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What do you see?
            Visual Illusions
• Mermaid but not a mermaid
• Process of receiving information from the
• What kind of Info?
If you had to lose one of your senses
which one would you choose to lose?
Process of
Perception   organizing
             information to
             make it
Absolute Threshold
• The Level of sensory stimulation you need in
  order to sense something 50% of the time
Vision Absolute Threshold
     Vision Absolute Threshold
Candle flame seen from _______ kilometers
away at night
Hearing Absolute Threshold

Watch ticking under quiet conditions from
___ meters away
Touch Absolute Threshold

• A bee’s wing
  falling on your
  cheek from ____
Smell Absolute Threshold

• In how many rooms can 1 drop of perfume be
Taste: Absolute Threshold
    1 teaspoon of sugar in how many
             liters of water?

• 7.5 liters of water
Sense of Taste
• Taste Receptors
  – Five kinds of Taste Receptors
     •   Sweet
     •   Sour
     •   Salt
     •   Bitter
     •   New one? Umami
Umami Examples
• Japanese: dashi with kombu seaweed and
  dried bonito flakes
• Chinese: add Chinese leek and cabbage with
  chicken soup, as in the similar Scottish dish of
  cock-a-leekie soup
• Italians: combine Parmesan cheese on tomato
  sauce with mushrooms.
Taste Buds on Tongue
Taste Receptors
• Taste Buds
How do your taste needs develop?
• Baby salt needs? Teen salt needs? Adult salt
• Baby sugar needs? Teen sugar needs? Adult
  sugar needs?
Salt Needs

   does not need salt

Few months old baby to adulthood

         want salt

        Later adulthood

Needs for salt tapers off

          Older people
 Need for salt returns!
Sugar Needs

 • Built-in
 • Body needs sugar for energy
 • Too little sugar makes you tremble
Bitterness detectors: why do we need
• Play an important role detecting poison.
• Food gone bad has a sour taste
Taste Experiment
• 1. Blindfold yourself.
• 2. Open your mouth wide, say “Ah”
• 3. Wait for the food to touch your tongue
  (Partner you will place item on tongue)
• 5. Taste the food.
• 6. Identify the food
• 7. Taste in total five different items.
• 8. Switch with your partner
Critical Thinking
• You have to deliver a brief speech to your class
  on salt and sugar needs. What do you say?
           Use blue food coloring and a plas
           reinforcement ring for a three-hol
           binder (paper reinforcement rings
           get mushy).
           Use a cotton swab to
           wipe some blue food coloring on
           tip of your tongue.
           Place the ring on your tongue. If
           are a medium taster, you'll see on
           few little “mushrooms" inside the
           ring's opening. If you're a superta
           you'll find more than 25 of them w
            the circle. How many do you cou
Are you a supertaster questionnaire?

1.What might be some evolutionary advantages
to being a supertaster -- for animals and

2.What other factors might explain a person's
food preferences?
Pair Talk
• 1. What is the difference between sensation
  and perception?
• 2. What is the weakest light that can be seen?
  The lightest touch that can be felt? What are
  these minimum detection levels called?

• Sound waves:
  – Faster or slower than light waves?
• Many animals use sound more than humans.
  – For example?
     • Dolphin clicks
     • Bats
Sound Characteristics
• Pitch
  – How high or low the sound is

• Timbre
  – Complexity of the tone
     • Eg. Differences between guitar, piano, trombone
Sound Characteristics
• Intensity
  – Measured in decibels
  – Above 130: painful
  – 70 decibels: can disturb sleep: fridge
  – 50 decibels: can help sleep if sound is continuous
My what big ears you have!

