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Script for Short film
Opening Scene
Shot One: - Wide shot of man looking out of window
Shot Two: - Turns to close up of his shoulders to head showing him
sipping on a drink, then shows a face of worry on his face as if
there is something bad is going to happen.
*Phone rings*
Shot Three: - extreme close up on the phone to see who is ringing
Shot Four: - he answers it changes to another close up of the man
showing is face in the moonlight.
Mysterious Man
Let’s begin
Shot Five: - shows his glass appearing to take another sip of his
Title Sequence Scene
*it gives of a glitch vibe*
Shot One: - it will consist of a bird’s eye view showing off
Manchester from the sky
Shot Two: - it would then jump to street view showing people walking
by in a well visited place. The shot will be a wide shot looking
from a distance creating a time lapse (A figure appears due to the
glitch effect.)
Shot Three: - the same effect but with traffic
Shot Four: - Again with a car park,
Shot Five – Then again with a arcade
Act One
Scene One:
Shot One: - shows a boy fast asleep as it pan shot of him going up
to his face as you see him snoring.
*Suddenly his alarm goes off*
Shot Two: - Close up of the clock, then the characters hand grabbing
the alarm clock.
Shot Three: - quick pan to a wall as the clock is thrown towards it.
Shot Four: - boy roles over to get back to sleep.
*alarm still ringing*
Shot Five: - Wide shot of room, shows the boy rushing to get the
alarm clock and kicks the alarm out of the room.*sounds come from
the hallway indicating that it has gone downstairs.
First Main character
Give me five more minutes it’s a Friday.
Shot Six: - another wide shot of a kitchen and a women is present
Shot Seven: - close up of her from shoulders to head and next to her
is the steam coming of the pot she looks up at the roof.
First Main character’s Mother
What is that boy doing?
*then fades to next scene*
Scene Two:
Shot One: - close up on a newspaper, then a hand holding a pen
crosses a article out *in the job section*
Shot Two: - Wide shot of a kitchen as the person holding the
newspaper, he places it down.
Second Main Character
What does it take to get a job around here?
Shot Three: - Same wide shot of kitchen, women comes in and looks at
the boy.
Second Main character’s Mother
*she showing that she has hope in her eyes*
Don’t worry something will come up soon
Shot Four: - Same wide shot, shows the mother placing her arm onto
her son’s shoulder. He then places his head on the table.
Shot Five: - shows a close up of him and pans to show the laid out
Second Main character V.O
I guess I’ll never find a job.
*He then closes his eyes making it turn to the next scene*
Scene Three:
Shot One: - a wide shot of a library, shows someone walking in.
Angry Customer
You call this service I didn’t ask for this book!
Shot Two: - then it turns to a wide shot of the inside of the
library, as a customer is furious with the librarian at the desk.
Shot Three: - turns to the librarian, showing him stand up behind
the desk *he is very shy and scared of the customer due to his harsh
Third Main character
I’m Sorry *as he mumbles under his breath*
Shot Four: - wide shot shows the customer walking towards the camera
to take his leave.
Shot Five: - Shows the librarian sitting down and signing.*showing a
sign of relieve that the customer has left*
Shot six: - then it zooms in on the book that he is reading and it
reveals it is a gaming Book.
Shot Seven: - a wide shot of the librarian, as it zooms out of shot
and causing it to fade.*Making it ready for next scene*
Scene Four:
Shot One: - Shows a shot of the front doors of a arcade and the
doors open, as if we’re going in
Shot Two: - Pans in on the arcade to realise that no one is there
and none are on.
*Then suddenly sounds of a gaming machine is hear able to the
Shot Three: - makes the camera follows the sound as if the camera
was someone attracted to the sound.
Shot Four: - it then shows a shot of a boy playing on one of the
video games.
Shot Five: - shows a close up on the buttons he is pressing to show
that he is playing.
Shot Six: - close up onto the boys face as you can see the game
reflecting in his eye.
Fourth Main Character
Come on almost there! *mumbling under his breath*
Shot Seven: - Still on the close up but the sounds change due to him
dying his face gets all stiff with anger
Shot Eight: - Shows a close up on the game controls and shows the
characters hands scrunch up due to his anger, as tears fall onto his
hands. Then he reaches into his pocket
Shot Nine: - turns to a full body shot showing all of his body
whilst he looks at his phone
Shot Ten: - shows a close up of his phone showing the time is ’23:00
Fourth Main Character
Shit! It’s late
Shot Eleven: - Close up on his bag leaning on the game and you see
his hand grabbing it
Shot Twelve: - Turns to a wide shot of the inside of the arcade
showing that he is leaving the front door.
Shot Thirteen: - ending the scene it returns to the game as it zooms
onto it whilst it shows the sign ‘game over’
Game V.O
Game Over! Try again if you dare!
Scene Five:
Shot One: - wide shot of a street *Shows some text at the bottom
right ‘Saturday 10:00 A.M’
Shot Two: - Same Wide shot, the First Main character appears from
walking down the street.
Shot Three: - Pans to show the way that he is facing to reveal that
he is going to the local shop.
Shot Four: - Shows the character entering the shop.
Worker from the shop
Good Morning, Sir.
First Main character
Shot Five: - wide of the store as the character walks down the aisle
to where the milk is.
Shot Six: - shows a mid shot of the character as he is approach by a
cloaked person, the character looks at the strange figure suddenly a
voice appears from the darkness of his cloak.
