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Shlieffen Plan
World War I was a devastating war that was mainly Britain, Russia, France, and the US against
Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the entire war, many different
strategies and tactics were used by the /parties. Some were genius and some were absolute failures.
There were a multitude of goals different powers wanted, and each one took unique approaches to
achieve said goals. One of the first plans of WWI was developed almost a decade before the war
actually took place. The Schlieffen Plan, which Alfred von Schlieffen, Chief of the Imperial German
General Staff, based off of Hannibal's tactic 2000 years earlier, consisted of Germany taking France
out at the start of the war. That way, Britain and Russia couldn't continue ... Show more content on ...
Danilov argued that on the outbreak of war in Europe the German Army would concentrate its
forces against France. Danilov therefore suggested that four of its armies should immediately invade
East Prussia. In 1912 it was decided to heavily alter Plan 19. Only two armies were now to attack
East Prussia with the rest concentrating on defending Russia from the Austro–Hungarian Army.
Now the way soldiers attacked in WWI is interesting. Military actions designed to take control of
enemy trenches were called attacks or offensives. The difference between attacks and offensives are
an attack usually involved a division (16,000 men) while an offensive was bigger and would use at
least one corps. The main objective of an attack was to break the enemy line, but an offensive was
an attempt to occupy any positions that were taken during the operation. This meant that consistent
fighting raised serious problems of running out of supplies. Before attacks and offensives took
place, heavy artillery was used to soften up the enemy trenches. At the offensive at the Somme in
the summer of 1916 General Douglas Haig ordered an eight–day preliminary bombardment before
sending 750,000 men (27 divisions) to attack the German
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Types Of Special Force From Each Country
When most people think about world war 1 they typically think 5 things. Trench warfare, gas,
machine guns, airplanes, and tanks. But i would like to talk about a subject that is not typically
discussed by the general public but is talked a ton by historians. Storm Troopers, shock troopers, the
arditi etc. Whatever you want to call these units of brave/strong fighters, they were definitely an
early form of special forces. In this research paper i'll be explaining the different types of special
force from each country (if they had any). When they were put on the frontlines to see combat, And
general knowledge on each individual unit. These shock troops or special forces first came to
fruition in the later years of the war. Many ... Show more content on ...
They would easily get mowed down in droves by machine guns, blown apart by artillery, or picked
off by a sniper. These multiple empires were losing men way too fast, They needed to come up with
new tactics to infiltrate an enemy trench instead of just sending everyone out there to be killed.
(http://spartacus– )The allies came up with the idea to create
giant steel war machines known now as Tanks.
Tanks were a terrifying new addition to modern warfare. The allies used them extensively
throughout the later years of war, especially in 1918. The germans were astounded about how
effective the tank was as making paths in no man's land, Cleaving thru barbed war like a hot knife
going thru butter. The germans had to come up with a new way to gain ground during the war, they
decided to enhance their infantry forces training, Making them more superior than the typical allied
The russians were the first to actually pioneer new tactics to the test during the war. Russian
command order a massive attack that would be later known as the Breakthrough of the Brusilov
offensive. (Timothy Dowling pages 1– 208)
On 4 June 1916 the Russians began an an offensive known as the Brusilov offensive, with a
massive, accurate but brief artillery barrage against the Austro–Hungarian lines, with the key factor
of this effective bombardment being
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What Is The Purpose Of Deep Practice By Daniel Coyle
INTRODUCTION In "The Sweet Spot",the author Daniel Coyle has analyzed the meaning of talent
and his role in success. But, what is the talent? And successfull? The author tryed to give a complete
view about these ones examinating that are strictly connected. The author also has examinated the
art of "Deep practice" using the example of Futsal, an old brasilian training soccer method that is
also used by european soccer players. Danyel Coyle,still regarding the "Deep practice", made an
example about Edwin Link pilots training during 1920 in which he allowed the pilots to make more
and deep practice than the past training. SUMMARY The analyzation of deep practice is the main
purpose of chapter 1 of "The Talent Code".In particular, the author wants to explain that the deep
practice is the best way to get skills. Deep practice is characterized by practicing more and more
time the same exercise,making a lot of mistakes, until the individual can perform it properly without
making any mistakes,saving the time. ... Show more content on ...
He visit a tennis court in Moscow in which he saw,in addition to the velocity,energy,and fast
movements the deeply attention to the details, doing all the exercise in a slower way. Then,the
author met Brunio a brazilian guy which was trying to make the "elastico", and that turned out to do
it after a lot of
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The Options For Shed Ventilation
The 5 Options for Shed Ventilation in your Shed and the Pros and Cons of Each
Ventilating your shed is important no matter what the time of year. No matter how hard you try to
ignore this simple fact, the reality is that your shed is too hot in the summer and too cold in the
winter. Not sure if this is true, then think about all the times you refused to work in it because of
these exact reasons. Along with temperature, a non–ventilated shed leads to a buildup of mildew and
chemical fumes that go a long way towards making you sick. Proper ventilation is the best way to
avoid these problems and many more.
The Problems Associated with Lack of Ventilation
As noted above, there are a number of potentially serious problems associated with not ... Show
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The Stuff in Your Shed: Unless you are a bit odd, you probably use your shed not only as a
workspace but also for storage. Excess heat, cold, and moisture can have a seriously adverse effect
on everything in your shed, ruining much of it. This, of course, will result in your having to spend a
fortune replacing everything that has been damaged.
Your Options for Ventilation
There are a number of different options when it comes to the proper ventilation for your shed. Most
of which can be at least somewhat effective, while others work amazingly well. There are, as you
might expect, several issues you need to take into consideration when trying to decide which type of
ventilation is right for your shed.
It's All about Size
Perhaps one of the most important things you need to think about when trying to decide which of the
different types of shed ventilation is right for you is the size of your shed. For example, a small solar
powered vent might work for a small shed, but would be all but useless in a larger shed. By the same
token, a turbine ventilator is an excellent choice for a large shed but would provide far too much
airflow for a tiny shed.
Is This the Right Choice?
Finding the right type of shed ventilation involves looking at the size of the shed, the materials it is
made from, and what you plan to use it for. At the same time, you need to consider the average high
and low temperatures where
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Irish Republican Army: A Narrative Analysis
Hybrid threat adaptation process is not a new way of evolving in warfare. It has been used since the
dawn of warfare. When a smaller, less advanced force must take on a larger, more advanced force, it
must change or evolve. Just as in life, evolution is inevitable or extinction will be the end result.
Throughout history you can see evidence of this. From the Ismaili Assassins to the Irish Republican
Army (IRA); terrorist, insurgents, and organized crime have had to adapt to their superior
adversaries. Some of these actors have had success with their adaptations while others have fell to
the way side. The Ismaili's adapted their tactics of assassinations to strike fear into their opponents.
They started with small rouses ... Show more content on ...
During WWII, the "Irregulars" sought after assistance from Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. Once
the Nazi's were unable to help any further and the withdrawal of Ireland from the British
Commonwealth in 1949, the IRA started to use religion as a catalyst to re–invigorate their cause,
pitting Roman Catholic against Protestants. After years of fighting, the IRA had an evolution or
adaptation. They split into two factions, the "Officials", part of the political party Sinn Fein and the
"Provisionals" or "Provos". The Officials used politics to fight the Brits. While the Provos believed
that violence was the only means to get the job done. They used bombings, assassinations, and
ambushes in their campaign for freedom. The Provos later evolved into cells to deter infiltration
from the British. For years they brought the fight to the British in Northern Ireland and England.
The Provos then evolved again into organized crime. They were involved in extortion, racketeering,
and arms dealing. Evolution or adaptation was a major part of why the IRA was able to keep the
fight going for as long as they did against a much wealthier, well equipped adversary. They were
able to make natural adaptations by both IRA parties and the Provos made direct adaptations to their
tactics and operational structure through the
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Vietnam Scholarship Essay
Prior to the Sarah Bonnifield Vietnam Scholarship opportunity, I had never researched or been
educated on the unique importance of the Air Force in the Vietnam War. However, as I looked into
it, I became increasingly interested in and aware of the incredible significance the USAF played
throughout the duration of the war. The Air Force used novel strategies and adopted several new
roles in during Vietnam that had never been used in previous wars or conflicts. In addition to these
tactics, new technology and weapons emerged during this time period that changed the way that the
Air Force would be utilized in conflicts and wars from that point on. At the beginning of the war, the
United States involvement was limited to mostly supplying the South Vietnamese troops with
training and weaponry, etc. More specifically in the air, they also led reconnaissance missions
against the VietCong as well as search and rescue. After the Tonkin Gulf Incident, ... Show more
content on ...
The North Vietnamese were relying very heavily on a network of trails leading from North Vietnam
through the countries of Laos and Cambodia, into South Vietnam. This was the North's main
infiltration network into South Vietnam. The trail was named Ho Chi Minh trail, named after the
Communist leader of North Vietnam at that time. This general area had been bombed early in the
war, but the VietCong just bypassed the bombed areas and built around it. For the U.S to have any
success in Vietnam, leaders collectively seemed to agree that this main transportation network
would have to be severed. In February of 1965, Johnson approved an air warfare campaign against
North Vietnam. It was named Operation Rolling Thunder. Although this campaign wasn't the
offensive tactic to end the war, it lasted for four years on and off and played a very significant war in
regards to the Air Force
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Why Did The Vietnam War Ended In 1973
Did you know the US dropped more bombs on the small country of Laos during the Vietnam War
then they did during the whole World War ll? The Vietnam War was one of the largest defeats for the
United States. The communist used guerilla tactics on the anti–communist forces.The communist
wanted to draw out the war to make the United States spend more money on the war. Many innocent
people died during the war in events like the Massacre at Huế where about 2800–6000 people were
killed. Direct US involvement ended in 1973.
The Vietnam War was a conflict from 1954 to 1975. The war had anti–communist forces against
communist forces.There were a plethora of combatants in the war but the main few were the United
States, the Chinese, and the Viet Cong.
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Analysis Of The Ninja Of Japan By Kallie Szczepanski
From the book of "The Ninja of Japan" by Kallie Szczepanski A ninja or what they call them in
feudal Japan "Shinobi" was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The ways of the ninja
included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. Their methods of
waging warfare were very bad and beneath the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and
combat. For a century or more the mix of Chinese and Native tactics created a school for ninjas. It
was first formulized by Daisuke Togakure and Kain Doshi around the 12th century. Daisuke was a
samurai but failed regional battle and forced to end his samurai title. In 1162 Daisuke met Kain
Doshi and together they organized the first ninja school. Some ninja
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Mccarthyism Research Paper
According to, on the "Joseph R. McCarthy" webpage more than 2000 government
employees lost their job as a result of McCarthy's investigation. McCarthy's accusations heightened
the political tensions of the time known as McCarthyism. McCarthyism started on February 9, 1950
because McCarthy made McCarthyism which affected a lot of people. First this is what happened
with McCarthy's early years. McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908 in Grand chute, WI.
McCarthy attended Marquette University in Milwaukee. McCarthy earned his law degree in 1935.
McCarthy later became senator in 1946. He was also the youngest member of the us senate.
Throughout the 1940's and 1950's America was overwhelmed with the threat of communism
growing in Europe and China. In 1950 McCarthy gave a speech that propelled him into the material
spotlight. Also in 1950 congress passed the McCarran Internal Security act. In 1953 he married his
wife Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti. They had an adopted child named Tierney Elizabeth. Also in 1953
McCarthy began his second term of senator. McCarthy was reelected in 1952 and became chairman
of the Senate's Committee on Government Operations, where he occupied the spotlight for two
years with his anti–communist investigations and questioning of suspected officials. McCarthy's
charges led to testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, but he was unable to
substantiate any of his claims against a single member of any government department.Despite this
setback, McCarthy's popularity nevertheless continued to rise, as his claims had struck a nerve with
an American public tired of the Korean War and concerned with communist activity in China and
Eastern Europe. Undaunted by his testimonial
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Who Were The German Sturmtruppen?
Who were the German Sturmtruppen (Stormtrooper), and how did they affect modern combat? The
German Stormtrooper were an elite force of soldiers trained to fight a fast–paced style of combat. In
1915, WW1 had come to a halt, with miles of trench structures set all over Europe. Both Allied and
Axis forces were weary of fighting this war of attrition and were desperate to try new and diverse
types of warfare to break these lines. As explained by Citino, "After much trial and error, the
German army developed a new method of fighting. Stormtrooper (Stosstupp) or infiltration tactics
was the solution to the trench warfare stalemate. Infantry could once more cross "no man's land" and
come to grips with the enemy" (16). Consequently, ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, these luxuries didn't come free, Stormtroopers were subjected to vigorous, and
sometimes brutal training well more than a regular soldier, and subsequently had an extremely high
training death rate ("TheGreatWar"). Once at the front, they utilized their small squad tactics with
swift and violent attacks, punching holes in allied lines for the main army to advance. The use of
these unprecedented tactics almost allowed the Axis Powers to turn the tide and claim victory in
On March 21, 1918 is when the stormtroopers made their claim to fame, as the Axis Powers
launched the Spring Offensive. After five hours of constant artillery and the firing of over 1 million
shells what came next was described as "an attack by elite stormtroopers. These soldiers travelled
lightly and were skilled in fast, hard–hitting attacks before moving on to their next target" (Trueman
1). Charging up and over the trenches these soldiers wreaked havoc on the British with their
flamethrowers and grenades, subsequently capturing 21,000 prisoners on the first day alone. This
was a major blow to the British, because for the first time in four years' lines had been shifted and
they incurred a major territory loss. Used to the static style of combat, the British were unprepared
to fight this modern style of soldier, and were forced to retreat and regroup. The saving grace for the
Allies was the Stormtroopers moved so quickly
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Essay on Medieval Weapons
Medieval Weapons
Medieval society, in spite of its stereotypes, was not inherently more violent than modern society.
