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Essay On World War Vs Ww2
Both World War I and World War II were horrible periods of our recent history, and to this day
these two wars serve as a warning to the rest of the world about the horrors of war. Although war's
history is told by the victor who enjoys the "spoils of war," much can be learned as well from the
loser. As the age old saying goes, "those who fail to pay attention to history, are doomed to repeat
it." Both World War Iand World War II were crucial to the development of modern war tactics and
strategies. These wars shaped the future of modern combat with their new gains in technology,
weapons, communications, and medicine. World War I, was a devastating conflict and still affects
the world today, both ideologically and technologically. World War I involved two factions–the
Central Powers and the Allies. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungary, and
Turkey, and the Allies were composed of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, more
The main reason they didn't succeed is because of a lack of funding. That doesn't mean it was
easy for the US to make the bomb, in fact, the US made two types of them to increase its chances
if one bomb failed. The two types of bombs include; a Uranium type bomb or a Plutonium type
bomb. Both were used in Japan to end the pacific war in 1945. Germany continued to use the
blitzkrieg tactics in World War II, and blitzkrieg tactics were the use of extreme mobility to prevent
a massive front such as the western front in World War I. So, using these tactics Germany managed
to conquer France, Belgium the Netherlands and Poland, and with this tactic trying to invade Russia
in only six weeks the German army had reached Moscow. Even though the German army was
eventually defeated because of a massive winter in Russia, the blitzkrieg tactics are extremely
effective during this war and could have won Germany the
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Essay On World War 1 Weapons
The Weapons of World War One
World War one was a time of new and innovative weaponry, developed using methods invented in the
Industrial Revolution. These weapons had an enormous effect on the war and how war is waged
Weapons used in WWI:
The rifle was the most common weapon in the war, almost every soldier had one. The rifle most
commonly used, at least by British soldiers, was the Lee Enfield, a rifle which could fire up to 2
kilometres at 15 shots per minute, or 1 shot every 4 seconds, it was preferred because it could
reload quickly. The German army used a rather similar rifle known as the Mauserk98, which was
very similar. Another common weapon in WWI was the pistol, it was a small, handheld gun used for more content...
Poison gas caused excruciatingly painful deaths. One kind of gas used was chlorine gas, chlorine
is a halogen, so when it was inhaled it would infiltrate the lungs and convert the moisture into
hydrochloric acid. The worst poison gas however was the mustard gas, the main reason for this is
that other poison gases could be shielded against by using a gas mask, however mustard gas did
not cause asphyxiation or the lungs to be filled with acid, it instead caused severe burns on the
skin or anywhere else it touched. Although chemical weapons caused less than 4% of all
casualties, they were still the most feared weapon ever used in the war. The flamethrower was
used and seen as an effective weapon as fire is something that as an evolutionary feature, humans
are instinctively afraid of, therefore a flamethrower wielding soldier would be fighting with almost
purely psychological warfare, almost, because there is a reason that humans are instinctively afraid
of fire and that is because fire can cause extreme amounts of pain. Aside that, it could also be used
to clear trenches rather effectively. The bayonet was a blade mounted on the front of a rifle. Some
soldiers were trained for bayonet charges, sprinting with their faces appearing enraged and their
lungs roaring, these charges rarely ended well but they made effective propaganda. The British army
was trained to make thrusts with their bayonets and twist them, making the wound incredibly painful
and extremely
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Essay On World War 1
"World War 1: Remembering the War to End All Wars." Momma always said that the war would
end and everything would go back to normal, but that was before she died. A house has never felt
this empty, I have never felt so alone. Here we are, in late November, trying to get back what's
left of our lives. Daddy does nothing but work, yet we're still so poor. Jobs aren't moving very
fast here in Nevada, but Daddy still picks up anything he can to earn a little extra cash. My sister,
Aliyah is only 14, and she is already looking after the house and taking care of our little brother,
Liam, who is only 3. I never saw myself being someone biting their nails waiting to get drafted, but
I was. I'm 17, and I sat around everyday waiting for more content...
I had always thought I'd be hearing the news from her telling me that God had answered our
prayers. Although God did answer our prayers, he took what I loved the most. He had took what
kept me going and believing. Now, I'm passed those times where I blamed God, because I know
Momma had done what she was put on this Earth for. Sure, it still hurts, and it always will and I
know that, but I know God gained another sweet angel. On top of the Zimmerman Note, German
Soldiers were sinking U.S. ships, stealing the supplies, and taking them into Great Britain. This
was the last straw. President Wilson decided we had to enter the war, and we had to fight. But, if
he was going to take us to war, he had to give an explanation. So, he did. Wilson said, that this is
the war to end all wars. Although, no one nor did we want to enter the war, we knew The
President had kept us safe all this time, so we just knew that he would keep us safe while we were
in war. I remember walking through our little town of Yerington, and all of the movie and T.V.
billboard advertisements I used to see, were gone. They were replaced with German hatred signs.
I knew we were supposed to hate Germany, considering they got us into the war, but I never really
seen why everyone had to be so harsh. All these billboards and advertisements were trying to do,
was get men to volunteer to fight. By the time word had got around, Hollywood producers were
coming up with movies against Germans.
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The First World War : The Great War
The First World War sometimes referred to as the European War was more commonly referred to
as the Great War. So much in the world was changed by this war, so it simply by most known as
the Great War. "It is because no other war until then had had such an impact on the world. It was
the first war to affect all of the major nations of Europe and the world. It took many lives and
changed the lives of millions more." (Rivera, 2014) Some countries do not refer to the war as great
because they lost so much and for them there was nothing great about the war. The war was
groundbreaking as nothing like it had happened before. Different countries were uniting, fighting,
and making new rules as they went along. Everything during the war was on a large scale including
death, weapons, people, and affects. Before World War I, airplanes had been used for exploring and
transportation. During this war they were being used for dropping bombs and delivering
chemical weapons such as mustard gas. The war affected future generations of people as over
40,000,000 casualties and over 20 million civilians died. By losing sons or husbands, families
would be forced to move and learn a new way of life as the money makers were not around
anymore. For those soldiers that watched their friends die right next to them, they would never be
the same. So those that used to work in businesses with loud noises or banging machines, might be
affected with flashbacks to the war as well. Man had
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Conclusion Of World War 1
World war 1, also known as The Great War, was a global war in Europe that began on 28th July
1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60
million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over 9 million combatants
and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war. The war was one of the deadliest conflicts in world
history and has been a worldwide clash. Thirty–two countries were involved with two opposing
alliances, the Allies and Central Power. The countries of the Allies include British Empire, France,
Italy, Russia, Serbia, and the United States of America. While they are opposed by the Central
Powers which are Austria–Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and theOttoman Empire.
During the First World War many countries in Europe were involved, more content...
Notwithstanding political clashes, the reasons for the war included such powers as patriotism, or
pride in one's nation. The conviction that one's own particular country or society is better than all
others, patriotism drove European countries to contend to manufacture the biggest armed force and
naval force. It additionally gave gatherings of subject people groups the thought of shaping
autonomous countries of their own. Serbians, Czechs, Slovaks, Bosnians and numerous different
people groups living under the guideline of the Ottoman or Austro–Hungarian Empires needed
flexibility from "outside" tenet.
To conclude, the main causes of World War 1 is caused because of Militarism, Alliances,
Imperialism and Nationalism. Each one of them has impacted and affected the World War 1.
Militarism was one of the major causes of the war, as it was an armed race on who has more
military equipment's. Alliances, was first thought to make peace between country and to help the
countries. Imperialism was another cause of World War 1, as European nations ruled smaller
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What is War? Essay
WORLD WAR 2 What is war? Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary describes it as: "an armed clash
between nations or factions in the same nation." That's how a dictionary describes it, but in fact, it
is something much worse. War is the epitome of what is wrong with human nature. War is
devastating. Perhaps no other war was as devastating as World War II. (1)"World War II killed more
people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and had more far–reaching consequences
than any other war in history. It brought about the downfall of Western Europe as the center of
world power and led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The development of the atomic bomb in 1945
would begin nuclear war." There is no one simple cause to World War II. There more content...
