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Dear Stakeholders,                                                Our Service Commitment

     On behalf of the Management Committee of Shan You                 We are committed to training and developing our staff
     Counselling Centre, I am pleased to present our 17th              in order to serve our service users better. Our actions
     annual      report    for    the    financial  period             are based on our core values and the best possible
     ended 31 March 2012 (FY11/12).                                    outcomes for our programmes. Our standard operating
                                                                       procedures (SOP) and overall service capabilities are reviewed
     Looking back, economic conditions in 2011 were                    periodically to improve our services. We will stay
     subdued and created considerable uncertainty and weak             connected with the community to respond
     demand. However, demand for social services                       to the needs of our service users.
     remained high. We experienced a high level of inflation and
     although our total operating expenses increased by 4              Future Direction
     percent, which is below inflation rate in 2011, total manpower
     expenses saw a 15 percent increase.                               One trend that was highlighted in the general
                                                                       elections held in 2011 was the recognition of the growing
     We made progress with our plans to make mindfulness-
                                                                       inequalities in income and wealth, and growing
     based approaches as widely available as possible. You
                                                                       concerns        with    quality-of-life   issues.      These
     may recall our collaboration with Oxford Mindfulness
                                                                       challenges were subsequently addressed in Budget 2012 with
     Centre (OMC) in FY2010/11. 2011 saw increased
                                                                       increased spending to address social issues. We will tap
     activities in our mindfulness programmes such as
     mindfulness workshops for the public in April 2011,               on these funds to introduce new initiatives to meet
     July 2011 and February 2012; and Mindfulness-Based                community-based care services. Our vision for Shan You
     Cognitive Therapy (MCBT) retreat in May 2011. I look              to become a “hub” for mindfulness is the centerpiece
     forward with enthusiasm to even greater progress next year.       of our 5-year strategy. We will work closely with OMC
                                                                       to consolidate, deepen and extend the core mindfulness
     Clinical Service                                                  skills. Trainers from OMC will be invited to facilitate more
                                                                       professional training workshops and public talks. Through
     Clinical service remains as our core service. We engage and       our programmes, we will introduce the benefits and promote
     support those with mental health issues as well as those          the practice of mindfulness to the Singapore community.
     with interpersonal relationship issues through our counseling
     service. We promote and improve mental health awareness           In Closing
     though public talks and seminars, and media resources.
     With the support of our clinical supervisors and advisors,        In 2011, our fund-raising efforts did not yield the
     our team of qualified psychologists and counsellors has been      corresponding results expected. Nevertheless, we
     able to deliver a consistent level of service to our clients.     are deeply grateful for the generous support we did
                                                                       receive from NCSS and you, our stakeholder. You have
     Social Service: Community Outreach
                                                                       always believed in us and supported our clinical and social
     The Food Rations programme has been one of our ways               programmes with your time, effort and funds.
     of engaging the community directly. Every month we                As in the past years, a section in our Annual
     provide this service to about 300 families. The majority of the   Report has been set aside to express our gratitude
     recipients are low-income families and elderly                    to each and everyone for your unwavering support.
     who have little or no social support.
                                                                       On behalf of the Management Committee, I wish to
     Wellness Community, a community wellness centre,                  express my appreciation and thanks to our Clinical
     expanded its activities to engage the elderly and the young       Advisors for your professional guidance; to our
     in the community through social activities, events and            service users for having faith in us and giving us
     outings to strengthen intergenerational bonds. The objective is   the opportunity to serve you; to our staff for your
     to promote active ageing and ensure our silver citizens remain    dedication, exceptional teamwork and for helping us
     mentally and physically active as well as socially engaged.       achieve our objectives; and to my fellow committee
                                                                       members, thank you for your support and encouragement.
     Our “Noble Ambassador” programme has completed the
     skills training phase and the ambassadors will be deployed        Jenny Quek
     to meet the care needs of the elderly,                            President
     the lonely, the sick and the terminally ill.
各方善长仁翁:                                       问题成为重点!今年国家的财政报告中,政府也
                                              承诺将拨更多的资金以改善上述社会问题 。“善
本人仅代表“善友辅导中心”理事会向各界善心人                        友”将尽力争取这些资金,以办更多的新项目来配
士汇报第十七届(2011/2012 )财政年度之常年报                   合社区的需求。希望五年内办成 “正念中心”。我
告。                                            们将与“牛津正念中心”(OMC)紧密合作,加强
回顾去年,面对种种不明朗的因素,经济增长疲                         中心”(OMC)的培训员到本地为我们开办更多的
弱;然而国人对社会福利的需求仍然高居不下。「                        专业培训工作坊和公共讲座。希望通过活动,把“
善友」的总开销比上一个财政年增加了四成。虽然                        正念”的好处及练习法推广给我国的社群。
开销却增加了一成五。                                    总结

为推广「正念」活动,我们与“牛津正念中心”                         去年,我们未能达到预定的筹款目标。虽然如此,
(Oxford Mindfulness Centre, OMC) 合办「正念认知      我们仍衷心得感谢新加坡社会福利理事会 (National
治疗工作坊」 (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy   Council of Social Service, NCSS)和您的慷慨支持!您
Retreat),我们自己也办了三场的「正念工作坊」。                   所付出的时间、精神和金钱就是对我们的信任与支
希望下一个财政年有更多的相关项目,让更多人受                        持!一如既往,特此向每一位的赞助者和义工表示
惠。                                            无尽的感谢!

临床心理服务                                        本人也代表理事会衷心的感谢我们的顾问团给与的
专业心理辅导与咨询仍然是我们的核心。为心理健                        们有机会为您服务;感谢员工们的努力和团队精
康及人际关系有问题的个案提供专业心理辅导与                         神,让“善友”可以达到目标。最後,感谢理事会
咨询服务。开办讲座、座谈会;通过传播媒介为桥                        的成员们给与的支持与鼓励!
和辅导员都达到了专业表现并为个案咨询者提供了                        Jenny Quek



需求 的长者、病患和末期病患提供服务。




We recognise and are very grateful to the following donors of their generous contributions during the period of April
2011 to March 2012 without whom we will not be able to deliver our services and community outreach programmes.
Thank You!

