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Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton says; Who am I? The one who is Just, fit to ever trust, the one who is a light, the one
with sight to say what is right, the one who is chosen whose words were frozen by persons I was exposen, the one with the
sound mind who was illegally confined for putting into words the nature of mankind, maligned by they that are designed to
act unkind not wanting their secrets defined. Who am I? Edmonton's world leading social Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen !!!
Shawn is the first man ever in the world to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children.
Shawn says few people do not !!! People are lusting- 'THAT' IS THE WAY TO KNOW !!!
There are holy people who are not lusters, and there are the confused and confusers. Confusers are guilty.
If any are the confused, they will with joy agree with the answers, the insights I have given, which I reveal ; lust
Shawn says; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in
your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if
what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little,
acting belittling. By that we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are
designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind.
By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of
corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is
little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger.
This is a key insight which reveals and which exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons
that lust at children, by their or act. What way, what time, by nature varies.
They which have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which
persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve part of their mind. They do not see one another in ways
which are 'acting' little and belittling.
Addedly know, lusting is to pervert your self, lusting is perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart.
And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt.
Men that lust at a inner child they are designing, will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child by
subconscious designing, will end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. In understanding lust we see
why people end up that way.
Now we understand that people that are accusing others, are their selves persons that lust at children, corrupt children
and abuse children.
Jesus warned saying; you that judge condemn your self because God is able to prove you act out, suppress, repress,
what you accuse others of !!!
2019 the cab driver on the way home from the Edm. Remand, Saheed Rahmanulla said my teaching on lusting is amazing
and he said everyone needs to hear and know my teaching. He said his name means proper, perfect. - How fitting !
And Shawn says verily he has (other ways) of in deed reproving this revelation on lusting !!!
I am a author who has revealed a revolutionary insight on lusting. There you see the truth of who I am by my current post.
There was what you might call systematic identity theft, a conspiracy to unlawfully falsely label me. Within my this public
record, you have the proof my words are not rambling. You see my words are not disjointed. You see I do not 'suffer';
delusions. You see I am not schizophrenic, not in denial, not a narcissist, not preoccupied with tin foil.
Shawn says presentation is everything because system persons are out to label and out to act as Cain that killed Abel.
Shawn says system persons will call a man performing a tracheotomy, a cut-throat. This a time of smoke and mirrors !!! You
might be shocked and alarmed by this report, because this report is letting you know that cursed Sociopaths and Satanists
running systems & society people; use higher and higher & deeper and deeper -answers, to further conceal what they are.
"All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not ever be found or thrown
in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops."
I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get policy makers and others
on my email list, to communicate ! –They thought I would not live or not get free to let you know what happened to me!
THEY CONSPIRED TO LOCK HIM AWAY BY HABEAS CORPUS BREACHES and broke information laws to act as if he is dull-
minded, lacking insight, not understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define.
His first revelation on lusting and every other insight you shall witness in this public interest report is the proof, yes proves
what system persons and others were designing is exactly opposite to who he is and his knowledge!
They are using a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer to stick it to Shawn every thursday. Where is a lawyer to put a stop to
this anti-lawfull false branding labeling scandal of systematic abuse, corruption, being acted out under the nose of citizens.
Shawn says he has in deed proven and reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand him
and they acted berserk and irregular to falsify and misrepresent his personal and private info, health records!
Shawn’s very public posts set his records straight! I was told that that person named Jill can see and hear that Shawn is
sound yet she is pushing and poking Shawn into finding a doctor to be under care following a corrupt court decision by
Judge Jerke. Shawn says he has reminded Jill of his public posts proving there was and is a exposed labeling scandal!!!
Is not system organized false labeling and harassment, organized crime? I am afraid to say yes knowing the answer is yes !
Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of material he believed political people and policing people were playing in. He
warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gives him the right to send and make
public proof. He sent evidence to persons running things. After letting him for years, a few liars designed a way to falsely
arrest, threaten and torture him day and night for years, and they forced him to face a brutally phony trial. They falsely
branded, and now he has proven all his rights were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. AND HE (WAS) all on that email
list warning saying he is able to prove the nature of people. He said, therefore be patient !!!
Yes by nature there are youth which do design as older people, and saying this is not the full truth of our world is
the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth. -And by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting),
(a person to person hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity
effect to a number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide
tyranny !!! This will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration designs,
economic designs and health designs! Jesus asked the question; Am I now your enemy for telling you the truth?
Shawn G. Cullen of Edmonton Alberta Canada has PROVEN criminal codes and constitutions of all nations are misdesigned
Shawn says people that will not examine his words are repressors!
COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER and world leading scientist Shawn Cullen.
Most people do not know of Scientist Shawn Cullen. People, have said he is the one man who is able to change the entire
world with his insights and power of words. This is no joke. Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta born April 3rd 1971.
These proof recordings which are of public interest were recorded as test or draft recordings, only days after getting free
from being abducted and unlawfully detain by habeas corpus breaches following greater than three years of systematic
abuse and being held like a prisoner of war by terrorists and hypocrites that are sex offenders running Alberta systems;
And they of fraud at work to falsely label him for years, did not know and did not document any word on him being a singer
A few of his favorite songs are from Queen, Elton John, Perfect by Ed Sheeran, the greatest by Sai, and a number of classics.
Shawn says he hates or does not listen to 99% of country songs.
This part gives a little insight on why there was that kangaroo trial illegally unjustly immorally forced on Shawn Cullen !
I have never seen such a titanic scandal and conspiracy as what I see by what Mr. Cullen has exposed !
Are system persons playing with fire?
— — — — -----------------------------------------— — — GET THIS — — — —----------------------------------------------- — — — —
They accused Shawn of sending material to 250 political persons and a number of policing persons
And they did that after they let him send written and visual material (for years)
A Toronto officer said that they headed at him (after) the ontario child’s advocate office called that toronto officer.
And that toronto officer said he later contacted eps in Alberta Edmonton.
--------------------------------------------THAT DOES NOT AND CANNOT MAKE ANY SENSE!---------------------------------------------------
— — — — — ---------------------------------------— — — — WHY? — — — —------------------------------------------------- — — — —
That ontario advocate’s office was on his email list with the 250 political persons, And not any political persons contacted
that Ontario office, And the 250 people had Mr. Cullen’s address and email address.
And eps said they did not know until that toronto officer contacted them. How could eps not of known for years? Thats not
possible to believe.
do-we-explain-the-10-years-mr-cullen-f627bf5bf69d That would mean not any of the 250 political persons and a number
of policing persons on his email list did not call eps for years even though they had his address and email address.
And political persons sent Mr. Cullen letters with his return address.
This does not and this cannot make ANY sense.
— — —----------------------------------------- — — — HERE IS THE POINT — — — ------------------------------------------------— — —
That Ontario office did not contact the 250 political persons, and did not contact eps. They acted as if they were thinking
‘only they got’ material I sent and acted as if they did not think the other 250 political people and policing people on the
email list did !!! That does not and cannot make sense because that office knew they were on a email (list). (Persons were
not emailed one email address at a time).
And they say they contacted that toronto cop, not the 250 political and policing people, you would think they would of first
contacted! And that Ontario advocate’s office shut down after they accused Mr. Cullen to that Toronto officer!
There are a number of other facts found in Mr. Cullen’s pdf slideshare report and medium.
This is a titanic nation-wide scandal. They conspired to turn all on the Scientist. They hid him away like a prisoner of war
and threatened and tortured him day and night for three years and thought he would kill himself from abuse or thought he
would lose memory of his knowledge and facts.
He did not, and now the truth is on the net, and what he now reveals and has exposed rocks the earth.
If people do not respond they are either guilty, mad or insane! Mr. Cullen even pointed out in court that he identified
that officers censored images that did not show any nudity or body parts. They censored grass. The heads of girls appeared
and their bodies were covered by thick green grass, and so their was not any thing to censor. This is really serious.
torontocitynews - Ontario child advocate ‘shocked’ to learn through media about office closing.
They closed because of some sort of guilt, fear or division about a conspiracy to use eps to proxy arrest Shawn in 2015 !!!
Federal RCMP across Canada or other agents need to start arresting Edmonton Alberta judges !!! Court Judges are not above
the law !!! In the least civil lawyers need to contact Shawn Cullen and help him file a multi-million dollar law-suit !!!
Canada's Criminal Codes
802(1) –right to make a full answer and defense
(2)- right to examine
Its a fatal error for a court to convict and sentence without these opportunities
Mr. Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta Canada CLEARLY was not given his right to give any full answer on his
teachings, and a number of others ways. And after years of being threatened, tortured and held as if he were a political
prisoner gripped by habeas corpus breaches, he was given only two strangely short times to testify on the witness stand
June 2019 court room 412. This is breach of every thing we must believe in.
Here again is the summit world news paramount proof Shawn Gordon Cullen is the man of insights he says he is;
He is the first man ever in the world to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children.
Shawn says; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is everything in your
mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you
are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little, acting belittling.
Yes lusting is acting little and yes yes 'with' that, lusting is belittling! By that we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner
child, corrupt a inner child) - that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind.
By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of
corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is
little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger.
This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons
that lust at children. They that have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship
in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve part of their mind. They do not see one another in ways
which are 'acting' little and belittling.
This insight is the way of saying that every person of lust by nature lusts at children, by their eye or act. What way, what time,
by nature varies.
Addedly know, lusting is to pervert your self. Lusting is to pervert everything you say you guard and hold in your heart!
They that are not hypocrites are they who with quickness and joy agree with the public insights they witness within my post !!!
And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt.
Men that lust at a inner child they are designing will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child they are designing
end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. In understanding lust we see why people end up that way.
And Scientist Shawn Cullen gives summit earth shaking brain science reasoning which does in deed prove men by nature
are attracted to a number of youth, and this leads to truthfullness and exposes!
"This is of international interest and public interest with respect to every city of every nation" -Scientist Shawn Cullen
"WE KNOW men are attracted to a number of youth (by the way the Occipital lobe visual cortex works). Eyes are attracted
to what is not far, appearing larger and larger, and attracted to what is far, appearing littler and littler. The loss of magnifying
equates into the Occipital Lobe being attracted to 'approximate' designs, just as a visual cortex might be attracted peripheral
ways. This in deed reminds of nature's reality, of men being attracted to women (varying) ways, yes of varying designs. (If this
were not the truth, the nature of being attracted would not work)." "My teaching on the Occipital Lobe is A PROOF
men by nature are attracted to maturing youth and proof IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH."
There you see a proof with respect to your brain function ! - AND DO NOT use the Personal Incredulity Fallacy
"And the teaching on the way the brain works does not any way teach people to not hate abuse to children."
"And when men see youth which are not maturing then there will not be a effect or affect to the prefrontal cortex, 'if, they are
not abusers to children'. There might be if there is illusions caused by dress designs."
"And lying deepens wanting possessing!!! -There you see why lying designs lusting people to act out rape and murder."
"Yes there are two sides of reality people need to be mindfull of !!!" "I am not the one that calls evil good and good evil !
Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen gives a high number of revelations on youth and ways systems persons were for a century
and are deceiving and fooling nations of citizens with respect to youth and children !
(Shawn has proven older people are proof) people are attracted to youth. This is with respect to his Yuko Ogura exhibit ;
"I reminded the court of my reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven. Not on the stand I was
forced to raise my voice 'to remind the court, that if people can by law find their self attracted to a number of older people
who appear as young as a youth (then they will find their self interested in youth who appear the way those older women do).
At the end before that judge's mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice to
remind of my Yuko Ogura proof, and I added saying other proofs are; Actress Ha Yeon -Soo who in her twenties appears 11 or
12, Actress Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13 , Actress Annasophia Robb who at 23 appears 14 or 15, Actress Hiromi
Nagasaku who at 50 appears 18, and Actress Ariana Grande who at 23 appears 12 or 13. And I told the court, also of interest is
actress Dawn Wells. And told of Numbers 31:18 which weighs on my insight I gave."
2019 I raised my voice in court saying ;
And why would I need common sense peer reviewed ???
"And as you shall see, I have given (every reason needed), to (know) a low number of youth which are NOT children."
On the witness stand June 11th or 12th 2019 I testified of my teaching I name Genesis's Bi-known. I said I have given (in my
past internet reports before August 2015) good reasons to believe with respect to the earliest times there was and is a low
number of youngest teens and preteens which are as older people. I told the court they are a near mirror to but are contrary
to a number of children and that by (confusing that) any sleightest way by false broad messaging, raising the reality will causes
shock to conscience neural circuitry. And your brain will feel like a muscle that is being constricted!
"Truth is not what causes that. Your brain was designed by decades and a century of false media to cause that."
Scientist Shawn Cullen says; "Why does seducing act (like) a Phoropter? Seducing is designing ways of (feeding) the visual
cortex. We know that for decades and decades there was, as there is, youth that lust at wide-open porn. Seducing and
seducing of porn acts like a Phoropter that passes on what older people see, yes that passes on what people "call" maturity,
what is of seducing minds, yes that passes on points that program youth to grow with speed, yes that design youth to be as
older people. What this does reveal is that there are youth that are not children, and why ! This is a global issue and matter of
world-wide broad messaging. Not addressing this is deceiving with respect to criminal codes, education and fields of health
that possess power to brand and label. And this weighs on other revelations and all I have proven on what is by nature a low
number of mature youth !"
Here is further proof of my knowledge which that court failed to let me say;
"Here I shall share a little of my knowledge on the low number I did not get to testified of: There are a low number of youth
with the knowledge to know what older people know; knowledge to know that older people that appear friendly might turn
and use; a strength, weight and height advantage to cause fear and force consent, knowledge to know that by nature its
common that men are designed to force their will on females of all ages, knowledge to know that things must fit otherwise
things are damaged and things are a danger to life, knowledge to know that knowing there are dangers teaches you there
might be dangers where you have not visited, knowledge to know that not having clothes on you might be at greater risk
cause psychos & offenders exist, knowledge to know that you can be trapped, knowledge to know that people can gang up on
you and that numbers do not prove you are safe, knowledge to know that in minutes a youth might understand the nature of
fire and water in the ways a older person understands, and that there are other ways within not much time a youth might
deeply understand what older people know."
"Its absolutely absurd that Mr. James Rowan cannot see this."
And here is why maturing youth can be a greater temptation to nations ;
"Blessed with insight with respect to numbers 31:18 and 2nd Tim 2:22 I say that they that are not children but are youth, are
(ripening) before turning older and older as persons heading to death. That is why lust of youth is a (excoriating) and
(permeating) way of seducing.There you see why that is a threat that (dis)designs deep and high ways people might be
upright, a lust(full) way of defiling people." -Let, people lust. Do not let people lie! What I have written there does fit with
Revelations 22:11
And Christian Scientist Shawn Cullen says that lying is a stumbling block ;
"They that are lying are acting as a stumbling block cause they are forcing you to be designed like a liar. -And they that do not
acknowledge a truth and evil, cannot deny that evil. Denying is not the same as denial."
"And I address material of youth that are flirting; Flirting is to play with deceiving as they that are flirting want to act and
appear little and gentle. If they were little and gentle why would they need to act to appear as if they are? I thought of that
question as I examined evidence."
A lying health person named Zedkova, Choy, Orimalade, Marsh Joyal, Cadsky and few others acted out perjury and or falsified
documents to dare suggest Mr. Cullen is slow, confused, difficult to follow, lacks insight. They did that to mislead you citizens
and others. That was exact opposite to the truth. And while hiding him by habeas corpus breaches they falsified documents
to attempt to suggest he is weak in his mind and not able to make sense. And
Cannot seem to get the Hearthis audio recordings to play all the way through. Do not tell me persons running Hearthis are in
bed with they that have no dignity, honour and hope! We will see …
I know what to write from Shawn’s written words and his recordings. Shawn gave me his other audio recorder months ago.
There are approximately a hundred draft recordings.
System persons and hypocrites designed full fiction to lie about Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta.
Shawn says they left Demon Larva on the eighth commandment and raped truth to do that !!!
You are witnesses of his words proving he has (one of) the very most understanding minds ever !!!
And they strangely suggested his physical health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his
health. A number of times Shawn witnessed in court system persons suggesting his health would likely deteriorate. When
Shawn raised his voice to rebuke and condemn that, he was threatened to keep quite or he was taken away !!! Were system
persons plotting to harm his health to cause his demise behind closed doors !!! WERE THEY ?!!! That would further evidence
a mad want to unrightly war at his free speech. July 20 2019 Shawn Cullen was on stage with a mic set up on Jasper ave by civil
rights people. He was on stage three times. He was introduced as a scientist. He let others know he was unlawfully targeted!
Shawn was asked if he is a self proclaimed Scientist. He says he would not use the terms self proclaimed as that appears to
message a misunderstanding of illusions, delusions, pride and a number of elements! He says apparently Thomas Edison
did not have a science degree, and nor did Leonardo Da Vinci and nor did Benjamin Franklin! Scientist Cullen says that peer
reviewed is at the heart of science and medical journals and that its compared to democracy. Its a Protean way of blessing
what others know or do not know. Its a designed faith with effects and affects that lend to the personal incredulity fallacy.
Scientist Cullen says his teachings are not any way theories. They are 100%, the realities.
Shawn Gordon Cullen was targeted. His true story is one of the very most important free speech stories ever in history !!!
"Vainly a # of system persons designed a unlawfull false file to attempt to hyper suggest I am not a first time leading authority
on truth and lust."
Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was trusted to investigate like the fbi would be; Not any person in history have
done what he has. And he says neither fbi nor the national center for missing and exploited children have judged material
evidences the way he did. He says there is not any on earth who think and judge as he does.
He says they that want to fight him, are the myth, people of fiction !
