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The Brand Girls
As young adults graduate from college and enter into the professional world, there
are steps that can be taken in between processes to enhance your position and chances.
The competition rates have risen over the past years for job opportunities, but luckily
there have also been start-up companies that not only employ but also focus solely on
teaching how to market yourself such as The Brand Girls.
The Brand Girls, started by a young woman named Rachael Bozsik who
graduated from High Point University, North Carolina in 2015. Since then she has gone
on to create a small empire that has a mission to promote girls to become their most
authentic and professional version of themselves, hashtag, the girl boss. They do this
through their four-session, intensive and personalized workshop. They help bring to
surface young women's brands and teach them how to network with confidence. The
Brand Girls currently offer the brand definition, resume and LinkedIn, pitching, and
informational interview workshops. The brander is their biggest workshop that consist of
four sessions that cover all you need to know how to present your social media platforms,
a mission statement, pitching yourself and even completing an informational interview
with an industry contact. They also offer power sessions that are 45 minutes long that
focus on cover letter creation, interview prep, blog development and network outreach
plans. The last is a resume or cover letter review that they will edit and build upon to
make you stand out via email.
The Brand Girls have created an image of their own and the CEO personally selects
what girls they work with and ones that fit into their community. To learn about potential
Brand Girl candidates she conducts a free 15-minuet consultation via FaceTime to learn
more about you and relaying their own image to keep things stylish.
They have worked with 100+ college girls all over the country that have landed jobs in
multiple different industries. There have been Brand Girls who landed jobs with
marketing companies, PR agencies, medical groups, media groups, even major fashion
labels such as Diane Von Furstenberg [DVF] and Oscar de la Renta. It does not matter
what your brand is or if you even know, The Brand Girls are going to help you bring that
to life.
The Brand Girls have done exceptionally well at creating their own brand image
right from the start. They represent the stylish woman and workplace with goals and
aspirations. Implementing the aesthetics of your office space and yourself. They
showcase this through their Instagram account the most. All of their posts are pleasing to
the eye and grab your attention before you know the content, along the lines of a good
blog. The next aspect of The Brand Girls that stood out the most was the recognition
from other leading ladies such as Ivanka Trump and Michelle Obama. Both have
personally recognized The Brand Girls and Rachael Bozsic as a fellow girl boss for the
work she is doing with young ladies across America. Rachael Bozsic has also been
featured in multiple magazines articles. The final quality to point out about The Brand
Girls is that even though they are a newer business they already have the results to
showcase their work. As mentioned earlier, they have had clients move on to work for
major companies and have a few of their favorites on their website to show future clients.
Diving deeper into observations for the company there have been a couple
obstacles. The first one being when you search the company "The Brand Girls" on
Google, the first link on the page is not the actual current website. It is a Weebly page of
perhaps the original blog or page for The Brand Girls. However, it does not offer any
useful information for their actual sessions for business. This is an issue because when
you are trying to make money you do not want your potential customers lost or even
potential advertisers seeking information. The current website is actually the sixth tab
down on Google and this is where you can find their current information on what they do
and what packages they offer for consulting and booking them. Once you can organize
this information better between the two websites and maximize the correct one ahead on
the search engine then it should be less of an obstacle for future girl bosses.
The second obstacle that they spoke with me about was securing press placement
in major national magazines. Some steps that can be taken to secure media coverage as
stated by KCD PR is to target outlets that align with the same message of The Brand
Girls. Another tip is to only reach out to media when you have a big news story. This can
include new hires, when the company is larger, wins, and new offices. Or in The Brand
Girls case when Celebrities and other successful women who work feature the company.
So the status of their name secures relevance. Next is to have a clean and up to date press
kit. Nowadays it is acceptable to have a digital media kit that you can distribute many
different ways such as thumb drives, emails, etc. You can also have a link on your
website that takes you to your online kit. Your kit should include at least a backgrounder
and fact sheet. This is for the media to flesh out their stories to save you phone calls in
the middle of the night. It should also include a press release, brochure, features story,
contact information and a bio page on Rachael and her history along with other girls who
have significant positions within the company. The next step to securing press placement
is having a perfect pitch, which I am positive you have due to that is what you are
teaching young women. Another check on the list is following up and building
relationships with the magazine and reporter who does feature you. Having all of these
things should help you to better secure press placement.
There are three primary objectives for The Brand Girls communications plan.
1) Increasing awareness of The Brand Girls as the #1 consulting agency that is
uplifting and stylish for young women.
2) Showcase the importance of what they do for the future careers of young
3) Grow your fallowing and clientele.
