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Short Essay For Kids
Writing an essay on the topic "Short Essay For Kids" might seem deceptively easy at first glance,
especially given its seemingly straightforward theme. However, delving into the intricacies of
crafting a piece that is not only engaging but also suitable for a younger audience presents its
own set of challenges.
First and foremost, it requires striking a delicate balance between simplicity and meaningful
content. The language used must be clear and accessible to children while still conveying a
meaningful message or story. This demands a keen understanding of the target age group's
comprehension level and the ability to communicate effectively within those parameters.
Next, the challenge lies in capturing the attention of young readers. Maintaining a child's interest
throughout the essay is crucial, and this involves employing creative and captivating elements.
Incorporating vivid imagery, relatable characters, and an engaging narrative arc becomes
essential to make the essay both enjoyable and educational.
Additionally, the content should align with age-appropriate themes and values. Topics should be
selected carefully, ensuring they are not only interesting but also impart valuable lessons or
insights suitable for a young audience. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of
both entertainment and educational aspects.
Moreover, the writing style should be tailored to cater to the specific needs of children. The use
of simple language, short sentences, and an overall conversational tone is crucial for making the
essay accessible and enjoyable for young readers.
In conclusion, while the topic "Short Essay For Kids" may seem uncomplicated, the process of
writing such an essay demands a thoughtful approach. Crafting a piece that is both entertaining
and educational for children involves navigating a unique set of challenges, from language
simplicity to content relevance. However, with careful consideration and creativity, it is certainly
For those seeking assistance or looking for similar essays and more, there are resources like where you can explore a variety of writing services to meet your specific
Short Essay For Kids Short Essay For Kids
Questions On Class Hierarchy Analysis
In other words, I started from the entry point and went through all the statements
of method body. Based on Class Hierarchy Analysis definition, for each call site
b.n( ) in the method block, if static type(b)=B, Then the targets of call site b.n( )
will be all concrete (non abstract) methods having the same signature as method
B.n( ) and declared by B or by any concrete subclasses of B including B itself.
According to this definition, I added reachable methods of each call site to the
worklist then made edges from source to reachable methods.
// initialization worklist.initialize() ; worklist while (worklist != empty) {
// remove next method from worklist
Method source = worklist.removeNext() ;
// process statements in source method for each (stmt in source) {
// if statement is a method/constructor call Method if (stmt is a InvokeStmt) { n =
stmt.getInvokedMethod() ;
List reachables = resolveDispatch(n) ; for each (Method target in reachables){
worklist.add (target) ; callgraph.addEdge (source пѓЁ target) ;
} // end of for} // end of if
} // end of for} // end of while
(A worklist approach for CHA algorithm)
The method resolveDispatch( ) finds reachable methods of each call site b.n( ) and
for computing reachable methods, at first I check if static type(b)= B and if B
declares by signature method B.n( ), then reachable methods are method n( ) in class
B and all methods having signature B.n( ) defined in concrete subclasses of B, else I
have to look at the concrete
Mexican National Identity After The Mexican Revolution
After the Mexican Revolution of 1910, a nationalistic sentiment spread throughout
Mexico as they sought to form a unified identity under its new constitution. Under
the new organization of the country, Mexico underwent many political and social
changes, many of them violent. At the turn of the 20th century, Mexican
nationalism was of the utmost importance. Finally, the masses of Mexican poor
began to have a voice in their own destiny and began to seek out a national identity.
In order to be fully immersed in an identity that seemed ambiguous due to centuries
of colonization, Mexico looked to the arts to help mold Mexico s new character as a
country. Muralists like Rivera, Siqueiros, Orozco and Khalo portrayed the struggle
for freedom and democracy against the oligarchs that had exploited the poor for
decades. Musicalso played a pivotal role in expressing nationalistic views and ideas
through movements such as the traditional and the indigenismo . One of the
composers who was at the forefront of the indigenismo movement was Carlos
ChГЎvez. ChГЎvez strived to distance himself from romantic influences and
practices, and searched for new methods to create pieces that were for everyone, not
just the elite. Chavez s investigation of indigenous Indian cultures, native folk
elements, and dance forms brought an unprecedented vigor and visibility to 20th
century Mexican Music. ChГЎvez traveled to Europe and the United States to gain
recognition beyond Mexico s border, thus catapulting his influence on Mexico s
musical style and cultures. Born in 1899 to a modest, but comfortable household in
Mexico City, Carlos ChГЎvez was exposed to music through the primary instruction
of his older brother Manuel, who gave him piano lessons. From a very young age,
Carlos taught himself and analyzed works of great composers in order to get a grasp
on composition. He started out composing for piano in a traditional romantic style.
The compositions from before 1921, mostly for piano, are essentially Romantic, with
Schumann as a detectable influence. These juvenilia also include piano arrangements
of Mexican songs, and so prefigure two main musical interests of ChГЎvez s
maturity: traditional genres (sonata, quartet, symphony,
Lab Report On Plant Cell Walls
Plant cell walls are composed of: Pectin matrices, cellulose microfibrils and branches
of hemicellulose. Cell walls give plant cells their rigid oblong shape (in
morphogenesis) and its strength aids the plant cell s maintenance of osmotic stability
preventing lysis and crenation when exposed to hypertonic or hypotonic
environments respectively. The apoplast pathway in the cellwall is also completely
permeable to ions and small particles while preventing the entry of toxic
Second to cell walls, plant cell membranes contain a variety of different lipids (made
of fatty acids), proteins and carbohydrates. The two molecule thick layered structure
of membranes is made of a bilayer of amphipathic phospholipids ... Show more
content on ...
The tonoplast is similar the external plasma membrane in that there are also intrinsic
transmembrane proteins which govern the movement of a variety of ions and the one
way entry of betalain molecules produced via the flavonoid pathway in the cytoplasm.
In fig.1, the absorbance values of the resultant beetroot solutions show a clear
increase with increasing temperature, this is gradual from 23В°C to 60В°C, but this
steeply increases until 70В°C which was the last data point. Extrapolation may show
an exponential increase, until all the red pigment has been liberated from all of the
beetroot cells, and the trend line would thus plateau horizontally.
In fig.2, the absorbance readings of H2O and chloroform are relatively very small
almost negligible, IMS has the second highest reading and Rapid freezing did the
most damage to the beetroot cells membranes with a very high absorbance reading.
This was so high that it couldn t be detected by the monochromatic light from the
spectrophotometer dilutions were made as a result and the absorbance was multiplied
to its true value.
The monochromatic light of the spectrophotometer was set to a value of 540nm (the
green region of the visual spectrum). This is essential because the betacyanin
pigments present in the vacuoles of beetroot cells are what give the vegetable its
distinctive red colour (light transmitted), so the compromise green wavelength is
absorbed in the greatest
Welcome to the Realm of Love
Welcome to the realm of love
You dream of an unfamiliar hand being placed on your elbow. It is tender and
adoring, but at the same moment it has a gargantuan power that easily lifts you
awake. You are suspended over a countryside at dawn. You gaze downward and you
realize that this cosmic expanse extending out to the horizon and distant beyond it is
all your property. The existence you have endured and have yet to live stretches out
beneath you. It s surprisingly gigantic, a complete continent sheltered with a subtle
cobalt vapor. You can scarcely familiarize yourself, but you worship this territory
from deep within your spirit. You marvel at that, but just for a short minute, because it
then occurs to you what this immeasurable immense and magnificent ground beneath
you is: it s called love.
As you slowly drift downwards, you are still gazing, lost in thought, at the landscape
before your eyes. You touch down gently, grateful to feel the earth below your feet. A
delicate fog surrounds you. You see a lightin front of and up above you. A mighty
tower looms before you. Completely solitary, it rises from the landscape like a pillar.
It is beautiful and strangely familiar, as if you had been there many times before.
Light comes from a small window set high in the facade. Something wonderful is
shining there, gentle and friendly. As you walk around the tower, you see an open
door. You go inside, where a broad, winding staircase greets you. Each step, each
stone is familiar.
Emerson s Nature Using Figurative Language Analysis
Nature expresses Emerson s belief that individuals must develop a personal
understanding of the universe. In the introduction, Emerson explains the significance
of accepting the knowledge and traditions of the past, instead of experiencing nature
and God directly. The question about the order of the universe(relationship between
God, man and nature) is answered through the experience of life. Nature in fact is an
expression of the understanding. Emerson portrays an attitude towards nature using
figurative language, comparison and contrasting.
In the essay, he expresses the philosophy that the universe is composed of nature and
through this unity man obtains knowledge. It is necessary, according to Emerson,
that man awakens the connection ... Show more content on ...
Although it goes to say that not everyone sees the reverence awakened by the stars
it is always present, they are inaccessible not To speak truly, few adult persons can
see nature but to those that can t see nature. As well as Nature always wears the
colors of the spirit indicating that nature and man together can produce the ability to
see the delight. However, it is only possible through man or through nature and man
to see delight. It is important to see with temperance and that is why nature always
wears the colors of the
Refugees Should Be Banned In The United States
Refugee Ban in the United States
In the United States, President Trump recently issued a travel ban from seven
Muslim majority countries: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, and Syria due to
concerns of the safety of American citizens. However, it was recently overruled by
Federal Judge James L. Robart but the president has vowed to have the ruling
overturned or have another similar executive order written in its place. The ban
consisted of visa restrictions in place for ninety days, refugee admission program
suspended for one hundred and twenty days, and Syrian refugees admission
suspended indefinitely until President Trump feels the vetting procedures are strong
enough to ensure terrorists are not allowed in the country on a refugee visa. ... Show
more content on ...
It is comprised of seven steps: registration and data collection, security checks,
DHS interview, Biometric security checks, cultural orientation and medical check,
assignment to domestic resettlement location and travel, and lastly arrival in the
U.S (State). Each of those steps is intensive and the refugee screening process is
considered to more careful than any other type of traveler. Furthermore, the
USRAP system has proven to be secure through statistics listed on CATO and in
my opinion any more to be done would strain the system to point where it was
incapable of adequately processing individuals. While those steps help ensure that
the United States protects itself from potential terrorist, maybe more can be done
in security checks with visa applicants. The 9/11 attacks were carried out by those
on temporary visas, and one student visa. As it stands, there is a $160 fee,
application with photo documentation, and an interview at the U.S Embassy or
Consulate. Also, there could be additional steps depending on place of origin.
(Affairs). While these steps are a good starting place to grant visas, a more in depth
background check could be beneficial for the United States for those who hail from
known terrorist bred countries. Another issue is visa holders overstaying their
allotted time. What can be done to ensure that visa holders abide by the rules set in
place by the U.S Department of State? I would
Earlobe Allele Frequency Lab Report
Earlobe Allele Frequency in General and Asian Populations
Laura Kathryn Browne
Georgia Perimeter College Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to observe
the frequency of attached versus detached earlobes to better understand the
presentation of traits in humans in general and in certain populations to determine if
individuals of particular ethnicity are more likely to present with one phenotype of
the other. It is understood that attached earlobes are the dominant phenotype and
detached earlobes are the recessive phenotype, however there is some controversy
regarding this distinction, as suggested by McDonald (2011), who points out that
CarriГЁre and Hilden were among the first to study the genetics of earlobes, and they
reached opposite conclusions . The purpose is this experiment is to revisit this topic
and determine whether there is a moderately clear dominant and recessive genotype
in human earlobes.
Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this experiment is that attached earlobes are more
common in individuals of Asian descent than in the general population.
The demonstration was conducted at a busy 24 hour Starbucks in downtown Ann
Arbor, Michigan in the evening from 7pm to 10pm. The number of individuals in
each group, Detached vs. Attached, was tallied in ... Show more content on ...
Many of the individuals in these random samples were young college students, but
trials should be repeated in locations with different demographics. There is some
margin for error when determining if an individual belongs to the Attached or
Detached phenotype; sometimes, an individual seems to have unclearly attached or
detached earlobes. It should also be considered that elderly people are more likely
to appear to have detached earlobes, even if they do not have a dominant allele.
There is a potential for gravity to pull an attached earlobe down over time due to
gravity, thus skewing
Physical Contact In Olympic Hockey
Did you know that woman can t check or have any physical contact in olympic
hockey! Hi I will be showing you guys some similarities and differences between
NHL hockey and Olympic hockey.
Here is some history about the sport of hockey, hockey is the oldest ball and stick
game, it dates back to 2000 BC in persia, the name hockey comes from the french
hocquet or shepards crook which is a crooked stick used to hit a ball, ice hockey was
introduced into the olympics in 1920, the first all women s team played in the
1998 olympics. Man that was some interesting background history now we will
move on to some events that are different between the two. In the NHL there is no
1st, 2nd, or 3rd there can only be 1 winner unlike the olympic hockey you can win
1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The awards are different too like in the NHL you win MVP(Most
valuable player), Stanley Cup, and the Conn Smythe Trophy, the player awarded for
the conn smythe trophy is the most valuable player for the season. There are 21 total
trophies players can get awarded arranging from MVP to the National cup. Did you
know that Canada has won 8 gold medals and is the current holder for most hockey
medals in the olympics. Now i will be telling you the differences in the rules ... Show
more content on ...
Also both ice rinks are different, the NHL rinks are 200 feet long and 85 feet wide,
but olympic rinks are 210 feet long and 98 feet wide. In the NHL teams can dress
18 players and 1 goalie on the ice, but in the Olympics you can have 2 goalies on
ice and dress 20 players, another weird rules are goalies can t play the puck behind
the net, if they do they will get a 2 minute minor for goaltender infraction, but in the
olympics goalies can play the puck behind the net. Now we will move on to some
famous olympic
My Thoughts On The Cold Floor Essay
It was two in the morning, my thoughts reeling over the day I was about to take on.
My eagerness overcame me and I flipped and flopped between my sheets like a fish
out of water. I remember being told to wake up early and that there was a long day
ahead of me. I imagined making new friends and the first thoughts that popped into
my head were What if they don t like me? or What if they think I m stupid? Which
were always concerns of mine, but I tried to calm myself and I remembered that I
was not there to make friends and that put me at easy, little bit. Yet it was not
enough, I could not get back to sleep. After much internal debate, I climbed out of
bed; my body was so sore as if I had fought 100 adversaries that night and they won,
I guess I slept wrong. I thought to myself as my feet touched the icy cold floor. I
walked around my room my thoughts filling to the brim with what to wear I
rummaged through my closet pulling out dress, shorts, skirts, shirts, tank tops, and
pants, until I had a mountain of clothing that resembled Mt. Everest. I weighted
and tried on all of my options; my indecisiveness clearly showing through my
action; forcing me to decide on a pair of jeans and a superman t shirt. I finally left
the house preparing myself for the complications that awaited me. I smiled brightly
disguise my uneasy feelings, because I knew that the first step to improvement
involves hard work. I headed towards building two where I had an orientation I made
it just in
How Well Do You Think The Governance System Of
Strategic Management Case Study Assignment Question 1. How well do you
think the governance system of JPMorgan Chase is working in protecting
shareholder interests? Corporate governance is a set of actions used to handle the
relationship between stakeholders by determining and controlling the strategic
direction and performance of the organization. Corporate governance major
concern is making sure that the strategic decisions are effective and that it paves
the way towards strategic competitiveness. (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 310).
In today s corporation, the primary objective of corporate governance is to align
top level manager s and stakeholders interest. That is why corporate governance is
involved when there is a conflict of interest between with the owners, managers,
and members of the board of directors (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 310 311).
There are three internal and one external governance mechanisms used for owners
to govern managers to ensure they comply with their responsibility to satisfy
stakeholders and shareholder s needs. First, ownership concentration is stated as the
number of large block shareholders and the total percentage of the shares they own
(Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 317). Second, the board of directors which are
elected by the shareholders. Their primary duty is to act in the owner s best interest
and to monitor and control the businesses top level managers (Hitt, Ireland,
Hoskisson, 2017, p. 319). Third, is the
Should Romeo And Juliet Be Taught In Schools Essay
Some people think that the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, should
not be taught in school. Others think that it should. In my opinion, this great story
should be taught in school. It has so much potential to teach students about great
pieces of literature. A story about two lovers that cannot love such an interesting
classic to read. ..It is founded on an idle passion between a boy and a girl, who
have scarcely seen and can have but little sympathy or rational esteem for one
another, who have had no experience of the good or ills of life and whose raptures
or despair must be therefore equally groundless and fantastical (Hazlitt 33). It has a
lot of vocab in it, which will help students enhance their vocab skills, it will stretch
students reading areas because when people read it, they have a harder time than
normal to read, and it will help people understand other hard pieces of writing later
on in life. The great story by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, an overall
great story, should be read in school because it... Show more content on ...
The language of Old English, a harder language to understand than modern day
English, makes people work harder to figure out what it means. Doing this will help
people understand the harder papers, essays, and books they read later on in their
lives. So, if people ever read more challenging texts than Romeo and Juliet, they will
prepare them to take on the challenge. Also, with the tough vocabulary that occurs
throughout the story, it helps enhance students vocabulary usage from using mono
syllable words to tri syllable words. Tempering extremities with extreme sweet
(Shakespeare act 2 prologue). This sentence, filled with difficult words, shows how
great this story can help people strengthen their vocabulary. This also helps them
seem more prepared for the future; by understanding words that people speak and
able to have an intelligent
African Slave Trade Affecting Africa s Children
The African slave trade was devastating but many do not know how terrible it was.
Twenty eight million people were taken from their homes and families, and more
people killed (3). An estimated total loss from the slave trade is thirty million to
two hundred million people (4). The worst effect would be the problems it caused
for Africa s children. They were hurt psychologically and emotionally because they
lived in a state of mental and emotional stress and fear. The first object which
saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which
was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with
astonishment, which was soon converted into terror when I was carried on board. I
was now persuaded that... Show more content on ...
