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It’s very easy, but potentially a big
mistake, to think that your culture
and brand is defined by you and
you alone.
This is in fact rarely the case.
A great mentor of mine often says that the
most important thing in any business is
the“finding and keeping of customers”,
after all, what is a business without any
clients? Whenever this subject comes up I
always like to add that the finding and
keeping of great STAFF is also equally
important, because without a fantastic
team there is no one to support and serve
those clients you fought long and hard to
So your culture and employer brand is
defined as much by the people working in
your business alongside you, as it is by
you and your management team. In fact
it’s likely to be more so because even
though you may come up with the values
and guiding principles, it is actually what
happens day in day out that defines what
it is REALLY like to“work around here”.
A key point when considering this is how
your recruitment strategy works to
enhance and showcase your business.
How do you greet people as they walk in
to your business for the first time? What
do you send them ahead of the job
interview? What does your Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter presence say about
you as a place to work?
All of these fine details are absolutely
critical when building a strategy to ensure
the best of the best are keen to come and
spend the vast majority of their waking
hours in the environment that you have
Just as importantly though is how you
manage the applicants that don’t make it
into your business as an employee.
We advertise a LOT of jobs here at the
Adam Butler Group, and for every job
there is an average of 73 applications and
usually only one vacancy. That’s
potentially 72 people that are
disappointed, and perhaps even
disgruntled by their lack of progress with
your business.
If they FEEL (and it’s how you make them
FEEL that is really important) they have
had a negative experience then they may
tell their own circle of friends, perhaps
even out loud on the social networks!
It’s for this very reason that we always
advise you to correspond directly with
every candidate who takes time out of
their day to respond to your advert. Use
your personality and add some value to
their lives. Make sure they know how to
contact you if they want to, and make sure
there is someone they can speak to if they
do call in. Making this a priority will
generate a lot of goodwill and create a
better understanding of your business
culture, and therefore enhance your
employer branding out in the open
market. It’s a part of the process we take
great pride in for our own clients.
There are some great tools you can use to
help communicate directly by name to
every person every time. In fact our“Applicant
Tracking & Response Management
System”can do all this for you with a few
touches of your keyboard, (or of course
we can take care of it for you!) so let us
know if you’d like to find out more about
how it could work in your business.
Another thing my mentor taught me is
that“what other people say about you
matters a LOT!”- he’s right again, and you
should ensure that people are saying the
right things about you as often as
possible. It will pay you huge dividends in
the long term, and that’s surely a big part
of the goal for ANY business.
Have a great month and I hope we can
speak again soon.
Use Facebook!
Applicant Tracking
Meet the Team
Body Language
Part of Adam Butler Recruitment Group
the “employee” you didn’t hire!
When dealing with recruitment
responsibilities, the use of social media
can prove to be both an efficient and
effective measure. Trust us when we say
that it’s no coincidence that more and
more companies are using Facebook
recruiting to their advantage. Facebook is
among the top 10 most visited websites,
but employers have yet to utilise the site
as a recruiting tool. We know that’s
changing, fuelled by successes like Ernst &
Young's Facebook Group, which has
attracted over 12,000 members, the
popular social networking site is
becoming a player in the talent acquisition
game for larger companies.
But how is it fairing for small businesses,
entrepreneurs and SME’s?
Well, all we can say is that it's filled with
millions of passive candidates that employers
can covet. We’re so impressed by the site as a
recruiting tool that we thought we’d put
together a list of Facebook recruiting tips,
many of which you can employ at little to no
#1. It Helps Your Company Gain More
Traffic In Recruitment
Recruiting through Facebook will gain more
applicant traffic for your company jobs. Yes,
job boards, blogs and websites are available.
But, Facebook possesses an entirely huge
bulk of internet users that these other
mediums just fail to provide. If done right,
you’re bound to have more people come
across your recruitment ventures on
Facebook than on any other network. With
that in mind, you’re already at a competitive
advantage compared to those who aren’t
recruiting on Facebook.
#2. It’s A Diverse Recruitment Pool
When you recruit through Facebook, you are
taking your recruitment efforts globally.
Facebook is the largest and most widely used
social media network in the world. When you
recruit through this medium, you are given
the opportunity to select from a world’s
worth of talent to help your business
succeed. Traditional recruitment methods
can only get you so far. Facebook takes
recruitment to a whole new level by giving
you the opportunity to fill positions for your
specific needs. It works in multiple different
hiring scenarios such as Graduate Hiring,
Diversity Recruiting, Seasonal Hiring, Niche
Recruiting or filling a few strategic positions.
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#3. It Increases Employee Referral
It’s so much easier for your employees to
participate in referral activities through
Facebook recruiting. Facebook gives your
employees the opportunity to have a
synthesized and very systematic way of
referring contacts to your company using
sharing and messaging features. Your
employees can serve as a very special
resource, especially when you can maximize
their networks as well.
Tip #4: Advertise. Ads come in three
flavours: Social Ads, Facebook pages
and Job Apps
You can advertise an external URL like your
career site or an internal Facebook page,
which keeps users on the Facebook site.
Advertisers can list ads for as little as £5 on a
CPC or CPM basis. What's great about
Facebook ads is that you can target certain
keywords, demographics and even other
workplaces. Imagine being able to display
ads in front of your competitors' employees!
We've got this neat "Jobs" tab on our
Facebook page where ALL our clients’jobs
appear and can be searched by anyone
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seeking employment. The Jobs tab works
effectively like a "mini job board" within
Facebook where you can post your vacancies
by industry and location. Prospective
candidates can then apply directly from FB
without having to be redirected to an
external website.
