SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Like all social media platforms, LinkedIn is a tool, one that you can use to advance
your career (the subject of this post) or waste massive amounts of time. It’s all about
how you use it. Used correctly, however, LinkedIn can have immense benefits to you
as a student.
In Facebook also we can make a Business Page but we do have a personal page
But in LinkedIn Personal account is also Professional
LinkedIn Helps You Establish an Online Presence
Unless you’re trying to join an industry so clandestine that it has no internet presence whatsoever, you
need to be online in order to connect with potential employers.
While the best way to do this is to create a personal website, LinkedIn is an easy way to establish an
internet presence that people can see when they search for your name in Google or want to connect
with you after a networking event
You Can Use LinkedIn to Apply for Jobs
Some employers now go a step further than asking for your LinkedIn profile in place of a resume and
actually let (or require) you to use LinkedIn to apply for the job. Because of this reality, you need to
ensure you have a quality LinkedIn profile ready to go before you need it to apply for a job.
LinkedIn Lets You Research Prospective Employers
Employers may be using LinkedIn to learn more about you, but you can also turn the tables and use
LinkedIn to research companies or people you want to work for. Some companies are better about
updating their LinkedIn pages than their official website, and you can also use LinkedIn to learn more
about the people who will be interviewing/hiring you.
Of course, don’t be creepy about it, but use LinkedIn to find out if the company would be a good fit for
you to begin with. Companies also tend to post press releases and other news on their LinkedIn pages,
which can serve as a conversation starter and major credibility booster for an interview.
How to Create Your LinkedIn Profile (and mistakes to Avoid)
Now that you understand why it’s so important to have a LinkedIn profile, we can move to the part where most students get
stuck: creating one.
And not just creating any old LinkedIn profile–creating a Presentable one that will impress recruiters.
Don’t worry; it’ll be easy if you follow the advice below:
1. Inappropriate attire. You don’t have to wear a suit, but you definitely shouldn’t be in your bathing suit, either.
How formally you dress depends on what kind of industry you’re going for. For example, investment bankers are
going to dress up a bit more than web designers (on average). If you have any doubt, err on the side of “business
casual” at least.
2. Poor quality photo. Don’t use pictures that are blurry, grainy, dark, blown out, or that otherwise make it difficult
to see you. It makes you look lazy and careless.
3. Poorly cropped photo. Don’t use a picture that was taken from too far away, and please don’t use a picture of
multiple people cropped to show just your face.
4. Out of date photo. This becomes more of an issue as you advance in your career, but even as a college student, the
way you look can change a lot from freshman to senior year of college. Try to keep your photo as current looking as
possible. This can also apply if you had facial hair in the picture and then shaved it all off (or vice versa).
Write Your Intro
Once you have the profile picture, you can get to work creating your profile. LinkedIn will guide you
through this process, but you should take some of its suggestions with a grain of salt.
In particular, LinkedIn will tell you how “complete” your profile is. You don’t need to worry about it
being 100% complete, as you run the risk of adding too much information and overwhelming anyone
who tries to read it.
The one section you should be sure to fill out, however, is your intro. This is your basic profile info “at
a glance”, what people see when they first go to your profile page.
Gunjan Madhar - Process Trainer at SecUR Credentials
To get to the intro section, click the little pencil icon next to your profile:
Once you click that, you’ll see the following screen:
When you scroll down, you’ll see options for adding additional info (I’ve redacted the private info in
mine, but the boxes in yours should be blank):
Write and Excellent Summary
Of all the sections of your LinkedIn profile, the summary is the most intimidating. It’s long, blank, and
tempting to skip. Just because it’s “optional”, however, doesn’t mean you should leave it out. It’s a chance
to tell a more detailed story about yourself and your career while also showcasing your writing skills
Add your Experience
Recruiters know that you’re a college student, and that’s okay. You don’t need to write a LinkedIn profile
that makes it sound like you’ve been working in business for ten years.