"Within my 2014 reporting of the vlad model Venya preteen I remind within the exhibit that I first sent that to hundreds of
policy makers on Nov 21st 2013, Dec. 25th and 2014 January 3rd. That was whats called category 1 explicit sexual poses,
nearly nude with a black mark which was to part way censor. Within the 2014 exhibit any can see evidence that I was the one
who censored. On the page of the exhibit I wrote that the exhibit was not given for any reason other than for the public good.
The public reports of the material PROVES I was entrusted by hundreds of politicians to gather and censor whats called explicit
categ. 1 material, and trusted, for years!
Not any other citizen would even of had the true grit to. -And the legal maxim says; they who do not deny agree.
He even got federal letters which not any other citizen has gotten ;
I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada's Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary
Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and reporting matters of and questions on material. Prosecutor
James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. I put the letters within the report pages I
emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters, and so if I forged the letters they would
have contacted police to charge me. Prosecutor Rowan did not want to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was
a witness) investigating wide open sites (for years) and the letters prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. And saying
that hundreds of federal policy makers and a number of policing people might of needed years to identify explicit categ.1
material I sent, that prosecutor James Rowan calls child porn, is to say that only a expert can identify. HAH ! That would be to
say that any material itself is entrapping to everyone everywhere". said in court
Persons that forced a unjust trial on him even acted out denial with respect to evidence that a eps officer called him
and approved of his investigating ;
"On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he refused to identify called
him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, "You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its
much deeper than concern". I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn't make any
sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and earlier
exhibits and other reporting broke the law. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked
and he acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. A number of ways in court I've recorded that people of
authority agreed to my investigating and evidences, and sub-section 6, gave me consent". said in court
In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the court of that, and told the court that a cop at eps downtown
headquarters told Shawn on the phone that there are many Macleods and records on old badge numbers are not always kept.
And a eps officer on the stand said he was not aware if any other eps officer called Shawn before 2015, (even though Shawn
publicly posted to document that Macleod called him. Not at any time in four years from 2015 to 2019 did any acknowledge
seeing Shawn’s widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that. That was not answered to in court in 2019.
And other key legal points were not answered to ;
"My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing
persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not
addressed for months and years. They are willing to let family nudists uncover children's bodies to the eyes of strangers."
That was said in court !!! –The Canadian public need to know Shawn said this in court !!! Strangely that Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!!
Within court that Criminal lawyer Ronald A. Morin referred to Shawn Gordon Cullen as a Scientist and a authority on lust !
Strange interruptions within court which breached the right to be heard and the right to give full answers ;
"Within court (2019 June court rm. 412) on the witness stand I tried to share my teachings on lust. I was strangely interrupted
and not given my right to freely testify of my summit teachings. That trial breach breached and breaches the criminal code
and my charter rights."
"I warned the court that I have a high number of insights on lust which in deed prove prove my reporting was in deed
for the public good, for the administration of justice, science, education and health." – “They failed to let me say
what I needed to say for my self and for Canadians, and for people world-wide !!!”
"I was pricked at by strange interruption when I tried to testify of my teachings and of who I am. (I tried warning) of my
teachings on the witness stand (and tried when I was not on the stand)."
The further proofs you shall see are teachings I have kept for years which I am the only author of ;
1 Here are my teachings which by fatal court error or unjustly as a unlawfull scandal, I did not get to say in court ;
I did a human nature examination into public dress codes. - I found proof that dress codes are legalized public child porn thats
a illusion, a illusion to men that what men are seeing are designs of nature for men. Within my scientific examination I found
that tight dresses or any clothing that causes curves to appear to fit together, or-that-clothing with a designed to surprise
message such as with min-skirts (causes the illusion). In other words any legalized clothing designed to say, 'see how parts fit
together', therefore, 'not, a puzzle that needs putting together. Yes a illusion, that clothing designs-cause, yes a illusion that
there is a developed design not needing to be developed. - Men are not eyeing children. -Men are attracted to illusions. If you
were to see those youth naked or dressed 'right' you would see evidences of a puzzle that needs to be put together, yes as
'not' mature. I studied and reveal that which (was) a great mystery. With that, what I found is that nylon is designed to appear
like skin, and because nylon does not die as skin does there is a illusion on body formations that a young person has evolvedly
designed maturity. That furthers illusions. And I found that tight clothing can cause body parts like the hind to appear as
formations which are ripened, therefore not evidencing points not developed. And knowing asian women and other older
women at times appear flat chested , illusions aren't signaled by that part of the body dressed. Keep in mind that larger
designed parts such as legs of older youth are not brain sensitive. My deep scientific human nature examination into public
dress codes in deed reveals that men are not eyeing youth, but illusions, and although its lust, not every man is accessing wide
open sites or sites because hes eyeing children, but their hypothalamus is being triggered by illusions caused by clothing
designs. This accounts for a possible number of people possessing and a number of people distributing material. You see how
my teaching which I am giftedly the only author of in the world is another way of in deed proving why my reporting was for
the administration of justice, education and science. My teaching is key. Now because of the world-wide illusions caused by
public clothing designs that are legalized public child porn, there are people that see a need to examine what they are
conscious and sub-conscious of. - Here is why : People are saying, 'what was that?' at designs that appear to contradict what
they are told. That effects or affects the lexicon of the brain, and so does block pathways to people becoming mature.
Criminal lawyer Ronald Morin said I am a scientist and authority on lust thrown inside the remand on bs trumped up charges. I
was not given a Just trial and I was not given my right to freely give testimony on my knowledge
2 My teaching on Parietal Occipital Scripting of fantasizing; The Parietal Occipital is part of the brain with respect to imagining.
I teach that fantasizing with mastur - bating is parietal occipital "scripting" that wants consent and does repossess for that
want. Its not consent! You need to keep the understanding belief in consent (otherwise you do not keep definition on what
children are). You see why I am saying that fantasizing leads to world-wide abuse. (Now if consent first "appears" outside
of the parietal occipital brain, then that might not, affect people.)
You are an eye-witness on another one of my teachings which proves proves my reporting was for the public good according
to sub-sec 6.
Within wide open sites, evidences of abuse were appearing and were reappearing of children that not any clothing can cause
to appear an illusion. I was not saying all material of youth was to be blocked. Rev.22:11 I was saying that I had a duty and had
a right to address.
Edmonton Prosecutor James Rowan tried acting as if I am some common person (not any way a scientist.) He suggested I am
likely a knowledgeless person attracted to a abuse image James Rowan was playing on. I was forced to answer yes or no to
questions. I was not able to answer.
Why is James Rowan not fired or arrested for malicious prosecuting
And, I was forced to gather evidence of material to teach in other ways what the brain does with respect to material ;
3 My teaching on exploiting children of earliest ages and identity designing; To use a child that is (without knowledge) is to
design a child by the lusts and face of a exploiter. That child grows to believe their identity is that of their exploiter. That is why
that child grows to totally support a exploiter. That is why secret cultures and why secret societies hide and carry on. My
teaching on exploiting earliest ages and identity designing is another reason which proves my years of reporting of wide- open
material as that of Inna was for the administration of justice and education. And with that is my teaching on brain wiring a
want to lust by setting body parts of a earliest aged child unseemly ways, that by that, by-passes brain designing activity. Yes
my teaching is that brain control of a earliest aged child can be inverted from the brain to the body by setting poses. That
redesigns brain activity. Yes thats a way to identity designing!
Yes children exploited at earliest ages can be designed to be enemies and threats to public safety and to national security !
And I teach what the brain does with respect to seeing material.
4 Here is a real question thats a matter I asked my self; Why would police gather material of youngest exploited toddlers in
curl up baby poses (that do not show faces?) I found that poses are not any natural way of navigating the occipital lobe visual
cortex. In other words not like the way the Occipital lobe of a Father or Mother sees as they change a diaper. Therefore that
police gather that (without any reason) can affect a police officer's thalamus, cerebrum and hypothalamus. Yes I believe that
police gathering that material without any reason can design officers to be pdfiles.
And there are scientists that falsely say that oxytocin hormone causes love, compassion and nursing, yet the chemical only
works right according to right knowledge and a lowly spirit, otherwise that hormone can design a illusion of nursing thats
wanting to exploit, yes that hormone might design a nursing illusion thats lusting. The love hormone or nursing hormone is
secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea size organ at the base of the brain behind the nose bridge.
5 On youngest teens, I see by my examination of evidences of youth posing sideways that there is reason to believe police can
be attracted as larger parts(like legs) are not brain sensitive and what is seen sideways does not show what the visual cortex
needs to quickly mind file with respect to attraction. That gives reason to believe police investigating naked material might be
attracted to illusions while they are investigating material. That raises questions with respect to internet surveillance and
investigating, and this weighs in with my knowledge on illusions caused by clothing designs.
"My reporting was for the administration of justice, education, science and the mental health of all citizens and others,
according to sub-sec. 6."
"Misleaders of systems acting like persons saying they caught a cleaner with a wrinkled and cleanless rag in his pocket!"
6 And I examined and reported use of sex toys which are legal and common. What keeps people from seeing as a sex toy,
a earliest child that is without knowledge. Why? Toys of female anatomy are designed ways that lack definition. By that there
is a reason to believe people buying that can be attracted to the parts of a earliest child that lack definition. And system
persons use or let that !
7 "My teaching on what is called 'sodomy';- A hind and the inner parts there of were designed (to-seem) sanct letting whats
not needed of the body out. There and the inner parts thereof "were" (designed to 'reseem'). They that lust at that deseem
and dishonor their bodies. I got the insights by examining and judging internet evidence of sodomy !
"This teaching is one I was able to (quickly) say on the witness stand. Eyes which lust see others a way they see food.
And fornicating is seeing others as flavoured, not as favoured."
There you see seven proofs of answers Shawn Cullen needed to say on the stand, therefore that trial acted out a fatal error
or unjustly acted out unlawfully. The proofs weigh in with his summit insight on lusting and insight on the visual cortex !!!
"Here are two records points which were within my reporting which I did not get to say on the witness stand: The public was
not told that the IMAX corporation giant was licensed to make and market naked lusting material of youth for Europe's British
societies in the 1970's and the early eighties. - If a continent was doing that why would we assume our country or province or
city does not possess a interest that way. Good point, right!"
"And why was I being falsely prosecuted by a man that appears less than others accused? Is prosecutor J. Rowan better than
world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer, or world renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight
global disease, or founder of Pan American flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned
conductor of Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender,
or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii's shark task force Randy Honebrink, or
President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist
James R. Robinson."
I put these audio parts together. I think this is another peak proof that Shawn’s arrest and trial was not lawful, was not just.
Shawn needs a REAL lawyer to act for him
Shawn told me that Lawyer Ronald A. Morin wrote in a letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years
Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and how “letters” to the Justice Minister and governmental bodies
went unnoticed, and did not attract police scrutiny?
What Ronald Morin did not exactly remind of in that October 4th 2019 dated document to Douglas Ingersol of legal aid
is that Shawn not only sent letters beginning in 2009 but for years sent very similar (“material”) (which did not attract any
police scrutiny) for years. Yes Ronald Morin how do you and Canada and Alberta’s justice system explain that? In other words
everything Shawn Cullen did was legal and seen as legal!
And so why was Shawn Cullen abducted as if that was a justified arrest in August 2015 at 11:30 at night while Albertans were
sleeping. Why was Shawn hidden away by habeas corpus breaches, held like a prisoner of war inside Remands to be tortured
day and night and threatened, not given any pens and paper to write with! And why did you Mr. Morin use the term
behaviour in that Oct 4th letter to Ingersol? Mr. Morin you designed that to scribe as if Shawn does not know what issues are.
Shawn gives revelations on what matters and issues are? He is a leading teacher on what realities, matters and issues are!
Why are you trying to cause Shawn to appear dull while any might see he is sharper than you?
No Ronald Morin, not behaviour for years, (material for years) and writings. And yes Ronald Morin, how do you and Ingersol
and others explain that? There you see the proof government bodies let Shawn for years without attracting police scrutiny !!!
And they knew every evidence he was examining and reporting. They did not find out later after he was abducted by a False
arrest in 2015. Shawn Cullen was for years and months reporting to hundreds of political persons and a number of policing
persons his investigating of sites and material wide open on Alberta’s and Canada’s net, therefore it is impossible or ludicrous
to believe that they were not tracking and possessing knowledge of every evidence of material he captured to report !!!
Shawn says that Ronald Morin responded a significant number of times by saying to Shawn that he knows Shawn does not
have a mental illness. Shawn says Mr. Morin suggested to Shawn that he must let system persons label to get bail and to stop
system persons from stalking and using ammunition at Shawn’s free speech and words. And as reminded by Shawn in court
you Ronald Morin told Shawn he is a literary genius thrown in the remand on bs trumped up charges, and 2019 in court you
referred to Shawn as a scientist. And in court hearings he reminded you said his case is the most important free speech case
in the country. Are you wanting to start lying now Mr. Ronald Morin sir? Whose side were you on, are you on? Hm?
It is a scandal Ronald Morin and you know that. You wrote that you recommend coverage for both sentence and conviction.
You wrote that proof of (major) mental health issues is that in 2008 Shawn complained to City Center mall security about
harassing patrons using their surveillance cameras. Shawn says he was defending the rights of a old woman named Deb who
was eyed by surveillance and approached and asked to leave the cafeteria as if she was loitering. Shawn says he told the story
to system person yet corrupt people and yourself Mr. Morin strangely re-erected that false narrate Shawn gave a account for.
Standing up for the rights of an old woman is not a major mental health issue Mr. Morin, and a smart lawyer like you must
know that. You wrote that other proof is that in 2014 a immigrant proprietor argued with Shawn and banned Shawn as Shawn
told him not to deal with money and receipts in fishy ways. Shawn told him he cannot herd him out the door and he said he
knows that as he is a legal authority. Shawn says his insights prove constitutions and criminal codes are misdesigned therefore
how do you know he is not a legal authority? That is not evidence of any mental health issue. Inside your Oct 4 2019 dated
document to Ingersol you scribed that Shawn indicated that should he have to deal with police, he will escalate to an act of
unspecified violence. Mr. Morin Sir, Shawn says he gave sound accounts on the witness stand in 2019 which recorded reasons
to know he did not threaten any. His words are even on the net. Do you suffer from dementia or Mr. Morin Sir do you mislead
away from Shawn’s words which would satisfy a unprejudiced mind seeking the truth? Part d of that Oct 4 document I see you
suggested Shawn’s current writing is disjointed, confusing and that he is suggesting a far reaching conspiracy to conceal child
exploitation and porn by all elected persons of the Alberta legislature. Shawn says he does not design sweeping accusations,
and he watches expecting system persons to come in agreement with him. Why are you appearing to misrepresent Shawn?
Because of that Oct. 4th dated narrating to legal aid I have been forced to make public his most summit insight on lusting.
Yes Ronald A. Morin you were not expecting Shawn to once and for all reveal his summit personal precious insight on lusting
which clearly is neither confusing nor disjointed;
Canada lets see further proof of a conspiracy to unlawfully falsely brand and label Shawn Cullen shall we;
Shawn Gordon Cullen in the Edmonton Alberta court room 412, 2019. said; #1“I need to first address the lies that I threatened
anyone at any time. Det. Horchuk under oath falsely stated that my email threatened with a ‘shooting spree’. Not any email
I sent has any evidence that I threatened that.” (James Rowan and Police had to admit by silence that not any email had said that !)
Mr. Morin Sir, that exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, abuse of process.
#2 Shawn said this in court 2019; “While under oath Horchuk and few officers said I threatened 250 political people with a
killing spree. Officers had to have known of my (emailed) public report page on (brain science and killing sprees).”
(Neither officers nor that prosecutor wrote or said a word with respect to the brain science point, no not in the four years
since that August 2015 false arrest, and not a word of that in court in 2019 at the end throughout that phony trial !
That point exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
#3 As you might remember Ronald Morin, Shawn said this in court 2019; “Within a email I expressed anger as a satire to
people in the televised open parliament appearing to ignore what I wrote, on brain science saying that in some cases ignoring
may cause a killing spree. At that I expressed (anger )as ‘a rhetorical satire'. That is why I wrote in a email, ‘you would show
respect if I, went on a killing spree”. (word for word I said that in court)
The following part is what I did not have time to say and had fear of saying in court room 412;
*At my earliest bail hearings I was forced to speak into a video-tron within Edmonton’s Remand. I said I was able to account
on that false police narrate thats using those two terms “killing spree”. I was interrupted and the hearing ended. I shouted,
“but I am able to account”. Guards dragged me away and returned me to cell. Sept.9th 2016 I super quickly spoke to give my
account of my emailed words being rhetorical. Exposing his self that judge angered that I spoke, got up and speedly walked
out of the court room. I shouted; “Insanity of the court, insanity of the court”. That day I was returned to Edmonton’s Remand
and left in holding cells, for many many hours.
That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
The following was addedly said in Edmonton Alberta court rm. 412, June 2019 – I underlined the parts Shawn instructed me to
and followed his written designs. I believe all I typed is accurate.
