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Sesi 13
Albertus Purnomo, OFM (SSL)
Kings of ...
of reign
of reign
Prophets to ...
Judah Israel Judah Israel
931 BC 0 17
931 BC 0 22 (Ahijah)
2. Abijah 913 BC 18 3
3. Asa 911 BC 20 41
2. Nadab 910 BC 21 2
3. Baasha 909 BC 22 24 (Jehu)
4. Elah 886 BC 45 2
5. Zimri 885 BC 46 7 days
6. Omri 885 BC 46 12
7. Ahab 874 BC 57 22 (Elijah)
4. Jehoshaphat 870 BC 61 25 (Micaiah)
8. Ahaziah 853 BC 78 2 (Elisha)
9. Joram 852 BC 79 12
5. Jehoram 848 BC 83 8
6. Ahaziah 841 BC 90 1
10. Jehu 841 BC 90 28
7. Queen Athaliah 841 BC 90 6
8. Joash 835 BC 96 40 Joel (guesswork)
11. Jehoahaz 814 BC 117 17
12. Jehoash 798 BC 133 16
9. Amaziah 796 BC 135 29
Jonah (to Nineveh)
13. Jeroboam II 782 BC 149 41
Hosea (until Hezekiah)
10. Uzziah (Azariah) 767 BC 164 52 Isaiah (until Hezekiah)
14. Zechariah 753 BC 178 6 months
15. Shallum 752 BC 179 1 month
16. Menahem 752 BC 179 10
17. Pekahiah 742 BC 189 2
18. Pekah 740 BC 191 20
11. Jotham 740 BC 191 16 Micah (until Hezekiah)
12. Ahaz 732 BC 199 16
19. Hoshea 732 BC 199 9
13. Hezekiah 716 BC 215 29
14. Manasseh 687 BC 244 55
15. Amon 642 BC 289 2
Nahum (to
16. Josiah 640 BC 291 31
Jeremiah (into
17. Jehoahaz 609 BC 322 3 months
18. Jehoiakim 609 BC 322 11
19. Jehoiachin 597 BC 334 3 months
20. Zedekiah 597 BC 334 11
592 BC 339
587 BC
Obadiah (to
520 BC 411
Esther) 478 BC 453
(Ezra) 458 BC 473
(Nehemiah) 445 BC 486
433 BC 498 Malachi
Ahijah HaShiloni, also known as Ahijah the
Shilonite, was a prophet of Shiloh (1 Kings
11:29) in the Old Testament. In rabbinical
tradition, he is considered one of the longest
lived of the prophets and is honored as one of
the seven righteous saints whose piety
protects the world from destruction.
In the Bible, Ahijah is identified as the grandson
of Eli, the priest the sacred sanctuary of Shiloh.
Ahijah helped King Saul defeat the Philistines by
bringing forth the Ark of the Covenant to throw
Israel's enemy into panic. According to some
authorities, he was later commissioned by King
David to oversee the vast treasures dedicated to
the Lord (1 Chronicles 26:20—Septuagint
When King Solomon offended the prophetic ideal by
erecting altars to non-Israelite gods, Ahijah turned
against the house of David and commissioned the
northern labor leader Jeroboam to become the future
king of Israel, promising him the blessings originally
intended for the Davidic kings (1 Kings 11:31-39). Ahijah
was thus instrumental in the division of Solomon's
domain into the northern Kingdom of Israel and the
southern Kingdom of Judah. However, when Jeroboam
erected golden bull statues at Dan and Bethel, Ahijah
broke with his protegé and predicted God's doom upon
his lineage (1 Kings 14:6-16).
 Samaria mengalami Golden Age, disegani dalam aspek ekonomi dan militer,
baik di Siria (Aram) maupun kerajaan kecil di Palestina.
 Orang Asyur menyebut kerajaan Utara “ Tanah Omri”.
 Nama Omri disebut dalam the Moabite Stone of King Mesha (9th century BCE)
sebagai raja yang mengalahkan Moab beberapa tahun.
 Untuk memperkuat Aliansi dengan Fenisia, Omri mengadakan kontrak
perkawinan antara Jezebel, puteri dari Sidon dan anaknya Ahab.
 Perkawinan ini terbuki sangat menentukan nasib Israel di masa depan.