Of course, if you have done something really impressive such as intern at a high profile company or start
your own business, put that in your Experience section by all means. But don’t think you have to sound
older or more accomplished than you are.
Here are some things you can include in the experience section:
1. Internships, both paid and unpaid.
2. Part-time jobs
3. Entrepreneurial or freelance work
If you have volunteer experience, LinkedIn has a separate section for it, which we discuss below.
List Your Skills
After you add your experience, you can plug in a few key skills. LinkedIn allows you to add up to 50, but I wouldn’t
suggest you do that.
Why? We need to be clear about what “skills” are for the purpose of jobs. A skill is not something you read about once,
or have practiced for a few minutes. For example, I can play a few chords on the guitar, but I would not list it as a skill.
How do you determine if you should list something as a skill?
Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you’re not prepared to demonstrate a skill in an interview, don’t list it in your
LinkedIn profile. Taking two semesters of Spanish is not the same as being fluent in Spanish; using Photoshop to make
a couple funny pictures to amuse your friends does not mean you should claim you can use Photoshop for work.
And whatever you do, do not lie about having a skill. Your future employer will find out–it’s just a question of when.
Claim your Unique URL
We already mentioned the power of LinkedIn for establishing an online presence; this tip will help you
optimize that process. To help your LinkedIn profile rise to the top when someone searches for your
name, we recommend claiming the unique URL if you can. This may not always be possible,
especially if you have a common name like “Thomas Frank” (to use a random example).
But it’s worth looking into, as even if the URL for your name is already taken, you can still customize
your URL to be something easier to remember and find than “
To customize the URL for your LinkedIn profile, go to your LinkedIn page and click on “Edit Public
Profile and URL”.
Turn ON "Let recruiters know you're open"
If you are updating your LinkedIn profile because you are searching for work then you want to let recruiters know you are looking. There are many
wrong ways to do this like advertising "Currently seeking new opportunities" in your headline or other places in your profile not intended for this.
The best way to do it is here. First click on "Jobs" and then "Career interests"
Now you can click on "Let recruiters know you're open" detail what you are looking for in "note", specify where you are in your search, when you'd
like to start, titles you are targeting, geographic locations, type of work, company size, etc.
Update Your Profile Regularly
Okay, so you’ve followed all the advice above and you have an exceptional profile to show for it. Now
all you need to do is make sure you keep your profile up to date.
After all, you don’t want your profile to show your most recent work experience as the fast food job
you had in high school if you’ve since done an internship with a consulting firm. And you especially
don’t want it to say you currently work or intern somewhere you no longer do.
How to use LinkedIn as Network
Be Professional
Connect with as Many People as Possible
Get Recommendations
Join and Contribute to Relevant Groups
Create Your Own Opportunities
Wondering where you can find more
information on specific LinkedIn tools?
Check this out to explore individual products
like LinkedIn Recruiter or Groups.
How to Create a Company Page?
To create a Company page first you
should make connections i.e: FRIENDS
on linkedin Follow Pages
Then you will be Eligible to create a
Company Page
How to Create ADs on LinkedIn
To Create Ads on LinkedIn Click on
Click on Create AD
Click on Create Campaign
Choose Your Objective
Set Your Budget
How bidding works
Space for advertising is limited, so marketers compete in ad auctions by bidding.
You compete against other advertisers targeting the same audience.
When you create a campaign in Campaign Manager, the advertising platform on
LinkedIn, you’ll choose your bid type and set your bid.
Why bidding matters
If your bids are too low, your ads will not get delivered and the audience you want
to reach won’t see your ads.
We also use a “second-price auction”. That means instead of having to pay the full
price, the winning bid pays $0.01 more than second-highest bidder. So you can
set your bids as high as you are comfortable based on the true value of your ad
for its audience, but you will not have to pay this full amount.
Smart bid management will improve your ROI and ensure you’re spending your
marketing budget where it matters most to your business.
Types of bids
Maximum Cost Bid - You set the bid yourself. Our system will not charge higher
than the bid you set. We recommend using this option if you want the most control
over your cost per result.
