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Describe Myself As A Student
Describe yourself as a student and also your aspirations for the future. Please include examples from
your personal academic and non–academic experiences.
A sophomore at Downtown Magnets High School, I demonstrate passion in my education, ambition
in fulfilling my personal and academic goals, and am an explorative student. My passion for learning
is the result of my mindset, in that aside from finding education a necessity, it is enjoyable,
challenging, and beneficial in fulfilling my future aspirations. For example, I find my Honors
Advanced Mathematics class my most unique course. It builds upon my ability to critically think,
present data or information, and understand higher–level math at a rapid pace. In particular, it is the
ability to solve real–world situations and the underlying mystery mathematicians have yet to solve
that intrigues me to continue learning. The class expects much of me, but I am aware that it is
preparing me for college– and university–level math while providing me with the skills to pursue a
career in Architectural/ Structural Engineering. Ambitious, I set objectives for myself and arrange to
accomplish and excel in the process. For instance, I participated in my middle school's academic
decathlon with a chance to represent my school in the mathematics single–subject exam. In doing so,
I attempted to score a near perfect to perfect score. While the competition did not end the way I
expected, I successfully gained a flawless score on the questions
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Descriptive Essay On Design
We see them everyday, and most of us even own one. We use them to get to work. We use them to
drop our children off at school, but have you ever asked yourself, what did it take for someone to
create this thing we call a car. It's not too often when you will hear about the designing process of
a car. It is a lot that goes on in between the first sketch and the test drive, but many people only care
about the finished product. "Drawing" cars for a living may not be such a big deal to some, but
according to the websites Indeed and Chron, Automotive designers make a over 80,000 a year on
average (, Rick Suttle, "How much are Auto. Designers paid?")(, "What is
the average salary for jobs related to 'Auto. Designers'?"). By looking at the salary, "drawing" cars
must be a very big deal. What is an Automotive Designer? Automotive Designers design everything
on the car. Generally, automotive designers draw and make 3D concepts for car manufacturing. The
production of the car starts with the designs. A team of designers start by sketching and modeling
concepts that well go into production if chosen by team leaders and company managers. To make
these concepts, designers use everything from pen and paper, AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design
program), CNC(Computer Numerical Control) mill machine, and clay modeling (Youtube, "Car
/ Automotive Designer Careers explained – General Motors Auto Design Jobs"). The requirements
for starting a career as a designer differ
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your
mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The
truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in
the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can
explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses.
Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before
taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and
unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I
struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to
the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class
that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the
whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for
navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I
have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in
English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Understanding of the Self Essay
Understanding of the Self
INTRODUCTION The social constructionist perspective holds the view that the self is continuing
"shaped and reshaped through interactions with others and involvement in social and cultural
activities" (Wetherell & Maybin, 1996, p 220). Social constructionist is concerned with explicating
the processes by which people come to describe, explain, or otherwise account for the world
(including themselves) in which they live (Gergen, 1971). Thus, the social constructionist approach
implies that the self is shaped by social interaction within historical, cultural and social contexts.
Social constructionist's apply an analysis of societal level which explain the self through social
relations. Conversely, more content...
Therefore, the argument as presented by the social constructionist view is that self identity is shaped
through a combination of interactions between the society and the individual (Wetherell and
Maybin, 1996). An example to support would be social constructionist's Miller and Sperry whose
finding discovered connections in the emotions of a child's and his mother's. Thus they believe that
this finding proves that there is an internalisation and construction of one self through descriptive
stories and social distribution (Wetherell & Maybin, 1996).
Both the social constructionist and the psychodynamic views adopt a hermeneutic epistemology,
which centers on the analysis of a person's actions, their fundamental influences and how the external
social world can be internalised and represented symbolically within an individual (Stevens, 1996).
However, there are key differences between the two views. The social constructionist applies a
societal study approach which converge the external society and the social relationships within it.
This implying that the self is built–up and continually developed through multiple social networks
(Sapsford, 1996). On the other hand, psychodynamic theories applies psychoanalytical
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Essay about Self-Motivation is Empowering
Motivation is a very strong tool we can use to get further in life and to achieve our dreams and
goals. Setting goals for ourselves is something that I consider to be very important, I believe in
always pushing myself further and further in life, not only physically but mentally as well. We all
have different things or tools we can use to motivate us towards our end goals. In order for us to
stay motivated we have to have a goal and be driven towards achieving that goal.
For me, self–motivation is empowering. Finding something that I enjoy and love to do and setting
the final goal of achieving it. My main goal that I have set right now is to work towards finishing
my degree. My motivation behind this is to be able to get a better job more content...
I am learning to take each assignment and task one at a time. Simply complete what the task at
hand is and then move on to the next. I feel by doing so, I will be able to complete my degree
along with knowing that I have faith in myself to push myself and motivate myself along the way.
By going back to school and getting my degree I am opening up potentially lots of doors for
myself in the future. I am setting a good example for my boys and that no matter what age you
are, it is never too late to go back to school and further your education. Education is the key to
opening up positions in the workplace that someone without an education would not be able to
pursue. The benefits will far out way the time and work that it will take for me to complete my
degree. This will be something that I can be proud of and prove to myself and others that no
matter how hard the goal may seem or how long it may take you to reach the end results, it is
always worth it to follow your dreams. I am extremely motivated to accomplish this goal for myself.
Motivation is the key to succeeding our goals and dreams. You can do anything that you set your
mind to as long as you continue to motivate yourself and others around you. Keeping a positive
attitude and having an end goal in mind to work towards, you will be able to find the motivation
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Descriptive Essay About Myself
With my green plastic safety scissors from my pencil case, I hid under the craft table in my living
room and sawed off my blonde bangs until there were only millimeter long blonde sprigs of hair left
sticking from the top of my forehead.
This was just the first of many times that I tried to change my appearance to escape the shadow of
my sister and become my own unique person.
At the age of four, I lacked any formal hairdresser education so my DIY haircut forced me to wear
many wide headbands to hide the hideous sprigs of butchered hair, but in my mind my mission was
successful, because I finally looked different than my sister.
