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Liisa Jääskeläinen and Tarja Repo (eds.)

What competences do global citizens need?

                                  Schools reaching out 2011:34
                                          Publications to a global world 137
Publications 2011:34
                            As a Global Citizen in Finland project

Liisa Jääskeläinen and Tarja Repo (eds.)

Schools Reaching out
to a Global World
What competences do global citizens need?

Editorial board 		 Irmeli Halinen		
			Mikko Hartikainen
			Erja-Outi Heino
			Lea Houtsonen
			Liisa Jääskeläinen
			Tarja Repo

Translation		 Intertext
Layout		    	 Katja Särkkä

Printing 	         	       Kopijyvä, Kuopio 2011

Publications 2011:34

ISBN 978-952-13-4934-8 (pb.)
ISBN 978-952-13-4935-5 (pdf)

© Finnish National Board of Education and authors

Cover photo Marianne Pärnänen / Ekenäs Upper Secondary School
                                                 Affairs, and the head teachers and
                                                 teachers of the 15 schools involved in the
                                                 project. The majority of project work was

          lobalisation changes the world         carried out at the schools. Experiences
          and brings a changing world            were shared and the schools’ work was
          with its joys and problems closer      steered and co-ordinated at seminars
to us. Distances have become shorter in          organised by the Finnish National
many ways; places that were once so far          Board of Education. An international
away are now more familiar to more and           symposium entitled Becoming a Global
more people. Technological development           Citizen was held at Hanasaari Swedish-
has enabled rapid communication of               Finnish Cultural Centre in Espoo. As
information – we find out about things           well as the Finnish National Board of
that happen in different parts of the world      Education, the symposium organisers
in real time. In a global world, economic        included the Global Education Network
ties are getting closer and closer, bringing     Europe (GENE), the Ministry of Foreign
about both new opportunities and                 Affairs, the Ministry of Education and
threats. The daily life of each and every        Culture and Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish
one of us is bound to global changes and         Cultural Centre.
turbulences in different ways.                        I would like to thank all the schools
     The As a Global Citizen in Finland          involved in the project and their staff for
project has been implemented as a co-            their excellent work. I also thank all the
operation project with a busy schedule.          partners and, in particular, the Ministry
Through excellent co-operation between           of Foreign Affairs for making this project
different parties, the project has defined       possible. The work has required plenty
the competences of global citizenship,           of competence and it has shared visions
while also preparing for the forthcoming         and enthusiasm. These are all needed to
reform of the National Core Curricula for        promote global citizenship.
general education. The project has also               I hope that the project material
compiled good practices developed by             included in this publication is useful for
participating schools as part of their own       all teachers at comprehensive schools and
work. Deliberation on the theoretical            upper secondary schools and for everyone
background relating to global education          involved in development of education at
in co-operation with university researchers      local and national levels. Based on the
and sharing experiences between different        Finnish process and experiences, I warmly
countries have formed an important part          welcome other countries to carry out
of the work.                                     similar projects.
     The Finnish National Board of
Education (FNBE) co-ordinated the As a           Jorma Kauppinen
Global Citizen in Finland project, which         Finnish National
was funded by the Ministry of Foreign            Board of Education
Affairs. In addition to FNBE officials,
active participants have included Ms.            Chair
                                                 Council of Europe’s
Erja-Outi Heino, Communications                  Steering Committee
Officer from the Ministry of Foreign             for Education

                                               Schools reaching out to a global world 3
Schools Reaching out to a Global World

       What competences do global citizens need?

3      To the reader Jorma Kauppinen

6      How the As a Global Citizen in Finland project was implemented Liisa Jääskeläinen

       I Schools took on the task
       Tarja Repo

14     Sustainable development                            48   Teachers joined forces across subject
       belongs to all                                          boundaries
       Pupils at Vihti-based Jokikunta Primary                 Seinäjoki Upper Secondary School collected
       School compared schooling and gardening                 the scattered themes of global education into
       with their peers in Ecuador, sent KeKe                  a single six-week study unit, also producing
       dolls around the world and made Polish                  a guide about it for other schools.
       eTwinning friends.
                                                          56   Sharing a common nest
20     In search of a good life                                The combined Lapinlahti Upper Secondary
       ‘What makes a good life and global citizenship?’        School and Upper Secondary School in
       asked pupils at Riihenmäki Lower Secondary              Visual Arts, located in North Savo, placed
       School in Mäntsälä as part of its pupil-driven          its own and other schools’ global education
       and cross-curricular project.                           under a critical microscope.

28     School development co-operation                    62   Upper secondary school opens doors
       launched a popular movement                             to the whole world
       Vesilahti Lower Secondary School in                     Student exchanges and other forms of direct
       the Tampere Region is a diversely and                   contact with other countries offer know­
       genuinely international school away from                ledge and experiences to students at the
       the world’s hubs.                                       Swedish-language Ekenäs Upper Secondary
                                                               School in Raasepori.
36     Equal partnership with Tanzania
       Kasavuori Lower Secondary School in                68   Seven more gateways to the world
       Kauniainen sends the majority of pupils’                Schools providing basic education and
       proceeds from the school’s Operation Day’s              general upper secondary education from
       Work drive to its African twin school, but              Pori to Raahe set out on an expedition to
       wants to develop the partnership into a                 explore our common globe, each taking a
       more reciprocal cultural exchange.                      different approach.

42     A bilingual school is a source of richness
       The Finnish-Russian School in Helsinki
       set out to free up dormant resources
       accumulated by pupils as part of living
       between two cultures.
II What could global citizens’
         competences be?
76    Competence approach and its                    96     Global citizen’s economic
      pedagogical implications                              competence
      Irmeli Halinen                                        Pauli Arola
      The comprehensive competence of the                   It is important to reflect on global
      future should be reflected in curricula and           changes in the economy and on what
      teaching. The competence-based working                economic skills young citizens need to
      approach is intellectually challenging and            face the world.
      socially supportive.
                                                     100    Global citizen’s civic competence
82    Global citizen’s ethics                               Kristina Kaihari and Arja Virta
      Pekka Elo and Hoda Shabrokh                           Young people play a key role in creating
      Justice, courage and moderation support               new means of active citizenship and
      a good life.                                          global participation and a new pol­
                                                            itical culture.
85    Intercultural competence
      Mikko Hartikainen and Paula Mattila            105    Global responsibility and
      Intercultural competence means the skill              development partnership
      and will to communicate constructively                Erja-Outi Heino and Lea Houtsonen
      with people from different cultural                   Global responsibility is built through
      backgrounds.                                          partnership – both in local everyday
                                                            life and globally.
90    Sustainable lifestyle
      Lea Houtsonen and Liisa Jääskeläinen
      A viable and diverse biosphere is the
      foundation for humans’ subsistence and
      well-being. Let’s take care of it!

      III Moving forward on the learning
112   Global citizenship – a contemporary            119    Global education – theoretical
      challenge for schools                                 background and new
      Gun Jakobsson                                         perspectives
      The Swedish-language Vaasa Teacher                    Liisa Jääskeläinen
      Training School took up the task of                   ‘…for learning pathways, the limits
      reflecting on how to raise education for              and end points of which no-one has
      global citizenship as the entire school’s             staked out in advance.’
      strategic choice.
                                                     128    Language programme in Finland

                                                    Schools reaching out to a global world 5
How the As a Global Citizen in
    Finland project was implemented
    Baseline situation                             Global education in the spirit of
    The Finnish National Board of                  Maastricht
    Education (FNBE) has implemented a             Adapting the Maastricht Global
    global education development project           Education Declaration (2002), global
    entitled As a Global Citizen in Finland        education ‘is education that opens
    in co-operation with the Development           people’s eyes and minds to the realities
    Communications Group of the Ministry           of the world, and awakens them to
    of Foreign Affairs, the school network and     bring about a world of greater justice
    several experts. The purpose of the project    and sustainability’. The project decided
    was to put together a vision for the key       to focus on development education – in
    premises, challenges and opportunities in      the sense used by the Ministry of Foreign
    terms of education for global citizenship in   Affairs – which is based on the UN
    a glob­ lised world. The project has sought
           a                                       Millennium Development Goals.
    and developed ways of participating                 The project was launched in the
    in building a world of greater justice         autumn of 2010 and ended in late 2011.
    and sustainability that are suitable for       It played a diverse role in the preparations
    children’s and young people’s experiences.     of curricular reform within the Finnish
    Particular attention has focused on the        National Board of Education and at
    competences required of a global citizen       regional and national education events.
    and how these competence needs could           What kinds of things did this year actually
    possibly be described in the forthcoming       involve?
    curricular reform of general education.
         The project is a continuation of co-      Organisation of the project
    operation in education for international       In November 2010, the Finnish National
    understanding between the Finnish              Board of Education received a €195,000
    National Board of Education and the            grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs that was           for the purpose of implementing the As
    initiated back in 1995. The term ‘global       a Global Citizen in Finland project. The
    education’ has been used since the early       Board invited Mr. Jorma Kauppinen,
    21st century. The project has also been        an FNBE Director, to chair the project
    used for implementation of the Global          co-ordination team with the following
    Education 2010 programme run by the            members: Ms. Erja-Outi Heino,
    Ministry of Education. A key influence         Communications Officer from the
    on creation of the programme was a 2004        Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ms. Liisa
    peer review by the Global Education            Jääskeläinen (Vice Chair), Mr. Pekka
    Network Europe (GENE) and subsequent           Elo, Mr. Mikko Hartikainen, Ms. Lea
    measures.                                      Houtsonen, Ms. Kristina Kaihari, Ms.
                                                   Katarina Rejman and Ms. Paula Mattila,
                                                   all Counsellors of Education from the
                                                   FNBE. The secretary of the team was

initially Assistant Paula Paronen, followed      upper secondary level. The network was
by Assistant Helen Ala-Seppälä, Project          also diverse in regional and linguistic
Assistant Hoda Shabrokh and finally              terms. In addition to Finnish- and
Secretary to the management Merja                Swedish-language schools, we also invited
Väänänen. The financial administration           the Helsinki-based Finnish-Russian
for the team was entrusted to Secretary          School and the French School of Helsinki
Inkeri Gröhn, who was also responsible           as well as teacher training schools from
for setting up and updating the project          different universities. Of the teacher
website.                                         training schools, the Swedish-language
     In addition to the actual co-ordination     Vaasa Teacher Training School took up
team, the project had two separate               the invitation.
teams responsible for its international               Each school produced a project plan
symposium and for preparing this                 including a budget proposal. The FNBE
publication. The publication team also           assessment team assessed the content-
involved Ms. Katja Särkkä, visual arts           related relevance and project competence
teacher respon­  sible for graphic design        of each project. Important dimensions
for the entire project, and Ms. Tarja            of competence included networking,
Repo, reporter, whose key task became            effectiveness, learning environments,
focused on compiling Chapter I of this           outputs and embedding achievements.
publication.                                     The team placed particular importance on
                                                 raising global education to the level of the
Building the school network                      school’s entire operational culture.
Right from the start, the project wanted              The Finnish National Board of
to hear the voices of schools and highlight      Education signed an agreement to cover
good teaching practices. Due to the              each school project with each school’s
busy schedule, the Finnish National              education       provider.     School-specific
Board of Education sent a letter on              project funding varied between €900 and
15th December 2010 to invite schools             €5,000. Project funds were used to cover
with prior competence in at least some           extra costs arising from the project. The
area of global education to participate          schools were also able to send teachers to
in the project. The invited schools have         project seminars, because project funds
participated in networks or projects with        were used to cover travel costs and any
similar objectives, such as the Global           possible loss of income.
citizen and the media project funded by               After the initial preparation phase, the
the Ministry of Education as part of its         project network settled on 15 schools, two
Global Education 2010 programme, the             of which provide education in Swedish.
ENSI school network (Environment and
School Initiatives) and UNESCO schools.          Seminars
In addition, the Board also invited some         The project’s start-up seminar was
schools that were otherwise very active in       organised on FNBE premises on 4th
their internationalisation.                      February 2011. Participants reflected
     When the school network was being           on the project’s objectives and starting
built, care was taken to involve learners        points and analysed the concept of ‘global
of different ages from primary to general        citizen’, while also weighing up project

