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Its Impact on Adventist Mission
Cristopher V. Luaya, MA.R.
Faculty, Northern Luzon Adventist College
Pastor, NLAC Church
• ECUMENISM is penetrating
contemporary Christianity.
• It aims unity among the world’s
Christian and non-Christian churches.
• Adventism has been unwilling to join
with it though a red-carpeted welcome
has been prepared if only Adventists
join with the socio-politically concerned
ecumenical movement.
• What is the mission of Adventism
why it opts not to join with the
contemporary ecumenical
• Are there issues that do not
coincide with our mission?
• Has it having some impacts on
the mission of the Adventism?
• Ecumenism, like Adventism,
is a missionary movement.
• Edinburgh 1910 was
occupied by the emphasis of
• was attended and participated by the
Adventist Church.
• Delegates: Ludwig. R. Conradi
(European Division president), W. J.
Fitsgerald (British Union Conference
president), and William A. Spicer ( GC
secretary and Foreign Mission Board
member), which represented an
Adventist membership of about 90,000.
“Without this refusal it is unlikely that
Seventh-day Adventists would become the
most widespread Protestant denomination
in the world, with more than 17 million
members in than 200 countries, running the
most widespread Protestant educational
and medical systems in the world.” Nicholas P.
Miller, “Adventists and Ecumenism,” Ministry, April 2013,
Nicholas P. Miller, PhD,
• It was ecumenism’s landmark as
well as its key as a whole.
• The result of the increasing
consciousness of the necessity for
greater unity among Christians if the
worldwide mission should be
• Advocated much greater unity
among the various strands of
Christian witness.
• Prophetic toward the union of
• Reminded churches that they
received the good news and theirs
was the responsibility to share;
emphasized mission, devoted to
peace, and social justice; and
sought unity believing that the
church is basically one.
• Envisioned a permanent
international organization for
• The IMC meetings that followed
Edinburgh 1910 (i.e., 1928, 1938,
1947, 1952, and 1961)
considerably contributed to the
field of mission (i.e., social
redemption) rather than
• devoted to plan for a better
social order and churches’
practical cooperation in the
social domain so that church
leaders should cooperate in
practical ways to minister to
their fellow men.
• concerns the theological and
polity issues.
• does not only emphasize
theology but also the social
functions of the church
• not only promoted saintliness but
also Christian citizenship.
Faith and Order
• IMC (concerns for mission), FOC
(concerns about faith and order), and
LWM (concerns about service)
converged in the founding of the WCC.
• LWM’s meeting in 1937 approved the
formal organization of the “ecumenical
council of churches,” which turned to
be the WCC later.
• First WCC’s assembly was held in
Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1948.
World Council of
• basically a gathering of Christians from
diverse groups, denominations, and
theological persuasions to be reconciled in
the Triune God as far as Protestantism is
• Thus, dialogue is important to promote
understanding and cooperation.
• Though diverse in liturgies and practices,
Christians still have many things in common
in which they can work cooperatively.
• Common ground should always be
considered and should start there.
• It has been impacting RCC—“Johnny-
come-latelies” in the ecumenical
• It shifted into a more profound turning
point through John XXIII (1881-1963)
and through Vatican II’s Unitatis
Redintegratio (1964).
• Unitatis emphasizes a shift from
“return” into a “restoration” of unity,
which exhorts all Catholics to
participate in the work.
The decree “indicated that
Catholicism was moving toward
a different way of viewing other
churches and Christian
communities.”—Thomas E.
FitzGerald, The Ecumenical Movement: An
Introductory History (Westport, CT: Greenwood,
2004), 135
Unitatis Redintegratio
• Since and after Vatican II, RCC has
been driving the ecumenical wheel.
• With the WCC and RCC’s so much
emphasis of social action in the
ecumenical scene, as my respondents
indicated, the latter advances the
dominance in ecumenism.
• RCC’s strong advocacy for social
issues may serve as a good example
and encouragement for Christian and
• Catholicism does not necessarily
make Protestants be converted to
RCC as it spearheads the ecumenical
• As long as Protestantism is with
Catholicism in social action, the latter
advances to lead Christendom.
• Today’s ecumenical dictum is
togetherness but not necessary the
• Protestantism, Catholicism,
and non-Christian religions
are going into one ecumenical
direction—toward ecumenical
• Frances I has been taking
advantages of the ecumenical
spirit of these people.
• SDA Church exists to bring a
final and full restoration of the
gospel truth.
• God’s answer to the devastating
satanic deception that strikes
the world prior to the Second
Adventist Mission in
• is characterized by Adventist’s
undivided respect to God’s Word.
• In this post-modern era, Adventists
stick to the Bible as the supreme
standard of faith and practice.
• Its unending biblical principle is “Your
Word is truth” (John 17:17).
Mission of Restoration
“All human wisdom must be subject to
the authority of Scripture. The Bible
truths are the norm by which all other
ideas must be tested. Judging the
Word of God by finite human standards
is like trying to measure the stars with a
The Bible in Adventist Mission
The Bible must not be subjected to
human norms. It is superior to all human
wisdom and literature. Rather than our
judging the Bible, all will be judged by it,
for it is the standard of character and test
of all experience and thought.” FB, 20.
The Bible in Adventist Mission
“In His word, God has committed to men
the knowledge necessary for salvation.
The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted
as an authoritative, infallible revelation of
His will. They are the standard of
character, the revealer of doctrines, and
the test of experience.” Ellen G. White, The
Faith I Live By (1958; repr., Washington, D.C.: Review &
Herald, 1973), 13.
The Bible in Adventist Mission
• Commendable things are taking place in
the ecumenical movement.
• Its advocacy on poverty, climate change,
human rights, peace and justice issues,
and other basically human development
issues are all praiseworthy and
• There are gray areas also that Adventism
cannot go along with ecumenical
#1: Scripture
#1: Scripture
• Contemporary ecumenism over-emphasizes
on loving others (social) and de-emphasized
on loving God (spiritual).
