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How Do You Prefer Your Coffee?
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Decaf or Caffeinated?
Coffee & Your Body
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How to help Victim of Child Abuse
real life story
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Soybean13
6 Reasons to Drink Water Regularly
the secret to an healthy body
Facts about Your Red Eyes
Avoid Those Razor Bumps
shaving tips for black men
Get the Look You Desire
applying powder on your face
Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support
Dr. Omolola Salako
Physical Activities
the best way to keep fit
9 Shocking Erection Killers
maintaining an healthy sexual lifestyle
While I Am Waiting
Factors Responsible for Infertility in Women
Easiest Way to Know Your Safe Period
Welcome to the first edition of
SheerHealth Magazine.“SheerHealth
means “Absolute health”, According to
WHO (World Health Organization) “Health
is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity”.
An online health magazine whose mission is
to share information that relates to health
for both men and women. Therefore
SheerHealth helps to provide and share
information which transcends physical
health, thereby, also sharing information
that has to do with body fitness, nutrition,
cuisine, first aid, health news/ campaigns,
beauty care, and inspirations in a classic
In this Edition, you will get to know the
health benefits of drinking water, the nine
shocking erection killers for men who finds
it difficult sustaining erection in bed, factors
responsible for infertility in women, if you
have not taken soyabean before, in this
edition you will know the benefits of eating
soyabean, there is also an interview section
with Dr. Lola Salako the Director of
Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support whose
passion is to help women suffering from
Breast Cancer.
Chioma Akpotha who is the official
ambassador of Sebeccly Cancer Care And
Support will show how to do the self breast
examination and many more.
Happy Reading.
Adedola O. Ruth
Publisher /Editor -in -Chief
Adedola O. Ruth
Digital/Graphics Design
Pomum Studios
Ajayi Oluwaseun
Odetoki Oluwafemi
Dr. Oghogho Richards
Dr. Adeolu Adeusi
Dr. Girigiri Magnus
Azeezat Ayeloja
Adamu Ehi
Anifowose Ayodeji
Dede Edewo
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part
without written permission is strictly prohibited.
the best way to keep fit
6Reasons to Drink Water
The human body is 65 percent
water, and it takes an average of
eight to ten cups to replenish
the water our bodies lose each
day. How much water a person
needs depends largely on the
volume of urine and sweat lost
(Source: Microsoft Encarta)
Maintain the Balance of Body
Your body is composed of
about 65% water and it is used
For digestion, absorption, blood
circulation, creation of saliva,
transportation of nutrients, and
maintenance of body
"Through the posterior pituitary
gland, your brain communicates
with your kidneys and tells it
how much water to excrete as
urine or hold onto for reserves,"
says Guest, an adjunct professor
of medicine at Stanford
University. You do not know the
good you are doing your body
system by giving it the exact
amount of water it needs, and
not when you feel like you are
Man cannot deny the fact that
he needs water to wash clothes,
bathe, cook and even sprinkle
on our farm soil; even other
creatures knows the
importance of water.
It is so obvious that You and
I cannot do without water. You
stand to gain all these benefits
if you imbibe the habit of
drinking water ,not just water
but good and clean water.
Whenever you are thirsty and
feel the urge to drink water, it is
the brain that sends it to you, to
alert you that your body is low
in fluids, unless you are taking
medication that makes you
thirst, you should drink water.
Remember that alcohol is not
the option because it interferes
with the brain and kidney
communication and causes
excess excretion of fluids which
can then lead to dehydration.
the secret to an healthy body
Control Calories
Food with higher water
contents requires more chewing
and it is absorbed more slowly
by the body, whereby making
you feel full, water – rich foods
includes fruits, vegetables,
oatmeal, beans and broth based
"What works with weight loss is
if you choose water or a non-
caloric beverage over a caloric
beverage and/or eat a diet
higher in water-rich foods that
are healthier, more filling, and
help you trim calorie intake,"
says Barbara Rolls, A Penn State
research who is also the author
of The Volumetrics Weight
Control Plan.
Energize Muscles
Cells that don't maintain their
balance of fluids and
electrolytes shrivel, which can
result in muscle fatigue. "When
muscle cells don't have
adequate fluids, they don't
work as well and performance
can suffer," says Guest.
Drinking enough fluids is
important when exercising.
Follow the American College of
Sports Medicine guidelines for
fluid intake before and during
physical activity. These
guidelines recommend that
people drink about 17 ounces
of fluid about two hours before
exercise. During exercise, they
recommend that people start
drinking fluids early, and drink
them at regular intervals to
replace fluids lost by sweating.
Water Helps Keep Skin Looking
The skin contains plenty of
water, and functions as a
protective barrier to prevent
excess fluid loss. But don't
expect over-hydration to erase
wrinkles or fine lines, says
Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth
Ellner, MD.
"Dehydration makes your skin
look dry and wrinkled, which
can be improved with proper
hydration," he says. "But once
you are adequately hydrated,
the kidneys take over and
excrete excess fluids."
You can also help "lock"
moisture into your skin by using
moisturizer, which creates a
physical barrier to keep
moisture in.
It Helps Your Kidneys
Water is needed by the kidney
to transport waste products in
and out of the body. The main
toxin in the body is blood urea
nitrogen, a water-soluble waste
that is able to pass through the
kidneys to be excreted in the
urine, explains Guest. "Your
kidneys do an amazing job of
cleansing and ridding your body
of toxins as long as your intake
of fluids is adequate," he says.
When you're getting enough
fluids, urine flows freely, is light
in color and free of odor. When
your body is not getting enough
fluids, urine concentration,
color, and odor increases
because the kidneys trap extra
fluid for bodily functions.
If you chronically drink too little,
you may be at higher risk for
kidney stones, especially in
warm climates, Guest warns.
Maintain Normal Bowel
Drinking enough water helps
the proper movement of the
bowel, whereby preventing
constipation, when enough fluid
is not present in the body, the
colon pulls water from the
stools to maintain hydration and
results into constipation.
Adequate hydration keeps
things flowing along your
gastrointestinal tract and
prevents constipation.
"Adequate fluid and fiber is the
perfect combination, because
the fluid pumps up the fiber and
acts like a broom to keep your
bowel functioning properly,"
says Koelemay.
(Source: The Internet)
A person can survive only eight
to ten days without water,
whereas it takes weeks or even
months to die from a lack of
(Source: Microsoft Encarta)
Remember that
Alcohol is not the
option because it
interferes with the
brain and kidney
communication and
causes excess
excretion of fluids
which can then lead
to dehydration.
How to help
Iasked a friend recently about
what comes to her head when
she hears the words “child
abuse” and she screamed the
word “wickedness” in a repulsive
manner almost immediately,
which explained how she felt
about it and how everyone else
should feel about this topic. You
really do not want to know what
goes on in the mind of the
victims of child abuse but at the
same time I think you should
know so you can help them.
I was a victim and I know what it
feels like, the thoughts that
come to your head while going
through this scary phase of
phase of your life. It was not
easy for me growing up with this
knowledge that I had been
abused regularly and I did not
even know. I was a little kid and
at a point I thought it was
normal, did not know it was
called child abuse until my early
teens and the aftermath of the
experience was worse for me.
I have decided to use this
medium to describe and explain
in simple words what child abuse
entails so that as a parent,
guardian, counselor friend or a
concerned individual you would
know how to help your child or
ward if he or she is displaying
the signs and also know how to
get through to the victims of
child abuse.
First of all, what is child abuse?
According to the International
Child Abuse Network
( and Rape,
Abuse and Incest National
Network ( Child
abuse simply means the physical
or emotional or sexual
mistreatment of children. Child
abuse occurs in different forms,
they are:
1) Physical child abuse; this
involves inflicting injuries on
children to cause pain such
as beating, shaking a child
vigorously, burns (iron,
cigarette, etc.), human bites
and strangulation.
2) Emotional/psychological child
abuse; this is constant
belittling, teasing, verbal
abuses aimed at making a
child feel awful.
3) Sexual abuse; this is any form
of intimacy with a child which
includes kissing, fingering,
smooching, fondling with a
child's private parts and sex
(vaginal, oral, anal,
4) Neglect as a form of child
abuse; this is depriving a child
of their basic needs which
includes food, clothing,
warmth and shelter, emotional
and physical security, medical
care, cleanliness, education
and supervision.