"Although there was no state in the modern sense, and therefore no set of laws that inherently took
away the power of the average man or woman to exercise violence, the violence of the day was
considered differently, and with out the inherent sense of criminality that accompanies it today. Our
understanding of the weapons of the medieval world is skewed by the vast disarming of the "the
civilian" that is taken for granted today, yet is a vastly different situation compared to what existed
in many parts of "the West" as little as seven years ago.
Medieval weapons and armor are, for better or for worse, generally ... Show more content on ...
By the fourteenth century, improvements in the range and power of the crossbow had made it an
indispensable tool of war, and arguably the weapon of the cites and the seas. Time and time again in
the Crusades, the crossbow, and not force of the knight in mêlée, proved the decisive factor.
However, although mounted crossbowmen were used extensively in Spain, crossbowmen could not
maneuver quickly while shooting, and this meant that they were vulnerable while used, for example,
(by the Ottomans at Necropolis and the English at Aginour but the archer simply could not hold
open ground against a well–performed cavalry charge.
Perhaps paradoxically, the cavalry charge became more and more decisive as factors and the
battlefield arose that challenged it. The additional weight of heavier armor that would resist
crossbow bolts and, in northwest Europe, longbow arrows provided additional power for breaking
formations. It was an ongoing spiral of offense and defense as relatively light mail gave way to
heavy mail, and then mail with pieces of plate, and finally to the knight in full suits of plate armor.
Just as archers and pole arm–equipped infantry had to adjust to increasingly heavy armor of the
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Mitigating Computer Fraud in the Online Environment
Mitigating Computer Fraud in the Online Environment Introduction Crime on the Internet is
creating stunning losses for people as well as organizations of all kinds (Internet Crime Complaint
Center, 2009; Mensch & Wilkie, 2011). The necessity to inform and educate faculty, staff, and
students of the diversity of threats and methods to protect and mitigate organizations and individuals
from these threats is practically a moral imperative. People who lack the fundamental skills and
knowledge to safeguard themselves and the institutions they attend or work for, cost those
institutions and themselves billions of dollars every year, and the cost is rising (Custer, 2010;
Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2009). This lack of ... Show more content on ...
The greatest percentage of thefts of private information is from incorrectly stored backup tapes,
external hard drives, or laptops. Existing laws order companies to alert affected individuals of a
potential breach of their data. It is expected that the price tag of the typical breach of educational
data will span from $210,000 to as much as $4 million from the costs of notifying affected
individuals alone (Custer, 2010). Still, another type of cybercrime concerning human error is scams.
In 2011 more than 20,000 recorded infringements involved four types of crime (Internet Crime
Complaint Center, 2011). One of these types was FBI–related scams, in which someone
impersonates a FBI agent to cheat victims, while another is personal identity theft, in which
someone uses the victim's personal identifying data to perpetrate a crime. The other two types are
advanced fee fraud, in which a perpetrator persuades the victim to pay a fee to acquire something of
value but without ever providing it and the non–delivery of products, in which the victim pays for
merchandise that never arrives (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2011; Ivan et al., 2012).
Increasingly, information breaches happen because of resentful or dissatisfied employees (Custer,
2010). Presently, the main risk to data's confidentiality, availability, and integrity within a company
is careless treatment or purposeful destruction by in–house
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PETA: The People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals
Most students go into college undecided as to what their major may be. But for me, I've known I
wanted to be a marketing major for as long as I can remember. Marketing involves specializing in
the best way of promoting a product to consumers. Consequently, one would ponder that I would
support a nonprofit organization such as The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
However, that is not the case. I believe that PETA would be better off using a more conventional
strategy to get its message heard rather than their provocative imagery of shock tactics. PETA's
message has a way of getting lost in the mayhem they like to create. Occasionally, it can be difficult
to see the reasoning behind most of PETA's ads that are presented to audiences.
PETA has developed a brand that is on the fringe. Whether through their racy and uncensored
advertisements– using sex, graphic images or exploiting tragic news events, it's all meant to grab
your attention. According to founder of The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Ingrid
Newkirk, PETA prides themselves on their "colorful and controversial gimmicks–such as jumping
on stage at a fashion show to protest a designer's promotion of fur–both consistently and certainly
grab more headlines, thus bringing the animal rights message to audiences around the country and
often the world" ( Newkirk herself states that extremism and outrage provide the fuel for
PETA. She feels PETA would be worthless if they were "just
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Espionage In WW2
Rough Draft
Espionage in World War 2 to Post–War was a rampant epidemic that involved high levels of
trickery, psychological tactics, and incognito infiltration; consequently, many different countries
were involved in retrieving various pieces of information that could have been detrimental had the
Axis or Allies retained these blueprints, documents, and possibly voice recordings. In World War 2
every piece of evidence was needed. The war efforts in various countries were at somewhat of a
hault considering how similar every territories technology was. A new spin on an old tactic was
needed to gain upper hands in this monumental battle of bulk. So many countries turned to spying as
a last resort. Though spying has its immense share of dangers, ... Show more content on ...
The KGB gave highest honors, along with British intelligence to their Cold War spies for their
valiant efforts in helping their motherland towards victory (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 1).
Part of their efforts were feeding false provinces to those on the communist side of Berlin to gain
edge to lead to their eventual toppling (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 1). The Jewish people of
this era gave trust to Joseph Stalin's empty promises that they could gain refuge during this Nazi
forsaken time (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 2). Koval, as formally known, was one of Russia's
most prospering spies; he gained possibly some of the most important, undisclosed information to
help the Soviets during both the Cold War and World War II (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 2).
However, Ivan, though wrongfully accused was a liability to his country (Solzhenitsyn forward). He
gave up zero information though, protecting his motherland from Axis adversaries. "It was strange
when you came to think of it. [...] The black herd of zeks. One of them, in the same sort of jacket as
the rest, Shch–311, had never known life without golden epaulettes, had been pals with a British
admiral, and here he was hauling a handbarrow with Fetyukov." (Solzhenitsyn 89). This shows how
loyal Ivan was to the cause of the Allies as well as his undying support of
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Trench Warfare: Hell on Earth Essay
The Great War, fueled by the excessive pride of each country, devastated the world. Each side felt
superior to the other and would not stop until it emerged as the victor. These countries altered the
style of fighting from a primitive face–to–face combat to systematic style of battle through trenches.
To adapt to this style, countries developed new weapons and tactics to prevail over their enemies.
But, the war simply remained a draw. Trench warfare prolonged World War I by a causing a bloody
stalemate where millions died from modern weapons and horrid living conditions.
Trench warfare had been used in past wars, but the Germans popularized this style during World
War I. Germans sought to capture Paris, but faced the French at the Marne ... Show more content on ...
Countries had to apply new strategies of infiltration and night raids. Even with these new tactics,
countries were far from attaining success.
Throughout the western front, countries depended on raids to weaken the enemy. Soldiers, under the
cover of artillery fire, raced across "no man's land" in attempt to capture an enemy's line of defense
(Unknown 2, OL). They faced the snipers and machine guns as they crossed the land, few got close
enough to throw grenades and enter the trenches with their fellow soldiers. Even during night
attacks, these raids were futile.
Instead of direct attacks, sometimes countries applied infiltration tactics. Special units snuck around
the trench defenses and attempted to destroy enemy artillery, but usually failed due to lack of
coordination with the trench raids (unknown 2, OL). These troops eventually became isolated and
without support from the main force ran out of supplies and were soon defeated. As new strategies
failed, each side prepared to fight on and developed new weapons such as planes, poison gases,
mortars, and tanks to defeat their enemy.
The newly created airplane made its first appearance in battle during World War I. Fighter pilots,
such as the Red Baron Manfred Von Richthofen, fought in the sky to control the air so bomber
planes could easily destroy enemy lines (unknown 2, OL). Whoever had control of the air could win
the war, but both sides made equal progress in
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Research Paper On Napoleon Bonaparte
Slade Rheaume Dr. Claussen Europe and Empire 7th November 2017 Research Paper The French
Revolution began as an expression of rebellion against centuries of absolute rule in France. After an
interim of experimental liberalism under the rule of Jacobins and Girondins and then the infamous
reign of terror, the people of French were drawn to a man who promised them a return to stability,
and honor through the expansion of empire. France and it's people had long yearned for this sens eof
honour, it had seemed, and could finally sens eit in a lasting rpesence under the rule of their
prodigious, unbeatable general, Napoleon Bonaparte. He would soon take the reigns of civil
government as well and become yet another Absolutist ruler, yet this ... Show more content on ...
Napoleon seemed to have been seen as a man chosen and destined by god to find victory, though in
reality he was a workaholic, and spent long nights carefully drafting his plans for battle. He was
careful to maximize his manpower where it counted most. That said, Napoleon saw a value in
remaining unpredictable, always maintaining an aggressive stance to force his opponent to respond
to his moves. He often determined that the "moment" was more important than manpower. Often,
after maneuvering for some time, Napoleon would order his men to charge towards the enemy's
approximate location. Sometimes he himself recalls that the approximation was weak, but it was
more important to move quickly and definitely, than to wait for complete intelligence to reveal the
true nature of the enemy's whereabouts. Napoleon did not hold many rules on his troops when on
the march, only that they move at a steady pace and stay close together so that they could get into
formation quickly. Ultimately, it is clear that Napoleon had a natural gift for choosing the right
moves, and furthermore seemed to be at his best when under the pressure of an intense battle, while
the commanders of other armies tended to mishap. Napoleon is widely considerred a military
genius, and by his very own definition this requires an above superior
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Tenets Of The Army Values With Empathy, A Warrior Ethos...
Consistently represent and display the tenets of the Army Values with empathy, a Warrior Ethos and
discipline. Integrate loyalty to the Army and ASG–KU and respect to people within my
synchronization efforts of requirements development and contracting to support ASG–KU organic
units, tenant units and other designated organizations within the ASG–KU AO. Establish objectives
within the OCS Cell aligned with integrity, trust, and conscientiousness resulting in legal and moral
contractual processes and actions. Mitigate risks of fraud and CTIP. Consistently displayed and
projected tenets of the Army values and sought opportunities to establish relationships with
Superiors, contemporaries and subordinates aligned with trust and respect. Adroitly maintained
relationships with contemporaries and superiors within a very complex and tedious contractual
hierarchical environment among multiple organizations with integrity and respect. Project
appropriate military bearing at all times; remain positive and focused in the face of adversity and
setbacks. Maintain superior military professional bearing, physical fitness, emotional resiliency and
commitment to the ASG – Kuwait Commander 's Intent. Committed to influencing Staff by
providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and
improving the organization. Provide clear direction by effectively communicating operational
prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility, and identifying the standard.
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Starcraft Strategy
1) Starcraft Starcraft is a real–time strategy game with an intricate sci–fi story based between 3
different races (Terran – Human, Protoss – Humanoid Alien, Zerg – Alien). The games proceed
quickly compared to other strategy games, which means players must know exactly what needs to
be done for the first few minutes of the game. 2) Warcraft III Warcraft is a real–time strategy game
with many progressive and intertwined campaigns in single–player mode. The game features 4
unique races (Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Undead). The human race is also called the "Alliance",
because the race also contains dwarves and elves. Additionally, the game incorporates a day/night
clock which affects vision along with other abilities. 3) Age of Empires (series) There are 3 games
in this ... Show more content on ...
The maps are space, ground, and underground, which allows a huge variety of power distribution in
the game. Unfortunately, this also renders the game nearly impossible to win. (Or fortunately, it is
also very difficult to lose.) 8) Heroes of Might and Magic (series) This is a turn–based strategy
game. There are a variety of towns scattered in the map and each town has its own race. A player
will start with one particular race, but as it captures new towns, the player will gain access to more
and more races. Troops can only be led by generals as only generals appear on the map. Each race
has its own type of general and their own advantages, which makes it important for players to train
various generals to gain superiority. 9) Stronghold (series) The defining feature of the Stronghold
series is that players build up their castle piece by piece. As a result, this game is primarily for
gamers who like city building, because ultimately, your castle determines whether or not you will
survive long enough to marshall your forces to face your opponents on the battlefield. 10) Empire
Earth (series) A real–time strategy game that shares Civilization's concept of advancing from
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For Most Of My High School Career Chosen To Be A Part Of
For most of my high school career chosen to be a part of the band program. From a very young age,
music has been a part of my life in every direction. Both my older sisters brought me into this ever–
changing musical World where I found solace and enjoyment from hard work. However, as I got
older it became apparent that my peers saw me as a responsible individual and thought it 'd be best I
ran for a leadership position within the band program. At first, my goal was just to help those around
me to become a better musician and for them to grow as not only people but to become good role
models for next year 's incoming freshman. As this marching season, one on it became apparent that
people do not like those in higher positions than them. Our ... Show more content on ...
Let others get caught up in the twists and turns of the battle, relishing their little victories. Grand
strategy will bring you the ultimate reward: the last laugh." (Greene 13) For the beginning of any
season we have had we start out strong but in the end, we falter being pushed over but the defeats
we had. Simple disputes between who should be on what part and who can play there part well.
After a while I wear you down, every day becomes a miniature battle and the more battles you lose
the weaker you become. In the eyes of people, physically, and mental you succumb to the weakness
from your defeats. Overall when you are in a leadership position you have to keep the end goal in
mind. 7 "Transform your war into a crusade: Morale strategies– The secret to motivating people and
maintaining their morale is to get them to think less about themselves and more about the group.
