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Poster Production
To go alongside my video product, I will also have a flat product to
show for my final outcome. With the video being a short film, it would
only be fitting to create a movie-like poster for the film.
Thinking I wasn’t going to have enough time to even make a start on
this, I will take the opportunity whilst I can and aim to get this done in
time for the deadline.
Only having two models for the photoshoot, we have Oliver reprising
his role as the ghostly figure the same as he was for the short film, with
Matthew pretty much just being the victim example. Being identical to
one of the cast members, although it does give away too much
information on who is killed in the title, it could also work as a tease.
Prototype designs
Using the first sketch to replicate, I wanted to tease the end
sequence where Conner’s head is pulled back. With that, we
had Oliver stand behind Matthew having a grip on the victims
head. Being one of my favourite sets, I will continue to go
through the uncovered images before I choose the one I will
go on to edit. Even then, I might pick a few to have a range of
I should as well have taken more of a close-up like the drawing
for the variety, but I am sure I could easily just zoom in more
on one of the images to see how that looks.
Feeling more like a Dawson’s Creek type vibe
with this set, I did want to kind of recreate the
mug I think it is of Mary Ann Cotton that is
pretty much used everywhere when you look
into her. King of liking the results, these won’t
be one I use as they are too modern and barely
even represent the killer so it doesn’t work that
This shoot would have been better with the costume used for the
film, mainly the skirt, but even then I am happy with what we got in
the end. As well the candle prop was an idea for this image, but not
being very prepared for the shoot we had to make do without. And
still I believe the pictures look just as good without.
For this one, it would have been better if the whole cast
were included, or even if we just had an extra two models
as we highlight the ritual itself with this design.
Continuing with the one victim model, the outcome isn’t
the same as it looks more like a face-off rather than a
Doing two versions of this prototype, one with
the victim doing the inspired Scream shocked
face. With the other being the killer behind
going to grab the face of the victim. Preferring
the second attempt, the images we did get
aren’t as serious as I would have liked but it was
still fun to create and I might still use one for
the poster.
Improvising from here,
we did an addition three
sets. One with the killer
hiding behind the tree
like a Michael Myers skit,
the famous Beatles
walking across the road,
then finally a shot of the
dead victims legs behind
another tree.
Chosen options
These three are my top choices, and for the variety I might even just play
around with all free and see what I come up with for each.
Going down a less serious route with
these two, if I do go on to edit these that
will be more for poking fun at what they
were inspired by. And as well it would
help in gaining practice with photoshop.
Poster 1
Out of all the selected images, I do believe I
could do the most with this one.
Before anything, I went straight to the
adjustment sections and had touched on
the brightness, exposure, vibrance, the
shadows and highlights. Putting a darker
town on the image itself, I would now like
to remove the ‘Vans’ logo on the t-shirt.
After plenty of mess around with the
lasso tool and the fill option, in the
end it was found that the ‘delete and
refill’ option was the required
Unsure of what to work on
exactly yet, the title is my next
For the placement, I will be keeping the
title right in the middle of the image lining
up right above the hand placement with a
nice amount of space at either side.
Happy enough with the font as well, it is very similar to the one used for the
end sequence in the short. Going to stick with it, I am now starting to think
putting the poster in black and white colour grading would do the design
justice as the colours don’t really give that spooky vibe. Just looks more like
someone’s being kidnapped and/or just being beaten up on.
After playing around
with the colours, the
black and white is
already doing a lot
more for the design
than compared to
how it previously
Wanting the sleeves to be longer, I have
managed to warp one side getting it
down to the elbow. Only thing is that it
does look somewhat animated, like you
can tell when looking at it, but I am not
too sure on how to fix that. I have tried
copying and pasting the sleeve crinkles
but for some reason the software isn’t
letting me.
I did as well attempt placing a bit of the
sleeve over the wrist ready to start
warping the bottom half of the sleeve,
but the editing got too obvious I ended
up removing it.