 Sekaligus sebagai katalisator yang melahirkan Gerakan kenabian di Israel.
 Pemerintahan putra Omri, Ahab, bertepatan dengan aktivitas Nabi Elia, seperti
yang tercatat di I Raja-raja, pasal 16, ayat 29, sampai pasal 22, ayat 40.
 Ahab, di bawah pengaruh ratu Izebel, mengizinkannya untuk beribadah kepada
dewa kesuburan Baal di Samaria — ibu kota yang dibangun Omri — dan di
seluruh Israel, meskipun dia sendiri tetap menjadi penyembah Yahweh
 Sebuah kuil dibangun untuk Baal di Samaria;
 Yerikho dibangun kembali (meskipun larangan terhadap keberadaannya masih
ada) oleh Hiel dari Betel, yang mengorbankan dua putranya sendiri dan
menempatkan mereka di fondasi dan gerbang tembok kota
Selama apostasi ini, Elia dari Tisbe, nabi besar muncul.
Seorang pria berperilaku aneh, mengenakan pakaian dari bulu dengan
ikat pinggang kulit di pinggangnya, menggunakan bahasa kasar, dan
lebih memilih daerah hutan belantara daripada kota, Elia menanggung
stigma sebagai dari pemberontak sosial. (bdk. Yohanes Pembaptis)
Berlawanan dengan otoritas istana, ia memulai karir kenabiannya tepat
sebelum pengunduran dirinya di padang gurun selama musim kemarau,
yang telah ia wartakan kepada Ahab.
Ia menunjukkan bahwa Yahweh, bukan Baal, adalah Penguasa alam.
Selama bencana kelaparan, ia melakukan dua mukjizat: dia menjamin
seorang janda dan putranya mendapat makanan karena kemurahan
hatinya kepada Elia dan menyembuhkan putranya, yang tampak
sudah mati, yang telah berhenti bernapas, dengan merentangkan
dirinya di atas bocah itu tiga kali.
Elia pergi ke istana Ahab di Samaria, setelah bertemu dengan salah
satu tokoh terkemuka (Obaja) yang lolos dari upaya Izebel untuk
menghancurkan para pemimpin kultus Yahweh, dan ia berdiri di
depan Ahab, menuduh raja sebagai "pembuat onar Israel ”karena
telah mengijinkan dan mengikuti kultus Baal.
Elia menanatang para Baalist, yang didukung oleh Izebel, untuk
berjumpa dengannya dalam sebuah ‘pertandingan’ di Mt. Carmel.
Elia melawan 450 nabi Baal: dramatis
Elia mengolok-olok Baalist dengan cemoohan kasar.
Kaum Baalist menggunakan sihir. Menggores-gores tubuhnya dengan
harapan bahwa darah yang mengalir ke tanah akan membuat Baal
mengirimkan hujan.
Ketika kaum Baalist gagal, Elia membangun mezbah kuno Yahweh,
menuangkan air di atas kayu tiga kali (mungkinkah ini upacara
memanggil hujan kuno?) dan berdoa kepada Yahweh.
Ketika Elia menang, orang-orang Israel membunuh nabi Baal itu.
 Elia menyuruh Ahab untuk menyelesaikan pesta saat dia pergi ke puncak Gn.
Karmel untuk melakukan upacara pemanggilan hujan lainnya. Ketika hujan
turun dengan deras, Ahab sedang mengendarai keretanya di Lembah Yizreel.
 Elia, karena takut akan pembalasan dari Izebel, melarikan diri ke hutan
belantara selatan.
 Di Mt. Horeb (Sinai) setelah badai, angin, dan gempa bumi, Yahweh berbicara
kepada Elia melalui keheningan dan kemudian berkata bahwa dia harus
mengurapi Hazael menjadi raja Siria, Yehu menjadi raja Israel, dan Elisa
menjadi penerusnya sebagai nabi.
 Sekembalinya Ahab ke Samaria Izebel berusaha memaksa raja untuk menyita
kebun anggur Nabot dari Yizreel, yang terletak di pusat Kanaan
 Nabot menegaskan, sebagai orang Israel tanah itu bukan miliknya tetapi adalah
warisan dari Yahweh dan dia tidak dapat menjualnya. Setelah diadili dengan
tuduhan palsu penistaan agama, Naboth dihukum dan dirajam sampai mati.
