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Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                        as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game

Summary Statement

We propose an avatar-based smartphone game that can be used to assess obesity behavioral
risk factors in children and can be deployed in the healthcare or community setting.

Prologue for Avatar

       A long time ago, before cars and skyscrapers, the land of lakes was filled with small elf-like
       creatures known as The Nobbies. The Nobbies lived in trees and spent their days carving
       fruits and vegetables for the woodland creatures. You may have never heard of The Nobbies
       before, but there are three things about them you may need to know: (1) The Nobbies look a
       lot like you and me, but their eyes are huge, their ears are pointy and they are barely bigger
       than your pinky finger, (2) they require healthy behaviors to survive, and, (3) they need your
       help before they disappear forever.

Scientific Background

In 2007, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published recommendations that
pediatricians assess all children for behavioral risk factors that have been associated with
childhood obesity and unhealthy weight gain into adulthood.1 These risk factors are
summarized below:
       3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
              and up to 3 snacks a day. Eat family meals prepared at home.
       2 No more than 2 hours of screen time per day
              and no TV in the bedroom.
       1 At least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity
       0 Zero sugar-sweetened beverages. Drink un-flavored milk or water.

In 2011, following the publication of the 2007 AAP Recommendations, the USDA (United States
Department of Agriculture) published the dietary guidelines of,
recommending that half of the diet should consist of fruits or vegetables.<sup>2</sup>
Combining the AAP and USDA recommendations could theoretically create a campaign such
as the following: For a healthy weight…3-2-1-0 and half a plate!

Childhood rates of overweight and obesity remain high.3 Few studies exist examining how
many pediatricians in the U.S. are screening for the behavioral risk factors related to obesity or
how many providers are using that information to provide customized anticipatory guidance in
regards to nutrition, physical activity, and sedentary behavior.4 Often, studies rely on self-
report,5–7 which can misestimate screening practices.8 Previous studies have shown that early
identification of risk is the key to providing adequate and timely behavioral therapy.9 Treatment
efficacy is highest under the age of 10 and success rates of weight and behavioral change drop
precipitously as children approach puberty.10 Children under the age of ten are developmentally
very receptive to messages delivered through stories and cartoon characters. Therefore, this
may prove an effective strategy for assessing health information at this developmental age.11,12

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                     as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game
                                      Software Description

We propose an avatar-based game aimed at children under the age of 10 and their parents, to
be launched on smartphone platforms using adorable cartoon characters known as The
Nobbies. The Nobbies are loosely based upon The Little People of Wisconsin Native American
Folklore and were created and tested for likability in pilot studies by Dr. Tracy Flood MD, PhD of
PlayingDoctor, LLC (unpublished data). These avatars simultaneously engage users (children
and parent dyads) and collect data on key obesity behavioral risk factors by creating an avatar
environment and then conducting a series of five mini-games that can be completed by children
alongside of parents. The smartphone-based platform was chosen because 1 in every 2
parents owns a smartphone device and users span all ethnicities and sociodemographics.13

The design of the software includes orientation and five mini-games. During orientation, users
choose an avatar and design an environment. Players can then give their avatar health points
via mini-games. Mini-games are designed to be brief and fun assessments (lasting less than 2
minutes each) of the child’s obesity behavioral risk factors. After the completion of a mini-game,
users receive immediate feedback from the avatar and a conglomerate score of the avatar’s
“health and happiness”. Avatar health is able to change over time, as mini-games are repeated
and behavioral risk factors change. These scores are compared to the scores and trends of
other users in the region.


It is important to give users (i.e. the child) a strong sense of avatar in order to create a greater
sense of immersion within the game space. Upon opening the game, users create a Nobbie
that resembles their own likeness using a system similar to that seen in the Wii Mii system.
After the child has created their own avatar, they are prompted to create an immediate family,
reflective of their own family, within the Nobbieworld. During this initial process, background
information can also be collected on covariates such as the child’s age, sex, and self- or parent-
reported height and weight, as well as placing a “pin” on the GPS coordinates of their home.

