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Technology. Something that has been
around since the 20th century, and
continues to grow becoming more and
more advanced as the days go on. Did
you know, as great as digital
technology can be, it impacts us all
in many different ways? Sure you do,
it's everywhere. Documentaries and
news articles telling us how social
media and using our phones are
affecting our physical and mental well
being. Well, here's something I bet
you didn't know about the subject...
it impacts more than just us as
humans, but also businesses,
industries, companies that run the
ways we live and we think nothing of
it. Like the Art and Designs industry,
the Make-up industry, the business
industry. Our use of social media, has
done more both negatively, and
positively for the world around us.
But today, the film industry... I will
be going through the many different
ways the young generations have
changed the said industry, with both
pros and cons.
"If a movie is not being spoken about,
is it good?"
It is believed by most that as the
years go on and technology advances,
younger generations are becoming less
and less aware of upcoming projects
from within the film industry. This is
based on the fact we as millennials
and going younger tend to rely more on
what gets said online.
Due to word-of-mouth, a long-running
marketing scheme where news gets
passed around from one to the other,
we tend to base personal opinions off
of what social media has us believing.
With this, it has become an issue for
some creators whose titles don't get
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as hyped as others. Depending on the
marketing, it more of takes an
audience to create a fanbase in a way
as that's where the news will spread.
One appropriate example of this,
Ridley Scott. The English Film
Director and Producer who I am sure
you will have heard of from titles
including 'Alien' in 1979, 1982's
'Blade Runner', and one of his most
recent releases, 'House of Gucci'
which had hit movie theatres in
November, 2021.
Guest starring on a podcast the same
month as mentioned, 'WTF with Marc
Maron', discussing the said directors
movies, the two got onto talking of
Scott's last release, 'The Last Duel'
and its failure. Based on the 2004
book of the same title, Scott mentions
how they made sure the film would
appeal to its young target audience.
As well claiming "Disney did a great
promotion job".
But when it arrived in cinema, the
titles success didn't reach the
filmmakers expectations making just
over $4.8 million whereas the budget
reported to be $100 million.
Talking of this, this was the
Directors comment, as quoted, "I think
what it boils down to - what we've got
today are the audiences who were
brought up on these cell phones. The
millennian do not ever want to be
taught anything unless you are told it
on the cell phone," From there, it
gets added on how this is becoming a
rising issue. "I think we're dealing
with it right now with Facebook. There
is misdirection that has happened
where it's given the wrong kind of
confidence to this latest generation,
I think."
What I find funny though, is that
audiences have come out and disagreed
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with Scott's argument firing back
about the poor advertising done for
the titles release. Some saying they
had never heard of the movie till that
statement, with others mentioning how
they saw the trailer whilst in the
pictures found no intention of going
to see it as it didn't appeal to them.
Adding on, even others who worked on
set with Ridley have come out
believing the director was wrong in
pointing fingers.
Ben Affleck was one. Y'know,
Daredevil? Nonoo not this one. This
one from 2003: He had also played
Batman for three movies. Well, he
recently came out during an interview
disagreeing with the directors
statement followed by claiming he had
"slightly misquoted" before going on
to say about generations today, when
it comes to dramas, we would prefer to
sit at home and stream the movie based
on our preference as a generation and
having that luxury to sit at home with
a decently qualitied film compared to
those older from when they were our
age. So really, times just change.
Unlike Mr. Ridley Scott, some creators
within the industry have figured out
how to overcome that issue relating to
lack of recognition.
Ryan Reynolds for example, he
familiarised himself with technology
and social media which helped in
creating a fanbase due to his
interactions with fans, leading to a
greatly impacted success rate for when
'Deadpool' had released in 2016.
Especially considering the hate both
the project and actor had received
once the events of 'X-MEN origins:
Wolverine' had been written into the
timeline. Which had then caused the
character to become "universally
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So really, what works best with
attracting the younger audiences
today, is using social media. With
that online marketing scheme nowadays,
it's successful in gaining fans and
getting those audiences exited for
upcoming projects.
Whereas with those who ignore the use
of advertising over social media, are
risking that possible success as no
one is hearing about it. Whether the
story is a good one or not.
Backing up the previous comment some
more, it has been evidence by a survey
I had put in place for this
documentary with the addition of a
question relating to this topic.
'Where do you usually hear about
upcoming movies?'. It may not sound
like many, but a total of twenty-four
applicants had taken part giving me
that number of responses to the
question as mentioned. And over half
of those responders had claimed social
media to be where they gain any
related information on movies and
In 2022 presently, it is believed that
currently we are reaching the end of
the DVD era with streaming services
becoming the go-to with how
popularised they have become.
Being around since 1999, that bestows
DVDs a short-lived media format
considering that ideally, they haven't
been around that long. Even more so
when VHS tapes had lasted at least
twenty-five years before the discs
began taking over peoples shelves.
Not that people are really surprised
by this. Coming across a website going
by '', a blog by someone
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calling themselves 'Family Guy' had
predicted that the DVD format wouldn't
last as long with how advanced
everything continues to become. And
this had been posted back in 2005.