For you to be able to know if a
child is going through or has
experienced any of these
forms of abuses you have to have
an idea of the symptoms or
indicators of child abuse, they
Unexplained bruises and
bleeding in genital areas
Low self esteem
Injuries and aches
Depression and guilt
Sleep disorders
Unusual fearfulness
Development of a bad habit
such as sucking, biting of nails,
Inappropriate sexual knowledge
and misbehavior School
problems (absences and drop in
Suicide attempts
Overly protective and
concerned for siblings and
assuming a caretaker role.
All these symptoms apply to
victims of child abuse but a child
might display some and not all of
these symptoms; so do not
expect to notice or observe all
these symptoms in order to
know if a child is being abused or
not. For example, I as a child
experienced sexual abuse from
some older boys in my
neighborhood. I never felt like
committing suicide nor did I feel
depressed in fact I was always
topping my class but I knew
something was wrong with me
because I felt pains and had
bruises in my genital areas. I was
worried but I could not pinpoint
what was wrong with me. I could
not tell anyone because they
warned me not to tell anyone
and kept me quiet by buying
biscuits and other sweet stuffs
for me.
It was later that I found out other
girls in my neighborhood were
also sexually abused. Few years
later, my mum suspected
something was wrong because
one of the boys was caught in the
act, she asked me about it and I
told her my horrible experience.
She was furious and told other
parents to ask their children and
that was how the sexual abuses
Growing up was fun for me but
the occasional thought of my
childhood experiences kept
eating me up. I could not talk to
anyone about it because I was
scared of being misjudged. I
regularly asked myself questions
like “I'm I still a virgin and is my
hymen intact?” and “why did this
happen to me?”
Luckily for me, I was not
depressed but I felt guilty. It took
me years of reading online
articles about child abuses for me
to fully understand what I went
through and that it was not my
fault. Now I am stronger and all I
want to do is to help victims in
any way I can. We might not be
able to stop this practice but we
can reduce the effects of the
psychological trauma these
children face.
I was lucky enough to have
escaped sex but the
after effect of this experience
was not easy to overcome on my
own, it took God's grace and the
help of a friend to overcome that
phase of my life.
What child abuse victims need, is
someone they can pour their
hearts to. Parents, guardians,
counselors or any concerned
citizen reading this should please
watch out for any of the
symptoms or indicators I listed
above in their children. If any of
these indicators is observed in
any child, the first step towards
helping the child is to be friends
with that child, try drawing them
closer by buying them gifts and
then ask them questions, that is
if you are related to the child. If
you are not related then you
have to be more careful so the
child does not misunderstand
your intentions because some of
these children do not even know
they are being assaulted because
their assaulters tell them they
like them and buy stuffs for them
before or after assaulting them.
Talk to their parents first if you
know them and calm them down,
they must not blame the child for
what is happening. But if it is the
parents that are the ones
assaulting the child then please
report the case to the police or
any human rights organization.
An abused victim should not be
stigmatized rather they should be
helped and cared for so they can
face life positively.
>Do you have a story to share?
Then send us a mail.
God has destined that mankind
should depend on Him, regardless of
their statuses but unfortunately some
people have doubted the existence of
God while some take Him to be too
slow, instead they get anxious and
frustrated, and might end up
committing suicide; when they could
no longer wait.
Everyone desires the fast-fast thing
but only the spiritually and sensitive
ones understands the virtue
embedded in waiting on God.
Job said, “If a man die, shall he live
again? All the days of my appointed
time will I wait till my change come".
Job 14:14. This means that change is
paramount for every individual but
the question is how many people can
wait for the change to come? God is
too slow some assume especially
when they are expecting the
manifestation of His promises
concerning them but the good news
is that when you align yourself with
God and understands His ways you
enjoy peace and maximize the
waiting period.
In the gospel this happened to Mary
and Martha while they were waiting
on Jesus to come and heal their
brother, Lazarus and when Jesus
eventually showed up they accused
him of taking too long, John 11:1-
46.Meanwhile waiting is a tool for
development. The bible recorded
that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph,
David, Daniel, Jesus, Paul and more
waited on God and they were not
disappointed and fulfilled destiny in
grand styles. Jesus for instance, was
here as the messiah, but for the first
30 years of His life, He was without
identity and it was also recorded that
He was only a lay reader in the
temple (Luke4:16) but when he
turned 30, the plan of His destiny was
unfolded. The Holy Ghost descended
on Him and equipped Him for
“And Jesus returned in the power of
the Holy Spirit into Galilee: and there
went out a fame of Him through all
the region round about”. Luke
4:14.Though Jesus was born of the
Spirit however, He could not do
miracles nor excel in His Ministry
until He was led of the Spirit into the
wilderness, then anointed and
“And Jesus being full of the Holy
Ghost returned from Jordan, and was
led by the Spirit into the wilderness ...
and Jesus returned in the power of
the Spirit into Galilee: and there went
out a fame of Him through all the
region round about”. Luke 4:1,
14.Thus Jesus had to wait until He
was equipped to fulfill His destiny
and during that period he was always
in the temple, listening to teachings
and asking questions. This shows that
our Saviour Jesus waited until the
Holy Spirit was released unto Him
without measure.
And when Jesus Christ passed the
waiting test His destiny was
completely unfolded and He found
what was written concerning Him
(destiny). Until you have fully
maximized the waiting test you may
not be qualified for the next
level.“The spirit of the Lord God is
upon me;
because the Lord hath anointed me
to preach good tidings unto the
meek; he hath sent me to bind up the
broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to
the captives, and the opening of the
prison to them that are bound;
(Verse 1)
To proclaim the acceptable year of
the Lord, and the day of vengeance of
our God; to comfort all that mourn;
(Verse 2)
To appoint unto them that mourn in
Zion, to give unto them beauty for
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the
garment of praise for the spirit of
heaviness; that they might be called
trees of righteousness, the planting
of the Lord, that he might be
While I am
WaitingAnifowose Ayodeji
(Verse 3)
Isaiah 61:1-3
Think about Moses, he had to wait
for 40 years before his destiny was
unfolded and during this time his
character was redefined. We can
remember how he killed a man and
hid his body before he fled and later
had an encounter with God. Check
the books of Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua.
The question now is how do you
perceive the waiting time? Do you
see it as a time off to be equipped
for the next level you so much desire
or as a punishment? What is that
change that you crave for, is it a
good job; marriage partner; fruit of
the womb; admission into higher
institution or even a financial
breakthrough? It is not enough to
say I am waiting on God, but it is
very important to maximize the time
to engage in positive things that will
make you qualified. For instance, as
a young boy who was awaiting
admission into the higher institution,
I engaged in computer hardware
engineering that when I eventually
gained admission into the University
I had no regret because I was a guru
in computer engineering as I
repaired and serviced the computers
in most of the departments. I even
lectured some of my lecturers and
had a school where fellow students
and indigene learned computer
skills. This really fetched me a lot of
money and made me to employ
some of my mates who worked for
As a waiting parent what are you
doing to get yourself equipped for
those children you believe God for?
Have you learned all you need to
know concerning bringing up well
behaved and cultured children that
God is going to entrust you with;
have you trained yourself to be a
praying and caring parent?
Is it a marriage partner that is your
own, okay you have been asking
God for a God fearing, caring and
faithful partner but have you
checked yourself , do you have some
of this attributes if not all as likes
beget likes? Can a brother or sister
pray to be married to somebody like
you? Or you are the type that people
tries to avoid because of your brash
attitude, my friend please work on
yourself so that even when your
desire comes you won't lose it and
starts believing God for a second
Is it a good job that is your own?
Have you worked on your character,
can you say 'yes, there's nobody I
can't work with' because of the
different attitude that people
possess? Do you have a team spirit?
My friends get prepared.
While waiting for that financial
breakthrough, can you boldly say
God can entrust me with His wealth?
Because as a believer you must see
yourself as somebody who must give
account as God doesn't waste
resources He gives to people who
will spend wisely and rightly. Is
giving a difficult thing for you? Read
my article on giving from my blog
site, it will help you. Waiting builds
intimacy and dependency on God
and it also make you have focus on
yourself as it provokes rigorous
thought thereby having you
strategize how to become a better
person. Wait expectantly; your
change is near.