Adding a smoky effect to help the ghost look more ghosty,
So far the insert has been warped into place with the
eraser tool already ran over it. Not happy with this
attempt, that has been scrapped allowing me to start over
Warping the smoke in, rather than trying to
remove bits instead I have gone straight to
adjusting the colour which alone has fixed the
poster. Only thing is finding the best colour.
And should I have colour?
Out of the four that fit most, I am torn
between the dark blue and red.
Getting a second opinion on the smoke colour, it
went between the cyan and dark blue. Going with
that, I went between the two colours so it was
slightly more cyany, but with the lightness a smidge
darker to blend in better. Showing it for another
opinion, this was the winner.
Adding onto the text, a shadow drop and lighter
glow effect have been added on to help the title
stand out more. And rather than a simple black or
white shadow, a toned down blue has been used to
link with the smoke coming from the character.
Needing the figure to appear more
feminine now, the background layer
has been duplicated allowing me to
select areas and warm them smaller
to create more of a woman physique.
Having to warp the scarf after, things
are coming along better.
With a few more smoke inserts, warping
adjustments have been made all around the
body and fist to slim the figure down.
Outlining the ghost figure to see
what I could do with it, like the
colours and shadows, when
going through the options
nothing seemd to make the
design better until the highlights
on the shirt were lowered.
Sticking with that, a few lines
are now standing out from the
warping so I will go back over
them to remove them.
Going inch by inch, the
‘delete and replace’ tool is
helping greatly.
Thinking there should be another
smoke effect somewhere more on the
body this time, after messing around
the arm was the winner as it looks as if
the smoke is following the figures
motions. Also it helps hide the manly
arm hairs working more towards
needing the woman figure.
Unsure of whether or not to do this with it possibly turning out to be too
much, but to create more of a foggy atmosphere I went back onto pngaaa
and had downloaded a a fog insert to place around the poster.
In two minds about this one.
Trying more of a side breeze
type thing, the fog clashes
too much with the smoke on
the hand so it doesn’t work
there either.
Deciding to remove one of the inserts, I am happy
enough to leave the design as is and move onto the
second draft.
Draft 2
Onto the second design now.
The same as the first draft, the first thing
I went on to do was the image colour
adjustments. Going with a more colourful
route this time, the image still has its
darker tones.
Adding the title, unlike the previous
poster design, the colour will have to be
lighter to allow the text to stand out
clearer. Not wanting to go much
brighter, I will be sticking with the grey
for this one.
Playing around with the text, I
much prefer the layout where it
was going along the bottom of
the poster as at the side it looks
too out of place.
Trying the middle now
actually, I am torn
between the two.
Now that I think about it, I want to stick with the
middle idea as it feels more like a poster compared to
the other layout. Although as well it does look more
fitting for a fantasy book, I am happy with the layout so
will keep at as is for this prototype.
Trialling the title at a larger size,
it becomes more distracting
from the image behind that.
With that, I will stick with the
400 pt.
450 pt actually.
With the title, the only
thing that bothered me
was the ‘cotton’ word as
the text clashed with the
hands. Trying it in white,
it does work more, but
still not enough.
Going through the layer
settings, that has
helped the text stand
out. But I do prefer the
gray-ish colour to the
white for this.
Going back over the layer with a
blue-y gray, the outcome is now
coming together. The only thing
now is the shadow, stuck
between the ‘subtract’ and
‘exclusion’ options, the subtract
gives a darker tone letting the
text stand out bolder. Whereas
with exclusion, a more flary
shadow is let off… actually I
might stick with that one as it
gives more of a ghost scene
fitting for the project.
To make the ghost more ghostly, before the
effects, a blue tint has been placed over the
figure before the character was now warped
into a thinner figure for the same purpose as
the previous poster
Finding trouble with removing the lines
surrounding the arms, I realised the
effects that will be used to go around the
figure will cover that up easily.
Trying a
new fog
effect, the
looks too
Adding fog around the ground, the lasso tool came in very handy
with this as the aim was to keep the fog behind the victim
keeping him unaware of what was behind him. And with the gaps
between the victims arms it did become difficult, but to sort
that, the fog effect as placed over the area needed and like a
cookie cutter, the shape was cut out and place as if no extra
hassle was made.