Cloaked Man
you seem as though you don’t know what you want do with your live,
well if you want an adventure come here and I’m sure you will have
an adventure of a lifetime
Shot Seven: - Same mid shot and the man walks away but leaves a
Shot Eight: - shows a close up on the card on the floor and the hand
of the character picks it up. As the character looks at the card it
says ‘VR is the NEW future, come and experience it for yourself.’
First Main Character V.O
What did he mean by that?
*then it re-visits what the cloak man says*
Shot Nine: - He runs out the store to find the location
Hey! You haven’t paid for that!
*He signs because he knows he is too late.
Shot Ten: - Shows the character running off in the distance.
Scene Six:
Shot One: - Shows a wide shot of the kitchen just like it did in act
one, scene two, shot two.
*Sound of the mail coming through the mail box*
Shot Two: - Shows the hallway and the mother picking up the mail
Shot Three: - Shows a close up on the mail and the mother realises
that there is something for her son.
Shot Four: - Shows the mother entering the kitchen, as she hands
over the mail for him.
Second Main Character
*Face full with confusion*
What’s this?
Second Main Character’s Mother
*With a smile on her face*
I don’t know it has just came
Shot Five: - Shows the face of the character, and then turns to the
letter as he opens it.
Second Main character V.O
I hear that you are looking for a job, Well you’re in luck I have a
job for you and it is quite simply really take out the card with the
address and we will talk business.
*A card falls out of the envelope.*
Shot Six: - Wide shot, Shows the mother leaving the room, as the
character picks up, he looks and decided to go to the location. So
he leaves the room.
Second Main character’s Mother
(Second Main Character’s Name)
Shot Seven: - Close up of the mother just from shoulders to head.
Oh he must have already left.
*she then turns around to leave the room*
Scene Seven:
Shot One: - shows the aisle of bookshelves as it pans down to reveal
the Third Main character.
Shot Two: - Then it changes to a wide shot and then the same
character who visited the first main character appears.
Cloaked Man
Here read this I thought you might like it
Shot Three: - Wide shot with that he leaves where he is to exit
causing the main character to open the book to his amazement finds
that it’s from the library but he had never seen this book before
Third Main Character V.O
Who was the strange guy?
*Then the Card again falls out from the book. The same thing happens
he leaves to go find the location causing him to drop card and book*
Scene Eight:
Shot one: - Wide shot on a packed arcade, shows the Fourth Main
character playing the game he was playing last night, then that
cloaked man approaches him.
Cloaked Man
I’ll have you a game, if you win I will leave but if I win you play
another type of game of my choosing, what do you say?
*Smug look on the character’s face*
Fourth Main Character
Alright then, you have yourself a deal.
Shot Two: - no time at all it does a fast montage of them battling
Shot Three: - Shows fourth main character on his knees and he looks
Fourth Main Character V.O
I lost, I can’t believe it
*Cloaked man looks at the boy*
Cloaked Man
A deal is a deal
Shot Four: - Shows a wide shot of them as he throws him a card
Cloaked Man
Don’t be late!
Shot Five: - A close up on the character as he looks up and notices
that the guy has already left. *he looks like he wants revenge as he
looks at the card* he picks it up and he leaves to go to the
Scene Nine:
*The time appears like it did before but the time is now 1 P.M*
Shot One: - Shows a building entrance and there are four characters
standing there, it is our four main characters, they all look at one
another and was surprised, then they all walk in the building.
Shot Two: - the same guy from the beginning of the film is sitting
in a chair when suddenly the light pours in due to the door being
Sir, we have visitors.
Scene Ten:
Shot One: - Shows the main characters in a waiting room, then the
owner of the building walks in to greet the characters.
Hello, you are here because of those cards right, if someone gave
them you that must mean you have the potential to try out what is in
store for you 4, as you work together you must go on an adventure
Second Main Character
This doesn’t seem to be a job. I wanted to get money for doing some
sort of job!
Yes, this is each one of you have a reason why you are here, am I
right? Well if so follow me and we’ll begin!
Shot Two: - A wide shot of the room as he directs them to take the
Scene Eleven:
Shot One: - Wide shot of a room with a few computers and people
staring at the characters as they enter, there were also chambers
which looked to are people sized.
First Main Character
What is this and what exactly do you want us to do exactly?
*Women Comes into Shot*
We have created a new Video game that involves your mind going into
the system, like virtual reality. We sent in people before not for
long just to test small areas out but we needed young and people
willing to be set a task which is why you four are here!
*the characters faces just looked as if this seemed to be a bad
Shot Two: - Shows a wide shot, shows each character getting into a
Shot Three: - shows on the computer states of one of the characters
and brain waves and heart beat.
It looks fine send them in
Scene Twelve:
Shot One: - Shows a mid shot of the mechanics, they get distracted
by a TV show and on the screen where it shows the hardware of the
Shot two: - it closes up on the screen, it glitches like on the
opening credits and you see a black face but you can’t see anything.
Shot Three: - Goes back to where the main characters are on a wide
Good luck and make sure you have fun
Shot Four – The characters fell asleep as they went into the reality
and it fades with their eyes shutting.
Inciting Incident
Scene One:
Shot One: - shows the perspective of the first main character as
it’s a wide shot of him in his room.
Shot Two: - changes to a POV as he looks down at his arms and legs
looking at them to see if they are alright.