• It prioritizes the social dimensions while putting
down scriptural dimensions as secondary
• In the Bible, the pattern is always vertical-to-
horizontal directions—i.e., from God (spiritual)
to humanity (social).
• Social action is only the natural product of a
correct scriptural ground.
• Following the OT pattern, Jesus’ model of
service is always from spiritual to social.
• He teaches spiritual truths before meeting
the immediate need of the people (Luke 9:10;
13:10; 17:11-13).
• His concern is spiritual nourishment before
giving the physical food.
• His direction is always vertically doctrinal to
horizontally social.
• The baseline is Scripture and the result is
social action.
#1: Scripture
• John 17 is not concerning institutional
or organizational unity.
• It was a prayer about unity in the
“word” (vv. 6, 8, 14).
• His prayer was “Sanctify them by the
truth; your word is truth” (v. 17).
• True unity is rooted in the words of
#1: Scripture
#2: Doctrines
#2: Doctrines
• Contemporary ecumenism talks more on
social reforms.
• Doctrinal differences do not give hindrance
to common engagement.
• Doctrinal issues appear to be secondary
• Doctrines are not the standard in every
ecumenical dialogue.
• The baseline is always the pressing need
of the moment—always the practical
solution of the existing social need.
• The unity sought by the ecumenical
movement supersedes doctrinal
• Doctrinal barriers must be set aside
especially when social issues are being
addressed—a seemingly wonderful way
of sharing Christ’s love across all kinds
of boundaries.
• Churches do not address doctrinal
differences but seek to create unity
between believers, foster good will, and
#2: Doctrines
• The Bible teaches about
• Paul urges Timothy to “stay there in
Ephesus so that you may command
certain men not to teach false
doctrines any longer” (1 Tim 1:3, NIV).
• Paul commanded him to “watch your
life and doctrine closely. Persevere in
them, because if you do, you will save
both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim
#2: Doctrines
• “He must hold firmly to the trustworthy
message as it has been taught, so that
he can encourage others by sound
doctrine and refute those who oppose
it” (Titus 1:9, NIV).
• “You must teach what is in accord with
sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1, NIV).
• It is very impossible to be
biblically and doctrinally
#2: Doctrines
“Any deviation from
sound doctrine is not the
Gospel at all it’s a false
Jason Hines, “What Is the Gospel?” in
Spectrum, June 24, 2014, para. 1.
#2: Doctrines
#3: Society
#3: Society
• Present-day ecumenists are
working together on common
social issues.
• “Joint action brings people closer
together, and sets up the
relationship that enables
theological dialogue and
discussion.”—Justin Welby,
Archbishop of Canterburry.
• Ecumenists agree that Christian
leaders today are accommodating
the shifting landscape.
• It is about time the come together
irrespective of doctrinal differences
and “make a common cause to bring
Christian values to bear in our
society.” Davis Duggins, “Evangelicals and
Catholics: Across the Divide: How Can We Relate to
One Another in This Secular Age,” Moody Monthly,
November 1993, 12.
#3: Society
“When the barbarians are scaling the
walls, there is no time for pretty
quarrelling in the camp” because
Christians “have much to forgive, much
to relearn” and the RCC can “help us to
do both so we can band together
against the rising tides of secularism
which threaten to engulf us.” David Cloud,
“Chuck Colson’s Catholic Connections,” para. 4,
/Wolves/chuck_colson.htm (accessed November 12,
#3: Society
• There is a paradigm shift to churches’
challenges in the 21st century.
• Today’s conflict is about how to
counter-attack secularism and
materialism that are attacking the
sanctity of the human person.
• Today, RCC does not anymore attack
the teachings of other churches as
long as they promote the sanctity of
man’s life.
#3: Society
• That ecumenical mindset is refuted by the
biblical command to contend for the faith.
• “Dear friends, although I was very eager to
write to you about the salvation we share, I
felt I had to write and urge you to contend for
the faith that was once for all entrusted to the
saints” (Jude 3, NIV).
• It is very unimaginable to be contending for
the Adventist faith and be ecumenical at the
same time.
• Contending for our faith ruins the jumbo
doctrinal collection of ecumenical churches.
#3: Society
#4: Gospel
#4: Gospel
“The church is God’s appointed
agency for the salvation of
men. It was organized for
service, and its mission is to
carry the gospel to the world.”
Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles
(Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press,
1911), 9.
The gospel is “the great
missionary charter of
Christ’s kingdom.” Ibid.,
#4: Gospel
His “disciples were to work
earnestly for souls, giving to all
the invitation of mercy. They
were not to wait for the people
to come to them; they were to
go to the people with their
message.” Ibid.
#4: Gospel
• That gospel comprises the three angels’
message in Rev 14:6-12.
• It is universal and winning for souls—about
the individual’s response of the people to
God’s invitation of mercy.
• It is not about social salvation as has been
advocated by ecumenical churches.
• Salvation is always corporate (and not
individual)—emphasizing curses and
blessings intended to a people with or without
a relationship with their God.
#4: Gospel
• Modern ecumenism: Gospel is always
associated with society.
• Gospel is about saving the society (social
• This was emphasized by a group of liberal
Protestant progressives (social gospellers)
who responded to the problems in society
by the rapid industrialization, urbanization,
and sky-rocketing immigration of the
Golden Age.
#4: Gospel
• Salvation is always an individual
• “Whosoever” in John 3:16 always
emphasizes individual choice.
• God “is patient . . . not wanting anyone
to perish, but everyone to come to
repentance” (1 Pet 3:9, NIV).
• Salvation is always spiritual for it is the
work of the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:12).
#4: Gospel
Impacts on
Adventist Mission
• Undesirable but ecumenism
impacts Adventist mission in the
positive way.
• It is the place where Adventists
should work for ministers of other
churches that they may be
saved—praying for and with
them—with great cautions. See
Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church,
9 vols. (Mountain View: CA: Pacific Press,
Impacts on Adventist
#1: We Explore
#1: We Explore
• Adventism has been attending
ecumenical gatherings and enjoying a
non-membership status in the
ecumenical movement’s major meetings
and assemblies in spite of wild
speculations that it is a secret member
of the ecumenical movement.