While I am waiting song by John
Waller of Fire Proof movie
I'm waiting; I'm waiting on You Lord,
And I am hopeful; I'm waiting on You
Though it is painful, but patiently I
will wait.
My comments: While waiting we are
hopeful of getting what we need as
soon as the waiting is over and
teaches us to be extremely patient,
ask Abraham and Moses.
And I will move ahead bold and
confident, taking every step in
My comments: Until you choose to
completely obey, your waiting
period might not end or not worth
it. You are walking confidently and
boldly in obedience, believing that
your waiting will be fruitful.
While I'm waiting I will serve you,
While I'm waiting I will worship,
while I'm waiting I will not faint,
I'll be running the race even while I
My comments: While waiting, you
should take time to serve, honour
and worship God. The road isn't easy
while running the race, but you will
not faint because your strength
comes from God alone.
I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord,
And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on
You Lord,
Though it's not easy no, but
faithfully I will wait,
Yes, I will wait.
My comments: Because you are
waiting on the Lord, walking
confidently in obedience to His
instructions it brings you peace of
mind of having a better tomorrow.
But you have to be faithful to the
end, ask Joseph about his
experience in Potiphar's house.
So many of us have missed God's
blessings for our lives through our
attitudes of not maximizing our
waiting period in obedience to His
word, been faithful to the end,
worship and serving God.
Don't misuse your waiting period
now, you will only prolong the
waiting or probably not get anything
valuable from the waiting period.
Ask Gehazi who could not wait
patiently to take over from his
master Elijah, He wasted all his years
of waiting with the singular action of
greed, 2 Kings 4:12 -30. What have
being learning from your waiting
Wait, learn and your expectations
will not be cut short. As I want you
all to know, am also waiting on the
Lord on some areas of my life, not
easy, not funny, but worth it.
Remain Bless.
Ayodeji Anifowose
Conjunctivitis is the swelling and
irritation of the conjunctiva, the
thin layer of tissue that covers the
eyeball and inner surfaces of the
eyelids. This causes the blood
vessels on the eye to swell, making
the eye look red and feel gritty.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by an
irritant, such as dust in a case of an
allergy (for example, pollen) or an
Allergic conjunctivitis will usually
affect both eyes and is intensely
itchy, while viral conjunctivitis
tends to affect one eye first(which
becomes watery), with redness
developing in the second eyes a
few days later.
Bacterial conjunctivitis will usually
cause a sticky discharge from the
eye and crusting around the
eyelids and treatment will depend
on which type of conjunctivitis you
You may be prescribed some eye
drops, and you can ease your
symptoms at home by following
some simple advice.
Avoid touching the eye and
spreading the infection to the
other eye, hold a clean, cold damp
face flannel to the eye to soothe
and cleanse it, do not wear make-
up or contact lenses until the
conjunctivitis has cleared, do not
share towels, flannels and pillow
cases with others in the home
while you have conjunctivitis.
Another common cause of red eye
is a burst blood vessel in the eye.
Straining or coughing can
sometimes cause a blood vessel to
burst on the eye surface, causing a
bright red blotch. This is called
subconjunctival haemorrhage. It
looks alarming, but should clear up
on its own within several weeks.
Common causes of a painful
red eye
If your red eye is painful or you
have other symptoms such as loss
of vision, the cause is likely to be
one of the following.
Iritis means inflammation of the
iris (coloured part of the eye). It is
also known as anterior uveitis.
Usually no cause is found, although
it can sometimes due to an
underlying condition, an infection
or exposure to toxins. Iritis may
not be serious, although the eye
can be quite painful and feel
oversensitive to light. You may also
have a headache and blurred
It is a treatable condition and will
need medical attention.
Acute glaucoma
Acute glaucoma is a serious
condition that means there is a
sudden increase in pressure inside
your eyeball. The eye will probably
be severely painful and watering,
and you may feel unwell and see
halos around lights. Vision is often
affected and the cornea (outer
surface of the eye) may look
If your Optometrist thinks you may
have acute glaucoma, they will
refer you to an Ophthalmologist
An ulcer on the cornea
A corneal ulcer is usually caused by
a bacterial or viral infection and
will feel like there's a particle in
your eye. The eye may also be over
- sensitive to light. Your
Optometrist will refer you to an
Ophthalmologist for treatment.
A scratch to the cornea or
particle in the eye
If there is a particle in your eye,
such as a piece of grit, your
Optometrist will try to remove it.
They will first put anesthetic eye
drops into your eye to numb it and
prevent any pain.
If the particle has scratched your
eye, it may feel a bit
uncomfortable when the
anesthetic eye drops have worn
off. You may be given antibiotic
eye drops or ointment (such as
chloramphenicol) to use for a few
days to reduce the risk of infection
while it heals.
Please visit your Eye Specialist
to do a thorough investigation
to determine the Severity and
cause of the red eye for proper
management. Remember
H e a l t h Benefits
of Soybean
Chef Dede
•1 derica of soya beans
•2 tins of milk
•6 litres of water
•Flavor (vanilla essence)
•Sugar to taste
•Soak the beans in cold water and remove
the skin.
•Re-soak beans in hot water over the
•Grind into a bowl, add 6 litres of water;
and filter with clean cloth.
•Put inside a clean pot and boil for 30mins.
•Remove foam from top, add the milk and
remove from fire after 5 minutes.
•Allow to get cool, re-sieve it again with
clean cloth, add sugar, flavour and chill
before serving.
How to Prepare
(C.E.O of Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support)
Chioma is the official ambassador for
Sebeccly Cancer Care and Support Nigeria
Chioma in the picture above demonstrates how to do the BSE
(Breast Self Examination)
Change in the size or shape of the breast Nipple discharge that starts suddenly
Dimpling or puckering of the skin New pain in one spot that does not go away
Lump, hard knot or thickening inside the
breast or underarm area
Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of
the breast
T O U C H , L O O K a n d C H E C KT h e l e t t e r s T L C m e a n
Breast Self Exam (BSE) Age 20 + Once every month Touch Look Check
Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) Age 20+
Age 40+
Once every 3 year
Once every year
Annual Mammogram Age 40+ Once every year
maintaining an healthy sexual lifestyle
A good sexual life helps to bond
the cord between husband and
wife, but it is unfortunate that
some bonds have been broken,
you might say marriage is not all
about sex, Yes! You might be
“right”, I would like to tell you that
it helps and has a lot to do in
strengthening cords between
couples, it is more than intimacy,
well it depends on how you look at
it; despite this some men find it
difficult to express themselves
sexually to their wives.
I mean men, who find it difficult
to get erection or sustain it, some
do not know the cause, and have
decided to keep it a secret. You do
not need to worry because here
are the nine causes of erection
When the mind is stressed with
responsibilities at work and home,
it is not easy to get in the mood.
Stress can take over many
different parts of your body,
including your penis. Get rid of it
by exercising regularly, getting
enough sleep, and seeking
professional help when
appropriate. Make positive
lifestyle changes that promote
well-being and relaxation.
Do you know that obese men
produce less of the male hormone
testosterone, which is important
for sexual desire and producing an
erection? Being overweight is also
linked to high blood pressure and
hardening of the arteries, which
can reduce blood flow to the penis.
Sexual pleasure or excitement
starts from the brain and then
sends this message down to the
sexual organ, the brain being an
erotic zone is most time neglected.
Through the brain is an erogenous
zone and it is often ignored. Sexual
excitement starts in your head and
works its way down. Depression
can reduce your desire and can
lead to erectile dysfunction.
Somehow, many of the drugs used
to treat depression can also
suppress your sex drive and make
it harder to get an erection.
The content of some drugs can
also cause erectile dysfunction in
men, including certain blood
pressure drugs, pain medications,
and antidepressants. Street drugs
like amphetamines, cocaine, and
marijuana can cause sexual
problems in men, too.
Men who are heavy drinker can
also suffer this but it is temporary.
You might consider having a few
drinks to get in the mood, but
overindulging could make it harder
for you to finish the act. Heavy
alcohol use can interfere with
erections, but the effects are
usually temporary.
Worrying that you won't be able to
perform in bed can make it harder
for you to do just that. Anxiety
from other parts of your life can
also spill over into the bedroom.