*A sudden noise appears from his ear.*
This is how you’ll communication with one another in the VH but also
with the people outside. You should recognize were you are, you may
look abit different, the software finds the brainwaves that what you
want to look like come to life, instead of customizing at the
beginning of the game But your First mission is to find one another,
don’t worry you have been fitted with a HUD so you know most of what
it shows for example; Health Bar, Menu Options and a navigation
software so you know where you are, I will help as much as I can and
I will mark each and everyone’s house on the map to know where you
need to go. Good luck everyone!
*Then a sound occurred causing a marks to appear on the map.*
First Main Character
How come there aren’t any characters in the game?
Well it’s only in its BETA so we were only able to add a few to the
missions and some of the places you can visit due to lack of time.
First Main Character
We should all meet up somewhere in the middle.
Shot Three: - Turned to show all characters for a quarter of each of
the shot they all nodded, which was indicated that they know where
to go.
Shot Four: - It then zooms onto Second main character and becomes a
mid shot of him walking out of his house.
Second Main Character
We should head to that park that is roughly near the third main
character’s house.
*All agreed to go there so they kept walking*
Shot Five: - it went back to the four quarters but then faded to be
put onto a screen as though they are being watched.
Mysterious Character
We will meet soon, my friends.
Shot Six: - it then gets darker where you can only see the
characters on the screen and then that fades too.
Scene Two:
Shot One: - shows a park with no one on it and once again the time
shows at the bottom right ‘Saturday 15:30 P.M.’
Shot Two: - Fourth Main character enters the scene and he notices he
is the first one there he walks over to the swing.
*His becomes very impatience*
Fourth Main Character
Is anyone here yet, I’m waiting and it getting cold
*Suddenly, the second main character enters the scene.*
Thank god, I don’t have to wait on my own now!
*He then noticed that it wasn’t him and it was a shape shifting NPC,
he attacked him causing them to fight out*
Why is (Second Main Character’s Name) attacking me?
Second Main Character
I’m not there yet what am I doing over there?
we have some NPCs that can shape shift and they must of took the
form of the 2nd main character they can only choose from the people
who have joined the VR, you have only what you would do in real life
for example if you were good a karate you’d be good at karate in the
VR but if so you would get more powerful, you can use anything to
your advantage just as long as you can think it and see any
opportunities, I think it would have been best to tell you this
before went in
Fourth Main Character
You don’t say!
Shot Three: - shows them at a wide shot fighting one another.
Shot Four: - close up on the fist as it follows it whilst hitting
the NPC, He was then floored.
Shot Five: - it shows him looking down at the body as it disappears
and rest of the characters enter whilst they see some glowing stuff
go inside the fourth main character.
Fourth Main Character
*Breathing heavily due to the fighting*
You took your time!
*sounds came from around them and they glowed it was obvious that
they were gaining experience.*
First Main Character
What is this experience all about?
you level up just like in normal levels but your power will increase
but so will the NPCs this means it will get tougher each time you
complete a task or even defeat a foe, you can upgrade melee weapons
if you hit a combo but so far no one has able to create that much
power, anyways your next task is to find an easy way to travel
about, you will be bursting with knowledge on how to drive,
unfortunately in the real world you will lose all what you have
learned because it’s not from the real world. Unfortunately you are
still unable to drive so we can identify that there are bikes around
the corner from you, if you wish you can use them, but it will cost
you XP.
*they looked at one another and knew they weren’t giving up so they
decided to walk it.*
Since you have made your decision, you need to head to the car park
which will be located on your map once you’re there one of you must
fight and you will be rewarded and be able to get to the next task
All Characters
Shot six: - it showed them leaving the park so they could venture of
to a car park.
Act Two
Rising Action
Scene One:
Shot One: - wide shot of empty car park whilst it pans through the
car park. It also shows at bottom right corner the time once again
‘Saturday 18:30 P.M’
Shot Two: - they enter as the shot is facing them going into the
Fourth Main Character
Right who should battle next, since I had my first fight I can tell
you it’s not easy
Second Main Character
Well I’ll have this fight since I caused trouble last fight.
First Main Character
No you can’t do that!
Second Main Character
No I need to do this after all I want to get paid
*he laughed and ran on ahead*
First Main Character
Shot Three: - shot from behind and showing them running after the
second main character.
Shot Four: - The car park is now empty due to them leaving then it
pans through the car park once more when suddenly it did a quick
glitch and a strange laugh echoed through the car park.
Scene Two:
Shot One: - shows a mechanic looking at the screen.
Shot two: - close up on the screen and he notices that there is an
error on the screen.
Oh god, I must warn the head of department right away!
Shot Three: - Goes back to the car park again and it shows the
characters entering again but then it pans through the car park and
it catches second main character having his fight.
Shot Four: - as it closing in on the fight a glitch appeared.
First Main character
What was that?
Third Main Character
Probably nothing!
*Then suddenly it became dark, all you could here was someone
getting beaten up*
Shot Five: - *the lights came back on* as it went into a wide shot
they seemed to be in shock, which then they realised there was a
body the camera would zoom onto the body.
Shot Six – they rush over to see who it was and how come it wasn’t
vanishing. To their shock it was the second main character.
*First main character’s face was very frightened*
First Main Character
Why, what just happened!? Why aren’t he reviving and where the fuck
did character Four going!?
Sorry to tell you this guys but, an error came up in our system,
unfortunately we don’t know why things are going to hell but from
observing what has happened I can tell you this, if you die in the
VR World you will die in real-life, then it cuts to the chamber of
character 2 as his body is taken out due to blood coming from the
nose. We don’t know where character 4 is he isn’t dead or we would
have known but we can’t track him so we don’t know where it is
*Then someone hacked onto the coms causing static to cut off from
contacting the outside, then a voice came from it*
Mysterious Voice
Well hello friends, I told you I’d see you again, I have your friend
*It then shows Fourth main character tied up and unaware where he
You have around an hour to find him if you don’t find him he’ll be
dead! Try Chinatown, I here they sell good noodles there anyways you
have an hour!