• WCC keeps on reminding speculators
that the “Seventh-day Adventist Church
is not a member of the World Council of
• The reason of this is that
Adventists should explore what
ecumenism is—what are
ecumenists doing now?
• Gorden Doss: Adventist’s
involvement could “break down
prejudice and create openness to
Adventism that can only benefit
the mission of our church.”
#1: We Explore
Observe, explore, and learn
of the challenges of doing
mission in different context
and to how to effectively
approach them.
#1: We Explore
Adventists’ “attendance is not a
secret and articles are
published in the Adventist
Review which gives a report of
these meetings.” John Graz, “Is the
General Conference Involved in
Ecumenism?” 2.
#1: We Explore
“The wisest, firmest labor should be given
to those ministers who are not of our faith.
There are many who know no better than
to be misled by ministers of other
churches. Let faithful, God-fearing,
earnest workers, their life hid with Christ
in God, pray and work for honest
ministers who have been educated to
misinterpret the Word of Life.”—Ellen G.
White, Evangelism (Washington, DC: Review &
Herald, 1970), 562.
#1: We Explore
#2: We Preach
#2: We Preach
• In ecumenical gatherings, you will be
amazed by the converging of justifications
on their nature of mission.
• The previous century was characterized
by so many conflicts on the relationship of
social action and evangelism in mission,
which people taking extreme opposing
• Now, liberal Protestants, including others,
are already going into one direction—the
more socially-inclined ecumenism.
• By attending ecumenical meetings, we
preach to them Jesus and we express
to them our conviction that Jesus is
our model in doing mission—that
Jesus speaks human needs and then
calls for conversion.
• We are always satisfied that our
holistic view of mission is now the
view of these one-sided-missionary
#2: We Preach
#3: We Practice
#3: We Practice
• Before: Ecumenism was on the conversion of
non-Christians to Christianity.
• Today’s ecumenism is to break down every wall
of caste, race, color, class, tribe, and nations.
• The whole gospel is not only proclamation of
Christ but working for justice and peace,
including political action.
• It does not only reconcile individuals with God
but structures them in their work, including the
social and political domains.
• Its evangelistic proclamation denounced
injustices in order to make proclamation both
credible and trustworthy.
• Social action is not doing mission— it
is its consequence, a bridge to, and it
accompanies mission (or evangelism).
• Though it is not bad to associate with
ministers and leaders of other faiths,
encounters with them should be done
with great cautions.
• Association but not contamination is
the best ethical dictum for such
#3: We Practice
• Adventists believe that the
everlasting gospel is to call God’s
people out of the ecumenically-
concerned churches in the end-
time, to restore His true worship
on earth, and to prepare them of
Jesus’ return.
• How can Adventists best
succeed in fulfilling the
prophetic mandate?
Adventism can best accomplish
her divine mandate by the grace of
God— by keeping her own
identify, by being inspired of her
own motivation, by embracing her
own feeling of urgency, and by
preserving her own working

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Ecumenism and Its Impact on Adventist Mission

  • 1.
  • 2. Ecumenism: Its Impact on Adventist Mission Cristopher V. Luaya, MA.R. Faculty, Northern Luzon Adventist College Pastor, NLAC Church
  • 3. • ECUMENISM is penetrating contemporary Christianity. • It aims unity among the world’s Christian and non-Christian churches. • Adventism has been unwilling to join with it though a red-carpeted welcome has been prepared if only Adventists join with the socio-politically concerned ecumenical movement. ECUMENISM
  • 4. • What is the mission of Adventism why it opts not to join with the contemporary ecumenical movement? • Are there issues that do not coincide with our mission? • Has it having some impacts on the mission of the Adventism? ECUMENISM
  • 6. • Ecumenism, like Adventism, is a missionary movement. • Edinburgh 1910 was occupied by the emphasis of mission. ECUMENISM
  • 7. • was attended and participated by the Adventist Church. • Delegates: Ludwig. R. Conradi (European Division president), W. J. Fitsgerald (British Union Conference president), and William A. Spicer ( GC secretary and Foreign Mission Board member), which represented an Adventist membership of about 90,000. EDINBURGH 1910
  • 8. “Without this refusal it is unlikely that Seventh-day Adventists would become the most widespread Protestant denomination in the world, with more than 17 million members in than 200 countries, running the most widespread Protestant educational and medical systems in the world.” Nicholas P. Miller, “Adventists and Ecumenism,” Ministry, April 2013, 19. Nicholas P. Miller, PhD, JD
  • 9. • It was ecumenism’s landmark as well as its key as a whole. • The result of the increasing consciousness of the necessity for greater unity among Christians if the worldwide mission should be accomplish. • Advocated much greater unity among the various strands of Christian witness. EDINBURGH 1910
  • 10. • Prophetic toward the union of churches. • Reminded churches that they received the good news and theirs was the responsibility to share; emphasized mission, devoted to peace, and social justice; and sought unity believing that the church is basically one. EDINBURGH 1910
  • 11. • Envisioned a permanent international organization for mission. • The IMC meetings that followed Edinburgh 1910 (i.e., 1928, 1938, 1947, 1952, and 1961) considerably contributed to the field of mission (i.e., social redemption) rather than evangelism. EDINBURGH 1910
  • 12. • devoted to plan for a better social order and churches’ practical cooperation in the social domain so that church leaders should cooperate in practical ways to minister to their fellow men. LIFE AND WORK MOVEMENT
  • 13. • concerns the theological and polity issues. • does not only emphasize theology but also the social functions of the church • not only promoted saintliness but also Christian citizenship. Faith and Order Commission
  • 14. • IMC (concerns for mission), FOC (concerns about faith and order), and LWM (concerns about service) converged in the founding of the WCC. • LWM’s meeting in 1937 approved the formal organization of the “ecumenical council of churches,” which turned to be the WCC later. • First WCC’s assembly was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1948. World Council of Churches
  • 15. • basically a gathering of Christians from diverse groups, denominations, and theological persuasions to be reconciled in the Triune God as far as Protestantism is concerned. • Thus, dialogue is important to promote understanding and cooperation. • Though diverse in liturgies and practices, Christians still have many things in common in which they can work cooperatively. • Common ground should always be considered and should start there. Ecumenism
  • 17. • It has been impacting RCC—“Johnny- come-latelies” in the ecumenical scene. • It shifted into a more profound turning point through John XXIII (1881-1963) and through Vatican II’s Unitatis Redintegratio (1964). • Unitatis emphasizes a shift from “return” into a “restoration” of unity, which exhorts all Catholics to participate in the work. Ecumenism
  • 18. The decree “indicated that Catholicism was moving toward a different way of viewing other churches and Christian communities.”—Thomas E. FitzGerald, The Ecumenical Movement: An Introductory History (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004), 135 Unitatis Redintegratio
  • 19. • Since and after Vatican II, RCC has been driving the ecumenical wheel. • With the WCC and RCC’s so much emphasis of social action in the ecumenical scene, as my respondents indicated, the latter advances the dominance in ecumenism. • RCC’s strong advocacy for social issues may serve as a good example and encouragement for Christian and non-Christians.