                                               Schools reaching out to a global world 7
ideas in groups led by co-ordination          project or that at least the learners had not
    team members, with particular focus on        been involved in planning the project. We
    the significance of skills. Ms. Hannele       also heard that young people were more
    Cantell, Director of Subject Teacher          worried about racism among adults than
    Education at the University of Helsinki,      among their own peers.
    gave a lecture on phenomenon-based            At the workshop seminar, Counsellor of
    pedagogy. Mr. Olli Hakala, philosophy         Education Liisa Jääskeläinen described
    and ethics teacher from Töölö Secondary       the current project situation and outlined
    School, talked about global citizens’         how global citizenship can be under­ tood,
    ethics. Counsellor of Education Liisa         using additional material. In add­      ition,
    Jääskeläinen described a process carried      she presented the views of Ms. Vanessa
    out in the Netherlands to reflect on          de Oliveira Andreotti, Professor of Global
    the same topics, which had produced a         Education at the University of Oulu,
    publication entitled Windows on the World     on how different frames of reference
    – Canon for Global Citizenship Committee1.    influence our sensitivity to perceive
    In addition, a tentative outline for global   global changes while also having a de­
    citizens’ competences was presented at        cisive effect on what means of education
    the start-up seminar, while participants      and training we consider to be wise ways
    also agreed on joint further measures. Key    to respond to globalisation. Counsellor
    measures implemented after the seminar        of Education Irmeli Halinen, Head of
    included drawing up school-specific           the FNBE Curriculum Development
    project plans, assessment of the plans and    Unit, talked about reform needs in basic
    provision of feedback for the schools by      education and the competence approach
    the Finnish National Board of Education,      as a key starting point for reform of the
    any possible further development of the       National Core Curriculum. Head teacher
    plans, and signing project agreements         Antti Jokikokko from Lapinlahti Upper
    with each school’s education provider.        Secondary School in Visual Arts spoke
         The workshop seminar of the As a         about his own school’s project, which was
    Global Citizen in Finland project was         specifically geared towards strengthening
    organised on FNBE premises on 13th            intercultural competence. Groups led by
    May 2011. The workshop seminar was            co-ordination team members addressed
    scheduled to coincide with the Forum          further development of school projects,
    for Children and Young People and             with particular focus on how projects
    invitations to the forum were sent to         would support clarification of global
    the project schools this time. Seminar        citizens’ competences and what types of
    participants listened to children’s and       peda­ogy and school culture could be
    young people’s ideas about what global        used in this identity development work.
    education could be about, in what ways             The project’s final seminar was held
    they could participate in the project and     at Helsinki Congress Paasitorni on 13th
    by what means they could influence even       October 2011. At the beginning of the
    global issues. It became clear that some      seminar, Counsellor of Education Liisa
    schools had not yet properly launched the     Jääskeläinen gave a brief description
                                                  of the overall project situation and
    1                  Counsellor of Education Irmeli Halinen
                                                  recalled the dimensions of competence
and their effects on curricula. Seminar          teach learners to question things, build
participants enjoyed seeing and hearing          knowledge through interaction, open
the project schools’ presentations on how        up a wide variety of views, deal with
they had carried out their projects and          uncertainty and act ethically.
what kinds of results they had achieved.               During our brief project, some serious
During the presentations, participants           news items affected us from all around the
reflected on global citizens’ competences,       world. These are some examples:
in other words, what types of knowledge,          •	 the tsunami and nuclear disaster in
skills, or attitudes, values and will each           Japan in March 2011
competence comprises. The ideas were              •	 the fight for democracy in the Arab
compiled into a memo, which was sent                 countries, the Arab Spring 2011
to the writers of the articles dealing            •	 economic crises in Europe and around
with specific competences. Seminar                   the world – a banking crisis, a euro
participants also received information               crisis or a moral crisis?
about the views presented in the Becoming         •	 job reductions at Nokia – economic
a Global Citizen symposium, which are                globalisation pains glocally
also discussed in Chapter III.                    •	 the death of Osama bin Laden in
     Chapter I provides a rich overview of           Pakistan – the question of the end of
the work carried out by the project schools          the War on Terror
and, at the same time, of the final seminar       •	 the Utøya massacre and Norwegians’
contributions. More material produced as             reactions to the tragedy
part of the project has been collected on         •	 the world population exceeded 7
the FNBE website 2, which also includes              billion.
some articles by doctoral student Anna-
Leena Riitaoja, MA (Edu), shedding light         Each item in that list could be a topic of
on the theoretical background of global          a diverse study module, which could be
education.                                       used to guide pupils and students to reflect
                                                 on issues such as dealing with uncertainty
Role of education in a world of                  or the basis on which one could build
uncertainty?                                     one’s own ethical solutions. Our seminar
The post-colonial interpretation of glob­        participants were unanimous in the
alisation presented by Ms. Vanessa de            conclusion that there should be more
Oliveira Andreotti, Professor of Global          time to discuss current affairs.
Education at the University of Oulu,                 The As a Global Citizen in Finland
is of particular interest to the project,        project set out to determine what kinds of
which is why I would like to conclude            competences a global citizen would need.
with it. This interpretation is based on         This is the question that we will try to
criticism of mod­ rnity that has long been
                 e                               answer in the next chapters.
set as an ideal for social development
and, in particular, development co-
                                                 Liisa Jääskeläinen
operation. It is now essentially admitted        Counsellor of Education
that development is uncertain. This              Finnish National Board of Education
being the case, the role of education is to
                                               Schools reaching out to a global world 9
m Vaasa Teacher
  Training School Class
  8B at work on the
  concept of ‘global
	PHOTO Carina Storthors

i An Africa-themed
  day brought more
  colour to Kasavuori
  School’s autumn. The
  programme included
  a food quiz, for
	   PHOTO Marjo Kekki
I Schools took on the task
As a Global Citizen in Finland
     International contacts of
     participating schools

                                                        1–2 contacts
                                                        3–5 contacts
                                                       1–2 kontaktia
                                                        6–15 contacts
                                                       3–5 kontaktia              Norway
                                                       6–15 kontaktia
                                                                               Norja                              Russia
                                                   Northern Ireland
                                                                             Ruotsi                             Venäjä
                                                 Pohjois-Irlanti                                      Estonia
                                                                          Tanska                 Latvia
                                                             England                                Viro
                                                           Englanti                            Latvia
                                     Canada                   Alankomaat Germany
                                                              France                      Poland
                                                                   Belgia Czech rep.
                                    Kanada                  Ranska           Saksa      Puola
                                                                    Switzerland Austria
                                                Portugal                                 Slovakia
                        United States                                 Sveitsi Itävalta          Romania
                      Yhdysvallat             Portugali Spain                   Italy
                                                     Espanja                 Italia
                                                                                           Greece                Turkey

                                                                                         Kreikka               Turkki





 MAP Kauko Kyöstiö/Spatio Oy

ÆÆ The global education development project entitled As
                                            a Global Citizen in Finland involved 15 comprehensive
                                            schools and upper secondary schools.
                                         ÆÆ In all, the schools participating in the project had just
                                            over a hundred established international contacts.
                                         ÆÆ The majority of the schools’ international contacts were
                                            twin and partner schools operating in other countries.
                                         ÆÆ International co-operation involved student exchanges
                                            and various projects on the eTwinning Portal, for
                                         ÆÆ The general objectives for co-operation included
                                            increasing linguistic and cultural awareness and
                                            acquiring social capital.
                                         ÆÆ Contacts with other countries were a natural and
                                            important part of the operational culture at the schools
                                            involved in the project.

                                                   PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS
                                                   Ekenäs Upper Secondar y School, Raasepori
                                                   Finnish-Russian School, Helsinki
                                                   French-Finnish School of Helsinki
          Kiina                                    Jokela Primar y School, Raahe
  India                                            Jokikunta Primar y School, Vihti
Intia                                              Kasavuori Lower Secondar y School, Kauniainen
             Vietnam                               Kauhajoki Upper Secondar y School
           Vietnam                                 Kuninkaanhaka Lower Secondar y School, Pori
                                                   Lapinlahti Upper Secondar y School and Upper
                                                   Secondar y School in Visual Arts
                                                   Mäntymäki Primar y School, Kauniainen
                                                   Pispala Primar y School, Tampere
                                                   Riihenmäki Lower Secondar y School, Mäntsälä
                                                   Seinäjoki Upper Secondar y School
                                                   Vaasa Teacher Training School
                                                   Vesilahti Lower Secondar y School

                                 New Zealand


                                                     Schools reaching out to a global world 13
PHOTOS Niina Skutnabb

     Sustainable development
      Jokikunta Primar y School
      Global citizens in the garden – our common nature
      ÆÆ The project educates primary school pupils to take global responsibility.
      ÆÆ In the Secret Garden, schoolchildren cultivate plants and compare gardening with
         children in Ecuador.
      ÆÆ Recycled materials were used to make KeKe dolls that spread the word of a
         sustainable lifestyle around the world (‘KeKe’ is an abbreviation of ‘kestävä
         kehitys’, the Finnish term for sustainable development).
      ÆÆ In an online blog at, everyone can tell their own KeKe
      ÆÆ The Polish twin school receives letters written in English via the eTwinning site.
      ÆÆ Pupils gain first-hand experiences of international activities and receive
         information about other cultures.
      ÆÆ Language programme: English as the A1-syllabus language (first compulsory
         foreign language).
      ÆÆ A specific competence objective is a sustainable lifestyle.
      ÆÆ Website:

14   I Schools took on the task         ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
f   Jokikunta pupils have compared
    schooling with their partner school in

       eKe dolls convey the message of              year. Festivals have been held with prizes
       sustainable development from                 awarded to pupils who managed to grow
       pupils at Vihti-based Jokikunta              the largest pumpkins. The most sizeable
Primary School to all corners of the                specimen weighed almost 70 kilos.
world. Environmental issues form an
integral part of the village school’s               You need to have roots
every­ life. The school’s Secret
      day                                           Jokikunta School chose global citizenship
Garden is already a topic of discussion             as the main theme for the 2011/2012
as far away as in Ecuador.                          school year. The impetus for this project
                                                    came from the school’s own gardening
Jokikunta Primary School, located in the            patches.
Uusimaa Region of Southern Finland, has                   ‘The idea was that you need to have
focused its profile on media education. A           roots in order to grow wings. It’s good to
sustainable lifestyle is also a frequent topic­     know your own village community and
of discussion at this school with three             culture in order to be a global citizen in
teachers and just over 60 pupils in grades          Finland too. Then you can see yourself
1–6 of basic education.                             living in a big city without forgetting
    For a few years now, the school has             where you come from,’ explains head
been carrying out its own environmental             teacher Ville-Matti Hurskainen.
education project with a name that evokes                The roots of Jokikunta pupils
memories of childhood reading especially            are partially based on environmental
among more mature people – ‘The Secret              awareness. This inspired the idea of taking
Garden’.                                            the notion of sustainable development
    The school garden is part of Vihti’s            around the world.
municipal programme for sustainable                      As part of the project, pupils were
development known as the Vihti Model.               assigned tasks suitable for each year class.
    Tending the vegetable garden,                   Those in grades 1–2 learnt the basics of
natural history and environmental issues            sustainable development and recycling as
are part of children’s lives from the day           part of their craft activities. The garden
they start school. The Secret Garden is             was mostly tended by third- and fourth-
about working together to take care of              graders, who learnt more about habitat
the school’s flower bed. There is also a            and other factors influencing plant
vegetable garden in the school grounds              growth. In addition to pumpkins, pupils
where teachers used to have allotments.             also planted peas, flowers and more.
The school receives help with gardening                   ‘We also planned to exchange plant
from the Vihti 4H Association and the               seeds between countries, but the customs
local Jokikunta club of the national                authorities intervened. That’s why we
Martha Organisation.                                have only communicated using images.
    The aim is to organise a harvest festival       We received some photos of the vegetable
every autumn as a highlight of the school           garden and pig breeding in Ecuador and

                                                  Schools reaching out to a global world 15
we’ve sent them some pictures of our own     development.
     vegetable patches,’ the head teacher says.        During the autumn of 2011, they
         The project provided all pupils in       finished about a dozen dolls, which
     grades 1–4 with the opportunity to           were mailed to other schools in different
     familiarise themselves with another          parts of the world. The idea is that each
     culture through their own activities.        receiving school then forwards their doll
     Fifth- and sixth-graders also learnt more    to the next school accompanied by their
     about the lifestyle of another culture and   own covering letter.
     about how primary production plays a               ‘We’ve searched for target schools
     more import­nt role in many countries
                   a                              around the world as teamwork.’
     than it does in Finland.                          In order for children around the
                                                  world to get in contact with each other,
     Dolls sent out with letters                  a blog was created for the dolls. Everyone
     In the first two grades, pupils made KeKe    can go there to tell their own KeKe story
     dolls from recycled materials and wrote an   about sustainable development.
     accompanying letter explaining the idea           Pupils in grades 5–6 were put in charge
     behind the doll and about sustainable        of mailing the dolls. Pupils prepared for

16   I Schools took on the task         ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
j    The Ecuadorians have used the proceeds from       h   Gardening brings schoolchildren on two
    breeding animals to buy computers, which are           continents together. The Finns received
    the only ones at any school in the whole region.       information about what tending a vegetable
                                                           garden is like at a South American school.

          their task by studying other countries and        West Ecuador. Ms. Skutnabb told the
          cities as part of different subjects.             Ecuadorians about Jokikunta School’s
                                                            plans and they became very interested.
          Interest in Ecuador                                    ‘I went there on a study visit last
          One of the dolls was sent to a partner            spring. I took with me some photos of
          school in Ecuador, with which Jokikunta           our school and its garden and a letter to
          pupils have shared their experiences of           the teachers. They welcomed me with
          gardening in particular.                          open arms and I learnt about their school
              The partner school was discovered             systems and gardens.’
          by Niina Skutnabb, an after-school club               The consortium schools have a nur­
          instructor and learning assistant, who has        sery where they grow fruit and useful
          an acquaintance who runs a consortium             plants for their own use and to sell locally.
          of five schools, known as Educativa               In addition, lower secondary school
          Rural San Francisco del Cabo, in North-           pupils­breed poultry, pigs and cows,

                                                       Schools reaching out to a global world 17
which are sold when they are old enough.
     The activities are well-organised and the
     animals are very well looked after. The
     proceeds from selling the animals have
     been used to buy computers, which are
     the only ones at any school in the whole
          ‘The children were excited about the
     photos, drawings and paintings of the
     Ecuadorians. The far-away school and
     its pupils become something real for the
     children when they receive their actual
     letters in their hands.’
          Ms. Skutnabb believes that the project
     has provided Jokikunta pupils with
     new information and ideas about what
     schooling is like in South America. Their
     Ecuadorian peers, in turn, have learnt
     about a country called Finland, located       h   The Secret Garden is the jewel in the crown of
     far away in Europe, and its industry and          Jokikunta School, providing an idyllic setting for
     vegetation.                                       visual arts classes, for example.