Scrolling through the comments of the
said blog, many had found themselves
agreeing whilst others argued saying
that the DVD had many years ahead of
them due to how "people are perfectly
happy with DVD."
Going back to the streaming services
now, there are of course both pros and
cons to this industry taking over the
film industry. Then with the global
pandemic, that had only gone and made
things worse...better for them, not so
much for other industries I mean. One
example I have? Disney Plus.
Now, it is clear how greedy this
company is, but do you remember that
feature? Premier access? An extra
subscription granting those who join
early access to new releases which
land on the platform same day as it
does movie theatres. Well, that caused
the projects creators to lose out on
what they would have been earning.
Rightfully leading to actress Scarlett
Johansson to speak up about it when
'Black Widow' had landed. From there,
Dwayne Johnson and Emma Stone had both
considered doing the same for their
recent projects.
Adding on, it wasn't just those who
worked on the movies either. This
affected cinema employees to. All
those workers losing out, all because
of Disney wanting to overfill their
pockets. Luckily, the issue has been
Other than that though, audiences find
themselves preferring the comfort of
binging online at home rather than
going out to sit through one movie.
Coming from a streaming critic, the
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way they had described the situation
was that "The film industry is
competing with people who don't want
to leave their house, and they can
see...any movie they want, any
time...that's huge competition."
Yes, streaming services are making
their money. But what about those who
worked hard to give us the movies
made? As well as those doing their
jobs within the cinemas. Many studios
and creators are losing out on money
when all we want to do is snuggle up
on the couch and binge one after the
Again, there are positives that the
streaming industry has done that's
worked out for the film. And that's
reducing piracy. So although money is
being lost in some cases, it's still
being gained in others.
I understand though, it's not everyone
as there are still plenty who enjoy
that cinematic experience. I myself
for one, love it. Just, the numbers
are adding up for those who don't
enjoy heading to the pictures knowing
fine well they can watch the film a
month later or so, online.
Something that doesn't really help the
film industry half of the time, is the
lack of originality given to the
audience. Yes, we get moments becoming
clichés, and the same stories getting
retold. Well to be fair, that one
still counts as what I am referring to
right now, it sequels and prequels
that get chucked at us for money. Then
once the companies are done adding to
a franchise, reboots and spin offs
come into place.
With this, there are two ways fans
will go about an announcement. Most of
the time, we are receiving sequels no
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one asked for to the perfect stand-
alone movies which becomes clearly
obvious the motive is for money based
off of the success of the first, which
can put audiences off.
Then when it is additions people are
after, expectations get raised the
more the sequel is hyped which usually
ends up disappointing them same fans
by the release. Which of course, is
where word-of-mouth comes into play
lowering the sales due to the
I'm not saying all franchises are bad,
as that would definitely not be true
as some sequels and reboots can end up
turning out better than the original.
It's just, some companies continue to
go overboard, getting greedy over the
success of the first project. Leading
to with some cases, the target
audience of those titles coming out
and expressing that they themselves
have had enough. Like 'Terminator'.
One minute the cyborg has been sent
back in time to kill Sarah Conner,
then that same cyborg had been sent to
that same date to kill the other
cyborg after Sarah, it then goes onto
Sarah Conner's son, John Conner. Even
more time travel comes into play, they
really need to stop messing with that
There are celebrities who have learnt
sequels aren't always worth it. Jim
Carrey for instance, doing the two
sequels 'Dumb and Dumber to' and 'Ace
Venture: When Nature Calls', he
noticed how they never did as well as
the original and from there refused
working in another sequel which had
bummed out those who have spent years
trying to get the actor into a sequel
for 'The Mask'. Quite recently though,
he was questioned on the odds of that
project coming into place during an
interview for the second Sonic the
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Hedgehog movie, this was his response:
"I don't think in terms of sequels and
stuff like that, I mean, this one
[Sonic the Hedgehog] is kind of right
for it because we have not evolved the
character [Dr. Eggman] fully yet. The
Mask I think, myself, you know, it
would depend on a filmmaker. It
depends on a filmmaker really. I don't
want to do it just to do it. But I
would only do it if it was some crazy
visionary filmmaker. Sure."
Another creator who found themselves
being affected by sequels, is
Director, Producer and Screenwriter,
Steven Spielberg. Throughout this mans
career, he has directed a total of
four sequels. Doing the three add ons
for Indiana Jones as well as 'The Lost
World: Jurassic Park', Spielberg
claims the reasoning for his failed
sequels are due to him getting
overconfident based on the success of
the first movie. From there, he
continues to avoid being in charge of
any sequel movies. With 'Indiana Jones
5' and 'Ready Player Two' being
directed by another.
You remember that old advertisement,
right? That one burnt into all of our
old DVDs back in the early 2000s,
playing right before the film would
begin, waking us all up during the
loop. Still don't know which I mean?
Piracy, it's a crime, remember now?
Well...unfortunately, it is something
a lot of people are doing. And it's
not relatively new either, this act
has been around since the silent era
from 1895 to 1929. Back then though,
doing this was called 'bicycling'.