Ahab, mengikuti nasihat Izebel, lalu pergi ke kebun anggur Nabot dan
 Setelah mendengar perbuatan Ahab yang tidak adil sebagai raja, Elia menyatakan
kepadanya, "Di tempat di mana anjing menjilat darah Nabot, anjing akan menjilat
darahmu sendiri." Nabi juga bernubuat , "Anjing-anjing akan memakan Izebel
dalam batas-batas Izreel."
According to the Bible, Elisha was a powerful prophet in the
Kingdom of Israel during the mid-late ninth century B.C.E..
Known as the successor of Elijah the Tishbite, Elisha was an
absolute opponent of Baal worship and one of the mightiest
miracle workers in the Bible.
He distinguished himself as a model disciple to his master
Elijah.Then after inheriting the mantle of leadership, Elisha
did even greater works than his master, healing the sick,
raising the dead, parting the waters of the Jordan, and
striking an entire army with blindness.
Elisha was also a major political actor. He consorted with
kings and was instrumental in the defeat of armies and the
lifting of sieges. His agents assassinated three kings, and he
instituted a violent purge of the descendants of Israel's King
After the ascension of Elisha's candidate, Jehu, to the throne
of Israel, Baal worship was strongly repressed for a time.
On his deathbed, Elisha continued to prophesy, and at least
one miracle was reported in association with his remains.
 While critical scholarship considers much of the Elisha story to be
legendary, rabbinical tradition holds him to be a great mystic and
one of the originators of the Kabbala, or Jewish mystical tradition.
Elisha's ministry took place against the background
of troubled times for the prophets ofYahweh, for they
faced persecution under the influence of Jezebel,
wife of King Ahab of Israel.
The prophet Elijah was Jezebel's chief antagonist in
this struggle and had been forced by Jezebel into
exile in the south after instigating the slaughter of
450 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel.
 Elisha was the son of Shaphat, dwelling in a place called Abel Meholah. Unlike
most prophets, Elisha was not called by God directly but was summoned from
his farm work by Elijah. God's prophecy concerning Elisha was a dire one,
involving political intrigue and bloodshed. God said to Elijah:
 Go to the Desert of Damascus.When you get there, anoint Hazael king over
Aram (Syria). Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint
Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will
put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death
any who escape the sword of Jehu (1 Kings 19:15-17).
 Before he settled in the northern capital of Samaria, the prophet spent some time
on Mount Carmel, the site of his master's great victory over the prophets of Baal (2
Kings 2:25).We learn that King Joram had moved somewhat closer toward the
prophetic attitude than his forebears, "removing the sacred stone of Baal that his
father had made," but failing to shut down the shrine at Bethel that competed with
the Temple of Jerusalem.
 Like Ahab before him, Joram had also maintained an effective alliance with King
Jehoshaphat of Judah, considered one of the "good" kings.Thus, when the armies of
Judah, Israel and Edom, made war against King Mesha of Moab in an effort to force
him to renew his status as a vassal to Joram, Elisha consented to intervene.
Employing a harpist to aid him in his prophecy, he predicted both relief from
drought and victory over the Moabites. His oracle was fulfilled on the following
morning (2 Kings 3:4-24).
 That Elisha inherited the wonder-working power of Elijah is shown throughout the
whole course of his life.
 1.When the widow of one of the prophets was threatened by a hard creditor, Elisha
multiplied a small portion of oil so greatly as to enable her not only to pay her debt,
but to provide for her family's needs (2 Kings 4:1-7).
 To reward a childless Shunamite lady of for her hospitality, he prophesied that she
would have a son, which she did. A few years later, when the child suddenly died,
Elisha miraculously resurrected him.The dramatic scene is recounted this way: (2
Kings 4:34-35).
 At Gilgal, to nourish the local prophets who had been pressed by famine, Elisha
miraculously transformed a pottage made from poisonous gourds into an edible
stew (2 Kings 4:38-41).
 At Baal Shalishah, he fed 100 men with a mere 20 loaves of barley bread.
 Elisha also cured a Syrian commander, Naaman, of leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-19).