     Information and experiences
     According to the head teacher, the school’s   and radio plays and engaging in online
     youngest pupils in particular have been       discussions. People make active use of
     excited about the project. It is quite an     information technology in support of
     experience for them to be in contact with     learning.
     other countries. It is hoped that their own         ‘I feel that the easiest way for a
     school could welcome some international       teacher to teach social media is to use it
     guests one day. For teachers, the diverse     for a real-life purpose. The medium used
     project brought additional work, which        in our project is the blog where anyone
     they felt was an extra burden to some         can write their own stories,’ the head
     extent. On the whole, however, people at      teacher points out. A further idea behind
     Jokikunta School have had an opportun­        the inter­national blog is to seek out new
     ity not only to increase awareness of their   partners for Jokikunta School in other
     own local culture, but also to compare it     countries. Such contacts may turn out to
     with other world cultures.                    be useful in the future.
          The project also covered media                ‘If a specific country is dealt with as
     education, which is visible in teaching in    part of a subject, we can use the blog to
     many other respects as well. For instance,    send them questions about the topic.’
     schoolwork involves producing videos

18   I Schools took on the task          ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
Let’s Meet – Polish pen-pals for pupils

ÆÆ Pupils at Jokikunta Primary School                ‘A further aim is to create contacts
were also immersed in international co-         between pupils and their peers living in
operation in the eTwinning project as           another country, thus extending their
part of their English studies. Teacher          knowledge of the world and different
Krista Taipalvesi warmly recommends             cultures. We also hope to see increasing
her colleagues to check out the                 tolerance towards diversity and different
eTwinning forum, if they have not               cultures.’
already done so.                                    Ms. Taipalvesi has received positive
                                                feedback on the project from her pupils.
The Let’s Meet project covers fifth- and             ‘It provides them and me too with
sixth-graders who have made pen-pals            new materials to build and broaden our
with their peers in Poland. The project         world-views. The project has a strong
was initiated by class teacher Krista           focus on the cultural aspect of global
Taipalvesi. Everything started in the           education. I personally feel that co-
summer of 2011 when she visited the             operation with foreign teachers is very
eTwinning forum and found a partner in          inspiring and instructive. These kinds of
Ania Milerska, a teacher at a school in         projects are a lot of work for a teacher, but
the City of Katowice.                           they are also hugely rewarding.’
       ‘Each pupil produces a letter,
drawings or photos, for example, for his
or her own pen-pal once a month. We                                         k for sch oo l
                                                  Th e eTwi nn ing ne tw or
compile the letters into a kind of album
                                                  pa rtn er sh ips
and send the end results to Poland. They
naturally do the same.’                                                    as a co-
                                                  ÆÆ Established in 2005
    The teachers have agreed on a specific           operation network   for European
theme for each month. In September,                  schools.
                                                                              n between
pupils wrote brief introductions of               ÆÆ Promotes co-operatio
                                                      schools by means   of information
themselves. The intention is for pupils to                                        hnology.
describe topics such as traditions, their             and communications tec
                                                  ÆÆ Offers teachers a   free channel to
own families and school during the year.                                        projects to
                                                      seek partners for joint
The letters are sent by post or may be                 be implemented on   line.
posted on a specific password-protected            ÆÆ Tools for finding pa
TwinSpace Forum.                                       planning and impleme
                                                       projects, brainstor ming and
Broadening world views                                 discussions.
                                                                              l at
As part of the project, pupils learn to            ÆÆ The eTwinning Porta
                                                   t functions as
use e-mail and the online forum and to                                              rkspace.
                                                        a meeting point and wo
prepare PowerPoint presentations.

                                             Schools reaching out to a global world 19
g    Internationality can be seen as soon
     as you enter Riihenmäki School.
     The globes on the wall poster in the
     entrance hall are marked with hearts
     indicating the destinations of school
     trips. Photo Tarja Repo

                 search of a
                             good life

20    I Schools took on the task             ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
Riihenmäki Lower Secondar y School
                           Global citizens’ good life
                           ÆÆ A good life and global citizenship were selected as
                              the themes for the 2011/2012 theme year.
                           ÆÆ The themes are discussed in project classes for
                              different subjects.
                           ÆÆ For instance, pupils explore various views of a good
                              life in their religion studies and produce a wide
                              variety of works about the themes in visual arts.
                           ÆÆ The lower secondary school’s seventh-graders forged
                              international contacts using the eTwinning Portal and
                              Skype, while ninth-graders reflected on their future
                              in co-operation with their peers from a Norwegian
                           ÆÆ Pupils’ own active involvement in planning and
                              carrying out the project plays a key role.
                           ÆÆ A specific competence objective is social participation.
                           ÆÆ A guide will be produced for teachers covering the
                              phenomenon-based project work model.
                           ÆÆ Language programme: A1 English, B1 Swedish, B2
                              Spanish, German, French and Russian. Additionally,
                              the entrepreneurship class has 7-hour ‘language
                              showers’ in five languages on a rotating basis.
                           ÆÆ Website:

     he ideal of an active and respon­          introduce themselves to foreign partner
     sible citizen plays a key role in the      schools.
     operational culture of Mäntsälä-                A large canvas poster has been
based Riihenmäki Lower Secondary                attached to the big screen in the spacious
School. Therefore, it’s no wonder that          central hall, showing globes that describe
the pupils were also invited to take an         the school’s other focus, internationality.
active part in planning a theme year,                There are red hearts on the globes
with a good life and global citizenship         indicating all those places that pupils have
selected as the themes.                         visited on school trips. Another poster
                                                announces that Riihenmäki School is a
                                                UNESCO School.
The themes of the theme year are visible in          ‘In the future, we will also mark on
many places within the school premises.         the poster all those places with which
One wall will be filled with seventh-           we have forged eTwinning partnerships,’
graders’ self-portraits drawn in front of       explains Saija Hellström, teacher of
the mirror. Pictures will also be posted        religion, ethics and entrepreneurship,
on the eTwinning Portal, where pupils           who is also the school’s vice head teacher.

                                              Schools reaching out to a global world 21
Challenge for the entire school year           classes throughout the year.
     Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School                   ‘This is a major challenge, the likes
     has just over 360 pupils in grades 7–9 of      of which have never been implemented
     basic­education and about 30 teachers.         at our school on such a large scale,’ Ms.
     In ­ addition to internationality, the         Hellström describes.
     school’s operational priorities also include        She explains that not all teachers were
     entrepreneurship education.                    recruited to the project, because it seemed
         The diverse development work               that not everyone wanted to include
     carried out at the school has also attracted   an international aspect in all projects.
     attention from elsewhere. In 2009, the         However, the teachers have indicated
     Trade Union of Education (OAJ) and             that they can reserve a few of their lesson
     its Opettaja (Teacher) magazine picked         hours for the project.
     Riihenmäki School as the School of
     the Year. The citation for the award was       Raising awareness of the
     the fact that the school creates a team        phenomenon-based approach
     spirit between pupils and teachers and         Global citizenship and a good life have
     promotes active involvement within the         been discussed during lessons from many
     surrounding community. The school also         perspectives. One of the objectives was to
     grants ‘creative madness’ scholarships.        practise teamwork skills. Teachers also
         The entire school community has            wanted to open up the phenomenon-
     joined forces to discuss the building          based approach to pupils. They have
     blocks of a good life during the               grasped how the contents of different
     2011/2012 school year. In addition, the        subjects are connected with each other.
     school’s As a Global Citizen in Finland            Ms. Hellström wishes that there could
     project was included under this common         be more room for the phenom­        enon-
     umbrella project and the following six         based approach and implementation of
     teachers of different subjects started         cross-curricular themes in education.
     to plan it: Taina Björnström, Riikka           According to her, it is not currently
     Hankonen, Timo Parkkinen, Laura                possible for teachers to address cross-
     Hari, Mari Mäkitalo-Aho and project            curricular themes comprehensively, but
     co-ordinator Saija Hellström.                  they have to make choices within these
         The project covered the following          themes instead.
     subjects taught by these teachers: biology         ‘I’d start revising curricula based
     and geography, home economics, health          on skills rather than subject contents.
     education, foreign languages, visual arts      Describing skills would be more import­
     and religion. Each of the six teachers         ant than listing the things that pupils
     reserved some of their subject classes for     must know.’
     the project.                                       At the project planning stage, all six
         The Global citizens’ good life project     teachers went through their curricula
     is being carried out in different subject      and considered which cross-curricular

22   I Schools took on the task           ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
themes could be related to the project’s        as teachers didn’t want to make a big song
theme. They then picked these contents          and dance of it, but we also wanted to get
to be addressed during the project. In          pupils themselves to think about how to
the autumn, the project lessons were            implement the projects.’
added to the school’s annual plan. Project           The significance of activating pupils
work is distributed into different subject      has only just become clearer as the work
classes. The teachers co-ordinate amongst       has progressed. Ms. Hellström even
themselves what topics to discuss during        describes it as one of the greatest things
project lessons and in which order.             that they have learnt. This insight also
     The experiment did not remain              influences her teaching work in other
a one-year effort, because the project          respects.
started­to develop a permanent model                 ‘As instructing teachers, we feel
for phenomenon-based work across                that pupils’ involvement is also one of
subject­bound­ries. The aim is for the
                a                               the most important aspects in terms of
organisation method learnt during the           global citizenship. Young people need to
project to be used in the future as well.       experience the feeling that they are the
There is demand for such a model,               protagonists of their own lives and that
because the school selects a shared theme       they can make a difference. Involvement
every year and the new operating model          in making decisions that influence your
makes it easier to extend the theme to          own studies and life starts at school.’
form part of several subjects.                         According to Ms. Hellström, pupils
                                                can be active agents in their own lives in
Pupils’ involvement as the guiding              relation to themselves, their community
star                                            and the surrounding world. In order for
The teachers wanted pupils to be involved       them to become active citizens in the
right from the start and to influence the       future, there must also be room for this
contents and themes of the projects. For        active involvement at school.
example, pupils had a chance to think                Activation of young people also
about the topics and tasks that they would      influences assessment of learning.
later focus on in more detail.                       ‘Pupils come up to me and ask if
     This approach differs from the way         the work that they’ve done is good.
in which projects are traditionally carried     My answer is that that’s not what I’m
out.                                            assessing. What’s more important is that
     ‘It often feels like teachers start        each pupil­is able to decide for themselves
pondering on concepts in depth and at a         what they’ve learnt.’
high level. They plan something ready for
pupils­ such as a theme and a handout.
        ,                                       Teachers don’t dictate
The pupils perform the tasks but are not        Biology and geography teacher Taina
able to say afterwards what these dealt         Björnström has also encouraged her
with and were related to. That’s why we         pupils to think for themselves. The tools

                                              Schools reaching out to a global world 23
that she has used for this purpose include
     mind maps.
          ‘We have different themes for
     different months, such as topical issues
     or multiculturalism in Mäntsälä. I have
     intro­ uced various subject areas to pupils­
     and asked them to choose the ones that
     most inspire them. Pupils have been
     inter­sted in things like traditions, such
     as Christmas traditions,’ Ms. Björnström
     relates. She admits that this type of          g   A brainstorming session kicks off the visual
     working method also requires the teacher           arts class. Young people use a mind map
     to tolerate uncertainty, because the               to write down their ideas about what sorts
                                                        of things global citizenship could cover.
     outcome is not decided in advance.
                                                        Photo Tarja Repo
          Teachers reminisce about how they
     already brainstormed dozens of project
     topics and working methods the previous
          ‘However, it would have been a very
     teacher-driven approach. The results of
     the work would have been determined in
     advance. We rejected this approach and,        ÆÆ In Riihenmäki Lower Secondary
     in the autumn, we started vigorously with      School’s visual arts classroom, teacher Mari
     a pupil-centred approach. Obviously, even      Mäkitalo-Aho is starting a brainstorming
     this approach requires us to set certain       session about global citizenship and a
     parameters,’ Ms. Björnström muses.             good life with Class 7E. The outcome may
          The programme for the school year         be a cartoon – or something completely
     also includes themed events, such as a         different.
     theme week for ninth-graders. During the
     week, pupils reflect on their future in co-    ‘Work together to think about what the topics­
     operation with their peers at Risil School     bring to your minds. Let’s then make mind
     in Norway. They have applied for a grant       maps of these,’ Ms. Mäkitalo-Aho instructs
     from the Youth Academy organisation for        the class.
     the theme week to cover the costs of visits         The pupils divide into groups to think
     and a band workshop, for example.              about the task. After initial confusion, ideas
          ‘Someone may, say, decorate their         start to spring up, accompanied by a lively
     own imaginary home during the week. A          buzz, and pupils come up to the board to
     few boys want to write and record a song,’     write down their ideas.
     Ms. Hellström explains.                             In their mind maps, young people
                                                    associate global citizenship with aspects such
                                                    as equality, public rights, freedom and people
                                                    of different colours. A global citizen may also

24   I Schools took on the task          ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
A visual arts class starts with brainstorming
be everyone’s friend, an extraordinary person in         with its back cover sporting a large-eyed
an ordinary environment, or a Finn.                      cartoon character with a big speech
    A good life brings forth even more words,            bubble. The bubble is still blank, but the
such as family, food, leisure activities, learning,      teacher is looking forward with interest to
technology, shops, sleep, nurses, procreation            seeing what sort of message of a good life
and money.                                               will be produced.
                                                              Another task is to use a song about
With a big heart                                         a good or a bad life as an inspiration for
Pupils have done project-related tasks in visual         work. Pupils also produce arrangements,
arts throughout the autumn. For instance,                mobiles and cartoons and practise self-
ninth-graders reflect on questions such as ‘who          knowledge by drawing self-portraits.
am I’ or ‘what are objects, moods and images                  ‘Drawing a self-portrait is always
relating to a good life like’. They produce              an equally challenging and fun topic
portfolios about their own lives and write a letter      for seventh-graders,’ Ms. Mäkitalo-Aho
addressed to themselves ten years from now and           points out.
use this as a basis to create a piece describing the           The bell rings and the brainstorming
highlights of their lives.                               session is over for now. The pupils leave
     ‘Making a portfolio has been an inspiring           the classroom, but the ideas linger in their
task for pupils, which they are working on with          minds, bubbling under for the next visual
a big heart,’ Mari Mäkitalo-Aho praises. One of          arts class.
the best outputs is a manga virtuoso’s portfolio

                                                       Schools reaching out to a global world 25
m   Mona Marjeta (left) and Johanna
                                                               Siira are finalising their English
                                                               presentations for the eTwinning
                                                               Portal. Photo Tarja Repo

                                                       Joni Tenhunen has already finished

                         ,E                        his presentation. For him, writing an
                                                   English text was not hard, although

                                        Æ          he does not have much experience of

                                   Riihen­         foreigners.

                               mäki Lower              The teacher gives pupils permission

                            Secondary              to retrieve images for their presentations

                         School’s computer         from their Facebook profiles.
                      lab, pupils in Class

                  7C are fine-tuning               Phone calls on Skype

               their English-language              The class also think about ways in which
            presentations of themselves.           they would present their own school to
         The letters will be posted on the         their foreign counterparts and topics to
      eTwinning Portal, through which the          discuss with them. For support, they have
     school has made partners from Spain,          monthly changing themes relating to
     Greece, Turkey and France.                    news items, immigration, technology and
                                                   human rights, for example.
     ‘The English teacher has promised to              ‘Try to think about interesting ways
     check our presentations. What’s import­       of learning something about another
     ant here is not grammar but making            person’s culture and life, and what you
     yourselves understood,’ Saija Hellström       could tell others,’ the teacher explains.
     instructs her pupils.                             International contacts are maintained
         International contacts are part of        throughout the year. In addition, pupils
     Riihenmäki School’s As a Global Citizen       live chat with each other using instant
     in Finland project. The aim is for pupils     messaging and Skype, the Internet phone
     to gain genuine experience of meeting         application.
     their foreign peers. Classes have used the        Saija Hellström is planning to ask the
     eTwinning Portal to find partner classes to   pupils to interview their own parents as
     contact during project lessons. The portal    a homework assignment. The interviews
     offers a virtual TwinSpace classroom to       would be videoed, subtitled in English
     carry out projects. It is used to exchange    and posted on the eTwinning Portal.
     images, files and videos and for chatting.        The class will produce material about
         ‘Writing the presentation has been a      the project topics for the portal and
     bit of a struggle. Otherwise this project     assessment will also be carried out using
     seems nice, because it’s so different from    the portal. Teachers received training
     ordinary schoolwork,’ confides Mona           in use of the portal from eTwinning
     Marjeta, a pupil in Class 7C.                 Ambassador Sari Auramo.

