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My name is Shawn Gordon Cullen. I am a Canadian citizen. As you know my civil rights are targeted,
are being breached at every turn. April 9 1866 was the first U.S. Federal law to define citizenship and
affirm every citizen has a right to be equally protected under by law. Clearly my lawfull right to be
protected is breached contrary to section 15(1) of the Charter. I was a target of extreme systematic
corruption and structural abuse, taken and terrorized for four years from 2015 to 2019. And contrary to
not only my civil rights, shockingly forcing me to examine and investigate what direction language and
terms are headed in, and what language and terms are troubling or altering the identification and fullness
of civil rights. Now section 11(e) of the Charter of rights is the right to bail, the right to not be denied
bail in a unjust, unreasonable way. Now the right to bail is corollary to the right to be presumed
innocent, corollary, a secondary part in the course of a proven. And what is proven is the right to be
presumed innocent, belief in the right to be presumed innocent. And my right to be presumed innocent
was breached at the get go, at the earliest bail hearings. In a quick way I raised my voice to let the judge
know I was able to account for what that prosecutor said, what he was using to deny my bail. That judge
would not let me give an account, pretty much assaulted my right to give an account. I have documented
that matter, you know the audio podcast part 1. Therefore we know my right to be presumed innocent
was breached right from the get go. That is the least I am saying here. They can attempt to delete court
records, alter court records, bribe people, lie to the public, handle me that way they handled Louis David
Riel. Now I am not saying I am like Riel, but there was indeed something madly insane about the way
people handle that time of Riel. And what I am saying is, this report is the truth, the whole truth and not
anything other as God as my witness. They breached my right to be presumed innocent, and they
imposed conditions on me, yet they were not legitimately imposed conditions. They were not, they are
not. They displaced, are displacing the right to be presumed innocent. Vice President of Metis Canada
David Chartrand spoke of Riel. I am being handled in a way like that, and much worse because online
I have the proofs, which perfectly prove I am not guilty, and which are proofs which perfectly prove
system persons documented me in ways now seen as utterly contradictory to who I am and to the story
of my life. There are many layers to a onion but hypocrisy has the most. That is why you hear people
say what they believe in, and yet they head to your story, and then all of a sudden they don’t have a
conscience. So they don’t care about what you are saying. What you are witnessing right now is REAL,
and I have faced many perils to let you know what is happening in my life.
As a natural leading social scientist I give a pretty high number of insights which system persons and
social forces might want to silence because insights might cause them to be seen as hypocrites. Just one
example, I teach on the sound, linguistics of terms. There are terms that are not good to use, except to
teach and remind that those terms are not good to say or use, are corrupt because of their term design,
structural dis-alignment, mis-alignment. They resonate in a way that is self-perverting. That may be a
mounted consciousness or slow in what we call a subconscious mind. What I am saying, is I am able to
prove there are terms that people use that evidences that they are what they accuse others of, that they are
hypocrites using those terms. Three terms I found, which I examined and investigated are the terms
pedophilia, pedophile, sex-offender, and that term, child molester. That is right I saying it is corrupt using
those terms, if you are not teaching-reminding that it is not good that any those terms. That is way our
cities felt threatened. This is serious because what this exposes is that there are terms being used and their
design threatens the administration of justice, our social climate, frequencies. They do that by projecting.
And so what is it to project? As you project you cause another to appear to be what you are inside, cause
what you are to appear on another. What way is a term projected? They that accuse design a profound
measure of their inner self, their inner core, into that which they accuse another of. As they accuse they
are using sound and aim that at a target. Sound travels, unspoken thoughts travel. That sound travels fast
like the speed of sound, and fires up inside a human brain-alarm, what is called the “Amygdala” in a
millisecond. To project they are literally turning their self, their inner-self, into what they accuse another
of, to head you to hyper-brand or label they that they accuse of that. In a sub-conscious and inner-core
way they are literally turning their self into a pedophile to project that onto they who they target, they
who they accuse, people they accuse. So now we know. Yes one of the things I teach is sound is on the
nature of sounds. That nature of that sound of that term pedophile or sex-offender, is such that they that
are using that are turning their self into that, so there is literally a pedophilia act designing inside that
accuser, as they project ! That was not known before. And added to what I am able to teach, I bring to
light that there is a; ‘O feel ya’, sound-design in philia, and that consilium eius, inside of subconscious
phonological awareness, with that term ped turns into that term stalk. Ped is about feet and walking.
That is fed the word children through non-lawfull broad messaging. Corrupt people managed to cause
everyone to be hyper-sensitive to that false term pedophilia, and those false terms sex-offender and child
molester. I am able to lead you deeper into why those terms breach conscience neural circuitry and
brain function. Now we are literally being attacked by people that are hypocrites. We are being attacked
by government people, social organizations, private individuals, that are breaching our right to protection
under the law, our civil rights. Did you know that by using a few false terms, corrupt people can
manipulate, mind-wire and brain-wash millions of people? I am the one man who indeed is able to teach
and prove what way that all works. - This is not a time for people to be doubting and denying me !!!
These people like to tell their selves in their illusions that they are good people. Really what they are
acting out by nature is self love, because they target one who (re)-presents every person they say they
love and protect. There you see that contradiction. So why do they believe their lies, that self love,
counterfeit love? This is about attention. As people offer up attention to you, what they call a loving
relationship, that attention by nature is a mirror. So all that attention that is offered up, that they are
possessing, is self-love, counterfeit. That is why Jesus said, if you only love they that love you, you are
not doing anything any different than this cursed world. That is in that ‘mix’ I told you about, that
hypocrisy breaching our civil rights. And for the record I let you know, there is no swinging pendulum,
no one step forward three steps back, in my paramount insights. The knowledge I author is the power to
correct constitutions and criminal codes world-wide, which will not take a decade if I am supported.
I am not being protected by the law. I am being openly targeted. As I told you, for years now I have
encountered and have experienced extreme systematic and structural abuse, and abuse by legal aid that
has acted arrogant, repressing, deceitful, telling me what lawyer I will get after they already evidenced
that that are targeting me. They don’t want me to have the lawyer I asked for, fraudulently acting that
way as a way of obstructing justice and way of entrapping my future, selecting a lawyer to target me,
somebody that is in bed with this corrupt system, to further structural abuse, extreme breaches to my
every right, my civil rights as a Canadian. I am able to say as God as my witness, legal aid is acting as a
weapon against me. If there was a slightest way I am not telling you the reality I would not be
publishing that matter to let everyone know. And yes I told you of that latest further advance to target
my life and civil rights, yes what I informed you of in part 7 of my audio podcasts. I had a forced court
date, January 15 2020, court-room 267 to plead with respect to a so-called breach. And as you know I
told you I should not have to plead, but what I saw is a mystery. That female judge did not ask me to
plead. She just asked me if I found a lawyer. I hope that was not to stall for time. There were citizens
inside that court room at 2 pm, and I began to freely speak. I was not aggressive, I was not threatening.
Touching on my story, I told the people in that court room. When I was done three Sheriffs came, as if I
did something wrong. A Sheriff that I recognize from before saw my vitamins on the court seat and he
said in a arrogant dead tone, ‘grab your pills and you stuff, lets go’. I believed right there that they were
plotting to abduct me, as if now that I arrived in that court room, they would secretly use an excuse to
throw me inside their corrupt Edmonton Remand, while the people of Edmonton would not know right,
and I am not heard from and that structural abuse begins again. So I began to speak, telling the people
in the court room; “why are these guards here attacking me, stalking me, using threatening language.
And the judge said, O they won’t touch you, you can just head home. But that is the way I felt as I have
experienced being entrapped. That felt like that time I went to downtown headquarters to be at that
illegitimately imposed condition of meeting with a probation officer, and I was met with two corrupt
cops that entrapped and abducted me. Yes that is that which I have documented in my part 7 audio
podcast. If advocates and others do not fight for me they are making a mistake, because I know I am
the answer for our constitution and civil rights of all. I am the voice for Canada, the voice all need !
People say they care for the most vulnerable yet we know they are lying because they are messing with
the most vulnerable knowledge of all, which is according to the knowledge I give.
Edmonton Company Owners and Businessmen and others who heard Shawn Cullen's true story and
summit knowledge respond to exposed scandal and decades old dis and exposed mis information ;
I was targeted for putting system persons to a great email list for three years, put to a unprecedented
civilian investigation and online public trial which raised proof that system persons are not part of
reality and that their language and laws are not part of reality, yes that Canada's constitution and
criminal code book is a number of ways fiction, yes that Canada's judiciary and criminal codes are
great toys that extremely advanced sociopaths play with, yes that persons possessing power play with
using maximum force. System persons took a universally immature violent fit and conspired to attack
me. I lost my apartment of ten years, my beloved little cat, precious things I kept for decades, even
my baby book and pictures and taped songs of my Mother who passed away in 2011. They repress
their want at what is prettiest and by that their greatest deceiving is prettiest. Their want at what is
prettiest is acting as a catalyst that turns their crimes into prettiest crimes, by that breaching our civil
rights. Their lusts are causing their lies to appear most attractive to their self and by that their
conscience is a neural salon that threatens our every security, sense of freedom and civil rights.
I Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of internet material I had good reasons to believe political
people and policing people were playing in, I believed that in principle founded ways. I am the
first citizen in the history of the world to hold 250 political people on a great email list for years
while telling them they could not ask me to take them off the email list because I was
investigating Canada's national securities and the character of the constitution and history. I
warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gave me the
right to send and make public proof. I sent evidence to persons running things. After hundreds of
federal leaders letting me for years, a few Ontario liars designed a way to conjure up a false arrest,
threaten and torture me day and night for years, and they forced me to face a brutally phony trial.
Those Ontario persons were relatively the latest added to my email list. Many acted brutally and
disrespectfully unresponsive as a abomination of desolation and conspiracy to act as if I was out
of place. Now we know what was behind their brutally arrogant and curse loving self-righteous
ignoring, that went on for years. They that were later used to abduct me, falsely branded. Like a
out-raged systematic mad harlot they turned and targeted me. Now I have proven all my rights
were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. And I (WAS) to my great email list of persons
warning saying I am able to prove the nature of people. I said therefore be patient !!!
"All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not
ever be found or thrown in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops."
I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get
policy makers and others on my email list, to communicate !
They that conspired to falsely arrest me, yes abduct me, thought I would not live or not
get free to let you know my true story! - And I still appear threatened ; http://www.educate-
And they (broke federal information laws) to act as if I am dull-minded, lacking insight, not
understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define. Yes
corrupt system persons tried to put my life into a man-size paper shredder. I have in deed proven and
reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand and behind closed doors by
habeas corpus breaches they acted berserk and hyper irregular to attempt to falsify and
misrepresent my personal and private info, health records! And they strangely suggested my physical
health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his health. A number
of times I witnessed in court system persons suggesting my health would likely deteriorate. When I
raised my voice to rebuke and condemn that, I was threatened to keep quite or I was taken
away !! Were system persons plotting to harm my health to cause my demise behind closed
doors !!! Was Prosecutor Rowan? !!! That would further evidence a mad want to unrightly war at my
provincially needed and internationally needed free speech. There is a lot of false branding, labels, and
what is now known, is a market of material I have exposed. Are we living in a state disturbingly
similar to the Soviet Bloc declaring dissidents to be crazy and incarcerating them to silence their voice.
Mary A. Welch 'President of the Canadian Association of Journalists on May 29th 2010, said we are
seeing dangerous control of information, which is appearing to be to falsify and bury facts. Rob Russo
Ottawa Bureau Chief stated that the news people are seeing is not news but "illusions" to deceive the
public. Yes people were and are out to dispense lies, and now all have my audio proofs and written
proof published which reveals and exposes what I Shawn Cullen of Edmonton investigated for years !
Its all about a misdesigned constitution and misdesigned criminal codes. In May of 2010 NDP Joe Coe
martin stated in the House, that within the Criminal Codes "there are HUGE CONTRADICTIONS".
Will Martin himself now act like a huge contradiction at my report!
What motive would Alberta Health persons conceal for targeting me? Here there appears a clue; Now
what if I were to say to you, that what tells us there is legalized system secret society family lust activities in
Edmonton, IS; my published report which exposed proofs of prima facie evidence of years of system-
left publicly accessibly available market of material (clue), and my published Alberta legalized unclothed
family grounds activities (clue)? You might say my few words there are not records that lead you to see
inside and are not seen as records evidencing state involved family-lust (parties)?
The following is evidence, a part taken from a page inside of the 2011 pdf reports I emailed to hundreds of
political persons nine years ago and published on the web. The following public record just ahead visibly
evidences that there were and are system connected family lust parties, a visible system motive behind
attacks I encountered and endured, visible evidence of motive to target my reporting, reporting that persons
running systems are accusing the citizenry of what systems are into. The public interest record clue just
ahead shows what evidences, prima facie, evidences prima facie that there are system adversaries that are
behind years of unjust effects to my freedom and greatest threatening and trouble to my life and civil rights;
I learned of evidence of system secret society family lust parties hosted by man contracted by
designs of our health system, after I called Options Health. V v V - taken from page 37 of 151
There were a great number of realities I needed to reveal, and matters and issues I needed to expose. They
conspired to turn all on me, the one proving, conspired to hide me away like a prisoner of war, as they
threatened and tortured me day and night for greater than three years and thought I would kill myself from
abuse or thought I would lose memory of my knowledge and facts. I did not, and now the truth is published
on the world-wide internet !!! And believe it or not there is evidence I am still at risk, which is why people
must not re-victimize me by ignoring and leaving me supportless. They that forced that unjust trial on me
even acted out denial (did not answer to) my online evidence that a eps officer called me and approved of
my years of investigating ; From 2015 into 2019 they acted out blind and deaf denial that I had posted this
record before August 28, long before that time when I was immorally misled far away from my apartment
of tens years, and once away from where I lived, fifteen minutes later I was unlawfully and violently taken,
like any who are abducted or kidnapped, at 11:30 at night while citizens were asleep. - Here is the record;
"On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he
refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, "You are quite
concerned about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its much deeper than concern". I said I was sending
high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn't make any sense any calling you
now. He Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and
earlier exhibits and other reporting was contrary to the law. Knowing hundreds of federal law policy
designers let me make that public for years, proves for years they had not not any limits on my civil
online investigating and that they had let wide measures of publishing. And sub-section 6 gave me the
right. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he
acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. - I said these points in court - As a official
legal word I truthfully publicly say this is the truth and whole truth as God as my witness.
That 2019 judge named Jerke did not in any way address my 2019 court room report on Macleod!!!
In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the June 2019 court of that long time
published 2015 re-published public interest report on Macleod which a number of times I emailed
hundreds of federal political people and posted, and with what the lawyer said he told the june 2019
court room that to get further evidence I called eps downtown headquarters and a cop told me on the
phone that there are many Macleods and that records on old badge numbers are not always kept.
And four years after that 2015 time that I was taken, yes four years later in 2019 a eps officer on the
June 2019 witness stand in that phony proceeding, said he was not aware if any other eps officer
contacted me before 2015. Yes he said that (even though I publicly posted for years to document that
Macleod called me). Not at any time in four years from 2015 since the false arrest to 2019 did any
cop acknowledge seeing my widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that.