Adam Wong                               Evergreen Buddhist                        Lau Siew Lan
Amala Chew Soo Chuah                    Culture Service Pte Ltd                   Laura Ng
Ang Choon Pioh                          Foo Joon Pang                             Lee Annie
Ang Kheng Choo                          Foy Os Octavia Angilit                    Lee Bee Hong
Ang Meng Cheat, Melvin                  Ganthimathi D/O Viswanathan               Lee Boon Siong
Ang Seong Leong                         Go Wok Tiam                               Lee Chee Beng
Ang Siew See                            Goh Chui Lin                              Lee Cheun Hooi Christina
Antara Koh Pte Ltd                      Goh Chun Keong                            Lee Foundation
Ben Chia                                Goh Chwee Hong                            Lee Gek Ling
Cha Hue Peng                            Goh Gnak Pheng                            Lee Hwee Meng
Chan Chay Gek                           Goh Kiat Ling                             Lee Kai Haein
Chan Jee Beng                           Goh Pooi Kian                             Lee Kim Tah Foundation
Chan Sheng Poh, Adrian                  Goh Sing Hui                              Lee King Ling
Chang Ah Moi                            Goh Sing Hwei                             Lee Lay Har, Phyllis
Chang Chiz Hau                          Goh Wee Choon                             Lee Soo Min, Evelyn
Chang Keng Wah                          Goh Yong Luang                            Lee Teng Yong
Chemical And Machinery Pte Ltd          Goh Yong Sheng                            Lee Teng Yong
Cheng Beng Buddhist Society             Gwee Bah Lee                              Lee Wee Koon, Eddy
Cheng Hong Siang Tng                    Heo Hui Chin                              Lee Wei Cheng
Chew Chen Xin                           Hia Nui Tian                              Leow Jian Quan
Chew Teck Soon                          Hia Yeow Hong                             Leow Kiat Peng
Chew Xian Long, Jermaine                Hiu Ay Tying                              Lewn Mei Kin, Christine
Chew Yi Rong, Zenzel                    Ho Chai Ling                              Li King
Chia Yeo Kheng                          Ho Kwai Keong                             Liaw Tiong That
Chin Joon Fook                          Ho Swee Meng                              Liew Hon Vooi
Chin Lee Vine                           Hong Leong Foundation                     Liew Lee Sing
Chin Yeen Vine                          Hoon Sim Hui                              Liew Wen Hwee
Chng Hwee Hong                          Hui Chook Yee                             Liew Zhi Yan, Mabel
Choa Wee Keong                          Intercontinental Communications           Lim Ah Swan
Chong Fui Feung                         Pte Ltd                                   Lim Bee Kien
Chong Hean Shun                         Kee lay Hiong, Janet                      Lim Cheah Ngor
Choo Choong Huat                        Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd                  Lim Chee Kiang
Choo Hong Eng                           Khoo GL Eileen                            Lim Chi Bin
Chow Sew Yew                            Khoo Ket Mui                              Lim Fui Nee
Chow Yew Sun                            Kim Heng Automotive Pte Ltd               Lim Gek Siang
Chua Peck Kee                           Koh Hiang Noi                             Lim Keng Tye, John
Chua Siew Siew                          Koh Hui Liak                              Lim Khoon Cheow
Chung Shi Wei, Cindy                    Koh Mui Kiah                              Lim Kim Choo
Claudia Karolina Hofmaier               Koh Sin Ping, Adrian                      Lim Kok Kiang
David Kong                              Koh Wee Chau                              Lim Kok Wee
Ding Ming Huah                          Kow Hwee Mei                              Lim Mui Hoon
Ee Poh Siong                            Kwai Cheng Huang                          Lim Nee Nee
Elarine Ang                             Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple             Lim Phaik Hoon
Elfin Lim Boon Swee                     Kwok Lee Kuen                             Lim Poh Hoon
Eng Siew                                Lai Hoon Lee                              Lim Poh How, David
Eni Wongso                              Lai Sock Har                              Lim Poh Noi
Eric Chua                               Lai Swee Leng                             Lim Sen Happy
Evelyn Lee Soo Min                      Lau Shook Fong                            Lim Sen Yuen
Lim Soo Ing                        Phua Poie Hone                     Tan Swee Lim
     Lim Soon Kiat                      Poo Chooi Ping                     Tan Tiong Hwee
     Lin Tian Xin                       Poon Tai Weng                      Tan Wee Leong
     Ling Meng Siong                    Pua Hwee Leng                      Tan Yen Hui
     Lo Liang                           Puat Jit Buddhist Temple           Tang Choy Fong
     Loh Lee Yin Janet                  Quah Keng Sean                     Tang Poh Ing
     Loh Yen Lee                        Quak Chye Soon (Deceased)          Tang Soei Lan
     Low Joo Hong                       Quek Huey Ming                     Tay Ai Tin
     Low Kum Cheong                     Quek Pee Ngern                     Tay Chiew Har, Katherine
     Low Li Kiong                       Quek Pek Noi                       Tay Lee Hoon
     Low Wai Ming                       Quek Siew Boon, Shirley            Tay Sai Hua
     Low Yen Yen                        Quek Siew Lay                      Tay Sen Ai
     Loyang Tua Pek Kong                Samuel Tay Hai Seng                Tay Tiak Poh
     Lui Hwee Boon                      Se Bee Lay                         Teng Chia Yang
     Mah Yoke Sim                       Sea Soo Kim                        Teng Kwai Fun, Janice
     Mangala Vihara (Buddhist Temple)   Seah Lee Kiang                     Teo Boon Kwang
     Mary Edmonds Xue Ying              See Soo Huay                       Teo Chor Leng
     Mdm Leng                           Seetoh Mei Cheng                   Teo Hui Kuan
     Mecredo Privated Limited           Seow Cheng Geok                    Teo Lay Swee, Irene
     Mellford Pte Ltd                   Sherry Tay Seok Hong               Tho Geok Kiow
     Metropolitan Corporate             Sim Gay Khim                       Thong Jian Jen
     Services LLP                       Sim Geok Hoon, Nita                Tng Choon Huat, James
     Michelle Mok Sau Seong             Sim Hak Khiang                     Toh Bee Eng
     Mr & Mrs Lee                       Sim Soo Hoon, Eunice               Toh Boon Geok, Lynne
     Mr Lim                             Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission   Toh Chor Kheng, Jenny
     Muliadi tirtakurnia                Singapore Press Holdings           Utraco Pte Ltd
     Mun Cheong Yue                     Foundation Limited                 Valerie Chua
     Ng Ai Tee Cheryl                   Soh Keng Shun                      Wang Li Xia
     Ng Bee Geok                        Soh Keng Yew                       Wee Koh Sian
     Ng Bee Keow                        Soo Siew Zheng                     Wee Tye Chuen
     Ng Eng Khai                        Sumarlin                           Wenz Brows And Lip Boutique Pte Ltd
     Ng Gek Heoh                        Sung Sio Ma                        Wong Cheng Yong
     Ng Lay Eng                         Tai Pei Yuen Temple                Wong Chin Nai
     Ng Lay Mui                         Tan Chee Ming, William             Wong Choon Kew
     Ng Seow Kin                        Tan Chew Hoe                       Wong Mee Yin
     Ng Siew Yun                        Tan Chiew Koon                     Wong Weng Fai
     Ng Wai Chun                        Tan Ching Song                     Wong Yoon Hsie
     Ng Yee Kong                        Tan Chung Pheng                    Wong YY Emily
     Nora Yong Sze Chee                 Tan Ean Kiam Foundation            World Arts & Crafts Pte Ltd
     Ong Ai Lian                        Tan Guat Eng                       Xin Qi Hang Engineering Works
     Ong Aik Leng                       Tan Haikang                        Yap Gin Thiam
     Ong Boon Han                       Tan Hiang Tiang                    Yee Mei Lin
     Ong Lee Eng                        Tan Hock Chye                      Yeh Chien Ee
     Ong Leng Hong                      Tan Jwee Boo & Family              Yeo Chiat Wei
     Ong Pee Eng                        Tan Kim Choo, Selina               Yeo Guat Chiew
     Ong Seh Hong                       Tan Lay Hoon                       Yeo Hui Zhen
     Ong Siew Choo                      Tan Lian Eng                       Yeo Joon Tiang
     Ong Siew Hua Audrey                Tan Peng Chan                      Yeo Kwang Seng
     Ong Sok Kee                        Tan Phuay Miang                    Yeo Yam How
     Pan Sin Fong Oliver                Tan Poh Hoon                       Yew Boon Heng
     Pang Sze Ing                       Tan See Puay                       Yim Kok Hing
     Peck Wee Boon                      Tan Seet Koh                       Young Kuan Sing
     Peh Kok Heng                       Tan Sen Ai                         Yow Yin Chee
     Pey Huey Shan                      Tan Siew Inn                       Yueh Shuek Siah
     Phang Seau Pin                     Tan Soo Miang
We recognise and are very grateful to the following volunteers for their devotion and immeasurable contribution of time
and effort during the period April 2011 to March 2012. Thank You!