• Does ear size make a difference?
• Piece of skin stretched tightly over the entrance to the rest of the ear

             • Vibration causes bones to vibrate too.
             • 3rd bone cochlea is filled with fluid and hair cells

             • Give off electrical particles
Hair cells

             • Electrical particle goes to the brain where sound is interpreted.
• Eyes in front?
• Ears on the side?
How does sound affect you?
           How to listen?
• Bird Song
• Video
Hearing Websites
• Hearing Loss: what it sounds like
• Pets and hearing:
• High Frequency tones
• Michael Shermer says the human tendency to
  believe strange things -- from alien abductions
  to dowsing rods -- boils down to two of the
  brain's most basic, hard-wired survival skills.
  He explains what they are, and how they get
  us into trouble.
What’s This?
• In pairs, walk hurriedly around the room
• The first student points to objects asking "What's this?"
• The second student must quickly answer with anything that
  the object is not.
   – If it's a doorknob, reply that it's The Hubble Telescope or a
   – This is surprisingly difficult for our pattern-based brains
   – It's the questioner's job to make sure that the answerer is not
     making it easier by simply going through a list
   – If they are, a friendly and high-pitched "No!" from the
     questioner can signal that the answer is not good enough.
   – This continues until brain-freeze occurs in the answering
     student, which it will, then they switch roles and continue.
What’s This? Advanced Version
• A more advanced version can be done by NOT
  allowing for any association at all between
  succeeding answers
  – "What's this?" "A telescope" "What's this?" "A
    magnifying glass"
     • This answer receives a little "No!" from the questioner
Smell: Olfaction

• (Not good, Good, Very Good) in humans
• Odor and emotional event
  – Very hard to forget (Engen, 1987)
Odor Molecules
attach to hair in
    the nose

Electrical signal
    sent to
Olfactory bulb

 Sends code to
    brain for
• Animals release this odor chemical to
  communicate sexual interest
Smell and Taste
• Smell is (less, more) important than taste in
• What happens when you hold your nose and eat?
  Get a yogurt container
  Blindfold yourself
  Plug your nose
  Taste the food and identify all of them. Use the
  toothpick or clean fingers
Pheremones in Humans
• ??
Touch=Cutaneous Senses

 3 types of receptors
   –   Pressure
   –   Changes in Temperature
   –   Pain
   –   Burn: Active Continuously: records injury or po
Psychology and you, page 103
• In Focus problem
• Your fingers are cold after handling ice or
• You run your fingers under warm water, but
  the water seems hot.
• Can you think of a theory about cutaneous
  receptors to explain this?
• Your task is to develop a list of consequences for
  the loss of cutaneous senses.
• 1. What are the consequences for the loss of the
  ability to process touch information? (pressure,
  texture, vibration)
• 2. What are the consequences for the loss of the
  ability to sense temperature? Loss of the ability
  to sense pain?
• 3. What do these consequences suggest about
  how evolutionary pressures may have influenced
  the development of cutaneous sense?

• Put together sensory information so you can
  understand the input coming in.
• Involves Interpretation and Expectation.
Perceptual Constancies
• Brain need to keep things the same in order to
  maintain order and make sense of the
• Causes use to experience illusions
Size Constancy
• Definition: The ability to remember how large
  an object is no matter where it is.
• Our perceptions of the size of objects are
  relatively constant despite the fact that the
  size of objects on the retina vary greatly with
Colour Constancy
• Colours are perceived as the same
• Move apple to a darkened room, does it
  change colour?
• Only works with things we know the colour of
• Are these fruit the same colour?
• Why do we perceive them the same colour?
Brightness Constancy
    • The tendency for a visual object to be
      perceived as having the same brightness
      under widely different conditions of
Example of Brighness Constancy:
            White Paper

• A sheet of white paper seen in the bright
  sunlight reflects a very different amount of
  light than the same sheet of paper seen later
  that night in a softly lighted room.
• Yet we perceive the paper as having the same
  whiteness in each case.
Shape Constancy
• Shapes of things stay the same.
Shape Constancy