  • 20. • Catholicism does not necessarily make Protestants be converted to RCC as it spearheads the ecumenical movement. • As long as Protestantism is with Catholicism in social action, the latter advances to lead Christendom. • Today’s ecumenical dictum is togetherness but not necessary the same.
  • 21. • Protestantism, Catholicism, and non-Christian religions are going into one ecumenical direction—toward ecumenical unity. • Frances I has been taking advantages of the ecumenical spirit of these people.
  • 23. • SDA Church exists to bring a final and full restoration of the gospel truth. • God’s answer to the devastating satanic deception that strikes the world prior to the Second Coming. Adventist Mission in Restoration
  • 24. • is characterized by Adventist’s undivided respect to God’s Word. • In this post-modern era, Adventists stick to the Bible as the supreme standard of faith and practice. • Its unending biblical principle is “Your Word is truth” (John 17:17). Mission of Restoration
  • 25. “All human wisdom must be subject to the authority of Scripture. The Bible truths are the norm by which all other ideas must be tested. Judging the Word of God by finite human standards is like trying to measure the stars with a yardstick. The Bible in Adventist Mission
  • 26. The Bible must not be subjected to human norms. It is superior to all human wisdom and literature. Rather than our judging the Bible, all will be judged by it, for it is the standard of character and test of all experience and thought.” FB, 20. The Bible in Adventist Mission
  • 27. “In His word, God has committed to men the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the revealer of doctrines, and the test of experience.” Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By (1958; repr., Washington, D.C.: Review & Herald, 1973), 13. The Bible in Adventist Mission
  • 29. • Commendable things are taking place in the ecumenical movement. • Its advocacy on poverty, climate change, human rights, peace and justice issues, and other basically human development issues are all praiseworthy and admirable. • There are gray areas also that Adventism cannot go along with ecumenical churches. ISSUES WITH ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT
  • 31. #1: Scripture • Contemporary ecumenism over-emphasizes on loving others (social) and de-emphasized on loving God (spiritual). • It prioritizes the social dimensions while putting down scriptural dimensions as secondary matters. • In the Bible, the pattern is always vertical-to- horizontal directions—i.e., from God (spiritual) to humanity (social). • Social action is only the natural product of a correct scriptural ground.
  • 32. • Following the OT pattern, Jesus’ model of service is always from spiritual to social. • He teaches spiritual truths before meeting the immediate need of the people (Luke 9:10; 13:10; 17:11-13). • His concern is spiritual nourishment before giving the physical food. • His direction is always vertically doctrinal to horizontally social. • The baseline is Scripture and the result is social action. #1: Scripture
  • 33. • John 17 is not concerning institutional or organizational unity. • It was a prayer about unity in the “word” (vv. 6, 8, 14). • His prayer was “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (v. 17). • True unity is rooted in the words of Scriptures. #1: Scripture
  • 35. #2: Doctrines • Contemporary ecumenism talks more on social reforms. • Doctrinal differences do not give hindrance to common engagement. • Doctrinal issues appear to be secondary matters. • Doctrines are not the standard in every ecumenical dialogue. • The baseline is always the pressing need of the moment—always the practical solution of the existing social need.
  • 36. • The unity sought by the ecumenical movement supersedes doctrinal disagreements. • Doctrinal barriers must be set aside especially when social issues are being addressed—a seemingly wonderful way of sharing Christ’s love across all kinds of boundaries. • Churches do not address doctrinal differences but seek to create unity between believers, foster good will, and #2: Doctrines
  • 37. • The Bible teaches about doctrine. • Paul urges Timothy to “stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer” (1 Tim 1:3, NIV). • Paul commanded him to “watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim #2: Doctrines
  • 38. • “He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9, NIV). • “You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1, NIV). • It is very impossible to be biblically and doctrinally #2: Doctrines
  • 39. “Any deviation from sound doctrine is not the Gospel at all it’s a false gospel.” Jason Hines, “What Is the Gospel?” in Spectrum, June 24, 2014, para. 1. #2: Doctrines
  • 41. #3: Society • Present-day ecumenists are working together on common social issues. • “Joint action brings people closer together, and sets up the relationship that enables theological dialogue and discussion.”—Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterburry.