Increasing awareness of The Brand Girls as the #one consulting agency that is
uplifting and stylish for young women.
My goal here is for collaboration to begin. There are tons of girl bosses all over
the globe waiting to feature other empowering women and companies. You have already
got off to a great start working with Ivanka Trump. However, the opinion leaders of
today do not necessarily have to have a famous name or power but instead they have a
large fallowing. The first girl boss I thought to collaborate with is Audrey Roloff. Audrey
is a very successful blogger from Portland Oregon. I like the fact that she is across the
country from you guys so you together can cover the in between. Audrey is a woman
who works and has created a huge fallowing on her own. Audrey's blog is based on her
lifestyle. Although it is more country than the more common city girl boss she embodies
the same qualities of The Brand Girls. Audrey has 185k followers on Instagram, 48k
followers on Facebook, 23k followers on Twitter, 6k on Pinterest, and 8k views on
Snapchat. As you can see the brand she has built for herself has a substantial following
and her demographic is young girls and parents. This is just one example of a girl boss
you can feature and can feature The Brand Girls to increase awareness. This only consists
of reaching out to a blogger/opinion leader and asking to feature a piece on their story if
they will do a small post or write up on The Brand Girls. What better way to spread your
stylish company than through other stylish young ladies who have created their own
brands. I will be providing a start up list of successful women to reach out to.
Showcase the importance of what they do for the future careers of young women.
As we know, in college we are taught every day how to build a resume and write
a cover letter, especially if you are a comm major, but if we are all being taught to build
one the same way what puts one girl apart from the other. This is where The Brand Girls
steps in. There are further steps that can be taken outside of the textbook and classroom
of preparing yourself for the real world. Most college students do not even know what
they want to do when they graduate. This is where the value of what The Brand Girls
does is so necessary. How can any young girl know what to do if she doesn't know her
own brand. Establishing what you're good at our what you are passionate about before
you fail a million times will put you ahead of the competition. This message needs to be
incorporated into everything that The Brand Girls post. This is the why! Why it is
important to take your program and why it will help young girls. Getting your future
clients to understanding that they are not going to be gaining everything they need to
know is important to build this company. To show that paying for this is worth it.
Grow your fallowing and clientele.
The number one way I see The Brand Girls growing their fallowing is building
their social media platforms and advertising. Currently, the company has an Instagram
that has been running since March and has 2,261 followers, a Twitter with 1,481
followers, Pinterest and just built a Facebook page. I would continue to use your
esthetically pleasing IG and post pictures and updates regularly, but I also would like to
take it to the next level and begin giveaways or incentives on it. You could do these
many different ways. You could offer promotional materials when you do a repost this
and whoever gets the most likes wins a cute mug or pens that say The Brand Girls.
Investing a little to create a product with your name on it is a win-win. By giving these
away when that person uses that mug or wears that t-shirt that is a walking billboard for
The Brand Girls.
Another incentive you could do is giveaway a free workshop. Yes, I know this is
costly, but you can do it once a year for a girl that is deserving of it, possibly around the
holidays. You use your social media to post that there are a competition and all it is a
write up of why they want to be a part of The Brand Girls community. Girls will send in
their stories and you will select the best one. College is expensive and in 2016 we have
43 million borrowers for student loans. This shows that your company is caring and along
with making money has a passion for helping and branding girls for bright futures even if
they may not have the resources to pay for something like this on their own. You can also
do smaller giveaway post such as repost this and receive a free resume and cover letter
review just once a year even.
Having an Instagram is a great start and many companies are run solely on them, but
there are other platforms that are free and will give the public a better look inside the
Another channel I think that The Brand Girls should create is a Snapchat. Snapchat is
incredible if you have a company that doesn't have strict customer privacy policies. The
first perk it is free unless you would like to pay for an advertisement or a geotag which
we can do down the road if it is successful. This is the best way to get the public to know
you on a personal level. There are different ways to run your account but I would like to
see The Brand Girls do a day where different girls in the office do a follow along. So
your followers can see what it is like to work for and at The Brand Girls headquarters.
You can also use it for inside events and tips and tricks. If you can only get inside content
on your Snapchat or tips and tricks than its putting out need and reason for your clients
and followers to view what you girls are up to on a day to day or week basis. Today
people love having all access passes to their favorite things and Snapchat offers that.