Once the user has been prompted to design an avatar, which will serve as their personal
analog within the game environment, they are encouraged to make a few choices that will
inform the basic layout of the living quarters of their Nobbie. While Nobbies live in trees rather
than houses and their “backyards” are on the limbs of trees, users will form the imaginary world
of their avatar to be modeled after their own home. Users populate the indoor and outdoor living
space with furniture, toys, and electronic devices. This step provides background data on the
number of electronic devices (i.e. television, gaming system) and their placement, such as a TV
placed in the child’s bedroom. It also provides information on their immediate recreational
space (i.e. backyards, playgrounds, adjacent parks).

The final step of orientation is to stock the root cellar of the Nobbie with a few select items seen
in the user’s kitchen. This includes drinks (e.g. milk, 100% juice, sugar-sweetened beverages)
and fruit and vegetable representations that include commonly consumed, non-name brand
representations of fresh, frozen, canned, and dried fruits and vegetables. This provides data on
home availability of foods that are related to the AAP recommendations.

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                       as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game

After completing orientation, users have created an avatar, a family, and a home environment
reflective of their own lives. Now, upon opening the application, users shall see the avatar
“living” in the space. The space can be updated by users at any time. The homescreen showing
the avatar also displays stats on Health and Happiness as well as highlighted navigation
buttons directing users to the mini-games. Mini-games are ways in which players can collect
points to increase their avatar’s health and happiness.


Mini-Games that are age-appropriate are used to directly assess five behavioral risk factors
outlined by the campaign: For a healthy weight…3-2-1-0 and half a plate! Games are visual
representations of previously validated questionnaire measures. Players receive points for
scores of healthful behavior and those points contribute to the avatars Health and Happiness.
On their first entry, users are given no feedback as to what behaviors generate maximal points
so as not to bias the initial responses. After the user has completed all five games once, a
button is made available to suggest ways to improve the avatar’s health and happiness score.
Younger children need to complete mini-games accompanied by parents, preferably at the end
of the day to recall the events of the day. The game is programmed to automatically time-stamp
mini-game scores with a time, date, and day to give longitudinal data and the ability to
discriminate between weekdays and weekends.

       Making the Games Age Appropriate

Age-data from the orientation input automatically initiates one of two different gaming “styles” in
order to create a game experience that is age-appropriate. One play style appeals more to the
"twitch" style of game, most often preferred by older children, while the second will appeal to
the "casual" style of game, which is appropriate for younger players. Users can also choose to
change this manually in Game Settings if they wish. Regardless of gaming “style”, data
collected will be same and scores will not be lost.

       Mini-Game “Meals”

3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and up to 3 snacks a day.
Eat family meals prepared at home.

In this mini-game, the avatar asks users recount the meals of the day (with the help of their
parents). Children are asked by the avatar when they ate their first meal of the day (i.e. did they
eat breakfast), where they ate lunch, where they ate (or will eat) dinner, was it at home or at a
restaurant, and if they had snacks. As they answer, the avatar draws a diagram of the day
outlining their responses. The diagram will look similar to a sticker-chart with color-codes and

Responses are scored and users receive points for eating breakfast, regular meals, and meals
at home.

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                        as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game
       Mini-Game “Screentime”

2 No more than 2 hours of screen time per day and no TV in the bedroom.

This mini-game assesses the number of hours a child watches TV in a day. The avatar asks the
question: What did you do today? Did you watch TV? If the child answers yes, they are
prompted to answer on a sliding scale including 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 or more
hours. As the child answers, the avatar points along sliding scale along a measuring tape to
assess the child’s response.

Points are given for not watching TV and any number less than 2 hours a day.

BONUS POINT: Whether or not there is a TV in the bedroom is assessed during orientation
when the user creates the avatar’s home environment. If there is no TV in the bedroom, users
receive a bonus point.

       Mini-Game “Physical Activity”

1 At least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity

This mini-game uses a similar structure to the one outlined for “screentime”, but assesses
physical activity and active play. The avatar asks: What did you do today? Did you play? If the
child answers yes, they are prompted to answer on a sliding scale ranging from 30 minutes, to
3 or more hours.