Mainly placing these so I’ve got the exact adjustments
made, but to blend the fog in better I will have to go layer
by layer with there being multiple inserts of the PNG file.
And this is where we are up to.
Adding the smoke now, it is the
same insert used in the previous
draft only with a mustier blue
colour. After playing around with it
for a while worrying it was too
much, I am at a place now where I
am happy enough to leave it and
move on.
The next focus is the tattoo,
although the symbol is quite cool
and works for it, it doesn’t work
when the character is meant to be
portraying the killer.
Trying the title at a bigger size again, I did get a
second opinion and this is the preferred version
so this is what I will stick off.
And with that, that is the second draft
Although the image itself could look
better with a sight of fear, but for
the variety I will have to make do.
Cropping the image down to
right above the tree, focus is
brought more to the
characters whilst also keeping
the scenery in. Although I am
thinking it might be best
move it down some more as
the tree is quite high up. But
then it gives space for the
title? So should be enough.
Similar to the previous
draft, the colours are still
intact only the whole
photo is dustier. Not as
dark as the last, but
more toned down
compared to the original
Wanting to remove the camera
glare, the lasso tool came back in
use and did the job. Closer up you
can see it is a little messy the result,
but when looking at the layout at
normal view you can’t really tell.
Messing with the text
now, the colour will
need an adjustment.
But for now, the
Getting better with every edit
made, I am still not happy with
how it is turning out and am
unsure on what to do with it.
Changing the background slightly,
leaving the figures as is, I had went
around them to darken everything
behind to see if that helps the title in
any way. Working to let the
characters stand out, there is still no
winning with the text.
Making the background even more darker, we
are finally getting somewhere.
Wanting to add
details on to the
hand like a grudge
style, with the paint
tool a grey-ish colour
it had been drawn
over the finger tips
twice and once over
the victims face.
After going over it a
few more times, next
up is the effects.
Playing around again with the
smoke effects, it is a bit much at
the minute so some will need to
be removed as well as adjusted
with the colours. Trying more of a
greenish colour compared to the
previous designs, I did like it at
first but the more I look at it
seems as though it resembles
more of a stench from a homeless
person than a ghost.
Leaving it there, I have come to the
conclusion of this being my least liked
piece. Not sure of what I could do to
make it better for myself, I am going to
leave it there and call it an end on my
poster production.
That was a lie, one more change
was made. Switching up how the
effects sat on the picture, all but
one was darkened. Trying the
same option on all of them, where
the hand is the effect turned
purplish and gave off more of a
bruisy-veiny look which I liked
more for it.
Looking back at the poster how I left it, I realised for what was
meant to be a movie poster, didn’t resemble one very well.
Two suggestions made to advance the design was the addition
of a billing block, and my logo.
Working on the billing block first, the
SteelTongs font was downloaded to
replicate the very font used for billing
blocks for official titles.
Not sure of the best way I could lay this
out, an example has been found that I will
be basing my product off.
As I type, the font maybe isn’t what it
is supposed to be as the ones I am
intending to write aren’t showing up
Confused now, I removed
the previous text box and
redid it to see if it would
work better, and it does?
I came off of Photoshop to add to the
PowerPoint, then when I have gone
back it has done it again.
With multiple attempts at fixing it,
the text was having none of it.
Figuring it out, the main text has changed in font. As for the
subheadings, I went through the alphabet on my keyboard to lay out
everything there so I can go between them. But I prefer the options in
the example piece, but there I am unsure of how to create the layout
needed. It also isn’t English which again, I don’t know how to fix.
Instead, I have started from scratch to put the
template together myself. Using one text box for
the main bits of text, separate text boxes have
been created for the “casting by” as such and will
be continued for the remaining subheadings.
And that’s it written out.
After adjusting the size, I am now looking for a font
that looks more suitable to a billing block.
Niagara solid is the chosen one.
And that’s the billing block done. Looking
at the full image, it could be a bit bigger
but in the majority of its use, they’re
always small and not the easiest to read so
I think that works well enough.