Abdul Wahid                             Chew Bee Hoon, Peggy                     Chua Ling Li, Pauline
Ang Boon Hock                           Chew Choon Eng                           Chua Ai Li, Elaine
Ang Choon                               Chi Heather                              Chua Meng Chai
Ang Elarine                             Chia Cheng Ho, Freddy                    Chua Peh Yee
Ang Evelyn                              Chia Guek Neo, Corrine                   Chua Seok Wah
Ang Eng Ban
                                        Chia Lilian                              Chua Siew Tin, Ginny
Ang Hong Lian, James
Ang Hui Gek, Diana                      Chia Mui Choon, Kelvin                   Chua Soon Tiong
Ang Hui Sze, Serene                     Chia Pek Kiang                           Chua Yat Hong, Lina
Ang Joyce                               Chia Poi Mui                             Chua Yong Hock
Ang Lay Eng                             Chia Winnie                              Chuah Qiu Jin, Jessica
Ang Lian, Brenda                        Chia Yoke Lin                            Chung Cindy
Ang Na Suan, Esther                     Chiam Tracy                              Chung Fun Seng
Ang Seng Leong                          Chiew Chin Yee Christine                 (Ciin Ciin ) Theu Ngaih Vung
Ang Siew Ting                           Chin Lee Huang                           Di Xiaoyu
Ang Toh Seng                            Chin Chuan Cheong                        Damien Lee
Ang Xin Yi, Michelle                    Chin Foong Mui, Susan                    Du Zhenglin
Bak Fook Wai, Patrick
                                        Chin Maya                                Ee Chin Seng
Boh Tuang Lee
Bong Soon Yuen                          Chin Yi Hui                              Eng Pingni
Boon Kok Heng                           Ching Jim                                Eng Shao Wei
Cha Jane                                Chng Geok Moi, May                       Eni Wong So
Chan April                              Chng Hwee Hong                           Florence Ho
Chai Soo Kian                           Chng Teck Lam                            Fong Ah Chan
Chan Chia Chi, Veronica                 Chng Lay Kuan, Karen                     Fong Yoke Wah
Chan April                              Chng Suan Lian, June                     Foo Chin Choo
Chan Hoon Seah, Jess                    Chng Yeow Khim                           Foo Jeffrey
Chan Hui San, Vanessa                   Choh Ah Fah, Cindy                       Foo Ngiat Thei
Chan Kim Kong                           Choo Chih Wei                            Foo Yee Ling
Chan Kim Sian
                                        Chong Chew Ling, Alan                    Gan Che Soon, Joe Joseph
Chan Ko Meng
Chan Miew Chun, Jann                    Chong Oei Ping, Stacy                    Gan Nina
Chan Say Piu, Rhonny                    Chong Wei Chiang                         Gan Wen Qian, Sheena
Chan Xin Hui                            Choo Lin                                 Ganthi Viswanathan
Chan Yong Jie                           Choo Siew Hong                           George Louise
Chan Zhengfen, Pauline                  Choo Yuen Teng                           Ghista Dhanjoo
Chang Han Wen, John                     Choong Siok Fang, Iris                   Gian Khia Lay
Chang Ling Seow                         Chow Choy Yeen, Pearline                 GIC School
Chang Siew Wah (Sing Wah)               Chow Hoon Meng                           Goh An Kee
Chee Kwan Siew, Alice                   Chow Hui Xuan                            Goh An Peng
Chee Pheng Pheng                        Chow Jia Yi                              Goh Beng Chia, Patrick
Chee Veron
                                        Chow Shirley                             Goh Chok Chia
Chen Yee Sing
Chen Chun Fu                            Chow Tak Wen, Nicholas                   Goh Chui Lin
Chen Jing Yi, Catherine                 Chow Wan Ting                            Goh Evelyn
Chen Yoon Kamp, Cindy                   Chow Yew Sun                             Goh Gek Lang
Cheng LiMing, Joanne                    Chu Chantel                              Goh Gnak Pheng Stephen
Cheong You Chin                         Chu Mei Huei                             Goh Gwendolin
Chew Ai Juan                            Chu Stephanie                            Goh Heow Hong, Hazel
Chew Li Li                              Chua Boon Chien                          Goh Joo Kee
Chew Poh Beng                           Chua Boon Tee, Wendy                     Goh Karen
Chew Xian Long, Jermaine                Chua Hwee Cheng                          Goh Kim Buay
Chew Yi Rong, Zenzel                    Chua Kim Long                            Goh Kui Hong
Goh Kwang Meng, Steven    Kevin Tee                 Lee Joseph
     Goh Pei Ling, Cecilia     Kho Pei Yan, Ashley       Lee Joan
     Goh Pey Shyan Karyn       Khoo Bee Choo, Janis      Lee Kok Meng, David
     Goh Sai Huay, Lynn        Khoo Chwee Tin            Lee Kok Yan
     Goh Siew Hiok             Khoo Sin Hin, Ricky       Lee Lay Har
     Goh Pooi Kian             Koh Ah Luan, Maria        Lee Kai Sze
     Goh Sing Hui              Koh Hwi Lin, Sharon       Lee Kelvin
     Goh Sing Pheng, Angie     Koh Huai Fang, Jessie     Lee King Ling
     Goh Soon Hee              Koh Guat Hua              Lee Lee Khoon, Serene
     Goh Swee Wah              Koh Poh Lin               Lee May Ling, Karen
     Goh Wai Kit               Koh Ling Ting             Lee Moi Yin, Janet
     Goh Wee Beng              Koh Shan Hui, Laura       Lee Pei Ling, Marilyn
     Goh Wei Ling, Lynne       Koh Sin Ping, Adrian      Lee Philip
     Goh Wei Ying, Lydia       Koh Sock Whee             Lee Quee Yen, Agnes
     Goi Kim Choo, Irene       Koh Sok Hoon, Doris       Lee Raymond
     Gwee Noon Sim, Henry      Koh Yeow Hwee             Lee Rachel
     Gwee Li Choo              Kok Lai Chun              Lee Sharon
     Han Pei Wen               Kok Weng Keong, Kevin     Lee Seng Eder
     Heng Choon Kim            Kong Poi Peng, Lilian     Lee Sau Hwa
     Heng Meow Ling, Shane     Koo Pau Tean              Lee Siew Nah, Stephanie
     Heng Irene                Ku Choo Yong, Manfred     Lee Sin Fatt
     Heng Jessie               Kuan Janice               Lee Soo Hong, Sally
     Heng Teow Koon, Andy      Kwan Kah Kit              Lee Suan Wan, Robert
     Heng Kiang Khoon          Kwan Kwok Mui             Lee Susan
     Heng Puay Oon             Kwee Soon Kiat, Benny     Lee Sharon
     Herlina Tony              Kwek Lee Choon            Lee Sui Fung
     Ho Geok Eng               Kwek Mary                 Lee Swee Ngoh
     Ho Bernard                Lai Sock Har              Lee Ting Ting
     Ho Donald                 Lai Swee Kam Anikka       Lee Wan Yuen, Joanne
     Ho Huey Lih               Lai Swee Leng             Lee Wee Chuang
     Ho Li Ping, Joyce         Lai Wei Hong, Ernest      Lee Wei Cheng
     Ho Mei Yoke, Helen        Lam Man Kit               Lee Wen Wei
     Ho Soo Pong               Lam Wai Mun, Wally        Lee Will
     Ho Sook Hwa               Lau Ah Nee                Lee WIlliam
     Ho Yoke Chang, Sally      Lau Bo Chu, Janet         Lee Zhi Qiang
     Ho Yoong Chan Desmond     Lau Aaron                 Leow Hwee Yen, Regina
     Hoe Shawn                 Lau Hoi Yee, Jaszmine     Liew Chin Keow, Yvonne
     Hong Siew Ngor            Lau Jui Fang              Liew Choi Pheng
     Hoo Pak Wai, Francis      Lau Ying Wen              Lim Angie
     Hoo Siew Heng             Lauw Ngo Eng              Lim Ah Mui, Sharon
     Hooy Roland               Law Chiu Hoon, Michelle   Lim Bak Chuan, Desmond
     How Kam Chiew             Lean Siew Hong            Lim Bee Hock, Paul
     Hsieh Pang Fang           Lee Ah Lek                Lim Chau Lee
     Hsu Chwee Yuan            Lee Bee Hong, Susan       Lim Chii Bin
     Hu Jing                   Lee Bee Kee, Erica        Lim Catherine Tan Keat Tin
     Hu Xia                    Lee Bee Kheng, June       Lim Cheng Ngoh, Eileen
     Huang Shiu Yu             Lee Benny                 Lim Choo Hong, Lorraine
     Huang Mei Jing            Lee Boon Teck, Freddy     Lim Chong Sin, Kelvin
     Huang Yong Yi, Jason      Lee Cheng Soon            Lim Chor Huah
     Huang Zhao Ming           Lee Choon Gek             Lim Chun Heng
     Hwang Geok Lan, Natalie   Lee Chuan Khim, Kelvin    Lim Cindy
     Jiang Wen Cong            Lee Chung Seng            Lim Esther
     James Ng                  Lee Eng Chuan             Lim Flora
     Kam Pei Shya              Lee Eng Heng              Lim Gek Huang
     Kam Shuh Shya             Lee Geng Yu               Lim Geok Hong, Shirley
Lim Gkik Cheng, Alice    Low Theem Fi              Ong Beng Hui, Glenn
Lim Hsueh Lee            Low Wen Qi, Nicole        Ong Yuxia
Lim Hwee Leng, Jasmin    Low Xiu Hui               Ong Mui Eng
Lim Jocelyn              Low Yee Jin, Andy         Ong Cheng
Lim Kah Heah, Mary       Loy Boon Yin, Annis       Ong Cheng Cheng
Lim Kaw Mui              Lu Jiayan                 Ong Choon Lian
Lim Keng Thye            Lum Wai Mun               Ong Joo Lay, Judy
Lim Khoon Cheow          Lye Meng Kwen, Sally      Ong Kok Heng, Ivan
Lim Kim Eng Vivien       Mah Ah Woon, Laurence     Ong Lay Tin
Lim Kit Siang            Mah Serene                Ong Lee Lee
Lim Lee Sang             Mah How Gek, Belinda      Ong Si Ting, Celeste
Lim Linda                Mak Fang Hua              Ong Siew Ling
Lim May Poh, Mabel       Myo Myint Han             Ong Siying
Lim Meng Kwang           Na Hwee Min, Daron        Ong Sok Kee, Betty
Lim Mui Hoon, Jenny      Nah Tia Cho, Ivy          Ong Wang Sing, Andy
Lim Oh Hong              nEbO Club                 Ong Yed Deed
Lim Bee Hock, Paul       Neo Beng Choo             Oo An Ngit, Karen
Lim Pei Yee, Erin        Neo Sea King              Or Germaine
Lim Roger                Neo Zijin, Angel          Ow Yang Wai Chue, Agnes
Lim Say Tin              Neoh Peter                Pang Chin Ching
Lim Serene               New Chin Chin, Karen      Pang Elicia
Lim Shili                Ng Aik Yong               Pang Kok Wee, David
Lim Shin Wei             Ng Peng Hor               Patrick Aaron Seng
Lim Siew Khim            Ng Shiang Huey, Jannies   Pioneer Junior College
Lim WJ Bezner            Ng Soon Kuan              Phua Siang Hong, Nelly
Lim Yi Ching             Ng Bee Keow, Angie        Png Hui Ying, Christina
Lim Yu Xuan, Joanne      Ng Bee Phuay              Poh Bee Bee
Lim Zi Wei               Ng Charles                Poh Yeang Yeang
Lin Zhan Lian            Ng Chiew Guek             Poon Gek Nooi
Ling Bee Hong, Mabel     Ng Chee Keow              Poon Poh Wan
Loh Ah Hiang, Michelle   Ng Cythnia                Pua Long Trading & Co
Loh Audrey               Ng Eng Mooi, Angie        Quay Lay Peng, Jennifer
Loh Kay Lok, Darrin      Ng Irene                  Quah Poh Kim, Cecilia
Loh Lai Lin              Ng Jason                  Quek Chin Chin, Janet
Loh Lee Theng            Ng Jenny                  Quek Geok Keng
Loh Lee Yin              Ng Joe                    Quek Mei Bei Jasmine
Loh Patrick              Ng John                   Quek Mei Ting Jaime
Loh Wai Yuen             Ng Joo Leng               Quek Nguan Hoon Peggy
Long Poh Seng            Ng Kia Seah, Florence     Quek Poh Choo
Loo Swee Min             Ng Lee Pin                Quek Poh Choo, Ivy
Loo Thiam Chyn, Johnny   Ng Liew Haun, Wendy       Quek Siew Leng, Wendy
Lok Chia Meei            Ng May                    Quek Weng Chiew
Low Geok Suan            Ng Siew Seng, Stanley     Richard Kwai
Low Kah Eng              Ng Sock Cheng             Seluasundram.N Sundram
Low Karen                Ng Tian Tsong             Seo Ricky
Low Kim Eng              Ng Xi Ying                Seow Ah Kim, Jane
Low Kwong Meng, Lance    Ng Yong Hao, Rico         Seow Choon Kok, Colin
Low Kum Cheong           Ng Yueh Lee               Seow Esther
Low Mew Ngan             Ngeow Clare               Seow Ah Kim
Low Moon Chee, Jack      Nyang Poh Chin            Seow Kim Tiang
Low Pak Kheong, Jason    Oh Chin Bong, Jeffrey     Seow Zi Jie, Samuel
Low Ping Ping            Ong Bo Lock               Setoh Wai Tuck
Low Seok Tee, Andy       Ong Ming Ying             Shen Shiyun, Petrina
Low Siew Fong            Ong Siew Choo             Shaun Goh
Low Soo Noi              Ong Audrew                Siah Chong Loon
Sim Chee Boon                  Tan Kut Hong, Simon             Tay Ivan
     Sim Geok Hoon, Nita            Tan Lay Har                     Tay Kai Shin
     Sim Hong Guan                  Tan Lay Hua, Catherine          Tay Kok Peng, Jason
     Sim Huei Luan                  Tan Lay Nah, Evelyn             Tay Lay Eng
     Sim Poh San                    Tan Lee Yong, Lydia             Tay Sin Hwa
     Sim Robert                     Tan Mei Qi, Joyce               Tey Xi Yi
     Sim Siew Ching                 Tan Miao Chan, Rachel           Tay Yi Xin
     Sim Soon Khin, Vivien          Tan Puay Khai                   Temasek Polytechnic, School of
     Sing Kar Joo, Lily             Tan Peng Guek, Cynthia          Engineering, L.I.F.E Committee
     Sing Wee Cheng, Wendy          Tan Poh Gek                     Teng Ziqian, Andric
     Siow Chang Chang               Tan Poh Hoon Phern, Priscilla   Teng Ah Hong
     Siow Gek Hong, Ivy             Tan Lay Kuan                    Teng Bee Lian, Jacqueline
     Siti RoHana                    Tan Shi Hao                     Teng Chia Yan, Sharon
     Sng Peck Choo                  Tan Shi Jie                     Teng Lay Heng
     Sng Li Hwei                    Tan Shimin                      Teo Swee Kiat
     Sng Li Loo                     Tan Siak Huat                   Teo Wee Li, Vivienne
     Sng Swee Keat                  Tan Siew Choo                   Teo Ah Lek
     So Siong Teng                  Tan Sock Tiang, Jenny           Teo Ai Lin, Irene
     Soh Amanda                     Tan Sok Kiang                   Teo Beng Ngo, Alvin
     Soh Kok Hui                    Tan Song Kai                    Teo Cher Hoon, Grace
     Soh Poh Peng, Charlie          Tan Soon Kuan, Welson           Teo Chai Ying
     Soh Jun Lin, Terrence          Tan Suan Jong                   Teo Chor Leng
     Song Hua Lin, Grace            Tan Swee Cheng, Judy            Teo Hong Mui (Zheng Xue Jia)
     Soo Celeste                    Tan Swee Tian, Linus            Teo Jia Wen
     Soo Chia Yeow                  Tan Teng Luck, Eric             Teo Kek Lee, David
     Soong Ah Meng                  Tan Ting Fang                   Teo Lee Pin, Sharon
     Soong Kok Thong                Tan Tiong Sing, Alan            Teo Jian Hao, Leonard
     Sum Chow Yin, Annie            Tan Trevor                      Teo Siew Lian
     Sumathi Kappusamy Katherine    Tan Twee Kong, Simon            Teo Siew May
     Sung Wong Chiang, Alex         Tan Wan Chi, Emily              Teo Wee Peng, Joseph
     Sumarlin                       Tan Wee Meng, Phil              Tey Bee Hoon Kelly
     Symrise Asia Pacific Pte Ltd   Tan Wee Teck, Kelvin            Thng Sor Tin, Angie
     Tan Ah Hee, Raymond            Tan Wei Jie                     Thong Margaret
     Tan Annieda                    Tan Wen Yan                     Thoo Moi Seng
     Tan Bee Ai, Polly              Tan Wing Ming                   Thoo Lee Fong
     Tan Bee Luan, Irene            Tan Xiang Ji, Cindy             Tng Sge Kim, Doris
     Tan Bee Po                     Tan Xing Zhong, Benny           Toh Chor Kheng, Jenny
     Tan Boon Kiat, Jordan          Tan Yan Li, Lena                Toh Pau Chu
     Tan Chee Yin                   Tan Yen Tien, Dawn              Toh Xiu Hui
     Tan Chee Kian                  Tan Yeow Teck, Tony             Tok Boon Lai
     Tan Cher Sin                   Tan Yew Chuan                   Tong Jia Hui
     Tan Chiew Kian                 Tan Yew Kwong, Eric             Tong Khee Ming
     Tan Choon Yuen                 Tan Ying Ying                   Tong Xue Ting
     Tan Christine                  Tan Yu Boon, Dennis             Too San Muan
     Tan Eng Choon                  Tan Yun Ling, Caryn             Wang Chen Yong
     Tan Gee Meng, Patrick          Tan Yunjia                      Wang Yuzhen
     Tan Gooi Eng                   Tang Hua Lin                    Wang Kek Teng
     Tan Hau Teck                   Tang Siow Lan, Christina        Wang Kwei Fang
     Tan Hui Yang                   Tay Bee Ting, Doris             Wee Christina
     Tan Irvin                      Tay Boon Kiat, Jenny            Wee Eng Hin
     Tan Joyce                      Tay Chai See                    Wee Jun Wen
     Tan Kheng Hong                 Tay Chay Pheng                  Wee Lye Tee
     Tan Kian Teng, Glenson         Tay Chiew Har Katherine         Wee Mowg Nge
     Tan Kim Fong, Joanne           Tay Hai Seng, Samuel            Wee Siew Kheng
     Tan Kin Yiah, Jane             Tay Hong Heng, Andy             Wee Tye Chuen
Wong Yoke Eu, Alison                     Yap Siyan                                Yong Sook Fun
Wong Geok Kim                            Yau Geok May                             Yong Sow Lin
Wong Han Nguim, Serene                   Yeap Si Min                              Yong Yoon Chin
Wong Hsueh Pin, Dorein                   Yee Lai Mei, Joanna                      Yow Yin Chee, Mike
Wong Jul Chin                            Yee Meow Lin                             Yu Li Qing, Cendy
Wong Kwang Chye                          Yeo Ai Lian Irene                        Zheng Jin’an, Jerry
Wong Leng Keat, Stanley                  Yeo Hwai Khng                            Zheng Kaiyi
Wong Sharon                              Yeo Eng Song, Justin                     Zhuang Yun Mei
Wong Shi Xiang, Brian                    Yeo Pu Yuan
Wong Shiau Jiuan, June                   Yeo Sai Ngoh
Wong Tzai Chian                          Yeo Swee Lan, Eunice
Wong Wai Sim                             Yeo Wen Qing
Wong Wai Teng                            Yeong Goi Hoe, Cynthia
Wong Xun Yan                             Yeong Kheng Hoe
Wong Yew Peng                            Yeow Kum Hung
Wong Yi Min                              Yeow Wai Hun, Joan
Woon Katherine                           Yew Pei Sze
Wu Zhi Wei                               Yeu Siew Ngee
Wuan Poh Fatt                            Yip Tip Yee
Yang Shun Wei                            Yong Lyn
Yap Pien                                 Yong Shou Pin
Yap Siew Lian                            Yong Siew Mei, Cathy

