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Shot No. Shot Type Duration
Additional Information
1 Long shot 4s Dan walking to/sitting at drums – no music playing.
2 Close up Cont. of
prev. shot.
Close up of Dan’s face
3 Close up 2s Dan playing drums. A few variations of same of same shot in quick succession. Opening
drum riff.
4 Mid Shot 4s Dan in park (cross cutting with drums), lots of camera movement and colour. Dream-like.
5 Close up 3s Return to Dan playing drums. A few variations of same of same shot in quick succession.
6 Mid shot 4s High angle of Flo in bar. Similar to shot No. 4.
7 Close up Cont. of
prev. shot.
Camera moves into close up of Flo.
8 Close up 8s Many variations of Dan playing drums. Editing pace slows as opening comes to an end.
9 Close up Cont. of
prev. shot.
Camera pans away from drums and tilts upwards slowly as if snapping out of a dream.
(Possible fade transition)
10 Mid shot 1.5s STARTS 20 SECONDS INTO SONG. Shot of behind Dan walking in a park (location may
change). Camera tracks him.
11 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of back of Dan’s head from a slight angle
(can see a little of side of face).
12 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of side of Dan’s head (square on).
13 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of Dan’s eye (or sunglass).
14 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of Dan’s face (square on).
15 Mid shot 2s Lyric “I be catchin’…”. Flo from shot No. 6 exiting bar (location may change).
16 Close up 3s Low angle of Flo looking left and right outside bar.
17 Mid shot 3s Flo walking away from bar, Dan in background
18 Close up 2s Lyric “But keep your eyes on me. Side of Dan’s face, Flo in background with shallow depth
of focus (if possible).
19 Close up Cont. of
prev. shot.
Camera swings round to front on of Dan’s face. Lyric “… on me.”
20 Mid shot 1s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
21 Mid shot 3s Reaction shot of Flo seeing Dan. (Shot 20 on storyboard)
22 Close up 2s Cut back to bar seen in shot 6. Shot of table with Flo’s ID on it (can see from photo or
similar). Hand comes in to grab it, camera zooms in and tracks the item while swinging
round to a low angle of a man (Charlie) in background with shallow focus.
23 Close up 1s Track hand (and item) as the person moves to exit.
24 Long shot 2s Lyric “Your heart don’t stand a chance”. Zoom from long shot into mid shot + low angle of
Charlie (similar shot No. 16)
25 Mid shot Cont. of
prev. shot.
Charlie looks around in the same way as the Flo did in shot 16
26 Close up <1s Dog. 1 beat.
27 Close up <1s Lead. 1 beat.
28 Close up <1s Dan. 1 beat (next beat is ‘uh’ at around 37.5 seconds in).
29 Mid shot 2s Dan throws the dog a ball.
30 Long shot 3s Hand held (POV of Flo), ball lands near her, dog looks at her.
31 Mid shot 2s Reaction shot (now we can see her face) of the Flo who’s just seen the dog. She tries to
call it over.
32 Long shot 2s Dog looks at her and runs away.
33 Close up 1s She looks a little sad and looks where the dog goes.
34 Extreme long
2s Dog runs to Dan. (Smooth zoom transition to next shot)
35 Mid shot 1s Dan praises the dog and leaves.
36 Mid shot 2s The Flo’s interest has shifted to Dan and she looks to see where he’s going. Her NVC
shows interest. She looks at her watch. Lyric “the eyes keep me all…” ENDS 50 SECONDS
37 Close up 2s (4
Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
38 Close up <1s Dan pulls cardoor closed.
39 Mid shot 2s Dan pulls away in his car. Ends just before lyric “all in the back of your head”.
40 Long shot 3s Charlie spots the Flo in the distance and begins to jog towards her.
41 Close up 2s Flo shot with Charlie in the background, slow motion (maybe) she turns her head away
and walks off.
42 Mid shot 2s Flo unlocks door to her house.
43 Close up 1s Charlie looking a little puffed out.
44 Mid shot 1s Flo has seen Charlie but goes into her house concerned.
45 Close up 1s Charlie looks annoyed.
46 Close up 2s Charlie puts the Flo’s item into his pocket to lyric “all in the palm of my hand”.
47 Close up 3s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. ENDS 1:04.5 INTO SONG.
48 Mid shot 1s The Flo is writing something down.
49 Close up 2s Shot of what she wrote down – ‘4:45 TOMORROW – PARK’.
50 Close up 3s Dog falling asleep. Possible slow motion. Lyric “Far too long, girl”
51 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
52 Extreme long
2s Shot of Dan closing curtains from outside house.