Automated Bid - Our system uses historical campaign data and member
information to automatically set the right bid. We recommend using this option to
get more results for your budget, but your cost (e.g. CPC) may be higher than
Maximum Bid. Note: This option charges by impression, or every time your ad is
served, and currently only supports Sponsored Content.
Text ADs
Drive new customers to your business – on a budget that works for you –
with our easy, self-service pay per click (PPC) advertising platform.
Create Text-Based ads that will show up in the right column or top of the
page on linkedIn
Single Image Ad - Sponsored Content Ads
Create Ads using a Single Image that will show up in the news feed
These types of ads naturally lead to more engagement because they are placed directly in a user’s
news feed. You are able to use more text and larger images in order to entice users to click through to
your landing page or to bring in more brand awareness.
Carousel Image Ad
Create Ads with 2 or More Images that will show up in the News Feed
Carousel Ads are a Sponsored Content ad format that appear in the LinkedIn feed. Carousel ads feature multiple images that can be scrolled through
in the ad.
1. You must have a minimum of two cards. You cannot have more than 10 cards.
2. For the overall ad unit, the intro text/commentary/description area is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.
1. Intro text may truncate at 150 characters on some mobile devices.
3. For the individual cards within the carousel:
1. Max file size: 10 MB
2. Recommended individual image spec is 1080x1080 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
3. Rich media formats supported:
1. JPG
2. PNG
3. GIF (non-animated only)
4. Headline text for each image card is a maximum of two lines before being truncated.
1. 45 character limit for carousel ads that direct to a landing page
2. 30 character limit for carousel ads with a Lead Gen Form CTA
1. Carousel cards can be directed to different landing pages, but if the Lead
Gen Form option is selected, the CTA will link to the same Lead Gen
Form for all of the carousel cards.
2. Carousel campaigns are not eligible to use LinkedIn Audience Network,
as that feature is currently available for static Sponsored Content formats
Video Ads
Create Ads using a Video that will show up in the news feed
● LinkedIn video ads can be between 3 seconds and 30 minutes in length.
● Video ads must be in a horizontal orientation. LinkedIn doesn’t support vertical video.
● Video files must be in MP4 format and can be between 75KB and 200MB in size.
● The video frame rate must be less than 30 FPS (frames per second).
For the best results, upload videos at the highest quality possible, which is 1080p (1440 x
1080; wide 1920 x 1080).
When you create your video, remember that
you’re trying to convince LinkedIn members
to stop scrolling their feed and watch your
ad, and possibly take action. How do you do
that? Try these tips:
● Make sure you grab your audience’s
attention in the first 10 seconds of
the video.
● Tell a story visually with a mix of
graphics, people, and text.
● Remember that LinkedIn video plays
in the feed with the sound off, so
consider adding subtitles.
● Feature a clear call to action (CTA)
so your audience knows what steps
you want them to take after watching
your video.
Dynamic Ads
Dynamic Ads are personalized ads tailored to each member based on each member’s own LinkedIn profile data, like profile
photo, company name, or job title.
Advertisers only need to build their creative and write their ad copy once, and LinkedIn will automatically personalize their
campaign for each person in their audience.
Note: Each member sees their personalized information; member profile information is not displayed to other members.
Members also have the ability to opt out of allowing their profile information to be used to personalize ads. Learn more
about Dynamic Ads advertising preferences.
Dynamic Ads help you capture your target audience’s attention, drive engagement, and automate creative setup at scale.
Types:Follower Ads , Spotlight Ad, Job Ad
Follower Ad
Create Ads that are personalized using profile data
and will promote a Company Page throughout the
The follower ad format allows advertisers to promote
their LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page and drive
members to follow their LinkedIn page with a single
click on the ad. This format is recommended for
advertisers whose objectives are to generate brand
awareness, increase engagement with the LinkedIn
Page, or convert LinkedIn members into engaged
Follower ads feature the member’s profile photo next
to your company’s logo. They also feature the
member’s first name and your company name in the
ad copy.
