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SDGs: Is Sri Lanka still on the right
path to implement SDGs effectively?
SDGs: The New 2030 Agenda
• Adopted on: 25th Sept, 2015, at the UN General Assembly, by
193 member states of the United Nations [covers the period
from January 2016 to December, 2030]
• They agreed to:
– end poverty and hunger
– combat inequalities
– build peaceful, just and inclusive societies
– protect human rights
– promote gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
– ensure lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources
– and to balance the three dimensions of sustainable development:
the Economic, Social and Environmental
• The summit outcome document“Transforming our World: The 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development”, was agreed on by the 193 Member
States of the United Nations, and includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals
and associated 169 targets, which are to be achieved by 2030
• This very comprehensive agenda will serve as the launching pad for action by
the international community and by the national governments to promote
shared prosperity and well-being for all, over the next 15 years.
• The Goals and Targets will stimulate actions over the next 15 years in areas of
critical importance: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace & Partnership
“ ”
End Poverty in all
forms & Hunger
and ensure dignity
and equality
Ensure Prosperous &
Fulfilling Lives in
Harmony with Nature
Foster Peaceful, Just
and Inclusive
Implement the agenda
through a Solid Global
Protect our Planet’s
Natural Resources &
Climate for Future
The Goals will stimulate action over the next 15 years, in 5 areas of critical importance:
People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace & Partnership
• The agenda is unique in that, it calls for action by all countries, poor, middle-
income, as well as rich. MDGs where only for developing countries
• It recognizes that ending poverty and improving the living conditions of the
people must go hand-in-hand with the plans that build economic growth and
addresses a range of social needs, while protecting the planet and its natural
• The new development agenda builds on the achievements of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), which were adopted in 2000 and guided
development actions for the last 15 years. The MDGs have proven that goal
setting can lift millions out of poverty, improve the living conditions, which
includes education, health, safe & adequate water and sanitation, etc.
• The 17 new Sustainable Development Goals that apply to all, can go much
further than the MDGs, if properly planned , implemented and monitored
From MDGs to SDGs
MDGs: There were only 8 Goals and 18
Targets to be achieved by 2015
SDGs: There are 17 Goals and 169
Targets to be achieved by 2030
Achieving SDGs
by 2030 could be
a difficult task
unless all
work in harmony.
awareness &
coordination is
the key to
Increasing Pressure on Earth’s Limited
Natural Resources & Environment
The World Population:
• When the World Population increased by one
Billion within a very short period from 1974 to
1987 (in just 13 years) and reached 5 Billion
(in 1987) the entire World was concerned and
started thinking of Sustainable Development
• Population increased to 7.4 Billion in mid
2016 & now stands at 7.439 Million
• China with more than 1.4 Billion & India
reaching 1.3 very soon, both countries
accounts more than 36% of the world’s
• Asian region alone accounts almost 60%
• According to UN Dept. of Economics-
Population Division, the World Population will
reach 8 Billion in 2024 & 10 Billion in 2056
Based on 
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• Due to ever increasing population, the SDGs quickly gained
ground pushed the entire world to a growing urgency for
Sustainable Development
– The increasing population would put unprecedented stress on the
earth’s limited Natural Resources, Environment and the Ecosystems
– So it is extremely important to ensure that the earth’s Natural
Resources, Environment and the Ecosystems are protected, by
controlling unnecessary waste & over consumption, and minimizing
pollution (Air, Groundwater, Rivers, Streams, Oceans, etc.), for the
benefit of the future generations
What is “Sustainable Development”?