Surely you know what pirating is, just
for encase though: 'Piracy, the
unauthorized use or reproduction of
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another's work.' From that alone, you
should understand why piracy is
Getting that out of the way now, you
may be wondering how did piracy exist
when the internet didn't? Well, still
doing the same thing, it was only done
a little differently. Getting their
hands on the product through renting
it, exhibitors would screen the motion
picture longer than it was agreed
upon. There had even been situations
where the film would be screened
illegally with zero permission being
granted. Hollywood had to hire
checkers to go around the local
cinemas making sure there was no
sneaky business going on.
But now with us in the modern world,
we have internet access. With that
internet access, copies are being
downloaded and streamed. Causing those
who worked on these films, to lose out
on the percentage of the money they
should have been making. Although this
isn't permitted, many have come out
saying they believe pirating should be
Taken from an article found discussing
this topic, a quote was found I just
had to share: “More than half of all
North American millennials regularly
use pirate streaming services to watch
TV-shows or movies, a new survey
shows. While legal streaming is
preferred, pirate sources are more
popular than traditional TV, DVDs or
We have already established how most
audiences today are happy enough to
sit at home and stream. But when it
comes to a film the audience are
wanting to watch but would still
rather stay home, they will either
wait, or find an illegal copy to
watch. Even if that means sitting
through a dodgy copy.
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Eli Roth, a Director who worked on
‘Hostel: part 2’, a movie that ended
up being leaked online and pirated,
with thousands doing so. Becoming the
the most pirated movie of 2007, Roth
had headed onto 'MySpace'
understandably annoyed, and had posted
a theory. With this theory, the
Director went on to predict that
piracy would be the death of the film
industry, just as it did with the
music industry.
Spoilers have become a huge issue. And
everybody knows this. Mainly with huge
upcoming releases, ‘Avengers: Endgame’
and ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’ for
example. Before its theatrical release
even, Disney had to do what they could
to promote a hashtag trying to
persuade the fans not to post or talk
about the movie till a certain date
provided, giving all of the fans a
chance to see the film without it
being spoiled for them. Knowing fine
well, it was going to happen and put
people off.
Then when this does happen, it can put
audiences off going to see the movie.
Especially for highly anticipated
movies, as mentioned there. All the
hype, building up, just to be spoiled
like that.
In hopes of avoiding this happening,
fans will even stay away from social
media from the day of release till
they themselves have seen the movie.
For some, it works. But others, there
has been situations where fans were on
heading into the big screen just to
pass those coming out, spoiling it
right there and then. Sometimes, yes
fans get overly exited and chat away.
Just there is some who purposely shout
out what had happened wanting to ruin
the experience for others.
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With ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’ doing so
well, making over one billion at the
box office, the film had broken
records making $260 million on its
opening weekend alone. It is believed
that the main reasoning for the
success is hugely based off of fear.
No one wanted to be spoiled, so trying
to avoid this, everyone wanted to be
the first to see it. From this, a film
critic had come out saying "We all now
treat regular storytelling as mega-
spoilers.” With another questioning
whether or not people today are only
going to the cinemas to avoid
spoilers, or is it all because the
most popular releases are the ones
full of “spoilable elements”.
In the survey I had mentioned
previously, there was also a question
what it was that put some audiences
off of going to the cinemas. Two, of
those applicants, brought up spoilers.
With one wording it: “-when they are
walking out they spoil it before I
have watched it.” Once again, proving
my point that spoilers, do in fact,
put people off. And as stated times
before, us being put off watching that
film at the pictures, is less money
going back to the film industry. Don’t
see how that’s our issue? Well that
money we use to go see movies, goes
towards studios putting together
newer, better performed and more
advanced titles in the upcoming years.
I get that two doesn’t sound like much
of an issue. But, just because that’s
the number of those who mentioned it
are the only ones to be put off by
spoilers. A thread on reddit had been
discovered whilst looking into this,
asking, “Do spoilers discourage you
from watching a movie or is it the
opposite?”. Scrolling down, half of
these answers admitted to being put
off and losing interest, whereas the
others either weren't bothered or
found it to hype them up more as they
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knew what was going to happen.
After talking of what happens outside
of the cinema doors, let's go through
what bothers audiences after they’ve
gathered friends, bought their tickets
ready, got handfuls of snacks and
drinks, strolled through the doors and
had found their correct seats. Waiting
patiently as the advertisements roll,
the film is set to start and there it
is! Those annoying audiences who ruin
the duration of a screening for
This topic pretty much justifies
audiences preferring to remain home
rather than paying to sit through 2
hours worth of a movie just for the
experience to be ruined by obnoxious
strangers chatting away to each other,
phones being brought out with their
brightness on full and sound on,
people trying to be funny, etc.
Going even worse, during a screening
of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ in 2012, a
Columbine massacre had flared up
causing fifty of the audience to get
injured by a man dressed as the Joker.