Anna, my identical twin, looks exactly like me, except for the odd freckle, our slightly different
nose structures and the slight chip on her upper left tooth. I can always tell us apart so I hardly
notice that I basically have a clone following me around all the time, but for others knowing which
twin I am proves challenging. It didn't help when my mom dressed in matching outfits from head
to toe. For my first Halloween my brother dressed up like a firefighter and Anna and I were his
dalmatians, then he was a farmer and we were pigs.
When we turned five we decided to pick out our own clothes. In kindergarten Anna and I decided
that she would only wear pink, purple and orange while my wardrobe would only contain blue,
green and yellow clothing. This color coding system worked for the next five years and from my
L.L.Bean velcro sandals to my
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Essay On Low Self Esteem
Synopsis: Margo is an eighteen year old high school student and has been consistently bullied
since freshman year. A group of her peers has singled her out and teases her relentlessly about her
weight. When Margo is alone, she indulges on all of her favorite foods in one sitting to make
herself feel better. After binging, Margo feels guilty about eating so much food and states, "I'm as
big as a whale". She then proceeds to self–induce vomiting and use her mother's laxatives in order to
purge. The appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient is chronic low self–esteem evidenced by
binging/purging foods and derogatory self–slander related to bullying. Chronic low self–esteem is an
applicable diagnosis because of how long the bullying has occurred, causing the patient to develop
negative self–perception. Patients with low self–esteem are at higher risk for developing depression
and eating disorders, especially if the patient is a female adolescence. Nursing interventions include,
assess mood and presence of suicidal thoughts/behaviors, discuss patient perceptions of illness and
acknowledgement of issue and attend therapy to eliminate self–destructive behaviors and establish
effective coping mechanisms. Suicidal ideation is common in patients with eating disorders due to
low self–esteem, disturbed body image and depression. According to the article Suicide in
Childhood," In addition to direct screening of ideation, there are additional risk factors that may
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Descriptive Essay About Being Alone
We are dark as the moonless night, yet just as bright; intense and mysterious as the forces that
shaped us. Living in the shadows we fade from sight and mind, but we are always there, forever
defending what is ours. Porous and jagged, we absorb or repel anything as well as anyone who
seeks to oppose us. Whilst the ranks of our enemies dwindle over time we endure, unwavering in our
determination. Alone we are weak, ineffective, and ultimately meaningless. Together we are strong,
steadfast and spectacular in our simplicity. We as one eternally serve the greaterpurpose, all with the
pride and patience only our kind possess.
At first, we were one, mighty and strong, we were great, but without meaning in our existence,
without scope or direction. Then, there was heat; blinding, raging heat stronger than even the
forces that shaped us, it tore us apart. Shattered our very view of the world and separated us from
one another. As suddenly as the groundbreaking warmth appeared it was gone, leaving me all alone
in the bitter cold to fend for myself. For the first time I was on my own, my reality broken in an
instant into a million tiny pieces; it was overwhelming and strange, yet stunning along with euphoric.
In the beginning the silence was empty and lacking. After a lifetime of togetherness, the lonely
feeling of isolation cut deep within me. To have a mind of my own was both invigorating and
petrifying, thoughts echoing far enough in the vastness to be lost on their own
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Descriptive Essay About Self Confidence
Self confidence is the foundation of success, achievement, and happiness. Unfortunately, the
foundation of self confidence can become shaky and unstable if one of your role models hurts
your self esteem and courage. One of the biggest role models in my life used to be my first club
soccer coach. He seemed brilliant, passionate, and willing to work with my team. This man soon
became the complete opposite of what I hoped he would be. I soon realized that he was a two faced
liar and one of the most dreadful people I have ever met. Little did my ten year old self know, he
would be the downfall of my self confidence and would slowly destroy any passion I had for the
sport I loved with only a few words.
At the age of ten I was the more content...
Unfortunately, this was only the beginning.
The day my self confidence was destroyed started off as one of the best of my life. I aced my tests
at school, ate Panera for lunch, and finished all my homework! I was on cloud nine. I felt elated and
After school I went to soccer practice with most likely the fullest smile I ever had. There was no
way that today Diego was going to make me feel insecure about myself. The practice started out with
a more upbeat feel, everyone must have had a great day. Then Diego finally seemed to snap out
of his unusual pleasant mood. Throughout that hour and a half practice Diego watched me more
than usual and kept yelling at me to be better and be more like my teammates. I was beginning to
become frustrated and when practice was over I was relieved to finally be able to go home.
Hopefully my perfect day would continue minus the past hour and a half of being yelled at by
the person who is supposed to be helping me become better. I picked up my heavy soccer bag full
of all my sweat drenched belongings and headed to my mom's car waiting to pick me up. Then I
heard the voice I dreaded most, and worst of all he was calling my name to come over to him. I
was scared and nervous. What could he possibly want to tell me that he hadn't already screamed at
me in practice? I angrily wondered.
I slowly turned around even though my feet felt as if they were glued to the ground. I
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Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits
Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I
should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady.
I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to
get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of
my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't
really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as
if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and
improve what you did wrong if it's more content...
I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to
trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also
taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is
shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try
as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than
psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying
that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the
article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of
psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents
differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations
on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret
them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different
approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality
makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work
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Essay on Self Harm
Introduction Deliberate self–harm is a term that covers a wide range of behaviours some of which
are directly related to suicide and some are not. This is a relatively common behaviour that is little
understood. This essay provides an overview of the nature and extent of those most at risk of
self–harm, including causes and risk factors. Examining some of the stereotyping that surrounds self
–harm, and looking at ways in which self–harm can be prevented.
A useful definition of self–harm is from Professor Keith Hawton (Hawton et al., 2006. p29). An act
with a non–fatal outcome in which an individual deliberately did one or more of the following;
Initiated behaviour (e.g. self–cutting, jumping from a height), which more content...