The sinking of the Athena did however serve as a warning to the world that the Germans would
stop at nothing to break British control of the seas. So on September 3, 1939, Britain along with
France declared war on Germany. The US however remained neutral. (3)"Roosevelt said that
"Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or his conscience.' Within weeks he asked
Congress to lift the Neutrality Acts' arms embargo that prevented Britain and France from buying
American weapons." The United States was determined to avoid war though. World War I had left
the US billions of dollars in foreign debts that couldn't be collected. There were also moral
reparations on the part of the American people. (4)"A congressional investigation revealed that the
US manufacturers had made large profits by supplying arms and credit to the Allies during the years
of 1914–1917. This lead to the notion that the US' participation in World War I had been arranged
by 'Merchants of Death'". While the US watched the struggle in Europe, our relationship with
China grew worse. The US resented the growth of the Japanese sea and air power in the pacific
area. If Japan gained control of eastern Asia it would surely interfere with American trade and
business interests there. (5)"Japan's brutalities in China and its joining of the Axis powers in 1942
made it clear that Japan would stop at nothing to conquest the free world". For their part, the
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Essay on The Great War
The Great War , or as it is known now, World War One was a global conflict fought between the
Allied Powers ; Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States along will other smaller nations
and the Central Powers ; Germany, Austria– Hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and other small
nations from 1914 to 1918. World War One began from a series of tumultuous events, that in turn
affected the balance of alliances that had been made between countries at that time in the world. The
ignition, or rather start of these events occurred on June 28th, 1914, when the Archduke of Austria–
Hungary, Frances Ferdinand and his wife, were assassinated by a young Serbian militant, Gavrilo
Princep. Austria – Hungary was ensured of support from more content...
By mid September 1914 the introduction of trench warfare had begun and on the western front for
the Germans it had become a war of attrition. By November 1914, with the exception of the United
States of America, most major nations were at war due to allegiances or direct involvement. By
February 1915 the Austria Army had lost 5 million soldiers and consequentially, was no longer
involved in the war until the insurgence of the Germans. Russian successes alongside the eastern
front and against Austria attributed to the Germans dividing their forces into two active fronts. The
Germans were quite successful on the eastern front, despite being outnumbered by 93.5 divisions
of Russian armed forces to 78.5 divisions of German armed forces. By May of 1915 Germany
liberated the Austrian forces and together they took Poland, Lithuania, Galicia and Latvia, moving
increasingly forward (Germany in World War One, Holburn). The western front did not bode as well
for the Germans. The Allies rallied an offensive for the liberation of France in late September 1915.
This resulted in a stalemate between the powers, inflicting heavy casualties on the Allied and Central
Powers. This fierce battling with no progression continued into late 1916, when the Germans became
concerned at the amount of the allied forces on the western front and the invention of the tank –
technology that Germany
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Essay on The Second World War (WWII)
The second world was is the ugliest brutally violent emotionally damaging war ever. Through out this
term paper I will use various references to inform you about how the United States wanted to stay out
of the dangers of war with powerful ruthless countries. How Americans battled through many
conflicts and various attacks, and finally builds up to the mighty United States of America becoming
a huge world power.
The war came about because of the depression. The world powers were struggling, but they still
had their natural resources to maintain their way of life. Germany, Italy, and Japan however relied
on foreign trade for food and raw materials. If more content...
Teddy Roosevelt ordered "freeze" on all Japan holdings and assets in the United States
of America and put an immediate stop on all trade.
The next month Saburo Kurusu, arrived in Washington. He appeared to be carrying out peaceful
negotiations. It was all a trick, the Japs were not peaceful. On December seven, nineteen hundred
and forty one at 7:58 a.m. the United States were caught off guard on their naval base in Hawaii at
Pearl Harbor. Japanese bombers roared over the base in waves dropping enormous numbers of
armor–piercing shells and torpedoes of powerful destruction on bewildered US Pacific fleet's
anchored ships.
There were many ships destroyed, the Arizona was bombed, the Oklahoma was drilled on her
side by several massive torpedoes, the California, West Virginia, Maryland, and Nevada all felt the
incredible destructive power of the kamikaze Japan pilots. The California was struck with a bomb
and started on fire and the flames came in contact with the ship source of fuel and exploded due to
the horrible acts of the eastern cowards of war.
Our method of lining the entire group of planes wing to wing across the airfield made the planes
very vulnerable to the surprise attack. Almost all of the two hundred and three of the air force's
planes were wrecked by the first wave of Japanese bombers. When the pilots finally had a chance to
try and fly the planes they found that only three could still fly.
Japan's sneak attack catapulted the United
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Essay on War
Essay on war
War has been a part of human culture since it's birth. It has led to a great many massacres and has
shown us the evil that exists within the souls of humanity. Some have even gone as far as saying that
war is human nature. To better understand the reasons behind war and how it affects others, I've
examined several different societies and cultures so as to better understand the necessity of war and
see the cause of their external war attitude. To do so, different variables from two topics (military
institutions and external war attitude) were matched up and crossed so as to look into the answers to
these questions. The variables were then calculated and through these graphs, I was able to find
different societies in more content...
Warfare to the Somalis was seen as a division of labor that was the principal means of acquiring
cattle. In times of war, peasants would be taken from /their/his/ home/s/ for months at a time.
Warfare was organized by the chiefs on behalf of the kin and it was the duty of every able bodied
man to take part in it (pg 133 Philip)." In order for one to become wealthy within a society, they
must earn it through the privilege of authority. This comes from the reward of conduct pleasing to
one's superiors. For the most part, the wealth of a man comes from the exercise of poetical virtues,
obedience to authority, wisdom in council, and courage in war.
During battle, leadership among the Somalis is led by a general who the king feels will be the
right one only after having a consultation with the appropriate spirits. He also selected the people
of certain sazas "to guard the king." These people did so simply by staying home. The leaders of
the armies were forceful during wartime. "Every able bodied man was expected to turn out, but
though the penalty for cowardice in the field was instant death by burning, people who simply
stayed at home were merely fined on their chief's return (P. 193 Philips)."
The generals were important as a moral rallying–point. It is said that the army would lose heart if
their general is killed in battle , but as soon as his successor is found, their courage would return.
The decision to engage in war was made mainly by the king and his orders
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Essay On World War 1
The first World War is universally considered to be one of the single deadliest events in human
history. World War I is undoubtedly one of the largest military altercations to ever take place,
with a duration of five years, involving 32 nations. Over the course of five years, the war killed
almost 37.5 million people, approximately 57% of all soldiers involved ( One
might suspect a conflict on this scale would have arisen from a divide in ideology or from a
dispute over prized resources. However, it was a politically unimportant event paired with
pre–established military alliances that created one of the deadliest conflicts on Earth. The initiating
event occurred June 28th, 1914. On this date, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, more content...