This method got some Africans killed, and normally slavers would just see their
deaths as a small loss in profit, or just some collateral damage; after all, they just
saw the slaves as material goods, a way to make money, not as human beings. They
opted for an easy way to do things because some slavers were getting hurt or killed
in the raids. The Europeans decided to negotiate with tribe leaders. In exchange for
Africans, the Europeans would give the tribe leaders strong spirits, cloth, and
useless trinkets the chiefs found fascinating. Oftentimes, tribes would sell
prisoners of war to the slavers. If the chiefs didn t want to give slaves, the slavers
would take them by force. The children and families that lived in tribes lived in
constant fear of being sold. As I said before, it isn t psychologically for a child to
live in fear. Also being in an environment full of fear will make children feel
apprehensive and nervous. When children were given away, they would feel
useless, unwanted, and hated. They might have said to themselves: What have I
done? Is this my fault? Why me? Nobody loves me. These feelings of uselessness
and sadness can cause a child to have depression. All these feelings can also make
the child feel as if they aren t good enough for anyone. Being betrayed by people
they thought were friends, or maybe even their family, will have a massive effect on
a child s
Affects of Magazine Articles
Persuasive Essay Magazine advertisement sends unhealthy signals In todays
society the media implicates the basic idea of the perfect woman to be skinny and
beautiful. But what is beautiful? Magazines everywhere promote the latest style
and the way you should look to be what is considered normal or acceptable. Young
girls should not have to worry about the clothes they wear and if it s the next best
thing just because the model on the cover said so. If you look on any clothing
magazine what do you see? A beautiful young thin girl with the perfect smile, skin is
perfectly air brushed, hair looks styled to perfection. Young girls look at these women
and think they have to imitate that image in that magazine to be beautiful,... Show
more content on ...
In this same magazine Cosmopolitan theres one page dedicated two a young
couple the page says Lunch Date in big letters and under it is a quote of two
sentences. I m into public displays of affection. I enjoy making people feel
uncomfortable by holding more than hands with somebody. Also under the quoted
words is what all of the model is wearing and how much it all costs. The model is
sitting on a mans leg and their arms are on each other. Hes gently kissing her neck
while the women sits with her head tilted up enough to give him room to kiss, with
her eyes closed and her outside leg propped up a little more than the other and her
hand placed on the mans chest. They re sitting in a park like scenery with a picnic
basket next to them on the bench filled with grapes and wine and flowers popping
out. She s too dressed up for a picnic from what I see. She is wearing high heeled
open toed shoes with a plastic like skirt to match the heels with a black tank top.
Public display of affection is not a professional way to act. Theres a time and place
for everything and being a teenager with raging hormones, giving the idea that public
display of affection is okay is wrong. High schoolers now get in trouble for showing
External Conflicts With Arnold
In the novel Arnold faces many conflicts that he has to battle not only external but
a few internal ones as well. Junior primary struggles with external conflicts from
his peers. Junior falls into a conflict with the people that are close to him in his life
over the course of the book. Rowdy,Junior s best friend, is one of the first person
that is close to Arnold to have a major external conflict. Junior has decided to move
to a new school, but the only problem is that the school is off the rez and it is
untraditional and shunde upon to go to school of the rez. When Junior tells Rowdy
that he most move of the Rez Rowdy can t accept the fact that his best friend will be
leaving him. Rowdy extreme anger and pain allows him to hurt his best friend
Capital Gains Tax During The Civil War
Tax began in America during the Civil War when congressed passed the Revenue
Act of 1861. This was a tax on personal incomes to help pay the wages of the
ongoing war. From this time different acts have been included and repealed on capital
gain and taxes. From the past to current, the United States has shown the importance
capital gains tax. This paper will give a brief history of how capital gains taxbegan in
America, where the United State is now, pros and cons for arguments for and against
capital gains tax and how America stacks up to other countries.
Capital gain taxation in America has been around since the Civil war when a tax on
income began and a rise in taxing capital gain started. After many repeals and acts
about taxation, the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment came about which
allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or
basing it on the United States Census (gov.) Between 1913 and 1922 taxes on
capital gain ranged from the top rate of 7 percent and 12.5 percent being held at
least two years. (Capital gain tax) Next came the Tax Reform Acts of 1969 and
1976. The Tax Reform Act of 1969 set a 10 percent minimum tax not including
gains, and put a limit on alternative tax up to $ 50,000 of gains. (Capital gain tax)
The next Act of 1976 further increased capital gain taxes by increasing the tax rate
to 15 percent. By 1978 the maximum tax rate reached almost 50 percent, which
caused for Congress to reduce capital gains tax
Factors Influencing Food Choices Of Consumers And Food...
commonly described as bitter , rough and dry mouth feel . Such characteristics
minimises consumers and food companies from using soybeans in food materials.
Multiple test methods are required in order to investigate what consumers desire.
A consumer preference testing allow researchers to identify which sample are
most preferred or least preferred. However, a descriptive testing is require to
investigate what flavours are present in the sample in order evaluate those that are
disliked or liked. Various studies has been conducted to see which samples of soy
products are preferred by consumers, as well as an descriptive tests to identify those
sensory flavour and aroma that are undesirable. These combination of methods
informs effectively to manufactures what flavours of soy products would be most
accepted to consumers. Understanding factors influencing food choices of
consumers from various cultures is a profound aspect in product development.
Individuals preferences for sensory characteristics in food; such as texture, taste and
odour are suggested to be a very complex aspect. Other non sensory factors can also
affect consumers food choices, such as the individuals past exposure to the food,
price, their expectation and attitudes, ethical concerns and health claims of the food.
These factors may largely affect consumers evaluation of products and should be
considered when analysing the data. Literature review Lipoxygenase enzyme Various
properties of soybeans
How Did Christopher Columbus Discovered America
During the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.
Columbus started making a living there and survived through capitalism. Between
1450 1750, the higher classes (including Kings) in Africa sold lower class to
europeans to become slaves in order to serve colonists in the American plantations.
King Afonso, the ruler of Kongo, permitted only the low class Africans to be sold
as slaves. He needed the higher class for the country so he did not permit higher
class to be sold. Regional rulers also supported the idea of trading slaves for
resources. Back then, African states needed defense to defend their land from being
taken over by others. To protect themselves, regional rulers sold lower class as slaves
in return
Plato s Allegory Of The Cave Essay
When you lose the person who matters most to you in this world, time alters. Time
is no longer a linear progression of events. Time becomes a memory of another life.
Ten years pass within a day, then you wake up and another decade has been added
to the distance, an alien life form, a foreign place, another person inhabiting your
body in the past, and, yet, the memories flood the goop of your brain, as if the
single greatest loss of your life happened this morning. It s all curved and bended
and distorted, like an astronaut turning into spaghetti at the event horizon of some
black hole right here on planet earth. Nobody will ever get it. Plato s allegory of
the cave: some dipshit escapes the shadowy cave and returns to tell the other dick
holes about this great truth he s learned, but they just stare at him, like he jerks off
to potatoes. This is what it s like. You re alone, time becomes a fucking acid trip,
and people become about as interesting as potted plants. As I sit on the roof deck of
this Wall Street condominium in Manhattan years after my entire life had
disappeared and become something unrecognizable, an indistinct memory floats
down the back of my skull like an ephemeral spirit in the darkness of night. The
night watchman in my building looks suspiciously through the glass door then
waves when he sees me. I smile and casually wave back. The memory faintly grabs
hold of me again. The screaming and laughing of children softly echoes from the
distant past; the
Ebola Disease Occurs In Humans And Nonhuman Primates
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a severe and often fatal disease that can occur in
humans and nonhuman primates (such as monkeys and gorillas). The outbreaks of
EVD occur predominantly in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical
rainforests and where contact with animals is more likely to take place. EVD is
transmitted into the human population through close contact with the blood,
secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals (typically nonhuman
primates and fruit bats). Once a human is infected it spreads in the community
through skin to skin contact, direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected
individual, or contact with environments that are contaminated with such fluids. The
incubation ... Show more content on ...
Diagnosing Ebola in an individual who has been infected for only a few days is
difficult, as the early symptoms such as a skin rash and fevers are nonspecific to
the Ebola virus and are seen often in patients with more commonly occurring
diseases. This can cause the virus to develop so much that it can no longer be
treated and the high death toll is a direct result of this. Death of Ebola victims
usually occurs during the second week of Ebola symptoms and is mostly due to
extreme blood loss.
Pathogenesis of Ebola
Treatment of Ebola
The standard treatment for Ebola is still limited to supportive therapy as no vaccines
are yet available for clinical use. The supportive therapy consists of balancing the
patient s fluids and electrolytes, maintaining the patient s oxygen status and blood
pressure, and treating the patient for any complicating infections. Treatment from the
day the virus is contracted is important but extremely challenging due to the fact
that Ebola is very difficult to diagnose in its early stages of infection. However, if a
person has the early symptoms of Ebola and there is reason to believe that Ebola
should be considered it is extremely important that the patient is isolated
The Presidential Election Was A Great Man Named
In 1986 the democratic nominee for the presidential election was a great man
named William Jennings Bryan. Bryan was a religious and moral man who stood
for the greater good of farmers, the poor and working class. Populists represent the
underdog of society that is seeking injustice, during Bryan s time period it happened
to be the farmer s agriculture industry that was dying out. A few decades before this
election the whole country was running off of agriculture, with the industrialization
that occurred in recent years to this election had put the farmers in a tough place
barely able to make a living. William Jennings Bryanstood up for this issue and his
main concern was to tend to these farmers. Bryan never won an election so he never...
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The monopolist got greedy and did things like George Pullman creating his own
town for employees to work in and then lowering wages and keeping rent the same.
William Jennings Bryan wanted to stop things like this from happening and make
sure everybody had a fair chance at a living in the United States. Populist disagreed
with how the economy was going because the big companies were a dominant force
taking money away from the agriculture industry and the poor people. They called
for more rather than less government intervention in the economy, for only
government was capable of expanding the money supply, counterbalancing the
power of big business, and providing efficient national transportation networks to
support the needs of agribusiness (Tindall, 668). With the views that the party had,
supporting more government intervention comes to no surprise because there
wouldn t be an easier way to defeat the big companies other than regulating them. If
Bryan had won an election, the economy today could have been completely
different depending on what he did with monopolies and agriculture. Bryan and the
populists disagreed with the gold standard and wanted to implement the free
coinage of silver to fix the bad economy caused from the gold standard. I will not
help to crucify mankind upon a cross of gold (Kazin, 47) .
Agenda Setting Theroy
Agenda setting theory Introduction: There is no question that communication is an
important element in our life. We can learn how to communicate either by our
experiences which probably will take a longtime to learn or by studying the
experiences and theories of others. In Communication theory we have learned many
theories that are very important to understanding human Communication.
Communication is not more important nowadays than before because it s always
been an important aspect of human existence. These days communication style has
been developed and has changed dramatically due to the media and the technology.
Communications between cultures have never been better than today. A
consequence of the development of the media technology is that media now plays
a major influence on societies and in some countries the media is considered the
fourth branch of government. In my discussion, I have selected agenda setting
theory, which is explained by Donald Shaw, Maxwell McCombs, and their
colleagues. I chose this theory because of its significance and because it has more
explanation of what can be explained beyond the TV shows and reports. Media and
freedom of speech is an important thing in America, however I think there is a real
communication problem in the way media portrays the Arab World to the American
people. There is a misperception in America about the Arab world and this problem
is a result of the way that the media portrays events and the way that they pick
The Purpose Of A College Education
I have always taken for granted that I would go to college. As I near the end of my
senior year, some of my friends shudder at the thought of enduring four more years
of schooling an education that isn t free for most by any means. But even though the
fear of money crept through my head some nights, I still knew that I would do
anything to have the privilege of an education beyond a high schooldiploma. I knew
collegewould change my life; and with that in mind, I wanted to help change the
world. College education leads to many opportunities. Obviously, a degree will
furnish credibility to resumes, helping one earn higher salaries than those who do
not have a degree. A college education provides advanced practice for one s desired
career.... Show more content on ...
I want to take advantage of every opportunity I am given, to dedicate myself to
science research, to learn more about different cultures, and to become an educated
young woman with the potential to change the world. I know that through this
experience I will grow as a person, and I will always strive to succeed.
The thought of a college education inspires me to push past my limitations, to reach
for something that may be unattainable while still giving my all. Without education,
our society would crumble. Who would be our doctors, our scientists, our
philosophers? Who would lay the foundation of our society? This thought is at the
root of my dreams. If I want the world to improve, I need to prepare to get my hands
We are fighting a war against injustice, poverty, and disease. We are fighting
against our own mistakes. We are fighting to save this planet and the people on it.
This is not a war of guns or swords, but rather a war of minds, and I want to train as
a soldier. I want to be on that intellectual battlefield. I will fight for what I believe
in, no matter what. That is the true value of a college education: to live for
something bigger than yourself. One day, I want to find the cure for cancer. Maybe
it seems impossible to some, but I believe that I can do whatever I set my mind to,
and I set my mind to
Summary Of The Autumn By John Keats
Imagery brings poetry to life through the senses. It allows one to experience
imagination through the differing senses; it indirectly enables one to conceive the
mental picture and senses through this element. Imagery is a figurative language that
is for the use of visual symbolism. The author utilizes vivid and descriptive text to
imply a deeper meaning to the story being read. In John Keatspoem, The Autumn,
readers visualize the fall season through sensuous imagery to fulfill the purpose of an
illustration of autumn.
The senses of sight, known as visual imagery, is frequently illustrated in this poem.
The first line of the poem states, Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close
bosom friend of the maturing sun; (Keats 771). The first line is filled with
alliteration mists, mellow, and maturing. It also describes how the fall consists of
foggy air, and it expresses how the sun is fully developed and is beginning to
diminish its brightness. During the fall, the sun is not compelled to shine as bright
as it does in the summer or spring. The weather is cooler with cloudy skies, along
with the leaves changing from bright green to warm colors. The leaves are falling
from the trees with the help of the chill breeze. From the trees, grow tasteful fruits
and eye catching blossoms which assists the fall in letting one see the beautiful,
graphic creation this season truly is. In essence, this poem allows one to experience
taste or the gustatory imagery of fruit.
This piece of literary work notifies readers the taste of fruit during this season in
several lines. In the first stanza, Keats details the trees and fruits of autumn through
the line, To bend with apples the mossed cottage trees, and fill all fruit with
ripeness to the core; (771). The succulent taste of fruit is being represented and one
is able to imagine and relish the taste of a ripe fruit down to its core. During this
time, the fruit is growing maturely for one to harvest and to enjoy throughout this
season and others to come. This line furthermore ties back with visual imagery by
expressing the stage the trees are in. It declares how they are filled with thick, green
moss on its trunks with apples hanging from their branches. Even from
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Courageous Quotes
Courage During The Thunder In life, being courageous means you have to stand
up for your convictions and beliefs. In the novel Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry
written by Mildred D. Taylor, Stacey consistently shows gigantic amounts of courage
throughout the book. Stacey shows how courageous he was when he chased after
T.J. to find the truth for his mom; when he confronted T.J. about his lying and tells
the kids he wouldn t stand for it; and when Stacey stays behind during the big
explosion of violence at the end of the book. The events all demonstrate Stacey s
courage and willingness to help his family.
In the book Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Stacey Logan shows extreme courage
when he hunts down T.J. and chases after him. Stacey didn t have a doubt in his
mind that when he got to T.J he was going to find the truth for his mom. In the text it
says, Stacey immediately charged toward him, and when T.J. saw him coming he
tried to swing his long right leg over the tube to ... Show more content on ...
During the climax of the book, the beating of the Averys, Stacey stayed behind to
watch the violent scene while the Logan kids went safely back home to their
parents. According to the text, Stacey whispered you take Little Man and
Christopher John and y all (Taylor,253). Even though Stacey got cut off he was
going to tell the kids to go home, and that he would stay there and keep watch of
what was going on between the white and the blacks, which was extremely
courageous. The text also says, Papa spun around suddenly. Gotta get him out of
there, he said, moving quicker than I had thought possible with his bad leg.
(Taylor,259). This shows how worried Stacey s parents were about him being close
to all the fighting, which shows how courageous he was to be there. Stacey s bravery
further proves that being courageous, means you have to stand up for your
convictions and
Nicholas Garnham
Nicholas Garnham
Nicholas Garnham worked in television before starting his academic career. He
worked for the BBC, serving as film editor from 1961 to 1964 and then director and
producer from 1964 to 1968. His credits as a freelance Director/Producer include
Through the Eye of a Needle, Border Country, In Search of Paradise, and The British
Museum. He also served as the Governor of the British Film Institute (BFI) from
1973 to 1977.
Garnham teaching at the Polytechnic of Central London (now Westminster
University), where he established his name as an expert in the political economy of
communication and communication regulations. Today, he is Head of the Media
Studies School of Communication and Director of the Centre for ... Show more
content on ...
Public intervention in the form of subsidy is usually justified on the grounds (1) that
culture possesses inherent values, of life enhancement, which are fundamentally
opposed to and in danger of being damaged by commercial forces; (2) that the need
for these values is universal, regardless of class, gender, and ethnic origin; and (3)
that the market cannot satisfy this need.
The creative artist occupies a central place in this ideology. This person s aspirations
and values stemming from unfathomable sources of genius, inspiration, or talent are
the source of cultural value. However, situating the arts at the center of the cultural
universe no longer means showering them with money, but we should define the
policy problem as one of finding audiences for their work, rather than the reverse.
2. my project
I make the case that most of those people on the left who have challenged this
dominant view of culture as elitist have tacitly accepted the remaining assumptions of
the tradition they reject. This accounts for their limited success in shifting the terms
of the policy debate and the effortless ease with which they have been incorporated
(p. 54). Thanks to this cultural policy making tradition, public intervention in the
cultural sphere is marginalized, making it purely reactive to the process which it
cannot grasp (pp. 54 55). This tradition has been rejecting the market; thus, most
people s needs and
Motivation Observation
How is a community formed? I have attended many churches and it can be difficult
at times to be included as the rest of the congregation already has latent knowledge
about each other which puts you on the outside. It can be difficult traversing the
multitude of societal rules in order to become part of the community. Although the
early church was encouraged to continue to meet together as, Let us not give up
meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one
another and all the more as you see the Day approaching (New International
Version 2011, Hebrews 10:25). However, it can be difficult to make those personal
and deeper connections in order for members of the church to encourage one another.