26   I Schools took on the task          ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
A word cloud reveals pupils’ values
               ÆÆ At Riihenmäki Lower Secondary
               School, pupils visualised the hallmarks
               of a good life using the free Internet-
               based Wordle applet.

               To begin with, pupils compiled their
               words into a common Microsoft Word
               document. Each pupil added their own
               words to the file, which meant that words
               such as ‘family’ may appear a couple of
               dozen times.
                   The words were then copied to
               Wordle, which created a word cloud from
               them. The end result highlighted those
               words that occurred most frequently. The
               most visible words were ‘family’, ‘friends’
               and ‘leisure activities’. It is also possible to
               print the word cloud.
                   One class translated their word list
               using Google Translate, thus creating an
               English-language word cloud on Wordle.
               Classes at foreign partner schools also
               created similar word clouds that can be

             Schools reaching out to a global world 27
m    The Zambian Village of Isenge received young
                           guests from Vesilahti Lower Secondary School.
KUVA Tapani Pietilä

                              School development co-
                              operation launched a                                                             PHOTO Tapani Pietilä

                              popular movement

                                     esilahti    Lower     Secondary        event, attracting plenty of locals and even
                                     School in the Tampere Region           guests from neighbouring municipalities.
                                     is known for its close contacts             The latest crowd puller is the brand
                              with surrounding society. Contacts are        new artificial lawn, which was installed
                              not restricted only to the immediate          in the grounds a month earlier. Inside the
                              surroundings but extend all the way to        entrance hall there are African artefacts
                              Europe, Africa and Asia. The school’s         for sale and local Elixir Club members are
                              head teacher and Pupil Association are        making quilts for Africa.
                              the driving forces behind international            A video about Zambia is playing on
                              co-operation.                                 loop in the school canteen, while a short
                                                                            course in tourist French is about to start
                              On a clear Saturday in early October,         in another room. An elementary know­
                              Vesilahti Lower Secondary School is once      ledge of French helps on a trip to Paris
                              again the centre and meeting point of the     or, say, Senegal, which is the school’s next
                              municipality. The school is holding an        development co-operation partner.

                      28      I Schools took on the task           ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
Vesilahti Lower Secondar y School
 How has the Municipality of Vesilahti supported the global citizenship
 theme in basic education?
 ÆÆ For more than 20 years, the school has implemented themes relating to global
 ÆÆ The lower secondary school covers pupils in grades 7–9 of basic education.
 ÆÆ Pupils’ proceeds from the school’s Operation Day’s Work drive have been
    allocated to development of the Village of Isenge in Zambia.
 ÆÆ Aid recipients have also included a Vietnamese day-care centre and, most
    recently, a Senegalese village.
 ÆÆ The Pupil Association plays an active part in partnership projects.
 ÆÆ Pupil exchanges and study visits to different countries are organised with
    funding through proceeds from pupils’ own café business.
 ÆÆ Language programme: A1 English, B1 Swedish, B2 German and French.
 ÆÆ Practical examples of international activities are compiled in a report, which
    also assesses their effectiveness.
 ÆÆ Competence objectives include active citizenship and development
 ÆÆ Koulutien Uutiset school magazine:

Announcements in many languages                a school in the Black Forest area of
In the canteen, pupils are preparing           Germany. They spend a week in Germany
delicacies and managing service with           and play host to a German guest for a
a professional air. In the background,         week.’
Tapani Pietilä, head teacher and                   Study visits are also made to the
municipal Director of Education and            school’s Latvian twin school and to
Culture, is welcoming guests in Finnish        destinations in France, Greece and
and French on the central radio system.        Vietnam, which are familiar from other
    ‘Announcements are not only like this      contexts. During the summer holidays,
today, but often at other times too. The       the young people may also participate
head teacher is fluent in many languages,’     in other trips organised by the Pupil
comments mathematics teacher Anna-             Association. In addition, some pupils
Kaarina Huhtala. She says that she has         have visited the school’s development co-
worked at the school since it was built in     operation partner in Zambia.
1992 and that she likes it here very much.
    Vesilahti is a municipality with just      Isenge energised the entire village
under 4,500 inhabitants, located to the        The lower secondary school launched
south of the City of Tampere. The lower        a partnership project in the Zambian
secondary school has about 190 pupils          Village of Isenge in 2007. The village was
and 15 teachers. Ms. Huhtala explains          discovered through Meeri Salokangas, a
that the school has provided global            Vesilahti-based voluntary worker.
education for quite a long time.                   Funding from Vesilahti inhabitants
    ‘Every pupil has the chance to             has provided the village with a health
participate in a pupil exchange with           centre­ a bore well, a school with toilet

                                             Schools reaching out to a global world 29
The lower secondary school’s
                                                                     pupils are seasoned travellers.
                                                                     Pupil exchanges and study trips
                                                                     are organised to other European
     facilities, two houses for teachers and                         countries and beyond.
     a henhouse. In addition, women have                             PHOTO Tapani Pietilä
     received garden loans and training in
     using sewing machines, while the project     school of the neighbouring Municipality
     has also covered the cost of about fifty     of Lempäälä, where most Vesilahti lower
     malaria nets. The most recent collection     secondary pupils continue their studies at
     was organised to get electricity to the      upper secondary level, has also donated
     village.                                     funds collected through its Operation
          ‘All the proceeds from the Pupil        Day’s Work drive to Isenge.
     Association’s Operation Day’s Work drive          The aid project will culminate in
     will go to Isenge without any deductions,’   February 2012 when the buildings
     Ms. Huhtala points out.                      are inaugurated. The ceremony will
          The head teacher informs the school     be attended by people from different
     of news on Isenge in the online school       countries and the Zambia National
     magazine, Koulutien Uutiset. The             Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) is
     maga­ ine reveals that plenty of donations
            z                                     planning to make a documentary about
     have also been received from outsiders.      the project. Assignment Editor Kennedy
     Between April and September 2011, for        Bwalya from the ZNBC is coming to
     example, private individuals donated         Vesilahti to coincide with the school’s
     almost 3,100 euros to the Isenge account.    Christmas Bazaar to make preparations
     One donor gave a hundred euros with the      for the documentary.
     following note: ‘A war veteran thanks the         Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
     young people who are helping children        has also supported a nursery school in the
     living in difficult conditions to move       Vietnamese Village of Ngyen Ly.
     forward.’ The school’s own Operation              ‘In both Zambia and Vietnam, we
     Day’s Work drives currently yield about      have received strong moral support from
     1,900 euros per year.                        the Finnish ambassadors and embassies
          Moreover, the upper secondary           operating in these countries.’

30   I Schools took on the task         ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
l    The co-operation project with the
                                                    Zambian Village of Isenge is a joint
                                                    effort involving not only the school but
                                                    the entire village. Elixir Club members
                                                    (from right) Aili Saarinen, Inka Valtamo,
                                                    Ritva Liukko and Anneli Tuominen are
                                                    doing voluntary work for Africa.
                                                    PHOTOS Katja Särkkä

                                                help Africa even though our own country
                                                has economic difficulties. When guests
                                                from Vesilahti visited our school to tell
                                                us about Africa, students got a more
                                                realistic picture of how vast a gap there
                                                is in living standards between Latvia and
                                                Zambia. I believe that it made them feel
                                                more positive about development co-
                                                     Vesilahti has also become familiar
                                                at the twin school in other respects.
                                                Over a period of seven years, more than
                                                50 Latvian young people have enjoyed
Latvia was invited to join                      summer jobs in the Aittakahvila Café run
Isenge also receives aid from the lower         by the Pupil Association.
secondary school’s Latvian twin upper
secondary school, Draudzīgā aicinājuma          ‘Internationality is not underlined’
Cēsu Valsts ģimnāzija. Co-operation             According to teacher Anna-Kaarina
with Finns is co-ordinated by Ms. Laima         Huhtala, it is fair to say that Vesilahti
Pērkone.                                        Lower Secondary School is an inter­
     ‘Our Zambia co-operation started           national school. For instance, the school
about four years ago, when Vesilahti            receives plenty of guests from abroad.
invited us to join. We seized the opportun­          ‘However, I don’t think that
ity, because we didn’t have any previous        internationality is underlined. We are
experience of such projects.’                   just an ordinary school, but we do have
     Ms. Pērkone explains that the Latvian      these nice extra activities, such as pupil
education system is of a good standard          exchanges with Germany. I also find it
and that pupils also have opportunities         great that Operation Day’s Work funds
to participate in exchange programmes.          are dedicated direct to a specific recipient,
However, there are problems relating            which the pupils know very well too.’
to bureaucracy and the country’s                     Ms. Huhtala is happy with the fact
economic situation, which may also affect       that international activities are running
people’s attitudes towards issues such as       relatively smoothly from the perspective
development co-operation. Nevertheless,         of employees.
the Zambia project seems to have                     ‘We have such solid routines in pupil
changed young people’s attitudes at the         exchanges, for example. Even the African
twin school.                                    projects are not particularly hard work for
     ‘Students were asking why we should        us teachers.’

                                              Schools reaching out to a global world 31
The Pup il Ass ocia tion mak es imp orta nt dec isio ns

      h   Pupils appreciate a seat on the Pupil Association’s Board. Shown in the picture from left, Board
          Chair Iida Ollinpoika and members Heta-Mari Himanen, Ronja Nummela, Konsta Nuutero,
          Mariisa Uusitalo, Ulla Mäkelä and Susanna Mäkelä. PHOTO Katja Särkkä

          ÆÆ The Pupil Association plays a                  of times each year.
          prominent role both in daily life and                  ‘It’s been perceived as being a good
          during celebrations at Vesilahti Lower            solution. There’s not always time to deal
          Secondary School. The young people                with all the topics during breaks and it’s
          participate in decision-making within             difficult to organise transport after school.
          the Africa project, manage its aid                The local authorities have promised to
          account and run their own Aittakahvila            fund one meeting trip each year, because
          Café and the school kiosk.                        it helps to advertise the municipality too
              Young people appreciate their Pupil           to some extent.’
          Association, which is reflected in the fact            Iida is also leaving on a school trip
          that a seat on its Board is in high demand.       to Zambia in February 2012. She is
              ‘The Board steers the Zambia project.         very much looking forward to seeing
          We are about to leave on a seminar                the Village of Isenge and to meeting the
          cruise, where we’ll go through the Isenge         people­who will receive their aid.
          accounts,’ explains Iida Ollinpoika,                   Iida Ollinpoika supposes that
          Chair of the Pupil Association’s Board            Vesilahti Lower Secondary School has
          from the 8th grade.                               more international contacts than many
              Meeting trips are organised a couple          other schools.

 32       I Schools took on the task            ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
‘I think that international activities
 encourage independence. During their
 lower secondary school years, many pupils
 participate in a trip that is not necessarily
 attended by their own parents.’

 The café provides money for trips
 The Pupil Association set up its own café
 in 1996 during economically difficult
 times. The local authorities gave the
 young people the use of an outbuilding
 dating back to 1840, where they have
 successfully operated the café during the
 summer months.
      During the school year, they arrange
 refreshment services for evening events         h   Pupils run a café that caters for a couple of
 held at the school. Customers include               thousand customers every year. Delicious
                                                     pastries are on offer thanks to hygiene
 the Municipal Council and the adult                 certificate training organised for young
 education centre’s study circle, which              people by the Pupil Association.
 convene on the school premises. Young
 people are paid for the work they do,           i   During the summer months, the Pupil
                                                     Association organises trips abroad which
 which they use to fund trips, among other           are also open to other Vesilahti inhabitants.
 things. Former café employee Susanna                In 2009, the destination was Paris.
 Mäkelä reveals that the summer job                  PHOTOS Tapani Pietilä

 generates a nice sum for the travel fund.
      ‘Serving refreshments at larger events
 may bring in as much as a hundred euros­
 for each employee. It’s great that pupils­can
 enjoy a trip with aid from the Aittakahvila
 Café, if it’s not possible any other way.
 Pupils have internal school accounts where
 their fees are paid,’ explains Susanna, who
 is also on the Pupil Association’s Board.
      The café caters for a couple of thousand
 customers every year. The largest order­
 has been a war veterans’ party attended
 by almost 1,300 participants. Operations
 are possible because many pupils hold
 hygiene certificates. The Pupil Association
 also organises a major Christmas Bazaar
 on the school premises every year.

Schools reaching out to a global world                                                         33
                                                                                                         Atlantic                    Sén
                               Messages from
                                                                                                         Ocean                            al

                               Diamniadio to

                                                                      MAP Kauko Kyöstiö/ Spatio Oy
                                                                                                                       Diamniadio                        MALI


                                                                                                     0      100      200 km     GUINEA-
                                                                                                                                BISSAU          GUINEA

                                                                                                     n Senegalese guest Mamadou Fall tested the
                                                                                                       school’s brand new artificial grass with local
                                                                                                       football stars.

                                                                                                     but there is not much work around. As a
                                                                                                     result, many of them move abroad.
                                                                                                          Mr. Fall’s home village in West Africa
                                                                                                     is located on an island. There are about a
                                                                                                     thousand inhabitants and fishing is more
                                                                                                     or less the only livelihood. There is no
     PHOTOS Katja Särkkä

                                                                                                     electricity. Another problem is drinking
                                                                                                     water, which is fairly salty. Water is
                                                                                                     purified using a piece of equipment that
                                                                                                     requires petrol, which is also in short
                                                                                                          ‘The village has a primary school.
                           ÆÆ After Zambia and Vietnam,                                              However, there are no dwellings for
                           Vesilahti Lower Secondary School is                                       teachers, who need to stay with local
                           setting up a new aid project in Senegal.                                  families instead. That’s why it’s difficult
                           Co-operation with the Village of                                          to get teachers to come to the village. The
                           Diamniadio was planned in Vesilahti                                       school building itself is old and there are
                           in October.                                                               no desks. There may be as many as 65
                                                                                                     pupils sharing one classroom.’
                           Gathered around the table were the                                             When they leave primary school,
                           Senegalese guest Mamadou Lamine Fall                                      pupils­should move on to secondary
                           with his French interpreter and members                                   school on another, bigger island.
                           of the lower secondary school staff and                                   However, parents cannot always pay for
                           of the Board of the Pupil Association.                                    their children to stay with another family,
                           Mr. Fall explained that Senegalese young                                  which means an end to schooling for
                           people­have some opportunities to study                                   many at that point.