Our research suggests that once people are
in Facebook, they prefer to stay there, and
the early signs are that this is working really
Add in your own targeted Facebook advert
to appeal to a really specific target candidate
audience, as well as adding engaging
content on your Page's Wall, and you could
seriously build your "Employment Brand" as
well as massively reduce your "Cost per Hire".
#5. It Establishes A More Personal
Connection With Job Seekers
When attracting recruits and job seekers
through social media, your company is
engaging with these people on a much more
personal level as opposed to them finding a
job recruitment ad on a job board or
newspaper clipping. When pressed, these
recruits are always more likely to choose the
job opportunity with a more personal
approach to recruitment.
#6. It Increases Brand Awareness
When your company engages in Facebook
recruitment, you’re also inadvertently
increasing your brand’s presence in your
industry. Studies have shown that people
will tend to trust brands more when they are
socially active on Facebook and other social
media sites.
#7. It Helps You Attract Passive
Most of the time, the most talented potential
recruits aren’t really aggressive in the pursuit
of their careers. Facebook recruitment gives
you the opportunity to actually come into
contact with these passive applicants and
tap them to join your organisation.
Sometimes, the greatest minds are the
hardest to find. Fortunately, Facebook has
made it easier for us to find them, especially
with the ad targeting features.
#8. It Gets You Connected To The
Student Community
College and University students comprise
one of the highest demographics in the
Facebook Community. This is a perfect
opportunity for your company to attract the
freshest minds that you can help mould with
proper guidance and training in your
organisation. Most of these students will
probably be looking for part-time jobs or
internships, and engaging with them
through Facebook is a great way to get in
touch with them.
#9. It’s Cost Effective
Other than Facebook providing you with a
seemingly infinite network of potential
recruits, it’s not too heavy on the wallet as
well. If your company is already active on
Facebook, all you need is a small investment
in ad promotions and perhaps a job app on
Facebook. There isn’t really any much
financial expenses that your company will
have to shell out for Facebook recruitment.
In the meantime, it comes as standard with
every campaign we run for you, so you can
rest assured you are getting the social media
coverage that is all the buzz at the moment!
The key with using Facebook to recruit is to
participate and connect with the candidates
you seek. Establish relationships with them
and you will go a long way towards being
their employer of choice.
Home 3
As entrepreneurs and small business
owners we all know that at some point our
companies will need to grow, which means
thinking about hiring staff. It can be pure
luck when you find the right person after
several days of looking through CV’s and
interviewing two or three candidates.
Normally it can take months to hire
someone, and it’s hard work, which takes
your focus away from running your own
With today’s turbulent economy, sometimes
the picture is not as bright. There are
thousands of people looking for a job – any
job – applying for every job they can find,
hoping that they will get lucky. Recruiters and
Human Resource people have to spend
plenty of time looking through all of the CV’s
that they have received to find several
candidates qualified enough for the job. It
takes time, it takes effort, and it costs money.
With an in-house or even outsourced
applicant tracking system, you’ll be in control.
Instead of using spreadsheets and hours of
admin time, an ATS can put you in the driver’s
seat by performing the complex HR task of
finding new employees.
What is an ATS?
So what is an application tracking system? It’s
a software application that helps you manage
and automate your recruitment process. It can
be used by anyone and any organisation that
recruits permanent or temporary staff.
Applicant tracking software works like a
database by collecting information and
storing it for future use. It can be a link to a
website or the main point of contact from a
job board such as Total Jobs and Reed.
Applicants go online to complete their
application. This information is then stored in
the ATS database, field by field. Company
managers can then access this information
and quickly determine which applicants they
want to interview.
Most importantly, an ATS helps managers hire
the right employees. Managers may search
the database based on what they need, such
as a particular skill or software knowledge,
and put together their own pool of
candidates. Now that the circle is narrowed,
the HR department or recruiters may step in
and do their part of the work. Because an ATS
makes it easy for hiring managers to identify
potential candidates, companies can shift
some of the work off HR and/or the recruiter
onto the actual people who will be working
with the recruits.
Why do I need to use an ATS?
So, you know you’ve a vacancy that you need
to fill, you post the information about the
vacancy on public job boards, or you use a
recruitment agency to do that bit for you and
in a week you already have a hundred
applicants. You start to study the CV’s and by
the time you reach the tenth CV you have
already forgotten why you liked the second
one. You can create spreadsheets and
continue struggling with the applications or
you can save time and effort and use an ATS
to help you filter and manage your time more
Yes, for large organisations the benefits of an
applicant tracking system are quite obvious.
Hundreds of applicants and CV’s turn an ATS
into a necessity.
For smaller companies, the benefits may not
be as clear. But now that the software is
getting more affordable and easier to use,
applicant tracking systems are very attractive,
even for the smallest organizations.
Here are the top 4 benefits of an ATS for small
and medium-sized businesses (SMB’s):
1. Online job board and application
An ATS lets people view open positions and
apply online for one or several jobs. It makes
the process more efficient for both the
applicant and the recruiter than the old way
when an applicant called about a job, filled
out an in-person application, or emailed a CV.
2. Save time with screening questions
After posting a vacancy on a public job board,
you may get tons of applicants. Most of them,
however, appear unqualified. If you use an
ATS, you can add screening questions to your
application to test for qualifications, such as
required education, number of years
experience in a specific role, etc. When
reviewing CV’s, the answers to your
customised questions become part of the
applicant’s record. It’s much quicker to review
the answers to these questions than to read
each CV.
3. Provide a professional first
impression to job seekers
In the recruitment process, the business
owner’s goal is to attract top people to the
company. An ATS becomes a powerful
marketing tool, as well as a recruitment tool.