Over a period of seven weeks spanning the months of August to October, I undertook
an ethnographic study of the evening meal called dinner which took place before the
Eventide service at St. Elphaba s of the Vale. My ethnographic research was
completed using the participant observationmethod during a Sunday evening from 6
6.30pm. By using this specific methodology I was able to engage in all the rituals
involved with participating in the meal as well as observe the interactions of my
informants around me. Each week I primarily studied one specific aspect of the
meal service ritual, therefore, I have decided to write one account which is a
combination of all of my weeks of participant observation. The primary theories
which I will be using to interpret my observations are Bronislaw Malinowski and
Marcel Mauss theories of exchange, specifically concerning the Kula ring as well as
Emilie Durkheim s theory of the sacred profane dichotomy.
St Elphaba s is situated in the Hills district of Sydney, Australia where the median
total income of an individual, excluding Government pensions and allowances, for
2015 was $53,238 which is significantly higher than the Australian average of
$44,854 (The Hills Shire (A): Region Data Summary 2017). This was reflected in the
socio economic positions of the members of the congregation. In the course of
conversation with many of my informants, they volunteered their jobs which
included doctors, lawyers, builders or some who owned their own successful
What Are The Differences And Similarities Between FX
Q1: Where did the swap market originate? And why?
The earliest SWAP market originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. The main
purpose of this market is to circumvent the foreign exchange controls adopted by the
British government. The first swap is a change in the currency swap. The British
government taxes foreign exchange transactions involving sterling. This makes it
more difficult for capital to leave the country, thereby increasing domestic investment.
Q2: Why Swaps are so popular? What is their economic rationale?
Interchanges help to limit or manage the volatility of interest rates, and swap yields
lower interest rates than would have been available to the company. Swaps are used
because domestic companies usually get better ... Show more content on ...
Interest rate swaps include the exchange of interest payments, while currency swaps
include the exchange of the same amount of cash in one currency. Interest rate swaps
are financial derivative contracts where both parties agree to exchange interest rate
cash flows
Q8: What is the combination of FX and interest rate swap called? How many swap
types can you construct by mixing the basic flavors?
The combination of FX and interest rate swaps is called CIRCUS. In terms of their
magnitude importance, the five common types of swaps are: interest rate swaps,
currency swaps, credit swaps, commodity swaps and stock swaps. There are many
other types of swaps
Q9: Swaps are important risk management tools. How would you use swaps in the
following situations (give an example and describe the swap type)
For example, consider an ordinary fixed interest rate floating interest rate swap,
Party A pay a fixed rate, Party B pay a floating rate. In such an agreement, the fixed
interest rate should be such that the present value of the future fixed interest rate
paid by Party A is equal to the present value (ie, the net present value is zero) paid by
the expected future variable interest rate. If this is not the case, then arbitrator C
Chain Of Command In Vietnam War
To be successful or victorious in any war, the military have to make sure that men
and women in uniforms, are well trained and discipline. Discipline is one of the
key factors in any operation. Where there is discipline, there is orderliness,
especially in the military. Combat soldiers are trained to kill, and defend
themselves. Following ROE will help them target their enemies better. For
example, in the Vietnam War, the Army operated under R0E, known as rules of
engagement. This ROE were in place to conduct warfare that will comply with
international and local laws within the conditions specified by high rank
commanders. However, if rules of engagement are not put in place properly,
followed or executed, it could be disastrous. An example could be the situation
seen in Vietnam, when the U.S rules of engagement shifted towards some soft
rules of engagement which caused a lot of American lives. A lot of the U.S
soldiers were killed..(The changing combat rules of engagement: what is one
American life worth? 2013). In any war, chain of command is very essential. The
chain of command is an effective way to maintain order and to assign and make
each accountable to a task. The same principle can be applied directly to ... Show
more content on ...
He was the Commander in charge of the United States military operations in the
Asian country. He had full responsibility of the War, and is fully responsible for the
failure of the grand strategy. His duty was to oversee the mission and implement the
decisions that were taken by the government and then passed down to the secretary of
defence. He advocated an increase in the U.S. military presence in South Vietnam,
Westmoreland wanted to go with the attrition strategy, which will help minimize U.S.
casualty s rate (Moss, p. 163). He basically believed that destroying the enemy s
camps and sanctuary will help the Americans to easily defeat the Vietnamese (Moss,
Essay about Sci 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology
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SCI 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology Genetechnology carries with it
social and ethical implications many of which engender personal views and
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about:
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your ... Show
more content on ...
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about:
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into
sections corresponding to the following requirements:
1. Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate
on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this
section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying
science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss
the biological principles that underlie this technology.
2. Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this
technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the
ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and
risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section,
you will give your opinion.
3. Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be More Details
The Plane Of Injustice
The plane of injustice can be, and is, very vast. It is found every day in varying
places and quantities. I perceive injustice as a form of one being cheated, conned, or
robbed of what they deserve, quite often because the party on the other end of the
stick as justice, believing that they are giving the victim what they deserve.
Racism has been a long standing something or other of the United States. It is a dark
mark on history that has been here since Christopher Columbus. With the arrival of
Europeans on American soil, racism against Native Americans developed within the
plot to conquer their land. There was belief that the natives were savages that needed
to become civilized through religion and European culture. As more and more people
The Impact Of Burlesque And Vaudeville On Stand-Up
The Impact of Burlesque and Vaudeville on Stand up Comedy
The struggle of the funny performer has remained a symbiosis of drive, jealousy,
heartbreak, and triumph existing then as it exists now. Perhaps the only other
constant is comedy s unfailing popularity K. Nesterkoff, 2016 Richard Pryor,
arguably one of the greatest stand up comedians of all time, credits his comedic
abilities to many comedians, one being Charlie Chaplin. You may be thinking, how
does Charlie Chaplin, the guy who played The Tramp in silent black and white
movies, influence a stand up comedian like Richard Pryor? Well, you may be
surprised to know that all American stand up comedians are heavily impacted by the
performances in the late nineteenth century. During the late 1800 s, vaudeville and
burlesque dominated performance venues across the country and developed a new
art form that had never been seen before. Although stand up is one of the only true
American art forms, we cannot forget to credit vaudeville and burlesque performers
who paved the way for the rise of stand up comedy. Believe it or not, nineteenth
century burlesque and vaudeville play a major role in the evolution of what stand up
comedy is today. After all, how can we respect the art form of stand up comedy today
without fully understanding how it all began?
Variety Shows In the beginning of the nineteenth century, variety shows boomed all
across the nation. Variety shows ...did not have plots, they did not tell stories, and
Relationship Between Lactate Threshold, Obla, Vo2 Max
Relationship Between Lactate Threshold, OBLA, VO2 Max And 5k Running
Research into the relationship between physiological variables and running
performance has been variable. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship
between 5k running performance and a number of physiological variables in a group
of 11 trained club runners (Age 21.451.63yrs, Height 175.092.77cm, Weight
67.865.12kg). The athletes underwent a laboratory treadmill test to determine their
maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and running velocities at lactate threshold (v
Tlac) and blood lactate concentration of 4mM (v OBLA). Running performance was
determined by a 5k time trial on an athletics ... Show more content on
The main findings concluded that lactate variables were the best single predictors of
v 3km.
Further research and development of knowledge concerning the dominant
physiological contributors that underlie short distance running performance will
enable greater specificity in training methods, allowing for improved competitive
performance. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationships between
Lactate Threshold, OBLA, VO2 Max and 5km Running Performance.
Experimental Hypothesis
It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching
lactate threshold will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a
significant relationship between the two variables.
It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching
OBLA will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a
significant relationship between the two variables.
It is to be hypothesised that participants with a greater Vo2 Max (oxygen capacity)
will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a moderate
relationship between the two variables.
Null Hypothesis
It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity
at lactate threshold and 5k running performance.
It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity
at OBLA and 5k running performance.
It is to be
Case Study Of Tracoma Holding Berhad
Tracoma Holding Berhad (THB) was founded in year 1995 and in based in Shah
Alam, Malaysia. THB, an investment holding company, engages in the manufacture
and sale of automotive components in Malaysia. In terms of operation, it also
undertakes general contracting and engineering works engages in die making and
servicing business and provides parts and car design services. The Group is
principally involved in the manufacture and supply of automotive parts and
components. The Group s products are principally sold to the national car
manufacturers and assemblers such as Proton, Perodua, Modenas, Tan Chong Motor
Assemblers, Hicom Tech See, PHN Industry, Volvo and Toyota. Tracoma s infinite
experience and good track record as one of the leading local manufacturers of
automotive components, and... Show more content on ...
In fact, sukuk hold a number of structures which distinguish them from
conventional bonds and from the other sukuk structures in the part of approved
sukuk. We can say that sukuk is differ in product design, product offering and pay
off to the investor. Back on the case of trachoma, it can categorized that sukuk that
was applied on Tracoma s is under the asset backed securities. Its represent the real
form of securitisation as they expose the sukuk investors to the real value and risk
of the underlying asset. Under this structure, the investor can only expect the returns
from the cash flows of the underlying asset and there is no right of recourse to the
owner of the assets. We can say that this is because under the asset backed sukuk
would require the owner of the asset to sell the company asset on a true sale concept
to the sukuk investor without having any purchase undertaking in the case the asset
fails to generate the expected income to sukuk investor. Shortly, we can say that asset
backed sukuk are normally non recourse sukuk with the underlying asset in term of
profit and principal
Egyptian Cuisine During The Arab Republic Of Egypt
The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced throughout history, particularly by
its neighbors from the Middle East. Those contries that have influenced include
Persians (modern day Iraqis), Greeks, Romans (modern day Italians), Arabs, and
Ottomans (from modern day Turkey) first influenced Egyptian cuisine thousands of
years ago. More recently, the foods of other Arabic people in the Middle Eastsuch as
the Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, as well as some foods from Europe, have
affected the Egyptian diet.
Rice and bread remain staple foods, and molokhiyya(a spinach like vegetable) and
ful mudammas (cooked, creamy fava beans), a national dish.
The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the northeastern region of the African
continent, bordering both the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The climate is
extremely dry and most of the country receives less than one inch of rainfall each
year. The widespread lack of rainfall makes it extremely difficult to grow crops.
Egypt has no forests and only 2 percent of the land is arable.
The Nile River, the longest river in the world, runs north and south through eastern
Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately 95 percent of the
country s population lives alongside the Nile River. This is why the Egyptian cuisine
is so high in fish.
Egypt had one of the longest histories of any modern country, arising in the tenth
millennium BC as one of the world s first nation states. Ancient Egypt had some of
the earliest
Power Of Words In Othello
In Othello words have the ability to steer the plot, to form characters identities and to
engage the audience as active participants in the play.
In Shakespeare s Othello, the lack of a narrator, empowers the words spoken by
the characters to such an extent that it directs the drama to the desired destination
of the play. This essay will serve as proof as the power of words will be discussed
by, firstly, explaining the effect that words, and the lack thereof, have on characters
and ultimately on the plot. Thereafter, the use of certain words to form perceived
impressions of characters will be argued. Lastly, an elaboration on how words are
used to involve the audience in the play.
Words can have a positive or negative effect on characters (Kaleba Osherow, 2012), it
can lead to a character being confident or lead to the deterioration of a character s
self concept (as seen in the case of Othello). We see this in the first act when Othello
does not hide from confrontation, but instead invites Brabanzio to come. Not I. I
must be found. My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly.
(Shakespeare, ... Show more content on ...
The limited allowances in terms of knowledge and outspokenness of women, in this
play creates a sense of dramatic irony as the audience awaits Emilia to reveal her
participation in Iago s plan (Kaleba Osherow, 2012). In Othello all can be avoided
if Emilia had known what Iago s plan is and not only obeying him blindly as
expected from a good wife (Levine, 1987). In this case, Emilia s ignorance leaves
her powerless to prevent the death of her mistress, but words empower her when she
speaks out and tells the truth. Iago s manipulative words play on Othello s
insecurities, and keeps Emilia loyal and obedient, this drives the plot to the ending of
Othello, Desdemona and Emilia s
Spunk Zora Neale Hurston
Spunk Zora Neale Hurston s short story Spunk was a short story that immediately
held my interest from beginning to end. Hurston provided a gateway to life in her
hometown that people could relate to all over the country and has been able to not
disconnect from an audience through the test of time. I thought that it was interesting
that Hurston decided to write a story using the dialect of a small southern town rather
than than proper english grammar and pronunciation. Hurston s decision to use
dialect to enhance her story and for me it brought the story to life. I could picture the
characters talking as it switched from the narrator to each individual , which gave
more personality to the person talking. Zora Neale HurstonWrote Spunk in a very
similar setting as the one that she grew up in, Southern dialect is different and has a
certain charm to it that could not have been conveyed if this paper had been written
in an traditional dialogue. Some people... Show more content on ...
As well as bring national press to what accomplishments a black woman has been
able to achieve in such a short time. Learning more about Zora Neale Hurston s
schooling as life as a writer. Hurston is believed to be born in Eatonville Florida,
where her two parents who were former slaves raised her. I could tell how this
might have shaped a story like Spunk because many black people like Joe in the
story felt like small and had no chance against such colossal opponents such as
Spunk himself or the white power that was still very strong at the time the story was
written. Zora Hurston also showed the depth of a community that might have been
similar to the one she grew up in. This not only made the story interesting because
you were a spectator alongside other townspeople in the story, but you could see how
a black community was also very similar to many communities back then and even
The Impact Of Smart Growth Regulations On Affordable
Every profession bears the responsibility to understand the circumstances that enable
its existence. ― Robert Gutman
In trying to find material and an understanding about the issues of sustainability,
smart growth and affordable housing I came across the preceding quote by Robert
Gutman author of Neighborhood, City, Metropolis: An Integrated Reader in Urban
Sociology , which I thought encapsulated my efforts in writing this paper. This paper
is not so much an attempt to make an argument for one aspect or another of the three
E s of sustainability, nor is it an attempt to argue about the effects of smart growth
regulations on affordable housing, but rather it is an effort to understand what these
key elements are and how they may or may not actually relate to each other. As such
this paper is a survey of sustainability, smart growth and affordable housing and how
regional governments may or may not impact the three issues, their relationship to
each other and their effective application.
Sustainable Development:
My knowledge prior to this class about sustainability was that it was an attempt or
effort to protect the environment from the encroachment of unchecked suburban
sprawl. My assumptions were that it was a product of the 1970s counter culture
hippie movement and a return back to nature. However, during the process of
studying this subject I have since come to learn that sustainability is much more than
just about the environment, but rather also about the economics
Obesity And The American Medical Association
Evalynn Choi BIOL 293 Epidemiology Maxwell On June 17, 2013, 78.6 million
Americans went to bed and became diseased overnight. But how did a national
epidemic happen in just one night to affect millions of Americans? The American
Medical Association (AMA), the country s largest organization of medical doctors,
proclaimed obesity to be a disease in hopes to draw the attention of different
medical professionals to this growing medical crisis in America and ultimately
improve treatment plans. It is undeniable that obesity is problematic in the United
States. The number of obese Americans is higher than ever, and so are associated
diseases like Type II Diabetes and hypertensive heart disease. The recognition of
obesity as a disease has... Show more content on ...
A BMI 30 would classify an individual as obese. This method alone, however, is
imprecise and not enough to measure obesity for a number of reasons. Often times,
the inclusion of water, muscle mass, and bone (which all contribute to one s body
weight) is disregarded. For example, a 72 inch endurance athlete at 200 pounds
would have the same BMI as a 72 inch sedentary person weighing 200 pounds. Yet,
both individuals would be considered overweight (their BMI would be 26, and a
BMI 25 is considered overweight). If we are using BMI to diagnose obesity, then
athletes like Mike Tyson and Dwayne The Rock Johnson (both famed for their
fitness and strength alongside talent) are obese and diseased. Studies have also
shown that excessive amounts of abdominal fat in individuals make them more
susceptible to hypertension, Type II Diabetes, insulin resistance, and coronary
artery disease. But increased amounts of adipose tissue in the thighs, gluts, and
hips have not been linked to any of these diseases. Thus, it would be fair to say that a
person with a BMI 30 who has excess body fat in these regions would otherwise be
considered healthy and not at risk for the listed diseases above and therefore not
diseased. The AMA s intentions to label obesity as a disease are to
Same-Sex Marriage
Same Sex Marriage: The Problems with DOMA and the Pursuit for Equality
Believe it or not, same sex marriage has been around since ancient times. At least two
Roman Emperors, Nero and Elagabalus, were in gay unions. It wasn t until the
advent of Christianity that the practice of same sex marriage was out lawed by the
emperors Constantius II and Constans in 342 AD and has continued to be through out
most of the world until the twenty first century (Boswell 83). With the advent of gay
rights movement in many industrialized countries, same sex marriage has become
more accepted. A prime example of this is what lawmakers in the state of New York
did on June 24, 2011. With a thirty three to twenty nine vote, the legislature legalized
... Show more content on ...
This includes the family home, without incurring any taxes
In contrast to the legislation of DOMA, The United States Supreme Court has
repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as
Americans under our Constitution. As Justice Ginsburg famously noted in 1996 that
the history of our constitution is the history of extending constitutional protections to
those who were once ignored or excluded from American Society. United States v.
Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996). Furthermore, The Harvard Law Review in 2004
pointed out
Difference Between Real And Fake Friendships
Compare and Contrast Paper It takes time for me to consider someone to be my
friend. I am a very friendly person and I like to meet new people but just because I
talk to you doesn t mean that we re friends. I could very well like you and still won
t call you my friend. I wasn t born this way but i ve been in many crazy situations
and it took some time for me to distinguish between real and fake friendships. I don
t call someone my friend until I feel like we have bond we can communicate, and I
trust them. It all starts with having the same interests as someone. I probably wouldn
t be friends with someone who is into art museums and classical music. Or someone
who is a homebody and doesn t talk. A personality and attitude will show you if...
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This is when she found out that her boyfriend had feelings for another girl and no
longer wanted to be with her.It took a toll on her whole life. Tameka is
ambitious,full of personality, attitude,loves to dance and likes to kick it with her
friends.She worried a lot but she had big plans for her future and family. This book
showcases many different themes like love,loneliness and friendships. Tameka,the
protagonist of Step Up by Monica Mckayhan and I are alike in many ways.We both
share the same view of the world, are viewed by the world in similar ways and I
would respond in a comparable way to the central conflict of the novel. Therefore, I
believe given the chance, we could be friends.
Everyone loves Tameka. She was a star on the dance team, got good grades and dated
the star basketball player on the high school basketball team. She is also pretty.She
is brown skinned, has long hair and she likes to be girly. One of her best features
was her smile. On page 111, she sat on the front porch with her friend Sean, he gave
her a compliment stating that the moon was almost as beautiful as her smile. She
didn t like her big belly and swollen ankles which made her a little insecure but she
still had people around to remind her that she was pretty no matter what. You look
really cute.And you are glowing, Asia said (pg.29). After she had the
American Beauty Film Analysis
American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball, explores the
Burningham family s projection of a perfectly normal lifestyle or the ideal
American family portrayal. This film is about how everything is not as it seems
behind closed doors. As the storyline progresses the film adheres to multiple genre
codes and conventions to deepen the story arc, this is known as Genre Hybridity as
it refers to two or more established genre s through storyline, etc. (REF TO
TEXTBOOK) American Beauty is a hybrid genre text because it conforms to more
than one genre this being romance, satire and dramathrough formal elements such as
narrative and screen aesthetic. This can also be further proved by examples of
single/hybrid genre texts like The Notebook (2004, Nick Cassavetes), Fight Club
(1999, David Fincher) and Bold and the Beautiful (1987 , William J Bell). http:/
/ Many major box office hits in
today s day an age contain comedy, witty one liner s, major plot twists but mostly
romance. The romance genre has become a booming success in the filmindustry as of
late 2000 s. (REF) The genre is difficult to define but can be described as the
development of lovebetween characters as a main narrative (REF). This can be
shown by the massive success of the iconic film, The Notebook grossing in at $115,
603, 229 worldwide. (REF) The film is set around two characters falling in love,
therefore falling under the romance genre. One of the conventions of a romance film
is forbidden love, this is shown throughout the Notebook between the two main
protagonists and is also shown in the movie American Beauty. In American Beauty
the protagonist, Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) becomes infatuated with his
daughter s best friend, Angela Hayes (Mena Suvari) this creates tension between the
characters as Angela continuously entices Mr. Burnham whilst knowing they can
never be together due to the age gap and because of his daughter, it is more of an
unnatainable lust, therefore conforming to the forbidden love narrative contained
within most romantic films. Another aspect of the romance genre is tragedy.
Throughout Shakespeare s works all love ends in heartache, there are
The Key Areas Separating Bosses From Leaders
By examining the definitions of the words, you ll already be able to notice the
intricacies at play. While at the outset the two words can seem rather similar and
interchangeable, the closer examination highlights differences that give both roles a
different meaning. So, what are the key areas separating bosses from leaders? The
major differences between the two can be divided into six core areas of the focus, the
driving force, the approach to work and objectives, the source of their authority, the
communication and delegation style, and their accountability.
The focus
When it comes to an organisation, the key consideration is often the focus of the
organisation. What is it for and why? The underlying focus is what drives an
organisation, but also the individual to perform the required tasks. The focus gives
direction and largely determines the approach to work. So, what is the focus for the
For a boss the end objective is profit. A boss is in a role, which is about guaranteeing
the organisation the best financial results that ll help guarantee the continuation of
the business. That s behind the boss interest in supervising things getting done. The
boss is not interested in how the subordinates get from Point A to Point B because
the result is all that matters. If you are able to achieve the goals and do it in an
efficient manner, then the boss is happy as this guarantees the organisation enjoys a
profit. The orientation of the boss is about achieving the goals,
The Importance Of The Film Jaws
The film Jaws is deemed as one of the greatest movies of all time, it is not only a
movie, but it changed the movie industry due to its success. The success of Jaws is
a result of the mass of advertising the producers did. Jaws was the first film to have
a wide release , opening at the same time across the country and making it the highest
grossing filmat the time. The vast amount of detail the producers went into
advertising can be seen in the Jawsmovie poster. Through the vivid red title, the
unseen shark in the ocean s depth, the unwitting and vulnerable woman, the use of
prominent actors names, and the magnitude of the shark, the author uses a myriad of
textual and non textual techniques that create both suspense and excitement for the
First, the author places the title Jaws in the center of the page in bright red letters,
which causes the title to stand to the viewer because the red lettering is an
enormous contrast to the primarily blue and white image. The author uses the
placement and color of the title catch the eyes of the viewer. For example, when
looking at the image the viewer will notice the massive shark because of its size,
but the shark s color is similar to the color of the water, however, the red is a direct
contrast to the blue in the image making it stand out more than any other part of the
image. The author chooses red for the title not only to make it stand out but also to
imply the goriness of the film. Red is the color of blood and in
Analysis of Financial Statement
Describe the basic financial information that is produced by corporations and explain
how the firm s stakeholders use such information. Describe the financial statements
that corporations publish and the information that each statement provides.
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classroom use.
Describe how ratio analysis should be conducted and why the results of such an
analysis are important to both managers and investors. ... Show more content on ...
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п‚ў Presents
the results of business operations during a specified period of time
п‚ў Summarizes the revenues generated and the expenses incurred 11
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($ millions, except per share data)
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with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password protected website for
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п‚ў Designed
to show how the firm s operations have affected its cash position п‚ў Examines
investment decisions
(uses of cash)
п‚ў Examines financing decisions
(sources of cash)
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Analysis Of Norma Rae s Character Is Played By Sally Field
The film which is based in the 1970 s primarily focuses on the trials and
tribulations of two individuals organizing a labor union at a textile mill company
located in North Carolina. Norma Rae is textile loom worker for the O. P. Henley
Textile Mill and mother of three children who is opinionated about the poor
working conditions, long hours and poor wages of her workplace. Her frustrations
began when her mother temporarily loses her hearing at the textile mill but is not
treated well by the workplace doctor. Norma Rae s father dies while experiencing
pain in his arm and requests for a break by management only to be denied at the
textile mill. Norma Rae s character is played by Sally Field whose story is based on
a real life person by the name of Crystal Lee Sutton who tried to organize the J.P.
Stevens textile mill. Reuben Warshovsky is a labor organizer from New York
representing the Textile Workers Union of America is committed to convincing the
workplace that unionization will increase wages and better working conditions at
the O. P. Henley Textile Mill. With the assistance of Norma Rae and by working day
and night he was able to pull off an impossible feat of unionizing the workers at the
plant. Manipulation, bribery, retaliation and intimidation are one of the few issues
Norma Rae, Reuben Warshovsky and other textile workers encountered. The film
reveals what the type of strings management was willing to pull in order to prevent
unionization in the workplace
Two Towers Vs Harry Potter Comparison
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers vs. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban Comparison
In the two novels, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Harry Potter: The
Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K. Rowling, there is a distinct relationship that is created
through the idea that there are the chosen individuals are the only ones that can save
the world.
The first novel, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a novel generally focusing on
uniting ВЎВ§Middle EarthВЎВЁ, a term used to describe the human world, to defeat
the enemy forces of evil controlled by a character described as pure evil named
NAME. The actions of one small hobbit name Frodo Baggins, a race similar to
humans, that will in fact determine the outcome of who is triumphant; not the ... Show
more content on ...
A lot of the characters abilities still remain unknown as of yet, because their skills
and knowledge have not been pushed to their limits for their true nature to be
discovered. In Lord of the Rings, the hero Frodo Baggins does not have any magical
powers, or is well known at all except his outstanding ability to never give up, unlike
in Harry Potter who is recognized and famous. Despite his lack of heroic stature, he is
well liked
[1] ВЎV Archetype by Carl Jung
[2] ВЎV The Characteristics of the Classical Hero and the Quest
by those who know him, especially his servant, Sam, who Frodo sees as an equal and
best friend. This could be addressed as one of FrodoВЎВ¦s most important qualities
as a hero because without his ability to see all people as equals Sam would have
never shown the dedication to Frodo that would have saved his life on countless
occasions. For example, even when Frodo had turned his back on Sam for
supposedly betraying him, Sam continued on his journey behind Frodo only to find
Frodo in a horrible predicament that required SamВЎВ¦s courage and dedication to
help Frodo be freed by a spiders cocoon. Without FrodoВЎВ¦s growing sense of a
community, and developing friendships, it is possible that Frodo would have been
able to gather the courage, or perhaps turned back when the times were too tough for
him to handle on his own. Frodo, who is constantly
Team Based Health Care Delivery
Team Based Health Care Delivery Maria Reodique Grand Canyon University:
HCA 515 0101 June 16, 2015 Introduction Health care has evolved and is
continuously evolving. The management of care now involves different clinicians
to better assess, diagnose and cure a patient. The clinicians evolved from a general
practitioner to a team now comprised of Physician s Assistant, Nurse, License
Practical Nurse and Specialists. These health care professionals now compose a
team of health care providers that are essential in a patient s over all health care.
The team based approach is a delivery system that provides a patient an all
encompassing health care delivery system. By practicing in a team based care model,
physicians and other... Show more content on ...
The PCP is the main clinician that will be in charge of the patient s health care
delivery. The Nurse meets the patient for doctor s visit to facilitate initial statistics
and medical history for the primary care doctor. There will also be interaction with
nurses for visits to the specialty focused physicians. The Phlebotomist is the person
that is trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing and in this
case, a complete blood panel. The Nutritionist will be involved in lifestyle
management protocols to educate the patient on food in take to help lower the LDL
numbers and also weight management protocols to help in the lowering of the blood
pressure. The Ultrasound technician will facilitate the abdominal ultrasound to
produce images of the organs for interpretation. The Radiologist is the physician who
interprets images from the ultrasound and transmits these results to the requesting
physician, in this case, the Gastroenterologist. The Gastroenterologist is the specialist
that deals with the management of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
Since the patient has elevated ALT, the gastroenterologist with the proper training
will be able to manage the patient s chronic Hepatitis B. Indicators and Determinants
of Health The indicators and determinants of health that will impact this case are
medical history, cultural background, socio economic background and
Snapshot Examples
Reasons, why I have chosen this snapshot, is because I think this image contains
something that makes a lasting impression on me. It has a lot of good things I can
talk about this snapshot memory. Not just good memories but an image that will
not be able to get deleted from my mind. People who are in this image are my
family members. I say that out of all the other images I have this is one of the
favorite ones I can actually say I have a lasting impression. This snapshot image is
not really bright image picture because it was taken by the timewhen the sun was
already going down. I have an amazing time that day we had a lot of fun with each
other, family times are always great. Not so long ago on a weekend when my
family and I had recently gotten out of the church we got home and told each
other, what we were going to do today the entire day. No one came up with a good
idea besides staying home and watching movies, but I mean that is not anything
new we don t do or have not done at all. So I right away thought of any good places
to go to and I had remembered of places my friends had once told me about. I told
my parents and explained to them about the place. I told them that it was not a
really far place to go to but it was a place where we would have to walk a lot. At first,
my mother was not as convinced because of the walkingpart because she does not
really like walking a lot. Well, my dad was for sure already convinced. All we needed
to do... Show more content on ...
They are so important to me and I would do anything for them to be happy and help
them reach their goals. Like I had said before the feeling towards this snapshot means
a lot seeing them happy and remembering every single little detail of our long
Saturday spending the time together with the
Analysis Of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
I attended the Maverick Theatre Company s production of The 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a play about a
middle school spelling bee held in one of America s many Putnam Counties. As the
bee goes on, each contestant has to come to terms with themselves, the world around
them, and growing up. The promotional material for this production of The 25th
Annual Putnam County Spelling Beedoesn t actually give much away in terms of
what the play is about. The poster, for instance, just has the name of the play, a
picture in the background of someone s anxious feet, and the tagline Winning isn t
everything... or is it? If there s a more vague poster, I don t know what it is. So, I had
no real expectations going in. I knew that there was going to be a spelling bee
involved and that this was a musical, and I d heard that there would be some
audience participation and lots of mentions of the word erection. That s about it. The
plot of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a bit contrived, though,
wholly enjoyable. All of our characters are introduced in the first song, The 25th
Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It s a bit of a contrived way to introduce
characters, though it hardly stands out. After all, this is a musical. We expect songs
as a way to advance plot, and here we get introduced to all of our characters and their
initial motivations. Starting off, they re actually a pretty one minded group. They all
Use Of Mobile Phones In School
Defending: Schools should have the right to ban cellphone use during the school
day Nowadays, the cell phones become popular in the social, it has become harder
to find students who do not own a smartphone. Youth now have cell phones that
they carry with them everywhere .The school system is faced with the challenge of
school students mobile phone use. Students insist that phone is necessary. In fact,
students should not be allowed to use cell phone during the school day since they
lack the self control and effect their independent study. Schools across the country
are faced with or have to face students who carry and use mobile phones at school.
For example, students would use cell phone in the class. Some of them might have
chat with others, taking Selfie, or some of them read the novels or some of them
play games. Therefore, they waste the time and learn nothing. Thought the number of
student s cell phone using rate are increasing which have distracting influence and
reduce the grades. Students in school are still learning about themselves, so they
should concentrate on study in school day. On the other hands, cell phones should
not be allowed to bring to school because cell phone gives the students a great
chance to cheating. It is clear that texting in the classroom has become more and
more epidemic. Most of the time during a test, students went to different websites to
look for answers. In addition, they get free Wi Fi in classroom, it even becomes
Vampirism Research Paper
Throughout history, vampirism and werewolfism have been the basis of most
horror stories but some people believe they have come across these mythical
creatures. An example of a werewolf sighting is that of Lorianne Endrizzi in the
autumn of 1989 in Wisconsin, USA. She was driving on Bray Road where she
thought someone was kneeling at the side of the road. She slowed down and the
figure stared at her from six feet away from her car. The creature was coated head
to toe with grey and brown hair, with large fangs and sharp ears. She stated to a
reporter that his face was long and had a snout, like a wolf. The figure s eyes
apparently glowed in the darkness and they were a yellow gold colour. Lorianne
further reported that The arms were kind... Show more content on ...
Usually, the werewolf turns back into a human at sunrise, with no recall of the
previous night s actions. Lycanthropy is a clinical name given to werewolves in
fiction, but is also a medical term referring to someone who is under the influence
that they are a wolf (The Brain Bank North West 2012).
Some medical theories concerning the origin of werewolves are based around
porphyria which is a disease that effects the skin and nervous system, the same
disease linked to the vampire myth. Some victims of porphyria display the fang
canine look caused by the corrosion of the gums. Furthermore, following exposure to
light, the healing blisters on the skin often grow a thin layer of hair (The Brain Bank
North West 2012).
Wolves are carriers of the lupine parvovirus (LPV), and it is suggested that the virus
is responsible for lycanthropy. LPV infected wolves are resistant to environmental
trauma, including digestive enzymes, making it much easier to spread through
contaminated food and water sources. Wolves infect humans through biting and after
infection, there is a period of high fever, chills and other flu like symptoms, and the
victim is likely to experience extreme dehydration and itching as their metabolism
and heart rate increase (Hugo Pecos and Robert Lomax
The New Humboldt County Public Defender, Whose Hiring
The new Humboldt County public defender, whose hiring has raised questions in
the local legal community, said he is ready to start working this week. And he is
responding to the criticism levied in his direction. David Marcus, the Lassen
County Public Defender from 2005 to 2011 who has spent the past five years
working as the CEO of a dental company and a contract lawyer on the East Coast,
said he ll be in town Wednesday. The first thing I ll do is to really get to know the
people in the office, Marcus said. I need to see what s important for them to get their
job done. The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors announced the hiring of
Marcus on Feb. 7 following Kevin Robinson s retirement last month. A week later at
the next Board of... Show more content on ...
He rejected claims the panel was skewed in anyone s favor. We wanted folks that
have regular interaction with the Public Defender s office, Fulks said. We went to
the very best of the best for this. In total, the county received 19 applications from
prospective public defender candidates; six were invited to interview. Ultimately,
five candidates were interviewed separately for the job by both the Board Of
Supervisors and the advisory panel during a series of interviews that lasted all day,
according to Fulks. At least three of the applicants were from the county s
defender offices, according to multiple sources familiar with the application
process. TIME CONSIDERATIONS When asked why he did not invite private
criminal defense attorneys to serve on the expert panel, Fulks said he doubted they
would want to serve on the panel for free. It s my belief, based on experience, that
asking someone from the private sector to come in and volunteer the entire day
with no pay that no one would do that, Fulks said. Rael, and local attorneys Beorn
Zepp, Zachary Curtis, David Nims and Patrik Griego each said they would have
served on the panel pro bono had they been asked. We would have been happy to
serve without pay, Rael said. I know others that have served on hiring panels before
for nothing. It s bogus. They just had to pick up the phone
Military Strength at Our Borders
American Military University
Miltary Strenght at our Borders
A Research Paper Submitted to
Manassas, West Virginia
Date Submitted 28 June, 2012
Military Strength at our Borders
As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other
lands where the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will
return thousands home looking for new employment options. Every one of these
individuals whether enlisted or part of the officer ranks have sworn to protect the
Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If not taking
the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect the ... Show
more content on ...