Research clearly indicates a link between self–harm and sexual abuse in childhood and was
particularly marked in women who had been subjected to severe, frequent abuse. Further studies
confirmed that the more severe, more prolonged, or a longer duration of sexual abuse was
associated with an increased risk of engaging in self–harm as an adult. Marginalization may also be
the explanation for the high risk of self–harm in gay, bisexual, transsexual teenagers who are 2 to 3
times more likely to self–harm than heterosexual young people, this groups results in regular
absenteeism at school due to homophobic harassment. 50% of those reported bullied at school had
contemplated self–harm, 40% of those had self–harmed at least once. A survey in 2000 to 2002
interviewed 2,430 lesbian women, gay men and bisexual men and women in England and Wales and
concluded that there is a greater link between discrimination and mental health issues. (Truth Hurts,
Mental Health Foundation 2006). Asian women aged 15 to 35 are two to three times more
vulnerable to self–harm than their non–Asian counterparts. Research revealed a complex range of
disturbing issues, isolation, despair, many forms of family abuse, conflicts between generations, with
many reporting unrealistic pressures of rigid matrimonial roles and duties in maintaining
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My Personal Identity Essay
A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests
and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some
factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a
person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture
may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and
sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a
person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set
individuals apart. An individual is not a more content...
Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends
I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music'
is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of
adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart
pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I
love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be
on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics
that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly
consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering
(especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is
measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very
strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that,
although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will
not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a
person's identity. I have not had too many educational
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Essay About Myself
School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one–third of my
life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much
time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my
memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However,
regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I
am now. I was accused of cheating for the first time when I was seven years old. It was during the
term final where the performance of the test indicates all the progress the student had made
throughout the semester, so its importance was never over emphasized. more content...
Everything started anew, I was all by myself. While I was busy getting used to the school and
making new friends, I also discovered a new passion, soccer. Through soccer I was able to meet
some of my most loyal friends. We would often get together and play soccer against other classes.
The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers
focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As
the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from
studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn’t want to
conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers
became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task.
Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me
and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know
each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it
was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then – the support that
helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years. My homeroom teacher at the
time had the most impact on me than any other mentors I had. People say
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Descriptive Essay About Myself
I find it extremely tough to talk about myself and my personal traits. In order for me to dIscuss
who I am in an accurate manner then I must provide some basic background information on
myself and talk about the Environment I grew up in. This way people can get a better
understanding of why I am the way I am. My Background is so essential In making me myself
because If I had been born under any different circumstances or grew up any differently I would be
a different person than I am today. I was born inAberdeen Scotland but raised in Fort Bend County
Texas. Aberdeen and Fort Bend both have great opportunities but differ in many ways. One way in
which they differ is that Fort Bend is very culturally diverse while in Aberdeen most more
Her family communicates to one another using spanish or sometimes english. I have always
grown up in a family that speaks only english so I find it interesting to go over to other people's
houses and hear them communicating in another language. On top of all of this meeting different
people has also opened my mind to new ideas. For example, in school when we work in group
projects we collaborate and communicate with people who think differently than us then work
together to figure out whose ideas will work the best and how to improve them.
Another factor that plays a part in why I am shaped how I am is my family's economic
circumstances. I have always had access to anything I needed and for that I have extreme
gratitude because I know some people have a lot of difficulty in life. Since I was born into a
family with such good economic circumstances I have been lucky to have lots of opportunities.
One Opportunity I had as a child was participating in taekwondo. I did taekwondo until I reached a
blackbelt which took years of hardwork and dedication. I had to memorize forms, Spar with other
competitors and break boards in order to continue to move up to the next level. Taekwondo also
helped keep me in good shape and fit when I was younger. Another Opportunity I am grateful for is
the skill of playing the piano. At first I was not all that enthusiastic about playing it but my parents
has signed me up and insisted I
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Descriptive Essay About My Life
I walked to the car, and spotted a dead mouse on the porch
"Looks like steve got another one" I said to my dad
"He sure did." He replied as he took a closer look. The bone chilling Oregon morning had us
shivering until the heat blasted on in my family's 2006 silver seqouia. We loaded up the car and
suitcases filled the whole third row as I dozed off in the dark leather back seat. 30 minutes later I
recieved an onslaught of pokes and prods from my older sister Chloe, informing me of our arrival at
the airport.
"Sam! Sam! We're Here!!" She said.
"Yea whatever," I snapped back. My eleven year old self did not want to be awake at 2:30 in the
morning getting on a flight to the land of the midnight sun, but I didn't have a choice on where my more content...
My head hurt and I was confused. A stewardess rolled up and said something to my dad but I
nodded off before my snack order could be taken. I awoke again this time with a thud, as we
touched down on Alaskan soil. The local time was about 8 AM and the sun was shining like it was
noon. The busy anchorage airport was full of boxes of vacuum sealed fish and people carrying
fishing rods. I leaned over and whispered to my dad "Hey look at that lamiglas G1200, that's a $340
rod!" I was very overwhelmed and excited throughout the whole airport, but my sister didn't seem
amused. She wasn't the biggest fan of any travel or airplanes, specifically. She liked to draw, and
draw, and maybe draw some more. Oh and did I mention she liked to draw? So that's what her life
consisted of while I was obsessed with fishing. She wouldn't have been awake by this time even
back home, so she was quite tired. Smiles creeped onto our faces as we realized we were actually in
Alaska, the 50th state, the last frontier! The wait for luggage to pop out onto the snake–like
conveyor belt was like the night before christmas to me. The first bag came around,
"WOW! Look at that!" I exclaimed whilst trying to go for a ride, only to recieve a "SAM GET
OFF!!" from my mother. She isn't the type to yell or get mad but boy was she angry. The rest of the
time in the aiport consisted of me throwing a minor fit and not talking to my
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The Self Essay
The Self Every situation that an individual is exposed to throughout life, helps mold our "self." As
humans we have the ability to see ourselves from the outside, and all through life we try to see what
others see and our "self" revolves around the generalized other. We observe how others perceive us
and we make conclusions depending on our observations. How we act around others depends on the
image we feel they have towards us.