Involve them in a cause, a crusade against a hated enemy. Make them see their survival as tied to the
success of the army as a whole."(Greene 11) The band 's goal was to make state preliminary and
move on to state finals. However because of social disputes and lack of maturity we could not go
forward without plans. From a position of authority and being upperclassmen I have done
everything in my power to reach that ultimate goal of getting to State finals. As a person in a
leadership role, I tested my peers on Maneuvers and skills that they 've
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The Pros And Cons Of Operation Badr
If we divide operation Badr in two parts, first to reach the ridge line and peaks in Indian territory
without getting noticed by anyone and take a firm position. Second, to hold the position in any case
of assault and don't let Indian soldiers to come up and recapture the posts. Undoubtedly the first half
of operation Bdr by Pakistan was really an execution of top class warfare tactics but second half
proved as a biggest disaster for Pakistan, which it ever faced after 1971 Indo–Pak war.
The operation was so secretive, that had it been a success, it would have been regarded as great
clandestine military operations ever. The intruders, regular army of Pakistan were firmly holding our
peaks for a period of at least three months hiding themselves ... Show more content on ...
Winter Cut–Off Posts : Permanent posts within the various defended areas/locality which it is
operationally necessary to keep under occupation throughout the year, but whose routine
maintenance support is not possible during winter months due to snow conditions, are called "
Winter Cut–Off Posts". These posts are stocked up (Level of stocking maintained is for 210 days)
during the summer months so that they can sustain themselves without re–supply for the period of
they are cut–off.
C. Reduction In Manpower : Due to the reduced threat in winter, the reduction in the total number of
posts held and reduced patrolling activity, a larger number of personnel are sent on leave and for
courses. This reduces manpower availability during winter as well as the administrative load in these
high altitude areas.
During the winters, as soon as movement and patrolling became near impossible due to heavy snow
conditions, the additional battalions withdrew from the area. After their withdrawal, no patrolling
was carried out in the Mashkoh Valley and Batalik. The period during which patrolling was not
carried out in the winter of 1998–99 is as under.
Sector From To Gap Mashkoh January 10, 1999 March 30, 1999 80 Days
Yaldor February 1, 1999 April 5, 1999 64 Days
Kaksar March 3, 1999 April 11, 1999 38
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Osama Bin Laden Ideology
Osama Bin Laden was one of the most remarkable terrorist leaders in the world. His tactics of
manipulation and philosophy on his engagement of targets of opportunity was like no other. His
principle of creating an Islamic Empire by taking advantage of Islamic countries was the foundation
of his evil plan to retaliate against The United States. It is important to emphasize the origin on how
Bin Laden came with the idea to attack our Homeland. After the Cold War, the retreat of Russia
from Afghanistan was seen as a victory against the infidels for those who defy their Islamic
Religion. This conflict made Bin Laden to solidify his idea of creating a Holy War against the so
called Crusaders, which are basically other individuals who believe in
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The Problem Of Total Joint Force
The problem the total Joint Force (JF) 2025 will face will be consistent emerging "gray zone"
threats that include hybrid and near peer competitors trying to tip the balance in the global security
environment. In addition, as the Department of Defense (DOD) learned from past wars while its
resources reduce, the total JF 2025 must adapt and become more agile in countering these emerging
threats. The DOD has provided the strategic and military guidance along with associated posturing
statements for the complementary capabilities of strategic adaptability and agility that will enable
the rebalancing of the total JF 2025, support future contingency operations, and mitigate risk.
Recently General Dunford stated, "a ready JF is one that can effectively meet the steady–state
requirements of the combatant commanders, deter our adversaries, and respond decisively in the
event of a contingency." The total JF in 2025 will need to adapt and become more agile faster than
these emerging threats. It will also need to continue deterring global adversaries if it wants to sustain
enduring strategic and operational success while remaining decisive in supporting the national
defense strategy.
The DOD has released multiple documents since 2012 in support of developing its defense strategy.
First, the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance and 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, established
priorities that included, "rebalance to the Asia–Pacific region, maintain security in Europe and the
Middle East;
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Australian Species Informative Essay
Informative Essay #2 – Australian Species
By: Shadoe Lass
Charles Darwin stated that life was a game of survival of the fittest and species are constantly
evolving. A clear example of this phenomenon is the ecologically secluded continent of Australia.
Australia is home to many bizarre species, both native and introduced, that are found nowhere else
on Earth. The question arises that, in the one–of–a–kind environment they live in, how did they
come to be fit as species to survive and thrive. These native and introduced species have adapted to
life through a series of biological adaptations as well as infiltration of the Australian food web. The
first line of adaptation to life in Australia is biological adaptations of diet and lifestyle. ... Show
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Thus far, the advantages and adaptations discussed have been primarily of native Australian species.
However, a specific advantage evident in non–native species is the way they insert themselves into
the food web. Introduced species disrupt the balance of the food web in a variety of ways. One way
is direct competition, directly increasing the pressure on other native species by competing for the
same food supply. This is when survival of the fittest really comes into play. Survival of the fittest
does limit both competing species, albeit there are times when the sheer population overwhelms that
evolutionary mechanism. "...So many rabbits loose in Australia that even though about two million
were shot or trapped each year, it didn't make a dent in their population. Over time, the rabbits have
caused untold damage..." (Semmler, para. 2). Rabbits took over their ecosystem and managed to stay
put as part of the food web because of the size of their population. Introduced species can also
wreak havoc by being defensive predators themselves. They can bring toxins and poisons into the
ecosystem that their prey and predators alike can't combat. "The [cane] toads are toxic, and native
predators have no immunity to the poison," (Semmler, para. 5). This makes them a keystone species
(a species that has an impact with a size that doesn't correlate to its population size). They affect
large amounts of the ecosystem and food web, even while not having as large a population as other
species that are
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Joseph Mccarthy Red Scare
Joseph McCarthy During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the idea of communist subversion was
becoming frighteningly real. These fears came to define–and, in some cases, corrode–the era's
political culture. For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this "Red Scare" was
Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. McCarthy spent almost five years trying in
vain to expose communists and other left–wing "loyalty risks" in the U.S. government.In February
1950, appearing at the Ohio County Women's Republican Club in Wheeling, West Virginia,
McCarthy gave a speech that boosted him into the national spotlight. Waving a piece of paper in the
air, he declared that he had a list of 205 known members of the Communist Party who were
"working ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, many of McCarthy's Democratic and Republican colleagues, including President Dwight
Eisenhower, disapproved of his tactics ("I will not get into the gutter with this guy," the president
told his aides). Still, the senator continued his so–called Red–baiting campaign. In 1953, at the
beginning of his second term as senator, McCarthy was put in charge of the Committee on
Government Operations, which allowed him to launch even more expansive investigations of the
alleged communist infiltration of the federal government. In hearing after hearing, he aggressively
interrogated witnesses in what many came to perceive as a blatant violation of their civil rights.
Despite a lack of any proof of subversion, more than 2,000 government employees lost their jobs as
a result of McCarthy's
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Summary Of Freakonomics Chapter 2
In chapter 2 of Freakonomics the main argument is that the absence of information can be used for
personal gain. The main example used to display this tactic is when the KKK is compared to real
estate agents. Although the crafty practice of real estate agents is in no way similar to the horrors of
the KKK, they have a distinct similarity when it comes to the hoarding of information. The majority
of the chapter focuses on the history of the KKK and Stetson Kennedy's effort to stop it through the
infiltration and exposure via radio of the Klan. Since the Klan was dependant on their violent–
despite not being extremely violent–reputation, the disclosure of the information they had withheld
from the public rendered them powerless. The narrators
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Reasons for Allied Victory in World War One
The extent to which a country can establish and retain a state of 'Total War' inevitably leads to
victory. In World War 1, the allied forces ability to achieve this resulted in their success. The
production of munitions and American funding, resource allocation and the British Blockade, gave
the allies a clear advantage on the home front. The utilization of the superior weaponry and
manpower as well as improved tactics on the battlefront gave the allies an upper hand in this war of
attrition. The final loss of German morale on both the home and battlefronts, directly influenced by
allied propaganda, the arrival of the Americans and Germany's political instability, led to the
cessation of the war and thus, allied victory. The allied and ... Show more content on ...
These strategies were then consolidated in 1918. The allies also adopted the use of Gas, it being one
of the most feared weapons. Source B depicts the use of gas masks. As gas was used frequently,
allied soldiers would often wear their masks as a precautionary measure, especially when firing
machine guns, like the source shows. The allied forces superior manpower aided in the war of
attrition that WW1 had become. The allies could gain troops from a number of nations as by the end
of the War, over 32 countries were supporting them. Germany was by then fighting alone. As source
C displays, despite the fact that the allies had more military deaths than that of the central powers,
their population was around eight times larger, thus allowing this high loss of life. The Allied forces
essentially had more personnel, weaponry and munitions supplies. This, along with their ability to
develop tactics and engage all elements of the battlefront, supported the perpetuation of 'Total War'
and the allies' victory. The loss of German morale on both the home and battlefronts greatly affected
the outcome of the war. This diminution of confidence was directly related to allied propaganda, the
entrance of the Americans to WW1 and the political instability of Germany. The lack of food
supplies due to the British Blockade and increasing casualty lists begun to make an impact on
German morale. This, combined with the allies'
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White Devil A True Story Of War, Savagery, And Vengeance
"You may perhaps ask who these rangers are? short they are created Indians, & the only proper
troops to oppose them. They are good men, but badly disciplined.... He (Rogers) He is a very
resolute clever fellow & has several times, as he terms it, banged the Indians and French heartily"
Robert Rogers is one of the most influential figures in military history and tactics. The lessons he
passed on are still studied today by the United States Army Rangers, and every Ranger must
memorize his Standing Orders. The tactics he used are now what the modern public and historians
consider "American style fighting" or Indian warfare. Stephen Brumwell's book White Devil A True
Story of War, Savagery, and Vengeance in Colonial America is not just a ... Show more content on ...
From there we follow her journey from Fort Number 4 to Fort St Frédéric where they were treated
with kindness by the French, but never–the–less were still captives. After that they were forced to
traverse hundreds of miles to the Abenaki village where Susanna Johnson she watched her family
split up and sold to the far reaches of the colonies. This offense and the massacre at Fort William
Henry caused great anger in the colonies and in Britain. The order was given, find who did this and
enact revenge, Robert Rogers and his group of elite Rangers took up the challenge. Rogers had built
up his reputation from a suspected criminal to respected scout and Captain in the provincial army.
The story was again laid out for the reader as if in a novel, this allows for the reader to begin to gain
a connection with Roger's. This can be transferred to the classroom by asking the students to create a
description of Rogers from different parts of the book; his history, physical characteristics, his
mental characteristics, and his strategies & tatics. This will allow for the reader to better picture
Rogers and gain a greater understanding of the man and his decisions. One of the many decisions he
made was to attack the Abenaki at St. Francis. Roger and the Rangers traveled hundreds of miles on
the water and over land to get to St. Francis. While
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Battle Of Caporetto Research Paper
Rommel then led his entire detachment up the camouflage path into the Italian position and
expanded the breach along the line fifty yards on either side and captured several dozen more
Italians who were seeking shelter within their dugouts. Rommel's breach of the Italian line was done
without firing a shot and created an opening for troops to poor into the rear of the second line and
cut it off from any support. This tactic was repeated up and down the Italian lines was great success
and supported the unprecedented advance of the Central Powers in the region. It is obvious that the
Italian troops and positions were not prepared for the Battle of Caporetto. The Italian Army had not
changed its defensive doctrine throughout the duration of the war. The Italian Army taught its troops
to hold every position to the last man no matter how insignificant the position. This doctrine and
ideology amongst Italian troops resulted in their inability to maneuver from being surrounded when
confronted with the German infiltration tactics. The Italian Supreme Command was completely
caught off guard and their only response was to order reserves to the front in the hope to ... Show
more content on ...
With the introduction of target specific artillery barrage on the Italian infrastructure and the Infantry
tactic of infiltration versus the common mass wave frontal assaults commonly found on the Western
front, the Central power exploited the Italians unwillingness to change from their predictable
defensive posture. The unprecedented success of the Central Powers in a region, which typically
saw little to no movement of the front lines worried the Allied nations outside of Italy. It resulted in
the creation of the Allied Supreme War Council in the hopes of providing a joint Allied council to
oversee Allied military strategy and prevent another Battle of
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WWII Compare Contrast Essay
World War II is probably the most famous war to date, but how were the weapons and tactics first
used. Most of the weapons used in WWII were first designed in WWI, in fact that's when the
flamethrower was invented. WWI and WWII have their fair share of similarities, such as the use of
submarines. These similarities are also there differences, such as both wars using subs but WWII
more heavily using them and making more advancements. The time period in between WWI and
WWII was one of the most technologically advancing times in world history.
In WWI, planes were works in progress causing many deaths, but in WWII those weapons were
worked on and made much more reliable and effective. For example, in WWI there was the
Aeromarine 39 that wasn't a very reliable plane, but ... Show more content on ...
A common tactic used in WWI was "Infiltration Tactics". This was a much better tactic than the
others. It was done a experienced troops infiltrating enemy territory to surprise the guards then
doing a full fledged assault. This was a good tactic but it was basic. In the same war, there was
trench warfare. Trench warfare was done by opposing army's creating trenches. In between those
trenches was an area known as "no man's land" and was the most dangerous place to be. This tactic
lead to many standoffs and also extremely high numbers of casualties in a short period of time. One
of the most efficient ways of winning these battles was chemical warfare. All that needed to happen
was to throw a chemical bomb into the enemy's trench and then wait. Another of the famous tactics
was called "Blitzkrieg". This was a German tactic first used in Poland with little success and then
used with more success in Belgium later on. What made Blitzkrieg so successful was how it was
done. Blitzkrieg was done by German forces making a concentrated fire at the enemy scattering
their troops. Once the troops were scattered, the Germans were free to pick and choose their
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Battle Tactics During World War I
World War 1 was a time of great bloodshed, and no battle demonstrated this fact more than the battle
of Verdun (Feb 21, 1916 – Dec 18, 1916). The near half a million casualties suffered during the
battle of Verdun displayed the futility and uselessness of past battle tactics. France for the most part
did not change its tactic, but along with the British began development of the tank. The tank was a
terrifying tool for warfare, but Germany had a different solution to the problem. Through study of
battle tactics used during the Russian Brusilov offensive (Jun 4, 1916 – Sep 20, 1916) and the Italian
Arditi (The daring ones) they developed the Sturmtruppen. The Sturmtruppen where the German
elite, and as such they had access to a plethora ... Show more content on ...