  • 42. • Ecumenists agree that Christian leaders today are accommodating the shifting landscape. • It is about time the come together irrespective of doctrinal differences and “make a common cause to bring Christian values to bear in our society.” Davis Duggins, “Evangelicals and Catholics: Across the Divide: How Can We Relate to One Another in This Secular Age,” Moody Monthly, November 1993, 12. #3: Society
  • 43. “When the barbarians are scaling the walls, there is no time for pretty quarrelling in the camp” because Christians “have much to forgive, much to relearn” and the RCC can “help us to do both so we can band together against the rising tides of secularism which threaten to engulf us.” David Cloud, “Chuck Colson’s Catholic Connections,” para. 4, /Wolves/chuck_colson.htm (accessed November 12, 2017). #3: Society
  • 44. • There is a paradigm shift to churches’ challenges in the 21st century. • Today’s conflict is about how to counter-attack secularism and materialism that are attacking the sanctity of the human person. • Today, RCC does not anymore attack the teachings of other churches as long as they promote the sanctity of man’s life. #3: Society
  • 45. • That ecumenical mindset is refuted by the biblical command to contend for the faith. • “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3, NIV). • It is very unimaginable to be contending for the Adventist faith and be ecumenical at the same time. • Contending for our faith ruins the jumbo doctrinal collection of ecumenical churches. #3: Society
  • 47. #4: Gospel “The church is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world.” Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1911), 9.
  • 48. The gospel is “the great missionary charter of Christ’s kingdom.” Ibid., 28. #4: Gospel
  • 49. His “disciples were to work earnestly for souls, giving to all the invitation of mercy. They were not to wait for the people to come to them; they were to go to the people with their message.” Ibid. #4: Gospel
  • 50. • That gospel comprises the three angels’ message in Rev 14:6-12. • It is universal and winning for souls—about the individual’s response of the people to God’s invitation of mercy. • It is not about social salvation as has been advocated by ecumenical churches. • Salvation is always corporate (and not individual)—emphasizing curses and blessings intended to a people with or without a relationship with their God. #4: Gospel
  • 51. • Modern ecumenism: Gospel is always associated with society. • Gospel is about saving the society (social salvation). • This was emphasized by a group of liberal Protestant progressives (social gospellers) who responded to the problems in society by the rapid industrialization, urbanization, and sky-rocketing immigration of the Golden Age. #4: Gospel
  • 52. • Salvation is always an individual decision. • “Whosoever” in John 3:16 always emphasizes individual choice. • God “is patient . . . not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (1 Pet 3:9, NIV). • Salvation is always spiritual for it is the work of the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:12). #4: Gospel
  • 54. • Undesirable but ecumenism impacts Adventist mission in the positive way. • It is the place where Adventists should work for ministers of other churches that they may be saved—praying for and with them—with great cautions. See Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, 9 vols. (Mountain View: CA: Pacific Press, Impacts on Adventist Mission
  • 56. #1: We Explore • Adventism has been attending ecumenical gatherings and enjoying a non-membership status in the ecumenical movement’s major meetings and assemblies in spite of wild speculations that it is a secret member of the ecumenical movement. • WCC keeps on reminding speculators that the “Seventh-day Adventist Church is not a member of the World Council of Churches.”
  • 57. • The reason of this is that Adventists should explore what ecumenism is—what are ecumenists doing now? • Gorden Doss: Adventist’s involvement could “break down prejudice and create openness to Adventism that can only benefit the mission of our church.” #1: We Explore
  • 58. Observe, explore, and learn of the challenges of doing mission in different context and to how to effectively approach them. #1: We Explore
  • 59. Adventists’ “attendance is not a secret and articles are published in the Adventist Review which gives a report of these meetings.” John Graz, “Is the General Conference Involved in Ecumenism?” 2. #1: We Explore
  • 60. “The wisest, firmest labor should be given to those ministers who are not of our faith. There are many who know no better than to be misled by ministers of other churches. Let faithful, God-fearing, earnest workers, their life hid with Christ in God, pray and work for honest ministers who have been educated to misinterpret the Word of Life.”—Ellen G. White, Evangelism (Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1970), 562. #1: We Explore
  • 62. #2: We Preach • In ecumenical gatherings, you will be amazed by the converging of justifications on their nature of mission. • The previous century was characterized by so many conflicts on the relationship of social action and evangelism in mission, which people taking extreme opposing positions. • Now, liberal Protestants, including others, are already going into one direction—the more socially-inclined ecumenism.
  • 63. • By attending ecumenical meetings, we preach to them Jesus and we express to them our conviction that Jesus is our model in doing mission—that Jesus speaks human needs and then calls for conversion. • We are always satisfied that our holistic view of mission is now the view of these one-sided-missionary churches. #2: We Preach
  • 65. #3: We Practice • Before: Ecumenism was on the conversion of non-Christians to Christianity. • Today’s ecumenism is to break down every wall of caste, race, color, class, tribe, and nations. • The whole gospel is not only proclamation of Christ but working for justice and peace, including political action. • It does not only reconcile individuals with God but structures them in their work, including the social and political domains. • Its evangelistic proclamation denounced injustices in order to make proclamation both credible and trustworthy.
  • 66. • Social action is not doing mission— it is its consequence, a bridge to, and it accompanies mission (or evangelism). • Though it is not bad to associate with ministers and leaders of other faiths, encounters with them should be done with great cautions. • Association but not contamination is the best ethical dictum for such encounters. #3: We Practice
  • 68. Conclusion • Adventists believe that the everlasting gospel is to call God’s people out of the ecumenically- concerned churches in the end- time, to restore His true worship on earth, and to prepare them of Jesus’ return.
  • 69. • How can Adventists best succeed in fulfilling the prophetic mandate? Conclusion
  • 70. Adventism can best accomplish her divine mandate by the grace of God— by keeping her own identify, by being inspired of her own motivation, by embracing her own feeling of urgency, and by preserving her own working methods. Conclusion

Editor's Notes

  1. Not only a hot topic, ecumenism is penetrating contemporary Christianity. More than that, it aims unity among the world’s Christian and non-Christian churches. However, Adventism has been unwilling to join with it though a red-carpeted welcome has been prepared if only Adventists join with the socio-politically concerned ecumenical movement.
  2. What is the mission of Adventism why it opts not to join with the contemporary ecumenical movement? Are there issues that do not coincide with our mission? Has it having some impacts on the mission of Adventism?
  3. Ecumenism, like Adventism, is a missionary movement. In fact, the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on June 14-23, 1910 (known as Edinburgh 1910) was occupied by the emphasis of mission. See Gorden Doss, “Missions Impact,” in Adventist World, para. 1, https://archives (accessed February 28, 2018).