Points are given for 60 or more minutes of physical activity.

       Mini-Game “Sugar-Sweetened Beverages”

0 Zero sugar-sweetened beverages. Drink un-flavored milk or water.

During this game, users are asked to “feed” the avatar what they themselves had to drink that
day. Players “drag” the drinks over to the avatar who makes drinking noises. Options include
pictures of what is currently in the avatar’s root cellar as well as soda, sports drinks, skim milk,
whole milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, fruit cocktail, 100% fruit juice, and water. Players
can give avatars multiple drinks.

Points are given for feeding the avatar milk and water.

       Mini-Game “Half a plate”

Half a plate of fruits and vegetables.

During this mini-game, users are asked a single question by the avatar: Today, how many fruit
and vegetables did you eat? Players are shown four plates to choose from containing differing

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                      as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game
amounts fruits and vegetables: A little (10% of the plate), a medium amount (25%), a lot (50%),
or mostly fruits and vegetables (90%).

Users get points for choosing “a lot” or “mostly”.

       Health and Happiness Scores

After the completion of each mini-game, players receive points that affect the health of their
avatar in the game-environment. The avatar’s “mood” is reflected by the number of points they
have. If they have few points, the avatar looks sickly, sad, and grey. If they have a high number
of points, they are happy, spritely, and colorful. Each mini-game can be played only once daily
as games assess the events of that day. The next day, users have the opportunity to improve
the health of their avatar. Users can see trends of their own scores as well as the scores of
others by region. Thus neighborhoods are in competition for having the healthiest Nobbies. In
regards to confidentiality, user health scores and precise GPS locations are all de-identified and
remain confidential, but users may invite others with the game to see their changing scores.

Additional Software
Physicians, community workers, and other allied health professionals can be invited to see
scores and are provided software that gives a “dashboard” of the itemized scores of individual
users within their patient population. Healthcare providers can also track patient and regional
data over time by and may be granted to ability to input health information into individual
accounts (either manually or automatically via electronic medical records) in order to update
measures of height and weight for the purpose of tracking body mass index (BMI) percentile
charts. Healthcare providers can then see how their region and patient population compares to

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                           as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game
Data Generation Description

Using an avatar-based gaming experience allows for data collection of both novel and
previously-used measures of obesity behavior risk factors. Table 1 outlines the data measures
that are collected during the gaming experience. While longitudinal data is available from users,
it is likely that the most accurate assessment will be the initial one that occurs prior to the user
receiving any avatar feedback or points. More data is needed to assess the reliability and
validity of using avatar-environments to reflect real-world environments and whether changes in
behavior are valid and reliable with real behaviors.

       Table 1. Variables Collected During Gamification

       AAP Recommendations                     Gamification Measures                          Related
                                               (mapped geographically by GPS coordinates)     Population
       Covariates                              Age, sex
                                               Height, weight, calculated BMI percentile
                                               Parental height, weight, and BMI
                                               Location of primary home

       3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3           Frequency of skipping breakfast                AdHealth
       meals a day (breakfast, lunch,          Frequency of skipping lunch or dinner          Survey
       dinner) and up to 3 snacks a            Snacking frequency
       day. Eat family meals prepared          Frequency of meals eaten outside of the home
       at home.                                Frequency of family meals

       2 No more than 2 hours of        Daily television usage                                IPAQ14
       screen time per day and no TV in TV in bedroom (via avatar environment)
       the bedroom.