One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource
sharing. Today s military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not
seen in decades. For over ten years our forces have been increasing their
effectiveness in a multitude of security and reconstruction efforts. As the level of
violence along the border increases the US Customs and Border Agents are face
with a new kind of enemy tactics that can be perceived as middle ground between
current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the
border. A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the
protection of their own border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and
techniques along with effective rules of engagement can reduce violence and illegal
cross border flows. An initial cross training between military tactics subject matter
experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and operational Customs
and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than training a
group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort;
their primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction
force and surveillance of the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump
Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall major focus of this
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Short Essay For Kids.pdf

  • 1. Short Essay For Kids Writing an essay on the topic "Short Essay For Kids" might seem deceptively easy at first glance, especially given its seemingly straightforward theme. However, delving into the intricacies of crafting a piece that is not only engaging but also suitable for a younger audience presents its own set of challenges. First and foremost, it requires striking a delicate balance between simplicity and meaningful content. The language used must be clear and accessible to children while still conveying a meaningful message or story. This demands a keen understanding of the target age group's comprehension level and the ability to communicate effectively within those parameters. Next, the challenge lies in capturing the attention of young readers. Maintaining a child's interest throughout the essay is crucial, and this involves employing creative and captivating elements. Incorporating vivid imagery, relatable characters, and an engaging narrative arc becomes essential to make the essay both enjoyable and educational. Additionally, the content should align with age-appropriate themes and values. Topics should be selected carefully, ensuring they are not only interesting but also impart valuable lessons or insights suitable for a young audience. Striking this balance requires careful consideration of both entertainment and educational aspects. Moreover, the writing style should be tailored to cater to the specific needs of children. The use of simple language, short sentences, and an overall conversational tone is crucial for making the essay accessible and enjoyable for young readers. In conclusion, while the topic "Short Essay For Kids" may seem uncomplicated, the process of writing such an essay demands a thoughtful approach. Crafting a piece that is both entertaining and educational for children involves navigating a unique set of challenges, from language simplicity to content relevance. However, with careful consideration and creativity, it is certainly achievable. For those seeking assistance or looking for similar essays and more, there are resources like where you can explore a variety of writing services to meet your specific needs. Short Essay For Kids Short Essay For Kids
  • 2. Questions On Class Hierarchy Analysis In other words, I started from the entry point and went through all the statements of method body. Based on Class Hierarchy Analysis definition, for each call site b.n( ) in the method block, if static type(b)=B, Then the targets of call site b.n( ) will be all concrete (non abstract) methods having the same signature as method B.n( ) and declared by B or by any concrete subclasses of B including B itself. According to this definition, I added reachable methods of each call site to the worklist then made edges from source to reachable methods. // initialization worklist.initialize() ; worklist while (worklist != empty) { // remove next method from worklist Method source = worklist.removeNext() ; // process statements in source method for each (stmt in source) { // if statement is a method/constructor call Method if (stmt is a InvokeStmt) { n = stmt.getInvokedMethod() ; List reachables = resolveDispatch(n) ; for each (Method target in reachables){ worklist.add (target) ; callgraph.addEdge (source пѓЁ target) ; } // end of for} // end of if } // end of for} // end of while (A worklist approach for CHA algorithm) The method resolveDispatch( ) finds reachable methods of each call site b.n( ) and for computing reachable methods, at first I check if static type(b)= B and if B declares by signature method B.n( ), then reachable methods are method n( ) in class B and all methods having signature B.n( ) defined in concrete subclasses of B, else I have to look at the concrete
  • 3. Mexican National Identity After The Mexican Revolution Of... After the Mexican Revolution of 1910, a nationalistic sentiment spread throughout Mexico as they sought to form a unified identity under its new constitution. Under the new organization of the country, Mexico underwent many political and social changes, many of them violent. At the turn of the 20th century, Mexican nationalism was of the utmost importance. Finally, the masses of Mexican poor began to have a voice in their own destiny and began to seek out a national identity. In order to be fully immersed in an identity that seemed ambiguous due to centuries of colonization, Mexico looked to the arts to help mold Mexico s new character as a country. Muralists like Rivera, Siqueiros, Orozco and Khalo portrayed the struggle for freedom and democracy against the oligarchs that had exploited the poor for decades. Musicalso played a pivotal role in expressing nationalistic views and ideas through movements such as the traditional and the indigenismo . One of the composers who was at the forefront of the indigenismo movement was Carlos ChГЎvez. ChГЎvez strived to distance himself from romantic influences and practices, and searched for new methods to create pieces that were for everyone, not just the elite. Chavez s investigation of indigenous Indian cultures, native folk elements, and dance forms brought an unprecedented vigor and visibility to 20th century Mexican Music. ChГЎvez traveled to Europe and the United States to gain recognition beyond Mexico s border, thus catapulting his influence on Mexico s musical style and cultures. Born in 1899 to a modest, but comfortable household in Mexico City, Carlos ChГЎvez was exposed to music through the primary instruction of his older brother Manuel, who gave him piano lessons. From a very young age, Carlos taught himself and analyzed works of great composers in order to get a grasp on composition. He started out composing for piano in a traditional romantic style. The compositions from before 1921, mostly for piano, are essentially Romantic, with Schumann as a detectable influence. These juvenilia also include piano arrangements of Mexican songs, and so prefigure two main musical interests of ChГЎvez s maturity: traditional genres (sonata, quartet, symphony,
  • 4. Lab Report On Plant Cell Walls Introduction: Plant cell walls are composed of: Pectin matrices, cellulose microfibrils and branches of hemicellulose. Cell walls give plant cells their rigid oblong shape (in morphogenesis) and its strength aids the plant cell s maintenance of osmotic stability preventing lysis and crenation when exposed to hypertonic or hypotonic environments respectively. The apoplast pathway in the cellwall is also completely permeable to ions and small particles while preventing the entry of toxic macromolecules. Second to cell walls, plant cell membranes contain a variety of different lipids (made of fatty acids), proteins and carbohydrates. The two molecule thick layered structure of membranes is made of a bilayer of amphipathic phospholipids ... Show more content on ... The tonoplast is similar the external plasma membrane in that there are also intrinsic transmembrane proteins which govern the movement of a variety of ions and the one way entry of betalain molecules produced via the flavonoid pathway in the cytoplasm. In fig.1, the absorbance values of the resultant beetroot solutions show a clear increase with increasing temperature, this is gradual from 23В°C to 60В°C, but this steeply increases until 70В°C which was the last data point. Extrapolation may show an exponential increase, until all the red pigment has been liberated from all of the beetroot cells, and the trend line would thus plateau horizontally. In fig.2, the absorbance readings of H2O and chloroform are relatively very small almost negligible, IMS has the second highest reading and Rapid freezing did the most damage to the beetroot cells membranes with a very high absorbance reading. This was so high that it couldn t be detected by the monochromatic light from the spectrophotometer dilutions were made as a result and the absorbance was multiplied to its true value. Discussion: The monochromatic light of the spectrophotometer was set to a value of 540nm (the green region of the visual spectrum). This is essential because the betacyanin pigments present in the vacuoles of beetroot cells are what give the vegetable its distinctive red colour (light transmitted), so the compromise green wavelength is absorbed in the greatest
  • 5. Welcome to the Realm of Love Welcome to the realm of love You dream of an unfamiliar hand being placed on your elbow. It is tender and adoring, but at the same moment it has a gargantuan power that easily lifts you awake. You are suspended over a countryside at dawn. You gaze downward and you realize that this cosmic expanse extending out to the horizon and distant beyond it is all your property. The existence you have endured and have yet to live stretches out beneath you. It s surprisingly gigantic, a complete continent sheltered with a subtle cobalt vapor. You can scarcely familiarize yourself, but you worship this territory from deep within your spirit. You marvel at that, but just for a short minute, because it then occurs to you what this immeasurable immense and magnificent ground beneath you is: it s called love. As you slowly drift downwards, you are still gazing, lost in thought, at the landscape before your eyes. You touch down gently, grateful to feel the earth below your feet. A delicate fog surrounds you. You see a lightin front of and up above you. A mighty tower looms before you. Completely solitary, it rises from the landscape like a pillar. It is beautiful and strangely familiar, as if you had been there many times before. Light comes from a small window set high in the facade. Something wonderful is shining there, gentle and friendly. As you walk around the tower, you see an open door. You go inside, where a broad, winding staircase greets you. Each step, each stone is familiar.
  • 6. Emerson s Nature Using Figurative Language Analysis Nature expresses Emerson s belief that individuals must develop a personal understanding of the universe. In the introduction, Emerson explains the significance of accepting the knowledge and traditions of the past, instead of experiencing nature and God directly. The question about the order of the universe(relationship between God, man and nature) is answered through the experience of life. Nature in fact is an expression of the understanding. Emerson portrays an attitude towards nature using figurative language, comparison and contrasting. In the essay, he expresses the philosophy that the universe is composed of nature and through this unity man obtains knowledge. It is necessary, according to Emerson, that man awakens the connection ... Show more content on ... Although it goes to say that not everyone sees the reverence awakened by the stars it is always present, they are inaccessible not To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature but to those that can t see nature. As well as Nature always wears the colors of the spirit indicating that nature and man together can produce the ability to see the delight. However, it is only possible through man or through nature and man to see delight. It is important to see with temperance and that is why nature always wears the colors of the
  • 7. Refugees Should Be Banned In The United States Refugee Ban in the United States In the United States, President Trump recently issued a travel ban from seven Muslim majority countries: Libya, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, and Syria due to concerns of the safety of American citizens. However, it was recently overruled by Federal Judge James L. Robart but the president has vowed to have the ruling overturned or have another similar executive order written in its place. The ban consisted of visa restrictions in place for ninety days, refugee admission program suspended for one hundred and twenty days, and Syrian refugees admission suspended indefinitely until President Trump feels the vetting procedures are strong enough to ensure terrorists are not allowed in the country on a refugee visa. ... Show more content on ... It is comprised of seven steps: registration and data collection, security checks, DHS interview, Biometric security checks, cultural orientation and medical check, assignment to domestic resettlement location and travel, and lastly arrival in the U.S (State). Each of those steps is intensive and the refugee screening process is considered to more careful than any other type of traveler. Furthermore, the USRAP system has proven to be secure through statistics listed on CATO and in my opinion any more to be done would strain the system to point where it was incapable of adequately processing individuals. While those steps help ensure that the United States protects itself from potential terrorist, maybe more can be done in security checks with visa applicants. The 9/11 attacks were carried out by those on temporary visas, and one student visa. As it stands, there is a $160 fee, application with photo documentation, and an interview at the U.S Embassy or Consulate. Also, there could be additional steps depending on place of origin. (Affairs). While these steps are a good starting place to grant visas, a more in depth background check could be beneficial for the United States for those who hail from known terrorist bred countries. Another issue is visa holders overstaying their allotted time. What can be done to ensure that visa holders abide by the rules set in place by the U.S Department of State? I would
  • 8. Earlobe Allele Frequency Lab Report Earlobe Allele Frequency in General and Asian Populations Laura Kathryn Browne Georgia Perimeter College Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to observe the frequency of attached versus detached earlobes to better understand the presentation of traits in humans in general and in certain populations to determine if individuals of particular ethnicity are more likely to present with one phenotype of the other. It is understood that attached earlobes are the dominant phenotype and detached earlobes are the recessive phenotype, however there is some controversy regarding this distinction, as suggested by McDonald (2011), who points out that CarriГЁre and Hilden were among the first to study the genetics of earlobes, and they reached opposite conclusions . The purpose is this experiment is to revisit this topic and determine whether there is a moderately clear dominant and recessive genotype in human earlobes. Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this experiment is that attached earlobes are more common in individuals of Asian descent than in the general population. Methods: The demonstration was conducted at a busy 24 hour Starbucks in downtown Ann Arbor, Michigan in the evening from 7pm to 10pm. The number of individuals in each group, Detached vs. Attached, was tallied in ... Show more content on ... Many of the individuals in these random samples were young college students, but trials should be repeated in locations with different demographics. There is some margin for error when determining if an individual belongs to the Attached or Detached phenotype; sometimes, an individual seems to have unclearly attached or detached earlobes. It should also be considered that elderly people are more likely to appear to have detached earlobes, even if they do not have a dominant allele. There is a potential for gravity to pull an attached earlobe down over time due to gravity, thus skewing
  • 9. Physical Contact In Olympic Hockey Did you know that woman can t check or have any physical contact in olympic hockey! Hi I will be showing you guys some similarities and differences between NHL hockey and Olympic hockey. Here is some history about the sport of hockey, hockey is the oldest ball and stick game, it dates back to 2000 BC in persia, the name hockey comes from the french hocquet or shepards crook which is a crooked stick used to hit a ball, ice hockey was introduced into the olympics in 1920, the first all women s team played in the 1998 olympics. Man that was some interesting background history now we will move on to some events that are different between the two. In the NHL there is no 1st, 2nd, or 3rd there can only be 1 winner unlike the olympic hockey you can win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The awards are different too like in the NHL you win MVP(Most valuable player), Stanley Cup, and the Conn Smythe Trophy, the player awarded for the conn smythe trophy is the most valuable player for the season. There are 21 total trophies players can get awarded arranging from MVP to the National cup. Did you know that Canada has won 8 gold medals and is the current holder for most hockey medals in the olympics. Now i will be telling you the differences in the rules ... Show more content on ... Also both ice rinks are different, the NHL rinks are 200 feet long and 85 feet wide, but olympic rinks are 210 feet long and 98 feet wide. In the NHL teams can dress 18 players and 1 goalie on the ice, but in the Olympics you can have 2 goalies on ice and dress 20 players, another weird rules are goalies can t play the puck behind the net, if they do they will get a 2 minute minor for goaltender infraction, but in the olympics goalies can play the puck behind the net. Now we will move on to some famous olympic
  • 10. My Thoughts On The Cold Floor Essay It was two in the morning, my thoughts reeling over the day I was about to take on. My eagerness overcame me and I flipped and flopped between my sheets like a fish out of water. I remember being told to wake up early and that there was a long day ahead of me. I imagined making new friends and the first thoughts that popped into my head were What if they don t like me? or What if they think I m stupid? Which were always concerns of mine, but I tried to calm myself and I remembered that I was not there to make friends and that put me at easy, little bit. Yet it was not enough, I could not get back to sleep. After much internal debate, I climbed out of bed; my body was so sore as if I had fought 100 adversaries that night and they won, I guess I slept wrong. I thought to myself as my feet touched the icy cold floor. I walked around my room my thoughts filling to the brim with what to wear I rummaged through my closet pulling out dress, shorts, skirts, shirts, tank tops, and pants, until I had a mountain of clothing that resembled Mt. Everest. I weighted and tried on all of my options; my indecisiveness clearly showing through my action; forcing me to decide on a pair of jeans and a superman t shirt. I finally left the house preparing myself for the complications that awaited me. I smiled brightly disguise my uneasy feelings, because I knew that the first step to improvement involves hard work. I headed towards building two where I had an orientation I made it just in
  • 11. How Well Do You Think The Governance System Of Jpmorgan... Strategic Management Case Study Assignment Question 1. How well do you think the governance system of JPMorgan Chase is working in protecting shareholder interests? Corporate governance is a set of actions used to handle the relationship between stakeholders by determining and controlling the strategic direction and performance of the organization. Corporate governance major concern is making sure that the strategic decisions are effective and that it paves the way towards strategic competitiveness. (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 310). In today s corporation, the primary objective of corporate governance is to align top level manager s and stakeholders interest. That is why corporate governance is involved when there is a conflict of interest between with the owners, managers, and members of the board of directors (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 310 311). There are three internal and one external governance mechanisms used for owners to govern managers to ensure they comply with their responsibility to satisfy stakeholders and shareholder s needs. First, ownership concentration is stated as the number of large block shareholders and the total percentage of the shares they own (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 317). Second, the board of directors which are elected by the shareholders. Their primary duty is to act in the owner s best interest and to monitor and control the businesses top level managers (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2017, p. 319). Third, is the
  • 12. Should Romeo And Juliet Be Taught In Schools Essay Some people think that the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, should not be taught in school. Others think that it should. In my opinion, this great story should be taught in school. It has so much potential to teach students about great pieces of literature. A story about two lovers that cannot love such an interesting classic to read. ..It is founded on an idle passion between a boy and a girl, who have scarcely seen and can have but little sympathy or rational esteem for one another, who have had no experience of the good or ills of life and whose raptures or despair must be therefore equally groundless and fantastical (Hazlitt 33). It has a lot of vocab in it, which will help students enhance their vocab skills, it will stretch students reading areas because when people read it, they have a harder time than normal to read, and it will help people understand other hard pieces of writing later on in life. The great story by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, an overall great story, should be read in school because it... Show more content on ... The language of Old English, a harder language to understand than modern day English, makes people work harder to figure out what it means. Doing this will help people understand the harder papers, essays, and books they read later on in their lives. So, if people ever read more challenging texts than Romeo and Juliet, they will prepare them to take on the challenge. Also, with the tough vocabulary that occurs throughout the story, it helps enhance students vocabulary usage from using mono syllable words to tri syllable words. Tempering extremities with extreme sweet (Shakespeare act 2 prologue). This sentence, filled with difficult words, shows how great this story can help people strengthen their vocabulary. This also helps them seem more prepared for the future; by understanding words that people speak and able to have an intelligent