I even got unique federal letters which not any other Canadian citizen have gotten ;
"I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada's Justice Minister
Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and sending
proofs reporting matters and questions on material. In court prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried
suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. For years I put the letters within the report pages I
emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters. Prosecutor James
Rowan did not want the court record to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was a witness)
investigating wide open sites (for years) and they prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. They
that stole my email evidences hyper used that term rambling on the witness stand, and 99 % of my email
messages were not spoken of, and what was used was selected to address my words out of context to
falsify court records throughout that forced phony trial.
Here you see through the pdf file link that the federal Criminal Law Attorney for Canada
examined and acknowledged he was aware I was investigating online material.
Here is other proof that March 17 2011, Canadian Federal law makers knew I was accessing and
investigating written and visual material evidences with respect to youth. The proof is with
respect to page twelve of a sent and online published report I titled the great final report. I do not
consider that earliest draft great in any way but what that decade old report is good for is the
irrefutable proof that federal lawmakers gave me the green light to investigate material. The
proofs are the links titled;,,, and - which I sent and published. In the published
report you see I recorded what so-called Legal disclaimers were at the bottom of those sites,
which proves I passed through visual evidence and did not just see the titles. What I was taking on
was not just fitting sub-section 6, but was legalized by years, three and a half years of federal
acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy-over-all-other-government-
institutions-and-judicial-bodies.You cannot give a green light for three and a half years, and then
act as if I ran a red light or yellow light!!!And remember the earlier 2009 acknowledgment.
Because I was disoriented for four years after being thrown into systematic hell (I forgot of the
2011 key proof here), yes thrown into a great wide systematic attack that was a attempt to cause
great structural abuse to my life and civil rights.
And with respect to persons inside systems that targeted me and my civil rights I have proven by nature there are
youth which do design as older people which system persons and humans by nature are attracted to. The insights I
have published prove that saying this is not the full truth of our world is the greatest lie ever perpetrated
on the earth, and that by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting), (a person to person
hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity effect to a
number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide
tyranny !!! That will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration
designs, economic designs and health designs! And since it is a great matter of propaganda mind wiring and
brain-washing we must be carefull which words we magnify and how much !!! A key instruction !!!
Yes earlier reality report operations were in 2009. I uploaded a June 2009 phone-call with the Canadian
Attorney General‟s office. I told the federal office that all material before June 7th 2009 is not the report. -
The Justice Minister‟s DMA said; “ Yeah exactly, you told me that the real thing is the June 7th report,
nothing before that”. Strangely I later got a letter recording a earlier May 13th update . In the federal letter
the Justice Minister wrote July 20th 2009 ; “Dear Mr. Cullen, Thank you for your correspondence of May13
2009 in which you enclose a copy of your report regarding child pornography”. R.D.Nicholson He knew
the report was not just on that. Click to hear ;
Because people are at work to cause anti-lawfull totally immoral and nonsensical unbelief at my work,
yes at work that way to dis and mischaracterize, not many know nor would they be ready to believe that in the
beginning of 2009 I gave a sample of what I was working on to the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern
California. The ACLU is known worldwide for defending Human Rights! The ACLU's legal representative Pat
Johnson wrote thanking me and he stated that his division is not able to challenge a entire Government since his
division is lacking in certain areas and so is only working on individual cases at the appellate level. The ACLU
did close in wishing that I succeed in my reality laws legal charge against the system as a whole! And on the
March 13 2011 edition of the Gold hawk (phone-in) TV show, I phoned in to say a few words. Dale Goldhawk
said; "Shawn what are your thoughts about the state of democracy here in Canada?" While there were Canadians
across Canada listening, on the phone I actually said I have proven that there are persons running systems
designing highly evolved cultures that are into material of youth. And even if my paramount report and insights
never existed we know there was evident reason to suspect because of the 2004 June 19 Globe & Mail news press
release headlining that Paul Martin, Liberals and N D P caucus are in support of material. And months later their
conservative accusers sought to design a party coalition with they that they accused.
I have PROVEN and RE-PROVEN and RE-PROVEN, that criminal codes and constitutions of all
nations were and are dis and mis designed by dis-and-mis information.
Counterfeit persons that run our world and counterfeit church people are a great great danger to you, because
by nature they that are counterfeit are trying to cause you to believe a start line is the finish line or finishing,
or they are walking along outside the partition heading to salvation and hope, and by that they believe they know
where they are heading and they believe they are next to what is heading to access to the right side of the partition,
yet the partition from the beginning to the finish is 5, 614 kilometers to salvation and hope, and they that are outside
are dogs, like dogs outside the great partition known as the dog-fence. That which I call the fence-fortunate-fallacy, is a rich delusion of false
hope by great advantage-possessing persons that are outside the principle of partition, the principle which reminds
you that they that are living lies, yes they that are lying, will believe they have a great future and yet they are accursed
in greatest danger of being forever cursed for taking away the right to be heard. That is what persons on tv are guilty
of acting out at me . (1stThess.4:8, Luke 18:7, Matt 25:25) All Liars - Revelations 21:18 -20:14
The principle of partition, reminds you that they that are living lies, yes they that are lying, are accursed for that,
in greatest danger of being forever cursed for taking away the right to be heard and right to be real. This is one of
my summit teachings which reminds that if you think lying doesn’t matter, you deceive your self !!!
The following are further insights which prove that if you live a lie you deceive yourself.
I have, proof-founded, key-insights on people and youth and-a-insight-on-the-Occipital-Lobe-Visual Cortex,
which-is-proof-people-by-nature-are-attracted-to-a-number-of-maturing-youth. What-I-have found does in
deed-fit-with-the decades-old-human sense or inkling that it is-total-utter nonsense, yes that-its-dis-and-mis-
mature-when-the-clock-strikes-12-on-their-eighteenth-birthday. With this-I-record here that a repeated-October-
year-olds-are-particularly-vulnerable-to-sexual-assault, yes-vulnerable-as-if-there-is-a-great-urgency, a-great-
metamorphosis, (as-if-youth -grow-within-hours-like-bacteria), yes-a-metamorphosis-that-we-see in-reality-is-
breach-to-the-constitution-and-to-the-civil-rights-of-everyone. This here knowledge is paramount !!!
Here is a key insight for knowing why people that appear warm and of great knowledge are accursed;
A paramount answer to a great mystery; For a great time great people possessing power and wealth told their
selves that they are righteous as they lust at youth and children. They deceived their selves by saying they can
handle that and by saying the public cannot. By saying that they headed far away from a greatest clue of their
hypocrisy. How to know great people are accursed; First know, accursed is danger of being forever
cursed. Every such great person is acting out exercises of knowledge that cause their self to appear good without
being good. Their language is their system of gears. Their false exercises of knowledge causes two illusions
that are at work as, a illusion that is in reality a curse. That false exercise of great knowledge causes (a illusion
of distance) and (a illusion of speed).
By nature exercising causes illusion that your distance to saving your self or to being saved IS NOT FAR, and
causes by that illusion; illusion that you are not far from rescuing people and children. (Yes that false exercise
causes illusion of distance), (and of speed because illusion of distance causes illusion that you are not a
opposition to speed people need)
As great people use their language gears, that system of gears causes that illusion that they can lust at youth
and children, and that every other citizen cannot, (every other who is not inside that knowledge matrix of false
centrality). By that they think they can get away with a wide number of lusting acts.(They are now in denial as
they are at work to deny any reminder or proof that they were and are condemning, prejudicing and
discriminating others based on illusions). Yes their illusions are not heading where they wanted. Years ago
a MP responded to my highest priority emails by confessing on cpac, "We are going the wrong way". Yes
yet they should have acted on that confession. Their illusions show fragmentation related to being cursed. This
revelation lets every body see that by illusions you cannot escape judgement with respect to a old matter of
hypocrisy. This paramount just judgement which is of God is a great warning that if adversaries will not stop
lying about youth and children, then they will be cursed. You are now a eye-witness of my unprecedented
summit insight on why persons that see their selves as good are accursed. *And keep in mind that every
false light shines or glows !!! This knowledge founded on much long suffering is a further reminder and
warning to high court judges, political people, rich and upper-class people; that if you will not follow the honest
and real knowledge and words I have given within my recordings and report, then your hope is an
illusion !!! Now you get why people that appear bright, warm and rich in knowledge are accursed, yes
here you get why persons that see their selves as good, are accursed. - Romans 2:1
And hypocrites will not admit to truth because their innermost subconscious guilt suspects that if they reverse their
course they curse their course !!! They will not review and examine their century old inherited accursed lies !!!
They that deny our present by denying needed history have no real future and hope !!!
Here is knowledge which exposes a great matter (related to) that matter of illusions by their false exercises of
knowledge; Shutting out knowledge of what you are, shows you are of (most unidentifying) variety of that which
you accuse others of. By that we know they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal
that they tell their self they would if they could yet that they fear every neighborhood so they choose what
hypocrites say they should, by that, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!! - By you denying
the sine qua non truth, (just and honest people) face menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!! That is what
their mind and conscience face!!! -This social point is of world-wide national and societal public interest.
Further on that great exposed matter of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a
matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of
persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary
security need, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a great great matter of persons managing
information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is
unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be
trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people
face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable
sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass
into being savable, serviceable. No, what matter we face is not that !
Therefore what is it that we face? What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are
unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a
unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and
mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if
they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily
arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become. Here you see the leading foundation point of
law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report on dis-information and mis-information
by and with respect to people youth and children, yes my report which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil
rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securities !!! Here you see further
what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!!
IN THIS PARAMOUNT PUBLIC REPORT IS THE PROOF Alberta State and others attacked me to try to
cloak and conceal their secret of decades of State involved Family Nudism and a market of youth material
which truthfully I have now EXPOSED by my God-given unprecedented insights, enduring spirit and
unprecedented civilian detective work!!!
IN THIS SUMMIT REPORT IS THE PROOF Ontario Child Advocate's Office conspired to head to
Edmonton to act out criminal perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my
years of unprecedented online public investigating and reporting, into systems, online civilian detective work
for the public good according to a never before used coded section of the law called Sub-Section 6. By this we
know, that Office cannot be trusted with children and people, and we know this is A TITANIC SCANDAL
that is reason for Albertans and Canadians and others to neither trust Alberta nor Ottawa.
Just ahead you will be eye-witnesses I have perfectly revealed and exposed why we know Family nudism is
legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and why we know it is legalized youth
pornography for older people.
How could they deceive people for so many years. The subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not
lie about otherwise that equates into (instant) greatest mind control and brainwashing.
“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers
and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open
material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover
children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people
world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court!
Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not
answer to that !!! That prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report
sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature
of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later
public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios.
DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and
every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity
laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional
protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that
Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355
U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years.
In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of
youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites
widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa.
Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth
pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is
that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound
in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying
is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing
online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye
organ is a messenger and superior camera slightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye
message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes
and slightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any
turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act
as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that
can. By this we know, by nature eyes and slightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography
haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge
exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And
by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every
person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta
family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity, but for re-writing the laws of
our constitution, so other citizens are not criminalized and mischaracterized for those people !!!
Canada's Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about
Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which
by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in thousands of
new visitors daily. And in Toronto is
Bare Oaks that has a children's playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their
selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling
the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street
sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials,
nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to
Edmonton's gay citizens. They say they don't put up with people acting strange yet Helios
that likewise has a playground, possesses home surveillance advantage.
As was written, here you shall see a cornerstone proof Shawn has caught the proof proving systems
persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at you
citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation !
Here we are; I found evidence of that wide open unblocked site that Shawn's criminal lawyer
Ronald Morin refused to comment on. Remember the audio podcast;
The entrapping warning sign says; The page ahead might contain some inappropriate or adult content.
Be careful if you want to go there! Click the button to open Open site
That site every time heads to thousands of links to youth and a million tons of material. Shawn warned
Mr. Morin while Shawn was facing a kangaroo trial, that he (Shawn) was told about that! In court
room 412 in 2019 Mr. Morin strangely did not raise that incredibly significant point of interest.
That warning sign which is a pink color like the access page, is not designed to copy ! Below is a
proof of the public page.
That warning sign which equates into a systematic invitation is found at
The nnclub warning page says "adult OR inappropriate material". The word (OR) and the word
(inappropriate) is 100% proof that the warning page is designed to invite youth and children.
Yes youth fit with the words ("or-inappropriate"). Their curiosity fits with what might only be
inappropriate. It is legal for youth to follow the term inappropriate. It was and is totally contradictory
to say their nnclub warning page is to protect children while warning language used invites youth and
children. And get this; the warning page is years old. The system was and is making material
available, therefore they need to stop heading at Canadians with ammunition, psychiatric needles,
false brands and labels, otherwise it is a Mephistophelian Orwellian Distopion, provincial and national
tyranny in provinces bereft of reason, fitting with doctrinal prophesy of latter days.
Further proof is that that so-called warning page uses the words MIGHT be SOME. (The page ahead
might contain some material) It is known that that site every day, every hour, every minute definitely
heads to a millions tons of material of youth, not to some, but at every turn in every way, to thousands
of links, a million tons of youth porn. And day by day that site always firsts has that face page appear,
seen just ahead in this public report.
It is nakedly obesely rich that they are not the unprecedented author on lust as I am yet they want to
sell that by their undefined and definition-less designs, sell that they are immune and I am otherwise!
If that language of the warning is changed then its a cover-up. Shawn says that if system person
want that site to be open to the public then they need to put that into terms, but system persons need
to hit the brakes on heading at citizens and others with ammunition and psychiatric needles to brand
and label. If that site is blocked then that is proof of a cover-up. Any security administrator that
blocks that is definitely not to be trusted. Shawn says verily they were not to be messing with his
identity and records and rights just for him being the leading investigator and for being the only one
with the leading answers. Shawn says that after investigating for a decade, being a leading social
scientist, he is able to say that lusting at youth was normalized long ago, and therefore you cannot re-
normalize what is. He says, lying about that is putting everyone and every child in great secret
danger and he says he has been threatened and tortured for operating to make sense of what others
could not. It was inhumanely brutally unjustly not right, interfering with my knowledge on this! According to the total
visitors to nnclub was 4,601,867 counting since November 5 2015 to Dec 2 2019 / 23:55 = As any can
see here, nearing 5 million visits to that wide open site is extreme access to that material not blocked
on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada.
I found this face page proof for Shawn's report. This is nevertheless fastly accessible and is not
blocked. This was on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada while Shawn faced that
shockingly unjust trial targeting his sub-section 6 right and constitutional right to address systems and
the internet for the public good, and this site has not changed day and night five months later as of
December 2019. This site heads to thousands of links and a million tons of material of youth. Shawn
says as the leading investigator and witness of ten years he is able to assure every citizen nation-wide
that without any doubt there are massive numbers of system persons, rich and upper-class Canadians
involved in that material. Shawn says that if any say they want to stop that they are either bloody liars
or they do not have a clue about what they are saying. Shawn says if this site is not decriminalized
there will be a greatest threat to our national and international security and public safety !!! - And I am
able to say following ten years of my investigating that there are great numbers of youth acting out in
that nnclub porn which are definitely not innocent. Any that suggest otherwise are acting ignorant and
acting stupid in a way that is incontinent and a danger to all people and children.