• Everybody has seen a plate shaped in the form
  of a circle. When we see that same plate from
  an angle, however, it looks more like an
Space Constancy
   • The visual world appears to us as stable and
     unmoving despite continuing movement of
     the retinal image
Space Constancy
Space Constancy
• Things appear steady to us because we either
  focus on the outside as moving OR
• When driving, we use self-motion
  – Cars moving in front of us are held steady in
    our minds
  – Only a major change in motion is perceived.
  – Small changes in speed are not easily
    • Thus rear enders.
Depth Perception

• Ability to see objects 3D and to judge distance.
• Visual Cliff Experiment with babies
• Showed babies have depth perception from
Visual Cliff Experiment
Case Study #1: page 111, Text
• Virgil
Seeing is Believing
       Case Study
How do you see Depth?
Retinal Disparity
                    • See different things
                      with each eye
                    • Use the angle of the
                      eyeball to gauge distance
Texture Gradient
• We use texture to give us clues as to how far
  away the object is.
• Texture:
  – How smooth or rough something is
• Gradient:
  – Different levels of texture we see at different
• 1. List occupations in which good vision,
  hearing, or other senses would be important
  for success. Be sure to list the reasons why.
  Are there occupations in which poor ability in
  one of the senses would be dangerous?
Perceptual Organization
• Gestalt Psychology
  – Make things into wholes
  – Use Perceptual cues to make sense of things
Gestalt Principles of Perceptual
• Principle of Common Region
Gestalt Principles
                 Principle of similarity

 • Here, organization depends on the shape.
Gestalt Principles

                     Principle of similarity
Principle of Similarity
Gestalt Principles
Gestalt Principles
Principle of Proximity
  – objects or shapes that are close to
    one another appear to form groups
Gestalt Principles
• Principle of Closure or Good Continuation
  – Elements group to form smooth lines
Figure Ground: Has to be one figure
           and one ground

• Reversible Figure
More examples
             Gestalt principles

 We perceive something inaccurately=>
Colour Constancy Illusions
Reversible Figure
• Necker Cube: 2 ways to view this cube
Reversible Figure
Illusion: paper shelf
• How is it done?
• Critical Thinking:
  – Draw an original example for each of the following
    principles of perceptual organization: similarity,
    closure, proximity, and figure ground. 2 points per
    = 8 points
Discuss in pairs: Page 120
        #2, #3, #5, #7
Then, we will discuss together
Sensation: Vision
• How is colour seen?
What is the sun or light bulb colour?
• White
When do you see colour?
• Waves of white light hit objects and bounce
  back to us at different speeds or frequencies.
• All the colours are absorbed in the banana
  except for yellow which is reflected back.
No such thing as colour
• Different light wavelengths have different
• Eyes have different receptors for different
Examples of different wavelengths
Which wavelengths do we not see?
• Infrared: Radio, tv, microwaves
• Ultraviolet: x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays
What do bees see?
What do Snakes see?
Snakes have two sets of eyes.

One set is the normal eyes that you see,
and they detect color quite well.

But they also have vision pits that detect heat
and “see” living creatures like an infrared detector.
Snake eye vision simulator program:
Light Waves and Shotgun pellets

Helps to focus
objects to the back of
the eye. If lens is not
shaped correctly the
images fall in the
wrong spot.
• Glasses change the angle at which the
  image falls
• Lights hits the retina
• Optic nerve area: no receptors thus blind spot
• Experiment
  – Draw this on a piece of paper
  – Close your right eye, look at the plus sign and then
    move your face forward till dot disappears.
  – Close your left eye, look at the dot till the plus
Blind Spot
Blind Spot Experiments
More Blind Spot Experiments
     Textbook page 94
Colour: Rods and Cones

• Rods: violet – purple range  see black and
  white with them.
• Sensitive in low light conditions
• They keep blue objects visible in the darkness
• Packed into the sides of the retina
•   Used for daylight conditions
•   Respond best to red wavelengths
•   Don’t work with low light
•   Located in the center of the retina
Colour Defects

       • Colour blindness
         – The inability to tell
           difference between
           certain colours
• Most common form of colour blindness is
  which colour?
Colour Blind Test

Textbook: page 96

Occurs during the course of visual perception when the optical stimulus
suddenly disappears.