The German attack on Belgium forced Britain into the conflict due to an agreement to protect
Belgium's sovereignty and neutrality; thus, Britain also declared war on Germany. Next to enter the
conflict was the Ottoman Empire, modern–day Turkey. Next, Italy entered the war, fighting against
Germany and Austria. The War had grown to the point that nations were no longer viewed as
individual armies, but as international alliances conducting warfare. Britain, Russia, France, and
Italy were the main forces for the Allies. The opposing force came to be known as the Central
Powers, composed of Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. These central nations in
the European Theatre forced divisions throughout Europe and through the rest of the world. Due to
the global expansion of War involvement, German Forces began to engage on all sides. Germany
had the second largest Navy in the world by the beginning of the War; the Germans increased their
Navy usage as the threat of an attack from the sea became imminent. The increase in German Naval
defense eventually led to a German U–Boat sinking an American passenger ship called the Lusitania,
which was operating a trade route near German Territory, this finally pushed the disengaged America
into the War. Then, on December 5th of 1917, Germany signed an armistice with Russia, ending the
conflict between the
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Essay on Summary of World War Two
Summary of World War Two World War II is the name commonly given to the global conflict of
1939–1945. It is said to be the greatest and most destructive war in world history. The World War
II military operations were conducted primarily in Europe but also in Asia, Africa, and the far
islands of the Pacific as well. More than 17 million members of the armed forces perished during
the conflict. It caused strain on the economic capabilities of the major nations and left many
countries on the edge of collapse. The causes of WWII are too numerous and complex to be
generalized. The following is said to be one of the main causes. At the end of WWI Europe was
economically impoverished and politically divided. It faced more content...
Italy entered the war in 1940 and in conjunction with Germany spread the war to Africa. Invasion
of the Soviet Union by Germany on June 22, 1941 transformed the war into a general European
struggle. And the attack on Hawaii on December 7, 1941, followed immediately by a declaration
of war against Japan by the United States. This converted the European war into a global one. The
war ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 9, 1945 and of Japan on
September 2, 1945. Before it was over a total of almost seventy nations were involved in the
conflict in varying degree, ranging from severance of diplomatic relations to full participation in
the hostilities. Peace Treaties were signed in: Paris, February 10, 1947; San Francisco, September
8, 1951; Vienna, May 15, 1955. Grandma Bernice I sat down to talk to my great–grandma Bernice
about WWII. At first I was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to recollect something that
happened that long ago. However, soon I realized that at 96 years old my grandmother still had a
good memory. It was 1941 and she was 38 years old. Great Grandma and Grandpa were listening
to their new radio when the news of the Pearl Harbor bombing came on. She said that the Japanese
were over in the states trying to make peace when they heard the news. She remembers just being
scared to death. She was worried that grandpa would have to go. They were living in the two–story
farmhouse outside
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Essay On World War
WORLD WAR I: Remembering the War to End All Wars (NOTE: Is going to have funny things
inside.) Dear Journal, last entry. It's late 1918. October, to be specific. The war is over, and I'm
still living here, in Virginia. 116,000 Americans had died during the war, leaving behind 116,000
families to cry their lives away over their losses. We have lost over 4,000 people, due to reasons
such as disease, combat, and military training accidents. But, like all wars, there will be many
upsetting casualties. War never changes. Curse you, Hitler! What an oaf. I was starting to get sick
of hearing about the war every time I wake up. This war had lasted for four years and three months
before it was finally called off. I'm ten now, going on eleven more content...
Some were even hauled off to the slammer. The people who didn't lose their houses reported a
bunch of burglar incidents happening in their or somebody else's house here and there. The
waking sensation that a war was going to start up was pretty big, and there was a lot of panic.
Some even ended up being temporarily or possibly even permanantly scarred mentally because of
said sensation. There is a 50% risk of another war breaking out after this one. Nuclear weapons,
Jews, and Hitler. Welcome to one of the most deadliest wars in modern history. Everyone will
remember it, and no one will forget it. And what has this war taught us after its own ending?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why this was started in the first place, and what the point was
supposed to be, I have no idea. The humanity. Oh the raging horror. So, we basically not only got
more than 4,000 of our people killed for almost no logical reason, and if that doesn't upset us
enough, we also have no way of preventing anything that may cause it to happen again. Oh what a
world. When will it ever end? It may never, to be frank with you, the journal. Flashback to July
28, 1914. I was seven years old. Me and my friends were climbing trees in my backyard when our
parents came outside to tell us the news. Nellie apparently thought it was the war of the aliens vs.
the jaguars. Oh dear, she is funny. But no, it wasn't that. At least, that was what her mom said. She
said it was all because of Hitler raising
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Essay On World War 3
With tensions rising between United States and North Korea. World War 3 could happen in the
near future. The U.S. military should be victorious against North Korea's Military because of
how superior and advanced they are against them, as well as how deadly their nuclear weapons
are in any situation when used. The U.S. even has two special forces who are among the top ten
deadliest in the world. The U.S. military is far more superior than North Korea. The North Korean
Air Force has a fleet of more than 900 aircraft (Majumdar,1). The U.S Air Force has a fleet of more
than 13,000 aircraft. " The North Korean's only have a handful of modern aircraft"(Majumdar,1).
The North Korean Air Force has mostly Soviet–era aircraft and the only more
The U.S. has 40,000 AFVs while North Korea has 4,000 AFVs. Imagine 5,000 APCs versus 900
APCs in a battle, you can imagine the side with the most APCs would win. Looking at it this way
just shows how much strength the U.S. has over North Korea. The U.S. Special Forces are in the top
ten most deadliest in the world.The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta is ranked
number six in this list and the U.S Navy SEALS are ranked number two (Jeff,1). With the U.S.
having special forces in the top ten deadliest in the world and North Korea not even close just
goes to show you the U.S. special forces are not to be underestimated. " Delta Force has been
composed largely of soldiers who have served in the U.S special forces like the Green Berets or
Rangers" (Jeff,1). This shows that these soldiers not only have experience but are more than just
well trained every day soldiers, these are elite soldiers coming from different special forces. The
North Korean special forces once failed a high stake mission back in 1968. 31 elite North Korean
commandos infiltrated the South to kill the President Park Chung Hee of the Republic of Korea, at
his executive mansion named Blue House (Editor,1). The mission was compromised when four
teenaged siblings stumbled across the 31 commandos (the 31 commandos were called unit 124) and
were captured but were shortly released after they told the North Korean soldiers that they had
converted to the communist ideology. The four brothers
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Essay On World War 3
Within the near future, a World War 3 breaks out to destroy all of the modern societies known as
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a country rose from the
ashes called Orion. The country was fair and just for a very long time, but then another war broke
out. That's when Emmett was born. Emmett was had always been a brilliant boy, always helping the
government with it's computer programming. The government won the war, and there was a huge
debate. The government had decided to put a little chip in the population's brains that would control
the population forever. Emmett helped the program be created, and had put it in his brain as well.
The government hadn't told society what they actually do with more content...
Jaxon went first, and then Emmett, and then Ryker. One by one, and it took weeks to get the all of
the countries, but not the leaders and programmers that made the chip.
Everything changed after the chips were put into the population's brain. There was no fun, no
creativity, no life in anybody. There was no laughter, no anger, no feeling. Everybody talked
politely, no life shown through it. The populace was under the government's mercy at all times. The
government also changed who everybody's friends are. The government had Jaxon and Emmett no
longer be friends because the government wanted absolutely no happiness. The government also
rearranged everybody's jobs to where the people who were working had no fun either.
One day, as the chip continued to tell Emmett what to do and where to go, Emmett was walking
home and tripped on a rock that the chip did not see. Emmett hit his head so hard that it broke the
chip inside his head. He lay unconscious for 30 minutes, and eventually woke up. Emmett stood up
and looked at the world around him. He was furious.
Emmett was told by the government that they would only use the chip to stop wars and crime of
that sort. He was so mad that he went home and slammed the door and stayed home the entire day,
even though he should go back out and talk grieve with the other kids.
Emmett just sat there in his bed, thinking how the government could lie to him, after all the work he
did for them in the past. After
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To What Extent Was The Second World War? Essay
One of the most relevant success in the history of the humanity has been The Second World War.