  4. Edinburgh 1910, which first gained widespread attention, was attended and participated by the Adventist Church. Delegates were Ludwig. R. Conradi (then General Conference vice president for the European Division), W. J. Fitsgerald (then British Union Conference president), and William A. Spicer (then General Conference secretary and Foreign Mission Board member), which represented an Adventist membership of about 90,000. Ibid., under “United in Song,” para. 1.
  5. However, we were unwilling to join with the comity agreement (the dividing up of mission fields) between various denominations. “Without this refusal,” says Nicholas P. Miller, “it is unlikely that Seventh-day Adventists would become the most widespread Protestant denomination in the world, with more than 17 million members in than 200 countries, running the most widespread Protestant educational and medical systems in the world.” Nicholas P. Miller, “Adventists and Ecumenism,” Ministry, April 2013, 19.
  6. Edinburgh 1910 was ecumenism’s landmark as well as its key as a whole. It was the result of the increasing consciousness of the necessity for greater unity among Christians if the worldwide mission should be accomplish. It advocated much greater unity among the various strands of Christian witness. See Kenneth R. Ross, Edinburgh 2010: Springboard for Mission (Pasadena, CA: William Carey International University Press, 2009), 2.
  7. . Moreover, Edinburgh 1910 was prophetic toward the union of churches. It reminded churches that they received the good news and theirs was the responsibility to share; emphasized mission, devoted to peace, and social justice; and sought unity believing that the church is basically one. See Kenneth R. Ross, Edinburgh 2010: Springboard for Mission (Pasadena, CA: William Carey International University Press, 2009), 2. See William G. Rusch, “Ecumenism, Ecumenical Movement,” The Encyclopedia of Christianity, eds. Erwin Fahlbusch and G. W. Bromiley (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003), 2:52; Kenneth R. Ross, Edinburgh 2010: Springboard for Mission (Pasadena, CA: William Carey International University Press, 2009), 3; John A. Radano, ed., Celebrating a Century of Ecumenism, Exploring the Achievements of International Dialogue (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012), xv.
  8. Finally, Edinburgh 1910 envisioned a permanent international organization for mission. In fact, the International Missionary Conference (IMC) meetings that followed Edinburgh 1910 (i.e., 1928, 1938, 1947, 1952, and 1961) considerably contributed to the field of mission (i.e., social redemption) rather than evangelism.
  9. The next ecumenical initiative produced by Edinburgh 1910 was the Life and Work Movement (LWM), which was devoted to plan for a better social order and churches’ practical cooperation in the social domain so that church leaders should cooperate in practical ways to minister to their fellow men.
  10. The last, but not the least, ecumenical enterprise of Edinburgh 1910 was the Faith and Order Commission (FOC), which concerns the theological and polity issues. However, it does not only emphasize theology but also the social functions of the church—not only promote saintliness but also Christian citizenship.
  11. As a result, IMC (concerns for mission), FOC (concerns about faith and order), and LWM (concerns about service) converged in the founding of the World Council of Churches (WCC). LWM’s meeting in 1937 approved the formal organization of the “ecumenical council of churches,” which turned to be the WCC later. Finally, the first WCC’s assembly was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 1948.
  12. Ecumenism is basically a gathering of Christians from diverse groups, denominations, and theological persuasions to be reconciled in the Triune God as far as Protestantism is concerned. In this sense, dialogue is important to promote understanding and cooperation. Though diverse in liturgies and practices, Christians still have many things in common in which they can work cooperatively. Common ground should always be considered and should start there. See Nantiya Petchgate, “Promoting Ecumenism Between Catholic and Protestant Churches in Thailand,” paper presented at the South East Asian Consultation on “Churches and Seminaries: Appraising Our Ecumenical Vision in Today’s World,” Manila, Philippines, 2008, under “Conclusion,” para. 1, (accessed October 2, 2013).
  13. Ecumenism, which Protestants initiated, has been impacting Roman Catholic Church (RCC). As “Johnny-come-latelies” in the ecumenical scene, RCC’s view towards unity shifted into a more profound turning point through John XXIII (1881-1963) and through Second Vatican Council’s (1962-1965) Unitatis Redintegratio (1964). The latter, which emphasizes a shift from “return” into a “restoration” of unity, exhorts all Catholics to participate in the work. John XXIII born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, reigned from 1958-1963, who inaugurated a new period of the Roman Catholic Church’s history though his openness for change (aggiornamento) by convoking the Vatican II. In English, “Bond With One.” Second Vatican Council, Unitatis Redintegratio, no. 1, 4. See also Fitzgerald Ecumenical Movement, 157; Robert McAfee Brown, Ecumenical Revolution: An Interpretation of the Catholic-Protestant Dialogue (London, UK: Burns & Oates, 1967), 46; Alan Schreck, The Catholic Challenge: Why Just “Being Catholic” Isn’t Enough Anymore (Makati, Philippines: St Pauls, 1991), 199.
  14. The decree “indicated that Catholicism was moving toward a different way of viewing other churches and Christian communities.” See Thomas E. FitzGerald, The Ecumenical Movement: An Introductory History (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004), 135; Ramil R. Marcos, “The Theology and History of Ecumenism in the Philippines,” In the Spirit of Ecumenism, June 2008, 14.
  15. Since and after Vatican II, RCC has been driving the ecumenical wheel. With the WCC and RCC’s so much emphasis of social action in the ecumenical scene, as my respondents indicated, the latter advances the dominance in ecumenism. RCC’s strong advocacy for social issues may serve as a good example and encouragement for Christian and non-Christians.
  16. Catholicism does not necessarily make Protestants be converted to RCC as it spearheads the ecumenical movement. As long as Protestantism is with Catholicism in social action, the latter advances to lead Christendom. Today’s ecumenical dictum is togetherness but not necessary the same. See Cristopher V. Luaya, “The Influence of Roman Catholic Church and World Council of Churches’ Social Action Toward the Pursuit of Ecumenism in the 21st Century” (MA thesis, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines, 2013), 4.