Spotlight Ad
The spotlight ad format allows
advertisers to showcase their product,
service, event, content, and more.
When members click on your ad,
they’ll instantly go to your website or
landing page, where you can record
actions like leads, signups, and visits
using LinkedIn’s free conversion
tracking tool.
You can use spotlight ads to drive
conversions. You can also use this ad
format to build brand awareness by
showcasing thought leadership, best
practices, and other valuable content
with your target audience.
Job Ads
Content ads are currently available for customers with managed accounts. Please
contact your account representative for more details.
Check out these quick tips to help you do your best:
Sponsored Content
● Use custom or at least, non-stock-looking images
● Add URL tracking codes to measure site visits or conversions
● Keep the copy under 150 characters
● Stay focused on the people interacting with you the most
● Learn 7 more tips for getting people to click on your ads
Text Ad
● Do use images to attract eyeballs
● Include a strong, clear, and specific call to action
● Write a headline worth reading
● Write from the reader’s perspective, not yours. Because it’s about them, not you.
● Learn 10 more writing tips from an expert
Sponsored InMail
● Use the recipient’s name, maybe twice, even
● Keep it concise, under 1000 characters
● State a clear and specific action you want them to take next
● Write a subject line, stating what problem you’re solving
● Write from the reader’s perspective. Because… people don’t care about what you do. They only
care about what they can get from what you do.
● Use relevant images. On a budget? See 20 free sites for great photos.
● Write personalized content by segmenting your audience. For example, by job title, function,
industry, company size, and seniority. Tailor your message accordingly.
● Test frequently using variations of your ads. See what works best. Do more of those.
● Budget and bid wisely. Consider maxing out your CPC for direct response strategy. For CPM,
you’ll pay your max bid for per 1,000 impressions. More tips here.
● Measure to improve your ROI. Campaign Manager tracks performance by monitoring impressions,
clicks, costs, and more. Use these metrics to maximize your ROI.

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Linked in

  • 1.
  • 2. Like all social media platforms, LinkedIn is a tool, one that you can use to advance your career (the subject of this post) or waste massive amounts of time. It’s all about how you use it. Used correctly, however, LinkedIn can have immense benefits to you as a student. In Facebook also we can make a Business Page but we do have a personal page But in LinkedIn Personal account is also Professional
  • 3. LinkedIn Helps You Establish an Online Presence Unless you’re trying to join an industry so clandestine that it has no internet presence whatsoever, you need to be online in order to connect with potential employers. While the best way to do this is to create a personal website, LinkedIn is an easy way to establish an internet presence that people can see when they search for your name in Google or want to connect with you after a networking event
  • 4. You Can Use LinkedIn to Apply for Jobs Some employers now go a step further than asking for your LinkedIn profile in place of a resume and actually let (or require) you to use LinkedIn to apply for the job. Because of this reality, you need to ensure you have a quality LinkedIn profile ready to go before you need it to apply for a job.
  • 5. LinkedIn Lets You Research Prospective Employers Employers may be using LinkedIn to learn more about you, but you can also turn the tables and use LinkedIn to research companies or people you want to work for. Some companies are better about updating their LinkedIn pages than their official website, and you can also use LinkedIn to learn more about the people who will be interviewing/hiring you. Of course, don’t be creepy about it, but use LinkedIn to find out if the company would be a good fit for you to begin with. Companies also tend to post press releases and other news on their LinkedIn pages, which can serve as a conversation starter and major credibility booster for an interview.