And Shawn says, do not be fooled by any claim that at sites there are alert scams. After ten years of
investigating Shawn is able to assure every Canadian that persons running systems are indirectly and
at times directly using cyber-crime alert ads, to intimidate people so they do not investigate sites and
learn that material is not illegal yet is illegal for any that might vary against system persons. What is a
cyber crime is acting as if that malware is a scam. Here is a example of what you might see;
And as a social scientist I Shawn Cullen must believe there is a connection between anorexic porn
and people trying to arrive at realities forcibly repressed into their reserve or subconscious mind. It
is evidence that there are people in society that are desperately sick from decades or years of being
"fed" disinformation and misinformation on the subject of young people and children.
Not a surprise to they that know that two decades ago Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Lawyer Allan Borovoy with members arrived in Alberta Edmonton on September 1999 to urge
ccla Board Director and MP Anne McLellan to loosen Canada's laws on youth pornography.
And in 1999 BC Appeal Court Justice Mary South in stated; We have to recognize that our views
about these matters and societies attitude may change radically over a very short period of time.
Interesting choice of words, telling. That is a message that theres a society front and that Government
laws are not in place for a good reason. They are there to please mobs that we know are least trusted.
I also found and emailed the largest dossier in world history evidencing that persons running systems
in Canada were and are playing in and are in on distributing material of youth while using laws to
brand and label the poor and citizens. Yes from my years of investigating I found a dossier of nearly
2000 sexibl sub-addresses. I was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fastly
deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300. I sent my proof to political people I was emailing.
I publicized that sexilb member VickyLove of (a sub-address) wrote a
Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anonnews forum, stating that Frank of sexilb regularly met
with Canadian Law Enforcement Officials, and yet in my investigation I witnessed day by day, day
and night for months hundreds of sexilb sub-addresses to material of youth, from sexilb links that were
totally easy to find and not blocked. Here are a number of proofs; The simplicity of search terms and
messages seen written inside of the sub-addresses here prove that if any were spreading
youth porn- it was, is, system persons, and not I who was (forced) to report and raise the
data to fight for Canadians against systematic and societal hypocrisy. - Behold :
You are right now looking at, witnessing, PROOF
http://upskirt.sexibl http://lillyfee/? http://lilsoft/
http://loli/? http://loveg/?
:// As any can see, material was of youth and wide open, just as
I was reporting before eps persons illegally interfered.
May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of risk of governors using a bill to get cp porn for their selves. parliamentary-work/speech-in-the-house-on-bill-c-30/ ICE Chief Anthony
V. Mangione was caught with material of youth after he declared; “We will continue utilizing our unique
immigration authorities to identify and arrest those who are a threat to our communities. We will
continue to use all law enforcement tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these
types of crimes." - * There you can see what language system hypocrites are using !!! There is much talk about Trump yet if politicians
were not hypocrites heading to hell they would be talking on what I say, what I have written. Did you
know that Donald Trump's campaign manager,
chair-just-charged-child-sex-trafficking/Did you know that PM David Cameron’s special child porn
Advisor Peter Rock was found with material, and by hypocrites Jeffery Jones who starred in Ferris
Bueller’s Day Off and BeetleJuice? Did you know that the chairman of the Northeastern Catholic
District School Board was charged by Ontario Provincial Police Digital Forensics Unit and Child Sexual
Exploitation Unit. Hypocrites run that OPP and as you shall see I have caught Toronto cops in a great
exposed scandal of conspiring with corrupt eps cops to attempt to target, facilitate and consign to a grave
my identity and reporting. Did you know that veteran weatherman meteorologist Mike Davis was
accused and that Alberta's College of Physicians and Surgeons spokes-person Kelly Eby in 2013
messaged that while he was being investigated for possessing youth porn Dr Michael Graff, “is still
allowed to practice” Is prosecutor J.Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer,
or world-renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight global disease, or founder of Pan
U.S. flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of
Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz
Klingender, or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii's
shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the
sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson."
Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusters want hope, lusters are devourers, That is
why lusters are not keepers who have any hope. Now take your time thinking on every one
following words here; {Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in your mind,
acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority,
acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want
fears and misuse by authority, acting little, acting belittling. By that nature we know that they
that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are designing by their reserve
mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind, which is what I partly call the reserve
mind. By that we know that lusting heads to lust at and corrupt children, lusting heads to affect or
effect children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or lusted at a
child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be
at a belittler, possessor, danger. This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that
every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children. They that have
a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in
which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve and non-reserve parts of their
mind. They that have a right relationship do not see one another in ways which are 'acting' little
and belittling. This insight is the way of saying that persons of lust by nature lusts at children, in
time by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies.
Here is another way of giving reproof on the insight; Shawn says, addedly know, that lusting is to
pervert your self, perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart. (like flooding)
I once wrote that family-reminded, is not related, and related, is not family reminded. That is what
way you know what way people are in a family or a relationship, natural or incest.
And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength.
Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing, will end up lusting at men.
Women that lust at a inner child by subconscious designing, will end up lusting at women. That is
that nature that heads to hunt. And how is it, that sodomites forgot that a hind and inner parts there of
were designed to seem sanct letting whats not needed of the body out. They that lust at that deseem
there, which you see fitting the words warning that in end times they dishonour their bodies.
Now we understand, that people that are accusing others, are their selves persons that lust at children or
corrupt children, and abuse children. God the judge is able to prove you lusted at your inner child !!!
Sigmund Freud was not able to arrive to understand this but he might now be rolling in his grave !!!
I verily have ((other secret ways)) of in deed (re)proving and re-proving my revelation on lusting, but I
am keeping my other summit insights hidden for the time being, therefore I hope all understand that
there is zero possibility of any person proving what I say is false or any way amiss !!!
I told this insight to my Spanish Christian friend Marita who with joy said the insight makes
perfect sense. I was imparting the insight to her inside the city center food court. Marita told me
she is amazed by my teaching and she said she will be teaching the Godly insight to her friends
and children. - Bless you and your children Marita my Godly Christian Spanish friend ...
The last time I got free of Edmonton's corrupt and illegally designed remand in 2019 the cab
driver on the way home from the Remand, Saheed Rahmanulla said everyone in Canada and in
the World need to hear my insight on lusting. Saheed said his name means proper, perfect. - 
How fitting !
And my teaching is the first in history etiology with respect to infantilism
Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia, psychosexual infantilism, and adult baby
syndrome is a sexual fetish that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors
may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers (diaper fetishism). Individuals may engage in
gentle and nurturing experiences (an adult who engages only in infantile play is known as an adult
baby) or be attracted to masochistic, coercive, punishing or humiliating experiences. Diaper fetishism
involves "diaper lovers" wearing diapers for sexual or erotic reasons but may not involve infant-like
behavior. Individuals who experience both of these things are referred to as adult baby/diaper lovers.
When wearing diapers, infantilists may urinate and/or defecate in them. I am hated and threatened
because they are disturbed and jealous that two centuries of psychiatry could not given the answers I
have given and published.
AND WE KNOW men are attracted to a number of youth (by the way the Occipital lobe visual
cortex works). Eyes are attracted to what is not far, appearing larger and larger, and attracted to
what is far, appearing littler and littler. The loss of magnifying equates into the Occipital Lobe
being attracted to 'approximate' designs, just as a visual cortex might be attracted peripheral ways.
This in deed reminds of nature's reality, of men being attracted to women (varying) ways, yes of
varying designs. (If this were not the truth, the nature of being attracted would not work)." "My
teaching on the Occipital Lobe is A PROOF men by nature are attracted to maturing youth and
There you see a proof with respect to your brain function !
AND DO NOT use the Personal Incredulity Fallacy
"And the teaching on the brain does not any way teach people to not hate abuse to children."
"Yes there are two sides of reality to be mindfull of !!!" Acting as if there is just one side is to
leave most of the world with a part minded half hearted design, and part amputated conscience !!!
To get a greater birds eye view, we need to take a little look at our history. Although in 1880 Canada
had heavy manufacturing, ships, submarines, trains, telephones, light bulbs and skyscrapers etc
the age of consent in North America was for the most part 10 years-old, and at the time parliament
was first in session the law was only two years above that. How about we take the direct focus off our
history and remind of our foreign neighbors. On June 22nd 1979 a petition along with a letter was
sent to the Dutch Minister of Justice and to the Dutch Parliament demanding legalization of mutual
activities between children and adults. -The petition was authorized by the Dutch Society
for Reform (N V S H). It was signed by a number of social welfare and mental health organizations!
That petition and letter was signed by the General Probation Association, the Netherlands Association
for the Integration of Homosexuality, (C O C), the official Netherlands Feminism Association,
unanimously signed by the executives of the Liberal party, unanimously signed by the executives of
four smaller political parties that at the time had representatives in the Dutch Lower House (which
were the Democratic Socialist party, the Pacifists Socialist party, the Democratic party and the
Radical-party) . BEHOLD Unanimously signed by the junior executives of the Liberal party,
Unanimously signed by the executives of the Junior Department of the Political Contacts For Minors
(the name of the Junior Department of the Conservative party), signed by a large number of
University Professors, Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Educationalists, Teachers, the General
Teachers Association and the Protestant Teachers Confederation. Alright, now that is a clue. We do
know what a clue is. People wanted this information I was re publishing in 2011 to disappear which
happens to go with them wanting, me to not appear. And of course we know British Leader of the
House of Commons and Minister for Women & Equality Harriet Harman who also sat on a Cabinet
committee for "the welfare of young people" called on ministers to make explicit photographs &
films of children legal, and the members of the National Counsel for Civil Liberties argued openly to
legalize sex with teens and preteens. Perhaps there is input from former Alberta Edmonton President
of the Canadian Society of the Association of Executives Jannis Kense who also taught Anthropology
at the University of Alberta, and former Alberta University Manager Robin Phillips. You would think
there is somebody out there that is not a perpetual liar, somebody willing to acknowledge and support
my important podcasts, perhaps people governing Quebec that has claimed to stand for the rule of
law, or perhaps they are too embarrassed by that news of Jean Harrison who hosted a Canadian tv
Channel dedicated to youth programming, yet was later caught with material. Any that are slow to
believe me are obviously unaware of the story of Boys Town and the Franklin Cover-up which is on
orphanages, Foster Homes, ruling elite. I don't want any to feel less than comfortable so we will leave
that to Senator John De Camp, after all Ted Gunderson is passed away. Yes they want people
terrorized, and others ignorant. Remember the highly respected Journalist G. Orwell stated;
"Ignorance is strength".
(Shawn has proven older people are proof), yes proof people are attracted to youth. This is with
respect to his Yuko Ogura exhibit which he had to fight to try to freely raise in court in 2019;
"I reminded the court of my public reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen
appeared eleven. Not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice 'to remind the court, that if people
can by law find their self attracted to a number of older people who appear as young as a youth
(then they will find their self interested in youth who appear that way of those older women). At
the end before that judge's mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not on the stand I was forced to
raise my voice, to remind of my Yuko Ogura proof, and I added saying other proofs are; Actress
Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13, Selena Gomez, and also of interest is actress Dawn Wells.
June 2019 I raised my voice in that forced 2019 phony proceeding saying ;
Why did they not want me to publish visual material? Because seeing is believing !!!
I had doubts but found proofs of what Shawn testified of in court. I investigated and found these
photos of women Shawn said appear as preteens. Yes seeing is believing. And here is a link
which is proof Yuko Ogura appears 11 or 12 at 21. > Actress Ogura was born Nov. 1 1983 and here is a
video of her as a full grown woman appearing and acting as if she is 11 or 12.
That judge denied the law and constitution because he did not answer to this which I raised in
court room 412 in June 2019, and as a public record in 2015 before I was abducted by that August
28 2015 false arrest, tricked and taken, abducted by counterfeit cops, kidnapped at 11:30 at night.
Understand, this is not an extreme set of facts, but is a nature of things world-wide !
This means we have a reason to believe according to nature that #1 it is common that police
investigators possess a motive to falsely investigate and arrest, and #2 that it is common that
prosecutors possess a motive to maliciously prosecute, and #3 common that judges possess a
motive to falsely rule against an accused.
It is contrary to the rule of law and constitution, shocking and hair raising, chilling, that not any
acknowledged the world-wide significance of this natural point I Shawn Gordon Cullen raised !
Older Women who appear like preteens and youngest teens
All any need to do is witness my audio on my unprecedented insights, and they will see persons
are not simply out to lunch, they are off the entire map, and floating around like cosmic garbage.
"I was pricked at by strange interruption when I tried to testify of my teachings and of who I am.
(I tried warning) of my teachings on the witness stand (and tried when I was not on the stand)."
I once read the words of famous trial Lawyer Roy Gruttman who stated that every Court has a
secret justice system inside a Court House where aspects of cases are dealt with behind closed
doors, to conceal life saving or key information from ever reaching the Public. He stated that the
judges are really core-rupt politicians elected to the bench and that what is seen in many Court-
rooms is never reality. He said Lawyers are often like magicians, and that Court-rooms are
full of games of hide and seek so that fact and fiction are interchangeable.
Canada's Criminal Codes 802(1) –right to make a full answer and defense (2)- right to examine Its
a fatal error for a court to convict and sentence without these opportunities,
I was not consulted and my right to have my legal rights enforced and searched was cut off and hidden
away and systematically threatened and tortured, not unlike a prisoner of war or a child that is
abducted, secretly captive and caged. They took advantage of my vulnerability, and what they acted
out was in every way extremely unconscionable and disgracefull systematic tyrannical terrorism.
Their plot was to murder me or to at least cause me to succumb to fears, intimidation, mounting
causes of complications and confusion, and to succumb to financial and advocacy constricting and
blocking, exhaustion, and at every turn behind closed doors away from public view - succumb to
facilitated stumbling blocks that was to attempt to cause my will to expire. All that to cause me to
abandon and abort my civil stands and criticisms with respect to dis-information, mis-information
and their constitution and criminal codes, with respect to their system securities, falsely designed and
designing public safety, and failed information health that is feeding and heading at our citizenry.
When there is workable visibility of a proof minded proof tracking fight and work to operate for a
sine qua non pellucidity need on a greatest matter of dis-information and misinformation, then
they that will not acknowledge, and will not acknowledge what is being revealed and what is
being exposed, cannot act as if they rest on and are a catalyst for qualitative and quantitative
positioning, and cannot act as if there a reason for acting silent at the one operating.
A few points fitting are seen in the case of Maia Bent vs Howard Platnick 1704604 Case No.
38374 Ontario v Pointes Protection Association, et al -
Alexi Wood of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association reminded that it is not right that there is
a moral taste test. Free speech and expression might appear and feel; slow to, and stumbling aside
from, and far from, what you call a right or acceptable moral taste, yet you cannot discount, yes
cannot render unworthy of protection, the freedom of speech and expression.That is what system
persons are guilty of. And the Civil Liberties Association spoke of a reasonable expectation of
privacy. My privacy rights were breached because persons I was emailing knew I was working on
highly infectious extreme propaganda-contaminated material subjects. And I did not breach
reasonable expectation of privacy for I was raising emergence, re-writing re-setting understanding
of reasonableness and privacy, for system securities, public safety, information health feeding our
citizenry, re-writing re-setting a correct reality founded understanding of civil rights and law !!!
