a lot out of her. Keika wondered if it was because she didn’t particularly like Jace.
  • 6. Somehow she still manage to get at least one of the twins potty trained.
  • 7. Alive still snuck off after school to work on her mom’s spa. “Thanks for coming to help Buri.” “When are we going to tell her?” Buri asked. “When it’s finished.” Alice said looking over the unfinished building.
  • 8. “Komei you look like you need a relaxing soak in a hot tub.” “You’re so right Alice, work has been so tough this week.”
  • 9. Ceridwen brought Brock Nott home from school. “You have red hair. It matches your shirt.” Ceridwen said shyly. “Thanks, I like your skirt.”
  • 10. Alice had a hankering to earn some mechanical points. Her mom said the toilet and shower needed be fixed. It was time for some real world experiences.
  • 11. “JUST WORK FRAMMIT!” She shouted at the shower head. The toilet had been easy enough but this ridiculous sink was being stubborn. In the end she got her mechanical point.
  • 12. “Mommy, why do all of us have different daddies?” Ceridwen asked while they danced. “It’s difficult to explain.” Keika said, “I’ll tell you when your older.”
  • 13. “Dang Daine you’re stinky.” Buri scooped up her sister and changed her diaper. “Pinky Dainey!” The baby giggled.
  • 14. Alice found a jog opening as a crossing guard. She was tired of being a petty thief. She was finally on the right track to becoming a captain hero.
  • 15. “No, no, you’re gonna slap me.” Buri laughed helplessly. “Either this or another bigfoot hug.” Griff chuckled. “Okay okay.”
  • 16. “Oak, Ivy and Yew.” Griff sang to Daine, trying to coax to talk. “Poo!” The little girl fussed.
  • 17. Keika had better luck Dana Shae. “Momma!” Dana giggled, “Ceri!” “That’s right Dana.” Keika cheered.
  • 19. “You two are so….ow ow ow! Griff!!!!” Keika shouted, “The baby is coming!!!”
  • 20. “It’s a boy.” Keika gasped in surprise, “Hi there Edmund.” Her first boy. Poor thing, he’ll be surrounded by girls.
  • 21. “BIGFOOT HUG!!!!” Griff shouted plucking off Keika off the beach. “Omph! Put me down Griff.” Keika gasped, the air squeezed out of her lungs. Neither of them heard the lullaby chime softly.
  • 22. Buri did a little shopping after school. She purchased collars for all the dogs. None of them had one. “Tell your mom I said hi.” Ani-Mei Starr said restocking the rack. “I will.” Buri promised.
  • 23. She stopped by Silver Bend Shops for groceries too. “I hate this thing.” Brittany moaned. “Take your time.” Buri smiled.
  • 24. Alice put collars on all the reluctant dogs. Buri had picked out a pretty collar for each of them.
  • 25. Luckily a few harvests of the money trees replaced the cash Buri had to spend on her shopping trip.
  • 26. “Little Edmund.” Keika cooed at her youngest. “Bahbah.” He said back.
  • 27. Keika’s stomach was upset. She wasn’t sure why, she couldn’t be pregnant could she? She wasn’t even sure which baby daddy she was going to choose next.
  • 28. Upset stomach aside, toddlers needed training.
  • 29. The baby was born so Griff was on his way. He had stayed long enough. It was time to return to the forest. He would settle up in the mountainous Verde Valley.
  • 30. “I love you Daine.” Keika told her daughter. “Momma!” She replied happily. Keika’s stomach wobbled as she knelt. Something was definitely up.
  • 31. Buri brought Julie Diem home from school. “What do you think of that Ryan Phoenix, he is hot!” Buri gushed. “I know, Rebecca got her first kiss from him.” “No way!”
  • 32. Alice went to work for her first day at her new job.
  • 33. The answer to Keika’s stomach problems was soon apparent. But how? “Bigfoot hugs.” She mused, she thought she heard a chime on the beach the other day.
  • 34. “Alright little bro, time to grow up.” Buri told Edmund.
  • 35. It was actually a triplet birthday. As Daine and Dana Shae were due to grow up too. “Mom, she smells.” “She can shower after her cake.”
  • 36. “Pwetty!” Edmund laughed as confetti exploded around him. He looked a lot like his father. He was a sloppy outgoing hyperactive child with a mean streak a mile wide.
  • 37. Dana Shae and Daine also made their transitions into childhood.
  • 38. “Alright big boy, go potty for Momma.” “No!” Of course he learned that already.
  • 39. “I sense good energy in this house.” The newest matchmaker cheered. “He can complete his task here.”