  • 13. African Slave Trade Affecting Africa s Children The African slave trade was devastating but many do not know how terrible it was. Twenty eight million people were taken from their homes and families, and more people killed (3). An estimated total loss from the slave trade is thirty million to two hundred million people (4). The worst effect would be the problems it caused for Africa s children. They were hurt psychologically and emotionally because they lived in a state of mental and emotional stress and fear. The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror when I was carried on board. I was now persuaded that... Show more content on ... This method got some Africans killed, and normally slavers would just see their deaths as a small loss in profit, or just some collateral damage; after all, they just saw the slaves as material goods, a way to make money, not as human beings. They opted for an easy way to do things because some slavers were getting hurt or killed in the raids. The Europeans decided to negotiate with tribe leaders. In exchange for Africans, the Europeans would give the tribe leaders strong spirits, cloth, and useless trinkets the chiefs found fascinating. Oftentimes, tribes would sell prisoners of war to the slavers. If the chiefs didn t want to give slaves, the slavers would take them by force. The children and families that lived in tribes lived in constant fear of being sold. As I said before, it isn t psychologically for a child to live in fear. Also being in an environment full of fear will make children feel apprehensive and nervous. When children were given away, they would feel useless, unwanted, and hated. They might have said to themselves: What have I done? Is this my fault? Why me? Nobody loves me. These feelings of uselessness and sadness can cause a child to have depression. All these feelings can also make the child feel as if they aren t good enough for anyone. Being betrayed by people they thought were friends, or maybe even their family, will have a massive effect on a child s
  • 14. Affects of Magazine Articles Persuasive Essay Magazine advertisement sends unhealthy signals In todays society the media implicates the basic idea of the perfect woman to be skinny and beautiful. But what is beautiful? Magazines everywhere promote the latest style and the way you should look to be what is considered normal or acceptable. Young girls should not have to worry about the clothes they wear and if it s the next best thing just because the model on the cover said so. If you look on any clothing magazine what do you see? A beautiful young thin girl with the perfect smile, skin is perfectly air brushed, hair looks styled to perfection. Young girls look at these women and think they have to imitate that image in that magazine to be beautiful,... Show more content on ... In this same magazine Cosmopolitan theres one page dedicated two a young couple the page says Lunch Date in big letters and under it is a quote of two sentences. I m into public displays of affection. I enjoy making people feel uncomfortable by holding more than hands with somebody. Also under the quoted words is what all of the model is wearing and how much it all costs. The model is sitting on a mans leg and their arms are on each other. Hes gently kissing her neck while the women sits with her head tilted up enough to give him room to kiss, with her eyes closed and her outside leg propped up a little more than the other and her hand placed on the mans chest. They re sitting in a park like scenery with a picnic basket next to them on the bench filled with grapes and wine and flowers popping out. She s too dressed up for a picnic from what I see. She is wearing high heeled open toed shoes with a plastic like skirt to match the heels with a black tank top. Public display of affection is not a professional way to act. Theres a time and place for everything and being a teenager with raging hormones, giving the idea that public display of affection is okay is wrong. High schoolers now get in trouble for showing
  • 15. External Conflicts With Arnold In the novel Arnold faces many conflicts that he has to battle not only external but a few internal ones as well. Junior primary struggles with external conflicts from his peers. Junior falls into a conflict with the people that are close to him in his life over the course of the book. Rowdy,Junior s best friend, is one of the first person that is close to Arnold to have a major external conflict. Junior has decided to move to a new school, but the only problem is that the school is off the rez and it is untraditional and shunde upon to go to school of the rez. When Junior tells Rowdy that he most move of the Rez Rowdy can t accept the fact that his best friend will be leaving him. Rowdy extreme anger and pain allows him to hurt his best friend
  • 16. Capital Gains Tax During The Civil War Tax began in America during the Civil War when congressed passed the Revenue Act of 1861. This was a tax on personal incomes to help pay the wages of the ongoing war. From this time different acts have been included and repealed on capital gain and taxes. From the past to current, the United States has shown the importance capital gains tax. This paper will give a brief history of how capital gains taxbegan in America, where the United State is now, pros and cons for arguments for and against capital gains tax and how America stacks up to other countries. Capital gain taxation in America has been around since the Civil war when a tax on income began and a rise in taxing capital gain started. After many repeals and acts about taxation, the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment came about which allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on the United States Census (gov.) Between 1913 and 1922 taxes on capital gain ranged from the top rate of 7 percent and 12.5 percent being held at least two years. (Capital gain tax) Next came the Tax Reform Acts of 1969 and 1976. The Tax Reform Act of 1969 set a 10 percent minimum tax not including gains, and put a limit on alternative tax up to $ 50,000 of gains. (Capital gain tax) The next Act of 1976 further increased capital gain taxes by increasing the tax rate to 15 percent. By 1978 the maximum tax rate reached almost 50 percent, which caused for Congress to reduce capital gains tax
  • 17. Factors Influencing Food Choices Of Consumers And Food... commonly described as bitter , rough and dry mouth feel . Such characteristics minimises consumers and food companies from using soybeans in food materials. Multiple test methods are required in order to investigate what consumers desire. A consumer preference testing allow researchers to identify which sample are most preferred or least preferred. However, a descriptive testing is require to investigate what flavours are present in the sample in order evaluate those that are disliked or liked. Various studies has been conducted to see which samples of soy products are preferred by consumers, as well as an descriptive tests to identify those sensory flavour and aroma that are undesirable. These combination of methods informs effectively to manufactures what flavours of soy products would be most accepted to consumers. Understanding factors influencing food choices of consumers from various cultures is a profound aspect in product development. Individuals preferences for sensory characteristics in food; such as texture, taste and odour are suggested to be a very complex aspect. Other non sensory factors can also affect consumers food choices, such as the individuals past exposure to the food, price, their expectation and attitudes, ethical concerns and health claims of the food. These factors may largely affect consumers evaluation of products and should be considered when analysing the data. Literature review Lipoxygenase enzyme Various properties of soybeans
  • 18. How Did Christopher Columbus Discovered America During the late 15th century, Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. Columbus started making a living there and survived through capitalism. Between 1450 1750, the higher classes (including Kings) in Africa sold lower class to europeans to become slaves in order to serve colonists in the American plantations. King Afonso, the ruler of Kongo, permitted only the low class Africans to be sold as slaves. He needed the higher class for the country so he did not permit higher class to be sold. Regional rulers also supported the idea of trading slaves for resources. Back then, African states needed defense to defend their land from being taken over by others. To protect themselves, regional rulers sold lower class as slaves in return
  • 19. Plato s Allegory Of The Cave Essay When you lose the person who matters most to you in this world, time alters. Time is no longer a linear progression of events. Time becomes a memory of another life. Ten years pass within a day, then you wake up and another decade has been added to the distance, an alien life form, a foreign place, another person inhabiting your body in the past, and, yet, the memories flood the goop of your brain, as if the single greatest loss of your life happened this morning. It s all curved and bended and distorted, like an astronaut turning into spaghetti at the event horizon of some black hole right here on planet earth. Nobody will ever get it. Plato s allegory of the cave: some dipshit escapes the shadowy cave and returns to tell the other dick holes about this great truth he s learned, but they just stare at him, like he jerks off to potatoes. This is what it s like. You re alone, time becomes a fucking acid trip, and people become about as interesting as potted plants. As I sit on the roof deck of this Wall Street condominium in Manhattan years after my entire life had disappeared and become something unrecognizable, an indistinct memory floats down the back of my skull like an ephemeral spirit in the darkness of night. The night watchman in my building looks suspiciously through the glass door then waves when he sees me. I smile and casually wave back. The memory faintly grabs hold of me again. The screaming and laughing of children softly echoes from the distant past; the
  • 20. Ebola Disease Occurs In Humans And Nonhuman Primates EBOLA FACT FILE Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a severe and often fatal disease that can occur in humans and nonhuman primates (such as monkeys and gorillas). The outbreaks of EVD occur predominantly in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests and where contact with animals is more likely to take place. EVD is transmitted into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals (typically nonhuman primates and fruit bats). Once a human is infected it spreads in the community through skin to skin contact, direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected individual, or contact with environments that are contaminated with such fluids. The incubation ... Show more content on ... Diagnosing Ebola in an individual who has been infected for only a few days is difficult, as the early symptoms such as a skin rash and fevers are nonspecific to the Ebola virus and are seen often in patients with more commonly occurring diseases. This can cause the virus to develop so much that it can no longer be treated and the high death toll is a direct result of this. Death of Ebola victims usually occurs during the second week of Ebola symptoms and is mostly due to extreme blood loss. Pathogenesis of Ebola Treatment of Ebola The standard treatment for Ebola is still limited to supportive therapy as no vaccines are yet available for clinical use. The supportive therapy consists of balancing the patient s fluids and electrolytes, maintaining the patient s oxygen status and blood pressure, and treating the patient for any complicating infections. Treatment from the day the virus is contracted is important but extremely challenging due to the fact that Ebola is very difficult to diagnose in its early stages of infection. However, if a person has the early symptoms of Ebola and there is reason to believe that Ebola should be considered it is extremely important that the patient is isolated
  • 21. The Presidential Election Was A Great Man Named William... In 1986 the democratic nominee for the presidential election was a great man named William Jennings Bryan. Bryan was a religious and moral man who stood for the greater good of farmers, the poor and working class. Populists represent the underdog of society that is seeking injustice, during Bryan s time period it happened to be the farmer s agriculture industry that was dying out. A few decades before this election the whole country was running off of agriculture, with the industrialization that occurred in recent years to this election had put the farmers in a tough place barely able to make a living. William Jennings Bryanstood up for this issue and his main concern was to tend to these farmers. Bryan never won an election so he never... Show more content on ... The monopolist got greedy and did things like George Pullman creating his own town for employees to work in and then lowering wages and keeping rent the same. William Jennings Bryan wanted to stop things like this from happening and make sure everybody had a fair chance at a living in the United States. Populist disagreed with how the economy was going because the big companies were a dominant force taking money away from the agriculture industry and the poor people. They called for more rather than less government intervention in the economy, for only government was capable of expanding the money supply, counterbalancing the power of big business, and providing efficient national transportation networks to support the needs of agribusiness (Tindall, 668). With the views that the party had, supporting more government intervention comes to no surprise because there wouldn t be an easier way to defeat the big companies other than regulating them. If Bryan had won an election, the economy today could have been completely different depending on what he did with monopolies and agriculture. Bryan and the populists disagreed with the gold standard and wanted to implement the free coinage of silver to fix the bad economy caused from the gold standard. I will not help to crucify mankind upon a cross of gold (Kazin, 47) .
  • 22. Agenda Setting Theroy Agenda setting theory Introduction: There is no question that communication is an important element in our life. We can learn how to communicate either by our experiences which probably will take a longtime to learn or by studying the experiences and theories of others. In Communication theory we have learned many theories that are very important to understanding human Communication. Communication is not more important nowadays than before because it s always been an important aspect of human existence. These days communication style has been developed and has changed dramatically due to the media and the technology. Communications between cultures have never been better than today. A consequence of the development of the media technology is that media now plays a major influence on societies and in some countries the media is considered the fourth branch of government. In my discussion, I have selected agenda setting theory, which is explained by Donald Shaw, Maxwell McCombs, and their colleagues. I chose this theory because of its significance and because it has more explanation of what can be explained beyond the TV shows and reports. Media and freedom of speech is an important thing in America, however I think there is a real communication problem in the way media portrays the Arab World to the American people. There is a misperception in America about the Arab world and this problem is a result of the way that the media portrays events and the way that they pick
  • 23. The Purpose Of A College Education I have always taken for granted that I would go to college. As I near the end of my senior year, some of my friends shudder at the thought of enduring four more years of schooling an education that isn t free for most by any means. But even though the fear of money crept through my head some nights, I still knew that I would do anything to have the privilege of an education beyond a high schooldiploma. I knew collegewould change my life; and with that in mind, I wanted to help change the world. College education leads to many opportunities. Obviously, a degree will furnish credibility to resumes, helping one earn higher salaries than those who do not have a degree. A college education provides advanced practice for one s desired career.... Show more content on ... I want to take advantage of every opportunity I am given, to dedicate myself to science research, to learn more about different cultures, and to become an educated young woman with the potential to change the world. I know that through this experience I will grow as a person, and I will always strive to succeed. The thought of a college education inspires me to push past my limitations, to reach for something that may be unattainable while still giving my all. Without education, our society would crumble. Who would be our doctors, our scientists, our philosophers? Who would lay the foundation of our society? This thought is at the root of my dreams. If I want the world to improve, I need to prepare to get my hands dirty. We are fighting a war against injustice, poverty, and disease. We are fighting against our own mistakes. We are fighting to save this planet and the people on it. This is not a war of guns or swords, but rather a war of minds, and I want to train as a soldier. I want to be on that intellectual battlefield. I will fight for what I believe in, no matter what. That is the true value of a college education: to live for something bigger than yourself. One day, I want to find the cure for cancer. Maybe it seems impossible to some, but I believe that I can do whatever I set my mind to, and I set my mind to
  • 24. Summary Of The Autumn By John Keats Imagery brings poetry to life through the senses. It allows one to experience imagination through the differing senses; it indirectly enables one to conceive the mental picture and senses through this element. Imagery is a figurative language that is for the use of visual symbolism. The author utilizes vivid and descriptive text to imply a deeper meaning to the story being read. In John Keatspoem, The Autumn, readers visualize the fall season through sensuous imagery to fulfill the purpose of an illustration of autumn. The senses of sight, known as visual imagery, is frequently illustrated in this poem. The first line of the poem states, Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom friend of the maturing sun; (Keats 771). The first line is filled with alliteration mists, mellow, and maturing. It also describes how the fall consists of foggy air, and it expresses how the sun is fully developed and is beginning to diminish its brightness. During the fall, the sun is not compelled to shine as bright as it does in the summer or spring. The weather is cooler with cloudy skies, along with the leaves changing from bright green to warm colors. The leaves are falling from the trees with the help of the chill breeze. From the trees, grow tasteful fruits and eye catching blossoms which assists the fall in letting one see the beautiful, graphic creation this season truly is. In essence, this poem allows one to experience taste or the gustatory imagery of fruit. This piece of literary work notifies readers the taste of fruit during this season in several lines. In the first stanza, Keats details the trees and fruits of autumn through the line, To bend with apples the mossed cottage trees, and fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; (771). The succulent taste of fruit is being represented and one is able to imagine and relish the taste of a ripe fruit down to its core. During this time, the fruit is growing maturely for one to harvest and to enjoy throughout this season and others to come. This line furthermore ties back with visual imagery by expressing the stage the trees are in. It declares how they are filled with thick, green moss on its trunks with apples hanging from their branches. Even from
  • 25. Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Courageous Quotes Courage During The Thunder In life, being courageous means you have to stand up for your convictions and beliefs. In the novel Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry written by Mildred D. Taylor, Stacey consistently shows gigantic amounts of courage throughout the book. Stacey shows how courageous he was when he chased after T.J. to find the truth for his mom; when he confronted T.J. about his lying and tells the kids he wouldn t stand for it; and when Stacey stays behind during the big explosion of violence at the end of the book. The events all demonstrate Stacey s courage and willingness to help his family. In the book Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry Stacey Logan shows extreme courage when he hunts down T.J. and chases after him. Stacey didn t have a doubt in his mind that when he got to T.J he was going to find the truth for his mom. In the text it says, Stacey immediately charged toward him, and when T.J. saw him coming he tried to swing his long right leg over the tube to ... Show more content on ... During the climax of the book, the beating of the Averys, Stacey stayed behind to watch the violent scene while the Logan kids went safely back home to their parents. According to the text, Stacey whispered you take Little Man and Christopher John and y all (Taylor,253). Even though Stacey got cut off he was going to tell the kids to go home, and that he would stay there and keep watch of what was going on between the white and the blacks, which was extremely courageous. The text also says, Papa spun around suddenly. Gotta get him out of there, he said, moving quicker than I had thought possible with his bad leg. (Taylor,259). This shows how worried Stacey s parents were about him being close to all the fighting, which shows how courageous he was to be there. Stacey s bravery further proves that being courageous, means you have to stand up for your convictions and
  • 26. Nicholas Garnham Nicholas Garnham Nicholas Garnham worked in television before starting his academic career. He worked for the BBC, serving as film editor from 1961 to 1964 and then director and producer from 1964 to 1968. His credits as a freelance Director/Producer include Through the Eye of a Needle, Border Country, In Search of Paradise, and The British Museum. He also served as the Governor of the British Film Institute (BFI) from 1973 to 1977. Garnham teaching at the Polytechnic of Central London (now Westminster University), where he established his name as an expert in the political economy of communication and communication regulations. Today, he is Head of the Media Studies School of Communication and Director of the Centre for ... Show more content on ... Public intervention in the form of subsidy is usually justified on the grounds (1) that culture possesses inherent values, of life enhancement, which are fundamentally opposed to and in danger of being damaged by commercial forces; (2) that the need for these values is universal, regardless of class, gender, and ethnic origin; and (3) that the market cannot satisfy this need. The creative artist occupies a central place in this ideology. This person s aspirations and values stemming from unfathomable sources of genius, inspiration, or talent are the source of cultural value. However, situating the arts at the center of the cultural universe no longer means showering them with money, but we should define the policy problem as one of finding audiences for their work, rather than the reverse. 2. my project I make the case that most of those people on the left who have challenged this dominant view of culture as elitist have tacitly accepted the remaining assumptions of the tradition they reject. This accounts for their limited success in shifting the terms of the policy debate and the effortless ease with which they have been incorporated (p. 54). Thanks to this cultural policy making tradition, public intervention in the cultural sphere is marginalized, making it purely reactive to the process which it cannot grasp (pp. 54 55). This tradition has been rejecting the market; thus, most people s needs and