Charles Horton Cooley, a symbolic interactionist, concluded that our sense of "self" develops from
interactions with others. Cooley described this process as more content...
On the other hand if you see yourself as an individual who can communicate without a problem and
you see that you can keep others interested in a given conversations, your reaction is more positive.
Through this looking– glass self we develop a "self" concept. Depending on the observations we
make concerning the reactions of others we develop feelings and ideas about ourselves. The
reflection we see in the mirror is either negative or positive depending on the feedback we get back
from those around us. Misjudgments of the reactions of others become part of our "self" concept
also the misinterpretations of how others think of us. Self concepts begins in childhood but it
continues to develop throughout life. As we observe how other people react to us, we modify our
The "self" is never a finished project, and it continues to change as our life takes different turns. Our
"self" reacts to the environment that we are in. As the "self" expands we put together the different
reactions making us a unique individual. Every individual has a different way of thinking and
therefore they make their own choices about certain situations. Going through different life changes,
means the "self" is expected to change to accommodate the life stage we find our selves in. The
way we perceived things when
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Essay About Myself
There are three very important aspects that play a major rule in my life. They can be categorized as
intellectual, social, and spiritual. My intellectual self is interesting because I am mainly
right–brained which means that I tend to use my creativity more than my mathematical skills, also
making me a visual learner. My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend
most of my time at home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors
and listen to their opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people
has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have
now been incorporated into my own set of beliefs more content...
I find that I can only recall long–term memories if they are important to me, or if they are dramatic
experiences. A few examples of my childhood memories are my mother reading to me, my
grandfather playing his guitar, and my dad relentlessly teaching me how to ice skate, no matter
how many times I fell. The people who affect my social life the most are my family and friends. I
have an extremely close family that has played a major role in my life. They are whom I spend
most of my spare time with. My family usually gathers every weekend for dinner. I am also very
open to different religions, cultures, and practices because I know many people with different
backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very
young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have
learned these lessons, because many people still do not understand the importance of accepting
differences. In a group, I prefer to listen to what others have to say, and then contribute to the
discussion. I try to listen so I am able to compare them to my own thoughts. I enjoy working in a
group, because it gives everyone an opportunity to incorporate their own ideas. My social self is
most greatly influenced by my family and friends. I believe that my spiritual self is the most
important out of the three. Although I have a certain religion that I belong to and practice, I believe
in a bit of
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Description Of My Physical Body
Describing my physical body, I have an oval head shape and I have fair skin complexion. My eyes
are small and bright. My lips are puffy and big, I have white teeth, which brings out my smile. My
siblings always make jokes about how big my nose is, but I honestly think that I have the cutest
noise on earth. My nose is wide and curved. My eyebrows are not thick, but I love them and they
make look different. This because I have a cut in between my left eyebrows and it makes me
different. The color of my hair is brown, the texture is kinky and it is long and thick. I am 5'11
and I weigh 195 pounds. I have broad shoulders and a full figured body. My favorite part about my
physical body is my smile. Smiling brings out my inner beauty and I love to smile a lot even
when I am down. I can never go a day without smiling. I know that I can always smile even though
I may be hurt inside. I smile through my pain, and I know that smiling can brighten up someone
else's day and that makes me feel good about myself. It is good to smile because it can help others
think about me in a positive way and not judge. It also draws people closer and they find it
comforting and warming. If I have a mean face all the time, people would not want to come around
me. One's body is what makes us who we are as a person. Self–image is not something a person is
born with. In my opinion, self–image is built over a long period of experience and cultural
background. Everyone is unique in his or her
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Descriptive Essay About Myself
I was walking home from school, on a bright, sunny day in late September when it happened. I
hadn't walked home from school in a long time. Today, I stayed late for a volleyball practice. I
told my parents that I knew the way, that I could get home by myself. Unfortunately, I was wrong.
I had a great life. I was always happy, and for good reason. Teachers regularly described me as
"bubbly, energetic, and cheerful," as it was hard to find me without a smile on my face. I had
straight A's, was semi–athletic, and lived in a neighborhood where almost everyone was well–to–do,
with both my parents being successful lawyers. I had every luxury imaginable for a sixteen year
old girl. The nicest clothes and gadgets. I also had some amazing friends, who always had my
back when I was in need. Ember, Blaise, and Liana. Kind of unusual names, I know, but
apparently, that is what the rich, white, and famous do with their kids nowadays. Give them
strange names, so nobody will mistake them for anyone else. I figured this out because every kid
in my class had a name like this, except me. My name is Emily. Emily Austen to be exact. I only
fit two of the above guidelines for those with strange names. My dark brown skin was a stark
contrast to the skin tone majority of my private school had. Although America is a free country, it's
still can be hard for people of colour to rise to the top. I have tightly curled black hair, which was
extraordinarily poofy. Because of the poof factor, I usually
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Narrative Essay Kindergarten
All I wanted when I was little was to have beautiful long hair. All of my dolls had hair down to
their waist , and I longed to have hair like them. Unfortunately for me, my hair did not grow very
fast... at all. I was practically bald until I was three; and my hair was only about to my chin when
I was ready to start kindergarten. So there I was, on my first day at Foreign Language Academy. I
was in SeГ±ora Vargas's Kindergarten class holding on to my mom, dreading the moment she
would have to leave. I had been really excited about starting school and getting to wear my navy
blue dress and my hellokitty backpack. Actually being in the classroom, however, incredibly nerve
racking. Most of the parents were mingling and asking questions to the teacher, while the kids tried
to find their place. Some kids had already began to play games with one another. Others, like me,
were more shy, still clinging to their parent. In all the commotion, I noticed a girl who had the longest
hair in the entire class of kindergartners. She looked a lot like me except she had freckles, a pink
cast on her arm, and the hair I had ever seen. Her hair was the same color as mine, but about triple
the length, and with more curl in it. Jealousy immediately swept over me. It seemed like this girl
had everything I had ever wished for in my entire life. I also thought casts were really cool at that
time because I did not really understand that broken bones hurt, or that you couldn't really move