Job seekers typically associate a company job
board and online application with a large
organisation, so an applicant tracking system
with an integrated job board provides a
professional first impression. An ATS can also
send an auto-receipt email after a person has
applied, and send an email when the job has
been filled.
4. Central resume and data repository
An applicant tracking system stores every
resume from every applicant in its centralised
database. In addition, any information
generated during the review process is also
stored with the applicant record, including
notes, assessments, emails and workflow data.
Later, when you have an opening for a new
position, you can look first in your company’s
So if you are tired of wrestling with tons of
paper you have to receive, study, file
and then store, then it’s time to go paperless.
That’s why you need an ATS. An applicant
tracking system not only stores the data, but
it’s also searchable. What might have taken
hours can be done in minutes, saving time
and money.
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Name: Gary Beagan (aka Beags/Gazzer/ Gentle Persuader)
Job Title: Commercial Sales Director
One thing you’d like to achieve in 2015!?
Actually I did have two things, but I have already completed both.
The first thing, was to complete the 76 mile charity cycle ride,“Ride
for Millie”and the second thing was to complete the“Tour de Mon”,
which is a 103 mile cycle ride around the Isle of Anglesey in North
How long have you been cycling and why do you do it?
I only took it up in March to do the charity ride where we were
aiming to raise £15,000 for a hydrotherapy pool for Millie, (she’s the
beautiful 11-year-old daughter of one of my friends, she’s severely
handicapped mentally and physically.) My first ride on a road bike in
30 years hurt and my first 10-mile ride felt like an ordeal, but I stuck at
it for Millie and now I’m hooked on it. I used to say my first love was
golf but it doesn’t exactly make you fit, whereas the cycling has.
Basically it’s now taken over from golf as there isn’t enough time in
the day to fit in both, although I don’t think my kids will allow me to
pack in the snowboarding come the winter months. They’re already
planning trips to Scotland and hopefully Italy in the new year.
What’s your biggest pet hate!?
I hate poor customer service. The customer may not necessarily be
always right, but there is an element of respect that needs to be
adhered to.
Who has inspired you and why!?
With the exception of the usual names that you may list, Richard
Branson, Seve and Nelson Mandela, I guess Millie because she is just
an amazing young lady who has defeated all odds by surviving year
after year also a young man named Alex Stanisforth, who is a
19-year-old guy from just outside Chester. He suffered from epilepsy
when he was young, which was brought under control from
treatment, but scarred him severely. Alex suffered from anxiety,
depression, and low self-confidence, along with a severe stammer
which affected his confidence. Then, when he was 13 years old he
tried paragliding and it transformed his life and he soon went on to
climb Ben Nevis, his first mountain. Since then he’s climbed Mont
Blanc, the three peaks in the UK and Baruntse in the Himalayas. He’s
also completed a number of other physical challenges and has raised
a significant amount of money for charity. At the age of 19 he’s
achieved an awful lot in a very adverse situation. He now does
motivational talks to business audiences which is where I met him,
and he is a thoroughly nice young man, an inspiration to the young
and old alike.
In five bullet points can you summarise your experience and career history:
• I’ve worked in sales all my life, from the days of cold calling telesales from the phone book for Farouche Kitchens, to Colorvision selling TV’s &
Video’s, to the whole spectrum of financial services: loans, mortgages, savings, investment, life and pensions for Blackhorse. Then after a spell
in the mortgage brokerage and debt solution industry, I moved into the world of double glazing and conservatories with the largest home
improvement company Anglian Home Improvements.
• I spent 18 formative years at Blackhorse Personal Finance (previously Chartered Trust) and made it to senior management before moving on
to pastures new.
• After leaving Blackhorse, I set up a franchise of a mate’s mortgage brokerage (pre-credit crunch) which got bought out at the start of the
credit crunch and we diversified into Debt Solutions, Debt Management and Insolvency.
• I have now spent two glorious years working for Adam. In a former life I introduced Adam to Blackhorse where I think he saw a couple of fees
come in and our sons are best buddies at school (have been since infants). They share the same name and initials and are both really lovely
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Meetthe team member
Meetthe team member
What’s your biggest pet hate!?
Meetthe team member
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1. What knowledge and experience do you have of filling
this type of job in my industry?
This is an important question because you need to know that your
Executive Search partner can understand your terminology and the
nuances of your industry, as well as specifics relating to the job you are
looking to fill. It seems obvious but can sometimes be over looked,
especially when the hiring firm or manager is ONLY focussed on the
You should also be asking where they would find the candidates that
they will be putting in front of you. Is it through recruitment
advertising (and if so, where will they advertise)? CV databases
searching? Social Media? Direct approach list building, industry
mapping and headhunting? The right partner for you will have all of
these tools at their disposal to give you access to the very best talent.
2. What do you know about our organisation and CULTURE?
This really is our“thing”here at Adam Butler Consultancy, and we
understand that every business, just like every individual, has its own
unique culture and way of doing things. You need to be confident that
your Executive Search partner is representing you correctly to
prospective employees and doing everything in their power to help
you maintain and improve your employer branding. It’s okay if they
don’t know everything straight away, but they should know something
and have an enthusiasm for learning more and buying into WHY you
do what you do!
3. How will you charge us? What will it cost?
Search firms typically charge between 15% - 25% of the new
employees starting salary as a fee. Some will ask for a retainer payable
in advance to secure their exclusive services, others may only require
fees payable upon placement. You may be able to negotiate a flat fee
or combination of all these things. A retainer is a great way of
demonstrating your commitment to working in partnership with a
provider that you know, like and trust. You will gain their full
commitment and they will work very hard to return value. All too often
the idea of a retainer or advance payment is dismissed, but when we
work on this basis we have been able to fill 100% of the jobs we have
been instructed on in the last 12 months. When we work on a
contingency-only basis (i.e. paid on placement only) this“fill rate”falls.