• Definition: “Development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of the future
generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on
Environment and Development, 1987)
• Sustainable Development depend on how well the Social,
Economic and Environmental [the three pillars of
sustainability] objectives or needs are balanced when
making decisions on development and other related issues
As such, it is the responsibility of all countries and people all
over the world, to refrain from wasting & over consuming
the natural resources, polluting the environment, etc., which
will affect the ecosystems, biodiversity, climatic conditions,
Pyramidal SDG’s Agenda for Post 2015
Human Dignity
[Goals: 1 - No poverty, 2 - No
hunger, 3- Good Health, 4 -
Quality Education, 5- Gender
Equality, 6-Clean Water &
Sanitation, 16-Peace and
Inclusive Economic Growth
[Goals: 8-Good Jobs &
Economic Growth & 10 -
Reduce Inequality]
Sustainable Production and Consumption
of natural resources [Goals: 7-Clean Energy,
9-Innovation & Infrastructure, 11- Sustainable
Cities and Communities, 12-Responsible
Consumption & 13- Protect the planet]
Pyramid should have a strong base with well protected
Biodiversity, Ecosystems & Environment [Life below
water, Life on Land & Effective Partnerships : Goals
14,15 &17]
depends on
the well
strong base
of the
Links between Sustainable Development Goals
1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere [Linked to 10 other Goals:
2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13,16 & 17];
2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and
promote sustainable agriculture; [Linked to 13 Goals:
1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 &15]
3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all; [7]
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; [8]
6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
sanitation for all; [8]
7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
energy for all;[3]
8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment, and decent work for all; [10]
9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialisation, and foster innovation; [3]
Links between Sustainable Development Goals
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries; [12]
11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
sustainable; [6]
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; [14]
13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; [6]
14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for
sustainable development; [2]
15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and
halt biodiversity loss; [6]
16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide
access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions
at all levels; [6]
17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for
sustainable development
Following slide show how the Goals are connected to each other. As such, it is not
possible to take decisions related to any of the Goals, without considering the effects
on the others  Therefore Proper coordination between Ministries /Departments/
other stakeholders is absolutely essential
A holistic view of integrated Economic, Social and Environmental Issues
No Poverty, No Hunger
Good Health for all, Quality
Education for all, Gender
Equality, Safe water &
Reduced Inequality,
Full & Productive
Employment &
Decent Jobs for all,
Inclusive and
Economic Growth,
Shared Prosperity
Green Cities, Protect
Biodiversity & Ecosystems;
Fight climate change;
Sustainable use of
natural resources (i.e.
sustainable / Responsible
Strengthen Governance,
Fight Corruption, Peace
& Justice, Effective
Global Partnership and
Efficient Mobilization of
Financial Resources
Build Resilient
Infrastructure, Promote
Inclusive and Sustainable
Industrialization, and
Foster Innovation,
Ensure Sustainable
Production Patterns
All the Goals are
directly or
The SDGs as a network of Targets [ shows how the Goals are Interconnected]
Effective coordination is essential to deal with
interconnections & crosscutting issues between
most of the Goals & Targets
Creating Horizontal Policy Coherence
• Due to inherent interconnections and
complexity of sustainable development, it is
necessary to use “Integrated Solutions” with
new approaches
• For this, it is necessary to have coordinated
institutional mechanisms, to create formal
partnerships across sectoral line ministries,
departments and agencies
• Is this possible in Sri Lanka?
• If Sri Lanka is to achieve SDGs by 2030, this is
essential, and need new thinking, approaches
and attitudinal changes
Creating Vertical Policy Coherence
• Vertical Policy Coherence: Coordination across development
policies & strategies, and coherence between different levels of
• Involvement of Provincial and Local Governments, are critical for
promoting inclusive Sustainable Development
• Local level strategic planning would allow a greater integration of
the 3 pillars of Sustainable Development: Social, Economic and
• Integration between Urban and Rural areas need also to be
promoted, in order to foster greater cohesion
• Therefore there should be Institutional Coordinating Mechanisms
to foster partnerships and coordination across different levels of
the government (Both vertically and Horizontally)
• For this Multi-sectoral consultative bodies and forums are
essential, to create partnerships and coordination
What Sri Lanka need to do
• High Powered Coordinating Body: Appointing a high powered coordinating body or
inter-ministerial group with necessary authority, to coordinate and monitor all
activities related to SDGs ( to ensure proper planning and development of all the
necessary SDG strategies ; effective implementation of SDGs and monitoring the
• Balancing the 3 pillars of Sustainable Development: Coordinating body should also
ensure that all three dimensions of Sustainable Development: Economic growth,
Social and Environment Sustainability, are well balanced, when implementing SDGs
by a very large number of Ministries, Departments and other stakeholders who are
expected to get involved in SDGs
• Taking Stock: Take stock of present status of SDG indicators, using all available
information , which will help in identifying the data gaps [this may be bit too early
 out of 169 targets only 49 (29%) are considered well developed; 91 targets (54%)
need to be strengthened by being more specific and 29 (17%) require significant
work] (Source for present status of SDG Indicators” Review of Targets for The Sustainable Development Goals:
The Science Perspective)
• Preparation of Action Plans: Relevant stakeholders should study each SDG and
related Targets carefully and develop detailed action plans to implement each SDG
What Sri Lanka need to do
• Identifying Crosscutting Issues: Identify the crosscutting issues related to SDGs
(special attention and collaboration of more than one Ministry, Department or
other government or any other stakeholder agencies are needed)
• Statistical System: Further develop the statistical system and the capabilities
the Department of Census and Statistics, as well as other agencies, in which data
required to monitor the progress of SDGs, are collected and compiled
• Regular data collection: DCS should play a key role in collecting, compiling and
analysing the required data. They should start with the indicators which are
already well defined (49 indicators) and are readily available. The rest of the
indicators could be handled once the UN provide specific definitions/
methodology to compile them
• Monitoring Progress: Monitor the progress of SDGs regularly, and take
appropriate action if any of the indicators are not on track to achieve the target
by 2030
• Progress Report: Prepare SDG progress reports at least once in 3 to 4 years
What Sri Lanka need to do
• Collaborative Effort: Collaborative effort of all stakeholders is essential for SDGs are to
be achieved by 2030
• Every Country has a role: Every country which adopted SDGs, Rich, Middle Income or
Poor has a major role to play.