53 Mid shot 1s Match on action of closing curtains. Shot from indoors, behind Dan.
54 Mid shot 1s Dan sat in bed. Shots No. 54 – 56 are a sequence of jump cuts.
55 Mid shot 1s Dan pulling duvet over.
56 Mid shot 1s Dan switching light off. SHOT ENDS AT 1:19 INTO SONG.
57 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
58 Close up 2s Dogs eye beginning to wake. Bright light to signify morning.
59 Close up 2s Hand grabs Flo’s item off a bedside table.
60 Close up 4s Flo’s hand hits an alarm clock next to pad with the note on it. Shot ends at end of lyric
“…so far from what you’re used to. SHOT ENDS 1:26 INTO SONG.
61 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
62 Close up 1s Dog yawn start (Jump cuts).
63 Close up 1s Dog yawn end (Jump cuts).
64 Mid shot 1s Charlie buttons up top button of shirt (shot in mirror) (Jump cuts).
65 Mid shot 1s Charlie turns away from mirror and heads off (Jump cuts).
66 Extreme close
1s Flo’s eye looking down (Jump cuts).
67 Mid shot 1s Flo’s note pad (Jump cuts).
68 Mid shot 1s Dan checks phone (Jump cuts).
69 Close up 1s Phone says ‘4:30’ (Jump cuts). JUMP CUT SEQUENCE ENDS AT 1:32 INTO SONG
70 Long shot 2s Dan grabs lead.
71 Close up 2s Dan clips lead onto dog.
72-92 Variety 10s Shots 58 – 71 repeats 2 more times, each time subtle changing (without drum cross cut) in
quicker succession show time passing. SEQUENCE ENDS 1:45 INTO SONG.
93 Close up 1.5s Continuation of final shot of sequence (similarto shot No.71). Camera pulls up as Dan
94 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4
95 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4
96 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4
97 Mid shot 2s Slow motion dog’s head out window.
98 Extreme close
2s Slow motion of Flo’s eye blinking and turning away.
99 Close up 1s Slow motion Dan’s keys swinging in ignition.
101 Close up 1s Slow zoom of table where Charlie found item – no item there now obviously. Charlie’s
hand is in corner of frame.
102 Mid shot 2s Charlie looking at item as if about to give up and hand it to the police.
103 Variety Until 2:12 Continuation of slow motion shots focussing on scenery, emotion and plot development.
Final shot of sequence should be of Dan drumming just before the chorus – this should
then move into normal speed and be in time with the chorus.
104 Close ups/mid
Until end
of chorus
Same sort of sequence as shots No. 1-9 but this time more intense (in terms of the way of
drumming and what it is being cross cut with). Make cross cutting more fast paced, play
with speed, etc. – make the dream slightly more nightmarish.
105 Mid shot 1s Charlie walking towards bar, shot from front – keep constant distance between Charlie
and camera
106 Long shot 1s Hand held POV of Charlie – we see he’s going to the bar.
107 Mid shot 2s Flo leaves bar. Charlie is within 5m of the bar when Flo exits
108 Close up 1s Reaction shot – unsure if it was Flo
109 Mid shot 1s Flo walking away
110 Mid shot 2s Charlie picks up pace
111 Long shot 2s Flo goes around a corner
112 Mid shot 2s Charlie begins to jog
113 Mid shot 1s Flo walking, looking at watch. She walks quite fast and goes around a corner.
114 Extreme long
3s Shot of street Flo was walking down, symmetrical, cinematic. Charlie comes around the
115 Extreme long
2s Reaction shot from where Charlie was. Facing other way down street, no one is there.
Charlie Enters frame facing away from us, walking away from the camera.
116 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
117 Long shot 4s Start on path, ‘steadicam’ down path (put in faster motion in post) and zoom into low
angle of Dan.
118 Close up 2s Dan looks a little alarmed and whips his head around.
119 Long shot 2s A jogger runs towards him and then past him. Camera pans and follows them
120 Close up 1s Reaction shot. Dan frowns but looks a little relieved.
121 Mid shot 2s Slow motion. Bailey tries to chase jogger – pulls on lead. Shot low at Bailey’s height.
122 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
123 Mid shot 2s Catch up with Flo. Location has changed a little. She looks rushed.
124 Close up 3s Slow motion. Close up of half of Flo’s face framed so that we can see space behind her.
Zoom past face so whole frame is empty space behind her. Smooth zoom transition to
next shot.