Opening PNGAAA back up, every film
needs an age rating. Hence why I am
giving this one a PG warning. Actually no,
a 12a would be more fitting.
Trying to add the logo in as
well, it just looks out of place.
I do quite like that placement though
And that is what I like to call, a
final product.

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Poster Production.pptx

  • 2. Context To go alongside my video product, I will also have a flat product to show for my final outcome. With the video being a short film, it would only be fitting to create a movie-like poster for the film. Thinking I wasn’t going to have enough time to even make a start on this, I will take the opportunity whilst I can and aim to get this done in time for the deadline. Only having two models for the photoshoot, we have Oliver reprising his role as the ghostly figure the same as he was for the short film, with Matthew pretty much just being the victim example. Being identical to one of the cast members, although it does give away too much information on who is killed in the title, it could also work as a tease.
  • 3. Prototype designs Using the first sketch to replicate, I wanted to tease the end sequence where Conner’s head is pulled back. With that, we had Oliver stand behind Matthew having a grip on the victims head. Being one of my favourite sets, I will continue to go through the uncovered images before I choose the one I will go on to edit. Even then, I might pick a few to have a range of designs. I should as well have taken more of a close-up like the drawing for the variety, but I am sure I could easily just zoom in more on one of the images to see how that looks.
  • 4. Feeling more like a Dawson’s Creek type vibe with this set, I did want to kind of recreate the mug I think it is of Mary Ann Cotton that is pretty much used everywhere when you look into her. King of liking the results, these won’t be one I use as they are too modern and barely even represent the killer so it doesn’t work that well.
  • 5. This shoot would have been better with the costume used for the film, mainly the skirt, but even then I am happy with what we got in the end. As well the candle prop was an idea for this image, but not being very prepared for the shoot we had to make do without. And still I believe the pictures look just as good without.
  • 6. For this one, it would have been better if the whole cast were included, or even if we just had an extra two models as we highlight the ritual itself with this design. Continuing with the one victim model, the outcome isn’t the same as it looks more like a face-off rather than a conjuring.
  • 7. Doing two versions of this prototype, one with the victim doing the inspired Scream shocked face. With the other being the killer behind going to grab the face of the victim. Preferring the second attempt, the images we did get aren’t as serious as I would have liked but it was still fun to create and I might still use one for the poster.
  • 8. Improvising from here, we did an addition three sets. One with the killer hiding behind the tree like a Michael Myers skit, the famous Beatles walking across the road, then finally a shot of the dead victims legs behind another tree.
  • 9. Chosen options These three are my top choices, and for the variety I might even just play around with all free and see what I come up with for each. Going down a less serious route with these two, if I do go on to edit these that will be more for poking fun at what they were inspired by. And as well it would help in gaining practice with photoshop.
  • 10. Poster 1 Out of all the selected images, I do believe I could do the most with this one. Before anything, I went straight to the adjustment sections and had touched on the brightness, exposure, vibrance, the shadows and highlights. Putting a darker town on the image itself, I would now like to remove the ‘Vans’ logo on the t-shirt. After plenty of mess around with the lasso tool and the fill option, in the end it was found that the ‘delete and refill’ option was the required selection.
  • 11. Unsure of what to work on exactly yet, the title is my next focus. For the placement, I will be keeping the title right in the middle of the image lining up right above the hand placement with a nice amount of space at either side. Happy enough with the font as well, it is very similar to the one used for the end sequence in the short. Going to stick with it, I am now starting to think putting the poster in black and white colour grading would do the design justice as the colours don’t really give that spooky vibe. Just looks more like someone’s being kidnapped and/or just being beaten up on. After playing around with the colours, the black and white is already doing a lot more for the design than compared to how it previously looked.
  • 12. Wanting the sleeves to be longer, I have managed to warp one side getting it down to the elbow. Only thing is that it does look somewhat animated, like you can tell when looking at it, but I am not too sure on how to fix that. I have tried copying and pasting the sleeve crinkles but for some reason the software isn’t letting me. I did as well attempt placing a bit of the sleeve over the wrist ready to start warping the bottom half of the sleeve, but the editing got too obvious I ended up removing it. Adding a smoky effect to help the ghost look more ghosty, So far the insert has been warped into place with the eraser tool already ran over it. Not happy with this attempt, that has been scrapped allowing me to start over again.