       1 At least 1 hour of moderate to        Daily physical activity                        IPAQ14
       vigorous physical activity

       0 Zero sugar-sweetened                  Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption           FFQ15
       beverages. Drink un-flavored            Milk and water consumption
       milk or water.                          “Other” beverage consumption

       Half a plate of fruits and              Proportion of fruits and vegetables eaten      unknown

       AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics
       Adhealth: Adolescent Health Survey
       FFQ: Food Frequency Questionnaire
       BMI: Body mass index
       IPAQ: Physical Activity Questionnaire
       TV: Television

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                     as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game

                              Community-Deployment Approach

Deployment will first occur in the state of Wisconsin. There is a robust network of childhood
obesity coalitions within the state. Coalitions are present in 70 of the 72 Wisconsin communities
and include faculty and staff of University of Wisconsin Extension, community-based
organizations, childcare providers, educators in schools, government employees, and allied
health professionals (e.g. nurses, dieticians, physical therapists, physicians). Childhood obesity
coalitions in the state of Wisconsin are supported by the Wisconsin Community Transformation
Grant. The smartphone software will be available as a free download in respective online
stores. Coalitions will aid with the initial dissemination of the “dashboard” software within the
healthcare setting.

The Aligning Forces dataset includes 19 Health Systems in the state of Wisconsin. In order to
identify individual practitioners within each system, databases housed at the Wisconsin Medical
Society (which contains information on approximately 80% of all physicians statewide) will be
used to identify physicians in family medicine and pediatrics. If a practice adopts a tool, they will
be given handouts for patients with information on how to download the app and a QR code will
be on the handout so patients can scan it and be directed immediately to the download.

While the primary focus of the game is to provide healthcare providers with the behavioral
assessment recommended by the AAP, parents may also wish to use the app even if it has not
been recommended to them by an allied health professional. Childhood obesity coalitions may
aid with dissemination to schools and childcare settings. Parents may also be reached via
online advertising and the building of a social network by integrating it with networking platforms
like FaceBook, Google+ and Twitter. Users will be able to share their scores on these platforms
and track their improvement, if they desire. Peer feedback will in turn drive the motivation of
those peers with the game to do the same.

Future Directions

As technology is validated and made more readily available and affordable, self-assessments
can be replaced with direct assessments such as an accelerometer (e.g. Zamzee) or shoe-
based device (e.g. Nike+) to assess when a child is active during the day. There may also be a
device that is attachable to the TV to measure number of hours the television was on. Scores
from those measurements can be used to get points and, therefore, directly improve the health
of the avatar.

Overall, we recognize that more studies are needed to assess the validity and reliability of
game-based measures and game-measured behavioral change. Building the games is a
valuable first step.

Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Tracy Flood, MD, PhD, PlayingDoctor, LLC
Michael Diedrick, Byte Studios, Inc.

Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors
                       as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game

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4. Eneli IU, Keast DR, Rappley MD, Camargo CA. Adequacy of two ambulatory care surveillance systems for
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5. Story MT, Neumark-Stzainer DR, Sherwood NE, et al. Management of child and adolescent obesity: attitudes,
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7. Jonides L, Buschbacher V, Barlow SE. Management of child and adolescent obesity: psychological, emotional,
and behavioral assessment. Pediatrics. 2002;110(1 Pt 2):215–21. Available at: Accessed January 31, 2013.
8. Rhodes ET, Finkelstein JA, Marshall R, et al. Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents:
attitudes, barriers, and practices among pediatric clinicians. Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the
Ambulatory Pediatric Association. 6(2):110–4. Available at:
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9. O’Brien SH, Holubkov R, Reis EC. Identification, evaluation, and management of obesity in an academic
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10. Danielsson P, Kowalski J, Ekblom O, Marcus C. Response of Severely Obese Children and Adolescents to
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1987;87(1):43–7. Available at: Accessed February 23, 2013.


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Save the Nobbies!