  • 6. How to Create Your LinkedIn Profile (and mistakes to Avoid) Now that you understand why it’s so important to have a LinkedIn profile, we can move to the part where most students get stuck: creating one. And not just creating any old LinkedIn profile–creating a Presentable one that will impress recruiters. Don’t worry; it’ll be easy if you follow the advice below: 1. Inappropriate attire. You don’t have to wear a suit, but you definitely shouldn’t be in your bathing suit, either. How formally you dress depends on what kind of industry you’re going for. For example, investment bankers are going to dress up a bit more than web designers (on average). If you have any doubt, err on the side of “business casual” at least. 2. Poor quality photo. Don’t use pictures that are blurry, grainy, dark, blown out, or that otherwise make it difficult to see you. It makes you look lazy and careless. 3. Poorly cropped photo. Don’t use a picture that was taken from too far away, and please don’t use a picture of multiple people cropped to show just your face. 4. Out of date photo. This becomes more of an issue as you advance in your career, but even as a college student, the way you look can change a lot from freshman to senior year of college. Try to keep your photo as current looking as possible. This can also apply if you had facial hair in the picture and then shaved it all off (or vice versa).
  • 7. Write Your Intro Once you have the profile picture, you can get to work creating your profile. LinkedIn will guide you through this process, but you should take some of its suggestions with a grain of salt. In particular, LinkedIn will tell you how “complete” your profile is. You don’t need to worry about it being 100% complete, as you run the risk of adding too much information and overwhelming anyone who tries to read it. The one section you should be sure to fill out, however, is your intro. This is your basic profile info “at a glance”, what people see when they first go to your profile page.
  • 9. To get to the intro section, click the little pencil icon next to your profile:
  • 10. Once you click that, you’ll see the following screen:
  • 11. When you scroll down, you’ll see options for adding additional info (I’ve redacted the private info in mine, but the boxes in yours should be blank):
  • 12. Write and Excellent Summary Of all the sections of your LinkedIn profile, the summary is the most intimidating. It’s long, blank, and tempting to skip. Just because it’s “optional”, however, doesn’t mean you should leave it out. It’s a chance to tell a more detailed story about yourself and your career while also showcasing your writing skills
  • 13. Add your Experience Recruiters know that you’re a college student, and that’s okay. You don’t need to write a LinkedIn profile that makes it sound like you’ve been working in business for ten years. Of course, if you have done something really impressive such as intern at a high profile company or start your own business, put that in your Experience section by all means. But don’t think you have to sound older or more accomplished than you are. Here are some things you can include in the experience section: 1. Internships, both paid and unpaid. 2. Part-time jobs 3. Entrepreneurial or freelance work If you have volunteer experience, LinkedIn has a separate section for it, which we discuss below.
  • 14. List Your Skills After you add your experience, you can plug in a few key skills. LinkedIn allows you to add up to 50, but I wouldn’t suggest you do that. Why? We need to be clear about what “skills” are for the purpose of jobs. A skill is not something you read about once, or have practiced for a few minutes. For example, I can play a few chords on the guitar, but I would not list it as a skill. How do you determine if you should list something as a skill? Here’s a good rule of thumb: if you’re not prepared to demonstrate a skill in an interview, don’t list it in your LinkedIn profile. Taking two semesters of Spanish is not the same as being fluent in Spanish; using Photoshop to make a couple funny pictures to amuse your friends does not mean you should claim you can use Photoshop for work. And whatever you do, do not lie about having a skill. Your future employer will find out–it’s just a question of when.
  • 15. Claim your Unique URL We already mentioned the power of LinkedIn for establishing an online presence; this tip will help you optimize that process. To help your LinkedIn profile rise to the top when someone searches for your name, we recommend claiming the unique URL if you can. This may not always be possible, especially if you have a common name like “Thomas Frank” (to use a random example). But it’s worth looking into, as even if the URL for your name is already taken, you can still customize your URL to be something easier to remember and find than “ acbedgfh13abw2443142fdfsfa”. To customize the URL for your LinkedIn profile, go to your LinkedIn page and click on “Edit Public Profile and URL”.
  • 16.
  • 17. Turn ON "Let recruiters know you're open" If you are updating your LinkedIn profile because you are searching for work then you want to let recruiters know you are looking. There are many wrong ways to do this like advertising "Currently seeking new opportunities" in your headline or other places in your profile not intended for this. The best way to do it is here. First click on "Jobs" and then "Career interests" Now you can click on "Let recruiters know you're open" detail what you are looking for in "note", specify where you are in your search, when you'd like to start, titles you are targeting, geographic locations, type of work, company size, etc.