125 Close up 3s Catch up with Charlie. He is looking for turning that Flo could have gone in to. Lyric “is it as
real as the stone in your crown”. SHOT ENDS AT 3:11.
126 Mid shot 1s Charlie power walks/jogs out of shot like he’s found something.
127 Mid shot 2s Shot start from around the corner, Charlie comes around the corner into shot, looks
around behind him and continues out of shot.
128 Long shot 5s Camera starts at Charlie jogging down new path on a mid-shot, pans around, steadicamto
where Flo is (further down path, round more corners, etc.) in fast motion. Flo looks and
power walks off towards place where she saw Dan, days ago.
129 Close up 2s Slow motion lead coming off.
130 Close up 1s Dan swinging lead round neck.
131 Close up 2s Bailey panting in slow motion.
132 Long shot 1s Flo begins to move into a jog. Lyric “Your heart don’t stand a chance”.
133 Close up 2s Charlie digs item out of pocket. Lyric “I’m waiting for the white flag”.
134 Mid shot 2s Charlie disappears down a different turning to her.
135 Close up 4s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again.
136 Mid shot 3s Dan laughs (general expression of joy) in slow motion.
137 Close up 3s Dan whips lead off his shoulders in slow motion.
138 Close up 1s Clips lead onto Bailey.
139 Mid shot 2s Dan heads away into car.
140 Close up 1s Flo’s phone – she missed the time.
141 Close up 3s Reaction shot. Flo looks angry, frustrated, sad, etc. She then jogs out of frame to go to the
park (she is close).
142 Close up 1s Charlie looks down.
143 Close up 1s Item.
144 Close up 1s Charlie looks frustrated.
145 Long shot 2s Flo appears from Charlie’s POV in park.
146 Mid shot 1s Dan slams cardoor shut
147 Close up 1s Flo looks happy
148 Mid shot 2s Flo heads quickly out of shot to intercept Dan.
149 Mid shot 2s Charlie realises it’s her and begins to run.
151 Long shot 1s Charlie runs (to camera) yelling “hey”, etc.
152 Close up 2s Flo looks over shoulder and seems confused, continues.
153 Mid shot 2s Camera moves alongside Charlie running. He continues to yell.
154 Mid shot 2s Flo looks over shoulder again but looks more concerned and begins to break into a run
155 Close up 2s Slow motion of item in Charlie’s pumping hand.
156 Close up 2s Flo’s bag as she runs.
157 Close up 1s Dog looking out window.
158 Close up 1s Hand tapping on wheel.
159 Various 20s Chase scene continues with a mix of normal and slow motion. Florence has mixed
expressions – fear and excitement. Focus needs to also be on the item and Flo’s bag
(which she has on her). Little focus on Dan driving.
160 Close up 3s AT 4:37, WHEN CHORUS COMES IN, Dan’s drumming becomes more intense/dramatic.
161 Long shot 2s Flo stops Dan’s car.
162 Close up 1s Slow motion of her saying “help” acting very scared.
163 Mid shot 1s Flo opens door and gets in.
164 Mid shot 1s Flo’s face – saying “go go go”, “someone’s chasing me”, or similar.
165 Close up 1s Reaction shot of Dan asking what frantically.
166 Close up 1s Dan drumming
167 Close up of
mirror, long of
1s Wing mirror with Charlie running after in, trying to wave down car.
168 Close up 1s Flo’s face – expression has changed. She looks slightly eviller as Dan pulls away quickly.
169 Close up 1s Wing mirror – Charlie has vanished.
170 Close up 5s Zoom out from bag where we could see the item Charlie had is in there – revealing she
made Charlie up to get to Dan. Camera tracks around into front of car – Flo breaks fourth
wall. Looks very evil.