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Self Descriptive Essay

  • 1. Describe Myself As A Student Describe yourself as a student and also your aspirations for the future. Please include examples from your personal academic and non–academic experiences. A sophomore at Downtown Magnets High School, I demonstrate passion in my education, ambition in fulfilling my personal and academic goals, and am an explorative student. My passion for learning is the result of my mindset, in that aside from finding education a necessity, it is enjoyable, challenging, and beneficial in fulfilling my future aspirations. For example, I find my Honors Advanced Mathematics class my most unique course. It builds upon my ability to critically think, present data or information, and understand higher–level math at a rapid pace. In particular, it is the ability to solve real–world situations and the underlying mystery mathematicians have yet to solve that intrigues me to continue learning. The class expects much of me, but I am aware that it is preparing me for college– and university–level math while providing me with the skills to pursue a career in Architectural/ Structural Engineering. Ambitious, I set objectives for myself and arrange to accomplish and excel in the process. For instance, I participated in my middle school's academic decathlon with a chance to represent my school in the mathematics single–subject exam. In doing so, I attempted to score a near perfect to perfect score. While the competition did not end the way I expected, I successfully gained a flawless score on the questions Get more content on
  • 2. Descriptive Essay On Design We see them everyday, and most of us even own one. We use them to get to work. We use them to drop our children off at school, but have you ever asked yourself, what did it take for someone to create this thing we call a car. It's not too often when you will hear about the designing process of a car. It is a lot that goes on in between the first sketch and the test drive, but many people only care about the finished product. "Drawing" cars for a living may not be such a big deal to some, but according to the websites Indeed and Chron, Automotive designers make a over 80,000 a year on average (, Rick Suttle, "How much are Auto. Designers paid?")(, "What is the average salary for jobs related to 'Auto. Designers'?"). By looking at the salary, "drawing" cars must be a very big deal. What is an Automotive Designer? Automotive Designers design everything on the car. Generally, automotive designers draw and make 3D concepts for car manufacturing. The production of the car starts with the designs. A team of designers start by sketching and modeling concepts that well go into production if chosen by team leaders and company managers. To make these concepts, designers use everything from pen and paper, AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design program), CNC(Computer Numerical Control) mill machine, and clay modeling (Youtube, "Car / Automotive Designer Careers explained – General Motors Auto Design Jobs"). The requirements for starting a career as a designer differ Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 4. Understanding of the Self Essay Understanding of the Self INTRODUCTION The social constructionist perspective holds the view that the self is continuing "shaped and reshaped through interactions with others and involvement in social and cultural activities" (Wetherell & Maybin, 1996, p 220). Social constructionist is concerned with explicating the processes by which people come to describe, explain, or otherwise account for the world (including themselves) in which they live (Gergen, 1971). Thus, the social constructionist approach implies that the self is shaped by social interaction within historical, cultural and social contexts. Social constructionist's apply an analysis of societal level which explain the self through social relations. Conversely, more content... Therefore, the argument as presented by the social constructionist view is that self identity is shaped through a combination of interactions between the society and the individual (Wetherell and Maybin, 1996). An example to support would be social constructionist's Miller and Sperry whose finding discovered connections in the emotions of a child's and his mother's. Thus they believe that this finding proves that there is an internalisation and construction of one self through descriptive stories and social distribution (Wetherell & Maybin, 1996). Both the social constructionist and the psychodynamic views adopt a hermeneutic epistemology, which centers on the analysis of a person's actions, their fundamental influences and how the external social world can be internalised and represented symbolically within an individual (Stevens, 1996). However, there are key differences between the two views. The social constructionist applies a societal study approach which converge the external society and the social relationships within it. This implying that the self is built–up and continually developed through multiple social networks (Sapsford, 1996). On the other hand, psychodynamic theories applies psychoanalytical Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Self-Motivation is Empowering Motivation is a very strong tool we can use to get further in life and to achieve our dreams and goals. Setting goals for ourselves is something that I consider to be very important, I believe in always pushing myself further and further in life, not only physically but mentally as well. We all have different things or tools we can use to motivate us towards our end goals. In order for us to stay motivated we have to have a goal and be driven towards achieving that goal. For me, self–motivation is empowering. Finding something that I enjoy and love to do and setting the final goal of achieving it. My main goal that I have set right now is to work towards finishing my degree. My motivation behind this is to be able to get a better job more content... I am learning to take each assignment and task one at a time. Simply complete what the task at hand is and then move on to the next. I feel by doing so, I will be able to complete my degree along with knowing that I have faith in myself to push myself and motivate myself along the way. By going back to school and getting my degree I am opening up potentially lots of doors for myself in the future. I am setting a good example for my boys and that no matter what age you are, it is never too late to go back to school and further your education. Education is the key to opening up positions in the workplace that someone without an education would not be able to pursue. The benefits will far out way the time and work that it will take for me to complete my degree. This will be something that I can be proud of and prove to myself and others that no matter how hard the goal may seem or how long it may take you to reach the end results, it is always worth it to follow your dreams. I am extremely motivated to accomplish this goal for myself. Motivation is the key to succeeding our goals and dreams. You can do anything that you set your mind to as long as you continue to motivate yourself and others around you. Keeping a positive attitude and having an end goal in mind to work towards, you will be able to find the motivation Get more content on