  • 13. Warping the smoke in, rather than trying to remove bits instead I have gone straight to adjusting the colour which alone has fixed the poster. Only thing is finding the best colour. And should I have colour? Out of the four that fit most, I am torn between the dark blue and red.
  • 14. Getting a second opinion on the smoke colour, it went between the cyan and dark blue. Going with that, I went between the two colours so it was slightly more cyany, but with the lightness a smidge darker to blend in better. Showing it for another opinion, this was the winner. Adding onto the text, a shadow drop and lighter glow effect have been added on to help the title stand out more. And rather than a simple black or white shadow, a toned down blue has been used to link with the smoke coming from the character. Needing the figure to appear more feminine now, the background layer has been duplicated allowing me to select areas and warm them smaller to create more of a woman physique. Having to warp the scarf after, things are coming along better.
  • 15. With a few more smoke inserts, warping adjustments have been made all around the body and fist to slim the figure down. Outlining the ghost figure to see what I could do with it, like the colours and shadows, when going through the options nothing seemd to make the design better until the highlights on the shirt were lowered. Sticking with that, a few lines are now standing out from the warping so I will go back over them to remove them. Going inch by inch, the ‘delete and replace’ tool is helping greatly.
  • 16. Thinking there should be another smoke effect somewhere more on the body this time, after messing around the arm was the winner as it looks as if the smoke is following the figures motions. Also it helps hide the manly arm hairs working more towards needing the woman figure. Unsure of whether or not to do this with it possibly turning out to be too much, but to create more of a foggy atmosphere I went back onto pngaaa and had downloaded a a fog insert to place around the poster.
  • 17. In two minds about this one. Trying more of a side breeze type thing, the fog clashes too much with the smoke on the hand so it doesn’t work there either.
  • 18. Deciding to remove one of the inserts, I am happy enough to leave the design as is and move onto the second draft.
  • 19. Draft 2 Onto the second design now. The same as the first draft, the first thing I went on to do was the image colour adjustments. Going with a more colourful route this time, the image still has its darker tones. Adding the title, unlike the previous poster design, the colour will have to be lighter to allow the text to stand out clearer. Not wanting to go much brighter, I will be sticking with the grey for this one.
  • 20. Playing around with the text, I much prefer the layout where it was going along the bottom of the poster as at the side it looks too out of place. Trying the middle now actually, I am torn between the two. Now that I think about it, I want to stick with the middle idea as it feels more like a poster compared to the other layout. Although as well it does look more fitting for a fantasy book, I am happy with the layout so will keep at as is for this prototype. Trialling the title at a larger size, it becomes more distracting from the image behind that. With that, I will stick with the 400 pt. 450 pt actually.
  • 21. With the title, the only thing that bothered me was the ‘cotton’ word as the text clashed with the hands. Trying it in white, it does work more, but still not enough. Going through the layer settings, that has helped the text stand out. But I do prefer the gray-ish colour to the white for this. Going back over the layer with a blue-y gray, the outcome is now coming together. The only thing now is the shadow, stuck between the ‘subtract’ and ‘exclusion’ options, the subtract gives a darker tone letting the text stand out bolder. Whereas with exclusion, a more flary shadow is let off… actually I might stick with that one as it gives more of a ghost scene fitting for the project.
  • 22. To make the ghost more ghostly, before the effects, a blue tint has been placed over the figure before the character was now warped into a thinner figure for the same purpose as the previous poster Finding trouble with removing the lines surrounding the arms, I realised the effects that will be used to go around the figure will cover that up easily. Trying a new fog effect, the placement looks too fake.
  • 23. Adding fog around the ground, the lasso tool came in very handy with this as the aim was to keep the fog behind the victim keeping him unaware of what was behind him. And with the gaps between the victims arms it did become difficult, but to sort that, the fog effect as placed over the area needed and like a cookie cutter, the shape was cut out and place as if no extra hassle was made. Mainly placing these so I’ve got the exact adjustments made, but to blend the fog in better I will have to go layer by layer with there being multiple inserts of the PNG file.