All that worry can make you fear
and avoid intimacy, which can
spiral into a vicious cycle that puts
a big strain on your sex life -- and
Poor Health
Poor health can also affect your
ability to perform and sustain your
erection, when your immune
system is down it affects all the
nerves, muscles, blood
flow and strength needed. Diabetes,
high blood pressure, hardening of the
arteries, spinal cord injuries, and
multiple sclerosis can all contribute to
Erectile Dysfunction. Surgery to treat
prostate or bladder problems can also
affect the nerves and blood vessels that
control an erection.
Have you ever enjoyed a delicious meal
with your face squeezed and in anger?
No! It is not possible for you to enjoy
sex with anger all over your face
because you are sending a signal to the
brain that you are not ready for the
“down operation”. It's not easy to feel
romantic when you're raging, whether
your anger is directed at your partner
or not. Unexpressed anger or
improperly expressed anger can
contribute to you low sexual problems.
Low self-esteem also contribute to this,
when you do not appreciate your look
even through the mirror, who else will
do that for you, you've got to boost
yourself man, put in some confidence.
You are who you present yourself to
be. This can also leads to low libido as
in you lose interest in sex and making
love with her. It reduces sex drives.
Safe period calculator helps you to find out the safe
days that you can make love without fear. In natural
way you can avoid pregnancy by remembering some
dates. By simply giving your last period date and
longest and shortest period cycle.
SAFE PERIOD CALCULATOR finds out the safe and
unsafe dates of your menstrual cycle.
How to find out Longest and shortest period cycle?
You have to note your period for at least 6 months
and note the number of days between starting date
and the next period. Then identify longest and
shortest period cycles
To calculate safe and unsafe dates
If a women's menstrual cycle varies from 26 days to
31days cycle,
The shortest cycle
[26 days] minus 18 days = 8th day.
The longest cycle
[31days] minus 10 days=21st day.
Thus, 8th to 21st day of each cycle counting from first
day of menstrual period is considered as fertile period.
Period other than this fertile period in a menstrual
cycle is considered as SAFE PERIOD
Dr. Adeolu Adeusi
Looking good is one's business.
Black men have hair that is thicker
and curlier than men of other
races. Because of this black
including African men are more
liable to ugly razor bumps and the
irritations that follow.
A razor bump occurs when
growing hairs are sharp and they
curl and grow back into the skin
rather than out. It is more likely to
occur after shaving when the hairs
are sharp.
To help prevent razor bumps, you
will find these tips useful.
Use a Sharp Blade : It is better to
use a clean sharp blade than a
blunt blade to avoid irritation, (this
prevents you from repeatedly
shaving the same area and
increasing the chance for irritating
your skin). You should discard
disposable blades after four uses.
Replace blades for electric razors
every three months.
Go With the Grain : Shaving in the
direction that your hair grows
helps reduce skin irritation and
gives a less close shave while
shaving against the direction
would definitely give you a closer
shave where by making the hair to
grow back into the skin. Rub your
hand along your hairs to determine
the direction they grow; you may
find that not all of your hairs grow
downward on your face. To avoid
nicks, pull the skin taut, especially
around the nose and mouth area.
Do not apply too much pressure
when shaving. Take two short
strokes, and then rinse your blade
clean. You will decrease your
chances of nicks, razor burn and
ingrown hairs.
Exfoliate: When you exfoliate, the
dead skin cells are being removed
from the surface of the skin, this
makes the hair grow out easily and
prevent the hair from growing
back into the skin and causing
razor bumps. It is good to use a
gentle scrub to exfoliate often.
Soften Your Beard: When shaving
with a disposable blade rather
than electric clippers, soften the
hairs before shaving. Saturate a
towel with hot water then slightly
wring the towel so that is still wet.
Cover your hairs with the towel.
The hot water and steam will
soften the hairs. Apply your
shaving cream to your beard area,
covering all hairs, and allow it to sit
for at least one minute before
After-Shave: Use a hydrating and
soothing after-shave. An after-
shave lotion will help soothe the
skin and calm any irritation. Use an
after-shave that does not contain
alcohol. Aloe, witch hazel and tea
tree extract are helpful ingredients
that will soothe and hydrate your
Finish your shave by gently patting
dry your skin and apply a
moisturizer with SPF. If you enjoy
using an aftershave, astringent or
toner after your shave, do this
first, and then apply your SPF
moisturizer. It is very important to
use an SPF moisturizer every day
on your face in order to protect
your skin from the harmful effects
of the sun.
Try an Alternative
Give your face a break from the
razor with an alternative to
shaving. Depilatory creams contain
chemicals that dissolve your hairs,
rather than leaving them sharp like
a blade does.
For severe cases of razor bumps,
depilatory creams are a good
option or you can talk to your
dermatologist about a laser hair
removal. Laser hair removal uses a
low current that destroys your hair
follicle and prevents future hair
Razor Bumps
Shaving tips for Black Men
Pressed powder is basically a
compact, less finely milled, the
powder is compressed into a tin
pressed into a cake and inserted
into plastic packaging
Loose powder is powder in a plastic
container that is not in any shape or
form. Loose powder is very finely
milled. That means it is very fine
and is least likely to look cakey on
your skin. It is definitely more
difficult to handle while traveling.
Both loose and pressed powders
are useful makeup products and
offer beautiful finishes.
The vast array of products available
in the makeup aisle can leave a
woman wondering which way to
turn. When you are choosing
between a pressed powder and a
loose powder, there are several
things to consider. Weighing the
benefits of each type of powder
against the disadvantages may help,
but knowing the differences
between the two forms of powder
is equally important. Learning
about the differences will help you
decide what is best for your beauty
It all depends on what you need it
for, and where you are going to be
taking it. If I wanted something
portable, I would go for pressed.
Loose powder is not portable, it's
better left at home as it can get way
too messy, like pouring in your
hand bag, also breeze can easily
blow it off when trying to use it
while traveling.
Pressed powder comes in a handy
little compact with a mirror as well.
Some people prefer loose powder
because pressed powder can break
easily! I like to use loose powder to
set foundation, I just like how it
goes on, and it gives a natural
effect. I would not walk around
with a jar of loose powder in my
purse though. Identify what kind of
coverage you need. Coverage
differs with pressed and loose
powder. While both are indeed
powders, a loose powder will have
a more natural look due to its
lightweight quality. A pressed
powder provides better coverage.
Applying loose powder after you
apply foundation to your face will
allow for a more natural look and
set the foundation.
If you only want to wear the
powder, maybe get something
pressed. Make sure it has a really
nice, almost creamy consistency so
it doesn't look too drying on your
skin. A pressed powder is useful
when you need to dab and retouch
powder applied earlier. Choose a
pressed powder compact for travel
or touch-ups throughout the day.
Determine application preference.
Application differs between the two
types of powder. With loose
powder, a brush will give the best
results. You would generally use a
pad or sponge to apply pressed
powder from a compact; this gives a
slightly heavier coverage than loose
powders applied with a brush or
A brush provides all-over
application, while a pad can dab
smaller areas that just need a little
touch-up. When shine appears, first
blot excess oil with a tissue and
then apply pressed powder touch
up, or result will be cakey.
As long as you don't apply too
much, they really both can give
about the same effect.
Points you need to note about
loose powders;
Some loose powders contain talc
for oil control that may be drying
for sensitive skins.
It is very easy to overdo it with
loose powder. Applying more won't
prevent your face from greasing up
later in the day if you have oil-
prone skin. In this case, pressed
powder is a good back up.
Point you need to note about
pressed powders;
Although pressed powder is more
portable, the product is less finely
milled to be pressed into a cake and
inserted into plastic packaging. This
means oils and bonding ingredients
like waxes are used to make the
powder compact.
Pressed powder, therefore, usually
results in more clogged pores than
loose powder. Also, most users
place their dirty sponge right back
into the compact after using it,
which means more bacteria and
Get The Look You Desire
A p p l y i n g P o w d e r o n y o u r F a c e
Azeezat Ayeloja
Responsible for
in Women
Dr. Girigiri Magnus
Infertility can be defined as
inability to conceive after regular
unprotected sexual intercourse
within a year and at the rate of
3-4 time in a week. It has been
shown that the rate of increase
of infertility in Nigeria is as a
result of several factors that will
be mentioned below.
The anatomy of woman
reproductive system is divided
into the following parts:
(b) Cervix
(c) Uterus
(d)Fallopian tube
(e) Ovary
The causes of infertility are:
maternal factors and paternal
factors. We will be treating the
maternal factors.