And a Adam Goldenberg of the CCF reminded that there are charter points which are not values
but are rights. And there is a decloaked matter of mixed messages.
canadian-constitution-foundation-intervening-in-toronto-municipal-election-case/ The truth is I never had access to justice. Access to justice was robbed and out of
system raging was subjugated, and they are rotating heads on a hydra like a evil man with a
thousand faces, to try every autocratic pose to attempt judicial hocus pocus against my life, civil
rights, name and records file, and to mislead people into doubting, and by and by gag, public
debate on matters of greatest public interest.
And lawyer Orlando Rosa spoke of Section 137 (1) and raised that persons with respect to that case
gave up their right to freedom of expression, and by that forfeited their charge and story rights. That is
what adversaries are now guilty of with respect to my published story report. I was and am the one
with the answers giving a real correctly defined understandable foundation for balanced civil rights.
They were not spending years of time to get a birds eye view with respect reports and material
evidences I emailed. We know they were not by the fact that they would not have needed years,
and by the fact that they knew I was warning I was nigh finishing the legal orientation of my
report. to reversed a extremely great onus on me.
This is a titanic nation-wide exposed scandal !!!
Here is key insight for knowing why people that appear warm and of great knowledge are
accursed; = and a key insight into why for a great time great people possessing power and wealth
told their selves they are righteous as they lust at youth and children, and deceived their selves by
saying they can handle that and by saying the public cannot. 2020-2021
Reddit Scandal Exposed
Photo introduction page
The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = SHAWN
Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!!
Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me
away to bury my knowledge and free speech - Black Eyes -
Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my
life, knowledge and free speech - Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof
In a quickly provable way we know they had to of known of a 2015 record I had in reports I
emailed and published online, yes the record which stated; Muting affects the part of the brain
that detects bodily pain, called the anterior cingulate cortex. Language causes pain since it is
contact! News editor Lynn Stuart Parramore wrote that muting; “is among the most devastating
experiences any can endure, can re-mold the mind, and in extreme cases, it can even cause a
person to want to go on a killing spree”. I sent the link to people I emailed (Lines 13 and 14 -
They never once acknowledged the record in four years from the time of the false arrest into the 2019 false
proceeding, kangaroo trial. They dismissed the existence of ‘rhetorical concept’ and out of context and
acting willfully blind to evidence of possible context, they hyper-used the term killing spree as ammo, and
they fired that ammunition for four years and obstructed and entrapped me by assaulting my time to speak
as they maximum hyper words blocked my right and need to account, and I was taken, napped away from
the video tron screen at earliest bail hearings and later court house bail hearings. They never thought I
would be able to later publish what was happening because by nature what confuses and disorients is in
many cases hard to remember and hard to put into words. Yes my right to be heard was assaulted and
terrorized. Not simply were the rules of court breached, there is a darker matter. Advocates and legal
representatives across Canada and beyond absolutely need to speak to this which I am raising here !!!
Any that do not turn the rule of law and civil rights into of fallen bones of cowardice .
Although this woman does not show visible language which fits the knowledge operations of my
report I do appreciate that she is not disguising herself as others, and that what she says evidences
what is a great resident evil that resides by her, which is that of system based and society madnesses
of persons repressing and suppressing in ways that are cursed or sold out to dis and misinformation! The
Advocate' magazine published on the 31st of October, 1995.
Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury
my knowledge and free speech - Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to
falsely brand and label --
Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my
knowledge and free speech - Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone,
(terrorism) -
Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal - First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted
Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted
to 'attempt' to stop campaign.
Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false
brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court,
Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy
Now before you head to hear part 7, this part givens you a written report with respect to that
audio proof; Here is PROOF added to the sub-section 6 right, proof that they that accused me
do not make any sense, we know that, because not at any time in 2015 before and after that
false arrest, yes not at any time from 2015 to 2019 and into that June 2019 forced phony trial,
did they "in any way" acknowledge that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by years of
federal acquiescing, acquiescing by Parliamentary sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty,
which is supremacy over-all-other-government-institutions-and-judicial bodies !!!
Ontario Child Advocates Conspiracy Exposed
They anti-lawfully threw me down the Devils’ throat, and they spent years attempting to unlawfully
hide me away to threaten, torture and to try to secretly murder me or induce me to kill my self to
get away from extreme abuse, that breached the united nations charter agreement against torture
and other cruelly inhumane and belittling acts Nobody in power or in authority get to do what was
done to me !!! Now all is publicly exposed !!!
Eps persons, that ontario office, toronto cop, do not make any sense, and for certain we know
that because not at any time in 2015 before and after that false arrest, yes not at any time from
2015 to 2019, and into that June 2019 forced phony trial, (did they "in any way" acknowledge)
that my years of online investigating, and my publicly posted and emailed material APPEARED
ACCEPTED, by the 250 emailed federal political persons on my great email list. This was
learned by police report narrates and by testimony I witnessed in 2019 court trial room 412.
In other words they never acknowledged that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by
years of federal acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy over all other
government-institutions and judicial bodies.
They accused and carried on that way after they had to know that 250 political people were
(letting) me send written and visual material (for years).
That madly lying corrupt toronto officer said he investigated the emails by,
a Edmonton telus email, yes investigated emails sent after he was contacted by Ontario's child
advocate office. That toronto officer said he then contacted eps Edmonton and eps then
contacted telus to investigate the email address to know who the email address belonged to,
and then they headed at me. Eps persons said they did not know of my years of emailing of
material and public reporting til that Toronto cop contacted them.
Now the first proof point as I said is that they never acknowledged that my years of online
investigating, and my publicly posted and emailed material APPEARED ACCEPTED legalized
by years of federal acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy-over-all-
other-government-institutions-and-judicial-bodies. Now the second proof point is in the question
of how could eps not of known for years? (Eps not knowing would mean that not any of the 250
political persons and not any of the few policing persons on my email list (called eps for years).
And, political persons sent me federal letters and so they had my full name and full address.
If my years of public online investigating and public reporting with emailed material to those 250
political persons was not accepted, the 250 federal political people would have called eps, just like
they would have contacted that Ontario Advocate Office, and would have called toronto police !!!
And Eps not knowing would mean eps and telus corporation security did not know material
was being sent to hundreds of political people for years, and that public reports of that
material was online in Edmonton and Canada for years.
That is not possible to believe !!!
And before that 2015 time, I called telus security and questioned why I found a Edmonton telus
corporation help window appear on a wide open unblocked youth porn site I was investigating. A
telus security manager apologized on the phone saying it must of been a rogue telus help window,
therefore telus had knowledge of my online investigating long before that claim by eps officers that
they only learned of me after that toronto cop contacted them. O what a tangled web they weaved !!
September 1st 2015, days after that August 28 2015 abduction, yes that false arrest at 11:30 at night
while Albertans were asleep, telus Corporate security left a note for telus that I was to be banned
from telus! Why was I not months earlier in April 2015 when eps told telus, yes at that time that led
to was eps persons later claiming by their report narrates that they were at my door, yes or why,
was I not within that time of April to August 2015 while eps persons were claiming they were acting.
Now therefore here is the third proof point. For months telus and eps cops let me send further
reports to they that were on my great email list. They had my emails, full address and full name,
information they claimed they needed, yet they and that corrupt telus let me carry on for months.
In their narrates and four years later in court June 2019 eps persons also testified that in 2015 I
sent a highest priority email warning to they that were on my email list, a emailed warning that
eps persons were knocking at my door in a attempt to abduct me for my reporting, therefore
there was not a stealth need, therefore they had no reason to let me carry on for months emailing!
Yes the third proof point in other words is that with respect to a concept of risk to people and
children, by what we see in their narrates and later sworn court testimony, what we know is
that without any reason they let months of further emailing, yes of months of further risk to
people and children, therefore we know they did not believe I was putting any at any
unreasonable risk, and therefore we know that all that was on their mind was taking me.
They thought I would never see and solve this mystery, because how could a man living with a little
cat inside a subsidized bachelor suite apartment be wiser than corporate persons and a gang of
corrupt cops. Yes and how could a poor man with a little cat expose all system secrets and wide
spread corruption. The records you are seeing here are of paramount national and public interest !!!
Why would they get caught in a great scandal of conspiring a arrest and not making any sense
in their conspiracy? System persons playing in that material turn drunk by that material, and
so they lose sight of sound reasoning !!!
I witnessed in that 2019 phony trial forced on me that that phony Ontario Advocate Office testified
that they "reacted" to material they received from me through emails I sent that office after they
were put on my great email list I had. They were not contacted by and so did not react to any of the
other 250 federal political people and few policing people and others on the list. And yes we know
from eps police narrates and the June 2019 court record that they that were "Ontario" Federal
Politicians, and they that are televised from Ottawa, did not contact that Ontario advocate office.
Now therefore here is the fourth proof point.* It is therefore obvious that that Ontario office is not
making any sense because it is monstrously unrealistic and laughably ludicrous to think they would
have not first contacted the 250 political people emailed. Canadians and others can know it is
corrupt and a scandal that that Ontario Office would contact a toronto cop, yet not first contact the
250 political people, and it is corrupt and a scandal that they would contact that toronto cop while
knowing there were Toronto Federal Politicians and other Ontario Politicians which accepted or
appeared to of accepted my public online investigating and reporting, and accepted material sent !!!
And yes it is obvious all the "Ontario" federal politicians and other federal politicians and others
that were on my email list did not believe there was a concern, otherwise they would not of accepted
for years my public investigations and emailed and publicly posted reporting exhibits into material.
Why would that Office lie that way?
They wanted to act as if it was only a question for (police) and not a question for 250 federal policy
makers, yet it is not within sound reasoning to believe that that Ontario office would not have first
investigated my relationship with the 250 political people and few policing people on my great email
list, that that office, toronto cop and eps could have gotten my full name and home address from.
They thought they could get away with their conspiracy because a man heading down their Devil's
throat is like humpty dumpty, and you know what happened to him.
Shoot first and ask questions later. Yes that is what we now know that that office, toronto cop
and eps acted out, because appearing as if they first asked 250 political persons questions
would have only led to records to a story in my favour. - Their conspiracy was to upset and
bury my story and freedom to perfect what I was working on.
What other Child Advocates Offices are attacking to stop a citizen from exposing systematic
hypocrisy investigated by a citizen who speaks truth to power and holds system persons to
account? Now we know that Ontario office are like Casa Pia a state-run institution that was
for the education and support of poor children and under-age orphans. People need to beware
of any calling their selves advocates and need to begin trusting my report.
What now , will they conspire to alter the court record? I know what sworn testimony I witnessed
in 2019 in Edmonton court trial room 412 !!!
Therefore we see that Ontario Child Advocate's Office conspired to act out criminal Perjury, to
feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my years of public investigating
and reporting, which was for the public good according to sub-section 6. By this we know that
Child Advocate's office cannot be trusted with children, and we know this is a titanic scandal that
is reason for Canadians and others to neither trust the OCAO, Toronto police nor Alberta !!!
Now here is the fifth proof point. That corrupt Ontario Child advocate’s office shut down after
they accused me to that Toronto officer!
torontocitynews - Ontario-child-advocate-shocked-to-learn-through-media-about-office-closing.
They closed down because of some guilt and fear, and or division and fear about a conspiracy
to use eps persons to false arrest me in August of 2015 !!!
You were witnesses of five proof points which expose their Ontario conspiracy and scandal.
Interestingly the number five represents the five senses of humanity.
Part 7 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to false brand and lable to hide me away
to bury my knowledge and free speech - LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE =
Added pdf proof
Paramount proof by Shawn's own lawyer;
Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the
world**, on sick leave ... CTV IS NOW INFORMED
Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity in Alberta;
Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption
City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal;
They that want to fight me, are the myth, people of fiction ! Extra audio ;
If you are doubting after every way I have perfectly proven them you might need to start facing that
you suffer from a mental illness because there is not any possible way my report and insights are false
or amiss. Here I leave you with a number of other records and knowledge to add reproof. Child abuse
allegations are now Canada's greatest wave of calculated hysteria now comparable to those Salem
witch trials of 1692. Child advocates are charlatans. And you witnessed my audio proof of conspiracy
by Ontario's child advocate office. And accusing towards many is now utterly unsubstantiated by
evidence, utterly contradictory, enforced by moral authoritarianism, and my words were and are
blissfully ignored by a number of people I hoped I could trust, I was ignored while suffering to get
paramount insights to you and others. Professor Taras of the department of communications and
culture at University of Calgary once stated; "What we're seeing here is a degree of control inside
government, inside its caucus that we haven't seen for a very long time".
I have told people the truth. I have completed what I needed to. And now I am hoping there is a pause
away from madness that will conceive a conscience and let me carry on with my life without corrupt
system persons trying to swallow me. I only pray someone has a sense to raise their voice for me !!!