#4 As you must know Ronald Morin, Shawn said this in court 2019; “Officers (did not narrate a word) (on my brain science
report page nor on one of my emails on brain science), and they used my emailed rhetorical satire killing spree statement, yes
used that to falsify investigation narrates and to appear to account for spending time to unrightly organize a arrest, and used
the emailed rhetorical statement to later account for my reporting any assaults and excessive force cause of their outrage at
my years of fullest sub-section 6 reporting for the public good. If people believed my email was a threat (and not rhetorical),
and if they believed my reporting was not within the law, then the 250 political people who had my apartment address
would have contacted eps, (and not any did). “
That key point which’ was neither answered to by Judge Jerke nor Prosecutor James Rowan, further exposes a scandal,
a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
#5 Shawn said this in court Ronald Morin; “this 2019 in court and in 2015 Eps narrated that before I was later arrested, they
came to my door ‘to see how I was doing’, yet they ‘violently’ banged on my door. I was alarmed and I told them to say what
they wanted to say thru the door. They would not. I feared that they’d try to break down my door. I told the officers through
the door ‘I have a right to defend my castle’ (which is what a legal maxim says). Strangely a female officer, I believe that was
officer Ross, asked me what I meant by the word, defend. I then answered saying; ‘look if I wanted to kill you, if I was and am
that threat you suggest, you would be dead, but I don’t work that way’. And I was not referring to that time they were at my
door, but of past times police met with me.” (unlawfully they played on his right to express fear, being upset, and just anger)
#6 Shawn said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “In one email which they referenced in court room 412 I was not threatening. I was
just trying to sound brave like a fighter cause I did not know what force of evil might be headed my way. (eps persons
outraged at my reporting which exposes) Former eps officer Derek Huff warned that officers threaten unwanted citizens,
organize false reports, lie under oath, and he warned theres a code of silence.
#7“And Mr. Morin Sir, you must know Shawn said this in court; “under oath officers tried saying that I wrote within my
reporting that politicians are Nazis. I was only writing of evidence of what other political people suggested. And April 12 2019
the media reported that the current prime minister Trudeau shouted (within the televised house of commons) that
the conservative leader refuses to denounce white supremacists. And with that said a MP stood and said MP Andrew Scheer is
associated with neo-nazis. Why were officers under oath trying to condemn me for saying what fits with what the prime
minister said”. (‘to stop my words I was interrupted at that point in court and I said on the witness stand, “no let me finish” ).
That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
Shawn said this in court 2019; - “ And I wrote that I saw evidence that Stephen Belding wrote that Harper is a neo-con
murderer and crazed pervert. I did not want to believe that your honour. And I read that lieutenant governor James Bartleman
says that federal politicians are directly responsible for the deaths of children in Canada’s Air India bombing. And I was not
directing my emailed words to any office or person I put on my email list. I put them on the list to have witnesses. When I
wrote a email I was speaking into the darkness appearing within systems.”
You see from the 7 points Ronald Morin Sir, that unlawfully and falsely Shawn was and is being labeled, and does not have any
mental health issues. And certainly Sir you appear strange or fearfully confused using that term “major” in you Oct 4th
Shawn says he fired you once and after you showed up to ask to be his lawyer again. He said he was called to a remand visual
screen phone room that he talked to you through with respect to that. You wrote in that October 4 2019 document page 2
that you reluctantly became his lawyer in 2016. Shawn says its ludicrous to suggest he would of called you days later to rehire
you after he fired you. It is a strange mystery why you designed language that way in your Oct 4 2019 document to legal aid.
On page 3 Ronald Morin Sir, you wrote of Toronto Detective Horchuk testifying that he discovered the email address
sending reports and material in April 2015. Horchuk testified (under oath) that he figured out that the emails belonged to
a ip address which he investigated, and Horchuk testified that the email belonged to Shawn.
That is preposterous nonsense because Horchuk and you Mr.Morin are suggesting Horchuk didnt know what Shawn was doing
for years, yes did not know from any of the 250 political & policing people on Shawn’s email list who had his address &
email. With all due respect that narrate by Horchuk is not possible to believe and is one of the stupidest sounding lies I’ve ever
You wrote your self Mr. Morin; how do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governing bodies and that
what he sent did not attract scrutiny by authorities. This is a titanic scandal exposed and you cannot let a man be widely
falsely branded, otherwise it is a act of criminal tyranny and gov’t mutiny against the Charter/code rights of Shawn
Cullen. Otherwise that would mean that the government of Canada is widely and nakedly attacking Shawn Gordon Cullen,
while elected, upper-class citizens watch, and citizens cow. Shawn has a right to a full acquittal and you are mad if you deny
You reminded of Horchuk on page 4; Shawn says it is creepy that Horchuk stated that he could not tell whether the evidence
of girls sent by Shawn to officials were girls 8 years older or younger. Shawn asked me; “does that mean Detective Horchuk
might think a 12 year-old is 20 or think a 4 year-old is 12”? There appears something very wrong with Horchuk’s statements!
And page 4 I see you Mr. Morin remind of the tree branch evidence. Shawn asked me to ask you why you and that prosecutor
need to be reminded that that was from that wide-open site titled 100% legal supreme model portal. Sir I ‘would’ hope you
are not trying to water-down facts and straw-man and misrepresent Scientist Shawn Cullen’s sub-section 6 rights and story.
Page8 I see you Mr.Morin recorded that the second witness was administrative assist. to the ontario children advocates office.
You didnt remind, that in court that receptionist couldnt remember what material Shawn sent, and she referred to material as
women. In court you told Shawn she is exposed as a non-credible witness. Yes and that office closed down after they acted to
accuse Shawn. Scientist Shawn Cullen had me post a number of contradictions about that office with respect to his reporting.
Shawn is not simply falsely labeled. Facts Show a systematic conspiracy to act out a great character assassination attempt !!!
Millions of dollars being given to Prime Minister Trudeau, Sheer and others should be taken and given to Shawn.
Yes and Mr. Morin on page 9 you wrote that Shawn testified of how easy it was for Canadians to open up that material from
wide-open sites not blocked. Shawn told me what you did not remind of is that he testified in court that visual material did not
need to be opened as material was on the option images sections of google, THEREFORE WE KNOW material was available
to every Canadian and did not need to be accessed to be viewed and possessed. Do not be a Jerke Mr. Morin. System persons
must not hold Mr. Cullen to that brutally unjust false conviction. On page 13 you threw a wrench into his right to appeal.
I would go as far to say that federal rcmp need to investigate, arrest and charge system persons, even judges that are
contradicting the story and rights of Shawn Gordon Cullen!!! - And definitely citizens and media need to get involved !!!
Ronald Morin you falsely wrote by writing that Judge Jerke had enough information to put in his decision. 2019 Shawn
reminded in court that he did not get to demonstrate his insights on lust. Shawn reminded you Mr. Morin of that a number of
times, and so Sir why why is that not in ‘your’ Oct 4 2019 appeal application opinion to legal aid? And court records should
evidence that Shawn likewise was forced to raise his voice in the court to remind that he had a right and duty to raise his case
with respect to the constitution. Shawn says you threatened and intimidated him into settling with getting out of the remand.
Shawn said he clearly told you to not write a appeal opinion to legal aid. And that appeal opinion to legal aid Ronald Morin Sir
can by its nature be seen as fraud, defamation and a matter of other federal crimes! Shawn says he does not hate you, but
in your heart you failed Shawn who is the one man you should not of failed!
AS YOU MUST REMEMBER MR. RONALD MORIN SIR, here is what Shawn said on the witness stand June 2019 crt rm 412:
“If any thought I do not have a sound mind they would not of let such a man email written and visual material
as I did for years to 250 officials who had my address and email address.”
Yes Ronald A. Morin Sir you wrote in your Oct 4th 2019 letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years
Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and Justice Minister, but did not attract police scrutiny?
Yes how can you or any explain !!! Ronald Morin Sir now you need to ask the second question fitting with your question;
How do you explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent written and visual documentation to governmental bodies, but did not
attract mental health scrutiny ??? !!!
That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
You might remember, 2019 Shawn said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “When I (could not) follow bail conditions in 2017, I was
assaulted by a officer and brought to the Royal Alex. I spoke of my faith in God for a few minutes with another. Then nearby
I heard a female staff head laugh mockingly. I then heard her say; “I can hear him talking about God, this is perfect’”. Minutes
later she walked up to me and said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”. Guilty of a scandal Nov. 22nd 2017 that Royal
Alex Psychiatrist Marsh Joyal wrote up a certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” According to Martin’s criminal code
2016 book under annotations page 1866 section (2a), almost word for word, says I have a right to entertain and declare
my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and a right to protection against Government intimidation with respect to
my religion and conscience which includes indirect attempts to control, like what Marsh Joyal did”.
That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
Did you know Shawn was brutally assaulted by a stalker/Satanist in October 2019, and according to Dr.Mehnaz Khurram of Jas.
Ave clinic, Dr. Khurram was not able to find any record from the Royal Alex which documented that Shawn’s eye was ruptured
and blurry from that stalker attempting to gouge out Shawn Cullen’s right eye? Dr. Khurram prescribed Shawn 500 mg of
Napoxen and Erythromycin antibiotic for his eye, and she wrote a referral for him to see a optometrists. RA did not! Why not ?
Shawn says and warns that what Zedkova said June 27th 2019 in court room 412 is ‘perjury’. Shawn warns Canadians and
others that in court June 27 2019 on that witness-stand Zedkova said that her opinion is that I am schizophrenic and she
referenced 1998 of which she said Shawn saw a doctor to get a orchidectomy and was hearing voices and seeing demons and
saying that his chest was heavy. In court Shawn raised his voice saying Shes lying under oath, My health records were
falsified. Shawn breathlessly shocked to hear that began to investigate how his Sept28 1998 Grey Nunns health records were
rewritten. Mr. Cullen found they do not have a way of proof of the year of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health
documents, ‘therefore documents can be falsified’. And Mr. Cullen found that Alta.Health Authorities and Alta.Hospital are
accused by the privacy commissioner of letting sensitive health records be breached and lossed with respect to sect. 34.1 and
section 60.1(2).
Shawn says; Lets say decades ago as a young man in 1998 I had such a fear of heading to hell-fire that as a right of passage I
misinterpreted Matthew 5:29 and I went to get a orchidectomy. Lets say a fear of hell fire caused me to have nightmares and I
believed my nightmares were actual attacks by demons. As any might see, who that would be decades ago does not fit with
who this report proves I am. And if that were the truth in 1998 doctors would no doubt have signed a certificate to detain me.
And Mr. Morin you must know that in crt rm 412 that Judge (to appear non-biased) reminded Psych. Lenka Zedkova that a
Alberta Hospital mental health panel, (forced) on Mr. Cullen, was not able to able to find him unfit. On that June 27th 2019
witness-stand Lenka Zedkova tried to label Shawn another way when she lied under oath by saying her opinion is that I Shawn
is a narcissist and persecutory. Shawn has let Canadians know that her associate Oto Catsky labelled a respected doctor
a narcissist. Mr. Cullen says that what is of interest is a video on narcissists which I he posted within his internet blog for
years. Shawn says that narcissists want to glorify their appearances and act out gas-lighting and deceive at every turn to cause
you to believe you are whats causing darkness or evil. Mr. Cullen says that is what his adversaries are about and he says that
as you see, its preposterous to believe he is, having given you his sound words on what that is. And Mr.Cullen says persecutory
is a delusion of believing you are being persecuted with reason to believe you are not being persecuted, acting harmed with
a reason to believe you are not that harmed. Its at times termed Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged
about minor causes. They that are that way at times design false reports of being stalked and want to file lawsuits. Mr. Cullen
says, as you see its absurd to believe I he is persecutory having given you here his rightly reasoned knowledge on what that is.
Scientist Shawn Cullen says he put into words such matters without having been taught by any one and not any book.
And become an ear-witness of Shawn Cullen’s audio podcasts which document proofs and evidences of Remand staff and
guards and corrupt psychiatric persons abusing, threatening and at work to attempt to label Shawn.
Shawn says he found reason to believe a Oct 22nd 2015 court transcription might be altered and a court record might be with
respect to Guy Doyon. Shawn says he hopes not! And he says when he called transcript management he encountered rude
interference by a transcript management person, and he examined court a transcript that did not record his words right.
Now examine and see whether or not my words prove I possess dull thoughts and lack insights, like corrupt child abusing
helter skeltering psychiatrists unlawfully forced on me, (hyper-narrated)! Locked away to not be known, seen or heard, they
wanted people to think I am like Forest Gump. They wrote that I am confused, difficult to follow, suggested I am dull in my
thoughts, a man that lacks insights, a man whose health is likely to deteriorate. I see that as evidence of a conspiracy to cause
my demise. They wrote that I suffer a delusion of believing there is systematic child exploitation and conspiracy to cover that
up. I fought to get free and now within my public posts you citizens of Alberta, Canada and abroad have the truth. Life is not
like a box of chocolates. We have less freedom than chocolates and are eaten up faster by social cannibals. My personal and
private information has been altered, falsified and hyper-manipulated!!! I the real Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was
born April 3rd 1971, East-York Ontario, son of my late beloved Mother Gale who passed away in 2011.
Yes before you get to the summit story examine A few of natural Scientist Shawn Cullen's social science insights ;
Author Shawn Cullen says; "Laws of perceptions do not exist. There is not such a thing as perception process". 
"People say they perceive, yet they glimpse or vary by deducing."
"A number of sources give a example of deductive reasoning by saying all men are mortal(premise) - He is a man (premise) -
Therefore he is mortal,(conclusion). =Premises that appear true are characterized as if they are naturally true, yet are seriously
not true. And world-wide people are calling that a reasoning process. What is inside a man is not seen and in a way not seen
might be immortal, yet they that deduce act as if their judgment is to be trusted, as if their words are reality. (And people are
occupied by that) That causes darkening effects and is affecting communications, present and to come."
"What you say you see appear-clear, by that you take as certain, as if you were to say at the wheel of a boat you man; " I am
headed in the correct or right direction". Now let us say, you see clearer and find your boat was not headed in the correct
direction. (By nature) you will further act as if you are certain, yet later you find the boat not headed right. (Reality is not til
the one sees clearest.) [Delusions appear clear and clearer]
Here is a example; Deductive reasoning exercises appear certainly correct, yet they are like body building your eye-brow
muscles. (There is brain function which is to grow without thinking exercises, otherwise minds misdesign and malfunction.)
Think of that weight lifter that can lift a 1000 pounds yet cannot bear a truthfull communication nor bear giving to a charity."
"Deductive reasoning is taught as if that is heuristic for function, yet breaches function." "Aristotle a philosopher started out
with that false teaching." "What I am saying?"
"What I am telling of fits with what scientists call neuromyths."
"In real ways there is of nature, what is unhealthily named deduction, but educating people to exercise examples is not good
for function." "I do not believe Sigmund Freud was a man of understanding but he was correct in saying there is a conscious
mind, and reserve-conscious mind which he was amiss in naming the sub-conscious mind. The reserve-conscious mind is
either a blessing or a curse. This part of the mind stores what you know or not, and (is the way through which you might have
power to be led).
Conscious following of commands is not everything you need. You must not cause your mind to be at work ways which are to
be left for your reserve mind, other-wise you cannot be led and cannot function right. (Mind led and spirit led are not the
same!) Ask yourself what speed are your eyes to see flowers? And your eyes are not to count flower pedals a way that
discounts the flower. You are not to obsess at the patterns of food served to you on a dish. Educating to exercise examples of
deduction causes your mind to be at work like gears that breach your reserve-conscious mind. (There are many ways
education breaches the reserve function). By that systems and persons can mob up and exploit."
"I am not religious, but you see my insight is fitting with why Christ said; lean not on your own understanding."
"There you see people are too smart for their own good and for the one. Cursed people or people greatly deceived
listen to their conscious mind thinking that is God. Too much knowledge or not the right knowledge can choke out
your reserve mind and cause hyper affects."
"And what is, prediction if not pride at what was and is, yes pride that is hype that is lack of respect for possible ends."
"And inductive reasoning ruins needed communication; heads you to false relationships, gossip and false ways of detecting
and investigating."
"People think they perceive like Georg Cantor did, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Godel, Alan Turing, Nikola Tesla, W.Churchill."
"I have given reason why people are not to trust deductive reasoning exercises, and there you see why to watch out
with respect to tentative hypothesis."
"Perceptions are what people identify and recognize, or not. -Most ways people see are false perceptions. People know things
exist but they are blinded to knowing the reality, or are guilty of not knowing the reality".
"False science asks; How do we perceive?" "That misleads people to thinking there is a process. That is that false belief in
reductionism, that fallacy way of thinking you can simplify to answer and become".
"Why is there not perception process? There are great numbers of ways things will not and do not make sense, things that
confuse, illusions, mistakes, full loss of time which was needed, things you cannot govern, and misdesigning that causes
effects and affects that are misdesigning. And there are mysteries and secrets, and false riches and free choice."
"That Gestalt concept is sleight complexity bias/prolix that acts as if it is heuristic, for knowing what the brain and eyes see"
"Your magical fairy Gistalt Father" ;
"The 'Gistalt principles are not principles. It is the art of leading you to be dumbed down." "That false concept is that the sum
of parts is not greater than the whole". "If we think of that in terms of team-spirit, what that is saying is that you are a struct
inside a false concept of giving". "Giving became more meaningful because we all gave. The more people that are at work to
give the more dependent you are on that concept." "And by nature people believe they are the team, like a motor cycle rider
thinks he is his motor cycle and he is that loud exhaust pipe after-burn sound."
"Psychologists and false science says that Gistalt concept is perpetually primary, defining the parts it was composed of." "And
really by that, system persons teach that where there is that synergy there is no sin."
"That nonsense Gistalt concept heads to a delusion of cloud nine, that fantastic team-spirit. The truth is, there are parts
greater than the whole." "And as Kirk said; the needs of the one outweigh the many."
"It is not a surprise that concept headed to what is called Phenomenology, which is system led tours of whats falsely called
awareness. Thats the playhouse of psychologists. Thats that false teaching that people cannot truly change til they accept who
they really are. They falsely say, that otherwise genuine change is a paradox. In other words you are not to really learn to hate
'what' you are. Sociopaths, psychos and narcissists are to grow organically, like carrots or garden turnips. Phenomenology uses
epoche, (suspending judgment), ways of recording heading people to face, without accusing and causing self incriminating.