 When Elisha's servant Gehazi sought payment from Naaman against the prophet's
wishes, Elisha then cursed Gehazi with the leprosy he had removed from Naaman
(2 Kings 5:20-27).
 When a group of prophets lost a valuable axe-head in the Jordan, Elisha
miraculously recovered it (2:6-7).
 At long last, Elisha now began to fulfill the mission given to Elijah many years
previous: to make Hazael king of Syria and Jehu king of Israel. Elisha traveled to
Damascus, where Ben-Hadad lay seriously ill. Ben-Hadad sent his lieutenant,
Hazael, to inquire of the prophet about his prognosis. Elisha instructed Hazael to
tell the king "You will certainly recover." In the same breath, however, the prophet
confided: "The Lord has revealed to me that he will in fact die." Elisha then began
to weep, forseeing great suffering for Israel at Hazael's hands and telling him: "The
Lord has shown me that you will become king of Aram." Thus encouraged, Hazael
returned to Ben-Hadad, informed him that would recover, and then suffocated him
to death, succeeding him as king (2 Kings 7:1-20).
 Elisha then directed one the prophets to anoint the military leader Jehu—stationed
at Ramoth-Gilead—as the future king of Israel.The young prophet obeyed, pouring
oil on the head of Jehu and declaring God's words: (lihat (2 Kings 9:1-10).
 Many years intervene with no biblical record of Elisha's activities.The man whom
he made king, Jehu, had long since died himself; and Elisha now lies on his death-
bed in his own house (2 Kings 13:14-19). King Joash, the grandson of Jehu, comes to
mourn over his approaching departure. In one last prophetic act, Elisha orders a
bow brought and commands that Joash shoot an arrow toward the east. "The Lord's
arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!" Elisha declares. "You will
completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek" (2 Kings 13:17). As Elisha breathes his
last, Joash utters the same words Elisha himself had declared on the passing of
Elijah: "My father, my father! the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof."
 Elisha's miracles, however, have not quite ended. Long after his burial, a dead body
is laid in Elisha's tomb. No sooner does it touch Elisha's remains than the man
"revived, and stood up on his feet" (2 Kings 13:20-21).

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  • 2.
  • 3. Kings of ... Start of reign Years since Solomon Length of reign (years) Prophets to ... Judah Israel Judah Israel 1. Rehoboa m 931 BC 0 17 1. Jeroboam 931 BC 0 22 (Ahijah) 2. Abijah 913 BC 18 3 3. Asa 911 BC 20 41 2. Nadab 910 BC 21 2 3. Baasha 909 BC 22 24 (Jehu) 4. Elah 886 BC 45 2 5. Zimri 885 BC 46 7 days 6. Omri 885 BC 46 12 7. Ahab 874 BC 57 22 (Elijah)
  • 4. 4. Jehoshaphat 870 BC 61 25 (Micaiah) 8. Ahaziah 853 BC 78 2 (Elisha) 9. Joram 852 BC 79 12 5. Jehoram 848 BC 83 8 6. Ahaziah 841 BC 90 1 10. Jehu 841 BC 90 28 7. Queen Athaliah 841 BC 90 6 8. Joash 835 BC 96 40 Joel (guesswork) 11. Jehoahaz 814 BC 117 17 12. Jehoash 798 BC 133 16 9. Amaziah 796 BC 135 29 Jonah (to Nineveh) (approx) 13. Jeroboam II 782 BC 149 41 Amos, Hosea (until Hezekiah) 10. Uzziah (Azariah) 767 BC 164 52 Isaiah (until Hezekiah) 14. Zechariah 753 BC 178 6 months 15. Shallum 752 BC 179 1 month 16. Menahem 752 BC 179 10 17. Pekahiah 742 BC 189 2 18. Pekah 740 BC 191 20 11. Jotham 740 BC 191 16 Micah (until Hezekiah) 12. Ahaz 732 BC 199 16 19. Hoshea 732 BC 199 9
  • 5. 13. Hezekiah 716 BC 215 29 14. Manasseh 687 BC 244 55 15. Amon 642 BC 289 2 Nahum (to Nineveh) (approx) 16. Josiah 640 BC 291 31 Zephaniah, Jeremiah (into exile) 17. Jehoahaz 609 BC 322 3 months 18. Jehoiakim 609 BC 322 11 Habakkuk (approx) 19. Jehoiachin 597 BC 334 3 months 20. Zedekiah 597 BC 334 11 592 BC 339 Ezekiel, Daniel 587 BC (maybe) 335 Obadiah (to Edom) 520 BC 411 Haggai, Zechariah
  • 6. Esther) 478 BC 453 (Ezra) 458 BC 473 (Nehemiah) 445 BC 486 433 BC 498 Malachi
  • 7.