My name is Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton born April 3rd 1971, born in Eastyork Ontario,
former address 10726 103 street suit 206, There are church people who know me, and I am a singer
and a Christian, a man of hope, a man who feels alone, sad, hurt, and clearly evidently betrayed !!! -
Now that I have published all I needed to I was hoping someone in that solicitor generals office or
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020
Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020

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Shawn cullen is one of the most anti lawfully systematically attacked citizens in canadian history - this is not a time to be quiet !!! 2020

  • 1. THE PARAMOUNT REPORT & TRUE STORY OF SCIENTIST SHAWN CULLEN; THIS IS A HIGHEST PRIORITY WORLD AND LOCAL NEWS REPORT: 2020-2030 My name is Shawn Gordon Cullen. I am a Canadian citizen. As you know my civil rights are targeted, are being breached at every turn. April 9 1866 was the first U.S. Federal law to define citizenship and affirm every citizen has a right to be equally protected under by law. Clearly my lawfull right to be protected is breached contrary to section 15(1) of the Charter. I was a target of extreme systematic corruption and structural abuse, taken and terrorized for four years from 2015 to 2019. And contrary to not only my civil rights, shockingly forcing me to examine and investigate what direction language and terms are headed in, and what language and terms are troubling or altering the identification and fullness of civil rights. Now section 11(e) of the Charter of rights is the right to bail, the right to not be denied bail in a unjust, unreasonable way. Now the right to bail is corollary to the right to be presumed innocent, corollary, a secondary part in the course of a proven. And what is proven is the right to be presumed innocent, belief in the right to be presumed innocent. And my right to be presumed innocent was breached at the get go, at the earliest bail hearings. In a quick way I raised my voice to let the judge know I was able to account for what that prosecutor said, what he was using to deny my bail. That judge would not let me give an account, pretty much assaulted my right to give an account. I have documented that matter, you know the audio podcast part 1. Therefore we know my right to be presumed innocent was breached right from the get go. That is the least I am saying here. They can attempt to delete court records, alter court records, bribe people, lie to the public, handle me that way they handled Louis David Riel. Now I am not saying I am like Riel, but there was indeed something madly insane about the way people handle that time of Riel. And what I am saying is, this report is the truth, the whole truth and not anything other as God as my witness. They breached my right to be presumed innocent, and they imposed conditions on me, yet they were not legitimately imposed conditions. They were not, they are not. They displaced, are displacing the right to be presumed innocent. Vice President of Metis Canada David Chartrand spoke of Riel. I am being handled in a way like that, and much worse because online I have the proofs, which perfectly prove I am not guilty, and which are proofs which perfectly prove system persons documented me in ways now seen as utterly contradictory to who I am and to the story of my life. There are many layers to a onion but hypocrisy has the most. That is why you hear people say what they believe in, and yet they head to your story, and then all of a sudden they don’t have a conscience. So they don’t care about what you are saying. What you are witnessing right now is REAL, and I have faced many perils to let you know what is happening in my life. As a natural leading social scientist I give a pretty high number of insights which system persons and social forces might want to silence because insights might cause them to be seen as hypocrites. Just one example, I teach on the sound, linguistics of terms. There are terms that are not good to use, except to teach and remind that those terms are not good to say or use, are corrupt because of their term design, structural dis-alignment, mis-alignment. They resonate in a way that is self-perverting. That may be a mounted consciousness or slow in what we call a subconscious mind. What I am saying, is I am able to prove there are terms that people use that evidences that they are what they accuse others of, that they are hypocrites using those terms. Three terms I found, which I examined and investigated are the terms
  • 2. pedophilia, pedophile, sex-offender, and that term, child molester. That is right I saying it is corrupt using those terms, if you are not teaching-reminding that it is not good that any those terms. That is way our cities felt threatened. This is serious because what this exposes is that there are terms being used and their design threatens the administration of justice, our social climate, frequencies. They do that by projecting. And so what is it to project? As you project you cause another to appear to be what you are inside, cause what you are to appear on another. What way is a term projected? They that accuse design a profound measure of their inner self, their inner core, into that which they accuse another of. As they accuse they are using sound and aim that at a target. Sound travels, unspoken thoughts travel. That sound travels fast like the speed of sound, and fires up inside a human brain-alarm, what is called the “Amygdala” in a millisecond. To project they are literally turning their self, their inner-self, into what they accuse another of, to head you to hyper-brand or label they that they accuse of that. In a sub-conscious and inner-core way they are literally turning their self into a pedophile to project that onto they who they target, they who they accuse, people they accuse. So now we know. Yes one of the things I teach is sound is on the nature of sounds. That nature of that sound of that term pedophile or sex-offender, is such that they that are using that are turning their self into that, so there is literally a pedophilia act designing inside that accuser, as they project ! That was not known before. And added to what I am able to teach, I bring to light that there is a; ‘O feel ya’, sound-design in philia, and that consilium eius, inside of subconscious phonological awareness, with that term ped turns into that term stalk. Ped is about feet and walking. That is fed the word children through non-lawfull broad messaging. Corrupt people managed to cause everyone to be hyper-sensitive to that false term pedophilia, and those false terms sex-offender and child molester. I am able to lead you deeper into why those terms breach conscience neural circuitry and brain function. Now we are literally being attacked by people that are hypocrites. We are being attacked by government people, social organizations, private individuals, that are breaching our right to protection under the law, our civil rights. Did you know that by using a few false terms, corrupt people can manipulate, mind-wire and brain-wash millions of people? I am the one man who indeed is able to teach and prove what way that all works. - This is not a time for people to be doubting and denying me !!! These people like to tell their selves in their illusions that they are good people. Really what they are acting out by nature is self love, because they target one who (re)-presents every person they say they love and protect. There you see that contradiction. So why do they believe their lies, that self love, counterfeit love? This is about attention. As people offer up attention to you, what they call a loving relationship, that attention by nature is a mirror. So all that attention that is offered up, that they are possessing, is self-love, counterfeit. That is why Jesus said, if you only love they that love you, you are not doing anything any different than this cursed world. That is in that ‘mix’ I told you about, that hypocrisy breaching our civil rights. And for the record I let you know, there is no swinging pendulum, no one step forward three steps back, in my paramount insights. The knowledge I author is the power to correct constitutions and criminal codes world-wide, which will not take a decade if I am supported. I am not being protected by the law. I am being openly targeted. As I told you, for years now I have encountered and have experienced extreme systematic and structural abuse, and abuse by legal aid that has acted arrogant, repressing, deceitful, telling me what lawyer I will get after they already evidenced that that are targeting me. They don’t want me to have the lawyer I asked for, fraudulently acting that way as a way of obstructing justice and way of entrapping my future, selecting a lawyer to target me, somebody that is in bed with this corrupt system, to further structural abuse, extreme breaches to my every right, my civil rights as a Canadian. I am able to say as God as my witness, legal aid is acting as a weapon against me. If there was a slightest way I am not telling you the reality I would not be publishing that matter to let everyone know. And yes I told you of that latest further advance to target my life and civil rights, yes what I informed you of in part 7 of my audio podcasts. I had a forced court date, January 15 2020, court-room 267 to plead with respect to a so-called breach. And as you know I told you I should not have to plead, but what I saw is a mystery. That female judge did not ask me to plead. She just asked me if I found a lawyer. I hope that was not to stall for time. There were citizens inside that court room at 2 pm, and I began to freely speak. I was not aggressive, I was not threatening. Touching on my story, I told the people in that court room. When I was done three Sheriffs came, as if I did something wrong. A Sheriff that I recognize from before saw my vitamins on the court seat and he said in a arrogant dead tone, ‘grab your pills and you stuff, lets go’. I believed right there that they were
  • 3. plotting to abduct me, as if now that I arrived in that court room, they would secretly use an excuse to throw me inside their corrupt Edmonton Remand, while the people of Edmonton would not know right, and I am not heard from and that structural abuse begins again. So I began to speak, telling the people in the court room; “why are these guards here attacking me, stalking me, using threatening language. And the judge said, O they won’t touch you, you can just head home. But that is the way I felt as I have experienced being entrapped. That felt like that time I went to downtown headquarters to be at that illegitimately imposed condition of meeting with a probation officer, and I was met with two corrupt cops that entrapped and abducted me. Yes that is that which I have documented in my part 7 audio podcast. If advocates and others do not fight for me they are making a mistake, because I know I am the answer for our constitution and civil rights of all. I am the voice for Canada, the voice all need ! People say they care for the most vulnerable yet we know they are lying because they are messing with the most vulnerable knowledge of all, which is according to the knowledge I give. Click character-assassination-witch-hunt-to-bury-insights-and-civil-rights-2020-2030-oD5/ Edmonton Company Owners and Businessmen and others who heard Shawn Cullen's true story and summit knowledge respond to exposed scandal and decades old dis and exposed mis information ; conspired-to-hide-away-inside-corrupt-remand-run-by-a-number-of-murderers-and-sexual-child-predators/ I was targeted for putting system persons to a great email list for three years, put to a unprecedented civilian investigation and online public trial which raised proof that system persons are not part of reality and that their language and laws are not part of reality, yes that Canada's constitution and criminal code book is a number of ways fiction, yes that Canada's judiciary and criminal codes are great toys that extremely advanced sociopaths play with, yes that persons possessing power play with using maximum force. System persons took a universally immature violent fit and conspired to attack me. I lost my apartment of ten years, my beloved little cat, precious things I kept for decades, even my baby book and pictures and taped songs of my Mother who passed away in 2011. They repress their want at what is prettiest and by that their greatest deceiving is prettiest. Their want at what is prettiest is acting as a catalyst that turns their crimes into prettiest crimes, by that breaching our civil rights. Their lusts are causing their lies to appear most attractive to their self and by that their conscience is a neural salon that threatens our every security, sense of freedom and civil rights. HERE IS WHY MY EVERY RIGHT WAS RAPED AND WAS TRAMPLED ; I Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of internet material I had good reasons to believe political people and policing people were playing in, I believed that in principle founded ways. I am the first citizen in the history of the world to hold 250 political people on a great email list for years while telling them they could not ask me to take them off the email list because I was investigating Canada's national securities and the character of the constitution and history. I warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gave me the right to send and make public proof. I sent evidence to persons running things. After hundreds of federal leaders letting me for years, a few Ontario liars designed a way to conjure up a false arrest, threaten and torture me day and night for years, and they forced me to face a brutally phony trial. Those Ontario persons were relatively the latest added to my email list. Many acted brutally and disrespectfully unresponsive as a abomination of desolation and conspiracy to act as if I was out of place. Now we know what was behind their brutally arrogant and curse loving self-righteous ignoring, that went on for years. They that were later used to abduct me, falsely branded. Like a out-raged systematic mad harlot they turned and targeted me. Now I have proven all my rights were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. And I (WAS) to my great email list of persons warning saying I am able to prove the nature of people. I said therefore be patient !!!
  • 4. "All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not ever be found or thrown in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops." I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get policy makers and others on my email list, to communicate ! They that conspired to falsely arrest me, yes abduct me, thought I would not live or not get free to let you know my true story! - And I still appear threatened ; http://www.educate- THEY CONSPIRED TO LOCK ME AWAY BY HABEAS CORPUS BREACHES And they (broke federal information laws) to act as if I am dull-minded, lacking insight, not understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define. Yes corrupt system persons tried to put my life into a man-size paper shredder. I have in deed proven and reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand and behind closed doors by habeas corpus breaches they acted berserk and hyper irregular to attempt to falsify and misrepresent my personal and private info, health records! And they strangely suggested my physical health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his health. A number of times I witnessed in court system persons suggesting my health would likely deteriorate. When I raised my voice to rebuke and condemn that, I was threatened to keep quite or I was taken away !! Were system persons plotting to harm my health to cause my demise behind closed doors !!! Was Prosecutor Rowan? !!! That would further evidence a mad want to unrightly war at my provincially needed and internationally needed free speech. There is a lot of false branding, labels, and what is now known, is a market of material I have exposed. Are we living in a state disturbingly similar to the Soviet Bloc declaring dissidents to be crazy and incarcerating them to silence their voice. Mary A. Welch 'President of the Canadian Association of Journalists on May 29th 2010, said we are seeing dangerous control of information, which is appearing to be to falsify and bury facts. Rob Russo Ottawa Bureau Chief stated that the news people are seeing is not news but "illusions" to deceive the public. Yes people were and are out to dispense lies, and now all have my audio proofs and written proof published which reveals and exposes what I Shawn Cullen of Edmonton investigated for years ! Its all about a misdesigned constitution and misdesigned criminal codes. In May of 2010 NDP Joe Coe martin stated in the House, that within the Criminal Codes "there are HUGE CONTRADICTIONS". Will Martin himself now act like a huge contradiction at my report! What motive would Alberta Health persons conceal for targeting me? Here there appears a clue; Now what if I were to say to you, that what tells us there is legalized system secret society family lust activities in Edmonton, IS; my published report which exposed proofs of prima facie evidence of years of system- left publicly accessibly available market of material (clue), and my published Alberta legalized unclothed family grounds activities (clue)? You might say my few words there are not records that lead you to see inside and are not seen as records evidencing state involved family-lust (parties)? The following is evidence, a part taken from a page inside of the 2011 pdf reports I emailed to hundreds of political persons nine years ago and published on the web. The following public record just ahead visibly evidences that there were and are system connected family lust parties, a visible system motive behind attacks I encountered and endured, visible evidence of motive to target my reporting, reporting that persons running systems are accusing the citizenry of what systems are into. The public interest record clue just ahead shows what evidences, prima facie, evidences prima facie that there are system adversaries that are behind years of unjust effects to my freedom and greatest threatening and trouble to my life and civil rights; I learned of evidence of system secret society family lust parties hosted by man contracted by designs of our health system, after I called Options Health. V v V - taken from page 37 of 151
  • 5. There were a great number of realities I needed to reveal, and matters and issues I needed to expose. They conspired to turn all on me, the one proving, conspired to hide me away like a prisoner of war, as they threatened and tortured me day and night for greater than three years and thought I would kill myself from abuse or thought I would lose memory of my knowledge and facts. I did not, and now the truth is published on the world-wide internet !!! And believe it or not there is evidence I am still at risk, which is why people must not re-victimize me by ignoring and leaving me supportless. They that forced that unjust trial on me even acted out denial (did not answer to) my online evidence that a eps officer called me and approved of my years of investigating ; From 2015 into 2019 they acted out blind and deaf denial that I had posted this record before August 28, long before that time when I was immorally misled far away from my apartment of tens years, and once away from where I lived, fifteen minutes later I was unlawfully and violently taken, like any who are abducted or kidnapped, at 11:30 at night while citizens were asleep. - Here is the record; "On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, "You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its much deeper than concern". I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn't make any sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and earlier exhibits and other reporting was contrary to the law. Knowing hundreds of federal law policy designers let me make that public for years, proves for years they had not not any limits on my civil online investigating and that they had let wide measures of publishing. And sub-section 6 gave me the right. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. - I said these points in court - As a official legal word I truthfully publicly say this is the truth and whole truth as God as my witness. That 2019 judge named Jerke did not in any way address my 2019 court room report on Macleod!!! In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the June 2019 court of that long time published 2015 re-published public interest report on Macleod which a number of times I emailed hundreds of federal political people and posted, and with what the lawyer said he told the june 2019 court room that to get further evidence I called eps downtown headquarters and a cop told me on the phone that there are many Macleods and that records on old badge numbers are not always kept. And four years after that 2015 time that I was taken, yes four years later in 2019 a eps officer on the June 2019 witness stand in that phony proceeding, said he was not aware if any other eps officer contacted me before 2015. Yes he said that (even though I publicly posted for years to document that Macleod called me). Not at any time in four years from 2015 since the false arrest to 2019 did any cop acknowledge seeing my widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that. THAT THERE JUNE 2019 EDMONTON COURT TESTIMONY IS A CLUE, AS THAT SHOWS THAT FROM 2015 TO THE END OF THAT 2019 FALSE COURT PROCEEDING, A SYSTEM DIS-RECORDED, NEVER RECORDED, LONG TIME PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE REPORT, THAT FOR FOUR YEARS MY SYSTEM ADVERSARIES (DIS)RECORDED & (DIS)ANSWERED TO. I even got unique federal letters which not any other Canadian citizen have gotten ;
  • 6. System-in-Court-by-Absurdly-Suggesting-Fed-Letters-Might-of-Been- Forged "I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada's Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and sending proofs reporting matters and questions on material. In court prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. For years I put the letters within the report pages I emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters. Prosecutor James Rowan did not want the court record to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was a witness) investigating wide open sites (for years) and they prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. They that stole my email evidences hyper used that term rambling on the witness stand, and 99 % of my email messages were not spoken of, and what was used was selected to address my words out of context to falsify court records throughout that forced phony trial. Here you see through the pdf file link that the federal Criminal Law Attorney for Canada examined and acknowledged he was aware I was investigating online material. He System-in-Court-by-Absurdly-Suggesting-Fed-Letters-Might-of-Been-Forged Here is other proof that March 17 2011, Canadian Federal law makers knew I was accessing and investigating written and visual material evidences with respect to youth. The proof is with respect to page twelve of a sent and online published report I titled the great final report. I do not consider that earliest draft great in any way but what that decade old report is good for is the irrefutable proof that federal lawmakers gave me the green light to investigate material. The proofs are the links titled;,,, and - which I sent and published. In the published report you see I recorded what so-called Legal disclaimers were at the bottom of those sites, which proves I passed through visual evidence and did not just see the titles. What I was taking on was not just fitting sub-section 6, but was legalized by years, three and a half years of federal acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy-over-all-other-government- institutions-and-judicial-bodies.You cannot give a green light for three and a half years, and then act as if I ran a red light or yellow light!!!And remember the earlier 2009 acknowledgment. Because I was disoriented for four years after being thrown into systematic hell (I forgot of the 2011 key proof here), yes thrown into a great wide systematic attack that was a attempt to cause great structural abuse to my life and civil rights. Report-2011-PDF-download
  • 7. And with respect to persons inside systems that targeted me and my civil rights I have proven by nature there are youth which do design as older people which system persons and humans by nature are attracted to. The insights I have published prove that saying this is not the full truth of our world is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth, and that by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting), (a person to person hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity effect to a number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide tyranny !!! That will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration designs, economic designs and health designs! And since it is a great matter of propaganda mind wiring and brain-washing we must be carefull which words we magnify and how much !!! A key instruction !!! Yes earlier reality report operations were in 2009. I uploaded a June 2009 phone-call with the Canadian Attorney General‟s office. I told the federal office that all material before June 7th 2009 is not the report. - The Justice Minister‟s DMA said; “ Yeah exactly, you told me that the real thing is the June 7th report, nothing before that”. Strangely I later got a letter recording a earlier May 13th update . In the federal letter the Justice Minister wrote July 20th 2009 ; “Dear Mr. Cullen, Thank you for your correspondence of May13 2009 in which you enclose a copy of your report regarding child pornography”. R.D.Nicholson He knew the report was not just on that. Click to hear ; Because people are at work to cause anti-lawfull totally immoral and nonsensical unbelief at my work, yes at work that way to dis and mischaracterize, not many know nor would they be ready to believe that in the beginning of 2009 I gave a sample of what I was working on to the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. The ACLU is known worldwide for defending Human Rights! The ACLU's legal representative Pat Johnson wrote thanking me and he stated that his division is not able to challenge a entire Government since his division is lacking in certain areas and so is only working on individual cases at the appellate level. The ACLU did close in wishing that I succeed in my reality laws legal charge against the system as a whole! And on the March 13 2011 edition of the Gold hawk (phone-in) TV show, I phoned in to say a few words. Dale Goldhawk said; "Shawn what are your thoughts about the state of democracy here in Canada?" While there were Canadians across Canada listening, on the phone I actually said I have proven that there are persons running systems designing highly evolved cultures that are into material of youth. And even if my paramount report and insights never existed we know there was evident reason to suspect because of the 2004 June 19 Globe & Mail news press release headlining that Paul Martin, Liberals and N D P caucus are in support of material. And months later their conservative accusers sought to design a party coalition with they that they accused. I have PROVEN and RE-PROVEN and RE-PROVEN, that criminal codes and constitutions of all nations were and are dis and mis designed by dis-and-mis information. Counterfeit persons that run our world and counterfeit church people are a great great danger to you, because by nature they that are counterfeit are trying to cause you to believe a start line is the finish line or finishing, or they are walking along outside the partition heading to salvation and hope, and by that they believe they know where they are heading and they believe they are next to what is heading to access to the right side of the partition, yet the partition from the beginning to the finish is 5, 614 kilometers to salvation and hope, and they that are outside are dogs, like dogs outside the great partition known as the dog-fence. That which I call the fence-fortunate-fallacy, is a rich delusion of false hope by great advantage-possessing persons that are outside the principle of partition, the principle which reminds you that they that are living lies, yes they that are lying, will believe they have a great future and yet they are accursed in greatest danger of being forever cursed for taking away the right to be heard. That is what persons on tv are guilty of acting out at me . (1stThess.4:8, Luke 18:7, Matt 25:25) All Liars - Revelations 21:18 -20:14 The principle of partition, reminds you that they that are living lies, yes they that are lying, are accursed for that, in greatest danger of being forever cursed for taking away the right to be heard and right to be real. This is one of my summit teachings which reminds that if you think lying doesn’t matter, you deceive your self !!!