  • 1. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game Summary Statement We propose an avatar-based smartphone game that can be used to assess obesity behavioral risk factors in children and can be deployed in the healthcare or community setting. Prologue for Avatar A long time ago, before cars and skyscrapers, the land of lakes was filled with small elf-like creatures known as The Nobbies. The Nobbies lived in trees and spent their days carving fruits and vegetables for the woodland creatures. You may have never heard of The Nobbies before, but there are three things about them you may need to know: (1) The Nobbies look a lot like you and me, but their eyes are huge, their ears are pointy and they are barely bigger than your pinky finger, (2) they require healthy behaviors to survive, and, (3) they need your help before they disappear forever. Scientific Background In 2007, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published recommendations that pediatricians assess all children for behavioral risk factors that have been associated with childhood obesity and unhealthy weight gain into adulthood.1 These risk factors are summarized below: 3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and up to 3 snacks a day. Eat family meals prepared at home. 2 No more than 2 hours of screen time per day and no TV in the bedroom. 1 At least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity 0 Zero sugar-sweetened beverages. Drink un-flavored milk or water. In 2011, following the publication of the 2007 AAP Recommendations, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) published the dietary guidelines of, recommending that half of the diet should consist of fruits or vegetables.<sup>2</sup> Combining the AAP and USDA recommendations could theoretically create a campaign such as the following: For a healthy weight…3-2-1-0 and half a plate! Childhood rates of overweight and obesity remain high.3 Few studies exist examining how many pediatricians in the U.S. are screening for the behavioral risk factors related to obesity or how many providers are using that information to provide customized anticipatory guidance in regards to nutrition, physical activity, and sedentary behavior.4 Often, studies rely on self- report,5–7 which can misestimate screening practices.8 Previous studies have shown that early identification of risk is the key to providing adequate and timely behavioral therapy.9 Treatment efficacy is highest under the age of 10 and success rates of weight and behavioral change drop precipitously as children approach puberty.10 Children under the age of ten are developmentally very receptive to messages delivered through stories and cartoon characters. Therefore, this may prove an effective strategy for assessing health information at this developmental age.11,12   1  
  • 2. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game Software Description We propose an avatar-based game aimed at children under the age of 10 and their parents, to be launched on smartphone platforms using adorable cartoon characters known as The Nobbies. The Nobbies are loosely based upon The Little People of Wisconsin Native American Folklore and were created and tested for likability in pilot studies by Dr. Tracy Flood MD, PhD of PlayingDoctor, LLC (unpublished data). These avatars simultaneously engage users (children and parent dyads) and collect data on key obesity behavioral risk factors by creating an avatar environment and then conducting a series of five mini-games that can be completed by children alongside of parents. The smartphone-based platform was chosen because 1 in every 2 parents owns a smartphone device and users span all ethnicities and sociodemographics.13 The design of the software includes orientation and five mini-games. During orientation, users choose an avatar and design an environment. Players can then give their avatar health points via mini-games. Mini-games are designed to be brief and fun assessments (lasting less than 2 minutes each) of the child’s obesity behavioral risk factors. After the completion of a mini-game, users receive immediate feedback from the avatar and a conglomerate score of the avatar’s “health and happiness”. Avatar health is able to change over time, as mini-games are repeated and behavioral risk factors change. These scores are compared to the scores and trends of other users in the region. Orientation It is important to give users (i.e. the child) a strong sense of avatar in order to create a greater sense of immersion within the game space. Upon opening the game, users create a Nobbie that resembles their own likeness using a system similar to that seen in the Wii Mii system. After the child has created their own avatar, they are prompted to create an immediate family, reflective of their own family, within the Nobbieworld. During this initial process, background information can also be collected on covariates such as the child’s age, sex, and self- or parent- reported height and weight, as well as placing a “pin” on the GPS coordinates of their home. Once the user has been prompted to design an avatar, which will serve as their personal analog within the game environment, they are encouraged to make a few choices that will inform the basic