171 Close up 1s Final beats of song – Dan ends drums, puts sticks down, fade to black.
172 Title 12s Title of song, my name, etc. all during 12 second interview section at end of song.

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Shot list

  • 1. Shot No. Shot Type Duration (Approx.) Additional Information 1 Long shot 4s Dan walking to/sitting at drums – no music playing. 2 Close up Cont. of prev. shot. Close up of Dan’s face 3 Close up 2s Dan playing drums. A few variations of same of same shot in quick succession. Opening drum riff. 4 Mid Shot 4s Dan in park (cross cutting with drums), lots of camera movement and colour. Dream-like. 5 Close up 3s Return to Dan playing drums. A few variations of same of same shot in quick succession. 6 Mid shot 4s High angle of Flo in bar. Similar to shot No. 4. 7 Close up Cont. of prev. shot. Camera moves into close up of Flo. 8 Close up 8s Many variations of Dan playing drums. Editing pace slows as opening comes to an end. 9 Close up Cont. of prev. shot. Camera pans away from drums and tilts upwards slowly as if snapping out of a dream. (Possible fade transition) 10 Mid shot 1.5s STARTS 20 SECONDS INTO SONG. Shot of behind Dan walking in a park (location may change). Camera tracks him. 11 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of back of Dan’s head from a slight angle (can see a little of side of face). 12 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of side of Dan’s head (square on). 13 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of Dan’s eye (or sunglass). 14 Close up <1s Shots 11-14 are each one of four beats. Close up of Dan’s face (square on). 15 Mid shot 2s Lyric “I be catchin’…”. Flo from shot No. 6 exiting bar (location may change). 16 Close up 3s Low angle of Flo looking left and right outside bar. 17 Mid shot 3s Flo walking away from bar, Dan in background 18 Close up 2s Lyric “But keep your eyes on me. Side of Dan’s face, Flo in background with shallow depth of focus (if possible). 19 Close up Cont. of prev. shot. Camera swings round to front on of Dan’s face. Lyric “… on me.”
  • 2. 20 Mid shot 1s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 21 Mid shot 3s Reaction shot of Flo seeing Dan. (Shot 20 on storyboard) 22 Close up 2s Cut back to bar seen in shot 6. Shot of table with Flo’s ID on it (can see from photo or similar). Hand comes in to grab it, camera zooms in and tracks the item while swinging round to a low angle of a man (Charlie) in background with shallow focus. 23 Close up 1s Track hand (and item) as the person moves to exit. 24 Long shot 2s Lyric “Your heart don’t stand a chance”. Zoom from long shot into mid shot + low angle of Charlie (similar shot No. 16) 25 Mid shot Cont. of prev. shot. Charlie looks around in the same way as the Flo did in shot 16 26 Close up <1s Dog. 1 beat. 27 Close up <1s Lead. 1 beat. 28 Close up <1s Dan. 1 beat (next beat is ‘uh’ at around 37.5 seconds in). 29 Mid shot 2s Dan throws the dog a ball. 30 Long shot 3s Hand held (POV of Flo), ball lands near her, dog looks at her. 31 Mid shot 2s Reaction shot (now we can see her face) of the Flo who’s just seen the dog. She tries to call it over. 32 Long shot 2s Dog looks at her and runs away. 33 Close up 1s She looks a little sad and looks where the dog goes. 34 Extreme long shot 2s Dog runs to Dan. (Smooth zoom transition to next shot) 35 Mid shot 1s Dan praises the dog and leaves. 36 Mid shot 2s The Flo’s interest has shifted to Dan and she looks to see where he’s going. Her NVC shows interest. She looks at her watch. Lyric “the eyes keep me all…” ENDS 50 SECONDS INTO SONG. 37 Close up 2s (4 beats) Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 38 Close up <1s Dan pulls cardoor closed. 39 Mid shot 2s Dan pulls away in his car. Ends just before lyric “all in the back of your head”.