• In Sri Lanka, still SDGs are not in right path: Sri Lanka did well in MDGs, but
implementation of SDGs does not seem to be still on the right path, although certain
initial steps have been taken
• Coordination: Coordination and collaborative efforts seems to be still inadequate and
• NPD: If the SDGs in Sri Lanka are to be successful the National Planning Department
(NPD) need to take a leading role in planning, implementation and monitoring the
progress of SDGs
• Mainstreaming SDGs: This is extremely important, as there should be coherence
between SDGs and national development strategies, whereby the SDGs are
mainstreamed into national development planning, which need to be done by NPD
What Sri Lanka need to do
• Coordination at subnational level: Apart from national level considerations, the
linkages between planning at national, subnational and local levels also need to be
coordinated. For this Financial Commission of Sri Lanka should also work closely
with the NPD, as this commission is responsible for monitor (i)the progress of
development activities at subnational levels and (ii)effective use of the funds
• Challenges not identified Properly: Translating the very ambitious SDGs into a
implementable action plan will be a major challenge to countries like Sri Lanka,
with limited financial and human resources with necessary capabilities, unless
appropriate action is taken as early as possible, by the relevant authorities
• Budgeting: At present Ministries, Departments and other government agencies
which are expected to implement specific SDGs have separate budgets,
communication channels and monitoring systems. Still no one seems to be
estimating the overall budgetary requirements for SDGs
• Collaboration: For successful implementation of SDGs, all main stakeholders need
to effectively collaborate in areas, including sharing of information, human
resources (with necessary capabilities in strategy planning, as well as in
monitoring and evaluation processes of SDG related activities)
What Sri Lanka need to do
• Awareness Programmes: Effective awareness programme need to be given highest
priority, which should include key officials of Ministries/ Departments/ Other main
Stakeholders both at national and subnational/local levels. The awareness
programme need to cover general public as well as school children
(it may be possible get necessary assistance from international agencies, especially
UNDP, WHO, FAO, ILO, UNESCO, etc., for this)
• Training: Effective training programmes need to be developed to cover all the
officials who will be directly involved in, developing plans and strategies to
implement SDGs, as well as monitoring and evaluation of SDG related activities.
• They need to have a thorough knowledge and understanding on,
– How to develop/plan SDG strategies and how to integrate them with national
development plans and to incorporate them in subnational level plans, as well as
in local level planning
– Identifying data gaps
– Identifying across cutting issues and effective collaboration
– targets and indicators (including the definitions and methodologies in
computing the indicators)
– Progress monitoring and evaluation
“For SDGs to be successful”
• For SDGs to be successful :
• Collaboration between Ministries,
Departments, other government
agencies & other stakeholders, as
well as, between national
government and provincial/ local
governments (that is both
horizontal & Vertical integration
& collaboration) is essential.
• Involvement of private sector, civil
society and the people will also
be critical
• Every single person in each
country has a role to play
• Present generation should protect
the planet and it’s natural
resources and hand it over to
future generations
“Leave no one behind”
Protect our World for the Future Generations
Protect the Planet Earth
and it’s natural resources,
biodiversity, ecosystems
and overall environment
for the future generations
They too deserve to enjoy
the beauty of nature
SDG song: We love SDGs

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  • 1. SDGs: Is Sri Lanka still on the right path to implement SDGs effectively?