As stated by the CEO and Brand Director, the desired audience is a female
college student from anywhere in the nation who represents the same image of The Brand
Girls. This is a group of young women who are between the ages of 18 to 24. However,
the newest audience to reach is the parents of female college students because they are
the decision makers and who more likely than not pay for their daughters to take the
online workshops with The Brand Girls. Reaching the parents needs to be done through
paid advertising. There are many different websites that you can pay for the mailing list
of a targeted demographic. In this case, we want to reach parents of a female college
student. Whether you are able to receive their email addresses or mailing addresses you
can target exactly who and where these parents are and send out a small advertisement
for The Brand Girls. Along with this, you will want to offer any parents who sign their
daughter up a discount if they found out about the company via the ad that was mailed to
them. This way you can also measure its success. You can choose one city a month and
target just that area. Eventually, you will be able to know what areas are more susceptible
to doing The Brand Girls and where you need to target harder. I will also provide a list of
websites that will help with targeting specific demographics.
 Feature one fellow girl boss/opinion leader/blogger a month.
Starting list: These are a few good starting points of fellow girl bosses who
represent women who work and have created and branded their own little empires. Each
girl has accomplished a different amount but all noticeable. I also personally follow each
one and see stylish similarities between The Brand Girls and each one of them.
-Audrey Roloff (
-Cambrie Schroder (
-Julie Sarinana (
-Danielle Bernstein (
-Lauren Conrad (
-Alexandra Mauro (
- Sophia Amoruso (
Promotional incentives. Product= free billboards
We need to buy and create products that represent The Brand Girls in every way,
including being mega stylish. We do not want anything too corny or product that just
does not fit. For example, trucker hats just don't scream The Brand Girls. I put together a
short list of classy products to be made with The Brand Girls logo on them. I do not think
it is necessary to create a ton of merchandise. I think this because you want the
giveaways to be special and having a piece of The Brand Girls to be something of
prestige. Representing that they acknowledge you apart of the community they represent.
These will be for smaller giveaways such as repost this and whoever gets the most likes
wins a small gift. Then people become walking brand ambassadors for The Brand Girls.
1) A nice pen in a box with a ribbon.
This represents the work girl bosses and The Brand girls do. When starting a new
career it is essential to have work supplies and what better way than with a pen that
represents the company.
2) A coffee mug with The Brand Girls logo.
In a large percentage of The Brand Girls photo, you can see the CEO Bozsic
sipping a chai to keep her day rolling. This is a crucial part of a businesswoman. Being
awake to work long hours.
Program give away.
This is the big give away. That only makes sense to happen around the holidays
once a year. In November, you will post via social media that you are accepting emails
and stories from young girls across the nation, that are currently enrolled in college to
write in and explain why they want to be a part of The Brand Girls. The winner will be
announced on Christmas via social media and she may take the workshop anytime after
the New Year. It is important for every company to give back and this will be the best
way to do so. It also will reach an audience that maybe thought they did not have the
means to be a part of something like this.
Resume and cover letter review giveaway
This will take place once a year. Six months apart from the full workshop give
away. This will be done via social media and will also be a competition type thing. This
is a smaller giveaway but still will help a young girl who has room to grow.
Targeting parents through mailing list.
The best way to reach parents other than social media is through paid
advertisement. This is where you will buy mailing list that specifically have the
information of parents with females in college. To save money, you will only choose one
county or location a month, pay for that mailing list and send out a an advertisement
about The Brand Girls that also offers a small discount if they sign their daughter up via
this mailing list.
Here is website that offer this.;jsessionid=AC56D115B534781C5AFC360E0E9FBDC6
Launch a Snapchat.
Launching a Snapchat is simple. All you have to do is create a free account with
the user name being The Brand Girls. You will announce this via your other social media
platforms. With the announcement, you want to include why the Snapchat is a must. So
stating that you will be able to see inside The Brand Girls office and day to day lives of
the CEO and employees is something you won't get with the other forms of social media.
You can also include events that you attend and do a follow along.
June 22nd: Launch a Snapchat account
July 1st: Feature first other girl boss and announce this will be a monthly thing.
July 26th: Resume and Cover letter review giveaway.
August 1st: Feature girl boss.
August 28th: Do first promotional product giveaway. Repost and most shares or likes
gets a coffee mug or pen mailed to them.
September 1st: Feature girl boss.
October 1st: Feature girl boss.
October 28th: another promotional product giveaway
November1st: Feature girl boss.
November 25th: Announce workshop giveaway details and deadlines.
December 1st: Feature girl boss.
December 15th: Due date for workshop submissions.
December 25th: Winner of The Brander workshop announced.