Additionally you should be aware of the message you are sending out
to job seekers if you instruct a number of agencies on the same job.
Nothing says desperate quite like receiving numerous calls on the
same day from recruiters talking about the same job!
4. What are your payment terms?
Often clients will only look at the fee payable and rebate schedule
(more on this below), however you should also look at payment terms,
whether that is to extend from 7 – 14 days, or even paying in
instalments if possible. You’ll only know if you ask, but if you can pay
sooner then you may well be able to negotiate yourself a lower rate. A
word to the wise though, make sure you adhere to the payment terms
you agree to, as this may affect the rebate schedule or other aspects of
the service levels guaranteed.
5. Do you offer a rebate schedule?
Most search firms will offer some kind of rebate schedule with some
even offering a candidate replacement guarantee. There may or may
not be some flexibility with this, so make sure you find out more and
ask the questions to gain a better understanding of the guarantees
you are getting from them, but as mentioned above, make sure that if
you have agreed to payment terms that your finance team pay on time
to avoid losing this valuable provision.
There are literally thousands of recruitment agency providers
throughout the UK and choosing the right one for your business can
be difficult so I hope this article gives you a framework to use if you are
looking for some assistance.
It’s important that you feel you have a true PARTNERSHIP with your
chosen provider, and that they are able to cater for your specific needs
and provide a bespoke solution as required.
At Adam Butler Consultancy we take great pride in the service we
provide and relationship we build with our clients. We do have some
standard terms available (email if you’d like
to review a copy) but we are always open to prepare something
bespoke, specific to your exact requirements.
Adam Butler Consultancy, headed up by Adam Butler & Neil Massie, is our Executive
Search division. Typically handling jobs at £40,000 and above. It was where it all
began for the fast growing Adam Butler Group that now also incorporates Adam
Butler Training & Development and
With an ever growing pipeline of enquiries for our Executive Search services, we have
noticed that a number of questions are asked regularly so we thought it might be
useful to provide some information on what we believe are the key questions YOU
should be looking for answers on when choosing a partner for your business.
things you should ALWAYS
ask before selecting an
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Subtle signals could be undermining your
potential. Drop slouching in favour of the power
pose and don’t forget careful, controlled
Just 7% of communication comes from the words we
use. And there’s plenty of evidence that demonstrates
just how important body language is in the
workplace: from making the right impression on a
new boss to making a sale. But it’s also crucial for
entrepreneurs – the entire business can depend on
how you come across when making that crucial pitch
or sale. So what are the basics?
First of all, pin down what body language actually is
and where it comes from. It’s more than just
movements – it’s everything that isn’t verbal, from
your tone of voice to your hand gestures. And it’s
intimately connected to the way you feel. Think of
yourself as an evangelist, says Annette Kramer, body
language coach and judge on The Pitch – a UK small
business competition.“If you’re an evangelist, you
really want to engage with people. You want to hear
what people have to say back. Your whole manner
changes. If you believe in what you’re saying and
you’re genuine, you will engage people.”
Power posing
For an important pitch or presentation, it’s all about
power posing!! Researched and highlighted by Amy
Cuddy, associate professor of business administration
at Harvard Business School. Cuddy’s research on
power posing found that study participants who
adopted the power pose before a mock job interview
performed better and were more likely to be hired.
Cuddy suggests that before you go in front of your
audience, head into the bathroom and stand still,
spread your arms and take up as much space in the
room as you can. Further research by Cuddy and her
colleague Dana Carney also found that this pose both
elevates testosterone (thought to be associated with
confidence for both men and women) and decreases
cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. To see the
power pose in action, check out Cuddy’s TED talk, Your
Body Language Shapes Who You Are, currently at
more than 27 million views.
What Does Your Body Language
Say About You?
First impressions
First impressions count: we make
up our minds about whether a
person is trustworthy or not within a
tenth of a second. In that tiny time
frame, people only have your body
language to go on.“If they get
conflicting signals between what you’re
saying and how you’re acting, they’re going to
go with how you’re acting, as they don’t know
you,”she adds.“It’s more difficult to control, so it’s
more honest.”
Dr Locke advises standing up straight, making eye
contact and using a confident tone of voice. Avoid
repetitive small motions, like fiddling with a pen,
rubbing your face or playing with your hair – that
makes you look nervous. Stillness can convey
confidence – not just stillness in the body but
stillness in the voice, such as strategic pauses.
Control conveys confidence
Try to be as relaxed as you can. People don’t
realise that when they’re tense, the tone of their
voice changes as the body seizes up and makes it
hard to speak. So try to breathe deeply to rid your
body of that tension. Use an open stance, with
shoulders back to open out your chest and stop
your breath constricting, to indicate that you’re
willing to answer questions.
Some people talk with their hands and this can
convey excitement and passion. But don’t overdo
it. Not so much that you look as if you’re about to
take off, and not so much that you look anxious.
Keep movements controlled to convey
confidence. Look at Barack Obama: he doesn’t
move that much, but when he does he uses
rounded gestures that say I’m here, I’m thinking,
I’m open, I’m being clear.
Adapt body language to the situation
Body language is also important in more
intimate situations – both controlling your
own, and being able to read other people’s.
To watch Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk head to
Adam Butler
Multi Award Winning Recruitment Expert
& Author | Proud Dad | Lucky Husband |
Ambassador for Hard Work, Optimism
and Inspiration
Chester UK
Joined January 2009
Tweet Adam Butler
Part of Adam Butler Recruitment Group
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Let us know!
Let us know!