*then the coms seemed to have reconnected with the outside world*
What just happened?!
*First main character had rage all over his face*
First Main Character
Well we have some other person on this VR and he is threaten to kill
character 4 and he’s giving us an hour
Shot Seven: - shows the scientist and the owner looking at one
another and realising what is actually going on.
It’s all our fault we should of told you
First Main Character
Tell us what?!
A few months back we had the same problem, but we thought it was
nothing so last night we asked a co-worker to check out the VR
system and he never came back, his family is worried. We realised
who is the culprit.
*the owner looks down*
it’s my son we couldn’t save him, he had a bad illness and the only
way we could have saved him was to put him in the system to give him
an eternal life, I guess that is a mistake because he is now taking
revenge on you four people
First Main Character
No wonder he is pissed, he has to suffer, being alone in the system
and you brought us in on it and not even tell us the truth, well
know what?
*Scientist Looks down at her pad*
You must reach owners son and defeat him if so we might be able to
stop any errors from occurring.
Third Main Character
Well then I guess we will go to Chinatown, good thing we aren’t so
far from there
*With that it fades to black to go to the next scene*
Scene Three:
Shot One: - starts off by panning to the right, whilst the
characters walk past the shot and it reveals to be Chinatown, and at
the bottom right shows the time again ‘20:00 P.M’
First Main Character
It’s took us half an hour to get here we need to check out a
restaurant see if they know anything
Shot Two: - shows them walking into shot going into the restaurant
to get a bite to eat.
Shot three: - they find themselves a seat and browse the menu.
Third Main Character
What happens if we fail?
*First main character puts down menu*
First Main Character
I don’t know if we can, I am sorry.
*With that he put his head down in shame.*
Shot Four: - Shows first main character looking over at waiter, he
notices that he has withdrawal from serving them.
Shot five: - he looks back at third main character and notices he
has been knocked out, he quickly turns to see if anyone has happened
he sees a hand up close.
First Main Character
Oh Shi-!
Shot six: - it goes to black causing it to go to the next scene.
Act Three
Falling Action
Scene One:
Son of owner
Wakey, Wakey!
Shot one: - shows a scene where a blurry figure is standing over the
camera as if the camera is the first main character. He is then
shaken causing him to get full visual.
Shot Two: - it turns to a wide shot so you can see the room he is
in, barely any light you can only see the character on his knees
abit beaten up.
First Main Character
Where am I, where are my friends!?
Son of owner
Your friends! They weren’t your friends, you said you wanted your
life to change and now this is how I intend to do so!
*then first character’s face was filled with something familiar
because he had the same chat with another person.*
You worked it out it was me who visited but unfortunately I used the
co-worker that was foolishly came across me
First Main Character
Why did you do this!
Shot Three: - shows a close up of first main character then he gets
punched by the son.
Son of owner
I don’t like to be interrupted!
*the first main character then spit in his face*
*the son then smiled very wickedly*
If you want to see your friends so badly here, but first let get my
father on the line
Shot Four: - it then showed a screen it lit and showed the father
and the scientist standing in the room they were working at.
Shot five: - then it goes back to the son and he moves his arm to
show the characters friends are and the camera follows him
Son of owner
Wallah! You happy now you little punk!
Shot six: - then a light appears on the bodies of his friends as
each one lies there not moving.
Shot Seven: - shows the owner and the scientist in shock on the
Oh god, what have I done!?
*then the connected was terminated and the screened turned off*
Shot Eight: - turns back to the character crying of a close up on
First Main Character
Why, they did nothing to you, why use them!?
Son of owner
HAHAHAHA, for my amusement my friend!
First Main character
I’m not your friend!
*the son’s face went from happy to anger*
Son of owner
I told you I don’t like to be interrupted; I will just have to teach
you a lesson
Shot Nine: - the son walks over to the corpses and grabs the sword
that was impaling the fourth main character.
Son of owner
Here you go if it makes you feel better, kill me if that’s what you
*he throws him the sword which lands near his feet. Then fades into
the shadows*
Shot Ten: - Shows the full body shot of first main character and
shows him getting up, using the sword to support him. He then lunges
towards the figure he could see.
Shot eleven: - the shot pans up from the sword wound and then the
first main character puts his head up and with shock it was the
third main character, as he was confused he look over to the dead
corpse and only 2 were there.
Shot twelve: - it then shows full body shot as they both fall down
together as first main character catches third main character in his
First Main character
Oh no, I’m sorry. My rage got the better of me
*as third main character was coughing*
Third main character
Urggh, its ok I’ll be fine but you should run whilst you have the
*Suddenly a swoosh of a sword echoed the room*
Shot Thirteen: - it becomes a wide shot but still only seeing first
and third main character. Then the light reveals that the son was
behind the first main character.
Shot Fourteen: - turns to a close up of first main character and his
eyes a in a deep stare, then suddenly blood comes out of his mouth,
then he drops his friends and turns to look at the son.
Son of owner
*with a huge grin on his face*
That was fun.
Shot fifth teen: - Shows the son walking out of the light and into
the darkness, whilst you can see the main characters lying
dead on the floor.