Launch a new social media platform that is more intimate (Snapchat). Feature one
fellow girl boss a month and also be featured. A promotional product giveaway via social
media shares contest every two months. One resume and cover letter review giveaways in
the summer. Give away a full workshop in December. Once a month send out
advertisement via mailing list to parents of college students.
June 2016
Send ad via
mailing list
to parents
July 2016
Sned as via
mailinglist to
parents+ feature
first girl boss
Resumeand cover
letter review
August 2016
Sned as via
mailing list to
parents+ feature
girl boss
September 2016
Send ad via
mailing list
to parents
feature girl
October 2016
Sned as via
mailing list to
parents+ feature
girl boss
December 2016
Sned as via
mailing list to
feature girl boss
Deadline for
giveaway and
of winner
November 2016
Sned as via
mailing list to
parents+ feature
girl boss
Announce big
giveway and
The budget is different with each goal. The social media post luckily is free. Once
you have successfully done your own campaigns and incentives through social media and
want to grow more than you can look into paid advertisement. Teaming up with one
blogger a month should also be free because it is a post for a post. Some of the bigger
names like Lauren Conrad might charge, but that will be different for each individual you
choose to work with and feature. The Snapchat launch is also free as long as you utilize
advertising it through your current platforms. To have custom pens and boxes made that
say The brand Girls cost between $18.00 to $26.00 and to have nice mugs made also with
a logo cost around $10.00. Since we only have two product giveaways this should be no
more than $40.00 including tax and shipping cost. Also, you can buy in bulk to have a
small stock of the product for clients or events. The last thing to factor into the budget is
the cost for the mailing list to send parents an advertisement. So while looking at the web
page I provided it has many different options, which are great. You can start off buying
one month at a time for $25 dollars, or if you buy more the cost goes down. For example,
three months is $15.00 dollars and six months is $10.00 dollars. It is a $15.00 dollar
charge for parents and you can also pay small add-ons from $8-$16 dollars that will
include gender, age, field of study, college name etc. So you get the students emails and
their parents. It all depends on where you want to start budget wise but as I have planned
to take it month by month in different areas. The list is also updated every month.
There are many online tools to measure how much your social media improves
when the plan goes into play. You can also measure it yourself by tracking followers,
likes, and comments. You will also be able to show a clientele increase. The days you
feature fellow girl bosses you will especially be able to see if you gain a percentage of
their followers. You can also measure site hits that show how many people went to your
website and how many parents signed their daughters up via the mailing list due to using
the incentive with it.
When running a business it is essential to have a crisis plan ready at all times
instead of waiting until a crisis happens then figuring out how to handle it. Companies
spend years building their reputation. The number one crisis I can see The Brand Girls
running into is a past client of theirs getting fired or doing something that miss represents
The Brand Girls community. These steps will need to be taken if something were to
happen to save the name of the CEO and team.
1. Respond immediately via social media, the press, etc. If you respond immediately it
shows that The Brand Girls care about the crisis and want to take responsibility or clean
up what they were brought into.
2. Apologize. Regardless if your company had anything to do with the crisis besides
formally representing a past client you should still apologize for the inconvenience.
3.Rebuilding reputation will have to be a priority if your name is associated with
something negative you want to show the public what your brand is all about. This is
where I would state how you hand-select each girl carefully to represent and work with
so you do not run into these kinds of problems in the future.
A statement should be released that says something along the lines of:
"We at The Brand Girls work to empower young women across the globe. It is our
mission to lead them into bright futures. We are not responsible for the actions taken by
past clients and apologize for the inconvenience".
The Brand Girls
Charlotte, North Carolina
Contact: Rachael Bozsik
For release at will
San Bernardino, CA, June 1st, 2016- The Brand Girls are taking it a step
further to team up with other powerful women across the nation to empower
college girls to build successful futures.
July 1st, 2016 will kick off the first feature of another woman who has
created an empire after college. You can find the features on their blog or one of
their many social media sites.
The Brand Girls strive to brand young women into their most authentic self
through their widely known online consulting agency. Building connections with
current and future girl bosses are an essential part of a business and this is what
they will be achieving with the new partnerships.
All women working together to represent the future of what all are capable
"College Girls Branding & Networking | The Brand Girls." College Girls Branding. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 25 May 2016.
"6 Ways to Secure Media Coverage in Your Ideal Publication." KCD PR. N.p., 20 Aug.
2015. Web. 02 June 2016.
"U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2016 | Student Loan Hero." Student Loan Hero.
N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2016.
Bozsik, Rachael. E-mail interview. 31st May 2016.