  • 6. Descriptive Essay About Myself With my green plastic safety scissors from my pencil case, I hid under the craft table in my living room and sawed off my blonde bangs until there were only millimeter long blonde sprigs of hair left sticking from the top of my forehead. This was just the first of many times that I tried to change my appearance to escape the shadow of my sister and become my own unique person. At the age of four, I lacked any formal hairdresser education so my DIY haircut forced me to wear many wide headbands to hide the hideous sprigs of butchered hair, but in my mind my mission was successful, because I finally looked different than my sister. Anna, my identical twin, looks exactly like me, except for the odd freckle, our slightly different nose structures and the slight chip on her upper left tooth. I can always tell us apart so I hardly notice that I basically have a clone following me around all the time, but for others knowing which twin I am proves challenging. It didn't help when my mom dressed in matching outfits from head to toe. For my first Halloween my brother dressed up like a firefighter and Anna and I were his dalmatians, then he was a farmer and we were pigs. When we turned five we decided to pick out our own clothes. In kindergarten Anna and I decided that she would only wear pink, purple and orange while my wardrobe would only contain blue, green and yellow clothing. This color coding system worked for the next five years and from my L.L.Bean velcro sandals to my Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Low Self Esteem Synopsis: Margo is an eighteen year old high school student and has been consistently bullied since freshman year. A group of her peers has singled her out and teases her relentlessly about her weight. When Margo is alone, she indulges on all of her favorite foods in one sitting to make herself feel better. After binging, Margo feels guilty about eating so much food and states, "I'm as big as a whale". She then proceeds to self–induce vomiting and use her mother's laxatives in order to purge. The appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient is chronic low self–esteem evidenced by binging/purging foods and derogatory self–slander related to bullying. Chronic low self–esteem is an applicable diagnosis because of how long the bullying has occurred, causing the patient to develop negative self–perception. Patients with low self–esteem are at higher risk for developing depression and eating disorders, especially if the patient is a female adolescence. Nursing interventions include, assess mood and presence of suicidal thoughts/behaviors, discuss patient perceptions of illness and acknowledgement of issue and attend therapy to eliminate self–destructive behaviors and establish effective coping mechanisms. Suicidal ideation is common in patients with eating disorders due to low self–esteem, disturbed body image and depression. According to the article Suicide in Childhood," In addition to direct screening of ideation, there are additional risk factors that may Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Being Alone We are dark as the moonless night, yet just as bright; intense and mysterious as the forces that shaped us. Living in the shadows we fade from sight and mind, but we are always there, forever defending what is ours. Porous and jagged, we absorb or repel anything as well as anyone who seeks to oppose us. Whilst the ranks of our enemies dwindle over time we endure, unwavering in our determination. Alone we are weak, ineffective, and ultimately meaningless. Together we are strong, steadfast and spectacular in our simplicity. We as one eternally serve the greaterpurpose, all with the pride and patience only our kind possess. – At first, we were one, mighty and strong, we were great, but without meaning in our existence, without scope or direction. Then, there was heat; blinding, raging heat stronger than even the forces that shaped us, it tore us apart. Shattered our very view of the world and separated us from one another. As suddenly as the groundbreaking warmth appeared it was gone, leaving me all alone in the bitter cold to fend for myself. For the first time I was on my own, my reality broken in an instant into a million tiny pieces; it was overwhelming and strange, yet stunning along with euphoric. In the beginning the silence was empty and lacking. After a lifetime of togetherness, the lonely feeling of isolation cut deep within me. To have a mind of my own was both invigorating and petrifying, thoughts echoing far enough in the vastness to be lost on their own Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive Essay About Self Confidence Self confidence is the foundation of success, achievement, and happiness. Unfortunately, the foundation of self confidence can become shaky and unstable if one of your role models hurts your self esteem and courage. One of the biggest role models in my life used to be my first club soccer coach. He seemed brilliant, passionate, and willing to work with my team. This man soon became the complete opposite of what I hoped he would be. I soon realized that he was a two faced liar and one of the most dreadful people I have ever met. Little did my ten year old self know, he would be the downfall of my self confidence and would slowly destroy any passion I had for the sport I loved with only a few words. At the age of ten I was the more content... Unfortunately, this was only the beginning. The day my self confidence was destroyed started off as one of the best of my life. I aced my tests at school, ate Panera for lunch, and finished all my homework! I was on cloud nine. I felt elated and impenetrable. After school I went to soccer practice with most likely the fullest smile I ever had. There was no way that today Diego was going to make me feel insecure about myself. The practice started out with a more upbeat feel, everyone must have had a great day. Then Diego finally seemed to snap out of his unusual pleasant mood. Throughout that hour and a half practice Diego watched me more than usual and kept yelling at me to be better and be more like my teammates. I was beginning to become frustrated and when practice was over I was relieved to finally be able to go home. Hopefully my perfect day would continue minus the past hour and a half of being yelled at by the person who is supposed to be helping me become better. I picked up my heavy soccer bag full of all my sweat drenched belongings and headed to my mom's car waiting to pick me up. Then I heard the voice I dreaded most, and worst of all he was calling my name to come over to him. I was scared and nervous. What could he possibly want to tell me that he hadn't already screamed at me in practice? I angrily wondered. I slowly turned around even though my feet felt as if they were glued to the ground. I Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Me Myself and Personality Traits Me Myself and Personality Traits When asked to describe myself I never know what to say, but I should know myself the best, right? I like to look at myself as a genuine, thoughtful young lady. I'm a hard worker; I believe nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. I worked hard to get to this point of my life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of my life. I care more for some others than I do myself but I have a huge nonchalant attitude. I don't really show anger or sadness much I always smile because I'm optimistic about life. I look at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can't take it back so just move–on and improve what you did wrong if it's more content... I was taught to be caring and thoughtful; I wasn't taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. I'm the odd ball of my family because I am nothing like anyone. I can say I was also taught to believe in myself and never down myself because I can accomplish anything. That is shown through my determination and hard work because if I didn't believe in myself I wouldn't try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up my personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of my attitudes and actions. In the article, Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent's life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12–17 and it worked out. I think that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in my case it doesn't. My personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach. Briggs, Stephen (2010). Time–Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Social Work Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Self Harm Introduction Deliberate self–harm is a term that covers a wide range of behaviours some of which are directly related to suicide and some are not. This is a relatively common behaviour that is little understood. This essay provides an overview of the nature and extent of those most at risk of self–harm, including causes and risk factors. Examining some of the stereotyping that surrounds self –harm, and looking at ways in which self–harm can be prevented. A useful definition of self–harm is from Professor Keith Hawton (Hawton et al., 2006. p29). An act with a non–fatal outcome in which an individual deliberately did one or more of the following; Initiated behaviour (e.g. self–cutting, jumping from a height), which more content... Research clearly indicates a link between self–harm and sexual abuse in childhood and was particularly marked in women who had been subjected to severe, frequent abuse. Further studies confirmed that the more severe, more prolonged, or a longer duration of sexual abuse was associated with an increased risk of engaging in self–harm as an adult. Marginalization may also be the explanation for the high risk of self–harm in gay, bisexual, transsexual teenagers who are 2 to 3 times more likely to self–harm than heterosexual young people, this groups results in regular absenteeism at school due to homophobic harassment. 