34                         I Schools took on the task        ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
There is a public health nurse living        recipients. For instance, no transactions
on the island, who sees patients at home.        are made without receipts and funds
When women give birth, for example,              for building the school go direct to the
they need to leave the island on a small         builder.
boat and sometimes children are actually              There may also be communication
born on the boat. One problem is that            difficulties. For example, communications
there is no fridge for medicines requiring       with the Zambian partner school Isenge
cold storage.                                    are most commonly by text message,
    According to Mr. Fall, the most urgent       which are necessarily quite brief. The
priority for the village is to build a small     village does not have an Internet
health centre and a teachers’ residence.         connection and postal delivery takes
                                                 anywhere from a week to a month.
Problems from the local balance of                    The idea of a development partnership
power                                            is to disperse the donor/recipient
Development activists know that projects         relationship and to progress towards
may also run into problems, which may            inter­ ction on a more equal footing. The
be caused by the local balance of power          partner community should become able
and the leaders’ responsibilities towards        to stand more and more firmly on its own
their families. In many cases, all things go     feet. The signs augur well for Isenge.
through the village chief, which is not a             ‘The henhouse project has made a
very simple arrangement from the donors’         profit after the first lot of sales; in other
perspective.                                     words, it has started to generate capital for
                                                 developing operations and some spending
Aid to the right address                         money for the people. The school is also
However, donors have their ways of               operating on its own,’ Mr. Pietilä relates.
making sure that aid reaches the right

                                               Schools reaching out to a global world 35
Equal partnership with
     Tanzania     Kasavuori Lower Secondar y
                                                    School, Kauniainen
                                                    Being a global citizen near and far
                                                    ÆÆ The school will intensify relations
                                                       with the twin school in Sanya Juu,
                                                       Tanzania, making the partnership more
                                                    ÆÆ The objective is to broaden lower
                                                       secondary school pupils’ perspectives
                                                       and encourage them to appreciate
                                                       the values and way of life of another
                                                    ÆÆ Pupils prepared a display for the
                                                       Tanzanians and participated in an
                                                       Africa-themed day with focus on
                                                       manual skills.
                                                    ÆÆ A school-wide collection was organised
                                                       to gather gifts to take to the twin
                                                    ÆÆ A specific competence objective is
                                                       development partnership.
                                                    ÆÆ Language programme: English,
                                                       Swedish and German as A-syllabus
                                                       language options; German, French
                                                       and Russian as B-syllabus language
                                                       options. In addition, pupils may choose
                                                       language immersion in Swedish at
                                                       primary school, which continues at
                                                       lower secondary school with a slightly
                                                       more advanced syllabus than the
                                                       regular A-syllabus Swedish, geared
                                                       towards maintaining language skills.
                                                    ÆÆ Website:

                                                         asavuori Lower Secondary School
                                                         in Kauniainen donates two thirds
                                                         of pupils’ proceeds from annual
                                                   Operation Day’s Work drives to its
     h   The Finns gave a camera for use by
         pupils of Kilingi Secondary School, who   Tanzanian twin school. The funds have
         took pictures of their own homes. The     been put to good use in Africa, but there
         photos were included in the display       are higher hopes for this co-operation.
         prepared for Kasavuori School.
                                                   The objective is to make inter­ction
                                                   more equal, even though economic
                                                   conditions are different.

36   I Schools took on the task           ÆÆ Kasavuori Lower Secondary School
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world
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Schools reaching out_to_a_global_world

