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CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Law, Love, Sin, and Virtues
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• In the physical world, movement
follows the laws of physics
• In the moral world, people tend to
move according to certain laws
• Each individual is responsible for
their actions
– Often, an individual’s decision to act is
influenced by advice, encouragement,
promise of reward, past memories, etc.
– Good or bad, the action will, in turn,
influence other actions made by other
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Moral responsibility is personal, but it is
often shared
– When we act with others in various ways,
we have a responsibility for others’ sins
when we cooperate in them:
• When participating directly and
voluntarily in the action
• When ordering, advising, or approving
the actions of others
• By not disclosing or not hindering them
when we should; and by protecting evil-
doers (CCC 1868)
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Social sins – committed against another person/persons
– Murder, theft, and adultery
• Sinful structures – organizations, processes, laws, societies that
make it easy to commit sin
– Racial laws and abortion laws are examples of “sinful structures”
• People are obligated to resist/disobey unjust laws
– “An unjust law is not a law at all.” St. Augustine
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Every law implies that some course of action is right and
another is wrong
– Therefore, every law is implicitly “moral” in the sense it makes a moral
judgment complimentary
• Laws teach citizens what behaviors are accepted by the
community, and which are not
– Which actions are “good” and which actions are “evil,” by the state’s
– Eventually, the state will either raise society, or drag it down, to the
level of its legal standards
– Over time, the law will influence attitudes and practices—and society
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Example of how a law has changed
societal norms:
– Through most of U.S. history, there was a
general societal consensus against
– Widely considered an immoral action, the
law reflected this consensus as most
states had laws restricting abortion
– In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s
decision in Roe vs. Wade, effectively
nullified all national, state, and local laws
restricting abortion
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
– Yet, over half of the states have fetal homicide laws which protect an
unborn child from injury or death resulting from a violent attack
• If a pregnant woman is attacked or killed, the law defines two
• These laws, however, contain clauses that specifically exclude
abortion procedures
– Many states also apply the fetal homicide law to the earliest stages of
– Norma McCorvey, plaintiff in the lawsuit, Roe v. Wade (better known as
“Jane Roe”), has changed her stance on abortion, openly voicing her
remorse for her part in the 1973 Supreme Court decision
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• At Mass, in the Confiteor, we confess our
sins “in what I have done, and what I
have failed to do”
– Sins of commission (the evil we do)
– Sins of omission (the good that we fail to do)
• A single person’s courageous choice by
speaking out against unjust laws can
inspire many others to do what is right
• We should judge all social structures by
the measures of natural law and divine
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The true standard for social conduct is found in God’s will,
codified in various ways in Scripture
• The Decalogue, means “ten words” – the most basic, binding,
universal expression of the divine will
– These simple laws describe the requirements for true worship and
– Expresses the natural law engraved by God on the human heart
• The human person has an innate sense of certain moral truths
of right and wrong
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Although all of the Commandments
have a social dimension, they are
divided into two groups:
– The laws related to divine worship
(First, Second, Third)
– The laws for human behavior, or the
moral law, and focus on human
relationships (Fourth through Tenth)
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me
2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
3. Remember to Keep holy the LORD’S Day
4. Honor your father and your mother
5. You shall not kill
6. You shall not commit adultery
7. You shall not steal
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The First, Second, and Third Commandments are related to
divine worship and presume participation by a people—a
community of faith
– Worship is communal, so the First and Third Commandments entail a
certain social obligation
– The Second Commandment also assumes a social context
• Oaths are public acts, sworn in a court of law, sealing agreements between
two parties
• These oaths invoke God’s name and believers must use it respectfully and
honor the commitments made when God is called as their witness
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Fourth Commandment is
important in Catholic social thought
– Marks necessary foundation of order in