Traumatizing many, in 2019 fans were
wary about heading to the movie
theatres around the time ‘Joker’ had
released. Scared encase there would be
a copycat situation. Local cinemas
would even have it as a concern in
mind. But luckily, that didn’t happen.
The most that did happen mid-film, a
man had went around spitting on the
audience whilst also clapping and
cheering every time the character,
Arthur Fleck had killed someone which
terrified fans. With another cinema
having to evacuate due to a man
screaming "Allahu Akbar" in another.
Which soon lead onto audiences racing
out believing the guy had a gun.
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Bringing social media back up, it has
become a technique to 'leak' parts of
a project as a way of testing it. By
doing so, those working on the product
get to see how the customers react and
go from there. But sometimes, studios
will go slightly too far with this
bothering the fans who are finding the
leaks to be revealing far too much.
There is either that, or someone
working on set will find a way to
sneak a leak online, harming the
Leaks like hints towards a projects
title, an image from a scene, actors
involved, small leaks will work in
exciting an audience. The only way one
will be disappointed, is that if they
aren’t happy with a choice made by the
production team. Whereas leaks that
are practically spoilers can lead to
people being put off. It just depends
on the fans really.
One example I have of this, comes from
the hype that went around for the
release of ‘No Way Home’. At first we
were getting nothing, the trailer
would be delayed again and again
having fans practically beg for the
Once we finally got it in the August
of 2021, the film started to become
less secretive. With a few additional
trailers, on-set photos leaking what
wasn’t supposed to be leaked, at least
so we think. Then, the first 10
minutes of the movie had been released
by Sony. With these, a range of mixed
emotions had been shared around the
internet. With some fans having energy
added wanting the movie more. Whilst
others, believed too much oversharing
had gone on toning down the experience
for some, One response about this had
one fan claiming, “at this point we’re
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getting the whole movie”.
Unable to catch a break, a HD version
of the film had released not long
after it hit theatres. Which, ruins it
more for Sony than the audience but
still. Intentional leaks can work, but
there is a limit.
One leak that practically saved a
movie though, was the test footage for
‘Deadpool’. Being an unintentional
leak, so that’s said, no one, to this
day, knows who did it. Not even Ryan
Reynolds. But thanks to that leak, we
have that movie and it peaked the
success rate it had needed. Again, no
one wanted the said film until the
release of that leak with everyone
wanting more. Reynolds had even
celebrated a “leakaversary” as he put
it on its fifth year.
“What is it, that makes a fanbase
‘toxic?’? Well, there’s your answer.
People, who will go out of their way
to gatekeep, and bully anyone who
makes the smallest mistakes and go
against the opinion of everyone who
believes different. That as well,
going towards both fans and
celebrities. Which leads to fans being
put off the topic they once loved
followed by celebrities leaving social
media due to the issue. Not stopping
there, death threats would even be
sent about.
Screenwriter John Rogers, who worked
on the stand-alone title, ‘Catwoman’
that starred actress Halle Berry,
within the same year as released,
2004, the said screenwriter had pinned
a blog on a website called ‘Blogger'
and had it titled ‘Fandamentalism’. A
word the creator had made up to
linking the term fundamentalism to a
fandom. A play on words switching
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‘fun’ with ‘fan’. Creating:
‘Fandamentalism’, “fans who violently
believe the only valid interpretation
of any entertainment source is a
dogmatic adherence to their version of
that source. Any change to the
smallest detail is inherently
unacceptable-” This, I find quite
clever and works very well.
There are instances where fans will
get what they’re after. The Sonic
movie for example. At first, we were
given a disaster of a character
design. After a little of...informing
and expressing of emotions, the
Director had responded giving the fans
what they want. Quite willingly also,
giving zero issue nor complaints.
Which lead to the design everyone is
now happy with. Luckily for them
though, fans didn’t take it too far.
Whereas going in the opposite
direction now, a studio who did the
right thing in refusing the wishes of
a community full of toxic fans. Warner
Brothers. Being responsible for the
release of anything to do with DC,
they were aware of the fanbase they
had gathered. Mainly though, this goes
towards the Snyder fans, who get
represented as a cult. Quite quickly,
fans were impressed by the Director,
Zack Snyder.
Getting to the point now they want no
one else to contribute to the DCEU and
will hate on anyone else who gets
involved. Cathy Yan for example, she
directed ‘Birds of Prey’ 2020 and was
hated on for it. Same again with David
F. Sandberg, ‘Shazam', 2018’ and James
Wan, ‘Aquaman’ 2017. All they want, is
Snyder to be the Director. Otherwise
if it’s anyone else, then they’re
doing it wrong.
Arriving onto the ‘Justice League’
being released, Snyder was only able
to work on half of the project before
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he had to leave due to family-related
issues. Needing the movie complete,
the production team had brought in
Joss Whedon who was already known for
directing the first two Avengers
movies. Following its release in 2017,
fans went on to bully the creators to
the point it was trending over
Twitter. In result of how bad these
fans are, we got the four-hour Snyder
cut in 2021 pleasing all. Now because
of their behaviour, fanbase are being
denied a sequel.