Put a piece of hot coal on a string.
When not moving it is a dot, but when moving it becomes a line.

1765,Chevalier Patrice d’Arcy (1725–79): afterimage lasts as long as the time taken for
the piece of coal to make one revolution, i.e., a minimum of 0.133 or 8/60th of a
second. Consequently, in the case of film footage, 16 sequential images per second
are perceived as continuous movement.
Downloaded from:
Afterimage: why does it occur?

Chemicals in the eye get used up when looking
at images. Ie. Eyes get “bleached”

When you look away, the chemicals are still in
your eye and you see the image (but in different

Cones system tries to restore balance after
looking at something. Don’t normally see them
because images are replaced all the time.
Afterimages   Occurs
              the eyes
              want to
              stay in

              Try these:
Super Taster Questionnaire, Visual
• Experience some on-line
• Can you explain these illusions? Why are your
  eyes being fooled?
• From questions on page 97 of text. Do by yourself.
• 1. What’s the difference between sensation and
• 2. Why do some objects appear blue to us, while
  others appear red?
• 3. Why is there a blind spot?
• 4. Name what each part of the eye does: rods, cones,
  iris, lens
• 5. What colours does a colour blind person usually not
Subliminal Perception
• What is it?

Subliminal perception occurs
whenever stimuli presented below
the threshold of awareness are
found to influence thoughts,
feelings, or actions.

• Does it work? Read page 98-99. Discuss in
  small groups
Unconscious language learning

• Do they pick up on the concealed pattern when
  tested? “The answer is yes,” said Dr. Williams, whose
  research was funded by the Economic and Social Research
  Council. “We found significantly above-chance selection of
  sentence constructions that were ‘grammatically correct’
  according to the hidden pattern. Yet, the participants had no
  awareness of what they had learned or how. Moreover, we
  were able to show learning of the same material by native
  speakers of two typologically very different languages, English
  and Cantonese.”
• Interestingly, picking up the hidden pattern unconsciously
  doesn’t always happen – if, for instance, the hidden pattern is
  linguistically unnatural, such as a correlation with whether an
Make up 2 True or False Questions for
        the quiz tomorrow.
Subliminal Language Learning?
• The research provides a window onto unconscious learning
  processes in the mind and highlights an important element that has
  practical implications for language teaching. In each test, the
  learner’s attention was directed to the part of the sentence that
  contained the hidden pattern. By directing attention, it seems that
  other elements of the sentence construction are picked up
• “In a teaching situation, merely teaching the rules of a language
  may not be the only answer,” explained Dr. Williams. “Instead, using
  tasks that focus attention on the relevant grammatical forms in
  language could help learners access unconscious learning pathways
  in the brain. This would greatly enhance the speed of acquisition of
  a second language.”

• Provided by University of Cambridge
Subliminal Advertising
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Sensory perception 2012_