The Italian Arditi would advance very closely behind an artillery bombardment on the enemy line
and as soon as the bombardment stopped they would start throwing grenades. This was done to trick
the enemy into thinking the bombardment was still going on. Then they would jump into the
trenches and start killing the enemy with knives as grenades were still being thrown. O la vittoria, o
tutti accopiati (Either we win or we all die) was the motto of the Arditi, and this phrase rang true for
the Arditi. The strategy was effective until the enemy realized what was going on, at that moment
the Arditi lost their advantage, and on many occasions most if not all troops were killed. This is
were the Sturmtruppen stepped in and refined the tactic. With German Stormtroops the beginning
would be similar to the Arditi, moving up under artillery cover. Though with the Germans their
objective was not to hold the trench, but instead to push behind and take the flank allowing an easy
victory. Unlike the Arditi, the Sturmtruppen had support. Most troops were still rifle men, but with
support from heavy gunners with MG08/15's and massive amounts of grenades they were able to
push through the enemy defense, mop up most for them from behind, and let the standard troops
move in and occupy the
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J Edgar Hoover's Influence In The FBI
Power can be a good thing, but too much power can be scary. J Edgar Hoover was the first Director
of the FBI who was authoritative in all he did. He was known for accomplishing many things while
in office. J Edgar Hoover was a revolutionary figure known for his power and influence in the FBI.
He grew up in a family of people in government, which brought him closer to wanting a career in
government. He wanted to be in politics, so he took action. He worked for the Library of Congress
after high school and attended night classes at George Washington University Law School (J. Edgar
Hoover 2016). Hoover did whatever he could to insert himself into the world of politics. From the
very beginning Hoover was determined to make a difference.
Hoover went through steps to become a very powerful man. J Edgar Hoover had a lot of power as
the director of the FBI, but the question is did he use that power too much?
Hoover made sure all men working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation were the finest agents.
"He fired agents he considered political appointees or unqualified and ordered background checks,
interviews and physical tests ... Show more content on ...
Edgar Hoover 2010.) Congress made the term as director to be 10 years to limit the amount of
power they could gain if they had more time in office. Hoover had too much power, so the
government had to do something about it, so it would not happen again. J. Edgar Hoover was a
powerful man with much influence. Hoover had family in government and went to law school,
which helped him on the road to becoming the director of the FBI. He was seen in many ways, such
as a demigod or a psychopath. Because of his power, laws were changed to prevent the next director
from gaining too much power. If Hoover was given a 10–year term at the beginning, would he have
had the same influence as he
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Organized Crime : Small Street Gangs Or Terrorist Groups
Comprised of distinct elements that assist in establishing and defining organized crime in small
street gangs or terrorist groups are national or transnational criminal organizations. Organized crime
groups have an organized structure. These structures include hierarchical structures or other similar
structures which establish a clear chain of command. Having a structure provides knowledge of
every member's role in the organization; who gives the orders and who needs to obey and carry out
the commands. Further, exclusive membership is typically a requirement. This allows shared trust
amongst members of the group. Move over, exclusive membership reduces the risk of infiltration by
law enforcement officials and aids in maintaining some secrecy within the organizations and the
strategies (Lyman & Potter, 2006). Organized crime operates its illegal trades primarily in the
shadows in hopes of drawing little attention from law enforcement agencies who may look to
disrupt their criminal activities. Maintaining secrecy is necessary for various operations that
organized crime may participate in and may add to the longevity of the group before being targeted
by law enforcement. As a part of organized crime, groups need to use violence to show force and
gain control of an area. Extortion may also act as a show of intimidation with the hopes people will
comply with the organization 's demands. Additionally, criminal organizational syndicates often
participate in multiple
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Why Is World War 1 Necessary
Was World War 1 a Necessary World Conflict?
What happened in World War 1 (WWI)? Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austria–Hungary's
throne, and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated by Serbian nationalist. Austria–Hungary then
declared war on Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia, Germany declared war on France, and the
United Kingdom declared war on Germany, after Germany invades Belgium, then Austria–Hungary
declares war on Russia and Serbia declares war on Germany. From there the first battle began. The
war mainly took place in Europe and in the seas. This war caused many casualties. "World War One
was one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of the human race, in which over 16 million people
died. The total number of both civilian and military casualties is estimated at around 37 million
people. The war killed almost 7 million civilians and 10 million military personnel"
(Historyonthenet). World War 1 was a necessary conflict because of alliances, military tactics, and
new inventions.
One of the reasons ... Show more content on ...
The war was beneficial to some countries like America."When the war began, the U.S. economy
was in recession. But a 44–month economic boom ensued from 1914 to 1918, first as Europeans
began purchasing U.S. goods for the war and later as the United States itself joined the battle"
(Lozada). WWI helped spark inspiration for change, in agriculture. "The First World War also
signifies an important turning point in the history of American food consumption because it
represents a shift in eating habits, culinary practices, and domestic food preparation, including the
infiltration of fresh home–grown fruit and vegetables and preserved or canned foods into the US
diet, and the introduction of supermarkets" (Tanfer Emin). During the time of WWI, many
technologies were created. Sanitary napkins, watches, lamps, and more all came from WWI. This
world conflict was necessary in order for this to
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Starcraft Strategy
1) Starcraft Starcraft is a real–time strategy game with an intricate sci–fi story based between 3
different races (Terran – Human, Protoss – Humanoid Alien, Zerg – Alien). The games proceed
quickly compared to other strategy games, which means players must know exactly what needs to
be done for the first few minutes of the game. 2) Warcraft III Warcraft is a real–time strategy game
with many progressive and intertwined campaigns in single–player mode. The game features 4
unique races (Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Undead). The human race is also called the "Alliance",
because the race also contains dwarves and elves. Additionally, the game incorporates a day/night
clock which affects vision along with other abilities. 3) Age of Empires (series) There are 3 games
in this ... Show more content on ...
The maps are space, ground, and underground, which allows a huge variety of power distribution in
the game. Unfortunately, this also renders the game nearly impossible to win. (Or fortunately, it is
also very difficult to lose.) 8) Heroes of Might and Magic (series) This is a turn–based strategy
game. There are a variety of towns scattered in the map and each town has its own race. A player
will start with one particular race, but as it captures new towns, the player will gain access to more
and more races. Troops can only be led by generals as only generals appear on the map. Each race
has its own type of general and their own advantages, which makes it important for players to train
various generals to gain superiority. 9) Stronghold (series) The defining feature of the Stronghold
series is that players build up their castle piece by piece. As a result, this game is primarily for
gamers who like city building, because ultimately, your castle determines whether or not you will
survive long enough to marshall your forces to face your opponents on the battlefield. 10) Empire
Earth (series) A real–time strategy game that shares Civilization's concept of advancing from
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The Cold War: The Red Scare
After World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States' strained relationship became even more
volatile and the rivalry known as the "Cold War" began. This war progressed through the late 1940s
and mid 1950s. It was fueled by the fear of Communists in the U.S. This panic over communism's
perceived threat came to be known as the Red Scare. (Communists were frequently alluded to as
"Reds" for their loyalty to the red Soviet banner.) The Red Scare prompted many reactions that had
a significant and long lasting impact on U.S. government and society. The Red Scare was well
underway by the end of 1947, but a series of events in late 1949 and 1950 fed the anti–communist
hysteria. In September 1949 Americans learned that the Soviet Union had ... Show more content on ...
This conflict had been brewing since the 1920's and finally escalated to a point of no return. On
October 1, 1949 the Chinese Communist Mao Zedong became leader of what he called the People's
Republic of China. This brought more fear to Americans because China was known for being the
most populous nation at the time. This led to the United States cutting off ties with China for
decades. In June of 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the resulting Korean War soon
devolved into a prolonged stalemate. Many Americans thought that the Soviet Union must be
working behind the scenes to undermine the U.S. efforts from within, and this could explain this
series of setbacks. In 1950, about 50,000 out of the 150 million Americans were individuals
included in the Communist Party. Yet in the late 1940s and mid 1950s, American fears of inward
communist subversion achieved an all time high. The government investigated a great many elected
representatives, asking what books and magazines they read, what unions and metro associations
they belonged to , and whether they attended church. Several screenwriters, on–screen characters,
and executives were boycotted in light of their political convictions, while instructors, steelworkers,
mariners, legal advisors, and social laborers lost their occupations for the same reason. More than
thirty–nine states required educators and other open representatives to take dependability pledges.
This division of the American people only furthered their
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Joseph Mccarthy Infiltration Essay
McCarthy Claims Communist Infiltration
This essay believes that in the early years of anti–communism surge Senator Joseph McCarthy had a
big play in prosecuting communism. Joseph McCarthy indeed greatly helped the cause of anti–
communism in the U.S. by his vigorous values. His accusations, though hardly backed by real
evidence, increase the idea of anti–communism very fast in the United States. He create
"McCarthyism." his accusations in the government or people that was related in politics led him to
gain a great publicity and popularity. He made the U.S. society to believe that there were communist
in our own government and so make fear in the government. The U.S. society was vulnerable to this
kind of demagoguery. People feared the cold war and as result they believed McCarthy ideal and
points of view. What caused McCarthy to stop was accusing the U.S. army of communist. However,
the idealism of "McCarthyism" did not perish when Senator ... Show more content on ...
The whole nation was in terror of the possibility of being accused of communism. The postwar Red
Scare is often called "McCarthyism," That was when the Senator Joseph McCarthy a Republican
from Wisconsin took the opportunity to join in the Politics of the United States. After a great time of
social and economic instability, the start of the great depression and continued by the WWII
McCarthy claim that "the government is full of communists." this was exactly what the Americans
citizens were seeking; a scapegoat. This caused McCarthy to become very popular really fast. What
McCarty promises was to get rid of the communism in the government of the U.S. by this
accusations that McCarthy claim of "205 communists in the State Department" in our own
government. It could feel a security environment over the American people once again. Joseph
McCarthy not only destroyed some people's lives, he also damaged the American
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Building Design of the Engineering and Computing Builiding...
As an aspiring Architectural Technologist I will be expected to possess a variety of skills which are
valuable for any Architectural Technologist position. I will be studying and evaluating a building
design of the Engineering and Computing Building, Coventry. I am to assess the structure,
identifying, why the building was designed in the way it was, the impact, challenges and purposes.
This will allow me to understand the integration of architectural and structural design.
1.1 Design philosophy and aesthetics
The Engineering and Computing Building (ECB) was designed by Arup Associates' and built by
main contractor Vinci. In designing this building Arup Associates' were trying to create a sustainable
postmodern building, which would become a flagship for the university and a landmark in the centre
of the city. Designed to meet the university's long–term needs in terms of improving the student
learning experience, using the building as a learning tool in itself.
The 15,000m² building is enclosed in a square, split into two 'L' shaped blocks. Linked together by a
glazed entrance at the corner and separated by a large gap on the opposite corner.
The 'L' block facing the south and west has been configured as the 'Nature' block. This four–storey
'Nature' wing features a green and blue roof planted with foliage, providing a variety of habitats to
encourage the local wildlife. Well known to attract insects that pipistrelle bats are known to prefer.
There is also
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Ghost Army In Ww2 Essay
In World War Two countries relied on clandestine operations to win the war. Many different tactics
were used. Tactics included infiltration of the other sides borders, creating fake armies, code
breaking and utilizing secret agencies. Clandestine operations during world war two proved integral
to the war as a whole. The Office of Strategic Services was the American intelligence agency during
World War Two and its activities helped the allied cause. One of the Office of Strategic Services'
major missions was penetrating Nazi Germany. The OSS was able to train some of the German
people to enact missions inside Germany. This allowed the US to destroy Germany from the inside.
The OSS was also involved in turning Turkey into a neutral country. ... Show more content on ...
The ghost army was mainly composed of artists. The ways they fooled the enemy include using fake
artillery, planting soldiers in nearby towns to fool spies, creating fake radio broadcasts and many
other things. The Ghost Army relied heavily on inflatables to create the illusion of an army. They
had inflatable tanks, artillery and even inflatable soldiers. The ghost army's sonic division created
sounds that a real army division would make. Sounds included the movement of tanks, building a
bridge and the sound of gunfire. Since the Germans received a lot of their intelligence from radio
broadcasts, the radio division of the Ghost Army created fake radio broadcasts to fool the Germans
and to further add to the illusion that the was an actual army division stationed where they were.
One major mission that the ghost army was involved in was Operation Bettembourg where there
was a 70 mile hole between divisions of the army. The army knew if the Germans knew the hole
was there they would try to attack through the gap. The Ghost army was sent in to fill the hole and
they were able to fool the enemy with the illusion of 30,000 soldiers when there were only
... Get more on ...
Viet Nam Essay
Tactics in Vietnam were an important factor in the victory of the Vietcong over the U.S. There were
fundamental differences in their fighting methods, which the Vietcong were able to take full
advantage of. The Vietcong used Guerrilla warfare, this meant that they used their knowledge of the
area they were fighting in to hinder the U.S. The U.S army had been used to conventional warfare,
in the form of bouts of fighting. Guerrilla warfare meant that they had to be constantly alert and
Booby traps meant that many soldiers died and witnessed horrific deaths. This was naturally
unnerving for the soldiers concerned, particularly so because many of the soldiers were young and
The technology of the U.S was far superior to ... Show more content on ...