We apologise if we have mis-spelt or in advertently missed your name. Kindly inform us of our oversight.

1. Shan You is governed by a volunteer Board                       Reserve Policy
known as Management Committee whose members                        To ensure long term financial sustainability and the
are elected according to the governing document.                   provision of our core activities, the Board has adopted th
                                                                   e recommendations from the National Council of Social
2. Shan You was established with very clear                        Services to retain reserves of not more than five years of its
vision and mission objectives. The last update of                  total operating expenditure. The Fundraising Sub-Committee
the vision and mission statements was in June                      will build up the reserves through events and partnerships.
2008 by the Management Committee for 2008-10.
                                                                   7. As a charitable organization, Shan You relies on
3. The members of the Management Committee act                     donations from the public and conducts fund-raising
in the best interest of Shan You. There are clear                  activities regularly. These fund-raising activities are
policies and procedures to declare, prevent and address            transparent, ethical and meet public confidence
conflict of interest. All Staff and committee members are          that donations are being used to further Shan
required to declare potential conflicts of interest and            You’s objectives as specified in the vision and
abstain from decisiion making when situations of conflict arise.   mission statements in the fund-raising documents.

4. Shan You conducts its programmes and                            Institutions   of    Public    Character      (IPC)   Status
activities to meet objectives as set by its vision and mission     Shan You holds the IPC status (General Fund)
statements. These programmes are carefully planned,                from the National Council of Social Service and is
monitored and reviewed to ensure stated objectivies are met.       valid until 30 September 2012. With the IPC
                                                                   status, all outright cash donations are tax deductible.
5. Human Resource is an important asset. Shan You
has in place, documented human resources polices and               8. Shan You maintains its integrity and transparency of
procedures to manage and reward its employees and volunteers.      serving for public trust and community good. Shan You
                                                                   provides both financial and non-financial information on a
6. Shan You, being charitable organization with access to          regular basis to the public about its mission, structure,
donated funds, has established adequate internal controls          programmes, activities, performance and finances through
including financial, operational and compliance controls           letters to stakeholders, annual reports and Shan You websites.
to ensure accountable and legitimate deployment of its

                               Annual Remuneration Band               2012                2011
                                   $80,001 and above                    Nil                Nil
                                  $60,001 to $80,000                    1                   1