  • 8. The following are further insights which prove that if you live a lie you deceive yourself. UNPRECEDENTED NEWS - ALBERTA EXPOSED- ALBERTA BUSINESSMEN COMPANY OWNERS, CITIZENS RESPOND TO SCANDAL AND CONSPIRACY AGAINST SHAWN GORDON CULLEN OF EDMONTON AND CANADIANS AND OTHER NATIONS 2020-2021 FIRST WITNESS HERE THE PERFECTLY WRITTEN PROOF THE CONSTITUTION WAS BREACHED A GREAT TIME AGO, AND BEHOLD HERE THE PERFECTLY WRITTEN PROOF I SHAWN GORDON CULLEN HAVE RE-WRITTEN AND THEREFORE HAVE RESURRECTED A GREATEST PART OF THE CONSTITUTION WHICH WAS BURIED !!! I have, proof-founded, key-insights on people and youth and-a-insight-on-the-Occipital-Lobe-Visual Cortex, which-is-proof-people-by-nature-are-attracted-to-a-number-of-maturing-youth. What-I-have found does in deed-fit-with-the decades-old-human sense or inkling that it is-total-utter nonsense, yes that-its-dis-and-mis- knowledge,,dis-and-mis-information,,that-people-spent-many-decades-acting-as-if-youth-magically-turn- mature-when-the-clock-strikes-12-on-their-eighteenth-birthday. With this-I-record here that a repeated-October- 16th-2019-cpac-episode-of-Canada’s-Supreme-Court-hearings-exposed-itself-by-a-judge-saying-that-fifteen- year-olds-are-particularly-vulnerable-to-sexual-assault, yes-vulnerable-as-if-there-is-a-great-urgency, a-great- potential-emergency,,that-they-are-saying-is-or-appears-a-false-alarm-at-16,-yes-saying,-that-which-is-anti- lawfull-nonsense-that-equates-into-feeding-everyone-the-unreal-belief-that-there-is-a-definitively-explosive- metamorphosis, (as-if-youth -grow-within-hours-like-bacteria), yes-a-metamorphosis-that-we-see in-reality-is- not-according-to-a-definition-and-is-without-any-physical-and-biological-basis-in-reality.-yes-they-are-feeding- everyone-a-lie-that-inside-of-a-day-or-weeks-before-16,,the-15-year-old-is-of-a-great-lack-of-social-and-self- awareness-and-physical-design,-and-that-when-the-clock-strikes-twelve-they-become-otherwise.They-are- using-the-word-protection-yet-they-are-not-acknowledging-my-report-on-dis-and-mis-information.-You-know- you-are-being-lied-to-when-federal-policy-designers-judges-and-policing-persons,,are-acting-as-if-youth- metamorphisize-when-the-clock-strikes-twelve,,and-as-if-a-hour-or-weeks-before-that-Clock-strike-your- criminal-responsibility-is-explosive,-yes-as-if-the-rule-of-law-concept-of-questioning-or-testing-is-designed-to- start-by-causing-people-to-feel-they-are-threatened-with-Nitroglycerin.-Here-you-see-that-I-have-exposed-that- theres-a-great-matter-of-dis-and-mis-knowledge-that-is-acting-as-greatest-propaganda-at-the-neural-circuitry- of-conscience-and-at-freedom-of-public-human-senses.-By-that-we-know-there-was-and-is-a-old-and-aging- breach-to-the-constitution-and-to-the-civil-rights-of-everyone. This here knowledge is paramount !!! Here is a key insight for knowing why people that appear warm and of great knowledge are accursed; A paramount answer to a great mystery; For a great time great people possessing power and wealth told their selves that they are righteous as they lust at youth and children. They deceived their selves by saying they can handle that and by saying the public cannot. By saying that they headed far away from a greatest clue of their hypocrisy. How to know great people are accursed; First know, accursed is danger of being forever cursed. Every such great person is acting out exercises of knowledge that cause their self to appear good without being good. Their language is their system of gears. Their false exercises of knowledge causes two illusions that are at work as, a illusion that is in reality a curse. That false exercise of great knowledge causes (a illusion of distance) and (a illusion of speed). By nature exercising causes illusion that your distance to saving your self or to being saved IS NOT FAR, and causes by that illusion; illusion that you are not far from rescuing people and children. (Yes that false exercise
  • 9. causes illusion of distance), (and of speed because illusion of distance causes illusion that you are not a opposition to speed people need) As great people use their language gears, that system of gears causes that illusion that they can lust at youth and children, and that every other citizen cannot, (every other who is not inside that knowledge matrix of false centrality). By that they think they can get away with a wide number of lusting acts.(They are now in denial as they are at work to deny any reminder or proof that they were and are condemning, prejudicing and discriminating others based on illusions). Yes their illusions are not heading where they wanted. Years ago a MP responded to my highest priority emails by confessing on cpac, "We are going the wrong way". Yes yet they should have acted on that confession. Their illusions show fragmentation related to being cursed. This revelation lets every body see that by illusions you cannot escape judgement with respect to a old matter of hypocrisy. This paramount just judgement which is of God is a great warning that if adversaries will not stop lying about youth and children, then they will be cursed. You are now a eye-witness of my unprecedented summit insight on why persons that see their selves as good are accursed. *And keep in mind that every false light shines or glows !!! This knowledge founded on much long suffering is a further reminder and warning to high court judges, political people, rich and upper-class people; that if you will not follow the honest and real knowledge and words I have given within my recordings and report, then your hope is an illusion !!! Now you get why people that appear bright, warm and rich in knowledge are accursed, yes here you get why persons that see their selves as good, are accursed. - Romans 2:1 And hypocrites will not admit to truth because their innermost subconscious guilt suspects that if they reverse their course they curse their course !!! They will not review and examine their century old inherited accursed lies !!! They that deny our present by denying needed history have no real future and hope !!! Here is knowledge which exposes a great matter (related to) that matter of illusions by their false exercises of knowledge; Shutting out knowledge of what you are, shows you are of (most unidentifying) variety of that which you accuse others of. By that we know they that act that way are most evil of all. They are not good; that conceal that they tell their self they would if they could yet that they fear every neighborhood so they choose what hypocrites say they should, by that, letting real truthfull and honest people be misunderstood !!! - By you denying the sine qua non truth, (just and honest people) face menacing intrusions by strongest illusions !!! That is what their mind and conscience face!!! -This social point is of world-wide national and societal public interest. Further on that great exposed matter of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary security need, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a great great matter of persons managing information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass into being savable, serviceable. No, what matter we face is not that ! Therefore what is it that we face? What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become. Here you see the leading foundation point of law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report on dis-information and mis-information by and with respect to people youth and children, yes my report which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securities !!! Here you see further what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!!
  • 10. IN THIS PARAMOUNT PUBLIC REPORT IS THE PROOF Alberta State and others attacked me to try to cloak and conceal their secret of decades of State involved Family Nudism and a market of youth material which truthfully I have now EXPOSED by my God-given unprecedented insights, enduring spirit and unprecedented civilian detective work!!! IN THIS SUMMIT REPORT IS THE PROOF Ontario Child Advocate's Office conspired to head to Edmonton to act out criminal perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my years of unprecedented online public investigating and reporting, into systems, online civilian detective work for the public good according to a never before used coded section of the law called Sub-Section 6. By this we know, that Office cannot be trusted with children and people, and we know this is A TITANIC SCANDAL that is reason for Albertans and Canadians and others to neither trust Alberta nor Ottawa. Just ahead you will be eye-witnesses I have perfectly revealed and exposed why we know Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and why we know it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How could they deceive people for so many years. The subject of youth is the subject you absolutely must not lie about otherwise that equates into (instant) greatest mind control and brainwashing. adult-and-youth-pornography-for-youth-e67aac41df69 “My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court! Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!! That prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios. A FURTHER PARAMOUNT POINT EVERY ALBERTAN AND ALL NEED TO KNOW, WHAT YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa. Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye organ is a messenger and superior camera slightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes
  • 11. and slightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that can. By this we know, by nature eyes and slightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity, but for re-writing the laws of our constitution, so other citizens are not criminalized and mischaracterized for those people !!! Canada's Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in thousands of new visitors daily. And in Toronto is Bare Oaks that has a children's playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials, nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to Edmonton's gay citizens. They say they don't put up with people acting strange yet Helios that likewise has a playground, possesses home surveillance advantage. As was written, here you shall see a cornerstone proof Shawn has caught the proof proving systems persons running Alberta were and are playing in a market of material of youth while heading at you citizens with propaganda of false brands/labels using disinformation and misinformation ! Here we are; I found evidence of that wide open unblocked site that Shawn's criminal lawyer Ronald Morin refused to comment on. Remember the audio podcast; The entrapping warning sign says; The page ahead might contain some inappropriate or adult content. Be careful if you want to go there! Click the button to open Open site shawn-cullen-who-they-conspired-to-hide-away-inside-edmontons-corrupt-remand-run-by-a-number- of-murderers-and-sexual-child-predators-2020-2021/ That site every time heads to thousands of links to youth and a million tons of material. Shawn warned Mr. Morin while Shawn was facing a kangaroo trial, that he (Shawn) was told about that! In court room 412 in 2019 Mr. Morin strangely did not raise that incredibly significant point of interest. That warning sign which is a pink color like the access page, is not designed to copy ! Below is a proof of the public page. That warning sign which equates into a systematic invitation is found at The nnclub warning page says "adult OR inappropriate material". The word (OR) and the word (inappropriate) is 100% proof that the warning page is designed to invite youth and children. Yes youth fit with the words ("or-inappropriate"). Their curiosity fits with what might only be inappropriate. It is legal for youth to follow the term inappropriate. It was and is totally contradictory to say their nnclub warning page is to protect children while warning language used invites youth and
  • 12. children. And get this; the warning page is years old. The system was and is making material available, therefore they need to stop heading at Canadians with ammunition, psychiatric needles, false brands and labels, otherwise it is a Mephistophelian Orwellian Distopion, provincial and national tyranny in provinces bereft of reason, fitting with doctrinal prophesy of latter days. Further proof is that that so-called warning page uses the words MIGHT be SOME. (The page ahead might contain some material) It is known that that site every day, every hour, every minute definitely heads to a millions tons of material of youth, not to some, but at every turn in every way, to thousands of links, a million tons of youth porn. And day by day that site always firsts has that face page appear, seen just ahead in this public report. It is nakedly obesely rich that they are not the unprecedented author on lust as I am yet they want to sell that by their undefined and definition-less designs, sell that they are immune and I am otherwise! If that language of the warning is changed then its a cover-up. Shawn says that if system person want that site to be open to the public then they need to put that into terms, but system persons need to hit the brakes on heading at citizens and others with ammunition and psychiatric needles to brand and label. If that site is blocked then that is proof of a cover-up. Any security administrator that blocks that is definitely not to be trusted. Shawn says verily they were not to be messing with his identity and records and rights just for him being the leading investigator and for being the only one with the leading answers. Shawn says that after investigating for a decade, being a leading social scientist, he is able to say that lusting at youth was normalized long ago, and therefore you cannot re- normalize what is. He says, lying about that is putting everyone and every child in great secret danger and he says he has been threatened and tortured for operating to make sense of what others could not. It was inhumanely brutally unjustly not right, interfering with my knowledge on this! According to the total visitors to nnclub was 4,601,867 counting since November 5 2015 to Dec 2 2019 / 23:55 = As any can see here, nearing 5 million visits to that wide open site is extreme access to that material not blocked on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada. I found this face page proof for Shawn's report. This is nevertheless fastly accessible and is not blocked. This was on service provider Edmonton shared by provinces Canada while Shawn faced that shockingly unjust trial targeting his sub-section 6 right and constitutional right to address systems and the internet for the public good, and this site has not changed day and night five months later as of December 2019. This site heads to thousands of links and a million tons of material of youth. Shawn says as the leading investigator and witness of ten years he is able to assure every citizen nation-wide that without any doubt there are massive numbers of system persons, rich and upper-class Canadians involved in that material. Shawn says that if any say they want to stop that they are either bloody liars or they do not have a clue about what they are saying. Shawn says if this site is not decriminalized there will be a greatest threat to our national and international security and public safety !!! - And I am able to say following ten years of my investigating that there are great numbers of youth acting out in that nnclub porn which are definitely not innocent. Any that suggest otherwise are acting ignorant and acting stupid in a way that is incontinent and a danger to all people and children.