The maternal factor is divided
(a)Cervical factor
(b)Ovarian factor
(c)Uterus factor
(d)Fallopian factor
(e)Hormonal factor
*Ovulatory factor
The cervix is the entrance or the
opening to the uterus. If there is
a problem with the cervix that
may bring about cervical
stenosis. It may result to
infertility. This area is also prone
to cervical cancer. Cervical
cancer is also one of the leading
causes of infertility in the world.
In summary the failure of the
cervix to open during
intercourse will result to
This is the part of the female
reproductive system that is
responsible for ovulation and it
contains the hormones which
are: progesterone and oestrogen
This two hormones and the
other hormone from the
posterior pituitary are
responsible for ovulations, any
problems with this two
hormones may result to
Uterus is the part of female
reproductive system that
accommodates the foetus after
conception. This is also a passage
for the sperm cells to move to
the fallopian tube for
fertilization. If there is any
obstruction in the passage of the
spermatozoa in the uterus, it
may also result to infertility.
Here are the causes of
obstruction :
Missed IUCD (intra-uterine
contraceptives device)
Here is where fertilization takes
The fallopian tube contains what
we know as fibrea which is in the
form of cilia which aid the
movement of ovum during
ovulation toward the uterus
from the ovary. If there is
problem with the fibrea there
will be no movement of the
ovum from the ovary, so there
will be infertility or occurrence
of ectopic pregnancy (egg
developing outside the womb:
the development of a fertilized
egg outside the womb, e.g. in a
fallopian tube - Microsoft
Hormonal factors as been
estimated to be one of the
leading causes of infertility in the
The hormones include :
stimulating hormone(FSH),
prolactin, progesterone and
Any abnormality or imbalance of
the above named hormones will
cause infertility and it is
regarded as hormonal
The treatment of infertility is
very complicated, it depends on
the cause. It is advisable to see
your doctor..
Next Issue

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Sheerhealth Magazine Issue 1

  • 1.
  • 2. How Do You Prefer Your Coffee? Would You Like it Decaf or Caffeinated? Coffee & Your Body Send your comment to Sheerhealth Magazine
  • 3. C O N T E N T S How to help Victim of Child Abuse real life story NUTRITION 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Soybean13 6 Reasons to Drink Water Regularly the secret to an healthy body Facts about Your Red Eyes 6 8 12 GENERAL Avoid Those Razor Bumps shaving tips for black men BEAUTY Get the Look You Desire applying powder on your face 20 21 FEATURE Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support Dr. Omolola Salako 14 FITNESS Physical Activities the best way to keep fit 5 MEN 9 Shocking Erection Killers maintaining an healthy sexual lifestyle 18 While I Am Waiting INSPIRATION 10 Factors Responsible for Infertility in Women Easiest Way to Know Your Safe Period WOMEN 22 19
  • 4. Welcome to the first edition of SheerHealth Magazine.“SheerHealth means “Absolute health”, According to WHO (World Health Organization) “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. An online health magazine whose mission is to share information that relates to health for both men and women. Therefore SheerHealth helps to provide and share information which transcends physical health, thereby, also sharing information that has to do with body fitness, nutrition, cuisine, first aid, health news/ campaigns, beauty care, and inspirations in a classic style. In this Edition, you will get to know the health benefits of drinking water, the nine shocking erection killers for men who finds it difficult sustaining erection in bed, factors responsible for infertility in women, if you have not taken soyabean before, in this edition you will know the benefits of eating soyabean, there is also an interview section with Dr. Lola Salako the Director of Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support whose passion is to help women suffering from Breast Cancer. Chioma Akpotha who is the official ambassador of Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support will show how to do the self breast examination and many more. Happy Reading. Adedola O. Ruth Publisher /Editor -in -Chief Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Adedola O. Ruth Digital/Graphics Design Pomum Studios Editors Ajayi Oluwaseun Odetoki Oluwafemi Contributors Dr. Oghogho Richards Dr. Adeolu Adeusi Dr. Girigiri Magnus Azeezat Ayeloja Adamu Ehi Anifowose Ayodeji Dede Edewo All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.
  • 5. Physical Activities O the best way to keep fit 5
  • 6. 6Reasons to Drink Water Regularly The human body is 65 percent water, and it takes an average of eight to ten cups to replenish the water our bodies lose each day. How much water a person needs depends largely on the volume of urine and sweat lost daily. (Source: Microsoft Encarta) Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids Your body is composed of about 65% water and it is used For digestion, absorption, blood circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. "Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says Guest, an adjunct professor of medicine at Stanford University. You do not know the good you are doing your body system by giving it the exact amount of water it needs, and not when you feel like you are thirsty. Man cannot deny the fact that he needs water to wash clothes, bathe, cook and even sprinkle on our farm soil; even other creatures knows the importance of water. It is so obvious that You and I cannot do without water. You stand to gain all these benefits if you imbibe the habit of drinking water ,not just water but good and clean water. Whenever you are thirsty and feel the urge to drink water, it is the brain that sends it to you, to alert you that your body is low in fluids, unless you are taking medication that makes you thirst, you should drink water. Remember that alcohol is not the option because it interferes with the brain and kidney communication and causes excess excretion of fluids which can then lead to dehydration. the secret to an healthy body General 6
  • 7. Control Calories Food with higher water contents requires more chewing and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, whereby making you feel full, water – rich foods includes fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, beans and broth based soups. "What works with weight loss is if you choose water or a non- caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and help you trim calorie intake," says Barbara Rolls, A Penn State research who is also the author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan. Energize Muscles Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. "When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer," says Guest. Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising. Follow the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fluid intake before and during physical activity. These guidelines recommend that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good The skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But don't expect over-hydration to erase wrinkles or fine lines, says Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth Ellner, MD. "Dehydration makes your skin look dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration," he says. "But once you are adequately hydrated, the kidneys take over and excrete excess fluids." You can also help "lock" moisture into your skin by using moisturizer, which creates a physical barrier to keep moisture in. It Helps Your Kidneys Water is needed by the kidney to transport waste products in and out of the body. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a water-soluble waste that is able to pass through the kidneys to be excreted in the urine, explains Guest. "Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate," he says. When you're getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, is light in color and free of odor. When your body is not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, color, and odor increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions. If you chronically drink too little, you may be at higher risk for kidney stones, especially in warm climates, Guest warns. Maintain Normal Bowel Function Drinking enough water helps the proper movement of the bowel, whereby preventing constipation, when enough fluid is not present in the body, the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration and results into constipation. Adequate hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. "Adequate fluid and fiber is the perfect combination, because the fluid pumps up the fiber and acts like a broom to keep your bowel functioning properly," says Koelemay. (Source: The Internet) A person can survive only eight to ten days without water, whereas it takes weeks or even months to die from a lack of food (Source: Microsoft Encarta) Remember that Alcohol is not the option because it interferes with the brain and kidney communication and causes excess excretion of fluids which can then lead to dehydration. 7
  • 8. How to help Victims of Child Abuse Iasked a friend recently about what comes to her head when she hears the words “child abuse” and she screamed the word “wickedness” in a repulsive manner almost immediately, which explained how she felt about it and how everyone else should feel about this topic. You really do not want to know what goes on in the mind of the victims of child abuse but at the same time I think you should know so you can help them. I was a victim and I know what it feels like, the thoughts that come to your head while going through this scary phase of phase of your life. It was not easy for me growing up with this knowledge that I had been abused regularly and I did not even know. I was a little kid and at a point I thought it was normal, did not know it was called child abuse until my early teens and the aftermath of the experience was worse for me. I have decided to use this medium to describe and explain in simple words what child abuse entails so that as a parent, guardian, counselor friend or a concerned individual you would know how to help your child or ward if he or she is displaying the signs and also know how to get through to the victims of child abuse. First of all, what is child abuse? According to the International Child Abuse Network ( and Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network ( Child abuse simply means the physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Child abuse occurs in different forms, they are: 1) Physical child abuse; this involves inflicting injuries on children to cause pain such as beating, shaking a child vigorously, burns (iron, cigarette, etc.), human bites and strangulation. 2) Emotional/psychological child abuse; this is constant belittling, teasing, verbal abuses aimed at making a child feel awful. 3) Sexual abuse; this is any form of intimacy with a child which includes kissing, fingering, smooching, fondling with a child's private parts and sex (vaginal, oral, anal, penetration). 4) Neglect as a form of child abuse; this is depriving a child of their basic needs which includes food, clothing, warmth and shelter, emotional and physical security, medical care, cleanliness, education and supervision. For you to be able to know if a child is going through or has experienced any of these 8