We love producing these newsletters but we want to make sure that
you love receiving them. From the next edition we are going‘opt in’
only. So drop a line just to let us know you still want us to send you a
Please email or call on
rachel@easyonlinerecruitment or 01244 567311

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SEPTEMBER Newsletter 2015

  • 1. It’s very easy, but potentially a big mistake, to think that your culture and brand is defined by you and you alone. This is in fact rarely the case. A great mentor of mine often says that the most important thing in any business is the“finding and keeping of customers”, after all, what is a business without any clients? Whenever this subject comes up I always like to add that the finding and keeping of great STAFF is also equally important, because without a fantastic team there is no one to support and serve those clients you fought long and hard to win. So your culture and employer brand is defined as much by the people working in your business alongside you, as it is by you and your management team. In fact it’s likely to be more so because even though you may come up with the values and guiding principles, it is actually what happens day in day out that defines what it is REALLY like to“work around here”. A key point when considering this is how your recruitment strategy works to enhance and showcase your business. How do you greet people as they walk in to your business for the first time? What do you send them ahead of the job interview? What does your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter presence say about you as a place to work? All of these fine details are absolutely critical when building a strategy to ensure the best of the best are keen to come and spend the vast majority of their waking hours in the environment that you have created! Just as importantly though is how you manage the applicants that don’t make it into your business as an employee. We advertise a LOT of jobs here at the Adam Butler Group, and for every job there is an average of 73 applications and usually only one vacancy. That’s potentially 72 people that are disappointed, and perhaps even disgruntled by their lack of progress with your business. If they FEEL (and it’s how you make them FEEL that is really important) they have had a negative experience then they may tell their own circle of friends, perhaps even out loud on the social networks! It’s for this very reason that we always advise you to correspond directly with every candidate who takes time out of their day to respond to your advert. Use your personality and add some value to their lives. Make sure they know how to contact you if they want to, and make sure there is someone they can speak to if they do call in. Making this a priority will generate a lot of goodwill and create a better understanding of your business culture, and therefore enhance your employer branding out in the open market. It’s a part of the process we take great pride in for our own clients. There are some great tools you can use to help communicate directly by name to every person every time. In fact our“Applicant Tracking & Response Management System”can do all this for you with a few touches of your keyboard, (or of course we can take care of it for you!) so let us know if you’d like to find out more about how it could work in your business. Another thing my mentor taught me is that“what other people say about you matters a LOT!”- he’s right again, and you should ensure that people are saying the right things about you as often as possible. It will pay you huge dividends in the long term, and that’s surely a big part of the goal for ANY business. Have a great month and I hope we can speak again soon. INSIDE THIS MONTH p2 p3 p4 p6 Use Facebook! Applicant Tracking Meet the Team Body Language THE Naked Recruiter RECRUITMENT STRIPPED BARE Part of Adam Butler Recruitment Group the “employee” you didn’t hire!
  • 2. 2 When dealing with recruitment responsibilities, the use of social media can prove to be both an efficient and effective measure. Trust us when we say that it’s no coincidence that more and more companies are using Facebook recruiting to their advantage. Facebook is among the top 10 most visited websites, but employers have yet to utilise the site as a recruiting tool. We know that’s changing, fuelled by successes like Ernst & Young's Facebook Group, which has attracted over 12,000 members, the popular social networking site is becoming a player in the talent acquisition game for larger companies. But how is it fairing for small businesses, entrepreneurs and SME’s? Well, all we can say is that it's filled with millions of passive candidates that employers can covet. We’re so impressed by the site as a recruiting tool that we thought we’d put together a list of Facebook recruiting tips, many of which you can employ at little to no cost. #1. It Helps Your Company Gain More Traffic In Recruitment Recruiting through Facebook will gain more applicant traffic for your company jobs. Yes, job boards, blogs and websites are available. But, Facebook possesses an entirely huge bulk of internet users that these other mediums just fail to provide. If done right, you’re bound to have more people come across your recruitment ventures on Facebook than on any other network. With that in mind, you’re already at a competitive advantage compared to those who aren’t recruiting on Facebook. #2. It’s A Diverse Recruitment Pool When you recruit through Facebook, you are taking your recruitment efforts globally. Facebook is the largest and most widely used social media network in the world. When you recruit through this medium, you are given the opportunity to select from a world’s worth of talent to help your business succeed. Traditional recruitment methods can only get you so far. Facebook takes recruitment to a whole new level by giving you the opportunity to fill positions for your specific needs. It works in multiple different hiring scenarios such as Graduate Hiring, Diversity Recruiting, Seasonal Hiring, Niche Recruiting or filling a few strategic positions. /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | #3. It Increases Employee Referral Activity It’s so much easier for your employees to participate in referral activities through Facebook recruiting. Facebook gives your employees the opportunity to have a synthesized and very systematic way of referring contacts to your company using sharing and messaging features. Your employees can serve as a very special resource, especially when you can maximize their networks as well. Tip #4: Advertise. Ads come in three flavours: Social Ads, Facebook pages and Job Apps You can advertise an external URL like your career site or an internal Facebook page, which keeps users on the Facebook site. Advertisers can list ads for as little as £5 on a CPC or CPM basis. What's great about Facebook ads is that you can target certain keywords, demographics and even other workplaces. Imagine being able to display ads in front of your competitors' employees! We've got this neat "Jobs" tab on our Facebook page where ALL our clients’jobs appear and can be searched by anyone Like Comment Share TOP REASONS TO USE FACEBOOK TO RECRUIT! YOU KNOW IT’S THE WAY FORWARD! Easy Online Recruitment...