  • 8. Ahijah HaShiloni, also known as Ahijah the Shilonite, was a prophet of Shiloh (1 Kings 11:29) in the Old Testament. In rabbinical tradition, he is considered one of the longest lived of the prophets and is honored as one of the seven righteous saints whose piety protects the world from destruction.
  • 9. In the Bible, Ahijah is identified as the grandson of Eli, the priest the sacred sanctuary of Shiloh. Ahijah helped King Saul defeat the Philistines by bringing forth the Ark of the Covenant to throw Israel's enemy into panic. According to some authorities, he was later commissioned by King David to oversee the vast treasures dedicated to the Lord (1 Chronicles 26:20—Septuagint version).
  • 10. When King Solomon offended the prophetic ideal by erecting altars to non-Israelite gods, Ahijah turned against the house of David and commissioned the northern labor leader Jeroboam to become the future king of Israel, promising him the blessings originally intended for the Davidic kings (1 Kings 11:31-39). Ahijah was thus instrumental in the division of Solomon's domain into the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah. However, when Jeroboam erected golden bull statues at Dan and Bethel, Ahijah broke with his protegé and predicted God's doom upon his lineage (1 Kings 14:6-16).
  • 11.
  • 12. KONTEKS: DINASTI OMRI(C. 876– 842)  Samaria mengalami Golden Age, disegani dalam aspek ekonomi dan militer, baik di Siria (Aram) maupun kerajaan kecil di Palestina.  Orang Asyur menyebut kerajaan Utara “ Tanah Omri”.  Nama Omri disebut dalam the Moabite Stone of King Mesha (9th century BCE) sebagai raja yang mengalahkan Moab beberapa tahun.  Untuk memperkuat Aliansi dengan Fenisia, Omri mengadakan kontrak perkawinan antara Jezebel, puteri dari Sidon dan anaknya Ahab.  Perkawinan ini terbuki sangat menentukan nasib Israel di masa depan.  Sekaligus sebagai katalisator yang melahirkan Gerakan kenabian di Israel.
  • 13.  Pemerintahan putra Omri, Ahab, bertepatan dengan aktivitas Nabi Elia, seperti yang tercatat di I Raja-raja, pasal 16, ayat 29, sampai pasal 22, ayat 40.  Ahab, di bawah pengaruh ratu Izebel, mengizinkannya untuk beribadah kepada dewa kesuburan Baal di Samaria — ibu kota yang dibangun Omri — dan di seluruh Israel, meskipun dia sendiri tetap menjadi penyembah Yahweh  Sebuah kuil dibangun untuk Baal di Samaria;  Yerikho dibangun kembali (meskipun larangan terhadap keberadaannya masih ada) oleh Hiel dari Betel, yang mengorbankan dua putranya sendiri dan menempatkan mereka di fondasi dan gerbang tembok kota .
  • 14. Selama apostasi ini, Elia dari Tisbe, nabi besar muncul. Seorang pria berperilaku aneh, mengenakan pakaian dari bulu dengan ikat pinggang kulit di pinggangnya, menggunakan bahasa kasar, dan lebih memilih daerah hutan belantara daripada kota, Elia menanggung stigma sebagai dari pemberontak sosial. (bdk. Yohanes Pembaptis) Berlawanan dengan otoritas istana, ia memulai karir kenabiannya tepat sebelum pengunduran dirinya di padang gurun selama musim kemarau, yang telah ia wartakan kepada Ahab. Ia menunjukkan bahwa Yahweh, bukan Baal, adalah Penguasa alam.