Scene Two:
Shot one: - Shows the scientist and the owner looking at the screen
as it says ‘GAME OVER’ with shock in their eyes, it then goes
to black making it go to the credits.
shows the game over screen showing the credits of the game then it
finishes showing a masked character dragging the first main
character where the antagonist left as they walk out it
returns to the screen and when they disappear the screen turns
off and then the shot is just a light shining on the TV then
the light switches off ending the credit scenes.

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Script for short film

  • 1. Script for Short film Opening Scene Shot One: - Wide shot of man looking out of window Shot Two: - Turns to close up of his shoulders to head showing him sipping on a drink, then shows a face of worry on his face as if there is something bad is going to happen. *Phone rings* Shot Three: - extreme close up on the phone to see who is ringing Shot Four: - he answers it changes to another close up of the man showing is face in the moonlight. Mysterious Man Let’s begin Shot Five: - shows his glass appearing to take another sip of his drink. Title Sequence Scene *it gives of a glitch vibe* Shot One: - it will consist of a bird’s eye view showing off Manchester from the sky Shot Two: - it would then jump to street view showing people walking by in a well visited place. The shot will be a wide shot looking from a distance creating a time lapse (A figure appears due to the glitch effect.) Shot Three: - the same effect but with traffic Shot Four: - Again with a car park, Shot Five – Then again with a arcade Act One Exposition Scene One: Shot One: - shows a boy fast asleep as it pan shot of him going up to his face as you see him snoring. *Suddenly his alarm goes off* Shot Two: - Close up of the clock, then the characters hand grabbing the alarm clock.
  • 2. Shot Three: - quick pan to a wall as the clock is thrown towards it. Shot Four: - boy roles over to get back to sleep. *alarm still ringing* Shot Five: - Wide shot of room, shows the boy rushing to get the alarm clock and kicks the alarm out of the room.*sounds come from the hallway indicating that it has gone downstairs. First Main character Give me five more minutes it’s a Friday. Shot Six: - another wide shot of a kitchen and a women is present Shot Seven: - close up of her from shoulders to head and next to her is the steam coming of the pot she looks up at the roof. First Main character’s Mother What is that boy doing? *then fades to next scene* Scene Two: Shot One: - close up on a newspaper, then a hand holding a pen crosses a article out *in the job section* Shot Two: - Wide shot of a kitchen as the person holding the newspaper, he places it down. Second Main Character What does it take to get a job around here? Shot Three: - Same wide shot of kitchen, women comes in and looks at the boy. Second Main character’s Mother *she showing that she has hope in her eyes* Don’t worry something will come up soon Shot Four: - Same wide shot, shows the mother placing her arm onto her son’s shoulder. He then places his head on the table. Shot Five: - shows a close up of him and pans to show the laid out breakfast. Second Main character V.O I guess I’ll never find a job.
  • 3. *He then closes his eyes making it turn to the next scene* Scene Three: Shot One: - a wide shot of a library, shows someone walking in. Angry Customer You call this service I didn’t ask for this book! Shot Two: - then it turns to a wide shot of the inside of the library, as a customer is furious with the librarian at the desk. Shot Three: - turns to the librarian, showing him stand up behind the desk *he is very shy and scared of the customer due to his harsh words. Third Main character I’m Sorry *as he mumbles under his breath* Shot Four: - wide shot shows the customer walking towards the camera to take his leave. Shot Five: - Shows the librarian sitting down and signing.*showing a sign of relieve that the customer has left* Shot six: - then it zooms in on the book that he is reading and it reveals it is a gaming Book. Shot Seven: - a wide shot of the librarian, as it zooms out of shot and causing it to fade.*Making it ready for next scene* Scene Four: Shot One: - Shows a shot of the front doors of a arcade and the doors open, as if we’re going in Shot Two: - Pans in on the arcade to realise that no one is there and none are on. *Then suddenly sounds of a gaming machine is hear able to the audience* Shot Three: - makes the camera follows the sound as if the camera was someone attracted to the sound. Shot Four: - it then shows a shot of a boy playing on one of the video games. Shot Five: - shows a close up on the buttons he is pressing to show that he is playing.