  • 3. SDGs: The New 2030 Agenda Introduction • Adopted on: 25th Sept, 2015, at the UN General Assembly, by 193 member states of the United Nations [covers the period from January 2016 to December, 2030] • They agreed to: – end poverty and hunger – combat inequalities – build peaceful, just and inclusive societies – protect human rights – promote gender equality and empowerment of women and girls – ensure lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources – and to balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the Economic, Social and Environmental
  • 4. Introduction • The summit outcome document“Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, was agreed on by the 193 Member States of the United Nations, and includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and associated 169 targets, which are to be achieved by 2030 0for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf • This very comprehensive agenda will serve as the launching pad for action by the international community and by the national governments to promote shared prosperity and well-being for all, over the next 15 years. • The Goals and Targets will stimulate actions over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace & Partnership “ ”
  • 5. THE ELEMENTS UNDERPINNING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) PEOPLE End Poverty in all forms & Hunger and ensure dignity and equality PROSPERITY Ensure Prosperous & Fulfilling Lives in Harmony with Nature PEACE Foster Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies PARTNERSHIP Implement the agenda through a Solid Global Partnership PLANET Protect our Planet’s Natural Resources & Climate for Future Generations SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The Goals will stimulate action over the next 15 years, in 5 areas of critical importance: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace & Partnership
  • 6. Introduction • The agenda is unique in that, it calls for action by all countries, poor, middle- income, as well as rich. MDGs where only for developing countries • It recognizes that ending poverty and improving the living conditions of the people must go hand-in-hand with the plans that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs, while protecting the planet and its natural resources • The new development agenda builds on the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which were adopted in 2000 and guided development actions for the last 15 years. The MDGs have proven that goal setting can lift millions out of poverty, improve the living conditions, which includes education, health, safe & adequate water and sanitation, etc. • The 17 new Sustainable Development Goals that apply to all, can go much further than the MDGs, if properly planned , implemented and monitored
  • 7. From MDGs to SDGs MDGs: There were only 8 Goals and 18 Targets to be achieved by 2015 SDGs: There are 17 Goals and 169 Targets to be achieved by 2030 Achieving SDGs by 2030 could be a difficult task unless all stakeholders work in harmony. Proper awareness & coordination is the key to success
  • 8. Increasing Pressure on Earth’s Limited Natural Resources & Environment The World Population: • When the World Population increased by one Billion within a very short period from 1974 to 1987 (in just 13 years) and reached 5 Billion (in 1987) the entire World was concerned and started thinking of Sustainable Development • Population increased to 7.4 Billion in mid 2016 & now stands at 7.439 Million • China with more than 1.4 Billion & India reaching 1.3 very soon, both countries accounts more than 36% of the world’s population • Asian region alone accounts almost 60% • According to UN Dept. of Economics- Population Division, the World Population will reach 8 Billion in 2024 & 10 Billion in 2056 Based on  world+environment+day&oq=World&gs_l=img.1.3.0l10.3421.9066.0.18784. -2j2.4.0....0...1ac.1.64.img..1 .5.1701. pMBR8Bfo0 Kc#hl =en& tbm =isch&q=world &imgrc =eguf BRRXD4j_0M%3A
  • 9. WHY SDGs? • Due to ever increasing population, the SDGs quickly gained ground pushed the entire world to a growing urgency for Sustainable Development – The increasing population would put unprecedented stress on the earth’s limited Natural Resources, Environment and the Ecosystems – So it is extremely important to ensure that the earth’s Natural Resources, Environment and the Ecosystems are protected, by controlling unnecessary waste & over consumption, and minimizing pollution (Air, Groundwater, Rivers, Streams, Oceans, etc.), for the benefit of the future generations
  • 10. What is “Sustainable Development”? • Definition: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) • Sustainable Development depend on how well the Social, Economic and Environmental [the three pillars of sustainability] objectives or needs are balanced when making decisions on development and other related issues As such, it is the responsibility of all countries and people all over the world, to refrain from wasting & over consuming the natural resources, polluting the environment, etc., which will affect the ecosystems, biodiversity, climatic conditions, etc.