  17. Today, Protestantism (excepting Seventh-day Adventists), Catholicism, and non-Christian religions are going into one ecumenical direction—toward ecumenical unity. Pope Frances I has been taking advantages of the ecumenical spirit of these people.
  18. Seventh-day Adventist Church, the end-time remnant church, exists with a mission to preach the three angels’ messages (Rev 14:6-12), i.e., to bring a final and full restoration of the gospel truth. This gospel message is God’s answer to the devastating satanic deception that strikes the world prior to the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of glory. Seventh-day Adventists Believe: A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines (Boise: ID: Pacific Press, 2005), 192.
  19. The first angel was “flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people” (Rev 14:6)—to proclaim “the everlasting gospel and calls for the restoration of the true worship of God as Creator because the judgment has arrived.” Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible verses are taken from New International Version of the Holy Bible. Believe, 195.
  20. The second angel shouted with a loud voice, saying, “Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries” (Rev 14:8)—warning “against all humanly originated forms of worship.” Ibid., 195.
  21. And the third angel “proclaims God’s most solemn warning against worshipping the beast and his image—which all who reject the gospel of righteousness by faith ultimately will do.” Ibid., 196.
  22. Verses 9-11 records that he shouts with a loud voice, saying, If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.
  23. The mission of restoration in Adventism is characterized by its undivided respect to God’s Word. In doing its mission in this post-modern era, when people are prone to believe that truth is relative, Adventists stick to the Bible as the supreme standard of faith and practice. Its unending biblical principle is “Your Word is truth” (John 17:17).
  24. Officially it states, All human wisdom must be subject to the authority of Scripture. The Bible truths are the norm by which all other ideas must be tested. Judging the Word of God by finite human standards is like trying to measure the stars with a yardstick.
  25. The Bible must not be subjected to human norms. It is superior to all human wisdom and literature. Rather than our judging the Bible, all will be judged by it, for it is the standard of character and test of all experience and thought. Ibid., 20.
  26. Moreover, Ellen G. White sets forth the role of Scriptures in Adventist mission. She says, “In His word, God has committed to men the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are to be accepted as an authoritative, infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the revealer of doctrines, and the test of experience.” Ellen G. White, The Faith I Live By (1958; repr., Washington, D.C.: Review & Herald, 1973), 13.
  27. There are many commendable things that are taking place in the ecumenical movement. Its strong advocacy on poverty, climate change, human rights, peace and justice issues, and other basically human development issues are all praiseworthy and admirable. However, the following are gray areas that Adventism cannot go along with the contemporary ecumenical movement.
  28. Contemporary ecumenism over-emphasizes on loving others (social) and de-emphasized on loving God (spiritual). It prioritizes the social dimensions while putting down scriptural dimensions as secondary matters. However in the Bible, the pattern is always vertical-to-horizontal directions—i.e., from God (spiritual) to humanity (social). Social action is only the natural product of a correct scriptural ground.
  29. Following the Old Testament pattern, Jesus’ model of service is always from spiritual to social. He teaches spiritual truths before meeting the immediate need of the people (Luke 9:10; 13:10; 17:11-13). His concern is spiritual nourishment before giving the physical food. His direction is always vertically doctrinal to horizontally social. The baseline is Scripture and the result is social action.
  30. Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17 is not concerning institutional or organizational unity. It was a prayer about unity in the “word” (vv. 6, 8, 14). His prayer was “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth” (v. 17). Thus, true unity is rooted in the words of Scriptures.
  31. Contemporary ecumenism talks more on social reforms. In fact, doctrinal differences do not give hindrance to common engagement. In times of calamities and crises, doctrinal issues appear to be secondary matters. Doctrines are not the standard in every ecumenical dialogue. The baseline is always the pressing need of the moment—always the practical solution of the existing social need.
  32. The unity sought by the ecumenical movement supersedes doctrinal disagreements. Many believe that doctrinal barriers must be set aside especially when social issues are being addressed—a seemingly wonderful way of sharing Christ’s love across all kinds of boundaries. In working out the kingdom of God on earth, these churches do not address doctrinal differences but seek to create unity between believers, foster good will, and focus on caring for each other. Said Mary Nebelsick, Professor of Biblical Studies at Philippine Christian University-Manila, interview by the author, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines, 03 May 2012.
  33. The Bible teaches about doctrine. In writing to Timothy, Paul urges him to “stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer” (1 Tim 1:3, NIV). In fact, he even commanded him to “watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim 4:16, NIV).
  34. Moreover, in writing to Titus, Paul says, “He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (Titus 1:9, NIV). Lastly, “You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine” (Titus 2:1, NIV). It is very impossible to be biblically and doctrinally conservative and be, at the same time, ecumenical.
  35. I think Jason Hines is correct when he says, “Any deviation from sound doctrine is not the Gospel at all it’s a false gospel.” Jason Hines, “What Is the Gospel?” in Spectrum, June 24, 2014, para. 1, (accessed April 27, 2018).
  36. Present-day ecumenists are working together on common social issues. “Joint action,” says Justin Welby (present Archbishop of Canterbury), “brings people closer together, and sets up the relationship that enables theological dialogue and discussion.” “Visiting WCC, Archbishop of Canterbury Speaks on ‘Ecumenism of Action’” in World Council of Churches website, February 16, 2018, para. 14, (accessed April 27, 2018).
  37. Ecumenists agree that Christian leaders today are accommodating the shifting landscape. According to Davis Duggins, it is about time the come together irrespective of doctrinal differences and “make a common cause to bring Christian values to bear in our society.” Davis Duggins, “Evangelicals and Catholics: Across the Divide: How Can We Relate to One Another in This Secular Age,” Moody Monthly, November 1993, 12, quoted in Norman R. Gulley, Christ Is Coming! (Hagerstown, MD: Review & Herald, 1998), 117.
  38. David Cloud (a Baptist minister) says, “When the barbarians are scaling the walls, there is no time for pretty quarrelling in the camp” because Christians “have much to forgive, much to relearn” and the RCC can “help us to do both so we can band together against the rising tides of secularism which threaten to engulf us.” David Cloud, “Chuck Colson’s Catholic Connections,” para. 4, (accessed November 12, 2017).