  • 9. forms of abuses you have to have an idea of the symptoms or indicators of child abuse, they are; Unexplained bruises and bleeding in genital areas Low self esteem Injuries and aches Depression and guilt Sleep disorders Unusual fearfulness Self-mutilations Phobias Development of a bad habit such as sucking, biting of nails, etc. Inappropriate sexual knowledge and misbehavior School problems (absences and drop in grades) Suicide attempts Overly protective and concerned for siblings and assuming a caretaker role. All these symptoms apply to victims of child abuse but a child might display some and not all of these symptoms; so do not expect to notice or observe all these symptoms in order to know if a child is being abused or not. For example, I as a child experienced sexual abuse from some older boys in my neighborhood. I never felt like committing suicide nor did I feel depressed in fact I was always topping my class but I knew something was wrong with me because I felt pains and had bruises in my genital areas. I was worried but I could not pinpoint what was wrong with me. I could not tell anyone because they warned me not to tell anyone and kept me quiet by buying biscuits and other sweet stuffs for me. It was later that I found out other girls in my neighborhood were also sexually abused. Few years later, my mum suspected something was wrong because one of the boys was caught in the act, she asked me about it and I told her my horrible experience. She was furious and told other parents to ask their children and that was how the sexual abuses ended. Growing up was fun for me but the occasional thought of my childhood experiences kept eating me up. I could not talk to anyone about it because I was scared of being misjudged. I regularly asked myself questions like “I'm I still a virgin and is my hymen intact?” and “why did this happen to me?” Luckily for me, I was not depressed but I felt guilty. It took me years of reading online articles about child abuses for me to fully understand what I went through and that it was not my fault. Now I am stronger and all I want to do is to help victims in any way I can. We might not be able to stop this practice but we can reduce the effects of the psychological trauma these children face. I was lucky enough to have escaped sex but the psychological/emotional after effect of this experience was not easy to overcome on my own, it took God's grace and the help of a friend to overcome that phase of my life. What child abuse victims need, is someone they can pour their hearts to. Parents, guardians, counselors or any concerned citizen reading this should please watch out for any of the symptoms or indicators I listed above in their children. If any of these indicators is observed in any child, the first step towards helping the child is to be friends with that child, try drawing them closer by buying them gifts and then ask them questions, that is if you are related to the child. If you are not related then you have to be more careful so the child does not misunderstand your intentions because some of these children do not even know they are being assaulted because their assaulters tell them they like them and buy stuffs for them before or after assaulting them. Talk to their parents first if you know them and calm them down, they must not blame the child for what is happening. But if it is the parents that are the ones assaulting the child then please report the case to the police or any human rights organization. An abused victim should not be stigmatized rather they should be helped and cared for so they can face life positively. >Do you have a story to share? Then send us a mail. ADAMU MARY EHI 9
  • 10. God has destined that mankind should depend on Him, regardless of their statuses but unfortunately some people have doubted the existence of God while some take Him to be too slow, instead they get anxious and frustrated, and might end up committing suicide; when they could no longer wait. Everyone desires the fast-fast thing but only the spiritually and sensitive ones understands the virtue embedded in waiting on God. Job said, “If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come". Job 14:14. This means that change is paramount for every individual but the question is how many people can wait for the change to come? God is too slow some assume especially when they are expecting the manifestation of His promises concerning them but the good news is that when you align yourself with God and understands His ways you enjoy peace and maximize the waiting period. In the gospel this happened to Mary and Martha while they were waiting on Jesus to come and heal their brother, Lazarus and when Jesus eventually showed up they accused him of taking too long, John 11:1- 46.Meanwhile waiting is a tool for development. The bible recorded that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel, Jesus, Paul and more waited on God and they were not disappointed and fulfilled destiny in grand styles. Jesus for instance, was here as the messiah, but for the first 30 years of His life, He was without identity and it was also recorded that He was only a lay reader in the temple (Luke4:16) but when he turned 30, the plan of His destiny was unfolded. The Holy Ghost descended on Him and equipped Him for accomplishments. “And Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all the region round about”. Luke 4:14.Though Jesus was born of the Spirit however, He could not do miracles nor excel in His Ministry until He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness, then anointed and equipped. “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness ... and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of Him through all the region round about”. Luke 4:1, 14.Thus Jesus had to wait until He was equipped to fulfill His destiny and during that period he was always in the temple, listening to teachings and asking questions. This shows that our Saviour Jesus waited until the Holy Spirit was released unto Him without measure. And when Jesus Christ passed the waiting test His destiny was completely unfolded and He found what was written concerning Him (destiny). Until you have fully maximized the waiting test you may not be qualified for the next level.“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; (Verse 1) To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; (Verse 2) To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified”. While I am WaitingAnifowose Ayodeji Inspiration 10
  • 11. (Verse 3) Isaiah 61:1-3 Think about Moses, he had to wait for 40 years before his destiny was unfolded and during this time his character was redefined. We can remember how he killed a man and hid his body before he fled and later had an encounter with God. Check the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua. The question now is how do you perceive the waiting time? Do you see it as a time off to be equipped for the next level you so much desire or as a punishment? What is that change that you crave for, is it a good job; marriage partner; fruit of the womb; admission into higher institution or even a financial breakthrough? It is not enough to say I am waiting on God, but it is very important to maximize the time to engage in positive things that will make you qualified. For instance, as a young boy who was awaiting admission into the higher institution, I engaged in computer hardware engineering that when I eventually gained admission into the University I had no regret because I was a guru in computer engineering as I repaired and serviced the computers in most of the departments. I even lectured some of my lecturers and had a school where fellow students and indigene learned computer skills. This really fetched me a lot of money and made me to employ some of my mates who worked for me. As a waiting parent what are you doing to get yourself equipped for those children you believe God for? Have you learned all you need to know concerning bringing up well behaved and cultured children that God is going to entrust you with; have you trained yourself to be a praying and caring parent? Is it a marriage partner that is your own, okay you have been asking God for a God fearing, caring and faithful partner but have you checked yourself , do you have some of this attributes if not all as likes beget likes? Can a brother or sister pray to be married to somebody like you? Or you are the type that people tries to avoid because of your brash attitude, my friend please work on yourself so that even when your desire comes you won't lose it and starts believing God for a second chance. Is it a good job that is your own? Have you worked on your character, can you say 'yes, there's nobody I can't work with' because of the different attitude that people possess? Do you have a team spirit? My friends get prepared. While waiting for that financial breakthrough, can you boldly say God can entrust me with His wealth? Because as a believer you must see yourself as somebody who must give account as God doesn't waste resources He gives to people who will spend wisely and rightly. Is giving a difficult thing for you? Read my article on giving from my blog site, it will help you. Waiting builds intimacy and dependency on God and it also make you have focus on yourself as it provokes rigorous thought thereby having you strategize how to become a better person. Wait expectantly; your change is near. While I am waiting song by John Waller of Fire Proof movie I'm waiting; I'm waiting on You Lord, And I am hopeful; I'm waiting on You Lord, Though it is painful, but patiently I will wait. My comments: While waiting we are hopeful of getting what we need as soon as the waiting is over and teaches us to be extremely patient, ask Abraham and Moses. And I will move ahead bold and confident, taking every step in obedience. My comments: Until you choose to completely obey, your waiting period might not end or not