  • 11. Pyramidal SDG’s Agenda for Post 2015 Human Dignity [Goals: 1 - No poverty, 2 - No hunger, 3- Good Health, 4 - Quality Education, 5- Gender Equality, 6-Clean Water & Sanitation, 16-Peace and Justice] Inclusive Economic Growth [Goals: 8-Good Jobs & Economic Growth & 10 - Reduce Inequality] Sustainable Production and Consumption of natural resources [Goals: 7-Clean Energy, 9-Innovation & Infrastructure, 11- Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12-Responsible Consumption & 13- Protect the planet] Pyramid should have a strong base with well protected Biodiversity, Ecosystems & Environment [Life below water, Life on Land & Effective Partnerships : Goals 14,15 &17] Everything depends on the well protected strong base of the pyramid
  • 12. Links between Sustainable Development Goals 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere [Linked to 10 other Goals: 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13,16 & 17]; 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture; [Linked to 13 Goals: 1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 &15] 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages [111,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]; 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all; [7] 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; [8] 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all; [8] 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all;[3] 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all; [10] 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, and foster innovation; [3]
  • 13. Links between Sustainable Development Goals 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries; [12] 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; [6] 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; [14] 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; [6] 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development; [2] 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss; [6] 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels; [6] 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development development-goals-the-science-perspective-2015/SDG-Report.pdf Following slide show how the Goals are connected to each other. As such, it is not possible to take decisions related to any of the Goals, without considering the effects on the others  Therefore Proper coordination between Ministries /Departments/ other stakeholders is absolutely essential
  • 14. A holistic view of integrated Economic, Social and Environmental Issues No Poverty, No Hunger Good Health for all, Quality Education for all, Gender Equality, Safe water & Sanitation Reduced Inequality, Full & Productive Employment & Decent Jobs for all, Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth, Shared Prosperity Green Cities, Protect Biodiversity & Ecosystems; Fight climate change; Sustainable use of natural resources (i.e. sustainable / Responsible consumption) Strengthen Governance, Fight Corruption, Peace & Justice, Effective Global Partnership and Efficient Mobilization of Financial Resources Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization, and Foster Innovation, Ensure Sustainable Production Patterns All the Goals are interconnected, directly or indirectly
  • 15. The SDGs as a network of Targets [ shows how the Goals are Interconnected] Source: Effective coordination is essential to deal with interconnections & crosscutting issues between most of the Goals & Targets
  • 16. Creating Horizontal Policy Coherence • Due to inherent interconnections and complexity of sustainable development, it is necessary to use “Integrated Solutions” with new approaches • For this, it is necessary to have coordinated institutional mechanisms, to create formal partnerships across sectoral line ministries, departments and agencies • Is this possible in Sri Lanka? • If Sri Lanka is to achieve SDGs by 2030, this is essential, and need new thinking, approaches and attitudinal changes
  • 17. Creating Vertical Policy Coherence • Vertical Policy Coherence: Coordination across development policies & strategies, and coherence between different levels of government • Involvement of Provincial and Local Governments, are critical for promoting inclusive Sustainable Development • Local level strategic planning would allow a greater integration of the 3 pillars of Sustainable Development: Social, Economic and Environmental • Integration between Urban and Rural areas need also to be promoted, in order to foster greater cohesion • Therefore there should be Institutional Coordinating Mechanisms to foster partnerships and coordination across different levels of the government (Both vertically and Horizontally) • For this Multi-sectoral consultative bodies and forums are essential, to create partnerships and coordination
  • 18. What Sri Lanka need to do • High Powered Coordinating Body: Appointing a high powered coordinating body or inter-ministerial group with necessary authority, to coordinate and monitor all activities related to SDGs ( to ensure proper planning and development of all the necessary SDG strategies ; effective implementation of SDGs and monitoring the progress) • Balancing the 3 pillars of Sustainable Development: Coordinating body should also ensure that all three dimensions of Sustainable Development: Economic growth, Social and Environment Sustainability, are well balanced, when implementing SDGs by a very large number of Ministries, Departments and other stakeholders who are expected to get involved in SDGs • Taking Stock: Take stock of present status of SDG indicators, using all available information , which will help in identifying the data gaps [this may be bit too early  out of 169 targets only 49 (29%) are considered well developed; 91 targets (54%) need to be strengthened by being more specific and 29 (17%) require significant work] (Source for present status of SDG Indicators” Review of Targets for The Sustainable Development Goals: The Science Perspective) • Preparation of Action Plans: Relevant stakeholders should study each SDG and related Targets carefully and develop detailed action plans to implement each SDG