  • 1.
  • 2. What do you see? Visual Illusions • Mermaid but not a mermaid • qUo&list=UU0W6lFhlMFdbK8dGTTTfEqw&ind ex=23&feature=plcp • ko#p/u/12/KJFozypEMd4
  • 4. Sensation • Process of receiving information from the environment. • What kind of Info?
  • 5. If you had to lose one of your senses which one would you choose to lose? Why?
  • 6. Process of Perception organizing sensory information to make it meaningful.
  • 7. Absolute Threshold • The Level of sensory stimulation you need in order to sense something 50% of the time
  • 8. Vision Absolute Threshold Vision Absolute Threshold Candle flame seen from _______ kilometers away at night
  • 9. Hearing Absolute Threshold Watch ticking under quiet conditions from ___ meters away
  • 10. Touch Absolute Threshold • A bee’s wing falling on your cheek from ____ centimeters above
  • 11. Smell Absolute Threshold • In how many rooms can 1 drop of perfume be sensed?
  • 12. Taste: Absolute Threshold 1 teaspoon of sugar in how many liters of water? • 7.5 liters of water
  • 13. Sense of Taste • Taste Receptors – Five kinds of Taste Receptors • Sweet • Sour • Salt • Bitter • New one? Umami
  • 14. Umami Examples • Japanese: dashi with kombu seaweed and dried bonito flakes • Chinese: add Chinese leek and cabbage with chicken soup, as in the similar Scottish dish of cock-a-leekie soup • Italians: combine Parmesan cheese on tomato sauce with mushrooms.
  • 15. Taste Buds on Tongue
  • 17. How do your taste needs develop? • Baby salt needs? Teen salt needs? Adult salt needs? • Baby sugar needs? Teen sugar needs? Adult sugar needs?
  • 18. Salt Needs Newborn does not need salt Few months old baby to adulthood want salt Later adulthood Needs for salt tapers off Older people Need for salt returns!
  • 19. Sugar Needs • Built-in • Body needs sugar for energy • Too little sugar makes you tremble
  • 20. Bitterness detectors: why do we need them? • Play an important role detecting poison. • Food gone bad has a sour taste
  • 21. Taste Experiment • 1. Blindfold yourself. • 2. Open your mouth wide, say “Ah” • 3. Wait for the food to touch your tongue (Partner you will place item on tongue) • 5. Taste the food. • 6. Identify the food • 7. Taste in total five different items. • 8. Switch with your partner
  • 22. Critical Thinking • You have to deliver a brief speech to your class on salt and sugar needs. What do you say?
  • 23. ARE YOU A SUPERTASTER? Use blue food coloring and a plas reinforcement ring for a three-hol binder (paper reinforcement rings get mushy). Use a cotton swab to wipe some blue food coloring on tip of your tongue. Place the ring on your tongue. If are a medium taster, you'll see on few little “mushrooms" inside the ring's opening. If you're a superta you'll find more than 25 of them w the circle. How many do you cou
  • 24.
  • 25. Are you a supertaster questionnaire? • ody/interactives/supertaster/
  • 26. Taste DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.What might be some evolutionary advantages to being a supertaster -- for animals and humans? 2.What other factors might explain a person's food preferences?
  • 27. Pair Talk • 1. What is the difference between sensation and perception? • 2. What is the weakest light that can be seen? The lightest touch that can be felt? What are these minimum detection levels called?
  • 28. Hearing • Sound waves: – Faster or slower than light waves? • Many animals use sound more than humans. – For example? • Dolphin clicks • Bats
  • 29. Sound Characteristics • Pitch – How high or low the sound is • Timbre – Complexity of the tone • Eg. Differences between guitar, piano, trombone
  • 30. Sound Characteristics • Intensity – Measured in decibels – Above 130: painful – 70 decibels: can disturb sleep: fridge – 50 decibels: can help sleep if sound is continuous
  • 31. My what big ears you have! • Does ear size make a difference?
  • 32.
  • 33. • Piece of skin stretched tightly over the entrance to the rest of the ear eardrum • Vibration causes bones to vibrate too. • 3rd bone cochlea is filled with fluid and hair cells Bones • Give off electrical particles Hair cells • Electrical particle goes to the brain where sound is interpreted. Auditory Nerve
  • 34. Why? • Eyes in front? • Ears on the side?
  • 35. How does sound affect you? How to listen? • Bird Song oDU&feature=related • Video • ows_how_to_listen.html
  • 36. Hearing Websites • Hearing Loss: what it sounds like ringloss/hlsoundslike.htm • Pets and hearing: • High Frequency tones