This war occurred in the relative period of the years 1939 to 1945 involving the vast majority of
the world 's nations. Giving a glimpse into the past we see that, because of the instability that had
been created in Europe by the First World War during the years 1914 to 1918, the doors opened to
another international conflict were involved around 30 countries worldwide. This conflict was one
of the most devastating and inhumane of the all times. Increasing to power in an Germany unstable
at that moment on the aspect economically and politically, this in turn increase in Adolf Hitler and
his National Socialist (Nazi Party) their ambitions of world domination. The idea of America at that
time was to stay out of the war because of the experience in the First World War. During this Global
circumstance, Stalin, the Soviet leader, became an important leader of the allied group, together
with the US president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Prime Minister of Britain, Winston
Churchill. On December 7, 1941, Japan (one of the Axis powers) bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The
United States immediately declared war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war
on the United States. Right after the United State entered the war, what consequences brought this to
the American nation? In the first place, the initial consequence of the war in relation to the United
State was economic.
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Essay On World War 1
History significantly affects the present consistently through its residents, its region, and the entirety
of the nation. World War 1 was the time period of 1914
–1918 of global war and unrest drastically
impacting America when the nation decided to engage. Before the involvement in the war America
contained the position of neutrality. Previous to the entrance to the war America supplied both
warring countries with weapons, medical supplies, and gunpowder/equipment as a benefit to us
because the economic growth rose. The industries and manufactures boomed as multiple nations
were asking for goods. Benefiting from this growth soon America had entered the war. Due to
factors such as yellow journalism, the German policy of " more content...
Killing an estimate of 100 civilians and causing destruction of 300 buildings. The explosions led to
$18 million in destruction. The events of explosions persisted for two days – an approximate
12,000,000 pounds (5,400 tons) of explosives were damaged creating a major loss to the economy.
300,000 explosives were detonated or destroyed. With explosions lasting into the next morning, and
fires burning for three days. T.A. Gillespie stated to newspapers, characterizing his intuition to be of
that amatol – a combination of TNT and ammonium nitrate – had cascaded, culminating in the fire
regardless the countless attempts to keep the substances control. A later examination by the army
proposed that the explosion was not occurred by a fire and had happened without warning.
Additional investigation settled that the original blast occurred in building 6–1–1, and consecutive
blasts produced in regions involving shell storage, freight cars, and finishing rooms creating
humongous blazes and the transmission of shells. On October 5, 1918 the radioactivity was
horrifying to the area.. An approximation of 62,000 people, were arranged to be evacuated.The
cities of Sayreville, South Amboy, and Perth Amboy were evacuated and a range of 10 miles around
the plant was suspected to be dangerous. The fires burn into the next day. US Coast Guardsmen were
appointed to support in
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World War 1 And Ww2 Essay
Any form of a war is devastating to the world but when the world has to get together to fight a
major issue is catastrophic. The effects of war can weaken and bring down countries just from how
much it cost to pursue an enemy. Moral takes effect on the families who are separated and the
soldiers who are lost during war can bring high depression. When a soldier dies, the families lose
a loved one and most like the primary source of income. The country also takes the hit because
every soldier lost is a backward step in forces to fight enemy. War is inevitable and there will
always be some entity abusing their power and need to be dealt with. In this essay I am going to
talk about the effects for both World War 1 and World War 2 on the European role in the world. more content...
The major countires in Europe were very excited on fighting the war. The impact would fuel the
propaganda to help boost the desire for the war. Half way through the war there was a change
leader ship in 1916. David Lloyd George would become the new prime minister for Great Britain
so that a new energetic and motivated leader would boost morale and help with the war time
economy. Although these efforts would not exactly be full filled because of the hardships that war
can bring upon a country and its fellow supporters. The death toll on Europe would be astronomical
and have great negative effects on the country after the war which eventually led to the start of
World War 2. Germany would suffer more than others. The winter of 1916
–1917 was regarded by the
German people as the Turnip Winter because of the severe lack of food, except for
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Essay On World War 1 Weapons
The weapons of World War One impacted the tactics and outcome of "The Great War". The
countries underestimated each others abilities to defend and attack. Each country had their own
variation of personal firearms. These small arms differed from each country and could have help
one side over the other. If the Triple Entente were armed with even more advanced weapons and the
Triple Alliance having bows and arrows the war may have actually ended before Christmas. The
small arms were the last line of defense for each soldier and caused much damage to each country's
enemies. The tactics were old fashioned compared to the weapons. The leaders of Word War One
had to adapt to new strategies in warfare.
The Triple Entente had consisted of three major countries. Great Britain, Russia, and France.
They had fought together, yet had individually created their own small arms for combat. Their
unique designs set them apart as they fought together. The British had several small arms
weapons such as the Enfield Mk 1 and Mk 2. The Enfield was a revolver chambered with a .476
caliber. It had a short lived life in action because of its weak knock down power. The replacement for
this pistol was the Webley Revolver and more content...
The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente underestimated each others weaponry extending the length
of the war. The new weaponry gave soldiers a new tool they never had before. Accuracy. This
enabled them with the ability to take out enemies and not stand in direct fire. With the new
strategies of World War 1 leaders new war would never be the same from old revolutionary style
fighting, marching up and randomly shooting at one another in hopes you win. Now you can use hit
and run tactics and use strategy to fight and beat your opponents because as weapons advance so
must the tactics of using said weapon in
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Woodrow Wilson and World War I Essay
What role did Woodrow Wilson have in World War I?
Woodrow Wilson, our 23rd president, became involved in a war that he did not want any part of.
Wilson wanted to remain neutral and have peace as in his first term of office. During World War I
Wilson's roles in the war became well known in all countries. Wilson wanted peace more than
anything else. In seeking for peace Wilson asked Congress for the U.S. to enter World War I. which
may not sound like a peace strategy but Wilson felt it was the only way to stop Germany and gain
peace. Wilson wrote his speech for world peace, Fourteen Points, that he was probably most famous
for. He attended and played an integral part in The Treaty of Versailles. He was the founder of the
League of Nations, more content...
10. Division of Austria–Hungary.
11. Redrawing of Balkan boundaries.
12. Limitations on Turkey
13. Establishment of an independent Poland.
The last point was another broad issue and the particular favorite of Wilson:
14. Association of nations.
The Fourteen Points were distributed all over the world. On November 5, Wilson delivered the peace
plan to the German government (http://www.u–s– The Germans
surrender November 11,1918 and expect a peace treaty under Wilson's Fourteen Points. The war was
now over. Many lives were loss because of the war. There was disease and starvation that killed ten
million civilians. In addition, ten million soldiers were killed (
Woodrow Wilsonof America, David Lloyd George of Great Britain and Georges Clemenceau of
France attended the signing of The Treaty of Versailles, which took place at Versailles Palace
located close to Paris. The treaty was the peace settlement after World War I. After months of
negotiation the treaty was signed June 28, 1919.
The treaty can be divided into territorial, military, financial and general sections. Land was taken
away from Germany and given to France, Belgium, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
Germany's military took a reduction. For
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Essay on Effects of World War I
Effects of World War I
World War I was rising Nazi feeling across Europe, colonial and economic rivalries, which
contributed to growing international tension. The main spark that started World War I was the
assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. The heart of the
conflict were the Central Powers, Germany and Austria–Hungary, and the Allied Powers, Britain,
France, and Russia; Italy joined later in 1915, and then United States joined in 1917. World War I
was the first war to be fought on land, at sea, and in the air. World War I brought more technological
innovations than any conflict in history. Machine guns, battleships, land mines, barbed wire,
engine–driven transport vehicles, and more content...
By using new technology, many people or soldiers died because it is really easy to shoot
somebody using guns instead of stabbing somebody with the sword as they used to do in earlier
wars. This war killed many sons, husbands, fathers all over the world. In this War of about
16,000,000 soldiers and about 13,000,000 civilians died all over the world in this war. It was
hoped that this had served as a lesson to nations and that future battles could be avoided. After
World War I the League of Nations was established to settle international argument peaceably like
UN for United Nations. World War I also effected the economy of United States and the World
economy. Stock market crashed in October 1929 in United States, and it marked the beginning of
the great depression. Thousands of banks and businesses failed during this time. Agricultural
production fell, and unemployment rose quickly. Unemployment commonly exceeded twenty
five percent. In 1933 one out of every four American workers was out of a job. Since World War I
effected the economies of almost all the countries, the world trade fell off and countries turned to
nationalist economic policies that only provoked the problem. Prices of everything were so high
that money sometimes was more useful to burn than to spend. Counties had over 280, 000 million
dollars in expense during war. The costs of World War I was too big to pay for the world, and the
economy of almost all the countries fell down.