society, since the family is society’s
fundamental unit
– This Commandment also requires
obedience beyond the family to
legitimate authorities
– The Church is opposed to tyranny,
anarchy, government corruption, and any
circumstance that undermines legitimate
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Common Good is the reason why we have human
authority and laws
– Human laws participate in the divine law when they apply natural
precepts to specific circumstances
– When civil law is immoral, it must be rejected
• The family, society’s most basic unit, is where social order
– Healthy societies are composed of healthy families
– The home is where solidarity begins
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Fifth Commandment forbids the taking of human life
• Christian morality—from the start—is characterized by a preferential
option for life
• In the ancient world, Christians were set apart from others, by their
profound respect for life
• Pagan religion offered little moral reflection
– Abortion, infanticide, suicide, were widespread
– Executions were arranged as public entertainment and warfare was
• When society tolerates the taking of human life—by abortion,
euthanasia, and permitting the killing of its vulnerable members—
no rights will be secure, because no life is safe
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The intensely grave direct
offense against human life today:
the killing of the unborn child
• Human life begins at the
moment of conception and must
be protected from that moment
• Implicit in both the Old and New
Testaments and has been the
consistent teaching of the
Church since the first century
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Fifth Commandment also extends to the respect for own
• Euthanasia – an action that causes the death of a sick or dying
person, also called “mercy killing”
– Sometimes justified because it aims to end suffering
– Arises from a devaluing of human life—belief that certain lives are not
worth living because they involve difficult or painful conditions
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Suicide – the willful taking of one’s own life
– The Church recognizes that circumstances such as severe depression
and psychological problems could diminish the subjective gravity of this
tragic action
– The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives
• Assisted suicide – the grave offense of assisting another person
to commit suicide
– Sometimes practiced under the backings of healthcare professionals,
who provide the means
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Although God is master of all life, the
Church allows the right of self-
– In order to preserve one’s own life or the
life of another
• Capital Punishment – the execution
by state of individuals who have
committed heinous crimes
– The Church recognizes state authority
“to inflict proportionate punishment to
the offense” and to protect society from
dangerous criminals
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The state has the authority even to inflict the ultimate
penalty—the death penalty—if there is no other way to defend
innocent lives from harm
– In recent years, Popes and bishops have advocated for mercy in such
– The Church prefers and urges that the state not impose the death
penalty if the criminal can be securely incarcerated and kept from
harming others
– The favor of preserving the life of even capital offenders is in part out of
hope for their eventual reform and conversion
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Nations also have the right to self-defense
• Christians are obligated to work for peace and
try to avoid war, but the Church recognizes
that governments can not be denied the right
to defend themselves by military means
• In the 13th Century, St. Thomas Aquinas
developed principles for the just-war theory
– These have been refined over the centuries to be
very restrictive
– In Catholic doctrine, there are 4 criteria that must
all be met before it is legitimate to go to war (on
the following slide)
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
JUST WAR (continued)
• Four criteria outlined in Catholic doctrine
1. The damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of
nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
2. All other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be
impractical or ineffective;
3. There must be serious prospects of success;
4. The use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the
evil to be eliminated
• The power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in
evaluating this condition
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Sixth and Ninth
Commandments are closely
– The Sixth Commandment
promotes chaste love and forbids
the misuse of sexuality
– The Ninth Commandment forbids
attitudes and dispositions that
might lead to sexual sin
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
HOLY PURITY (continued)
• God made man and woman so that they would seek a measure
of fulfillment in their love for one another
– God willed that they should become “one flesh”
– Joining together, they also share in God’s power to bring new life into