This, is a subject-focus that has no
right nor any positive impact to the
film industry, being the way, it is.
And it needs to stop.
With so many topics to talk about,
this is all I have time for today. Now
note, I am not saying you personally
are the problem. It's us as a whole
affecting the world around us with our
habits. Finishing off, I hope you are
able to take away the information
shared throughout this episode, thin
it over, and until next time.

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  • 1. Created using Celtx OPENING DIALOGUE Technology. Something that has been around since the 20th century, and continues to grow becoming more and more advanced as the days go on. Did you know, as great as digital technology can be, it impacts us all in many different ways? Sure you do, it's everywhere. Documentaries and news articles telling us how social media and using our phones are affecting our physical and mental well being. Well, here's something I bet you didn't know about the subject... it impacts more than just us as humans, but also businesses, industries, companies that run the ways we live and we think nothing of it. Like the Art and Designs industry, the Make-up industry, the business industry. Our use of social media, has done more both negatively, and positively for the world around us. But today, the film industry... I will be going through the many different ways the young generations have changed the said industry, with both pros and cons. ADVERTISING "If a movie is not being spoken about, is it good?" It is believed by most that as the years go on and technology advances, younger generations are becoming less and less aware of upcoming projects from within the film industry. This is based on the fact we as millennials and going younger tend to rely more on what gets said online. Due to word-of-mouth, a long-running marketing scheme where news gets passed around from one to the other, we tend to base personal opinions off of what social media has us believing. With this, it has become an issue for some creators whose titles don't get
  • 2. 2. Created using Celtx as hyped as others. Depending on the marketing, it more of takes an audience to create a fanbase in a way as that's where the news will spread. One appropriate example of this, Ridley Scott. The English Film Director and Producer who I am sure you will have heard of from titles including 'Alien' in 1979, 1982's 'Blade Runner', and one of his most recent releases, 'House of Gucci' which had hit movie theatres in November, 2021. Guest starring on a podcast the same month as mentioned, 'WTF with Marc Maron', discussing the said directors movies, the two got onto talking of Scott's last release, 'The Last Duel' and its failure. Based on the 2004 book of the same title, Scott mentions how they made sure the film would appeal to its young target audience. As well claiming "Disney did a great promotion job". But when it arrived in cinema, the titles success didn't reach the filmmakers expectations making just over $4.8 million whereas the budget reported to be $100 million. Talking of this, this was the Directors comment, as quoted, "I think what it boils down to - what we've got today are the audiences who were brought up on these cell phones. The millennian do not ever want to be taught anything unless you are told it on the cell phone," From there, it gets added on how this is becoming a rising issue. "I think we're dealing with it right now with Facebook. There is misdirection that has happened where it's given the wrong kind of confidence to this latest generation, I think." What I find funny though, is that audiences have come out and disagreed
  • 3. 3. Created using Celtx with Scott's argument firing back about the poor advertising done for the titles release. Some saying they had never heard of the movie till that statement, with others mentioning how they saw the trailer whilst in the pictures found no intention of going to see it as it didn't appeal to them. Adding on, even others who worked on set with Ridley have come out believing the director was wrong in pointing fingers. Ben Affleck was one. Y'know, Daredevil? Nonoo not this one. This one from 2003: He had also played Batman for three movies. Well, he recently came out during an interview disagreeing with the directors statement followed by claiming he had "slightly misquoted" before going on to say about generations today, when it comes to dramas, we would prefer to sit at home and stream the movie based on our preference as a generation and having that luxury to sit at home with a decently qualitied film compared to those older from when they were our age. So really, times just change. ONLINE MARKETING Unlike Mr. Ridley Scott, some creators within the industry have figured out how to overcome that issue relating to lack of recognition. Ryan Reynolds for example, he familiarised himself with technology and social media which helped in creating a fanbase due to his interactions with fans, leading to a greatly impacted success rate for when 'Deadpool' had released in 2016. Especially considering the hate both the project and actor had received once the events of 'X-MEN origins: Wolverine' had been written into the timeline. Which had then caused the character to become "universally
  • 4. 4. Created using Celtx hated". So really, what works best with attracting the younger audiences today, is using social media. With that online marketing scheme nowadays, it's successful in gaining fans and getting those audiences exited for upcoming projects. Whereas with those who ignore the use of advertising over social media, are risking that possible success as no one is hearing about it. Whether the story is a good one or not. Backing up the previous comment some more, it has been evidence by a survey I had put in place for this documentary with the addition of a question relating to this topic. 'Where do you usually hear about upcoming movies?'. It may not sound like many, but a total of twenty-four applicants had taken part giving me that number of responses to the question as mentioned. And over half of those responders had claimed social media to be where they gain any related information on movies and series. THE TAKEOVER OF STREAMING SERVICES In 2022 presently, it is believed that currently we are reaching the end of the DVD era with streaming services becoming the go-to with how popularised they have become. Being around since 1999, that bestows DVDs a short-lived media format considering that ideally, they haven't been around that long. Even more so when VHS tapes had lasted at least twenty-five years before the discs began taking over peoples shelves. Not that people are really surprised by this. Coming across a website going by '', a blog by someone