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Essay On World War

  • 1. Essay On World War Vs Ww2 Both World War I and World War II were horrible periods of our recent history, and to this day these two wars serve as a warning to the rest of the world about the horrors of war. Although war's history is told by the victor who enjoys the "spoils of war," much can be learned as well from the loser. As the age old saying goes, "those who fail to pay attention to history, are doomed to repeat it." Both World War Iand World War II were crucial to the development of modern war tactics and strategies. These wars shaped the future of modern combat with their new gains in technology, weapons, communications, and medicine. World War I, was a devastating conflict and still affects the world today, both ideologically and technologically. World War I involved two factions–the Central Powers and the Allies. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Turkey, and the Allies were composed of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, more content... The main reason they didn't succeed is because of a lack of funding. That doesn't mean it was easy for the US to make the bomb, in fact, the US made two types of them to increase its chances if one bomb failed. The two types of bombs include; a Uranium type bomb or a Plutonium type bomb. Both were used in Japan to end the pacific war in 1945. Germany continued to use the blitzkrieg tactics in World War II, and blitzkrieg tactics were the use of extreme mobility to prevent a massive front such as the western front in World War I. So, using these tactics Germany managed to conquer France, Belgium the Netherlands and Poland, and with this tactic trying to invade Russia in only six weeks the German army had reached Moscow. Even though the German army was eventually defeated because of a massive winter in Russia, the blitzkrieg tactics are extremely effective during this war and could have won Germany the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On World War 1 Weapons The Weapons of World War One Introduction: World War one was a time of new and innovative weaponry, developed using methods invented in the Industrial Revolution. These weapons had an enormous effect on the war and how war is waged today. Weapons used in WWI: The rifle was the most common weapon in the war, almost every soldier had one. The rifle most commonly used, at least by British soldiers, was the Lee Enfield, a rifle which could fire up to 2 kilometres at 15 shots per minute, or 1 shot every 4 seconds, it was preferred because it could reload quickly. The German army used a rather similar rifle known as the Mauserk98, which was very similar. Another common weapon in WWI was the pistol, it was a small, handheld gun used for more content... Poison gas caused excruciatingly painful deaths. One kind of gas used was chlorine gas, chlorine is a halogen, so when it was inhaled it would infiltrate the lungs and convert the moisture into hydrochloric acid. The worst poison gas however was the mustard gas, the main reason for this is that other poison gases could be shielded against by using a gas mask, however mustard gas did not cause asphyxiation or the lungs to be filled with acid, it instead caused severe burns on the skin or anywhere else it touched. Although chemical weapons caused less than 4% of all casualties, they were still the most feared weapon ever used in the war. The flamethrower was used and seen as an effective weapon as fire is something that as an evolutionary feature, humans are instinctively afraid of, therefore a flamethrower wielding soldier would be fighting with almost purely psychological warfare, almost, because there is a reason that humans are instinctively afraid of fire and that is because fire can cause extreme amounts of pain. Aside that, it could also be used to clear trenches rather effectively. The bayonet was a blade mounted on the front of a rifle. Some soldiers were trained for bayonet charges, sprinting with their faces appearing enraged and their lungs roaring, these charges rarely ended well but they made effective propaganda. The British army was trained to make thrusts with their bayonets and twist them, making the wound incredibly painful and extremely Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On World War 1 "World War 1: Remembering the War to End All Wars." Momma always said that the war would end and everything would go back to normal, but that was before she died. A house has never felt this empty, I have never felt so alone. Here we are, in late November, trying to get back what's left of our lives. Daddy does nothing but work, yet we're still so poor. Jobs aren't moving very fast here in Nevada, but Daddy still picks up anything he can to earn a little extra cash. My sister, Aliyah is only 14, and she is already looking after the house and taking care of our little brother, Liam, who is only 3. I never saw myself being someone biting their nails waiting to get drafted, but I was. I'm 17, and I sat around everyday waiting for more content... I had always thought I'd be hearing the news from her telling me that God had answered our prayers. Although God did answer our prayers, he took what I loved the most. He had took what kept me going and believing. Now, I'm passed those times where I blamed God, because I know Momma had done what she was put on this Earth for. Sure, it still hurts, and it always will and I know that, but I know God gained another sweet angel. On top of the Zimmerman Note, German Soldiers were sinking U.S. ships, stealing the supplies, and taking them into Great Britain. This was the last straw. President Wilson decided we had to enter the war, and we had to fight. But, if he was going to take us to war, he had to give an explanation. So, he did. Wilson said, that this is the war to end all wars. Although, no one nor did we want to enter the war, we knew The President had kept us safe all this time, so we just knew that he would keep us safe while we were in war. I remember walking through our little town of Yerington, and all of the movie and T.V. billboard advertisements I used to see, were gone. They were replaced with German hatred signs. I knew we were supposed to hate Germany, considering they got us into the war, but I never really seen why everyone had to be so harsh. All these billboards and advertisements were trying to do, was get men to volunteer to fight. By the time word had got around, Hollywood producers were coming up with movies against Germans. Get more content on
  • 4. The First World War : The Great War The First World War sometimes referred to as the European War was more commonly referred to as the Great War. So much in the world was changed by this war, so it simply by most known as the Great War. "It is because no other war until then had had such an impact on the world. It was the first war to affect all of the major nations of Europe and the world. It took many lives and changed the lives of millions more." (Rivera, 2014) Some countries do not refer to the war as great because they lost so much and for them there was nothing great about the war. The war was groundbreaking as nothing like it had happened before. Different countries were uniting, fighting, and making new rules as they went along. Everything during the war was on a large scale including death, weapons, people, and affects. Before World War I, airplanes had been used for exploring and transportation. During this war they were being used for dropping bombs and delivering chemical weapons such as mustard gas. The war affected future generations of people as over 40,000,000 casualties and over 20 million civilians died. By losing sons or husbands, families would be forced to move and learn a new way of life as the money makers were not around anymore. For those soldiers that watched their friends die right next to them, they would never be the same. So those that used to work in businesses with loud noises or banging machines, might be affected with flashbacks to the war as well. Man had Get more content on
  • 5. Conclusion Of World War 1 World war 1, also known as The Great War, was a global war in Europe that began on 28th July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918. More than 70 million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. Over 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of the war. The war was one of the deadliest conflicts in world history and has been a worldwide clash. Thirty–two countries were involved with two opposing alliances, the Allies and Central Power. The countries of the Allies include British Empire, France, Italy, Russia, Serbia, and the United States of America. While they are opposed by the Central Powers which are Austria–Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and theOttoman Empire. During the First World War many countries in Europe were involved, more content... Notwithstanding political clashes, the reasons for the war included such powers as patriotism, or pride in one's nation. The conviction that one's own particular country or society is better than all others, patriotism drove European countries to contend to manufacture the biggest armed force and naval force. It additionally gave gatherings of subject people groups the thought of shaping autonomous countries of their own. Serbians, Czechs, Slovaks, Bosnians and numerous different people groups living under the guideline of the Ottoman or Austro–Hungarian Empires needed flexibility from "outside" tenet. To conclude, the main causes of World War 1 is caused because of Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism. Each one of them has impacted and affected the World War 1. Militarism was one of the major causes of the war, as it was an armed race on who has more military equipment's. Alliances, was first thought to make peace between country and to help the countries. Imperialism was another cause of World War 1, as European nations ruled smaller Get more content on