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Amanda Sutt

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  • 2. 2 OVERVIEW: As young adults graduate from college and enter into the professional world, there are steps that can be taken in between processes to enhance your position and chances. The competition rates have risen over the past years for job opportunities, but luckily there have also been start-up companies that not only employ but also focus solely on teaching how to market yourself such as The Brand Girls. The Brand Girls, started by a young woman named Rachael Bozsik who graduated from High Point University, North Carolina in 2015. Since then she has gone on to create a small empire that has a mission to promote girls to become their most authentic and professional version of themselves, hashtag, the girl boss. They do this through their four-session, intensive and personalized workshop. They help bring to surface young women's brands and teach them how to network with confidence. The Brand Girls currently offer the brand definition, resume and LinkedIn, pitching, and informational interview workshops. The brander is their biggest workshop that consist of four sessions that cover all you need to know how to present your social media platforms, a mission statement, pitching yourself and even completing an informational interview with an industry contact. They also offer power sessions that are 45 minutes long that focus on cover letter creation, interview prep, blog development and network outreach plans. The last is a resume or cover letter review that they will edit and build upon to make you stand out via email. The Brand Girls have created an image of their own and the CEO personally selects what girls they work with and ones that fit into their community. To learn about potential
  • 3. 3 Brand Girl candidates she conducts a free 15-minuet consultation via FaceTime to learn more about you and relaying their own image to keep things stylish. They have worked with 100+ college girls all over the country that have landed jobs in multiple different industries. There have been Brand Girls who landed jobs with marketing companies, PR agencies, medical groups, media groups, even major fashion labels such as Diane Von Furstenberg [DVF] and Oscar de la Renta. It does not matter what your brand is or if you even know, The Brand Girls are going to help you bring that to life. OBSERVATIONS: The Brand Girls have done exceptionally well at creating their own brand image right from the start. They represent the stylish woman and workplace with goals and aspirations. Implementing the aesthetics of your office space and yourself. They showcase this through their Instagram account the most. All of their posts are pleasing to the eye and grab your attention before you know the content, along the lines of a good blog. The next aspect of The Brand Girls that stood out the most was the recognition from other leading ladies such as Ivanka Trump and Michelle Obama. Both have personally recognized The Brand Girls and Rachael Bozsic as a fellow girl boss for the work she is doing with young ladies across America. Rachael Bozsic has also been featured in multiple magazines articles. The final quality to point out about The Brand Girls is that even though they are a newer business they already have the results to showcase their work. As mentioned earlier, they have had clients move on to work for major companies and have a few of their favorites on their website to show future clients.
  • 4. 4 Diving deeper into observations for the company there have been a couple obstacles. The first one being when you search the company "The Brand Girls" on Google, the first link on the page is not the actual current website. It is a Weebly page of perhaps the original blog or page for The Brand Girls. However, it does not offer any useful information for their actual sessions for business. This is an issue because when you are trying to make money you do not want your potential customers lost or even potential advertisers seeking information. The current website is actually the sixth tab down on Google and this is where you can find their current information on what they do and what packages they offer for consulting and booking them. Once you can organize this information better between the two websites and maximize the correct one ahead on the search engine then it should be less of an obstacle for future girl bosses. The second obstacle that they spoke with me about was securing press placement in major national magazines. Some steps that can be taken to secure media coverage as stated by KCD PR is to target outlets that align with the same message of The Brand Girls. Another tip is to only reach out to media when you have a big news story. This can include new hires, when the company is larger, wins, and new offices. Or in The Brand Girls case when Celebrities and other successful women who work feature the company. So the status of their name secures relevance. Next is to have a clean and up to date press kit. Nowadays it is acceptable to have a digital media kit that you can distribute many different ways such as thumb drives, emails, etc. You can also have a link on your website that takes you to your online kit. Your kit should include at least a backgrounder and fact sheet. This is for the media to flesh out their stories to save you phone calls in the middle of the night. It should also include a press release, brochure, features story,