  • 37. ermer_the_pattern_behind_self_dece ption.html • Michael Shermer says the human tendency to believe strange things -- from alien abductions to dowsing rods -- boils down to two of the brain's most basic, hard-wired survival skills. He explains what they are, and how they get us into trouble.
  • 38. What’s This? • In pairs, walk hurriedly around the room • The first student points to objects asking "What's this?" • The second student must quickly answer with anything that the object is not. – If it's a doorknob, reply that it's The Hubble Telescope or a vampire. – This is surprisingly difficult for our pattern-based brains – It's the questioner's job to make sure that the answerer is not making it easier by simply going through a list – If they are, a friendly and high-pitched "No!" from the questioner can signal that the answer is not good enough. – This continues until brain-freeze occurs in the answering student, which it will, then they switch roles and continue.
  • 39. What’s This? Advanced Version • A more advanced version can be done by NOT allowing for any association at all between succeeding answers • EXAMPLE: – "What's this?" "A telescope" "What's this?" "A magnifying glass" • This answer receives a little "No!" from the questioner
  • 40. Smell: Olfaction • (Not good, Good, Very Good) in humans • Odor and emotional event – Very hard to forget (Engen, 1987)
  • 41.
  • 42. Odor Molecules attach to hair in the nose Electrical signal sent to Olfactory bulb Sends code to brain for interpretation
  • 43. • Animals release this odor chemical to communicate sexual interest
  • 44. Smell and Taste • Smell is (less, more) important than taste in eating. • What happens when you hold your nose and eat? Experiment Get a yogurt container Blindfold yourself Plug your nose Taste the food and identify all of them. Use the toothpick or clean fingers
  • 45. Pheremones in Humans • ?? • LuQ
  • 46. Touch=Cutaneous Senses 3 types of receptors – Pressure – Changes in Temperature – Pain – Burn: Active Continuously: records injury or po
  • 47. Psychology and you, page 103 • In Focus problem • Your fingers are cold after handling ice or snow. • You run your fingers under warm water, but the water seems hot. • Can you think of a theory about cutaneous receptors to explain this?
  • 48. Task • Your task is to develop a list of consequences for the loss of cutaneous senses. • 1. What are the consequences for the loss of the ability to process touch information? (pressure, texture, vibration) • 2. What are the consequences for the loss of the ability to sense temperature? Loss of the ability to sense pain? • 3. What do these consequences suggest about how evolutionary pressures may have influenced the development of cutaneous sense?
  • 49. Perception • Put together sensory information so you can understand the input coming in. • Involves Interpretation and Expectation.
  • 50. Perceptual Constancies • Brain need to keep things the same in order to maintain order and make sense of the environment. • Causes use to experience illusions
  • 51. Size Constancy • Definition: The ability to remember how large an object is no matter where it is. • Our perceptions of the size of objects are relatively constant despite the fact that the size of objects on the retina vary greatly with distance.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. Colour Constancy • Colours are perceived as the same • Move apple to a darkened room, does it change colour? • Only works with things we know the colour of already.
  • 57. • Are these fruit the same colour? • Why do we perceive them the same colour?
  • 58. Brightness Constancy • The tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illumination. constancy
  • 59. Example of Brighness Constancy: White Paper • A sheet of white paper seen in the bright sunlight reflects a very different amount of light than the same sheet of paper seen later that night in a softly lighted room. • Yet we perceive the paper as having the same whiteness in each case.
  • 60. Shape Constancy • Shapes of things stay the same.
  • 61. Shape Constancy • Everybody has seen a plate shaped in the form of a circle. When we see that same plate from an angle, however, it looks more like an ellipse.
  • 62.
  • 63. Space Constancy • The visual world appears to us as stable and unmoving despite continuing movement of the retinal image
  • 65. Space Constancy • Things appear steady to us because we either focus on the outside as moving OR