  • 6. What is War? Essay WORLD WAR 2 What is war? Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary describes it as: "an armed clash between nations or factions in the same nation." That's how a dictionary describes it, but in fact, it is something much worse. War is the epitome of what is wrong with human nature. War is devastating. Perhaps no other war was as devastating as World War II. (1)"World War II killed more people, destroyed more property, disrupted more lives, and had more far–reaching consequences than any other war in history. It brought about the downfall of Western Europe as the center of world power and led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The development of the atomic bomb in 1945 would begin nuclear war." There is no one simple cause to World War II. There more content... The sinking of the Athena did however serve as a warning to the world that the Germans would stop at nothing to break British control of the seas. So on September 3, 1939, Britain along with France declared war on Germany. The US however remained neutral. (3)"Roosevelt said that "Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or his conscience.' Within weeks he asked Congress to lift the Neutrality Acts' arms embargo that prevented Britain and France from buying American weapons." The United States was determined to avoid war though. World War I had left the US billions of dollars in foreign debts that couldn't be collected. There were also moral reparations on the part of the American people. (4)"A congressional investigation revealed that the US manufacturers had made large profits by supplying arms and credit to the Allies during the years of 1914–1917. This lead to the notion that the US' participation in World War I had been arranged by 'Merchants of Death'". While the US watched the struggle in Europe, our relationship with China grew worse. The US resented the growth of the Japanese sea and air power in the pacific area. If Japan gained control of eastern Asia it would surely interfere with American trade and business interests there. (5)"Japan's brutalities in China and its joining of the Axis powers in 1942 made it clear that Japan would stop at nothing to conquest the free world". For their part, the Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on The Great War The Great War , or as it is known now, World War One was a global conflict fought between the Allied Powers ; Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States along will other smaller nations and the Central Powers ; Germany, Austria– Hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and other small nations from 1914 to 1918. World War One began from a series of tumultuous events, that in turn affected the balance of alliances that had been made between countries at that time in the world. The ignition, or rather start of these events occurred on June 28th, 1914, when the Archduke of Austria– Hungary, Frances Ferdinand and his wife, were assassinated by a young Serbian militant, Gavrilo Princep. Austria – Hungary was ensured of support from more content... By mid September 1914 the introduction of trench warfare had begun and on the western front for the Germans it had become a war of attrition. By November 1914, with the exception of the United States of America, most major nations were at war due to allegiances or direct involvement. By February 1915 the Austria Army had lost 5 million soldiers and consequentially, was no longer involved in the war until the insurgence of the Germans. Russian successes alongside the eastern front and against Austria attributed to the Germans dividing their forces into two active fronts. The Germans were quite successful on the eastern front, despite being outnumbered by 93.5 divisions of Russian armed forces to 78.5 divisions of German armed forces. By May of 1915 Germany liberated the Austrian forces and together they took Poland, Lithuania, Galicia and Latvia, moving increasingly forward (Germany in World War One, Holburn). The western front did not bode as well for the Germans. The Allies rallied an offensive for the liberation of France in late September 1915. This resulted in a stalemate between the powers, inflicting heavy casualties on the Allied and Central Powers. This fierce battling with no progression continued into late 1916, when the Germans became concerned at the amount of the allied forces on the western front and the invention of the tank – technology that Germany Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The Second World War (WWII) WORLD WAR TWO The second world was is the ugliest brutally violent emotionally damaging war ever. Through out this term paper I will use various references to inform you about how the United States wanted to stay out of the dangers of war with powerful ruthless countries. How Americans battled through many conflicts and various attacks, and finally builds up to the mighty United States of America becoming a huge world power. The war came about because of the depression. The world powers were struggling, but they still had their natural resources to maintain their way of life. Germany, Italy, and Japan however relied on foreign trade for food and raw materials. If more content... Teddy Roosevelt ordered "freeze" on all Japan holdings and assets in the United States of America and put an immediate stop on all trade. The next month Saburo Kurusu, arrived in Washington. He appeared to be carrying out peaceful negotiations. It was all a trick, the Japs were not peaceful. On December seven, nineteen hundred and forty one at 7:58 a.m. the United States were caught off guard on their naval base in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. Japanese bombers roared over the base in waves dropping enormous numbers of armor–piercing shells and torpedoes of powerful destruction on bewildered US Pacific fleet's anchored ships. There were many ships destroyed, the Arizona was bombed, the Oklahoma was drilled on her side by several massive torpedoes, the California, West Virginia, Maryland, and Nevada all felt the incredible destructive power of the kamikaze Japan pilots. The California was struck with a bomb and started on fire and the flames came in contact with the ship source of fuel and exploded due to the horrible acts of the eastern cowards of war. Our method of lining the entire group of planes wing to wing across the airfield made the planes very vulnerable to the surprise attack. Almost all of the two hundred and three of the air force's planes were wrecked by the first wave of Japanese bombers. When the pilots finally had a chance to try and fly the planes they found that only three could still fly. Japan's sneak attack catapulted the United Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on War Essay on war War has been a part of human culture since it's birth. It has led to a great many massacres and has shown us the evil that exists within the souls of humanity. Some have even gone as far as saying that war is human nature. To better understand the reasons behind war and how it affects others, I've examined several different societies and cultures so as to better understand the necessity of war and see the cause of their external war attitude. To do so, different variables from two topics (military institutions and external war attitude) were matched up and crossed so as to look into the answers to these questions. The variables were then calculated and through these graphs, I was able to find different societies in more content... Warfare to the Somalis was seen as a division of labor that was the principal means of acquiring cattle. In times of war, peasants would be taken from /their/his/ home/s/ for months at a time. Warfare was organized by the chiefs on behalf of the kin and it was the duty of every able bodied man to take part in it (pg 133 Philip)." In order for one to become wealthy within a society, they must earn it through the privilege of authority. This comes from the reward of conduct pleasing to one's superiors. For the most part, the wealth of a man comes from the exercise of poetical virtues, obedience to authority, wisdom in council, and courage in war. During battle, leadership among the Somalis is led by a general who the king feels will be the right one only after having a consultation with the appropriate spirits. He also selected the people of certain sazas "to guard the king." These people did so simply by staying home. The leaders of the armies were forceful during wartime. "Every able bodied man was expected to turn out, but though the penalty for cowardice in the field was instant death by burning, people who simply stayed at home were merely fined on their chief's return (P. 193 Philips)." The generals were important as a moral rallying–point. It is said that the army would lose heart if their general is killed in battle , but as soon as his successor is found, their courage would return. The decision to engage in war was made mainly by the king and his orders Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On World War 1 The first World War is universally considered to be one of the single deadliest events in human history. World War I is undoubtedly one of the largest military altercations to ever take place, with a duration of five years, involving 32 nations. Over the course of five years, the war killed almost 37.5 million people, approximately 57% of all soldiers involved ( One might suspect a conflict on this scale would have arisen from a divide in ideology or from a dispute over prized resources. However, it was a politically unimportant event paired with pre–established military alliances that created one of the deadliest conflicts on Earth. The initiating event occurred June 28th, 1914. On this date, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, more content... The German attack on Belgium forced Britain into the conflict due to an agreement to protect Belgium's sovereignty and neutrality; thus, Britain also declared war on Germany. Next to enter the conflict was the Ottoman Empire, modern–day Turkey. Next, Italy entered the war, fighting against Germany and Austria. The War had grown to the point that nations were no longer viewed as individual armies, but as international alliances conducting warfare. Britain, Russia, France, and Italy were the main forces for the Allies. The opposing force came to be known as the Central Powers, composed of Austria–Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. These central nations in the European Theatre forced divisions throughout Europe and through the rest of the world. Due to the global expansion of War involvement, German Forces began to engage on all sides. Germany had the second largest Navy in the world by the beginning of the War; the Germans increased their Navy usage as the threat of an attack from the sea became imminent. The increase in German Naval defense eventually led to a German U–Boat sinking an American passenger ship called the Lusitania, which was operating a trade