layout of the living quarters of their Nobbie. While Nobbies live in trees rather than houses and their “backyards” are on the limbs of trees, users will form the imaginary world of their avatar to be modeled after their own home. Users populate the indoor and outdoor living space with furniture, toys, and electronic devices. This step provides background data on the number of electronic devices (i.e. television, gaming system) and their placement, such as a TV placed in the child’s bedroom. It also provides information on their immediate recreational space (i.e. backyards, playgrounds, adjacent parks). The final step of orientation is to stock the root cellar of the Nobbie with a few select items seen in the user’s kitchen. This includes drinks (e.g. milk, 100% juice, sugar-sweetened beverages) and fruit and vegetable representations that include commonly consumed, non-name brand representations of fresh, frozen, canned, and dried fruits and vegetables. This provides data on home availability of foods that are related to the AAP recommendations.   2  
  • 3. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game After completing orientation, users have created an avatar, a family, and a home environment reflective of their own lives. Now, upon opening the application, users shall see the avatar “living” in the space. The space can be updated by users at any time. The homescreen showing the avatar also displays stats on Health and Happiness as well as highlighted navigation buttons directing users to the mini-games. Mini-games are ways in which players can collect points to increase their avatar’s health and happiness. Mini-Games Mini-Games that are age-appropriate are used to directly assess five behavioral risk factors outlined by the campaign: For a healthy weight…3-2-1-0 and half a plate! Games are visual representations of previously validated questionnaire measures. Players receive points for scores of healthful behavior and those points contribute to the avatars Health and Happiness. On their first entry, users are given no feedback as to what behaviors generate maximal points so as not to bias the initial responses. After the user has completed all five games once, a button is made available to suggest ways to improve the avatar’s health and happiness score. Younger children need to complete mini-games accompanied by parents, preferably at the end of the day to recall the events of the day. The game is programmed to automatically time-stamp mini-game scores with a time, date, and day to give longitudinal data and the ability to discriminate between weekdays and weekends. Making the Games Age Appropriate Age-data from the orientation input automatically initiates one of two different gaming “styles” in order to create a game experience that is age-appropriate. One play style appeals more to the "twitch" style of game, most often preferred by older children, while the second will appeal to the "casual" style of game, which is appropriate for younger players. Users can also choose to change this manually in Game Settings if they wish. Regardless of gaming “style”, data collected will be same and scores will not be lost. Mini-Game “Meals” 3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and up to 3 snacks a day. Eat family meals prepared at home. In this mini-game, the avatar asks users recount the meals of the day (with the help of their parents). Children are asked by the avatar when they ate their first meal of the day (i.e. did they eat breakfast), where they ate lunch, where they ate (or will eat) dinner, was it at home or at a restaurant, and if they had snacks. As they answer, the avatar draws a diagram of the day outlining their responses. The diagram will look similar to a sticker-chart with color-codes and icons. Responses are scored and users receive points for eating breakfast, regular meals, and meals at home.   3  
  • 4. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game Mini-Game “Screentime” 2 No more than 2 hours of screen time per day and no TV in the bedroom. This mini-game assesses the number of hours a child watches TV in a day. The avatar asks the question: What did you do today? Did you watch TV? If the child answers yes, they are prompted to answer on a sliding scale including 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 or more hours. As the child answers, the avatar points along sliding scale along a measuring tape to assess the child’s response. Points are given for not watching TV and any number less than 2 hours a day. BONUS POINT: Whether or not there is a TV in the bedroom is assessed during orientation when the user creates the avatar’s home environment. If there is no TV in the bedroom, users receive a bonus point. Mini-Game “Physical Activity” 1 At least 1 hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity This mini-game uses a similar structure to the one outlined for “screentime”, but assesses physical activity and active play. The avatar asks: What did you do today? Did you play? If the child answers yes, they are prompted to answer on a sliding scale ranging from 30 minutes, to 3 or more hours. Points are given for 60 or more minutes of physical activity. Mini-Game “Sugar-Sweetened Beverages” 0 Zero sugar-sweetened beverages. Drink un-flavored milk or water. During this game, users are asked to “feed” the avatar what they themselves had to drink that day. Players “drag” the drinks over to the avatar who makes drinking noises. Options include pictures of what is currently in the avatar’s root cellar as well as soda, sports drinks, skim milk, whole milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, fruit cocktail, 100% fruit juice, and water. Players can give avatars multiple drinks. Points are given for feeding the avatar milk and water. Mini-Game “Half a plate” Half a plate of fruits and vegetables. During this mini-game, users are asked a single question by the avatar: Today, how many fruit and vegetables did you eat? Players are shown four plates to choose from containing differing   4  