  • 19. What Sri Lanka need to do • Identifying Crosscutting Issues: Identify the crosscutting issues related to SDGs (special attention and collaboration of more than one Ministry, Department or other government or any other stakeholder agencies are needed) • Statistical System: Further develop the statistical system and the capabilities the Department of Census and Statistics, as well as other agencies, in which data required to monitor the progress of SDGs, are collected and compiled • Regular data collection: DCS should play a key role in collecting, compiling and analysing the required data. They should start with the indicators which are already well defined (49 indicators) and are readily available. The rest of the indicators could be handled once the UN provide specific definitions/ methodology to compile them • Monitoring Progress: Monitor the progress of SDGs regularly, and take appropriate action if any of the indicators are not on track to achieve the target by 2030 • Progress Report: Prepare SDG progress reports at least once in 3 to 4 years
  • 20. What Sri Lanka need to do • Collaborative Effort: Collaborative effort of all stakeholders is essential for SDGs are to be achieved by 2030 • Every Country has a role: Every country which adopted SDGs, Rich, Middle Income or Poor has a major role to play. • In Sri Lanka, still SDGs are not in right path: Sri Lanka did well in MDGs, but implementation of SDGs does not seem to be still on the right path, although certain initial steps have been taken • Coordination: Coordination and collaborative efforts seems to be still inadequate and weak • NPD: If the SDGs in Sri Lanka are to be successful the National Planning Department (NPD) need to take a leading role in planning, implementation and monitoring the progress of SDGs • Mainstreaming SDGs: This is extremely important, as there should be coherence between SDGs and national development strategies, whereby the SDGs are mainstreamed into national development planning, which need to be done by NPD
  • 21. What Sri Lanka need to do • Coordination at subnational level: Apart from national level considerations, the linkages between planning at national, subnational and local levels also need to be coordinated. For this Financial Commission of Sri Lanka should also work closely with the NPD, as this commission is responsible for monitor (i)the progress of development activities at subnational levels and (ii)effective use of the funds allocated • Challenges not identified Properly: Translating the very ambitious SDGs into a implementable action plan will be a major challenge to countries like Sri Lanka, with limited financial and human resources with necessary capabilities, unless appropriate action is taken as early as possible, by the relevant authorities • Budgeting: At present Ministries, Departments and other government agencies which are expected to implement specific SDGs have separate budgets, communication channels and monitoring systems. Still no one seems to be estimating the overall budgetary requirements for SDGs • Collaboration: For successful implementation of SDGs, all main stakeholders need to effectively collaborate in areas, including sharing of information, human resources (with necessary capabilities in strategy planning, as well as in monitoring and evaluation processes of SDG related activities)
  • 22. What Sri Lanka need to do • Awareness Programmes: Effective awareness programme need to be given highest priority, which should include key officials of Ministries/ Departments/ Other main Stakeholders both at national and subnational/local levels. The awareness programme need to cover general public as well as school children (it may be possible get necessary assistance from international agencies, especially UNDP, WHO, FAO, ILO, UNESCO, etc., for this) • Training: Effective training programmes need to be developed to cover all the officials who will be directly involved in, developing plans and strategies to implement SDGs, as well as monitoring and evaluation of SDG related activities. • They need to have a thorough knowledge and understanding on, – How to develop/plan SDG strategies and how to integrate them with national development plans and to incorporate them in subnational level plans, as well as in local level planning – Identifying data gaps – Identifying across cutting issues and effective collaboration – targets and indicators (including the definitions and methodologies in computing the indicators) – Progress monitoring and evaluation
  • 23. “For SDGs to be successful” • For SDGs to be successful : • Collaboration between Ministries, Departments, other government agencies & other stakeholders, as well as, between national government and provincial/ local governments (that is both horizontal & Vertical integration & collaboration) is essential. • Involvement of private sector, civil society and the people will also be critical • Every single person in each country has a role to play • Present generation should protect the planet and it’s natural resources and hand it over to future generations “Leave no one behind”
  • 24. Protect our World for the Future Generations Protect the Planet Earth and it’s natural resources, biodiversity, ecosystems and overall environment for the future generations They too deserve to enjoy the beauty of nature
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  • 32. SDG song: We love SDGs •