  • 13. And Shawn says, do not be fooled by any claim that at sites there are alert scams. After ten years of investigating Shawn is able to assure every Canadian that persons running systems are indirectly and at times directly using cyber-crime alert ads, to intimidate people so they do not investigate sites and learn that material is not illegal yet is illegal for any that might vary against system persons. What is a cyber crime is acting as if that malware is a scam. Here is a example of what you might see; And as a social scientist I Shawn Cullen must believe there is a connection between anorexic porn and people trying to arrive at realities forcibly repressed into their reserve or subconscious mind. It is evidence that there are people in society that are desperately sick from decades or years of being "fed" disinformation and misinformation on the subject of young people and children. Not a surprise to they that know that two decades ago Canadian Civil Liberties Association Lawyer Allan Borovoy with members arrived in Alberta Edmonton on September 1999 to urge ccla Board Director and MP Anne McLellan to loosen Canada's laws on youth pornography. And in 1999 BC Appeal Court Justice Mary South in stated; We have to recognize that our views about these matters and societies attitude may change radically over a very short period of time. Interesting choice of words, telling. That is a message that theres a society front and that Government laws are not in place for a good reason. They are there to please mobs that we know are least trusted. I also found and emailed the largest dossier in world history evidencing that persons running systems in Canada were and are playing in and are in on distributing material of youth while using laws to brand and label the poor and citizens. Yes from my years of investigating I found a dossier of nearly 2000 sexibl sub-addresses. I was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fastly deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300. I sent my proof to political people I was emailing. I publicized that sexilb member VickyLove of (a sub-address) wrote a Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anonnews forum, stating that Frank of sexilb regularly met with Canadian Law Enforcement Officials, and yet in my investigation I witnessed day by day, day and night for months hundreds of sexilb sub-addresses to material of youth, from sexilb links that were totally easy to find and not blocked. Here are a number of proofs; The simplicity of search terms and
  • 14. messages seen written inside of the sub-addresses here prove that if any were spreading youth porn- it was, is, system persons, and not I who was (forced) to report and raise the data to fight for Canadians against systematic and societal hypocrisy. - Behold : You are right now looking at, witnessing, PROOF http://girlsgirlsgirls' http://upskirt.sexibl http://lillyfee/? http://lilsoft/ http://loli/? http://loveg/? http://luvcp/? http://small/ :// As any can see, material was of youth and wide open, just as I was reporting before eps persons illegally interfered. May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of risk of governors using a bill to get cp porn for their selves. parliamentary-work/speech-in-the-house-on-bill-c-30/ ICE Chief Anthony V. Mangione was caught with material of youth after he declared; “We will continue utilizing our unique immigration authorities to identify and arrest those who are a threat to our communities. We will continue to use all law enforcement tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these types of crimes." - * There you can see what language system hypocrites are using !!! There is much talk about Trump yet if politicians were not hypocrites heading to hell they would be talking on what I say, what I have written. Did you know that Donald Trump's campaign manager, chair-just-charged-child-sex-trafficking/Did you know that PM David Cameron’s special child porn Advisor Peter Rock was found with material, and by hypocrites Jeffery Jones who starred in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and BeetleJuice? Did you know that the chairman of the Northeastern Catholic District School Board was charged by Ontario Provincial Police Digital Forensics Unit and Child Sexual Exploitation Unit. Hypocrites run that OPP and as you shall see I have caught Toronto cops in a great exposed scandal of conspiring with corrupt eps cops to attempt to target, facilitate and consign to a grave my identity and reporting. Did you know that veteran weatherman meteorologist Mike Davis was accused and that Alberta's College of Physicians and Surgeons spokes-person Kelly Eby in 2013 messaged that while he was being investigated for possessing youth porn Dr Michael Graff, “is still allowed to practice” Is prosecutor J.Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer, or world-renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight global disease, or founder of Pan U.S. flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender, or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii's shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson."
  • 15. HERE IS JUST ONE OF MY PARAMOUNT REVELATIONS ; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusters want hope, lusters are devourers, That is why lusters are not keepers who have any hope. Now take your time thinking on every one following words here; {Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want fears and misuse by authority, acting little, acting belittling. By that nature we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind, which is what I partly call the reserve mind. By that we know that lusting heads to lust at and corrupt children, lusting heads to affect or effect children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or lusted at a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, possessor, danger. This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children. They that have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve and non-reserve parts of their mind. They that have a right relationship do not see one another in ways which are 'acting' little and belittling. This insight is the way of saying that persons of lust by nature lusts at children, in time by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies. Here is another way of giving reproof on the insight; Shawn says, addedly know, that lusting is to pervert your self, perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart. (like flooding) I once wrote that family-reminded, is not related, and related, is not family reminded. That is what way you know what way people are in a family or a relationship, natural or incest. And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing, will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child by subconscious designing, will end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. And how is it, that sodomites forgot that a hind and inner parts there of were designed to seem sanct letting whats not needed of the body out. They that lust at that deseem there, which you see fitting the words warning that in end times they dishonour their bodies. Now we understand, that people that are accusing others, are their selves persons that lust at children or corrupt children, and abuse children. God the judge is able to prove you lusted at your inner child !!! Sigmund Freud was not able to arrive to understand this but he might now be rolling in his grave !!! I verily have ((other secret ways)) of in deed (re)proving and re-proving my revelation on lusting, but I am keeping my other summit insights hidden for the time being, therefore I hope all understand that there is zero possibility of any person proving what I say is false or any way amiss !!! I told this insight to my Spanish Christian friend Marita who with joy said the insight makes perfect sense. I was imparting the insight to her inside the city center food court. Marita told me she is amazed by my teaching and she said she will be teaching the Godly insight to her friends and children. - Bless you and your children Marita my Godly Christian Spanish friend ... The last time I got free of Edmonton's corrupt and illegally designed remand in 2019 the cab driver on the way home from the Remand, Saheed Rahmanulla said everyone in Canada and in the World need to hear my insight on lusting. Saheed said his name means proper, perfect. -  How fitting ! And my teaching is the first in history etiology with respect to infantilism
  • 16. Paraphilic infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia, psychosexual infantilism, and adult baby syndrome is a sexual fetish that involves role-playing a regression to an infant-like state. Behaviors may include drinking from a bottle or wearing diapers (diaper fetishism). Individuals may engage in gentle and nurturing experiences (an adult who engages only in infantile play is known as an adult baby) or be attracted to masochistic, coercive, punishing or humiliating experiences. Diaper fetishism involves "diaper lovers" wearing diapers for sexual or erotic reasons but may not involve infant-like behavior. Individuals who experience both of these things are referred to as adult baby/diaper lovers. When wearing diapers, infantilists may urinate and/or defecate in them. I am hated and threatened because they are disturbed and jealous that two centuries of psychiatry could not given the answers I have given and published. AND WE KNOW men are attracted to a number of youth (by the way the Occipital lobe visual cortex works). Eyes are attracted to what is not far, appearing larger and larger, and attracted to what is far, appearing littler and littler. The loss of magnifying equates into the Occipital Lobe being attracted to 'approximate' designs, just as a visual cortex might be attracted peripheral ways. This in deed reminds of nature's reality, of men being attracted to women (varying) ways, yes of varying designs. (If this were not the truth, the nature of being attracted would not work)." "My teaching on the Occipital Lobe is A PROOF men by nature are attracted to maturing youth and proof IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH." There you see a proof with respect to your brain function ! AND DO NOT use the Personal Incredulity Fallacy "And the teaching on the brain does not any way teach people to not hate abuse to children." "Yes there are two sides of reality to be mindfull of !!!" Acting as if there is just one side is to leave most of the world with a part minded half hearted design, and part amputated conscience !!! To get a greater birds eye view, we need to take a little look at our history. Although in 1880 Canada had heavy manufacturing, ships, submarines, trains, telephones, light bulbs and skyscrapers etc the age of consent in North America was for the most part 10 years-old, and at the time parliament was first in session the law was only two years above that. How about we take the direct focus off our history and remind of our foreign neighbors. On June 22nd 1979 a petition along with a letter was sent to the Dutch Minister of Justice and to the Dutch Parliament demanding legalization of mutual activities between children and adults. -The petition was authorized by the Dutch Society for Reform (N V S H). It was signed by a number of social welfare and mental health organizations! That petition and letter was signed by the General Probation Association, the Netherlands Association for the Integration of Homosexuality, (C O C), the official Netherlands Feminism Association, unanimously signed by the executives of the Liberal party, unanimously signed by the executives of four smaller political parties that at the time had representatives in the Dutch Lower House (which were the Democratic Socialist party, the Pacifists Socialist party, the Democratic party and the Radical-party) . BEHOLD Unanimously signed by the junior executives of the Liberal party, Unanimously signed by the executives of the Junior Department of the Political Contacts For Minors (the name of the Junior Department of the Conservative party), signed by a large number of University Professors, Physicians, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Educationalists, Teachers, the General Teachers Association and the Protestant Teachers Confederation. Alright, now that is a clue. We do know what a clue is. People wanted this information I was re publishing in 2011 to disappear which happens to go with them wanting, me to not appear. And of course we know British Leader of the House of Commons and Minister for Women & Equality Harriet Harman who also sat on a Cabinet committee for "the welfare of young people" called on ministers to make explicit photographs & films of children legal, and the members of the National Counsel for Civil Liberties argued openly to legalize sex with teens and preteens. Perhaps there is input from former Alberta Edmonton President of the Canadian Society of the Association of Executives Jannis Kense who also taught Anthropology at the University of Alberta, and former Alberta University Manager Robin Phillips. You would think
  • 17. there is somebody out there that is not a perpetual liar, somebody willing to acknowledge and support my important podcasts, perhaps people governing Quebec that has claimed to stand for the rule of law, or perhaps they are too embarrassed by that news of Jean Harrison who hosted a Canadian tv Channel dedicated to youth programming, yet was later caught with material. Any that are slow to believe me are obviously unaware of the story of Boys Town and the Franklin Cover-up which is on orphanages, Foster Homes, ruling elite. I don't want any to feel less than comfortable so we will leave that to Senator John De Camp, after all Ted Gunderson is passed away. Yes they want people terrorized, and others ignorant. Remember the highly respected Journalist G. Orwell stated; "Ignorance is strength". (Shawn has proven older people are proof), yes proof people are attracted to youth. This is with respect to his Yuko Ogura exhibit which he had to fight to try to freely raise in court in 2019; "I reminded the court of my public reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven. Not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice 'to remind the court, that if people can by law find their self attracted to a number of older people who appear as young as a youth (then they will find their self interested in youth who appear that way of those older women). At the end before that judge's mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice, to remind of my Yuko Ogura proof, and I added saying other proofs are; Actress Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13, Selena Gomez, and also of interest is actress Dawn Wells. June 2019 I raised my voice in that forced 2019 phony proceeding saying ; "THIS IS COMMON SENSE !!! THIS IS COMMON SENSE !!!" Why did they not want me to publish visual material? Because seeing is believing !!! I had doubts but found proofs of what Shawn testified of in court. I investigated and found these photos of women Shawn said appear as preteens. Yes seeing is believing. And here is a link which is proof Yuko Ogura appears 11 or 12 at 21. > Actress Ogura was born Nov. 1 1983 and here is a video of her as a full grown woman appearing and acting as if she is 11 or 12. That judge denied the law and constitution because he did not answer to this which I raised in court room 412 in June 2019, and as a public record in 2015 before I was abducted by that August 28 2015 false arrest, tricked and taken, abducted by counterfeit cops, kidnapped at 11:30 at night. Understand, this is not an extreme set of facts, but is a nature of things world-wide ! This means we have a reason to believe according to nature that #1 it is common that police investigators possess a motive to falsely investigate and arrest, and #2 that it is common that prosecutors possess a motive to maliciously prosecute, and #3 common that judges possess a motive to falsely rule against an accused. It is contrary to the rule of law and constitution, shocking and hair raising, chilling, that not any acknowledged the world-wide significance of this natural point I Shawn Gordon Cullen raised ! Older Women who appear like preteens and youngest teens
  • 18. THESE ARE OTHER OLDER WOMEN THAT APPEAR AS PRETEENS; (FURTHER PROOF) IT IS CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WERE AND ARE; BEING LIED TO, AND VERILY DECEIVED, MIND-WIRED, AND BRAIN-WASHED !!! shawn-cullen-proof-of-scandal-proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely- maliciously-prosecuted-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted/ All any need to do is witness my audio on my unprecedented insights, and they will see persons are not simply out to lunch, they are off the entire map, and floating around like cosmic garbage. "I was pricked at by strange interruption when I tried to testify of my teachings and of who I am. (I tried warning) of my teachings on the witness stand (and tried when I was not on the stand)." I once read the words of famous trial Lawyer Roy Gruttman who stated that every Court has a secret justice system inside a Court House where aspects of cases are dealt with behind closed doors, to conceal life saving or key information from ever reaching the Public. He stated that the judges are really core-rupt politicians elected to the bench and that what is seen in many Court- rooms is never reality. He said Lawyers are often like magicians, and that Court-rooms are full of games of hide and seek so that fact and fiction are interchangeable. Canada's Criminal Codes 802(1) –right to make a full answer and defense (2)- right to examine Its a fatal error for a court to convict and sentence without these opportunities, I was not consulted and my right to have my legal rights enforced and searched was cut off and hidden away and systematically threatened and tortured, not unlike a prisoner of war or a child that is
  • 19. abducted, secretly captive and caged. They took advantage of my vulnerability, and what they acted out was in every way extremely unconscionable and disgracefull systematic tyrannical terrorism. Their plot was to murder me or to at least cause me to succumb to fears, intimidation, mounting causes of complications and confusion, and to succumb to financial and advocacy constricting and blocking, exhaustion, and at every turn behind closed doors away from public view - succumb to facilitated stumbling blocks that was to attempt to cause my will to expire. All that to cause me to abandon and abort my civil stands and criticisms with respect to dis-information, mis-information and their constitution and criminal codes, with respect to their system securities, falsely designed and designing public safety, and failed information health that is feeding and heading at our citizenry. When there is workable visibility of a proof minded proof tracking fight and work to operate for a sine qua non pellucidity need on a greatest matter of dis-information and misinformation, then they that will not acknowledge, and will not acknowledge what is being revealed and what is being exposed, cannot act as if they rest on and are a catalyst for qualitative and quantitative positioning, and cannot act as if there a reason for acting silent at the one operating. A few points fitting are seen in the case of Maia Bent vs Howard Platnick 1704604 Case No. 38374 Ontario v Pointes Protection Association, et al - Alexi Wood of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association reminded that it is not right that there is a moral taste test. Free speech and expression might appear and feel; slow to, and stumbling aside from, and far from, what you call a right or acceptable moral taste, yet you cannot discount, yes cannot render unworthy of protection, the freedom of speech and expression.That is what system persons are guilty of. And the Civil Liberties Association spoke of a reasonable expectation of privacy. My privacy rights were breached because persons I was emailing knew I was working on highly infectious extreme propaganda-contaminated material subjects. And I did not breach reasonable expectation of privacy for I was raising emergence, re-writing re-setting understanding of reasonableness and privacy, for system securities, public safety, information health feeding our citizenry, re-writing re-setting a correct reality founded understanding of civil rights and law !!! And a Adam Goldenberg of the CCF reminded that there are charter points which are not values but are rights. And there is a decloaked matter of mixed messages. canadian-constitution-foundation-intervening-in-toronto-municipal-election-case/ The truth is I never had access to justice. Access to justice was robbed and out of system raging was subjugated, and they are rotating heads on a hydra like a evil man with a thousand faces, to try every autocratic pose to attempt judicial hocus pocus against my life, civil rights, name and records file, and to mislead people into doubting, and by and by gag, public debate on matters of greatest public interest. And lawyer Orlando Rosa spoke of Section 137 (1) and raised that persons with respect to that case gave up their right to freedom of expression, and by that forfeited their charge and story rights. That is what adversaries are now guilty of with respect to my published story report. I was and am the one with the answers giving a real correctly defined understandable foundation for balanced civil rights. They were not spending years of time to get a birds eye view with respect reports and material evidences I emailed. We know they were not by the fact that they would not have needed years, and by the fact that they knew I was warning I was nigh finishing the legal orientation of my report. to reversed a extremely great onus on me. I HAVE REASONS TO SUSPECT THEY SPENT MILLIONS OR TENS OF MILLIONS AND DOLLARS, AND USED A SHAMEFULL NUMBER OF CREEPS TO ATTEMPT TO STOP ME