  • 5. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game amounts fruits and vegetables: A little (10% of the plate), a medium amount (25%), a lot (50%), or mostly fruits and vegetables (90%). Users get points for choosing “a lot” or “mostly”. Health and Happiness Scores After the completion of each mini-game, players receive points that affect the health of their avatar in the game-environment. The avatar’s “mood” is reflected by the number of points they have. If they have few points, the avatar looks sickly, sad, and grey. If they have a high number of points, they are happy, spritely, and colorful. Each mini-game can be played only once daily as games assess the events of that day. The next day, users have the opportunity to improve the health of their avatar. Users can see trends of their own scores as well as the scores of others by region. Thus neighborhoods are in competition for having the healthiest Nobbies. In regards to confidentiality, user health scores and precise GPS locations are all de-identified and remain confidential, but users may invite others with the game to see their changing scores. Additional Software Physicians, community workers, and other allied health professionals can be invited to see scores and are provided software that gives a “dashboard” of the itemized scores of individual users within their patient population. Healthcare providers can also track patient and regional data over time by and may be granted to ability to input health information into individual accounts (either manually or automatically via electronic medical records) in order to update measures of height and weight for the purpose of tracking body mass index (BMI) percentile charts. Healthcare providers can then see how their region and patient population compares to others.   5  
  • 6. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game Data Generation Description Using an avatar-based gaming experience allows for data collection of both novel and previously-used measures of obesity behavior risk factors. Table 1 outlines the data measures that are collected during the gaming experience. While longitudinal data is available from users, it is likely that the most accurate assessment will be the initial one that occurs prior to the user receiving any avatar feedback or points. More data is needed to assess the reliability and validity of using avatar-environments to reflect real-world environments and whether changes in behavior are valid and reliable with real behaviors. Table 1. Variables Collected During Gamification AAP Recommendations Gamification Measures Related (mapped geographically by GPS coordinates) Population Measures Covariates Age, sex Height, weight, calculated BMI percentile Parental height, weight, and BMI Location of primary home 3 Avoid skipping meals, eat 3 Frequency of skipping breakfast AdHealth meals a day (breakfast, lunch, Frequency of skipping lunch or dinner Survey dinner) and up to 3 snacks a Snacking frequency day. Eat family meals prepared Frequency of meals eaten outside of the home at home. Frequency of family meals 2 No more than 2 hours of Daily television usage IPAQ14 screen time per day and no TV in TV in bedroom (via avatar environment) the bedroom. 1 At least 1 hour of moderate to Daily physical activity IPAQ14 vigorous physical activity 0 Zero sugar-sweetened Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption FFQ15 beverages. Drink un-flavored Milk and water consumption milk or water. “Other” beverage consumption Half a plate of fruits and Proportion of fruits and vegetables eaten unknown vegetables. AAP: American Academy of Pediatrics Adhealth: Adolescent Health Survey FFQ: Food Frequency Questionnaire BMI: Body mass index IPAQ: Physical Activity Questionnaire TV: Television   6  