route near German Territory, this finally pushed the disengaged America into the War. Then, on December 5th of 1917, Germany signed an armistice with Russia, ending the conflict between the Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Summary of World War Two Summary of World War Two World War II is the name commonly given to the global conflict of 1939–1945. It is said to be the greatest and most destructive war in world history. The World War II military operations were conducted primarily in Europe but also in Asia, Africa, and the far islands of the Pacific as well. More than 17 million members of the armed forces perished during the conflict. It caused strain on the economic capabilities of the major nations and left many countries on the edge of collapse. The causes of WWII are too numerous and complex to be generalized. The following is said to be one of the main causes. At the end of WWI Europe was economically impoverished and politically divided. It faced more content... Italy entered the war in 1940 and in conjunction with Germany spread the war to Africa. Invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany on June 22, 1941 transformed the war into a general European struggle. And the attack on Hawaii on December 7, 1941, followed immediately by a declaration of war against Japan by the United States. This converted the European war into a global one. The war ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 9, 1945 and of Japan on September 2, 1945. Before it was over a total of almost seventy nations were involved in the conflict in varying degree, ranging from severance of diplomatic relations to full participation in the hostilities. Peace Treaties were signed in: Paris, February 10, 1947; San Francisco, September 8, 1951; Vienna, May 15, 1955. Grandma Bernice I sat down to talk to my great–grandma Bernice about WWII. At first I was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to recollect something that happened that long ago. However, soon I realized that at 96 years old my grandmother still had a good memory. It was 1941 and she was 38 years old. Great Grandma and Grandpa were listening to their new radio when the news of the Pearl Harbor bombing came on. She said that the Japanese were over in the states trying to make peace when they heard the news. She remembers just being scared to death. She was worried that grandpa would have to go. They were living in the two–story farmhouse outside Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On World War WORLD WAR I: Remembering the War to End All Wars (NOTE: Is going to have funny things inside.) Dear Journal, last entry. It's late 1918. October, to be specific. The war is over, and I'm still living here, in Virginia. 116,000 Americans had died during the war, leaving behind 116,000 families to cry their lives away over their losses. We have lost over 4,000 people, due to reasons such as disease, combat, and military training accidents. But, like all wars, there will be many upsetting casualties. War never changes. Curse you, Hitler! What an oaf. I was starting to get sick of hearing about the war every time I wake up. This war had lasted for four years and three months before it was finally called off. I'm ten now, going on eleven more content... Some were even hauled off to the slammer. The people who didn't lose their houses reported a bunch of burglar incidents happening in their or somebody else's house here and there. The waking sensation that a war was going to start up was pretty big, and there was a lot of panic. Some even ended up being temporarily or possibly even permanantly scarred mentally because of said sensation. There is a 50% risk of another war breaking out after this one. Nuclear weapons, Jews, and Hitler. Welcome to one of the most deadliest wars in modern history. Everyone will remember it, and no one will forget it. And what has this war taught us after its own ending? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Why this was started in the first place, and what the point was supposed to be, I have no idea. The humanity. Oh the raging horror. So, we basically not only got more than 4,000 of our people killed for almost no logical reason, and if that doesn't upset us enough, we also have no way of preventing anything that may cause it to happen again. Oh what a world. When will it ever end? It may never, to be frank with you, the journal. Flashback to July 28, 1914. I was seven years old. Me and my friends were climbing trees in my backyard when our parents came outside to tell us the news. Nellie apparently thought it was the war of the aliens vs. the jaguars. Oh dear, she is funny. But no, it wasn't that. At least, that was what her mom said. She said it was all because of Hitler raising Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On World War 3 With tensions rising between United States and North Korea. World War 3 could happen in the near future. The U.S. military should be victorious against North Korea's Military because of how superior and advanced they are against them, as well as how deadly their nuclear weapons are in any situation when used. The U.S. even has two special forces who are among the top ten deadliest in the world. The U.S. military is far more superior than North Korea. The North Korean Air Force has a fleet of more than 900 aircraft (Majumdar,1). The U.S Air Force has a fleet of more than 13,000 aircraft. " The North Korean's only have a handful of modern aircraft"(Majumdar,1). The North Korean Air Force has mostly Soviet–era aircraft and the only more content... The U.S. has 40,000 AFVs while North Korea has 4,000 AFVs. Imagine 5,000 APCs versus 900 APCs in a battle, you can imagine the side with the most APCs would win. Looking at it this way just shows how much strength the U.S. has over North Korea. The U.S. Special Forces are in the top ten most deadliest in the world.The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta is ranked number six in this list and the U.S Navy SEALS are ranked number two (Jeff,1). With the U.S. having special forces in the top ten deadliest in the world and North Korea not even close just goes to show you the U.S. special forces are not to be underestimated. " Delta Force has been composed largely of soldiers who have served in the U.S special forces like the Green Berets or Rangers" (Jeff,1). This shows that these soldiers not only have experience but are more than just well trained every day soldiers, these are elite soldiers coming from different special forces. The North Korean special forces once failed a high stake mission back in 1968. 31 elite North Korean commandos infiltrated the South to kill the President Park Chung Hee of the Republic of Korea, at his executive mansion named Blue House (Editor,1). The mission was compromised when four teenaged siblings stumbled across the 31 commandos (the 31 commandos were called unit 124) and were captured but were shortly released after they told the North Korean soldiers that they had converted to the communist ideology. The four brothers Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On World War 3 Within the near future, a World War 3 breaks out to destroy all of the modern societies known as North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. As a country rose from the ashes called Orion. The country was fair and just for a very long time, but then another war broke out. That's when Emmett was born. Emmett was had always been a brilliant boy, always helping the government with it's computer programming. The government won the war, and there was a huge debate. The government had decided to put a little chip in the population's brains that would control the population forever. Emmett helped the program be created, and had put it in his brain as well. The government hadn't told society what they actually do with more content... Jaxon went first, and then Emmett, and then Ryker. One by one, and it took weeks to get the all of the countries, but not the leaders and programmers that made the chip. Everything changed after the chips were put into the population's brain. There was no fun, no creativity, no life in anybody. There was no laughter, no anger, no feeling. Everybody talked politely, no life shown through it. The populace was under the government's mercy at all times. The government also changed who everybody's friends are. The government had Jaxon and Emmett no longer be friends because the government wanted absolutely no happiness. The government also rearranged everybody's jobs to where the people who were working had no fun either. One day, as the chip continued to tell Emmett what to do and where to go, Emmett was walking home and tripped on a rock that the chip did not see. Emmett hit his head so hard that it broke the chip inside his head. He lay unconscious for 30 minutes, and eventually woke up. Emmett stood up and looked at the world around him. He was furious. Emmett was told by the government that they would only use the chip to stop wars and crime of that sort. He was so mad that he went home and slammed the door and stayed home the entire day, even though he should go back out and talk grieve with the other kids. Emmett just sat there in his bed, thinking how the government could lie to him, after all the work he did for them in the past. After Get more content on