  • 5. 5 contact information and a bio page on Rachael and her history along with other girls who have significant positions within the company. The next step to securing press placement is having a perfect pitch, which I am positive you have due to that is what you are teaching young women. Another check on the list is following up and building relationships with the magazine and reporter who does feature you. Having all of these things should help you to better secure press placement. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: There are three primary objectives for The Brand Girls communications plan. 1) Increasing awareness of The Brand Girls as the #1 consulting agency that is uplifting and stylish for young women. 2) Showcase the importance of what they do for the future careers of young women. 3) Grow your fallowing and clientele. Increasing awareness of The Brand Girls as the #one consulting agency that is uplifting and stylish for young women. My goal here is for collaboration to begin. There are tons of girl bosses all over the globe waiting to feature other empowering women and companies. You have already got off to a great start working with Ivanka Trump. However, the opinion leaders of today do not necessarily have to have a famous name or power but instead they have a large fallowing. The first girl boss I thought to collaborate with is Audrey Roloff. Audrey is a very successful blogger from Portland Oregon. I like the fact that she is across the country from you guys so you together can cover the in between. Audrey is a woman who works and has created a huge fallowing on her own. Audrey's blog is based on her
  • 6. 6 lifestyle. Although it is more country than the more common city girl boss she embodies the same qualities of The Brand Girls. Audrey has 185k followers on Instagram, 48k followers on Facebook, 23k followers on Twitter, 6k on Pinterest, and 8k views on Snapchat. As you can see the brand she has built for herself has a substantial following and her demographic is young girls and parents. This is just one example of a girl boss you can feature and can feature The Brand Girls to increase awareness. This only consists of reaching out to a blogger/opinion leader and asking to feature a piece on their story if they will do a small post or write up on The Brand Girls. What better way to spread your stylish company than through other stylish young ladies who have created their own brands. I will be providing a start up list of successful women to reach out to. Showcase the importance of what they do for the future careers of young women. As we know, in college we are taught every day how to build a resume and write a cover letter, especially if you are a comm major, but if we are all being taught to build one the same way what puts one girl apart from the other. This is where The Brand Girls steps in. There are further steps that can be taken outside of the textbook and classroom of preparing yourself for the real world. Most college students do not even know what they want to do when they graduate. This is where the value of what The Brand Girls does is so necessary. How can any young girl know what to do if she doesn't know her own brand. Establishing what you're good at our what you are passionate about before you fail a million times will put you ahead of the competition. This message needs to be incorporated into everything that The Brand Girls post. This is the why! Why it is important to take your program and why it will help young girls. Getting your future
  • 7. 7 clients to understanding that they are not going to be gaining everything they need to know is important to build this company. To show that paying for this is worth it. Grow your fallowing and clientele. The number one way I see The Brand Girls growing their fallowing is building their social media platforms and advertising. Currently, the company has an Instagram that has been running since March and has 2,261 followers, a Twitter with 1,481 followers, Pinterest and just built a Facebook page. I would continue to use your esthetically pleasing IG and post pictures and updates regularly, but I also would like to take it to the next level and begin giveaways or incentives on it. You could do these many different ways. You could offer promotional materials when you do a repost this and whoever gets the most likes wins a cute mug or pens that say The Brand Girls. Investing a little to create a product with your name on it is a win-win. By giving these away when that person uses that mug or wears that t-shirt that is a walking billboard for The Brand Girls. Another incentive you could do is giveaway a free workshop. Yes, I know this is costly, but you can do it once a year for a girl that is deserving of it, possibly around the holidays. You use your social media to post that there are a competition and all it is a write up of why they want to be a part of The Brand Girls community. Girls will send in their stories and you will select the best one. College is expensive and in 2016 we have 43 million borrowers for student loans. This shows that your company is caring and along with making money has a passion for helping and branding girls for bright futures even if they may not have the resources to pay for something like this on their own. You can also
  • 8. 8 do smaller giveaway post such as repost this and receive a free resume and cover letter review just once a year even. Having an Instagram is a great start and many companies are run solely on them, but there are other platforms that are free and will give the public a better look inside the company. Another channel I think that The Brand Girls should create is a Snapchat. Snapchat is incredible if you have a company that doesn't have strict customer privacy policies. The first perk it is free unless you would like to pay for an advertisement or a geotag which we can do down the road if it is successful. This is the best way to get the public to know you on a personal level. There are different ways to run your account but I would like to see The Brand Girls do a day where different girls in the office do a follow along. So your followers can see what it is like to work for and at The Brand Girls headquarters. You can also use it for inside events and tips and tricks. If you can only get inside content on your Snapchat or tips and tricks than its putting out need and reason for your clients and followers to view what you girls are up to on a day to day or week basis. Today people love having all access passes to their favorite things and Snapchat offers that. AUDIENCE: As stated by the CEO and Brand Director, the desired audience is a female college student from anywhere in the nation who represents the same image of The Brand Girls. This is a group of young women who are between the ages of 18 to 24. However, the newest audience to reach is the parents of female college students because they are the decision makers and who more likely than not pay for their daughters to take the online workshops with The Brand Girls. Reaching the parents needs to be done through