  • 7. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game Community-Deployment Approach Deployment will first occur in the state of Wisconsin. There is a robust network of childhood obesity coalitions within the state. Coalitions are present in 70 of the 72 Wisconsin communities and include faculty and staff of University of Wisconsin Extension, community-based organizations, childcare providers, educators in schools, government employees, and allied health professionals (e.g. nurses, dieticians, physical therapists, physicians). Childhood obesity coalitions in the state of Wisconsin are supported by the Wisconsin Community Transformation Grant. The smartphone software will be available as a free download in respective online stores. Coalitions will aid with the initial dissemination of the “dashboard” software within the healthcare setting. The Aligning Forces dataset includes 19 Health Systems in the state of Wisconsin. In order to identify individual practitioners within each system, databases housed at the Wisconsin Medical Society (which contains information on approximately 80% of all physicians statewide) will be used to identify physicians in family medicine and pediatrics. If a practice adopts a tool, they will be given handouts for patients with information on how to download the app and a QR code will be on the handout so patients can scan it and be directed immediately to the download. While the primary focus of the game is to provide healthcare providers with the behavioral assessment recommended by the AAP, parents may also wish to use the app even if it has not been recommended to them by an allied health professional. Childhood obesity coalitions may aid with dissemination to schools and childcare settings. Parents may also be reached via online advertising and the building of a social network by integrating it with networking platforms like FaceBook, Google+ and Twitter. Users will be able to share their scores on these platforms and track their improvement, if they desire. Peer feedback will in turn drive the motivation of those peers with the game to do the same. Future Directions As technology is validated and made more readily available and affordable, self-assessments can be replaced with direct assessments such as an accelerometer (e.g. Zamzee) or shoe- based device (e.g. Nike+) to assess when a child is active during the day. There may also be a device that is attachable to the TV to measure number of hours the television was on. Scores from those measurements can be used to get points and, therefore, directly improve the health of the avatar. Overall, we recognize that more studies are needed to assess the validity and reliability of game-based measures and game-measured behavioral change. Building the games is a valuable first step. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Tracy Flood, MD, PhD, PlayingDoctor, LLC Michael Diedrick, Byte Studios, Inc.   7  
  • 8. Save The Nobbies! Mapping Obesity Behavioral Risk Factors as Children Play an Avatar-based Smartphone Game References 1. Barlow SE. Expert committee recommendations regarding the prevention, assessment, and treatment of child and adolescent overweight and obesity: summary report. Pediatrics. 2007;120 Suppl :S164–92. Available at: Accessed March 20, 2012. 2. Agriculture USD of. 2012: 3. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of obesity and trends in body mass index among US children and adolescents, 1999-2010. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 2012;307(5):483– 90. Available at: Accessed October 29, 2012. 4. Eneli IU, Keast DR, Rappley MD, Camargo CA. Adequacy of two ambulatory care surveillance systems for tracking childhood obesity practice patterns. Public health. 2008;122(7):700–7. Available at: Accessed January 31, 2013. 5. Story MT, Neumark-Stzainer DR, Sherwood NE, et al. Management of child and adolescent obesity: attitudes, barriers, skills, and training needs among health care professionals. Pediatrics. 2002;110(1 Pt 2):210–4. Available at: Accessed February 22, 2013. 6. Dunlop AL, Leroy Z, Trowbridge FL, Kibbe DL. Improving providers’ assessment and management of childhood overweight: results of an intervention. Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. 7(6):453–7. Available at: Accessed January 31, 2013. 7. Jonides L, Buschbacher V, Barlow SE. Management of child and adolescent obesity: psychological, emotional, and behavioral assessment. Pediatrics. 2002;110(1 Pt 2):215–21. Available at: Accessed January 31, 2013. 8. Rhodes ET, Finkelstein JA, Marshall R, et al. Screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents: attitudes, barriers, and practices among pediatric clinicians. Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. 6(2):110–4. Available at: Accessed February 22, 2013. 9. O’Brien SH, Holubkov R, Reis EC. Identification, evaluation, and management of obesity in an academic primary care center. Pediatrics. 2004;114(2):e154–9. Available at: Accessed January 31, 2013. 10. Danielsson P, Kowalski J, Ekblom O, Marcus C. Response of Severely Obese Children and Adolescents to Behavioral Treatment. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. 2012;166(12):1–6. Available at: Accessed January 29, 2013. 11. Couse L, Chen D. A tablet computer for young children? Exploring its viability for early childhood education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 2010;43(1):75–98. 12. Verenikina I, Kervin L. IPads digital play and preschoolers. He Kupu The Word. 2011;5(2):144. 13. Neilson Wire. State of the Appnation – A Year of Change and Growth in U.S. Smartphones. 2012: 14. Booth M. Assessment of physical activity: an international perspective. Research quarterly for exercise and sport. 2000;71(2 Suppl):S114–20. Available at: Accessed February 23, 2013. 15. Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML. Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1987;87(1):43–7. Available at: Accessed February 23, 2013.   8