50% of those reported bullied at school had contemplated self–harm, 40% of those had self–harmed at least once. A survey in 2000 to 2002 interviewed 2,430 lesbian women, gay men and bisexual men and women in England and Wales and concluded that there is a greater link between discrimination and mental health issues. (Truth Hurts, Mental Health Foundation 2006). Asian women aged 15 to 35 are two to three times more vulnerable to self–harm than their non–Asian counterparts. Research revealed a complex range of disturbing issues, isolation, despair, many forms of family abuse, conflicts between generations, with many reporting unrealistic pressures of rigid matrimonial roles and duties in maintaining Get more content on
  • 12. My Personal Identity Essay A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a more content... Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music' is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering (especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that, although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a person's identity. I have not had too many educational Get more content on
  • 13. Essay About Myself School, to me and among many peers of my age, is not a distant term. I have spent one–third of my life time sitting in classrooms, every week since I was seven years old. After spending this much time in school, many things and experiences that happened there have left their mark in my memory. Some are small incidences while some have had a great impact on me. However, regardless the degree of significance, things that happened all contributed to shape the person that I am now. I was accused of cheating for the first time when I was seven years old. It was during the term final where the performance of the test indicates all the progress the student had made throughout the semester, so its importance was never over emphasized. more content... Everything started anew, I was all by myself. While I was busy getting used to the school and making new friends, I also discovered a new passion, soccer. Through soccer I was able to meet some of my most loyal friends. We would often get together and play soccer against other classes. The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn’t want to conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task. Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then – the support that helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years. My homeroom teacher at the time had the most impact on me than any other mentors I had. People say Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About Myself I find it extremely tough to talk about myself and my personal traits. In order for me to dIscuss who I am in an accurate manner then I must provide some basic background information on myself and talk about the Environment I grew up in. This way people can get a better understanding of why I am the way I am. My Background is so essential In making me myself because If I had been born under any different circumstances or grew up any differently I would be a different person than I am today. I was born inAberdeen Scotland but raised in Fort Bend County Texas. Aberdeen and Fort Bend both have great opportunities but differ in many ways. One way in which they differ is that Fort Bend is very culturally diverse while in Aberdeen most more content... Her family communicates to one another using spanish or sometimes english. I have always grown up in a family that speaks only english so I find it interesting to go over to other people's houses and hear them communicating in another language. On top of all of this meeting different people has also opened my mind to new ideas. For example, in school when we work in group projects we collaborate and communicate with people who think differently than us then work together to figure out whose ideas will work the best and how to improve them. Another factor that plays a part in why I am shaped how I am is my family's economic circumstances. I have always had access to anything I needed and for that I have extreme gratitude because I know some people have a lot of difficulty in life. Since I was born into a family with such good economic circumstances I have been lucky to have lots of opportunities. One Opportunity I had as a child was participating in taekwondo. I did taekwondo until I reached a blackbelt which took years of hardwork and dedication. I had to memorize forms, Spar with other competitors and break boards in order to continue to move up to the next level. Taekwondo also helped keep me in good shape and fit when I was younger. Another Opportunity I am grateful for is the skill of playing the piano. At first I was not all that enthusiastic about playing it but my parents has signed me up and insisted I Get more content on
  • 15. Descriptive Essay About My Life I walked to the car, and spotted a dead mouse on the porch "Looks like steve got another one" I said to my dad "He sure did." He replied as he took a closer look. The bone chilling Oregon morning had us shivering until the heat blasted on in my family's 2006 silver seqouia. We loaded up the car and suitcases filled the whole third row as I dozed off in the dark leather back seat. 30 minutes later I recieved an onslaught of pokes and prods from my older sister Chloe, informing me of our arrival at the airport. "Sam! Sam! We're Here!!" She said. "Yea whatever," I snapped back. My eleven year old self did not want to be awake at 2:30 in the morning getting on a flight to the land of the midnight sun, but I didn't have a choice on where my more content... My head hurt and I was confused. A stewardess rolled up and said something to my dad but I nodded off before my snack order could be taken. I awoke again this time with a thud, as we touched down on Alaskan soil. The local time was about 8 AM and the sun was shining like it was noon. The busy anchorage airport was full of boxes of vacuum sealed fish and people carrying fishing rods. I leaned over and whispered to my dad "Hey look at that lamiglas G1200, that's a $340 rod!" I was very overwhelmed and excited throughout the whole airport, but my sister didn't seem amused. She wasn't the biggest fan of any travel or airplanes, specifically. She liked to draw, and draw, and maybe draw some more. Oh and did I mention she liked to draw? So that's what her life consisted of while I was obsessed with fishing. She wouldn't have been awake by this time even back home, so she was quite tired. Smiles creeped onto our faces as we realized we were actually in Alaska, the 50th state, the last frontier! The wait for luggage to pop out onto the snake–like conveyor belt was like the night before christmas to me. The first bag came around, "WOW! Look at that!" I exclaimed whilst trying to go for a ride, only to recieve a "SAM GET OFF!!" from my mother. She isn't the type to yell or get mad but boy was she angry. The rest of the time in the aiport consisted of me throwing a minor fit and not talking to my Get more content on