  • 20. This is a titanic nation-wide exposed scandal !!! shawn-cullen-who-they-conspired-to-hide-away-inside-edmontons-corrupt-remand-run-by-a- number-of-murderers-and-sexual-child-predators-2020-2021/ danger-jan-15-2020/ Here is key insight for knowing why people that appear warm and of great knowledge are accursed; = and a key insight into why for a great time great people possessing power and wealth told their selves they are righteous as they lust at youth and children, and deceived their selves by saying they can handle that and by saying the public cannot. 2020-2021 Appear-Warm-and-of-Great-Knowledge-Are-Accursed Reddit Scandal Exposed Language-by-Reddit-Persons-Viewer-Discretion-is-Recommended-Damning-Evidence-That- Exposes-That-Grade-10-Youth-on-Reddit-as-a-Hypoc Photo introduction page Here-are-the-unprecedented-paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen-Proof-of-scandal- Proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted-falsely- branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen.-proof-of-scandal.-proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights- were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted.-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted/ The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = SHAWN PERFECTLY ADDRESSING JUDGE AND FORCED PROCEEDING = !!! further-paramount-proof-2020/ Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!! Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech - Black Eyes - proofs-of-the-conspiracy-and-scandal-against-shawn-cullen-2020-2021/
  • 21. Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my life, knowledge and free speech - Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020-new-year/ In a quickly provable way we know they had to of known of a 2015 record I had in reports I emailed and published online, yes the record which stated; Muting affects the part of the brain that detects bodily pain, called the anterior cingulate cortex. Language causes pain since it is contact! News editor Lynn Stuart Parramore wrote that muting; “is among the most devastating experiences any can endure, can re-mold the mind, and in extreme cases, it can even cause a person to want to go on a killing spree”. I sent the link to people I emailed (Lines 13 and 14 - They never once acknowledged the record in four years from the time of the false arrest into the 2019 false proceeding, kangaroo trial. They dismissed the existence of ‘rhetorical concept’ and out of context and acting willfully blind to evidence of possible context, they hyper-used the term killing spree as ammo, and they fired that ammunition for four years and obstructed and entrapped me by assaulting my time to speak as they maximum hyper words blocked my right and need to account, and I was taken, napped away from the video tron screen at earliest bail hearings and later court house bail hearings. They never thought I would be able to later publish what was happening because by nature what confuses and disorients is in many cases hard to remember and hard to put into words. Yes my right to be heard was assaulted and terrorized. Not simply were the rules of court breached, there is a darker matter. Advocates and legal representatives across Canada and beyond absolutely need to speak to this which I am raising here !!! Any that do not turn the rule of law and civil rights into of fallen bones of cowardice . Although this woman does not show visible language which fits the knowledge operations of my report I do appreciate that she is not disguising herself as others, and that what she says evidences what is a great resident evil that resides by her, which is that of system based and society madnesses of persons repressing and suppressing in ways that are cursed or sold out to dis and misinformation! The Advocate' magazine published on the 31st of October, 1995. Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech - Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to falsely brand and label -- falsely-brand-and-label-to-hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020-new-year-/ Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech - Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone, (terrorism) - and-label-to-hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020-new-year-/ Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal - First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020-new-year/ Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted to 'attempt' to stop campaign. false-brand-and-lable-to-hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020/ Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court, hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020/
  • 22. Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy 2019-ontario-child-advocate-office-conspiracy-2020/ Now before you head to hear part 7, this part givens you a written report with respect to that audio proof; Here is PROOF added to the sub-section 6 right, proof that they that accused me do not make any sense, we know that, because not at any time in 2015 before and after that false arrest, yes not at any time from 2015 to 2019 and into that June 2019 forced phony trial, did they "in any way" acknowledge that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by years of federal acquiescing, acquiescing by Parliamentary sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, which is supremacy over-all-other-government-institutions-and-judicial bodies !!! Ontario Child Advocates Conspiracy Exposed They anti-lawfully threw me down the Devils’ throat, and they spent years attempting to unlawfully hide me away to threaten, torture and to try to secretly murder me or induce me to kill my self to get away from extreme abuse, that breached the united nations charter agreement against torture and other cruelly inhumane and belittling acts Nobody in power or in authority get to do what was done to me !!! Now all is publicly exposed !!! Eps persons, that ontario office, toronto cop, do not make any sense, and for certain we know that because not at any time in 2015 before and after that false arrest, yes not at any time from 2015 to 2019, and into that June 2019 forced phony trial, (did they "in any way" acknowledge) that my years of online investigating, and my publicly posted and emailed material APPEARED ACCEPTED, by the 250 emailed federal political persons on my great email list. This was learned by police report narrates and by testimony I witnessed in 2019 court trial room 412. In other words they never acknowledged that all I did and was doing appeared legalized by years of federal acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy over all other government-institutions and judicial bodies. They accused and carried on that way after they had to know that 250 political people were (letting) me send written and visual material (for years). That madly lying corrupt toronto officer said he investigated the emails by, a Edmonton telus email, yes investigated emails sent after he was contacted by Ontario's child advocate office. That toronto officer said he then contacted eps Edmonton and eps then contacted telus to investigate the email address to know who the email address belonged to, and then they headed at me. Eps persons said they did not know of my years of emailing of material and public reporting til that Toronto cop contacted them. Now the first proof point as I said is that they never acknowledged that my years of online investigating, and my publicly posted and emailed material APPEARED ACCEPTED legalized by years of federal acquiescing sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, supremacy-over-all- other-government-institutions-and-judicial-bodies. Now the second proof point is in the question of how could eps not of known for years? (Eps not knowing would mean that not any of the 250 political persons and not any of the few policing persons on my email list (called eps for years). And, political persons sent me federal letters and so they had my full name and full address. If my years of public online investigating and public reporting with emailed material to those 250 political persons was not accepted, the 250 federal political people would have called eps, just like they would have contacted that Ontario Advocate Office, and would have called toronto police !!!
  • 23. And Eps not knowing would mean eps and telus corporation security did not know material was being sent to hundreds of political people for years, and that public reports of that material was online in Edmonton and Canada for years. That is not possible to believe !!! And before that 2015 time, I called telus security and questioned why I found a Edmonton telus corporation help window appear on a wide open unblocked youth porn site I was investigating. A telus security manager apologized on the phone saying it must of been a rogue telus help window, therefore telus had knowledge of my online investigating long before that claim by eps officers that they only learned of me after that toronto cop contacted them. O what a tangled web they weaved !! September 1st 2015, days after that August 28 2015 abduction, yes that false arrest at 11:30 at night while Albertans were asleep, telus Corporate security left a note for telus that I was to be banned from telus! Why was I not months earlier in April 2015 when eps told telus, yes at that time that led to was eps persons later claiming by their report narrates that they were at my door, yes or why, was I not within that time of April to August 2015 while eps persons were claiming they were acting. Now therefore here is the third proof point. For months telus and eps cops let me send further reports to they that were on my great email list. They had my emails, full address and full name, information they claimed they needed, yet they and that corrupt telus let me carry on for months. In their narrates and four years later in court June 2019 eps persons also testified that in 2015 I sent a highest priority email warning to they that were on my email list, a emailed warning that eps persons were knocking at my door in a attempt to abduct me for my reporting, therefore there was not a stealth need, therefore they had no reason to let me carry on for months emailing! Yes the third proof point in other words is that with respect to a concept of risk to people and children, by what we see in their narrates and later sworn court testimony, what we know is that without any reason they let months of further emailing, yes of months of further risk to people and children, therefore we know they did not believe I was putting any at any unreasonable risk, and therefore we know that all that was on their mind was taking me. They thought I would never see and solve this mystery, because how could a man living with a little cat inside a subsidized bachelor suite apartment be wiser than corporate persons and a gang of corrupt cops. Yes and how could a poor man with a little cat expose all system secrets and wide spread corruption. The records you are seeing here are of paramount national and public interest !!! THEIR NARRATES DID NOT AND CANNOT MAKE ANY SENSE !!! Why would they get caught in a great scandal of conspiring a arrest and not making any sense in their conspiracy? System persons playing in that material turn drunk by that material, and so they lose sight of sound reasoning !!! I witnessed in that 2019 phony trial forced on me that that phony Ontario Advocate Office testified that they "reacted" to material they received from me through emails I sent that office after they were put on my great email list I had. They were not contacted by and so did not react to any of the other 250 federal political people and few policing people and others on the list. And yes we know from eps police narrates and the June 2019 court record that they that were "Ontario" Federal Politicians, and they that are televised from Ottawa, did not contact that Ontario advocate office. Now therefore here is the fourth proof point.* It is therefore obvious that that Ontario office is not making any sense because it is monstrously unrealistic and laughably ludicrous to think they would have not first contacted the 250 political people emailed. Canadians and others can know it is corrupt and a scandal that that Ontario Office would contact a toronto cop, yet not first contact the
  • 24. 250 political people, and it is corrupt and a scandal that they would contact that toronto cop while knowing there were Toronto Federal Politicians and other Ontario Politicians which accepted or appeared to of accepted my public online investigating and reporting, and accepted material sent !!! And yes it is obvious all the "Ontario" federal politicians and other federal politicians and others that were on my email list did not believe there was a concern, otherwise they would not of accepted for years my public investigations and emailed and publicly posted reporting exhibits into material. Why would that Office lie that way? They wanted to act as if it was only a question for (police) and not a question for 250 federal policy makers, yet it is not within sound reasoning to believe that that Ontario office would not have first investigated my relationship with the 250 political people and few policing people on my great email list, that that office, toronto cop and eps could have gotten my full name and home address from. They thought they could get away with their conspiracy because a man heading down their Devil's throat is like humpty dumpty, and you know what happened to him. Shoot first and ask questions later. Yes that is what we now know that that office, toronto cop and eps acted out, because appearing as if they first asked 250 political persons questions would have only led to records to a story in my favour. - Their conspiracy was to upset and bury my story and freedom to perfect what I was working on. What other Child Advocates Offices are attacking to stop a citizen from exposing systematic hypocrisy investigated by a citizen who speaks truth to power and holds system persons to account? Now we know that Ontario office are like Casa Pia a state-run institution that was for the education and support of poor children and under-age orphans. People need to beware of any calling their selves advocates and need to begin trusting my report. What now , will they conspire to alter the court record? I know what sworn testimony I witnessed in 2019 in Edmonton court trial room 412 !!! Therefore we see that Ontario Child Advocate's Office conspired to act out criminal Perjury, to feed malicious prosecuting, to attempt to falsely brand and label my years of public investigating and reporting, which was for the public good according to sub-section 6. By this we know that Child Advocate's office cannot be trusted with children, and we know this is a titanic scandal that is reason for Canadians and others to neither trust the OCAO, Toronto police nor Alberta !!! Now here is the fifth proof point. That corrupt Ontario Child advocate’s office shut down after they accused me to that Toronto officer! torontocitynews - Ontario-child-advocate-shocked-to-learn-through-media-about-office-closing. They closed down because of some guilt and fear, and or division and fear about a conspiracy to use eps persons to false arrest me in August of 2015 !!! You were witnesses of five proof points which expose their Ontario conspiracy and scandal. Interestingly the number five represents the five senses of humanity. Part 7 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal to false brand and lable to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech - LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE = 2020 false-brand-and-lable-to-hide-me-away-to-bury-my-knowledge-and-free-speech-2020-new-year/
  • 25. Added pdf proof Scandal-2020-Give-Shawn-Cullen-Back-His-Rights-2020-2021-Magna-Carta-1 Paramount proof by Shawn's own lawyer; shawns-lawyer-on-that-trial-was-unlawfully-forced-unconstitutional-and-breached-the-rights-of- canadians-and-all-others-2020-2021/ Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world**, on sick leave ... CTV IS NOW INFORMED Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity in Alberta; designing-terms-language-so-paramount-realities-1df67a402dcd Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption is-saying-is-not-a-jest-and-is-the-reality-scientist-shawn-cullen-says-everything-lawyers-people- and-media-need-to-know-is-within-his-written-wordings-and-summit-story/ City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal; shawn-cullen-who-they-conspired-to-hide-away-inside-edmontons-corrupt-remand-run-by-a- number-of-murderers-and-sexual-child-predators-2020-2021/ They that want to fight me, are the myth, people of fiction ! Extra audio ; If you are doubting after every way I have perfectly proven them you might need to start facing that you suffer from a mental illness because there is not any possible way my report and insights are false or amiss. Here I leave you with a number of other records and knowledge to add reproof. Child abuse allegations are now Canada's greatest wave of calculated hysteria now comparable to those Salem witch trials of 1692. Child advocates are charlatans. And you witnessed my audio proof of conspiracy by Ontario's child advocate office. And accusing towards many is now utterly unsubstantiated by evidence, utterly contradictory, enforced by moral authoritarianism, and my words were and are blissfully ignored by a number of people I hoped I could trust, I was ignored while suffering to get paramount insights to you and others. Professor Taras of the department of communications and culture at University of Calgary once stated; "What we're seeing here is a degree of control inside government, inside its caucus that we haven't seen for a very long time". I have told people the truth. I have completed what I needed to. And now I am hoping there is a pause away from madness that will conceive a conscience and let me carry on with my life without corrupt system persons trying to swallow me. I only pray someone has a sense to raise their voice for me !!! My name is Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton born April 3rd 1971, born in Eastyork Ontario, former address 10726 103 street suit 206, There are church people who know me, and I am a singer and a Christian, a man of hope, a man who feels alone, sad, hurt, and clearly evidently betrayed !!! - Now that I have published all I needed to I was hoping someone in that solicitor generals office or