  • 1. F I N N I S H N AT I O N A L B O A R D O F E D U C AT I O N Liisa Jääskeläinen and Tarja Repo (eds.) SCHOOLS REACHING OUT TO A GLOBAL WORLD What competences do global citizens need? Schools reaching out 2011:34 Publications to a global world 137
  • 2.
  • 3. Publications 2011:34 As a Global Citizen in Finland project Liisa Jääskeläinen and Tarja Repo (eds.) Schools Reaching out to a Global World What competences do global citizens need? ULKOASIAINMINISTERIÖ UTRIKESMINISTERIET
  • 4. Editorial board Irmeli Halinen Mikko Hartikainen Erja-Outi Heino Lea Houtsonen Liisa Jääskeläinen Tarja Repo Translation Intertext Layout Katja Särkkä Printing Kopijyvä, Kuopio 2011 Publications 2011:34 ISBN 978-952-13-4934-8 (pb.) ISBN 978-952-13-4935-5 (pdf) © Finnish National Board of Education and authors Cover photo Marianne Pärnänen / Ekenäs Upper Secondary School
  • 5. TO THE READER Affairs, and the head teachers and teachers of the 15 schools involved in the project. The majority of project work was G lobalisation changes the world carried out at the schools. Experiences and brings a changing world were shared and the schools’ work was with its joys and problems closer steered and co-ordinated at seminars to us. Distances have become shorter in organised by the Finnish National many ways; places that were once so far Board of Education. An international away are now more familiar to more and symposium entitled Becoming a Global more people. Technological development Citizen was held at Hanasaari Swedish- has enabled rapid communication of Finnish Cultural Centre in Espoo. As information – we find out about things well as the Finnish National Board of that happen in different parts of the world Education, the symposium organisers in real time. In a global world, economic included the Global Education Network ties are getting closer and closer, bringing Europe (GENE), the Ministry of Foreign about both new opportunities and Affairs, the Ministry of Education and threats. The daily life of each and every Culture and Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish one of us is bound to global changes and Cultural Centre. turbulences in different ways. I would like to thank all the schools The As a Global Citizen in Finland involved in the project and their staff for project has been implemented as a co- their excellent work. I also thank all the operation project with a busy schedule. partners and, in particular, the Ministry Through excellent co-operation between of Foreign Affairs for making this project different parties, the project has defined possible. The work has required plenty the competences of global citizenship, of competence and it has shared visions while also preparing for the forthcoming and enthusiasm. These are all needed to reform of the National Core Curricula for promote global citizenship. general education. The project has also I hope that the project material compiled good practices developed by included in this publication is useful for participating schools as part of their own all teachers at comprehensive schools and work. Deliberation on the theoretical upper secondary schools and for everyone background relating to global education involved in development of education at in co-operation with university researchers local and national levels. Based on the and sharing experiences between different Finnish process and experiences, I warmly countries have formed an important part welcome other countries to carry out of the work. similar projects. The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) co-ordinated the As a Jorma Kauppinen Director Global Citizen in Finland project, which Finnish National was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Board of Education Affairs. In addition to FNBE officials, active participants have included Ms. Chair Council of Europe’s Erja-Outi Heino, Communications Steering Committee Officer from the Ministry of Foreign for Education Schools reaching out to a global world 3
  • 6. Schools Reaching out to a Global World PAGE What competences do global citizens need? 3 To the reader Jorma Kauppinen 6 How the As a Global Citizen in Finland project was implemented Liisa Jääskeläinen I Schools took on the task Tarja Repo 14 Sustainable development 48 Teachers joined forces across subject belongs to all boundaries Pupils at Vihti-based Jokikunta Primary Seinäjoki Upper Secondary School collected School compared schooling and gardening the scattered themes of global education into with their peers in Ecuador, sent KeKe a single six-week study unit, also producing dolls around the world and made Polish a guide about it for other schools. eTwinning friends. 56 Sharing a common nest 20 In search of a good life The combined Lapinlahti Upper Secondary ‘What makes a good life and global citizenship?’ School and Upper Secondary School in asked pupils at Riihenmäki Lower Secondary Visual Arts, located in North Savo, placed School in Mäntsälä as part of its pupil-driven its own and other schools’ global education and cross-curricular project. under a critical microscope. 28 School development co-operation 62 Upper secondary school opens doors launched a popular movement to the whole world Vesilahti Lower Secondary School in Student exchanges and other forms of direct the Tampere Region is a diversely and contact with other countries offer know­ genuinely international school away from ledge and experiences to students at the the world’s hubs. Swedish-language Ekenäs Upper Secondary School in Raasepori. 36 Equal partnership with Tanzania Kasavuori Lower Secondary School in 68 Seven more gateways to the world Kauniainen sends the majority of pupils’ Schools providing basic education and proceeds from the school’s Operation Day’s general upper secondary education from Work drive to its African twin school, but Pori to Raahe set out on an expedition to wants to develop the partnership into a explore our common globe, each taking a more reciprocal cultural exchange. different approach. 42 A bilingual school is a source of richness The Finnish-Russian School in Helsinki set out to free up dormant resources accumulated by pupils as part of living between two cultures. 4
  • 7. II What could global citizens’ competences be? 76 Competence approach and its 96 Global citizen’s economic pedagogical implications competence Irmeli Halinen Pauli Arola The comprehensive competence of the It is important to reflect on global future should be reflected in curricula and changes in the economy and on what teaching. The competence-based working economic skills young citizens need to approach is intellectually challenging and face the world. socially supportive. 100 Global citizen’s civic competence 82 Global citizen’s ethics Kristina Kaihari and Arja Virta Pekka Elo and Hoda Shabrokh Young people play a key role in creating Justice, courage and moderation support new means of active citizenship and a good life. global participation and a new pol­ itical culture. 85 Intercultural competence Mikko Hartikainen and Paula Mattila 105 Global responsibility and Intercultural competence means the skill development partnership and will to communicate constructively Erja-Outi Heino and Lea Houtsonen with people from different cultural Global responsibility is built through backgrounds. partnership – both in local everyday life and globally. 90 Sustainable lifestyle Lea Houtsonen and Liisa Jääskeläinen A viable and diverse biosphere is the foundation for humans’ subsistence and well-being. Let’s take care of it! III Moving forward on the learning pathway 112 Global citizenship – a contemporary 119 Global education – theoretical challenge for schools background and new Gun Jakobsson perspectives The Swedish-language Vaasa Teacher Liisa Jääskeläinen Training School took up the task of ‘…for learning pathways, the limits reflecting on how to raise education for and end points of which no-one has global citizenship as the entire school’s staked out in advance.’ strategic choice. 128 Language programme in Finland Schools reaching out to a global world 5
  • 8. How the As a Global Citizen in Finland project was implemented Baseline situation Global education in the spirit of The Finnish National Board of Maastricht Education (FNBE) has implemented a Adapting the Maastricht Global global education development project Education Declaration (2002), global entitled As a Global Citizen in Finland education ‘is education that opens in co-operation with the Development people’s eyes and minds to the realities Communications Group of the Ministry of the world, and awakens them to of Foreign Affairs, the school network and bring about a world of greater justice several experts. The purpose of the project and sustainability’. The project decided was to put together a vision for the key to focus on development education – in premises, challenges and opportunities in the sense used by the Ministry of Foreign terms of education for global citizenship in Affairs – which is based on the UN a glob­ lised world. The project has sought a Millennium Development Goals. and developed ways of participating The project was launched in the in building a world of greater justice autumn of 2010 and ended in late 2011. and sustainability that are suitable for It played a diverse role in the preparations children’s and young people’s experiences. of curricular reform within the Finnish Particular attention has focused on the National Board of Education and at competences required of a global citizen regional and national education events. and how these competence needs could What kinds of things did this year actually possibly be described in the forthcoming involve? curricular reform of general education. The project is a continuation of co- Organisation of the project operation in education for international In November 2010, the Finnish National understanding between the Finnish Board of Education received a €195,000 National Board of Education and the grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs that was for the purpose of implementing the As initiated back in 1995. The term ‘global a Global Citizen in Finland project. The education’ has been used since the early Board invited Mr. Jorma Kauppinen, 21st century. The project has also been an FNBE Director, to chair the project used for implementation of the Global co-ordination team with the following Education 2010 programme run by the members: Ms. Erja-Outi Heino, Ministry of Education. A key influence Communications Officer from the on creation of the programme was a 2004 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ms. Liisa peer review by the Global Education Jääskeläinen (Vice Chair), Mr. Pekka Network Europe (GENE) and subsequent Elo, Mr. Mikko Hartikainen, Ms. Lea measures. Houtsonen, Ms. Kristina Kaihari, Ms. Katarina Rejman and Ms. Paula Mattila, all Counsellors of Education from the FNBE. The secretary of the team was 6
  • 9. initially Assistant Paula Paronen, followed upper secondary level. The network was by Assistant Helen Ala-Seppälä, Project also diverse in regional and linguistic Assistant Hoda Shabrokh and finally terms. In addition to Finnish- and Secretary to the management Merja Swedish-language schools, we also invited Väänänen. The financial administration the Helsinki-based Finnish-Russian for the team was entrusted to Secretary School and the French School of Helsinki Inkeri Gröhn, who was also responsible as well as teacher training schools from for setting up and updating the project different universities. Of the teacher website. training schools, the Swedish-language In addition to the actual co-ordination Vaasa Teacher Training School took up team, the project had two separate the invitation. teams responsible for its international Each school produced a project plan symposium and for preparing this including a budget proposal. The FNBE publication. The publication team also assessment team assessed the content- involved Ms. Katja Särkkä, visual arts related relevance and project competence teacher respon­ sible for graphic design of each project. Important dimensions for the entire project, and Ms. Tarja of competence included networking, Repo, reporter, whose key task became effectiveness, learning environments, focused on compiling Chapter I of this outputs and embedding achievements. publication. The team placed particular importance on raising global education to the level of the Building the school network school’s entire operational culture. Right from the start, the project wanted The Finnish National Board of to hear the voices of schools and highlight Education signed an agreement to cover good teaching practices. Due to the each school project with each school’s busy schedule, the Finnish National education provider. School-specific Board of Education sent a letter on project funding varied between €900 and 15th December 2010 to invite schools €5,000. Project funds were used to cover with prior competence in at least some extra costs arising from the project. The area of global education to participate schools were also able to send teachers to in the project. The invited schools have project seminars, because project funds participated in networks or projects with were used to cover travel costs and any similar objectives, such as the Global possible loss of income. citizen and the media project funded by After the initial preparation phase, the the Ministry of Education as part of its project network settled on 15 schools, two Global Education 2010 programme, the of which provide education in Swedish. ENSI school network (Environment and School Initiatives) and UNESCO schools. Seminars In addition, the Board also invited some The project’s start-up seminar was schools that were otherwise very active in organised on FNBE premises on 4th their internationalisation. February 2011. Participants reflected When the school network was being on the project’s objectives and starting built, care was taken to involve learners points and analysed the concept of ‘global of different ages from primary to general citizen’, while also weighing up project Schools reaching out to a global world 7
  • 10. ideas in groups led by co-ordination project or that at least the learners had not team members, with particular focus on been involved in planning the project. We the significance of skills. Ms. Hannele also heard that young people were more Cantell, Director of Subject Teacher worried about racism among adults than Education at the University of Helsinki, among their own peers. gave a lecture on phenomenon-based At the workshop seminar, Counsellor of pedagogy. Mr. Olli Hakala, philosophy Education Liisa Jääskeläinen described and ethics teacher from Töölö Secondary the current project situation and outlined School, talked about global citizens’ how global citizenship can be under­ tood, s ethics. Counsellor of Education Liisa using additional material. In add­ ition, Jääskeläinen described a process carried she presented the views of Ms. Vanessa out in the Netherlands to reflect on de Oliveira Andreotti, Professor of Global the same topics, which had produced a Education at the University of Oulu, publication entitled Windows on the World on how different frames of reference – Canon for Global Citizenship Committee1. influence our sensitivity to perceive In addition, a tentative outline for global global changes while also having a de­ citizens’ competences was presented at cisive effect on what means of education the start-up seminar, while participants and training we consider to be wise ways also agreed on joint further measures. Key to respond to globalisation. Counsellor measures implemented after the seminar of Education Irmeli Halinen, Head of included drawing up school-specific the FNBE Curriculum Development project plans, assessment of the plans and Unit, talked about reform needs in basic provision of feedback for the schools by education and the competence approach the Finnish National Board of Education, as a key starting point for reform of the any possible further development of the National Core Curriculum. Head teacher plans, and signing project agreements Antti Jokikokko from Lapinlahti Upper with each school’s education provider. Secondary School in Visual Arts spoke The workshop seminar of the As a about his own school’s project, which was Global Citizen in Finland project was specifically geared towards strengthening organised on FNBE premises on 13th intercultural competence. Groups led by May 2011. The workshop seminar was co-ordination team members addressed scheduled to coincide with the Forum further development of school projects, for Children and Young People and with particular focus on how projects invitations to the forum were sent to would support clarification of global the project schools this time. Seminar citizens’ competences and what types of participants listened to children’s and peda­ogy and school culture could be g young people’s ideas about what global used in this identity development work. education could be about, in what ways The project’s final seminar was held they could participate in the project and at Helsinki Congress Paasitorni on 13th by what means they could influence even October 2011. At the beginning of the global issues. It became clear that some seminar, Counsellor of Education Liisa schools had not yet properly launched the Jääskeläinen gave a brief description of the overall project situation and 1 Counsellor of Education Irmeli Halinen recalled the dimensions of competence 8
  • 11. and their effects on curricula. Seminar teach learners to question things, build participants enjoyed seeing and hearing knowledge through interaction, open the project schools’ presentations on how up a wide variety of views, deal with they had carried out their projects and uncertainty and act ethically. what kinds of results they had achieved. During our brief project, some serious During the presentations, participants news items affected us from all around the reflected on global citizens’ competences, world. These are some examples: in other words, what types of knowledge, • the tsunami and nuclear disaster in skills, or attitudes, values and will each Japan in March 2011 competence comprises. The ideas were • the fight for democracy in the Arab compiled into a memo, which was sent countries, the Arab Spring 2011 to the writers of the articles dealing • economic crises in Europe and around with specific competences. Seminar the world – a banking crisis, a euro participants also received information crisis or a moral crisis? about the views presented in the Becoming • job reductions at Nokia – economic a Global Citizen symposium, which are globalisation pains glocally also discussed in Chapter III. • the death of Osama bin Laden in Chapter I provides a rich overview of Pakistan – the question of the end of the work carried out by the project schools the War on Terror and, at the same time, of the final seminar • the Utøya massacre and Norwegians’ contributions. More material produced as reactions to the tragedy part of the project has been collected on • the world population exceeded 7 the FNBE website 2, which also includes billion. some articles by doctoral student Anna- Leena Riitaoja, MA (Edu), shedding light Each item in that list could be a topic of on the theoretical background of global a diverse study module, which could be education. used to guide pupils and students to reflect on issues such as dealing with uncertainty Role of education in a world of or the basis on which one could build uncertainty? one’s own ethical solutions. Our seminar The post-colonial interpretation of glob­ participants were unanimous in the alisation presented by Ms. Vanessa de conclusion that there should be more Oliveira Andreotti, Professor of Global time to discuss current affairs. Education at the University of Oulu, The As a Global Citizen in Finland is of particular interest to the project, project set out to determine what kinds of which is why I would like to conclude competences a global citizen would need. with it. This interpretation is based on This is the question that we will try to criticism of mod­ rnity that has long been e answer in the next chapters. set as an ideal for social development and, in particular, development co- Liisa Jääskeläinen operation. It is now essentially admitted Counsellor of Education that development is uncertain. This Finnish National Board of Education being the case, the role of education is to 2 maailmankansalaisena_suomessa Schools reaching out to a global world 9
  • 12. m Vaasa Teacher Training School Class 8B at work on the concept of ‘global citizen’. PHOTO Carina Storthors i An Africa-themed day brought more colour to Kasavuori School’s autumn. The programme included a food quiz, for example. PHOTO Marjo Kekki
  • 13. I Schools took on the task
  • 14. As a Global Citizen in Finland International contacts of participating schools 1–2 contacts 3–5 contacts 1–2 kontaktia 6–15 contacts 3–5 kontaktia Norway 6–15 kontaktia Sweden Norja Russia Northern Ireland Ruotsi Venäjä Denmark Pohjois-Irlanti Estonia Tanska Latvia England Viro Netherlands Belgium Englanti Latvia Canada Alankomaat Germany France Poland Belgia Czech rep. Kanada Ranska Saksa Puola Slovakia Switzerland Austria Tšekki Portugal Slovakia United States Sveitsi Itävalta Romania Yhdysvallat Portugali Spain Italy Romania Espanja Italia Greece Turkey Kreikka Turkki Senegal Senegal Ecuador Tanzania Ecuador Tansania Zambia Sambia MAP Kauko Kyöstiö/Spatio Oy 12
  • 15. ÆÆ The global education development project entitled As a Global Citizen in Finland involved 15 comprehensive schools and upper secondary schools. ÆÆ In all, the schools participating in the project had just over a hundred established international contacts. ÆÆ The majority of the schools’ international contacts were twin and partner schools operating in other countries. ÆÆ International co-operation involved student exchanges and various projects on the eTwinning Portal, for example. ÆÆ The general objectives for co-operation included increasing linguistic and cultural awareness and acquiring social capital. ÆÆ Contacts with other countries were a natural and important part of the operational culture at the schools involved in the project. PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS Ekenäs Upper Secondar y School, Raasepori Finnish-Russian School, Helsinki Japan China French-Finnish School of Helsinki Japani Kiina Jokela Primar y School, Raahe India Jokikunta Primar y School, Vihti Intia Kasavuori Lower Secondar y School, Kauniainen Vietnam Kauhajoki Upper Secondar y School Vietnam Kuninkaanhaka Lower Secondar y School, Pori Lapinlahti Upper Secondar y School and Upper Secondar y School in Visual Arts Mäntymäki Primar y School, Kauniainen Pispala Primar y School, Tampere Riihenmäki Lower Secondar y School, Mäntsälä Seinäjoki Upper Secondar y School Vaasa Teacher Training School Vesilahti Lower Secondar y School New Zealand Uusi-Seelanti Schools reaching out to a global world 13