  • 4. Shot Six: - close up onto the boys face as you can see the game reflecting in his eye. Fourth Main Character Come on almost there! *mumbling under his breath* Shot Seven: - Still on the close up but the sounds change due to him dying his face gets all stiff with anger Shot Eight: - Shows a close up on the game controls and shows the characters hands scrunch up due to his anger, as tears fall onto his hands. Then he reaches into his pocket Shot Nine: - turns to a full body shot showing all of his body whilst he looks at his phone Shot Ten: - shows a close up of his phone showing the time is ’23:00 P.M’ Fourth Main Character Shit! It’s late Shot Eleven: - Close up on his bag leaning on the game and you see his hand grabbing it Shot Twelve: - Turns to a wide shot of the inside of the arcade showing that he is leaving the front door. Shot Thirteen: - ending the scene it returns to the game as it zooms onto it whilst it shows the sign ‘game over’ Game V.O Game Over! Try again if you dare! Scene Five: Shot One: - wide shot of a street *Shows some text at the bottom right ‘Saturday 10:00 A.M’ Shot Two: - Same Wide shot, the First Main character appears from walking down the street. Shot Three: - Pans to show the way that he is facing to reveal that he is going to the local shop. Shot Four: - Shows the character entering the shop. Worker from the shop Good Morning, Sir. First Main character
  • 5. Morning Shot Five: - wide of the store as the character walks down the aisle to where the milk is. Shot Six: - shows a mid shot of the character as he is approach by a cloaked person, the character looks at the strange figure suddenly a voice appears from the darkness of his cloak. Cloaked Man you seem as though you don’t know what you want do with your live, well if you want an adventure come here and I’m sure you will have an adventure of a lifetime Shot Seven: - Same mid shot and the man walks away but leaves a card. Shot Eight: - shows a close up on the card on the floor and the hand of the character picks it up. As the character looks at the card it says ‘VR is the NEW future, come and experience it for yourself.’ First Main Character V.O What did he mean by that? *then it re-visits what the cloak man says* Shot Nine: - He runs out the store to find the location Worker Hey! You haven’t paid for that! *He signs because he knows he is too late. Shot Ten: - Shows the character running off in the distance. Scene Six: Shot One: - Shows a wide shot of the kitchen just like it did in act one, scene two, shot two. *Sound of the mail coming through the mail box* Shot Two: - Shows the hallway and the mother picking up the mail Shot Three: - Shows a close up on the mail and the mother realises that there is something for her son. Shot Four: - Shows the mother entering the kitchen, as she hands over the mail for him. Second Main Character
  • 6. *Face full with confusion* What’s this? Second Main Character’s Mother *With a smile on her face* I don’t know it has just came Shot Five: - Shows the face of the character, and then turns to the letter as he opens it. Second Main character V.O I hear that you are looking for a job, Well you’re in luck I have a job for you and it is quite simply really take out the card with the address and we will talk business. *A card falls out of the envelope.* Shot Six: - Wide shot, Shows the mother leaving the room, as the character picks up, he looks and decided to go to the location. So he leaves the room. Second Main character’s Mother (Second Main Character’s Name) Shot Seven: - Close up of the mother just from shoulders to head. V.O Oh he must have already left. *she then turns around to leave the room* Scene Seven: Shot One: - shows the aisle of bookshelves as it pans down to reveal the Third Main character. Shot Two: - Then it changes to a wide shot and then the same character who visited the first main character appears. Cloaked Man Here read this I thought you might like it Shot Three: - Wide shot with that he leaves where he is to exit causing the main character to open the book to his amazement finds that it’s from the library but he had never seen this book before Third Main Character V.O
  • 7. Who was the strange guy? *Then the Card again falls out from the book. The same thing happens he leaves to go find the location causing him to drop card and book* Scene Eight: Shot one: - Wide shot on a packed arcade, shows the Fourth Main character playing the game he was playing last night, then that cloaked man approaches him. Cloaked Man I’ll have you a game, if you win I will leave but if I win you play another type of game of my choosing, what do you say? *Smug look on the character’s face* Fourth Main Character Alright then, you have yourself a deal. Shot Two: - no time at all it does a fast montage of them battling out. Shot Three: - Shows fourth main character on his knees and he looks upset. Fourth Main Character V.O I lost, I can’t believe it *Cloaked man looks at the boy* Cloaked Man A deal is a deal Shot Four: - Shows a wide shot of them as he throws him a card Cloaked Man Don’t be late! Shot Five: - A close up on the character as he looks up and notices that the guy has already left. *he looks like he wants revenge as he looks at the card* he picks it up and he leaves to go to the address. Scene Nine: *The time appears like it did before but the time is now 1 P.M*
  • 8. Shot One: - Shows a building entrance and there are four characters standing there, it is our four main characters, they all look at one another and was surprised, then they all walk in the building. Shot Two: - the same guy from the beginning of the film is sitting in a chair when suddenly the light pours in due to the door being opening Secretary Sir, we have visitors. Scene Ten: Shot One: - Shows the main characters in a waiting room, then the owner of the building walks in to greet the characters. Owner Hello, you are here because of those cards right, if someone gave them you that must mean you have the potential to try out what is in store for you 4, as you work together you must go on an adventure Second Main Character This doesn’t seem to be a job. I wanted to get money for doing some sort of job! Owner Yes, this is each one of you have a reason why you are here, am I right? Well if so follow me and we’ll begin! Shot Two: - A wide shot of the room as he directs them to take the elevator. Scene Eleven: Shot One: - Wide shot of a room with a few computers and people staring at the characters as they enter, there were also chambers which looked to are people sized. First Main Character What is this and what exactly do you want us to do exactly? *Women Comes into Shot* Scientist We have created a new Video game that involves your mind going into the system, like virtual reality. We sent in people before not for long just to test small areas out but we needed young and people willing to be set a task which is why you four are here!