By that you can teach a demon possessed person to believe they can change a diaper or have a aim to. The matter is, that if
in six steps you can turn a swine or snake into a sheep, then in a single step a swine or snake can disguise itself as a sheep."
"Gistalt, said to have its roots in David Hume & Kant teaches that objects that appear similar are seen as a group or pattern to
path, and objects that appear near objects are. Psychology wants you to think the concept shows the brain is striving for
order, meaningfulness, completion, and part of a law of attraction and perceiving, helping your brain through knowledge of
lines, distance, shapes and color." "That is a false answer to the great mystery of what is the nature of people."
"If there were a process for perceiving, by nature principles for perception, - there would not be world-wide delusions;
deceiving, unending lying, madnesses, mind control, brainwashing, global confusion, and a lust for every restart switch."
"Your brain is not you trying to find you and help you. Your brain is you which is your enemy by nature. The brain must be led
and to retesting!"
"There are things which are perception-constant to people, and yet they do not answer the need to perceive. They serve, but
they do not answer the must need to perceive. They say there is 'the law of proximity for perception'. That is false and heads
to drama. People do not want unity, they want advantages. And the fact that what is built appears to help people build, does
not prove that leads people to know which are needs and wants. People by nature fail to understand or lose sight of that
building is a way of destroying. And the mind is not searching for meaning through proximity. The mind is wanting knowledge.
Maddest people appear as gods of grouping. We live in a time in which all is organized like never before yet that is of greatest
madnesses. Madnesses appear meaningful. And grouping words for language is a greater and greater way of redesigning
weapons of madness world-wide. They say there is 'the law of similarity that is for perception'. That is false. The mind covets
and will do what is convenient. That does not prove that is a way the brain is working to understand worth and build
relationships! The law of continuation is said to be about relationship, but following what continues is about self continuing.
And people are not attracted to convexity, they do not want risk by concaves they are not tempted by. People do not want
stableness and to be free from uncertainty. They want to preserve. They say there is 'the law of closure for perception'. That is
false. People are not completing by nature what appears a thought a way from fitting, wanting completion. Their nature is to
suppress and hide, and people that complete or close what they see are they that are of a nature that is foolishly entrapped."
"Psychology is a false science, and perception process does not exist!"
"People are 'given' what they need to perceive, and they lose or disrespect what they are given or taught, - or they do not!
Perception is from being led, not from a process, and reality comes from thousands of self examinations."
"And interdisciplinary concept cannot be a way out of the reality." "Scientists say the brain controls the body, yet they do not
say the body also controls the brain. You seen what the body of a chicken does with its head cut off. That is not just last
commands of the brain running through." "And architecture might not be designs for growing. Architecture might cause
affects that are upping the brain with misdesigns that do not head to perception. Architecture can exploit and seduce, as can
neuroscience for architecture." "And clear orientation can be like a lovely view for a lobster before he is put into a boiling pot,
but patients need to see they not only have freedom and their needs within their reach, -they need to see they have armor
within their minds."
"& what is intellectual synthesis if not lapidary cutting false perceptions!"
"And synoptic philosophy is a subjective title, for at the end of the day we must examine what people say is that wisdom they
are zealing at".
"And what is 'increased self awareness and conscious intent' -if not wasting all your time examining what a dog you are as an
excuse to not do what you need to -to become a lamb! People are managing their accursed nature, like that system
that is like a 6600 pound bunny rabbit that thinks God will give it a giant carrot in the end."
"And there are great matters and issues with respect to linguistics".
"Consequentialism is false perception as that is to say ends justify what was, which can be subjective, jumps to or fast
forwards to what is subjective away from justly accounting and weighing what was". "Yes that (rule utilitarianism) is that false
perception that contradicts itself by teaching people to not understand and believe in discerning and mercy."
"Argument is false perception as that is to say you are right by ending doubt yet does not prove and reprove."
"Altruism is false perception as that does not count self as being favoured above people which are worth less. That loses sight
of needs and wants, and by that ends up calling wants needs and calling needs wants".
"Existentialism is false perception as that is not mindfull of what is subjective and outs possible mystery, time, judgement."
"Dualism is false perception as that lends to blaming your body you are in, and lends to assuming your spirit will live on."
"Functionalism is false perception as that confuses function with recording mechanisms, confuses how we do-with what can
appear to be what we do, and confuses the need to know realities of past to present -with present."
"False perceptions might appear at every turn."
"See the summit insights within the teachings I author and you shall see proofs of false perceptions by generations of people
world-wide." -Posted for S.G.C.
The insights further expose a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
See here what further "insights" Shawn Cullen has, and perfect sense he makes, you know, Mr. Cullen who four years later
has good health, no thanks to Alberta Health persons;
"They say they are in love, yet because they are (attracted) to a person; they say that person they are attracted to are not that
guilty and fears appear to need compassion. Yes false love, that is delusioned by being 'attracted'!"
Scientist Cullen teaches why false anger and crying wolf threatens ;
"They that use anger to accuse or that cry wolf play with your brain alarm. We know that, cause with what appears danger
there is not time to know who is right, not time to prove. That anger or cry leads to trapping citizens! That mad matter is
exposed here by what I have written !"
Scientist Shawn Cullen reveals that pride of mad people is (dis)assembled; "They that (want) to label others as being of pride,
are their self carrying through (disassembled) pride, which is, a deceiving way of hiding mad pride. And any deceiving is
disassembled madness, (like weapons that are disassembled do not appear as weapons). -And a citizen being falsely accused
at every turn might boast as a boast uses the parietal occipital part of the brain to lessen stress on the thalamus to guard their
prefrontal and cerebral cortex. There you see a scienced reason why one might boast." I teach on speeds of pride, speeds of
heights and lengths of pride, designs of pride, pride of using the sound and act of a child to hide heights and weights of pride,
pride of strength that is to compare your self to everyone and everything to remind of what you are by (sleights) of (wanting)
others to fear you. Labeling me grandiose is obviously defamation and a exposed criminal scandal!
Scientist Shawn Cullen warns that broken down brain function leads to flooding curiosity, that deceivers brand and to label ;
"Hypocrites are people that are lying with respect to youth! Their perverting, built neuronal pathways, yet they accuse people
which are only finding brain function after part of their brain design was broken down by false media. Accused people are like
any walking through trees where there are not any pathways, not knowing what they are seeing because neuronal pathways
are not designed, and not designed like the neuronal pathways of their accusers. In other words a number of accused people
do not know what they are seeing, and damned hypocrites are accusing people as if the accused are designing evil neuronal
pathways heading at youth. The truth is, accused people are heading through the trees not knowing what they are seeing !
Shawn told a citizen he is the world leading social scientist. That man said alright then define cigarrete smoking. Shawn quickly
said; they that want to smoke cigarettes want pride to appear as natural as eating. That is why by their mouth they smoke.
They that want pride to appear natural do not rightly hate pride and do not rightly love a meek and lowly spirit.
CLICK BELOW TO SEE A LATEST CONSPIRACY -REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED =You will see that although there has not been
further false and insulting language for a month, that reddit thread, follows Shawn's posts, and what I see is persons running
internet appear to be trying to misdesign ways people find Shawn Cullen's newest posts and post titles on the internet !
How do you answer to this Mr. Ronald Morin? *REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED * - Propaganda war …
THAT IS A DEAD GIVE-AWAY THAT piratebluebear and yaamen and nondescripthumanoid and BenignIntervention and psycho
titled HappyKleenex _Sausage_fingers and Zefside_Zol and Edmonton_Canuck and asstyrant and MollyGirl and
PrincessBubbleGummm and any persons that might follow their pattern of ignorant cursed insults ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED !!!
Shawn says high numbers of persons accessing and playing in that material he was reporting for a decade are angry gollums !!!
Hypocrites are exposed as we see that in a comment Clark said; “I’m not sure if I should, he has not done anything
illegal”. That was to “act” honest, yet Shawn says that when he was face to face with him he felt a strange dark deceiving
energy from him. And Shawn never gave a printed manifesto to any. Zefside lied! Edmonton_canuck is a deceiver =Shawn
never told any about Ontario. Corrupt cops knew of Ontario yet Shawn did not communicate that with citizens. Notortoises is
a deceiver that is caught. He acted as if he found a post on Shawn, yet that post was not from the (hearthis Shawn Cullen)
(‘title’ that headed that reddit comment thread). Notortoises did not need to find a post. (Hearthis Shawn Cullen) would have
led to every post!
They that do not address, profess, yet they suppress, repress, obsess, do not confess, transgress by acting as if honest people
are less, they do not bless, & with false press design careless laws to be a mess without due process, and they call that success,
yes yes they possess and false witness, and this is not a guess!!! SGC – Shawn is sohh dull minded and lacking insight, NOT !
Here is what started by Clark’s reddit lies, BS, in 2019 after Shawn Cullen already was tortured and threatened by systematic
terrorists for greater than three years to bury his free speech and sub-6 rights;
Hypocrites attacked truth bearer & Scientist Shawn Cullen using false insults, terms that are to defile what Shawn files. Shawn
told me that accusing is a way of concealing what you are. That way you act as if you are fit to address. Shawn said hypocrites
act as evil authors! Shawn says any like Mr.Clark that post ignorant and insulting comments about him are defilers at work to
defile what Shawn justly and soundly filed and files. I told Shawn he was referred to as a dude. Shawn says he is not a dude.
Shawn says that term is not disambiguation with respect to who he is. His teachings and words are not ambiguity. His words
are crystal clear. Shawn is the one with the answers to questions. A strange hyper legal aid man Ernie B. that was pushed on
Shawn to speak for his bail, told Shawn of a reddit comment. Shawn told me that legal aid man deceived because he did tell
Shawn Cullen that what was on reddit was by Clark. Ernie ‘acted’ otherwise! Shawn said that ‘deceivers’ on reddit used
“lawless” insults. - My good friend Mr. Cullen is not aware of this new post which I might tell him of at a secure time;
While none stand to speak for Shawn they treacherously state that he might be pretending to post and write for him self!
Hmm… One thing is for certain, Shawn Cullen does not have any imaginary friends, tulpas, paracosm, and his words are not
fiction, nor are his words persecutory delusions!!!
Shawn said that being a leading investigator and leading witness of ten years he is able to say to the people of Edmonton and
Canada that without a sleightest doubt child abusers, persons that rape and murder and torture children, call others skinners
and pdfiles, to act out propaganda warfare to stop any that work to expose!
Here is what bad seed Clark caused; Shawn gave a copy of this to your office before that Oct. 4 2019 appeal opinion Sir!!!
Shawn spent hours at my place writing this. He said he cannot ask me to post anything otherwise his life will not be secure.
This is not like Shawn to say such a thing. I am not posting this on his behalf. I see his life is in danger. Without his knowledge
I am taking the liberty to make this public. I was give his email and web data month ago. Perhaps because of abuse his
handwriting is poorly legible so I am type what he spent hours at my place to write. Shawn even gave recordings he did not
use because he said they are drafts.
Here is what Shawn wrote; Joseph as you asked me to put in writing. I was abducted by police on Sept 9 2019. They came to
my room number at Dwayne’s Home. At me, a writer and summit author, one who nurses injured or ill street pigeons, they
pointed a number of gun like weapons at my head. They claimed I breached a bail condition. You know, conditions that I have
proven, are unlawfully madly forced on me. July 2019 after court in a number of ways I was provoked into doing a quick
campaign to give security to my life. As you know I had you and a few people help with what I needed. Cops claimed I talked to
a Mr. Clark which breached a condition. As you know I have posts which prove I do not advocate for pdfilia and I am a scientist
who has summit answers to questions, which Freud and centuries of philosophers were not able to arrive at understanding.
Joseph as you recorded in August 2019 (edited), I gave revelations on lusting, insights which reveal and expose what
people think and are attracted to! My summit insights weigh in on National security, public safety, the administration of
justice, education, health and science world-wide!!!
On Sept 9th 2019 I was abducted by police. I was brought to the downtown police headquarters. A cop instantly began
using labeling language. I said to him; I am not as you suggest. I am a leading social scientist and I am able to define the nature
of anything. The cop to the left said; alright then define aroused. I then said I have not been asked that before, but alright.
I then said; aroused is to be effected in a way which causes you to lose capacity to resist a temptation. The officer
then of sleight inhaled a sense of surprise and he said; I think that is the best definition I have ever heard. I was then told to
follow him to be processed. Verily I Shawn Gordon Cullen of a sound mind am saying this is the full truth and not anything
other than the truth, so help me God!!!
I spoke to a creepy duty counsel lawyer named Ernie Buncle who dared suggested I did not have any rights and suggested
that I would not get bail because my internet posts are too truthfull.
I saw a (selected) Justice of the peace and said I did not want that strange legal aid duty lawyer. I said I wanted to represent
myself for bail. That JP tried to persuade me not to. I said I want to. He then spoke to over-ride what I said. He said I think we
will wait for your other lawyer Ronald Morin. That violated my Charter rights! The Crown prosecutor said he did not feel
comfortable with that because the record would show I already asked to represent myself! That JP said he would adjourn til
later that day. (organized crime in our prosecutors office?) They got rid of that crown prosecutor. I saw a different crown
prosecutor with a JP. That crown suggested to deny bail. I said; “this is another corrupt crown prosecutor that wants to
lock me away so I am trapped by habeas corpus breaches”. Word for word I said to that JP and Crown; “this is propaganda”.

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  • 1. 1 Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton says; Who am I? The one who is Just, fit to ever trust, the one who is a light, the one with sight to say what is right, the one who is chosen whose words were frozen by persons I was exposen, the one with the sound mind who was illegally confined for putting into words the nature of mankind, maligned by they that are designed to act unkind not wanting their secrets defined. Who am I? Edmonton's world leading social Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen !!! Shawn is the first man ever in the world to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children. Shawn says few people do not !!! People are lusting- 'THAT' IS THE WAY TO KNOW !!! There are holy people who are not lusters, and there are the confused and confusers. Confusers are guilty. If any are the confused, they will with joy agree with the answers, the insights I have given, which I reveal ; lust HERE IS THE PARAMOUNT REVELATION ; Shawn says; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is every thing in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little, acting belittling. By that we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child)-that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind. By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger. This is a key insight which reveals and which exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children, by their or act. What way, what time, by nature varies. They which have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve part of their mind. They do not see one another in ways which are 'acting' little and belittling. Addedly know, lusting is to pervert your self, lusting is perverting everything you say you guard and hold in your heart. And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing, will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child by subconscious designing, will end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. In understanding lust we see why people end up that way. Now we understand that people that are accusing others, are their selves persons that lust at children, corrupt children and abuse children. Jesus warned saying; you that judge condemn your self because God is able to prove you act out, suppress, repress, what you accuse others of !!! 2019 the cab driver on the way home from the Edm. Remand, Saheed Rahmanulla said my teaching on lusting is amazing and he said everyone needs to hear and know my teaching. He said his name means proper, perfect. - How fitting ! And Shawn says verily he has (other ways) of in deed reproving this revelation on lusting !!!
  • 2. 2 I am a author who has revealed a revolutionary insight on lusting. There you see the truth of who I am by my current post. There was what you might call systematic identity theft, a conspiracy to unlawfully falsely label me. Within my this public record, you have the proof my words are not rambling. You see my words are not disjointed. You see I do not 'suffer'; delusions. You see I am not schizophrenic, not in denial, not a narcissist, not preoccupied with tin foil. Shawn says presentation is everything because system persons are out to label and out to act as Cain that killed Abel. Shawn says system persons will call a man performing a tracheotomy, a cut-throat. This a time of smoke and mirrors !!! You might be shocked and alarmed by this report, because this report is letting you know that cursed Sociopaths and Satanists running systems & society people; use higher and higher & deeper and deeper -answers, to further conceal what they are. KNOW FIRST THAT THERE IS EXTORTION OF FORCING SHAWN TO FOLLOW ILLEGALLY APPLIED CONDITIONS THAT A JUDGE NAMED JERKE AIMED AT SHAWN AFTER A TOTALLY UNJUST AND FALSE KANGAROO TRIAL THAT LIKE MAD BATS WITH RABIES FLIES IN THE FACE OF THE ALBERTA CHARTER RIGHTS AND CODES !!! = AHEAD YOU SHALL READ WHY !!! "All my data research which was within my residence suite of ten years, was either taken to not ever be found or thrown in the garbage after my suite was illegally accessed by truthless cops." I had written my insights within days and weeks, but I spent half a decade trying and trying to get policy makers and others on my email list, to communicate ! –They thought I would not live or not get free to let you know what happened to me! THEY CONSPIRED TO LOCK HIM AWAY BY HABEAS CORPUS BREACHES and broke information laws to act as if he is dull- minded, lacking insight, not understanding delusions, difficult to follow, disjointed, not with the power to soundly define. His first revelation on lusting and every other insight you shall witness in this public interest report is the proof, yes proves what system persons and others were designing is exactly opposite to who he is and his knowledge! They are using a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer to stick it to Shawn every thursday. Where is a lawyer to put a stop to this anti-lawfull false branding labeling scandal of systematic abuse, corruption, being acted out under the nose of citizens. Shawn says he has in deed proven and reproven system persons acted out anti-lawfull designs to falsely brand him and they acted berserk and irregular to falsify and misrepresent his personal and private info, health records! Shawn’s very public posts set his records straight! I was told that that person named Jill can see and hear that Shawn is sound yet she is pushing and poking Shawn into finding a doctor to be under care following a corrupt court decision by Judge Jerke. Shawn says he has reminded Jill of his public posts proving there was and is a exposed labeling scandal!!! Is not system organized false labeling and harassment, organized crime? I am afraid to say yes knowing the answer is yes ! I SUSPECT THEY SPENT MILLIONS OR TENS OF MILLIONS AND DOLLARS, AND USED A SHAMEFULL NUMBER OF CREEPS TO ATTEMPT TO STOP SCIENTIST SHAWN CULLEN. HOW IS THAT NOT CURSED OR WORTHY OF SEVEREST PUNISHMENT? SHAWN NEEDED TO BE WISE LIKE HARRISON FORD IN THE FUGITIVE MOVIE TO GET HIS STORY AND KNOWLEDGE TO YOU ! HERE IS WHY HIS EVERY RIGHT WAS RAPED AND TRAMPLED ; Scientist Shawn Cullen sent examples of material he believed political people and policing people were playing in. He warned for years and then acted on a section of the law called sub-section 6 which gives him the right to send and make public proof. He sent evidence to persons running things. After letting him for years, a few liars designed a way to falsely arrest, threaten and torture him day and night for years, and they forced him to face a brutally phony trial. They falsely branded, and now he has proven all his rights were and are breached, a TITANIC scandal. AND HE (WAS) all on that email list warning saying he is able to prove the nature of people. He said, therefore be patient !!!