  • 16. PHOTOS Niina Skutnabb Sustainable development BELONGS TO ALL Jokikunta Primar y School Global citizens in the garden – our common nature ÆÆ The project educates primary school pupils to take global responsibility. ÆÆ In the Secret Garden, schoolchildren cultivate plants and compare gardening with children in Ecuador. ÆÆ Recycled materials were used to make KeKe dolls that spread the word of a sustainable lifestyle around the world (‘KeKe’ is an abbreviation of ‘kestävä kehitys’, the Finnish term for sustainable development). ÆÆ In an online blog at, everyone can tell their own KeKe story. ÆÆ The Polish twin school receives letters written in English via the eTwinning site. ÆÆ Pupils gain first-hand experiences of international activities and receive information about other cultures. ÆÆ Language programme: English as the A1-syllabus language (first compulsory foreign language). ÆÆ A specific competence objective is a sustainable lifestyle. ÆÆ Website: 14 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
  • 17. f Jokikunta pupils have compared schooling with their partner school in Ecuador. K eKe dolls convey the message of year. Festivals have been held with prizes sustainable development from awarded to pupils who managed to grow pupils at Vihti-based Jokikunta the largest pumpkins. The most sizeable Primary School to all corners of the specimen weighed almost 70 kilos. world. Environmental issues form an integral part of the village school’s You need to have roots every­ life. The school’s Secret day Jokikunta School chose global citizenship Garden is already a topic of discussion as the main theme for the 2011/2012 as far away as in Ecuador. school year. The impetus for this project came from the school’s own gardening Jokikunta Primary School, located in the patches. Uusimaa Region of Southern Finland, has ‘The idea was that you need to have focused its profile on media education. A roots in order to grow wings. It’s good to sustainable lifestyle is also a frequent topic­ know your own village community and of discussion at this school with three culture in order to be a global citizen in teachers and just over 60 pupils in grades Finland too. Then you can see yourself 1–6 of basic education. living in a big city without forgetting For a few years now, the school has where you come from,’ explains head been carrying out its own environmental teacher Ville-Matti Hurskainen. education project with a name that evokes The roots of Jokikunta pupils memories of childhood reading especially are partially based on environmental among more mature people – ‘The Secret awareness. This inspired the idea of taking Garden’. the notion of sustainable development The school garden is part of Vihti’s around the world. municipal programme for sustainable As part of the project, pupils were development known as the Vihti Model. assigned tasks suitable for each year class. Tending the vegetable garden, Those in grades 1–2 learnt the basics of natural history and environmental issues sustainable development and recycling as are part of children’s lives from the day part of their craft activities. The garden they start school. The Secret Garden is was mostly tended by third- and fourth- about working together to take care of graders, who learnt more about habitat the school’s flower bed. There is also a and other factors influencing plant vegetable garden in the school grounds growth. In addition to pumpkins, pupils where teachers used to have allotments. also planted peas, flowers and more. The school receives help with gardening ‘We also planned to exchange plant from the Vihti 4H Association and the seeds between countries, but the customs local Jokikunta club of the national authorities intervened. That’s why we Martha Organisation. have only communicated using images. The aim is to organise a harvest festival We received some photos of the vegetable every autumn as a highlight of the school garden and pig breeding in Ecuador and Schools reaching out to a global world 15
  • 18. we’ve sent them some pictures of our own development. vegetable patches,’ the head teacher says. During the autumn of 2011, they The project provided all pupils in finished about a dozen dolls, which grades 1–4 with the opportunity to were mailed to other schools in different familiarise themselves with another parts of the world. The idea is that each culture through their own activities. receiving school then forwards their doll Fifth- and sixth-graders also learnt more to the next school accompanied by their about the lifestyle of another culture and own covering letter. about how primary production plays a ‘We’ve searched for target schools more import­nt role in many countries a around the world as teamwork.’ than it does in Finland. In order for children around the world to get in contact with each other, Dolls sent out with letters a blog was created for the dolls. Everyone In the first two grades, pupils made KeKe can go there to tell their own KeKe story dolls from recycled materials and wrote an about sustainable development. accompanying letter explaining the idea Pupils in grades 5–6 were put in charge behind the doll and about sustainable of mailing the dolls. Pupils prepared for 16 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
  • 19. j The Ecuadorians have used the proceeds from h Gardening brings schoolchildren on two breeding animals to buy computers, which are continents together. The Finns received the only ones at any school in the whole region. information about what tending a vegetable garden is like at a South American school. their task by studying other countries and West Ecuador. Ms. Skutnabb told the cities as part of different subjects. Ecuadorians about Jokikunta School’s plans and they became very interested. Interest in Ecuador ‘I went there on a study visit last One of the dolls was sent to a partner spring. I took with me some photos of school in Ecuador, with which Jokikunta our school and its garden and a letter to pupils have shared their experiences of the teachers. They welcomed me with gardening in particular. open arms and I learnt about their school The partner school was discovered systems and gardens.’ by Niina Skutnabb, an after-school club The consortium schools have a nur­ instructor and learning assistant, who has sery where they grow fruit and useful an acquaintance who runs a consortium plants for their own use and to sell locally. of five schools, known as Educativa In addition, lower secondary school Rural San Francisco del Cabo, in North- pupils­breed poultry, pigs and cows, Schools reaching out to a global world 17
  • 20. which are sold when they are old enough. The activities are well-organised and the animals are very well looked after. The proceeds from selling the animals have been used to buy computers, which are the only ones at any school in the whole region. ‘The children were excited about the photos, drawings and paintings of the Ecuadorians. The far-away school and its pupils become something real for the children when they receive their actual letters in their hands.’ Ms. Skutnabb believes that the project has provided Jokikunta pupils with new information and ideas about what schooling is like in South America. Their Ecuadorian peers, in turn, have learnt about a country called Finland, located h The Secret Garden is the jewel in the crown of far away in Europe, and its industry and Jokikunta School, providing an idyllic setting for vegetation. visual arts classes, for example. Information and experiences According to the head teacher, the school’s and radio plays and engaging in online youngest pupils in particular have been discussions. People make active use of excited about the project. It is quite an information technology in support of experience for them to be in contact with learning. other countries. It is hoped that their own ‘I feel that the easiest way for a school could welcome some international teacher to teach social media is to use it guests one day. For teachers, the diverse for a real-life purpose. The medium used project brought additional work, which in our project is the blog where anyone they felt was an extra burden to some can write their own stories,’ the head extent. On the whole, however, people at teacher points out. A further idea behind Jokikunta School have had an opportun­ the inter­national blog is to seek out new ity not only to increase awareness of their partners for Jokikunta School in other own local culture, but also to compare it countries. Such contacts may turn out to with other world cultures. be useful in the future. The project also covered media ‘If a specific country is dealt with as education, which is visible in teaching in part of a subject, we can use the blog to many other respects as well. For instance, send them questions about the topic.’ schoolwork involves producing videos 18 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Jokikunta Primary School
  • 21. Let’s Meet – Polish pen-pals for pupils ÆÆ Pupils at Jokikunta Primary School ‘A further aim is to create contacts were also immersed in international co- between pupils and their peers living in operation in the eTwinning project as another country, thus extending their part of their English studies. Teacher knowledge of the world and different Krista Taipalvesi warmly recommends cultures. We also hope to see increasing her colleagues to check out the tolerance towards diversity and different eTwinning forum, if they have not cultures.’ already done so. Ms. Taipalvesi has received positive feedback on the project from her pupils. The Let’s Meet project covers fifth- and ‘It provides them and me too with sixth-graders who have made pen-pals new materials to build and broaden our with their peers in Poland. The project world-views. The project has a strong was initiated by class teacher Krista focus on the cultural aspect of global Taipalvesi. Everything started in the education. I personally feel that co- summer of 2011 when she visited the operation with foreign teachers is very eTwinning forum and found a partner in inspiring and instructive. These kinds of Ania Milerska, a teacher at a school in projects are a lot of work for a teacher, but the City of Katowice. they are also hugely rewarding.’ ‘Each pupil produces a letter, drawings or photos, for example, for his or her own pen-pal once a month. We k for sch oo l Th e eTwi nn ing ne tw or compile the letters into a kind of album pa rtn er sh ips and send the end results to Poland. They naturally do the same.’ as a co- ÆÆ Established in 2005 The teachers have agreed on a specific operation network for European theme for each month. In September, schools. n between pupils wrote brief introductions of ÆÆ Promotes co-operatio schools by means of information themselves. The intention is for pupils to hnology. describe topics such as traditions, their and communications tec ÆÆ Offers teachers a free channel to own families and school during the year. projects to seek partners for joint The letters are sent by post or may be be implemented on line. rtners, posted on a specific password-protected ÆÆ Tools for finding pa nting TwinSpace Forum. planning and impleme projects, brainstor ming and Broadening world views discussions. l at As part of the project, pupils learn to ÆÆ The eTwinning Porta t functions as use e-mail and the online forum and to rkspace. a meeting point and wo prepare PowerPoint presentations. Schools reaching out to a global world 19
  • 22. g Internationality can be seen as soon as you enter Riihenmäki School. The globes on the wall poster in the entrance hall are marked with hearts indicating the destinations of school trips. Photo Tarja Repo In search of a good life 20 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
  • 23. Riihenmäki Lower Secondar y School Global citizens’ good life ÆÆ A good life and global citizenship were selected as the themes for the 2011/2012 theme year. ÆÆ The themes are discussed in project classes for different subjects. ÆÆ For instance, pupils explore various views of a good life in their religion studies and produce a wide variety of works about the themes in visual arts. ÆÆ The lower secondary school’s seventh-graders forged international contacts using the eTwinning Portal and Skype, while ninth-graders reflected on their future in co-operation with their peers from a Norwegian school. ÆÆ Pupils’ own active involvement in planning and carrying out the project plays a key role. ÆÆ A specific competence objective is social participation. ÆÆ A guide will be produced for teachers covering the phenomenon-based project work model. ÆÆ Language programme: A1 English, B1 Swedish, B2 Spanish, German, French and Russian. Additionally, the entrepreneurship class has 7-hour ‘language showers’ in five languages on a rotating basis. ÆÆ Website: T he ideal of an active and respon­ introduce themselves to foreign partner sible citizen plays a key role in the schools. operational culture of Mäntsälä- A large canvas poster has been based Riihenmäki Lower Secondary attached to the big screen in the spacious School. Therefore, it’s no wonder that central hall, showing globes that describe the pupils were also invited to take an the school’s other focus, internationality. active part in planning a theme year, There are red hearts on the globes with a good life and global citizenship indicating all those places that pupils have selected as the themes. visited on school trips. Another poster announces that Riihenmäki School is a UNESCO School. The themes of the theme year are visible in ‘In the future, we will also mark on many places within the school premises. the poster all those places with which One wall will be filled with seventh- we have forged eTwinning partnerships,’ graders’ self-portraits drawn in front of explains Saija Hellström, teacher of the mirror. Pictures will also be posted religion, ethics and entrepreneurship, on the eTwinning Portal, where pupils who is also the school’s vice head teacher. Schools reaching out to a global world 21
  • 24. Challenge for the entire school year classes throughout the year. Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School ‘This is a major challenge, the likes has just over 360 pupils in grades 7–9 of of which have never been implemented basic­education and about 30 teachers. at our school on such a large scale,’ Ms. In ­ addition to internationality, the Hellström describes. school’s operational priorities also include She explains that not all teachers were entrepreneurship education. recruited to the project, because it seemed The diverse development work that not everyone wanted to include carried out at the school has also attracted an international aspect in all projects. attention from elsewhere. In 2009, the However, the teachers have indicated Trade Union of Education (OAJ) and that they can reserve a few of their lesson its Opettaja (Teacher) magazine picked hours for the project. Riihenmäki School as the School of the Year. The citation for the award was Raising awareness of the the fact that the school creates a team phenomenon-based approach spirit between pupils and teachers and Global citizenship and a good life have promotes active involvement within the been discussed during lessons from many surrounding community. The school also perspectives. One of the objectives was to grants ‘creative madness’ scholarships. practise teamwork skills. Teachers also The entire school community has wanted to open up the phenomenon- joined forces to discuss the building based approach to pupils. They have blocks of a good life during the grasped how the contents of different 2011/2012 school year. In addition, the subjects are connected with each other. school’s As a Global Citizen in Finland Ms. Hellström wishes that there could project was included under this common be more room for the phenom­ enon- umbrella project and the following six based approach and implementation of teachers of different subjects started cross-curricular themes in education. to plan it: Taina Björnström, Riikka According to her, it is not currently Hankonen, Timo Parkkinen, Laura possible for teachers to address cross- Hari, Mari Mäkitalo-Aho and project curricular themes comprehensively, but co-ordinator Saija Hellström. they have to make choices within these The project covered the following themes instead. subjects taught by these teachers: biology ‘I’d start revising curricula based and geography, home economics, health on skills rather than subject contents. education, foreign languages, visual arts Describing skills would be more import­ and religion. Each of the six teachers ant than listing the things that pupils reserved some of their subject classes for must know.’ the project. At the project planning stage, all six The Global citizens’ good life project teachers went through their curricula is being carried out in different subject and considered which cross-curricular 22 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
  • 25. themes could be related to the project’s as teachers didn’t want to make a big song theme. They then picked these contents and dance of it, but we also wanted to get to be addressed during the project. In pupils themselves to think about how to the autumn, the project lessons were implement the projects.’ added to the school’s annual plan. Project The significance of activating pupils work is distributed into different subject has only just become clearer as the work classes. The teachers co-ordinate amongst has progressed. Ms. Hellström even themselves what topics to discuss during describes it as one of the greatest things project lessons and in which order. that they have learnt. This insight also The experiment did not remain influences her teaching work in other a one-year effort, because the project respects. started­to develop a permanent model ‘As instructing teachers, we feel for phenomenon-based work across that pupils’ involvement is also one of subject­bound­ries. The aim is for the a the most important aspects in terms of organisation method learnt during the global citizenship. Young people need to project to be used in the future as well. experience the feeling that they are the There is demand for such a model, protagonists of their own lives and that because the school selects a shared theme they can make a difference. Involvement every year and the new operating model in making decisions that influence your makes it easier to extend the theme to own studies and life starts at school.’ form part of several subjects. According to Ms. Hellström, pupils can be active agents in their own lives in Pupils’ involvement as the guiding relation to themselves, their community star and the surrounding world. In order for The teachers wanted pupils to be involved them to become active citizens in the right from the start and to influence the future, there must also be room for this contents and themes of the projects. For active involvement at school. example, pupils had a chance to think Activation of young people also about the topics and tasks that they would influences assessment of learning. later focus on in more detail. ‘Pupils come up to me and ask if This approach differs from the way the work that they’ve done is good. in which projects are traditionally carried My answer is that that’s not what I’m out. assessing. What’s more important is that ‘It often feels like teachers start each pupil­is able to decide for themselves pondering on concepts in depth and at a what they’ve learnt.’ high level. They plan something ready for pupils­ such as a theme and a handout. , Teachers don’t dictate The pupils perform the tasks but are not Biology and geography teacher Taina able to say afterwards what these dealt Björnström has also encouraged her with and were related to. That’s why we pupils to think for themselves. The tools Schools reaching out to a global world 23
  • 26. that she has used for this purpose include mind maps. ‘We have different themes for different months, such as topical issues or multiculturalism in Mäntsälä. I have intro­ uced various subject areas to pupils­ d and asked them to choose the ones that most inspire them. Pupils have been inter­sted in things like traditions, such e as Christmas traditions,’ Ms. Björnström relates. She admits that this type of g A brainstorming session kicks off the visual working method also requires the teacher arts class. Young people use a mind map to tolerate uncertainty, because the to write down their ideas about what sorts of things global citizenship could cover. outcome is not decided in advance. Photo Tarja Repo Teachers reminisce about how they already brainstormed dozens of project topics and working methods the previous spring. ‘However, it would have been a very teacher-driven approach. The results of the work would have been determined in advance. We rejected this approach and, ÆÆ In Riihenmäki Lower Secondary in the autumn, we started vigorously with School’s visual arts classroom, teacher Mari a pupil-centred approach. Obviously, even Mäkitalo-Aho is starting a brainstorming this approach requires us to set certain session about global citizenship and a parameters,’ Ms. Björnström muses. good life with Class 7E. The outcome may The programme for the school year be a cartoon – or something completely also includes themed events, such as a different. theme week for ninth-graders. During the week, pupils reflect on their future in co- ‘Work together to think about what the topics­ operation with their peers at Risil School bring to your minds. Let’s then make mind in Norway. They have applied for a grant maps of these,’ Ms. Mäkitalo-Aho instructs from the Youth Academy organisation for the class. the theme week to cover the costs of visits The pupils divide into groups to think and a band workshop, for example. about the task. After initial confusion, ideas ‘Someone may, say, decorate their start to spring up, accompanied by a lively own imaginary home during the week. A buzz, and pupils come up to the board to few boys want to write and record a song,’ write down their ideas. Ms. Hellström explains. In their mind maps, young people associate global citizenship with aspects such as equality, public rights, freedom and people of different colours. A global citizen may also 24 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