                                  $40,001 to $60,000                    2                   1

                                  $20,001 to $40,000                    9                  11

                                   $20,000 and below                    6                   4

                                           Total                       18                  17

Corporate Directory
Management Committee                               Key Staff

President	           	  Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny     Executive Director 		            Tong Kin Muon
Vice President 		       Yeh Chien Ee               		                               Cheah Sang Huat
Honorary Secretary		    Quah Keng Sean, Doreen                                      (resigned on 31 Dec’ 11)
Honorary Treasurer		    Tang Wek Soo               			                              Jason Poh
Asst Hon.Secretary  		  Peck Wee Boon, Patrick     				                             (resigned on 13 May’ 12)
Asst.Hon. Treasurer		   Yeo Yam How	
Committee Members     	 Lillian Lee                	
				Thian Kok Chong, William                       Clinical Service
				                    Chan Chow Wah
				                    Tng Choong Mong, William   Clinical Supervisor		       Dr Wong Shyh Shin	
                                                   				Dr Wong Mei Yin
Sub-Committee                                      Psychologist- Counsellor 		 Ong Ee Lin
Fund Raising Committee                             Counsellors 			             Alicia Koh
                                                   				Tan Kah Chun
Chairperson			 Peck Wee Boon, Patrick              				James Wong
Members 			    Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny              				Jane Wong
				Chan Chow Wah                                  				Winnie Wong
Human Resource Committee
                                                   Social Service
Chairperson      	     Yeh Chien Ee
                                                   Programme Executive 		           Elaine Choo
Members	 		 Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny
				Yeo Yam How
                                                   Project & Event
                                                   Programme Manager      	 Sylvia Yap
Service Committee
                                                   Programme Executive 		   Enya Tan
Chairperson			 Quah Keng Sean, Doreen
                                                   				Micki Sim
Members			Lillian Lee
                                                   				Yang Weisong
				Tng Choong Mong, William
                                                   				                     (resigned on 15 Mar’ 12)
Public Relations Committee                         Graphic Designer 		      Sunny Lee
Chairperson			             Tang Wek Soon
Members				Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny        Corporate Services
				Thian Kok Chong, William	            Finance & Admin Manager	   Doris Tang
                                         Administrative Executive		 Julia Oh
Board of Advisors                        				Lim Soo Hua
Principal Advisor 		 Prof. Mark Williams Housekeeping			            Chan Lee Hwa
Specialist Advisors 		 Dr Jessica Grainger
				Dr Suzanne Habib                               Wellness Community
				Prof. G.T. Maurits Kwee                        Blk 3, Eunos Crescent #01-2591
				Dr Lionel Lim                                  Singapore 400003
				Dr Kotra Krishna Mohan
				                   Dr Ng Koon Hock             Centre Executive			            Tan Kah Chun
				                   Dr Ng Yee Kong              Programme Executive 		         Susan Choong
				                   Dr Ng Yuen Yen              				Law Mee Yeng
				Dr Ong Seh Hong                                				                           Lilian Ng
				Dr Joel Porter                                 				
				Dr Philip Tsui                                 Auditors
                                                   Suhaimi Salleh & Associates,
                                                   Certified Public Accountants
                                                   5 Jalan Masjid, #01-04 Kembangan Court
                                                   Singapore 418924
Shan You Annual Report 2011/12

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Shan You Annual Report 2011/12