  39. Undeniably, there is a paradigm shift to churches’ challenges in the 21st century. Today’s conflict is not anymore doctrinal but on issues related to society. It is about how to counter-attack secularism and materialism that are attacking the sanctity of the human person. One interview respondent told me that today RCC does not anymore attack the teachings of other churches as long as they promote the sanctity of man’s life. Said Reginaldo V. Lavilla, Vice Rector of Mission Society of the Philippines, Interview by the author, Tagaytay City, Philippines, 03 May 2013.
  40. The above ecumenical mindset is refuted by the biblical command to contend for the faith. The Bible says, “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3, NIV, emphasis mine). It is very unimaginable to be contending for the Adventist faith and be ecumenical at the same time. Contending for our faith ruins the jumbo doctrinal collection of ecumenical churches.
  41. “The church,” White says, “is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world.” Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press, 1911), 9.
  42. She defines the gospel as “the great missionary charter of Christ’s kingdom.” Ibid., 28.
  43. And His “disciples were to work earnestly for souls, giving to all the invitation of mercy. They were not to wait for the people to come to them; they were to go to the people with their message.” Ibid.
  44. That gospel comprises the three angels’ message in Rev 14:6-12. Looking at the above statements, the gospel is universal and winning for souls. It is about the individual response of the people to God’s invitation of mercy. The gospel is not about social salvation as has been advocated by ecumenical churches. For them, salvation is always corporate (and not individual). They emphasize curses and blessings intended to a people with or without a relationship with their God.
  45. For modern ecumenism, the word gospel is always associated with society. Gospel is about saving the society (social salvation). This was emphasized by a group of liberal Protestant progressives (social gospellers) who responded to the problems in society by the rapid industrialization, urbanization, and sky-rocketing immigration of the Golden Age.
  46. However, as far as the Bible is concerned, salvation is always an individual decision. The phrase “whosoever” (John 3:16) always emphasize individual choice. In fact, God “is patient . . . not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (1 Pet 3:9, NIV, emphasis mine). Salvation is always spiritual for it is the work of the Holy Spirit (1 Pet 1:12).
  47. Though an undesirable movement, ecumenism impacts Adventist mission in the positive way. It is the place where, according to Ellen G. White, Adventists should work for ministers of other churches that they may be saved—praying for and with them—with great cautions. See Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, 9 vols. (Mountain View: CA: Pacific Press, 1948), 6:77, 78.
  48. Adventism has been attending ecumenical gatherings and enjoying a non-membership status in the ecumenical movement’s major meetings and assemblies in spite of wild speculations that it is a secret member of the ecumenical movement. The World Council of Churches keeps on reminding speculators that the “Seventh-day Adventist Church is not a member of the World Council of Churches.” “The Seventh-day Adventist Church is not a member of the World Council of Churches.” World Council of Churches, “Church Families,” 2013, under “Seventh-day Adventist Church,” (accessed April 9, 2018).
  49. The reason of this is that we, Adventists, should explore what ecumenism is—what are ecumenists doing now? Gorden Doss admits that Adventist’s involvement could “break down prejudice and create openness to Adventism that can only benefit the mission of our church.” See Doss, under “United in Song,” para 2.
  50. We can observe, explore, and learn of the challenges of doing mission in different context and to how to effectively approach them.
  51. While this is true it has been sending observers at WCC assemblies and meetings but the “attendance is not a secret and articles are published in the Adventist Review which gives a report of these meetings.” John Graz, “Is the General Conference Involved in Ecumenism?” 2, http://www (accessed April 27, 2018).
  52. It is just doing the importance of working with minister of other faiths [of course members also], which Ellen White endorses by saying, The wisest, firmest labor should be given to those ministers who are not of our faith. There are many who know no better than to be misled by ministers of other churches. Let faithful, God-fearing, earnest workers, their life hid with Christ in God, pray and work for honest ministers who have been educated to misinterpret the Word of Life. Ellen G. White, Evangelism (Washington, DC: Review & Herald, 1970), 562.
  53. When you attend ecumenical gatherings, you will be amazed by the converging of justifications on their nature of mission. The previous century was characterized by so many conflicts on the relationship of social action and evangelism in mission, which people taking extreme opposing positions. Now, liberal Protestants, including others, are already going into one direction—the more socially-inclined ecumenism.
  54. By attending ecumenical meetings, we preach to them Jesus. We express to them our conviction that Jesus is our model in doing mission—that Jesus speaks human needs and then calls for conversion. We are always satisfied that our holistic view of mission is now the view of these one-sided-missionary churches. See Gorden, under “United in Song,” para. 3.
  55. Before, ecumenism was on the conversion of non-Christians to Christianity. Obviously, today’s ecumenism is to break down every wall of caste, race, color, class, tribe, and nations. The whole gospel is not only proclamation of Christ but working for justice and peace, including political action. It does not only reconcile individuals with God but structures them in their work, including the social and political domains. Its evangelistic proclamation denounced injustices in order to make proclamation both credible and trustworthy. See World Council of Churches, “Documents,” 2013, under “New Delhi Statement on Unity,” no. 10, (accessed April 27, 2018). See Bert B. Beach, “Evangelism and the Ecumenical Movement,” Ministry, April 1992, 16.
  56. On the contrary, social action is not doing mission. It is its consequence, a bridge to, and it accompanies mission (or evangelism). Though it is not bad to associate with ministers and leaders of other faiths, encounters with them should be done with great cautions. Association but not contamination is the best ethical dictum for such encounters. Ibid., 17.
  57. Adventists believe that the everlasting gospel is to call God’s people out of the ecumenically-concerned churches in the end-time, to restore His true worship on earth, and to prepare them of Jesus’ return.
  58. It does not need to be ecumenically inclined.
  59. Adventism can best accomplish her divine mandate by the grace of God— by keeping her own identify, by being inspired of her own motivation, by embracing her own feeling of urgency, and by preserving her own working methods.