– Pro-creation is the participation in a divine activity: creation of a new
human being, with a spiritual soul
• With this great power, comes great responsibility
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
HOLY PURITY (continued)
• St. Paul spoke of the one-flesh union of husband and wife as a
great sign of the union of Christ and the Church
– In Latin, the phrase is Magnum Sacramentum, or “great sacrament”
– Christians have always honored marriage as a sacramental sign
• The marital act has a prominent place in God’s design for our
sacramental life
– To use it in any other way is to violate his will and prevent the
sacramental “sign” from signifying its true meaning
– The problem is not with sex itself, but with its misuse and abuse
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
HOLY PURITY (continued)
• In modern society, many dating practices
that are considered normal, involve offenses
against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments
• To live a good and moral life:
– We must sometimes be counter-cultural, instead
of blindly following cultural norms and trends
• Preserving purity in a relationship is striving
for a higher standard in how we treat others
and also how we expect to be treated
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Seventh and Tenth Commandments serve together,
governing our custody of material things
• When God created the earth, he entrusted its resources to the
human race
• Original Sin destroyed the harmonious relationship God
intended between humanity and the rest of creation
• The disordered approach to the material world, in its extreme
form, is known as materialism
• The Catholic faith affirms the right to private property, but also
teaches that individuals should observe healthy detachment
from material goods
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Environmental resources should be used wisely, not wasted
– Precious resources will be needed for generations to come
• Respect for private property means we should not take
something belonging to another
• Stewardship means we approach consumer decisions
responsibly and critically
– Prudent in spending
– Awareness that sometimes low-priced items are made possible by slave
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• We should strive to live more
simply and avoid impulse
– Internet has made it easy to shop
with “one-click” ordering
• Seeing goods for what they are:
– Material goods alone cannot make us
– We should use them to help enrich
the lives of others
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Eighth Commandment promotes telling the truth
– In personal communication, in society, and media
– Forbids practices that violate truth and charity in speech
• Truth builds trust, and trust makes solidarity possible
• Without trust, marriage, friendship, and lasting business
partnerships cannot be sustained
• Truth-telling must be meticulously observed by those that work in
the communications media
– Their claims are distributed to many people and can serve to strengthen or
sever the bonds of society
– Reporters can build up or destroy reputations, businesses, and political
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
TRUST AND TRUTH (continued)
• We worship a God who “is love” (1 Jn 4:16) and Jesus Christ
identified himself as pure truth (Jn 14:6)
• As Christians then, we should judge ourselves by this divine standard
– Practice honesty and charity in all our communications
• Today, with the spread of social media, anyone can be a publisher
• A person’s views posted on a blog, podcast, or other online forum,
reaches many people
– These posted comments have the enormous potential to build up or tear
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
TRUST AND TRUTH (continued)
• Individuals should avoid forms of
speech that can diminish trust and
dilute the truth
– Obvious forms are lies, gossip, and telling
intentional falsehoods
– More subtle forms are exaggeration,
evasion, sarcasm, and tendency to make a
joke of every subject
– A sense of humor is an asset when used
• Can help to diffuse difficult situations
but should not be used to avoid all
serious conversation
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• The Beatitudes, in the New Testament, are the heart of Christ’s
Sermon on the Mount
• The word “Beatitudes” comes from the Latin word that begins
every line: Beati … or Blessed
• In Scripture we see a connection between the Ten
Commandments and The Beatitudes
– The Beatitudes are complementary to the Law, and they fulfill and
complete it
– Where the Ten Commandments prohibit a certain vice, the Beatitudes
affirm its opposing virtue
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
The Corporeal Works of Mercy The Spiritual Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry Admonish the sinner
Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant
Clothe the naked Counsel the doubtful
Visit the imprisoned Comfort the sorrowful
Shelter the homeless Bear wrongs patiently
Visit the Sick Forgive offenses
Bury the dead Pray for the living and the dead
CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
• Christ summed up all Ten
Commandments and Beatitudes
into two Great Commandments:
1. You shall love The Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind.
2. You shall love your neighbor as
• The “Law of Love” is the
essence of Catholic social
doctrine, because it is the
essence of the Gospel

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Sdoc chapter6-law-virtue

  • 1. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church Law, Love, Sin, and Virtues CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
  • 2. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE COMMANDMENTS AND THE BEATITUDES • In the physical world, movement follows the laws of physics • In the moral world, people tend to move according to certain laws • Each individual is responsible for their actions – Often, an individual’s decision to act is influenced by advice, encouragement, promise of reward, past memories, etc. – Good or bad, the action will, in turn, influence other actions made by other individuals
  • 3. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN • Moral responsibility is personal, but it is often shared – When we act with others in various ways, we have a responsibility for others’ sins when we cooperate in them: • When participating directly and voluntarily in the action • When ordering, advising, or approving the actions of others • By not disclosing or not hindering them when we should; and by protecting evil- doers (CCC 1868)
  • 4. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN (continued) • Social sins – committed against another person/persons – Murder, theft, and adultery • Sinful structures – organizations, processes, laws, societies that make it easy to commit sin – Racial laws and abortion laws are examples of “sinful structures” • People are obligated to resist/disobey unjust laws – “An unjust law is not a law at all.” St. Augustine
  • 5. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN (continued) • Every law implies that some course of action is right and another is wrong – Therefore, every law is implicitly “moral” in the sense it makes a moral judgment complimentary • Laws teach citizens what behaviors are accepted by the community, and which are not – Which actions are “good” and which actions are “evil,” by the state’s standards – Eventually, the state will either raise society, or drag it down, to the level of its legal standards – Over time, the law will influence attitudes and practices—and society itself
  • 6. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN (continued) • Example of how a law has changed societal norms: – Through most of U.S. history, there was a general societal consensus against abortion – Widely considered an immoral action, the law reflected this consensus as most states had laws restricting abortion – In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade, effectively nullified all national, state, and local laws restricting abortion
  • 7. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN (continued) – Yet, over half of the states have fetal homicide laws which protect an unborn child from injury or death resulting from a violent attack • If a pregnant woman is attacked or killed, the law defines two victims • These laws, however, contain clauses that specifically exclude abortion procedures – Many states also apply the fetal homicide law to the earliest stages of pregnancy – Norma McCorvey, plaintiff in the lawsuit, Roe v. Wade (better known as “Jane Roe”), has changed her stance on abortion, openly voicing her remorse for her part in the 1973 Supreme Court decision
  • 8. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church PERSONAL SIN AND SOCIAL SIN (continued) • At Mass, in the Confiteor, we confess our sins “in what I have done, and what I have failed to do” – Sins of commission (the evil we do) – Sins of omission (the good that we fail to do) • A single person’s courageous choice by speaking out against unjust laws can inspire many others to do what is right • We should judge all social structures by the measures of natural law and divine justice
  • 9. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE TEN COMMANDMENTS • The true standard for social conduct is found in God’s will, codified in various ways in Scripture • The Decalogue, means “ten words” – the most basic, binding, universal expression of the divine will – These simple laws describe the requirements for true worship and morality – Expresses the natural law engraved by God on the human heart • The human person has an innate sense of certain moral truths of right and wrong
  • 10. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (continued) • Although all of the Commandments have a social dimension, they are divided into two groups: – The laws related to divine worship (First, Second, Third) – The laws for human behavior, or the moral law, and focus on human relationships (Fourth through Tenth)
  • 11. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (continued) 1. I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me 2. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain 3. Remember to Keep holy the LORD’S Day 4. Honor your father and your mother 5. You shall not kill 6. You shall not commit adultery 7. You shall not steal 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods
  • 12. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE FIRST THREE COMMANDMENTS • The First, Second, and Third Commandments are related to divine worship and presume participation by a people—a community of faith – Worship is communal, so the First and Third Commandments entail a certain social obligation – The Second Commandment also assumes a social context • Oaths are public acts, sworn in a court of law, sealing agreements between two parties • These oaths invoke God’s name and believers must use it respectfully and honor the commitments made when God is called as their witness