  • 9. 9 paid advertising. There are many different websites that you can pay for the mailing list of a targeted demographic. In this case, we want to reach parents of a female college student. Whether you are able to receive their email addresses or mailing addresses you can target exactly who and where these parents are and send out a small advertisement for The Brand Girls. Along with this, you will want to offer any parents who sign their daughter up a discount if they found out about the company via the ad that was mailed to them. This way you can also measure its success. You can choose one city a month and target just that area. Eventually, you will be able to know what areas are more susceptible to doing The Brand Girls and where you need to target harder. I will also provide a list of websites that will help with targeting specific demographics. PLAN:  Feature one fellow girl boss/opinion leader/blogger a month. Starting list: These are a few good starting points of fellow girl bosses who represent women who work and have created and branded their own little empires. Each girl has accomplished a different amount but all noticeable. I also personally follow each one and see stylish similarities between The Brand Girls and each one of them. -Audrey Roloff ( -Cambrie Schroder ( -Julie Sarinana ( -Danielle Bernstein ( -Lauren Conrad ( -Alexandra Mauro ( - Sophia Amoruso (
  • 10. 10 Promotional incentives. Product= free billboards We need to buy and create products that represent The Brand Girls in every way, including being mega stylish. We do not want anything too corny or product that just does not fit. For example, trucker hats just don't scream The Brand Girls. I put together a short list of classy products to be made with The Brand Girls logo on them. I do not think it is necessary to create a ton of merchandise. I think this because you want the giveaways to be special and having a piece of The Brand Girls to be something of prestige. Representing that they acknowledge you apart of the community they represent. These will be for smaller giveaways such as repost this and whoever gets the most likes wins a small gift. Then people become walking brand ambassadors for The Brand Girls. 1) A nice pen in a box with a ribbon. This represents the work girl bosses and The Brand girls do. When starting a new career it is essential to have work supplies and what better way than with a pen that represents the company. 2) A coffee mug with The Brand Girls logo. In a large percentage of The Brand Girls photo, you can see the CEO Bozsic sipping a chai to keep her day rolling. This is a crucial part of a businesswoman. Being awake to work long hours. Program give away. This is the big give away. That only makes sense to happen around the holidays once a year. In November, you will post via social media that you are accepting emails and stories from young girls across the nation, that are currently enrolled in college to write in and explain why they want to be a part of The Brand Girls. The winner will be
  • 11. 11 announced on Christmas via social media and she may take the workshop anytime after the New Year. It is important for every company to give back and this will be the best way to do so. It also will reach an audience that maybe thought they did not have the means to be a part of something like this. Resume and cover letter review giveaway This will take place once a year. Six months apart from the full workshop give away. This will be done via social media and will also be a competition type thing. This is a smaller giveaway but still will help a young girl who has room to grow. Targeting parents through mailing list. The best way to reach parents other than social media is through paid advertisement. This is where you will buy mailing list that specifically have the information of parents with females in college. To save money, you will only choose one county or location a month, pay for that mailing list and send out a an advertisement about The Brand Girls that also offers a small discount if they sign their daughter up via this mailing list. Here is website that offer this.;jsessionid=AC56D115B534781C5AFC360E0E9FBDC6 ?page=research/datacard&id=410216 Launch a Snapchat. Launching a Snapchat is simple. All you have to do is create a free account with the user name being The Brand Girls. You will announce this via your other social media platforms. With the announcement, you want to include why the Snapchat is a must. So stating that you will be able to see inside The Brand Girls office and day to day lives of
  • 12. 12 the CEO and employees is something you won't get with the other forms of social media. You can also include events that you attend and do a follow along. TIMLINE: June 22nd: Launch a Snapchat account July 1st: Feature first other girl boss and announce this will be a monthly thing. July 26th: Resume and Cover letter review giveaway. August 1st: Feature girl boss. August 28th: Do first promotional product giveaway. Repost and most shares or likes gets a coffee mug or pen mailed to them. September 1st: Feature girl boss. October 1st: Feature girl boss. October 28th: another promotional product giveaway November1st: Feature girl boss. November 25th: Announce workshop giveaway details and deadlines. December 1st: Feature girl boss. December 15th: Due date for workshop submissions. December 25th: Winner of The Brander workshop announced.