  • 66. • When driving, we use self-motion – Cars moving in front of us are held steady in our minds – Only a major change in motion is perceived. – Small changes in speed are not easily perceived • Thus rear enders.
  • 67. Depth Perception • Ability to see objects 3D and to judge distance. • Visual Cliff Experiment with babies • Showed babies have depth perception from beginning.
  • 68. Visual Cliff Experiment • Q6Q
  • 69. Case Study #1: page 111, Text • Virgil
  • 70. Seeing is Believing Case Study handout
  • 71. How do you see Depth?
  • 72. Retinal Disparity • See different things with each eye • Use the angle of the eyeball to gauge distance
  • 73. Texture Gradient • We use texture to give us clues as to how far away the object is. • Texture: – How smooth or rough something is • Gradient: – Different levels of texture we see at different distances
  • 74.
  • 75. Task • 1. List occupations in which good vision, hearing, or other senses would be important for success. Be sure to list the reasons why. Are there occupations in which poor ability in one of the senses would be dangerous?
  • 76. Perceptual Organization • Gestalt Psychology – Make things into wholes – Use Perceptual cues to make sense of things
  • 77. Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Organization • Principle of Common Region
  • 78. Gestalt Principles Principle of similarity • Here, organization depends on the shape.
  • 79. Gestalt Principles Principle of similarity
  • 82. Gestalt Principles Principle of Proximity – objects or shapes that are close to one another appear to form groups
  • 83.
  • 84. Gestalt Principles • Principle of Closure or Good Continuation – Elements group to form smooth lines
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 89. Figure Ground: Has to be one figure and one ground • Reversible Figure
  • 90. More examples Gestalt principles • s/process/gestaltprinciples/gestaltprinc.htm#s imilarity
  • 91. Illusions We perceive something inaccurately=> misperception mazing-3d-sidewalk-art-photos/
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. Colour Constancy Illusions • _illusions_show_how_we_see.html
  • 97. Reversible Figure • Necker Cube: 2 ways to view this cube
  • 98.
  • 100. Illusion: paper shelf • How is it done?
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106. Questions • Critical Thinking: – Draw an original example for each of the following principles of perceptual organization: similarity, closure, proximity, and figure ground. 2 points per = 8 points
  • 107. Discuss in pairs: Page 120 #2, #3, #5, #7 Then, we will discuss together
  • 108. Sensation: Vision • How is colour seen?
  • 109. What is the sun or light bulb colour? • White
  • 110. When do you see colour? • Waves of white light hit objects and bounce back to us at different speeds or frequencies. • All the colours are absorbed in the banana except for yellow which is reflected back.
  • 111. No such thing as colour • Different light wavelengths have different names • Eyes have different receptors for different wavelengths
  • 112. Examples of different wavelengths
  • 113. Which wavelengths do we not see? • Infrared: Radio, tv, microwaves • Ultraviolet: x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays
  • 114. What do bees see?
  • 116.
  • 117. What do Snakes see? Snakes have two sets of eyes. One set is the normal eyes that you see, and they detect color quite well. But they also have vision pits that detect heat and “see” living creatures like an infrared detector. Snake eye vision simulator program:
  • 118. Light Waves and Shotgun pellets
  • 119.
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125. Lens Helps to focus objects to the back of the eye. If lens is not shaped correctly the images fall in the wrong spot.
  • 126.
  • 127. • Glasses change the angle at which the image falls
  • 128.
  • 129. Retina • Lights hits the retina • Optic nerve area: no receptors thus blind spot • Experiment – Draw this on a piece of paper – Close your right eye, look at the plus sign and then move your face forward till dot disappears. – Close your left eye, look at the dot till the plus disappears.
  • 132. More Blind Spot Experiments Textbook page 94
  • 133.
  • 134. Colour: Rods and Cones • Rods: violet – purple range  see black and white with them. • Sensitive in low light conditions • They keep blue objects visible in the darkness • Packed into the sides of the retina
  • 135. Cones • Used for daylight conditions • Respond best to red wavelengths • Don’t work with low light • Located in the center of the retina