  • 27. Motivation Observation How is a community formed? I have attended many churches and it can be difficult at times to be included as the rest of the congregation already has latent knowledge about each other which puts you on the outside. It can be difficult traversing the multitude of societal rules in order to become part of the community. Although the early church was encouraged to continue to meet together as, Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching (New International Version 2011, Hebrews 10:25). However, it can be difficult to make those personal and deeper connections in order for members of the church to encourage one another. Over a period of seven weeks spanning the months of August to October, I undertook an ethnographic study of the evening meal called dinner which took place before the Eventide service at St. Elphaba s of the Vale. My ethnographic research was completed using the participant observationmethod during a Sunday evening from 6 6.30pm. By using this specific methodology I was able to engage in all the rituals involved with participating in the meal as well as observe the interactions of my informants around me. Each week I primarily studied one specific aspect of the meal service ritual, therefore, I have decided to write one account which is a combination of all of my weeks of participant observation. The primary theories which I will be using to interpret my observations are Bronislaw Malinowski and Marcel Mauss theories of exchange, specifically concerning the Kula ring as well as Emilie Durkheim s theory of the sacred profane dichotomy. St Elphaba s is situated in the Hills district of Sydney, Australia where the median total income of an individual, excluding Government pensions and allowances, for 2015 was $53,238 which is significantly higher than the Australian average of $44,854 (The Hills Shire (A): Region Data Summary 2017). This was reflected in the socio economic positions of the members of the congregation. In the course of conversation with many of my informants, they volunteered their jobs which included doctors, lawyers, builders or some who owned their own successful
  • 28. What Are The Differences And Similarities Between FX And... Swap Q1: Where did the swap market originate? And why? The earliest SWAP market originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. The main purpose of this market is to circumvent the foreign exchange controls adopted by the British government. The first swap is a change in the currency swap. The British government taxes foreign exchange transactions involving sterling. This makes it more difficult for capital to leave the country, thereby increasing domestic investment. Q2: Why Swaps are so popular? What is their economic rationale? Interchanges help to limit or manage the volatility of interest rates, and swap yields lower interest rates than would have been available to the company. Swaps are used because domestic companies usually get better ... Show more content on ... Interest rate swaps include the exchange of interest payments, while currency swaps include the exchange of the same amount of cash in one currency. Interest rate swaps are financial derivative contracts where both parties agree to exchange interest rate cash flows Q8: What is the combination of FX and interest rate swap called? How many swap types can you construct by mixing the basic flavors? The combination of FX and interest rate swaps is called CIRCUS. In terms of their magnitude importance, the five common types of swaps are: interest rate swaps, currency swaps, credit swaps, commodity swaps and stock swaps. There are many other types of swaps Q9: Swaps are important risk management tools. How would you use swaps in the following situations (give an example and describe the swap type) For example, consider an ordinary fixed interest rate floating interest rate swap, Party A pay a fixed rate, Party B pay a floating rate. In such an agreement, the fixed interest rate should be such that the present value of the future fixed interest rate paid by Party A is equal to the present value (ie, the net present value is zero) paid by the expected future variable interest rate. If this is not the case, then arbitrator C
  • 29. Chain Of Command In Vietnam War Introduction To be successful or victorious in any war, the military have to make sure that men and women in uniforms, are well trained and discipline. Discipline is one of the key factors in any operation. Where there is discipline, there is orderliness, especially in the military. Combat soldiers are trained to kill, and defend themselves. Following ROE will help them target their enemies better. For example, in the Vietnam War, the Army operated under R0E, known as rules of engagement. This ROE were in place to conduct warfare that will comply with international and local laws within the conditions specified by high rank commanders. However, if rules of engagement are not put in place properly, followed or executed, it could be disastrous. An example could be the situation seen in Vietnam, when the U.S rules of engagement shifted towards some soft rules of engagement which caused a lot of American lives. A lot of the U.S soldiers were killed..(The changing combat rules of engagement: what is one American life worth? 2013). In any war, chain of command is very essential. The chain of command is an effective way to maintain order and to assign and make each accountable to a task. The same principle can be applied directly to ... Show more content on ... He was the Commander in charge of the United States military operations in the Asian country. He had full responsibility of the War, and is fully responsible for the failure of the grand strategy. His duty was to oversee the mission and implement the decisions that were taken by the government and then passed down to the secretary of defence. He advocated an increase in the U.S. military presence in South Vietnam, Westmoreland wanted to go with the attrition strategy, which will help minimize U.S. casualty s rate (Moss, p. 163). He basically believed that destroying the enemy s camps and sanctuary will help the Americans to easily defeat the Vietnamese (Moss,
  • 30. Essay about Sci 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology SCI 115 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 GENE TECHNOLOGY To purchase this visit here: 115 week 8 assignment 2 gene technology/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM SCI 115 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 GENE TECHNOLOGY SCI 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology Genetechnology carries with it social and ethical implications many of which engender personal views and discussion. Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans Gene therapy Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your ... Show more content on ... Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans Gene therapy Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements: 1. Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology. 2. Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section, you will give your opinion. 3. Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be More Details
  • 31. The Plane Of Injustice The plane of injustice can be, and is, very vast. It is found every day in varying places and quantities. I perceive injustice as a form of one being cheated, conned, or robbed of what they deserve, quite often because the party on the other end of the stick as justice, believing that they are giving the victim what they deserve. Racism has been a long standing something or other of the United States. It is a dark mark on history that has been here since Christopher Columbus. With the arrival of Europeans on American soil, racism against Native Americans developed within the plot to conquer their land. There was belief that the natives were savages that needed to become civilized through religion and European culture. As more and more people
  • 32. The Impact Of Burlesque And Vaudeville On Stand-Up Comedy The Impact of Burlesque and Vaudeville on Stand up Comedy The struggle of the funny performer has remained a symbiosis of drive, jealousy, heartbreak, and triumph existing then as it exists now. Perhaps the only other constant is comedy s unfailing popularity K. Nesterkoff, 2016 Richard Pryor, arguably one of the greatest stand up comedians of all time, credits his comedic abilities to many comedians, one being Charlie Chaplin. You may be thinking, how does Charlie Chaplin, the guy who played The Tramp in silent black and white movies, influence a stand up comedian like Richard Pryor? Well, you may be surprised to know that all American stand up comedians are heavily impacted by the performances in the late nineteenth century. During the late 1800 s, vaudeville and burlesque dominated performance venues across the country and developed a new art form that had never been seen before. Although stand up is one of the only true American art forms, we cannot forget to credit vaudeville and burlesque performers who paved the way for the rise of stand up comedy. Believe it or not, nineteenth century burlesque and vaudeville play a major role in the evolution of what stand up comedy is today. After all, how can we respect the art form of stand up comedy today without fully understanding how it all began? Variety Shows In the beginning of the nineteenth century, variety shows boomed all across the nation. Variety shows ...did not have plots, they did not tell stories, and
  • 33. Relationship Between Lactate Threshold, Obla, Vo2 Max and... Relationship Between Lactate Threshold, OBLA, VO2 Max And 5k Running Performance Abstract Research into the relationship between physiological variables and running performance has been variable. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between 5k running performance and a number of physiological variables in a group of 11 trained club runners (Age 21.451.63yrs, Height 175.092.77cm, Weight 67.865.12kg). The athletes underwent a laboratory treadmill test to determine their maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and running velocities at lactate threshold (v Tlac) and blood lactate concentration of 4mM (v OBLA). Running performance was determined by a 5k time trial on an athletics ... Show more content on ... The main findings concluded that lactate variables were the best single predictors of v 3km. Further research and development of knowledge concerning the dominant physiological contributors that underlie short distance running performance will enable greater specificity in training methods, allowing for improved competitive performance. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationships between Lactate Threshold, OBLA, VO2 Max and 5km Running Performance. Experimental Hypothesis It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching lactate threshold will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a significant relationship between the two variables. It is to be hypothesised that participants reaching higher velocities upon reaching OBLA will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a significant relationship between the two variables. It is to be hypothesised that participants with a greater Vo2 Max (oxygen capacity) will display superior 5k running performance and that there will be a moderate relationship between the two variables. Null Hypothesis It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity at lactate threshold and 5k running performance. It is to be hypothesised that there will be no significant relationship between velocity at OBLA and 5k running performance. It is to be
  • 34. Case Study Of Tracoma Holding Berhad Tracoma Holding Berhad (THB) was founded in year 1995 and in based in Shah Alam, Malaysia. THB, an investment holding company, engages in the manufacture and sale of automotive components in Malaysia. In terms of operation, it also undertakes general contracting and engineering works engages in die making and servicing business and provides parts and car design services. The Group is principally involved in the manufacture and supply of automotive parts and components. The Group s products are principally sold to the national car manufacturers and assemblers such as Proton, Perodua, Modenas, Tan Chong Motor Assemblers, Hicom Tech See, PHN Industry, Volvo and Toyota. Tracoma s infinite experience and good track record as one of the leading local manufacturers of automotive components, and... Show more content on ... In fact, sukuk hold a number of structures which distinguish them from conventional bonds and from the other sukuk structures in the part of approved sukuk. We can say that sukuk is differ in product design, product offering and pay off to the investor. Back on the case of trachoma, it can categorized that sukuk that was applied on Tracoma s is under the asset backed securities. Its represent the real form of securitisation as they expose the sukuk investors to the real value and risk of the underlying asset. Under this structure, the investor can only expect the returns from the cash flows of the underlying asset and there is no right of recourse to the owner of the assets. We can say that this is because under the asset backed sukuk would require the owner of the asset to sell the company asset on a true sale concept to the sukuk investor without having any purchase undertaking in the case the asset fails to generate the expected income to sukuk investor. Shortly, we can say that asset backed sukuk are normally non recourse sukuk with the underlying asset in term of profit and principal
  • 35. Egyptian Cuisine During The Arab Republic Of Egypt The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced throughout history, particularly by its neighbors from the Middle East. Those contries that have influenced include Persians (modern day Iraqis), Greeks, Romans (modern day Italians), Arabs, and Ottomans (from modern day Turkey) first influenced Egyptian cuisine thousands of years ago. More recently, the foods of other Arabic people in the Middle Eastsuch as the Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, as well as some foods from Europe, have affected the Egyptian diet. Rice and bread remain staple foods, and molokhiyya(a spinach like vegetable) and ful mudammas (cooked, creamy fava beans), a national dish. The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the northeastern region of the African continent, bordering both the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The climate is extremely dry and most of the country receives less than one inch of rainfall each year. The widespread lack of rainfall makes it extremely difficult to grow crops. Egypt has no forests and only 2 percent of the land is arable. The Nile River, the longest river in the world, runs north and south through eastern Egypt and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately 95 percent of the country s population lives alongside the Nile River. This is why the Egyptian cuisine is so high in fish. Egypt had one of the longest histories of any modern country, arising in the tenth millennium BC as one of the world s first nation states. Ancient Egypt had some of the earliest
  • 36. Power Of Words In Othello In Othello words have the ability to steer the plot, to form characters identities and to engage the audience as active participants in the play. In Shakespeare s Othello, the lack of a narrator, empowers the words spoken by the characters to such an extent that it directs the drama to the desired destination of the play. This essay will serve as proof as the power of words will be discussed by, firstly, explaining the effect that words, and the lack thereof, have on characters and ultimately on the plot. Thereafter, the use of certain words to form perceived impressions of characters will be argued. Lastly, an elaboration on how words are used to involve the audience in the play. Words can have a positive or negative effect on characters (Kaleba Osherow, 2012), it can lead to a character being confident or lead to the deterioration of a character s self concept (as seen in the case of Othello). We see this in the first act when Othello does not hide from confrontation, but instead invites Brabanzio to come. Not I. I must be found. My parts, my title, and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly. (Shakespeare, ... Show more content on ... The limited allowances in terms of knowledge and outspokenness of women, in this play creates a sense of dramatic irony as the audience awaits Emilia to reveal her participation in Iago s plan (Kaleba Osherow, 2012). In Othello all can be avoided if Emilia had known what Iago s plan is and not only obeying him blindly as expected from a good wife (Levine, 1987). In this case, Emilia s ignorance leaves her powerless to prevent the death of her mistress, but words empower her when she speaks out and tells the truth. Iago s manipulative words play on Othello s insecurities, and keeps Emilia loyal and obedient, this drives the plot to the ending of Othello, Desdemona and Emilia s
  • 37. Spunk Zora Neale Hurston Spunk Zora Neale Hurston s short story Spunk was a short story that immediately held my interest from beginning to end. Hurston provided a gateway to life in her hometown that people could relate to all over the country and has been able to not disconnect from an audience through the test of time. I thought that it was interesting that Hurston decided to write a story using the dialect of a small southern town rather than than proper english grammar and pronunciation. Hurston s decision to use dialect to enhance her story and for me it brought the story to life. I could picture the characters talking as it switched from the narrator to each individual , which gave more personality to the person talking. Zora Neale HurstonWrote Spunk in a very similar setting as the one that she grew up in, Southern dialect is different and has a certain charm to it that could not have been conveyed if this paper had been written in an traditional dialogue. Some people... Show more content on ... As well as bring national press to what accomplishments a black woman has been able to achieve in such a short time. Learning more about Zora Neale Hurston s schooling as life as a writer. Hurston is believed to be born in Eatonville Florida, where her two parents who were former slaves raised her. I could tell how this might have shaped a story like Spunk because many black people like Joe in the story felt like small and had no chance against such colossal opponents such as Spunk himself or the white power that was still very strong at the time the story was written. Zora Hurston also showed the depth of a community that might have been similar to the one she grew up in. This not only made the story interesting because you were a spectator alongside other townspeople in the story, but you could see how a black community was also very similar to many communities back then and even
  • 38. The Impact Of Smart Growth Regulations On Affordable Housing Every profession bears the responsibility to understand the circumstances that enable its existence. ― Robert Gutman In trying to find material and an understanding about the issues of sustainability, smart growth and affordable housing I came across the preceding quote by Robert Gutman author of Neighborhood, City, Metropolis: An Integrated Reader in Urban Sociology , which I thought encapsulated my efforts in writing this paper. This paper is not so much an attempt to make an argument for one aspect or another of the three E s of sustainability, nor is it an attempt to argue about the effects of smart growth regulations on affordable housing, but rather it is an effort to understand what these key elements are and how they may or may not actually relate to each other. As such this paper is a survey of sustainability, smart growth and affordable housing and how regional governments may or may not impact the three issues, their relationship to each other and their effective application. Sustainable Development: My knowledge prior to this class about sustainability was that it was an attempt or effort to protect the environment from the encroachment of unchecked suburban sprawl. My assumptions were that it was a product of the 1970s counter culture hippie movement and a return back to nature. However, during the process of studying this subject I have since come to learn that sustainability is much more than just about the environment, but rather also about the economics
  • 39. Obesity And The American Medical Association Evalynn Choi BIOL 293 Epidemiology Maxwell On June 17, 2013, 78.6 million Americans went to bed and became diseased overnight. But how did a national epidemic happen in just one night to affect millions of Americans? The American Medical Association (AMA), the country s largest organization of medical doctors, proclaimed obesity to be a disease in hopes to draw the attention of different medical professionals to this growing medical crisis in America and ultimately improve treatment plans. It is undeniable that obesity is problematic in the United States. The number of obese Americans is higher than ever, and so are associated diseases like Type II Diabetes and hypertensive heart disease. The recognition of obesity as a disease has... Show more content on ... A BMI 30 would classify an individual as obese. This method alone, however, is imprecise and not enough to measure obesity for a number of reasons. Often times, the inclusion of water, muscle mass, and bone (which all contribute to one s body weight) is disregarded. For example, a 72 inch endurance athlete at 200 pounds would have the same BMI as a 72 inch sedentary person weighing 200 pounds. Yet, both individuals would be considered overweight (their BMI would be 26, and a BMI 25 is considered overweight). If we are using BMI to diagnose obesity, then athletes like Mike Tyson and Dwayne The Rock Johnson (both famed for their fitness and strength alongside talent) are obese and diseased. Studies have also shown that excessive amounts of abdominal fat in individuals make them more susceptible to hypertension, Type II Diabetes, insulin resistance, and coronary artery disease. But increased amounts of adipose tissue in the thighs, gluts, and hips have not been linked to any of these diseases. Thus, it would be fair to say that a person with a BMI 30 who has excess body fat in these regions would otherwise be considered healthy and not at risk for the listed diseases above and therefore not diseased. The AMA s intentions to label obesity as a disease are to
  • 40. Same-Sex Marriage Same Sex Marriage: The Problems with DOMA and the Pursuit for Equality Believe it or not, same sex marriage has been around since ancient times. At least two Roman Emperors, Nero and Elagabalus, were in gay unions. It wasn t until the advent of Christianity that the practice of same sex marriage was out lawed by the emperors Constantius II and Constans in 342 AD and has continued to be through out most of the world until the twenty first century (Boswell 83). With the advent of gay rights movement in many industrialized countries, same sex marriage has become more accepted. A prime example of this is what lawmakers in the state of New York did on June 24, 2011. With a thirty three to twenty nine vote, the legislature legalized ... Show more content on ... This includes the family home, without incurring any taxes In contrast to the legislation of DOMA, The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as Americans under our Constitution. As Justice Ginsburg famously noted in 1996 that the history of our constitution is the history of extending constitutional protections to those who were once ignored or excluded from American Society. United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996). Furthermore, The Harvard Law Review in 2004 pointed out
  • 41. Difference Between Real And Fake Friendships Compare and Contrast Paper It takes time for me to consider someone to be my friend. I am a very friendly person and I like to meet new people but just because I talk to you doesn t mean that we re friends. I could very well like you and still won t call you my friend. I wasn t born this way but i ve been in many crazy situations and it took some time for me to distinguish between real and fake friendships. I don t call someone my friend until I feel like we have bond we can communicate, and I trust them. It all starts with having the same interests as someone. I probably wouldn t be friends with someone who is into art museums and classical music. Or someone who is a homebody and doesn t talk. A personality and attitude will show you if... Show more content on ... This is when she found out that her boyfriend had feelings for another girl and no longer wanted to be with her.It took a toll on her whole life. Tameka is ambitious,full of personality, attitude,loves to dance and likes to kick it with her friends.She worried a lot but she had big plans for her future and family. This book showcases many different themes like love,loneliness and friendships. Tameka,the protagonist of Step Up by Monica Mckayhan and I are alike in many ways.We both share the same view of the world, are viewed by the world in similar ways and I would respond in a comparable way to the central conflict of the novel. Therefore, I believe given the chance, we could be friends. Everyone loves Tameka. She was a star on the dance team, got good grades and dated the star basketball player on the high school basketball team. She is also pretty.She is brown skinned, has long hair and she likes to be girly. One of her best features was her smile. On page 111, she sat on the front porch with her friend Sean, he gave her a compliment stating that the moon was almost as beautiful as her smile. She didn t like her big belly and swollen ankles which made her a little insecure but she still had people around to remind her that she was pretty no matter what. You look really cute.And you are glowing, Asia said (pg.29). After she had the