worth it. You are walking confidently and boldly in obedience, believing that your waiting will be fruitful. While I'm waiting I will serve you, While I'm waiting I will worship, while I'm waiting I will not faint, I'll be running the race even while I wait. My comments: While waiting, you should take time to serve, honour and worship God. The road isn't easy while running the race, but you will not faint because your strength comes from God alone. I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord, And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on You Lord, Though it's not easy no, but faithfully I will wait, Yes, I will wait. My comments: Because you are waiting on the Lord, walking confidently in obedience to His instructions it brings you peace of mind of having a better tomorrow. But you have to be faithful to the end, ask Joseph about his experience in Potiphar's house. So many of us have missed God's blessings for our lives through our attitudes of not maximizing our waiting period in obedience to His word, been faithful to the end, worship and serving God. Don't misuse your waiting period now, you will only prolong the waiting or probably not get anything valuable from the waiting period. Ask Gehazi who could not wait patiently to take over from his master Elijah, He wasted all his years of waiting with the singular action of greed, 2 Kings 4:12 -30. What have being learning from your waiting period? Wait, learn and your expectations will not be cut short. As I want you all to know, am also waiting on the Lord on some areas of my life, not easy, not funny, but worth it. Remain Bless. Ayodeji Anifowose @One4nation 11
  • 12. Conjunctivitis is the swelling and irritation of the conjunctiva, the thin layer of tissue that covers the eyeball and inner surfaces of the eyelids. This causes the blood vessels on the eye to swell, making the eye look red and feel gritty. Conjunctivitis can be caused by an irritant, such as dust in a case of an allergy (for example, pollen) or an infection. Allergic conjunctivitis will usually affect both eyes and is intensely itchy, while viral conjunctivitis tends to affect one eye first(which becomes watery), with redness developing in the second eyes a few days later. Bacterial conjunctivitis will usually cause a sticky discharge from the eye and crusting around the eyelids and treatment will depend on which type of conjunctivitis you have. You may be prescribed some eye drops, and you can ease your symptoms at home by following some simple advice. Avoid touching the eye and spreading the infection to the other eye, hold a clean, cold damp face flannel to the eye to soothe and cleanse it, do not wear make- up or contact lenses until the conjunctivitis has cleared, do not share towels, flannels and pillow cases with others in the home while you have conjunctivitis. Another common cause of red eye is a burst blood vessel in the eye. Straining or coughing can sometimes cause a blood vessel to burst on the eye surface, causing a bright red blotch. This is called subconjunctival haemorrhage. It looks alarming, but should clear up on its own within several weeks. Common causes of a painful red eye If your red eye is painful or you have other symptoms such as loss of vision, the cause is likely to be one of the following. Iritis Iritis means inflammation of the iris (coloured part of the eye). It is also known as anterior uveitis. Usually no cause is found, although it can sometimes due to an underlying condition, an infection or exposure to toxins. Iritis may not be serious, although the eye can be quite painful and feel oversensitive to light. You may also have a headache and blurred vision. It is a treatable condition and will need medical attention. Acute glaucoma Acute glaucoma is a serious condition that means there is a sudden increase in pressure inside your eyeball. The eye will probably be severely painful and watering, and you may feel unwell and see halos around lights. Vision is often affected and the cornea (outer surface of the eye) may look cloudy. If your Optometrist thinks you may have acute glaucoma, they will refer you to an Ophthalmologist immediately. An ulcer on the cornea A corneal ulcer is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection and will feel like there's a particle in your eye. The eye may also be over - sensitive to light. Your Optometrist will refer you to an Ophthalmologist for treatment. A scratch to the cornea or particle in the eye If there is a particle in your eye, such as a piece of grit, your Optometrist will try to remove it. They will first put anesthetic eye drops into your eye to numb it and prevent any pain. If the particle has scratched your eye, it may feel a bit uncomfortable when the anesthetic eye drops have worn off. You may be given antibiotic eye drops or ointment (such as chloramphenicol) to use for a few days to reduce the risk of infection while it heals. Please visit your Eye Specialist to do a thorough investigation to determine the Severity and cause of the red eye for proper management. Remember GOOD SIGHT IS PRICELESS. 12
  • 13. 7Amazing H e a l t h Benefits of Soybean Chef Dede Nutrition S Recipe: •1 derica of soya beans •2 tins of milk •6 litres of water •Flavor (vanilla essence) •Sugar to taste Method: •Soak the beans in cold water and remove the skin. •Re-soak beans in hot water over the night. •Grind into a bowl, add 6 litres of water; and filter with clean cloth. •Put inside a clean pot and boil for 30mins. •Remove foam from top, add the milk and remove from fire after 5 minutes. •Allow to get cool, re-sieve it again with clean cloth, add sugar, flavour and chill before serving. How to Prepare SoyMilk www.sheerhealthmagazine.com13
  • 14. (C.E.O of Sebeccly Cancer Care And Support) S 14
  • 16. Chioma is the official ambassador for Sebeccly Cancer Care and Support Nigeria Chioma in the picture above demonstrates how to do the BSE (Breast Self Examination)
  • 17. Change in the size or shape of the breast Nipple discharge that starts suddenly Dimpling or puckering of the skin New pain in one spot that does not go away Lump, hard knot or thickening inside the breast or underarm area Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast T O U C H , L O O K a n d C H E C KT h e l e t t e r s T L C m e a n SCREENING GUIDELINE WHEN ROUTINE Breast Self Exam (BSE) Age 20 + Once every month Touch Look Check Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) Age 20+ Age 40+ Once every 3 year Once every year Annual Mammogram Age 40+ Once every year
  • 18. maintaining an healthy sexual lifestyle 9 Men A good sexual life helps to bond the cord between husband and wife, but it is unfortunate that some bonds have been broken, you might say marriage is not all about sex, Yes! You might be “right”, I would like to tell you that it helps and has a lot to do in strengthening cords between couples, it is more than intimacy, well it depends on how you look at it; despite this some men find it difficult to express themselves sexually to their wives. I mean men, who find it difficult to get erection or sustain it, some do not know the cause, and have decided to keep it a secret. You do not need to worry because here are the nine causes of erection killers. Stress When the mind is stressed with responsibilities at work and home, it is not easy to get in the mood. Stress can take over many different parts of your body, including your penis. Get rid of it by exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and seeking professional help when appropriate. Make positive lifestyle changes that promote well-being and relaxation. Overweight Do you know that obese men produce less of the male hormone testosterone, which is important for sexual desire and producing an erection? Being overweight is also linked to high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, which can reduce blood flow to the penis. Depression Sexual pleasure or excitement starts from the brain and then sends this message down to the sexual organ, the brain being an erotic zone is most time neglected. Through the brain is an erogenous zone and it is often ignored. Sexual excitement starts in your head and works its way down. Depression can reduce your desire and can lead to erectile dysfunction. Somehow, many of the drugs used to treat depression can also suppress your sex drive and make it harder to get an erection. Medications The content of some drugs can also cause erectile dysfunction in men, including certain blood pressure drugs, pain medications, and antidepressants. Street drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, and marijuana can cause sexual problems in men, too. Alcohol Men who are heavy drinker can also suffer this but it is temporary. You might consider having a few drinks to get in the mood, but overindulging could make it harder for you to finish the act. Heavy alcohol use can interfere with erections, but the effects are usually temporary. Anxiety Worrying that you won't be able to perform in bed can make it harder for you to do just that. Anxiety from other parts of your life can also spill over into the bedroom. All that worry can make you fear and avoid intimacy, which can spiral into a vicious cycle that puts a big strain on your sex life -- and relationship. Poor Health Poor health can also affect your ability to perform and sustain your erection, when your immune system is down it affects all the nerves, muscles, blood www.sheerhealthmagazine.com18
  • 19. flow and strength needed. Diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, spinal cord injuries, and multiple sclerosis can all contribute to Erectile Dysfunction. Surgery to treat prostate or bladder problems can also affect the nerves and blood vessels that control an erection. Anger Have you ever enjoyed a delicious meal with your face squeezed and in anger? No! It is not possible for you to enjoy sex with anger all over your face because you are sending a signal to the brain that you are not ready for the “down operation”. It's not easy to feel romantic when you're raging, whether your anger is directed at your partner or not. Unexpressed anger or improperly expressed anger can contribute to you low sexual problems. Self-Image Low self-esteem also contribute to this, when you do not appreciate your look even through the mirror, who else will do that for you, you've got to boost yourself man, put in some confidence. You are who you present yourself to be. This can also leads to low libido as in you lose interest in sex and making love with her. It reduces sex drives. Safe period calculator helps you to find out the safe days that you can make love without fear. In natural way you can avoid pregnancy by remembering some dates. By simply giving your last period date and longest and shortest period cycle. SAFE PERIOD CALCULATOR finds out the safe and unsafe dates of your menstrual cycle. How to find out Longest and shortest period cycle? You have to note your period for at least 6 months and note the number of days between starting date and the next period. Then identify longest and shortest period cycles To calculate safe and unsafe dates If a women's menstrual cycle varies from 26 days to 31days cycle, The shortest cycle [26 days] minus 18 days = 8th day. The longest cycle [31days] minus 10 days=21st day. Thus, 8th to 21st day of each cycle counting from first day of menstrual period is considered as fertile period. That is UNSAFE PERIOD. Period other than this fertile period in a menstrual cycle is considered as SAFE PERIOD Dr. Adeolu Adeusi 19