The main tactic employed by the U.S was known as 'search and destroy'. This meant hunting down
and killing Vietcong. The Vietcong used a similar tactic called 'find and kill', although this was
conceptually the same as 'search and destroy' it was much more successful. One reason for this was
that the U.S soldiers wore uniforms and were easier to pick out. Another reason was that the U.S
soldiers had to contend with Vietcong mines and booby traps. These included what was known as a
Punji trap, which was a deep hole filled with spikes covered with poison of faeces. Another was the
'Bouncing Betty' which was a mine under the soil with three prongs that when steed on would
explode. It was extremely disconcerting for soldiers to know that their next step could be their last.
This caused a whole host of mental problems for the U.S soldiers. Booby traps accounted for %11 of
deaths and %17 of wounds in the war.
The U.S used 'pacification', to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese. This meant that
help was given to the villages. Schools and hospitals were built. This policy was a success; many
South Vietnamese remained in support of the Americans and were immune to the persuasive talk of
communist infiltrators. However those who were already convinced as to the virtues of communism
would not be swayed. The Vietcong used statistics such as the tally of American planes being shot
down, in order to keep up morale and keep the troops faithful and
... Get more on ...

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Shlieffen Plan

  • 1. Shlieffen Plan World War I was a devastating war that was mainly Britain, Russia, France, and the US against Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. Throughout the entire war, many different strategies and tactics were used by the /parties. Some were genius and some were absolute failures. There were a multitude of goals different powers wanted, and each one took unique approaches to achieve said goals. One of the first plans of WWI was developed almost a decade before the war actually took place. The Schlieffen Plan, which Alfred von Schlieffen, Chief of the Imperial German General Staff, based off of Hannibal's tactic 2000 years earlier, consisted of Germany taking France out at the start of the war. That way, Britain and Russia couldn't continue ... Show more content on ... Danilov argued that on the outbreak of war in Europe the German Army would concentrate its forces against France. Danilov therefore suggested that four of its armies should immediately invade East Prussia. In 1912 it was decided to heavily alter Plan 19. Only two armies were now to attack East Prussia with the rest concentrating on defending Russia from the Austro–Hungarian Army. Now the way soldiers attacked in WWI is interesting. Military actions designed to take control of enemy trenches were called attacks or offensives. The difference between attacks and offensives are an attack usually involved a division (16,000 men) while an offensive was bigger and would use at least one corps. The main objective of an attack was to break the enemy line, but an offensive was an attempt to occupy any positions that were taken during the operation. This meant that consistent fighting raised serious problems of running out of supplies. Before attacks and offensives took place, heavy artillery was used to soften up the enemy trenches. At the offensive at the Somme in the summer of 1916 General Douglas Haig ordered an eight–day preliminary bombardment before sending 750,000 men (27 divisions) to attack the German ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Types Of Special Force From Each Country When most people think about world war 1 they typically think 5 things. Trench warfare, gas, machine guns, airplanes, and tanks. But i would like to talk about a subject that is not typically discussed by the general public but is talked a ton by historians. Storm Troopers, shock troopers, the arditi etc. Whatever you want to call these units of brave/strong fighters, they were definitely an early form of special forces. In this research paper i'll be explaining the different types of special force from each country (if they had any). When they were put on the frontlines to see combat, And general knowledge on each individual unit. These shock troops or special forces first came to fruition in the later years of the war. Many ... Show more content on ... They would easily get mowed down in droves by machine guns, blown apart by artillery, or picked off by a sniper. These multiple empires were losing men way too fast, They needed to come up with new tactics to infiltrate an enemy trench instead of just sending everyone out there to be killed. (http://spartacus– )The allies came up with the idea to create giant steel war machines known now as Tanks. Tanks were a terrifying new addition to modern warfare. The allies used them extensively throughout the later years of war, especially in 1918. The germans were astounded about how effective the tank was as making paths in no man's land, Cleaving thru barbed war like a hot knife going thru butter. The germans had to come up with a new way to gain ground during the war, they decided to enhance their infantry forces training, Making them more superior than the typical allied soldier. The russians were the first to actually pioneer new tactics to the test during the war. Russian command order a massive attack that would be later known as the Breakthrough of the Brusilov offensive. (Timothy Dowling pages 1– 208) On 4 June 1916 the Russians began an an offensive known as the Brusilov offensive, with a massive, accurate but brief artillery barrage against the Austro–Hungarian lines, with the key factor of this effective bombardment being ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. What Is The Purpose Of Deep Practice By Daniel Coyle INTRODUCTION In "The Sweet Spot",the author Daniel Coyle has analyzed the meaning of talent and his role in success. But, what is the talent? And successfull? The author tryed to give a complete view about these ones examinating that are strictly connected. The author also has examinated the art of "Deep practice" using the example of Futsal, an old brasilian training soccer method that is also used by european soccer players. Danyel Coyle,still regarding the "Deep practice", made an example about Edwin Link pilots training during 1920 in which he allowed the pilots to make more and deep practice than the past training. SUMMARY The analyzation of deep practice is the main purpose of chapter 1 of "The Talent Code".In particular, the author wants to explain that the deep practice is the best way to get skills. Deep practice is characterized by practicing more and more time the same exercise,making a lot of mistakes, until the individual can perform it properly without making any mistakes,saving the time. ... Show more content on ... He visit a tennis court in Moscow in which he saw,in addition to the velocity,energy,and fast movements the deeply attention to the details, doing all the exercise in a slower way. Then,the author met Brunio a brazilian guy which was trying to make the "elastico", and that turned out to do it after a lot of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Options For Shed Ventilation The 5 Options for Shed Ventilation in your Shed and the Pros and Cons of Each Ventilating your shed is important no matter what the time of year. No matter how hard you try to ignore this simple fact, the reality is that your shed is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Not sure if this is true, then think about all the times you refused to work in it because of these exact reasons. Along with temperature, a non–ventilated shed leads to a buildup of mildew and chemical fumes that go a long way towards making you sick. Proper ventilation is the best way to avoid these problems and many more. The Problems Associated with Lack of Ventilation As noted above, there are a number of potentially serious problems associated with not ... Show more content on ... The Stuff in Your Shed: Unless you are a bit odd, you probably use your shed not only as a workspace but also for storage. Excess heat, cold, and moisture can have a seriously adverse effect on everything in your shed, ruining much of it. This, of course, will result in your having to spend a fortune replacing everything that has been damaged. Your Options for Ventilation There are a number of different options when it comes to the proper ventilation for your shed. Most of which can be at least somewhat effective, while others work amazingly well. There are, as you might expect, several issues you need to take into consideration when trying to decide which type of ventilation is right for your shed. It's All about Size Perhaps one of the most important things you need to think about when trying to decide which of the different types of shed ventilation is right for you is the size of your shed. For example, a small solar powered vent might work for a small shed, but would be all but useless in a larger shed. By the same token, a turbine ventilator is an excellent choice for a large shed but would provide far too much airflow for a tiny shed. Is This the Right Choice? Finding the right type of shed ventilation involves looking at the size of the shed, the materials it is made from, and what you plan to use it for. At the same time, you need to consider the average high and low temperatures where ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Irish Republican Army: A Narrative Analysis Hybrid threat adaptation process is not a new way of evolving in warfare. It has been used since the dawn of warfare. When a smaller, less advanced force must take on a larger, more advanced force, it must change or evolve. Just as in life, evolution is inevitable or extinction will be the end result. Throughout history you can see evidence of this. From the Ismaili Assassins to the Irish Republican Army (IRA); terrorist, insurgents, and organized crime have had to adapt to their superior adversaries. Some of these actors have had success with their adaptations while others have fell to the way side. The Ismaili's adapted their tactics of assassinations to strike fear into their opponents. They started with small rouses ... Show more content on ... During WWII, the "Irregulars" sought after assistance from Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. Once the Nazi's were unable to help any further and the withdrawal of Ireland from the British Commonwealth in 1949, the IRA started to use religion as a catalyst to re–invigorate their cause, pitting Roman Catholic against Protestants. After years of fighting, the IRA had an evolution or adaptation. They split into two factions, the "Officials", part of the political party Sinn Fein and the "Provisionals" or "Provos". The Officials used politics to fight the Brits. While the Provos believed that violence was the only means to get the job done. They used bombings, assassinations, and ambushes in their campaign for freedom. The Provos later evolved into cells to deter infiltration from the British. For years they brought the fight to the British in Northern Ireland and England. The Provos then evolved again into organized crime. They were involved in extortion, racketeering, and arms dealing. Evolution or adaptation was a major part of why the IRA was able to keep the fight going for as long as they did against a much wealthier, well equipped adversary. They were able to make natural adaptations by both IRA parties and the Provos made direct adaptations to their tactics and operational structure through the ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Vietnam Scholarship Essay Prior to the Sarah Bonnifield Vietnam Scholarship opportunity, I had never researched or been educated on the unique importance of the Air Force in the Vietnam War. However, as I looked into it, I became increasingly interested in and aware of the incredible significance the USAF played throughout the duration of the war. The Air Force used novel strategies and adopted several new roles in during Vietnam that had never been used in previous wars or conflicts. In addition to these tactics, new technology and weapons emerged during this time period that changed the way that the Air Force would be utilized in conflicts and wars from that point on. At the beginning of the war, the United States involvement was limited to mostly supplying the South Vietnamese troops with training and weaponry, etc. More specifically in the air, they also led reconnaissance missions against the VietCong as well as search and rescue. After the Tonkin Gulf Incident, ... Show more content on ... The North Vietnamese were relying very heavily on a network of trails leading from North Vietnam through the countries of Laos and Cambodia, into South Vietnam. This was the North's main infiltration network into South Vietnam. The trail was named Ho Chi Minh trail, named after the Communist leader of North Vietnam at that time. This general area had been bombed early in the war, but the VietCong just bypassed the bombed areas and built around it. For the U.S to have any success in Vietnam, leaders collectively seemed to agree that this main transportation network would have to be severed. In February of 1965, Johnson approved an air warfare campaign against North Vietnam. It was named Operation Rolling Thunder. Although this campaign wasn't the offensive tactic to end the war, it lasted for four years on and off and played a very significant war in regards to the Air Force ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Why Did The Vietnam War Ended In 1973 Did you know the US dropped more bombs on the small country of Laos during the Vietnam War then they did during the whole World War ll? The Vietnam War was one of the largest defeats for the United States. The communist used guerilla tactics on the anti–communist forces.The communist wanted to draw out the war to make the United States spend more money on the war. Many innocent people died during the war in events like the Massacre at Huế where about 2800–6000 people were killed. Direct US involvement ended in 1973. The Vietnam War was a conflict from 1954 to 1975. The war had anti–communist forces against communist forces.There were a plethora of combatants in the war but the main few were the United States, the Chinese, and the Viet Cong. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Analysis Of The Ninja Of Japan By Kallie Szczepanski From the book of "The Ninja of Japan" by Kallie Szczepanski A ninja or what they call them in feudal Japan "Shinobi" was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The ways of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. Their methods of waging warfare were very bad and beneath the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat. For a century or more the mix of Chinese and Native tactics created a school for ninjas. It was first formulized by Daisuke Togakure and Kain Doshi around the 12th century. Daisuke was a samurai but failed regional battle and forced to end his samurai title. In 1162 Daisuke met Kain Doshi and together they organized the first ninja school. Some ninja ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mccarthyism Research Paper According to, on the "Joseph R. McCarthy" webpage more than 2000 government employees lost their job as a result of McCarthy's investigation. McCarthy's accusations heightened the political tensions of the time known as McCarthyism. McCarthyism started on February 9, 1950 because McCarthy made McCarthyism which affected a lot of people. First this is what happened with McCarthy's early years. McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908 in Grand chute, WI. McCarthy attended Marquette University in Milwaukee. McCarthy earned his law degree in 1935. McCarthy later became senator in 1946. He was also the youngest member of the us senate. Throughout the 1940's and 1950's America was overwhelmed with the threat of communism growing in Europe and China. In 1950 McCarthy gave a speech that propelled him into the material spotlight. Also in 1950 congress passed the McCarran Internal Security act. In 1953 he married his wife Jean Fraser Kerr Minetti. They had an adopted child named Tierney Elizabeth. Also in 1953 McCarthy began his second term of senator. McCarthy was reelected in 1952 and became chairman of the Senate's Committee on Government Operations, where he occupied the spotlight for two years with his anti–communist investigations and questioning of suspected officials. McCarthy's charges led to testimony before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, but he was unable to substantiate any of his claims against a single member of any government department.Despite this setback, McCarthy's popularity nevertheless continued to rise, as his claims had struck a nerve with an American public tired of the Korean War and concerned with communist activity in China and Eastern Europe. Undaunted by his testimonial ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Who Were The German Sturmtruppen? Who were the German Sturmtruppen (Stormtrooper), and how did they affect modern combat? The German Stormtrooper were an elite force of soldiers trained to fight a fast–paced style of combat. In 1915, WW1 had come to a halt, with miles of trench structures set all over Europe. Both Allied and Axis forces were weary of fighting this war of attrition and were desperate to try new and diverse types of warfare to break these lines. As explained by Citino, "After much trial and error, the German army developed a new method of fighting. Stormtrooper (Stosstupp) or infiltration tactics was the solution to the trench warfare stalemate. Infantry could once more cross "no man's land" and come to grips with the enemy" (16). Consequently, ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, these luxuries didn't come free, Stormtroopers were subjected to vigorous, and sometimes brutal training well more than a regular soldier, and subsequently had an extremely high training death rate ("TheGreatWar"). Once at the front, they utilized their small squad tactics with swift and violent attacks, punching holes in allied lines for the main army to advance. The use of these unprecedented tactics almost allowed the Axis Powers to turn the tide and claim victory in WW1. On March 21, 1918 is when the stormtroopers made their claim to fame, as the Axis Powers launched the Spring Offensive. After five hours of constant artillery and the firing of over 1 million shells what came next was described as "an attack by elite stormtroopers. These soldiers travelled lightly and were skilled in fast, hard–hitting attacks before moving on to their next target" (Trueman 1). Charging up and over the trenches these soldiers wreaked havoc on the British with their flamethrowers and grenades, subsequently capturing 21,000 prisoners on the first day