  • 13. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE FAMILY: WHERE SOCIAL ORDER BEGINS • The Fourth Commandment is important in Catholic social thought – Marks necessary foundation of order in society, since the family is society’s fundamental unit – This Commandment also requires obedience beyond the family to legitimate authorities – The Church is opposed to tyranny, anarchy, government corruption, and any circumstance that undermines legitimate authority
  • 14. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE FAMILY: WHERE SOCIAL ORDER BEGINS (continued) • The Common Good is the reason why we have human authority and laws – Human laws participate in the divine law when they apply natural precepts to specific circumstances – When civil law is immoral, it must be rejected • The family, society’s most basic unit, is where social order begins – Healthy societies are composed of healthy families – The home is where solidarity begins
  • 15. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church CHOOSE LIFE • The Fifth Commandment forbids the taking of human life • Christian morality—from the start—is characterized by a preferential option for life • In the ancient world, Christians were set apart from others, by their profound respect for life • Pagan religion offered little moral reflection – Abortion, infanticide, suicide, were widespread – Executions were arranged as public entertainment and warfare was uninhibited • When society tolerates the taking of human life—by abortion, euthanasia, and permitting the killing of its vulnerable members— no rights will be secure, because no life is safe
  • 16. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church ABORTION • The intensely grave direct offense against human life today: the killing of the unborn child • Human life begins at the moment of conception and must be protected from that moment • Implicit in both the Old and New Testaments and has been the consistent teaching of the Church since the first century
  • 17. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church EUTHANASIA, SUICIDE, AND ASSISTED SUICIDE • The Fifth Commandment also extends to the respect for own bodies • Euthanasia – an action that causes the death of a sick or dying person, also called “mercy killing” – Sometimes justified because it aims to end suffering – Arises from a devaluing of human life—belief that certain lives are not worth living because they involve difficult or painful conditions
  • 18. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church EUTHANASIA, SUICIDE, AND ASSISTED SUICIDE (continued) • Suicide – the willful taking of one’s own life – The Church recognizes that circumstances such as severe depression and psychological problems could diminish the subjective gravity of this tragic action – The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives • Assisted suicide – the grave offense of assisting another person to commit suicide – Sometimes practiced under the backings of healthcare professionals, who provide the means
  • 19. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church SELF-DEFENSE AND CAPITAL PUNISHMENT • Although God is master of all life, the Church allows the right of self- defense – In order to preserve one’s own life or the life of another • Capital Punishment – the execution by state of individuals who have committed heinous crimes – The Church recognizes state authority “to inflict proportionate punishment to the offense” and to protect society from dangerous criminals
  • 20. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church SELF-DEFENSE AND CAPITAL PUNISHMENT (continued) • The state has the authority even to inflict the ultimate penalty—the death penalty—if there is no other way to defend innocent lives from harm – In recent years, Popes and bishops have advocated for mercy in such cases – The Church prefers and urges that the state not impose the death penalty if the criminal can be securely incarcerated and kept from harming others – The favor of preserving the life of even capital offenders is in part out of hope for their eventual reform and conversion
  • 21. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church JUST WAR • Nations also have the right to self-defense • Christians are obligated to work for peace and try to avoid war, but the Church recognizes that governments can not be denied the right to defend themselves by military means • In the 13th Century, St. Thomas Aquinas developed principles for the just-war theory – These have been refined over the centuries to be very restrictive – In Catholic doctrine, there are 4 criteria that must all be met before it is legitimate to go to war (on the following slide)
  • 22. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church JUST WAR (continued) • Four criteria outlined in Catholic doctrine 1. The damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain; 2. All other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective; 3. There must be serious prospects of success; 4. The use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated • The power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition
  • 23. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church HOLY PURITY • The Sixth and Ninth Commandments are closely related – The Sixth Commandment promotes chaste love and forbids the misuse of sexuality – The Ninth Commandment forbids attitudes and dispositions that might lead to sexual sin
  • 24. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church HOLY PURITY (continued) • God made man and woman so that they would seek a measure of fulfillment in their love for one another – God willed that they should become “one flesh” – Joining together, they also share in God’s power to bring new life into being – Pro-creation is the participation in a divine activity: creation of a new human being, with a spiritual soul • With this great power, comes great responsibility