  • 3. 3 RIGHT HERE IS FURTHER WHY EVERY WORD SHAWN HAS WRITTEN IS THE HIGHEST AND DEEPEST NEEDED WORLD NEWS ; Yes by nature there are youth which do design as older people, and saying this is not the full truth of our world is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth. -And by that there is loss of definition, (city by city policy witch hunting), (a person to person hypocrite element), (loss of truthful media), (loss of really mature governors and citizens), (a identity effect to a number of youth), (a world-wide delusional threat to children that designs, rapes, and murders), and world wide tyranny !!! This will carry on causing effects and affects to all world designs, political designs, administration designs, economic designs and health designs! Jesus asked the question; Am I now your enemy for telling you the truth? Shawn G. Cullen of Edmonton Alberta Canada has PROVEN criminal codes and constitutions of all nations are misdesigned Shawn says people that will not examine his words are repressors! COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER and world leading scientist Shawn Cullen. Most people do not know of Scientist Shawn Cullen. People, have said he is the one man who is able to change the entire world with his insights and power of words. This is no joke. Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta born April 3rd 1971. These proof recordings which are of public interest were recorded as test or draft recordings, only days after getting free from being abducted and unlawfully detain by habeas corpus breaches following greater than three years of systematic abuse and being held like a prisoner of war by terrorists and hypocrites that are sex offenders running Alberta systems; 10-years-mr-cullen-f627bf5bf69d obstruct-truth.mp3 And they of fraud at work to falsely label him for years, did not know and did not document any word on him being a singer SONG 0dmwS9vnLquPjj58SmjTstI1v9ypIkU IcuxIQKKLxpFbvcPcCus_8GS2ScS7us4BIE5oD0R2dPwV0RHRJTIUs A few of his favorite songs are from Queen, Elton John, Perfect by Ed Sheeran, the greatest by Sai, and a number of classics. Shawn says he hates or does not listen to 99% of country songs. This part gives a little insight on why there was that kangaroo trial illegally unjustly immorally forced on Shawn Cullen ! I have never seen such a titanic scandal and conspiracy as what I see by what Mr. Cullen has exposed ! Are system persons playing with fire? — — — — -----------------------------------------— — — GET THIS — — — —----------------------------------------------- — — — — They accused Shawn of sending material to 250 political persons and a number of policing persons
  • 4. 4 And they did that after they let him send written and visual material (for years) A Toronto officer said that they headed at him (after) the ontario child’s advocate office called that toronto officer. And that toronto officer said he later contacted eps in Alberta Edmonton. --------------------------------------------THAT DOES NOT AND CANNOT MAKE ANY SENSE!--------------------------------------------------- — — — — — ---------------------------------------— — — — WHY? — — — —------------------------------------------------- — — — — That ontario advocate’s office was on his email list with the 250 political persons, And not any political persons contacted that Ontario office, And the 250 people had Mr. Cullen’s address and email address. And eps said they did not know until that toronto officer contacted them. How could eps not of known for years? Thats not possible to believe. do-we-explain-the-10-years-mr-cullen-f627bf5bf69d That would mean not any of the 250 political persons and a number of policing persons on his email list did not call eps for years even though they had his address and email address. And political persons sent Mr. Cullen letters with his return address. This does not and this cannot make ANY sense. — — —----------------------------------------- — — — HERE IS THE POINT — — — ------------------------------------------------— — — That Ontario office did not contact the 250 political persons, and did not contact eps. They acted as if they were thinking ‘only they got’ material I sent and acted as if they did not think the other 250 political people and policing people on the email list did !!! That does not and cannot make sense because that office knew they were on a email (list). (Persons were not emailed one email address at a time). And they say they contacted that toronto cop, not the 250 political and policing people, you would think they would of first contacted! And that Ontario advocate’s office shut down after they accused Mr. Cullen to that Toronto officer! There are a number of other facts found in Mr. Cullen’s pdf slideshare report and medium. This is a titanic nation-wide scandal. They conspired to turn all on the Scientist. They hid him away like a prisoner of war and threatened and tortured him day and night for three years and thought he would kill himself from abuse or thought he would lose memory of his knowledge and facts. He did not, and now the truth is on the net, and what he now reveals and has exposed rocks the earth. If people do not respond they are either guilty, mad or insane! Mr. Cullen even pointed out in court that he identified that officers censored images that did not show any nudity or body parts. They censored grass. The heads of girls appeared and their bodies were covered by thick green grass, and so their was not any thing to censor. This is really serious. torontocitynews - Ontario child advocate ‘shocked’ to learn through media about office closing. They closed because of some sort of guilt, fear or division about a conspiracy to use eps to proxy arrest Shawn in 2015 !!! Federal RCMP across Canada or other agents need to start arresting Edmonton Alberta judges !!! Court Judges are not above the law !!! In the least civil lawyers need to contact Shawn Cullen and help him file a multi-million dollar law-suit !!!
  • 5. 5 ======================================================================================================= ======================================================================================================= ======================================================================================================= cullen-is-now-public-a0db54093078 Canada's Criminal Codes 802(1) –right to make a full answer and defense (2)- right to examine Its a fatal error for a court to convict and sentence without these opportunities Mr. Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta Canada CLEARLY was not given his right to give any full answer on his teachings, and a number of others ways. And after years of being threatened, tortured and held as if he were a political prisoner gripped by habeas corpus breaches, he was given only two strangely short times to testify on the witness stand June 2019 court room 412. This is breach of every thing we must believe in. FOLLOWING A DECADE FIGHT TO BE HEARD, THE STORY AND INSIGHTS OF SHAWN GORDON CULLEN IS NOW PUBLIC ! THEIR SHAME IS EXPOSED TO THE WORLD! Here again is the summit world news paramount proof Shawn Gordon Cullen is the man of insights he says he is; He is the first man ever in the world to reveal and prove the way to know which persons lust at children. IF PEOPLE ARE LUSTING = 'THAT' IS THE PROOF !!! HERE IS THE PARAMOUNT REVELATION ; Shawn says; Lust is possessing, not gentleness. Lust devours. Lusting is acting as if a little part of you is everything in your mind, acting as if that is your designed authority, acting as if end by end that is your designed authority, acting as if what you are is little parts to possess, that you want corrupt authority, that you want abuse of authority, acting little, acting belittling. Yes lusting is acting little and yes yes 'with' that, lusting is belittling! By that we know that they that are lusting (lust at a inner child, corrupt a inner child) - that they are designing by their reserve mind which Freud chose to call the subconscious mind. By that we know that lusting heads to corrupt children, lusting heads to abuse children. They that are lusting might not of corrupted a child outside their self or abused a child outside their self, yet they that are lusting act act little, act as if what is little is wanting to be at a belittler, abuser, danger. This is my super Tsars bomb which reveals and exposes that every person in the world that is lusting, by nature are persons that lust at children. They that have a right relationship with another are not that way. A right relationship is not a relationship in which persons are lusting, acting little and belittling by their reserve part of their mind. They do not see one another in ways which are 'acting' little and belittling. This insight is the way of saying that every person of lust by nature lusts at children, by their eye or act. What way, what time, by nature varies. Addedly know, lusting is to pervert your self. Lusting is to pervert everything you say you guard and hold in your heart!
  • 6. 6 They that are not hypocrites are they who with quickness and joy agree with the public insights they witness within my post !!! And lust is strength to be possessing, devouring what is not of strength or what is not of that strength. Lust heads to hunt. Men that lust at a inner child they are designing will end up lusting at men. Women that lust at a inner child they are designing end up lusting at women. That is that nature that heads to hunt. In understanding lust we see why people end up that way. And Scientist Shawn Cullen gives summit earth shaking brain science reasoning which does in deed prove men by nature are attracted to a number of youth, and this leads to truthfullness and exposes! "This is of international interest and public interest with respect to every city of every nation" -Scientist Shawn Cullen THE POWERFULL WORDS OF THE NATURAL SOCIAL SCIENTIST SHAWN GORDON CULLEN "WE KNOW men are attracted to a number of youth (by the way the Occipital lobe visual cortex works). Eyes are attracted to what is not far, appearing larger and larger, and attracted to what is far, appearing littler and littler. The loss of magnifying equates into the Occipital Lobe being attracted to 'approximate' designs, just as a visual cortex might be attracted peripheral ways. This in deed reminds of nature's reality, of men being attracted to women (varying) ways, yes of varying designs. (If this were not the truth, the nature of being attracted would not work)." "My teaching on the Occipital Lobe is A PROOF men by nature are attracted to maturing youth and proof IT IS NOT POSSIBLE THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH." There you see a proof with respect to your brain function ! - AND DO NOT use the Personal Incredulity Fallacy "And the teaching on the way the brain works does not any way teach people to not hate abuse to children." "And when men see youth which are not maturing then there will not be a effect or affect to the prefrontal cortex, 'if, they are not abusers to children'. There might be if there is illusions caused by dress designs." "And lying deepens wanting possessing!!! -There you see why lying designs lusting people to act out rape and murder." "Yes there are two sides of reality people need to be mindfull of !!!" "I am not the one that calls evil good and good evil ! Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen gives a high number of revelations on youth and ways systems persons were for a century and are deceiving and fooling nations of citizens with respect to youth and children ! HERE IS ADDED PROOF WHICH WEIGHS IN WITH WHAT SCIENTIST SHAWN CULLEN HAS WRITTEN ON HIS OCCIPITAL LOBE VISUAL CORTEX, SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE INSIGHT ; (Shawn has proven older people are proof) people are attracted to youth. This is with respect to his Yuko Ogura exhibit ; "I reminded the court of my reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven. Not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice 'to remind the court, that if people can by law find their self attracted to a number of older people who appear as young as a youth (then they will find their self interested in youth who appear the way those older women do). At the end before that judge's mid-June 2019 false and unjust decision, not on the stand I was forced to raise my voice to remind of my Yuko Ogura proof, and I added saying other proofs are; Actress Ha Yeon -Soo who in her twenties appears 11 or 12, Actress Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13 , Actress Annasophia Robb who at 23 appears 14 or 15, Actress Hiromi Nagasaku who at 50 appears 18, and Actress Ariana Grande who at 23 appears 12 or 13. And I told the court, also of interest is actress Dawn Wells. And told of Numbers 31:18 which weighs on my insight I gave." 2019 I raised my voice in court saying ;
  • 7. 7 "THIS IS COMMON SENSE , THIS IS COMMON SENSE !!!" And why would I need common sense peer reviewed ??? "And as you shall see, I have given (every reason needed), to (know) a low number of youth which are NOT children." THE FIRST MAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD TO SAY THIS IN A COURT ROOM ON A WITNESS STAND On the witness stand June 11th or 12th 2019 I testified of my teaching I name Genesis's Bi-known. I said I have given (in my past internet reports before August 2015) good reasons to believe with respect to the earliest times there was and is a low number of youngest teens and preteens which are as older people. I told the court they are a near mirror to but are contrary to a number of children and that by (confusing that) any sleightest way by false broad messaging, raising the reality will causes shock to conscience neural circuitry. And your brain will feel like a muscle that is being constricted! "Truth is not what causes that. Your brain was designed by decades and a century of false media to cause that." Scientist Shawn Cullen says; "Why does seducing act (like) a Phoropter? Seducing is designing ways of (feeding) the visual cortex. We know that for decades and decades there was, as there is, youth that lust at wide-open porn. Seducing and seducing of porn acts like a Phoropter that passes on what older people see, yes that passes on what people "call" maturity, what is of seducing minds, yes that passes on points that program youth to grow with speed, yes that design youth to be as older people. What this does reveal is that there are youth that are not children, and why ! This is a global issue and matter of world-wide broad messaging. Not addressing this is deceiving with respect to criminal codes, education and fields of health that possess power to brand and label. And this weighs on other revelations and all I have proven on what is by nature a low number of mature youth !" Here is further proof of my knowledge which that court failed to let me say; "Here I shall share a little of my knowledge on the low number I did not get to testified of: There are a low number of youth with the knowledge to know what older people know; knowledge to know that older people that appear friendly might turn and use; a strength, weight and height advantage to cause fear and force consent, knowledge to know that by nature its common that men are designed to force their will on females of all ages, knowledge to know that things must fit otherwise things are damaged and things are a danger to life, knowledge to know that knowing there are dangers teaches you there might be dangers where you have not visited, knowledge to know that not having clothes on you might be at greater risk cause psychos & offenders exist, knowledge to know that you can be trapped, knowledge to know that people can gang up on you and that numbers do not prove you are safe, knowledge to know that in minutes a youth might understand the nature of fire and water in the ways a older person understands, and that there are other ways within not much time a youth might deeply understand what older people know." "Its absolutely absurd that Mr. James Rowan cannot see this." And here is why maturing youth can be a greater temptation to nations ; "Blessed with insight with respect to numbers 31:18 and 2nd Tim 2:22 I say that they that are not children but are youth, are (ripening) before turning older and older as persons heading to death. That is why lust of youth is a (excoriating) and (permeating) way of seducing.There you see why that is a threat that (dis)designs deep and high ways people might be upright, a lust(full) way of defiling people." -Let, people lust. Do not let people lie! What I have written there does fit with Revelations 22:11 And Christian Scientist Shawn Cullen says that lying is a stumbling block ;
  • 8. 8 "They that are lying are acting as a stumbling block cause they are forcing you to be designed like a liar. -And they that do not acknowledge a truth and evil, cannot deny that evil. Denying is not the same as denial." "And I address material of youth that are flirting; Flirting is to play with deceiving as they that are flirting want to act and appear little and gentle. If they were little and gentle why would they need to act to appear as if they are? I thought of that question as I examined evidence." SHAWN'S PARAMOUNT EARTH-SHAKING REVOLUTIONARY TRUE STORY ITS A TITANIC SCANDAL!!!  Natural A lying health person named Zedkova, Choy, Orimalade, Marsh Joyal, Cadsky and few others acted out perjury and or falsified documents to dare suggest Mr. Cullen is slow, confused, difficult to follow, lacks insight. They did that to mislead you citizens and others. That was exact opposite to the truth. And while hiding him by habeas corpus breaches they falsified documents to attempt to suggest he is weak in his mind and not able to make sense. And are-using-a-probation-officer-named-jill-pfeiffer-to-stick-it-to-shawn-every-thursday-23124188d748 obstruct-truth.mp3 Cannot seem to get the Hearthis audio recordings to play all the way through. Do not tell me persons running Hearthis are in bed with they that have no dignity, honour and hope! We will see … a-sense-of-humor-and-warns-that-what-he-is-saying-is-not-a-jest-and-is-the-reality-scientist-shawn-cullen-says-everything- lawyers-people-and-media-need-to-know-is-within-his-written-wordings-and-summit-story/ I know what to write from Shawn’s written words and his recordings. Shawn gave me his other audio recorder months ago. There are approximately a hundred draft recordings. System persons and hypocrites designed full fiction to lie about Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton Alberta. Shawn says they left Demon Larva on the eighth commandment and raped truth to do that !!! You are witnesses of his words proving he has (one of) the very most understanding minds ever !!! And they strangely suggested his physical health is likely to deteriorate. And James Rowan was at work to suggest that at his health. A number of times Shawn witnessed in court system persons suggesting his health would likely deteriorate. When Shawn raised his voice to rebuke and condemn that, he was threatened to keep quite or he was taken away !!! Were system persons plotting to harm his health to cause his demise behind closed doors !!! WERE THEY ?!!! That would further evidence a mad want to unrightly war at his free speech. July 20 2019 Shawn Cullen was on stage with a mic set up on Jasper ave by civil rights people. He was on stage three times. He was introduced as a scientist. He let others know he was unlawfully targeted! Shawn was asked if he is a self proclaimed Scientist. He says he would not use the terms self proclaimed as that appears to message a misunderstanding of illusions, delusions, pride and a number of elements! He says apparently Thomas Edison did not have a science degree, and nor did Leonardo Da Vinci and nor did Benjamin Franklin! Scientist Cullen says that peer reviewed is at the heart of science and medical journals and that its compared to democracy. Its a Protean way of blessing what others know or do not know. Its a designed faith with effects and affects that lend to the personal incredulity fallacy. Scientist Cullen says his teachings are not any way theories. They are 100%, the realities. Shawn Gordon Cullen was targeted. His true story is one of the very most important free speech stories ever in history !!!