  • 5. 5. Created using Celtx calling themselves 'Family Guy' had predicted that the DVD format wouldn't last as long with how advanced everything continues to become. And this had been posted back in 2005. Scrolling through the comments of the said blog, many had found themselves agreeing whilst others argued saying that the DVD had many years ahead of them due to how "people are perfectly happy with DVD." Going back to the streaming services now, there are of course both pros and cons to this industry taking over the film industry. Then with the global pandemic, that had only gone and made things worse...better for them, not so much for other industries I mean. One example I have? Disney Plus. Now, it is clear how greedy this company is, but do you remember that feature? Premier access? An extra subscription granting those who join early access to new releases which land on the platform same day as it does movie theatres. Well, that caused the projects creators to lose out on what they would have been earning. Rightfully leading to actress Scarlett Johansson to speak up about it when 'Black Widow' had landed. From there, Dwayne Johnson and Emma Stone had both considered doing the same for their recent projects. Adding on, it wasn't just those who worked on the movies either. This affected cinema employees to. All those workers losing out, all because of Disney wanting to overfill their pockets. Luckily, the issue has been resolved. Other than that though, audiences find themselves preferring the comfort of binging online at home rather than going out to sit through one movie. Coming from a streaming critic, the
  • 6. 6. Created using Celtx way they had described the situation was that "The film industry is competing with people who don't want to leave their house, and they can see...any movie they want, any time...that's huge competition." Yes, streaming services are making their money. But what about those who worked hard to give us the movies made? As well as those doing their jobs within the cinemas. Many studios and creators are losing out on money when all we want to do is snuggle up on the couch and binge one after the other. Again, there are positives that the streaming industry has done that's worked out for the film. And that's reducing piracy. So although money is being lost in some cases, it's still being gained in others. I understand though, it's not everyone as there are still plenty who enjoy that cinematic experience. I myself for one, love it. Just, the numbers are adding up for those who don't enjoy heading to the pictures knowing fine well they can watch the film a month later or so, online. LACK OF ORIGINALITY Something that doesn't really help the film industry half of the time, is the lack of originality given to the audience. Yes, we get moments becoming clichés, and the same stories getting retold. Well to be fair, that one still counts as what I am referring to right now, it sequels and prequels that get chucked at us for money. Then once the companies are done adding to a franchise, reboots and spin offs come into place. With this, there are two ways fans will go about an announcement. Most of the time, we are receiving sequels no
  • 7. 7. Created using Celtx one asked for to the perfect stand- alone movies which becomes clearly obvious the motive is for money based off of the success of the first, which can put audiences off. Then when it is additions people are after, expectations get raised the more the sequel is hyped which usually ends up disappointing them same fans by the release. Which of course, is where word-of-mouth comes into play lowering the sales due to the disappointment. I'm not saying all franchises are bad, as that would definitely not be true as some sequels and reboots can end up turning out better than the original. It's just, some companies continue to go overboard, getting greedy over the success of the first project. Leading to with some cases, the target audience of those titles coming out and expressing that they themselves have had enough. Like 'Terminator'. One minute the cyborg has been sent back in time to kill Sarah Conner, then that same cyborg had been sent to that same date to kill the other cyborg after Sarah, it then goes onto Sarah Conner's son, John Conner. Even more time travel comes into play, they really need to stop messing with that storyline. There are celebrities who have learnt sequels aren't always worth it. Jim Carrey for instance, doing the two sequels 'Dumb and Dumber to' and 'Ace Venture: When Nature Calls', he noticed how they never did as well as the original and from there refused working in another sequel which had bummed out those who have spent years trying to get the actor into a sequel for 'The Mask'. Quite recently though, he was questioned on the odds of that project coming into place during an interview for the second Sonic the
  • 8. 8. Created using Celtx Hedgehog movie, this was his response: "I don't think in terms of sequels and stuff like that, I mean, this one [Sonic the Hedgehog] is kind of right for it because we have not evolved the character [Dr. Eggman] fully yet. The Mask I think, myself, you know, it would depend on a filmmaker. It depends on a filmmaker really. I don't want to do it just to do it. But I would only do it if it was some crazy visionary filmmaker. Sure." Another creator who found themselves being affected by sequels, is Director, Producer and Screenwriter, Steven Spielberg. Throughout this mans career, he has directed a total of four sequels. Doing the three add ons for Indiana Jones as well as 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park', Spielberg claims the reasoning for his failed sequels are due to him getting overconfident based on the success of the first movie. From there, he continues to avoid being in charge of any sequel movies. With 'Indiana Jones 5' and 'Ready Player Two' being directed by another. PIRACY You remember that old advertisement, right? That one burnt into all of our old DVDs back in the early 2000s, playing right before the film would begin, waking us all up during the loop. Still don't know which I mean? Here: Piracy, it's a crime, remember now? Well...unfortunately, it is something a lot of people are doing. And it's not relatively new either, this act has been around since the silent era from 1895 to 1929. Back then though, doing this was called 'bicycling'. Surely you know what pirating is, just for encase though: 'Piracy, the unauthorized use or reproduction of
  • 9. 9. Created using Celtx another's work.' From that alone, you should understand why piracy is illegal. Getting that out of the way now, you may be wondering how did piracy exist when the internet didn't? Well, still doing the same thing, it was only done a little differently. Getting their hands on the product through renting it, exhibitors would screen the motion picture longer than it was agreed upon. There had even been situations where the film would be screened illegally with zero permission being granted. Hollywood had to hire checkers to go around the local cinemas making sure there was no sneaky business going on. But now with us in the modern world, we have internet access. With that internet access, copies are being downloaded and streamed. Causing those who worked on these films, to lose out on the percentage of the money they should have been making. Although this isn't permitted, many have come out saying they believe pirating should be legal. Taken from an article found discussing this topic, a quote was found I just had to share: “More than half of all North American millennials regularly use pirate streaming services to watch TV-shows or movies, a new survey shows. While legal streaming is preferred, pirate sources are more popular than traditional TV, DVDs or Blu-Rays.” We have already established how most audiences today are happy enough to sit at home and stream. But when it comes to a film the audience are wanting to watch but would still rather stay home, they will either wait, or find an illegal copy to watch. Even if that means sitting through a dodgy copy.