  • 9. *the characters faces just looked as if this seemed to be a bad idea.* Shot Two: - Shows a wide shot, shows each character getting into a chamber Shot Three: - shows on the computer states of one of the characters and brain waves and heart beat. Scientist It looks fine send them in Scene Twelve: Shot One: - Shows a mid shot of the mechanics, they get distracted by a TV show and on the screen where it shows the hardware of the system. Shot two: - it closes up on the screen, it glitches like on the opening credits and you see a black face but you can’t see anything. Shot Three: - Goes back to where the main characters are on a wide shot. Owner Good luck and make sure you have fun Shot Four – The characters fell asleep as they went into the reality and it fades with their eyes shutting. Inciting Incident Scene One: Shot One: - shows the perspective of the first main character as it’s a wide shot of him in his room. Shot Two: - changes to a POV as he looks down at his arms and legs looking at them to see if they are alright. *A sudden noise appears from his ear.* Scientist This is how you’ll communication with one another in the VH but also with the people outside. You should recognize were you are, you may look abit different, the software finds the brainwaves that what you want to look like come to life, instead of customizing at the beginning of the game But your First mission is to find one another, don’t worry you have been fitted with a HUD so you know most of what it shows for example; Health Bar, Menu Options and a navigation software so you know where you are, I will help as much as I can and
  • 10. I will mark each and everyone’s house on the map to know where you need to go. Good luck everyone! *Then a sound occurred causing a marks to appear on the map.* First Main Character How come there aren’t any characters in the game? Scientist Well it’s only in its BETA so we were only able to add a few to the missions and some of the places you can visit due to lack of time. First Main Character We should all meet up somewhere in the middle. Shot Three: - Turned to show all characters for a quarter of each of the shot they all nodded, which was indicated that they know where to go. Shot Four: - It then zooms onto Second main character and becomes a mid shot of him walking out of his house. Second Main Character We should head to that park that is roughly near the third main character’s house. *All agreed to go there so they kept walking* Shot Five: - it went back to the four quarters but then faded to be put onto a screen as though they are being watched. Mysterious Character We will meet soon, my friends. Shot Six: - it then gets darker where you can only see the characters on the screen and then that fades too. Scene Two: Shot One: - shows a park with no one on it and once again the time shows at the bottom right ‘Saturday 15:30 P.M.’ Shot Two: - Fourth Main character enters the scene and he notices he is the first one there he walks over to the swing. *His becomes very impatience* Fourth Main Character Is anyone here yet, I’m waiting and it getting cold
  • 11. *Suddenly, the second main character enters the scene.* Thank god, I don’t have to wait on my own now! *He then noticed that it wasn’t him and it was a shape shifting NPC, he attacked him causing them to fight out* Why is (Second Main Character’s Name) attacking me? Second Main Character I’m not there yet what am I doing over there? Scientist we have some NPCs that can shape shift and they must of took the form of the 2nd main character they can only choose from the people who have joined the VR, you have only what you would do in real life for example if you were good a karate you’d be good at karate in the VR but if so you would get more powerful, you can use anything to your advantage just as long as you can think it and see any opportunities, I think it would have been best to tell you this before went in Fourth Main Character You don’t say! Shot Three: - shows them at a wide shot fighting one another. Shot Four: - close up on the fist as it follows it whilst hitting the NPC, He was then floored. Shot Five: - it shows him looking down at the body as it disappears and rest of the characters enter whilst they see some glowing stuff go inside the fourth main character. Fourth Main Character *Breathing heavily due to the fighting* You took your time! *sounds came from around them and they glowed it was obvious that they were gaining experience.* First Main Character What is this experience all about? Scientist you level up just like in normal levels but your power will increase but so will the NPCs this means it will get tougher each time you
  • 12. complete a task or even defeat a foe, you can upgrade melee weapons if you hit a combo but so far no one has able to create that much power, anyways your next task is to find an easy way to travel about, you will be bursting with knowledge on how to drive, unfortunately in the real world you will lose all what you have learned because it’s not from the real world. Unfortunately you are still unable to drive so we can identify that there are bikes around the corner from you, if you wish you can use them, but it will cost you XP. *they looked at one another and knew they weren’t giving up so they decided to walk it.* Scientist Since you have made your decision, you need to head to the car park which will be located on your map once you’re there one of you must fight and you will be rewarded and be able to get to the next task All Characters Right! Shot six: - it showed them leaving the park so they could venture of to a car park. Act Two Rising Action Scene One: Shot One: - wide shot of empty car park whilst it pans through the car park. It also shows at bottom right corner the time once again ‘Saturday 18:30 P.M’ Shot Two: - they enter as the shot is facing them going into the entrance. Fourth Main Character Right who should battle next, since I had my first fight I can tell you it’s not easy Second Main Character Well I’ll have this fight since I caused trouble last fight. First Main Character No you can’t do that! Second Main Character
  • 13. No I need to do this after all I want to get paid *he laughed and ran on ahead* First Main Character Wait! Shot Three: - shot from behind and showing them running after the second main character. Shot Four: - The car park is now empty due to them leaving then it pans through the car park once more when suddenly it did a quick glitch and a strange laugh echoed through the car park. Scene Two: Shot One: - shows a mechanic looking at the screen. Shot two: - close up on the screen and he notices that there is an error on the screen. Mechanic Oh god, I must warn the head of department right away! Shot Three: - Goes back to the car park again and it shows the characters entering again but then it pans through the car park and it catches second main character having his fight. Shot Four: - as it closing in on the fight a glitch appeared. First Main character What was that? Third Main Character Probably nothing! *Then suddenly it became dark, all you could here was someone getting beaten up* Climax Shot Five: - *the lights came back on* as it went into a wide shot they seemed to be in shock, which then they realised there was a body the camera would zoom onto the body. Shot Six – they rush over to see who it was and how come it wasn’t vanishing. To their shock it was the second main character. *First main character’s face was very frightened* First Main Character