  • 15. Selama bencana kelaparan, ia melakukan dua mukjizat: dia menjamin seorang janda dan putranya mendapat makanan karena kemurahan hatinya kepada Elia dan menyembuhkan putranya, yang tampak sudah mati, yang telah berhenti bernapas, dengan merentangkan dirinya di atas bocah itu tiga kali. Elia pergi ke istana Ahab di Samaria, setelah bertemu dengan salah satu tokoh terkemuka (Obaja) yang lolos dari upaya Izebel untuk menghancurkan para pemimpin kultus Yahweh, dan ia berdiri di depan Ahab, menuduh raja sebagai "pembuat onar Israel ”karena telah mengijinkan dan mengikuti kultus Baal. Elia menanatang para Baalist, yang didukung oleh Izebel, untuk berjumpa dengannya dalam sebuah ‘pertandingan’ di Mt. Carmel.
  • 16. Elia melawan 450 nabi Baal: dramatis Elia mengolok-olok Baalist dengan cemoohan kasar. Kaum Baalist menggunakan sihir. Menggores-gores tubuhnya dengan harapan bahwa darah yang mengalir ke tanah akan membuat Baal mengirimkan hujan. Ketika kaum Baalist gagal, Elia membangun mezbah kuno Yahweh, menuangkan air di atas kayu tiga kali (mungkinkah ini upacara memanggil hujan kuno?) dan berdoa kepada Yahweh. Ketika Elia menang, orang-orang Israel membunuh nabi Baal itu.
  • 17.  Elia menyuruh Ahab untuk menyelesaikan pesta saat dia pergi ke puncak Gn. Karmel untuk melakukan upacara pemanggilan hujan lainnya. Ketika hujan turun dengan deras, Ahab sedang mengendarai keretanya di Lembah Yizreel.  Elia, karena takut akan pembalasan dari Izebel, melarikan diri ke hutan belantara selatan.  Di Mt. Horeb (Sinai) setelah badai, angin, dan gempa bumi, Yahweh berbicara kepada Elia melalui keheningan dan kemudian berkata bahwa dia harus mengurapi Hazael menjadi raja Siria, Yehu menjadi raja Israel, dan Elisa menjadi penerusnya sebagai nabi.
  • 18.  Sekembalinya Ahab ke Samaria Izebel berusaha memaksa raja untuk menyita kebun anggur Nabot dari Yizreel, yang terletak di pusat Kanaan  Nabot menegaskan, sebagai orang Israel tanah itu bukan miliknya tetapi adalah warisan dari Yahweh dan dia tidak dapat menjualnya. Setelah diadili dengan tuduhan palsu penistaan agama, Naboth dihukum dan dirajam sampai mati. Ahab, mengikuti nasihat Izebel, lalu pergi ke kebun anggur Nabot dan mengambilnya.  Setelah mendengar perbuatan Ahab yang tidak adil sebagai raja, Elia menyatakan kepadanya, "Di tempat di mana anjing menjilat darah Nabot, anjing akan menjilat darahmu sendiri." Nabi juga bernubuat , "Anjing-anjing akan memakan Izebel dalam batas-batas Izreel."
  • 20. According to the Bible, Elisha was a powerful prophet in the Kingdom of Israel during the mid-late ninth century B.C.E.. Known as the successor of Elijah the Tishbite, Elisha was an absolute opponent of Baal worship and one of the mightiest miracle workers in the Bible. He distinguished himself as a model disciple to his master Elijah.Then after inheriting the mantle of leadership, Elisha did even greater works than his master, healing the sick, raising the dead, parting the waters of the Jordan, and striking an entire army with blindness.
  • 21. Elisha was also a major political actor. He consorted with kings and was instrumental in the defeat of armies and the lifting of sieges. His agents assassinated three kings, and he instituted a violent purge of the descendants of Israel's King Ahab. After the ascension of Elisha's candidate, Jehu, to the throne of Israel, Baal worship was strongly repressed for a time. On his deathbed, Elisha continued to prophesy, and at least one miracle was reported in association with his remains.
  • 22.  While critical scholarship considers much of the Elisha story to be legendary, rabbinical tradition holds him to be a great mystic and one of the originators of the Kabbala, or Jewish mystical tradition.
  • 23. Elisha's ministry took place against the background of troubled times for the prophets ofYahweh, for they faced persecution under the influence of Jezebel, wife of King Ahab of Israel. The prophet Elijah was Jezebel's chief antagonist in this struggle and had been forced by Jezebel into exile in the south after instigating the slaughter of 450 prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel.