  • 3. 40 Long shot 3s Charlie spots the Flo in the distance and begins to jog towards her. 41 Close up 2s Flo shot with Charlie in the background, slow motion (maybe) she turns her head away and walks off. 42 Mid shot 2s Flo unlocks door to her house. 43 Close up 1s Charlie looking a little puffed out. 44 Mid shot 1s Flo has seen Charlie but goes into her house concerned. 45 Close up 1s Charlie looks annoyed. 46 Close up 2s Charlie puts the Flo’s item into his pocket to lyric “all in the palm of my hand”. 47 Close up 3s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. ENDS 1:04.5 INTO SONG. 48 Mid shot 1s The Flo is writing something down. 49 Close up 2s Shot of what she wrote down – ‘4:45 TOMORROW – PARK’. 50 Close up 3s Dog falling asleep. Possible slow motion. Lyric “Far too long, girl” 51 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 52 Extreme long shot 2s Shot of Dan closing curtains from outside house. 53 Mid shot 1s Match on action of closing curtains. Shot from indoors, behind Dan. 54 Mid shot 1s Dan sat in bed. Shots No. 54 – 56 are a sequence of jump cuts. 55 Mid shot 1s Dan pulling duvet over. 56 Mid shot 1s Dan switching light off. SHOT ENDS AT 1:19 INTO SONG. 57 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 58 Close up 2s Dogs eye beginning to wake. Bright light to signify morning. 59 Close up 2s Hand grabs Flo’s item off a bedside table. 60 Close up 4s Flo’s hand hits an alarm clock next to pad with the note on it. Shot ends at end of lyric “…so far from what you’re used to. SHOT ENDS 1:26 INTO SONG. 61 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 62 Close up 1s Dog yawn start (Jump cuts). 63 Close up 1s Dog yawn end (Jump cuts). 64 Mid shot 1s Charlie buttons up top button of shirt (shot in mirror) (Jump cuts). 65 Mid shot 1s Charlie turns away from mirror and heads off (Jump cuts).
  • 4. 66 Extreme close up 1s Flo’s eye looking down (Jump cuts). 67 Mid shot 1s Flo’s note pad (Jump cuts). 68 Mid shot 1s Dan checks phone (Jump cuts). 69 Close up 1s Phone says ‘4:30’ (Jump cuts). JUMP CUT SEQUENCE ENDS AT 1:32 INTO SONG 70 Long shot 2s Dan grabs lead. 71 Close up 2s Dan clips lead onto dog. 72-92 Variety 10s Shots 58 – 71 repeats 2 more times, each time subtle changing (without drum cross cut) in quicker succession show time passing. SEQUENCE ENDS 1:45 INTO SONG. 93 Close up 1.5s Continuation of final shot of sequence (similarto shot No.71). Camera pulls up as Dan walks dog away. SHOT ENDS 1:45 INTO SONG, JUST BEFORE INSTRUMENTAL. 94 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4 95 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4 96 Close up 1s Slow motion close ups of scenery from shot No. 4 97 Mid shot 2s Slow motion dog’s head out window. 98 Extreme close up 2s Slow motion of Flo’s eye blinking and turning away. 99 Close up 1s Slow motion Dan’s keys swinging in ignition. 101 Close up 1s Slow zoom of table where Charlie found item – no item there now obviously. Charlie’s hand is in corner of frame. 102 Mid shot 2s Charlie looking at item as if about to give up and hand it to the police. 103 Variety Until 2:12 Continuation of slow motion shots focussing on scenery, emotion and plot development. Final shot of sequence should be of Dan drumming just before the chorus – this should then move into normal speed and be in time with the chorus. 104 Close ups/mid shots Until end of chorus (2:30) Same sort of sequence as shots No. 1-9 but this time more intense (in terms of the way of drumming and what it is being cross cut with). Make cross cutting more fast paced, play with speed, etc. – make the dream slightly more nightmarish. 105 Mid shot 1s Charlie walking towards bar, shot from front – keep constant distance between Charlie and camera
  • 5. 106 Long shot 1s Hand held POV of Charlie – we see he’s going to the bar. 107 Mid shot 2s Flo leaves bar. Charlie is within 5m of the bar when Flo exits 108 Close up 1s Reaction shot – unsure if it was Flo 109 Mid shot 1s Flo walking away 110 Mid shot 2s Charlie picks up pace 111 Long shot 2s Flo goes around a corner 112 Mid shot 2s Charlie begins to jog 113 Mid shot 1s Flo walking, looking at watch. She walks quite fast and goes around a corner. 114 Extreme long shot 3s Shot of street Flo was walking down, symmetrical, cinematic. Charlie comes around the corner. 115 Extreme long shot 2s Reaction shot from where Charlie was. Facing other way down street, no one is there. Charlie Enters frame facing away from us, walking away from the camera. 116 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 117 Long shot 4s Start on path, ‘steadicam’ down path (put in faster motion in post) and zoom into low angle of Dan. 118 Close up 2s Dan looks a little alarmed and whips his head around. 119 Long shot 2s A jogger runs towards him and then past him. Camera pans and follows them 120 Close up 1s Reaction shot. Dan frowns but looks a little relieved. 121 Mid shot 2s Slow motion. Bailey tries to chase jogger – pulls on lead. Shot low at Bailey’s height. 122 Close up 2s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 123 Mid shot 2s Catch up with Flo. Location has changed a little. She looks rushed. 124 Close up 3s Slow motion. Close up of half of Flo’s face framed so that we can see space behind her. Zoom past face so whole frame is empty space behind her. Smooth zoom transition to next shot. 125 Close up 3s Catch up with Charlie. He is looking for turning that Flo could have gone in to. Lyric “is it as real as the stone in your crown”. SHOT ENDS AT 3:11. 126 Mid shot 1s Charlie power walks/jogs out of shot like he’s found something. 127 Mid shot 2s Shot start from around the corner, Charlie comes around the corner into shot, looks around behind him and continues out of shot.