alone. This was a major blow to the British, because for the first time in four years' lines had been shifted and they incurred a major territory loss. Used to the static style of combat, the British were unprepared to fight this modern style of soldier, and were forced to retreat and regroup. The saving grace for the Allies was the Stormtroopers moved so quickly ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay on Medieval Weapons Medieval Weapons Medieval society, in spite of its stereotypes, was not inherently more violent than modern society. "Although there was no state in the modern sense, and therefore no set of laws that inherently took away the power of the average man or woman to exercise violence, the violence of the day was considered differently, and with out the inherent sense of criminality that accompanies it today. Our understanding of the weapons of the medieval world is skewed by the vast disarming of the "the civilian" that is taken for granted today, yet is a vastly different situation compared to what existed in many parts of "the West" as little as seven years ago. Medieval weapons and armor are, for better or for worse, generally ... Show more content on ... By the fourteenth century, improvements in the range and power of the crossbow had made it an indispensable tool of war, and arguably the weapon of the cites and the seas. Time and time again in the Crusades, the crossbow, and not force of the knight in mêlée, proved the decisive factor. However, although mounted crossbowmen were used extensively in Spain, crossbowmen could not maneuver quickly while shooting, and this meant that they were vulnerable while used, for example, (by the Ottomans at Necropolis and the English at Aginour but the archer simply could not hold open ground against a well–performed cavalry charge. Perhaps paradoxically, the cavalry charge became more and more decisive as factors and the battlefield arose that challenged it. The additional weight of heavier armor that would resist crossbow bolts and, in northwest Europe, longbow arrows provided additional power for breaking formations. It was an ongoing spiral of offense and defense as relatively light mail gave way to heavy mail, and then mail with pieces of plate, and finally to the knight in full suits of plate armor. Just as archers and pole arm–equipped infantry had to adjust to increasingly heavy armor of the knight ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Mitigating Computer Fraud in the Online Environment Mitigating Computer Fraud in the Online Environment Introduction Crime on the Internet is creating stunning losses for people as well as organizations of all kinds (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2009; Mensch & Wilkie, 2011). The necessity to inform and educate faculty, staff, and students of the diversity of threats and methods to protect and mitigate organizations and individuals from these threats is practically a moral imperative. People who lack the fundamental skills and knowledge to safeguard themselves and the institutions they attend or work for, cost those institutions and themselves billions of dollars every year, and the cost is rising (Custer, 2010; Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2009). This lack of ... Show more content on ... The greatest percentage of thefts of private information is from incorrectly stored backup tapes, external hard drives, or laptops. Existing laws order companies to alert affected individuals of a potential breach of their data. It is expected that the price tag of the typical breach of educational data will span from $210,000 to as much as $4 million from the costs of notifying affected individuals alone (Custer, 2010). Still, another type of cybercrime concerning human error is scams. In 2011 more than 20,000 recorded infringements involved four types of crime (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2011). One of these types was FBI–related scams, in which someone impersonates a FBI agent to cheat victims, while another is personal identity theft, in which someone uses the victim's personal identifying data to perpetrate a crime. The other two types are advanced fee fraud, in which a perpetrator persuades the victim to pay a fee to acquire something of value but without ever providing it and the non–delivery of products, in which the victim pays for merchandise that never arrives (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2011; Ivan et al., 2012). Increasingly, information breaches happen because of resentful or dissatisfied employees (Custer, 2010). Presently, the main risk to data's confidentiality, availability, and integrity within a company is careless treatment or purposeful destruction by in–house ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. PETA: The People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals Most students go into college undecided as to what their major may be. But for me, I've known I wanted to be a marketing major for as long as I can remember. Marketing involves specializing in the best way of promoting a product to consumers. Consequently, one would ponder that I would support a nonprofit organization such as The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). However, that is not the case. I believe that PETA would be better off using a more conventional strategy to get its message heard rather than their provocative imagery of shock tactics. PETA's message has a way of getting lost in the mayhem they like to create. Occasionally, it can be difficult to see the reasoning behind most of PETA's ads that are presented to audiences. PETA has developed a brand that is on the fringe. Whether through their racy and uncensored advertisements– using sex, graphic images or exploiting tragic news events, it's all meant to grab your attention. According to founder of The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Ingrid Newkirk, PETA prides themselves on their "colorful and controversial gimmicks–such as jumping on stage at a fashion show to protest a designer's promotion of fur–both consistently and certainly grab more headlines, thus bringing the animal rights message to audiences around the country and often the world" ( Newkirk herself states that extremism and outrage provide the fuel for PETA. She feels PETA would be worthless if they were "just ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Espionage In WW2 Rough Draft Espionage in World War 2 to Post–War was a rampant epidemic that involved high levels of trickery, psychological tactics, and incognito infiltration; consequently, many different countries were involved in retrieving various pieces of information that could have been detrimental had the Axis or Allies retained these blueprints, documents, and possibly voice recordings. In World War 2 every piece of evidence was needed. The war efforts in various countries were at somewhat of a hault considering how similar every territories technology was. A new spin on an old tactic was needed to gain upper hands in this monumental battle of bulk. So many countries turned to spying as a last resort. Though spying has its immense share of dangers, ... Show more content on ... The KGB gave highest honors, along with British intelligence to their Cold War spies for their valiant efforts in helping their motherland towards victory (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 1). Part of their efforts were feeding false provinces to those on the communist side of Berlin to gain edge to lead to their eventual toppling (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 1). The Jewish people of this era gave trust to Joseph Stalin's empty promises that they could gain refuge during this Nazi forsaken time (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 2). Koval, as formally known, was one of Russia's most prospering spies; he gained possibly some of the most important, undisclosed information to help the Soviets during both the Cold War and World War II (Russia Honors its Cold War Spies 2). However, Ivan, though wrongfully accused was a liability to his country (Solzhenitsyn forward). He gave up zero information though, protecting his motherland from Axis adversaries. "It was strange when you came to think of it. [...] The black herd of zeks. One of them, in the same sort of jacket as the rest, Shch–311, had never known life without golden epaulettes, had been pals with a British admiral, and here he was hauling a handbarrow with Fetyukov." (Solzhenitsyn 89). This shows how loyal Ivan was to the cause of the Allies as well as his undying support of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Trench Warfare: Hell on Earth Essay The Great War, fueled by the excessive pride of each country, devastated the world. Each side felt superior to the other and would not stop until it emerged as the victor. These countries altered the style of fighting from a primitive face–to–face combat to systematic style of battle through trenches. To adapt to this style, countries developed new weapons and tactics to prevail over their enemies. But, the war simply remained a draw. Trench warfare prolonged World War I by a causing a bloody stalemate where millions died from modern weapons and horrid living conditions. Trench warfare had been used in past wars, but the Germans popularized this style during World War I. Germans sought to capture Paris, but faced the French at the Marne ... Show more content on ... Countries had to apply new strategies of infiltration and night raids. Even with these new tactics, countries were far from attaining success. Throughout the western front, countries depended on raids to weaken the enemy. Soldiers, under the cover of artillery fire, raced across "no man's land" in attempt to capture an enemy's line of defense (Unknown 2, OL). They faced the snipers and machine guns as they crossed the land, few got close enough to throw grenades and enter the trenches with their fellow soldiers. Even during night attacks, these raids were futile. Instead of direct attacks, sometimes countries applied infiltration tactics. Special units snuck around the trench defenses and attempted to destroy enemy artillery, but usually failed due to lack of coordination with the trench raids (unknown 2, OL). These troops eventually became isolated and without support from the main force ran out of supplies and were soon defeated. As new strategies failed, each side prepared to fight on and developed new weapons such as planes, poison gases, mortars, and tanks to defeat their enemy. The newly created airplane made its first appearance in battle during World War I. Fighter pilots, such as the Red Baron Manfred Von Richthofen, fought in the sky to control the air so bomber planes could easily destroy enemy lines (unknown 2, OL). Whoever had control of the air could win the war, but both sides made equal progress in ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Research Paper On Napoleon Bonaparte Slade Rheaume Dr. Claussen Europe and Empire 7th November 2017 Research Paper The French Revolution began as an expression of rebellion against centuries of absolute rule in France. After an interim of experimental liberalism under the rule of Jacobins and Girondins and then the infamous reign of terror, the people of French were drawn to a man who promised them a return to stability, and honor through the expansion of empire. France and it's people had long yearned for this sens eof honour, it had seemed, and could finally sens eit in a lasting rpesence under the rule of their prodigious, unbeatable general, Napoleon Bonaparte. He would soon take the reigns of civil government as well and become yet another Absolutist ruler, yet this ... Show more content on ... Napoleon seemed to have been seen as a man chosen and destined by god to find victory, though in reality he was a workaholic, and spent long nights carefully drafting his plans for battle. He was careful to maximize his manpower where it counted most. That said, Napoleon saw a value in remaining unpredictable, always maintaining an aggressive stance to force his opponent to respond to his moves. He often determined that the "moment" was more important than manpower. Often, after maneuvering for some time, Napoleon would order his men to charge towards the enemy's approximate location. Sometimes he himself recalls that the approximation was weak, but it was more important to move quickly and definitely, than to wait for complete intelligence to reveal the true nature of the enemy's whereabouts. Napoleon did not hold many rules on his troops when on the march, only that they move at a steady pace and stay close together so that they could get into formation quickly. Ultimately, it is clear that Napoleon had a natural gift for choosing the right moves, and furthermore seemed to be at his best when under the pressure of an intense battle, while the commanders of other armies tended to mishap. Napoleon is widely considerred a military genius, and by his very own definition this requires an above superior ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Tenets Of The Army Values With Empathy, A Warrior Ethos... Consistently represent and display the tenets of the Army Values with empathy, a Warrior Ethos and discipline. Integrate loyalty to the Army and ASG–KU and respect to people within my synchronization efforts of requirements development and contracting to support ASG–KU organic units, tenant units and other designated organizations within the ASG–KU AO. Establish objectives within the OCS Cell aligned with integrity, trust, and conscientiousness resulting in legal and moral contractual processes and actions. Mitigate risks of fraud and CTIP. Consistently displayed and projected tenets of the Army values and sought opportunities to establish relationships with Superiors, contemporaries and subordinates aligned with trust and respect. Adroitly maintained relationships with contemporaries and superiors within a very complex and tedious contractual hierarchical environment among multiple organizations with integrity and respect. Project appropriate military bearing at all times; remain positive and focused in the face of adversity and setbacks. Maintain superior military professional bearing, physical fitness, emotional resiliency and commitment to the ASG – Kuwait Commander 's Intent. Committed to influencing Staff by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. Provide clear direction by effectively communicating operational prioritizing tasks, assigning responsibility, and identifying the standard. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Starcraft Strategy 1) Starcraft Starcraft is a real–time strategy game with an intricate sci–fi story based between 3 different races (Terran – Human, Protoss – Humanoid Alien, Zerg – Alien). The games proceed quickly compared to other strategy games, which means players must know exactly what needs to be done for the first few minutes of the game. 2) Warcraft III Warcraft is a real–time strategy game with many progressive and intertwined campaigns in single–player mode. The game features 4 unique races (Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Undead). The human race is also called the "Alliance", because the race also contains dwarves and elves. Additionally, the game incorporates a day/night clock which affects vision along with other abilities. 3) Age of Empires (series) There are 3 games in this ... Show more content on ... The maps are space, ground, and underground, which allows a huge variety of power distribution in the game. Unfortunately, this also renders the game nearly impossible to win. (Or fortunately, it is also very difficult to lose.) 8) Heroes of Might and Magic (series) This is a turn–based strategy game. There are a variety of towns scattered in the map and each town has its own race. A player will start with one particular race, but as it captures new towns, the player will gain access to more and more races. Troops can only be led by generals as only generals appear on the map. Each race has its own type of general and their own advantages, which makes it important for players to train various generals to gain superiority. 9) Stronghold (series) The defining feature of the Stronghold series is that players build up their castle piece by piece. As a result, this game is primarily for gamers who like city building, because ultimately, your castle determines whether or not you will survive long enough to marshall your forces to face your opponents on the battlefield. 10) Empire Earth (series) A real–time strategy game that shares Civilization's concept of advancing from prehistoric ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. For Most Of My High School Career Chosen To Be A Part Of For most of my high school career chosen to be a part of the band program. From a very young age, music has been a part of my life in every direction. Both my older sisters brought me into this ever– changing musical World where I found solace and enjoyment from hard work. However, as I got older it became apparent that my peers saw me as a responsible individual and thought it 'd be best I ran for a leadership position within the band program. At first, my goal was just to help those around me to become a better musician and for them to grow as not only people but to become good role models for next year 's incoming freshman. As this marching season, one on it became apparent that people do not like those in higher positions than them. Our ... Show more content on ... Let others get caught up in the twists and turns of the battle, relishing their little victories. Grand strategy will bring you the ultimate reward: the last laugh." (Greene 13) For the beginning of any season we have had we start out strong but in the end, we falter being pushed over but the defeats we had. Simple disputes between who should be on what part and who can play there part well. After a while I wear you down, every day becomes a miniature battle and the more battles you lose the weaker you become. In the eyes of people, physically, and mental you succumb to the weakness from your defeats. Overall when you are in a leadership position you have to keep the end goal in mind. 7 "Transform your war into a crusade: Morale strategies– The secret to motivating people and maintaining their morale is to get them to think less about themselves and more about the group. Involve them in a cause, a crusade against a hated enemy. Make them see their survival as tied to the success of the army as a whole."