  • 9. 9 THE MAN WITH THE INSIGHT OF INSIGHTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD ; "Vainly a # of system persons designed a unlawfull false file to attempt to hyper suggest I am not a first time leading authority on truth and lust." Scientist Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was trusted to investigate like the fbi would be; Not any person in history have done what he has. And he says neither fbi nor the national center for missing and exploited children have judged material evidences the way he did. He says there is not any on earth who think and judge as he does. He says they that want to fight him, are the myth, people of fiction ! "Within my 2014 reporting of the vlad model Venya preteen I remind within the exhibit that I first sent that to hundreds of policy makers on Nov 21st 2013, Dec. 25th and 2014 January 3rd. That was whats called category 1 explicit sexual poses, nearly nude with a black mark which was to part way censor. Within the 2014 exhibit any can see evidence that I was the one who censored. On the page of the exhibit I wrote that the exhibit was not given for any reason other than for the public good. The public reports of the material PROVES I was entrusted by hundreds of politicians to gather and censor whats called explicit categ. 1 material, and trusted, for years! Not any other citizen would even of had the true grit to. -And the legal maxim says; they who do not deny agree. He even got federal letters which not any other citizen has gotten ; I gave proof that on June 20 2009 and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada's Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer acknowledging that they understood I was investigating and reporting matters of and questions on material. Prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged the federal letters. I put the letters within the report pages I emailed to the hundreds of politicians and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters, and so if I forged the letters they would have contacted police to charge me. Prosecutor Rowan did not want to acknowledge the letters, cause they remind I (was a witness) investigating wide open sites (for years) and the letters prove my reporting was not seen as if rambling. And saying that hundreds of federal policy makers and a number of policing people might of needed years to identify explicit categ.1 material I sent, that prosecutor James Rowan calls child porn, is to say that only a expert can identify. HAH ! That would be to say that any material itself is entrapping to everyone everywhere". said in court Persons that forced a unjust trial on him even acted out denial with respect to evidence that a eps officer called him and approved of his investigating ; "On July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political person he refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me, "You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?" I then said, "its much deeper than concern". I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn't make any sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said 'right', in agreement. He did not say the Venya model exhibit and earlier exhibits and other reporting broke the law. I asked if there was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he acknowledged that he knew of my past blogged reports. A number of ways in court I've recorded that people of authority agreed to my investigating and evidences, and sub-section 6, gave me consent". said in court In a slippery fast way Lawyer Ronald Morin reminded the court of that, and told the court that a cop at eps downtown headquarters told Shawn on the phone that there are many Macleods and records on old badge numbers are not always kept. And a eps officer on the stand said he was not aware if any other eps officer called Shawn before 2015, (even though Shawn publicly posted to document that Macleod called him. Not at any time in four years from 2015 to 2019 did any acknowledge seeing Shawn’s widely public record on Macleod, and not any answered to that. That was not answered to in court in 2019. And other key legal points were not answered to ;
  • 10. 10 "My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. They are willing to let family nudists uncover children's bodies to the eyes of strangers." That was said in court !!! –The Canadian public need to know Shawn said this in court !!! Strangely that Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!! Within court that Criminal lawyer Ronald A. Morin referred to Shawn Gordon Cullen as a Scientist and a authority on lust ! Strange interruptions within court which breached the right to be heard and the right to give full answers ; "Within court (2019 June court rm. 412) on the witness stand I tried to share my teachings on lust. I was strangely interrupted and not given my right to freely testify of my summit teachings. That trial breach breached and breaches the criminal code and my charter rights." "I warned the court that I have a high number of insights on lust which in deed prove prove my reporting was in deed for the public good, for the administration of justice, science, education and health." – “They failed to let me say what I needed to say for my self and for Canadians, and for people world-wide !!!” "I was pricked at by strange interruption when I tried to testify of my teachings and of who I am. (I tried warning) of my teachings on the witness stand (and tried when I was not on the stand)." The further proofs you shall see are teachings I have kept for years which I am the only author of ; 1 Here are my teachings which by fatal court error or unjustly as a unlawfull scandal, I did not get to say in court ; I did a human nature examination into public dress codes. - I found proof that dress codes are legalized public child porn thats a illusion, a illusion to men that what men are seeing are designs of nature for men. Within my scientific examination I found that tight dresses or any clothing that causes curves to appear to fit together, or-that-clothing with a designed to surprise message such as with min-skirts (causes the illusion). In other words any legalized clothing designed to say, 'see how parts fit together', therefore, 'not, a puzzle that needs putting together. Yes a illusion, that clothing designs-cause, yes a illusion that there is a developed design not needing to be developed. - Men are not eyeing children. -Men are attracted to illusions. If you were to see those youth naked or dressed 'right' you would see evidences of a puzzle that needs to be put together, yes as 'not' mature. I studied and reveal that which (was) a great mystery. With that, what I found is that nylon is designed to appear like skin, and because nylon does not die as skin does there is a illusion on body formations that a young person has evolvedly designed maturity. That furthers illusions. And I found that tight clothing can cause body parts like the hind to appear as formations which are ripened, therefore not evidencing points not developed. And knowing asian women and other older women at times appear flat chested , illusions aren't signaled by that part of the body dressed. Keep in mind that larger designed parts such as legs of older youth are not brain sensitive. My deep scientific human nature examination into public dress codes in deed reveals that men are not eyeing youth, but illusions, and although its lust, not every man is accessing wide open sites or sites because hes eyeing children, but their hypothalamus is being triggered by illusions caused by clothing designs. This accounts for a possible number of people possessing and a number of people distributing material. You see how my teaching which I am giftedly the only author of in the world is another way of in deed proving why my reporting was for the administration of justice, education and science. My teaching is key. Now because of the world-wide illusions caused by public clothing designs that are legalized public child porn, there are people that see a need to examine what they are conscious and sub-conscious of. - Here is why : People are saying, 'what was that?' at designs that appear to contradict what they are told. That effects or affects the lexicon of the brain, and so does block pathways to people becoming mature. Criminal lawyer Ronald Morin said I am a scientist and authority on lust thrown inside the remand on bs trumped up charges. I was not given a Just trial and I was not given my right to freely give testimony on my knowledge
  • 11. 11 2 My teaching on Parietal Occipital Scripting of fantasizing; The Parietal Occipital is part of the brain with respect to imagining. I teach that fantasizing with mastur - bating is parietal occipital "scripting" that wants consent and does repossess for that want. Its not consent! You need to keep the understanding belief in consent (otherwise you do not keep definition on what children are). You see why I am saying that fantasizing leads to world-wide abuse. (Now if consent first "appears" outside of the parietal occipital brain, then that might not, affect people.) You are an eye-witness on another one of my teachings which proves proves my reporting was for the public good according to sub-sec 6. Within wide open sites, evidences of abuse were appearing and were reappearing of children that not any clothing can cause to appear an illusion. I was not saying all material of youth was to be blocked. Rev.22:11 I was saying that I had a duty and had a right to address. Edmonton Prosecutor James Rowan tried acting as if I am some common person (not any way a scientist.) He suggested I am likely a knowledgeless person attracted to a abuse image James Rowan was playing on. I was forced to answer yes or no to questions. I was not able to answer. Why is James Rowan not fired or arrested for malicious prosecuting And, I was forced to gather evidence of material to teach in other ways what the brain does with respect to material ; 3 My teaching on exploiting children of earliest ages and identity designing; To use a child that is (without knowledge) is to design a child by the lusts and face of a exploiter. That child grows to believe their identity is that of their exploiter. That is why that child grows to totally support a exploiter. That is why secret cultures and why secret societies hide and carry on. My teaching on exploiting earliest ages and identity designing is another reason which proves my years of reporting of wide- open material as that of Inna was for the administration of justice and education. And with that is my teaching on brain wiring a want to lust by setting body parts of a earliest aged child unseemly ways, that by that, by-passes brain designing activity. Yes my teaching is that brain control of a earliest aged child can be inverted from the brain to the body by setting poses. That redesigns brain activity. Yes thats a way to identity designing! Yes children exploited at earliest ages can be designed to be enemies and threats to public safety and to national security ! And I teach what the brain does with respect to seeing material. 4 Here is a real question thats a matter I asked my self; Why would police gather material of youngest exploited toddlers in curl up baby poses (that do not show faces?) I found that poses are not any natural way of navigating the occipital lobe visual cortex. In other words not like the way the Occipital lobe of a Father or Mother sees as they change a diaper. Therefore that police gather that (without any reason) can affect a police officer's thalamus, cerebrum and hypothalamus. Yes I believe that police gathering that material without any reason can design officers to be pdfiles. And there are scientists that falsely say that oxytocin hormone causes love, compassion and nursing, yet the chemical only works right according to right knowledge and a lowly spirit, otherwise that hormone can design a illusion of nursing thats wanting to exploit, yes that hormone might design a nursing illusion thats lusting. The love hormone or nursing hormone is secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea size organ at the base of the brain behind the nose bridge. 5 On youngest teens, I see by my examination of evidences of youth posing sideways that there is reason to believe police can be attracted as larger parts(like legs) are not brain sensitive and what is seen sideways does not show what the visual cortex needs to quickly mind file with respect to attraction. That gives reason to believe police investigating naked material might be
  • 12. 12 attracted to illusions while they are investigating material. That raises questions with respect to internet surveillance and investigating, and this weighs in with my knowledge on illusions caused by clothing designs. WHAT WAS NOT ASKED WAS WHY I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PRESENT MY TEACHINGS WITHOUT EXAMINING ANY MATERIAL; DOING THAT BY NATURE WOULD MISUSE MY BRAIN. THAT WOULD PERVERT THE THALAMUS OF MY BRAIN. AND YOU MIGHT UNDERSTAND THIS IF YOU UNDERSTAND MY TEACHING ON PARIETAL OCCIPITAL SCRIPTING. THE MIND IS NOT TO DESIGN AND BE DESIGNING PORN. THE MIND IS TO BE JUDGING IT. AND KNOW, THERE IS ZERO EVIDENCE OF MENSA REA. THERE WAS NOT AND IS NOT A GUILTY MIND. I HAVE QUICKLY ANSWERED TO EVERY THING AND ALL. - IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO JUSTIFY THAT COURT DECISION! "My reporting was for the administration of justice, education, science and the mental health of all citizens and others, according to sub-sec. 6." "Misleaders of systems acting like persons saying they caught a cleaner with a wrinkled and cleanless rag in his pocket!" 6 And I examined and reported use of sex toys which are legal and common. What keeps people from seeing as a sex toy, a earliest child that is without knowledge. Why? Toys of female anatomy are designed ways that lack definition. By that there is a reason to believe people buying that can be attracted to the parts of a earliest child that lack definition. And system persons use or let that ! 7 "My teaching on what is called 'sodomy';- A hind and the inner parts there of were designed (to-seem) sanct letting whats not needed of the body out. There and the inner parts thereof "were" (designed to 'reseem'). They that lust at that deseem and dishonor their bodies. I got the insights by examining and judging internet evidence of sodomy ! "This teaching is one I was able to (quickly) say on the witness stand. Eyes which lust see others a way they see food. And fornicating is seeing others as flavoured, not as favoured." There you see seven proofs of answers Shawn Cullen needed to say on the stand, therefore that trial acted out a fatal error or unjustly acted out unlawfully. The proofs weigh in with his summit insight on lusting and insight on the visual cortex !!! "Here are two records points which were within my reporting which I did not get to say on the witness stand: The public was not told that the IMAX corporation giant was licensed to make and market naked lusting material of youth for Europe's British societies in the 1970's and the early eighties. - If a continent was doing that why would we assume our country or province or city does not possess a interest that way. Good point, right!" "And why was I being falsely prosecuted by a man that appears less than others accused? Is prosecutor J. Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer, or world renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to fight global disease, or founder of Pan American flights, or world renowned oil industry director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of Russia's National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender, or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii's shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James R. Robinson." SEE OLD PUBLIC PDF’S WITH PROOF OF FEDERAL LETTERS SENT TO SHAWN, AND EVIDENCE OF WORDS SAID BY THAT JUDGE NAMED JERKE, AND SHAWNS PERFECTLY SOUND AND REASONABLE PUBLIC RESPONSES HE WAS NOT GIVEN THE TIME AND RESPECT TO SAY IN COURT. SHAWN HAD HIS KNOWLEDGE, INSIGHTS POSTS DAYS AFTER THAT FALSE DECISION, PROVING HE IS THE SOCIAL SCIENTIST AND MAN OF SUMMIT INSIGHTS HE SAYS HE WAS AND IS. AND PEOPLE DO NOT MAGICALLY TURN INTO A WORLD LEADING SOCIAL SCIENTIST DAYS AFTER A COURT DECEISION, AND CERTAINLY NOT AFTER GREATER THAN
  • 13. 13 THREE YEARS OF BRUTAL ABUSES AND THREATS ON HIS LIFE. PEOPLE THAT ACT SILENT AT THIS PUBLIC PDF REPORT MIGHT END UP CURSED FOR THAT. SHAWN HAS A RIGHT TO HAVE OTHERS ACKNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT HIS ACCEPTABLY WORDED ACCOUNTS AND PUBLIC STORY. PEOPLE DO NOT RESPECT HIS KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE THEY ARE PARALYZED BY FEARS, AND THAT EXCUSE IS WEARING THIN, IS NOT JUSTIFIED !!! SHAWN GORDON CULLEN SAYS HE DOES NOT NEED TO BE FORGIVEN , AND ANY THAT DENY HIM SHALL NEVER BE !!! years-mr-cullen-f627bf5bf69d obstruct-truth.mp3 WORDS ON THAT CRIMINAL LAWYER RONALD A. MORIN I put these audio parts together. I think this is another peak proof that Shawn’s arrest and trial was not lawful, was not just. Shawn needs a REAL lawyer to act for him me-to-hang-on-to-this-I-am-taking-the-liberty-to-make-known-to-others.mp3 man-to-check-in-as-a-291f1fc91281?source=friends_link&sk=222d3b58ceac92e50055f87d096dd231 years-mr-cullen-f627bf5bf69d Shawn told me that Lawyer Ronald A. Morin wrote in a letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and how “letters” to the Justice Minister and governmental bodies went unnoticed, and did not attract police scrutiny? What Ronald Morin did not exactly remind of in that October 4th 2019 dated document to Douglas Ingersol of legal aid is that Shawn not only sent letters beginning in 2009 but for years sent very similar (“material”) (which did not attract any police scrutiny) for years. Yes Ronald Morin how do you and Canada and Alberta’s justice system explain that? In other words everything Shawn Cullen did was legal and seen as legal! And so why was Shawn Cullen abducted as if that was a justified arrest in August 2015 at 11:30 at night while Albertans were sleeping. Why was Shawn hidden away by habeas corpus breaches, held like a prisoner of war inside Remands to be tortured day and night and threatened, not given any pens and paper to write with! And why did you Mr. Morin use the term behaviour in that Oct 4th letter to Ingersol? Mr. Morin you designed that to scribe as if Shawn does not know what issues are. Shawn gives revelations on what matters and issues are? He is a leading teacher on what realities, matters and issues are! Why are you trying to cause Shawn to appear dull while any might see he is sharper than you? No Ronald Morin, not behaviour for years, (material for years) and writings. And yes Ronald Morin, how do you and Ingersol and others explain that? There you see the proof government bodies let Shawn for years without attracting police scrutiny !!! And they knew every evidence he was examining and reporting. They did not find out later after he was abducted by a False arrest in 2015. Shawn Cullen was for years and months reporting to hundreds of political persons and a number of policing
  • 14. 14 persons his investigating of sites and material wide open on Alberta’s and Canada’s net, therefore it is impossible or ludicrous to believe that they were not tracking and possessing knowledge of every evidence of material he captured to report !!! Shawn says that Ronald Morin responded a significant number of times by saying to Shawn that he knows Shawn does not have a mental illness. Shawn says Mr. Morin suggested to Shawn that he must let system persons label to get bail and to stop system persons from stalking and using ammunition at Shawn’s free speech and words. And as reminded by Shawn in court you Ronald Morin told Shawn he is a literary genius thrown in the remand on bs trumped up charges, and 2019 in court you referred to Shawn as a scientist. And in court hearings he reminded you said his case is the most important free speech case in the country. Are you wanting to start lying now Mr. Ronald Morin sir? Whose side were you on, are you on? Hm? It is a scandal Ronald Morin and you know that. You wrote that you recommend coverage for both sentence and conviction. You wrote that proof of (major) mental health issues is that in 2008 Shawn complained to City Center mall security about harassing patrons using their surveillance cameras. Shawn says he was defending the rights of a old woman named Deb who was eyed by surveillance and approached and asked to leave the cafeteria as if she was loitering. Shawn says he told the story to system person yet corrupt people and yourself Mr. Morin strangely re-erected that false narrate Shawn gave a account for. Standing up for the rights of an old woman is not a major mental health issue Mr. Morin, and a smart lawyer like you must know that. You wrote that other proof is that in 2014 a immigrant proprietor argued with Shawn and banned Shawn as Shawn told him not to deal with money and receipts in fishy ways. Shawn told him he cannot herd him out the door and he said he knows that as he is a legal authority. Shawn says his insights prove constitutions and criminal codes are misdesigned therefore how do you know he is not a legal authority? That is not evidence of any mental health issue. Inside your Oct 4 2019 dated document to Ingersol you scribed that Shawn indicated that should he have to deal with police, he will escalate to an act of unspecified violence. Mr. Morin Sir, Shawn says he gave sound accounts on the witness stand in 2019 which recorded reasons to know he did not threaten any. His words are even on the net. Do you suffer from dementia or Mr. Morin Sir do you mislead away from Shawn’s words which would satisfy a unprejudiced mind seeking the truth? Part d of that Oct 4 document I see you suggested Shawn’s current writing is disjointed, confusing and that he is suggesting a far reaching conspiracy to conceal child exploitation and porn by all elected persons of the Alberta legislature. Shawn says he does not design sweeping accusations, and he watches expecting system persons to come in agreement with him. Why are you appearing to misrepresent Shawn? Because of that Oct. 4th dated narrating to legal aid I have been forced to make public his most summit insight on lusting. Yes Ronald A. Morin you were not expecting Shawn to once and for all reveal his summit personal precious insight on lusting which clearly is neither confusing nor disjointed; Canada lets see further proof of a conspiracy to unlawfully falsely brand and label Shawn Cullen shall we; Shawn Gordon Cullen in the Edmonton Alberta court room 412, 2019. said; #1“I need to first address the lies that I threatened anyone at any time. Det. Horchuk under oath falsely stated that my email threatened with a ‘shooting spree’. Not any email I sent has any evidence that I threatened that.” (James Rowan and Police had to admit by silence that not any email had said that !) Mr. Morin Sir, that exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, abuse of process. #2 Shawn said this in court 2019; “While under oath Horchuk and few officers said I threatened 250 political people with a killing spree. Officers had to have known of my (emailed) public report page on (brain science and killing sprees).” (Neither officers nor that prosecutor wrote or said a word with respect to the brain science point, no not in the four years since that August 2015 false arrest, and not a word of that in court in 2019 at the end throughout that phony trial ! That point exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process.