  • 10. 10. Created using Celtx Eli Roth, a Director who worked on ‘Hostel: part 2’, a movie that ended up being leaked online and pirated, with thousands doing so. Becoming the the most pirated movie of 2007, Roth had headed onto 'MySpace' understandably annoyed, and had posted a theory. With this theory, the Director went on to predict that piracy would be the death of the film industry, just as it did with the music industry. SPOILERS Spoilers have become a huge issue. And everybody knows this. Mainly with huge upcoming releases, ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’ for example. Before its theatrical release even, Disney had to do what they could to promote a hashtag trying to persuade the fans not to post or talk about the movie till a certain date provided, giving all of the fans a chance to see the film without it being spoiled for them. Knowing fine well, it was going to happen and put people off. Then when this does happen, it can put audiences off going to see the movie. Especially for highly anticipated movies, as mentioned there. All the hype, building up, just to be spoiled like that. In hopes of avoiding this happening, fans will even stay away from social media from the day of release till they themselves have seen the movie. For some, it works. But others, there has been situations where fans were on heading into the big screen just to pass those coming out, spoiling it right there and then. Sometimes, yes fans get overly exited and chat away. Just there is some who purposely shout out what had happened wanting to ruin the experience for others.
  • 11. 11. Created using Celtx With ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’ doing so well, making over one billion at the box office, the film had broken records making $260 million on its opening weekend alone. It is believed that the main reasoning for the success is hugely based off of fear. No one wanted to be spoiled, so trying to avoid this, everyone wanted to be the first to see it. From this, a film critic had come out saying "We all now treat regular storytelling as mega- spoilers.” With another questioning whether or not people today are only going to the cinemas to avoid spoilers, or is it all because the most popular releases are the ones full of “spoilable elements”. In the survey I had mentioned previously, there was also a question what it was that put some audiences off of going to the cinemas. Two, of those applicants, brought up spoilers. With one wording it: “-when they are walking out they spoil it before I have watched it.” Once again, proving my point that spoilers, do in fact, put people off. And as stated times before, us being put off watching that film at the pictures, is less money going back to the film industry. Don’t see how that’s our issue? Well that money we use to go see movies, goes towards studios putting together newer, better performed and more advanced titles in the upcoming years. I get that two doesn’t sound like much of an issue. But, just because that’s the number of those who mentioned it are the only ones to be put off by spoilers. A thread on reddit had been discovered whilst looking into this, asking, “Do spoilers discourage you from watching a movie or is it the opposite?”. Scrolling down, half of these answers admitted to being put off and losing interest, whereas the others either weren't bothered or found it to hype them up more as they
  • 12. 12. Created using Celtx knew what was going to happen. CINEMA EXPERIENCES BEING RUINED After talking of what happens outside of the cinema doors, let's go through what bothers audiences after they’ve gathered friends, bought their tickets ready, got handfuls of snacks and drinks, strolled through the doors and had found their correct seats. Waiting patiently as the advertisements roll, the film is set to start and there it is! Those annoying audiences who ruin the duration of a screening for others. This topic pretty much justifies audiences preferring to remain home rather than paying to sit through 2 hours worth of a movie just for the experience to be ruined by obnoxious strangers chatting away to each other, phones being brought out with their brightness on full and sound on, people trying to be funny, etc. Going even worse, during a screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ in 2012, a Columbine massacre had flared up causing fifty of the audience to get injured by a man dressed as the Joker. Traumatizing many, in 2019 fans were wary about heading to the movie theatres around the time ‘Joker’ had released. Scared encase there would be a copycat situation. Local cinemas would even have it as a concern in mind. But luckily, that didn’t happen. The most that did happen mid-film, a man had went around spitting on the audience whilst also clapping and cheering every time the character, Arthur Fleck had killed someone which terrified fans. With another cinema having to evacuate due to a man screaming "Allahu Akbar" in another. Which soon lead onto audiences racing out believing the guy had a gun.