  • 24.  Elisha was the son of Shaphat, dwelling in a place called Abel Meholah. Unlike most prophets, Elisha was not called by God directly but was summoned from his farm work by Elijah. God's prophecy concerning Elisha was a dire one, involving political intrigue and bloodshed. God said to Elijah:  Go to the Desert of Damascus.When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram (Syria). Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu (1 Kings 19:15-17).
  • 25.  Before he settled in the northern capital of Samaria, the prophet spent some time on Mount Carmel, the site of his master's great victory over the prophets of Baal (2 Kings 2:25).We learn that King Joram had moved somewhat closer toward the prophetic attitude than his forebears, "removing the sacred stone of Baal that his father had made," but failing to shut down the shrine at Bethel that competed with the Temple of Jerusalem.  Like Ahab before him, Joram had also maintained an effective alliance with King Jehoshaphat of Judah, considered one of the "good" kings.Thus, when the armies of Judah, Israel and Edom, made war against King Mesha of Moab in an effort to force him to renew his status as a vassal to Joram, Elisha consented to intervene. Employing a harpist to aid him in his prophecy, he predicted both relief from drought and victory over the Moabites. His oracle was fulfilled on the following morning (2 Kings 3:4-24).
  • 26.  That Elisha inherited the wonder-working power of Elijah is shown throughout the whole course of his life.  1.When the widow of one of the prophets was threatened by a hard creditor, Elisha multiplied a small portion of oil so greatly as to enable her not only to pay her debt, but to provide for her family's needs (2 Kings 4:1-7).  To reward a childless Shunamite lady of for her hospitality, he prophesied that she would have a son, which she did. A few years later, when the child suddenly died, Elisha miraculously resurrected him.The dramatic scene is recounted this way: (2 Kings 4:34-35).
  • 27.  At Gilgal, to nourish the local prophets who had been pressed by famine, Elisha miraculously transformed a pottage made from poisonous gourds into an edible stew (2 Kings 4:38-41).  At Baal Shalishah, he fed 100 men with a mere 20 loaves of barley bread.  Elisha also cured a Syrian commander, Naaman, of leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-19).  When Elisha's servant Gehazi sought payment from Naaman against the prophet's wishes, Elisha then cursed Gehazi with the leprosy he had removed from Naaman (2 Kings 5:20-27).  When a group of prophets lost a valuable axe-head in the Jordan, Elisha miraculously recovered it (2:6-7).
  • 28.  At long last, Elisha now began to fulfill the mission given to Elijah many years previous: to make Hazael king of Syria and Jehu king of Israel. Elisha traveled to Damascus, where Ben-Hadad lay seriously ill. Ben-Hadad sent his lieutenant, Hazael, to inquire of the prophet about his prognosis. Elisha instructed Hazael to tell the king "You will certainly recover." In the same breath, however, the prophet confided: "The Lord has revealed to me that he will in fact die." Elisha then began to weep, forseeing great suffering for Israel at Hazael's hands and telling him: "The Lord has shown me that you will become king of Aram." Thus encouraged, Hazael returned to Ben-Hadad, informed him that would recover, and then suffocated him to death, succeeding him as king (2 Kings 7:1-20).  Elisha then directed one the prophets to anoint the military leader Jehu—stationed at Ramoth-Gilead—as the future king of Israel.The young prophet obeyed, pouring oil on the head of Jehu and declaring God's words: (lihat (2 Kings 9:1-10).
  • 29.  Many years intervene with no biblical record of Elisha's activities.The man whom he made king, Jehu, had long since died himself; and Elisha now lies on his death- bed in his own house (2 Kings 13:14-19). King Joash, the grandson of Jehu, comes to mourn over his approaching departure. In one last prophetic act, Elisha orders a bow brought and commands that Joash shoot an arrow toward the east. "The Lord's arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!" Elisha declares. "You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek" (2 Kings 13:17). As Elisha breathes his last, Joash utters the same words Elisha himself had declared on the passing of Elijah: "My father, my father! the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof."  Elisha's miracles, however, have not quite ended. Long after his burial, a dead body is laid in Elisha's tomb. No sooner does it touch Elisha's remains than the man "revived, and stood up on his feet" (2 Kings 13:20-21).