  • 15. 15 #3 As you might remember Ronald Morin, Shawn said this in court 2019; “Within a email I expressed anger as a satire to people in the televised open parliament appearing to ignore what I wrote, on brain science saying that in some cases ignoring may cause a killing spree. At that I expressed (anger )as ‘a rhetorical satire'. That is why I wrote in a email, ‘you would show respect if I, went on a killing spree”. (word for word I said that in court) The following part is what I did not have time to say and had fear of saying in court room 412; *At my earliest bail hearings I was forced to speak into a video-tron within Edmonton’s Remand. I said I was able to account on that false police narrate thats using those two terms “killing spree”. I was interrupted and the hearing ended. I shouted, “but I am able to account”. Guards dragged me away and returned me to cell. Sept.9th 2016 I super quickly spoke to give my account of my emailed words being rhetorical. Exposing his self that judge angered that I spoke, got up and speedly walked out of the court room. I shouted; “Insanity of the court, insanity of the court”. That day I was returned to Edmonton’s Remand and left in holding cells, for many many hours. That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. The following was addedly said in Edmonton Alberta court rm. 412, June 2019 – I underlined the parts Shawn instructed me to and followed his written designs. I believe all I typed is accurate. #4 As you must know Ronald Morin, Shawn said this in court 2019; “Officers (did not narrate a word) (on my brain science report page nor on one of my emails on brain science), and they used my emailed rhetorical satire killing spree statement, yes used that to falsify investigation narrates and to appear to account for spending time to unrightly organize a arrest, and used the emailed rhetorical statement to later account for my reporting any assaults and excessive force cause of their outrage at my years of fullest sub-section 6 reporting for the public good. If people believed my email was a threat (and not rhetorical), and if they believed my reporting was not within the law, then the 250 political people who had my apartment address would have contacted eps, (and not any did). “ That key point which’ was neither answered to by Judge Jerke nor Prosecutor James Rowan, further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. #5 Shawn said this in court Ronald Morin; “this 2019 in court and in 2015 Eps narrated that before I was later arrested, they came to my door ‘to see how I was doing’, yet they ‘violently’ banged on my door. I was alarmed and I told them to say what they wanted to say thru the door. They would not. I feared that they’d try to break down my door. I told the officers through the door ‘I have a right to defend my castle’ (which is what a legal maxim says). Strangely a female officer, I believe that was officer Ross, asked me what I meant by the word, defend. I then answered saying; ‘look if I wanted to kill you, if I was and am that threat you suggest, you would be dead, but I don’t work that way’. And I was not referring to that time they were at my door, but of past times police met with me.” (unlawfully they played on his right to express fear, being upset, and just anger) #6 Shawn said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “In one email which they referenced in court room 412 I was not threatening. I was just trying to sound brave like a fighter cause I did not know what force of evil might be headed my way. (eps persons outraged at my reporting which exposes) Former eps officer Derek Huff warned that officers threaten unwanted citizens, organize false reports, lie under oath, and he warned theres a code of silence. #7“And Mr. Morin Sir, you must know Shawn said this in court; “under oath officers tried saying that I wrote within my reporting that politicians are Nazis. I was only writing of evidence of what other political people suggested. And April 12 2019 the media reported that the current prime minister Trudeau shouted (within the televised house of commons) that the conservative leader refuses to denounce white supremacists. And with that said a MP stood and said MP Andrew Scheer is associated with neo-nazis. Why were officers under oath trying to condemn me for saying what fits with what the prime minister said”. (‘to stop my words I was interrupted at that point in court and I said on the witness stand, “no let me finish” ).
  • 16. 16 That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. Shawn said this in court 2019; - “ And I wrote that I saw evidence that Stephen Belding wrote that Harper is a neo-con murderer and crazed pervert. I did not want to believe that your honour. And I read that lieutenant governor James Bartleman says that federal politicians are directly responsible for the deaths of children in Canada’s Air India bombing. And I was not directing my emailed words to any office or person I put on my email list. I put them on the list to have witnesses. When I wrote a email I was speaking into the darkness appearing within systems.” You see from the 7 points Ronald Morin Sir, that unlawfully and falsely Shawn was and is being labeled, and does not have any mental health issues. And certainly Sir you appear strange or fearfully confused using that term “major” in you Oct 4th writ. Shawn says he fired you once and after you showed up to ask to be his lawyer again. He said he was called to a remand visual screen phone room that he talked to you through with respect to that. You wrote in that October 4 2019 document page 2 that you reluctantly became his lawyer in 2016. Shawn says its ludicrous to suggest he would of called you days later to rehire you after he fired you. It is a strange mystery why you designed language that way in your Oct 4 2019 document to legal aid. On page 3 Ronald Morin Sir, you wrote of Toronto Detective Horchuk testifying that he discovered the email address sending reports and material in April 2015. Horchuk testified (under oath) that he figured out that the emails belonged to a ip address which he investigated, and Horchuk testified that the email belonged to Shawn. That is preposterous nonsense because Horchuk and you Mr.Morin are suggesting Horchuk didnt know what Shawn was doing for years, yes did not know from any of the 250 political & policing people on Shawn’s email list who had his address & email. With all due respect that narrate by Horchuk is not possible to believe and is one of the stupidest sounding lies I’ve ever heard. You wrote your self Mr. Morin; how do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governing bodies and that what he sent did not attract scrutiny by authorities. This is a titanic scandal exposed and you cannot let a man be widely falsely branded, otherwise it is a act of criminal tyranny and gov’t mutiny against the Charter/code rights of Shawn Cullen. Otherwise that would mean that the government of Canada is widely and nakedly attacking Shawn Gordon Cullen, while elected, upper-class citizens watch, and citizens cow. Shawn has a right to a full acquittal and you are mad if you deny that! You reminded of Horchuk on page 4; Shawn says it is creepy that Horchuk stated that he could not tell whether the evidence of girls sent by Shawn to officials were girls 8 years older or younger. Shawn asked me; “does that mean Detective Horchuk might think a 12 year-old is 20 or think a 4 year-old is 12”? There appears something very wrong with Horchuk’s statements! And page 4 I see you Mr. Morin remind of the tree branch evidence. Shawn asked me to ask you why you and that prosecutor need to be reminded that that was from that wide-open site titled 100% legal supreme model portal. Sir I ‘would’ hope you are not trying to water-down facts and straw-man and misrepresent Scientist Shawn Cullen’s sub-section 6 rights and story. Page8 I see you Mr.Morin recorded that the second witness was administrative assist. to the ontario children advocates office. You didnt remind, that in court that receptionist couldnt remember what material Shawn sent, and she referred to material as women. In court you told Shawn she is exposed as a non-credible witness. Yes and that office closed down after they acted to accuse Shawn. Scientist Shawn Cullen had me post a number of contradictions about that office with respect to his reporting. Shawn is not simply falsely labeled. Facts Show a systematic conspiracy to act out a great character assassination attempt !!! Millions of dollars being given to Prime Minister Trudeau, Sheer and others should be taken and given to Shawn.
  • 17. 17 Yes and Mr. Morin on page 9 you wrote that Shawn testified of how easy it was for Canadians to open up that material from wide-open sites not blocked. Shawn told me what you did not remind of is that he testified in court that visual material did not need to be opened as material was on the option images sections of google, THEREFORE WE KNOW material was available to every Canadian and did not need to be accessed to be viewed and possessed. Do not be a Jerke Mr. Morin. System persons must not hold Mr. Cullen to that brutally unjust false conviction. On page 13 you threw a wrench into his right to appeal. I would go as far to say that federal rcmp need to investigate, arrest and charge system persons, even judges that are contradicting the story and rights of Shawn Gordon Cullen!!! - And definitely citizens and media need to get involved !!! Ronald Morin you falsely wrote by writing that Judge Jerke had enough information to put in his decision. 2019 Shawn reminded in court that he did not get to demonstrate his insights on lust. Shawn reminded you Mr. Morin of that a number of times, and so Sir why why is that not in ‘your’ Oct 4 2019 appeal application opinion to legal aid? And court records should evidence that Shawn likewise was forced to raise his voice in the court to remind that he had a right and duty to raise his case with respect to the constitution. Shawn says you threatened and intimidated him into settling with getting out of the remand. Shawn said he clearly told you to not write a appeal opinion to legal aid. And that appeal opinion to legal aid Ronald Morin Sir can by its nature be seen as fraud, defamation and a matter of other federal crimes! Shawn says he does not hate you, but in your heart you failed Shawn who is the one man you should not of failed! AS YOU MUST REMEMBER MR. RONALD MORIN SIR, here is what Shawn said on the witness stand June 2019 crt rm 412: “If any thought I do not have a sound mind they would not of let such a man email written and visual material as I did for years to 250 officials who had my address and email address.” Yes Ronald A. Morin Sir you wrote in your Oct 4th 2019 letter for appeal to legal aid; How do “we” explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent documentation to governmental bodies and Justice Minister, but did not attract police scrutiny? Yes how can you or any explain !!! Ronald Morin Sir now you need to ask the second question fitting with your question; How do you explain the 10 years Mr. Cullen sent written and visual documentation to governmental bodies, but did not attract mental health scrutiny ??? !!! That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. You might remember, 2019 Shawn said this in court Mr. Morin Sir; “When I (could not) follow bail conditions in 2017, I was assaulted by a officer and brought to the Royal Alex. I spoke of my faith in God for a few minutes with another. Then nearby I heard a female staff head laugh mockingly. I then heard her say; “I can hear him talking about God, this is perfect’”. Minutes later she walked up to me and said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”. Guilty of a scandal Nov. 22nd 2017 that Royal Alex Psychiatrist Marsh Joyal wrote up a certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” According to Martin’s criminal code 2016 book under annotations page 1866 section (2a), almost word for word, says I have a right to entertain and declare my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and a right to protection against Government intimidation with respect to my religion and conscience which includes indirect attempts to control, like what Marsh Joyal did”. That point further exposes a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. Did you know Shawn was brutally assaulted by a stalker/Satanist in October 2019, and according to Dr.Mehnaz Khurram of Jas. Ave clinic, Dr. Khurram was not able to find any record from the Royal Alex which documented that Shawn’s eye was ruptured and blurry from that stalker attempting to gouge out Shawn Cullen’s right eye? Dr. Khurram prescribed Shawn 500 mg of Napoxen and Erythromycin antibiotic for his eye, and she wrote a referral for him to see a optometrists. RA did not! Why not ? Shawn says and warns that what Zedkova said June 27th 2019 in court room 412 is ‘perjury’. Shawn warns Canadians and others that in court June 27 2019 on that witness-stand Zedkova said that her opinion is that I am schizophrenic and she
  • 18. 18 referenced 1998 of which she said Shawn saw a doctor to get a orchidectomy and was hearing voices and seeing demons and saying that his chest was heavy. In court Shawn raised his voice saying Shes lying under oath, My health records were falsified. Shawn breathlessly shocked to hear that began to investigate how his Sept28 1998 Grey Nunns health records were rewritten. Mr. Cullen found they do not have a way of proof of the year of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health documents, ‘therefore documents can be falsified’. And Mr. Cullen found that Alta.Health Authorities and Alta.Hospital are accused by the privacy commissioner of letting sensitive health records be breached and lossed with respect to sect. 34.1 and section 60.1(2). Shawn says; Lets say decades ago as a young man in 1998 I had such a fear of heading to hell-fire that as a right of passage I misinterpreted Matthew 5:29 and I went to get a orchidectomy. Lets say a fear of hell fire caused me to have nightmares and I believed my nightmares were actual attacks by demons. As any might see, who that would be decades ago does not fit with who this report proves I am. And if that were the truth in 1998 doctors would no doubt have signed a certificate to detain me. And Mr. Morin you must know that in crt rm 412 that Judge (to appear non-biased) reminded Psych. Lenka Zedkova that a Alberta Hospital mental health panel, (forced) on Mr. Cullen, was not able to able to find him unfit. On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Lenka Zedkova tried to label Shawn another way when she lied under oath by saying her opinion is that I Shawn is a narcissist and persecutory. Shawn has let Canadians know that her associate Oto Catsky labelled a respected doctor a narcissist. Mr. Cullen says that what is of interest is a video on narcissists which I he posted within his internet blog for years. Shawn says that narcissists want to glorify their appearances and act out gas-lighting and deceive at every turn to cause you to believe you are whats causing darkness or evil. Mr. Cullen says that is what his adversaries are about and he says that as you see, its preposterous to believe he is, having given you his sound words on what that is. And Mr.Cullen says persecutory is a delusion of believing you are being persecuted with reason to believe you are not being persecuted, acting harmed with a reason to believe you are not that harmed. Its at times termed Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged about minor causes. They that are that way at times design false reports of being stalked and want to file lawsuits. Mr. Cullen says, as you see its absurd to believe I he is persecutory having given you here his rightly reasoned knowledge on what that is. Scientist Shawn Cullen says he put into words such matters without having been taught by any one and not any book. And become an ear-witness of Shawn Cullen’s audio podcasts which document proofs and evidences of Remand staff and guards and corrupt psychiatric persons abusing, threatening and at work to attempt to label Shawn. Shawn says he found reason to believe a Oct 22nd 2015 court transcription might be altered and a court record might be with respect to Guy Doyon. Shawn says he hopes not! And he says when he called transcript management he encountered rude interference by a transcript management person, and he examined court a transcript that did not record his words right. NOW CRIMINAL LAWYER MR. MORIN BEFORE YOU “CORRECTLY” EXAMINE FURTHER HIS STORY, SEE HERE A FEW OF HIS INSIGHTS (PROVING FURTHER) HE’S NOT COMMON AND IS NEITHER POSSESSING DULL THOUGHTS NOR LACKING INSIGHTS! Now examine and see whether or not my words prove I possess dull thoughts and lack insights, like corrupt child abusing helter skeltering psychiatrists unlawfully forced on me, (hyper-narrated)! Locked away to not be known, seen or heard, they wanted people to think I am like Forest Gump. They wrote that I am confused, difficult to follow, suggested I am dull in my thoughts, a man that lacks insights, a man whose health is likely to deteriorate. I see that as evidence of a conspiracy to cause my demise. They wrote that I suffer a delusion of believing there is systematic child exploitation and conspiracy to cover that up. I fought to get free and now within my public posts you citizens of Alberta, Canada and abroad have the truth. Life is not like a box of chocolates. We have less freedom than chocolates and are eaten up faster by social cannibals. My personal and private information has been altered, falsified and hyper-manipulated!!! I the real Shawn Gordon Cullen of Edmonton was born April 3rd 1971, East-York Ontario, son of my late beloved Mother Gale who passed away in 2011.
  • 19. 19 Yes before you get to the summit story examine A few of natural Scientist Shawn Cullen's social science insights ; Author Shawn Cullen says; "Laws of perceptions do not exist. There is not such a thing as perception process".  "People say they perceive, yet they glimpse or vary by deducing." "A number of sources give a example of deductive reasoning by saying all men are mortal(premise) - He is a man (premise) - Therefore he is mortal,(conclusion). =Premises that appear true are characterized as if they are naturally true, yet are seriously not true. And world-wide people are calling that a reasoning process. What is inside a man is not seen and in a way not seen might be immortal, yet they that deduce act as if their judgment is to be trusted, as if their words are reality. (And people are occupied by that) That causes darkening effects and is affecting communications, present and to come." "What you say you see appear-clear, by that you take as certain, as if you were to say at the wheel of a boat you man; " I am headed in the correct or right direction". Now let us say, you see clearer and find your boat was not headed in the correct direction. (By nature) you will further act as if you are certain, yet later you find the boat not headed right. (Reality is not til the one sees clearest.) [Delusions appear clear and clearer] Here is a example; Deductive reasoning exercises appear certainly correct, yet they are like body building your eye-brow muscles. (There is brain function which is to grow without thinking exercises, otherwise minds misdesign and malfunction.) Think of that weight lifter that can lift a 1000 pounds yet cannot bear a truthfull communication nor bear giving to a charity." "Deductive reasoning is taught as if that is heuristic for function, yet breaches function." "Aristotle a philosopher started out with that false teaching." "What I am saying?" "What I am telling of fits with what scientists call neuromyths." "In real ways there is of nature, what is unhealthily named deduction, but educating people to exercise examples is not good for function." "I do not believe Sigmund Freud was a man of understanding but he was correct in saying there is a conscious mind, and reserve-conscious mind which he was amiss in naming the sub-conscious mind. The reserve-conscious mind is either a blessing or a curse. This part of the mind stores what you know or not, and (is the way through which you might have power to be led). Conscious following of commands is not everything you need. You must not cause your mind to be at work ways which are to be left for your reserve mind, other-wise you cannot be led and cannot function right. (Mind led and spirit led are not the same!) Ask yourself what speed are your eyes to see flowers? And your eyes are not to count flower pedals a way that discounts the flower. You are not to obsess at the patterns of food served to you on a dish. Educating to exercise examples of deduction causes your mind to be at work like gears that breach your reserve-conscious mind. (There are many ways education breaches the reserve function). By that systems and persons can mob up and exploit." "I am not religious, but you see my insight is fitting with why Christ said; lean not on your own understanding." "There you see people are too smart for their own good and for the one. Cursed people or people greatly deceived listen to their conscious mind thinking that is God. Too much knowledge or not the right knowledge can choke out your reserve mind and cause hyper affects." "And what is, prediction if not pride at what was and is, yes pride that is hype that is lack of respect for possible ends." "And inductive reasoning ruins needed communication; heads you to false relationships, gossip and false ways of detecting and investigating."