  • 3. /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | 3 seeking employment. The Jobs tab works effectively like a "mini job board" within Facebook where you can post your vacancies by industry and location. Prospective candidates can then apply directly from FB without having to be redirected to an external website. Our research suggests that once people are in Facebook, they prefer to stay there, and the early signs are that this is working really well. Add in your own targeted Facebook advert to appeal to a really specific target candidate audience, as well as adding engaging content on your Page's Wall, and you could seriously build your "Employment Brand" as well as massively reduce your "Cost per Hire". #5. It Establishes A More Personal Connection With Job Seekers When attracting recruits and job seekers through social media, your company is engaging with these people on a much more personal level as opposed to them finding a job recruitment ad on a job board or newspaper clipping. When pressed, these recruits are always more likely to choose the job opportunity with a more personal approach to recruitment. #6. It Increases Brand Awareness When your company engages in Facebook recruitment, you’re also inadvertently increasing your brand’s presence in your industry. Studies have shown that people will tend to trust brands more when they are socially active on Facebook and other social media sites. #7. It Helps You Attract Passive Candidates Most of the time, the most talented potential recruits aren’t really aggressive in the pursuit of their careers. Facebook recruitment gives you the opportunity to actually come into contact with these passive applicants and tap them to join your organisation. Sometimes, the greatest minds are the hardest to find. Fortunately, Facebook has made it easier for us to find them, especially with the ad targeting features. #8. It Gets You Connected To The Student Community College and University students comprise one of the highest demographics in the Facebook Community. This is a perfect opportunity for your company to attract the freshest minds that you can help mould with proper guidance and training in your organisation. Most of these students will probably be looking for part-time jobs or internships, and engaging with them through Facebook is a great way to get in touch with them. #9. It’s Cost Effective Other than Facebook providing you with a seemingly infinite network of potential recruits, it’s not too heavy on the wallet as well. If your company is already active on Facebook, all you need is a small investment in ad promotions and perhaps a job app on Facebook. There isn’t really any much financial expenses that your company will have to shell out for Facebook recruitment. In the meantime, it comes as standard with every campaign we run for you, so you can rest assured you are getting the social media coverage that is all the buzz at the moment! The key with using Facebook to recruit is to participate and connect with the candidates you seek. Establish relationships with them and you will go a long way towards being their employer of choice. 2 Home 3
  • 4. 4 RECRUITER NAKED As entrepreneurs and small business owners we all know that at some point our companies will need to grow, which means thinking about hiring staff. It can be pure luck when you find the right person after several days of looking through CV’s and interviewing two or three candidates. Normally it can take months to hire someone, and it’s hard work, which takes your focus away from running your own business. With today’s turbulent economy, sometimes the picture is not as bright. There are thousands of people looking for a job – any job – applying for every job they can find, hoping that they will get lucky. Recruiters and Human Resource people have to spend plenty of time looking through all of the CV’s that they have received to find several candidates qualified enough for the job. It takes time, it takes effort, and it costs money. With an in-house or even outsourced applicant tracking system, you’ll be in control. Instead of using spreadsheets and hours of admin time, an ATS can put you in the driver’s seat by performing the complex HR task of finding new employees. What is an ATS? So what is an application tracking system? It’s a software application that helps you manage and automate your recruitment process. It can be used by anyone and any organisation that recruits permanent or temporary staff. Applicant tracking software works like a database by collecting information and storing it for future use. It can be a link to a website or the main point of contact from a job board such as Total Jobs and Reed. Applicants go online to complete their application. This information is then stored in the ATS database, field by field. Company managers can then access this information and quickly determine which applicants they want to interview. Most importantly, an ATS helps managers hire the right employees. Managers may search the database based on what they need, such as a particular skill or software knowledge, and put together their own pool of candidates. Now that the circle is narrowed, the HR department or recruiters may step in and do their part of the work. Because an ATS makes it easy for hiring managers to identify potential candidates, companies can shift some of the work off HR and/or the recruiter onto the actual people who will be working with the recruits. Why do I need to use an ATS? So, you know you’ve a vacancy that you need to fill, you post the information about the vacancy on public job boards, or you use a recruitment agency to do that bit for you and in a week you already have a hundred applicants. You start to study the CV’s and by the time you reach the tenth CV you have already forgotten why you liked the second one. You can create spreadsheets and continue struggling with the applications or you can save time and effort and use an ATS to help you filter and manage your time more effectively. Yes, for large organisations the benefits of an applicant tracking system are quite obvious. Hundreds of applicants and CV’s turn an ATS into a necessity. For smaller companies, the benefits may not be as clear. But now that the software is getting more affordable and easier to use, applicant tracking systems are very attractive, even for the smallest organizations. Here are the top 4 benefits of an ATS for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB’s): 1. Online job board and application An ATS lets people view open positions and apply online for one or several jobs. It makes the process more efficient for both the applicant and the recruiter than the old way when an applicant called about a job, filled out an in-person application, or emailed a CV. 2. Save time with screening questions After posting a vacancy on a public job board, you may get tons of applicants. Most of them, however, appear unqualified. If you use an ATS, you can add screening questions to your application to test for qualifications, such as required education, number of years experience in a specific role, etc. When reviewing CV’s, the answers to your customised questions become part of the applicant’s record. It’s much quicker to review the answers to these questions than to read each CV. 3. Provide a professional first impression to job seekers In the recruitment process, the business owner’s goal is to attract top people to the company. An ATS becomes a powerful marketing tool, as well as a recruitment tool. Job seekers typically associate a company job board and online application with a large organisation, so an applicant tracking system with an integrated job board provides a professional first impression. An ATS can also send an auto-receipt email after a person has applied, and send an email when the job has been filled. 