  • 18.
  • 19. Update Your Profile Regularly Okay, so you’ve followed all the advice above and you have an exceptional profile to show for it. Now all you need to do is make sure you keep your profile up to date. After all, you don’t want your profile to show your most recent work experience as the fast food job you had in high school if you’ve since done an internship with a consulting firm. And you especially don’t want it to say you currently work or intern somewhere you no longer do.
  • 20. How to use LinkedIn as Network Be Professional Connect with as Many People as Possible Get Recommendations Join and Contribute to Relevant Groups Create Your Own Opportunities
  • 21. Wondering where you can find more information on specific LinkedIn tools? Check this out to explore individual products like LinkedIn Recruiter or Groups.
  • 22. How to Create a Company Page? To create a Company page first you should make connections i.e: FRIENDS on linkedin Follow Pages Then you will be Eligible to create a Company Page
  • 23. How to Create ADs on LinkedIn To Create Ads on LinkedIn Click on Advertise
  • 25. Click on Create Campaign
  • 28. How bidding works Space for advertising is limited, so marketers compete in ad auctions by bidding. You compete against other advertisers targeting the same audience. When you create a campaign in Campaign Manager, the advertising platform on LinkedIn, you’ll choose your bid type and set your bid.
  • 29. Why bidding matters If your bids are too low, your ads will not get delivered and the audience you want to reach won’t see your ads. We also use a “second-price auction”. That means instead of having to pay the full price, the winning bid pays $0.01 more than second-highest bidder. So you can set your bids as high as you are comfortable based on the true value of your ad for its audience, but you will not have to pay this full amount. Smart bid management will improve your ROI and ensure you’re spending your marketing budget where it matters most to your business.
  • 30. Types of bids Maximum Cost Bid - You set the bid yourself. Our system will not charge higher than the bid you set. We recommend using this option if you want the most control over your cost per result. Automated Bid - Our system uses historical campaign data and member information to automatically set the right bid. We recommend using this option to get more results for your budget, but your cost (e.g. CPC) may be higher than Maximum Bid. Note: This option charges by impression, or every time your ad is served, and currently only supports Sponsored Content.
  • 31.
  • 32. Text ADs Drive new customers to your business – on a budget that works for you – with our easy, self-service pay per click (PPC) advertising platform. Create Text-Based ads that will show up in the right column or top of the page on linkedIn
  • 33. Single Image Ad - Sponsored Content Ads Create Ads using a Single Image that will show up in the news feed These types of ads naturally lead to more engagement because they are placed directly in a user’s news feed. You are able to use more text and larger images in order to entice users to click through to your landing page or to bring in more brand awareness.
  • 34. Carousel Image Ad Create Ads with 2 or More Images that will show up in the News Feed Carousel Ads are a Sponsored Content ad format that appear in the LinkedIn feed. Carousel ads feature multiple images that can be scrolled through in the ad. 1. You must have a minimum of two cards. You cannot have more than 10 cards. 2. For the overall ad unit, the intro text/commentary/description area is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. 1. Intro text may truncate at 150 characters on some mobile devices. 3. For the individual cards within the carousel: 1. Max file size: 10 MB 2. Recommended individual image spec is 1080x1080 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio. 3. Rich media formats supported: 1. JPG 2. PNG 3. GIF (non-animated only) 4. Headline text for each image card is a maximum of two lines before being truncated. 1. 45 character limit for carousel ads that direct to a landing page 2. 30 character limit for carousel ads with a Lead Gen Form CTA
  • 35. 1. Carousel cards can be directed to different landing pages, but if the Lead Gen Form option is selected, the CTA will link to the same Lead Gen Form for all of the carousel cards. 2. Carousel campaigns are not eligible to use LinkedIn Audience Network, as that feature is currently available for static Sponsored Content formats only.