  • 15. To What Extent Was The Second World War? Essay One of the most relevant success in the history of the humanity has been The Second World War. This war occurred in the relative period of the years 1939 to 1945 involving the vast majority of the world 's nations. Giving a glimpse into the past we see that, because of the instability that had been created in Europe by the First World War during the years 1914 to 1918, the doors opened to another international conflict were involved around 30 countries worldwide. This conflict was one of the most devastating and inhumane of the all times. Increasing to power in an Germany unstable at that moment on the aspect economically and politically, this in turn increase in Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist (Nazi Party) their ambitions of world domination. The idea of America at that time was to stay out of the war because of the experience in the First World War. During this Global circumstance, Stalin, the Soviet leader, became an important leader of the allied group, together with the US president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Prime Minister of Britain, Winston Churchill. On December 7, 1941, Japan (one of the Axis powers) bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The United States immediately declared war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. Right after the United State entered the war, what consequences brought this to the American nation? In the first place, the initial consequence of the war in relation to the United State was economic. Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On World War 1 History significantly affects the present consistently through its residents, its region, and the entirety of the nation. World War 1 was the time period of 1914 –1918 of global war and unrest drastically impacting America when the nation decided to engage. Before the involvement in the war America contained the position of neutrality. Previous to the entrance to the war America supplied both warring countries with weapons, medical supplies, and gunpowder/equipment as a benefit to us because the economic growth rose. The industries and manufactures boomed as multiple nations were asking for goods. Benefiting from this growth soon America had entered the war. Due to factors such as yellow journalism, the German policy of " more content... Killing an estimate of 100 civilians and causing destruction of 300 buildings. The explosions led to $18 million in destruction. The events of explosions persisted for two days – an approximate 12,000,000 pounds (5,400 tons) of explosives were damaged creating a major loss to the economy. 300,000 explosives were detonated or destroyed. With explosions lasting into the next morning, and fires burning for three days. T.A. Gillespie stated to newspapers, characterizing his intuition to be of that amatol – a combination of TNT and ammonium nitrate – had cascaded, culminating in the fire regardless the countless attempts to keep the substances control. A later examination by the army proposed that the explosion was not occurred by a fire and had happened without warning. Additional investigation settled that the original blast occurred in building 6–1–1, and consecutive blasts produced in regions involving shell storage, freight cars, and finishing rooms creating humongous blazes and the transmission of shells. On October 5, 1918 the radioactivity was horrifying to the area.. An approximation of 62,000 people, were arranged to be evacuated.The cities of Sayreville, South Amboy, and Perth Amboy were evacuated and a range of 10 miles around the plant was suspected to be dangerous. The fires burn into the next day. US Coast Guardsmen were appointed to support in Get more content on
  • 17. World War 1 And Ww2 Essay Any form of a war is devastating to the world but when the world has to get together to fight a major issue is catastrophic. The effects of war can weaken and bring down countries just from how much it cost to pursue an enemy. Moral takes effect on the families who are separated and the soldiers who are lost during war can bring high depression. When a soldier dies, the families lose a loved one and most like the primary source of income. The country also takes the hit because every soldier lost is a backward step in forces to fight enemy. War is inevitable and there will always be some entity abusing their power and need to be dealt with. In this essay I am going to talk about the effects for both World War 1 and World War 2 on the European role in the world. more content... The major countires in Europe were very excited on fighting the war. The impact would fuel the propaganda to help boost the desire for the war. Half way through the war there was a change leader ship in 1916. David Lloyd George would become the new prime minister for Great Britain so that a new energetic and motivated leader would boost morale and help with the war time economy. Although these efforts would not exactly be full filled because of the hardships that war can bring upon a country and its fellow supporters. The death toll on Europe would be astronomical and have great negative effects on the country after the war which eventually led to the start of World War 2. Germany would suffer more than others. The winter of 1916 –1917 was regarded by the German people as the Turnip Winter because of the severe lack of food, except for Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On World War 1 Weapons The weapons of World War One impacted the tactics and outcome of "The Great War". The countries underestimated each others abilities to defend and attack. Each country had their own variation of personal firearms. These small arms differed from each country and could have help one side over the other. If the Triple Entente were armed with even more advanced weapons and the Triple Alliance having bows and arrows the war may have actually ended before Christmas. The small arms were the last line of defense for each soldier and caused much damage to each country's enemies. The tactics were old fashioned compared to the weapons. The leaders of Word War One had to adapt to new strategies in warfare. The Triple Entente had consisted of three major countries. Great Britain, Russia, and France. They had fought together, yet had individually created their own small arms for combat. Their unique designs set them apart as they fought together. The British had several small arms weapons such as the Enfield Mk 1 and Mk 2. The Enfield was a revolver chambered with a .476 caliber. It had a short lived life in action because of its weak knock down power. The replacement for this pistol was the Webley Revolver and more content... The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente underestimated each others weaponry extending the length of the war. The new weaponry gave soldiers a new tool they never had before. Accuracy. This enabled them with the ability to take out enemies and not stand in direct fire. With the new strategies of World War 1 leaders new war would never be the same from old revolutionary style fighting, marching up and randomly shooting at one another in hopes you win. Now you can use hit and run tactics and use strategy to fight and beat your opponents because as weapons advance so must the tactics of using said weapon in Get more content on
  • 19. Woodrow Wilson and World War I Essay What role did Woodrow Wilson have in World War I? Woodrow Wilson, our 23rd president, became involved in a war that he did not want any part of. Wilson wanted to remain neutral and have peace as in his first term of office. During World War I Wilson's roles in the war became well known in all countries. Wilson wanted peace more than anything else. In seeking for peace Wilson asked Congress for the U.S. to enter World War I. which may not sound like a peace strategy but Wilson felt it was the only way to stop Germany and gain peace. Wilson wrote his speech for world peace, Fourteen Points, that he was probably most famous for. He attended and played an integral part in The Treaty of Versailles. He was the founder of the League of Nations, more content... 10. Division of Austria–Hungary. 11. Redrawing of Balkan boundaries. 12. Limitations on Turkey 13. Establishment of an independent Poland. The last point was another broad issue and the particular favorite of Wilson: 14. Association of nations. The Fourteen Points were distributed all over the world. On November 5, Wilson delivered the peace plan to the German government (http://www.u–s– The Germans surrender November 11,1918 and expect a peace treaty under Wilson's Fourteen Points. The war was now over. Many lives were loss because of the war. There was disease and starvation that killed ten million civilians. In addition, ten million soldiers were killed ( /gfeldmeth/chart.ww1.html). Woodrow Wilsonof America, David Lloyd George of Great Britain and Georges Clemenceau of France attended the signing of The Treaty of Versailles, which took place at Versailles Palace located close to Paris. The treaty was the peace settlement after World War I. After months of negotiation the treaty was signed June 28, 1919. The treaty can be divided into territorial, military, financial and general sections. Land was taken away from Germany and given to France, Belgium, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Germany's military took a reduction. For Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Effects of World War I Effects of World War I World War I was rising Nazi feeling across Europe, colonial and economic rivalries, which contributed to growing international tension. The main spark that started World War I was the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. The heart of the conflict were the Central Powers, Germany and Austria–Hungary, and the Allied Powers, Britain, France, and Russia; Italy joined later in 1915, and then United States joined in 1917. World War I was the first war to be fought on land, at sea, and in the air. World War I brought more technological innovations than any conflict in history. Machine guns, battleships, land mines, barbed wire, engine–driven transport vehicles, and more content... By using new technology, many people or soldiers died because it is really easy to shoot somebody using guns instead of stabbing somebody with the sword as they used to do in earlier wars. This war killed many sons, husbands, fathers all over the world. In this War of about 16,000,000 soldiers and about 13,000,000 civilians died all over the world in this war. It was hoped that this had served as a lesson to nations and that future battles could be avoided. After World War I the League of Nations was established to settle international argument peaceably like UN for United Nations. World War I also effected the economy of United States and the World economy. Stock market crashed in October 1929 in United States, and it marked the beginning of the great depression. Thousands of banks and businesses failed during this time. Agricultural production fell, and unemployment rose quickly. Unemployment commonly exceeded twenty five percent. In 1933 one out of every four American workers was out of a job. Since World War I effected the economies of almost all the countries, the world trade fell off and countries turned to nationalist economic policies that only provoked the problem. Prices of everything were so high that money sometimes was more useful to burn than to spend. Counties had over 280, 000 million dollars in expense during war. The costs of World War I was too big to pay for the world, and the economy of almost all the countries fell down. Get more content on