4. Central resume and data repository An applicant tracking system stores every resume from every applicant in its centralised database. In addition, any information generated during the review process is also stored with the applicant record, including notes, assessments, emails and workflow data. Later, when you have an opening for a new position, you can look first in your company’s ATS. So if you are tired of wrestling with tons of paper you have to receive, study, file and then store, then it’s time to go paperless. That’s why you need an ATS. An applicant tracking system not only stores the data, but it’s also searchable. What might have taken hours can be done in minutes, saving time and money. /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | Easy Online Adam Butler Consultancy AND WHY THE HELL DO I NEED ONE? WHAT IS AN APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM (ATS)
  • 5. Name: Gary Beagan (aka Beags/Gazzer/ Gentle Persuader) Job Title: Commercial Sales Director One thing you’d like to achieve in 2015!? Actually I did have two things, but I have already completed both. The first thing, was to complete the 76 mile charity cycle ride,“Ride for Millie”and the second thing was to complete the“Tour de Mon”, which is a 103 mile cycle ride around the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales. How long have you been cycling and why do you do it? I only took it up in March to do the charity ride where we were aiming to raise £15,000 for a hydrotherapy pool for Millie, (she’s the beautiful 11-year-old daughter of one of my friends, she’s severely handicapped mentally and physically.) My first ride on a road bike in 30 years hurt and my first 10-mile ride felt like an ordeal, but I stuck at it for Millie and now I’m hooked on it. I used to say my first love was golf but it doesn’t exactly make you fit, whereas the cycling has. Basically it’s now taken over from golf as there isn’t enough time in the day to fit in both, although I don’t think my kids will allow me to pack in the snowboarding come the winter months. They’re already planning trips to Scotland and hopefully Italy in the new year. What’s your biggest pet hate!? I hate poor customer service. The customer may not necessarily be always right, but there is an element of respect that needs to be adhered to. Who has inspired you and why!? With the exception of the usual names that you may list, Richard Branson, Seve and Nelson Mandela, I guess Millie because she is just an amazing young lady who has defeated all odds by surviving year after year also a young man named Alex Stanisforth, who is a 19-year-old guy from just outside Chester. He suffered from epilepsy when he was young, which was brought under control from treatment, but scarred him severely. Alex suffered from anxiety, depression, and low self-confidence, along with a severe stammer which affected his confidence. Then, when he was 13 years old he tried paragliding and it transformed his life and he soon went on to climb Ben Nevis, his first mountain. Since then he’s climbed Mont Blanc, the three peaks in the UK and Baruntse in the Himalayas. He’s also completed a number of other physical challenges and has raised a significant amount of money for charity. At the age of 19 he’s achieved an awful lot in a very adverse situation. He now does motivational talks to business audiences which is where I met him, and he is a thoroughly nice young man, an inspiration to the young and old alike. In five bullet points can you summarise your experience and career history: • I’ve worked in sales all my life, from the days of cold calling telesales from the phone book for Farouche Kitchens, to Colorvision selling TV’s & Video’s, to the whole spectrum of financial services: loans, mortgages, savings, investment, life and pensions for Blackhorse. Then after a spell in the mortgage brokerage and debt solution industry, I moved into the world of double glazing and conservatories with the largest home improvement company Anglian Home Improvements. • I spent 18 formative years at Blackhorse Personal Finance (previously Chartered Trust) and made it to senior management before moving on to pastures new. • After leaving Blackhorse, I set up a franchise of a mate’s mortgage brokerage (pre-credit crunch) which got bought out at the start of the credit crunch and we diversified into Debt Solutions, Debt Management and Insolvency. • I have now spent two glorious years working for Adam. In a former life I introduced Adam to Blackhorse where I think he saw a couple of fees come in and our sons are best buddies at school (have been since infants). They share the same name and initials and are both really lovely lads. /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | RECRUITER NAKED GARY BEAGAN Meetthe team member RECRUITER NAKED Meetthe team member What’s your biggest pet hate!? GARY BEAGAN Meetthe team member
  • 6. /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | RECRUITER NAKED 6 1. What knowledge and experience do you have of filling this type of job in my industry? This is an important question because you need to know that your Executive Search partner can understand your terminology and the nuances of your industry, as well as specifics relating to the job you are looking to fill. It seems obvious but can sometimes be over looked, especially when the hiring firm or manager is ONLY focussed on the cost. You should also be asking where they would find the candidates that they will be putting in front of you. Is it through recruitment advertising (and if so, where will they advertise)? CV databases searching? Social Media? Direct approach list building, industry mapping and headhunting? The right partner for you will have all of these tools at their disposal to give you access to the very best talent. 2. What do you know about our organisation and CULTURE? This really is our“thing”here at Adam Butler Consultancy, and we understand that every business, just like every individual, has its own unique culture and way of doing things. You need to be confident that your Executive Search partner is representing you correctly to prospective employees and doing everything in their power to help you maintain and improve your employer branding. It’s okay if they don’t know everything straight away, but they should know something and have an enthusiasm for learning more and buying into WHY you do what you do! 3. How will you charge us? What will it cost? Search firms typically charge between 15% - 25% of the new employees starting salary as a fee. Some will ask for a retainer payable in advance to secure their exclusive services, others may only require fees payable upon placement. You may be able to negotiate a flat fee or combination of all these things. A retainer is a great way of demonstrating your commitment to working in partnership with a provider that you know, like and trust. You will gain their full commitment and they will work very hard to return value. All too often the idea of a retainer or advance payment is dismissed, but when we work on this basis we have been able to fill 100% of the jobs we have been instructed on in the last 12 months. When we work on a 5 contingency-only basis (i.e. paid on placement only) this“fill rate”falls. Additionally you should be aware of the message you are sending out to job seekers if you instruct a number of agencies on the same job. Nothing says desperate quite like receiving numerous calls on the same day from recruiters talking about the same job! 4. What are your payment terms? Often clients will only look at the fee payable and rebate schedule (more on this below), however you should also look at payment terms, whether that is to extend from 7 – 14 days, or even paying in instalments if possible. You’ll only know if you ask, but if you can pay sooner then you may well be able to negotiate yourself a lower rate. A word to the wise though, make sure you adhere to the payment terms you agree to, as this may affect the rebate schedule or other aspects of the service levels guaranteed. 