  • 20. Looking good is one's business. Black men have hair that is thicker and curlier than men of other races. Because of this black including African men are more liable to ugly razor bumps and the irritations that follow. A razor bump occurs when growing hairs are sharp and they curl and grow back into the skin rather than out. It is more likely to occur after shaving when the hairs are sharp. To help prevent razor bumps, you will find these tips useful. Use a Sharp Blade : It is better to use a clean sharp blade than a blunt blade to avoid irritation, (this prevents you from repeatedly shaving the same area and increasing the chance for irritating your skin). You should discard disposable blades after four uses. Replace blades for electric razors every three months. Go With the Grain : Shaving in the direction that your hair grows helps reduce skin irritation and gives a less close shave while shaving against the direction would definitely give you a closer shave where by making the hair to grow back into the skin. Rub your hand along your hairs to determine the direction they grow; you may find that not all of your hairs grow downward on your face. To avoid nicks, pull the skin taut, especially around the nose and mouth area. Do not apply too much pressure when shaving. Take two short strokes, and then rinse your blade clean. You will decrease your chances of nicks, razor burn and ingrown hairs. Exfoliate: When you exfoliate, the dead skin cells are being removed from the surface of the skin, this makes the hair grow out easily and prevent the hair from growing back into the skin and causing razor bumps. It is good to use a gentle scrub to exfoliate often. Soften Your Beard: When shaving with a disposable blade rather than electric clippers, soften the hairs before shaving. Saturate a towel with hot water then slightly wring the towel so that is still wet. Cover your hairs with the towel. The hot water and steam will soften the hairs. Apply your shaving cream to your beard area, covering all hairs, and allow it to sit for at least one minute before shaving. After-Shave: Use a hydrating and soothing after-shave. An after- shave lotion will help soothe the skin and calm any irritation. Use an after-shave that does not contain alcohol. Aloe, witch hazel and tea tree extract are helpful ingredients that will soothe and hydrate your skin. Finish your shave by gently patting dry your skin and apply a moisturizer with SPF. If you enjoy using an aftershave, astringent or toner after your shave, do this first, and then apply your SPF moisturizer. It is very important to use an SPF moisturizer every day on your face in order to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Try an Alternative Give your face a break from the razor with an alternative to shaving. Depilatory creams contain chemicals that dissolve your hairs, rather than leaving them sharp like a blade does. For severe cases of razor bumps, depilatory creams are a good option or you can talk to your dermatologist about a laser hair removal. Laser hair removal uses a low current that destroys your hair follicle and prevents future hair growth. Razor Bumps Avoid Those Shaving tips for Black Men Beauty www.sheerhealthmagazine.com20
  • 21. Pressed powder is basically a compact, less finely milled, the powder is compressed into a tin pressed into a cake and inserted into plastic packaging Loose powder is powder in a plastic container that is not in any shape or form. Loose powder is very finely milled. That means it is very fine and is least likely to look cakey on your skin. It is definitely more difficult to handle while traveling. Both loose and pressed powders are useful makeup products and offer beautiful finishes. The vast array of products available in the makeup aisle can leave a woman wondering which way to turn. When you are choosing between a pressed powder and a loose powder, there are several things to consider. Weighing the benefits of each type of powder against the disadvantages may help, but knowing the differences between the two forms of powder is equally important. Learning about the differences will help you decide what is best for your beauty routine. It all depends on what you need it for, and where you are going to be taking it. If I wanted something portable, I would go for pressed. Loose powder is not portable, it's better left at home as it can get way too messy, like pouring in your hand bag, also breeze can easily blow it off when trying to use it while traveling. Pressed powder comes in a handy little compact with a mirror as well. Some people prefer loose powder because pressed powder can break easily! I like to use loose powder to set foundation, I just like how it goes on, and it gives a natural effect. I would not walk around with a jar of loose powder in my purse though. Identify what kind of coverage you need. Coverage differs with pressed and loose powder. While both are indeed powders, a loose powder will have a more natural look due to its lightweight quality. A pressed powder provides better coverage. Applying loose powder after you apply foundation to your face will allow for a more natural look and set the foundation. If you only want to wear the powder, maybe get something pressed. Make sure it has a really nice, almost creamy consistency so it doesn't look too drying on your skin. A pressed powder is useful when you need to dab and retouch powder applied earlier. Choose a pressed powder compact for travel or touch-ups throughout the day. Determine application preference. Application differs between the two types of powder. With loose powder, a brush will give the best results. You would generally use a pad or sponge to apply pressed powder from a compact; this gives a slightly heavier coverage than loose powders applied with a brush or puff. A brush provides all-over application, while a pad can dab smaller areas that just need a little touch-up. When shine appears, first blot excess oil with a tissue and then apply pressed powder touch up, or result will be cakey. As long as you don't apply too much, they really both can give about the same effect. Points you need to note about loose powders; Some loose powders contain talc for oil control that may be drying for sensitive skins. It is very easy to overdo it with loose powder. Applying more won't prevent your face from greasing up later in the day if you have oil- prone skin. In this case, pressed powder is a good back up. Point you need to note about pressed powders; Although pressed powder is more portable, the product is less finely milled to be pressed into a cake and inserted into plastic packaging. This means oils and bonding ingredients like waxes are used to make the powder compact. Pressed powder, therefore, usually results in more clogged pores than loose powder. Also, most users place their dirty sponge right back into the compact after using it, which means more bacteria and breakouts. Get The Look You Desire A p p l y i n g P o w d e r o n y o u r F a c e Azeezat Ayeloja 21
  • 22. Responsible for in Women Dr. Girigiri Magnus
  • 23. Infertility can be defined as inability to conceive after regular unprotected sexual intercourse within a year and at the rate of 3-4 time in a week. It has been shown that the rate of increase of infertility in Nigeria is as a result of several factors that will be mentioned below. The anatomy of woman reproductive system is divided into the following parts: (a)Vaginal (b) Cervix (c) Uterus (d)Fallopian tube (e) Ovary The causes of infertility are: maternal factors and paternal factors. We will be treating the maternal factors. The maternal factor is divided into: (a)Cervical factor (b)Ovarian factor (c)Uterus factor (d)Fallopian factor (e)Hormonal factor *Infections *Ovulatory factor CERVICAL FACTOR The cervix is the entrance or the opening to the uterus. If there is a problem with the cervix that may bring about cervical stenosis. It may result to infertility. This area is also prone to cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is also one of the leading causes of infertility in the world. In summary the failure of the cervix to open during intercourse will result to infertility. OVARIAN FACTOR This is the part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for ovulation and it contains the hormones which are: progesterone and oestrogen This two hormones and the other hormone from the posterior pituitary are responsible for ovulations, any problems with this two hormones may result to infertility. UTERUS FACTOR Uterus is the part of female reproductive system that accommodates the foetus after conception. This is also a passage for the sperm cells to move to the fallopian tube for fertilization. If there is any obstruction in the passage of the spermatozoa in the uterus, it may also result to infertility. Here are the causes of obstruction : Fibroid Missed IUCD (intra-uterine contraceptives device) Endometriosis. FALLOPIAN TUBE FACTOR Here is where fertilization takes place. The fallopian tube contains what we know as fibrea which is in the form of cilia which aid the movement of ovum during ovulation toward the uterus from the ovary. If there is problem with the fibrea there will be no movement of the ovum from the ovary, so there will be infertility or occurrence of ectopic pregnancy (egg developing outside the womb: the development of a fertilized egg outside the womb, e.g. in a fallopian tube - Microsoft Encarta) HORMONAL FACTOR Hormonal factors as been estimated to be one of the leading causes of infertility in the world. The hormones include : LH(l-hormone),follicular stimulating hormone(FSH), prolactin, progesterone and oestrogen. Any abnormality or imbalance of the above named hormones will cause infertility and it is regarded as hormonal imbalance. Treatment The treatment of infertility is very complicated, it depends on the cause. It is advisable to see your doctor.. www.sheerhealthmagazine.com22