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  • 6. Dear Stakeholders, Our Service Commitment On behalf of the Management Committee of Shan You We are committed to training and developing our staff Counselling Centre, I am pleased to present our 17th in order to serve our service users better. Our actions annual report for the financial period are based on our core values and the best possible ended 31 March 2012 (FY11/12). outcomes for our programmes. Our standard operating procedures (SOP) and overall service capabilities are reviewed Looking back, economic conditions in 2011 were periodically to improve our services. We will stay subdued and created considerable uncertainty and weak connected with the community to respond demand. However, demand for social services to the needs of our service users. remained high. We experienced a high level of inflation and although our total operating expenses increased by 4 Future Direction percent, which is below inflation rate in 2011, total manpower expenses saw a 15 percent increase. One trend that was highlighted in the general elections held in 2011 was the recognition of the growing We made progress with our plans to make mindfulness- inequalities in income and wealth, and growing based approaches as widely available as possible. You concerns with quality-of-life issues. These may recall our collaboration with Oxford Mindfulness challenges were subsequently addressed in Budget 2012 with Centre (OMC) in FY2010/11. 2011 saw increased increased spending to address social issues. We will tap activities in our mindfulness programmes such as mindfulness workshops for the public in April 2011, on these funds to introduce new initiatives to meet July 2011 and February 2012; and Mindfulness-Based community-based care services. Our vision for Shan You Cognitive Therapy (MCBT) retreat in May 2011. I look to become a “hub” for mindfulness is the centerpiece forward with enthusiasm to even greater progress next year. of our 5-year strategy. We will work closely with OMC to consolidate, deepen and extend the core mindfulness Clinical Service skills. Trainers from OMC will be invited to facilitate more professional training workshops and public talks. Through Clinical service remains as our core service. We engage and our programmes, we will introduce the benefits and promote support those with mental health issues as well as those the practice of mindfulness to the Singapore community. with interpersonal relationship issues through our counseling service. We promote and improve mental health awareness In Closing though public talks and seminars, and media resources. With the support of our clinical supervisors and advisors, In 2011, our fund-raising efforts did not yield the our team of qualified psychologists and counsellors has been corresponding results expected. Nevertheless, we able to deliver a consistent level of service to our clients. are deeply grateful for the generous support we did receive from NCSS and you, our stakeholder. You have Social Service: Community Outreach always believed in us and supported our clinical and social The Food Rations programme has been one of our ways programmes with your time, effort and funds. of engaging the community directly. Every month we As in the past years, a section in our Annual provide this service to about 300 families. The majority of the Report has been set aside to express our gratitude recipients are low-income families and elderly to each and everyone for your unwavering support. who have little or no social support. On behalf of the Management Committee, I wish to Wellness Community, a community wellness centre, express my appreciation and thanks to our Clinical expanded its activities to engage the elderly and the young Advisors for your professional guidance; to our in the community through social activities, events and service users for having faith in us and giving us outings to strengthen intergenerational bonds. The objective is the opportunity to serve you; to our staff for your to promote active ageing and ensure our silver citizens remain dedication, exceptional teamwork and for helping us mentally and physically active as well as socially engaged. achieve our objectives; and to my fellow committee members, thank you for your support and encouragement. Our “Noble Ambassador” programme has completed the skills training phase and the ambassadors will be deployed Jenny Quek to meet the care needs of the elderly, President the lonely, the sick and the terminally ill. 05
  • 7. 各方善长仁翁: 问题成为重点!今年国家的财政报告中,政府也 承诺将拨更多的资金以改善上述社会问题 。“善 本人仅代表“善友辅导中心”理事会向各界善心人 友”将尽力争取这些资金,以办更多的新项目来配 士汇报第十七届(2011/2012 )财政年度之常年报 合社区的需求。希望五年内办成 “正念中心”。我 告。 们将与“牛津正念中心”(OMC)紧密合作,加强 并深入地发展正念技巧。同时也将邀请“牛津正念 回顾去年,面对种种不明朗的因素,经济增长疲 中心”(OMC)的培训员到本地为我们开办更多的 弱;然而国人对社会福利的需求仍然高居不下。「 专业培训工作坊和公共讲座。希望通过活动,把“ 善友」的总开销比上一个财政年增加了四成。虽然 正念”的好处及练习法推广给我国的社群。 这数据比国家的通货膨胀率来得低,但善友的人力 开销却增加了一成五。 总结 为推广「正念」活动,我们与“牛津正念中心” 去年,我们未能达到预定的筹款目标。虽然如此, (Oxford Mindfulness Centre, OMC) 合办「正念认知 我们仍衷心得感谢新加坡社会福利理事会 (National 治疗工作坊」 (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Council of Social Service, NCSS)和您的慷慨支持!您 Retreat),我们自己也办了三场的「正念工作坊」。 所付出的时间、精神和金钱就是对我们的信任与支 希望下一个财政年有更多的相关项目,让更多人受 持!一如既往,特此向每一位的赞助者和义工表示 惠。 无尽的感谢! 临床心理服务 本人也代表理事会衷心的感谢我们的顾问团给与的 专业指导和付出;感谢受益人对我们的信任,让我 专业心理辅导与咨询仍然是我们的核心。为心理健 们有机会为您服务;感谢员工们的努力和团队精 康及人际关系有问题的个案提供专业心理辅导与 神,让“善友”可以达到目标。最後,感谢理事会 咨询服务。开办讲座、座谈会;通过传播媒介为桥 的成员们给与的支持与鼓励! 梁,向社会大众推广心理健康的重要性。 敬祝各位:身心康乐,一切如意! 在临床心理监督和顾问的协助下,我们的心理学家 和辅导员都达到了专业表现并为个案咨询者提供了 Jenny Quek 适当的协助。 主席 社会服务:社区推广活动 “粮食分派服务”是我们与社区直接联系的方法之 一。每月为300户家庭提供基本粮食;大部分受惠 者是低收入家庭和缺乏社会支持的年长者。 作为社区康乐中心,“康乐亭”为年长者与青少年 筹办各类活动与服务;办节日庆祝会、郊游等,则 为进一步加强三代互动。上列活动皆为推广活跃乐 龄生活和确保银发族不与社会脱节,以便拥有健康 的生理与心理。 另外,“亲善大使”义工亦已完成培训,准备为有 需求 的长者、病患和末期病患提供服务。 我们的服务承诺 为达到优质服务,我们非常重视员工的培训与发 展。职员把我们的价值观贯彻于日常的活动中, 以期服务保质。我们定期评估操作和整体服务, 冀望尽善尽美。同时,与社区保持良好联系,让 需求者及时受惠。 未来展望 2011年全国大选期间,社会贫富悬殊和生活质量 06
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  • 11. We recognise and are very grateful to the following donors of their generous contributions during the period of April 2011 to March 2012 without whom we will not be able to deliver our services and community outreach programmes. Thank You! Adam Wong Evergreen Buddhist Lau Siew Lan Amala Chew Soo Chuah Culture Service Pte Ltd Laura Ng Ang Choon Pioh Foo Joon Pang Lee Annie Ang Kheng Choo Foy Os Octavia Angilit Lee Bee Hong Ang Meng Cheat, Melvin Ganthimathi D/O Viswanathan Lee Boon Siong Ang Seong Leong Go Wok Tiam Lee Chee Beng Ang Siew See Goh Chui Lin Lee Cheun Hooi Christina Antara Koh Pte Ltd Goh Chun Keong Lee Foundation Ben Chia Goh Chwee Hong Lee Gek Ling Cha Hue Peng Goh Gnak Pheng Lee Hwee Meng Chan Chay Gek Goh Kiat Ling Lee Kai Haein Chan Jee Beng Goh Pooi Kian Lee Kim Tah Foundation Chan Sheng Poh, Adrian Goh Sing Hui Lee King Ling Chang Ah Moi Goh Sing Hwei Lee Lay Har, Phyllis Chang Chiz Hau Goh Wee Choon Lee Soo Min, Evelyn Chang Keng Wah Goh Yong Luang Lee Teng Yong Chemical And Machinery Pte Ltd Goh Yong Sheng Lee Teng Yong Cheng Beng Buddhist Society Gwee Bah Lee Lee Wee Koon, Eddy Cheng Hong Siang Tng Heo Hui Chin Lee Wei Cheng Chew Chen Xin Hia Nui Tian Leow Jian Quan Chew Teck Soon Hia Yeow Hong Leow Kiat Peng Chew Xian Long, Jermaine Hiu Ay Tying Lewn Mei Kin, Christine Chew Yi Rong, Zenzel Ho Chai Ling Li King Chia Yeo Kheng Ho Kwai Keong Liaw Tiong That Chin Joon Fook Ho Swee Meng Liew Hon Vooi Chin Lee Vine Hong Leong Foundation Liew Lee Sing Chin Yeen Vine Hoon Sim Hui Liew Wen Hwee Chng Hwee Hong Hui Chook Yee Liew Zhi Yan, Mabel Choa Wee Keong Intercontinental Communications Lim Ah Swan Chong Fui Feung Pte Ltd Lim Bee Kien Chong Hean Shun Kee lay Hiong, Janet Lim Cheah Ngor Choo Choong Huat Kenrich Partners Pte Ltd Lim Chee Kiang Choo Hong Eng Khoo GL Eileen Lim Chi Bin Chow Sew Yew Khoo Ket Mui Lim Fui Nee Chow Yew Sun Kim Heng Automotive Pte Ltd Lim Gek Siang Chua Peck Kee Koh Hiang Noi Lim Keng Tye, John Chua Siew Siew Koh Hui Liak Lim Khoon Cheow Chung Shi Wei, Cindy Koh Mui Kiah Lim Kim Choo Claudia Karolina Hofmaier Koh Sin Ping, Adrian Lim Kok Kiang David Kong Koh Wee Chau Lim Kok Wee Ding Ming Huah Kow Hwee Mei Lim Mui Hoon Ee Poh Siong Kwai Cheng Huang Lim Nee Nee Elarine Ang Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Lim Phaik Hoon Elfin Lim Boon Swee Kwok Lee Kuen Lim Poh Hoon Eng Siew Lai Hoon Lee Lim Poh How, David Eni Wongso Lai Sock Har Lim Poh Noi Eric Chua Lai Swee Leng Lim Sen Happy Evelyn Lee Soo Min Lau Shook Fong Lim Sen Yuen 10