5. Do you offer a rebate schedule? Most search firms will offer some kind of rebate schedule with some even offering a candidate replacement guarantee. There may or may not be some flexibility with this, so make sure you find out more and ask the questions to gain a better understanding of the guarantees you are getting from them, but as mentioned above, make sure that if you have agreed to payment terms that your finance team pay on time to avoid losing this valuable provision. SUMMARY There are literally thousands of recruitment agency providers throughout the UK and choosing the right one for your business can be difficult so I hope this article gives you a framework to use if you are looking for some assistance. It’s important that you feel you have a true PARTNERSHIP with your chosen provider, and that they are able to cater for your specific needs and provide a bespoke solution as required. At Adam Butler Consultancy we take great pride in the service we provide and relationship we build with our clients. We do have some standard terms available (email if you’d like to review a copy) but we are always open to prepare something bespoke, specific to your exact requirements. Adam Butler Consultancy, headed up by Adam Butler & Neil Massie, is our Executive Search division. Typically handling jobs at £40,000 and above. It was where it all began for the fast growing Adam Butler Group that now also incorporates Adam Butler Training & Development and With an ever growing pipeline of enquiries for our Executive Search services, we have noticed that a number of questions are asked regularly so we thought it might be useful to provide some information on what we believe are the key questions YOU should be looking for answers on when choosing a partner for your business. things you should ALWAYS ask before selecting an EXECUTIVE SEARCH partner?
  • 7. 77 RECRUITER NAKED /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | Subtle signals could be undermining your potential. Drop slouching in favour of the power pose and don’t forget careful, controlled movements. Just 7% of communication comes from the words we use. And there’s plenty of evidence that demonstrates just how important body language is in the workplace: from making the right impression on a new boss to making a sale. But it’s also crucial for entrepreneurs – the entire business can depend on how you come across when making that crucial pitch or sale. So what are the basics? First of all, pin down what body language actually is and where it comes from. It’s more than just movements – it’s everything that isn’t verbal, from your tone of voice to your hand gestures. And it’s intimately connected to the way you feel. Think of yourself as an evangelist, says Annette Kramer, body language coach and judge on The Pitch – a UK small business competition.“If you’re an evangelist, you really want to engage with people. You want to hear what people have to say back. Your whole manner changes. If you believe in what you’re saying and you’re genuine, you will engage people.” Power posing For an important pitch or presentation, it’s all about power posing!! Researched and highlighted by Amy Cuddy, associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Cuddy’s research on power posing found that study participants who adopted the power pose before a mock job interview performed better and were more likely to be hired. Cuddy suggests that before you go in front of your audience, head into the bathroom and stand still, spread your arms and take up as much space in the room as you can. Further research by Cuddy and her colleague Dana Carney also found that this pose both elevates testosterone (thought to be associated with confidence for both men and women) and decreases cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. To see the power pose in action, check out Cuddy’s TED talk, Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, currently at more than 27 million views. a pd y b w t t z n bo o r r i x i k s df g j m m l l h c c e What Does Your Body Language Say About You? First impressions First impressions count: we make up our minds about whether a person is trustworthy or not within a tenth of a second. In that tiny time frame, people only have your body language to go on.“If they get conflicting signals between what you’re saying and how you’re acting, they’re going to go with how you’re acting, as they don’t know you,”she adds.“It’s more difficult to control, so it’s more honest.” Dr Locke advises standing up straight, making eye contact and using a confident tone of voice. Avoid repetitive small motions, like fiddling with a pen, rubbing your face or playing with your hair – that makes you look nervous. Stillness can convey confidence – not just stillness in the body but stillness in the voice, such as strategic pauses. Control conveys confidence Try to be as relaxed as you can. People don’t realise that when they’re tense, the tone of their voice changes as the body seizes up and makes it hard to speak. So try to breathe deeply to rid your body of that tension. Use an open stance, with shoulders back to open out your chest and stop your breath constricting, to indicate that you’re willing to answer questions. Some people talk with their hands and this can convey excitement and passion. But don’t overdo it. Not so much that you look as if you’re about to take off, and not so much that you look anxious. Keep movements controlled to convey confidence. Look at Barack Obama: he doesn’t move that much, but when he does he uses rounded gestures that say I’m here, I’m thinking, I’m open, I’m being clear. Adapt body language to the situation Body language is also important in more intimate situations – both controlling your own, and being able to read other people’s. To watch Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk head to
  • 8. Adam Butler @AdamPButler Multi Award Winning Recruitment Expert & Author | Proud Dad | Lucky Husband | Ambassador for Hard Work, Optimism and Inspiration Chester UK Joined January 2009 Tweet Adam Butler Part of Adam Butler Recruitment Group WANT TO RECEIVE OUR NEXT NEWSLETTER? Tweet Adam Butler THANKS FOR READING TWEET ME! GET IN TOUCH! /EasyOnlineRecruitment | /adam.recruit @AB_Consultancy_ | @EasyOnline_ | @EasyOnlineJobs_ | Let us know! NEXT NEWSLETTER? Let us know! We love producing these newsletters but we want to make sure that you love receiving them. From the next edition we are going‘opt in’ only. So drop a line just to let us know you still want us to send you a copy. Please email or call on rachel@easyonlinerecruitment or 01244 567311