  • 40. “Pony warned me about you.” Keika told the genie. “It’ll be worth your wildest dreams.” The genie promised. “I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I wish for money. I want to finish this house.”
  • 41. “Hey Craig you want to come over for a while, the baby is asleep and the kids are at school.” Keika called her boyfriend, she couldn’t wait until he could move in for good.
  • 42. “You’ll never believe what happened at the park.” He giggled whispering in her ear. “No way really?” She laughed. She was thankful he wasn’t pressuring her. It would happen soon enough.
  • 43. Craig went to play with Edmund when the older kids got home. “Mom can you help me? this apple and guppy question is hard.” “Sure can.”
  • 44. “Wait a sec Daine, umph.” Keika’s belly expanded as her pregnancy advanced. “Nevermind I figured it out.” Daine waved before running outside.
  • 45. “I still need help, Momma.” Dana Shae said sheepishly. “Okay let’s look at this.” Keika smiled.
  • 46. “Okay Edmund, you’re the only man in the house. You take care of your mom until she let’s me move in.” Craig told the toddler. “The cow goes moooooo!” Edmund laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Craig chuckled.
  • 47. “Potty training take sooo long.” Keika lamented. “All done!” Edmund chirped. “Come on you only had a little bit left.”
  • 48. All the kids were asleep, Keika drank a sip of elixir before heading to bed herself.
  • 49. “Have you thought about my propsitioin?” The genie asked. “Sorry bub, there’s still a bun in the oven. I wish for more money, I’m tired of living in this shack.” “As you wish.”
  • 50. Keika got Pony’s permission to do a little early renovating. Her house was better, but still horrible.
  • 51. With the money from the genie she was able to add a second floor. With finally enough beds for everyone. She even had a few windows now.
  • 52. The walls weren’t finished, but she had flooring down. And an actual dining table with a real kitchen.
  • 53. It was nice to spend the day with Edmund. She worked teaching him to walk.
  • 54. The best part was the dining room table. They could all eat together.
  • 55. Keika began feeling familiar pains in her midsection. Her latest child was on its way.
  • 56. “I think I’ll name you Firekeeper.” Keika told her youngest daughter.
  • 57. That night was also Ceriden’s birthday. In the redesigned kitchen.
  • 58. Ceridwen grew up in a flurry of confetti. “This rocks.” She grinned. She wanted to make her fortune entertaining until she reached the top.
  • 59. “Think we should let her in on our secret.” Buri asked Alice slyly. “You think she can keep a secret?” Alice asked in return. “Come on guys, tell!” Ceridwen demanded.
  • 60. “Mom we’re taking Ceridwen to get some new clothes.” Alice said. “Okay, don’t stay out too late.” Keika called back.
  • 61. “This is the big secret? Digging in the mud?” Ceridwen groaned. “We’re trying to build Mom’s Spa.” Alice said. “The best way to get money is dig.” Buri said, “So get digging.”
  • 62. While the girls dug their guests relaxed in the hot tub.
  • 63. Ceridwen struck gold. Netting $5,000 for her family.
  • 64. They did in truth stop by Silver Bend Shops for clothes and groceries.
  • 65. “Okay, I accept your proposal.” Keika told the genie. “However the child is mine. I get to decide whether or not it joins your world.” “Fair enough. If this one fails, I can get another.” “Pony’s letting you have more than one?” “That is our business, not yours.”
  • 66. Ceridwen unbraided her hair and fluffed it out. She loved her new outfit.
  • 67. Buri rolled the want for a bronze toy making badge. There was no toy maker in Silver Bend. Maybe after college, it would be a good cover for a Criminal Mastermind.
  • 68. Ceridwen was also thinking about her future. She needed to max her charisma skill to open up a spot in the Entertainment career.
  • 69. Alice finally had a visit from a friend she had been waiting for. “I’ve missed you Gumbo.” Alice rubbed the wolf’s belly, “Where have you been? I wish I could adopt you.” “Wuff.” Gumbo sneezed. He loved Alice, but he was wild and free. He didn’t belong in a human home.
  • 70. Saturday meant Reno Day. There was still a lot to be done. But the household funds were still in rather short supply.
  • 71. The downstairs bathroom was redone, as well as the living room.
  • 72. Keika also managed to get the upstairs bathroom done.
  • 73. “Keep still Edmund.” Keika smiled, her home was starting to become a real house.
  • 74. “What do you think of the table?” Keika asked Ceridwen. “I love it, it’s so nice to have a real house.” “Next week we’ll be able to finish upstairs.” Keika smiled. “And maybe you’ll get to go on vacation again.” Ceridwen said slyly.