  • 16. The Self Essay The Self Every situation that an individual is exposed to throughout life, helps mold our "self." As humans we have the ability to see ourselves from the outside, and all through life we try to see what others see and our "self" revolves around the generalized other. We observe how others perceive us and we make conclusions depending on our observations. How we act around others depends on the image we feel they have towards us. Charles Horton Cooley, a symbolic interactionist, concluded that our sense of "self" develops from interactions with others. Cooley described this process as more content... On the other hand if you see yourself as an individual who can communicate without a problem and you see that you can keep others interested in a given conversations, your reaction is more positive. Through this looking– glass self we develop a "self" concept. Depending on the observations we make concerning the reactions of others we develop feelings and ideas about ourselves. The reflection we see in the mirror is either negative or positive depending on the feedback we get back from those around us. Misjudgments of the reactions of others become part of our "self" concept also the misinterpretations of how others think of us. Self concepts begins in childhood but it continues to develop throughout life. As we observe how other people react to us, we modify our "self." The "self" is never a finished project, and it continues to change as our life takes different turns. Our "self" reacts to the environment that we are in. As the "self" expands we put together the different reactions making us a unique individual. Every individual has a different way of thinking and therefore they make their own choices about certain situations. Going through different life changes, means the "self" is expected to change to accommodate the life stage we find our selves in. The way we perceived things when Get more content on
  • 17. Essay About Myself There are three very important aspects that play a major rule in my life. They can be categorized as intellectual, social, and spiritual. My intellectual self is interesting because I am mainly right–brained which means that I tend to use my creativity more than my mathematical skills, also making me a visual learner. My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend most of my time at home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have now been incorporated into my own set of beliefs more content... I find that I can only recall long–term memories if they are important to me, or if they are dramatic experiences. A few examples of my childhood memories are my mother reading to me, my grandfather playing his guitar, and my dad relentlessly teaching me how to ice skate, no matter how many times I fell. The people who affect my social life the most are my family and friends. I have an extremely close family that has played a major role in my life. They are whom I spend most of my spare time with. My family usually gathers every weekend for dinner. I am also very open to different religions, cultures, and practices because I know many people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned these lessons, because many people still do not understand the importance of accepting differences. In a group, I prefer to listen to what others have to say, and then contribute to the discussion. I try to listen so I am able to compare them to my own thoughts. I enjoy working in a group, because it gives everyone an opportunity to incorporate their own ideas. My social self is most greatly influenced by my family and friends. I believe that my spiritual self is the most important out of the three. Although I have a certain religion that I belong to and practice, I believe in a bit of Get more content on
  • 18. Description Of My Physical Body Describing my physical body, I have an oval head shape and I have fair skin complexion. My eyes are small and bright. My lips are puffy and big, I have white teeth, which brings out my smile. My siblings always make jokes about how big my nose is, but I honestly think that I have the cutest noise on earth. My nose is wide and curved. My eyebrows are not thick, but I love them and they make look different. This because I have a cut in between my left eyebrows and it makes me different. The color of my hair is brown, the texture is kinky and it is long and thick. I am 5'11 and I weigh 195 pounds. I have broad shoulders and a full figured body. My favorite part about my physical body is my smile. Smiling brings out my inner beauty and I love to smile a lot even when I am down. I can never go a day without smiling. I know that I can always smile even though I may be hurt inside. I smile through my pain, and I know that smiling can brighten up someone else's day and that makes me feel good about myself. It is good to smile because it can help others think about me in a positive way and not judge. It also draws people closer and they find it comforting and warming. If I have a mean face all the time, people would not want to come around me. One's body is what makes us who we are as a person. Self–image is not something a person is born with. In my opinion, self–image is built over a long period of experience and cultural background. Everyone is unique in his or her Get more content on
  • 19. Descriptive Essay About Myself I was walking home from school, on a bright, sunny day in late September when it happened. I hadn't walked home from school in a long time. Today, I stayed late for a volleyball practice. I told my parents that I knew the way, that I could get home by myself. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I had a great life. I was always happy, and for good reason. Teachers regularly described me as "bubbly, energetic, and cheerful," as it was hard to find me without a smile on my face. I had straight A's, was semi–athletic, and lived in a neighborhood where almost everyone was well–to–do, with both my parents being successful lawyers. I had every luxury imaginable for a sixteen year old girl. The nicest clothes and gadgets. I also had some amazing friends, who always had my back when I was in need. Ember, Blaise, and Liana. Kind of unusual names, I know, but apparently, that is what the rich, white, and famous do with their kids nowadays. Give them strange names, so nobody will mistake them for anyone else. I figured this out because every kid in my class had a name like this, except me. My name is Emily. Emily Austen to be exact. I only fit two of the above guidelines for those with strange names. My dark brown skin was a stark contrast to the skin tone majority of my private school had. Although America is a free country, it's still can be hard for people of colour to rise to the top. I have tightly curled black hair, which was extraordinarily poofy. Because of the poof factor, I usually Get more content on
  • 20. Narrative Essay Kindergarten All I wanted when I was little was to have beautiful long hair. All of my dolls had hair down to their waist , and I longed to have hair like them. Unfortunately for me, my hair did not grow very fast... at all. I was practically bald until I was three; and my hair was only about to my chin when I was ready to start kindergarten. So there I was, on my first day at Foreign Language Academy. I was in SeГ±ora Vargas's Kindergarten class holding on to my mom, dreading the moment she would have to leave. I had been really excited about starting school and getting to wear my navy blue dress and my hellokitty backpack. Actually being in the classroom, however, incredibly nerve racking. Most of the parents were mingling and asking questions to the teacher, while the kids tried to find their place. Some kids had already began to play games with one another. Others, like me, were more shy, still clinging to their parent. In all the commotion, I noticed a girl who had the longest hair in the entire class of kindergartners. She looked a lot like me except she had freckles, a pink cast on her arm, and the hair I had ever seen. Her hair was the same color as mine, but about triple the length, and with more curl in it. Jealousy immediately swept over me. It seemed like this girl had everything I had ever wished for in my entire life. I also thought casts were really cool at that time because I did not really understand that broken bones hurt, or that you couldn't really move Get more content on