  • 12. Lim Soo Ing Phua Poie Hone Tan Swee Lim Lim Soon Kiat Poo Chooi Ping Tan Tiong Hwee Lin Tian Xin Poon Tai Weng Tan Wee Leong Ling Meng Siong Pua Hwee Leng Tan Yen Hui Lo Liang Puat Jit Buddhist Temple Tang Choy Fong Loh Lee Yin Janet Quah Keng Sean Tang Poh Ing Loh Yen Lee Quak Chye Soon (Deceased) Tang Soei Lan Low Joo Hong Quek Huey Ming Tay Ai Tin Low Kum Cheong Quek Pee Ngern Tay Chiew Har, Katherine Low Li Kiong Quek Pek Noi Tay Lee Hoon Low Wai Ming Quek Siew Boon, Shirley Tay Sai Hua Low Yen Yen Quek Siew Lay Tay Sen Ai Loyang Tua Pek Kong Samuel Tay Hai Seng Tay Tiak Poh Lui Hwee Boon Se Bee Lay Teng Chia Yang Mah Yoke Sim Sea Soo Kim Teng Kwai Fun, Janice Mangala Vihara (Buddhist Temple) Seah Lee Kiang Teo Boon Kwang Mary Edmonds Xue Ying See Soo Huay Teo Chor Leng Mdm Leng Seetoh Mei Cheng Teo Hui Kuan Mecredo Privated Limited Seow Cheng Geok Teo Lay Swee, Irene Mellford Pte Ltd Sherry Tay Seok Hong Tho Geok Kiow Metropolitan Corporate Sim Gay Khim Thong Jian Jen Services LLP Sim Geok Hoon, Nita Tng Choon Huat, James Michelle Mok Sau Seong Sim Hak Khiang Toh Bee Eng Mr & Mrs Lee Sim Soo Hoon, Eunice Toh Boon Geok, Lynne Mr Lim Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission Toh Chor Kheng, Jenny Muliadi tirtakurnia Singapore Press Holdings Utraco Pte Ltd Mun Cheong Yue Foundation Limited Valerie Chua Ng Ai Tee Cheryl Soh Keng Shun Wang Li Xia Ng Bee Geok Soh Keng Yew Wee Koh Sian Ng Bee Keow Soo Siew Zheng Wee Tye Chuen Ng Eng Khai Sumarlin Wenz Brows And Lip Boutique Pte Ltd Ng Gek Heoh Sung Sio Ma Wong Cheng Yong Ng Lay Eng Tai Pei Yuen Temple Wong Chin Nai Ng Lay Mui Tan Chee Ming, William Wong Choon Kew Ng Seow Kin Tan Chew Hoe Wong Mee Yin Ng Siew Yun Tan Chiew Koon Wong Weng Fai Ng Wai Chun Tan Ching Song Wong Yoon Hsie Ng Yee Kong Tan Chung Pheng Wong YY Emily Nora Yong Sze Chee Tan Ean Kiam Foundation World Arts & Crafts Pte Ltd Ong Ai Lian Tan Guat Eng Xin Qi Hang Engineering Works Ong Aik Leng Tan Haikang Yap Gin Thiam Ong Boon Han Tan Hiang Tiang Yee Mei Lin Ong Lee Eng Tan Hock Chye Yeh Chien Ee Ong Leng Hong Tan Jwee Boo & Family Yeo Chiat Wei Ong Pee Eng Tan Kim Choo, Selina Yeo Guat Chiew Ong Seh Hong Tan Lay Hoon Yeo Hui Zhen Ong Siew Choo Tan Lian Eng Yeo Joon Tiang Ong Siew Hua Audrey Tan Peng Chan Yeo Kwang Seng Ong Sok Kee Tan Phuay Miang Yeo Yam How Pan Sin Fong Oliver Tan Poh Hoon Yew Boon Heng Pang Sze Ing Tan See Puay Yim Kok Hing Peck Wee Boon Tan Seet Koh Young Kuan Sing Peh Kok Heng Tan Sen Ai Yow Yin Chee Pey Huey Shan Tan Siew Inn Yueh Shuek Siah Phang Seau Pin Tan Soo Miang 11
  • 13. We recognise and are very grateful to the following volunteers for their devotion and immeasurable contribution of time and effort during the period April 2011 to March 2012. Thank You! Abdul Wahid Chew Bee Hoon, Peggy Chua Ling Li, Pauline Ang Boon Hock Chew Choon Eng Chua Ai Li, Elaine Ang Choon Chi Heather Chua Meng Chai Ang Elarine Chia Cheng Ho, Freddy Chua Peh Yee Ang Evelyn Chia Guek Neo, Corrine Chua Seok Wah Ang Eng Ban Chia Lilian Chua Siew Tin, Ginny Ang Hong Lian, James Ang Hui Gek, Diana Chia Mui Choon, Kelvin Chua Soon Tiong Ang Hui Sze, Serene Chia Pek Kiang Chua Yat Hong, Lina Ang Joyce Chia Poi Mui Chua Yong Hock Ang Lay Eng Chia Winnie Chuah Qiu Jin, Jessica Ang Lian, Brenda Chia Yoke Lin Chung Cindy Ang Na Suan, Esther Chiam Tracy Chung Fun Seng Ang Seng Leong Chiew Chin Yee Christine (Ciin Ciin ) Theu Ngaih Vung Ang Siew Ting Chin Lee Huang Di Xiaoyu Ang Toh Seng Chin Chuan Cheong Damien Lee Ang Xin Yi, Michelle Chin Foong Mui, Susan Du Zhenglin Bak Fook Wai, Patrick Chin Maya Ee Chin Seng Boh Tuang Lee Bong Soon Yuen Chin Yi Hui Eng Pingni Boon Kok Heng Ching Jim Eng Shao Wei Cha Jane Chng Geok Moi, May Eni Wong So Chan April Chng Hwee Hong Florence Ho Chai Soo Kian Chng Teck Lam Fong Ah Chan Chan Chia Chi, Veronica Chng Lay Kuan, Karen Fong Yoke Wah Chan April Chng Suan Lian, June Foo Chin Choo Chan Hoon Seah, Jess Chng Yeow Khim Foo Jeffrey Chan Hui San, Vanessa Choh Ah Fah, Cindy Foo Ngiat Thei Chan Kim Kong Choo Chih Wei Foo Yee Ling Chan Kim Sian Chong Chew Ling, Alan Gan Che Soon, Joe Joseph Chan Ko Meng Chan Miew Chun, Jann Chong Oei Ping, Stacy Gan Nina Chan Say Piu, Rhonny Chong Wei Chiang Gan Wen Qian, Sheena Chan Xin Hui Choo Lin Ganthi Viswanathan Chan Yong Jie Choo Siew Hong George Louise Chan Zhengfen, Pauline Choo Yuen Teng Ghista Dhanjoo Chang Han Wen, John Choong Siok Fang, Iris Gian Khia Lay Chang Ling Seow Chow Choy Yeen, Pearline GIC School Chang Siew Wah (Sing Wah) Chow Hoon Meng Goh An Kee Chee Kwan Siew, Alice Chow Hui Xuan Goh An Peng Chee Pheng Pheng Chow Jia Yi Goh Beng Chia, Patrick Chee Veron Chow Shirley Goh Chok Chia Chen Yee Sing Chen Chun Fu Chow Tak Wen, Nicholas Goh Chui Lin Chen Jing Yi, Catherine Chow Wan Ting Goh Evelyn Chen Yoon Kamp, Cindy Chow Yew Sun Goh Gek Lang Cheng LiMing, Joanne Chu Chantel Goh Gnak Pheng Stephen Cheong You Chin Chu Mei Huei Goh Gwendolin Chew Ai Juan Chu Stephanie Goh Heow Hong, Hazel Chew Li Li Chua Boon Chien Goh Joo Kee Chew Poh Beng Chua Boon Tee, Wendy Goh Karen Chew Xian Long, Jermaine Chua Hwee Cheng Goh Kim Buay Chew Yi Rong, Zenzel Chua Kim Long Goh Kui Hong 12
  • 14. Goh Kwang Meng, Steven Kevin Tee Lee Joseph Goh Pei Ling, Cecilia Kho Pei Yan, Ashley Lee Joan Goh Pey Shyan Karyn Khoo Bee Choo, Janis Lee Kok Meng, David Goh Sai Huay, Lynn Khoo Chwee Tin Lee Kok Yan Goh Siew Hiok Khoo Sin Hin, Ricky Lee Lay Har Goh Pooi Kian Koh Ah Luan, Maria Lee Kai Sze Goh Sing Hui Koh Hwi Lin, Sharon Lee Kelvin Goh Sing Pheng, Angie Koh Huai Fang, Jessie Lee King Ling Goh Soon Hee Koh Guat Hua Lee Lee Khoon, Serene Goh Swee Wah Koh Poh Lin Lee May Ling, Karen Goh Wai Kit Koh Ling Ting Lee Moi Yin, Janet Goh Wee Beng Koh Shan Hui, Laura Lee Pei Ling, Marilyn Goh Wei Ling, Lynne Koh Sin Ping, Adrian Lee Philip Goh Wei Ying, Lydia Koh Sock Whee Lee Quee Yen, Agnes Goi Kim Choo, Irene Koh Sok Hoon, Doris Lee Raymond Gwee Noon Sim, Henry Koh Yeow Hwee Lee Rachel Gwee Li Choo Kok Lai Chun Lee Sharon Han Pei Wen Kok Weng Keong, Kevin Lee Seng Eder Heng Choon Kim Kong Poi Peng, Lilian Lee Sau Hwa Heng Meow Ling, Shane Koo Pau Tean Lee Siew Nah, Stephanie Heng Irene Ku Choo Yong, Manfred Lee Sin Fatt Heng Jessie Kuan Janice Lee Soo Hong, Sally Heng Teow Koon, Andy Kwan Kah Kit Lee Suan Wan, Robert Heng Kiang Khoon Kwan Kwok Mui Lee Susan Heng Puay Oon Kwee Soon Kiat, Benny Lee Sharon Herlina Tony Kwek Lee Choon Lee Sui Fung Ho Geok Eng Kwek Mary Lee Swee Ngoh Ho Bernard Lai Sock Har Lee Ting Ting Ho Donald Lai Swee Kam Anikka Lee Wan Yuen, Joanne Ho Huey Lih Lai Swee Leng Lee Wee Chuang Ho Li Ping, Joyce Lai Wei Hong, Ernest Lee Wei Cheng Ho Mei Yoke, Helen Lam Man Kit Lee Wen Wei Ho Soo Pong Lam Wai Mun, Wally Lee Will Ho Sook Hwa Lau Ah Nee Lee WIlliam Ho Yoke Chang, Sally Lau Bo Chu, Janet Lee Zhi Qiang Ho Yoong Chan Desmond Lau Aaron Leow Hwee Yen, Regina Hoe Shawn Lau Hoi Yee, Jaszmine Liew Chin Keow, Yvonne Hong Siew Ngor Lau Jui Fang Liew Choi Pheng Hoo Pak Wai, Francis Lau Ying Wen Lim Angie Hoo Siew Heng Lauw Ngo Eng Lim Ah Mui, Sharon Hooy Roland Law Chiu Hoon, Michelle Lim Bak Chuan, Desmond How Kam Chiew Lean Siew Hong Lim Bee Hock, Paul Hsieh Pang Fang Lee Ah Lek Lim Chau Lee Hsu Chwee Yuan Lee Bee Hong, Susan Lim Chii Bin Hu Jing Lee Bee Kee, Erica Lim Catherine Tan Keat Tin Hu Xia Lee Bee Kheng, June Lim Cheng Ngoh, Eileen Huang Shiu Yu Lee Benny Lim Choo Hong, Lorraine Huang Mei Jing Lee Boon Teck, Freddy Lim Chong Sin, Kelvin Huang Yong Yi, Jason Lee Cheng Soon Lim Chor Huah Huang Zhao Ming Lee Choon Gek Lim Chun Heng Hwang Geok Lan, Natalie Lee Chuan Khim, Kelvin Lim Cindy Jiang Wen Cong Lee Chung Seng Lim Esther James Ng Lee Eng Chuan Lim Flora Kam Pei Shya Lee Eng Heng Lim Gek Huang Kam Shuh Shya Lee Geng Yu Lim Geok Hong, Shirley 13
  • 15. Lim Gkik Cheng, Alice Low Theem Fi Ong Beng Hui, Glenn Lim Hsueh Lee Low Wen Qi, Nicole Ong Yuxia Lim Hwee Leng, Jasmin Low Xiu Hui Ong Mui Eng Lim Jocelyn Low Yee Jin, Andy Ong Cheng Lim Kah Heah, Mary Loy Boon Yin, Annis Ong Cheng Cheng Lim Kaw Mui Lu Jiayan Ong Choon Lian Lim Keng Thye Lum Wai Mun Ong Joo Lay, Judy Lim Khoon Cheow Lye Meng Kwen, Sally Ong Kok Heng, Ivan Lim Kim Eng Vivien Mah Ah Woon, Laurence Ong Lay Tin Lim Kit Siang Mah Serene Ong Lee Lee Lim Lee Sang Mah How Gek, Belinda Ong Si Ting, Celeste Lim Linda Mak Fang Hua Ong Siew Ling Lim May Poh, Mabel Myo Myint Han Ong Siying Lim Meng Kwang Na Hwee Min, Daron Ong Sok Kee, Betty Lim Mui Hoon, Jenny Nah Tia Cho, Ivy Ong Wang Sing, Andy Lim Oh Hong nEbO Club Ong Yed Deed Lim Bee Hock, Paul Neo Beng Choo Oo An Ngit, Karen Lim Pei Yee, Erin Neo Sea King Or Germaine Lim Roger Neo Zijin, Angel Ow Yang Wai Chue, Agnes Lim Say Tin Neoh Peter Pang Chin Ching Lim Serene New Chin Chin, Karen Pang Elicia Lim Shili Ng Aik Yong Pang Kok Wee, David Lim Shin Wei Ng Peng Hor Patrick Aaron Seng Lim Siew Khim Ng Shiang Huey, Jannies Pioneer Junior College Lim WJ Bezner Ng Soon Kuan Phua Siang Hong, Nelly Lim Yi Ching Ng Bee Keow, Angie Png Hui Ying, Christina Lim Yu Xuan, Joanne Ng Bee Phuay Poh Bee Bee Lim Zi Wei Ng Charles Poh Yeang Yeang Lin Zhan Lian Ng Chiew Guek Poon Gek Nooi Ling Bee Hong, Mabel Ng Chee Keow Poon Poh Wan Loh Ah Hiang, Michelle Ng Cythnia Pua Long Trading & Co Loh Audrey Ng Eng Mooi, Angie Quay Lay Peng, Jennifer Loh Kay Lok, Darrin Ng Irene Quah Poh Kim, Cecilia Loh Lai Lin Ng Jason Quek Chin Chin, Janet Loh Lee Theng Ng Jenny Quek Geok Keng Loh Lee Yin Ng Joe Quek Mei Bei Jasmine Loh Patrick Ng John Quek Mei Ting Jaime Loh Wai Yuen Ng Joo Leng Quek Nguan Hoon Peggy Long Poh Seng Ng Kia Seah, Florence Quek Poh Choo Loo Swee Min Ng Lee Pin Quek Poh Choo, Ivy Loo Thiam Chyn, Johnny Ng Liew Haun, Wendy Quek Siew Leng, Wendy Lok Chia Meei Ng May Quek Weng Chiew Low Geok Suan Ng Siew Seng, Stanley Richard Kwai Low Kah Eng Ng Sock Cheng Seluasundram.N Sundram Low Karen Ng Tian Tsong Seo Ricky Low Kim Eng Ng Xi Ying Seow Ah Kim, Jane Low Kwong Meng, Lance Ng Yong Hao, Rico Seow Choon Kok, Colin Low Kum Cheong Ng Yueh Lee Seow Esther Low Mew Ngan Ngeow Clare Seow Ah Kim Low Moon Chee, Jack Nyang Poh Chin Seow Kim Tiang Low Pak Kheong, Jason Oh Chin Bong, Jeffrey Seow Zi Jie, Samuel Low Ping Ping Ong Bo Lock Setoh Wai Tuck Low Seok Tee, Andy Ong Ming Ying Shen Shiyun, Petrina Low Siew Fong Ong Siew Choo Shaun Goh Low Soo Noi Ong Audrew Siah Chong Loon 14