  • 25. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church HOLY PURITY (continued) • St. Paul spoke of the one-flesh union of husband and wife as a great sign of the union of Christ and the Church – In Latin, the phrase is Magnum Sacramentum, or “great sacrament” – Christians have always honored marriage as a sacramental sign • The marital act has a prominent place in God’s design for our sacramental life – To use it in any other way is to violate his will and prevent the sacramental “sign” from signifying its true meaning – The problem is not with sex itself, but with its misuse and abuse
  • 26. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church HOLY PURITY (continued) • In modern society, many dating practices that are considered normal, involve offenses against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments • To live a good and moral life: – We must sometimes be counter-cultural, instead of blindly following cultural norms and trends • Preserving purity in a relationship is striving for a higher standard in how we treat others and also how we expect to be treated
  • 27. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church WHAT GOODS ARE GOOD FOR (continued) • The Seventh and Tenth Commandments serve together, governing our custody of material things • When God created the earth, he entrusted its resources to the human race • Original Sin destroyed the harmonious relationship God intended between humanity and the rest of creation • The disordered approach to the material world, in its extreme form, is known as materialism • The Catholic faith affirms the right to private property, but also teaches that individuals should observe healthy detachment from material goods
  • 28. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church WHAT GOODS ARE GOOD FOR (continued) • Environmental resources should be used wisely, not wasted – Precious resources will be needed for generations to come • Respect for private property means we should not take something belonging to another • Stewardship means we approach consumer decisions responsibly and critically – Prudent in spending – Awareness that sometimes low-priced items are made possible by slave labor
  • 29. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church WHAT GOODS ARE GOOD FOR (continued) • We should strive to live more simply and avoid impulse purchases – Internet has made it easy to shop with “one-click” ordering • Seeing goods for what they are: – Material goods alone cannot make us happy – We should use them to help enrich the lives of others
  • 30. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church TRUST AND TRUTH • The Eighth Commandment promotes telling the truth – In personal communication, in society, and media – Forbids practices that violate truth and charity in speech • Truth builds trust, and trust makes solidarity possible • Without trust, marriage, friendship, and lasting business partnerships cannot be sustained • Truth-telling must be meticulously observed by those that work in the communications media – Their claims are distributed to many people and can serve to strengthen or sever the bonds of society – Reporters can build up or destroy reputations, businesses, and political careers
  • 31. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church TRUST AND TRUTH (continued) • We worship a God who “is love” (1 Jn 4:16) and Jesus Christ identified himself as pure truth (Jn 14:6) • As Christians then, we should judge ourselves by this divine standard – Practice honesty and charity in all our communications • Today, with the spread of social media, anyone can be a publisher • A person’s views posted on a blog, podcast, or other online forum, reaches many people – These posted comments have the enormous potential to build up or tear down
  • 32. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church TRUST AND TRUTH (continued) • Individuals should avoid forms of speech that can diminish trust and dilute the truth – Obvious forms are lies, gossip, and telling intentional falsehoods – More subtle forms are exaggeration, evasion, sarcasm, and tendency to make a joke of every subject – A sense of humor is an asset when used well • Can help to diffuse difficult situations but should not be used to avoid all serious conversation
  • 33. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church ABUNDANT LIFE: THE BEATITUDES • The Beatitudes, in the New Testament, are the heart of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount • The word “Beatitudes” comes from the Latin word that begins every line: Beati … or Blessed • In Scripture we see a connection between the Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes – The Beatitudes are complementary to the Law, and they fulfill and complete it – Where the Ten Commandments prohibit a certain vice, the Beatitudes affirm its opposing virtue
  • 34. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church THE CORPOREAL AND SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY The Corporeal Works of Mercy The Spiritual Works of Mercy Feed the hungry Admonish the sinner Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant Clothe the naked Counsel the doubtful Visit the imprisoned Comfort the sorrowful Shelter the homeless Bear wrongs patiently Visit the Sick Forgive offenses Bury the dead Pray for the living and the dead
  • 35. CHAPTER 6 – The Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church CONCLUSION • Christ summed up all Ten Commandments and Beatitudes into two Great Commandments: 1. You shall love The Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 2. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. • The “Law of Love” is the essence of Catholic social doctrine, because it is the essence of the Gospel