(Greene 11) The band 's goal was to make state preliminary and move on to state finals. However because of social disputes and lack of maturity we could not go forward without plans. From a position of authority and being upperclassmen I have done everything in my power to reach that ultimate goal of getting to State finals. As a person in a leadership role, I tested my peers on Maneuvers and skills that they 've ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Pros And Cons Of Operation Badr If we divide operation Badr in two parts, first to reach the ridge line and peaks in Indian territory without getting noticed by anyone and take a firm position. Second, to hold the position in any case of assault and don't let Indian soldiers to come up and recapture the posts. Undoubtedly the first half of operation Bdr by Pakistan was really an execution of top class warfare tactics but second half proved as a biggest disaster for Pakistan, which it ever faced after 1971 Indo–Pak war. The operation was so secretive, that had it been a success, it would have been regarded as great clandestine military operations ever. The intruders, regular army of Pakistan were firmly holding our peaks for a period of at least three months hiding themselves ... Show more content on ... Winter Cut–Off Posts : Permanent posts within the various defended areas/locality which it is operationally necessary to keep under occupation throughout the year, but whose routine maintenance support is not possible during winter months due to snow conditions, are called " Winter Cut–Off Posts". These posts are stocked up (Level of stocking maintained is for 210 days) during the summer months so that they can sustain themselves without re–supply for the period of they are cut–off. C. Reduction In Manpower : Due to the reduced threat in winter, the reduction in the total number of posts held and reduced patrolling activity, a larger number of personnel are sent on leave and for courses. This reduces manpower availability during winter as well as the administrative load in these high altitude areas. During the winters, as soon as movement and patrolling became near impossible due to heavy snow conditions, the additional battalions withdrew from the area. After their withdrawal, no patrolling was carried out in the Mashkoh Valley and Batalik. The period during which patrolling was not carried out in the winter of 1998–99 is as under. Sector From To Gap Mashkoh January 10, 1999 March 30, 1999 80 Days Yaldor February 1, 1999 April 5, 1999 64 Days Kaksar March 3, 1999 April 11, 1999 38 ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Osama Bin Laden Ideology Osama Bin Laden was one of the most remarkable terrorist leaders in the world. His tactics of manipulation and philosophy on his engagement of targets of opportunity was like no other. His principle of creating an Islamic Empire by taking advantage of Islamic countries was the foundation of his evil plan to retaliate against The United States. It is important to emphasize the origin on how Bin Laden came with the idea to attack our Homeland. After the Cold War, the retreat of Russia from Afghanistan was seen as a victory against the infidels for those who defy their Islamic Religion. This conflict made Bin Laden to solidify his idea of creating a Holy War against the so called Crusaders, which are basically other individuals who believe in ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Problem Of Total Joint Force The problem the total Joint Force (JF) 2025 will face will be consistent emerging "gray zone" threats that include hybrid and near peer competitors trying to tip the balance in the global security environment. In addition, as the Department of Defense (DOD) learned from past wars while its resources reduce, the total JF 2025 must adapt and become more agile in countering these emerging threats. The DOD has provided the strategic and military guidance along with associated posturing statements for the complementary capabilities of strategic adaptability and agility that will enable the rebalancing of the total JF 2025, support future contingency operations, and mitigate risk. Recently General Dunford stated, "a ready JF is one that can effectively meet the steady–state requirements of the combatant commanders, deter our adversaries, and respond decisively in the event of a contingency." The total JF in 2025 will need to adapt and become more agile faster than these emerging threats. It will also need to continue deterring global adversaries if it wants to sustain enduring strategic and operational success while remaining decisive in supporting the national defense strategy. The DOD has released multiple documents since 2012 in support of developing its defense strategy. First, the 2012 Defense Strategic Guidance and 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review, established priorities that included, "rebalance to the Asia–Pacific region, maintain security in Europe and the Middle East; ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Australian Species Informative Essay Informative Essay #2 – Australian Species By: Shadoe Lass Charles Darwin stated that life was a game of survival of the fittest and species are constantly evolving. A clear example of this phenomenon is the ecologically secluded continent of Australia. Australia is home to many bizarre species, both native and introduced, that are found nowhere else on Earth. The question arises that, in the one–of–a–kind environment they live in, how did they come to be fit as species to survive and thrive. These native and introduced species have adapted to life through a series of biological adaptations as well as infiltration of the Australian food web. The first line of adaptation to life in Australia is biological adaptations of diet and lifestyle. ... Show more content on ... Thus far, the advantages and adaptations discussed have been primarily of native Australian species. However, a specific advantage evident in non–native species is the way they insert themselves into the food web. Introduced species disrupt the balance of the food web in a variety of ways. One way is direct competition, directly increasing the pressure on other native species by competing for the same food supply. This is when survival of the fittest really comes into play. Survival of the fittest does limit both competing species, albeit there are times when the sheer population overwhelms that evolutionary mechanism. "...So many rabbits loose in Australia that even though about two million were shot or trapped each year, it didn't make a dent in their population. Over time, the rabbits have caused untold damage..." (Semmler, para. 2). Rabbits took over their ecosystem and managed to stay put as part of the food web because of the size of their population. Introduced species can also wreak havoc by being defensive predators themselves. They can bring toxins and poisons into the ecosystem that their prey and predators alike can't combat. "The [cane] toads are toxic, and native predators have no immunity to the poison," (Semmler, para. 5). This makes them a keystone species (a species that has an impact with a size that doesn't correlate to its population size). They affect large amounts of the ecosystem and food web, even while not having as large a population as other species that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Joseph Mccarthy Red Scare Joseph McCarthy During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the idea of communist subversion was becoming frighteningly real. These fears came to define–and, in some cases, corrode–the era's political culture. For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this "Red Scare" was Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left–wing "loyalty risks" in the U.S. government.In February 1950, appearing at the Ohio County Women's Republican Club in Wheeling, West Virginia, McCarthy gave a speech that boosted him into the national spotlight. Waving a piece of paper in the air, he declared that he had a list of 205 known members of the Communist Party who were "working ... Show more content on ... Moreover, many of McCarthy's Democratic and Republican colleagues, including President Dwight Eisenhower, disapproved of his tactics ("I will not get into the gutter with this guy," the president told his aides). Still, the senator continued his so–called Red–baiting campaign. In 1953, at the beginning of his second term as senator, McCarthy was put in charge of the Committee on Government Operations, which allowed him to launch even more expansive investigations of the alleged communist infiltration of the federal government. In hearing after hearing, he aggressively interrogated witnesses in what many came to perceive as a blatant violation of their civil rights. Despite a lack of any proof of subversion, more than 2,000 government employees lost their jobs as a result of McCarthy's ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Summary Of Freakonomics Chapter 2 In chapter 2 of Freakonomics the main argument is that the absence of information can be used for personal gain. The main example used to display this tactic is when the KKK is compared to real estate agents. Although the crafty practice of real estate agents is in no way similar to the horrors of the KKK, they have a distinct similarity when it comes to the hoarding of information. The majority of the chapter focuses on the history of the KKK and Stetson Kennedy's effort to stop it through the infiltration and exposure via radio of the Klan. Since the Klan was dependant on their violent– despite not being extremely violent–reputation, the disclosure of the information they had withheld from the public rendered them powerless. The narrators ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Reasons for Allied Victory in World War One The extent to which a country can establish and retain a state of 'Total War' inevitably leads to victory. In World War 1, the allied forces ability to achieve this resulted in their success. The production of munitions and American funding, resource allocation and the British Blockade, gave the allies a clear advantage on the home front. The utilization of the superior weaponry and manpower as well as improved tactics on the battlefront gave the allies an upper hand in this war of attrition. The final loss of German morale on both the home and battlefronts, directly influenced by allied propaganda, the arrival of the Americans and Germany's political instability, led to the cessation of the war and thus, allied victory. The allied and ... Show more content on ... These strategies were then consolidated in 1918. The allies also adopted the use of Gas, it being one of the most feared weapons. Source B depicts the use of gas masks. As gas was used frequently, allied soldiers would often wear their masks as a precautionary measure, especially when firing machine guns, like the source shows. The allied forces superior manpower aided in the war of attrition that WW1 had become. The allies could gain troops from a number of nations as by the end of the War, over 32 countries were supporting them. Germany was by then fighting alone. As source C displays, despite the fact that the allies had more military deaths than that of the central powers, their population was around eight times larger, thus allowing this high loss of life. The Allied forces essentially had more personnel, weaponry and munitions supplies. This, along with their ability to develop tactics and engage all elements of the battlefront, supported the perpetuation of 'Total War' and the allies' victory. The loss of German morale on both the home and battlefronts greatly affected the outcome of the war. This diminution of confidence was directly related to allied propaganda, the entrance of the Americans to WW1 and the political instability of Germany. The lack of food supplies due to the British Blockade and increasing casualty lists begun to make an impact on German morale. This, combined with the allies' ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. White Devil A True Story Of War, Savagery, And Vengeance "You may perhaps ask who these rangers are? short they are created Indians, & the only proper troops to oppose them. They are good men, but badly disciplined.... He (Rogers) He is a very resolute clever fellow & has several times, as he terms it, banged the Indians and French heartily" Robert Rogers is one of the most influential figures in military history and tactics. The lessons he passed on are still studied today by the United States Army Rangers, and every Ranger must memorize his Standing Orders. The tactics he used are now what the modern public and historians consider "American style fighting" or Indian warfare. Stephen Brumwell's book White Devil A True Story of War, Savagery, and Vengeance in Colonial America is not just a ... Show more content on ... From there we follow her journey from Fort Number 4 to Fort St Frédéric where they were treated with kindness by the French, but never–the–less were still captives. After that they were forced to traverse hundreds of miles to the Abenaki village where Susanna Johnson she watched her family split up and sold to the far reaches of the colonies. This offense and the massacre at Fort William Henry caused great anger in the colonies and in Britain. The order was given, find who did this and enact revenge, Robert Rogers and his group of elite Rangers took up the challenge. Rogers had built up his reputation from a suspected criminal to respected scout and Captain in the provincial army. The story was again laid out for the reader as if in a novel, this allows for the reader to begin to gain a connection with Roger's. This can be transferred to the classroom by asking the students to create a description of Rogers from different parts of the book; his history, physical characteristics, his mental characteristics, and his strategies & tatics. This will allow for the reader to better picture Rogers and gain a greater understanding of the man and his decisions. One of the many decisions he made was to attack the Abenaki at St. Francis. Roger and the Rangers traveled hundreds of miles on the water and over land to get to St. Francis. While ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Battle Of Caporetto Research Paper Rommel then led his entire detachment up the camouflage path into the Italian position and expanded the breach along the line fifty yards on either side and captured several dozen more Italians who were seeking shelter within their dugouts. Rommel's breach of the Italian line was done without firing a shot and created an opening for troops to poor into the rear of the second line and cut it off from any support. This tactic was repeated up and down the Italian lines was great success and supported the unprecedented advance of the Central Powers in the region. It is obvious that the Italian troops and positions were not prepared for the Battle of Caporetto. The Italian Army had not changed its defensive doctrine throughout the duration of the war. The Italian Army taught its troops to hold every position to the last man no matter how insignificant the position. This doctrine and ideology amongst Italian troops resulted in their inability to maneuver from being surrounded when confronted with the German infiltration tactics. The Italian Supreme Command was completely caught off guard and their only response was to order reserves to the front in the hope to ... Show more content on ... With the introduction of target specific artillery barrage on the Italian infrastructure and the Infantry tactic of infiltration versus the common mass wave frontal assaults commonly found on the Western front, the Central power exploited the Italians unwillingness to change from their predictable defensive posture. The unprecedented success of the Central Powers in a region, which typically saw little to no movement of the front lines worried the Allied nations outside of Italy. It resulted in the creation of the Allied Supreme War Council in the hopes of providing a joint Allied council to oversee Allied military strategy and prevent another Battle of ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. WWII Compare Contrast Essay World War II is probably the most famous war to date, but how were the weapons and tactics first used. Most of the weapons used in WWII were first designed in WWI, in fact that's when the flamethrower was invented. WWI and WWII have their fair share of similarities, such as the use of submarines. These similarities are also there differences, such as both wars using subs but WWII more heavily using them and making more advancements. The time period in between WWI and WWII was one of the most technologically advancing times in world history. In WWI, planes were works in progress causing many deaths, but in WWII those weapons were worked on and made much more reliable and effective. For example, in WWI there was the Aeromarine 39 that wasn't a very reliable plane, but ... Show more content on ... A common tactic used in WWI was "Infiltration Tactics". This was a much better tactic than the others. It was done a experienced troops infiltrating enemy territory to surprise the guards then doing a full fledged assault. This was a good tactic but it was basic. In the same war, there was trench warfare. Trench warfare was done by opposing army's creating trenches. In between those trenches was an area known as "no man's land" and was the most dangerous place to be. This tactic lead to many standoffs and also extremely high numbers of casualties in a short period of time. One of the most efficient ways of winning these battles was chemical warfare. All that needed to happen was to throw a chemical bomb into the enemy's trench and then wait. Another of the famous tactics was called "Blitzkrieg". This was a German tactic first used in Poland with little success and then used with more success in Belgium later on. What made Blitzkrieg so successful was how it was done. Blitzkrieg was done by German forces making a concentrated fire at the enemy scattering their troops. Once the troops were scattered, the Germans were free to pick and choose their ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Battle Tactics During World War I World War 1 was a time of great bloodshed, and no battle demonstrated this fact more than the battle of Verdun (Feb 21, 1916 – Dec 18, 1916). The near half a million casualties suffered during the battle of Verdun displayed the futility and uselessness of past battle tactics. France for the most part did not change its tactic, but along with the British began development of the tank. The tank was a terrifying tool for warfare, but Germany had a different solution to the problem. Through study of battle tactics used during the Russian Brusilov offensive (Jun 4, 1916 – Sep 20, 1916) and the Italian Arditi (The daring ones) they developed the Sturmtruppen. The Sturmtruppen where the German elite, and as such they had access to a plethora ... Show more content on ... The Italian Arditi would advance very closely behind an artillery bombardment on the enemy line and as soon as the bombardment stopped they would start throwing grenades. This was done to trick the enemy into thinking the bombardment was still going on. Then they would jump into the