  • 20. 20 "People think they perceive like Georg Cantor did, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Godel, Alan Turing, Nikola Tesla, W.Churchill." "I have given reason why people are not to trust deductive reasoning exercises, and there you see why to watch out with respect to tentative hypothesis." "Perceptions are what people identify and recognize, or not. -Most ways people see are false perceptions. People know things exist but they are blinded to knowing the reality, or are guilty of not knowing the reality". "False science asks; How do we perceive?" "That misleads people to thinking there is a process. That is that false belief in reductionism, that fallacy way of thinking you can simplify to answer and become". "Why is there not perception process? There are great numbers of ways things will not and do not make sense, things that confuse, illusions, mistakes, full loss of time which was needed, things you cannot govern, and misdesigning that causes effects and affects that are misdesigning. And there are mysteries and secrets, and false riches and free choice." "That Gestalt concept is sleight complexity bias/prolix that acts as if it is heuristic, for knowing what the brain and eyes see" "Your magical fairy Gistalt Father" ; "The 'Gistalt principles are not principles. It is the art of leading you to be dumbed down." "That false concept is that the sum of parts is not greater than the whole". "If we think of that in terms of team-spirit, what that is saying is that you are a struct inside a false concept of giving". "Giving became more meaningful because we all gave. The more people that are at work to give the more dependent you are on that concept." "And by nature people believe they are the team, like a motor cycle rider thinks he is his motor cycle and he is that loud exhaust pipe after-burn sound." "Psychologists and false science says that Gistalt concept is perpetually primary, defining the parts it was composed of." "And really by that, system persons teach that where there is that synergy there is no sin." "That nonsense Gistalt concept heads to a delusion of cloud nine, that fantastic team-spirit. The truth is, there are parts greater than the whole." "And as Kirk said; the needs of the one outweigh the many." "It is not a surprise that concept headed to what is called Phenomenology, which is system led tours of whats falsely called awareness. Thats the playhouse of psychologists. Thats that false teaching that people cannot truly change til they accept who they really are. They falsely say, that otherwise genuine change is a paradox. In other words you are not to really learn to hate 'what' you are. Sociopaths, psychos and narcissists are to grow organically, like carrots or garden turnips. Phenomenology uses epoche, (suspending judgment), ways of recording heading people to face, without accusing and causing self incriminating. By that you can teach a demon possessed person to believe they can change a diaper or have a aim to. The matter is, that if in six steps you can turn a swine or snake into a sheep, then in a single step a swine or snake can disguise itself as a sheep." "Gistalt, said to have its roots in David Hume & Kant teaches that objects that appear similar are seen as a group or pattern to path, and objects that appear near objects are. Psychology wants you to think the concept shows the brain is striving for order, meaningfulness, completion, and part of a law of attraction and perceiving, helping your brain through knowledge of lines, distance, shapes and color." "That is a false answer to the great mystery of what is the nature of people." "If there were a process for perceiving, by nature principles for perception, - there would not be world-wide delusions; deceiving, unending lying, madnesses, mind control, brainwashing, global confusion, and a lust for every restart switch." "Your brain is not you trying to find you and help you. Your brain is you which is your enemy by nature. The brain must be led and to retesting!"
  • 21. 21 "There are things which are perception-constant to people, and yet they do not answer the need to perceive. They serve, but they do not answer the must need to perceive. They say there is 'the law of proximity for perception'. That is false and heads to drama. People do not want unity, they want advantages. And the fact that what is built appears to help people build, does not prove that leads people to know which are needs and wants. People by nature fail to understand or lose sight of that building is a way of destroying. And the mind is not searching for meaning through proximity. The mind is wanting knowledge. Maddest people appear as gods of grouping. We live in a time in which all is organized like never before yet that is of greatest madnesses. Madnesses appear meaningful. And grouping words for language is a greater and greater way of redesigning weapons of madness world-wide. They say there is 'the law of similarity that is for perception'. That is false. The mind covets and will do what is convenient. That does not prove that is a way the brain is working to understand worth and build relationships! The law of continuation is said to be about relationship, but following what continues is about self continuing. And people are not attracted to convexity, they do not want risk by concaves they are not tempted by. People do not want stableness and to be free from uncertainty. They want to preserve. They say there is 'the law of closure for perception'. That is false. People are not completing by nature what appears a thought a way from fitting, wanting completion. Their nature is to suppress and hide, and people that complete or close what they see are they that are of a nature that is foolishly entrapped." "Psychology is a false science, and perception process does not exist!" "People are 'given' what they need to perceive, and they lose or disrespect what they are given or taught, - or they do not! Perception is from being led, not from a process, and reality comes from thousands of self examinations." "And interdisciplinary concept cannot be a way out of the reality." "Scientists say the brain controls the body, yet they do not say the body also controls the brain. You seen what the body of a chicken does with its head cut off. That is not just last commands of the brain running through." "And architecture might not be designs for growing. Architecture might cause affects that are upping the brain with misdesigns that do not head to perception. Architecture can exploit and seduce, as can neuroscience for architecture." "And clear orientation can be like a lovely view for a lobster before he is put into a boiling pot, but patients need to see they not only have freedom and their needs within their reach, -they need to see they have armor within their minds." "& what is intellectual synthesis if not lapidary cutting false perceptions!" "And synoptic philosophy is a subjective title, for at the end of the day we must examine what people say is that wisdom they are zealing at". "And what is 'increased self awareness and conscious intent' -if not wasting all your time examining what a dog you are as an excuse to not do what you need to -to become a lamb! People are managing their accursed nature, like that system that is like a 6600 pound bunny rabbit that thinks God will give it a giant carrot in the end." "And there are great matters and issues with respect to linguistics". "Consequentialism is false perception as that is to say ends justify what was, which can be subjective, jumps to or fast forwards to what is subjective away from justly accounting and weighing what was". "Yes that (rule utilitarianism) is that false perception that contradicts itself by teaching people to not understand and believe in discerning and mercy." "Argument is false perception as that is to say you are right by ending doubt yet does not prove and reprove." "Altruism is false perception as that does not count self as being favoured above people which are worth less. That loses sight of needs and wants, and by that ends up calling wants needs and calling needs wants". "Existentialism is false perception as that is not mindfull of what is subjective and outs possible mystery, time, judgement."
  • 22. 22 "Dualism is false perception as that lends to blaming your body you are in, and lends to assuming your spirit will live on." "Functionalism is false perception as that confuses function with recording mechanisms, confuses how we do-with what can appear to be what we do, and confuses the need to know realities of past to present -with present." "False perceptions might appear at every turn." "See the summit insights within the teachings I author and you shall see proofs of false perceptions by generations of people world-wide." -Posted for S.G.C. The insights further expose a scandal, a conspiracy to label, brand, act out habeas corpus breaches, and abuse of process. See here what further "insights" Shawn Cullen has, and perfect sense he makes, you know, Mr. Cullen who four years later has good health, no thanks to Alberta Health persons; "They say they are in love, yet because they are (attracted) to a person; they say that person they are attracted to are not that guilty and fears appear to need compassion. Yes false love, that is delusioned by being 'attracted'!" Scientist Cullen teaches why false anger and crying wolf threatens ; "They that use anger to accuse or that cry wolf play with your brain alarm. We know that, cause with what appears danger there is not time to know who is right, not time to prove. That anger or cry leads to trapping citizens! That mad matter is exposed here by what I have written !" Scientist Shawn Cullen reveals that pride of mad people is (dis)assembled; "They that (want) to label others as being of pride, are their self carrying through (disassembled) pride, which is, a deceiving way of hiding mad pride. And any deceiving is disassembled madness, (like weapons that are disassembled do not appear as weapons). -And a citizen being falsely accused at every turn might boast as a boast uses the parietal occipital part of the brain to lessen stress on the thalamus to guard their prefrontal and cerebral cortex. There you see a scienced reason why one might boast." I teach on speeds of pride, speeds of heights and lengths of pride, designs of pride, pride of using the sound and act of a child to hide heights and weights of pride, pride of strength that is to compare your self to everyone and everything to remind of what you are by (sleights) of (wanting) others to fear you. Labeling me grandiose is obviously defamation and a exposed criminal scandal! Scientist Shawn Cullen warns that broken down brain function leads to flooding curiosity, that deceivers brand and to label ; "Hypocrites are people that are lying with respect to youth! Their perverting, built neuronal pathways, yet they accuse people which are only finding brain function after part of their brain design was broken down by false media. Accused people are like any walking through trees where there are not any pathways, not knowing what they are seeing because neuronal pathways are not designed, and not designed like the neuronal pathways of their accusers. In other words a number of accused people do not know what they are seeing, and damned hypocrites are accusing people as if the accused are designing evil neuronal pathways heading at youth. The truth is, accused people are heading through the trees not knowing what they are seeing ! Shawn told a citizen he is the world leading social scientist. That man said alright then define cigarrete smoking. Shawn quickly said; they that want to smoke cigarettes want pride to appear as natural as eating. That is why by their mouth they smoke. They that want pride to appear natural do not rightly hate pride and do not rightly love a meek and lowly spirit. DULL MINDED, COMMON, AND LACKS INSIGHT - OMG! THIS IS A MATTER OF ALBERTA'S JUDICIAL SYSTEM ACTING OUT HEATH- CARE FRAUD -FALSIFYING THE PERSONAL AND PRIVATE RECORDS OF SHAWN. THE PROVINCE IS GUILTY OF ATTACKING A CITIZEN BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO STOP HIM FROM REVEALING PARAMOUNT ANSWERS WHICH REVEAL AND EXPOSE!
  • 23. 23 ======================================================================================================= ======================================================================================================= ======================================================================================================= CLICK BELOW TO SEE A LATEST CONSPIRACY -REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED =You will see that although there has not been further false and insulting language for a month, that reddit thread, follows Shawn's posts, and what I see is persons running internet appear to be trying to misdesign ways people find Shawn Cullen's newest posts and post titles on the internet ! How do you answer to this Mr. Ronald Morin? *REDDIT SCANDAL EXPOSED * - Propaganda war … reddit-are-2bb2018fc9be HERE IS HOW THE PUBLIC CAN KNOW PERSONS INSULTING ON REDDIT ARE DECEIVERS, ARE HYPOCRITES CONSPIRING TO FALSE WITNESS AND CAUSE DISTRUST, AND OUT TO MISREPRESENT AND MADLY ACT AMISS AT SHAWN CULLEN = THEY ARE ACTING ON A GOOGLE TITLE HANDED OUT BY SHAWN CULLEN YET YET THEY DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT THE (HEARTHIS SHAWN CULLEN) TITLE LEADS TO. THEY DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE HIS SONGS, HIS NEWLY PRESENTED SUMMIT INSIGHT ON LUSTING, HIS PODCAST INTERVIEW, HIS LATEST (TWITTER) MEDIUM POSTS, HIS WORDS !!! THAT IS A DEAD GIVE-AWAY THAT piratebluebear and yaamen and nondescripthumanoid and BenignIntervention and psycho titled HappyKleenex _Sausage_fingers and Zefside_Zol and Edmonton_Canuck and asstyrant and MollyGirl and PrincessBubbleGummm and any persons that might follow their pattern of ignorant cursed insults ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED !!! Shawn says high numbers of persons accessing and playing in that material he was reporting for a decade are angry gollums !!! Hypocrites are exposed as we see that in a comment Clark said; “I’m not sure if I should, he has not done anything illegal”. That was to “act” honest, yet Shawn says that when he was face to face with him he felt a strange dark deceiving energy from him. And Shawn never gave a printed manifesto to any. Zefside lied! Edmonton_canuck is a deceiver =Shawn never told any about Ontario. Corrupt cops knew of Ontario yet Shawn did not communicate that with citizens. Notortoises is a deceiver that is caught. He acted as if he found a post on Shawn, yet that post was not from the (hearthis Shawn Cullen) (‘title’ that headed that reddit comment thread). Notortoises did not need to find a post. (Hearthis Shawn Cullen) would have led to every post! They that do not address, profess, yet they suppress, repress, obsess, do not confess, transgress by acting as if honest people are less, they do not bless, & with false press design careless laws to be a mess without due process, and they call that success, yes yes they possess and false witness, and this is not a guess!!! SGC – Shawn is sohh dull minded and lacking insight, NOT ! Here is what started by Clark’s reddit lies, BS, in 2019 after Shawn Cullen already was tortured and threatened by systematic terrorists for greater than three years to bury his free speech and sub-6 rights; SHAWN CULLEN WAS ABDUCTED AGAIN BY PERVERTS IN COP UNIFORMS!!! - LIES WERE BACKED UP BY FORCE !!! Hypocrites attacked truth bearer & Scientist Shawn Cullen using false insults, terms that are to defile what Shawn files. Shawn told me that accusing is a way of concealing what you are. That way you act as if you are fit to address. Shawn said hypocrites act as evil authors! Shawn says any like Mr.Clark that post ignorant and insulting comments about him are defilers at work to defile what Shawn justly and soundly filed and files. I told Shawn he was referred to as a dude. Shawn says he is not a dude. Shawn says that term is not disambiguation with respect to who he is. His teachings and words are not ambiguity. His words are crystal clear. Shawn is the one with the answers to questions. A strange hyper legal aid man Ernie B. that was pushed on Shawn to speak for his bail, told Shawn of a reddit comment. Shawn told me that legal aid man deceived because he did tell
  • 24. 24 Shawn Cullen that what was on reddit was by Clark. Ernie ‘acted’ otherwise! Shawn said that ‘deceivers’ on reddit used “lawless” insults. - My good friend Mr. Cullen is not aware of this new post which I might tell him of at a secure time; While none stand to speak for Shawn they treacherously state that he might be pretending to post and write for him self! Hmm… One thing is for certain, Shawn Cullen does not have any imaginary friends, tulpas, paracosm, and his words are not fiction, nor are his words persecutory delusions!!! Shawn said that being a leading investigator and leading witness of ten years he is able to say to the people of Edmonton and Canada that without a sleightest doubt child abusers, persons that rape and murder and torture children, call others skinners and pdfiles, to act out propaganda warfare to stop any that work to expose! Here is what bad seed Clark caused; Shawn gave a copy of this to your office before that Oct. 4 2019 appeal opinion Sir!!! Shawn spent hours at my place writing this. He said he cannot ask me to post anything otherwise his life will not be secure. This is not like Shawn to say such a thing. I am not posting this on his behalf. I see his life is in danger. Without his knowledge I am taking the liberty to make this public. I was give his email and web data month ago. Perhaps because of abuse his handwriting is poorly legible so I am type what he spent hours at my place to write. Shawn even gave recordings he did not use because he said they are drafts. Here is what Shawn wrote; Joseph as you asked me to put in writing. I was abducted by police on Sept 9 2019. They came to my room number at Dwayne’s Home. At me, a writer and summit author, one who nurses injured or ill street pigeons, they pointed a number of gun like weapons at my head. They claimed I breached a bail condition. You know, conditions that I have proven, are unlawfully madly forced on me. July 2019 after court in a number of ways I was provoked into doing a quick campaign to give security to my life. As you know I had you and a few people help with what I needed. Cops claimed I talked to a Mr. Clark which breached a condition. As you know I have posts which prove I do not advocate for pdfilia and I am a scientist who has summit answers to questions, which Freud and centuries of philosophers were not able to arrive at understanding. Joseph as you recorded in August 2019 (edited), I gave revelations on lusting, insights which reveal and expose what people think and are attracted to! My summit insights weigh in on National security, public safety, the administration of justice, education, health and science world-wide!!! On Sept 9th 2019 I was abducted by police. I was brought to the downtown police headquarters. A cop instantly began using labeling language. I said to him; I am not as you suggest. I am a leading social scientist and I am able to define the nature of anything. The cop to the left said; alright then define aroused. I then said I have not been asked that before, but alright. I then said; aroused is to be effected in a way which causes you to lose capacity to resist a temptation. The officer then of sleight inhaled a sense of surprise and he said; I think that is the best definition I have ever heard. I was then told to follow him to be processed. Verily I Shawn Gordon Cullen of a sound mind am saying this is the full truth and not anything other than the truth, so help me God!!! I spoke to a creepy duty counsel lawyer named Ernie Buncle who dared suggested I did not have any rights and suggested that I would not get bail because my internet posts are too truthfull. I saw a (selected) Justice of the peace and said I did not want that strange legal aid duty lawyer. I said I wanted to represent myself for bail. That JP tried to persuade me not to. I said I want to. He then spoke to over-ride what I said. He said I think we will wait for your other lawyer Ronald Morin. That violated my Charter rights! The Crown prosecutor said he did not feel comfortable with that because the record would show I already asked to represent myself! That JP said he would adjourn til later that day. (organized crime in our prosecutors office?) They got rid of that crown prosecutor. I saw a different crown prosecutor with a JP. That crown suggested to deny bail. I said; “this is another corrupt crown prosecutor that wants to lock me away so I am trapped by habeas corpus breaches”. Word for word I said to that JP and Crown; “this is propaganda”.