  • 16. Sim Chee Boon Tan Kut Hong, Simon Tay Ivan Sim Geok Hoon, Nita Tan Lay Har Tay Kai Shin Sim Hong Guan Tan Lay Hua, Catherine Tay Kok Peng, Jason Sim Huei Luan Tan Lay Nah, Evelyn Tay Lay Eng Sim Poh San Tan Lee Yong, Lydia Tay Sin Hwa Sim Robert Tan Mei Qi, Joyce Tey Xi Yi Sim Siew Ching Tan Miao Chan, Rachel Tay Yi Xin Sim Soon Khin, Vivien Tan Puay Khai Temasek Polytechnic, School of Sing Kar Joo, Lily Tan Peng Guek, Cynthia Engineering, L.I.F.E Committee Sing Wee Cheng, Wendy Tan Poh Gek Teng Ziqian, Andric Siow Chang Chang Tan Poh Hoon Phern, Priscilla Teng Ah Hong Siow Gek Hong, Ivy Tan Lay Kuan Teng Bee Lian, Jacqueline Siti RoHana Tan Shi Hao Teng Chia Yan, Sharon Sng Peck Choo Tan Shi Jie Teng Lay Heng Sng Li Hwei Tan Shimin Teo Swee Kiat Sng Li Loo Tan Siak Huat Teo Wee Li, Vivienne Sng Swee Keat Tan Siew Choo Teo Ah Lek So Siong Teng Tan Sock Tiang, Jenny Teo Ai Lin, Irene Soh Amanda Tan Sok Kiang Teo Beng Ngo, Alvin Soh Kok Hui Tan Song Kai Teo Cher Hoon, Grace Soh Poh Peng, Charlie Tan Soon Kuan, Welson Teo Chai Ying Soh Jun Lin, Terrence Tan Suan Jong Teo Chor Leng Song Hua Lin, Grace Tan Swee Cheng, Judy Teo Hong Mui (Zheng Xue Jia) Soo Celeste Tan Swee Tian, Linus Teo Jia Wen Soo Chia Yeow Tan Teng Luck, Eric Teo Kek Lee, David Soong Ah Meng Tan Ting Fang Teo Lee Pin, Sharon Soong Kok Thong Tan Tiong Sing, Alan Teo Jian Hao, Leonard Sum Chow Yin, Annie Tan Trevor Teo Siew Lian Sumathi Kappusamy Katherine Tan Twee Kong, Simon Teo Siew May Sung Wong Chiang, Alex Tan Wan Chi, Emily Teo Wee Peng, Joseph Sumarlin Tan Wee Meng, Phil Tey Bee Hoon Kelly Symrise Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Tan Wee Teck, Kelvin Thng Sor Tin, Angie Tan Ah Hee, Raymond Tan Wei Jie Thong Margaret Tan Annieda Tan Wen Yan Thoo Moi Seng Tan Bee Ai, Polly Tan Wing Ming Thoo Lee Fong Tan Bee Luan, Irene Tan Xiang Ji, Cindy Tng Sge Kim, Doris Tan Bee Po Tan Xing Zhong, Benny Toh Chor Kheng, Jenny Tan Boon Kiat, Jordan Tan Yan Li, Lena Toh Pau Chu Tan Chee Yin Tan Yen Tien, Dawn Toh Xiu Hui Tan Chee Kian Tan Yeow Teck, Tony Tok Boon Lai Tan Cher Sin Tan Yew Chuan Tong Jia Hui Tan Chiew Kian Tan Yew Kwong, Eric Tong Khee Ming Tan Choon Yuen Tan Ying Ying Tong Xue Ting Tan Christine Tan Yu Boon, Dennis Too San Muan Tan Eng Choon Tan Yun Ling, Caryn Wang Chen Yong Tan Gee Meng, Patrick Tan Yunjia Wang Yuzhen Tan Gooi Eng Tang Hua Lin Wang Kek Teng Tan Hau Teck Tang Siow Lan, Christina Wang Kwei Fang Tan Hui Yang Tay Bee Ting, Doris Wee Christina Tan Irvin Tay Boon Kiat, Jenny Wee Eng Hin Tan Joyce Tay Chai See Wee Jun Wen Tan Kheng Hong Tay Chay Pheng Wee Lye Tee Tan Kian Teng, Glenson Tay Chiew Har Katherine Wee Mowg Nge Tan Kim Fong, Joanne Tay Hai Seng, Samuel Wee Siew Kheng Tan Kin Yiah, Jane Tay Hong Heng, Andy Wee Tye Chuen 15
  • 17. Wong Yoke Eu, Alison Yap Siyan Yong Sook Fun Wong Geok Kim Yau Geok May Yong Sow Lin Wong Han Nguim, Serene Yeap Si Min Yong Yoon Chin Wong Hsueh Pin, Dorein Yee Lai Mei, Joanna Yow Yin Chee, Mike Wong Jul Chin Yee Meow Lin Yu Li Qing, Cendy Wong Kwang Chye Yeo Ai Lian Irene Zheng Jin’an, Jerry Wong Leng Keat, Stanley Yeo Hwai Khng Zheng Kaiyi Wong Sharon Yeo Eng Song, Justin Zhuang Yun Mei Wong Shi Xiang, Brian Yeo Pu Yuan Wong Shiau Jiuan, June Yeo Sai Ngoh Wong Tzai Chian Yeo Swee Lan, Eunice Wong Wai Sim Yeo Wen Qing Wong Wai Teng Yeong Goi Hoe, Cynthia Wong Xun Yan Yeong Kheng Hoe Wong Yew Peng Yeow Kum Hung Wong Yi Min Yeow Wai Hun, Joan Woon Katherine Yew Pei Sze Wu Zhi Wei Yeu Siew Ngee Wuan Poh Fatt Yip Tip Yee Yang Shun Wei Yong Lyn Yap Pien Yong Shou Pin Yap Siew Lian Yong Siew Mei, Cathy We apologise if we have mis-spelt or in advertently missed your name. Kindly inform us of our oversight. 16
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  • 57. 1. Shan You is governed by a volunteer Board Reserve Policy known as Management Committee whose members To ensure long term financial sustainability and the are elected according to the governing document. provision of our core activities, the Board has adopted th e recommendations from the National Council of Social 2. Shan You was established with very clear Services to retain reserves of not more than five years of its vision and mission objectives. The last update of total operating expenditure. The Fundraising Sub-Committee the vision and mission statements was in June will build up the reserves through events and partnerships. 2008 by the Management Committee for 2008-10. 7. As a charitable organization, Shan You relies on 3. The members of the Management Committee act donations from the public and conducts fund-raising in the best interest of Shan You. There are clear activities regularly. These fund-raising activities are policies and procedures to declare, prevent and address transparent, ethical and meet public confidence conflict of interest. All Staff and committee members are that donations are being used to further Shan required to declare potential conflicts of interest and You’s objectives as specified in the vision and abstain from decisiion making when situations of conflict arise. mission statements in the fund-raising documents. 4. Shan You conducts its programmes and Institutions of Public Character (IPC) Status activities to meet objectives as set by its vision and mission Shan You holds the IPC status (General Fund) statements. These programmes are carefully planned, from the National Council of Social Service and is monitored and reviewed to ensure stated objectivies are met. valid until 30 September 2012. With the IPC status, all outright cash donations are tax deductible. 5. Human Resource is an important asset. Shan You has in place, documented human resources polices and 8. Shan You maintains its integrity and transparency of procedures to manage and reward its employees and volunteers. serving for public trust and community good. Shan You provides both financial and non-financial information on a 6. Shan You, being charitable organization with access to regular basis to the public about its mission, structure, donated funds, has established adequate internal controls programmes, activities, performance and finances through including financial, operational and compliance controls letters to stakeholders, annual reports and Shan You websites. to ensure accountable and legitimate deployment of its resources. Annual Remuneration Band 2012 2011 $80,001 and above Nil Nil $60,001 to $80,000 1 1 $40,001 to $60,000 2 1 $20,001 to $40,000 9 11 $20,000 and below 6 4 Total 18 17 56
  • 58. Corporate Directory Management Committee Key Staff President Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny Executive Director Tong Kin Muon Vice President Yeh Chien Ee Cheah Sang Huat Honorary Secretary Quah Keng Sean, Doreen (resigned on 31 Dec’ 11) Honorary Treasurer Tang Wek Soo Jason Poh Asst Hon.Secretary Peck Wee Boon, Patrick (resigned on 13 May’ 12) Asst.Hon. Treasurer Yeo Yam How Committee Members Lillian Lee Thian Kok Chong, William Clinical Service Chan Chow Wah Tng Choong Mong, William Clinical Supervisor Dr Wong Shyh Shin Dr Wong Mei Yin Sub-Committee Psychologist- Counsellor Ong Ee Lin Fund Raising Committee Counsellors Alicia Koh Tan Kah Chun Chairperson Peck Wee Boon, Patrick James Wong Members Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny Jane Wong Chan Chow Wah Winnie Wong Human Resource Committee Social Service Chairperson Yeh Chien Ee Programme Executive Elaine Choo Members Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny Yeo Yam How Project & Event Programme Manager Sylvia Yap Service Committee Programme Executive Enya Tan Chairperson Quah Keng Sean, Doreen Micki Sim Members Lillian Lee Yang Weisong Tng Choong Mong, William (resigned on 15 Mar’ 12) Public Relations Committee Graphic Designer Sunny Lee Chairperson Tang Wek Soon Members Quek Hwee Huang, Jenny Corporate Services Thian Kok Chong, William Finance & Admin Manager Doris Tang Administrative Executive Julia Oh Board of Advisors Lim Soo Hua Principal Advisor Prof. Mark Williams Housekeeping Chan Lee Hwa Specialist Advisors Dr Jessica Grainger Dr Suzanne Habib Wellness Community Prof. G.T. Maurits Kwee Blk 3, Eunos Crescent #01-2591 Dr Lionel Lim Singapore 400003 Dr Kotra Krishna Mohan Dr Ng Koon Hock Centre Executive Tan Kah Chun Dr Ng Yee Kong Programme Executive Susan Choong Dr Ng Yuen Yen Law Mee Yeng Dr Ong Seh Hong Lilian Ng Dr Joel Porter Dr Philip Tsui Auditors Suhaimi Salleh & Associates, Certified Public Accountants 5 Jalan Masjid, #01-04 Kembangan Court Singapore 418924