  • 36. Video Ads Create Ads using a Video that will show up in the news feed ● LinkedIn video ads can be between 3 seconds and 30 minutes in length. ● Video ads must be in a horizontal orientation. LinkedIn doesn’t support vertical video. ● Video files must be in MP4 format and can be between 75KB and 200MB in size. ● The video frame rate must be less than 30 FPS (frames per second). For the best results, upload videos at the highest quality possible, which is 1080p (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080).
  • 37. When you create your video, remember that you’re trying to convince LinkedIn members to stop scrolling their feed and watch your ad, and possibly take action. How do you do that? Try these tips: ● Make sure you grab your audience’s attention in the first 10 seconds of the video. ● Tell a story visually with a mix of graphics, people, and text. ● Remember that LinkedIn video plays in the feed with the sound off, so consider adding subtitles. ● Feature a clear call to action (CTA) so your audience knows what steps you want them to take after watching your video.
  • 38. Dynamic Ads Dynamic Ads are personalized ads tailored to each member based on each member’s own LinkedIn profile data, like profile photo, company name, or job title. Advertisers only need to build their creative and write their ad copy once, and LinkedIn will automatically personalize their campaign for each person in their audience. Note: Each member sees their personalized information; member profile information is not displayed to other members. Members also have the ability to opt out of allowing their profile information to be used to personalize ads. Learn more about Dynamic Ads advertising preferences. Dynamic Ads help you capture your target audience’s attention, drive engagement, and automate creative setup at scale. Types:Follower Ads , Spotlight Ad, Job Ad
  • 39. Follower Ad Create Ads that are personalized using profile data and will promote a Company Page throughout the Desktop The follower ad format allows advertisers to promote their LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page and drive members to follow their LinkedIn page with a single click on the ad. This format is recommended for advertisers whose objectives are to generate brand awareness, increase engagement with the LinkedIn Page, or convert LinkedIn members into engaged followers. Follower ads feature the member’s profile photo next to your company’s logo. They also feature the member’s first name and your company name in the ad copy.
  • 40. Spotlight Ad The spotlight ad format allows advertisers to showcase their product, service, event, content, and more. When members click on your ad, they’ll instantly go to your website or landing page, where you can record actions like leads, signups, and visits using LinkedIn’s free conversion tracking tool. You can use spotlight ads to drive conversions. You can also use this ad format to build brand awareness by showcasing thought leadership, best practices, and other valuable content with your target audience.
  • 41. Job Ads Content ads are currently available for customers with managed accounts. Please contact your account representative for more details.
  • 42. Check out these quick tips to help you do your best: Sponsored Content ● Use custom or at least, non-stock-looking images ● Add URL tracking codes to measure site visits or conversions ● Keep the copy under 150 characters ● Stay focused on the people interacting with you the most ● Learn 7 more tips for getting people to click on your ads Text Ad ● Do use images to attract eyeballs ● Include a strong, clear, and specific call to action ● Write a headline worth reading ● Write from the reader’s perspective, not yours. Because it’s about them, not you. ● Learn 10 more writing tips from an expert
  • 43. Sponsored InMail ● Use the recipient’s name, maybe twice, even ● Keep it concise, under 1000 characters ● State a clear and specific action you want them to take next ● Write a subject line, stating what problem you’re solving General ● Write from the reader’s perspective. Because… people don’t care about what you do. They only care about what they can get from what you do. ● Use relevant images. On a budget? See 20 free sites for great photos. ● Write personalized content by segmenting your audience. For example, by job title, function, industry, company size, and seniority. Tailor your message accordingly. ● Test frequently using variations of your ads. See what works best. Do more of those. ● Budget and bid wisely. Consider maxing out your CPC for direct response strategy. For CPM, you’ll pay your max bid for per 1,000 impressions. More tips here. ● Measure to improve your ROI. Campaign Manager tracks performance by monitoring impressions, clicks, costs, and more. Use these metrics to maximize your ROI.