  • 42. American Beauty Film Analysis American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes and written by Alan Ball, explores the Burningham family s projection of a perfectly normal lifestyle or the ideal American family portrayal. This film is about how everything is not as it seems behind closed doors. As the storyline progresses the film adheres to multiple genre codes and conventions to deepen the story arc, this is known as Genre Hybridity as it refers to two or more established genre s through storyline, etc. (REF TO TEXTBOOK) American Beauty is a hybrid genre text because it conforms to more than one genre this being romance, satire and dramathrough formal elements such as narrative and screen aesthetic. This can also be further proved by examples of single/hybrid genre texts like The Notebook (2004, Nick Cassavetes), Fight Club (1999, David Fincher) and Bold and the Beautiful (1987 , William J Bell). http:/ / Many major box office hits in today s day an age contain comedy, witty one liner s, major plot twists but mostly romance. The romance genre has become a booming success in the filmindustry as of late 2000 s. (REF) The genre is difficult to define but can be described as the development of lovebetween characters as a main narrative (REF). This can be shown by the massive success of the iconic film, The Notebook grossing in at $115, 603, 229 worldwide. (REF) The film is set around two characters falling in love, therefore falling under the romance genre. One of the conventions of a romance film is forbidden love, this is shown throughout the Notebook between the two main protagonists and is also shown in the movie American Beauty. In American Beauty the protagonist, Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) becomes infatuated with his daughter s best friend, Angela Hayes (Mena Suvari) this creates tension between the characters as Angela continuously entices Mr. Burnham whilst knowing they can never be together due to the age gap and because of his daughter, it is more of an unnatainable lust, therefore conforming to the forbidden love narrative contained within most romantic films. Another aspect of the romance genre is tragedy. Throughout Shakespeare s works all love ends in heartache, there are
  • 43. The Key Areas Separating Bosses From Leaders By examining the definitions of the words, you ll already be able to notice the intricacies at play. While at the outset the two words can seem rather similar and interchangeable, the closer examination highlights differences that give both roles a different meaning. So, what are the key areas separating bosses from leaders? The major differences between the two can be divided into six core areas of the focus, the driving force, the approach to work and objectives, the source of their authority, the communication and delegation style, and their accountability. The focus When it comes to an organisation, the key consideration is often the focus of the organisation. What is it for and why? The underlying focus is what drives an organisation, but also the individual to perform the required tasks. The focus gives direction and largely determines the approach to work. So, what is the focus for the two? For a boss the end objective is profit. A boss is in a role, which is about guaranteeing the organisation the best financial results that ll help guarantee the continuation of the business. That s behind the boss interest in supervising things getting done. The boss is not interested in how the subordinates get from Point A to Point B because the result is all that matters. If you are able to achieve the goals and do it in an efficient manner, then the boss is happy as this guarantees the organisation enjoys a profit. The orientation of the boss is about achieving the goals,
  • 44. The Importance Of The Film Jaws The film Jaws is deemed as one of the greatest movies of all time, it is not only a movie, but it changed the movie industry due to its success. The success of Jaws is a result of the mass of advertising the producers did. Jaws was the first film to have a wide release , opening at the same time across the country and making it the highest grossing filmat the time. The vast amount of detail the producers went into advertising can be seen in the Jawsmovie poster. Through the vivid red title, the unseen shark in the ocean s depth, the unwitting and vulnerable woman, the use of prominent actors names, and the magnitude of the shark, the author uses a myriad of textual and non textual techniques that create both suspense and excitement for the film. First, the author places the title Jaws in the center of the page in bright red letters, which causes the title to stand to the viewer because the red lettering is an enormous contrast to the primarily blue and white image. The author uses the placement and color of the title catch the eyes of the viewer. For example, when looking at the image the viewer will notice the massive shark because of its size, but the shark s color is similar to the color of the water, however, the red is a direct contrast to the blue in the image making it stand out more than any other part of the image. The author chooses red for the title not only to make it stand out but also to imply the goriness of the film. Red is the color of blood and in
  • 45. Analysis of Financial Statement CFIN4 ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1/21/15 CHAPTER 2 1 1. 2. Describe the basic financial information that is produced by corporations and explain how the firm s stakeholders use such information. Describe the financial statements that corporations publish and the information that each statement provides. 2 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password protected website for classroom use. LEARNING OUTCOMES 3. 4. Describe how ratio analysis should be conducted and why the results of such an analysis are important to both managers and investors. ... Show more content on ... All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password protected website for classroom use. UNILATE TEXTILES п‚ў Presents the results of business operations during a specified period of time п‚ў Summarizes the revenues generated and the expenses incurred 11 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed
  • 46. with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password protected website for classroom use. THE INCOME STATEMENT YEARS ENDING DEC. 31 ($ millions, except per share data) 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password protected website for classroom use. UNILATE TEXTILES: INCOME STATEMENTS 12 п‚ў Designed to show how the firm s operations have affected its cash position п‚ў Examines investment decisions (uses of cash) п‚ў Examines financing decisions (sources of cash) 13 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in
  • 47. Analysis Of Norma Rae s Character Is Played By Sally Field The film which is based in the 1970 s primarily focuses on the trials and tribulations of two individuals organizing a labor union at a textile mill company located in North Carolina. Norma Rae is textile loom worker for the O. P. Henley Textile Mill and mother of three children who is opinionated about the poor working conditions, long hours and poor wages of her workplace. Her frustrations began when her mother temporarily loses her hearing at the textile mill but is not treated well by the workplace doctor. Norma Rae s father dies while experiencing pain in his arm and requests for a break by management only to be denied at the textile mill. Norma Rae s character is played by Sally Field whose story is based on a real life person by the name of Crystal Lee Sutton who tried to organize the J.P. Stevens textile mill. Reuben Warshovsky is a labor organizer from New York representing the Textile Workers Union of America is committed to convincing the workplace that unionization will increase wages and better working conditions at the O. P. Henley Textile Mill. With the assistance of Norma Rae and by working day and night he was able to pull off an impossible feat of unionizing the workers at the plant. Manipulation, bribery, retaliation and intimidation are one of the few issues Norma Rae, Reuben Warshovsky and other textile workers encountered. The film reveals what the type of strings management was willing to pull in order to prevent unionization in the workplace
  • 48. Two Towers Vs Harry Potter Comparison Lord of the Rings: Two Towers vs. Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban Comparison In the two novels, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K. Rowling, there is a distinct relationship that is created through the idea that there are the chosen individuals are the only ones that can save the world. The first novel, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a novel generally focusing on uniting ВЎВ§Middle EarthВЎВЁ, a term used to describe the human world, to defeat the enemy forces of evil controlled by a character described as pure evil named NAME. The actions of one small hobbit name Frodo Baggins, a race similar to humans, that will in fact determine the outcome of who is triumphant; not the ... Show more content on ... A lot of the characters abilities still remain unknown as of yet, because their skills and knowledge have not been pushed to their limits for their true nature to be discovered. In Lord of the Rings, the hero Frodo Baggins does not have any magical powers, or is well known at all except his outstanding ability to never give up, unlike in Harry Potter who is recognized and famous. Despite his lack of heroic stature, he is well liked [1] ВЎV Archetype by Carl Jung [2] ВЎV The Characteristics of the Classical Hero and the Quest by those who know him, especially his servant, Sam, who Frodo sees as an equal and best friend. This could be addressed as one of FrodoВЎВ¦s most important qualities as a hero because without his ability to see all people as equals Sam would have never shown the dedication to Frodo that would have saved his life on countless occasions. For example, even when Frodo had turned his back on Sam for supposedly betraying him, Sam continued on his journey behind Frodo only to find Frodo in a horrible predicament that required SamВЎВ¦s courage and dedication to help Frodo be freed by a spiders cocoon. Without FrodoВЎВ¦s growing sense of a community, and developing friendships, it is possible that Frodo would have been able to gather the courage, or perhaps turned back when the times were too tough for him to handle on his own. Frodo, who is constantly
  • 49. Team Based Health Care Delivery Team Based Health Care Delivery Maria Reodique Grand Canyon University: HCA 515 0101 June 16, 2015 Introduction Health care has evolved and is continuously evolving. The management of care now involves different clinicians to better assess, diagnose and cure a patient. The clinicians evolved from a general practitioner to a team now comprised of Physician s Assistant, Nurse, License Practical Nurse and Specialists. These health care professionals now compose a team of health care providers that are essential in a patient s over all health care. The team based approach is a delivery system that provides a patient an all encompassing health care delivery system. By practicing in a team based care model, physicians and other... Show more content on ... The PCP is the main clinician that will be in charge of the patient s health care delivery. The Nurse meets the patient for doctor s visit to facilitate initial statistics and medical history for the primary care doctor. There will also be interaction with nurses for visits to the specialty focused physicians. The Phlebotomist is the person that is trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing and in this case, a complete blood panel. The Nutritionist will be involved in lifestyle management protocols to educate the patient on food in take to help lower the LDL numbers and also weight management protocols to help in the lowering of the blood pressure. The Ultrasound technician will facilitate the abdominal ultrasound to produce images of the organs for interpretation. The Radiologist is the physician who interprets images from the ultrasound and transmits these results to the requesting physician, in this case, the Gastroenterologist. The Gastroenterologist is the specialist that deals with the management of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Since the patient has elevated ALT, the gastroenterologist with the proper training will be able to manage the patient s chronic Hepatitis B. Indicators and Determinants of Health The indicators and determinants of health that will impact this case are medical history, cultural background, socio economic background and
  • 50. Snapshot Examples Reasons, why I have chosen this snapshot, is because I think this image contains something that makes a lasting impression on me. It has a lot of good things I can talk about this snapshot memory. Not just good memories but an image that will not be able to get deleted from my mind. People who are in this image are my family members. I say that out of all the other images I have this is one of the favorite ones I can actually say I have a lasting impression. This snapshot image is not really bright image picture because it was taken by the timewhen the sun was already going down. I have an amazing time that day we had a lot of fun with each other, family times are always great. Not so long ago on a weekend when my family and I had recently gotten out of the church we got home and told each other, what we were going to do today the entire day. No one came up with a good idea besides staying home and watching movies, but I mean that is not anything new we don t do or have not done at all. So I right away thought of any good places to go to and I had remembered of places my friends had once told me about. I told my parents and explained to them about the place. I told them that it was not a really far place to go to but it was a place where we would have to walk a lot. At first, my mother was not as convinced because of the walkingpart because she does not really like walking a lot. Well, my dad was for sure already convinced. All we needed to do... Show more content on ... They are so important to me and I would do anything for them to be happy and help them reach their goals. Like I had said before the feeling towards this snapshot means a lot seeing them happy and remembering every single little detail of our long Saturday spending the time together with the
  • 51. Analysis Of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee I attended the Maverick Theatre Company s production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a play about a middle school spelling bee held in one of America s many Putnam Counties. As the bee goes on, each contestant has to come to terms with themselves, the world around them, and growing up. The promotional material for this production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Beedoesn t actually give much away in terms of what the play is about. The poster, for instance, just has the name of the play, a picture in the background of someone s anxious feet, and the tagline Winning isn t everything... or is it? If there s a more vague poster, I don t know what it is. So, I had no real expectations going in. I knew that there was going to be a spelling bee involved and that this was a musical, and I d heard that there would be some audience participation and lots of mentions of the word erection. That s about it. The plot of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is a bit contrived, though, wholly enjoyable. All of our characters are introduced in the first song, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. It s a bit of a contrived way to introduce characters, though it hardly stands out. After all, this is a musical. We expect songs as a way to advance plot, and here we get introduced to all of our characters and their initial motivations. Starting off, they re actually a pretty one minded group. They all have
  • 52. Use Of Mobile Phones In School Defending: Schools should have the right to ban cellphone use during the school day Nowadays, the cell phones become popular in the social, it has become harder to find students who do not own a smartphone. Youth now have cell phones that they carry with them everywhere .The school system is faced with the challenge of school students mobile phone use. Students insist that phone is necessary. In fact, students should not be allowed to use cell phone during the school day since they lack the self control and effect their independent study. Schools across the country are faced with or have to face students who carry and use mobile phones at school. For example, students would use cell phone in the class. Some of them might have chat with others, taking Selfie, or some of them read the novels or some of them play games. Therefore, they waste the time and learn nothing. Thought the number of student s cell phone using rate are increasing which have distracting influence and reduce the grades. Students in school are still learning about themselves, so they should concentrate on study in school day. On the other hands, cell phones should not be allowed to bring to school because cell phone gives the students a great chance to cheating. It is clear that texting in the classroom has become more and more epidemic. Most of the time during a test, students went to different websites to look for answers. In addition, they get free Wi Fi in classroom, it even becomes
  • 53. Vampirism Research Paper Throughout history, vampirism and werewolfism have been the basis of most horror stories but some people believe they have come across these mythical creatures. An example of a werewolf sighting is that of Lorianne Endrizzi in the autumn of 1989 in Wisconsin, USA. She was driving on Bray Road where she thought someone was kneeling at the side of the road. She slowed down and the figure stared at her from six feet away from her car. The creature was coated head to toe with grey and brown hair, with large fangs and sharp ears. She stated to a reporter that his face was long and had a snout, like a wolf. The figure s eyes apparently glowed in the darkness and they were a yellow gold colour. Lorianne further reported that The arms were kind... Show more content on ... Usually, the werewolf turns back into a human at sunrise, with no recall of the previous night s actions. Lycanthropy is a clinical name given to werewolves in fiction, but is also a medical term referring to someone who is under the influence that they are a wolf (The Brain Bank North West 2012). Some medical theories concerning the origin of werewolves are based around porphyria which is a disease that effects the skin and nervous system, the same disease linked to the vampire myth. Some victims of porphyria display the fang canine look caused by the corrosion of the gums. Furthermore, following exposure to light, the healing blisters on the skin often grow a thin layer of hair (The Brain Bank North West 2012). Wolves are carriers of the lupine parvovirus (LPV), and it is suggested that the virus is responsible for lycanthropy. LPV infected wolves are resistant to environmental trauma, including digestive enzymes, making it much easier to spread through contaminated food and water sources. Wolves infect humans through biting and after infection, there is a period of high fever, chills and other flu like symptoms, and the victim is likely to experience extreme dehydration and itching as their metabolism and heart rate increase (Hugo Pecos and Robert Lomax
  • 54. The New Humboldt County Public Defender, Whose Hiring Has The new Humboldt County public defender, whose hiring has raised questions in the local legal community, said he is ready to start working this week. And he is responding to the criticism levied in his direction. David Marcus, the Lassen County Public Defender from 2005 to 2011 who has spent the past five years working as the CEO of a dental company and a contract lawyer on the East Coast, said he ll be in town Wednesday. The first thing I ll do is to really get to know the people in the office, Marcus said. I need to see what s important for them to get their job done. The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors announced the hiring of Marcus on Feb. 7 following Kevin Robinson s retirement last month. A week later at the next Board of... Show more content on ... He rejected claims the panel was skewed in anyone s favor. We wanted folks that have regular interaction with the Public Defender s office, Fulks said. We went to the very best of the best for this. In total, the county received 19 applications from prospective public defender candidates; six were invited to interview. Ultimately, five candidates were interviewed separately for the job by both the Board Of Supervisors and the advisory panel during a series of interviews that lasted all day, according to Fulks. At least three of the applicants were from the county s defender offices, according to multiple sources familiar with the application process. TIME CONSIDERATIONS When asked why he did not invite private criminal defense attorneys to serve on the expert panel, Fulks said he doubted they would want to serve on the panel for free. It s my belief, based on experience, that asking someone from the private sector to come in and volunteer the entire day with no pay that no one would do that, Fulks said. Rael, and local attorneys Beorn Zepp, Zachary Curtis, David Nims and Patrik Griego each said they would have served on the panel pro bono had they been asked. We would have been happy to serve without pay, Rael said. I know others that have served on hiring panels before for nothing. It s bogus. They just had to pick up the phone
  • 55. Military Strength at Our Borders American Military University Miltary Strenght at our Borders A Research Paper Submitted to by Manassas, West Virginia Date Submitted 28 June, 2012 Military Strength at our Borders As todays military currently winds down from actions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other lands where the current war on terror is being fought they face a downsizing that will return thousands home looking for new employment options. Every one of these individuals whether enlisted or part of the officer ranks have sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If not taking the fight to the terrorist in their own lands, what better place to protect the ... Show more content on ... One of the primary benefits of this program would be the information and resource sharing. Today s military forces currently hold a level of operational experience not seen in decades. For over ten years our forces have been increasing their effectiveness in a multitude of security and reconstruction efforts. As the level of violence along the border increases the US Customs and Border Agents are face with a new kind of enemy tactics that can be perceived as middle ground between current border operations in Afghanistan and the historical security issues along the border. A melding of the military tactics used to train Afghani security force on the protection of their own border, historical US Customs and Border tactics and techniques along with effective rules of engagement can reduce violence and illegal cross border flows. An initial cross training between military tactics subject matter experts, military mission planning subject matter experts and operational Customs and Border Patrol agents can be much more efficient and effective than training a group of new agents. The ground tactics force is not the only aspect of this effort; their primary mission should be the security of the engineering and construction force and surveillance of the borders such similar to the efforts of Operation Jump Start (Greenhill. 2006 / pg25). The overall major focus of this