  • 6. 128 Long shot 5s Camera starts at Charlie jogging down new path on a mid-shot, pans around, steadicamto where Flo is (further down path, round more corners, etc.) in fast motion. Flo looks and power walks off towards place where she saw Dan, days ago. 129 Close up 2s Slow motion lead coming off. 130 Close up 1s Dan swinging lead round neck. 131 Close up 2s Bailey panting in slow motion. 132 Long shot 1s Flo begins to move into a jog. Lyric “Your heart don’t stand a chance”. 133 Close up 2s Charlie digs item out of pocket. Lyric “I’m waiting for the white flag”. 134 Mid shot 2s Charlie disappears down a different turning to her. 135 Close up 4s Cross cut to Dan playing drums again. 136 Mid shot 3s Dan laughs (general expression of joy) in slow motion. 137 Close up 3s Dan whips lead off his shoulders in slow motion. 138 Close up 1s Clips lead onto Bailey. 139 Mid shot 2s Dan heads away into car. 140 Close up 1s Flo’s phone – she missed the time. 141 Close up 3s Reaction shot. Flo looks angry, frustrated, sad, etc. She then jogs out of frame to go to the park (she is close). 142 Close up 1s Charlie looks down. 143 Close up 1s Item. 144 Close up 1s Charlie looks frustrated. 145 Long shot 2s Flo appears from Charlie’s POV in park. 146 Mid shot 1s Dan slams cardoor shut 147 Close up 1s Flo looks happy 148 Mid shot 2s Flo heads quickly out of shot to intercept Dan. 149 Mid shot 2s Charlie realises it’s her and begins to run. 151 Long shot 1s Charlie runs (to camera) yelling “hey”, etc. 152 Close up 2s Flo looks over shoulder and seems confused, continues. 153 Mid shot 2s Camera moves alongside Charlie running. He continues to yell.
  • 7. 154 Mid shot 2s Flo looks over shoulder again but looks more concerned and begins to break into a run herself. 155 Close up 2s Slow motion of item in Charlie’s pumping hand. 156 Close up 2s Flo’s bag as she runs. 157 Close up 1s Dog looking out window. 158 Close up 1s Hand tapping on wheel. 159 Various 20s Chase scene continues with a mix of normal and slow motion. Florence has mixed expressions – fear and excitement. Focus needs to also be on the item and Flo’s bag (which she has on her). Little focus on Dan driving. 160 Close up 3s AT 4:37, WHEN CHORUS COMES IN, Dan’s drumming becomes more intense/dramatic. 161 Long shot 2s Flo stops Dan’s car. 162 Close up 1s Slow motion of her saying “help” acting very scared. 163 Mid shot 1s Flo opens door and gets in. 164 Mid shot 1s Flo’s face – saying “go go go”, “someone’s chasing me”, or similar. 165 Close up 1s Reaction shot of Dan asking what frantically. 166 Close up 1s Dan drumming 167 Close up of mirror, long of Charlie 1s Wing mirror with Charlie running after in, trying to wave down car. 168 Close up 1s Flo’s face – expression has changed. She looks slightly eviller as Dan pulls away quickly. 169 Close up 1s Wing mirror – Charlie has vanished. 170 Close up 5s Zoom out from bag where we could see the item Charlie had is in there – revealing she made Charlie up to get to Dan. Camera tracks around into front of car – Flo breaks fourth wall. Looks very evil. 171 Close up 1s Final beats of song – Dan ends drums, puts sticks down, fade to black. 172 Title 12s Title of song, my name, etc. all during 12 second interview section at end of song. Shotswillbeinveryquicksuccession. Timingswon’tbefullysorteduntilI matchitwithmusicinpost.