  • 14. Why, what just happened!? Why aren’t he reviving and where the fuck did character Four going!? Scientist Sorry to tell you this guys but, an error came up in our system, unfortunately we don’t know why things are going to hell but from observing what has happened I can tell you this, if you die in the VR World you will die in real-life, then it cuts to the chamber of character 2 as his body is taken out due to blood coming from the nose. We don’t know where character 4 is he isn’t dead or we would have known but we can’t track him so we don’t know where it is *Then someone hacked onto the coms causing static to cut off from contacting the outside, then a voice came from it* Mysterious Voice Well hello friends, I told you I’d see you again, I have your friend *It then shows Fourth main character tied up and unaware where he is* You have around an hour to find him if you don’t find him he’ll be dead! Try Chinatown, I here they sell good noodles there anyways you have an hour! *then the coms seemed to have reconnected with the outside world* Scientist What just happened?! *First main character had rage all over his face* First Main Character Well we have some other person on this VR and he is threaten to kill character 4 and he’s giving us an hour Shot Seven: - shows the scientist and the owner looking at one another and realising what is actually going on. Scientist It’s all our fault we should of told you First Main Character Tell us what?! Owner
  • 15. A few months back we had the same problem, but we thought it was nothing so last night we asked a co-worker to check out the VR system and he never came back, his family is worried. We realised who is the culprit. *the owner looks down* it’s my son we couldn’t save him, he had a bad illness and the only way we could have saved him was to put him in the system to give him an eternal life, I guess that is a mistake because he is now taking revenge on you four people First Main Character No wonder he is pissed, he has to suffer, being alone in the system and you brought us in on it and not even tell us the truth, well know what? *Scientist Looks down at her pad* Scientist You must reach owners son and defeat him if so we might be able to stop any errors from occurring. Third Main Character Well then I guess we will go to Chinatown, good thing we aren’t so far from there *With that it fades to black to go to the next scene* Scene Three: Shot One: - starts off by panning to the right, whilst the characters walk past the shot and it reveals to be Chinatown, and at the bottom right shows the time again ‘20:00 P.M’ First Main Character It’s took us half an hour to get here we need to check out a restaurant see if they know anything Shot Two: - shows them walking into shot going into the restaurant to get a bite to eat. Shot three: - they find themselves a seat and browse the menu. Third Main Character What happens if we fail? *First main character puts down menu*
  • 16. First Main Character I don’t know if we can, I am sorry. *With that he put his head down in shame.* Shot Four: - Shows first main character looking over at waiter, he notices that he has withdrawal from serving them. Shot five: - he looks back at third main character and notices he has been knocked out, he quickly turns to see if anyone has happened he sees a hand up close. First Main Character Oh Shi-! Shot six: - it goes to black causing it to go to the next scene. Act Three Falling Action Scene One: Son of owner Wakey, Wakey! Shot one: - shows a scene where a blurry figure is standing over the camera as if the camera is the first main character. He is then shaken causing him to get full visual. Shot Two: - it turns to a wide shot so you can see the room he is in, barely any light you can only see the character on his knees abit beaten up. First Main Character Where am I, where are my friends!? Son of owner Your friends! They weren’t your friends, you said you wanted your life to change and now this is how I intend to do so! *then first character’s face was filled with something familiar because he had the same chat with another person.* You worked it out it was me who visited but unfortunately I used the co-worker that was foolishly came across me First Main Character Why did you do this!
  • 17. Shot Three: - shows a close up of first main character then he gets punched by the son. Son of owner I don’t like to be interrupted! *the first main character then spit in his face* *the son then smiled very wickedly* If you want to see your friends so badly here, but first let get my father on the line Shot Four: - it then showed a screen it lit and showed the father and the scientist standing in the room they were working at. Shot five: - then it goes back to the son and he moves his arm to show the characters friends are and the camera follows him Son of owner Wallah! You happy now you little punk! Shot six: - then a light appears on the bodies of his friends as each one lies there not moving. Shot Seven: - shows the owner and the scientist in shock on the screen. Owner Oh god, what have I done!? *then the connected was terminated and the screened turned off* Shot Eight: - turns back to the character crying of a close up on him First Main Character Why, they did nothing to you, why use them!? Son of owner HAHAHAHA, for my amusement my friend! First Main character I’m not your friend! *the son’s face went from happy to anger* Son of owner
  • 18. I told you I don’t like to be interrupted; I will just have to teach you a lesson Shot Nine: - the son walks over to the corpses and grabs the sword that was impaling the fourth main character. Son of owner Here you go if it makes you feel better, kill me if that’s what you desire! *he throws him the sword which lands near his feet. Then fades into the shadows* Shot Ten: - Shows the full body shot of first main character and shows him getting up, using the sword to support him. He then lunges towards the figure he could see. Shot eleven: - the shot pans up from the sword wound and then the first main character puts his head up and with shock it was the third main character, as he was confused he look over to the dead corpse and only 2 were there. Shot twelve: - it then shows full body shot as they both fall down together as first main character catches third main character in his arms. First Main character Oh no, I’m sorry. My rage got the better of me *as third main character was coughing* Third main character Urggh, its ok I’ll be fine but you should run whilst you have the chance *Suddenly a swoosh of a sword echoed the room* Shot Thirteen: - it becomes a wide shot but still only seeing first and third main character. Then the light reveals that the son was behind the first main character. Shot Fourteen: - turns to a close up of first main character and his eyes a in a deep stare, then suddenly blood comes out of his mouth, then he drops his friends and turns to look at the son. Son of owner *with a huge grin on his face* That was fun.
  • 19. Shot fifth teen: - Shows the son walking out of the light and into the darkness, whilst you can see the main characters lying dead on the floor. Scene Two: Shot one: - Shows the scientist and the owner looking at the screen as it says ‘GAME OVER’ with shock in their eyes, it then goes to black making it go to the credits. Credits... Denouement shows the game over screen showing the credits of the game then it finishes showing a masked character dragging the first main character where the antagonist left as they walk out it returns to the screen and when they disappear the screen turns off and then the shot is just a light shining on the TV then the light switches off ending the credit scenes.