trenches and start killing the enemy with knives as grenades were still being thrown. O la vittoria, o tutti accopiati (Either we win or we all die) was the motto of the Arditi, and this phrase rang true for the Arditi. The strategy was effective until the enemy realized what was going on, at that moment the Arditi lost their advantage, and on many occasions most if not all troops were killed. This is were the Sturmtruppen stepped in and refined the tactic. With German Stormtroops the beginning would be similar to the Arditi, moving up under artillery cover. Though with the Germans their objective was not to hold the trench, but instead to push behind and take the flank allowing an easy victory. Unlike the Arditi, the Sturmtruppen had support. Most troops were still rifle men, but with support from heavy gunners with MG08/15's and massive amounts of grenades they were able to push through the enemy defense, mop up most for them from behind, and let the standard troops move in and occupy the ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. J Edgar Hoover's Influence In The FBI Power can be a good thing, but too much power can be scary. J Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the FBI who was authoritative in all he did. He was known for accomplishing many things while in office. J Edgar Hoover was a revolutionary figure known for his power and influence in the FBI. He grew up in a family of people in government, which brought him closer to wanting a career in government. He wanted to be in politics, so he took action. He worked for the Library of Congress after high school and attended night classes at George Washington University Law School (J. Edgar Hoover 2016). Hoover did whatever he could to insert himself into the world of politics. From the very beginning Hoover was determined to make a difference. Hoover went through steps to become a very powerful man. J Edgar Hoover had a lot of power as the director of the FBI, but the question is did he use that power too much? Hoover made sure all men working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation were the finest agents. "He fired agents he considered political appointees or unqualified and ordered background checks, interviews and physical tests ... Show more content on ... Edgar Hoover 2010.) Congress made the term as director to be 10 years to limit the amount of power they could gain if they had more time in office. Hoover had too much power, so the government had to do something about it, so it would not happen again. J. Edgar Hoover was a powerful man with much influence. Hoover had family in government and went to law school, which helped him on the road to becoming the director of the FBI. He was seen in many ways, such as a demigod or a psychopath. Because of his power, laws were changed to prevent the next director from gaining too much power. If Hoover was given a 10–year term at the beginning, would he have had the same influence as he ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Organized Crime : Small Street Gangs Or Terrorist Groups Comprised of distinct elements that assist in establishing and defining organized crime in small street gangs or terrorist groups are national or transnational criminal organizations. Organized crime groups have an organized structure. These structures include hierarchical structures or other similar structures which establish a clear chain of command. Having a structure provides knowledge of every member's role in the organization; who gives the orders and who needs to obey and carry out the commands. Further, exclusive membership is typically a requirement. This allows shared trust amongst members of the group. Move over, exclusive membership reduces the risk of infiltration by law enforcement officials and aids in maintaining some secrecy within the organizations and the strategies (Lyman & Potter, 2006). Organized crime operates its illegal trades primarily in the shadows in hopes of drawing little attention from law enforcement agencies who may look to disrupt their criminal activities. Maintaining secrecy is necessary for various operations that organized crime may participate in and may add to the longevity of the group before being targeted by law enforcement. As a part of organized crime, groups need to use violence to show force and gain control of an area. Extortion may also act as a show of intimidation with the hopes people will comply with the organization 's demands. Additionally, criminal organizational syndicates often participate in multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Why Is World War 1 Necessary Was World War 1 a Necessary World Conflict? What happened in World War 1 (WWI)? Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austria–Hungary's throne, and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated by Serbian nationalist. Austria–Hungary then declared war on Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia, Germany declared war on France, and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, after Germany invades Belgium, then Austria–Hungary declares war on Russia and Serbia declares war on Germany. From there the first battle began. The war mainly took place in Europe and in the seas. This war caused many casualties. "World War One was one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of the human race, in which over 16 million people died. The total number of both civilian and military casualties is estimated at around 37 million people. The war killed almost 7 million civilians and 10 million military personnel" (Historyonthenet). World War 1 was a necessary conflict because of alliances, military tactics, and new inventions. One of the reasons ... Show more content on ... The war was beneficial to some countries like America."When the war began, the U.S. economy was in recession. But a 44–month economic boom ensued from 1914 to 1918, first as Europeans began purchasing U.S. goods for the war and later as the United States itself joined the battle" (Lozada). WWI helped spark inspiration for change, in agriculture. "The First World War also signifies an important turning point in the history of American food consumption because it represents a shift in eating habits, culinary practices, and domestic food preparation, including the infiltration of fresh home–grown fruit and vegetables and preserved or canned foods into the US diet, and the introduction of supermarkets" (Tanfer Emin). During the time of WWI, many technologies were created. Sanitary napkins, watches, lamps, and more all came from WWI. This world conflict was necessary in order for this to ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Starcraft Strategy 1) Starcraft Starcraft is a real–time strategy game with an intricate sci–fi story based between 3 different races (Terran – Human, Protoss – Humanoid Alien, Zerg – Alien). The games proceed quickly compared to other strategy games, which means players must know exactly what needs to be done for the first few minutes of the game. 2) Warcraft III Warcraft is a real–time strategy game with many progressive and intertwined campaigns in single–player mode. The game features 4 unique races (Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Undead). The human race is also called the "Alliance", because the race also contains dwarves and elves. Additionally, the game incorporates a day/night clock which affects vision along with other abilities. 3) Age of Empires (series) There are 3 games in this ... Show more content on ... The maps are space, ground, and underground, which allows a huge variety of power distribution in the game. Unfortunately, this also renders the game nearly impossible to win. (Or fortunately, it is also very difficult to lose.) 8) Heroes of Might and Magic (series) This is a turn–based strategy game. There are a variety of towns scattered in the map and each town has its own race. A player will start with one particular race, but as it captures new towns, the player will gain access to more and more races. Troops can only be led by generals as only generals appear on the map. Each race has its own type of general and their own advantages, which makes it important for players to train various generals to gain superiority. 9) Stronghold (series) The defining feature of the Stronghold series is that players build up their castle piece by piece. As a result, this game is primarily for gamers who like city building, because ultimately, your castle determines whether or not you will survive long enough to marshall your forces to face your opponents on the battlefield. 10) Empire Earth (series) A real–time strategy game that shares Civilization's concept of advancing from prehistoric ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Cold War: The Red Scare After World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States' strained relationship became even more volatile and the rivalry known as the "Cold War" began. This war progressed through the late 1940s and mid 1950s. It was fueled by the fear of Communists in the U.S. This panic over communism's perceived threat came to be known as the Red Scare. (Communists were frequently alluded to as "Reds" for their loyalty to the red Soviet banner.) The Red Scare prompted many reactions that had a significant and long lasting impact on U.S. government and society. The Red Scare was well underway by the end of 1947, but a series of events in late 1949 and 1950 fed the anti–communist hysteria. In September 1949 Americans learned that the Soviet Union had ... Show more content on ... This conflict had been brewing since the 1920's and finally escalated to a point of no return. On October 1, 1949 the Chinese Communist Mao Zedong became leader of what he called the People's Republic of China. This brought more fear to Americans because China was known for being the most populous nation at the time. This led to the United States cutting off ties with China for decades. In June of 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the resulting Korean War soon devolved into a prolonged stalemate. Many Americans thought that the Soviet Union must be working behind the scenes to undermine the U.S. efforts from within, and this could explain this series of setbacks. In 1950, about 50,000 out of the 150 million Americans were individuals included in the Communist Party. Yet in the late 1940s and mid 1950s, American fears of inward communist subversion achieved an all time high. The government investigated a great many elected representatives, asking what books and magazines they read, what unions and metro associations they belonged to , and whether they attended church. Several screenwriters, on–screen characters, and executives were boycotted in light of their political convictions, while instructors, steelworkers, mariners, legal advisors, and social laborers lost their occupations for the same reason. More than thirty–nine states required educators and other open representatives to take dependability pledges. This division of the American people only furthered their ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Joseph Mccarthy Infiltration Essay McCarthy Claims Communist Infiltration This essay believes that in the early years of anti–communism surge Senator Joseph McCarthy had a big play in prosecuting communism. Joseph McCarthy indeed greatly helped the cause of anti– communism in the U.S. by his vigorous values. His accusations, though hardly backed by real evidence, increase the idea of anti–communism very fast in the United States. He create "McCarthyism." his accusations in the government or people that was related in politics led him to gain a great publicity and popularity. He made the U.S. society to believe that there were communist in our own government and so make fear in the government. The U.S. society was vulnerable to this kind of demagoguery. People feared the cold war and as result they believed McCarthy ideal and points of view. What caused McCarthy to stop was accusing the U.S. army of communist. However, the idealism of "McCarthyism" did not perish when Senator ... Show more content on ... The whole nation was in terror of the possibility of being accused of communism. The postwar Red Scare is often called "McCarthyism," That was when the Senator Joseph McCarthy a Republican from Wisconsin took the opportunity to join in the Politics of the United States. After a great time of social and economic instability, the start of the great depression and continued by the WWII McCarthy claim that "the government is full of communists." this was exactly what the Americans citizens were seeking; a scapegoat. This caused McCarthy to become very popular really fast. What McCarty promises was to get rid of the communism in the government of the U.S. by this accusations that McCarthy claim of "205 communists in the State Department" in our own government. It could feel a security environment over the American people once again. Joseph McCarthy not only destroyed some people's lives, he also damaged the American ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Building Design of the Engineering and Computing Builiding... Introduction As an aspiring Architectural Technologist I will be expected to possess a variety of skills which are valuable for any Architectural Technologist position. I will be studying and evaluating a building design of the Engineering and Computing Building, Coventry. I am to assess the structure, identifying, why the building was designed in the way it was, the impact, challenges and purposes. This will allow me to understand the integration of architectural and structural design. 1.1 Design philosophy and aesthetics The Engineering and Computing Building (ECB) was designed by Arup Associates' and built by main contractor Vinci. In designing this building Arup Associates' were trying to create a sustainable postmodern building, which would become a flagship for the university and a landmark in the centre of the city. Designed to meet the university's long–term needs in terms of improving the student learning experience, using the building as a learning tool in itself. The 15,000m² building is enclosed in a square, split into two 'L' shaped blocks. Linked together by a glazed entrance at the corner and separated by a large gap on the opposite corner. The 'L' block facing the south and west has been configured as the 'Nature' block. This four–storey 'Nature' wing features a green and blue roof planted with foliage, providing a variety of habitats to encourage the local wildlife. Well known to attract insects that pipistrelle bats are known to prefer. There is also ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Ghost Army In Ww2 Essay In World War Two countries relied on clandestine operations to win the war. Many different tactics were used. Tactics included infiltration of the other sides borders, creating fake armies, code breaking and utilizing secret agencies. Clandestine operations during world war two proved integral to the war as a whole. The Office of Strategic Services was the American intelligence agency during World War Two and its activities helped the allied cause. One of the Office of Strategic Services' major missions was penetrating Nazi Germany. The OSS was able to train some of the German people to enact missions inside Germany. This allowed the US to destroy Germany from the inside. The OSS was also involved in turning Turkey into a neutral country. ... Show more content on ... The ghost army was mainly composed of artists. The ways they fooled the enemy include using fake artillery, planting soldiers in nearby towns to fool spies, creating fake radio broadcasts and many other things. The Ghost Army relied heavily on inflatables to create the illusion of an army. They had inflatable tanks, artillery and even inflatable soldiers. The ghost army's sonic division created sounds that a real army division would make. Sounds included the movement of tanks, building a bridge and the sound of gunfire. Since the Germans received a lot of their intelligence from radio broadcasts, the radio division of the Ghost Army created fake radio broadcasts to fool the Germans and to further add to the illusion that the was an actual army division stationed where they were. One major mission that the ghost army was involved in was Operation Bettembourg where there was a 70 mile hole between divisions of the army. The army knew if the Germans knew the hole was there they would try to attack through the gap. The Ghost army was sent in to fill the hole and they were able to fool the enemy with the illusion of 30,000 soldiers when there were only ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Viet Nam Essay Tactics in Vietnam were an important factor in the victory of the Vietcong over the U.S. There were fundamental differences in their fighting methods, which the Vietcong were able to take full advantage of. The Vietcong used Guerrilla warfare, this meant that they used their knowledge of the area they were fighting in to hinder the U.S. The U.S army had been used to conventional warfare, in the form of bouts of fighting. Guerrilla warfare meant that they had to be constantly alert and Booby traps meant that many soldiers died and witnessed horrific deaths. This was naturally unnerving for the soldiers concerned, particularly so because many of the soldiers were young and inexperienced. The technology of the U.S was far superior to ... Show more content on ... The main tactic employed by the U.S was known as 'search and destroy'. This meant hunting down and killing Vietcong. The Vietcong used a similar tactic called 'find and kill', although this was conceptually the same as 'search and destroy' it was much more successful. One reason for this was that the U.S soldiers wore uniforms and were easier to pick out. Another reason was that the U.S soldiers had to contend with Vietcong mines and booby traps. These included what was known as a Punji trap, which was a deep hole filled with spikes covered with poison of faeces. Another was the 'Bouncing Betty' which was a mine under the soil with three prongs that when steed on would explode. It was extremely disconcerting for soldiers to know that their next step could be their last. This caused a whole host of mental problems for the U.S soldiers. Booby traps accounted for %11 of deaths and %17 of wounds in the war. The U.S used 'pacification', to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese. This meant that help was given to the villages. Schools and hospitals were built. This policy was a success; many South Vietnamese remained in support of the Americans and were immune to the persuasive talk of communist infiltrators. However those who were already convinced as to the virtues of communism would not be swayed. The Vietcong used statistics such as the tally of American planes being shot down, in order to keep up morale and keep the troops faithful and ... Get more on ...