  • 24. And this is where we are up to. Adding the smoke now, it is the same insert used in the previous draft only with a mustier blue colour. After playing around with it for a while worrying it was too much, I am at a place now where I am happy enough to leave it and move on. The next focus is the tattoo, although the symbol is quite cool and works for it, it doesn’t work when the character is meant to be portraying the killer.
  • 25. Trying the title at a bigger size again, I did get a second opinion and this is the preferred version so this is what I will stick off. And with that, that is the second draft complete.
  • 26. Although the image itself could look better with a sight of fear, but for the variety I will have to make do. Cropping the image down to right above the tree, focus is brought more to the characters whilst also keeping the scenery in. Although I am thinking it might be best move it down some more as the tree is quite high up. But then it gives space for the title? So should be enough. Similar to the previous draft, the colours are still intact only the whole photo is dustier. Not as dark as the last, but more toned down compared to the original image.
  • 27. Wanting to remove the camera glare, the lasso tool came back in use and did the job. Closer up you can see it is a little messy the result, but when looking at the layout at normal view you can’t really tell. Messing with the text now, the colour will need an adjustment. But for now, the placement. Getting better with every edit made, I am still not happy with how it is turning out and am unsure on what to do with it. Changing the background slightly, leaving the figures as is, I had went around them to darken everything behind to see if that helps the title in any way. Working to let the characters stand out, there is still no winning with the text.
  • 28. Making the background even more darker, we are finally getting somewhere. Wanting to add details on to the hand like a grudge style, with the paint tool a grey-ish colour it had been drawn over the finger tips twice and once over the victims face. After going over it a few more times, next up is the effects. Playing around again with the smoke effects, it is a bit much at the minute so some will need to be removed as well as adjusted with the colours. Trying more of a greenish colour compared to the previous designs, I did like it at first but the more I look at it seems as though it resembles more of a stench from a homeless person than a ghost.
  • 29. Leaving it there, I have come to the conclusion of this being my least liked piece. Not sure of what I could do to make it better for myself, I am going to leave it there and call it an end on my poster production. That was a lie, one more change was made. Switching up how the effects sat on the picture, all but one was darkened. Trying the same option on all of them, where the hand is the effect turned purplish and gave off more of a bruisy-veiny look which I liked more for it.
  • 30. Looking back at the poster how I left it, I realised for what was meant to be a movie poster, didn’t resemble one very well. Two suggestions made to advance the design was the addition of a billing block, and my logo. Working on the billing block first, the SteelTongs font was downloaded to replicate the very font used for billing blocks for official titles. Not sure of the best way I could lay this out, an example has been found that I will be basing my product off. As I type, the font maybe isn’t what it is supposed to be as the ones I am intending to write aren’t showing up right. Confused now, I removed the previous text box and redid it to see if it would work better, and it does? I came off of Photoshop to add to the PowerPoint, then when I have gone back it has done it again.
  • 31. With multiple attempts at fixing it, the text was having none of it. Figuring it out, the main text has changed in font. As for the subheadings, I went through the alphabet on my keyboard to lay out everything there so I can go between them. But I prefer the options in the example piece, but there I am unsure of how to create the layout needed. It also isn’t English which again, I don’t know how to fix. Instead, I have started from scratch to put the template together myself. Using one text box for the main bits of text, separate text boxes have been created for the “casting by” as such and will be continued for the remaining subheadings.
  • 32. And that’s it written out. After adjusting the size, I am now looking for a font that looks more suitable to a billing block. Niagara solid is the chosen one. And that’s the billing block done. Looking at the full image, it could be a bit bigger but in the majority of its use, they’re always small and not the easiest to read so I think that works well enough.
  • 33. Opening PNGAAA back up, every film needs an age rating. Hence why I am giving this one a PG warning. Actually no, a 12a would be more fitting. Trying to add the logo in as well, it just looks out of place. I do quite like that placement though actually. And that is what I like to call, a final product.