  • 13. 13 BREAKDOWN: Launch a new social media platform that is more intimate (Snapchat). Feature one fellow girl boss a month and also be featured. A promotional product giveaway via social media shares contest every two months. One resume and cover letter review giveaways in the summer. Give away a full workshop in December. Once a month send out advertisement via mailing list to parents of college students. June 2016 Send ad via mailing list to parents Launch Snapchat July 2016 Sned as via mailinglist to parents+ feature first girl boss Resumeand cover letter review giveaway
  • 14. 14 August 2016 Sned as via mailing list to parents+ feature girl boss Promotional product giveaway September 2016 Send ad via mailing list to parents feature girl boss October 2016 Sned as via mailing list to parents+ feature girl boss Promotional product giveaway December 2016 Sned as via mailing list to parents+ feature girl boss Deadline for giveaway and announcement of winner November 2016 Sned as via mailing list to parents+ feature girl boss Announce big workshop giveway and details
  • 15. 15 BUDGET: The budget is different with each goal. The social media post luckily is free. Once you have successfully done your own campaigns and incentives through social media and want to grow more than you can look into paid advertisement. Teaming up with one blogger a month should also be free because it is a post for a post. Some of the bigger names like Lauren Conrad might charge, but that will be different for each individual you choose to work with and feature. The Snapchat launch is also free as long as you utilize advertising it through your current platforms. To have custom pens and boxes made that say The brand Girls cost between $18.00 to $26.00 and to have nice mugs made also with a logo cost around $10.00. Since we only have two product giveaways this should be no more than $40.00 including tax and shipping cost. Also, you can buy in bulk to have a small stock of the product for clients or events. The last thing to factor into the budget is the cost for the mailing list to send parents an advertisement. So while looking at the web page I provided it has many different options, which are great. You can start off buying one month at a time for $25 dollars, or if you buy more the cost goes down. For example, three months is $15.00 dollars and six months is $10.00 dollars. It is a $15.00 dollar charge for parents and you can also pay small add-ons from $8-$16 dollars that will include gender, age, field of study, college name etc. So you get the students emails and their parents. It all depends on where you want to start budget wise but as I have planned to take it month by month in different areas. The list is also updated every month.
  • 16. 16 MEASUREMENT: There are many online tools to measure how much your social media improves when the plan goes into play. You can also measure it yourself by tracking followers, likes, and comments. You will also be able to show a clientele increase. The days you feature fellow girl bosses you will especially be able to see if you gain a percentage of their followers. You can also measure site hits that show how many people went to your website and how many parents signed their daughters up via the mailing list due to using the incentive with it. CRISIS: When running a business it is essential to have a crisis plan ready at all times instead of waiting until a crisis happens then figuring out how to handle it. Companies spend years building their reputation. The number one crisis I can see The Brand Girls running into is a past client of theirs getting fired or doing something that miss represents The Brand Girls community. These steps will need to be taken if something were to happen to save the name of the CEO and team. 1. Respond immediately via social media, the press, etc. If you respond immediately it shows that The Brand Girls care about the crisis and want to take responsibility or clean up what they were brought into. 2. Apologize. Regardless if your company had anything to do with the crisis besides formally representing a past client you should still apologize for the inconvenience. 3.Rebuilding reputation will have to be a priority if your name is associated with something negative you want to show the public what your brand is all about. This is
  • 17. 17 where I would state how you hand-select each girl carefully to represent and work with so you do not run into these kinds of problems in the future. A statement should be released that says something along the lines of: "We at The Brand Girls work to empower young women across the globe. It is our mission to lead them into bright futures. We are not responsible for the actions taken by past clients and apologize for the inconvenience".
  • 18. 18 PRESS RELEASE: The Brand Girls Charlotte, North Carolina Contact: Rachael Bozsik Email: For release at will THE BRAND GIRLS PARTNER UP WITH FELLOW GIRL BOSSES San Bernardino, CA, June 1st, 2016- The Brand Girls are taking it a step further to team up with other powerful women across the nation to empower college girls to build successful futures. July 1st, 2016 will kick off the first feature of another woman who has created an empire after college. You can find the features on their blog or one of their many social media sites. The Brand Girls strive to brand young women into their most authentic self through their widely known online consulting agency. Building connections with current and future girl bosses are an essential part of a business and this is what they will be achieving with the new partnerships. All women working together to represent the future of what all are capable of. #####
  • 19. 19 RESOURCES: "College Girls Branding & Networking | The Brand Girls." College Girls Branding. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2016. "6 Ways to Secure Media Coverage in Your Ideal Publication." KCD PR. N.p., 20 Aug. 2015. Web. 02 June 2016. "U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2016 | Student Loan Hero." Student Loan Hero. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 June 2016. Bozsik, Rachael. E-mail interview. 31st May 2016.