  • 136. Colour Defects • Colour blindness – The inability to tell the difference between certain colours
  • 137. • Most common form of colour blindness is which colour?
  • 139. Afterimages Occurs during the course of visual perception when the optical stimulus suddenly disappears. Example: Put a piece of hot coal on a string. When not moving it is a dot, but when moving it becomes a line. 1765,Chevalier Patrice d’Arcy (1725–79): afterimage lasts as long as the time taken for the piece of coal to make one revolution, i.e., a minimum of 0.133 or 8/60th of a second. Consequently, in the case of film footage, 16 sequential images per second are perceived as continuous movement. Downloaded from:
  • 140. Afterimage: why does it occur? Chemicals in the eye get used up when looking at images. Ie. Eyes get “bleached” When you look away, the chemicals are still in your eye and you see the image (but in different colours). Cones system tries to restore balance after looking at something. Don’t normally see them because images are replaced all the time.
  • 141. Afterimages Occurs because the eyes want to stay in balance. Try these: http://faculty.wa dler/after.html
  • 142. Super Taster Questionnaire, Visual Illusions • Experience some on-line • Can you explain these illusions? Why are your eyes being fooled?
  • 143. Review • From questions on page 97 of text. Do by yourself. • 1. What’s the difference between sensation and perception? • 2. Why do some objects appear blue to us, while others appear red? • 3. Why is there a blind spot? • 4. Name what each part of the eye does: rods, cones, iris, lens • 5. What colours does a colour blind person usually not see?
  • 144. Subliminal Perception • What is it? Subliminal perception occurs whenever stimuli presented below the threshold of awareness are found to influence thoughts, feelings, or actions. • Does it work? Read page 98-99. Discuss in small groups
  • 145. Unconscious language learning • Do they pick up on the concealed pattern when tested? “The answer is yes,” said Dr. Williams, whose research was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. “We found significantly above-chance selection of sentence constructions that were ‘grammatically correct’ according to the hidden pattern. Yet, the participants had no awareness of what they had learned or how. Moreover, we were able to show learning of the same material by native speakers of two typologically very different languages, English and Cantonese.” • Interestingly, picking up the hidden pattern unconsciously doesn’t always happen – if, for instance, the hidden pattern is linguistically unnatural, such as a correlation with whether an
  • 146. Make up 2 True or False Questions for the quiz tomorrow.
  • 147. Subliminal Language Learning? • The research provides a window onto unconscious learning processes in the mind and highlights an important element that has practical implications for language teaching. In each test, the learner’s attention was directed to the part of the sentence that contained the hidden pattern. By directing attention, it seems that other elements of the sentence construction are picked up unconsciously. • “In a teaching situation, merely teaching the rules of a language may not be the only answer,” explained Dr. Williams. “Instead, using tasks that focus attention on the relevant grammatical forms in language could help learners access unconscious learning pathways in the brain. This would greatly enhance the speed of acquisition of a second language.” • Provided by University of Cambridge

Editor's Notes

  1. No, but the shape of the ear does.
  2. You would not enjoy massage. You would not be able to play a musical instruments that require a sense of pressure . No enjoyment from touch activities: kissing? You would not know if there was wind blowing on your face. You would not feel a sense of speed from the car moving. Jobs that involve touch might be difficult: Massage therapistChiropractorDoctor/SurgeonDentist?ChefYou would not know if you burned yourself, or if you were cold or hot. If you could not sense pain you through your skin you might do really well at martial arts or boxing. Sense of touch evolved because we really need these in our everyday life for survival and for pleasure.
  3. Hold finger in front of you. Close one eye then the other, finger shifts. Use the angle of the eyeball to gauge distance.
  4. Gestalt principle of proximity
  5. Face on mars