  • 75. Keika quickly put her plate down and held her stomach. Another baby on the way. A genie baby, how fitting for the letter g baby.
  • 76. Buri took her sister’s spot as a pickpocket. She wanted nothing more than to be a criminal mastermind. It was about time Silver Bend was shaken up.
  • 77. Darkness fell just in time for Edmund’s birthday.
  • 78. “Blue robes unite!” Dana Shae cheered as her brother grew up.
  • 79. Edmund wasn’t the only one growing. Baby G was on its way.
  • 80. Keika made sure to spend time with Buri and Alice, they were growing up so fast.
  • 81. The kids spent time with each other too. The new TV drew all of them like a magnet.
  • 82. Working the spa was not bringing in very much. And digging was alright, but writing kept the dirt out from under her nails.
  • 83. Ceridwen kept plugging away at her charisma skill. Alice and Buri were already on their careers paths. She was determined to follow suit.
  • 84. Sunday was here at last, Keika called Ani-Mei and Jihoon over from Family Sunday.
  • 85. “I guess we should be thankful we didn’t get 100 baby challenges.” Ani-Mei teased. “Oh do you think Pony has that in her drawing?” “I bet she does.” Ani-Mei said.
  • 86. “I love the new dining room!” Ani-Mei said biting into the melty goodness of the grilled cheese. “I’m so glad we could finally afford it, and a stove.” Keika replied.
  • 87. There was a bit of a rush to get Firekeeper to the birthday cake.
  • 88. Firekeeper grew in a flurry of confetti and long beautiful black hair.
  • 89. Regrettfully, Keika decide long hair would be too much for an active toddler like Firekeeper. She cut most of it off into a more manageable length.
  • 90. “Finally.” Ceridwen breathed a sigh of relief. She had finally finished maxing her charisma skill. And just before midnight too.
  • 91. Alice – Pao Mellon (service sim father) + 1 Buri – Craig Ray (To be Husband father) + 1 Ceridwen – Weylon Menon (brown hair father) +1 Daine/ Dana Shae – Palmer Colours (Servo father) +1 Edmund – Jace Fuchs (Vacation Dad 1) +1 Firekeeper – Griff Bigfoot (Bigfoot Dad) +1 Babies born before husband moves in (excluding first baby) + 3 Founder started on an empty lot + 5 Uploading story + 20 -------------- Total: 34
  • 92. Rotation: Week 6 Households: 3 of 14 Playable Sims: 86 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 86 Community Lots: 17 Business Districts: 1 Universities: 1 Downtown: No SM: 16 Population: 1,376 CAS Available: -8 University Funds: $27,048(+$8,446) (10% taken of available funds taken daily) # of Fires: 3 # of Burglaries: 3 # of Electrocutions: 2 # of Graves: 0
  • 93. Businesses: Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 6 Ambian Sounds – Ambi Diem - 8 College Club – Jonah Diem – 9 Silver Bend Shops – Delilah Diem - 5 Colouriffic – Thai Colours – 10 iRobot – Amanda Colours – 5 Dreamweaver – Thai Colours – 4 Colour Café – Thai Colours - 5 Goddess Spa – Keika Clitheroe – 1 Sugar Sugar –Gabie Sugar – 3 The Flower Garden – Clarence Phillippine – 8 Star Gazing Park – Neil Cameron - 3 Cat Café – Ani-Mei Starr – 4 Fire it Up! – Charmander Pokemon – 5 Verde Valley Library – Ivy Elm – 0 Diem Library –Community Owned- Careers: Slacker: 1 of 2(Thai Colours) Business: unlocked! Architecture: 0 of 1 Music: unlocked! Criminal: 1 of 1 Education: 0 of 5 Law Enforcement: 1 of 2 Culinary: 0 of 1 Pet Service: unlocked! Medical: unlocked! Politics: unlocked! Journalism: 0 of 1 Gamer: special 0 of 1 Entainemet: Special 0 of 1 Service calls unlocked.
  • 94. Finally I have Keika’s update finished, I’ve been sitting on it a couple of months. Looks like once again I threw my resolution out the window. It’s been a crazy couple of months. I actually have a story that is past 50k words. There’s still a lot of work left on it, but it has a lot of potential to be published. In June I had to move, which was chaotic, but my pets and I are very much enjoying the new place. I’m going to try to make front for my lack of updates. I have a lot of pictures taken, I just need to whip up chapters. Edmund is named after the Chronicles of Narnia Firekeeper is named after the wolf girl in the Firekeeper Saga by Jane Lindskold. Anyways on the first uni chapter of Week 6 Happy Simming!