  • 27. A visual arts class starts with brainstorming be everyone’s friend, an extraordinary person in with its back cover sporting a large-eyed an ordinary environment, or a Finn. cartoon character with a big speech A good life brings forth even more words, bubble. The bubble is still blank, but the such as family, food, leisure activities, learning, teacher is looking forward with interest to technology, shops, sleep, nurses, procreation seeing what sort of message of a good life and money. will be produced. Another task is to use a song about With a big heart a good or a bad life as an inspiration for Pupils have done project-related tasks in visual work. Pupils also produce arrangements, arts throughout the autumn. For instance, mobiles and cartoons and practise self- ninth-graders reflect on questions such as ‘who knowledge by drawing self-portraits. am I’ or ‘what are objects, moods and images ‘Drawing a self-portrait is always relating to a good life like’. They produce an equally challenging and fun topic portfolios about their own lives and write a letter for seventh-graders,’ Ms. Mäkitalo-Aho addressed to themselves ten years from now and points out. use this as a basis to create a piece describing the The bell rings and the brainstorming highlights of their lives. session is over for now. The pupils leave ‘Making a portfolio has been an inspiring the classroom, but the ideas linger in their task for pupils, which they are working on with minds, bubbling under for the next visual a big heart,’ Mari Mäkitalo-Aho praises. One of arts class. the best outputs is a manga virtuoso’s portfolio Schools reaching out to a global world 25
  • 28. m Mona Marjeta (left) and Johanna Siira are finalising their English presentations for the eTwinning Portal. Photo Tarja Repo e? op Joni Tenhunen has already finished ur ,E his presentation. For him, writing an English text was not hard, although ng ÆIn Æ he does not have much experience of ni Riihen­ foreigners. te mäki Lower The teacher gives pupils permission lis Secondary to retrieve images for their presentations u yo School’s computer from their Facebook profiles. lab, pupils in Class re 7C are fine-tuning Phone calls on Skype A their English-language The class also think about ways in which presentations of themselves. they would present their own school to The letters will be posted on the their foreign counterparts and topics to eTwinning Portal, through which the discuss with them. For support, they have school has made partners from Spain, monthly changing themes relating to Greece, Turkey and France. news items, immigration, technology and human rights, for example. ‘The English teacher has promised to ‘Try to think about interesting ways check our presentations. What’s import­ of learning something about another ant here is not grammar but making person’s culture and life, and what you yourselves understood,’ Saija Hellström could tell others,’ the teacher explains. instructs her pupils. International contacts are maintained International contacts are part of throughout the year. In addition, pupils Riihenmäki School’s As a Global Citizen live chat with each other using instant in Finland project. The aim is for pupils messaging and Skype, the Internet phone to gain genuine experience of meeting application. their foreign peers. Classes have used the Saija Hellström is planning to ask the eTwinning Portal to find partner classes to pupils to interview their own parents as contact during project lessons. The portal a homework assignment. The interviews offers a virtual TwinSpace classroom to would be videoed, subtitled in English carry out projects. It is used to exchange and posted on the eTwinning Portal. images, files and videos and for chatting. The class will produce material about ‘Writing the presentation has been a the project topics for the portal and bit of a struggle. Otherwise this project assessment will also be carried out using seems nice, because it’s so different from the portal. Teachers received training ordinary schoolwork,’ confides Mona in use of the portal from eTwinning Marjeta, a pupil in Class 7C. Ambassador Sari Auramo. 26 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School
  • 29. A word cloud reveals pupils’ values ÆÆ At Riihenmäki Lower Secondary School, pupils visualised the hallmarks of a good life using the free Internet- based Wordle applet. To begin with, pupils compiled their words into a common Microsoft Word document. Each pupil added their own words to the file, which meant that words such as ‘family’ may appear a couple of dozen times. The words were then copied to Wordle, which created a word cloud from them. The end result highlighted those words that occurred most frequently. The most visible words were ‘family’, ‘friends’ and ‘leisure activities’. It is also possible to print the word cloud. One class translated their word list using Google Translate, thus creating an English-language word cloud on Wordle. Classes at foreign partner schools also created similar word clouds that can be compared. ÆÆ Schools reaching out to a global world 27
  • 30. m The Zambian Village of Isenge received young guests from Vesilahti Lower Secondary School. KUVA Tapani Pietilä School development co- operation launched a PHOTO Tapani Pietilä popular movement V esilahti Lower Secondary event, attracting plenty of locals and even School in the Tampere Region guests from neighbouring municipalities. is known for its close contacts The latest crowd puller is the brand with surrounding society. Contacts are new artificial lawn, which was installed not restricted only to the immediate in the grounds a month earlier. Inside the surroundings but extend all the way to entrance hall there are African artefacts Europe, Africa and Asia. The school’s for sale and local Elixir Club members are head teacher and Pupil Association are making quilts for Africa. the driving forces behind international A video about Zambia is playing on co-operation. loop in the school canteen, while a short course in tourist French is about to start On a clear Saturday in early October, in another room. An elementary know­ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School is once ledge of French helps on a trip to Paris again the centre and meeting point of the or, say, Senegal, which is the school’s next municipality. The school is holding an development co-operation partner. 28 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
  • 31. Vesilahti Lower Secondar y School How has the Municipality of Vesilahti supported the global citizenship theme in basic education? ÆÆ For more than 20 years, the school has implemented themes relating to global education. ÆÆ The lower secondary school covers pupils in grades 7–9 of basic education. ÆÆ Pupils’ proceeds from the school’s Operation Day’s Work drive have been allocated to development of the Village of Isenge in Zambia. ÆÆ Aid recipients have also included a Vietnamese day-care centre and, most recently, a Senegalese village. ÆÆ The Pupil Association plays an active part in partnership projects. ÆÆ Pupil exchanges and study visits to different countries are organised with funding through proceeds from pupils’ own café business. ÆÆ Language programme: A1 English, B1 Swedish, B2 German and French. ÆÆ Practical examples of international activities are compiled in a report, which also assesses their effectiveness. ÆÆ Competence objectives include active citizenship and development partnership. ÆÆ Koulutien Uutiset school magazine: opetus/ylaaste/koulutien_uutiset Announcements in many languages a school in the Black Forest area of In the canteen, pupils are preparing Germany. They spend a week in Germany delicacies and managing service with and play host to a German guest for a a professional air. In the background, week.’ Tapani Pietilä, head teacher and Study visits are also made to the municipal Director of Education and school’s Latvian twin school and to Culture, is welcoming guests in Finnish destinations in France, Greece and and French on the central radio system. Vietnam, which are familiar from other ‘Announcements are not only like this contexts. During the summer holidays, today, but often at other times too. The the young people may also participate head teacher is fluent in many languages,’ in other trips organised by the Pupil comments mathematics teacher Anna- Association. In addition, some pupils Kaarina Huhtala. She says that she has have visited the school’s development co- worked at the school since it was built in operation partner in Zambia. 1992 and that she likes it here very much. Vesilahti is a municipality with just Isenge energised the entire village under 4,500 inhabitants, located to the The lower secondary school launched south of the City of Tampere. The lower a partnership project in the Zambian secondary school has about 190 pupils Village of Isenge in 2007. The village was and 15 teachers. Ms. Huhtala explains discovered through Meeri Salokangas, a that the school has provided global Vesilahti-based voluntary worker. education for quite a long time. Funding from Vesilahti inhabitants ‘Every pupil has the chance to has provided the village with a health participate in a pupil exchange with centre­ a bore well, a school with toilet , Schools reaching out to a global world 29
  • 32. The lower secondary school’s pupils are seasoned travellers. Pupil exchanges and study trips are organised to other European facilities, two houses for teachers and countries and beyond. a henhouse. In addition, women have PHOTO Tapani Pietilä received garden loans and training in using sewing machines, while the project school of the neighbouring Municipality has also covered the cost of about fifty of Lempäälä, where most Vesilahti lower malaria nets. The most recent collection secondary pupils continue their studies at was organised to get electricity to the upper secondary level, has also donated village. funds collected through its Operation ‘All the proceeds from the Pupil Day’s Work drive to Isenge. Association’s Operation Day’s Work drive The aid project will culminate in will go to Isenge without any deductions,’ February 2012 when the buildings Ms. Huhtala points out. are inaugurated. The ceremony will The head teacher informs the school be attended by people from different of news on Isenge in the online school countries and the Zambia National magazine, Koulutien Uutiset. The Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) is maga­ ine reveals that plenty of donations z planning to make a documentary about have also been received from outsiders. the project. Assignment Editor Kennedy Between April and September 2011, for Bwalya from the ZNBC is coming to example, private individuals donated Vesilahti to coincide with the school’s almost 3,100 euros to the Isenge account. Christmas Bazaar to make preparations One donor gave a hundred euros with the for the documentary. following note: ‘A war veteran thanks the Vesilahti Lower Secondary School young people who are helping children has also supported a nursery school in the living in difficult conditions to move Vietnamese Village of Ngyen Ly. forward.’ The school’s own Operation ‘In both Zambia and Vietnam, we Day’s Work drives currently yield about have received strong moral support from 1,900 euros per year. the Finnish ambassadors and embassies Moreover, the upper secondary operating in these countries.’ 30 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
  • 33. l The co-operation project with the Zambian Village of Isenge is a joint effort involving not only the school but the entire village. Elixir Club members (from right) Aili Saarinen, Inka Valtamo, Ritva Liukko and Anneli Tuominen are doing voluntary work for Africa. PHOTOS Katja Särkkä help Africa even though our own country has economic difficulties. When guests from Vesilahti visited our school to tell us about Africa, students got a more realistic picture of how vast a gap there is in living standards between Latvia and Zambia. I believe that it made them feel more positive about development co- operation.’ Vesilahti has also become familiar at the twin school in other respects. Over a period of seven years, more than 50 Latvian young people have enjoyed Latvia was invited to join summer jobs in the Aittakahvila Café run Isenge also receives aid from the lower by the Pupil Association. secondary school’s Latvian twin upper secondary school, Draudzīgā aicinājuma ‘Internationality is not underlined’ Cēsu Valsts ģimnāzija. Co-operation According to teacher Anna-Kaarina with Finns is co-ordinated by Ms. Laima Huhtala, it is fair to say that Vesilahti Pērkone. Lower Secondary School is an inter­ ‘Our Zambia co-operation started national school. For instance, the school about four years ago, when Vesilahti receives plenty of guests from abroad. invited us to join. We seized the opportun­ ‘However, I don’t think that ity, because we didn’t have any previous internationality is underlined. We are experience of such projects.’ just an ordinary school, but we do have Ms. Pērkone explains that the Latvian these nice extra activities, such as pupil education system is of a good standard exchanges with Germany. I also find it and that pupils also have opportunities great that Operation Day’s Work funds to participate in exchange programmes. are dedicated direct to a specific recipient, However, there are problems relating which the pupils know very well too.’ to bureaucracy and the country’s Ms. Huhtala is happy with the fact economic situation, which may also affect that international activities are running people’s attitudes towards issues such as relatively smoothly from the perspective development co-operation. Nevertheless, of employees. the Zambia project seems to have ‘We have such solid routines in pupil changed young people’s attitudes at the exchanges, for example. Even the African twin school. projects are not particularly hard work for ‘Students were asking why we should us teachers.’ Schools reaching out to a global world 31
  • 34. The Pup il Ass ocia tion mak es imp orta nt dec isio ns h Pupils appreciate a seat on the Pupil Association’s Board. Shown in the picture from left, Board Chair Iida Ollinpoika and members Heta-Mari Himanen, Ronja Nummela, Konsta Nuutero, Mariisa Uusitalo, Ulla Mäkelä and Susanna Mäkelä. PHOTO Katja Särkkä ÆÆ The Pupil Association plays a of times each year. prominent role both in daily life and ‘It’s been perceived as being a good during celebrations at Vesilahti Lower solution. There’s not always time to deal Secondary School. The young people with all the topics during breaks and it’s participate in decision-making within difficult to organise transport after school. the Africa project, manage its aid The local authorities have promised to account and run their own Aittakahvila fund one meeting trip each year, because Café and the school kiosk. it helps to advertise the municipality too Young people appreciate their Pupil to some extent.’ Association, which is reflected in the fact Iida is also leaving on a school trip that a seat on its Board is in high demand. to Zambia in February 2012. She is ‘The Board steers the Zambia project. very much looking forward to seeing We are about to leave on a seminar the Village of Isenge and to meeting the cruise, where we’ll go through the Isenge people­who will receive their aid. accounts,’ explains Iida Ollinpoika, Iida Ollinpoika supposes that Chair of the Pupil Association’s Board Vesilahti Lower Secondary School has from the 8th grade. more international contacts than many Meeting trips are organised a couple other schools. 32 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
  • 35. ‘I think that international activities encourage independence. During their lower secondary school years, many pupils participate in a trip that is not necessarily attended by their own parents.’ The café provides money for trips The Pupil Association set up its own café in 1996 during economically difficult times. The local authorities gave the young people the use of an outbuilding dating back to 1840, where they have successfully operated the café during the summer months. During the school year, they arrange refreshment services for evening events h Pupils run a café that caters for a couple of held at the school. Customers include thousand customers every year. Delicious pastries are on offer thanks to hygiene the Municipal Council and the adult certificate training organised for young education centre’s study circle, which people by the Pupil Association. convene on the school premises. Young people are paid for the work they do, i During the summer months, the Pupil Association organises trips abroad which which they use to fund trips, among other are also open to other Vesilahti inhabitants. things. Former café employee Susanna In 2009, the destination was Paris. Mäkelä reveals that the summer job PHOTOS Tapani Pietilä generates a nice sum for the travel fund. ‘Serving refreshments at larger events may bring in as much as a hundred euros­ for each employee. It’s great that pupils­can enjoy a trip with aid from the Aittakahvila Café, if it’s not possible any other way. Pupils have internal school accounts where their fees are paid,’ explains Susanna, who is also on the Pupil Association’s Board. The café caters for a couple of thousand customers every year. The largest order­ has been a war veterans’ party attended by almost 1,300 participants. Operations are possible because many pupils hold hygiene certificates. The Pupil Association also organises a major Christmas Bazaar on the school premises every year. Schools reaching out to a global world 33
  • 36. MAURITANIA AFRICA Atlantic Sén ég Messages from Ocean al Diamniadio to Vesilahti Dakar SENEGAL MAP Kauko Kyöstiö/ Spatio Oy Fatick Diamniadio MALI GAMBIA 0 100 200 km GUINEA- BISSAU GUINEA n Senegalese guest Mamadou Fall tested the school’s brand new artificial grass with local football stars. but there is not much work around. As a result, many of them move abroad. Mr. Fall’s home village in West Africa is located on an island. There are about a thousand inhabitants and fishing is more or less the only livelihood. There is no PHOTOS Katja Särkkä electricity. Another problem is drinking water, which is fairly salty. Water is purified using a piece of equipment that requires petrol, which is also in short supply. ‘The village has a primary school. ÆÆ After Zambia and Vietnam, However, there are no dwellings for Vesilahti Lower Secondary School is teachers, who need to stay with local setting up a new aid project in Senegal. families instead. That’s why it’s difficult Co-operation with the Village of to get teachers to come to the village. The Diamniadio was planned in Vesilahti school building itself is old and there are in October. no desks. There may be as many as 65 pupils sharing one classroom.’ Gathered around the table were the When they leave primary school, Senegalese guest Mamadou Lamine Fall pupils­should move on to secondary with his French interpreter and members school on another, bigger island. of the lower secondary school staff and However, parents cannot always pay for of the Board of the Pupil Association. their children to stay with another family, Mr. Fall explained that Senegalese young which means an end to schooling for people­have some opportunities to study many at that point. 34 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Vesilahti Lower Secondary School
  • 37. There is a public health nurse living recipients. For instance, no transactions on the island, who sees patients at home. are made without receipts and funds When women give birth, for example, for building the school go direct to the they need to leave the island on a small builder. boat and sometimes children are actually There may also be communication born on the boat. One problem is that difficulties. For example, communications there is no fridge for medicines requiring with the Zambian partner school Isenge cold storage. are most commonly by text message, According to Mr. Fall, the most urgent which are necessarily quite brief. The priority for the village is to build a small village does not have an Internet health centre and a teachers’ residence. connection and postal delivery takes anywhere from a week to a month. Problems from the local balance of The idea of a development partnership power is to disperse the donor/recipient Development activists know that projects relationship and to progress towards may also run into problems, which may inter­ ction on a more equal footing. The a be caused by the local balance of power partner community should become able and the leaders’ responsibilities towards to stand more and more firmly on its own their families. In many cases, all things go feet. The signs augur well for Isenge. through the village chief, which is not a ‘The henhouse project has made a very simple arrangement from the donors’ profit after the first lot of sales; in other perspective. words, it has started to generate capital for developing operations and some spending Aid to the right address money for the people. The school is also However, donors have their ways of operating on its own,’ Mr. Pietilä relates. making sure that aid reaches the right Schools reaching out to a global world 35
  • 38. Equal partnership with Tanzania Kasavuori Lower Secondar y School, Kauniainen Being a global citizen near and far ÆÆ The school will intensify relations with the twin school in Sanya Juu, Tanzania, making the partnership more reciprocal. ÆÆ The objective is to broaden lower secondary school pupils’ perspectives and encourage them to appreciate the values and way of life of another culture. ÆÆ Pupils prepared a display for the Tanzanians and participated in an Africa-themed day with focus on manual skills. ÆÆ A school-wide collection was organised to gather gifts to take to the twin school. ÆÆ A specific competence objective is development partnership. ÆÆ Language programme: English, Swedish and German as A-syllabus language options; German, French and Russian as B-syllabus language options. In addition, pupils may choose language immersion in Swedish at primary school, which continues at lower secondary school with a slightly more advanced syllabus than the regular A-syllabus Swedish, geared towards maintaining language skills. ÆÆ Website: K asavuori Lower Secondary School in Kauniainen donates two thirds of pupils’ proceeds from annual Operation Day’s Work drives to its h The Finns gave a camera for use by pupils of Kilingi Secondary School, who Tanzanian twin school. The funds have took pictures of their own homes. The been put to good use in Africa, but there photos were included in the display are higher hopes for this co-operation. prepared for Kasavuori School. The objective is to make inter­ction a more equal, even though economic conditions are different. 36 I Schools took on the task ÆÆ Kasavuori Lower Secondary School