  • 13. 13. Created using Celtx PRODUCTION LEAKS Bringing social media back up, it has become a technique to 'leak' parts of a project as a way of testing it. By doing so, those working on the product get to see how the customers react and go from there. But sometimes, studios will go slightly too far with this bothering the fans who are finding the leaks to be revealing far too much. There is either that, or someone working on set will find a way to sneak a leak online, harming the company. Leaks like hints towards a projects title, an image from a scene, actors involved, small leaks will work in exciting an audience. The only way one will be disappointed, is that if they aren’t happy with a choice made by the production team. Whereas leaks that are practically spoilers can lead to people being put off. It just depends on the fans really. One example I have of this, comes from the hype that went around for the release of ‘No Way Home’. At first we were getting nothing, the trailer would be delayed again and again having fans practically beg for the trailer. Once we finally got it in the August of 2021, the film started to become less secretive. With a few additional trailers, on-set photos leaking what wasn’t supposed to be leaked, at least so we think. Then, the first 10 minutes of the movie had been released by Sony. With these, a range of mixed emotions had been shared around the internet. With some fans having energy added wanting the movie more. Whilst others, believed too much oversharing had gone on toning down the experience for some, One response about this had one fan claiming, “at this point we’re
  • 14. 14. Created using Celtx getting the whole movie”. Unable to catch a break, a HD version of the film had released not long after it hit theatres. Which, ruins it more for Sony than the audience but still. Intentional leaks can work, but there is a limit. One leak that practically saved a movie though, was the test footage for ‘Deadpool’. Being an unintentional leak, so that’s said, no one, to this day, knows who did it. Not even Ryan Reynolds. But thanks to that leak, we have that movie and it peaked the success rate it had needed. Again, no one wanted the said film until the release of that leak with everyone wanting more. Reynolds had even celebrated a “leakaversary” as he put it on its fifth year. TOXIC FANBASES “What is it, that makes a fanbase ‘toxic?’? Well, there’s your answer. People, who will go out of their way to gatekeep, and bully anyone who makes the smallest mistakes and go against the opinion of everyone who believes different. That as well, going towards both fans and celebrities. Which leads to fans being put off the topic they once loved followed by celebrities leaving social media due to the issue. Not stopping there, death threats would even be sent about. Screenwriter John Rogers, who worked on the stand-alone title, ‘Catwoman’ that starred actress Halle Berry, within the same year as released, 2004, the said screenwriter had pinned a blog on a website called ‘Blogger' and had it titled ‘Fandamentalism’. A word the creator had made up to linking the term fundamentalism to a fandom. A play on words switching
  • 15. 15. Created using Celtx ‘fun’ with ‘fan’. Creating: ‘Fandamentalism’, “fans who violently believe the only valid interpretation of any entertainment source is a dogmatic adherence to their version of that source. Any change to the smallest detail is inherently unacceptable-” This, I find quite clever and works very well. There are instances where fans will get what they’re after. The Sonic movie for example. At first, we were given a disaster of a character design. After a little of...informing and expressing of emotions, the Director had responded giving the fans what they want. Quite willingly also, giving zero issue nor complaints. Which lead to the design everyone is now happy with. Luckily for them though, fans didn’t take it too far. Whereas going in the opposite direction now, a studio who did the right thing in refusing the wishes of a community full of toxic fans. Warner Brothers. Being responsible for the release of anything to do with DC, they were aware of the fanbase they had gathered. Mainly though, this goes towards the Snyder fans, who get represented as a cult. Quite quickly, fans were impressed by the Director, Zack Snyder. Getting to the point now they want no one else to contribute to the DCEU and will hate on anyone else who gets involved. Cathy Yan for example, she directed ‘Birds of Prey’ 2020 and was hated on for it. Same again with David F. Sandberg, ‘Shazam', 2018’ and James Wan, ‘Aquaman’ 2017. All they want, is Snyder to be the Director. Otherwise if it’s anyone else, then they’re doing it wrong. Arriving onto the ‘Justice League’ being released, Snyder was only able to work on half of the project before
  • 16. 16. Created using Celtx he had to leave due to family-related issues. Needing the movie complete, the production team had brought in Joss Whedon who was already known for directing the first two Avengers movies. Following its release in 2017, fans went on to bully the creators to the point it was trending over Twitter. In result of how bad these fans are, we got the four-hour Snyder cut in 2021 pleasing all. Now because of their behaviour, fanbase are being denied a sequel. This, is a subject-focus that has no right nor any positive impact to the film industry, being the way, it is. And it needs to stop. CLOSING DIALOGUE With so many topics to talk about, this is all I have time for today. Now note, I am not saying you personally are the problem. It's us as a whole affecting the world around us with our habits. Finishing off, I hope you are able to take away the information shared throughout this episode, thin it over, and until next time.